Agenda 02-17-11 Workshop Downtown Development Workshop February 17, 2011 6:00 - 9:00 pm Intracoastal Clubhouse Revised Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Overview of the Vision and Downtown Master Plan/City/CRA Vision 3. Economic Development Perspective on Boynton Beach 4. Review of Current Projects 5. Short and Long Term Project Ideas 6. Presentations (15 minutes each) 1. Michael Weiner, "Authentic Themes, Concepts and Ideas" 2. Owen Duke, Patrinely Group 3. Donn Colee - Benzaiten 4. Victoria Castello - Three Circles Concept 5. Dr. Martha Meeks-Light - The Heart of Boynton 7. Future Direction - Plan of Action C:\Documents and Settings\brooksvi\Desktop\Downtown Development Workshop.doc 2/1712011 ,I 'I I I "I ;. ~1 "j i .i ~ '. J ~~ j " j -J :1 . )> c. 0 -c ...... CD C. C- D) ::::J c: D) ~ I\) :~)~ 0 0 CD ..~.. '''0' c', i' '..~ - . ,_. ~<.' '''- \... ._~.Jr: .';.;;~ '\\oi.} ~_~~'.' ~.:".~U 'l dd'~ ":~.~,~ ~~ >P'i~ "': " ~ :.~ ,.... .~ " , , It" t , " . . , ;l! , ,: I. I, , . 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C.) ~ = ""0 ~ ~ ".-( ".-( ~ ~ ....-4 ....-4 Q) Q) ~ 0 t'd ,.0 ,..c .,.., Q) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e; ~ ~ . 0 . . . . . --. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 110217 CRACC 2/17/2011 2:07:37 PM- 2/17/2011 2:10:59 PM - 2/17/2011 2:17:41 PM- 2/17/2011 2:18:34 PM - 2/17/20112:19:37 PM- 2/17/2011 2:20:32 PM - 2/17/20112:21:14 PM- 2/17/2011 2:21 :46 PM - 2/17/2011 2:22:19 PM- 2/17/2011 2:24:29 PM - 2/17/2011 2:24:50 PM- 2/17/20112:25:17 PM- 2/17/2011 2:28:58 PM - 2/17/20112:30:10 PM- 2/17/2011 5:59:51 PM- 2/17/2011 6:01 :08 PM - cto - Start Recording - Stop Recording - Start Recording - Stop Recording - Start Recording - Stop Recording - Start Recording - Stop Recording - Start Recording - Stop Recording - Start Recording - Stop Recording - Start Recording - Stop Recording - Start Recording - mayor good evening our downtown dev workshop is a critical pint for city of Boynton Beach, Tehre needs to be cocnsensus and city commission not always agreed on path or direction, hoping at end of this evening there is consensus on the didrection to be taken, alot of moving pieces ultimately need a plan we believe in and support, with that do an intorucition, marlene ross vie mayor city of Boynton Beach. bill orove introcutions, quintus green and vivian ooks thanked ciiznes and developers some have an opportunity to sepal, 2/17/2011 6:03:36 PM - holzman asked if since - city commission two new member of cr any way for two members to sit with us, jim not official in office as members of cra board not appropriate tot ake that 2/17/2011 6:04: 13 PM - vivian brooks. - welcom and hope you'll find info helpful and staff ideas excities, the dmp adopt in jan 9009 to create aunified vision for downtown. it had significant public involvements. a map was displayed showin ocean avenue bb blvd and then mlk corrisor is encompassed planning perspetive. purpose was to link things tomake identifiable downtown. the goals were creat a cultural center around existing cultural aspectss, preserve historic fabric. improvepublic acess to water, connect green spaces, address visual blight, provid balance of housing supplo local businesskk,generate momentum and there is not on distinctive style but there are unique elements, quintus greene two thing remember there ises and ought to. talk about economic development have to eal with ises, talk about the isses it economic deve is sutainable increase in Iviing standards measure improvement in quality of life job creation, eco ouput and inc in tax base. there is intense cmpetition between for new economic projet. the sturggle often takes form of incentives. there is presure to be more competitive and globally sensitive 2/17/2011 6:21 :54 PM - qg continues and competitive. the transfer of jobs of shore to stell and auto ithere has been less obvious on commercial real estate market as business shift office funcitn off shore, tccities and states must also remain competitive and must complete onkine and if ou want to distinquish itelf as a 21st centure city and embrace a new way of looking at itself, the key is what kind of city bb wants sto be, it needs to based on honest assessment of strengths and waknesses that allowed creatin 2009 mpln basis of assessment and realization. in effort to provide an hones assesemtn of plus and minus, the chart indicates life style factor most ocmply influe decisions of coproration . top is quali of life index, the facor of quality of life were listed such as housing quality, educaiton quality, employment, fpolice and security, shopping and others. an annual survey by cnn and money magazine rates 100 best places to live in 2010, wellington was ony one in palm beach county that ranked 72 of 100, median fmaily income is 90,957 in bb it is 59,143, medican home price is 239,391 an din bb it is 114,500. test score -math % below or above state average 22.90% were above state in wellington 30% above and in bb 6.40% below, jose want back to average prperty taxes argument it was hug average price 114, and property tax 3.573 that's hug and a 239th with 3, 418 your disposalble income is low.. qg continued some college 71% in bb 51% medican age is 35 year in bb it is 43. crime statistic per 1,000 pop 2, 4 and 10 for bb, simliarly property crime is 24, 32 in wellington and 54 in bb. commute times ar eocmaprage we have aof restarants so iw ant to bring that out while there are some issues comapred to some places to live performes better than most in retail market. 