Minutes 12-01-81MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1981 PRESENT Edward F.-Harmening, Mayor Walter "Marty" Trauger, Vice Mayor Joe deLong, Councilman Patricia Woolley, Councilmember ABSENT Samuel Lamar Wright, Councilman Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk James Wolf, Assistant City Attorney (Excused) Mayor Harmening called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He said the invocation would be given by Father A1 Victor, Associate Pastor, St. Thomas Moore Parish, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, to be led by Councilman Joe deLong. AGENDA APPROVAL Under "VIII. OLD BUSINESS", Vice Mayor Trauger requested the addi- tion of "B. Equipment Leasing". Under "IX. NEW BUSINESS", he wanted to add "B. Appearance of U, S. 1~ and under "X. ADMINISTRA- TIVE'', Vice Mayor Trauger added "G. Florida Legislative Conference in Tallahassee." Councilman deLOng moved, seconded by Councilmember Woolley, to adopt the Agenda as corrected. Motion carried 4~0. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Harmening announced that the A,A~R,P. "Free Health Fair Day" will be Saturday, December 5, 1981 at the Civic Center. He further announced that the Christmas Parade would be Sunday, December 6, 1981 at 2:00 P. M. Mayor Harmening then read a Proclamation pro- claiming the week beginning December 1 1981 as Civil Air Patrol Week. ' MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of November 17, 1'981 Councilman deLong requested t'hat the first two paragraphs on page 23 be changed to read as follows: ". .Councilman deLong thought the members of that Board should start taking into consideration just exactly what their performance is insofar as the social services are concerned or the Day Care Center. You have the care for the children, working parents. The children are from 2 to MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 1~ 19.81 5 years of age. You have the After Care Program, counseling of families, and improving financial affairs, They a~e involved in housing, unemployment, health and nutrition, Meals on Wheels, recreation, and the preparation of lunches for the following Day Care Centers: Boynton Beach, Lake Worth, and Delray Beach. They are also concerned with energy. Councilman deLong knows that they do recommend the payment of electricity~and/or utility bills. They are concerned with transportation and also Alcoholics Anonymous." Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion carried 4-0, PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor H~rmening announced that if anyone in the audience would like to address the Council on any item not on the Agenda, they may do so at this time. He added that if anyone would iike to speak on any item on the Agenda, to please give their names to the City Clerk and they will be called upon when that item becomes the regular order of business. BIDS Sale of Scrap Metlat' ~ Public Works & U~ti!~ities City Manager Cheney said there were no bidders to purchase the scrap metal the City has, so the City will readvertise. They will bid it two ways this time. One will be for those who will pay the City something for the scrap metal, and the other will be for those who will just take it all away, Councilman deLong moved to accept the recommendation of the Tabu- lation Committee and rebid it at a later date, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger. The motion carried 4-0. Demolition Of Con'ceSsiOn 'B'uil'di'ng and Restrooms - Wilson Park There were two bids, City Manager Cheney advised. He recommended that the bid be awarded to Robert F. Gooding, Inc. in the amount of $775.00. Councilman deLong moved to accept the Tabulation Committee's recommendation and accept the bid from Robert F. Gooding, Inc., West Palm Beach, Florida, in the amount of $775.00~ The motion was seconded by Councilmember Woolley. The motion carried PUBLIC HEARING None. - 2 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1981 DEVELOPMENT PLANS Final Plat - Motorola PID located at the corner of North Congress Avenue and N. W. 22nd Avenue TABLED Vice Mayor Trauger moved, seconded by Councilman deLong, to remove the item from the table. Tom Clark, City Engineer, informed the Council that the final plat was in order and the Technical Review Board had approved the plan. The filing fee, administration fee, and performance bond have been received. Vice Mayor Trauger moved to accept the Final Plat of Motorola PID located at the corner of North Congress Avenue and N, W. 22nd Avenue, and to make the memorandum from TOm. Clark, City Engineer, dated November 23, 1981, a part of the record. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Woolley and carried 4-0. Site Development Plans - Dos Lagos PUD, submitted by Fred Roth, Project Manager for Satter Companies, to construct 330 multi- family units, plus recreational facilities, located on east side of South Congress Avenue 'betWeen LWDD Canals 20 and 21 City Manager Cheney said that since the Community Appearance Board did not approve the development plans at their meeting of November 30, 1981, it was requested .that this item be TABLED, Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, to lay the question on the table. The motion carried 4-0. Modified Site Development Plans - Gulfstream Professional Center, submitted by Patrick Hope for Robert Kipp, to change the approved site plans to provide for additional parking and modifications to the first floor plan, located at 500 Gulfstream BouleVard Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, told the Council that the request is to construct additional parking spaces to the north of the building, which was previously approved by Council. The applicant has decided to provide a different subdivision of the first floor, making the offices smaller, and providing access to those offices from the north. The plan went to the Planning and Zoning Board from the Technical Review Board with a pos~[tive recommendation, based on no. staff comments. It was unanimously recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board and comes to the Council with a positive approval from the Community Appearance Board. Vice Mayor Trauger noted that part of the landscaping was taken out where the parking lot was. Mr. Annunziato said the landscape plan was modified to reflect that. - 3 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1981 Councilman deLong moved to approve the Modified Site Development Plans of Gulfstream Professional Center, seconded by Councilmember Woolley. The motion carried 4-0. Other Presentation from Planning & Zoning Board re: Uni.versity of Florida Law School, Center for GOvernmental Responsibility - Analysis of the Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan of Boynton Beach, Florida, to Determine the Potential for Energy Conserva- tion. City Manager Cheney advised the Council that-they had some backup material relative to the presentation. C. David Coffey, Energy Project Attorney, Center for Governmental Responsibility, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, said the slide show he would be presenting was intended to be advisory and educational, and he would be glad to hear the comments and criticism of the Council on the report. Mr. Coffey presented the show. DEVELOPMENT PLANS Other Height Exception Request ~-submitted by Albert G. Wade, II, Executive Vice President, Independent Power Co., Inc., to construct a 40 Ft. High Solar Pole, located at 402 East Ocean Avenue (Summers Electric, Inc.) Councilman deLong stated that a precedent had been set when Council permitted a windmill to be erected for energy purposes. He moved that the Council accept the unanimous recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board and grant ~the exception. Assistant City Attorney Wolf referred the Council to a letter written by Albert G. Wade, II, Wade Marketing Consultants, Inc., 400 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, to Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, dated November I9, 1981. On pages 2 and 3, Mr. Wade addresses all of the findings that'must be made ~nd answers the questions. Mr. Wolf advised the Council to adopt the findings as part of the motion. It was agreeable to Councilman deLong. The~motion was amended to approve the height exception request for solar pOle construction, to be limited to the 402~E~st-Ocean Avenue locat'±on, and that the applicant be permitted to add additional energy related fixtures as long as the height does not exceed~ 40 feet and the applicant secures proper permits from the Building Department. Also, the findings of fact outlined on pages 2 and 3 of the letter dated November 19, 1981 from Albert G. Wade, II, to Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, do not hinge upon any other land uses. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Woolley and carried 4-0. - 4 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1981 LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING None. Ordinances - 1st Reading Proposed Ordinance No. 81-37 Re: Repealing Chapter 8, "Excavations", and Enacting New Chapter 8, "Excavation and Fill Regulations" Attorney Wolf read proposed Ordinance No. 81-37, on 'first reading, by title only: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, 1981 CODIFICATION BY REPEALING CHAPTER 8 'EXCAVATIONS' AND ENACTING A NEW CHAPTER 8 ENTITLED WEXC~VATION AND FILL REGULATIONS~ SAID CHAPTER SHALL PROVIDE FOR TITLE; PURPOSES AND INTENT; SCOPE; OBJECTIVES; DEFINITIONS OF TERMS; CLASSIFICATION OF EXCAVATION PROJECTS; REQUIRING PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR MATERIAL REQUIRED IN..APPLICATION FOR PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR CITY COUNCIL REVIEW; PROVIDING FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW'; PRO- VIDING FOR PERMIT FEES; PROVIDING FOR PROCESS FOR CREATION OF WATER BODIES BY EXCAVATION; PROVIDING FOR INSPECTION; PROVIDING FOR C.fT~i~RE~MEDIES FOR~ViOLATi©N.OF THIS CHAPTER; PROVIDING FORREPORTS;'PROVID~NG!~F~R ~:~REPE~LE~.