Minutes 11-17-81MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACHi, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1981 AT 7:30 P~M~ PRESENT Edward F. Harmening, Mayor Walter "Marty" Trauger, ViCe Mayor Joe deLong, Councilman Patricia Woolley, Councilmember Samuel Lamar Wright, Councilman Peter L~ Cheney, City'Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk James Vance, City Attorney Mayor Harmening called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He said the invocation would be given by Rev. Alfred Wadd, Associate Minister, First United Methodist Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, to be led by Mr. Peter L, Cheney, City Manager. AGENDA APPROVAL Vice Mayor Trauger stated he would like to add comments as "D," under "IV. BIDS." Councilman deLong wished to speak under "X. ADMINISTRATIVE. I. Approval of Community Relations Board Fund Applications Form" when it'becomes the order of business, Councilmember Wooltey added "C, National League of Cities" under "VIII. OLD BUSINESS". Councilman Wright added "D. Florida League of Cities" under'"VIII. OLD BUSINESS," Councilmember Woolley had a question under "IV, BIDS". She did not see anything pertaining to pants. City Manager Cheney informed her they are Waiting for the bids from Dade County and will use those. City Manager Cheney added under "VII. LEGAL, D. Other," Acceptance of Two Easements on Congress Avenue." "3 . Under "VII. LEGAL, C. Resolutions", Mr. Cheney added "4, Resolu- tion relative to Accepting Utilities for Cedarwood Villas," City Manager Cheney deleted "B. Consider Proposal for Beach Concession" under "X. ADMINISTRATIVE", as the new attorney for the beach concession wants the City to do some more negotiating, Councilman deLong asked which attorney, and City Manager Cheney informed him it was M~/. Benn~rdo, attorney for the purchaser. Councilman deLong asked Mr. Lichtenstein if he had been notified of that. Mr. Lichtenstein (who was in the audience) replied that he was told tonight about it. Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, ~to adopt the Agenda with the-additions and deletions. The motion carried 5-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Harmening announced that City offices, except for emergency MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 forces, will be closed on November 26th and 27th, 1981 in observance of Thanksgiving, Mayor Harmening asked if the Ssnitation Schedule would be posted in ~City Hall. City Manager Cheney said it would be posted and uSually t.he newspapers pick it up. Mr. Cheney read the holiday schedule for garbage and trash pick-ups. MINUTES RegUlar City COuncil Meeting Minutes.of November 3, 1981 Mr. deLong moved, seconded by.Vice Mayor Trauger, to adopt the minutes of November 3, 1981 as presented. Motion Carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor Har. mening announced that if anyone in the audience would like to address the Council on any item not on the Agenda, they may do so at this time, He added that if anyone Would'like to speak on any item on the Agenda, to please'give their names to the City Clerk and they will be called upon when that item becomes the regular order of business. BIDS 500 Pressure Sensitive Vinyl Printed Decals Mr~ Cheney said this hsd been put out to bid. and it was recommended to accept the bid of Creative Products International, Tampa, Florida, in the amount of $665.00. The decals will be bought in a variety of sizes. Councilman deLong moved to accept the recommendation of the Tabulation Committee and award the bid to Creative Products International, Tampa, Florida, in the amount of $665..00, The motion was seconded'by Councilmember Wootley. No discussion, Motion carried 5-0. Eight (.8) Executive SwiVel Ti'lt Chairs City Manager Cheney said this bid was for replacement chairs for the Council, The Council's chairs will then be used for the table on the side of the Council, The Tabulation Committee recommended that the bid from Halsey's, 'Fort Lauderdale, in the amount of $2,768.00 be accepted. City Manager Cheney said the chairs were similar to those of D~lray Beach. Councilman deLong moved~ seconded by Councilmembe~ Woolley, to award the bid to Halsey's, Fort Lauderdale, in the amount of $2,768.00. No discussion. The motion carried 5-0. Realignment 'of S,' E. '2nd st~eelt 'at S', E. 2'6~h Avenue City Manager Cheney said the City had negotiated with Finton Construction Company and recommended that the CounciI accept the negotiation for an amendment to the existing contract in the amount of $4,000.00. Councilman deLong moved to approve the - 2 - M~NUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 recommendations of the City Engineer and City-Manager and award the contract to Finton Construction Company in the amount of $4,000.00. Comments by Vice' Mayor Walter ,Marty'~''' Trauger Vice Mayor Trauger noticed that the City is out on a'bid~proposal for three new 25 cubic yard rear loaders and one new 35 truck loader, In reading the Wall Street Journal, there is an article about cities who purchase major pieces of equipment. Vice Mayor Trauger'said the Cities can sell them and lease them. back. Because the City is a non-profit corporation, it does not get to take depreciation but a profit corporatiOn can and would buy the C'ity,s rate of deprecia- tion in that form of equipment. It is done with transit equipment under a part of Treasury law. Vice Mayor Trauger called a CPA specializing in this, and he said there was a possibility to do it if the Internal Revenue Rules are not changed in the meantime. Vice Mayor Trauger said what it would mean would be that the City would buy the equipment*, put it back and lease it, and then the Company the City would lease it from could use the City's deprecia- tion schedule against their corporation, but they would pay the City for the use of that. Some run as much as 33% of the total amount of depreciation, Vice Mayor Trau~ger moved that City Manager Cheney, Finance Director Grady Swarm, and City Attorney Vance investigate this matter, The motion was seconded by Councilman deLong, and the motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HE~RING - 8:'00 P.. M, None. DEVELOPMENT PLANS Final Plat - Motorola PID located at the corner of North Congress Avenue and N. W. 22nd Avenue TABLED Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, to leave this item on the table. Site Development Plan - Motorola PID, Phase I, submitted by John B. Gesbacker, Agent, to construct 318,608 Sq. Ft. consisting of Engineering Building, Production Building, and a Material Handling Facility, located at the corner of Nort~h Congress Avenue and N. W. 22nd Avenue The plan was presented by City Planner, Carmen Annunziato. He pointed out the lake which is being constructed. Mr. Annunziato informed the Council that the applicant is requesting to construct approximately 319,000 square feet Which consists of an engineering - 3 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 building, a production building, and a material handling building. Access to the site is at two locations. One is at 22nd Avenue, which forms a major entrance to the parking lot. There is a second minor entrance from N. W. 22nd Avenue which serves as a visitors' parking lot. The application w~s reviewed by the Technical Review Board and came to the Planning and Zoning Board with a positive recommendation subject to the following comments: Building Dept. "1. Board of Health permit required~ 2. Hotel and Restaurant control required. 3. County turn-out permit required, 4. Water Management permit required. 5. Lake Worth Drainage District permit required. 6. Maximu~ shift of 1,698 employees permitted for number of parking spaces shown. 7. Variance has been granted on width for parking spaces for employee parking lot from ten foot (10') to nine foot (9'). 8. Visitor parking .must remain ten foot (10') wide. 9. Must confol~m with Tree and Landscape Ordinance," Mr. Annunziato commented that if you follow the shore line of the lake, you will see that it abuts the engineering building on the north. The no~ther~ side of the engineer~ing building will be more or less in glass. The cafeteria will have outside seating, Mr. Annunziato continued reading the staff comments as follOws: Building Dept. "10. The water supply for fire protection relative to sprinkler systems; if Other than City supplied, must be approved by the Building Official," Mr. Annunziato said the applicant proposes to construct a ten inch fire loop surrounding all of the improved properties with the lake holding the reservoir of several million gallons of water, which had to do with the comments of Bert J. Keehr, Deputy Building Official. Engineering Dept. "1. Drainage calculations are required. 2. Structural details are required for drainage structures." Utilities Dept, "Please be advised that in building the utilities on Congress Avenue, two (2} 10" water lines were stubbed out to serve Motorola, one as shown for their domestic service and fire protection, and a second one near the south end of their property for future use when the south portion of the property is de~eloped. Fire protection is from their lakes and is not tied to our system, per their application to Palm Beach County Health Department." - 4 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 Fire Dept,: "Road access for fire fighting operations and water supply connections shall be prov±ded for the west elevations of ~he proposed construction. This may be accompliShed by providing compacted crushed stone to support appropriate loads and covered with sod. Water supply modifications are under advisement and coordinated efforts to expedite this matter are acceptable at this time." Mr. Annunziato added that for almost 1,000 feet, there is.build'ing sod fronting on Congress with no improved access toi~the building front. However, fire hydrants are proposed to be constructed. The Fire Department is proposing that, as part of their landScape scheme, they improve a ~fire access aisle along the entire western side of the building connecting the southerly entrance to the visitors' parking lot in cases of a fire emergency. Public Works: There was a lengthy memo which Mr. Annunziato condensed to say the City is not at this time prepared to serve tr.ash collection to Motorola. The Situation may or may not change in the future. Police Dept,: Another lengthy memo was prepared by the Police Department which advised that the Police Depart- ment, at this time, is not equipped, equipment wise or manwise, to.offer the proper protection to the site during the development phase, Mr. Annunziato informed ~the Council that this item was not only addressed to Motorola but to all developments along Congress Avenue north of 2nd Avenue, The Police Department advised that the applicant provide security on the site during the construction phase. The applicants agreed to comply with staff comments when they came before the Planning and Zoning Board. The Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended that the site plan be approved subject to the comments, The plan was also approved by the Community Appearance Board. Councilman Wright was concerned with the comments of the Director of Public Works. City Manager Ch~ney explained ~that Motorola will have roll off dumpsters and will obtain, them from a private contractor City Attorney Vance a~ked if a representative of Motorola h~d reviewed the staff comments. Mike Holleman from Heery & Heery, Architects, advised that the comments had been reviewed with Motorola and found ~O be acceptable. Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Councilmember Woolley, that the plans be approved, subject to staff comments. The motion carried 5-0. - 5 - MYNUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 For the record, City Manager Ckeney remarked that people keep asking him if Motorola is do±ng anything, If anyone would drive down Congress Avenue, they would see that Motorola i's doing a lot, Earth is being moved, and a lot of work is going on. Site Development Plan - LaNotte Restaurant, submitted by Jack M. Clarkr Agent, to construct 210 seat restaurant, plus. parking lot and aesthetic amenities, located at 2280 North Federal Highway (Gulf Stream Marina~ .... Mr. Annunziato preSented the plan. He said the Intracoastal Water-- way was at the eastern terminus of the property, and U. S. 1 was at the western terminus. Mr. Annunziato said the plan had some aesthetic features, particularly at Las Palmas and U. S. 1, which would consist of landscaping and a series of pools. Access to the site would be at two locations. There is an existing curb cut on U. S. 1, which will serve from the west. There is an improved access off of Las Palmas which will act to direct aUto- mobiles to and from the proPerty. There was an existing restaurant on the property, which ~has been torn down. Mr. Annunziato further advised that there was a dry boat storage structure which has been removed. There are four existing build- ings on the site which will also be removed. The application proposed a two story circular restaurant with pools along most of the bottom floor, adjacent to the building, with ~ refreshment facilities available from the pools, and the entertain- ment focusing to the southeast. There are stairs~to the second story, which forms the ballroom, This will also be surrounded by a pool of shallow water. The pool will cascade over a waterfall on your left as you enter the lobby. The application was reviewed by the Technical Review Board and went through the Planning and Zoning Board with a positive recommenda- tion, subject to staff comments, as follows: Building Dept,: "1. Board of Health permit required. 2, Hotel and Restaurant control number required. 3. Water Management permit required. 4. Six (6) required handicap spaces. (Two (2) twelve foot (.12') wide and four (4) ten foot (10') wide~, 5. Sidewalk required on Las Palmas. 6. F~rst floor ~finish ~elevation must be at least eight fOot (8' ~ above mean sea. Engineering Dept.: "1. Notes in drainage calculations should indi- cate that the runoff for the first hour of rainfall is retained on site for a three year storm. - 6 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 Engineering "2. E Dept.: s d 3. ~ s P 4. I 5. A 6. S Utilities Dept.: ,Sewer in f~ the n Water ing u quire resta The ~ is nc conn~ It sE of a front the If t~ loca~ buil~ us WJ propc 100' Palm of' ti Police Dept.: Public Works Dept.: Fire Dept.: "Subj~ !'See "1. Se kevations for paving and paving details ~ould be added to the 'Preliminary' ~ainage plan, ~reliminary Drainage Plan' sheet should be igned by an engineer and called a drainage lan. nlet type to be indicated. D.E.R. permit is required. top signs required for exits." is available as shown in an easement, just ont of the circular driveway to the west of ew building. is availabl~at Federal Highway and depend- ~on their anticipated useage, they may re- their plumbing line from the meter to the rant to be resized. lans ~how an existing fire hYdrant. This t a ~f~re hydrant, It is a fire line ~tion and does not have a fire hydrant on )uld be noted that from the proposed site fire hydrant, that it .is 240' to the of the building and approximately 350' to ear on a direct line~ ..e Fire Department requires a fire hydrant ~ed either as proposed or closer to the ing, then they will be required to provide th an easement'up to and including the ~sed fire hydrant and if extended more than they will be required to go through the Beach County Health Department for approval ~e'plans." ~ct to traffic control sign." 'ublic Works for Pad size and location." srify water line size for fire line shown. ~erify fire flow available from fire line ~hown. · ire line shall be looped 'and connected to ~re line on Las Palm~s. ~ire hydrant location shown is unacceptable, tydr~nt shall be located in landscape island ~t center of east end of parking lot. ~ier access as shown is restrictive to Fire Dept. operations and appropriate water supply.for fire fighting is unavailabl~e. A Class III standpipe system shall be provided with appropriate Fire Dept. connection, PIV, and Hose Cabinet(s). - 7 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 Mr. Annunziato informed the Council that the existing pier would no longer be used for the storage of boats. It will be used for transient boats who come to the restaurant for dinner. There is no fire protection on the pier, so pier access is restrictive. The application went to the Planning and Zoning Board with a positive recommendation from the staff and comes t.o the City Council with a positive recommendation, subject to staff comments, and also, noting that the applicant takes measures to-provide additional baffling for the meChanical equipment and that the applicant pro- vide additiOnal treatment 'for the refuse, Mr. Annunziato told the Council. This was based on a letter written to Mr. Annunziato from the developers of Fisherman's Landing, which is a neighbor on the north. The letter was answered by Phillip E. Reeves, Architect, Pompano Beach, Florida, under date of November 12, 1981, as follows: ITEM I: "Location of trash dumpster and suggestion that the garbage be refrigerated, In my opinion this would not be in the best interest of my client or community. I should like to point out that for years~there has been a garbage dumpster behind existing homes located along Las Palmas Park. Mostly fish remains and debris from fishing parties were deposited in this dumpster. Refrigerated garbage would be difficult for City pick-up and would also use a considerable amount of unnecessary energy at a time when we are trying to conserve it. If my client, P.L.&G. Enterprises, Inc., were not to have come into this project, the same smelly dumpster would have remained as is. Additionally, the new location has pulled the property line and we will be installing a 6 foot high sOlid masonary wall and landscaping, thus screening most of this area. ITEM II: Mechanical equipment noise: Mechanical will be located on the roof of the kitchen located-on the North side. The equipment will be surrounded by a 6 foot high solid wall above the roof. The roof elevation will be plus 16 feet above existing grade with the wall 6 feet above this. The second floors as the proposed homes for Fisherman'~s Landing will be about 13 feet above grade. The sound will start about 3 feet above the home floors, plus the 6 foot barrier wall will eliminate most all of the sound. If I were to locate mechanical equipment in the parking area as suggested by Blenheim, Inc., these proposed new homes would very definitely hear this equip- ment. As an example, the ground location in the parking lot as suggested by Blenheim, Inc., would mean that I would have to locate the equipment much closer to our property line and noise could rise 'to second floor home areas. Locating equipment oh the roof not only will put the sound above proposed second floors, but equipment will be about 15 feet in from the side of the building; thus a distance of 45 feet away from the rear property line of Fisherman's Landing, Adding to this is the rear setback of Fisherman's Landing of plus 20 feet. This would make equipment at least 65 feet away from proposed residence. However, the sound generated by the mechanical equipment from all of the proposed homes in Fisherman's Landing will be amplified - 8 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETI~ by the water between my garden terra¢ the east of the restaurant. I find time. If after the proposed homes a~ sound becomes a problem, I might pro~ high masonry fence along the north p~ east po±nt at the intercoastal water~ the homes and sound causing discomfol ITEM III: "Airborne sounds. While-this structure has almost sol the building, the glass walls are ~ exits. Additionally, the second ~f~ be acoustical type laminated glass. the sound to the exterior." Mr. Annunziato continued by saying ~] suggested that the applicant provide G NOVEMBER 17, 1981 e and sundeck areas located to ~o real objection at this ~e built and their equipment ,ose continuing a solid 6 foot '0perty line to the furthest ray, thus blocking sound from 't to the restaurant's customers." 4id glass walls around most of Lll fixed except for required .oor ballroom glass walls will This will eliminate all of Planning and Zoning Board add±tional baffling for his mechanical equipment and that the ap]~licant provide additional treatment for his dumpster. The pla] went to the Community Appearance Board with a positive and unanimous ~ecommendation from the Planning and Zoning Board that the applicatio~ be approved subject to comments. The application was approved by the Community Appearance Board, Mayor Harmening asked why the PlanniSg and Zoning Board asked for additional treatment with reference ~o the dumpster. Mr. Annunziato replied there was a concern for rodents, and odor. Councilman deLong said they had mentioned a compaction~system. Mr, .Annunziato explained that there ~ere two options. One was concerning the refrigeration of the garbage, and the second was compacting the garbage, and perhaps ,)thers that were not discussed. The Board left it to the appiicant t~ prov±de a system. Mr. Annunziato added that he also re. Mr. Reeves in which he verified that made by staff and went along, with th Mr. Jack Clark, 1517 S. E. 12th Cour the proposed restaurant, came before familiar with all of the staff comme all of the recommendations of the st Councilman deLong moved, seconded by approve the plans subject to staff c Mr. deLong felt the restaurant would Annunz±ato asked Council whether the included in the motion. Vice Mayor method he decided upon about the gar they were looking into two or three final decision. Mr. Clark felt with by the City, there would be no roden advised Council that there is a chem the refuse, a compactor packs it int eived another letter from he read all of the comments' comments. , Deerfield Beach, owner ~of the Board and stated he was 5ts and agrees to adhere with ~ff. Councilmember 'Woolley, to mments. be an improvement. Mr.. baffling and dumpster were ~rauger ~sked Mr. Clark which bage. Mr. Clark replied that method~ but had not made a the pick-up of ~wice a week t or odor problem. Mr. Clark ical treatment which treats o plastic containers, and they - 9 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 felt the compactor might be the most practical. Mr. Clark said the abutting property owner had a question about un- sightliness. If the dumpster would be contained inside a building, it would become a problem for the Sanitation Department. Mr. Clark said they could mound dirt on the north side with heavy shrubbery. They are willing to comply with whatever they are told to do. Councilman deLong believed Derle Bailey was consulting with Mr. Clark daily. Mr. Clark said John Jameson and Derle Bailey have been very reasonable and are the two neighbors they have been discussing it with. City Manager Cheney said if there is a problem, the City can insist that garbage be picked up more than twice a week, as they want the neighbors to be happy too. Vice Mayor Trauger asked when the restaurant would open. Mr. Clark said they expected to obtain a building permit next month and hope to open by September at the latest. A vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 5-0. LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING None. Ordinances - 1st Reading None. Re solutions Proposed Resolution No, 81-HHHH Re: ~ndorsing Concept and Development of a Day Care Service Facility by Provident Missionary Baptist-Churth TABLED Councilman deLong 'moved, seconded by Councilmember Woolley, to remove the proposed Resolution from the table. Motion carried 5-0. City Attorney Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-HHHH by title only: "a RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH,-FLORIDA, ENDORSINGi~HE'CONCEPT~AND DEVELOPMENT OF A DAY CARE'SERVICE FACILITY BY THE PROVIDENT MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH AS BEING CONSISTENT WITH THE LOCAL PLANS AND REGULATIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF APPLYING FOR CERTAIN CORPORATE TAX 'CREDITS UNDER FLORIDA LAW." - 10 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 Councilman deLong mOved the adopticn of proPosed ResolUtion No. 81- HHHH and to make the letter dated fctober 30, 1981 frOm Provident Missionary Baptist Church a part seconded the motion. No discussiOr vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Wright Councilmember Woolley Mayor Harmening Vice Mayor Trauger Councilman deLong The motion carried 5-0~ Proposed Resolution No..81-IIII Rc 81-VVV, CorreCt±ng jOb Title and Dc the record. COuncilman Wright Mrs. Padgett took a roll call - Aye - Aye '- Aye - Aye - Aye : Amending Resolution No. scription City AttorneY Vance read proposed only: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BC AMENDING RESOLUTION NO.