4th quareter 1010 report bb net absorpition 4,5 mil retail vacanst of 240sq ft, net retail increased except bb and jupiter. , the deetermination made a yr ago ost effective way focus on business retenntion prograj. a survey was sent to top 100 top business to get a snapshot of major issues and concerns, the object behind effort to reach out to large local business and let know presence valued and sec to secure info to make recom regarding incentives taht enhance business climate, about half were returned. see key needs, holzman asked 25 hun were returned did we call other 75. qg sent 100 out if like us to contact you please indicated on questinaneri we did not folow up with other 75. holzman why not we have not time to do all interviews yet those is it plan to contact rest of 75, qg. want to concntrate on thsoe like to meet and talk to us then follow up with thowe that did not respond, once we have gotten responses then e in position to make recommendaitons to city commissin to. n the next tep to initiat target industry study to find those to be recruited that fit the community. - think outside the box is a common phrase unfortuantley most people are constrained with a box which is paridgm of the past. thinking outside the box it is approprpe to begin of what exact is meant by term downtown a business center of a city, at present one pace atht 2 meants eifnition with half mile radius of congress and old boy ton road. once face upf ro fact this is city and step away that downtown ought to be is and ought tos center on enighborhood then begin to focus on practial to restoring what is relatity not downtown aa historic city neighborhood with its own unique assets, ocean avenue between seacrest and ocean oaver downton like atlantic avenue. it is adiffernt city culture and different traffic pattern and then come into a different domobraphis, there is an similar tow hat ocur ein bdellraybut more becoe moreopen in thinking and takeaadvantage of historical sturctur eart center library school house muuussseumand old highschool great things can happen, approval of zoning overlay is just one step in this direction, thinking outside downtown box come t practiclaly conslusion what to do city hall and police station, traffic vlumes an mdmarket value and taxable value wool bright rd and fed hghway and bb and secrest are the 7 usiest in city, wool bright an dfedri has 37% hgh makret mvaue than bb and secrest. taxable values are 80% higher than wbbb and secrest. bobslete city hall one city' that pays no property taxes is underperforming asset that does nto contiribute to neighborhoodll it would be bewt to relocate on land cra already own andmarket site for productive, holzman i thijk making huge jump city hall one iggest employer of downtown east of 95 along federal hgihway and yet areas around there are unvaluable or unmarketable, if you tak eout city hall from coenr of searest what mean to rest of neighborhhood and yet surroudning value isn't reverse take building allo peple ther eevery sinle day that would create a black hole within out downwown. mayor asked when i saw this an dspole it my question to is how much of this traffic is because of city hall because of police stationb ecause of post office the library that is what driving traffic the 8th ranked corenre. got to be some numbere what is exisitng ther today. qg. not idea not corenr become vacant marekt for develop that would enerate property taxes it is not question okay move city hall have vacant law, hozlman that's true not produce proeprty taxes no matter where put it. qg it will not shud be on land city don't we own where it at now. the coenre becaue largewt employer is bethesda if you try to get of. mayor how much of volume becuase what is not ther enow, i can tell you most significant results from bethesda get out of 5 oclcok on to seacrest you ar ewaiting there traffic coming north from bethesda and traffic volumes ar eheavy and builing site on rifht hand sity from major employer so shop on way hoe makes site avery attractive one for commercial development. it is an attractive comercial site. holozman is that sit emore attractive than site ocean ave and federal or federal and bb blvd and btoh remain empty. the site at bb and fed is collapse and condo contast rental project is80-% occupied onemore scucess one is rental an dother is condo two different markets. n jose i asume you ar esaing 5 rank intersection we shudn't put it there we . n it is high traffic that it is now. n kurt that'is thru traffic cogress on wooldbright and 3 federal highway is ther east or wess getting to i 95 and we can backround study on traffic generation for ity hall and give you those. holzman wanted to add most people shop cgoing home on woolbright road highride very desirable locaiton othng there go to and from home put something for commercial property swtop and shop. 2/17/2011 6:39:35 PM - jose jose the higher traffic volume is themost attractive. qg if objective to revitalize this area and out objective to generate property taxes then we have a faciity city on highly desirable corenr that is doing neither. delary has everything on their main highway that seem to be thriving why not thrive in our city, qg delary have different traffic pattern and environment.. qg