~L~USE-;'. PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGSC~AUsE$ PROViDING'~FOR~AN-~EFFECT~VE- DATE 'AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES." Councilman deLong moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 81-37 on first reading only, seconded by Councilmember Woolley. No diScussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 4-0. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 81-LLLL Motorola PID Re: Accepting Final Plat for Attorney Wolf read proposed Resolution No. 81-LLLL by title only: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE PLAT FOR MOTOROLA, A PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH-." - 5 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1981 Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No. LLLL, seconded by Councilmember Woolley, No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilmember Wootley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 4-0. Other None. OLD BUSINESS Approval of Wallace, Roberts & Todd Contract for Design Activities 30 Acre Park Site T~BLED Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, to take the item from the table. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. City Manager Cheney informed the Council that he received today (December 1} a revised contract for the 30 acre park project. Mr. Cheney suggested the Council refer to page 6 of the contract. He said this was an agreement with Wallace, Roberts & Todd for design work. The design work proposes that they do work in connection with the tennis center, which is the first stage of the development~ and make it possible for the City to get a building constructed on the park within the time period required. It also proposes some funds be spent for the initial review and study of the proposed multi-purpose building. City Manager Cheney advised that the total dollars required, including the work on the multi-purpose building and the design of the tennis center, is $54,500,00. The assumption in the contract is that the total project will be constructed for less than $400,000.00 and, hopefully, less than $350,000.00, Mr. Cheney said. Some extras will be involved, as ~entified in the cover letter, which are standard in this ~kind of. contract, -f~r shr~eys and~analysis'that-wilt he separate from the'-$54,000~.00~%Mr.~.Cheney further advised, The contract has been discussed for two weeks. The initial contract included about another $9,000.00 to take another look at the overall site plan. It was proposed the~.$9~O0~g%'0~ be~elininated from the contract, as it was not needed. Mr. Cheney said the City knows that the first part of the development will be on the 20 acres of land and a building must be constructed on or before October. Except for some minor wording in the contract, City Manager Cheney was willing to recommend that the Council authorize him to enter - 6 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1981 into the contract. He told the Council there would be no problem if they wished to wait until the next meeting. Councilman deLong asked Mr. Cheney if the wording was minor, and he answered that it was. Councilman deLong moved to accept the recommendation 'of City Manager Cheney as he felt it was about time for the City to move ahead, since coists are increasing. Vice Mayor Trauger seconded the motion, Councilmember Woolley felt the City Attorney~should look at it first. Attorney Wolf remarked that every contract is reviewed by the City Attorney, Councilman deLong stated it was axiomatic that every contract is approved by the City Attorney. The motion carried 4-0. Equipment Leasing - Requested by Vice Mayor Walter "Marty" Trauger Vice Mayor Trauger informed the Council that he talked to several more accounting firms concerning equipment leasing;and they felt it had merit providing the City got in on it initially with the initial part of the la~ because this will cut off funds from the Internal Revenue Service. City Manager Cheney and Finance Director Grady Swann discovered there was a conference on this subject in Washington on January 18 and 19 called "Creative Capital Financing." Vice Mayor Trauger moved that G~ady SWarm, Finance Director, attend the conference in Washington, D. C. Councilman deLong seconded the motion, and the motion carried 4-0. It was noted that Grady Swann was not present at the meeting because his daughter had been in an automobile accident. NEW BUSINESS: Review 1981-82 Street Resurfacing~Project TABLED Vice Mayor Trauger moved to take the item from the table, seconded by Councilmember Woolley. The motion carried 4-0. City Manager Cheney told the Council they had a list of the proposed streets and there have been some minor changes since the last meeting. He recommended that the list be authorized. Mayor Harmening noted that parts of N.~W._8tkiStreet~.~D~ N. W. 8th Court were deleted. Tom Clark, City Engineer, explained that portions of the dead end streets in that little subdivision,betwesn Hibiscus Park and.