Minutes 05-01-84MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MAY 1, 1984 PRESENT Carl Zimmerman, Mayor Robert Ferrell, Vice Mayor Nick Cassandra, Councilman James R. Warnke, Councilman Samuel L. Wright, Councilman Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk James W. Vance, City Attorney Mayor Zimmerman welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:35 P. M. He announced in the absence of Rev. Nathaniel Sandy, Councilman Warnke will give the invocation and he requested everyone to remain standing for the pledge of allegiance to the flag. AGENDA APPROVAL Councilman Warnke referred to New Business and stated due to the possible public response, he would like to move Item E first as Item A and have the Aquatic Weed Control Responsibilities considered last under New Business. Councilman Wright stated he would like to add under Legal, Item D-7, the request for a resolution at the next Council meeting and would like the Council's support. Under Old Business, he would like to discuss the Seacrest Boulevard Design Study. Councilman Cassandra stated under Administrative, Item E, he would like to add Youth on Board. Vice Mayor Ferrell stated under Administrative, Item B, he would like to change that to read Board Appointments, since we have several in addition to what is indicated. Mr. Cheney advised that he submitted the following additions: Proclamations - Missing Children Week - May 18-25 Consent Agenda - M. Approve Change Order No. 1 - Two Lift Station Conversions - LS #204 & LS 9307 N. Approve Change Order No. 2 - Golf Course Cart Paths O. Approve Security System for the Boynton Beach Golf Course Clubhouse, Maintenance Building & Cart Storage Building Mayor Zimmerman stated he has an announcement to add before the proclamations are read. - 1 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTONBEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 Councilman Warnke moved to adopt the agenda with these addi- tions, corrections and deletions, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. No diScussion. Motion carried 5-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Zimmerman referred to the barbeque and shooting match at the Municipal League and asked if there was any report. Councilman Warnke announced that Vice Mayor Ferrell only placed second in the pistol shoot and Vice Mayor Ferrell responded that he wanted to make everyone aware of Councilman Warnke's continuing environmental stand as they will be able to recycle his target because there were no holes in it. Mayor Zimmerman announced that Mr. Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director, recently attended a Revenue Sources Management School in West Virginia and graduated with high honors. Proclamations Mayor Zimmerman read a proclamation proclaiming the week of May 6 through 12 as Hospital Week. The Mayor read a proclamation proclaiming May 13 through 19, 1984, as National Historic Preservation Week. Mayor Zimmerman read a proclamation proclaiming the month of May, 1984, as Local History Month. Mayor Zimmerman read a proclamation proclaiming the week of May 18 through May 25, 1984, as Missing Children Week. MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 17, 1984 Councilman Cassandra moved to accept the minutes as pre- sented, seconded by Councilman Warnke. Motion carried 5-0. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Beach Project Mr. Cheney referred to the beach project and reported that this week, they started laying the headers for the wooden - 2 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 boardwalks. The roofs on the buildings are also coming along. The project is moving well. Water Expansion Mr. Cheney reported that today, we submitted to the South Florida Water Management District our request for modifica- tion of the old permit, which is a request for application for a withdrawal permit for water expansion. We are in the process of acquiring land for a production well. He explained how this is to expand the water supply and is moving along. Refunding Issue for Utility Funds Mr. Cheney announced in connection with the refunding issue for utility funds, he would like to ask the Council to have a special City Council meeting on Wednesday, May 9, at 5:30 or 5:45 P. M. Councilman Wright replied that 5:45 P.M. would be better. Mr. Cheney agreed and stated this is a public announcement that a Special City Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 9, at 5:45 P. M. to consider a revised special resolution for approval and acceptance of a negotiable sale of bonds. This is a procedural meeting which is necessary. Golf Course The City Manager referred to questions being asked about the golf course and stated that he hopes at the next meeting to have a fairly precise schedule of what the last steps are and quite possibly a date for the scheduled opening. Lots of things are coming together now. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor Zimmerman announced that anyone in the audience can speak on what is on their mind at this time. He added if anyone wishes to speak on something on the agenda to please fill out a slip with the City Clerk and they will be called on when that item comes up on the agenda. North Boynton Beach Task Force Report Mrs. Dee Zibelli, 440 Ocean Parkway, stated she would like to give the City Council an update of the North Boynton Beach Task Force since its inception one year ago and what is planned for the future. She told about the meetings held by this group once a month and the steps they have taken to - 3 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 pursue the widening of Seacrest Boulevard with the result being that it will be in the County's 1983/84 budget. She then told about members being designated with a different zone in the city and how violations were reported. Also, she told about their efforts speaking to homeowners informing them about code violations and getting cooperation to cleanup the North Boynton Beach area. She stressed that the members of this Task Force are hard working individuals. A committee is now in the process of comparing the codes of neighboring cities regarding trash, abandoned cars, etc., so suggestions can be offered to improve our codes. At their last meeting, Commissioner Koehler informed them the design is in the works and the 22nd Avenue stop light will be let out for bids. They are now asking the City Council, Chamber of Commerce and any other organizations to send resolutions to the Board of County Commissioners to keep the widening of Seacrest Boulevard alive. On behalf of the Task Force, she then thanked the City Council, Mrs. Boroni's office, the Police Department, Mr. Walke's department and especially Mrs. Moore, who has never missed one of their meetings. Councilman Wright referred to organizing this group and stated they have had some exciting meetings. Councilman Warnke has supported them with asking for the budgeting of an additional Codes Enforcement Officer. Progress is being made. He thanked the Council and city staff for their sup- port. Mr. Cheney advised that we now have two Code Enforcement Officers to work with Mrs. Moore. Mayor Zimmerman referred to the mention of another resolu- tion in regards to continuing construction funding for Seacrest Boulevard and Councilman Wright replied that he has added this to the agenda as a separate item. Compensation for Board Members Mrs. Henrietta Solomon, 230 N. E. 26th Avenue, stated she read in