R10-104 II I 1 RESOLUTION NO. R 10- /oi 2 3 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF 5 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, 6 APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION 7 BY THE CITY MANAGER OF AN EMPLOYER 8 VENDOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF 9 BOYNTON BEACH AND WORKFORCE ALLIANCE, 10 INC., TO PARTICIPATE IN THE FLORIDA BACK TO 11 WORK PROGRAM; AUTHORIZE FUTURE 12 P ARTICIP A TION IN WORKFORCE ALLIANCE 13 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAMS; AND 14 PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 15 16 17 WHEREAS, Workforce Alliance has represented to City Staff that American 18 Recovery and Reinvestment Act ("ARRA") funds are available under the Temporary 19 Assistance for Needy Families program through the State of Florida to subsidize 20 employment for both the vacant and newly created positions; and 21 WHEREAS, the Employer Vendor Agreement provides for Workforce Alliance to 22 reimburse the City of Boynton Beach eighty percent (80%) of wages; eighty percent (80%) 23 of benetits (up to twenty-five percent (25%) of wages); and eighty percent (80%) of in-kind 24 supervision and training (up to twenty-five percent (25%) of wages) of certain individuals 25 employed by the City for a limited period of time and unqer which the City agrees to accept 26 certain restrictions in the wages/benefits it pays those employees; and 27 WHEREAS, the City desires to expand its partnership with Workforce Alliance, 28 Inc., including participation in employment and training programs as they become available 29 and requests approval for future participation when it is in the best interest of the City and 30 there is no fiscal responsibility or impact to the City; and 31 WHEREAS, upon recommendation of staff, the City Commission has determined 32 that it is in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City to approve and authorize S:\CA\RESOlAgreemenls\REso - Workforce Alliance (Back 10 Work Program).doc II , i ! 1 i execution by the City Manager of an Employer Vendor Agreement between the City of I 2 Boynton Beach and Workforce Alliance, Inc., to participate in the Florida Back to Work 3 Program and to approve future participation in programs with Workforce Alliance that have 4 no fiscal responsibility or impact to the City. 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 6 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: 7 Section I. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as 8 being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption 9 hereof. 10 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida hereby 11 approves and authorizes th e City Manager to execute an Employer Vendor Agreement 12 between the City of Boynton Beach and Workforce Alliance, Inc., for the City's participation 13 in the Florida Back to Work Program, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 14 Section 3. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach hereby approves 15 future participation in employment and training programs with Workforce Alliance, Inc., 16 that have no fiscal responsibility or impact to the City. 17 Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. 18 S\CA\RESOlAgreements\REso - Workforce Alliance (Back to Work Program).doc II I 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~day of August, 2010. 21 31 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 41 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 1 1 2 21 2 -.-,.<." 2 2 ATTEST: 2 2 2 2 2 3 ~ 3 S:\CA\RESOlAgreements\REso - Workforce Alliance (Back to Work Program).doc "'1~"S~ FLORIDA BACK TO WORK. SUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM ""dl);~ "'H'YV EMPLOYER INFORMATiON AND APPLlCAnoNIBUDGET SHEET ~ PLEASE RETURN TO WORKFORCE ALLIANCE s-mall: ~.cktoworkOOb~lana..eom Or F.x: "1440-1057 RWB Name: Workforce Alliance of Palm Such CO~"ty; Florida RWB 21 Employer Name and Address: City ot Boynlon Beach Primary ContactlTUle: Podro e.eobllr Jr., PHRlAdm. A..t_ Emall: .acobarp@bbfLu5 Telephone Number: 661.142.6289 FilX Nl,lmber; 581.7"2-8214 INDUSTRY: Munlolpallty TOTAL of Employees: 926 Is your Organization: o Prlvat(l For-Profit o Non-profit 181 Public How many and what type of posltlon$ are available for this proj8Qt? "~IJ JI) he r PI "J,t" 11 r I~I( :JI R,' ~\, II .,\I"l'f - (,t ~/../, t }.-', ,.. . Sf 2 1 Office Worker 15.85 3S 34 10. Ja.~ NOTE: (Add addilional positions on a separate sheet) Scheduled date for when 8ubsJd1zed Joba will begin: 3/1/10 (Office Wol'ker) Ind 1/24110 (Rec....tlon Ldr.) Empl~r<lr Record: CI'Y of Boynton Beach A completed 9udget Sheet I, .n.ched: Yes 181 NoD A completed project budget ,heel ,. attach~d to thill application Ind thO UT1d~19Red. acting on behalf of tho employer, agrees to commit the amQl,lJlt of fundIng indicated on the budget sheet thet the employer must contribute and agNe. to provide all nec:eaesry lupelVl.'on .nd trainIng for the aubflidlztClemployeea. The signature of the orkto Alliance representative attelt. that the appllcatJon has been revIewed by th~ regional wo ree nd mined eligible for funding CQnslderatiOn. r.'8ntatlve~ ~I(., .;;. ,PH,., A{);W.