~I-95 were deleted. There were a bunch of street cut.s tkat were bad. Councilman deLong asked Mr. Clark what the extent of Ocean Drive would be. Mr. Clark pointed out 7th Street. He said Ocean Drive was be±ng reduced on the west end, going about 800 feet, almost to 18th. City Manager Cheney said they would be going to 18th all the way east, to where they paved last year in that little triangular angle near Hibiscus Park. They will pick up that area and go all the way to 18th, - 7 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER it 1R81 The area from 18th to Congress is not as bad. Vice Mayor Trauger asked when Ocean was put in, Mr. Clark answered that he believed it was put in in 1969, and it needs resurfacing, Mr. Cheney said 18th was the worst. There are a lot of pot hole problems there, Councilman deLong said the specifications were increased in 1972, Vice Mayor Trauger asked if the revised list, dated November 30, 1981, totaling 27,760 feet, was where the City stands now, The reply was yes, Vice Mayor Trauger moved to approve the list dated November 30, 1981 with the deletions and additions, seconded by Councilman deLong. The motion carried 4-0, Appearance of U. S, 1 - requested by Vice Mayor Walter "Marty" Trauger Vice Mayor Trauger asked everyone to drive U~ S. 1 from the south end to the north end, Never'has U. S. 1 looked so well, Mr. Trauger commented. People have told him that Boynton Beach, by far, is the best lOoking City along U. S. 1 as far as the parkway and curb cuts. He gave credit to City Manager Cheney, the parks, and Mr. Anderson of the Chamber of Commerce. ADMINISTR3~TIVE Consider Application for Taxi and Limousine Service - Metropolitan Transportation Company T~BLED This item remained on the table. Authorization for Sewer 'G'ro'uting Inspections - Russell & Axon Councilman deLong moved to accept the recommendation of Perry Cessna, Director of Utilities, and authorize the sewer grouting inspections by RusSell & Axon, seconded by Councilmember Woolley. Motion carried 4-0. · Consider Appointments Re: Citizens Revitalization Council Mayor Harmening said he had a proposal to get the Citizens vitalization Council moving. Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, that-nominations be opened. Mayor Harmening nominated John Howell, Wayne Puls, Sam Scheiner, Hank Thompson, Ann Barrett, Patricia Woolley, and Robert Beane to serve on the Citizens Revitalization Council. Councilman deLong moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger. Mayor Harmening told Sam Scheiner to submit his resignation from the Board of Codes Enforcement. Councilmember Woolley remarked it was time to get moving. - 8 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1981 Request for Temporary Trailer Permit - submitted by Warren E, Daniels Construction Company - Burger 'King, 1901 South Federal Highway Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, to grant the request. The motion carried 4-0. Approve Encumber±hq D'ocuments Vice Mayor Trauger could not remember "Reserve - Little League Grounds" in the amount of $4..425.00 on the Budget. City Manager Cheney explained that that was in the General Revenue Sharing Budget last year. He said it was the irrigatiOn system primarily in the Little League Park. Vice Mayor Trauger further questioned "Account No. 247-14 Reserve for Professional Services $12,000.00", which he did not recall, He asked what it would be used for. City Manager Cheney said it had been in there for a couple of years, and when the ~City finally considers the settlement with the various MICA reports, it will come back to the Council for approval before it is spent. Vice Mayor Trauger then asked about "Account No. 247-41 Reserve for Self Insurance $2,200.00"," He said he had asked Mr. Cheney to take a lOok at self insurance under the League of Florida Cities and asked if that was a part of it. City Manager Cheney replied that the City has had in the budget every year approximately $10,000.00 to cover the insurance payments paid out through deductibles. That would come out of this fund. Hopefully, it will build up to a small self insurance fund. The more that can be built up, the bigger the deductibles will be in the long run, Mr. Cheney informed the Council that a retired man from Travelers Insurance Company consented to make a study of the City~'s insurance program, looking at the various programs of the City, as~well as total self insurance, possibly with an umbrella similar to West Palm Beach and Palm Beach. Vice Mayor Trauger also questioned Account No. "247-1H Reserve - Wilson Pool $5,150.00." City Manager Cheney explained that the City is still holding some money on Wilson Pool, both County and City money. He said it has to do with a disagreement with the kind of gutter system which was put in the pool and approved by the State but not by the C~unty. ~he City is appealing and clarifying who has the right and po~er to approve the gutter system. The State has sai~~ they are. deductible syStems, and the County has said they are no~. Mr. CheneY said it was a system in the gutters that allows the water in the pool to be kept at about 2 inches below the level when the pool is not used.' When the pool is used, the water goes up to the lift. A letter is pending before the State on this issue, and the