-~81-VV~ JOB TITLE AND DESCRIPTtON~" Councilman deLong moved, seconded proposed Resolution No. 81-iIII. 5ssolution No. 81-IIII by title YNTON BE~CH, FLORIDA, SECTION 1, CHANGING y Vice Mayor Trauger, to adopt rs, Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilmember Woolley Mayor Harmening Vice Mayor Trauger Councilman deLong Councilman Wright Proposed Resolution No. 81~JJJJ Commissioners to Adopt Rules and Re Food Service Workers - Requested by City Attorney Vance read proposed only: Rc: Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Requesting Board of County gulationS ~for Certification of Councilman Joe deLong solUtion No. 81-JJJJ by title "A RESOLUTION OF T~ BEACH, FLORIDA, RE~ TO ADOPT RULES AND SERVICE WORKERS," Councilman deLong moved 81-JJJJ. He said he thc listened to the wishes c also wanted the City's · ties to get them interes E CITY COUN UESTING THE REGULATIONS the adoptic ught it was f the munic epresentati ted in thi: was seconded by Vice Ma~or Trauger with Councilman deLong. Mrs. Padg~ motion as follows: 2IL ~OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR CERTIFICATION OF FOOD n of proposed'ReSolution No. about time the County Commission ipality. Councilman deLong yes to the League of Municipali- and do likewise. The motion Vice Mayor Trauger agreed tt took a roll call vote on the - 11 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 Vice Mayor Trauger - Councilman deLong - Councilman Wright - Councilmember Woolley - Mayor Harmen±ng - The motion carried 5-0. Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Proposed Resolution No. 81-KKKK Cedarwood Villas Re: Accepting Utilities for City Attorney Vance read proposed Resolution No'. 81-KKKK by title only: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 81-PP, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC ROADS, STORM SEWERS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND WATER AND SEWER DINES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERA- TION FOR CEDARWOOD VILLAS, PHASE II." Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, to adopt proposed Resolution No. 81-KKKK. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motiOn as follows: Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - -Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye The motion carried 5-0. Other City/County Library Agreement Renewal City Attorney Vance noted all blanks on page 1 should be filled in, "Boynton Beach". Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Councilmember Woolley, to accept the Library Service Agreement and instruct the appropriate officers to execute the same. City Manager Cheney said he hoped to have a report of last year's program and will give the Council a report of the benefits from the program. ~Lr. Cheney hoped to have the report within the next month. The motion carried 5-0. - 12 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 19~81 Community SChool' ContraCt ~greement ~Renewal City Attorney Vance called attention to page 2, ~where it showed "James Vance" as City Manager. The Council noted that should be changed to Peter Cheney,' City Manager, Mr.. ~Cheney~s name was also misspelled. Vice Mayor.Trauger moved to sign the Agreement between the School Board of Palm Beach County, FlOrida and the CitY of Boynton Beach., Florida. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wright. Councilman Wright wondered if this was the way it was'funded in other municiPalities, City Manager Cheney said half of it was in kind and half in money. Charles Frederick, Recreation and Parks Director said the check should~be for $4,000,~00, A vote was taken on the motion and carried 5-0. Acceptance of Two Easements on"Congress Avenue City Manager Cheney requested City Attorney vance to comment on the easements. One was from Bill Ray Winchester and Elsie A. Winchester and the.other from Gulfstream Bank. Both are for the purpose of completing the utility-lines on Cong~ress' Avenue. City Manager Cheney said the easements had been held up primarily because of negotiations on right-of-ways with the County. The City did not want to acquire the easements prior to the County acquiring their right-of-way. The City would have had to pay damages in a substantial amount. The Winchesters are paying the acquisition cost, and~the City gets an easement for $1.00, which is less expensive for the City, City Attorney Vance referred to page 1 of the'Winchester deed. He infOrmed the Council that Mr, Winchester was giving the City the easement but he was protecting'his right not to be annexed into the City unless he wants to be. City Manager ~heney said Mr, Winchester made a point that that was not a statement that he did not want to be in or does not plan to be in the City, He simply did not want to be pushed~'±nto it or have to ~do Something until he is ready to do it. City Manager Cheney said it was on the S. W. corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue. City Attorney Vance advised that if the City would'attempt to annex him without his consent, they would have to do a double barrel referendum. Mayor Harmening noted that the property was contiguous. City.Attorney Vance admitted it was contiguous but reiterated that if the City attempted to annex Mr. Winchester without his consent, ir'would have to be a double barrel referendum, and he wOuld be entitled to vote. Mayor Harmening pointed oUt that if Mr. Winchester wants to.build anything of any substantial nature, he will want water and sewer. ~Mayor Harmening said he did not intend to vote for the easement in any manner, shape or form. Vice Mayor Trauger moved to accept the easement of Gulfstream Bank dated July 31, 1981, seconded by Councilman deLong. The motion carried 5-0. - 13 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEE~ Mayor Harmening found the WinchestE Vice Mayor Trauger asked why it wot Cheney said they want to put the lJ of in the County right-of,way, WhE Harmening felt it would probably h would make it futile. City Manage~ be put in what will be the outer e~ City Manager Cheney said unde~ the he was recommending that the City Winchester's condition. He reflec~ alr'eady established Council policy Councilman deLong moved to accept 16, 1981 from Bill Ray Winchester City of Boynton Beach. The motion WooIley. Councilman Wright asked~Mayor Harm since he did not support the deed. ING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 r easement deed repugnant. id be needed. City Manager nes in the easement' instead ~n they. widen Congress, Mayor He to be moved anyway, which ' Cheney said the l.±nes could ge of~the County right~of~way, current City CoUncil policy, ~ccept the easement with Mr. ~ed in his recommendation an relative to water and sewer, ~he easement deed dated November ~nd Elsie A, Winchester to the was seconded by-Councilmember ning what he would recommend Mayor Harmening replied that the City should go ahead and take ~he easement, Mr. Winchester has a large piece of property and 'the City does not know what will be built on it., although it i: contiguous to the City. This way the City will have no con~ deLong said the City cannot force was aSking for the easement, not M~ was w~lt±ng to'buy the easement, c~ for it, rather than submit to the thought the City should take the e~ Councilman Wright said it could be it may cost some money, but the C±~ in the future. City Attorney Vance said-he could it would take a period of-time. M~ rol whatsoever, Councilman ~im into the City, and~the City ~. Winchester. Mayor Harmening )ndemn the easement, and pay ~ntimidation. Mayor Harmening ~sement and condemn it, .cOstly. Mayor ~me~g agreed ~y w°uid not lose its advantage ~ile a condemnation su~it but ~yor Harmening said the City could get an Order of Taking and Technically, City Attorney Vance in paragraph 1~ from a purely lega under Florida Annexation Law, the you have a willing Petition. In most cases where property is c¢ they are willing to annex ~n order Attorney Vance said he was trying willing petitioner is trying to col services the City can furnish him, paragraph 1 really does not add an exists in the Florida Statute. ti~en settle it-afterwards. ~aid Mr. Winchester was saying [ viewpoint, %ha~~' '~''~ '' Dnly way you can:do it is if ~tiguous, Mayor 'Harmening said to get water' and sewer, City to say that technically, the ne into the City for the Absent that, what he said in "thing to the situation that Mayor Harmening said usually the c ~ntract purchaser decides he' wants to build something and he needs a lot of wate~ and sewer, then the City can control what is going to be put there. This way the City will not be able to as they will be forfeiting for- ever any possible leverage they ma have. Councilman deLong said the City ha already set a policy, and Mayor Harmening said it could be changed. - 14 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 Councilman Wright wanted to see some options. Mayor Harmening replied that the Council could accept the easement deed or instruct the City Attorney to condemn the property and get an Order of Taking. Then the City could have a clear easement without any restrictions or conditions. City Manager Cheney advised there was a ~third option, which would be to go ahead and put the pipes in the outside of the County right-of-way, and then if they had to be moved, they would be moved, Mayor Harmening thought that would be more expensive than condemning the property. Councilman Wright asked City Attorney Vance what he thought. C±ty Attorney Vance answered that.it was kind of a policy question. Legally, the paragraph just guarantees Mr. Winchester water and sewer. It really does not bury the existing situation under the United States and Statutes of Florida. What it does do is guarantee him water and sewer and in turn give the City the easement. Vice Mayor Trauger thought the City should take a good hard look at these and exercise some control. Mayor Harmening aqreed that was the only way the City has control. By taking the easement, Vice Mayor Trauger felt the City was giving up its right. Council- man Wright felt more research should be done to determine where' the City should go in the future,~ A vote was taken on the motion and carried 3-2, with Mayor Harmening and Vice Mayor Trauger voting against the motion. OLD BUSINESS Review of G.A,L,A, ~Great American LOve Affair~ Tentative Program Plans ........... City Manager Cheney said the program had been submitted to the Council in the proposed budget and was presented to the'Chamber of Commerce, A lot of work has gone into it and bo%h?the~budget and program looked positive. He said it was a family oriented program. Vice Mayor Trauger moved that the City accept the plan for Boynton~s 1982 G~A.L.A. ('Great American Love Affair). The motion was seconded by Councilman deLong and carried 5-0, Approval of ~allace,~Roberts & Todd Contract for Design Activities 30 Acre Park Site City Manager Cheney advised ~that the City did not have a contract with the wording and final budget price in such a way that he could recommend it to the Council. He felt there should be additional discussions about the proposed fee an~d hoped to bring it back to the Council in two weeks. Councilman deLong moved to lay the question on the table, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger. The motion carried 5-0. - 15 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 National LeagUe Of Ci-~ties .