Minutes 10-20-81MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1981 AT 7:30 P. M. PRESENT Edward F. Harmening, Mayor Walter "Marty" Trauger, Vice Mayor Joe deLong, Councilman Patricia Woolley, Councilmember Samuel Lamar Wright, Councilman Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk James Vance, City Attorney Mayor Harmening called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He said the invocation would be given by Father John Block, St. Mark's Catholic Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, to be led by Councilmember Patricia Woolley. AGENDA APPROVAL: Under "VIII. OLD BUSINESS", Councilman deLong requested the addition of "Inquiry to City Manager relative to funds allocated to Title XX and also speak about the Day Care Center." City Manager Cheney added three items. Under "IV. BIDS", he added "Borings and Engineering Tests Relative to the N. E. 10th Avenue Project" and "Approval of a Contract with Morrison A~surance Company for automobile liability insurance", which would save the City about $70,000,00 in the coming year. Under "VII. LEGAL, B. Ordinances - 1st Reading", Mr. Cheney added "Council Compensation". City Manager Cheney deleted "C. Site Development Plans - Dolphin Plaza, submitted by Chris Francois, Owner - Construction of 5,147 Sq. Ft. re- tail facility at 115 South Federal Highway" under "VI. DEVELOPMENT PLANS", because they did not show up at the Community Appearance Board Meeting last evening (October 19., 19.81) and, therefore, are not eligible for approval. Councilman~ deLong moved the adoption of the Agenda as corrected, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger. No discussion, Motion carried 5-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS Presentation'by 'Soroptimist' Club Eleven members of the Soroptimist Club were present at 'the meeting. Shirley StaniQh, President of the Soroptimist Club of Boynton Beach - Delray advised the Council that the name "Soroptimist" is derived from the Latin word "soro" meaning sister, and "opit±ma" meaning best, mean- ing the best for women. It is the world's largest classified service for women w±th over 60,000 members, and represents 65 countries. Membership is by invitation and limited to eligible executive women in business, professions, and government. Mrs, Stanish said the object of the club was to maintain high ethical standards in business, professions, and other aspects of life, to strive for human rights for all people, MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 and for the advanced status of women, Also included among the objects of the club were to develop interest in community, natiOnal and inter- national affairs. The local club was chartered in February of 1959 and has a present membership of 21. This year, the Soroptimist Club gave four student scholarships. The Soroptimist Club heard much in the last few weeks about holding the line on expenses, the City budget~ and-cutting inflation, so they wished to offer assistance. In honor of the 60th Anniversary of the Soroptimist Club, Club PreSident Shirley Stanich presented, on behalf of the Soroptimist'Club of Boynton Beach - Delray, a check in the amount of $1,700.00 to purchase a video tape recorder and cabinet for the Boynton Beach Library, There was applause, as members of the Club stood. Mayor Harmening was certain the City and particularly the Library, the Library Director, Virginia Farace~ and friends of the Library could put the gift to good use. He called attention to another project the Soroptimist Club takes care of, which is placing pictures of the past Mayors of the City on the wall of the Council Chambers. City Manager Cheney called attention to the fact that .Tereesa ~Padgett, City Clerk, is a charter member of the SoroptimiSt Club~ Mayor Harmening said the City was both blessed and honored with'the check, as he believed it was one of the largest checks the City has ever received, and he thanked every member of the Soroptimist Club of Boynton Beach - Delray for their fine contribution. Counc±lman Wright added that the members should call on the Council if they ever need them or can be of any assistance,- Proclamation - "Ride YOur Bike Day"' - Monday, October 26, 1981 Mayor Harmening read the Proclamation. Proclamation - "United States Marine Corps Week" - November 8 through November 14, 1981 The above Proclamation was read by Mayor Harmening. MINUTES: Budget Public Hearing Meeting Minutes of October 3, 1981 Regular City Council Meeting of October 6, 1981 Extension of Public Hearing - October 12, 1981, 7:15 P, M. Final Budget Public Hearing Meeting Minutes of October 12, 1981, 7:30 P. M. Councilman deLong moved to approve the above minutes as submitted. Councilmember Woolley seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0 with the exception of the minutes for the Regular City Council Meeting - 2 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 of October 6, 1981. Councilman Wright abstained from ~oting to approve those minutes as he was not present at the meeting. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: Mayor Harmening announced that if anyone in the audience would like to address the CoUncil on any item not on the Agenda, they may do so at this time. He added if anyone would like to speak on any item on the Agenda, to please give their names to the City Clerk, and they will be called upon when that item~becomes the regular order of business. BIDS: Borings and Engineering Tests - N'i E. 10th Avenue Project City Manager Cheney informed the Council that the cost of the borings are already paid for by the Community Development funds received by the City through the County. Mr. Cheney reported that~the City's consultant, Metric Engineering, recommended, and the County agreed, that the City hire Florida Testing and Engineering Company to do the necessary auger borings and exfiltration tests in the maximum amount of $2,650.00. If the Council will agree with that, the work could proceed on the N. E, 10th Avenue project. Vice Mayor Trauger moved to'accept the~recommendation of the City Manager and award the contract to Metric Engineering in the amount of $2,650.00. 'Councilman deLong seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-0, Automobile Liability Insurance City Manager Cheney said this bid was for automobile liability insurance that the City carries on 160 some vehicles. He gave credit to Allen Insurance Agency, who continues to look for better prices for the City's insurance. Mr. Cheney proposed that the Council authorize the execution of an insura~ce contract with the Morrison Assurance Company for the automobile lis ~ility insurance, which would be about 50% of the total premium the ~ity anticipated paying this year. The total premium would be $76, 53.00. The.City anticipated something near $140,000.00. Besides Zhat, 'this price includes an increase in coverage from $250~000 to $500,~00 and includes a premium for ambulance coverage for the City's three life support' v~hicles. BefOre~e-.ambUlan~ec~ver~wasbya separate policy ·for $3,818.00, It is encompassed in~s policy. Mr. Cheney said in the "Approval of Bills'", he would recommend the pay- ment of $32,000.00 for the first premium. Councilman deLong moved to approve the recommendation and make it a part of the public records to authorize Morrison Assurance Company to issue automobile liability insurance for a premium of $76,363.00. Council- member Woolley seconded the motion. - 3 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 19.81 Councilman Wright wondered how much had been paid previoUsly. City Manager Cheney replied~that other companies anticipated $140,000.00 for the coming year. He did not know the actual payment for last year but the premium is less this year, but Mr. Cheney did not know why. All he could suggest to the Council was that it was probably a review of the City's rates, experience, and the rates authorized by the Insurance Commissioner. Also, this year the City will be with a different company, The motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P. M. None. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: Final Plat - Motorola PID located at 'the corner of North Congress Avenue and N. W. 22nd Avenue Tom Clark, City Engineer, advised the Council that Mike Holleman of Motorola was to have everything but, according to a surveyor, they did not have everything together yet. Councilman deLong moved to lay the question on the table, seconded by Councilman Wright. Motion carried 5-0. City Manager Cheney commented that ~%iotorola is well on the way with excavation and dirt moving. The fact that the matter has been tabled at this meeting does not mean Motorola is not proceeding. Site Development Plans - Burger King Restaurant with drive-thru facilities, submitted by Bill Rodriquez, Agent - 86 seat facility lo- cated on the north side of Boynton West Road west of Congress Avenue Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, explained that the application before the Council was for site plan approval. It would be a restaurant with drive-thru facilities west of Boynton West Road, west of the Moody Bible Institute Radio Station and just to the east of the sewage pumping station. Access to the site is from two~ locations, One is from 'a proposed drive- way' ]ust to the west of the Moody Bible Institute Radio Station and also an access from the west and east can be accommodated by existing Palm Beach Farms Plat Road, which is currently utilized by the City to the lift station. The request was reviewed by the Technical Review Board and comes from the Planning and Zoning Board with a positive recommendation, subject to the following staff comments: - 4 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 Building Dept.: "1. Board of Health approval required. 2. Hotel & Restaurant commission control number required. 3. Must meet landscape and tree ordinance. 4. Department of Transportationturn-out permit required. 5. Walk-in cooler must be twenty feet (20') from rear lot line, 6. City sidewalk~located on private property, re- locate to public property. 7, Thirty-six (36) approved parking spaces allows for twelve (12) employees and ninety (90) seats. 8. Proposed signs must meet sign ordinance and requires separate permits." Engineering Dept.: "1. Seven feet to be dedicated to Palm'iBeach County for S.R. 804 right-of-way, 2. Turnout to be approved by the County Engineer. 