the dtmp is where the civic cntr i haven't said anythign that is new whawt we are trying to we need to look at busiest corenr to generate activity and tax revenue, joe that argument you can apply to all corenre, Cities shoudl focus on element reisdent attachments to community, jobs, economy and safety not most ijportant factors, quality of life factors were predominant places where peple meet and mix and vibrant nght lifel nopeneness is important and third major factor aesthetics, feelings of attachment. education with collegss an universit this historic has many core element allow it become an art and cultural center, to have community events to allow enighborhood grow organically. it can be an economic asset to the community, thank you. - commented he agreed do believe downtown is old town or cultural district is more appropriate i would consider using that name in future to get consens maybe downtown cultural district or old town i want to put thing on board vote on later renaming what we are called old town or cultural district orloe hold discussion to end. hay thought good point community involved in that decision. put it some wsort of take away list everybody okay, . , i wanted ot highlaty the traffic folume, " cra initiatione conomic deve programs growing business we have rent subsidy program and interior buld out facade grant, signage grant google vido promotiona video for and events are for economic development they are to create mroe people coming hee. these are some scurrent projects reenocean, a review of urrent projects, there is permit preview of ocena avnue amphitheatre, the marina entry feautre ocean and casa loma. ,the jones cottage one oldest tsstructure make it in restaurant right on ocean ave and 4th street the oscare magnuso house will be conversion to restautnrat ocean breeze west will be home owner occupied and brand new homes, 2/17/2011 6:41 :27 PM - vivian short and long term projects to create a sense of place encourage pedestrian activity and differentiate bb and encourage private investment short terms roject s 1 to 3 years an dshud buidlines on things done. padditiona public art to fil publick park lot, analyss for narrowing bb blvd. frequent events & signature event and thematic elements of b federal and marina, conect exsiting 4 assets with public art elements. . there is alof of darkness and adding lit art elemtns would create some interest this is alley and creat lit agoing to pulic parking lot. , the theme should be fishing village, . added art features were displayed. holzman asked it is process of foreclusre acorss from hurricn alley, pait it and run. . attempt to create light so it is scary, the eRA purchased land for parking to ensure success of new restaurants, oscars is fine dining and they will want to park near. it will support event snad ehp deelop a use of hgih school. there will need to e parking, the land owned would povide 75 parking spaces with apublic walkway from oscars to it would serve it coudl serve a multitude and not on main street. your parking should be off minatain street. narrowing of bb between secrest and federal. delary want to narrow us one through downtown it will encourage pedestiran and ha smore ocommercial space than ocena, encourage outdoor dining. a 1I0w for addiitonalandsaping and wider sidewalks, the downtown core area doe sno thave alot I jose i'd have to questions we could buioding a buiding for less than moving, you can building a new we are doing it now" t it is small section talked property owner since 70's would be awsome cost is 75th for the study because fdot. feinforme thematic images in downtown, there is two etry way at marina or ocena there is naother way in right off 95 thisis bus stop and not a hug area just that fomer and dressing it up with a tropical theme, we do have maste rplan for marina chpping away done docks dredging and redid fuel doc and lighthouse feature. this is an open park area. events are important to creates a unique brank fro the city, draws attention to downtown and creates a sense of comjunity and enhances market for local businesses, , retro indi market so packed at woman's club full of vendors, we have to capitalize she wants to come back and do community event do something downtown hoepfully bring soe to you. people from all over ounty ig drawing vendors lot of peple i didn't know. it was a private event. some events priates of intrcoastaL debie a kinetic arts synposium if get event it will put us in another class and movies on ave and concerts on ave. n directed kathy biscuit anything will be in downtown because we are spending money we have to reinforce we that's where we have to focus energy and money, potential long terms projects, redev of high school narrow of b, creatin of dda in cbd and buisness incubaor in mlk seacrest bb gong north and sra sims park redeve, vivian suggest bbb Id like clemantis street. the traffic is so fse cna't see buisness. ross asked ddin delary narrow federalhighway now making it permanent we would do that. have to workwith business and proeprty owners. orlove bb one way at one paointl n vivian problem with one way and downtown west palm one way itmakes 5 traffic sycologiclal so i would envision on street parking and landscape then seating or pedestrian a sense of safety so buffer bewteen traffic, a dowtown development authroity dda it is additional property tax funds used for