the newspaper that Councilman Warnke suggested paying city board members $10 for every meeting they attend. She referred to board appointments being political payoffs and read previous newspaper articles criticizing board appointments. She stated most people who serve on boards enjoy the satisfaction of being a volunteer and helping the city. Political payoffs should not be on the back of tax- payers. This would amount to thousands of dollars yearly. She hopes the other councilmen would not be a party to this payoff. Councilman Warnke clarified that he was merely putting suggestions forth for the budget. - 4 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 P.A.C.T. Mrs. Eleanor Olinger, Old Ocean Boulevard, Ocean Ridge, stated she represents a group called P.A.C.T., People Against Crime Together. She told about the formation of this group in response to the brutal rape and murder of Karen Slattery in Delray Beach. She stressed the importance of doing something about this and how results are obtained based on the number of people involved. The philosophy of their group is to have the existing laws enforced to the maximum. She referred to the United States being a free society, but explained how we are actually prisoners in our homes. She quoted the numerical statistics for various crimes. This group wants to disallow plea bargaining in courts. They want to take away the country club atmosphere in the prison system. They want to make the prisoners work about 16 hours per day and pay back the victims and survivors of victims. They want to press for swift and expedient justice. The guilty should serve the complete sentence. Also, they would like to see people who have been victimized by violent crimes sit on the parole boards all across the country. They want to put out notice they are going after the judicial system of the country and going to make them accountable. Councilman Cassandra referred to his family being acquainted with the Slattery family and stated he feels something should be done by the cities of Palm Beach County in helping citizens who are afraid to walk the streets. He feels Mrs. Olinger is trying to get the citizens from Boynton Beach to raise their voices and let the judicial system know we care. Councilman Cassandra moved for the City Attorney to prepare a resolution to the Palm Beach County Judicial System telling them the Boynton Beach City Council is concerned about citizens and people around here and is not in favor of plea bargaining, persons getting shorter sentences, legal technicalities, etc. The resolution should be aimed towards the judicial system saying enough is enough and let's start worrying about the lives of individuals. Councilman Warnke seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilman Wright stated he thinks the motion is timely, but thinks a more comprehensive study should be made and act on the recommen- dations from P.A.C.T. He thinks some of these things will take legislation which should be sent to the governor, congressmen and representatives as well as Palm Beach County. Precise recommendations should be submitted by the next Council meeting. Mr. Vance requested if P.A.C.T. has their position in writing, they could forward it to the city and he will be glad to utilize that. Councilman Cassandra - 5 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 requested this to be forwarded to the City Manager. Motion carried 5-0. Closing of Road in Mariner Village Area Mr. Allan Wilson, 658 Manor Drive, and Mr. R. Kubes, 660 Manor Drive, came before the Council. Mr. Kubes informed the Council that on Monday, Manor Drive was closed. He pre- viously contacted Mr. Tom Clark and was assured the proper procedure had to be followed to close the road. Mariner Village has taken it upon themselves to deny use of this road for emergency purposes. He asked the City Engineer's office yesterday why this fence was being built and it was determined that no permit was issued. The road was closed and he could not get in. They did have an illegal permit because it did not include all the legal information and the city ordered them to stop building the fence. They con- tinued building the fence until 9:00 P. M. last night. He talked to the City Manager this morning and was told the situation was being looked into. His concern is Manor Drive is a situation where access to their homes and lives is in danger because emergency vehicles will have a difficult time getting to fire hydrants. His concern is to have the fence taken down since it was not legally put up. The safety of the residents on Manor Drive should be restored until this can be settled legally and through the proper channels. He thinks the safety of the residents should be considered and this road has been in existence for 30 years. Mr. Cheney advised that the folks from Mariner Village did talk to Mr. Clark and were told they would need a revision to the subdivision plat. They came into the Building Department and the document they presented for a permit showed the property line with a fence, but did not indicate it would close off the street. A permit was issued. By Friday afternoon, we were aware the permit should not have been given because of the street. A stop'order was issued. Sometime on Monday, they began work on the fence, but were stopped again Monday night. This morning, the work had con- tinued with pipes put up in the street, which is a public street and it must be settled. The contractor acknowledged that Mr. Keehr told him not to put up the fence, but he did because the property owners wanted it put up. It was made clear to the contractor that no more work was to be done until the legality of the situation could be investigated. Mr. Cheney advised that he discussed the situation with the attorney from Mariner Village. The street has been used for 30 years and the plat of Mariner Village would have to - 6 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 be amended. The site plan would be violated because two accesses were shown and with a fence, there would only be one. Mr. Doney and Mr. Woolley plan to check it tomorrow morning. He suggests since Mariner Village's attorney is the last person he spoke to, that the city should have con- versations only with Mr. Woolley with regard to Mariner Village. If the people present from Mariner Village feel the situation has not been properly presented, he thinks it is best their attorney present those issues to the Council in the future. Since their attorney has approached the city, he thinks it is best to work through him. At the moment, we understand there is a problem and understand there may be a legal argument in regards to access. Councilman Cassandra clarified that at the present moment, we have a closed road and Mr. Cheney agreed this is correct and he hesitates until the attorneys have a chance to look at it to have the contractor take out the pipes or take them out ourselves. Mr. Vance stated his office was contacted this afternoon and they will review the entire matter tomorrow. He concurs with Mr. Cheney it will probably simplify the matter if Mariner Village talks to their attorney and has him convey to us his reference to this matter. Councilman Wright agreed we should hear from their attorney, but asked if they are doing this without a permit, could we have the fence removed and Mr. Vance replied that they have a permit, but it must be decided whether it is correct. Councilman Cassandra clarified that this