~i$t. Date: I /i7'b~ I 13cL.- ~MIHIAJ6--J)lb~~ . Reptet.nlatlve Date: 4A7...c>ti) Page 1 of 3 O;It~ oflorm' 01.08-10 73 of272 REGIONAL WORKFORCE BOARD 21 SUBSIDIZED EMPLOYMENT PROJECT WITH FRINGE BENEFITS AND BOARD COSTS City of Boynton . '..,.-' ...... $ . 25.0% $ 41,233.50 25.00% $ 41,233.50 $ 32,986.80 32,986.80 f\ _11f~'<il~"If;I!\!:"ll1l~r'j:,~~ _i<{2::'.~~~~: #< , l I f Ilf >. I I )\" \i~~b'j1iJ ;,.~u1 >'..... . >.~l.,i:' Cfly of Boynton.xlsxNegrll 740f272 RF.T~IRN CONTRACT TO: S. Hancock \li~ Fu (561) .'40-1057 nr E-Mail: 5hancPeka;)pbc.lIi~nl,..c..m W'Clrkr~~C~ ~ r~ael'/lJ Awarding Agency U.S.DOUU.S.HHSI Amerietll\ Recovery & Rr:inve~l"'.nt Act of2009 Fundinll $280.387 CFDA No. 93.714 EMPl-QYEI{ Fr:J/E.IN Number 59-6000282 111118~~e ""I EMPI.OYER Dun 3nd Brndsln:el NUlTl~rins S)'~tem No. 072.247133 - '" t.:MPLOYER VE~1l0R A<':R.:eMENT -., = f~-' = :;.0 - BY ANn B}:'I'WEEN :~. -I' -0 , . ;:Q WORKfORCE ALLIANCE-INC. (ALLIANCE) < C' I ;\15 South Dixie Hlihway. Suit~ 10Z, We~t Palm Beach. Fluritl. 334111 en . . ~ AND '''.:..... .-... nil': CITY O~' 1I0YNTON BEACH Il~ S.F.. 11'10 Avenue. Buynlon Beae!l. fL. 33435 ~~.:! :x=- . - :x -. (EMPLOYER) ....~J l' ., "CO ':':J r<l rn THIS AGRJ:.F.:MENT l"^llreemenl") is encered into by and between Workforce Alliance. Inc., a PI'Wl\t~, 1\01-i'M profil corpomtion within the Stule <,fFlorida (MALLlANeE"). "nd (he nlloYe nallled EMPL.OYBR. under which ALLIANCE Wit! reimhur~e EMPLOYBR eiahl)' percellt (80%) of WIIl,:o:S; eiSnl)' perccnt (80%) ur benefits (uJl to twenlY liye; percelll (25%) of WII!(es); nnd elghly percent (80",4) or in-kind supcrvision Md Irtlinin& (uP to twenty five percenl (25%) of WlIgcs) of certain jndividual~ cmployed lly gMI.'LOYER for II limile<l period of lime and under which RMPLOYER agrees to accept certlin rcslriCliollS in the w3l\e:Jbenefils il pa)'s th\lse emplo)'ees. WITNESSETHl WHEREAS. EMPLOY1-:R eurrcntly has YI'Cllnl poslllon~ thai have nut been filled Ilccausc funds Ifrc not pV/lilnble and ha.~ eerluin !tewl)' created positions Ihul ne.:<ls \(l be tilled; and W/J EIU;AS. ALLIANCE has repre~CIIted to EMPLOYER that AmcriCllll Rcctlvery and ReinYCl;tment Act (" ARRA "') rund. arc IIvllilnlll", under the Temporllty Assistance fnr Needy FlImilie~ (.TAN~.) I'rogram throui:ll Ihe Slale of Florida to subsidi7.c cnlploymcnl for b0111lhc yacanl and newly en:lI\.ed position.; and WIIEREAS. the panics desire I'MPLOYER shall h/lve lhe rlght to interview sOll1e (1r all of the candidales sclc:<:ted from the Se1celitln PMl nnd el11ploy somc or 1I11 of them: and. WHEREAS, EMPLOYER hilS ugrec<lIQ P3Y One Hundred Percellt (100%) of the emplo)'ee'~ ,;all\rje~ and hlslller benefits and to re~'ljn the cmp!o)'eC'S hired. or repl3ccmenl employees for Ihe positions funded pUrl<u:tnt 10 this Agreement os lon& II~ F.MI'LOYER hilS II nee<l for or eM tinllJ1cial/y eonlinul) tile ell1ploymenl. NOW THEREFORE. il is agreed:l.~ follows: I. Ilecitnl., Thc Recitals conlflined nbove W'C. trUe. curreCI and ore incorporalcd hCl'l:in oy Uli~ reference, 2. Joh. for Workin2 Flori<{jllas.. '[,ho purpose of Ihis Asr~n\ent is to hi~ plIrt lime i\I1d full time jobs thul foclIses thc re-employment or working Ploridi3lls tnrougb eC<lnomie deYelopm~'llL For that rca.on, tlnl)' jobS thlll plIY up to I:ORTY THOUSAND I)OU.ARS ($40.000.00) per year or less will qunlify for the IneClltiYe provided 10 EMf'LOYER hercin pursulIntlo this ^greemenl. Accordingl)', I:.MPLOYER ftgl\1eS it shill I not pay llI1)' employee hired for whum reimbursemenl i~ requc<ted wagcs of more (hllll SI;VIi.N HUNDRED SIXTY NINE AND 23/100 J)()\.l..J\RS per week ($769.23/wk,) which is the fll)l'ida annutlllIyeml>e wage lor 2008, lIS published by Ihe Florida Agency fOt Workfol'l:e Innovation., t....OOr MlU'\(ct SutiS1i~ Cenler. Quarterly Census of Employment and W~es Progrom during any weekly periOd ror which reimbursemenl i. .<luSh\. 3. !;J.i~;bilirv, ^,.UANCE shulllle $olely rcs.ponsible ror dewminloll thc eligwiljl~ or the p05l1ions for which EMPLOYf.R cJe<iru< to hire 'inu of pc>le,llinl elllploye~"S under Ihe TANF' Progr.un. Only ellglhle individUllls ~ha" be "'l\lstercd In the Selection Pool. 4. F.mrlovll1~'II.R~ EMPLOYER repre.$<lnU thal it desires 10 hire \ndividuuls for el\1I)loymcm :1.$ long as ~;Mr'LOYf,R. jll jt.~ sole and ubsolute discretion. h...~ detcrmined thnt it ha.. a need ror or enn financially CllnLit1uc Ihe employment rur~uant to Ihi, Agrcement EMPLO YER IIgrC.. to maimal" Ihc con/ideIJli~lit)' of 3ny infommtiQII reS3l'dinf, an "pplical\t andlor employee under thi, AgreeOlcnl which ma)' be obl,,!n." (hrouSh application rorm~. Intervicws. lesls., report.. or ALLIANCE Career Centcr conS1JII:1l1t or lltt)' alhcr SOUTce e.cept where disclosure is required by Floridn'~ l'uhlle Records J .nw~, All employee "'Iense of infonnlllion shall he in aceonllll1ee with appllc:lhle Slale ltlws nnd policies ofEMPJ.I)YF.R. 5. Period (If S.lIOsidi7atioll For the po<iljon~ 10 b~ IWed pursuanl (0 chj~ Agreement. Ihe period of ~/~I/IQ sub,idizlltinn ~hnll hc from the cJIIlc thi$ Agrecmenl is exccuted h~' the Cily ("Commencemenl nnle") tlIL.pugh S"'Pr.etlr~ 30. ~. II is ng.recd between Ihe pnrlies \lInt $uh~idil:lllion applies to positions, olld is not relaled 10 Ihe people thai lire I;lmplllyed, <<1 Pag~ 1 of 9 (3124/10) IJVIL.IL. if an fndiviulIlIl t~rm;"'II~~ hj~ I)' he, I!",plnyrnll.ll or hi~ or her el\1l\loyl1\cnt i5 terminated within the sll~sidjzlllion period. plovided the posit;!'n is relilJ~d. lhe ~lIbsid)' lor thll pl\SitiM 5hllll ca1\\inuc througn tne remaining e)iilibillty peTiod fOT payroll Which ends Scp'cmb<:r 30.2010. NUlwilhslf/lldi"l!.nnythil\l\ to thll C\\I\tral')' cMtaincd herein. EMJ'LOYE'~ al:J'CCs Ihtit in no event shnlll.he period of5uh5idization extend beyond September 30, 2010. .. 