20.01.03 - Parking Enforcement Specialists CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY MANUAL CHAPTER: 20 Miscellaneous POLICY NO: 20.01.03 SECTION: 01 Inter-Departmental Procedure PAGE: 1 of 2 SUBJECT: 03 Fire Department Personnel Certified as Parking Enforcement Specialist Issuing Parking Citations PURPOSE AND SCOPE: The directive of this policy is to facilitate members of the Fire Department certified as Parking Enforcement Specialists in issuing citations for parking violations. PROCEDURE: • Citation books will be issued to the Fire Department by the Record Division of the Police Department. • All citation books will be signed for and personnel will be held strictly responsible for each citation. • If any citation is written in error or damaged prior to issuance, the entire ticket (including the Parking Specialist’s copy) will be returned to the Police Department Records Division with a signed memo explaining the circumstances of the error or damage. The memo shall be initialed by the Fire Chief or his designee before being returned to the Police Department. All voiding of violations will be in accordance with Fire Department S.O.P. FLS 7.02. • All issued citations will be forwarded to the Records Division of the Police Department on Wednesday of each week to check for accuracy and completeness. Once all information is available, the citation will be transmitted to the Finance Department. PURPOSE & SCOPE: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for control of voiding State traffic and Municipal parking citations. • If an error is made while writing a citation or if a citation is rendered unusable due to exposure to rain, dirt, etc., the Parking Enforcement Specialist will write a short justification below the comments, making sure it is legible on all copies of the citation. The Parking Enforcement Specialists will sign it and present the voided citation to the Fire Chief or his designee at the end of each day. 1 2 • The Fire Chief or his designee will review the justification and if it is acceptable, shall write “VOID” below the comments and initial. • The citation will then be forwarded to the Police Department Records Division for accounting purposes, where citations shall be kept on file for six months. The most common reasons for voiding a traffic citation: 1. Violator gave false information such as a wrong name, address, etc. When voiding a citation of this type, indicate the number of the new citation. 2. Parking Enforcement Specialist entered wrong information, invalidating the citation. When voiding a citation of this type, indicate the number of the new citation issued. 3. Violation occurred outside legal jurisdiction. 4. Traffic signs missing or obscured. 5. Parking Enforcement Specialist was unable to complete due to the receipt of an emergency call such as a fire investigation or medical emergency. 6. City handicapped parking citation issued to vehicle with a valid out-of-state handicapped indicator. No No Parking Enforcement Specialist, Supervisor, or Deputy Chief shall void a traffic citation issued by another Parking Enforcement Specialist unless one of the above conditions has been met. If investigation reveals that an improper charge has been filed, the matter will be referred to the State’s Attorney and/or judge for proper disposition. Loss or theft of citations: 1. In the event that a citation or book of citations is lost or stolen, the Parking Enforcement Specialist to whom it was issued shall immediately notify his/her supervisor and submit a written report to the Fire Chief or his designee. 2. Upon review and acceptance of the report, a copy will be submitted to the Records Division of the Police Department in order to adjust their records. DEVELOPED BY: William L. Bingham, Fire Chief EFFECTIVE DATE: July 17, 1992 REVISED: January 10, 2003 Kurt Bressner Kurt Bressner City Manager