should be resolved by tomorrow and Mr. Vance agreed a conclusion should be reached by tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. Wahl stated she was not familiar that the City Engineers had checked the job site. Construction of the fence was begun because they had secured a building permit. They have spent time, money and effort and secured a permit following the procedure. The road which is being closed off is a hazard. It is a one way street and people use it the wrong way. It is impossible for a fire truck to make that corner. The reason Mariner Village is fencing that property is because they have had terrible problems with break-ins and want some security. They have also had people coming in and using their pool facilities. - 7 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR~IDA MAY 1, 1984 Mr. Henry Beiderbecke, Mariner Village, added that accom- panying the request for a building permit was a letter stating why the road should be closed off for the reasons as stated by Mrs. Wahl. Mr. Allan Wilson stressed their concern was losing an access road. They are just homeowners on a street and now two attorneys are going to make a determination and how are they going to know what is happening? Mr. Cheney requested that they contact his office tomorrow afternoon and he will let them know where it stands. Mrs. Gray, 653 Manor Drive, told about rushing home because her husband was ill today and not being able to get through because of the closed road. An additional five minutes was required for her to get home because of going back across Federal Highway. Mariner Village should have had the common courtesy to notify the residents the road was going to be closed. Mayor Zimmerman summarized that this boils down to a legal question and he is sure the attorneys will take care of it. CONSENT AGENDA A. Bids Tires - Public Works The Tabulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to Elpex, Inc. and Pierce Tire Company for the reasons as noted in the memo dated April 25, 1984, from the Purchasing Agent. 15,000 Consecutively Numbered Beach Decals - City Clerk The Tabulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to Technical Graphics in the amount of $855. Annual Requirements of Polyphosphates - Utilities The Tabulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to Shannon Chemical Corp. at the price of $64.16/cwt. Range Balls for Golf Course The Purchasing Agent recommends purchasing 420 dozen golf balls from Spalding at the cost of $6.00 per dozen for a total cost of $2,520. - 8 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 Emergency By-pass Pump Connection for Leisureville Lift Station 9606 - Utilities Mr. Mark Law, Acting Director of Utilities, has requested this work be awarded to Robert W. Leith, who is the low bidder in the amount of $1,524.20. Tennis Court Resurfacing - Recreation The Tabulation Committee recommends awarding this bid to the low bidder, Hardrives, in the amount of $8,610, pending the receipt of a letter of agreement from Hardrives that they will use California Products as specified in the bid propo- sal rather than their alternate bid for Tech-Tone. Bill Changer - Golf Course The Tabulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to Hamilton Scale Corp. for the low alternate bid in the amount of $2,600. The difference between the base unit and the alternate is a heavy duty housing of the unit. Two Lift Station Conversions L.S. 9204 & L.S. 9307 (Ejector Pumping to Submersible Pumping) - Utilities T~ Ur t~ t~ B ~e Tabulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to AOB ~derground in the amount of $31,408. This recommendation . contingent upon receipt of a 100% performance bond and ~e contract price will be adjusted to include the cost of ~is bond. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 84-JJ - Re: Final Plat Approval Stonehaven PUD, Plat ~1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE PLAT FOR STONEHAVEN PLAT NO. 1 (PUD) IN SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST Proposed Resolution No. 84-KK - Re: Amending Resolution 84-FF (Accepting improvements and reducing bond for Meadows 300 Plat 1) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING NEW BONDS IN THE AMOUNT OF THE VALUE OF THE UNCOMPLETED BOND IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE MEADOWS 300, PLAT NO. 1, A P.U.D., IN SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, AMENDING IN PART RESOLUTION NO. 84-FF - 9 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 Proposed Resolution No. 84-LL - Re: Abandonment of Property - St. Mark's Catholic Church A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, VACATING AND ABANDONING A RIGHT-OF-WAY CONCERNING THE PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. C. Approve Request for One Office Construction Trailer - The Meadows - Tracts C & D The Building Department recommends approval of this request submitted by Mr. Allen Farrington, Director of Production of the Babcock Company, to place one office construction trailer in conjunction with the construction of "The Meadows", Tracts C & D, until completion of home construction. D. Consider Permanent Floater Position The City Manager recommends that the City Council authorize this floating position as a permanent full time position with benefits and concurs with the recommendations contained in the memo dated April 6, 1984, from the Personnel Director. E. Approve Transmittal of Road Improvement Fees to Palm Beach County The Director of Finance recommends the collections as noted in his memo of April 25, 1984, be transmitted to Palm Beach County. F. Approve Request for Cemetery Refund - Block B, Lots 104 & 105 Mrs. Edna M. Shipley requested this refund. G. Approve Emergency Air-conditioner Purchase - Utilities Administration The Purchasing Agent submitted a memo dated April 26, 1984, recommending this purchase at a total cost of approximately $2,400. H. Approve Printinq Quote for Boynton Bulletin The Purchasing Agent submitted a memo dated April 26, 1984, recommending the award of the bid to Boynton Times for printing 15,000/12 page tabloid "Boynton Bulletin" for $1,279.61. - 10 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 I. Approve Change Order %1 - Golf Course Cart Paths The Purchasing Agent recommends approval of this change order in the amount of $945 to cover the purchase of a 100% performance bond for this project. J. Approve Sole Source Purchase of Chemical for Water Plant The Purchasing Agent submitted a memo dated April 26, 1984, giving reasons for concurring with the recommendations of the Utilities Department for-this purchase. K. Approve Request for Placement of One Construction Trailer - Lake Boynton Estates The Building Department recommends approval of this request submitted by Mr. John Pagliarulo, Building Contractor, for permission of the placement of a construction trailer in Lake Boynton Estates which would remain on site for the duration of construction time. L. Approval of Bills See list attached. Approve Change Order No. 1 - Two Lift Station Conver- sions - LS %204 & LS %307 This change order is requested by the Purchasing Agent in the additional amount of $6,281.60 for this item which was omitted from the specifications and by state statute must be obtained for a job this size. N. Approve Change Order No. 2 - Golf Course Cart Paths The Purchasing Agent recommends this change order to cover the installation of 4" thick concrete sidewalk at various areas