City has not made final payment and will not until the issue is resolved. The other one Vice Mayor Trauger was looking at was "Account No. 247- - 9 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1981 1J Reserve for Landscaping $13,180,00. City Manager Cheney asked Charles Frederick, Director of Recreation and Parks, what it is for. Mr. Frederick said it was to convert the Little League Park into automatic irrigation. Vice Mayor Trauger thought the $4,425.00 mentioned before was to be for the irrigation system. City Manager Cheney said he was wrong, the $4,425.00 was for paving the shell rock area. Vice Mayor Trauger then a'sked~if there was any estimate as to when the cemetery would move ±nfo the Little League field, City Manager Cheney said that decision would be up to Council. Mr. Cheney said there is plenty of capacity in the cemetery for sometime to come. The day of transfer would be up to an agreement between the Cemetery Board and the City, Councilman deLOng moved that the 27 encumbered documents be approved and made a part of the public records. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Trau~er. Councilman deLong said he added the documents up, and they totaled $307,058.07 in available funds that was not shown in this fiscal year's budget, City Manager Cheney said they were shown as encumbered in last year~'s budget, A vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 4-0. Approval of Bills City Manager Cheney read the following bills for approval: 1. Allen Insurance 3rd Installment due Auto Insurance Balance due in 6 monthly installments of $6,204'.00 each. Please note: 1st installment of $26,731,00 and 2nd installment of $6,204.00 for a ~tal of $32,935.00 was apprOved on Agenda of October 20, 1981 Pay frc~ General Fund 001-193-519-40-41 Pay frc~ General Fund 401-395-539-40-41 e Allied'UniversalcorPoration Chlorine for Water Treatment Plant Pay from 1980-81 Budget 401-332-533-30-63 4,653.00 1,551.00 Board of CountyCc~mmissioners For use of County Landfill durin9 October, 1981 Pay fromGeneralFund 001-341-534-40-9A Caldwell, Pacetti, Barrow & S~l~Sbury Professional Services - Culver vs. City ofBoynton Beach Pay from General Fund 001-141-514-40-61 Davis Water & Waste Industries, Inc. For Odophos Liquid No. 1 .delivered to pumping stations Pay from Water & Sewer Rev. 401-352-535-30-65 $ 6,204.00 2,046.52 11,684.00 3,164,30 15,660.00 - 10 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1981 6. Emergency Medical &'Safety'supply, Inc. ~edi~al Supplies for Fire Dept. Pay frcmGeneralFund 001-221~522-30-72 $ 1,720.20 House Of Gold 11 - 10 year pins 5 - 15 year pins 2 - 20 year pins Pay frCmGeneral Fund 1980-81 Budget 001~000-245-02-00 for 1,460.00 Pay frcm GeneralFund - New Budget 001-132-513-30-96 for 300.00 1,760.00' e Longview Lime Lime for water Treatment. Plant Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue 401-332-533-30-65 7,805.86 Metric Engineering, Inc. NJ E. 10th Avenue Project Pay frcm General Fund 001-000-115-87-00 Funds reimbursable - Cc~rm~nity Development Funds 2,525.00 10. Video & Sealing Inc. ESt. #1 Proj. 626-681-41-1 For Sewer Cleaning & Television 10/1/81 to 10/16/81 Pay frc~UtilityGeneralFund 403-000-169-11-00 75% reimbursable from EPA 5,056.00 11. Willie RuthMCGrady Server for Senior Citizens Club - 3 wks. Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance #73~15, Passed 5/15/73 161.28 12. IsiahAndrews Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 3 wks. Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance #73-15, Passed 5/15/73 168.48 13. Publix Meals for needy & inflrmed for October, 1981 Pay from Federal Revenue Sh~ring 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance #73-15, Passed 5/15/73 60.78 Mr. Cheney added: 14. South Central Regional Waste water Treatment Board for 40,7%~300 - the month of October As the bills described had been approved and verified by the depart- ment heads involved, Councilman deLong, therefore, moved that they be paid and made a part of the public records. Vice Mayor Trauger seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. Florida League of Citi'es - Requested by Vice Mayor "Marty"' Trau~er Vice Mayor Trauger noticed that the Florida League of Cities' is having a Prelegislation Conference on January 7th and 8th in Tallahassee. - 11 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1981 Vice Mayor Trauger asked the Council to grant him permission to attend the conference. Councilmember Woolley also asked for per- mission to attend, tt was noted by Mayor Harmening that City Manager Cheney and Councilman Wright would also be attending. As three members of the Council would be attending, there appeared to be a majority vote in favor of the members attending the conference. ADJOURNMENT Councilman deLong moved to adjourn, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger. The motion carried 4-0, and the meeting properly adjourned at 8:50 P. M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH · / /z/Mayor ATTEST: .