3. Pavement widening in 30 ft. right-of-way to comply with City standards." Police Dept.: "Subject to stop signs at exits." Energy Coordinator: "Recommend energy-efficient sodium vapor lighting." Mr. Annunziato said the plans had also been reviewed by the Community Appearance Board and came with a positive recommendation. The Planning and Zoning Board wished to bring to the Council's attention that this restaurant will be in close proximity to~ the sewage pumping station which from time to time will emanate odors. They wished this to be put into the records to prevent any further liability on the part of the City. Bill Rodriquez, Engineer for Burger King Corporation, 9300 South Dade- land Boulevard, Miami, Florida, appeared/for Burger King, Mr. Rodriquez informed the Council %hat he was familiar with all of the staff comments and he would agree to abide by all of them. Mayor Harmening asked Mr. Rodriquez if he was also familiar with the point made by the Planning and Zoning Board and the memorandum from Perry A. Cessna, Director of Utilities, to the effect that at times %here are odors, and the City would not appreciate complaints as the lift station has been there before Burger King. Mr. Rodriquez confirmed that Burger King understood that. Mayor Harmening wanted Mr, Rodr±quez to agree that the lift station would present no problem and Mr. Rodriquez said it would not. To be on the safe side, Councilman deLong thought an instrument should be drafted absolving the City from any liab±lity, City Attorney Vance thought, since Mr. Rodriquez was the authorized representative of Burger King and he had received a copy of Utilities Director Perry Cessna's memorandum of September 14, 1981 relating to the loCation of the sewagage lift station and the possibility that odors may emit therefrom, and the builders of Burger King were aware of the situation, - 5 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 that Mr. Rodriquez could answer for them. Mayor Harmening requested Mr. Rodriquez to answer questions rather than shaking his head. City Attorney Vance asked Mr. Rodriquez if Burger King felt the lift station would cause no problem to their operation. Mr. Rodriquez said that was correct, that Mr. Cessna's letter had been forwarded to his (ROdriquez) superiors and ~they do not seem to haVe a problem with once in awhile having odors. City Attorney Vance felt that would be sufficient. Councilman deLong wished it ~to be a matter of public'record. Councilman deLong moved to accept the unanimous recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, subject to staff comments. Councilman Wright seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Site Development Plans - Dolphin Plaza, submitted by Chris Francois, Owner - Construction of 5,147 Sq. Ft, retail facility at 115 South Federal Highway This matter was deleted from the Agenda, at the request of the City Manager~ due to the fact that the applicant did not appear before the Community Appearance Board so their-request to approve Site plans is not in order at this time. Site Development Plans for Modification - Existing Southern Bell Office Building located at 221 S. E. 4th Street, submitted by Rod MacKenzie, Agent Mr. Annunziato stated that the applicant requests permission to expand the building by adding a second story, which amounts to approxi- mately the northern one?half of the building, plus to add a portion of the two story building to the north end of the building, in addition to modifying the si~e by adding landscaping and some imp~oved-.~parking areas. It will be used for new electrical switching gear', The application went through the Planning and Zoning Board with a positive recommendation, subject to staff comments, as follows: City Engineer: "S. E. 2nd Avenue to be improved. Road plans to be submitted for approval along with cost estimate for determination of per- formance bond to be posted prior to getting a building permit." City Planner: "Screen dumpster." Mr. Annunziato continued that the Planning and Zoning Board further noted it shoUld.be the responsibility of~the applicant to construct S. E. 2nd Avenue at their expense. S. E. 2nd Avenue forms the southern boundary of the site. Traffic will enter from S. E. 4th Street and exit at S. E, 2nd Avenue to the south. The ~pplication also comes with a positive recommendation from the Community Appearance Board. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 Mr. Rod MacKenzie, representative for Southern Bell Telephone & Tele- graph Company, who lives at 6641 N. W~ 22nd Street, Margate, Florida, said he was familiar with the staff comments and agreed with the same. Councilman deLong noted that there had been some contention about side- walks. Mr. MacKenzie ~advised that there would be a sidewalk only on the north side. Councilman deLong moved to approve the mOdified site plans,~ subjeC~ to staff comments, and further that it will be the responsibility of the applicant to construct S. E. 2nd Avenue at their expense and put in a sidewalk. Vice'Mayor Trauger seconded the motion. Councilman Wright asked Mr. MacKenzie to avail employment opportunities to citizens of Boynton Beach, Mr. MacKenzie replied, unfortunately~ the building will only employ four people, as it is an equipment building. The motion carried 5-0. LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Ordinance No. 81-34 Re: Adopting Millage Rate for 1981- 1982 Fiscal Year City Attorney Vance read proposed Ordinance No, 81~34 in its entirety, on second and final reading. The blanks were filled ±n as follows: "Section 1, That the C±ty Council of the. City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby adopts 6,578 mills as the official millage rate of the City for the 1981 - 1982 fiscal year." "Section 2. That in accordance with Florida Statutes Section 200.065, the City Council of the C'ity of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby states that said millage exceeds the rolled hack' rate as defined by Florida Statutes Section 200.065 by 8,8 percent." First Reading was October 6, 1R81. Second and Final Reading was Oct'ober 20, 1981. Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak in favor of the~proposed ordinance and received no response. He asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak in opposition to the proposed ordinances, and-received no response. Councilman deLong moved to adopt Ordinance No, 81-34 on seCond and final reading, seconded by Councilman W~ight, No discussion, Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: - 7 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 Councilmember Woolley - Mayor Harmening - Vice Mayor Trauger - Councilman deLong - Councilman Wright - Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion carried 5-0. Councilman Wright left the meeting, Proposed Ordinance No. '81~35 Re: 1982 Fiscal Year Adopting Final Budget for 1981- City Attorney Vance read proposed Ordinance No, 81-35 in its entirety, on second and final reading. He filled in the blanks as follows: "Section 2. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of $10,501,681.00 to the general fund for the payment of oper- ating expenses and necessary capital outlays for the City Government pursuant to the terms of the above budget." -' Section 3. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of $10,495,00 to the interest and sinking fund for general debt service for the purpose of paying the interest, principal, and reserve due on the general obligation bonds of the City not subject to statutory exemptions and for-.redeeming such bonds as they mature,r Section 4. There is hereby appropriated the sum of $4,181,430,00 to the water and sewer utility fund for operat- ing expenses and necessary capital outlays. Section 5. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of $933,073.00 to the water and sewer ut.ility fund for the pur- pose of paying interest due on the water and sewer revenue bonds, the sum of~ $714,232.00 for the depreciation of utilities, fixed assets and amortization of its revenue bond discounts and prepaid insurance, for a total of $1,647,305.004 Section 6, That there is hereby appropriated the sum of $41,250.00 to the publicity and. advertising fund fOr the payment of operating expenses pursuant to the terms of the above budget. Section 7, That t~here is herDby appropriated the sum of $313,497.00 to the sanitation capital replacement fund for necessary capital outlays. Section 8. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of $332,753.00 to the Federal General Revenue Sharing Fund for operating expenses and necessary capital outlays." First Reading October 6, 1981. Second and Final Reading October ~20, '1981,~ - 8 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 MHyor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak in favor of the proposed ordinance and received no response. He asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak in opposition to the pro- posed ordinance and received no response, Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 81-35 on second and final reading. Vice Mayor Trauger seconded the motion. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - ABSENT Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 4-0. Ordinances - 1st Reading: Proposed 'Ordinance No, 81-36 City Attorney Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 81'36 on f±rst read- ing, by title only: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 55 OF THE CITY CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, COMPENSATION FOR THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, BY PROVIDING THAT THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SHALL BE PAID $250.00 PER MONTH; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE: PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES." Councilman deLong moved to adopt proposed Ordinance No, 8t-36 on first reading, seconded by CounCilmember Woolley. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright. - ABSENT Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Motion carried 4,0, Resolutions: Councilman Wright returned to the meeting, Proposed Resolution No. 81-WWW Re: Amending Resolution No. 79-U City Manager City Attorney Vance read proposed'Resolution No. 81-WWW by title only: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON - 9 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 20, 1981 BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 79-U." Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No. 81- WWW, seconded by Councilmember Woolley, No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on tke motion as follows: Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 81-XXX Re: Endorsing Concept and Develop- ment of a Day Care Service Facility by Provident Missionary Baptist Church City Attorney Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-XXX by title only: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ENDORSING THE CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT OF A DAY CARE SERVICE FACILITY BY THE PROVIDENT MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH AS BEING CONSISTENT WITH THE LOCAL PLANS AND REGULATIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF APPLYING FOR CERTAIN CORPORATE TAX CREDITS UNDER FLORIDA LAW." Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed 'Resolution No, 81- XXX, seconded by Councilmember Woolley, City Manager Cheney.~advised Mayor Harmening that Reverend Anderson W~ods wish.ed%th spe~kaoln~the. matte~. Councilman W~ight thought Mr~ Wa~d and Mrs.' Lottie Pierce would also like to say something, Reverend Anderson Woods, Provident Missionary Baptist Church, Boynton Beach, Florida, who resides at 1130 West 26th Street, Riviera Beach, Florida~came forward and informed- the Council that the Resolution was something new to him and, as Pastor of Provident Missionary Baptist Church, he felt he should know everything that is going to be done before it is done. Mayor Harmening explained that it was requested by some members of the church who plan on operating a day care center-for-~children in~ order to prevent thew from being taxed. Because of various taxing laws, they requested the City to adopt~ a Resolution stating they are in compliance with all of the City provisions. Mayor Harmening further informed Pastor Woods that a letter is being sent to the Community Development Specialist, Bureau of ~ousing and Community Development, Division of Local. Resource Management, Tallahassee, Florida, in which will be enclosed evidence that the sponsor is an eligible agency, a copy of the corporate charter and by-laws, a narrative of the eligible project (be±ng'the day ~are center), docu- mentation that the project is in an eligible area, and a Resolution from the local government in which the project is located certifying~ - 10 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 that the project is consistent with local plans and regulations. Councilman deLong'interjected that he believed, it was a requirement bY the State to make application, and this is to pave the way so it will be ~ecognized and granted permission by ~he State. Mayor Harmening told Pastor Wood.s the letter was signed by Lottie Pierce, Chairperson, Mamie Booker Memorial Building Fund. Councilman Wright advised Pastor Woods that the program had been supported by the State to encourage more non-profit organizations to do the things that are essential in the community, In this instance, members of the Provident Missionary Baptist Church have indicat'ed there is a need for child care services in the· City of Boynton Beach. The Community Action Council Off±ce has a program- that only accommodates about 70 three and four year old children. In addition, there is a Title XX program that provides s~rvices to roughly twenty children. The Resolution proposed to be adopted will support thirty additional children in the 'Community that cannot be served in the Community Action Council program. Councilman Wright stated he would like to be the first one to commend anyone in Pastor Woods' church that would like to support such a program' because churches are needed and other non-profit organizations to be more supportive of these kind of programs because Federal monies cannot always be relied upon. This way private donors and other interested people who wish to participate in such a program can be relied upon, Pastor Woods wished to know the State's requirements for a day-care center. Councilman Wright answered'there are Health Department requirements to say they are in compliance with~heal%h standards and codes but there are no rigid requirements. There must be adequate space and personnel to work with-the children. Councilman Wright could see no problem, with the support of the church!s congregation. Pastor Woods was under the impression that a doctor and nurse would be needed, and Councilman Wright said that would not be necessary. Councilman Wright believed most of the children would be those who could receive benefits through--the County Health Department or some other medical program. Pastor Woods advised the Council that the church had in their minutes as of approximately 1-1/2 years ago where it was made the law of Provident Missionary Baptist Church that no~member should go forth to proceed to do anything' towards the church unless they had per- mission by votes of the church, and then the Trustees cannot do any- thing unless they have the voice of the church by votes. The Trustees and the Pastor are the only ones that can go forward. Pastor Woods reiterated that he had the minutes, and if the Council wanted him to, he would call a meeting and bring the results to the Council, because the members are not for the day care center because they can- not afford it. - 11 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1R81 Mayor Harmening asked Pastor Woods if he was saying the church does not look favorably upon it, and he did not think the City should become involved in it in any way, and that the i~dividual, Mrs. Lottie Pierce, who wrote the letter, was acting on her own, and not through the sponsorship of the church. Pastor Woods said that was correct. Councilman deLong withdrew his motion, as he felt they needed more information. Councilmember Wright though% the members of the church should get together and thought they ~should be supportive of things that would be beneficial to the community, Councilman Wright said there were no other black churches in the community that have child care programs and he felt it was a direction they should move in, Councilman Wright stated he would like Mr. Early Johnson, Community Development Specialist, Tallahassee, to come and talk to %he members of the church, as he felt the'~day care C~nterr~.was really needed. Councilman Wright informed Pastor Woods that he met with Mrs. Lottie Pierce and the daughter of Mr. Perry, Mrs. Maxine-Smith, and some of the other members, and Mr. Ward, and they had'worked on the proposal, and Councilman Wright gave them some suggestions. Council- man Wright offered to help the church and get any technical assistance they may need, Councilmember Woolley withdrew her second to the motion. deLong suggested laying the question On the table. Councilman Pastor WOods remarked that all he wanted was recognition. It was not right to g°ahead~and~do'something and then bring it to the church after it was already done. The church, as a community church, has a right to vote and then haue the Pastor and Trustees see about things. Mayor Harmening agreed with Pastor Woods and commented that perhaps the City had the cart before the horse~ Councilman deLong moved to strike the matter from' the agenda, seconded by Councilmember Woolley, Councilman Wright could understand the functioning of the governing in some churches because he is a Trustee in his' own church, but it was his understanding that t.he body at'large .could determine whether they wanted to support something or not. Mayor Harmening advised that until such time as the church makes their stand clear, the City should keep its nose out of someone else's business. Pastor Woods requested that the Council allow him to call the members together and bring the results to the Council. Mayor Harmening s~id a simple letter saying the church was in favor or opposed to the concept would be sufficient. If the church is in favor, the Resolution will be reinstated. Councilman deLong said the Resolution had been requested' and the City had acted in good faith as this was one of the requirements of the State to comply and be recognized for non-profit. - 12 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCI~L MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 Mrs. Lottie PierCe, a citizen of Boynton Beac~ for 35 years, was sure she would not bring anything to the Council without the consent of the church. Mrs~ Pierce informed the Council that the church voted to have a day care center and build a kitchen. They voted in March of 1980 and there was a vote of 11 for and 4 against, and everything that was done was announced in the church. Mrs. Pierce said there were some hypOcrites in the church. Mrs. Pierce said it was known that the~ day care center is needed, Mayor Harmening told Mrs. Pierce that if~ the church sends the Council a letter stating they are in favor of the Resolution, it will be restated. At this point, the City is in an awkward position, Mrs. Pierce repeated that the church is in favor. Councilman Wright advised her to get the minutes to support that the church is in favor, A vote was taken on the motion to strike, and the motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 81-XXX Re: Compensation for. Food Service Program Employees - Requested by Counc±lman Samuel Lamar Wright City Attorney Vance read proposed Resolut±0n No. 81-XXX by title only: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, SETTING THE SALARIES FOR THE DRIVER AND FOOD SERVER FOR THE.FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM." Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No.' 81-XX~ seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, Mr. Vance said Section 3 of the Resolution should read as follows: "Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect on October 1~, 1981." Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion, as follows: Councilmember Woolley Mayor Harmening Vice Mayor Trauger Councilman deLong Councilman Wright Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 81- Re: Accepting Final Plat for Motorola City Manager Cheney advised this matter should be deleted. Vice Mayor Trauger moved the deletion of this item, seconded by Councilman deLong. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. - 13 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 Proposed Resolution No. 81-YYY Re: Industrial Park, Plat No. 1 Reducing Bond for Lawson City Attorney Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-YYY by title only: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REDUCING PERFORMANCE BOND FOR LAWSON INDUSTRIAL PARK, PLAT NO. 1." Councilman deLong moved the adoption of proposed Resolut-ion No. 81- YYY, seconded by Counc±lmember Woolley. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Trauger Councilman deLong Councilman WrighH Councilmember Woolley Mayor Harmening Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion carried 5-0. Councilman Wright left the meeting. Proposed Resolution 'No. 81~ZZZ Re: Accepting Utilities and Releas- ing Performance Bond for Country Club Trail, formerly known as Cedar Point City Attorney Vance thought ~there was a discrepancy between the -Agenda item, which related to Country Club Trail and the .Resolution, which referred to Banyan Springs (formerly Cedar Point). City Manager Cheney asked Perry Cessna whether it was Banyan Springs or Cedar Point. It was determined they were one and the same and the Resolution was allright. City Attorney Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-ZZZ by title only: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING UTILITIES AND RELEASING THE PERFORMANCE BOND FOR BANYAN SPRINGS (FORMERLY CEDAR POINT}." Councilman deLong moved the adoption of ResolUtion No. 81-ZZZ, seconded by Councilmember Woolley. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman deLong Councilman Wright Councilmember Woolley Mayor Harmening Vice Mayor Trauger Aye ABSENT Aye Aye Aye Motion carried 4-0. - 14 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 Proposed Resolution No. 81-AAAA Re: Accepting Utilities and Releasing Performance Bond for Cypress Creek Development, Phase II City Attorney Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-AAAA by title only: "A RESOLUTION OF THE. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING UTILITIES AND RELEASING THE PERFORMANCE BOND FOR CYPRESS CREEK - PHASE II." Councilman deLong moved the adoption of Resolution No. 81-AAAA, seconded by Councilmember Woolley. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilmember Woolley Vice Mayor Trauger Councilman deLong Mayor Harmening Councilman Wright Aye Aye~ Aye Aye ABSENT Motion carried 4-0. Councilman Wright returned to the meeting. Proposed Resolution No. 81-BBBB Re: Amending Cemetery Fees City Attorney Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-BBBB by title only: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING PRICES FOR CEMETERY LOTS AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES.'' Councilman deLong moved the adoption of Resolutioh No. 8I-BBBB, seconded by Vice Mayo~Trauger. Mayor~Harmening advised that City Clerk Tereesa Padgett presently had a list of people interested in purchasing cemetery lots in the section that is being replatted. The people on the list would have bought the lots had they been available, and then they could have bought them at the old price. Councilman deLong moved that anyone on the list prior to tonight (~October 20', 1981) would get the old rate. Mayor Harmening asked if the motions.were proper. City A~torney Vance advised it would be more appropriate to add a Section~4 to the Resolution, stating that this Resolution shall become effective as of October 30, and any applicants f©r the lots presently on file will be able to purchase the lots at the existing rates. Mrs~'padget~ took a roll Call~votelonthe~motidnas f~lo~s~~ Councilmember Woolley Mayor Harmening Councilman deLong Vice Mayor Trauger Councilman Wright Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion carried 5-0. - 15 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 Proposed Resolution No. 81-CCCC Re: Amending Recreation Fees City Attorney Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-CCCC by title only: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION 80-QQ RECREATION FEES AND USE POLICIES." Councilman deLong moved to.adopt proposed Resolution No, 81-CCCC, seconded by Councilmember Woolley. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Trauger Councilman deLong Councilman Wright Councilmember Woolley Mayor Harmening Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion carried 5-0. LEGAL Other: None. OLD BUSINESS: Consideration of American Legion Land Swap City Manager Cheney advised that sometime ago the American Legion owned lQ, 000 square feet of land in the Cherry Hills area. They planned to build a Legion post for sometime but they discovered with the advent of the new Comprehensive Plan and zoning changes, the site they wanted to build on was no longer suitable for a non- profit civic club. The reason was the size of the lot and because the Comprehensive Plan tended to change and upgrade the character of the area into residential family homes. The City made attempts through community development to rev±talize and preserve the cemetery which is across the street. The American Legion Post had a lot of members who wanted to build a large building and found they could not do it. That went through the planning process with the Board of Adjustment and it was concluded that it was not possible to give them a variance to build there. Kt that time the City Council asked the Staff to work with the American Legion to try to find a piece of City owned land that could be swapped with the Legion. Some research and study was done, and it was discovered that there was only one pZece of land appropriate in that section of the City, especially between-N. W. 2nd Avenue and the Boynton Canal that the City owned, It was found to be next to the existing, day care center. - 16 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 The City realized that some years ago, a lease was signed which is good until 1990 on the land. There were a lot .of discussions back and forth, and Mr. Cheney said he met with the Legion, and the Legion said they wanted a Legion post but they did not want to be in a position where they were fighting a lease for a day care cen~er, as the City had suggested that lease be given up for the Legion Post. The Legion asked about land somewhere else. The Legion asked about the FOP land, which is on the west side of 1-95, which the City owns. There is an indoor pistol range and an Outdoor range. Mr. Cheney advised the Council there were two pro- posals before them. One proposal was the corner of 1-95 and N. W, 22nd Avenue, and one somewhat to the western and central area of that land. Both places have problems of access, how do they get the land, does the City have the right to sell or swap the land, and questions of appraisals. Also, can the City get by with it, as it is property that is not used very muCh except by the policemen and canine section. Access would be off of ~igh Ridge Road in the middle of land owned by Field and Riley. City Manager Cheney said the Legion 'felt it had been left out, but the problem of transferring land is complicated, Mr. Cheney did not know what else to suggest. Councilman deLong was concerned as to whether Mr. Charles Frederick, Director of Recreation and Parks, had been consulted. City Manager Cheney said there was no detailed.plan, Mr. Cheney said the City did have a plan for the conversiOn of the indoor pistol range into one active range. He said one reason that corner' may make sense is that it is out of the way. Councilman deLong thought the first'thing to do would be to get an opinion from the City Attorney and let him do some research. He told Mr. Cheney they were treading on City property, formerly owned by the taxpayers, and they needed research from the City Attorney. H~wever, Councilman deLong was for~the land swap. Vice Mayor Trauger wondered how far the shell rock was from the corner, and Mr. ~Cheney answered that it'was 623 feet and a lot of distance. Douglas Davis, 301 N. E. 13th Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida,.c~/~e forward to speak for the American Legion of 'Boynton Beach, He stated the Legion was in the process of buying the property they own for the past ten years, They finally purchased the property in 1975. They anticipated trying to build. Everytime the Legion tries to talk. or try to negotiate, it is always put aside. The City has had ten years to get it straightened out, and Mr. Davis felt the City should try to negotiate so they could start building. Right now, they do not have a place to meet. It is not fair to the Legion because they bought the property and were tOld they could build on it when they bought it. Mr. Davis asked the Council when they were going to give them or allow them a place so they could build a Legion home. He MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETIN~ OCTOBER 20, 1981 said it would not be sold to a private individual. The name of. the post is Leroy Parker Post 288. The American Legion st.ands for all Legionnaires in the United Statues. Mr. Davis said the City should have something in ~mind and-asked-how the Legion could survive if the City keeps putting them off year after year. Mr. Davis said it was time now for the City to do something so the Legion would know where they stand and how they stand. Councilman Wright asked about the site~by the child care center, City Manager Cheney said the child.care lease wouldnot~be ~p'iuntit~t990and would be the desirable spot. The problem is some people think they are talking against children when they talk about that land. Mr. Cheney said they would like to talk about accommodation and the Legion. Mr. Cheney suggested an amendment to the lease of the day care center. Mayor Harmening asked if this had been discussed with the lessor. City Manager Cheney said he had.discussed it at one point, and the response was that there was a need for a day care., Mr. Cheney_thought the Legion felt uncomfortable about pursuing it further. Mayor Harmening thought the City should pursue the matter. There was discussion aboUt the Legion and the child care center, space, and land. Mr. Davis brought out that children would be involved and he believed somewhere in the City Ordinances, it states that no place shall have "booze" within-1,000 feet of a day care center or church, Mayor Harmening said they were talking about commercial establish- ments. Mr. Davis stated then the.Legion would have no. objections because they want to get started. Mr. Cheney advised the day care land has about 30,000 square feet, Mr. Cheney felt it was realistic to conclude that the day care center would not expand very much. If the abandoned right of way of 7400 square feet the day care site, there would be almost 28,000 or feet of land. He fel.t the Legion could build on 25 of land. The Legion owns 10,000 square feet of to have 20,000 square feet for the building and pa~ It was~the feeling of the Council that the chances present day care center were rather remote. Mayor City Manager Cheney to pursue the matter. Counciln that would be the best spot and the City should, mow Councilman deLong moved that City Manager Cheney bc negotiate a location south of the present day care man Samuel Lamar Wright also be a member of the con member Woolley seconded the motion. Motion carried ~uld be added to 30,000 square ,000 square feet d, but they ought kin~, of expanding the Harmening wanted .an Wright felt ~e rapidly, instructed to center and Council- ~ittee. Counc it- 5-0. Confirm SeI~ect~ion of 30 Acre Park 'Consultant Councilman deLong moved that Wallace, Roberts and Todd be selected as the design consultants for the C~ty with regard to the 30 acre park. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Woolley, No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. - 18 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 Consider Approval of Design Concept - N, E, 10th Avenue Councilman deLong moved to accept the recommendation of Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner and adopt the 50 foot right-of-way, for design and construction purposes as put forth by the consultants. Councilmember Woolley seconded the motion. Councilman Wright wondered which commercial establishment Mr. Annunziato referred to in his memorandum of October 15. Mr. AnnUnziato replied it was the small building at 2nd Street and 10th. The business is scheduled to be relocated to the west. Councilman Wright asked about the three homes that were mentioned. Mr. Annunziato could not identify them for Mr. Wright. City Manager Cheney ~explained that the~City went withi~Metric Engineer- lng to do a detailed_.study ofrthe street andrare proposing a 60 foot right-of-way, They knew from the beginning some properties would be affected, Mayor Harm~ning stated that originally, when they had talked about it, some people addressed the Council and they wanted a four lane highway through there. Later, when they found the majority of the people did not favor it, the City took a more real- istic stand. City Manager Cheney advised that a four lane divided highway would have eaten up the neighborhood. Councilman Wright said they were supporting two lanes with side- walks on both sides. A representative of Metric Engineering advised the proposed right-of- way would affect two small buildings located on the south side where the present 30 foot right of way exists, It will affect another structure right across-frOm the Gloria Shop, which i.s a wooden shop, It will be moved back or dismantled. It is a concept that keeps the neighborhood, allows additional parking, and. keeps the traffic moving. City-Manager Cheney pointed out that there would be some islands~ it wi!! show where parking would be located, and dO some landscaping. It will give some flexibility, Mayor Harmen±ng told Councilman Wright the City had been going over ~he matter for seven years. A vote was taken on .Councilman deLong's motion, and the motion carried 5-0. Renew Interlocal Agreement - Palm Beach County Community Development Urban County. Program Councilman deLong noted a date should be filled in. Mayor Harmening and City Manager Cheney agreed it should be October 20, 1981. Councilman deLong moved that'the agreement be executed, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Title XX Program - Requested by Councilman Joe ~deLong Councilman deLong thought he moved for the appropriation contingent MINUTES - REGULAR CiTY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 upon other cities also appropriating~money. Councilman deLong did not feel the funds had been discussed. Councilman deLong noticed that Delray Beach and Boca Raton refused to contribute. Councilman deLong repeated that the motion he had made was contingent upon other cities contributing.. City Manager Cheney did nOt have the minutes Councilman deLong_referred to before him, but his recollection was that the motion, either by the City Council or the Community Relations Board, approved the expenditure as long as it was to bene- fit Boynton Beach children, City Manager Cheney informed the Council that no funds had~been d~spensed, City Manager Cheney further .informed the Council"that he had dis- cussed with HRS the point that if Boynton Beach spends any money, it is to be matched and come back and benefit Boynton~Beach children. HRS, if the Council agrees, has. agreed that those funds will support Boynton Beach children. If the CoUncil wants it to mean only if Delray and Boca Raton put in money, tha~ would be up to the Council. Councilman deLong reiterated he made the motion contingent upon contributions from other cities. Mayor Harmening said in this case, the money would come back to the City tenfold, because 'it is matched by the State and by the Federal Government, The City would spend $4,200.00 if the program is funded and the agreement'that the City would only be paying it quarterly would be $1~100 or $1,050, and then the State doubles it, the Federal Government 'triples it, and the City gets something like $33,000.00. City Manager Cheney said he would h~ve to check the motion. He further commented that the Coming funding of day care centers is going to be more and more complicated in the coming years, Mr. Cheney reported that he had some discussions with Un~ited Way, who also funds day care. The City's problem with tying ~ts funding with Delray and"Boca is that the City' is working with its United Way funds, except three United Way funds, because Delray and Boca have two~. separate United Ways~.~ one is the Community Chest by title, and one is the United Way. City Manager Cheney advised he has beg-un to ask more questions about day care funding and is becoming more confused. City Manager Cheney said he is also on the Board of Directors for the Palm Beach County United Way and has asked to be more involved in their process of allocating funds to day care centers. He felt the City supported Head Start kind of activities and expressed concern about the funding. City Manager Cheney said he would review the minutes and make~a report at the next Council meeting, In the meantime, no funds will be allowed to go out and be the Council wishes. It see~ed.to~Mayor. Harmening, under the program, that if it is funded by the Federal Government and if it is ~funded by the State,. the City would certainly get a wealth of return for a relatively small investment, and the City only has to pay it quarterly. Councilman Wright asked Councilman deL~ng what the problem was, - 20- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COU5 From reading the newspapers were denied by Delray Beac~ made was contingent upon t~ Circ.'Manager Cheney confir~ CIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 · Coun¢ and Be e othe~ ~=d- May~ ilman'deLong saw where contributions ca Raton. He knew the motion he ~ities contributing. r Harmening's understanding that this was a separate contraqt with HR$, Mayor Harmening informed Councilman deLong that the City hsd· its own contract wi~h· HRS, City Manager Cheney asked ~he Council if they would object t0~one quarterly payment of $1,05Q.00 why'lc ~he whole thi.~g is explored further. Councilman deLon~ wanted to make·certain'the ·City was carrying out what the intent was. Mr. ~heney suggested thai'city make one quarterly payment Councilman deLong moved to and make one quarterly pa~ issue further. The motion Councilman Wright was conc~ funding at this time to sus pointed out that this could funds. Motion carried 5-0. Councilman deLong thought ~ been notified of the~ ~termin felt the hold up was the cc Washington and the County C or give them more money unt credit. Councilman Wright was saying was correct. Councilman deLOng moved that the C contact the County officials and 1 interest is to keep the Day Care C do to aid and assist will be great seconded the motion. Mayor Harmen and telling them a resolution will Wright ±nformed the Council that h papers", effective November 13tho employees would be affected. Motion carried 5-0. NEW BUSINESS Ratification of Polic·e Unicn Cont· Vice Mayor Trauger moved t~.e rati~ contract as presented and nstruc~ same. The motion was seconded by Cheney informed the Council that ~ that the Police Union representatJ couple of cases they further confJ and explore the whole issue further. accept CitY Manager Cheney's suggestion ent of $1,050.00 and explore the whole was seqonded by Vice Mayor Trauger. rned that there might not be adequate rain the program. Mayor Harmening help ~he program as fa~ as securing veryon~ in the'Day Care Center should have ation qf services, Councilman deLong mputer~ and ~he fUnds~have tO come from ommiss~oners ·have refused, t° subsidize il ~he~ receive ~ tet%er of ~--?./ confirmed that what councilman DeLong ouncil have the City Manager et them know that the.City's enter open, and anything they can ly~appreciated. Councilman Wright lng suggested notifying the County be forthcoming. Councilman e had his notice or "walking Councilman Wright said 120 'act 'ication of the police union · the proper officers to smgn the Councilman deLong. City Manager ~here were a few minor changes .ye and he agreed upon. In a .rmed the negotiations and clari- - 21- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20. 1981 fied language. They came from discussions with Attorney Carson and in some cases were grammatical or wording improvements. City Manager Cheney asked the Council to approve the agreement. City Manager Cheney added that it was the wiSh of the Police Officers. They had very pleasant negotiating sessions, a total amount of understanding, and the direction to work together. Mr. Cheney hoPed and suggested to the'Police Officers that the City and management were very much concerned about the lifestyle of ~he Officers and their working relations with the City, They realize police departments are under a lot of stress and there is a lot of mis- understanding in a lot of police departments. City. Manager Cheney hoped by having the agreement, there would be no misunderstandings. Mr. Cheney was confident with~ the leadership of this Union and the Officers he met withl that they have a positive attitude towards the City and the working relationships of the policemen here. In the next months, City Manager Cheney announced there would be some changes in the Police Department, because Chief Huddleston is retiring; Mr. Cheney looked forward to the Police Officers, with the agreement, working positively with the department leadership and the City in the months to come to handle the transition in a smooth way and 'not lead the City into problemS as they have had in other Cities, City Manager Cheney felt some real progress had been made in that direction in the negotiations, and he felt the City should be pleased in the direction it is going. He recommended the Council authorize the execution of the agreement. Councilman Wright seconded the motion, The motion carried 5-0. Vice Mayor Trauger commended City Manager Cheney and the negotiators from the Union in pUt~ing the agreement through in a short time and being amiable all the way through. He felt it was an excellent contract. Annexation - Requested by Vice Mayor Walter "Marty, Trauger Several months ago the City was faced with'a small annexation problem. Today because of the increases in the County tax assessments and many people to the West of Boynton Beach getting into an argument with the County Commissioners and rumblings in the paper