events, marketing, sfaety and appearnace., delary has a clena an dsafe rogr, board appointed by commission along with cra it is nt and or could be both. and incubator coudl be done mlk/seacrest and clean up the corner. sra sims parks does have amaster plan. holzman how much funidng dollars available, vivian worked on ulls eye 1.1 million available for programs and projects and board decide what programs and projectsw do hay one dangling problems has ben grocery store, vivian considered not enough land. shagrocery store is lost leader. jose you go tpublic on gateway. hay fromproespector in developer they brought that oint up as far a funidn then that would be still a requirement if you are going to use tax credits for housing. if you don't use tax credits, he could see a small grocery store with ancilliary retail. there ar ehold out of people not ell. between parking load at least three acre. holzman, 1.1 mill and boardwalk would cost 250,000 is there any money at city level do any of thos eporjects. kurt and anser is not at present rodrigues this beauty of discussion opportunity to allocate dolalrs. we are struggling city level to support us end of year that iwll be tough task cra may ahve some opportunity, vivian the cra we are not additional tax ona ny property, n we are not taxing what we do have to do take money and invest it bak into community and spent within 3 years. hay vivian talked about possibity of narrowing bb secrest to federal have you have opprotunty espace route impact i think certin requirement for escape route would is there an ipat vivian there mayb e some through the sutdy, del ray had to use different route seacrest of very wide that is one route it is very short period only really three blocks is it holzman as we know purpose of meeting to have city anc cra discuss new to Isiten how ove city forward don't ahve two-head snake, while adding two this jeetint city and cra alot of info some great and update existing potential project must think serious and make deter regularly secheula s we heard don't ahve any money, at this no can be made at least 3 preentation are offered not bb citizen but individuals influence board for cnsideration during a reg meeting it an attempt to save tax xpayer these present in violation fo art 17 ec 23.233 of city ordinance an dpotential anti obbyist each admin to date none of present as required i personally bput these presen at risk ask these to proeprty regislter during regularly secheul where we can make motina nd have citizen. orlove make motion deny. orlove let someone lese make a statement jose we are going to alolow mr. weiner move forward you have a ask legal make aocmment mr. weiner pay a 2500 fine. city attoreny 6 2/17/20117:14:32 PM - mike 2/17/2011 7:15:37 PM - holzman left the meeting. 2/17/2011 7: 15:44 PM - mike continued assur eyou review and approve meeting. , cher what is ellude city anti lobbying ordinance int hat case the question whether nay 5 individuals going to make repsentation boist in way here repting third party and compenstatin if they ar enot both those then presentaiton would be approprrriate, board canmake that determination few simple inquies whoever peaks if they are inviolation we'll bear cconseuqense, orlove aksed thes eople could they be offering info fo our edificaiton do they have to lobbyist report to city as lobbyist they do if employed by third party prinicipa here beofr eto lobby on behalf ot hat individual to promote some psecifi concep tof project that would be beneficial there is not aback up. michale ar eyouprepared to procee. my firm registere as lobbyist second we don't ahve any don have no particiualr project im ind talking not talkinb about project but concept , orlove if i could ask for those also wher eto speka these are ideas we can take accep tnot accpet come forewad maybe like or don' tlike, jim what makes difference if person compensated by third party to advance concept ot this board on items could come befor eyou int he future that is lobbying common conept is pretty c1ea rperosn has to be presen a person, hay can we not ask for that disclosure before they begin, jose - dan and i are hrere for free. dan and roert secrest and bb an advertising firm and both of us have interest and love to see the kind of walking street eighborhood inspiration to bb, we want to put ounce ack in boy ton and i've always been associated with redev enjoy it lucky enough tob e involved in other cities, - we are here where we got great things to do what we got to do nto talk about money good news we really here to talk concept at the very basic level and grow at street level. mr weiner said wikipedia not marketing ony only town what dan talk about as what you master plan is all obviously you we dneed at look at donw, even if keep fishing village going thinki fo something not compete with ocean oaveue trying to return itself, wild west theme, theje with trains, succesful town have a theme that they keep going. carmel pet friendly, , if we. we can't be congres this might be a way got to dig down ad youhave to go high end, bradning is importnat how to get from theme and i don't do that very well please dan come her dan majaoy locat at. what i'II how to build abrand the we need or i should say b needs to define who youa re and define it to theworld. een some good cit you can idetnifya street with brand, streets can have an identity. copro spend 3 2% of their