around the golf course clubhouse and cart storage building, with the work to be done by Charles S. Whiteside as he is presently on the job site. Oe Approve Security System for the Boynton Beach Golf Course Clubhouse, Maintenance Building, and Cart Storage Building The Tabulation Committee recommends awarding the bid to Chapman Security Systems, Inc. as they are the overall low bidder. This recommendation is contingent upon receipt of a 100% performance bond, an anti-kickback affidavit, and a no - 11 - REGULAR CITY COUNCILMEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 penalty clause letter from Chapman Security for the purpose of possible central monitoring being done by the city at a later date. Councilman Cassandra moved that the Consent Agenda, Items A through O, be approved, seconded by Vice Mayor Ferrell. Under discussion, Mr. Warnke questioned a bill for insurance on a Mako boat and Mr. Cheney explained that we have acquired this boat through drug activity and until we know we own it, we want to protect our value in it. The money comes out of confiscated drug money. Councilman Cassandra referred to Item A-3 and the concern of application being important and questioned the affect this would have on our water. Mr. Cessna informed him there would be more polyphosphates in the water, but no health effect. Mr. Cassandra referred to being in favor of bidding concepts and stated he is turned off when not going to bid on a lot of items. He thinks in the future, anything that is being recommended not to go to bid should not be on the Consent Agenda. On the tennis courts resurfacing, there was a sti- pulation, but he doesn't know if Hardrives agreed to that and Mr. Cheney replied that they have. Mr. Cheney clarified that the stipulation is included and if approved by the Council with that stipulation, it must be met. Mra Cassandra asked if we were paying for the performance bond for the contractor for the two lift stations under Item A and Mr. Cheney informed him that project was bid inadver- tently without including a performance bond in the specifi- cations. He explained that we will have to pay the premium, but it is normally included in the bid price. After further discussion, Mr. Cassandra clarified that we are paying for a performance bond to guarantee they do a good job. He added that he is not happy with this, but will accept it. Mr. Cassandra referred to Resolution No. 84-KK implying that the City Attorney approves and Mr. Vance agreed. Councilman Cassandra stated he was bothered we were not securing bids for the air conditioning units covered by Item G. This recommendation is based on the present units not being expected to last more than three° or four weeks and the bidding process would take longer. Mr. Sullivan advised that one unit has already broken. - 12 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 Mr. Cassandra referred to the golf course cart paths needing additional explanations. The original bid was approved on April 3, 1984, with the bidder meeting all specifications. Then, change order #1 was submitted for the additional amount of $945 and now a second change order to increase it another $5,000. Mr. Cheney informed him that the $945 was to cover the performance bond, which we did not include in the specifications. This change is for additional work around the clubhouse itself. We took bids, but not for the concrete around the building. Mr. Cassandra asked if we do have money in the golf course and Mr. Cheney replied affir- matively. Motion carried 5-0. BIDS NONE PUBLIC HEARING NONE DEVELOPMENT PLANS Approve Master Plan Modification - Motorola PID Mr. Annunziato explained that MotOrola is requesting their master plan be modified to show the location for a tower to carry five antennae to allow them to conduct field tests of their products. The height of this proposed antenna would be 100 feet. If approved, they would have to come back through site plan approval with a request for a height exception. Councilman Cassandra referred to being concerned about the 60 ft. height and questioned why the code has a numerical number if it must come before the City Council and Mr. Annunziato explained how this height was determined based on study of CB antennaes. However, this is different with being a structure. Mr. Cassandra referred to this exceeding previous recommen- dations and stated he thinks this is a major change. Also, this tower talkS about a frequency range which falls into the television range, which could cause interference to other people. Mr. Bill Kuznicki, Manager of Engineering Services, Motorola, Inc., explained that the tower will be used for transmitting from their plant site to persons around Boynton - 13 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 Beach. Mr. Cassandra asked if it would cause interference with television reception and Mr. Kuznicki explained that they will have specific channels to use set aside by the F.C.C. They do not expect any interference. Mr. Cassandra referred to this going back to the Planning & Zoning Board and Mr. Annunziato clarified that if the Council determines this is a substantial change, it would require an application for zoning. If it is found to be non-substantial, then it goes to the Planning & Zoning Board. Councilman Warnke moved to determine this is not a substan- tial change on the development plan of the Motorola PID. Councilman Wright seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilman Cassandra referred to this meaning that the Council approves the 100 ft. height and Mr. Warnke disagreed. Mr. Cassandra asked if it could be knocked down. and Mr. Warnke replied affirmatively. Mayor Zimmerman added that he is not particularly in favor of 100 feet, but is interested in having the Technical Review Board and Planning & Zoning Board review this and submit recommendations. Mr. Cheney requested Mr. Annunziato to clarify the action to be taken if this motion is passed and Mr. Annunziato stated it would go to the Planning & Zoning Board to approve, approve with modifications or deny. If approved, the appli- cant would have to come back with detailed site plans to the Planning & Zoning Board for approval of the site plan modi- fication and then come back to the City Council. Motion carried 4-1 with Councilman Cassandra dissenting. Approve Master Plan Modification - Crossings PUD Mr. Annunziato informed the Council this is a simple request for a change in the recreation package. The applicant has requested this modification to install a heart exercise system in one area. The bike path has been joined on N.E. 4th Street and looped on N.E. 22nd Avenue. He read the com- ments noted by the Engineering Department and Parks & Recreation Department. The Technical Review Board recom- mends that it is not a substantial change. Councilman Wright asked if this revision would enhance what they have submitted previously and Mr. Annunziato commented that it is just as good or better. Mr. Wright referred to the homeowners not knowing anything about this and Mr. Annunziato informed him that a petition was submitted. - 14- REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 Vice Mayor Ferrell made a motion to accept this recommen- dation finding no substantial change, seconded by Councilman Wright. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearinq Proposed Ordinance No. 84-21 - Re: Amend Section 4F/Zoning Code Amendment - Height Limitations of Antennae Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 84-21 by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, CORRECTING AN OMISSION IN ORDINANCE NO. 82-1, WHICH AMENDED APPENDIX A - ZONING, SECTION 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS. F. HEIGHT LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS. OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TO ADD SUBSECTIONS 4 AND 5 RELATING TO HEIGHT LIMITATIONS OF ANTENNAE WHICH HAD INADVERTENTLY BEEN OMITTED FROM SAID ORDINANCE NO. 82-1; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Mayor Zimmerman ascertained nobody in the audience desired to speak in favor or against this proposed ordinance and then ~losed the public hearing. Councilman Warnke moved that Ordinance No. 84-21 be approved on second and final reading, seconded by Councilman Wright. Under discussion, Councilman Cassandra asked if this applied to CB antennaes and Mr. Annunziato replied that it was drafted specifically in response to the CB rage, but would deal with antennaes generally. Mrs. Boroni then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Wright - Aye Mayor Zimmerman - Aye Vice Mayor Ferrell - Aye Councilman Cassandra - No Councilman Warnke - Aye Motion carried 4-1. - 15 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 Ordinances - 1st Reading Proposed Ordinance No. 84-22 - Re: Amend Zoning Code - Drive-in and Drive-through Restaurants Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 84-22 by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING APPENDIX A - ZONING, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, BY AMENDING SECTION 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS. TO AMEND THE DEFINITION OF DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT AND TO ADD A NEW DEFINITION FOR DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT; PROVIDING THAT EACH AND EVERY OTHER DEFINITION CONTAINED IN SECTION 1 OF SAID ZONING CODE REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS PREVIOUSLY ENACTED; AMENDING SECTION 6. COMMERCIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS AND USE PROVISIONS. OF SAID ZONING CODE TO PROVIDE THAT DRIVE-IN RESTAURANTS AND DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS SHALL BE CONDITIONAL USES IN THE C-2, C-3 AND C-4 ZONING DISTRICTS; PROVIDING THAT EACH AND EVERY OTHER PROVISION CONTAINED IN SECTION 6 OF THE ZONING CODE SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT AS PREVIOUSLY ENACTED; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY, A CONFLICTS CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Councilman Cassandra moved to approve Ordinance No. 84-22 on first reading, seconded by Vice Mayor Ferrell. No discussion. Mrs. Boroni took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Zimmerman - Aye Vice Mayor Ferrell - Aye Councilman Cassandra - Aye Councilman Warnke - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 84-AA - Re: Amend Resolution No. 84-H Special Assessment for S.E. 3rd Street North of S.E. 21st Avenue (Tabled) Mr. Cheney informed the Council that the process is being reviewed and it will be ready for the next meeting. - 16 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 Proposed Resolution No. 84-MM - Re: Hand Gun Control Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 84-MM by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THE PALM BEACH COUNTY COMMISSION TO ENACT AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A 10 DAY "COOLING OFF" PERIOD IN THE PURCHASES OF HANDGUNS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Councilman Warnke commented that many other cities have passed this resolution and he doesn't see any harm in it. There is House Bill 64 being considered by the state, but this puts support behind the county. Councilman Warnke moved to pass Resolution No. 84-MM and pass onto the County Commission, seconded by Vice Mayor Ferrell. Under discussion, Councilman Wright stated he would like to see a longer cooling off period. Mayor Zimmerman commented that he feels this is a step in the right direction. Councilman Cassandra asked the Police Chief if ten days was enough time to check on someone and Chief Hamilton responded that he thinks the problem is this must be statewide and ten d~ay:s~would be sufficient time. Mr. Cassandra continued that he would like to see a fingerprint system set up for anyone wanting to buy a gun, as he dooesn't think this is strong enough. Mayor Zimmerman clarified that this is proposing ten days to the County Commission and further action can be taken later. Mr. Warnke stated this would be up to the state, but until then, this shows our concern. Motion carried 5-0. Councilman Cassandra referred again to requiring a fingerprint check and Mr. Cheney informed him that we can check a person any way we want. Mr. Vance explained that a large geographic area must be consistent or a person would just go across a city line to make the purchase. Mr. Cheney suggested that the County Commission could be requested to make it stronger. Proposed Resolution No. 84-NN - Re: Grant Application for Aquatic Weed Control Through Department of Natural Resources Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 84-NN by title: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING GRANT APPLICATION FOR AQUATIC WEED CONTROL THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Councilman Wright moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No. 84-NN, seconded by Councilman Warnke. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. - 17 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 Councilman Cassandra asked if this area falls under the impact zoning area where we collect monies from developers and questioned if that money could be used to pay this spe- cial assessment? Mr. Cheney replied that he would have to check to see whether that is limited. He suspects that money is not for subdivision type streets, but for major thoroughfares and collector roads. Mr. Cheney continued that if we are going to protest this, there is a public hearing. He does not recommend protesting it, but agrees we should pay the amount assessed. If we can use the money suggested by Councilman Cassandra, we will or use the 2~ gas tax or revenue sharing money. He thinks we should go ahead as a good neighbor and property owner. Councilman Cassandra moved to accept this special assessment, seconded by Councilman Wright. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Approval of Revocable One Year Permit to Use Public Property - Darrell Hinson Mr. Cheney referred to submitting a memo and added that we have done this on a few occasions. This is a one year revo- cable license giving the property owner the chance to cleanup, use and improve the land. He knows we can reclaim it if we want to put a road in. He recommends it be approved. Councilman Wright moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Extend Wrecker Contract Councilman Cassandra stated he feels the recommendation of the Purchasing Agent is a good one when there is no challenge to extend the contract, but it seems there is a challenge by someone Wanting to be permitted to bid. Based on this, he thinks it should go back to the bidding concept. Since Mr. Drew Zuccala has verbally stated he wishes to bid on this particular contract, he thinks it should go to the bidding process. Mr. Cheney clarified that the recommendation was not made not to bid, but the question was raised of which way the Council wanted to go. Mr. Drew Zuccala, 633 East Industrial Avenue, referred to being in the wrecker service for seven years and stated he - 19 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Other MAY 1, 1984 Consider Request for Exemption from City's Telephone Tax - Non-profit Organization (Tabled) Mr. Wright moved to remove this from the table, seconded by Mr. Cassandra. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Vance stated that a memo was submitted by Mr. Doney dated April 24, 1984, advising there did not appear to be a legal basis for granting this request for an exemption from Channel 42 and Stereo 91. Mr. Ferrell made a motion to deny this request based on the information provided, seconded by Mr. Warnke. Under discussion, Mr. Wright questioned what kind of money was involved and Mr. Vance replied that he thinks it is minimal. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Request for Exemption from Public Service Tax - Florida Bar Mr. Vance referred to a memo dated April 25, 1984, being submitted and advised they had to arrive at the opposite conclusion for this request because the Florida Bar has a case which has determined this is part of the judicial system, which is one of the three co-equal departments of state government. Therefore, they are exempt. Councilman Cassandra made a motion, based upon this legal recommendation, to accept the City Attorney's recommen- dation, seconded by Councilman Wright. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. County Imposed Special Assessment for Road Paving Adjacent to City Owned Land (Nickles Blvd.) Mr. Cheney informed the Council this involves a piece of land which the city owns in the county between Old Boynton Road and Boynton Canal, west of Nickles Boulevard, which we have owned for sometime. The county is in the process of paving the roads in that area through a special assessment project. We have received a notice noting our special assessment will be $15,535.42. He read an opinion submitted by the City Attorney that it appears the county may lawfully specially assess this city owned property and the city is subject to thisbe'special assessment. This is pro- perty which has a restriction clause that it will always remain for public purposes. This may be the only cost we will have for that land as it came to us at no cost. - 18 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 expressed interest as he would like to get involved. Mayor Zimmerman asked if he has suitable equipment and Mr. Zuccala replied affirmatively. Councilman Cassandra added that the specifications must be met. Mr. Cassandra moved to put this through the bidding process, seconded by Mr. Wright. Under discussion, Mr. Cheney advised if we are going to rebid, we will review the terms of the current contract and may change some of the proce- dures. Motion carried 5-0. Approve Utility Service Agreement - Sea Ridge Condominium Mr. Cheney referred to submitting a memo and advised this is an existing condominium and there is a health problem. The Health Department asked us to address this. We do serve them water and sewage is needed. Mr. Cassandra asked if there would be any cost to the city and Mr. Cheney replied that the condominium must pay all costs. Councilman Wright moved to approve, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Request for Resolution (Councilman Wright) Councilman Wright referred to Mrs. Zibelli giving a report and stated he would like to request approval of the City Council to authorize the City Attorney for the next Council meeting to finalize a resolution requesting the County Commission to budget funds in their 1984/85 budget to include funding of the Seacrest Boulevard project. It is important to make this request now because several of the County Commissioners will be retiring. We need to move expeditiously to get their support prior to leaving and this will be their last budget process. Mayor Zimmerman commented that it would be helpful to have the Metropolitan Planning Organization behind us on this project and Councilman Wright agreed we could send a copy of the resolution to the M.P.O. if appropriate. Councilman Wright moved to request such a resolution, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. Under discussion, Vice Mayor Ferrell asked if it would be helpful to deliver this resolution to the County Commission and Mr. Vance replied affirmatively.~ Mr. Ferrell volunteered to go and Mayor Zimmerman remarked that he was sure members of the North Boynton Beach Task Force would accompany him. Motion carried 5-0. - 20 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 OLD BUSINESS Seacrest Boulevard Design Study Councilman Wright stated when the design study for Seacrest Boulevard was discussed last year, we were asked by the county to match funds, $30,000, but the City Council did not agree. The county did come up with $150,000. The county was asked to consider a median strip for Seacrest Boulevard, but in talking with tihe City Manager and county personnel, it is felt it would be unfeasible to do that. He thinks we should go on record if they cannot do it, to delete that request, so they can move full speed ahead. Mr. Cheney advised they are moving ahead. He has met with them and they realize it cannot be done. We are still discussing how to handle the area between the curb, sidewalk and grass strip, but a median strip will not work as there is not enough room. He can report this to the staff, so they know we are not upset with this not being included. NEW BUSINESS Report from Committee Requesting N.E. 10th Avenue Be Named Martin Luther King Blvd. Councilman Wright told about meeting with a committee and planning the dedication and advised that discussion of street renaming ensued about rededicating this street to Martin Luther King, Jr. He referred to a group of people being present in support of this and asked the property owners on 10th Avenue to stand. He also acknowledged the members of the I0th Avenue Dedication Committee present. A recommendation came forward to rename only the reconstructed portion of 10th Avenue in order to do that area which is new and revitalized. In the future, if we can get some monies for N. W. 10th Avenue, we can get it extended. Mro Wright referred to submitting a report and read the following paragraph from this report: "Committee members feel the life struggle of Dr. King correlates with the long coming of 10th Avenue's revita- lization. Too, much consideration was given to saving Boynton's youth, realizing this renaming will enable them to identify with a man who was a "LEGEND" during his time and died for love, equality, justice, non- violence and for every man to be afforded the oppor- tunity to live in decency and dignity. With these - 21 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 thoughts in mind, members feel strongly many residents will perceive 10th Avenue to be a very different street, whereby exhibiting more pride for the area and helping to keep it beautiful." Mr. Wright stated he thought it was important this item included the feelings and sentiments of the group why they want to see the renaming of 10th Avenue to Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. Mayor Zimmerman referred to this street having another name years ago and Councilman Wright replied that it was Central Street or Wells Avenue. Mrs. Emily C. Roker stated she has lived in Boynton Beach since 1936 right on Wells Avenue, which was later changed to 10th Avenue. She would like each