immediately to the West of Boynton Beach who would like to incorporate, perhaps into a separate city, Vice Mayor Trauger thought this matter should be discussed. Presently, Palm~B~a~h~.C~nty__has 37 municipalities with 58,900 people. Vice Mayor Trauger did not feel another incorpOrated area was needed in Palm Beach County. Vice Mayor Trauger felt the City needed a list of priorities and perhaps some guideline criteria to make decisions if they are ever approached or they seek to annex an area adjacent to the City. He further felt-the Planning Department and Technical Review Board should - 22 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 look over eaCh of the small unincorporated areas around the City. They should check to see how good the streets are, if the developers put in four feet of shale rock underneath the streets or~ just one inch, how good their sewer and water lines are, their construction for fire hazards from a construction point, their police require- ments, and the impact to the beach in beach decals, garbage and trash pick-up, and above all whether they would be the kind of people Boynton Beach would want. Vice Mayor Trauger said the line of cost orfprofi% .over the next five years should be estimated. This information Could come~ from the applicable City advisory boards and they could put their input into it, but Vice Mayor Trauger thought the Council. needed to know the information, and then get the information in line, so the Council could sell themselves if needed. Vice Mayor Trauger said the City had a good product but had to organize their sales pitch>s~f~ they would have all Of their facts in tine. Vice Mayor Trauger noted that Boynton Beach has an outstanding Police Police Department and Hire Department, fine garbage and~trash collection, an excellent library, parks and recreation facilities, a good beach, and one of the lowest per capita tax rates in the area, which no one around seems to~understand or appreciate. For the past two years,, the City has had a very stable government. Vice Mayor Trauger said the City had a good department in all of its Administrators and he felt the City had a progressive, intelligent, and attractive City Council. Vice Mayor Trauger moved that the City Council request City Manager Cheney and the Planning and other appropriate staff managers to start an analysis of the small unincorporated areas and consider the factors he just mentioned, which will enable the City Council to make intelligent decisions in the event there is a request for annexation. Councilman deLong seconded the motion. Councilman deLong did not believe Boynton Beach had the authority to control the number of municipalities in the County.. He pointed out Palm Beach'County is the biggest County in the United States east of the Missippi River. He said if the people were brought into the City, they could shout at the Council. He would rather have them shout at the'County Commission. Councilman deLong said there would be a lot of non-conforming uses ~ut there. Councilman deLong said the opportunity to annex was missed when they were knocking on the door for water and sewer lines, like they did when the Meadows came in. Mayor Harmening noted it was not contiguous at that time. Councilman deLong remarked that w~% was being done now was exactly what he proposed and received ~rePort~n fr~hthe City Manager and staff about e~ght or nine months ago. He had been trying for some time to establish a western boundary line so the City would know where they were going. He thought the people of the City should decide how large a City they want. - 23 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 There was discussion by Councilman deLong and Vice Mayor Trauger about different' areas west of the City. Mr. deLong' repeated that' this was exactly what he requested eight months ago, and it came back with negative answers, so that is why he seconded the motion. He said maybe there would be some results now. There was more discussion between Councilman Wright and Councilman deLong about prior~ actions taken by the Council. A vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 5r0. Consider Change in Lot Mowing Fees Councilman deLong moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager regarding lot mowing fees, seconded by Councilman Wright. The motion carried 5-0. ADMINISTRATIVE: Consider Proposed New EXcaVation &~Fill Regulations It was decided to leave this matter on the table. TABLED Pedestrian Signal - South Federal Highway - Funding TABLED Vice Mayor Trauger moved'~to ~ake the item from the table, seconded by Councilmember Woolley. Motion carried 5-0. Vice Mayor Trauger noted that just a few months ~ago, the County was ready to fund the entire traffic light, then they got into a budget crunch and immediately cut it out. Now it is in the lap of the City for $11,250.00. It is the same drop in the lap that the County gave the City for the bridge and road fees. The City got- stuck with the budget. Vice Mayor Trauger moved to fund the light to the extent of $11,250.00 and collect the rest from Palm Beach County. The motion was seconded by Councilman deLong. City Manager Cheney said he would tell the County to get going but the City-would propose to take it out of revenue sharing funds. Councilman Wright thought perhaps the City could get all of the money from the County and felt the City should be thankful for whatever they could get. City Manager Cheney adviSed that the County initially funded 50%, "W~y they chose 25% was up to the Council's conjecture, Mayor Harmening did not feel the signal was needed, The motion carried 4-1, with Mayor Harmening voting against the motion. - 24 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 Authorize City Memberhip in NatiOnal League of Cities - Requested by Councilman Samuel Lamar wright Councilman Wright noted that all of the Council members were given an opportunity to go to the National League of Cities meeting. He expressed a desire to go. He received information regarding the registration fee. ~Councilman~W~ig~rasked that this be included in-the budget, as he felt all the ~members could benefit from it. Vice Mayor.Trauger seemed surpri.sed that both'Councilman'Wright and COuncilmember Woo~ley planned~to go to~Detr~it~ Councilman Wrigkt retorted that three members were going to Orlando, and Vice Mayor Trauger said~ he was paying his own way, Councilman Wright could not pay his way. Vice Mayor Trauger thought Detroit posed ~a ~reat~expense, and the Cadillac Hotel was rather expensive. Councilman deLong did not think members needed to go alt over the nation, ~Mayor Harmening commented that Councils in the past had expresSed the opinion that it was a waste of City funds. Vice Mayor Trauger did not mind joining the League and sending a delegate but he did not feel two delegates had to go, Mayor Harmening did not feel even one had to go, Councilman Wright stated as a supporter of education, he felt he needed to be involved in meetings of this kind, and he felt the City Staff could benefit from receiving information from the National League of Cities' meeting, Mayor Harmening said the City did receive information from the National League of Cit±es regularly, Councilman Wright thought the taxpayers elected to have a cross section of the Council bring in some new ideas and fresh things to the C±~ty of Boynton Beach. He fslt everyone could learn regardless of how old they become.~and the information would be very beneficial to the City. Vice Mayor Trauger said as much information could be obtained from the trade journals as from a convsntion. He informed Councilman Wright that he had gone to many conventions and you sit hour after hour and listen to long winded speaches and then you get copies of all of them and file them in file 13. Councilman Wr±ght moved that the City pay the National League of Cities' membership fee, seconded by Councilmember Woolley, The vote was 3-2 against the motion. Councitmember Wootley and Councilman Wright vo~ed for the. motion with Mayor Harmening, Vice Mayor Trauger and Councilman deLong voting against the motion, To protect his office, City Manager Cheney wanted to be sure that if commitments weremade to pay plane fares and hotel reserva- tions, he did not want to pick up the tab later on, He informed the Council that money was available. Mayor Harmening explained that the motion was to join the League of Cities. There was nothing in the motion directing any members of Council to go or not to go. Councilman deLong said there would - 25 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 be a rebate of $7.00 for joining the League. Councilman deLong said at the time anyone decides to go, they should come before the Council for the Council's approval, City Manager Cheney thought it should be discussed by the Council at this time because the issue would be coming up in November. Mayor Harmening said he would have no objection if members wished to go to the National League of Cities. Councilman Wright thought the Florida League and National' League should be two meetings where members should be entitled to go if they elect to go. City Manager Cheney interPreted' the discussion to mean there.~.would be no problem in authorizing expenditures. Vice Mayor Trauger felt from the point of view of thee Council, if the members go out spending money in travel or anything else such as that, they should obtain Council approval by'the same token other items for expenditure of money are approved. Vice Mayor Trauger had no objection to Councilman Wright going, outside of he did not believe Councilman Wright would get much out of going, but he thought a policy should be set if C°uncilmembers were going to travel on City expenditures~, ~t should be brought up before the Council and approved by Council, then everyone would know what was going on, Councilman Wright sa~id-~he~.