-. C'ounc!l~ember pa~rfcia Wootiey Councilmember Wool!ey announced that the Palm Beach COunty Municipal League would be meeting F~iday night, November 20, at_the Delray Country Club, She hoped members of Counc±l could a~tend. It would be at 7:00 P. Mo or 7:30 P. M. and the· cost will be $9.00~per person. Councilmember Woolley advised the Council that she would be unable to go to the National League of Cities in Detroit over Thanksgiving, All arrangements have been made such as the ticket, etc., so she thought someone else may wan~ t'o go, It is a week long. meeting, Councilman Wright will be attending~ The Council advised her to get' a refund. Florida League of Cities - Intergovernmental Relations Committee Meeting - Councilman Samuel-Lamar Wright Councilman W~right reported that he attended the meeting in Tampa on Friday, November 13, 1981. City Manager Cheney went to another committee meeting on Thursday, November 12. Councilman Wright brought the Council up-to-date on'some of the Committee's recommendations to the Florida League of Cities which will meet January 7 and 8. The recommendations will be given to the Legislative COmmittee in-hopes they will be adopted .on January 8, and be forwarded to the State Legislature. In the previous policy statement of the League, they said they would support single member districts, but at this time, they felt they should not directly ~pport any single member districts. They are concerned that the redrawing of the bOundaries for legislative districts should be done around~the boundaries of a jurisdiction. A resolution was received from one municipality requesting that they consider an elected Public Serv±ces Committee. The group decided they would not support that, as they did not'feel it would make matters any'better. Councilman Wright said he talked to some- one who felt the members on the Committee were very intelligent and competent. Councilman Wright cont±nued that th~ Other concern was about the black mandate program coming to the State. In the next'Legislature, they will have to address how they want the monies to come to local levels. The citiescannot take the burden, and'they wOuld like to see the State Legislature supPorting those activities of~ helping the poor people out of poverty. They would also like each municipal body to make recommendations to the State as to how they want to see these programs run, Councilman Wright thought two weeks ago, they were mentioning the problems municipalit±es were having in generating revenue, In the last session of the State Legislature, the Governor said the Legis- lature was very sensitive to the needs of municipalities and a task force was appointed, They were at the meeting and came up with a proposed plan to-advocate the passage of legislation which - 16 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 would provide for a it levy of sales-tax. They feel that 25% to 30% of the money could come from tourists. They-feel this would generate a total of about $800,000,000.00. 3/4 of that (about $600,000,000.00) would ~come back to municipalities for tax relief wherein millage rates could be dropped. The additional $200,000,000.00 would be split up, and out of what is left of the $100,000,000.00, the Cities would get. They feel it will be supported as all of the Private industries and businesses have indicated they Will Sanction the proposal. Councilman Wright adviSed that they stressed the Mayors of the local governments should meet with the members of the local County administrative delegatiOns tO apprise them of the~problems the mun±cipalities 'are confronted with and they should definitely support the legislation when it is brought to a vote in the State Legislation. Councilman Wright said a meeting would be held November 21, 1981 in Fort Lauderdale for the nine Mayors of the largest municipalities. They want the Cities to say this is What we want. If you do not support it', you say you are not interested in reducing taxes. City Manager Cheney infOrmed the Council that there will be' a major publicity program n'ext month to bring all of the ideas out. Vice Mayor Trauger r.emarked that if all the agriculture that is sheltered were taxed~ it would give the State of Florida all of the tax money they need. Mr. Cheney said the theory in this program is the tourist will pay that part of the tax not reimbursed by property taxes. NEW BUSINESS Review 1981'8~2 Street Resurfacing'Project Mr.~ Cheney had a map and a list of streets and asked the CounCil to study the list and maps and be prepared to make a decision in two weeks. Vice Mayor Trauger agreed with N, W.' 8th and N. W. 4th, but felt N. E. 2nd Street is a real mess. He asked Tom 'Clark, City Engineer, to look at N. W% 22nd Street, wh~ich'dead ends at Congres~ Mrs. Clark advised the cit~ was still Working on the list. City Manager Cheney remarked that he receives a lot of complaints about 18th and Ocean Avenue. Mr. Cheney said they do a lot of pot hole patching on 18th. Vice Mayor Trauger noted the street had settled around the man holes on Federal Highway by First Bank and Trust, betWeen 2nd and Ocean, on the East side of the street. Councilman deLong said that would be the State. Vice Mayor Trauger asked City Manager Che~ey to keep the map up this year. City Manager Cheney informed Council that the City has to do what they need now within the next eight years. After that, they can probably stretch out. If everything is not kept up now, there will just be'problems. There is a lot to catch up on in the next two years. A lot of streets do not have any asphalt on them. - 17 - MINUTES- REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 Vice'.Mayor Trauger moved to table the item, seconded by Councilman deLong. The motion carried 5-0. ADMINISTRATIVE Consider Proposed New. EXcavatio~n &Fill Regulations TABLED Counilman d~Long~.moved t° t~ke it~from the table, ~seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger. The motion carried 5-0. City Attorney Vance-referred the Council to page 3, ~D.~ E~xcava.tion,'' and asked the members to read the definition of "EXcavation''. The Council seemed pleased. Mr. Vance said 'it was in ordinance form but was merely put on the Agenda to have the Council's input. Councilman deLong moved that it be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger. The motion carried 5-0. ConSider Proposal for Beach Concession This item was deleted from the Agenda. Consider Cemetery Board Recommendations - Maus01eum City Manager Cheney showed the existing bUilding and ~the overhead drop to the Council, He said there was a problem with the road, as the road aims '~nto the columns, and suggested that the road be relocated. The next issue was to think about where the next addition to the building will be. It~was suggested the next addition be to the north. The overhang Will protrude out and the building will be more to the east, The middle or current bUilding would be some- what indented by about 10 feet,~in the front. The Cemetery Board wants the new building mOved to the west. They think the eXiSting building looks Very nice and they wish to high- light t'hat and not have it taken away. If their recommendation is followed, and the building is moved back, and ~he ~en~e~ ~ ~n, the fence would take away parking areas which are not needed. City Manager Cheney said the Cemetery Board recommended that the parking areas be abandoned, a fence be put in, and if the building is moved to the west, there would still be 10 feet~'~between the fence and the rear of the bUilding for walking between the build- ing and the fence. By taking away the parking areas,-the developer can put a septic tank and drainage field into the area, He would put the fen~e~outside of the trees. It would affect the area which was Originally set aside in the mausoleum agreement for the mausoleum. - 18 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 City Manager Cheney met with Mr. Osborne and suggested he pay for the relocation of the road. He'has not agreed. Mr. Cheney suggested that Mr. Osborne pay his own water and Sewer, which he agreed to. City Manager Cheney also suggested to Mr. Osborne that he should do landscaping and prOvide furniture for the building. Mr. Osborne agreed to provide furniture.- The street is close to the building. There is about 2 feet of landscaping proposed in one place and none in another area. The space between the overhang and the relocated street has no land- scaping. City Manager Cheney thought the whole matter should go back to the Community Appearance Board. Mr. Osborne will agree to pu~'landscap±ng in on about 40 feet of each side of the build- ing, which was part of the original Community Appearance Board's approval. City Manager Cheney told the Council-the-key issue was their approval of putting the fence at the general location and abandon- ing the parking'spaces. Mr. Cheney pointed out that this tied in with the question of who paves the road. When the road is moved forward, i~ will take a portion of cemetery lots. Lots that have been standard lots will be converted into cremation lots, only half the size. Edgar Hurford, 3Chairman of the Cemetery Board, informed the Council that the furniture in the Chapel is 'to be furnished by the contractor, Mr,~ Osborne. He told Mr. Hurford that generally, the relatives of people in the Chapel make donations. Several' mausoleum men said they newer'heard of such a thing. C±ty~Manager Cheney informed'~he Council that Mr. Osborne said he would deliver the furniture. Mr. N~ck Cassandra came forward and told the Council~ that he has family members near the proposed road. He recommended that instead of giving up the parking spaces at the back of the mausoleum, parking spaces should be'made'for people visiting themausoleum so that people who have family buried in the ground area can park their cars there, Vice Mayor Trauger said they could not get in because of the fence. Mr. Cassandra reptied'~here is no fence. City Manager Cheney said the Cemetery Board felt there should be a solid fence for security reasons and to keep the atmosphere of the cemetery as it ~is. Mr. Cassandra asked the Council to consider if it would be possible to have a road coming from the curb., extending~toward the back. City Manager Cheney sa±d cars are not sitting around very long when there are Chapel services. Mr. CaSsandra~s concern was when people were visiting 'on Saturdays and Sundays, as"that is when there is a crowd of cars there. City Manager Cheney remarked that until the building is built, there would be parking spaces. If the fence is built, there can always be a gate. They can also park in the ball field. - 19 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETI.NG NQVEMBER t7~ 19.81 Councilman deLong moved .to approve the recommendations of the Cemetery Board, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauge~. The. motion carried 5-0. Cons±der Application for Taxi and Limousine Service -~MetropQlitan Transportation C'Ompany~.~-~. ................... City Attorney Vance explained that there was.no,such license in the City of Boynton Beach. You either 'have a. certificate to~'operate a taxi service within the corporate permits, or you do not operate a cab in Boynton Beach. There is no category that"would permit a license to Pick Up Passengers~only when they~are~0~i~i~na~l!y"~a'ited to come into the City from someone Outside of tke City, City Manager Cheney explained that'the applicant,~-Raymond Ciccone, was primarily in Delray Beach but wanted to come to Boynton Beach only when people at Bethesda Hospital w~nt him to take them home. Mr. Ciccone told the Council he runs a 24 hour service from Delray Beach. He receives many calls from Bethesda'Hospltal at 2:00 and 3:0'0 o~clock in the mo~ning to come and uick People up~ He asked for permission to pick them up, or they cannot get service, Mayor Harmening asked Mr. Ciccone how many calls he has in a month, Mr. Ciccone replied thirty, which is not many, but they need service. City Attorney Vance advised that if Council agreed to give Mr. Ciccone a certificate and he can show a need, there is no category that fits the request, City Manager Cheney commented that Mr, Ciccone could get a license to do whatever he wants. Councilman deLong thought it should be studied-by staff, Mayor Harmening said unless the ordinance was changed, it was not a matter for staff to study, but for Council to. make a determination for need, M~T~uge~ asked what the Council could give him or what could he apply for so the liCense, could be granted, so the people at Bethesda could be picked ~p and taken home at night. City Attorney Vance said Mr. Ciccone could resubmit his application for a complete certificate in the CitY. City Manager Cheney wondered why local licensed taxi ~mpanies were not providing the service. ' Mrs. Ciccone said she and her husband had.'worked like dogs for eleYen months to keep their bUsiness going, They bring people to