~/ C ounc~a~ - 12 - Peter L. Cheney City Manager FROM X. ADMIN. CC: Finance Grady Swann Finance Director FOLD ,DATE: _%,~_'.24~781 Attached you will find twenty-seven Encumbering Documents. Please place these on the agenda fo~ the Council Meeting of Decembe~ 1, ]981. Att: (27) Central File PLEASE REPLY TO · SIGNED EPLY Included on the City Council Agenda for December 1, 1981, under Administrative. DATE: - 11/24/81 SIGNED PLC: mh GRAYARC CO., INC*, BROOKLYN, N. Yo 11232 uiJk, urt~,~ ! ED ~' 247-!L F'3~D Anti-Recession Account Descri pti on N o.: U i?, ] C R 271-01 Fund Balance 2,868.07 247-1L Reserve - city Hall Misc. 2,868,07 Explanation: Approvsd' by: Ci't~' E[~CU~'~ERi~G DDCU, ~_,~! Revenue Sharing Account No. 271-01 247-12 Description Fu~d Balance Reserve for Gym & Recreatic Equipment U[-: -t CR 2,000.00 2,000.00 Exp] o_na ,~, or,: To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 320-721-572-60-43) Approved by: E[~CU~,BERiNG DDCUH£NT ED # 247-72 FUN~evenue Sharing Account Descri pti on P~o_,.m t No. Di< -]' CR -- 271'01 Fu~d Balance 2,000.00 247-72 Resezve ,- Pioneez Canal Pazk 2,000.00 Exp] o. na c, on: To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending '9/30/81. (De'ail account 320-722-572-60-55) Date Approved by: Ci t}' ~.~.a~a E.,Cu;'BERIt, G DDCUH£NT ED # 247-73, F,JF~D Revenue Sharing AccouDt No. 271-01 247-73 Descri?tion Fund Balance Reserve - Pence Park DK C R 5,000.00 5,000.00 Explanation: To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 320-722-572-60-3F) Date Prepared by Approved by: City E!~Cb~'~ERii~G DDCUH£NT ED # [~ c co uR ~ 271-01 247-76 Explan a,~J o5: 247-76 '- Revenue Shat ing Description Fund Balgnce Reserve 2,550.00 Rolling Green Projects School Park 565.00 1,985.00 To encumber une×pended funds from fiscal 9/30/81. (Detail account 320-722-572-60-3G 320-722-572~60-3H.). year ending Date - :' -- -- -I _ Preparad by~ Approved by: City M.a:~ag2r EI_~CU?~ERiRG DOCUH~NT [[] # 247-q~ · .~'~u Revenue Sharinq Account Descri pti on 15o., gi< ~ CR 271-01 Fund Balance ,~ 1,620.00 247-94 Reserve - Ocean Parkway , Improvement .1,620.00 Expl- ~ ~a u ~ off: To encumber unexpen~ed funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 320-411-541-60-3A) Date !%- Rq-,- ~'i Prepared by ~ ~__ Approved by: Ci ts' Ha:~a 247-95 Revenue Shat ing Account No. 27!~01 247-95 Description Fu~d Balance Reserve - Little League Grounds 4,425.00 CR 4,425.00 xplana~ion: To encumber unexpended funds from m-~ · ' ~,l~cal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 320=722-572-60-3K) Approved by: E!,'EU~,~E Rit,~B DDEUH£NT ED # 247-96 Revenue Sharing Account 271-01 247-96 Explanation: DescriPtion Fudd Balance Reserve - $.W. 26th St. UR --] CR 15,000.00 15,000.00 To encunfoez unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 320- 4!i-54!-60-3B) Date ~~,~-- ~ I_ Prepared by..~.~._ ~o~ Approved by: Cit)' E!~ Co~'~ERi NG DDCUH£NT 247-97 Revenue Sharing Account No. 27!-0~ 247-97 Expl ana ,., on: Description FuNd Balance Reserve - Civic Center Park CR 2,000. O0 2,000.00 j< To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 320-722-572.-60-3E) Prepared by ~ '~,,~,~,.,..,..,,.._ ApDroved by: Cit$' Ha:~agsr ED # ^cc0uat i 271-01 247-98 Explanation: FJ,,D Revenue Sharing Description Fund Balance Reserve - Boat Club Park Restrooms 30,000.00 30,000.00 To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 320-722-572-60-3J) Date --___=_J_L- ;~q--, I?_l Prepared by ~ ~.~0o.......__ _ Approved by: City Ma:lager E!~ Cu:'~ER~ I~G DDCUH£NT ED # 247.--99 Account i · I~O. Description 271-01 247-99 Fun~ Balance Reserve - Fire Equipment Explo_na ~, on: Revenue Sharing U -~-- C R 1,500.00 1,500.00 To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail accounu 320-22!-522-60-9D) Prepared Approved by: £i t}' Ma:~ag2r E[~Cu:'BERiRG DDCU ,Eh! £D # 747,- !,~ F.laD Revenue Sharing Account Descri pti on No.. ' , Di< !'--- CR 271-01 Fun~ Balance " 5,000.00 247-1A Reserve - Cash Register 5,000 00 - Expl ana ;, oF,: To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 320-131-513-60-72) ti- = Prepared by ~ ~~ Approved by: City M.a:~a E[~CU~,~ERiRG DOCUHENT ID # 247-1B F',.f~""~ D Revenue Shat ing Account No. 271-01 247-!B Description Fun~ Balance Reserve - Computer Programs 12,000.0( 12,000.00 xplanac]0n: To encum_ber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 320-133-513-40-6C) Date Prepared by Approved by: City F,a:~a gar Ell # 247-].C m,~,r, Revenue Shaz ing Account Descri pti on No.., DJ.: ] .... CR 271-01 Fu~d Balance ,, 10,000.0C 247-1C Reserve - CBD Study 10,000.00 Expl o_na ~, on: TO encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 320-!95-519-40-6H) Date Prepared by Approved by: City H.a:~ag~r [[] # 247-1D Revenue Sharing Account Description U~< T CR 271-01 247-1D Fund Balance Reserve - Police Vehicles 4,288.00 4,288.00 Explana;,on: To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 320-211-521-60-81) Date Prepared by_~. Approved by: EIJCU!~ERiNG DDCUHENT ED # 247-09 rj~.~ur,""~ General Account I Description Pine;mt No. ' ' b~ -t' CR 271-01 Fund Balance '42 , 000.00 247-09 Reserve for City Property Improvement - Roof 42,000.00 Explanation: To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ended 9/30/81. (Detail account 001-192-519-60-29) Date 11- ~NF- 8'1 Prepared by~ Approved by: Cit~' E!'