6. Amount of Subsidizaliun and W~I!~ "'il1li.~llliQ!!JuUiJJmilitj~ EMPLOYI~K shall make JlaYl11\\llt (If (lnll hundred percent (100%) of the wagcslbcnelilS pnid l(l thll peN<On5 lillilll!. the [l<l5ition5 for which this Aj(reemenl llpplics "nd 'It AI.I.IANCe 5hall n:imbul1le EMPLOYER re'r ei!:!lly percent (110%) of the wages; eighty percent (IlOVIo) of benefits (up 10 twenl, five pet'Cenl (25%) of wases) and eighty percent (80%) of in-kind supervision/lraining (up 1.0 twllnty live percent (2S%) of W:11\(5) paid te individu~ls empl~'ye<l pursunnl to VIis ^greement IInd tor whieh all requirell\ent~ for reimbursement nre mel. The Al:'eemcnl 10 reimburse I3Mf>I,OYHI< i.~ limited to reimbuTl<C01Cnl for strHig.hl lilY/II wilges for up to (011)' (40) hOll~ per week per employce. No payment shall be mode lor hO\l1'\1 w\"ked in exee~s offorty (40) hours per cmployee per w~k. No pllyment will he made in cxee~~ of one hundred twenty perccnt (120%) I(,~'\I wnBe!libenelil~ and tr.lining. No reimbuT~emcnl ~hall be made [or amounts paid by EMf'I.OYER for 4I1y expenllCs. EMP~OYER sholl request payment hy invoicing ALL1ANCE on II periodic bosis. /lot les5 than l1)!lnt!\I)'. a.' agreed 10 by ALLIANCE lIl1d EMPLOYER.. All suppOrIinl,: (\<>C\lmenllltion required by ALLIANCE ~hajJ accomPllny Cllch s(lch invoice. ALLIANCr- will I'l!imburse I,MJ'LOYER actual frinj\1I benelits paid up ~o twenly live [Iercent (25%) of the wage eO~1. All reimhutl:ement reque~'s must eomain <lelailed (/ocumcnt.1Iion for the Individual hcinl!. paid, huurs w\'rked fmu ell related benelil~ '" plIid. Tin\eshecL~ ore not required to he submitted with the invoice but ~uch litnesh~, mU!;l he ayailable upon request. "vidence of payment mu.l be includ~d "ilh the invoice in order to hc reimbursed. EMPLOYER will cC>nlTil>ule c.1sh PCI' the nttached Exhihit B Budget Oelail Hnd ApplicnliC>ll. </lced Hxhlbh B) II At the conclusion or!hc AgrcclllIIlI1, AI.I.IANCE will reconcile the paymcnls mll<lc 141 '~Mr)I..OY'~R hy Al.LlANCE, nil(! c.1.~h received by the EMPLOYER. with lhe 8ctuol COSls pnid by eMl'LOY ~I( and thc actual coSl.~ incum:<l by ALLIANCE. The appropriale adjustments will be ma(\e by AI.LlANCE hy November 30. 20 I O. ALLIANCE sllnll act as disbur:o;lng entlty under Ihis Agrecmcntnnd sholl receive m.lnie~ from the state ofFloTida and ~hall reimburse EMPLOYER from such monel' for wlI8e~benef1t~ paid by EMPLOYER subjw to Ule limillltfon~ set fl>rth Ilbove. in periodic reimhur5Cment5. It is understood Ilnd aereed by the parties hereto that ttle obligation of ALLIANCE t~, T!1ilke paymelll herCllndeT i~ contingent upon it being allOCf\led nnd supplied with sufficient monies from Ihe: Slale of I'\or;(\a with which 10 make payment. Accc>rdinSly, the partie5 agree lhat in lhe event (he Stotc I)r I'!o,.;d~ oe.'ISe.~ to l1UJIflly funds to ALLIANCE lu ~ub5idjzc the wages of EMPLOYER 's IImpltlyee., ALLIANCE ~hall have no finllncillt lillbility to I'.MPl.C)YER or an)' ohligation 10 make any further paylllent to EMPLOYER. G ~".i2ili.ti.l;\..otEMPLOYI~R P.MPLOYER ~hall nolilY ALLIANCe; or its agents Oflhosc selllCled ((II' cmploymen! and shall flrovide ALLIANCE wilh II lisl Oflhe added pQsitioo$ required 10 be fiJIcd to staffils cmplOymenl needs, EMPLOYER stt.,1! provide ALLIANCE witll liSI$ of the qualifications required fur Ihe various positions. When flrovided with resumes ond oll\llr perliflem inf~lrlllation, EMJlLOYER shall hllve the rigllt, but not Ihe obligation, to IntervieIV and :;clecl pcn;ons to titlthe added po~itiO\\s [rom among the cnndidlll':s provided hy A I.LIANCE. EMPLOYER. relllins Ihe ri&ht t(\ hire C3lldid;nes nol provided "l' AI.L1ANCE but unden;tands thaI lhe wages Rr}(l beneJiL~ for 5uch employees will nol be: rc:imbllrslld under Ihis Agreel\lcnl. EMPLOYER shill! u:<c its normal method of ioiti..1 employmc:nllo hi", eligiblllllpl'Hcaflts refert'ed by ALLIANCE including but tlOt limhed to hackground checks finll [or duty /lncl drog screening. EMPLOYER shall rcpon hovrs wOrke\) by,," each individual, wages paid 10 each individual and sueh other infomladon as is require<! by ALLlANClfiii"Order tl> comply with l\lly flt'plic.'bl~ governmcntal reporting requ;reme"I~, EMf'LOYeR awee~ monies ptlwidcd fl"rs\lant tll this AgrulllcnI shall "PI be uscd 1(1 ",imbur;;e EMPLOYER lilr tile WHl:'-"S or illly I,e"",," who relocates from ~ny olher ~,r EMPI..QVER '5 l<lcati<ln.