marketign budge on their brand identify. while go through inititia whow you encapsulate the brnak, advertising plu public relations equals rnakding they tools of the trade, a successul brand establishes and expectation taht is either met or the brand should be sustainable unique a, relevant and authentic with a long range plan.. the brnad should draw your neighbors by stealing market share, there was t be internal reasearch eand eternal reasear do analsysi and 7 proof of concept. jose the promise slide have to set an expectation. i appreciate presentation, in all honestly you do have interest veach heads, the new library and a cultural center and series of item and drawing children it would be interest to focus on that. 2/17/2011 7:34:34 PM - duke orlove wanted toa sk a couple questionsl commisisn has left this worksho and made comments fines and ethics vivolation people now going to make rpreentaiton. how can we proceed forward considering what he state, jim implicaiton individuals are spekaing are working for a thir dparty and compenation if that's nto case just here tot alk about generic dev concept titor then lobbby provision don't come into to paly it is hard to know make comment and eleiminate the issuel antiloby is not tehtical coce violation prohibit lobby with out reigstering they are monetary in nature $250 assuming all other elemtns aply not know generic in nature not advancing a partiucla rsite or dev to come beofre you rpobably no issues, orlove what is defniition of lobby, jim read it lobbyin seeking to influe cdeciso of com adv boad passage defeat of any ident to advisory board or city commissio, so with excep tof presentaiton would not disqualify anythign that is moving fowrad. and the first presentaitn doe nt of a II within the definitio. even it did wouldn't prevent interest party in moving something foward, it does not revent things moving foward just requires repreent not regualter on behalf of of a third paty. they probably shud not anybody wantsw to lobby file registrationw ith city clerk, someobyd city on board considering a group goign to do presentaitn no member of this board would be in position spekaing on bheal fo third dparty, jose as they dislose they are lobby dislosure would be okay, that is one two elementsi'm present developer x if they say but i'm not being compensate dhtey ar enot alobbyist two element are compensationand representation., hay can we stop someone cross that line you can say one thing would be inour right or mayor to wtop it. jim not way our anti lobbying that is not role of commission todo that or city attorney but under ord the citym anager is gate keeper. if i was gatekeeyer i would appreciate 48 horus notice this took me by surprise, mr patrin , - i amnot apid washing real estat partner we would be partner with them. . four memers agreed, . owwen duke, to tackle the downtown came to this thing we found about t location is convenient off 95 get on fast an easy to building it has allelements to be feasible it ha old building an ddeve opportunitysl ey to ake it work ispeople there but if they are not there it isn't going to work, problem to voercome nothing to. the condos city hall all pieces are there jut not in right spot. the sit epbrought us here is beween bb and ocean drive on federal we consider it as the keystone, it is key to dev of the whoel are. the water front area works realy good ony problm emphaiss downtown water and not the downtown area. . this what we saw look this as city hall and we 8 mask proeprty aroundit didn't know office or condos right spot for it we what we need to clster get benefit from peole there and bring peole in, we need daytime peole and nighttime people, the city hall being tehre woudl assist this what we though look cit hall and areas developed around easy to build buidng it goes from 55th feet to 65 th ffet ignore outsdie and it is there, what we also want to do build apts in balance of the park to bring in night time people. this is what we thought would go there the apts shoudl be corner of b and federal highwy andmoving city hall around, another idea would be the market for the apts and activei ground live in apt spend tiem out mvoing around and they are spenders to create bridge from arina area to the commercial area dev along federal highway. the core of peole would be around city hall and merg this group, thse condos are vacant reason vacant not condos fault but the market vault it bridges over this an however this part needs should be cultural center of that bring oepole down, we brought ins pecialist on green buildings and green enighbrhod prog fits it naturally. wide sidewalkk bicycle paths and make it a living area. a cultural center, uiding coudl be redev and ollllld highschool need to be connected, one thing would be market for the area and needs to be able to sell every things incuding crafts and entertainment and a permanent thing. the police station shoudl remaint ehre it was inepensive to create a poice station. not sure it is the answer and it could work it has to be safe in the area, it needs pple take compress people we have moving city hall to area on federal hgihway brings you day tie people an donly thing that is there. putting aprtments prcies to buildis now down bring you nighttime pole and feeds one achother bridges over to area of cultural area it is critically imporant for bb area you can do amazing things. orloe