~CUi"'~E R I t~G DDCUHENT ED #- 247-13 r,,.,r~ r,~r~u General 'Account Descri pti on .... ;Z~z.m~ , No. UR CR 271-01 Fu~d Balance '40,000.00 247-13 Reserve for Fire Vehicles 40',000.00 r Explanation: To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail 001-221-522-60-89) Date i I - _;~ ~F - F, I Prepared by Approved by: Cit}' E~.~CU~,~E Ri RG DDCUH£NT ED #247-14 General Account Descri pti on No. Ui~ i- ' CR - 271-0t Fund Bala. nce 247.14 Reserve for Professional Services i 12,000.00 Explanation: TO encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/3'0/8!. (Detail account 001-121-51.2-40-68 ) Prepared by ~ ~...~...,--. Approved by: Cit}' E['~'CU.~,-~E Ri ~ G DDCUHENT ED #- 247-41 AccouJ,t i _ l o. .1 271-01 Fund Balance 247,41 Reserve for Description Insurance FU~D General CR '2,200.00 2,200 . 00 xplana~i0n: · To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 001-195-519-40-49) Date ._~_ Prepared by_.~ Approved by City EI:~CUt,'-~E Ri~G DDCUHENT ED # 247-88 FU~D General Account Descri pti on ~]o,~.?n t No. ' Ui< --"l CR 271-01 ~, Fund Balance 2,600.00 247-88 Reserve - Library Books 2,600.00 Expl ana ti on: To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ~nding 9/30/81. (Detail account 001-711-571-60-61) Date _ I!__- 2~' Ii'l , Prepared by ~ ~~ Approved by: Ci t}' ~,a,qag~r EI:~CU!~ERi NG DDCUHENT ED # 247,- 1~ FUND Gener al Account Descri pti on ~mo_,.m t No. ., "Di~ ' --1 cR 271-01 Fu~d Balance 2,600.:00 , 247-1E Reserve for Patrol Car Equi~:. · 2,600.00 Explanation: To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 001-211-521-60-82) Date _ }_ I - ._x. 4- ~,1 Approved by: git}' Prepared by ~ EI.(CU?JERING DDCUHENT _ ED # 247-,I~ General Account I Description No, Ui~ CR 271-01 Fudd Balance 1,680.00 247-1F Reserve for General Equipment - Fire ' 1,680.00 Expl anati on: . TO encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 001-221-522-60-42) Date Prepared Approved by: Cit)' ~.ianagsr E!?CU~.gER[NG DOCUHENT ED #- 247-1~ FUND Gen.er al Account NO. 271-01 247-!G Description Fund Balance Reserve for Improvements Roads and Streets 5,000.00 5,000.00 Explanation: · TO enqumber unexpended funds from fiscal year endinq 9/30/81. (Detail account 001-411-541-60-31) Date . i_t - Prepared by Approved by: Cit}-f!anagsr EI.~CU~ERi RG DDCUHENT ED # 247-1H FUND Genezal Account Descri pti on No. u},, t CR 271-01 Fu~d Balance 5,150.00 247-1~{ Reserve - wilson Pool 5,150.00 Explanation: To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 00!-721-572-60-3M) Date II-~ ,~ ~F,- 6'! Prepared by ~ .~.~.,,,.,.,.,,,,_. Approved by: City ~,~a,~a §3r EI;~CUVBERt RG DDCUHENT ED # 247-1I : ri,, r, General Account Descri pti on ' 2m.o ;.mt' 271-01 Fund Balance 2,500.00 247-1I Reset'ye for Horticulture Supplies 2,500.00 Explanation: To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal yea~ ending 9/30/81 (Detail account 001-722-_7z-30-64) Date Prepared Approved by: tit}' ~-~.ana g sr E!'~CU?JERiNG DDCUHENT ED # 247-1J F'.JN D Gener al Account De scri pti on ~:¢zm t No. , 271-01 Fu~d Bala-nce 13,180.00 247-1J Reserve for Landscaping 13,180.00 Expl ~ ana ~, or,: To encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ,ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 001-72.2-572-60-35) Prepared by ~ '~-,,..~,~......,,,._ _ Approved by: City ¢.!a,~a gsr E!¢gUF~ER[t~8 DDCUH~NT ED # 247-1K General Accou~,t l~o. 271-01 247-1K DescriPtion Fu~d Balance Reserve for Compensation Adjustment - Fire UR 78,462.00 CR 78,462.00 Explanation: ~o encumber unexpended funds from fiscal year ending 9/30/81. (Detail account 001-121-512-10-58) Date -----LI_- A~F- ~_! Prepared b],,~ ~,,~=,......,.,~.=. . Approved by git}' MEMORANDUM VI. DEV. PLANS A cc: Bldg., Eng. Plan., Util. November 23, 1981 TO: FROM: Re: Mr. Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Tom Clark, City Engineer Final Plat, Motorola The subject final plat has been reviewed by the T.R.B. and approval is recommended as indicated on the print thereof forwarded herewith. The original document is in the custody of the City Clerk. The filing fee of $150; the administration fee of $1,401~86 and the performance bond in the amount of $140,186 have been received and forwarded to the Finance Department. The current site plan was approved by Council at the Nov. 17, 1981 meeting subject to staff requests agreed to by a repre- sentative of Motorola. A proposed resolution is attached hereto. Tom Clark TAC:mb Attach. CC: Carmen Annunziato Perry Cessna Tereesa Padgett November 19, 1981 Wade M%ketlng Consultants, Inc. ¢00 South Federal tligh,,ay Bo/nton Beach, Florida 33~35 Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner City of Boynton Beach City Hall Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: The height of an omnidirectional polyfunctiona!, vertically disposed solar collector within the city limits of Boynton Beach. Dear Mr. Annunziato: So that we understand what we'are discussing the~olar Pole" is a patented device