~, hut ..nall be ulled ol1)y ror W11ge. (or iJ1di"id~al~ who arc newly hired through AU,IA N~:I': BMf>LOYI~1( shall provide the supervision and workinj: COl'ditions nceessary 10 prol~ llle IIe;Jth nnd So1fety of employees hired by EMPLOYER. f:.MPI.OYI;R shal! comply wirh llJlllpplicablc laws and 5hall reimburse ALI,IANCE [or IIIlY c1amnSlIs 5u'l.,inOO hy ALLIANCE [or violali~'n or any !llW' hy F.MPLOYER, its olliciols. directors. mana.gers, ur employees. EMPLOYliK shall rell\lhur~e ALLIANCE by repnyltlllnl in CI\.~h of any disallowed puymenlS tlladll to (;Ml'LOYER resulting from ~udils pcr[t1rrne<! by AJ.l.IANC~. the ~ll1le of Florida l,r Ihe United St;lte., (iovcmmenl. This provision ~hllll ,urviv~ tile termination ofthi~ ^1'\l"CCmenl. ~. Ai1r1ilionnIRe,pon,ibilities ou.l.,l.~ III ntldilhlll to jL~ olher dUlies sel forth herein, ALLIANCE shall provide Ihe following st:rVi~es 10 EM~'IJ.lYF.R: (I) anal):1:c Iht posil;~lR Tequin:mcnlS provided by EMPLOYER to (lelllrmille e1igihility under the 'fANF Program, (ii) screen flpplicantg for EMf'LOYE.R bllS~d ~'" the crilllr;a provided by EMPLOYER "lid the TANF' Pm],;TlIt" ..liSibilily rllquirelllellL'I, and (iii) providc I' list or eliSihle 5ereened ~ppljcllnls to r:MPI.()YI:::R. .ALLIANCE Illay enl!.a~c a eOn\r~etor \(1 peTf~lmt "")' $~rvjce.~ required to be perfonned by it. 9. S"h~"~lJe'll C,'nrrillUtlq~s...b'y' EMPI.OYER I r eMPLOYER delermi"e.~ a need for addili\lnlll p"'T$",,"el, EMPLOygl\ $hall ~ubl11it a wrillen rC~llIc~\ or EMl'l.(lyr.;lr~ needs 1(1 AI../.l^NCfi. ALLIANCE will thell .:lclerl11ille if rage 2 of9 (3r.W10) IV VI ~/~ ll<ldi\i\\llaI1tlfl(1s ~re a.~ilat>le from the ~tnte MFlol'idn. 10. M~\1iG.l;ijJ.W..o:Ul!ld Ammdmen/<. TIJis .A8r~mt:nl may he m(Kliri~d ~)r amended 1rol\l (ime to liene hy u "riling ~igned h)' hOlh parties. " II. T.rminHti,lO. This A~reemenL shull I.l:rminnte Sep\l:mber 30. 2010. ullle~s e<ll'lier tcrminllled. The Ilnrties lll;'ee lh~l this Agreement may be terminated for convenience b)' ehher PlITty by giving ten (10) clays writlen Ilotice. This AgreernenllTlay ~Iso be termlnittcd Oil one (I) days ....Tinen notice in \he even\ lhe S\~le of Floridll prt'vides AI,l..lANCn wilh un}' nntiee thai it has electetl Il' termillUle /tlllding (If POSit'(lIIS. In the event the Agreement i~ lennim1teu. EMPl.,OYER llnu ALLJANCi~ nB"eotho)' shall he r~ponsible for p~yment of compc:n~lllion nnd bel1elil r=I:ue<! expenses for employees lhrough the I"-st d:IY of lhe Agreernell~ 12. .ln9.!ill.Ulili:. Wi,poul waivins il~ ~overejgn immunity lUld ifund 1\\ the eXlenl allowed by law, each party shall in(1emnify and hold hamlless each other. /lnu ib TeSpeCliVt ollice!'l:, onicials. agenls. 5ubcontruclors. und c:mpl(lyet'S from /lnd lItlainst 1\11 clnims olld Iiobilitie~ of'llny nature or kind. ineluuing coSlS llnu c:.xpenses fl'r or on account or MY claims, d:!maf,c.s, l(l$sCS or c.,<pen~s or any ehuntcter whuls(lever resullina froll1the negligont perfomlanee or omi:;sion or either POr'l)"s respeoliv. employees or ~pTesenrj\lives eOllnected with thc aetivilies tlescribcd hel'l:in. 13. IntCl\Tlltion. This AgrecmcnI consLilllles Ihe enure h~l'l:ement between the pllrti~ and supe~Ucs /III prior negotiations, wrilings. agreements, or oilIer understMding..s between the Jlllrtic~ wilh n:speCI II) Ihe sul,jeet maner of this Agr;emenl. 14. ~ The captions of Ihis A&reeOlerlt are for cnnvoniencc only and are no\ 1\\ be C(lnS\.l'\ltO as delining (lr limiting in "ny WilY lhe scop= or intel1t ofthe pmvi~ions of this Agrc:<:menL, 15. rOllllleT(''''"s. This Agreement ma)' be execuled in (lne or more eounterpilrts. C>\ch or which shllll b. deemed 10 he an original. ;md all of which, lukenle>geliler. shall be dccmed 10 eonsLitute unc A&Teell\enl. 16. In/emrct:!l;on. This Agreement, and the cxhihits or addenua lu lhi~ Aereemen~ hllve heen negotiated nt arm's lenglll by the parties. and thc partics mutuully u&ree \hill for the purp()~e of eonstruinr: lhe termS of this A~l'l:cmcnt (lr cxbibit. or addendl\. nellher pllrty Shllll be deemed rc.sponsible for the drufting of this Agteetllent. 17. Sevcrabilirv. The unenli,'reeobility or Invalidity of 3I1Y one or more provisions of thi~ Agreement shall not ~ffeel the vlll idily or en(oreeahi1ity of Illl)' othcr provisions of Lhis AgreernenL I K. Binding Erreel. Thb Agreement ~hnll he hinding on and shall inure (0 (he benefit of the I'anic-s and their respective lega! represcnlalivC'.l. successors. IInd 115sign~. 19. ^nomevs' Fees. In connee\.i(ln with :my di~pute arising under, fwm, or nS n result of thi~ ^l!.rccmenL the parties ogree \h\ll lhc pl'l:vniling j)iU't)! or partic.s shall be entitled tu lCC(lvc:r 011 costs or cxpcnsc., incurred (includinll lholiC incllrred inony aPI)e.~/S from an)' Ijtigation lIl1d enfore.ment ot'judgmenrs). including fell,<onllble eUQme)'s' fees ano f.ees forthe services of aecountHnls, pHrnlegnls. legal n.~~i5L1IllS, and ,~imillll' persons nnd ntlomeys fee.