you buiding on federal highway if city ahll in center how many apartments, duke starat with 200 like to move and get that going. it would be wonderful if city hall there it needs to we need people there. orlove also tlaking about retail at bottom level. there is alot of retain there the initial soe on federal highway and hopeuflly have on inside thesee partments have units on ground fIIow that on inside but imited retail. we need retain acorss the street and down the street some businesses and restaurant have if city hall there is better chance going to one restaurant then ther eis now got to pull epole toether total worth more than the sume of the parts, when you can pmarket palce talking about it where. duke it needs to be bridge to bring thorough the soething along ocea avenue. and markets one right are treemendous assets. orlove theone did work offered more than things to buy with usicians and way to spend th day and your time it needs to be studied and run like abusiness and screen eople that come to market it is people magent and need them adly, the aprtment market is very good right now with blushes off hoem owenrship, the 9 2/17/20117:58:13 PM - don colee, orlove in consultaiton with city project wuld devel outward it needs to be cluster and building out jose qeustioned about taable tax base and property and putting city hall what are implicaitons froms tx base standoint duke devceloping increase tax base, as far as putting toether we are oepne to everything they suggest lease buiding and turn it over to city and done that so but it with that case still on leas eproperty we are open to any solution ont hat jose periferal buiding one on each side that of itself would bhave in aincrease tax base. have you estimated what actualy net would be, right now ta bil is 38th a year buidling out whole block bring in 800th a year, this is the start buid core and let it get bigger. vice amyor ross spole to me about this plan and market concept is appealing we'll ahve to explore that more can aboutthat duke wwe feel that should e police station it could vonert easily and inexpesive todo it it can be hardened. we like fact police statin and bring pope down we it is big buiding may not need all that and have other parts in it too. it still needs a olice presence buiding is interesting soething with arts or something there but police station is a good solution, are you incoprorated the current building arches that is design element it is not a bad looking buiding thi. it is facing north flip itl the arches they don't standout as much also market for example wh thank you - orlove make preentation this wa sbrouht to my attention and i can do it as general idea what could happen i'm not lobbyist and not paid by anybody to do this. jim i can make preentationt his group approache dme and tlaking about apotential project that coul ome to city, jim yes that's true, in general term denzaiten center for creative arts bill dislou spekang iwht organizaito about apossible project it is apossibility an donoy in the broad sense of what could happened with a certain part of downtown area. ,the dmp had amny objectives that were reveiwed, orlvoe campaigned to bring culoture to the downtown and the procdenziten center for creative arts she is japanes goddess of the idea joan berkow who has vision to bring to palm beach county it woudl e living and owrking community for artis and craftsmen to create and produce world. he want world class foundry of 30th sq ffot to create a metal bronze foundary a center pice of the artist visitng all over world to do art, it would have high professional artists involve he artist could conduct worksho or talk with local to ahve children inspired by the artists and it would offer subsidized workforce hosuing for visitng arts. it is not an arts an d srafts village or artiesits loft concep tan dnot a community arts center for artists of all skills levels.. it is an artfabrication facility , educational facility and a tourist destination, the are ab seacrest to west move little past Iibary and to the eas just past 1 st the idea would turn city hall into the foundry 10 2/17/2011 8: 15:00 PM - victoria castello 2/17/2011 8:18:53 PM - dr. mmartha meeks-light and moveing south would e musuem or class roomwith alot of greenery and civic center going away and hole librayr open up to be a green space for artists to do work int he open. artist ould stay in apartments to go liv tmeporary to where creat craft it would e owned and oeprated by living arts foundatioin a 501 c3 and discussin on land the organizaiton would have to do capital campaign for it iwoudl be self-sufficient, prof user fees, omission on arts slea the gift sho admission fees for some faicities and privat eevent fees and workforce/visiting artist housing rent mayor asked would be self sufficient and orlvoe resonded it would be self sufficient witht he foundation nmanaging and owrking it be non-subsidized what they are 1I0kijg for space t have the center and land to do it it would emploiye 34 fte and be arts magnet and business incubator. a time times was proposed to be done on phaes, it would creat economic development ad job creation. marketing an dpromote opportunity public events an dprogrammed activitei, public art, agatewy to downtown, a green buidling with affordable housing, jose asked like concept hte initial requirement 10 acres of land 8 to 10 fit in area that