Boynton Beach and they cannot come to pick them up-and take them back .to Delray Beach, The peoPle chose their taxi for little extra things they do, so-why should competitors get the b~siness. Mr. Cheney said Boynton Beach taxis cannot go into Delray, Mrs. Ciccone replied they do. She said she did not want to be based in Boynton B'each or put an office in Boynton, she just W-anted to pick up and service her people andpeople s~u~k on 1-95 at 4:~0 A~.M. They are the only taxi available in the middle of the nigh%. ~ - 20 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 City Attorney Vance advised Mayor Harmening that there was a Chapter in the Code relating to need and necessity. MayOr..Harmening determined there was a need. City Attorney Vance said an apPlication for occupational license was filled out. Under Chapter 24, he must have proof of insurance, gOod character, number of vehicles, license numbers, etc. Mr. Vance suggested that the application did hot comply with the requirements of Chapter 24. City Attorney Vance asked if the application ~ndicated Mr. Ciccone's insurance coverage. Mr. Ciccone told the Council all he wanted was permission to come into Boynton Beach. C~ty Attorney Vance informed him that the only way he could do that woUld be to obtain a certifiCate of convenience and necessity. Mr; Vance read Chapter 24.4 of the Code to Mr. Ciccone. He told Mr. Ciccone he ~would~have to show proof of insurance coverage and suggested to Council that unless they~wanted to amend the application, it did not meet the requirements of Chapter 24. Councilman deLong moved to table the motion, seconded by Councilman Wright. The motion carried 5-0. Councilman deL0ng moved to have more input on applicatiOns that come before the Council. The motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Harmening told Mr. and Mrs. Ciccone to talk to Mrs. Lillian Bonnet, the Occupational ~License Clerk, and if she has any questions, she can talk with City Manager Cheney or City Attorney Vance. MayOr Harmening did not feel a staff study was needed. Council- man deLong wan%ed to get organized and have the proper information on appl±cations. He asked City Manager Cheney to advise the license clerk what procedure to follow. City Attorney Vance commented it appeared Mr. Ciccone was getting a permit just to serve his customers. Budget Transfer Request- Compensation Adjustment - General Fund Budget Transfer Request - Compensation Adjustment - Utility Fund Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Councilmember Woolley, to approve the requests. Vice Mayor Trauger noticed there was considerable overtime. He thought overtime was to be held at the barest minimum. City Manager Cheney explained that it was taking the compensation and equaling it to 10-1/2%, A vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 5-0. Zoning Approval for Alcoholic Beverage License - Hospitality Restaurants, Inc., d/b/a Ranch HOuse, 240 North Congress Avenue Zoning Approval for Alcoholic Beverage Lic'ense - JEMCO of Palm Beach County~ Inc., d/b/a DELI CHEF, 111 S. E. 15th Avenue - 21 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Councilmember Woolley, to aPprove the zoning approvals for alcoholic beverage licenses. The motion carried 5-0. Approval of community'Relations Board Fund Applications Form required to sub ~have audit.requ funds. Councilman Wright commended Mrs. Lois Rush for initiating the application, which.he felt was definitely needed, so all the requests cOuld be i~.a particular format. He thought it was a move in the right direction. Councilman Wright added that he thought a .proposed budget should be included in detail in the application as to how the funds would be utilized. A detailed copy of the proposed budget should be included in the application. Councilman Wright had a question of the audit requirements. He asked City Manager Cheney if app!~c~ants should be requested to bring copies of their own audits or require that ~hey be done by Certified Public AccoUntants. CitY'M~nager Cheney answered that they should be mit a copy of-%heir last audit~because they already irements from other places where they are obtaining Mayor Harmening commented that unless they can find a friendly CPA, some of the audit.s would be more than the amount of funds expended. Councilman Hright wanted a brief description of some of the things~and thought they should.request a last program evaluation, as Tell as the r~eport. It would outline all of the accomplishment~ Mayor Harmening asked if he meant proposed or after accomplishments. Councilman Wright said, "After they have received the fundS,'" City Manager Cheney said "Objectives of the Program" were on the form. Councilman Wright said Where they have been would be a good idea to a k for'as well~ Councilman Wright thought the annual report was for people who had not had the City money before. wanted to look ~t-a track record to see what the people are capable of doi~. Vice Mayor Tra~ger moved to approve the form subject to the sugges- tions that wer~ made tonight, seconded by CoUncilmember Wooll~y. Councilman Wright added that' when the recommendations comeforward, the Council should have all the specifics aboUt every application before it come~ to Council for action. City Manager Cheney said the idea~from the Community Relations Board was that~the form would give them the information, and they would make a r~Commendation to the Council.and they Would give the information to the council. The motion carried 5-0. Comments re Community Relations Board - coUncilman Joe deLong Councilman deLong was very concerned about the minutes he read of the Community Relations Board Meeting of October 14. After reading the minutes, Councilman deLong thought he was reading the report of a probe. He thought the Council was the only one that~ could conduct - 22 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 a probe or order a probe. Councilman deLong thought the members of that Board should start taking into consideration just exactly what their performance is_~in~Qf~ar~as the social services are concerned or the Day Care Center. You have the care for the children and work- ing parents. The children are from 2 to 5 years of age.- You have the After Care Program, counseling of~ fa~ financial affairs. They are involved in health and nutrition, Meals on Wheels, r lunches for the f011owing~-day ca~e~-~enter Boynton~Beach, Lake Worth, and Delray Be nilies, and improving ~housing, unemploYment, ~creation,.and the~u~ation of ~ch.. They are also- concerned with energy. Councilman deLon~21~s that they do recor~end'the payment ~lectricity and/©r uti~li~?i~b~ilts'~'~'~hey'~~, are ~concerned with transp°r~ationand~"also'AiCohoi~S~An0h~mous- ~'~ Ail Councilman deLong heard abOut in the condemnation that the children were not care of. Councilman deLong said no one Day Care Center.as much as he doe's. He to three times a Week. councilman deLon conducted beautifully and watches the ki another, and he thinks they are doing a of Boynton Beach, Councilman deLong, bel CommUnity Relations Board,instead of jus just spend some time over there, not jus leave, but spend some time over there an actually doing, minutes was more or less a being appropriatelY taken Dn the Council visits the is up there at least once ~ thinks the classes are ~s~go from one class to terrific job for the City £eved the people on the t giving criticism, should t go in and look around and ~ see what the people are Mayor Harmening said he w~s at the meeti Wright attended the last meeting and adv see them set up a uniform standard but n Center as being a primary function. Councilman deL0ng believed the Day Care duties that they have been assigned to p come underneath the jurisdiction of the or the City father-s. They come under th Federal Government. ng too. Councilman ised them-he would like to pt to look at-the Day Care 2enter was performing the erform, and they do not 2ommunity Relations Board jurisdiction of the Councilman Wright thought they were making some moves in the right direction. In 19.73, C~uncilman deLong made a move that 10% of Federal Revenue Sharing be set aside for social services, and this is what the City is concerned with. Are th.~y needy? You either recommend or you disapprove something, but you do not go in and try to tear a function apart. They are an o Councilman Wright thought things were mo ing but he suggested to the Board there that could be done. Councilm~n~.ideLong t involved in that kind of setup because o Councilman deLong said the principal con about the money that is allocated for so in the right directiOn? ~ganization up there. ~e clear at the last meet- ~ere so many other things D~d~Councilman Wright he was f his occupation. ~ern of the Council was what ~ial services. Is it going - 23 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 Mayor Harmening thought that was partly some of the concern expresSed by members of the Co--unity Relations Board. Councilman deLong did not think members of the Council were definitely in approval of what happened and, particularly, what was shown in those minutes. Mayor Harmening did not argue that point. As he listened to some of the comments of .the Community Relations Board, Mayor Harmening felt they were a little concern'ed that they were not quite certain how'the funds were applied and what they were being Used for and how they were being accounted'~for, and they were afraid that at some point and time they would be called upon to say, "How come you didn't keep track of this a little more closely?" Councilman deLong.reiterated that the operation of the fUnction of the institution is none of th~ business of the Community Relations Board at all. Councilman Wright .informed the Council that it was all getting squared away. Cemetery 'Disinterment COnfirmation Councilman deLong moYed, seconded by Councilmember'Woolley, to confirm the cemetery disinterment~ No discussion, The motion carried 5-0. List o'f Payments - Month 'of O'C~ober, 1981 Vice Mayor Trauger moved to accept the payments and Place them on file. Councilman deLOng seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills City Manager Cheney read the following bills for approval: 1. ACH Electrical Cons~cti°n~ $ 1,940.~00 Wilson park BaS~etb~l]~ coUrt & Security Lighting 1980-81 Budget oQi-o 0-115-83-00 council approved 8/4/ 1 Funds reimbursabl~ by County 2. Allied Chlorine'& Che ~cal Products, Inc. 2,222.81 Chlorine for Wat~ Tr atment Pay from Water &~ewe Revenue 401-332-533-30-63 3. Boyle Const~uctio~-I C~ ~nny Est~ ~9 64,720.42 Pump Stations 316& 3 9 ~for period 9/20/81 to 10/20/81 Pa~oY- from Utility Gene ,'al Fund 403'000-169-11-00 75% reimburs~le ~frc~ '~A Grant C-t20496020 4. Bulldog IndustrieS, I~c. . 6,779.21 Wilson Park Fencing ~ Pay fr°m 1980'81 ~nd~]t 320-000-247-06-00 Per bid 9/8/81, Council aPproved 9/15/81 - 24 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 10. Finton Construction Co., /nc. Swale ConStruc~ion & D~ainage on Seacrest Blvd. and N. W. 19th Ave. pay from 1980-81 Budget 001-411-541-60-31 Per bid 8/25/81, Council apprOVed 9/1/81 IBM Corporation System 34 Rental for November, Pay from various dep~rtments 1981 - General Fund Metric Engineering Co. N. E. 10th' Avenue Project Pay. from General Fund 001-000-115-87-00 Funds reimbursable Cc~mmmn~'ty Development Funds NCRCorporation Occupa~ionalLicense & Renewal Notices Pay frcm 1980-81 Budget 001-133-513-30-12 Russell & Axon Professi0na~ ~ervices rendered on various projects: Pay from following accounts: 403-000-169-01-00 $1D,890.62 403-000-169-11-00 22.,430'.43 403-000-220-64-00 5,760~97 403-000-220-67,00 8,468.15 Some funds reimbursable escrowed account P. B, Co, School Bd. Some funds 75% reimbUrsable by EPA School Board of 'Palm 1BeaCh COunty Annual Contract Agreement between City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County School Board for C~munity School Program Pay from General Fund 001-721-522-40-99 11. Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson 12. 13. 14. Legal Fees Fire For September, 1981 Pay from GeneralFund 001-141-514-40-64 R. J. Sullivan Cc~p, Est. For CityofBoynto~Beach Ch~micalFeedSystem Pay from UtilityGeneralFund 40'3-000-169-01-00 Sky-LabFoods, Inc. Food supplies for emergency shelters Pay from1980-81Budget 001-000-247-31-00 IsiahAndrews Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 3 wks. Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance $73-15, passed 5/15/73 $ 7,054.57 6,343.20 3,150.00 2,056,21 47.,550~17 4,000.00 2,209.14 i2,150.00 3,302,20 244.04 - 25 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1981 15. Willie Ruth McGrady Server for Seni°r' Citizens Club - 3 wks. Pay frcm Federal Revenue Sharing 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 243.84 With reference to item 13, City Manager Cheney commented that all of the emergency food had been delivered and is in a special room in %~ Building Department and will be available for any emergency. Mayor Harmening could not interpret item 8, "NCR Corporation". Mr. Cheney explained that was for the purchase of the forms that are mailed out. Councilman deLong referred to the bills having been approved and verified and moved that they be paid. Councilmember Woolley seconded the motion. Councilman Wright aSked if items 14 and 15 included the increase. City Manager Cheney said it was effective October 1. A vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 5-0. OTHER None. ADJOURNMENT Councilman deLong moved to adjourn, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, and the motion carried 5-0. The meeting properly adjourned at 9:55 P. M. ATTEST: [~.--~ City Clerk Councilman - 26 ~- Rev. Anderson Woods I~I N ISTF-R Dec.. Herman Reed -~,~N. OF DEACON BOARD APPENDAGE to minutes of City Council Mt'g 11/17/81 (see pp. 10 & 11) VI I o LEGAL Provide,tt Missio, rt Ba?t st Chttrch 10l$ N.W. 4th Street Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 C 1 Bro. Charlie Pierce CMb~.N. OF TRUST[E SOARD Sis, Max!ne Perry SECR ET ARY October 30, t98~ City of Boynton B~ach 120 h~ 2nd Avenue ~ F! 33435 Boyn,on Beach, _. Re- Resolution Dear City Council Members: The Provident Missionary Baptist Church, !nc., held its regular monthly meeting on October 28, 1981 at approximately 8:00PM regarding the resolution for a child day care facility. It was motioned by Brother Willie V;ard and seconded by Sister Eleanor Perry that 'the Provident Missionary Baptist Church would support a child day care facility-. >The motion was carried and the members ~oted by majority 14-2 that a child, day care facility be ooerated on the premises of the Provident Missionary Baptist Church. if additional information is needed, please do not hesitate to let us know. Respectfully submittted, Brother Charl~ Pierce, Chairman of Trustee Board x~) - S~st~r -L6t~ie Pierce, C~airpers.on of Mamie Booker Memorial Fund .Si ' :-~ 'z $ ':' .~ ' Ln, o~crevary mps r qBASD? CHECK 38587 38588 38589 38590 38591 38592 38593 38594 38595 38596 38597 38598 38599 38600 38601 38692 38603 38604 38605 38696 38607 38608 38609 38610 38511 38612 38613 38614 38615 38616 38617 38618 38619 38620 38621 38622 38623 38624 38625 38626 38627 38638 38639 38640 38641 38642 38643 38644 38645 38646 38647 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH X. ADMINISTRATIVE cc Finance PAGE 1 : U R R E N T M O N T H CHECKS 013783 D14071 020163 021530 021611 323803 025582 326370 026383 030500 0512.88 063000 063798 264649 065559 070012 080309 080310 080425 081652 084629 084693 100310 122848 131765 132850 141714 150400 161710 164703 154705 136509 190503 190615 19%703 194705 196392 216410 215426 230451 232808 010310 011409 013729 014243 015561 015009 016300 D~Oiol 020170 021231 ;ENOOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT ROBERT K,ALSOFROM,PH.D. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR B.Bo ASSOC. FIREFIGHTERS BEANE EXTERMINATING CO. BELVEDERE 5 G lO BLUE MOUNTAIN INDUSTRIES LILLIAN BRODY DR. JAMES E. BUFFAN BJLLDDG INDUSTRIES ,INC. CARR SOIL & SOD EDUCATION DIGEST ~ T FISHER S~IEN IFIC FLORIDA TENNIS ASSOCo GED. FOWLER WELDING FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE GRCDA : HALSEY'S HALSEY & GRIFFITH, INC. HAND'S HES TRANSPORT,INC. HOLLY ACCUMULATOR EDGAR HOWELL JACK'S CAMERA CENTER LION COUNTRY SAFARI MIAMI ELEVATOR CO. MIRACLE RECREATION EgUIP. NEW GA~ES FOUNDATION PALM BCH. COUNTY P.B.A. PETTY CASH RECREATION POSTONS PONER TOOL SERVICE RJSSELL g AXON SARGENT-SOWELL, INC. SAX ARTS ~ CRAFTS SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SDJTHERN BUILDING CODE WILLIAM SULLIVAN UNITED WAY OF ~ALM BCH, U~IVERSITY OF FLORIDA WALLACE £ TIERNAN EDWIN W. WINCH ABCD AUTO BODY ADVANCE AIR CONDITIONING ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY ISIAH ANDREWS ARTIC AIR CONDITIONING ATLANTIC HARDWARE AUTOPRODUCTS~ INC. BEL FEED SUPPLY~INS. B.B. AIJT~ PARTS~ INC. BO. OF CD. COMMISSIONERS 10/06/81 .......... 150.00 - 10/06/81 12.00 10/05/81 642.33 10/05/81 .............. 202.00 10/06/81 15.47 10/05/81 54.01 10/05/81 17.75 10/06/81 150.00 10/06/81 450.00 10/06/81 300.00 lO/OS/BI I5.00 10/06/81 139.28 lo/o5/81 ......... 15;oo ......... 10106181 19.20 10/05/81 4,608.29 10/05/81 ......... 35.00 " 10/06/81 547.50 10/06/81 277.85 10/06/81 ............... 392.26 .................... 10/05/81 325.00 10/05/81 360.00 10/05/81 348.00 10/06/81 17.52 10/06/81 51.00 10/06/81 .................. 58;61 ........... 10/06/81 276.92 10/05/81 17.70 10/05/81 46.22 10/05/81 31.68 10/05/81 5.75 10/06/81 2,012.37 10/06/81 20.~8 10/06/81 149.08 10/05/81 3,334i38 10/06/81 450.90 10/36/81 543.03 10/05/81 7.50 10/06/81 771,83 10/06/81 348.00 10/09/81 1,004o03 10/09/81 81.55 10/09/81 37~413.00 10/09/81 55,00 10/09/81 188.00 10/09/81 267.93 10/09/81 138.34 10/09/81 62.20 10/39/81 19,728.00 11/04/81 CITY DF BDYNTON BEACH PAGE 2 MBASO7 C U q R E N TM 0 N T H C H E C K S CHECK # VENDOR ff VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 38648 321205 38549 024595 38650 02%719 38551 02%720 38652 32%725 38653 02%733 3865% 02%750 38655 025500 38656 030298 38557 030484 38658 034550 38659 03%504 38663 040505 38661 041613 38662 042602 38663 052778 38664 352829 38665 052910 38666 064603 38667 070400 38568 074503 38669 375450 38670 0?5530 38671 075581 38672 ........ 375582 38573 380303 38674 380309 38575 084623 38575 090103 38677 190319 38678 1~4500 38679 122911 38680 12%600 38681 130565 38682 130950 38583 131561 3858~ 131572 38685 132771 38686 136429 38687"' 140451 38688 140463 38589 I~I730 38690 142729 38591 145443 38692 152405 38693 162790 38694 155209 38695 180500 38696 18.6509 38697 190959 38698 ~91100 BO. DF CD. COMMISSIONERS BOYLE CONSTRUCTION CO. BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY BOYNTON BEACH CHAMBER BOYNTON ~ITY FEDERAL CRED BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT BDYNTON GLASS SERVICE, BRONARD PUMP ~ SUPPLY CO. JJDY CALANDRA CARPET BY LONG COCA COLA BOTTLING CD, COMMERCIAL HYDRAULICS [ DAVIS WATER E WASTE INDUS DELRA¥ ELECTRIC SUPPLY DON DIAMOND FINEST AWNINGS,INC. FIqE~EN'S RELIEF & FIRST BANK & TRUST FOUR STEEL CORPORATION BETTY GARRIGA CqARLES GODFREY G~AYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. RoLe GRUMMONS PRINTING GJLF OIL ;ORPORATION 10/09/81 375.00 10/39/81 50,221.71 10/09/81 215.90 IO/O9/8I I~O00.O0 10/09/81 9~090.60 10/09/81 3,521.17 10/09/81 39,00 10/09/81 244.37 10/09/81 15.00 10/09/81 1,794.00 10/09/81 79.80 10/09/81 366°64 10/09/81 1%,697.80 10/09/81 28.24 10/09/81 369,00 10/09/81 1,262.25 10/09/81 980.38 10/09/81 19,510,12 10/09/81 137.57 10/09/81 45.00 10/09/81 45°00 10/09/81 47.77 10/09/81 308.25 10/09/81 9,301.94 GJLF OIL CORPORATION 10/09/81 8,500.84 10/09/81 55.74 10/09/81 152.00 10/09/81 .......... 10/09/81 4,615.00 10/09/81 53.44 10/09/81 ................ 67~00 .............. 10/09/81 llO.O0 10/09/81 13,333.09 10/~9/8i .................. 204,75 - ' 10109181 48.00 10/09/81 100.00 10/09/81 ...... 3,224.75 ....... 10/09/81 231,60 10/09/81 1,730.12 10/09/81 23,30 10/09/81 45.75 10/09/81 1,123.66 10/09/81 9,100.00 10/09/81 38.19 lO/09/8[ 1o109181 ................ 4;821,98 10/09/81 45,92 10/0g/81 45.00 10/09/81 ........ 5~,025,46 10/09/81 15.00 10/09/81 177~84 HACH CHEMICAL CD. HALSEY'S HOLLY ACCUMULATOR ~ IoB.M. CORPORATION JACK'S CAMERA CENTER JONES EQUIPMENT CD. LLDYDS AUTO ELECTRIC LONGVIE~ LIME MAURY'S TOOL CHEST WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY GEORGE A AND DORIS MEARNS MEIDINGER MILLER DODGE MJNICIPAL POLICE NATIDNAL LEAGUE OF CITIES NATIONAL NELDING PRODUCTS NEWTON SEATING COMPANY JOHN NIEBEL NJRM! ELECTRONIC SUPPLY PHOENIX PEAT & SOIL PIERCE TIRE CD., [NC. PUBLIX MARKET EVA RAYMOND RJSSELL ~ AXON DLYVE ED SCHODLEY SCDTTY'S MBA507 11/04/81 CHECK # 38699 38790 38701 387D2 387g3 38704 38705 i 2ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 3 CURRENT MONTH CHECKS VENDOR f; ~/ENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TDTIL AMOUNT 196015 STATE OF FLDRIDA 10/09/81 .... 555~'20 216393 UN]'J~,X 10/09/81 507.55 222803 VILLAGE SOUTH, INCo 10/09/81 612.00 2304".8 EARL ~ALLACE MOTORS, INC.. 10/09/81 .......... 21BOO0 232451 WALLACE ~ TIERNAN 10/09/81 61.00 241603 XEROX CORPORATION 10/09/81 368.70 264605 ZONING BULLETIN 10/09/81 '- 34.55 284~7'70o01 ~ ' J MBAS07 10/30/81 :ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CURRENT PAGE CHECKS CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 3 222803 VILLAGE SOUTH, INC. 10/12/81 .............. ~ 052910 FIRST BANK & TRUST 10/09/81 5,123.85 5 052820 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & 10/09/81 1,282.25 6 013723 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 10/13/81 BO0.O0 7 01~030 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOC. 10/13/81 14,00 B 01~071 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR 10/13/81 35.00 9 015404 AREA PLANNING BOARD OF PA 10/13/81 20.00 10 016020 ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK 10/13/81 144,936.52 11 316300 AUTOPRODUCTS~ INC. 10/13/81 31.02 12 320439 THE BAKER E TAYLOR C0. 10/13/81 13 0204~0 THE BAKER ~ TAYLOR CD. 10/13/81 14 021530 BEANE EXTERMINATING CO. 10/13/81 15 021700 BETHESDA MEMORIAL I0/13/81 16 02~698 BOYNTON'S G.A.L.Ao 10/13/81 17 02½783 BOYNTON PUMP & SUPPLY 10/13/81 18 02~810 BOYNTON WRECKER SERVICE 10/I3/8I 19 025600 BROHARD PUMP ~ SUPPLY CO. 10/13/81 20 030185 C.K.'S LDCKSHOP, INC. IO/I3/BI 21 032906 CITY OF DELRAY BEACH ~ 10/13/81 22 034600 COMMERCIAL RECORD 10/13/81 23 03487~ £DNSUMER RESEARCH, INC. 10/13/81 24 03556I CRO~N PUBLISHERS, INC. IO/13/B1 25 040307 D & S PUBLISHERS, INC. 10/13/81 26 040395 DALE'S PAINT & BODY SHOP 10/13/81 27 040500 DAVIS METER £ SUPPLY 10/13/81 28 250313 EASY PAY TIRE STORE 10/13/81 29 063700 FLORIDA BRAKE & 10/13/81 30 05~870 BDBBI FDHT 10/13/81 31 070411 GAYLORD BROS.,INC. 10/13/81 32 075582 GULF OIL CORPORATION 10/13/81 33 030425 HAND'S 10/13/81 34 084681 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN CO, 10/13/81 35 100310 JACK'S CAMERA CENTER 10/13/81 35 122532 LIBERTY ELECTRIC,INC. 10/13/81 37 130314 EDMOND MACK 10/13/81 38 130320 MACMILLAN PUBLISHING C0. 10/13/81 39 130331 CHRISTINE MAIORANA 10/13/81 40 130409 MANHATTAN TROPH[ES 10/13/81 41 130565 MAJRY'S TOOL CHEST 10/13/81 42 130960 M~GRAd - HILL BOOK CO. 10/13/81 43 137505 LEE MYLES TRANSMISSION 10/13/81 44 1~0450 NATIONAL LINEN SERVICE 10/13/81 45 151313 ODOR CONTROL SYSTEMS 10/13/81 46 153809 OLYMPIA SPORT SHOP, [NC. 10/13/81 47 16037% PALM BEACH BRAKE ~ WHEEL 10/13/81 48 150383 PALM BEACH JR. COLLEGE 10/13/81 49 156201 PUBLIX MARKET 10/13/81 50 180494 RAN~ELINE FEED & SUPPLY 10/13/81 51 18~541 RODEO PRINTERS 10/13/81 52 136329 RJ-DIK PRINTING 10/13/81 53 191520 SEACREST VETERINARY 10/13/81 M 0 N T H CHECK N vENDOR # VENDOR NAME 3.99 1,162.T8 20.00 27.40 200.00 476.29 80.00 102.97 lO.O0 93,63 36.00 15.00 5.47 22.62 167.88 999.04 1,192.48 70.71 270.00 480.01 2,9~3.65 37.80 172.32 24.78 II4.07 18.00 10.35 15.00 213.75 43.00 6.91 225.00 428.34 101.00 576.00 139,7Z 450.00 I0.97 91.65 34.00 201.55 138.50 10/33/61 MBAS07 CHECK # 55 [92779 56 57 194697 58 59 196013 60 196427 61 216350 62 216~15 63 2304~5 64 Z3D453 65 230467 66 231776 67 23178g 68 241600 69 02380~ 73 075469 7I 3400Iq 72 450041 73 450054 74 490012 75 3600D3 76 221479 77 013783 78 014243 79 020170 80 22122I 61 022930 82 324653 83 224725 84 024733 85 824765 86 024773 87 030298 88 032895 89 062810 90 052823 91 363762 92 066503 g3 070002 94 g5 97 ~5610 98 08462~ 99 384667 I00 094290 I02 19165P 103 110093 104 120453 =ITY DF BDYNTDN BEACH S U R R E N T 'M 0 N T H C H E C K S VENDOR # vENDOR NAME CHECK DATE SILVER BURDETT SIMDN'S UNIFORMS S3UTH FLORIDA MACK TRUCKS S. CENT. WASTEWATER TREAT SOUTHERN MILL CREEK PRDDU STATE DF FLORIDA DEPT. DF SUPERIOR SURGICAL MFG.CD. UNDERGROUND SUPPLY PAGE 2 TOTAL AMOUNT 10/13/81 ...... iD.D7 10/13/81 114.00 10/13/81 132.80 10/13/81 33,762.00 10/13/81 195.00 10/13/81 234.67 10/13/81 76.45 10/13/81 911.30 UNIVERSAL BEACH SERVICE aNNE dALL EARL dALLACiE FORD, INC, WALPOLE NURSERY GREAT WESTERN OFFICE SUPP WESTERN AUTO STORE XEROX CORPORATION BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA SREY~DUND BUS LINES DALE HAMMACK ADRIENNE J, SDRG DANIEL SZYCHOWSKI JOHN ~RIGHT THORLEY JOHNSON VALENCIA COMMUNITY COLLEG ROBERT K.ALSOFRDM,PH.Do ISIAH ANDREWS. B.B. AUTO PARTS, INCo BDo DF CO, COMMISSIDNERS BISHOP'S ToJoBDWLES ELECTRIC CO. BDYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED BDYNTON 6EACH RETIREMENT BOYNTDN GUN g LOCK, INC. BDYNTDN MEDICAL OXYGEN JJDY CALANDRA CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH FIREHDUSE FIREMEN'S RELIEF ~ FL3RIDA NATIONAL BANK FdTURA P~INTING F~ & PCOA REGION 6 BETTY GARRIGA CqARLES GODFREY SgLDCDAST PLUMBING SJLFSTREAM LUMBER CO, HOLLY ACCUMULATOR [ HONDA SDJTH INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE JACK'S C~MERA CENTER JERRY'S CONCRETE, INCo K-MA~T O:ISCOUNT STORE LANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS 10/13/81 311.30 10/13/81 20.00 10/13/8i 552,82 10/13/81 ........... 