~ and eO~1S in bankruptcy. This pro-ision shall survive the termination oflhis Agreement. ZO, (jcnder and Case. Wherever in this A&reelllent thc singular number i. lIsed, tile SOJJl~ ~hall include t.hc plural. nnd lhc ma~euline gender ~hllll include the feminine and neuter genden;, ~nd vice V~I'$Il, as the context ~hall require, 21. ~bi.ll.il._l\llll Section References. All n:ferences ill iJlis Agreement to exhibits. sehCl!ules. pnragrltphs, ~ubllllragrJpb~, sections. /lnd ~ub~eli\il'n~ refer III tile rc~peC\i"e sutrdlvisions of lhi~ Agreement unle'ss lhe reference expressl)' juelltit,e~ allother document. Tbe exhibilS ollnched 10 this Ag,recmem arc n\lldc a part of this Agreement :U'd illeo1'JlOratcd into this ^grecmenl by (his reference. 22. (,(werninG f .nIV. Thi~ Agreemenllllld all lrnnsnet.ions oonlemplalcd by this Agreelllent snaJl he govcrned by and construeu ulld ellrNced in aeeDl'danee with the inlemllllnws or "ltlTida wit bout regard to principles Ore(lnt1iel~ oflaws. 2.1. Jurisdiction and V"flllJ:. The parties :l.eknowlcdgc thai a ~ubst(tllt.ial rrortion of negotilltions anllllnlicipatet\ perfl\rmllne<: of Illis Agreement occurred or shuJll\CliUr ;11 Pnlln Beach County. FJoridll. ",,(/ lllal. therefore, whhou! limiting. lhe jurisdielion or venue uf 1m)' l'lher rederal or .tate coun~. ellCb of LlIe rorti=s irrevocably anu unlionditit\rlall)' (/) allroo.~ [hat any lil",suit ~etion. or other Ic;(&[ proceeding arising out of or relaled 10 lhis Agreel1lent lnay hc brought in Ihe C\'llrt$ ofreeord of the sllll. l'f Florirla in I'alm Beach CounlY III lh. juriSdiction (If such coun in any ,uch lalVsuit, action. or pruceeding; llnd, (ii) w~i"es 1m)' O~lec!iun Ihnt i\ ma)' ll~ve to the \:J.yint: of venue of RIll' such law$Ui~ .%tion, or proceeding in 311)' :lUeh court. 24, E/l'iletive , )ate. The Effeclive Dale (,r Ulis ^greemenl ~hall b~ iJle ,1ill.e 1'/1 which the lasl of Ihe purties shall have signed this A[1.reemenlllnd thc l~cI of such ~ignaturc bas b.en C(lInmunicnted to the oth~r pnrty, 25. N" '111ird 1':lrlV l,!e.n.~ NnWing ill this ^I:reemen! ;$ inlended 10 create H c(,nlnll;lllltl r;lillion,ship between either AU.IANCE and the employees or l'.MI'LOYER (1nd Ihe employee.s. 'Illc empJoyee. 'lfe neilher intended nor incidcl\lallhird party tlenclici(lTies 10 this Agreemem. Pa~e 3 of 9 (3124/1 0) II VI ~/~ 26. 611~ilUtnd M"n;lorini. F.MI'J.()YE.R ~hall cooperate and provide I\11Y information rell~llmlbll' r~"(,ue!:ted by ALLIANCE III \:(lmply wilh the requiremenl< nt' any BOvcrnmenllll agency ftuditing or monilorin~ Ihe e~rendillln: of tin)' (und, pUr$,IMr to this ^sreement al no \:OSl 10 ALLfANCr:. '11* rrovi.ion shall .urv;ve Ihe lem)in~\illn IIr Ihis Agreement. lt1\'\lI~1 27. Drug: Free Workll!a<;.c.. EMPI.,OYl;;R n:;$\l~ and lluarllntees that it sllall comply wilh Ihe federal Dmg Free Workplnce Act (If l')~~ nlld i!$ il11rlcmcnrin(!. regulations eodificd al 29 CFR 91. Sllb1"i\I'l 1'. 2~. [{ecards. EMPI.,OYER sh!ll1 esUlbli$h and maintain records with respcct It I nil rMlt.er:> covered by this At-'l"Ccmcnl. EMPLOYI~I( agrees to rctain all linancilll recOrds. supporting dneument.<, $latisticnl rceNds. and uny l)lher I'< docul11cnt< (including dCI,'lronic slorn~e modin) (\<ll'lailling.to this Agreement for 0 Period of seven J1)-Y.El!~irJ2l!l..lbLd~.l Pl!Yn~ under Ih~~.F~~lllen~ or until all related Slale nntl l'e<leral audit.< or litigation!;' completed. IYllichever is Imer. I>Mf'I..l 'i'E1f5nall allo\l' public inspcel;mll)fnIJ doeument._, papcn;, lellen> (lr olher ml\terlals made or received l:>y EMPLOYER in conjllnc1itHl wilh U,is ^sreemenl unles. Ihe records pre exempt from Section 24(~) of Arlicle I of the Slate Constitution and Ch"ptcr I) 9, F.S. All invoicc,~ &rid documcnlDtion must be CkllT /nlll legihlc for audit pwposc>. Any recOrds n(l( .vailahle at Ute time of Un uudil \ViII be (1eemed unavailable for uudil purposes. 29. tloo-Oiserimination Imt! ~(UWl OpportunIty. EMPl.OYER celtifies they are compll3Iltlllld shull eondllcl 011 activities under Ihis ^tIreemenl in nccordance with the Americons with DI$ahilitic.< ^el of 1990. BMPLOYHR .,hllll c~lllish and main!!lin II non-(tiscrilnination policy in accordance with Ill<: F.xeeulive Order \ 124b. a.< amended by Executive Order 11375, Section 188 Oflhe AlJiunee Investrllent Ml of 1998. Executive Order (EO) No. 11246, ThI: A~e Discrlmintulnn Act !If 1975 lIS amended. Section (,5<1 of thc Omnibus Buds.:et l{eeoncHiation Act of 1981 (IS amended, Tille VI orlhe Civil Rig,h!$ Ael of 1 '.1M 3.< ,ul1ended. 42 U.S.C. 20fXi ct scq.. Seclion 504 "" Ihe RehnbililDtion Act or 1973, as amended, Ille Age Disclimin~lion A\.'1 of 1'>75.0$ ilmended. Title IX oflne Educillk," Amendmcnt~ of 1972. us nmende<!. '111e ^01criClII'I with Disabilities ^ct of 1990, I'.L. 101.336 Execmive Order (00) No. 1/246. 8qua' f~I1lJ'lioynlent Opportunity. 8S amended hy EO No. 11375, and as supplemented in Depanm\-'1l1 of Labor regulalion 29 CPR parts 33 nnd 37 :I., well a.._ 41 CFR. Pllrt 6Q nnel 4S CPR plIrt 80 if applicable, 30. )'ulllie Anl10unccmcnl$ M.!L Aelvertishlll EMPLOYER aKrees that when i$,"Uing slulemenlS. press relC<lSes, ilnd other doeumenls dcs<:ribiilS the programs funded in whole or in pan unde, this Agreeme1\l t-:MI'LOYER, shall c1Cllrly slnle; (I) the percentagc of the lolal cost of the program which will be Jillaneet!wlth Federal m<Jn~y '1!l(ler llli. ^g=mcnt and (2) the dollar omounl "I' Federlll funds for prol\r:lOl. .