i discussed from bb b. v south to the library and to madisn center southesast kurt whoel area is 32 acres. no other questions. - lived in bb since 1959 i was going to speak on 3 concepts and i wans't able to see these. i adlibed dont' you have your own presentation, didn't want to e redundant .3 concept aith, love weiner's buiding across street from city i tried to find out then ahd to get city manager deve dept isn't interest in talking, my presentation is i believe what do we have different other comunities we have afishing village, thik of land busiest restaurant in bb hurricane alley just think i really concept the ojly thing putting city hall.focus on apresentaiton only, i i'm a resdient i have a right to speak here, and you are directing me how to speak then i won't speak, thank you mayor, - 225 nw 6th avenue and resdient of bb and riase 71 year old a stake holder subject hob and we have vision of focal point for downtown area would be located on mlk and us 1 on federal hgih today rept hoeowners tehse 2men are apart there are 2,00 memer of asooiaton come to cnsensus lie for you to hear htheir vision. it would strnegth epole in bb and great pride the mlk jr cultural center something would perpetuate hsitory and culture of everyone in bb for years to come, it iwll be an anser in community and downtown and cultural hub and creating avibrant creat knowelge, beuty and peace, culture is importnat entity. knowled of all is importnat to ubiding bridge sof peace. a strong focal point i do'thave map going to be last tueday didn't get a chance to do map if you are failiar you know where i am talking baout andi'lI get you a map. it woudl be on us fed highway where old dutch and now fish market on southese a anoacross street these are some ppleasce greenr and colored grey 11 house bus as there tlast time tripper club that is for sale, there is sitll much history on corner and we know many culturals have their own unique straightsother ocmunit delray and go to lake worth they ahve entertinment dance and theater, it will attrct hgihway painters stopped in oynton, the mlk cutural center woudl be focal point to downtown area, the whole city can embrace. hob was city of spirit, heart and soul. always known for great pride it can be continued with intermingling of all dffernet cultures, there was well known artists sang in bb. the culture and traits need to be recognized in 2011 hahd bb high school chorus and came fromt he area. a focal problem lead to downtown area that would e made more vibrant what better alce rich in hsitory in mlk jr, would be it wold always be economic interest to the downtown, a showcase of the past, present and future, if you needmore informaton gertrude sullivan is presen twillian aikens vice present victor on board and she was on board, victor norfus on ehalf hsitorical society thehistory that is part of boynton the african american community and one thing people before boyton an dthere was bohamian known robert weels and wells avenue so ther eis alot of history we don't know about there is saiing and farming that went 0, most acts came down they came to bb and performed at the continnental club. this can be an anchor once again for the city of bb, thre wmeeks sudividison and well sub sivision abotu hsotiral a northern link for downtown and center always been ocean aveneu. willie aikens wanted to balance city, soemtimes focus 0 one thing spread the wealth we need cultural and arts travel north to south as people leave city they see littel desolatuon in this cultural/et's balance city now attract also when levaing tell someone else to come back. put stores andnot just on ocean avenue but on federal hgihway we need business and attraction thank you, orlvoe asked liek concep tan didea is there funding source some type of non=-proft of city. as city of hob has a budget there is some money and check with finance dept they do have parces and using prperty that city has i like concept of small grocery store people say don't go out of citydo't need awhoellot jose funding thourgh cra funding and enticements. tax base, vivian we had hob line item i don't know what balance is, this not one time fee and recurring expene not just donante land own it manage it willia have to do it with any rpoejct it is good idea bring back hostrial. there are grants, but city would have to kep this going because it is ablighted area, brother norfus mentioend about business incubator, this could incorporate benefit city culturally and economically. we have not locati nfor theaterial eents. but concept is a concept exact pricing worked out later, 12 2/17/2011 8:36:40 PM - jose hay agreed with concept goes along with what vivian talked about putting buisness incubaotro and has alot of history that needs to be brought back and cming up with theme ocean ave is historial type theme it flows same kind of historical values on mlk as you mentioned a swell as ocean avenue it ties together. come u with various tie it toethter one good need package, ross concurred what coems to mind busines youth children an dhisstory really revivin in street such diversity incity applaud you from doing that to just remember music youth and historical elements here. - thank all presentor for conept and idea al enjoyed and got alot of oit we need to start taking action we need to vivian or kurt we need to strat layign out plans and decison city ahs to make to develope down