~ ~no discussion for Councilmember Woolley to be the delegate to Orlando from Boynton Beach. Vice Mayor Trauger pointed out that he said at open Council Meeting ~he would like to attend. Councilmember Woolley said 'any one on the Council could attend, so there should have been no problem. Councilman deLong moved that if anyone on~the-~Gouncil wanted to go to any of the meetings, if the City is footing the bill, it should be approved by Council. Councilman Wright amended the motion to say meetings other than the Florida League of Cities Meeting, the National League of Cities Meeting, and the United States Conference; and the Mayor shOuld represent the City at the United States Conference of Mayors. He said one delegate from the Council should attend each of the three meetings and the Mayor the latter one. Any other meetings should come before the Council. Councilmember Woolley thought there should be no problem, as the money had been allotted. V~ce Mayor Trauger seconded the motion by Councilman deLong. Councilmember WOolley seconded the amendment to the motion. A vote was taken on the amendment made by Councilman Wright~ The vote was against the amendment, 3-2, with Councilmember Woolley and Councilman Wright Voting for the amended motion and Councilman deLong, Vice Mayor Trauger, and Mayor Harmening voting against. A vote was taken on the motion by Councilman deLong that each trip should be brought before the Council for approval. The motion carried 3-2, with Councilman Wright and Councilmember Woolley voting against. Councilman Wright expressed his disapproval and disappointment. - 26- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 City Manager Cheney requested the Council to have a motion to address the Florida League of Cities. Councilmember Woolley was surprised as she was to attend, Mr. Cheney said~he needed the approval. City Manager Cheney also asked for the inclusion of the attendance of two members to the National League of Cities so there would be no question about that. Councilman Wright moved that Councilmember Woolley, Vice Mayor Trauger and Councilman Wright attend the Florida League of Cities and Councilman Wright and Councilmember Woolley attend the National League of Cities' Meeting. Councilmember Woolley seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Appointment of Replacement for Alvin C. Boeltz, ~Jr,, Building Board of Appeals Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, that the nominations be opened for the Building Board of Appeals. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Woolley nominated Lester E. Ward~ 129 S. E, 13th Avenue, Boynton Beach, for the position. Mrs. Woolley informed the Council that Mr. Ward's father is Foy Ward, who is on the Codes Enforcement Board. Mr. Lester Ward is self-employed with Ward Construction General Contractors in building construction, commercial and residential buildings, remodeling?a~d carpentry. Councilman deLong moved that the nominations be closed. Vice Mayor Trauger seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0. Mayor Harmening announced that Lester E, Ward had been nominated by acclamation, so moved unanimously. Request to use Jaycee Park for Annual Turkey Shoot - November 22, 1981 and November 23, 1981 Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, to grant the request. City Attorney Vance suggested, they be required to have insurance, and was informed they do. The motion carried 5-0. Councilmember Woolley noted the funds would go to a boys' home, Councilmember Woolley wondered where it was located. The Presiden~ of the Boynton Beach Jaycees~--~Ayndon-~R~ Smith, ~was~ ~n-the audience. He informed the Council i~ iS in~No~th Boynton, north of~'the canal. It recently assumed a big brother type.of atmosphere. Counoilmember Woolley asked who runs it. Mr..~Smi~h replied a couple lives there all week long and another couple comes in on weekends. The boys are from age 10 to 14 and a~e sent there for breaking in and minor drug abuse charges. The Jaycees are trying to help~ the boys and give them someone to look up to, In addition, they contribute to muscular dystrophy. - 27 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 Approval of Change Order No. 1 - Southeast Underground, Sewer Lines for Congress Avenue and Miner Road - Final Balancing Change_Order R & A Project No. 626-681-45 Approval of Change Order No. 2 - Southeast Underground, Force Mains for Congress Avenue and Miner Road - R & A Project No. 626-681-56 Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, to approve Change Order No. 1 and Change Order No. 2. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. List of Payments for Month of September, 1981 Vice Mayor Trauger questioned the payment of $8.60 to "Ye Old Pub" shown on page 10, the fifth entry up from the bottom of the page. Grady Swann, Finance D±rector, explained that it was a refund on the water bill. Councilman deLong moved to accept the list of payments and place it on file. Vice Mayor Trauger seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills Mr. Cheney read the following bills for approval: 1. Allen Insurance Agency $32,175.00 Renewal of General Liability Insurance for total of $74,595.00 1st installment 26,115.00 due R/20/8t 2nd installment 6,060.00 due 10/20/81 Balance due in 7 monthly installments of $6,060 each Pay frc~ General Fund and Water & Sewer ~Fund 2. Allied Chlorine & Chemical Products Chlorine for Water Treatment Plant Pay frcm 1980-81 Budget 401-332-533-30-63 2,013,20 4. Division of Forestry 1,590.00 Urban:Forestry Assessment Final Payment Inv. 20639 for period of Sept. 2, 1981 - February 28, 1982 Pay from General Fund 001-722~572-40-68 5. Kent EwingEnterpr±ses, Inc. 4,170.00 Sod for Water Treatment Plant Pay from 1980-81 Budget 403-000-169-01-00 Per bid 8/11/81, Council approved~8/l~/81 - 28 - 3. Burkhardt Construction, Inc. 1,550.00 D~molition of property 131 N. E. 2nd Ave. Pay from GeneralFund ~001,000-115-31-00 Per bid 8/25/81, Council approved 9/1/81 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 10. 11. 12, OCTOBER 20, 1981 Florida League of Cities, Inc. Dues 10/1/81 - 9/30/82 Pay frc~ General Fund 001-111-511-40-7G Halsey' s. 130 Cases Jamestown Bond per State Contract Pay frc~ General Fund 1980-81 Budget 001-000-141-01-00 $ 2,148.26 Miracle Recreation Equipment Co, EqUipment for Rolling Green School · Timber Challenge Course & Adult Challenge Course Pay frc~ 1980-81 Budget 001-000-115-84-00 International Business Machines. Computer rental for month of October, 1981 Pay frc~ General Fund '-' Various Departments 3,585.50 Motorola Inc. Various items for PoticeDepartment Pay from GeneralFund 001-211-521-30-23 Pay from Fed. Rev. Share 320-211-521-60-42 Pay from 1980-81 Budget 3,127.90 Municipal Code Corp. Supplement ~2, Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances Pay from 1980-81 Budget 320-000-247-07-00 4,911.00 Palm BeachCountyMunicipalLeague Dues 10/1/81 - 1 year Pay from GeneralFund 001-111-511-40-7G $1,386.00 876.00 2,262.00 13. Seyfarth,'Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson 1,279.84 14. 1,000.00 Legal Fees Fire Legal Fees Police For July & August 001-141-514-40 64 001-141-514-40-6L Pay from 1980-81 Budget $9,211.05 809.07 Stadiums Unlimited, Inc, Forbleachers per bid specs Pay frcm 1980-81 Budget Pay from GeneralFund 001-000-115-82-00 Pay from Fed. Rev. Share 320-722-572-60-3D Pay from Fed. Rev. Share 320-722-572-60-43 General Fundamount reimbursable byCounty Per bid 8/11/81, Council approved 8/18/81 10,020.12 $2,000.00 2,000.00 4,697.00 15. Southeast Underground Const. Est. ~7 Proj. 626-681-59-6 8,697.00 16. Estimate ~7 Final for period 7/20/81 to 9/30/81 Force Main - Miner Road to Congress Pay from N. W. Developers Escrowed Acct. @ First Bk. 24,692.03 Metric Engineering, Inc. City Manager Cheney said item should be deleted. It was only to be put on for authorization and not for payment. this DELETED - 29 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 17. Southeast Underground Const. Est. ~7, Proj. 626-681-56-6 Water Main - Miner Rd. to Congress Pay from N. W. Developers Escrowed Acct. @ First Bk. & Tr. For period 7/20/81 to 9/30/81 $ 99,817.59 18. SoutheastUndergroundConst. Est.~96 Proj. 626-681-45-6 Force Main 316 & 319 -EPA C-120496020' For period 6/20/81 to 9/30/81 Pay from Utility General Fund 403~000-169-11-00 75% reimbursable from EPA 94,770.71 19. Russell&Axon Professional services rendered onvarious projects: Pay from following accounts: 403-000-169,01-00 $ 7,977.73 403-000-169-11-00 20,575.13 403-000-220-64-00 7,387.45 403-000-220-67-00 7,831.52 43,771.83 Pay from 1980-81Budget 20. Willie Ruth~McGrady Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 wks, Pay from Federal Revenue Sh~ring 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 86.40 21. IsiahAndrews Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 wks. Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing 320-641~564-40-5A Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73 99.00 22. Publix Meals for needy & infirmedfor September, 1981 Pay fromFederal Revenue 1980-81 Budget 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73 45.92 City Manager Cheney had one addition: 23. Auto insurance which was approved earlier tonight. The first payment due Morrison Assurance Company Part to be taken fromtheGeneralFundandpart from the Utility Fund 32,935.00 Councilman deLong referred to the bills having been found in order and moved they be paid and delete No. 16. Councilmember Woolley seconded the motion, and the motion carried 5-0. ADJOURNMENT Councilman deLong moved to adjourn, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, and the motion carried 5-0. The meeting properly adjourned at 10:00 P. M. - 30- CITY OF BOYNTON/~ACH · ' ~ ~ ~ayor MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1981 ATTE ST: ~/~ Deputy City Clerk R~;~inTg a~etary - 31 - 9133181 'IYY OF ~3¥NTON BEACH PAGE ~ECK.." VENDOR.." VENOOR NAME CHEC< DATE TOTAL AMOUNT '~ ~'~'3'7 ......... Z-32771 ~ILLE~ DODGE 9/25/8! ~_~38 [35420 ~jNICIPAL POLICE 9/25/8L [,573.29 3843~ l~D~67 N~TION'S ~USINESS -9115181 22.50 S ~'~4-5 ............. 1'50'3 ~0 ....... TEREE'S-~-- ~'~'SG E f ~ ....................................... ~IZS/SL '-38441 150390 PALM' BEAC~ COUNTY MUNISIP 9125181 11.00 38~43 151650 C~RLES PERSING 9/25/81 BB~ 151723 PETTY CAS~ HATER g SEWER 9/25/81 85.73 ..........................38~5 152~_5~0: .... _.~[CARD~_]. CHEMICAL CO. 9/25/8i 38~5 15~50:0 ROBERT POCSIK ..... 9/25/81 38,~7- ' ' 180500' EVA RA~DND .... 9/25/81 _ ~5.00 ,~'~38~8 lg0959 , OLY~E E. SCHOOLE. Y __ 9/25/8~ 15,00 38~9 ~9~733 S]VTHERN SELL TELEPHONE 9/25/~Z 38~51 235532 NALTE~ M. TR~VGER 9/25/81 __I55_.30 38~53 --"' '.-2335~3: NAT'ER DEPARTMENT 9/2518~ L~960.70 38~5~ 2305~5 WATER H. YD~ANT SERVICE 9/25/8i 38~55 232808 EDWIN W. ~INCH 9/25/8i 203.00 38~57 ZS~S5t PATR~C[A L. WOOLLEY 9/ZS/SL ~.~59 235695 SAMdEE L. WRIGHT 9/25/8i I55.00 38460 2~600 XEROX CORPORATION 9/25/8[ ]8-~5 z ........ 25655~ .... BETTY zoBEL ............. 9/ZS/St 50.00 ~8~52 ~5002~ CLEM THOMAS 9/25/8~ ~5~57 S8~98 3~565 J3SEPH COGEN~TRUSTEE 9/28/8~ 8~157,50 ~853i 332901 CITY OF ~OYNTON BEACH 9/30/8I 38502 01280_~ ....... ~_I.~ PRODUSTS & CHEMICALS, 9/33/81. "38533 ...... ~-i ]fZ3 A L L E N -"--~N-S'0 ~ ~ ~ ~"E-~-E'NC Y 9133/81 331.20 38534 013783 R3BERT K.ALSOFROM, PH.D. 9130181 225.30 ~8535 315990 ATLANTIC COAST FIRE CO. 9/~0/81 29.50 38507 020439 THE BAKER ~ TAYLOR CO. 9/~3/8I 153.47 ,~-,,_38538 320~D THE BAKER & TAYLOR CD. 9/33/81 38510 025503 83~ BROWN 9/33/81 Z0.70 _,._3_85 ~!