~ 1. ^vailahiWY~~. ALLIANCE's perfOflTli\nee ilnd obliglllion to pay under this Agreement is contin~enl upon l\II unlll'ol i1I'PI'opriation by the fll)rida l..esislature an<l ~vaihlbilily of nil)' and all applicable lel1eml fund~. ALL.I ANCE shall he the Iinnl ~ulhllrily n$ to tlte availability of f'>IIds ft,r tllis Agreemenl uno II!< 10 whac constitutcs ~n "llnnul,I/Jpproprintinn" of fund.. to c()mplelC this Agr~lI1ent. 32. LavQIT. 'Il)e partics agree anI! ul\(\ers\:utd that in accordance with 4~ C.F.R. 261.7Q. 8 subsidiz.e<l employment posilil)n cannot be created jf ~Ilother individual is on luyolf from the "amc 0' any subsUlntinlly equivalent job, or if the elTlph,yer h:l.~ tcnnin~lcu tne C1tlplllymellt of any regulnf cmplo)'ee or cau.'lCd Iln invohrnt..1ry reduction in its nlliance in order to fi\llhe vucfrne)' whh a ~ubsidj7.ed worker, 33. Anti.Nenlllisl!I. Sectinn 112.3135. Florida SClltute~, shall apply 10 nllllliciJlal EMPLOYER's und its ell1ph')'Ccs 3$ this slutule f1pplie$ 10 "ImbUe officilll (It agency. REMAINDER OF P.4Ct: II'l'l'ENTION^LLY BLANK Pila,e 4 of9 (3124/10) /0 VI .c../.c.. r.XIII BIT A AMERICMIl RECOVERY MilO RF;I,";VESTMF.NT ACT OF 21111':1 SIJI'rLt:IIU:NTAL 1'ltOVISIONS ANO Of:!' ARTMENT OF HEALTH Mm HUMAN SF;RVICr.S SI)P/'I.F.MENTA L PROVISIONS I. AMER/CAN RECOVF;RV ANO RF.INYF.STMt~N'r ACT 01121)09 SUPPLEMENTH PROYISIONS The Agreemenl to which the~e SlIrplemental Provi~ion~ 1lIe attaehcd will be funded. in whul<: ur in part. with American Recoycry ~nd Reinvcstment Act of2009 ("ARRA") limds. r.ml'l,))'er ~holl comply WIUI these provisiollS l\nd shall ~\ssurc tlla! all flgreelllen!S lilr on AIUtA fundcd project cont~in these provisions. In Ule even! (}f a CllIlmet hetween these Supplen,ental Provisions. the AJ.:r<:c::rnc:nt. or llny IltlAehJl1ent~ or exhibilS incorporuled inlO /lrld rnllde a pan 1'1' Lhe Agreem.:m. lhe~c ~lIf\plemelllall'rovisions shall conlrol. I. Complianc.. Employer shull comply with all applicable proYisions of ARRA nnd the regulQl10ns ls~ued pur~uant thereto. I(Icludin~ hilt I\nt limited 10 these Supplementnl Provi$ion.~. An)' revisions to such pruYisillOS '" ree.u1nlil)ns shall autom(llicHIJ)' b~CI)f)1C n pnrt (It'the$c Supplemental Provisions. "',th,'ut the ll11cesslty of either parly exeeulinK un)' further ioslnlmerlt. '111e State of Florida moy provide wriue'l notitiCo'ltion 10 Employer of such revisions. buL such Iloliee sMlIllot he a condition precedent to the errectiYenes~ of such revisions. 2. Conflict of L"ws. IlIlhe evenl of a wnfliet between the hlws of the Slale of Florida or these Supplemental Provisions Rnd ARRA.. ARR.A ~hall con 1m!. 3. Wllistle Blower I'rottclion. ARoRA ~15~J. 13mployer shall not discharge, dc:mOle or otherwise diseriminalc :lg,ain!;! an employee us 8 reprisal lor disclosures hy the employee of inlunnalioll U1at the emplnycc r<::L<nnllbly believes is evidence of; (n) gross m1SlnilJlllg,cmelll ofa COOlCllct or gmnt relaling 10 ARRA funds; (b) a gross ....'lIsle or ARM fund$: (c) a sUllSllll1tial alld specific d~nr.cr \0 pllblic health ('T sati:ty related to the implemenl11tioll (lr u.e nf ARR^ funds; (d) an ubuse of aUllwrily rellll",1tn implementation or use of ARRA flml1s; or (e) a violation of law. rule, or re!;ull1lioll relaled to a cantraeL ineludin~ the co",petili(," hlr or n~sotiation nf a contract or ~mnt. nwarded or iS$ued relating 10 ^RRA funds. Employer shall poSI 0 notice of the rig.hl~ and remedies aYlIilllble to en'ployets under ARRA ~ I 553 in ull workplaces whcrc employcc~ ~erform work \h~l is funded in whole or in part by money lIulhori~.ed IInder the ^Rf<A A SlImple nOlice c.ln be lound III hn!l://www .recovery .gov/Con 18etIReport.rrnlld/l)ocumentoJWhj~llcblo wc:r+Poster.pdf, '~m ployer spee/flally lfclmowledges lhlll Emplnyer ;uld iL~ employec~ arc 8WllTe of und shall abide hy thc provisions of ARR.A ~ 1553. 4. FAt,. CI.ims Ael, 31 tl.S.C, ~~3n9-373;'\. OM6 Memor~"dllm M~9-15 15.9. Emplo:-er shull prv,npLl)' refc::r III U" appropriatc Fcdenlllnspeclor Genel'1ll allY credible evidence lhnl R prit1ci~al, emllloyee, agent. employer. or ,)\her person hilS cllllllllilled 0 false claim under Ihe r/l'~e Claims Act or has eommi\lw II .rirlli,,"' or civil violotion of Jaws perlainin~ to fraud. conniet 01' il\tereSl, hrioery. \!TaWil)'. or similar mlscMdue\ involving APJl.A illnds. 5. R.epor1ine or 11raud. Waste. anti AlJuse. !;:mploycr shall also rcfcr promptly to l~lorida'~ Chief Inspeelor General any credible evidence l.hM ., principal. employee, ~genl. Emplo~'er, or other person has cummilte<l n crimillll\ or civil YInlntion of III\VS pert.,illinp, to fraud, Wll.'IC, tIIld abuse involvlns ARR^ funds. The olliee can be reachw by calling 850-9224637 or by tax al 850.92 \ .08 17. A complaint OI,lY be filed al http://w\Yw.n(>rjdaoi~eol1lfarr:t_eOl11plaint.hrml. 6. Access of Goyel'nm.nt Aeeolln\.bility omc.. ARRA g902. Elich agreemellt aWlll'dcd \mint'- ARRA funds mosl include Q provision Ihat provides the \lnitctl States Comptroller General ond hi~ or her reprC>enllllives with the authority to: (x) ";xamille all)' records of Ihe Employer or llI1)' state or local alleney odrnil1islering. such agreemenl, that diredly pertl\in 10. uml invulye lI'l\'l$aetjon.