1,260.00 ................ 10/13/81 229.41 10/13/81 13.20 10/13/81 129.05 10/13/81 26,341.16 10/14/B1 32.00 10/16/81 440.58 ...... 10/15/81 206,02 10/15/81 153.41 10/16/81 510.57 10/15/81 549.57 IO/iS/B1 75,00 10/16/81 150.00 ....... 10/16/81 44.00 10/16/81 575.56 10/16/81 63.00 10/i6/81 50.25 10/16/81 9,175.60 10/15/81 -' ~,523o52 10/16/81 488.60 10/15/81 95.30 10/16/61 127,375.99 10/16/81 19,899.07 10/16/81 24.00 10/16/81 285,00 I0/15781 45.30 10/16/81 45.00 I0/16/81 33.46 10/15/81 448.90 10/16/81 333.00 10/16/81 192.30 10/16/81 107.99 10/16/81 75.00 10/30/81 MBA597 CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH CURRENT MONTH CHECKS CHECK # VENDOR tl VENDOR NAME 105 105 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 12~ 125 126 127 128 129 139 131 132 135 136 137 138 139 141 142 143 145 145 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 155 PAGE 3 122803 LINDSLEY LUMBER CO. 122911 LLDYDS AUTO ELECTRIC 130319 WHITT MACDOWELL [30950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY 132771 136~20 140435 150365 150374 159413 161511 161703 152631 162759 180500 190959 191515 194715 195427 235530 215390 230448 230459 231783 23~703 2416:03 ~50038 540125 543125 540128 540129 540130 5~9131 543132 550078 550085 550087 550088 5500~89 550025 560082 550083 560084 550085 550085 5800~8 5800~9 580053 5~0051 5q0072 590073 MILLER DODGE MJNI£IPAL POLIffE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION PAINT CENTER PALM BEACH COMMUNICATIONS PALM BEACH NE~S:PAPERS PEACOCK'S RAOIATOR SERVIC PETTY CASH LIBRARY PHYSIO-CONTROL PICARD CHEMICAL CO. EVA RAYMOND OLYVE ED SCHOOLEY SEACREST PHARMACY SOUTHERN MI~LL CREEK PRDDU SJPERIOR SURGICAL MFG.CD, TRANSI-TRONICS, INC. ~NIJAX EARL WALLACiE MOTORS, INC. EARL WALLACE FORD, INC. WESTERN AOTO STORE WORTH CHEMICAL & PAINT CD XEROX CORPORATION WAYNE SEGEE JAMES BATEMAN STANLEY BOMBALSKI MARK BRISSDiM CLYDE D. BRiOWN BRUCE BRYANT BJD'S FLOOR & CARPET WILLIAM D. BURR CHARLES SLAPPER,SR. JAMES CHDBAN ROGER CHRISTENSEN JJSTINE S. CDEQUYT STEPHANIE COX DREXEL PRDPo DEAD BU~ EDWARDS BLANCA RD DEVERA JDYCE DUPOIS JOSEPH DEAL LOJIS F DDNAHUE Fo L. KLING CONSTRUCTION FABRIC WITH LOVE SYLVESTER FELDCAMP JAMES FORBES GIGLIDTTI CDRP DF FLA, B.W. SABRIELSEN CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 10/16/81 ..... 56.81 10/15/81 324.85 10/15/81 785.75 lO/16/B1 ...... 38.~0 10/15/81 1,055.33 10/16/81 1,699.52 10/16/81 .... 70.87 10/15/81 27~.70 10/16/81 24.00 10/16/81 ............. 33.60 -- 10/15/81 200,50 10/16/81 34.71 10/15/81 ........... 92.33 10/16/81 2~9.40 I0/I5/8I 45.00 10/15/81 ...... 15.00 10/16/81 3~7o31 10/15/81 960.00 10/15/81 ............ 77.40 10/16/81 75.00 10/16/81 58.80 10/16/81 .................. 654.00 ..... 10/16/81 90.40 10/15/81 124.50 10/16/81 .......... 39.40 .......... 10/15/81 77.74 10/15/81 2,281.33 10/16/81 ..... 25.80 10/15/81 7.50 10/I5/81 108.80 10/I5/81 ...... 27.20 10/I5/81 22.20 10/16/81 12.20 10/15/8I ......... 4.70 10/16/81 ~.DO 10/16/81 8.70 10/15/81 .... 60°00 10/16/81 4.70 10/16/81 ~.20 10/i6/81 207.1~ 10/15/81 94°40 10/16/81 23.00 10/15/81 -'- 14.90 10/16/81 9.50 10/15/81 14.50 10/16/81 - ' 14.40 10/16/81 8.70 10/15/81 12.20 10/16/81 ........ 11.70 10/15/81 261.50 10/15/81 3.30 MBA5D7 10139/81 CHECK 156 157 158 159 163 161 162 163 164 165 165 167 168 159 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 181 1B2 183 184 185 187 188 189 190 191 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 233 201 202 233 235 :ITY DF BOYNTON BEACH 2 U R R E N T M O N T H VENDOR 590074 590075 590076 633067 630058 633059 630072 630091 523331 620032 620033 520034 630O45 630047 640048 640053 640051 650091 650146 550147 550148 650149 553153 650151 550152 653'15~ 650155 650156 65315i7 65015~8 57032:8 57002:9 680024 68006~5 680~067 5801212 590004 590,035 70007A 730075 730377 700078 700079 730083 700081 730082 700083 ~ENDOR NAME CHECKS FRANK A. GESELL OR. P. GIAMMANCO MRS. C. GODFREY MELVIN HARRELL MDNICA HAYSON BARBARA HINOMAN' HA~KTNS [ MOUW, INC. HJNTERS RUN J]HN JAMIS J2HN BRINN SPRAY SERVICE JEFFERY M. JOHNSON GLENNON JACKSON IRWIN KATZ BILLIE KING JAMES KRUEGER ERICK H.L~RSON WALTER J. LEITH HAROLD LINQUIST ALDO Po LAVALLE M&L CONSTRUCTION KEN MACKEWICZ BILLTE MALLORY RICHARD NARCO PAGE CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 10116/81 ......... ~70- 10/16/81 27.20 lO/16/81 zo.oo 10/16/81 10/16/81 41.80 10/15/81 ........... DO.OD 10/16/81 1,022.80 10/15/81 6.70 10/15/81 97.20 10/16/81 21.50 10/15/81 .......... 32.75 10/16/81 26.50 10/15/81 19.40 10/15/81 41.25 10/16/81 27.20 10/15/81 6.15 10/15/81 ............... 16.60 10/15/81 76.50 10/16/81 ................. 12.80 10/16/81 9.10 10/15/81 MILORD DEV. CORP. 10/16/81 1.20 ALEXANDER MITCHELL ................. 10/16/81 ........... HENRY F. HOG CHARLES ~C CABE DR. JAMES MC CARTHY SHERI MC DANIEL JAMES P. MC NELLY MA. MELEAR TH3MAS MC C.LOSKEY OCEAN HOLIDAY MOTEL EARL H. O.SBURN JOHN PAGLIARULO MRS. MINNIE PEIFER MRS. MINNIE PEIFER KEITH PR~NIER MARY ANN PUHEK JAMES OUI£KEL QJAIL RIDGEs LTD. RIDGE~OOD BUILDERS HARRY ED RAUTENBERG - ANDRE~ J. REALMUTO Jo HARNED REEDER LEONARD REP GENEVA RICKS JOHNNY Lo ROBERTS CHARLES AD ROE RDNTO DEV. OF FLA. DDRSTHY ROSENBAUM 10/15/81 53.00 10/16/81 24.80 10/15/81 ........ 4.70 10/16/81 32.80 10/15/81 11.40 10/15/81 .............. 12.50 10/16/81 34.50 10/15/81 24.10 10/16/81 ..... 24.85 10/16/81 27.20 10/15/81 29.50CR 10/16/81 ........... 29.50 10/15/81 11.50 10/15/81 15.50 10/15/81 ......... 19.70 10/15/81 100.00 10/15/81 41.70 10/16/81 ........... 27.20 --' 10/15/81 1.30 10/15/81 4.70 10/15/81 .... 12.20 10/15/81 15.00 10/16/81 30.00 10/16/81 .... 1.90 10/15/81 49.50 10/16/81 49°20 10/30/81 ~ITY OF BDYNTON BEACH MBA507 CHECK C U R R E N T M D N T H C H E C # VENDOR ~ WENDOR NAME 205 700085 RSSIER CONSTRUCTION 2~7 700085 KEN ROUNDTREE 208 70008? RENTAL PROPERTIES 209 710123 ROBERT SCHEUR 212 712128 M SHERMAN ~ I..APPLETON 211 710134 WESLEY STEUWE 212 713149 DEBBEA SALTRESE 213 712141 STEVE SCHULTZ 214 710142 WALTER J, SERBON 215 710143 FRED SEVERA 215 710144 TIM SHEA 217 7101r45 J' T, SHOEMAKER 218 713145 ROBERT D. SMILEY 219 710148 FRANK STEELE 220 710140 DONALD D, STEVENS 221 723028 T~E 1700 DEV, CORP, 222 720047 TRENT CORPORATION 223 7400.12 LILA R, VELEN 224 7~0013 JOSEPH VIDETTI 225 750072 MARK ~o BADE 225 753073 J, WILSON 227 750074 C~ER! WELDON 228 783005 MR, ZIMMERMAN 229 790003 CITY DF BDYNTON BEACH 230 013723 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 23I ~I3925 AMERICAN CYPRESS FENCE 232 315333 AJTDPRODJCTS, INC, 233 220468 BARKER UNIFORMS 234 02~5Iq MICHELE G BENNETT 235 222734 BILL'S O~TBOARD MARINE 236 02~310 BDB'S BARRICADES 237 32~713 BOYNTON AJTO SUPPLY 238 02~810 BOYNTON WRECKER SERVICE 239 040395 DALE'S PAINT & BODY SHOP 243 342'705 DICTAPHONE 2~1 355~95I VIOLET ESTLER 242 253i683 FL]R[DA ATLANTIC UNIVERS[ 243 0fi3~690 FLORIOA BOLT & NUT 244 353i748 ~LDRIDA LEGISLATURE JOINT 245 354!&03 FOJR STEEL CORPORATION 246 371~557 GENERAL INSURANCE UNDER- 247 371587 GEOTEC, INC, 248 375503 GRIFFIN POLLUTION 249 375533 R,L. GRUMMONS PRINTING 25~ ~75581 GJLF OIL CORPORATION 251 075582 GJLF OIL ~ORPORATION 252 3~0~25 HAND'S 253 2~G57~ HOPKINS MARINE HARDWARE 25~ 285~15 BETTY H~NDLEY 255 3~0099 I,B,~, CORPORATION 256 112821 JJDY KIRCHEN K S CHECK DATE 10/16/81 10/15/81 10/15/81 10/15/8I 10/15/81 10/I5/81' I0/15/81 10/15/81 10/16/81 10/15/81 10/15/81 10/15/8Z 10/15/81 10/16/81 10/16/81 10/15/81 10/15/81 10/16/81 10/15/81 10/15/81 10/15/81 10/15/81 10/15/81 10/15/81 10/23/81 10/20/81 10/20/81 10/20/81 10/23/81 10/23/81 10/20/81 10/23/81 10/23/81 10/20/81 10/20/81 10/20/81 10/20/81 10/23/81 10/20/81 10/20/81 10/29/81 10/20/81 10/29/81 10/20/81 10123181 10/23/81 10/20/81 10/23/81 10/20/81 I0/L9/81 10/23/81 PAGE 5 TOTAL AMOUNT 27,20 48.8B 13.70 18.00 1B.O0 30.00 1.40 5,50 33.00 12.50 9.90 4.05 20.90 3~.30 12,00 II,80 43.65 27,20 27,20 20.00 13.50 27.20 30.00 2,557.50 542,00 2i$,00 298.~1 144,00 6.D0 53.50 75.60 589.02 35.00 215.16 55.30 24.00 100.D0 35.50 50,00 41.48 65.50 275.00 ~25.00 2,25 9,009,42 584.42 8.51 9.75 19.92 80.00 10.00 IO/30/B1 MBA507 CHECK # 257 258 261 262 263 264 265 266 268 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 285 287 288 289 291 296 297 298 300 303 304 306 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CURRENT MONTH CHECKS VENDOR ~ ~ENDOR NAME CHECK DATE 112815 115601 132755 150375 150380 160413 151735 166310 180495 182800 1B4704 196392 231709 21315D 210151 224605 230522 332931 032895 460007 370312 390002 D12773 013780 31:~823 01-~240 014922 0234:3:1 020a73 0204:82 326:3!97 3!30280 030503 036300 03630~0 042,89~ ~5282~ 352901 35 064649 KIRK MATERIALS, INC. ELEANOR KRUSELL MILES KIMBALL PALM BEACH CANVAS PALM 8EASH JR. COLLEGE PALM BEACH NEW~PAPERS PETTY CASH POLICE EMMY PYNE RANGER CONSTRUCTION INDUS RINKER MATERIALS CORP. RJTH ROTH RJSSELL ~ AXON WILLIAM SULLIVAN TESTING LAB OF THE g.S. POSTMASTER U. Se POSTMASTER ELEANOR VOWINKEL WALTER DRAKE & SONS XEROX CORPORATION CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOY, NTDN BEACH BARRY TAYLD, R ELEANOR KJSTRA M2DDY JR., WILLIE AIR COMPRESSOR WORKS INC ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY ALLIED CHLORINE & FREDRICKD ALVARENGA ISIAH ANDREWS APPLTED SCIENCE DIV. MICHAEL BAIRD BARNES INDUSTRIES, INC. LUTHER BARBER BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT BR~NARD P~.MP & SUPPLY BJRKHARDT CONSTRUCTION,IN CADILLAC EiNGRAVERS JJDY CALANDRA SANTOS £ARRION J.C. JOHN CURLEY & ASSOC, J.C. JOHN CURLEY ~ ASSOC. DALE'S PAINT ~ BODY SHOP DIVISION OF FORESTRY KENT EW[NiG ENTERPRISES, I FIREMEN'S! RELIEF ~ FIRST BAN~ & TRUST OF PAL FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES FL]RIDA D~ESEL TRUCK ~ IN FLgRIOA NATIONAL BANK GE2. FowLER WELDING CO. PAGE 6 TOTAL AMOUNT 10/23/81 .......... 165.00 10/23/81 11.33 10/20/81 5.48 10/23/81 25.00 I0/23/8i IS.00 IO/20/B1 10/23/81 87.44 .......... 10/20/81 60.00 10/23/81 366~21 10/20/81 336.88 ............ 10/20/81 17.00 10/23/81 1,413.98 10/23/81 ................ 12,30 ................ 10/20/81 191,00 10/23/81 1,SOO.O0 10/23/81 1,500.00 .... 10/23/81 36.00 lO/23281 ~.1~ 1o/zo/8~ .............. 5'~5;21 ................ 10/22/81 53.62 10/23/81 ......... !72,434.59 10/23/81 612.99 1,0/23/81 155.77 10/23/81 ......... 302.33 10/23/81 199,14 10/23/81 65,113.~0 10/2~/8. i 2,013.30 10/23/81 400,00 10/2)/81 103.64 10/23/81 ............ 21.68 10/23/81 409.00 10/23/81 81.87 10/23/81 3.25 10/23/81 10/23/81 4,973.92 10/23/81 378.03 10/23/81 ....... 1,553.30 10/23/81 7.35 10/23/81 15.00 10/23/81 - 133.32 10/23/8l 393.5!0CR 10/23/81 393.5:0 10/23/81 ...... 510.01 10/23/81 1,500.00 10/2~/B1 4,17'0.00 10/23/81 --- 2~313.95 10/23/81 87.96 10/23/81 2,148.26 10/23/81 ....... 