owned by the Independent Power Company, Inc., a Florida Corporation, whose.offices are now in Boynton Beach, Florida. The "SOlar Pole" has been developed to utilize solar energy in two separate ways', both of which are passive. One of the collection deviCes is designed to collect and store electrical energy directly from the sun. The second device is for the heating and storage of hot water from the sun. ' Thw two passive collectors on the pole consist of one which util- izes ~hOtO\rOlaic_ce~l_~s which convert the sun rays into twelve volts direct current which is stored in the most efficient com- mercial batteries possible. The second passive unit on the pole consists of black ~bsorbant aopper tubin_gr which will heat water above the o__ne hun~re~ deqree mark. This can be stored in a separ- ate highly insulated tank for use as needed or can be directly connected with hot water heaters, thereby lessening the use of the normal hot water heating unit instead of costly power company electricity that has been generated from fossil fuels. It has been estimated by the various energy informed people includ- ing the Florida Power and Light that 25~ ~r more of electricity used on a year round basis goes to the heating of water in homes. The first advantage of the solar power pole immediately becomes a home based power supplement that will significantly lower or. elim- inate the use of paid electricity for water heating. Mi'. Cart. _~Lnnunziato Page Two N~embe'r %,, 1981 The twelve volt direct current battery stored electricity has many uses including the operation of many appliances such as radios, television sets, radar ranges, et~., that now use one hu~ndred, and fifteen volt alternating current from a paid power .source. and is converted with a transformer to direct current to operate the appliances° Since the solar power pole is vertical in its concept there is a necessary need for height of at least ~orty-~ee~ in order to - obtain the maximum efficiency in its use of the sun. It is designed so it picks up rays f~om the sun at sunrise and all through the day till sunset~ unlike the many flat plain collectors that only collect sun and heat for a brief period as the sun passes them in their fixed position. The Independent Power Company is asking for-an exception within the city limits of Boynton Beach so that is is able to erect its solar power poles of forty feet anywhere in the City as a home or business power supplement. We would like to make the following statements in relation to the- City of Boynton Beach Code ordinances appendix A Zoning, Section 4 - General' Provisions F: ~ (a) Whether the. height exception will have an adverse effect ~n'the existing and proposed land uses. Answer: The solar pole is ~ot in conflict with:'~the existing land use. It is not as obvious nor as objectionable as existing power poles which occur in great frequency and ~ are cluttered with transformers and wires. (b) Whether the height exception is necessary. Answer: The height exception is critical to the function of the device. While many of the reasons for this remain pro- prie~ary, and until patent protection is secured, and cannot be disclosed~ the solar aspect of the collector is under patent protection~ Dr~ Gerald L. Pearson, inventor of the silicon photovolta~ cells on the device, and Dr. Arthur Schawlow,-~nve~o~-~ the optical laser and maser, have evaluated our pole and concur that our concept of a vertically disposed elevation of collector surface has merit. George P~ Lewett (Chief, Office of Energy - Related inventions, National Bureau of Standards) is involved in evaluating our findings. (c) Whether the height exception will sever!y reduce light and air in adjacent areas. Answer: No~ ~.~ ~-.~ ~. Carmen Annunziato N~vember 19', 1981 Page Three (d) Answer: · Whether the height exception will be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accord wi~h existing regulations. No. (e) Answer: Whether the height exception will adversely affect property values in adjacent areas. Our p61es are less obtrusive than existing methods of electrical transmission. '(f) Answer: ~ether the height exceptio~ will adversely influence living conditioms.in the neighborhood. No, living and economic conditions are improved through low voltage technology. (g) Answer: Whether the height exception will constitute a grant_of a special privilege to an individual owner as contrasted with the public welfare. No, the development of low voltage techology continues to develop for the pnblic good. (h) Answer: Whether sufficient evidence has been presented to justify the need for a height exception. There is an obvious need for energy conservation. Our device is self evident touching on ~his need. The City Council may, in connection with processing of application for exception hereunder, refer same to the Planning and Zoning Board for recommendation. Answer: We are working with the City in the spirit of energy conservation and evolving of codes relating to solar energy. Yours very truly, Alber~ . ~ ~ Executive Vice President Independent Power Company, Inc. AGW:ps