town clear action items i think before we get to that and make critical decision of what i call anchors old high school but police stationa nd city hall are big anchosr w we restore and movecity hall use some property we have that we own aread Ito of decison to be mad,e what he suggest is that city janager and vivian coe up with options that are available to usf rom police stqatin andcity hall all options and sequnc eoevents to mve it forward iwth highlvel cost of an then board for discussion nand ultimately decison whata are the next step this what we are oigng to do becuas we relly need to make deision how to do it one things is how finance an dget money i got a slew ideas about all that also i askeed city aange rproperty we own alot we own can be released into market to generate some revenue. we own property on congress avenue where fire station 2 prime location detective office sprime property no tax base sell that a bucket of resources utilize and kick start some projects, other thing we said put aside red light camaeras spend it on downtown or sultural center thaters alot of option my suggestionf or city manager and cra acting director to comeup with options with is anchor city hall and police station and deicison go off that so we cna move foward. that's how i think we can move and got to unless we plan not get anwhere and have a Icear vision ntgoingtohappen turn it over for board. - he thought goo ideas brought up and certianly one thig and moving city hall to federal highway and allowing working art village concept speaks to downtown master plan. i wanted to get feedback from comissin is this a good ide aor worth pursung and mrl buke brings to big moves that donwtown and puts them into palce nadmakes it realistics thsoe are two parts of this vision only road map we have that allows us to mvoe in positive direction. i'm i'm not saing they ar eways to go and give us good food for thought, - concurred we need more than city manager and cra nd incude com dee and possibly input from chamber of comerce at table. the city, cra, and chamber working toether and certianly like to see what comesout of i. i have my own feelings where i'd liek to see city hall andi'II swait until see options we own land and infrastructure in palce at this point way to go pbut open to other ide3as 2/17/2011 8:40:55 PM - orlove 2/17/2011 8:42:27 PM - hay 13 2/17/2011 8:44:56 PM - vice mayor 2/17/2011 8:46: 11 PM - kurt 2/17/2011 8:52:00 PM - jose thanke dhtem for ocming hoepuftly firs step to redev the downtown, and coneptl originally got on comissin i like to see city halldowntown on us one certianly in this day and age it doe nto have to be there, based oneconomy i see no reason whywe odn't utilize the ears the raw facts speak for thems come back with good ideas and sink our teethl many good ideas we do need a theme and get all charged u in city of bb we are fishing village we are more ethan that a way to get all boyton involved a contewst just to see what we an come up with to energize movement - wanted to see cnsensus to bring chambers as well as mr, green., otion are excellenet so we can decide better about po lie dept and city halllocatinw e have to sort through that and i relaly like alot of themes and concept co branding is so critical. i think can we hear back fro you regarding preentationa nd viailbity within scheem even especially the last one she didn't have time to prepare all figure like concep tof music history, - a coupel questions anything edeemed to be out of bounds, specifically anothe roptin with respect current city hall to use it for ocmmercial redev or mixed use is that out of bounds it would take olice dept somewherhe wiese, narrowing bb looking at that and devl a corridor where comemrcial would be added to bb that potentially make city ahll more attrctive to that type of dev before we can spedn too much time nalysing is that out of bounds, we need to clarify are so we use our productive tiem if somehting commission and cra interest as ossible alternative recongizing poice ufnciton become orphan have to be relocated somerhewer elseis that on table. hay thought it was an d see tax base increase and by looking at options would increase tax base, relocating is on table to me not out of bounds, orlove say not out of bounds but inventory of avaiailbe retail space needs to be considered commerical devemelomenet could go someplae. i'm think goro ry stre serve needs entire are, orlove open butiinventory of other available space int hat areas one city owns but those that are cvacant land or prperty. was there ot a study done on thsoe 8 acres on possilbity, kurt in 2005 we did townsquare plan,the downtown master plan did cprogrramming analysis. city hall there somepalce south of the arts center or elsewhere otu of that campus area. there were this has ben studied a nubmer of times alli'maksing naythg commission, jose i thin saying go the opposite is true one proposal leave there and rebuild then proerty on gateway and i-95 would be available frm sale, i think saying now let's look at opprotunities how link to creat cultural slash downtown. jose did wnat to say we have feasibility study taking palce in old high school and tha't simportnat to inmix of options hopefully get ifnancing to restore buildng and tenant thse are critical pieces, hay let's includ mlk in that package it is in the boundary, 14 2/17/20118:52:19 PM- - Stop Recording 15