86.80 10/23/81 32,561.77 10/23/81 67.60 C MBAS07 CHECK 307 308 3O9 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 345 347 348 350 351 388 389 391 392 393 S U R VENDOR t,J 066500 070352 07O409 074503 0805~5 084613 396351 390109 090109 111575 130949 133953 132850 134600 134733 136403 136423 136449 142699 16039D 16D434 I62759 162791 I80509 181591 186500 190959 191705 192457 192779 194619 19~?15 19~728 196014 195;017 196899 232563 216393 222798 230569 ~10003 080428 235496 161.729 332895 320038 011403 011600 012801 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH R E N T M D N T H C H E C K S VENDOR NAME FUTURA PRINTING WILLIAM B, GALBRAITH BETTY GARRIGA CHARLES GODFREY HALSEY'S JAMES HAUGH JOHN F. HDLLIHAN NO~H HUDDLESTON I.B.M. CORPORATION ICMA MUNICIPAL DATA SERVI DAVID KELLEY WILLIAM MCGARRY WILLIE RUTH MCGRAOY MIRACLE RECREATION EOUIP. M3NROE CALCULATOR MOTOROLA, INC, MUNICIPAL CODE CORP. MUNICIPAL POLICE MICHAEL MUNRO EDWARD NICHOLAS PALM BEACH JR. COLLEGE PALM BEAC~ COUNTY MUNICIP PALM BEACH TURF EQUIPMENT PICARD CHEMICAL CO. PIERCE CHEMICAL CO. EVA RAYMOND RESOURCES IN REVIEW RUSSELL g AXON OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY SEYFARTH,SHAW,FA[RWEATHER E PAUL SHEEZDAN SIMONmS UNIFORMS SDME'S UNIFORMS SDUTHERN MILLE CREEK PRODU SDJTHEAST UNDERGROUND CON ST&NLEY~S AU~O BODY $TADIJMS JN;LTMITED GRADY Wo SWANN DONALD THRAiSHER JNIJAX VIC'S LANDSCAPING £ SOD WATSON EQUIPMENT CDc,INC. HENRY OSTASZEWSKI EDWARD HARMEN[NG SAMUEL L. WRIGHT PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER CITY DF BDYNTON BEACH ARTHUR A. FREEMAN ADVANCEO FABRICATORS AERIAL & HYDRAULIC EDUIPM AIR PRODUCTS & CHEMICALS, PAGE 7 CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 10/23/81 - 24.00 10/23/81 299.97 10/23/81 45.00 10/23/81 ..... 45.00 10/23/81 3,585.50 10/23/81 99.99 10/23/81 400.00 10/23/81 217.00 10/23/81 4,911.00 10/23/81 ' ' ' 16.25 10/23/81 299.97 10/23/81 400.00 10/23/81 .............. 109.44 '- 10/23/81 3,127,90 10/23/81 68.00 10/23/81 ............. 400.00 ............... 10/23/81 1,279.8~ 10/23/81 2,298.47 10/23/81 34.80 10/23/81 400.00 10/23/81 300.00 10/23/81 .... l,OOO,O0 10/23/81 183.87 10/23/81 454.00 10/23/81 ........ 72.09 10/23/81 45.00 10/23/81 35.00 10/23/81 --'43,771.83 10/23/81 15.00 10/23/81 10~029.12 10/23/81 400.00 10/23/81 76.00 10/23/81 44.00 10/23/81 13.19 10/23/8~ 94,773.71 10/23/81 196.00 10/23/81 8,697.00 10/23/81 75.00 10/23/81: 99.99 10/23/81 209.93 10/23/81 10.30 10/23/81 49,85 10/23/81 400.00 10/27/81 249.10 10/27/81 92.82 I0/Z8/81 42.08 10/29/81 141,580.32 10/39/81 887.91 10/30/81 24.44 10/30/81 933.43 10/33/8:1 9.00 10/30/81 ~BASD7 CITY DF BDYNTON BEACH ' U ~ R E N T M O N T H CHECK # VENDOR # ~E~ODR NAME PAGE 8 394 395 396 397 398 399 402 401 4D2 4~3 6-04 405 405 498 409 411 412 413 415 415 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 425 425 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 438 439 443 442 644 CHECKS CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT D12813 013720 D13783 D14150 014240 D14300 315409 015561 D16339 020439 O20449 021200 021720 324500 02~725 324780 025550 027640 030280 030298 030323 030509 330543 032394 033631 03~599 034604 034672 034872 0~4898 034914 0354O2 D35409 D41589 3~1581 042905 044647 044~59 050371 0513~9 054~09 063700 CECILE ALFDRD ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY R3BERT K.ALSOFROM,PH.D. AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSg ISIAH ANDREWS CARMEN ANNUNZIATD A~ETE PUBLISHING CD. A~TI~ AI~ 'CONDITIDNING AJTDPRDDJCT$, INC. THE BAKER E TAYLOR C0. THE BAKER BAKER g TAYLOR COMPANIES BO. OF CD. COMMISSIONERS BETTER HDMES& GARDENS BETTY BDRDNI BDYNTDN AUTO SUPPLY BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT BDYNTDN PUMP & SUPPLY BRODART ,INC. BROWARD TRUCK £ EQUIPMENT BYRDS ELECTRIC MOTOR CADILLAC ENGRAVERS JJDY CALANDRA CALDWELL,PACETTI,BARROW AS~NCIDN CARRERA CARR SOIL ~ SOD CASE POWER & EQUIPMENT C0 CHANGING TIMES THOMAS A, CLARK COMMERCE CLEARING HOUSE C]MMERCIAL ~YDRAULICS CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY, EDNS~MERS UNION SJSAN COg~ CORINTH HOUSE PUBLISHERS CRAFTS 'N THINGS CRICKETT MAGAZINE J.C. JOHN CURLEY & ASSOC. LT. JOHN DELDACH JOE DELONG DETECTIVE BOOK CLUB CARL DIXON WILLIAM P. OONEY DOUBLEDAY & C~. PAJL ECKERT EDWARDS ELECTRIC CORP. E~ERGY USER/ FAIRCHILD PU ENVIRDTECH CORPORATION FIREMEN'S RELIEF FLOR[DA BRAKE 10/39/81 lO.O0 10/30/81 12,451.04 10/39/81 75.00 10/39/81 107.00 10/39/81 73.20 10/30/81 100.00 10/39/81 437.O0 10/30/81 430.50 10/30/81 219.75 10/39/81 92.56 10/30/81 1~262.65 10/30/81 65.39 10/30/81 439.32 10/30/81 12.00 10/33/81 ID.OD 10/30/81 3?7.50 10/30/81 9,275.60 10/39/81 4,011.52 10/30/81 138.30 10/39/81 204.05 10/33/81 238.00 10/39/81 308,40 10/30/81 T.19 10/30/81 15.00 10/3D/81 4,000.00 10/39/81 38.O0 10/30/81 60.00 10/39/81 57.35 10/30/81 15,00 10/39/81 75.00 10/39/81 4.98 10/30/81 527,34 10/39/81 30.00 10/39/81 12.00 10/30/81 30,00 10/33/81 10.70 10/30/81 12~00 10/39/81 14.00 10/39/81 387.50 10/30/8i 400.00 10/39/81 205.00 10/39/81 2~.96 10/30/81 400.00 10/39/81 120.00 10/30/81 35.36 10/30/81 200.00 10/30/81 42.94 10/30/81 36.00 10/33/81 508.58 ID/SD/B1 1,646.26 10/30/81 70.71 10/39/81 MBAS07 :TTY DF BOYNTON BEACH ' U R R E N'r M 0 N T H C H E C K S CHECK # VENDD~ It ~ENDOR NAME CHEC( 053782 FLORIDA NATIONAL BANK 063783 FLORIDA POWER [ LIGHT CO. 054552 FORBES 054554 FDRD'S FREIGHTER TRAVEL 254593 FORTUNE 055590 CqARLES FREDERICK 370360 LDRES GAMBLE DTDG2D BETTY GARRIGA 074500 CqARLES GODFREY 875287 DEBORAH J. GRABEEL 375582 GJLF OIL COEPDRATIDN 3B0305 G.K. HALL ~ CO. 283365 WILLIAM R. HAMILTON OBO42B EDWARD HARMENING 080556 HAVCD EQUIPMENT £ SUPPLY 284593 EDGAR HOWELL 28635i NOAH flUDDLE$TON 2B6473 HYPDLgXO GLASS 090I:0r5 I.B.M. CORPORATION [D.i507 DEE G' JEGHERS 111553 BERT (EEHR I11580 KELLY TRA~TDR II2701 KINGS ROOM II~52~ K]PY KING PRINTING CENTER I20500 BDB LATHAM i21525 PAUL DAVIS LECLAIR 121665 LES--RAY BDBCAT~ I22853 LIONEL D. EDIE C0. I22911 LLgYDS AJTD ELECTRIC i30543 MARINE ENGINE EQUIP. C0. i30565 MAJRY'S T20L CHEST 133935 MCgDNALD DIS.TRIBUTDRS OF 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY 130960 MCGRA~ - HILL BOOK CO, 131573 BERTHA MEIGH 132771 MILLER DODGE 1327~3 HAROLD MILLER 134680 MDTHER EARTH NEWS I36423 MJNICIPAL POLICE I43425 NATIONAL BEHAVIOR SYSTEMS 140429 NATIONAL DIR.DF ADDRESSES I4043B NATIONAL LABO~ LAW CENTER 153800 OLYMPIA SPORT SHOP, INC. 150100 P ~ G DISTRIBUTORS 16335~ TEREESA PADGETT 150407 PALM BEASH HYDRAULICS 160423 PALM BEACH OFFICE SUPPLY 151511 PEACOCK'S RADIATOR SERV[C 151653 C~ARLES PERSING 162870 PITNF¥ 15~500 ~3~ERI PO£SIK 445' 446 ~47 448 449 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 450 451 462 464 455 4,56 457 458 459 470 471 472 473 47~ 475 476 477 478 479 480 482 4~3 484 4B7 488 490 491 492 ~4 495 PAGE 9 DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 10/33/81 ............... 23,506.15 10/33/81 10/30/81 10/30/81 10/33/81 10/33/81 10/30/81 10/30/81 10/3~/81 10/30/81 10/30/81 10/30/81 10/33/81 10/3~/81 10/30/81 10/3~/81 10/30/81 10/3D/81 10/30/B1 10/30/81 10/33/81 10/33/81 10/33/81 10/30/81 10/30/81 10/33/81 10/33/81 10/30/81 10/33/81 10/33/81 10/30/81 10/33/81 10/30/81 10/33/81 10/33/81 10/30/81 10/33/81 10/30/81 10/30/81 10/30/81 10/30/81 10/33/81 10/39/81 10/30/81 10/39/81 10/39/81 10/~0/81 lO/3D/B1 10/39/81 ]O/~7/Bl 10/53/81 53,g18.~5 60.00 ............. 11.00 31.00 133.00 400,00 45,00 45.00 5.00 941.60 124.35 400.00 225.30 284.I0 200.00 ~00.00 ~2.50 79.31 200.00 200. 33. 30. 233. ....... 200. 8. 135. ~,2~o. 130.00 75.00 261.70 42.9~ 67.20 I27.54 73.90 239.74 400.00 15.30 1~943.77 7.95 21.95 5.50 109.00 40.80 50.00 238.89 179.86 298.55 200.00 49.50 203.00 O0 51 O0 15 O0 75 60 O0 10/39/81 MBAS07 CHECK ;i VENDOR 4q5 154523 497 180503 498 182800 499 193245 500 190353 531 190959 532 194697 503 194703 504 195411 505 196899 506 201700 507 205413 508 205532 509 235600 5IO 210150 511 230453 512 232543 513 231573 514 231600 515 231783 516 232403 517 232793 518 232808 519 234625 522 234661 52i 234692 522 23549~ 523 235497 524 241603 525 262798 526 254553 527 390:044 528 ~20025 529 580066 530 790151 38132 234537 38138 05128~ 38463 28000 38464 020405 38465 021549 38465 026480 38467 030501 38468 ~3360~ 33469 ~8~432 38470 2~279~ 38471 0~4553 38472 134538 38473 ~3450~ 38474 134513 3~475 370013 38475 380005 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH E N T MONTH C H E VENDOR NAME POPJLAR MECHANICS EVA RAYMOND RINKE~ MATERIALS CORP. ADRIENNE SADDLER SAFETY KLEEN CORP. OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY S. CENT. wASTEWATER TEEAT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SJPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMEN G~ADY W~ SWANN TESTING LAB OF THE TRAIL FORD TRACTOR CO. WALTER M. TRAUGER TRDPIGAS, INC. U.S. POSTMASTER EARL WALLACE FORD~ INC. WATER DEPARTMENT WEIR AUTO ELECTRI~INC. THOMAS E. WENGLER WESTERN AOTO STORE MRS. RICHARD A. WHITE H.W. WILSON CO. EOWIN W. WINCH PAGE 10 C K S CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 10/33/81 9.97 10/33/81 45.00 174.38 10/30/81 ........... 10/30/81 38.25 10/30/81 41.75 15.00 10/30/81 ............. 10/33/8I 818.44 10/30/81 2,006.71 10/30/81 .............. 2.75 ......... 10/33/81 39.00 10/30/81 505.00 10/30/81 ............... 134.15 10/30/81 205.00 10/33/fll 331.97 10/33/81 ............. 114.65 10/30/81 103.37 10/30/81 2,444.25 10/33/81 62.89 ...... 10/30/81 ........... 200.00 10/30/81 31.74 10/30/81 37.50 .............. 10/33/81 189.00 i0/33/81 20~.00 J.J.A. PATRICIA L. WOOLLEY WORKOUTS SAMUEL L. WRIGHT JO~N 4RIGHT PSG.,INCo XEROX CORPORATION ROBERT J. ZlELINSKI PH.D. BETTY ZOBEL A~NETTE MCKINDN FR&NK POLLIFRONE MRS. MINNIE PEIFER CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH COMMERCIAL UNION INSURANC EDgCATION DIGEST WILLIE 5AGLEY CONSTANCE BAISH FRANK AD BEDNARICK OBE BJTLER RENA CARRIER CALLIE CLANTO~ JOHN HARRINGTON JOHN VICKI MJ~IEL HOLZMAN F~ANK JOHNSON GE3RGE A. JOHNSON JOHN JOHNSTON VIRGINIA E. KEISTER GRETCHEN LUBY WOLF FRESH DIST, 10/30/81 6,50 .................... ........... 10/33/81 ............... ~bs.oo 855.30 .._:..205,00 77.35 70.00 10/33/81 10/30/81 10/33/81 10/30/81 10/33/81 10/33/B1 10/33/81 10/~3/B1 10/33/81 10/30/81 9/18/81 9/18/81 10/21/81 10/31/81 10/01/81 10/~1/81 10/21/81 10/01/81 10/01/81 10/~1/81 lO/O1/B1 10/31/B1 10/01/81 10/31/81 lO/31/Rl 10/01/81 53.30 25.63 84.79 ' - 12.20 2.80 3,818.00CR IO.OOCR 456,26 53.79 ~ ' 108,59 227.58 63.23 340.55 397.99 451.73 164.46 88.75 88.66 461.39 156.61 410.77 10/30/81 MBAS07 CHECK 38477 38478 38479 38480 38481 38482 38%83 38484 38%85 38486 38487 38%88 38489 38490 394gl 38492 38%93 38494 38%95 38496 38497 38499 38571 38572 38573 38574 38575 38576 385?7 38579 38580 38581 38582 385B3 38584 38585 38586 38628 38629 38530 38631 38532 38633 38634 38535 38636 38637 :ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C U R R E N T M D N T H C H E C K S VENDOR ,~ VEN~DR NAME CHECK DATE 166300 190945 190940 192592 450924 232515 222553 230452 490018 231583 265900 021210 105459 196361 381653 i24593 194299 236300 222794 235495 22~725 29000~ 510005 370016 370~005 02147~5 02i47~33 06!2820 130953 31~4243 194,611 194~03 05531D 330322 160375 450004 4~0032 31i0003 ~50023 ELEANOR PUFFER JOHN SCHNEIDER ~ARY E. SCHORR AD~ SHOOK FRANK SMITH LEE THOMAS JAMES C. THOMPSON OLIVE WALLACE MS ARTHUR WATERS W.To WELCH MILDRED A..ZWART BRADFORD BAXLEY GE9RGE JJNNIER MRS. FLORENCE SULLIVAN THEODORE SORG HAROLD HERRING N3RMAN LOLATTE KEN SNOW JgqN M. TUITE JOHN VICKI CJRTIS E- WRIGHT BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED ST~NLEY'S AUTO BDDY KENNETH CLAYTON CHRISTOPHER YANNUZZI KEITH T, ROBINSON CA~DLEE Jo KRIBS CLAIRE KENDALL WRIGHT, HELEN E. 82YNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 82¥NTON BEACH RETIREMENT MJNICIPAL POLICE FIRE~EN'S RELIEF & WILLIE R. JTH MCGRADY ISIAH ANDREWS ND~TON A~RT GALLERY INTERNA~ REVENUE SERVICE SOCIAL ~ECURITY CDNTRIBUT E~UITAB~E LIFE ASSURANCE DOJGLAS M. GILL PALM BEAC~ COUNTY HEALTH NDAH HUDDLESTDN CAROLYN Y SIMS EDDIE ROBERTS KATHERINE Ao BELL JDY£E J ESCOE FRED E. THIES PAGE 11 TOTAL AMOUNT 10/01/81 ....... 91.28 10/81/81 133.20 10/01/81 253.66 10/01/81 ......... 202.21 10/31/81 61.21 10/21/81 795.91 10/01/81 .............. 71.19 10/D1/81 168,90 10/01/81 344.46 10/01/81 ...... 82.65 10/01/81 77.13 10~01/81 876,15 10/01/81 ........... g%5.98 10/31/81 194.10 10/01/81 1,112.80 10/01/81 .......... 33.34 10/31/81 225.41 10/01/81 820.89 10/01/81 1,374.79 10/01/81 270.D0 10/01/81 369.6~ 10/32/81 502.38 10/22/81 270.88 10/32/81 ...... . 60[.32 10/02/81 562~$2 10/32/81 137.80 10/32/81 9,214,23 10/02/81 3~494,:25 10/32/81 1,688,90 10/02/81 953.77 IO/D2/S1 48,010 10/32/81 55.00 10/07/81 84,632.98 10/07/81 6,652,78 10/07/81 129.:97 I0/08/81 20..00 10/38/81 320.0!0 10/09/81 10/09/81 311.82 10/09/81 30.46 1~343,214.35 ***