~ r'CIating 10, this AgreemC1lt or nllY aSI'Cemenr using ARM funds: all" (bl Intervicw lIIlY oUicer or empl,)yCt! of Ille Employer or Ql" Rny sl.'l(: or Incal goyernmcnt agency 8(lminjslerillg Lhe Agreellletlt, rel:\ardil,g such tnmSll~lil>ns. Aewrdingly, Ine GI!ll.pvlJller Cene.ral and hi~ or her repre$el1wives ~hall haye the authority III,d risht~ a~ provided undcr ~cc.tion 902 of ARM willi Te~l'ecllIJ Ihis ^greement.. whi"," i~ r;mded with ^RRA funds, SeeLion ')02 further !:tDtes that nnlhlng. in Ihat section shill! be inl"'l'rele<l to limit or restrict in >111)' wny (U\)' exi~ting authorilY ofthe Cornrtml\er General. 7. Autbority of In5ptetOr General. ARM US1S. Seclir)/l 1515(a) ~f ^IUV\ provide.- lIulMrily Ii" any rcprCSCnl31;YC~ orllle United SL'tc~ In'peelor General 10 examine any reeord~ or inleryiew any emr10yce or oflicers working, on this Agreement. The l>lIlpJ,'yer is advi,ed Ihal repreSentOlives of the Inspeclor Genei'll I have the authority tl' examine any recnrd and interview (my employee ~'r l>fIj~er nf Ille Employer or I)tller lirms workin~ on lhis Agreement Section 151S(b) further pr(>Vide~ Ihnt Milling. in that seelion shnll be inlerpreted 10 limit or rcstriet in any way an)' existing authori,>, nfallln'pCClor General. 8. E"yironmenl'" and !'rrsrrvation ReqnireR,ent'. AIU{A ~1609. Employer ~haJt comply Wilh till (ll'plicahle tederal, Stllte. and Lo~'ll' ellvironll1enl."i and hi!;!orie prcservntion requlrcmenl< and sh,,/! provide any infonna\ion requestcl1 IIY the awarding. Federul Agency to en,ure enmplianee with uppliellhle lam. including Nlrlionu) environment.1I Puliey Ae~ ,t$ urner,,1ed (42 \J.S.C. ~94nl-4347) nnd NMioMIIIi~torie Preservnlion Ac.l (Iii U.s.e. ~*470 c( seq.). 9. NOIl-disc,.;mination, OMn Me.nnrllndum M-(19-t~ ~1.7. ARJ~^ funds mllS\ be r\i~tribu\ed in neCOr(lllIlce "iVl alll1ll!i- dj~eriminllLjlll\ and equal opponunity ~IIll\lle~, resulatiol\~. and e~cc\lliy~ ()ruer~ tllat npply 1.0 the c><penditure of Feder,)1 fUl1ds. Employe! shllll Cl)rnply with Tille VI uud Tille VII of the CiYil Righl$ Act of 1964 (42 U.S.c. ~~20(lOd et ~.J. Page 6 of 9 (3/24/10) 17 VI ~/.c.. S,-.;t;on 504 of the Rchabilitation ACI of 1973 (2911.S.C. ~POl ~t scq,). Tille IX (If thc l::(\ue(II;on Amcndm~n!s of 1972 (:W U.S.C.1i~16KI"J(iKK),thc ^ge l)iscrim;naIJon Aet of 1975 (42 U.S,C, H 6101-61(7), Hnu utherdvil right:; lll"'~ IIpplic8ble IiI rec.ipienlS of 1'edeml financial a.~sistanec. 1(1, l'rnhihltinn all Use of Funds. ARM ~11504. ARRA funds sh~IJ 11\)1 be IlSed for an)' ea.<ino or olher gambling ~1<1b'i~hmenl. llQuatium. :lOa. golf course, or swimming pool. 11. Repllrting. ARRA ~'~12, FFATA ~2. The ^geney may require thaI the Employer provide rep,'rtls lU1d other employmenl infurmali(lO as evillcnce to document Ole number of johs created and/or relained by Ihis prl\jeet for the ~mployer's t)WlI all ianee. Nn direct paymcnt ~hllll be ITUlde to Emph:>)'er f()f providins any report. rcquired under !he~e Supplemental Provi~ions. (,S Ule COSl of producing ~uch rcport~ shall be ueemed included in Ule ^greement price. The rcporting requirement. arc ha..ed on ~uidlU1ec from OMB, Itn<l as SllC/) are SUbject to change al any time by OMB. All)' such chllRllcS ~hall be aUlol7llllicHJ)y incorporated inlo this ^sn:ement and shull bewrrre pllM of Employer's ohJigations under thi.. Agreemenl. 'lil. State may provide wriHen notice 10 employer of MY such change, hUI such notice shall nl>t be II el'ntliliun precedent 10 Emplllyer's dllty 10 comply with revl.cd OMB reporting requirements, 1'2. Event of Default. Failure to comply with these Supplemental Provisions shnll eonslilUle an event of default under the Ailreell1Cnt and the State of Florida may lerminale Ihe A~l'temel1t upon 30 da)'s prior written nolice if lhe delaull remoills uncured five eHlendllr (h.ys lollow;"g the notl<:e j\<lriod. Thi~ n:medy will be in lIddiHon tl' ;lily other remedy availahle to the SWle of Florida under dIe Agreement. at law Ur in equity. II. OEPARTMEJIIT OF' HF:AI.TH ANI) HlIMAN SfRVICES SllPPLEMENTAI, I'ROVISIQNS !!oS ~rR App~l1dix ^ (c) I'al! 74: \. Employer 1I((l'ees lhlll il must cornply with B.D. ) 1246. "Eqll~1 Employment Oppol1Unil1,'" as amended by E.O, 11375. "AI11ending Executive Order 11246 Rclllling (0 !',q\.n\ I'.mploymcnt Opportunil)'," IInd 11$ supplemented by regulatjon~ III 41 CFR part GO. "Oflice vfFcderlll Contmct COlllpliance f'rograms, Equal Empl(lYlllent Opportunity. Depll1lmenl of LIIOOr, ". Empluyer agrees Ilwl if Ihls ^sreelnel1t is for more thll1l $2.000 and is for constOlct;on or rcpllir. Ihen Employer muSl comply with the Copellllld "^nti-KicllbHck" Act, I ~ U.~.C, 1174. ~< supplemented by Depal1me111 or I...~b(lr resulations. 