and every one in this building to say they will change it from 10th Avenue to Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. The street now is beautiful and should be kept decent and clean. The speed limit is 25 mph, but cars speed through at 35-40 mph and this should be checked. Mr. Cheney responded that the speed will be checked. Mrs. Margaret Collins referred to making rather extensive investments in this area of Boynton Beach. She thinks in this entire 20th century, there is not a single person who measures up to Martin Luther King, Jr.; he changed the world. We do not have a street in Palm Beach County to give him. The county invested $400,000 on that street and her establishment is also that type of investment. She would also like to see better police surveillance. She told about her business serving the entire community. She referred to this request not being too much to ask and stated the federal government saw fit to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. not only with a stamp but declaring his birthday a holiday. If it becomes a ghetto, it is because the city allows it as they control the finances. Several people believe this name change will not only benefit 10th Avenue, but Boynton Beach as well. They pay taxes and want to feel they are getting a fair share of the tax dollars. There isn't another man in all history who has done as much as Martin Luther King, Jr. She doesn't think it is too much to name these three little blocks for this man. Mr. Louis Skinner, 1901 N. E. 2nd Lane, stated he is speaking for the concerned citizens of Boynton Beach. The young people are enthused about this name. He asks for the Council's support in changing this street to Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. - 22- REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 Mrs. Blanche Girtman stated as Chairman of the Community Relations Board, they would like to see some kind of way our city can help to keep 10th Avenue, preferably Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, beautiful. She is appealing to put something out there like receptacles to keep it beautiful. They must be given something to work with. She has lived and worked in Boynton Beach since 1942. This name change is needed to keep our young people. This area should be cleaned up and the people kept from loitering in the alleys. She requests that they be given Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. Councilman Wright clarified that she is asking Chief Hamilton to allow the patrolmen to give more support, but the people must do what is necessary to clean it up. Vice Mayor Ferrell made a motion to approve the change of the name of that section of 10th Avenue to Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. Councilman Cassandra seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Cheney asked if the sign for the street could be M. L. King, Jr. Boulevard and Mr. Wright replied if the whole name could fit, he would like to see it. Mr. Cheney clarified that they would like Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard and several people responded affir- matively. As requested, Mrs. Boroni then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Wright Mayor Zimmerman Vice Mayor Ferrell - Aye Councilman Cassandra - Aye Councilman Warnke - To preface his vote, he attended a-meeting last night of the dedication committee. He has gone on record not being in favor of this and would rather see it something else. After giving further thought last night and today, he feels it should be by unanimous approval of the Council for community relations. He votes aye. - Aye - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Councilman Wright concluded that he really appreciates the Council's support and is glad the citizens have said what they would like to see done. He has stressed continually for the citizens of Boynton Beach to be involved in the - 23 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 city. He would like the people to continue giving support. He thinks the City of Boynton Beach should be acknowledged in Palm Beach County for this action taken tonight. Consider Drainage Projects Fiscal Year 1983/84 Mr. Cheney referred to submitting this list for the Council's perusal and suggested they not approve, but study and give the people a chance to come in with some ideas. He will put this back on the agenda for the next meeting. Consider Projects to be Funded by City Two Cent Gas Tax Receipts Mr. Cheney referred to this being the same kind of list and requested the Council to study it. He will try to come back with cost estimates at the next meeting. Request City Council Authorization of One Additional Sergeant Position Relative to Change in Police Working Schedule Mr. Cheney referred to submitting a memo giving information and Mr. Ferrell made a motion to add this additional posi- tion, seconded by Mr. Cassandra. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Aquatic Weed Control Responsibilities Mr. Cheney referred to his report showing that we have the requirement to maintain many canals because of our accep- tance of this responsibility and stated that somehow we began to maintain a couple extra ones. He thinks we should not maintain the extra ones. If we maintain some extra ones, we should maintain them all. He thinks this should be stopped, but suggested not stopping until the end of the fiscal year and notifying the people. Mr. Frederick is pre- sent to discuss in more detail if desired. Councilman Cassandra questioned why this should wait until October 1 and Mr. Cheney replied it would give the people a chance to make other arrangements. Councilman Cassandra moved to accept the City Manager's recommendation on aquatic weed control responsibilities, seconded by Mr. Ferrell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ADMINISTRATIVE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTONBEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 Consider Request from Rev. Jim Inman, Revival Crusades, to Put Up a Tent on the Corner of N.E. 10th Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. Mr. Cheney informed the Council that nothing more has been heard from this organization. They were advised it would be on the agenda, but we have not heard from them further. The Council could recommend approval subject to receipt of the requested information and meeting requirements. Councilman Warnke moved to approve this request if they follow through with all the permitting processes required with the necessary insurance, seconded by Councilman Wright. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Board Appointments Vice Mayor Ferrell stated there are two positions to be filled, one by the Mayor on the Building Board of Adjustment & Appeals and one by Councilman Warnke on the Housing Authority. Appointment of Alternate Member to Building Board of Adjustment & Appeals Mayor Zimmerman referred t° a resume being submitted by Mr. Leonard Mann, presently on the Codes Enforcement Board, and stated he wishes to make a transfer and nominated him as an alternate member on the Building Board of Adjustment & Appeals. Vice Mayor Ferrell made a motion to accept this nomination, seconded by Councilman Cassandra. Motion carried 5-0. Appointment of Alternate Member to Housing Authority Councilman Warnke requested this appointment be held until the next meeting. Appointment of Regular Member to Codes Enforcement Board Mayor Zimmerman nominated Mr. Allan Nyquist to be moved from an alternate to regular position. Mr. Ferrell made a motion to accept this appointment, seconded by Mr. Cassandra. Motion carried 5-0. Appointment of Regular Member to Housing Authority Vice Mayor Ferrell stated he would like to move up Sarah Williams from an alternate to regular member, seconded by Councilman Wright. Motion carried 5-0. - 25 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 Appointment of Alternate Member to Codes Enforcement Board Councilman Wright stated he would like to hold off on this nomination until the next meeting. Appoint Chairman and Vice Chairman to Community Redevelopment Agency Vice Mayor Ferrell made a motion to re-appoint Mr. Hank Thompson and Mr. Sam Scheiner to the positions they hold now, seconded by Councilman Warnke. Motion carried 5-0. Alternates for Community Relations Board (Requested by Councilman Samuel L. Wright) Councilman Wright stated he spoke with members of the Community Relations Board and was informed they have had members ill, etc. and could not conduct business because of not having a quorum. Other boards have alternates and he thought this board should have two alternates also. There was discussion about Mrs. Skinner's attendance and Mr. Ferrell asked if her status could be changed and Mr. Vance replied that it could only with cause. After further discussion, Councilman Wright moved to ask the City Attorney to draw up the appropriate document regarding two alternates on the Community Relations Board. Vice Mayor Ferrell seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Youth on Board Councilman Cassandra referred to seeing talented youngsters in operation on Youth in Government Day and stated we received a talent bank form requesting that David Centola, Jr., a youngster, be allowed to participate on a city board. He requested being a member of the Parks & Recreation Board. He asked if it would be appropriate to add an alternate to the Parks & Recreation Board and Mr. Vance informed him an ordinance would be required to change the membership of that board. Mr. Cassandra asked if an ordinance would be required to try this out for a year with him being a non- voting member and Mr. Cheney replied that as an experiment, it could be designated. Mr. Vance added that it could be youth observation, but not a formal status. Mr. Cassandra requested that it be put on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting. Mr. Wright agreed that he would also like to see two alternates on that board. -~ 26 - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 1, 1984 ADJOURNMENT Councilman Cassandra moved to adjourn, seconded by Vice Mayor Ferrell. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was pro- perly adjourned at 10:15 P. M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Counc i~lman ATTEST: City Clerk Recor~ding ~ecretary Three Tapes) Councilman - 27 - AGENDA May 1, 1984 CONSENT AGENDA - ADMINISTRATION Approval of Bills: A & C Auto parts and Paint Brake Drum/Disc Lathe per bid specifications Pay from Federal Rev. Sharing---320-193-519-60-41 Per bid 3/19/84, Council approved 4/3/84 Adirondack 100 Folding Chairs for Recreation Dept~ Pay from Federal Rev. Sharing---320-721-572-60-71 Per Council approval 3/20/84 e Allen Insurance Agency Insurance on 1983 25' Fiberglass 300 Mako Boat Pay from Misc. Trust Funds---691-000-269-12-00 e Allied Universal Corp. Chlorine & Muriatic Acid for Water Plant Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401G332~533-30-63--$1674.55 Pay from Water & Sewer Rev---401-332-533-30-65-- 409.68 e Arbor Tree & Landscape, Cg. Tree and Stump Removal for Golf Course Pay from B.B.Rec.Facility Constr. Fund: 415-000-169-41-00 B & H Sales 500 Plastic Meter Boxes for Water Distribution Pay from Water & Sewer Rev.---401-333-533-60-51 "Bid Item" BBR General Contractors, Inc. Est. Congress Avenue Water Main Pay from Utility General Fund---403-000-169-01-00 BBR General Contractors, Inc. Est. %1 Installation of Grinder Station for Golf Course Pay from B.B.Rec.Facility Constr. Fund: 415~000-169-41-00 3,300.00 1,647.00 1,869.00 2,084.23 2,675.00 3,420.00 14,084.94 14,742.00 9. Barker Uniforms, Inc. $ 1,779.75 525 "T" Shir~s for Purchasing Dept. Pay~from General Fund-. 001-195-519-30-97 1186.50 Pay from Water & Sewer Rev ....... 401-395-539-30-97 593.25 10. Davis Meter& Supply 1,828.50~ 100 Fernco Adapt.6" Clay X ClaY)For Sewage Collection 150 Fernco Adapt.4" PVC X PV~~' ) Pay from Water & Sewer Rev.---401-351-535-30-9F "Bid Item" 11. John B. Dunkle, Clerk of the Court 8,833.37 Costs and Attorney's Fees for City of Boynton Beach vs. Knollwood Orange Grove, Inc. et al. Pay from Utility General Fund---403-000-169-11-O0 12. FEC Railway Company 11,336.43 Install Crossing N.E. 10th. Ave. Pay from General Fund---001-000-115-87-00 13. Madsen-Barr Corporation Est. %5 91,889.38 N.E. Area Water Main for period 3/21/84 to 4/20/84. Pay from Util. Cap. Improvement---404-000-169-01-00 14. Kruse, ~O'Connor & L%ng~ inc. 2,263.00 Firemen's Pension Board professional services by Acturial Pay from Firemen's Relief & Pens.---613-139-513-20-29 15. Moore Golf, Inc. Appl. %7 17,829.20 Irrigation installation for Golf Course Pay from B.B. Rec.Facility Constr. Fund: 415-000-169-41-00 16. Motorola~ Inc. 3 MT 500FM Portable Radios for Fire Dept. Pay from Federal Rev. Sharing---320-221-522-60-9E State Contract %725-52-84-1 2,991.00 17. Municipal Code Corporation 2,036.70 100 copies of Supplement No. 15 to Code of Ordinances Pay from General Fund---001-122-512-40-77 18. Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority 41,773.50 Use of County Landfill for month of March, 1984. Pay from General Fund---001-341-534-40-9A COUNCIL APPROYE~ -3- 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Rex Distributing Co. 6 cases &~i4 cases of Ammo for Police Dept. Pay from General Fund---001-211-521-30-81 State Contract ~680-00-84-1 Spearman Marine Constr~ction Est. ~2 San Castle/St. Andrews Part D Intracoastal Waterway Crossing for period 3/26/84 to 4/22/84. Pay from Utility Cap. Improve---404-000-169-11-00 ~.outh Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Board City's portion of bills due Regional Board Pay from Utility General F~nd---403-000-169-12-00 Southeastern Munic i..~a~ly Brass Saddles for Water Distribution Pay from Water & Sewer Rev.---401-333-533-60-51 R. J. Sullivan Corp. Est. ~9 San Castle/St. Andrews Part A for period 3/20/84 to 4/20/84. Pa~ from Utility Cap. Improve---404-000-169-11-00 Twin Construction Application ~3 Boynton Beach Oceanfront Park Project from 3/27/84 ~o 4/23/84. Pay from B.B. Rec. & Mun. Beach Imp. Fund: 303-000-169-33-00 Hutcheon Engineers Survey work in connection with City owned property and r-o-w for new Boynton Beach Blvd. Bridge Pay from General Fund---001-141-514-40-68 Isiah Andrews Driver for Senior Citizens Club 1 wk Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-641-564-40-5A Per Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 Willie Ruth McGrady Server for Senior Citizens Club 1 wk Pay from Federal Reven~e Sharing---320-641-564-40-5A Per Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 $ 1,732.38 15,770.04 14,689.41 1,008.00 39,164.50 50,166.00 2,133.15 70.20 67.20 GoUNG L -4- The bills described have been approved and verified by the department heads involved; checked and approved for payment by the Finance Department. Grad~. Swarm, Finance Director I therefore recommend payment of these bills. Peter L. Cheney, Cit~ Manager