29 CPR part 3, "Contractors and Subcontractors on Public Building or Pub!i\: Work I'inancetl in Whole Or In Pan by Loans or Grollls (rom the IJnited St~les. - The Act 17wvides 1I1l1( lIlIch C(IOlractor or 5lJbrecjpj~L shun be prohihited from inducing. b)' IIny means. IIn)' person employed in the construction. completion. or repair of public work, 10 give up MY paM of the compensation 10 which he is otherwis.: enlitled. AU,I^ NCE shall report all su~peeled or repo~ violalions to the PedClllI uwurdir'il agency. J. I3mployer ngrcc~ lhatlf this is II con~tructjl'n eontrnet for more than $2,000. (hell Employer Illllst comply with the Davis-Bacon Act, 4ll Ll,$.C. 27(,a In u-7. lL~ ''Upplemenled l'y L>epaMll1alll or Lahor rCl.(ulal;Olls, 29 CFR pllrt S. "I.abor Standards Provision~ ^pplicable to Contmcl~ Oovernins Federally Pinll1lccu and Assisted C<Illstruction."lJnder this Act. Employer sh~1I tle reqllire,11l) pay wages to lahnrt;rs and met-hlloias 01 n rale /lot loss thnn the minimum \Vages specified ill a wasc determination made by !hc Seerelary of LlIbor. In uddil;on. 13mployer ~haJl be required lu puy WIIl;<lS nt>! less than nnee a wcel;. If Ihe Dovi~-BllCOn ^~llllld C1i/"l't..pOlldillg regulations are ~ppliCl\ble La this Agreement, Ihcn award uf lhi~ A!I;ro:emenl i< conditioned upon Employer's aeecplam:c oru,;, wage deterlllina.tioll. ALLIANCE shllll report all suspectcd or reported violHtivns 10 ltte 111 1$ llwarding asency. 4. Employer ngrees lhat if thi~ ^grecment invulvcS an award or more than $100.000 nnd is a contract for eonsl1Ucllon or illw,lving the cmploym~nl uf mechanics 01' talmrerl(. then Employer shull Corn ply with sections 102 and 107 of lhe: C<mINlCI Work Hours l\rId Safely Stllldard~ Act. 40 U.S.C. 327-333. 8S sopplemenlOd hy Dcpmmen( uf Labor regulations, 29 CF'R part S. Under .sec.tIM 102 of the Act, Under lhe Act, Employer shall eompule Ihe WOIi:CS or every mcehanie and labun:r on the basis of 0 ~ll\ndllrd w....k we~k ()f 4Cl hours. Work in exce:;s or Ul~ ~tnnd:u-d \vol'k week i~ permissible provided that the worker i~ cvm17en:Wed ~l a r~t~ of not Ie,.. [han I and 1/2 limes the bll$ic rMe of pay for all hours worKed in exec... of 40 hours in the work week. S~clilln 107 I,rlhc Act is nppllcable to construction work nnd provides that no laborer l'r mechnnie shall he requII'Ild to work in surroundini:S l>r under work ins condition~ which Il11: lInsttnil.llry. hl\7Mdous or dan/:crous. These requiremclltS do n,)\ uppl)' to the flureha.~c., of supplies or mule:rials or articles ordinarily available on the open market. or contracts for trnnsporUllion or tran~'mission <.If inlelligence. 5. Empl,'yer "sree< that if this A~reement is fllr e"perilllenUlI. development"l, or res.:a~h work. then the PedeTllI G('vemment i~ the owncr of ril!h~ in the re,'lltill& illventi(ln in aceordanec wilh 37 CFR pllrt 401. .Rj~hls 10 Inventions Made hy Nonprofit Orj\unidllions :md Small Business Finn:> Under G,w~l"\)ment Grants. Conll'llCIS nnd Coopcrative Agreemenls.. and MY lilm)er implementing reglllnlion< is~oed h)' I-IHS, 6. ElIlpinyer agrees Ulat if Ihis i~ 8 cUlltracl for llJore than S I 00.000. lhen I3mployer ~hall comply with all nlllllieahlc ~dard.~. orders or regulalil'"s iS5lle.d pursuant to the Clctm Air Ac~ 42 U.S.C. 7401 cl seC!.. 1111(llhe )-'ederaJ W.ler Pollutiofl Ct>/llrol Act. il~ :l/llended 33 U.S.C. 125 I ~( seq. AI.I.IANCE shall report violnl;(\lIS In the HHS and lhe nppropri3lc Rcgio/l~l Offi~e llr lh~ Eflv;rollmen~1J Prnlcclion Ag~'rll;Y. 7. ~mployer :\gree~ lhllt if Ihis is II contrtlet for more lhml $1 OO.O()(J. thcn Emplo)'C1' shall Ii Ie Ule required certification IIncl~r the Byrd Allti-tllbl)yin!'. ^mendmcnt (3\ U,S.C, 1352). r.n'J'llo)'er must certify thlll it will nm nnd has nor used Pederal npf'll'npriatcd funds 10 puy tlllY person (II' organj7.1tion for innueneing or nneml'ling 10 innuence nn cJfliccl' or employee or 1I1lY !'ederal nllene)!. Page 1 0 f 9 (3/24/10) ov VI klJt.. " ,,,e(llhcr of Conj),rcss. olliccr CIr cmpltlYcc or CMgre~.(. fIr;Ul clllployce of ~ member or C\)I\creSS in connection wilh nhlaining II"Y I'ederril C",llrncl, !)I':ull or any other uwuro coyerc~ hy 31 lJ. S.C. 1352. Employer shull ctisclo~ (Il'Y lohhying wilh Mn- Fedenll funds Ih,lI l.1ke$ place in connectIon with obtaining uny Feo"rnll,wnrd. Such di~cJosurc. arc forwarded Ihun lier \u lier op to the recipienl. (See I.lso 45 erR PMt 93). 8. Emllk,yer "l;rees tilM ir this is a contract for more IhM $100.000. then Pomployer must provide the required DebMllIent find Suspension Certific.nion. ecniCying \hal 6mployer is 1\0\ liSted on the nonprucuremcnl portion of I.he General Services AdminislrHli(lII's "LislS of Parties I;xcluded from Fcdcnl Pro.'\lI1:men\ Qr NOllprocuretnCI11I'rottrams" in accordllnce with B.O.s 12549 and 12689. "D<:bann<:nt OIId Suspension." (See 45 CFR pllrt 76.) This Ii$! eonta.in~ thc n:uncs of purties deburred. suspended. llr otherwise clIcluded by a~encio:s. {Irld contractor:: declared ineligible under SUI\\I\Ory authnl'iry nthcr than E.O. 12549. 4~ C'E~ 9. I:jMI'!.OYER ag,reC); thut in !he perfonnanec afthi~ Agrecmcn\. it will ndhere to the requirements in UI~ Ag.c l)iscrlmlnll1inn Act of 1975: Se<:!ian 5()4 ofthc Rchabilitalion Acl or )97:1; me Amcri~s with Di$llbililj~ Act or 1990; lIIld Tille VI lICthe Civil Righ~ Act of \ 964. REMAINDF.R OF PACt INTENTtON^l.,I.Y DLANK Page g of 9 (3/24/10) 01 VI "-1"-