__ 3~5~99 BJTTERFLY SOUND 9/33/8~ 15~.00 9/3318~ ,~8515 3~0500 DAVIS ~ETE~ & SUPPLY 9/33/8L ~516 3~851 J3SE~ L. DE~A~C9 9/33/8i 5.70 38518 36~7 WILLI&H P. DONEY 9/33/8L 38519 344753 38523 3~5~53 .. 38521 353355 38522 353900 .38523 ..... 050103.. DOJSLEOAY & CO. 9/3218I % JO~N 8. DJHKL~ ........................................ 9/3~L~3 .................. ~t_BO E~ONY 9/33/8L Z3.00 E~EROENCY ~EDI'CAL & SAtEr 9/33/8Z 255.35 9/3~/_8.Z 53.00 '7 !dCK " 30525 053593 FLOR[DA 80LT & NUT ' 9/30/81 17.00 395.26 ........ -3537~8 ...... :~L3-R-[D-~--LEG[SLATURE JO[~T 9130181 - ' 15~.30 58527 05378n FLORIDA P]WER [ LIGHT CO. 9/3~/81 ........ g['-5'~.'~- 38528 353875 TNT INOUSTRIES, INC. 38529 .............. 05~552 ........... ~3~sEs .............. 9133182 357.00 .................. .__9/3~1 .................... 38530 .070380 GA~ETIME~ INC, - .............. 9/33/81 9/33/8[ q5.3o 9/3OlSi ~.7o 9/3~/81 ._9~!~/.~1 ~--' - -- 9/33/81 36~.17 38531 370433 BETT~ GAR~tG~ .38532 3~1~59 G~ERAL RESOURCE CORP, 38533 073510 GLUE PRODUCTS,INC. 3853~, 07~50-0 C.~'ARL. ES GSDFREy .38535- "' '080310_ HALSEY ~.GR.iFFr~ ..................................... ..... ~,~_~_'INC. 38536 38. I732 HE4LETT PACKARD 38537 03~593 ROBERT HOWELL ~-~-~-~ .................. ... 9130/81 385~.0 130313 JACK'S CAMER~ CEN~SR 385~1 ~__!.I ............. ~500 K3P¥ KING .............................. ~G CENTER ..................................... 9/30/81 385.~2 115593 JANA (RU~ ............................. 9/39/8i 38543 130400 MANHATTAN TRDPNEES 9/30/81 3~'~'---1.~-~-~ .~AN_~_~O~_ qEAR¥ FOUNDATION 9 ...................................... /3~/81 38545 135400 HJNICI. PA[ CODE gORP 385~6 ' ' R/Sa/Si 385~7 38548 38549 38550 38551 1~0~ ' NATIONAL LIBRARY RESOURC;. 1~259.3 .' ED~ARO..NICHOLAS '. '. .- 9/33/8I ~ 50385 ..... ~-~'"'~-A~'-JR;--~L~-~-~-~ ...................... ?.~Bp/81 150402 PALM BEAC4 COUNTY SPECIAL 150439 PALM ~[9 TURF EQUIPMENT 180500 "EVA. ~-A.YMONO 79-31 I93~0~ 33.90 14.00 2~.25 ~-00 395.77 58~31 9/3o.?~-1 .................15o.oo ~80~00 9/3~/81 9 ~.! 81 5 z. 5 8 9/39/81 55o00 9/30/81 55,33 9130/81 I5.00 38552 1933~7 SAFETY, 'EOJIPMENT CO. m~e~ 192779 SI~4DN' S'"'~]~IFORM~ ......... 38555 38556 -~-§-~y.~--~ 38558 38559 38553 38561 38552 38553 OF F 19~613 SDUE'S UNIFORMS 19~712 SDJTH. C.OONTY DRUG ABUSE 210~93 U'S.S, AGRI-C~E~ICALS 215350_ UNQERSROUND SUPPLY 215393 ....... 2Z1479 VALENCIA COM~JNITY COLLEG 230400 Cq~qLES WALONER, 23~.~7 RI~HAqD S. NALKE 38554 231783 WESTERN ~JTO STORE 38565 ' 232790' ' EUNIC? 39 S B 6 ........... ~'~ ~ g 2~'--~ j';'~ .... W I LSON 9/3 O/S ~-~[~-'~RESH DIST. 9/30/8 2~1600 XEROX CORPORATION 9/32/8~ ........ ~827~ .... R~ER[ J. ~IELI~S(I PH.D. 9/3D/8 290053 '~-~ ~ ~¥--~-' ~' 0 N~-~ ......................................... 9/3~/81 790150 CITY BOYNTON ~EACH 9/33/~I 9133/81 38.00 9/30181 23.00 9/30t8~_ _ 2,003.30 913.07 ~ 1 9t3D1~I 1,334.20 9/30/~1 4,95~.26 9/30/8~ 54.00 -9? ~-? 81 --i~ 9/33/81 1.59 i9~,8C !53.00 I58,I~ 5,30 ........ 38567 38558 38559 38570 ' ~J R q c NJ T M D N T H C H E C K S K ,~ VmNOD~_ ,," VENDOR NA~E CdECK DATE TOTAL AMO'UNT- 3~334 135423 ~JNICIPAL POLICE 9/13/81 1,248.70 $335 352820 FI~E~EN'S RELIEF & 9/IB/BZ 3933~ 192453 S~RATON-T~IN TOWERS 9/21/81 38'~37 .......... ~'g~293 ..... ~'TERN~['-'"R'EvENuE'SERVICE ......... 9~21/~t 38338 03029~ JJD~ CALANORA 9/2!/81 38339 313331 ~ ~ E.SERVICE CO.C~MMUNIC 9/22/81 38340 SllZOg AD&MS CHEVROLET 9/22/81 38341 020440 THE BAKER ~' TAYLOR CO. 9/22/81 38342 021200 B~. OF CD. CO~ISSIONEPS 9/22/81 38343 02N780 B3¥NTON PUMP g SUPPLY 9/22/81 383~4 383~7 38348 38349 38359 38351 38353 3835~ 324785 030552 A.W.CASH MFG. CORP. 33~553 COCA COLa BOTTLING'CO. 3~0335 O.3.T. WEIGHT ~dND 3~0500' DAVlS ~ETER g SUPPLY : 350303 EASt ~.O'AST FIRE. EQOIP. 353690 FLORID~ BOLT & NUT 353712 371551 073500 B3¥NTO~ TRAVEL .AGENCY INC 9/22/81 BDYNTON'WR-ECKER SERVICE 9/2.2/81 9/zz/sl 7~.58 9/z~/82 7~.so 9/22/81 102.30 9/22/~ 51.5.9o 9/22/8i 77.93 .................................. FLORIDA LEAGUE O~ CITIES 9/22/81 150.00 GENERAL BINDING SALES COR 9/22/81 57.30 SL&SG3W EQUIPMENT CO. 9/22/81 57.30 930.00 !44.00 192.D0 15.00 125.83 33.23 241.25 215.24 85.92 536.00 50.00 ~7~583 THE GOOD'LIFE '9'/22/81 100.00 3356 074500 GD~E NEWSP~PER CO. 9/22/81 ~!.99 ~.57 .... ~.Z~.~O ....... ~_~B~?:__~E. GT~.G..CO~..._.!~_, ................... ~_/_2~81 ..................... ~0o77__ 38358 110403 JEAN KARR & C3. 9/22/81 7.30 38359 11~218 KN~PP INC. 9/22/81 !13.29 3.~3_53 123431 LAKE NORTH FIRE E~UIPMENT 9/22/81 114.00 38351 120553 KEVIN CLEMENT 9/22/81 32.~5 38362 1305~0 ~ARINE' ENGINE EQUIP-. COo 9/22/81 2O.lO t32771.. MILLER'DODGE 9/22/81 38~.90 ~64 137535 LEE MYLES TRaNSMISSIO~ .... ; .... ~'J~8~ ............. 5t'3.00 38355 140390 N.&~D.~. APPRAISAL GUIDES 9/22/81 35.00 153133 P 6 G DISTRIBUTORS 9/22/81 23.40 150373 PALM BEACH BRAKE & WHEEL 153437 PALM BEACH HYDRAULIC JACK 38359 150433 PALM PLASTICS.CO° ' 38~70 152753 PIEARD CHEMICA~--'CD. 38,371 190353 S~mET¥ KLEEN SORP. 381372 i9277° SIMON'S UNIFORMS 9/22/8i 18.72 9/22/81 5~.9o 9/22/81 ~1.75 9/2~/~ 51.95 38i373 194713 SJUTHE&STERN MUNICIPAL 9/2~/8I 1,780-~ 38374 195018 STA-CDN,INC.. 9/22/81 333.51 ~83~$ Z~Z55~ TqJ~NDIKE PRESS 9/22/8~ IiS.Z~ 8377 235533 TqANSI-TRSNICS, INC. 9/22/81 25.90 38378 2~1600 ×E~3× CORPORATION 9/22/81 173.33 .................................................................................................................................. 38379 293035 HIRAM CARMONA 9/22/8i 6.50 38383 ~,30015 MINH V , uo~_,~ 9/22/81 19 92 38381 440030' ~ELISSA RJSS 9/22/81 " 31.36 38382 q-50053 J3~l',i J ST~NGES_ 9/21/8t ......... ~--,~"~oj.~8 ~ 83 ~ ~ ....... 3.32.?_Pi ........ C!_.ZV___~.E__~PZ~Zg~__P_~. ACH_ ................ _?/. ~_ ! .Z _? _z 55. s i 9/30/81 CITY OF 60YNTON BEACH C g R R n ~ T M 2 N T H C H E C K S HECK ,~ VENDOR fl ~ENDOR NAME CHEC< DATE TOTAL .... ~'~-5-- .... 052900 FIRST BANK & TRUST 9/24/91 39397 D13723 ALLEN INSJRANCE 9/2~/81 38388 3~0002 ....... ~.~..~%~_.H~T ....... 9/2~/81 5-8'5'~ .............. ~0-001 ROBERT FRANTZ 2,787.22 38390 ....... 3839.!_ 38392 38393 38395: 3.8395 38398 38399 38~33 AGENCY 011350 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES · 012907 ALEXA~OER BATTERY SALES 313723 ALLEN INSJRANCE AGENCY 014052 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCI~ 014067 AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC PRODU 014.2~0 ' ISIAH' fNO~EWS" ' :;':.":': 31~922 APPLIED SCIENCE DIV. 020440 THE BAKER ~ TAYLOR CO. 32~533 BETTY BORON[ 9125/81 9125/8I 9/g~_/8~_ 9/25/81 9125191 9/25/81 9/25/81 9/25/B1 9/25/81 9!25f8i 33,202-75 829.85 513.28 25,5~1.57 705.00 ,6.50 159.98 32.50 55.20 -' I00o00 181.85 '355oBi 10%00 31,80 3840:1.:::': 02~653 T'~'J.BOWLES:-EEECTRI~..~O- 38~02 ::- 02~700 BD'~NTON: ~UTO GLASS & -' .. 38~0~ 024730 BBYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 3843.5 325595 BROOKS PRODUCTS 38~07 - 030303 CALDWELL,PACETTI~BARRON & ' 38~38 333531 THOMAS A.. CLARK . .: 38~09 .......... ~3453~ ..... ~9,1.~ERCIAL__CAR..JOORNAL '--38~10 035350 CUSTOM BUSINESS MACHINES 38411 0~1581 JOE' 9ELONG .......... 3_~_12 042505 DIAZIT CO., INC. 38~18. 250309 EAST;COAST FIRE EQUIP- 38~1~ - 353371 PAJL>E£KERT 38~15 062820 FiRE. MEN':S RELIEF::E 9125181 912'5181 9/25/81 9125/81 -9/525/.=~1 9/25/81 9/25/81 9125/81 9125/81 9/25/81 3,533,17 529.50 3~500.00 271.00 8.89 155.00 23.72 38415 352913 FIRST BAN~ & TRUST 9/25/81 9125/81 9125/81 9125181 177.00 203.00 971.38 20,381.29 3841T 353752 FLORIDA LEVEL & TRANSIT 38~18 055690 CHARLES'FREDERICK 38~20' 070qll GAYLORD'BROS.,INC. 9125/81 9125/81 ~9~25/81 9/25/8i 53.40 130.00' 8.00 153.00 39421 37~530 Cq~RLES GODFREY 9/25/81 -3842.~ ...... D'7-5'¢5¢ ....... HGNIE GR'EENE;--'T'KNk'-~NSDE-~ ..... 38~23 080428 EDWARD HARMENING 9/25/81 38~24 38~581 H]JGHTON MIFFLIN CO. 9/25/81 38425 086351 NOAH ~UDDLESTON " 9/25/81 45.00 303.00 175.00 51.24 20,'3-~00---- 295.00 38427 090099 t.B.q' CORPORATION 9/25/81 83,00 ...... 38428 ............b~'b'i'O~ .........tC,i'Mu~i-~-IPA[--b~'TA--sER-9i ............ ~-72'5-/'8~ ................ 47.-75 ~ 38429 131537 DEE G. JEGHERS 9/25/81 38430 111553 nERT KEEHR 9/25/81 ..... ~843'1 .......... 1i'~-~i'2 ....... Kq'i-~'-'-[j-K-R-EMER 9/25/81 38432 123323 LA~RANCE E~UIPHENT CORP. 9/25/81 38~33 ~23492 LASER LIGHTING & ELECT. 9/25/81 ' 3a~3~ ....... LZ050© ....... g3s Li'TH'~ ............................... 9--TaS/'St 33~35 ~33555 ~AJR¥'S TCOL CHEST 9/Z5/8~ . 3a~s5 .... ~307~o ..... V!k ~ IX_~ 9 !P___?_C~_~P? .................. ~.~.Z?!l .............. 200.00- 2b3.00 ~5o00 590.92 429.~0 200.00 922.50 4~,00 ~ECK ~ VENDOR ;; ~E'~DOR NAME CHEC< DaTE T3TAL ~d23~ 550083 d3qN CONNELLY JR. 9/Z9/~Z 38'2 35 ........... 5~00 8 Z ...... J-3 ~N-'"~-O'~ ~-'T J E R .......................................... ~ ~/~ ~ 865.20 IZ.20 38235 55808~ JaHN F. COX 382~3! ........... 55oo~3 .........~.5_?~_P99c~ 38238 .550084 VERA LEE CRAWFORD 38239 550385 JAqES CRAFTS 38240 550070 J3SEP4 C. DEAL.SRo 382~Z 550072 LOJ[S F. DONAHUE 560073 T. SM O3L~IN & ~Mo NOEBSER 382~3' >~'-'3§~ 55007~ o.M. DOXTAO 9118181 9119181 9/l~/82 9119181 9/28/91 9118181 9118/'81 9115181 382¢5 550075 R.7. DRIESBACH 382~ 550075 MqS. R. O~ISCOLL 3~'2~:' ..... :-~.-T]~'~-7'~---~'~'~'.~]D~-~ND SR. 382.~ 57002~ -~A~EL ECKLUNO ....... '" : :' 38249 573025 D:R. CARL ~- ERNST 38253 570025- 38251 550043 THOMAS FITZPATRICK 38252 59314~ CHRISTIANE FRANCOIS 38253 590055 . .THOMAS.;..GERRETY 9tiBt91 91!8/91 9tt8. P81 9/18/81 9119181 9/18/81 9/18/81 _9/1~81 12,20 1~.85 57.20 25~50 20.I0 15~30 ~7..zo 23,00. 4.00 1'1.30 ~3'830 2!.50"::~:-.::'... 59'.80"""'" 19.70 38255 38257 590070 LOIS S~LAINENA, 38258 59007~ CHRISTINA GILL 590072 G~GLIDTT'I CORP OF FLA. 9/~9/81 9118/81 9/18181 9I~8/81 9118/81 9/18/81 27'.20 i1,50 13.50 lfi.~O 1,23Io30 39250 530355 ETHEL':'HER~ANN 38251 590065 DAVID HIETAPELTO 39253 S~OOOS CARMINE IZZARONE 382.~ ............ ~p ~_~ ~ .... ~E~ N ON .J A C K S 0 N 382~5 ~zoo'25 .J~STI~. O.. ~OHNSON 38255 52.3027 RAYMOND J:3HNSON 38257 520028 VICTOR>JONES 38258 5330~Z C3NSTANIN KAY 38259 5300~2 FRANK KIE~MAN _ 382~.0 530043 RS~AN KULSZYK 38271 63304~ RDMAN KULCZYK , 38272 5~0045 KJRT LA O~ITTE ~ 39273 ............ 6~00~5 _~_..ALQO__P LA~.ALLE.' 38274 5~0347 KENNETH LYMAN. ' '3275 550112 MILNOR CORP. 38277 059115 REV. GERMAN ~ORENO 38278 550115 ~NNETTE MOSLEY 38279 ........ :-~ 38280 550~23 KAMEN 3~281 550121 .J3~ MCKENNA 39292 ......... ~.5.~L~ .... _.~RM~N'S HOTEL 9118181 9119/81 9119181 9/18/81 9/19/81 9119t81 9t19/B1 9118181 9/1~/81 9118181 9118181 9f1~I91 9/18/81 9/18/81 9/19/81 91~8181 9/19/Bi 9/18/8i 9/19/81 27.20 I6-.50' 555.80 7.70 19.38 125.55 35.00 ~,.70- ~.70 27.20 33.00 7.50 ~o70:.' Z~.~O 23.00 22.20 2~.20 35~70 ......... :~ 22.20 1S3.70 57.50 9/30/81 CITY OF 60YN[ON 8EACH C j ~ q E N T M 3 N T H C H E C K S CHECK O4TE TOTAL AMOUNT 3828~ 5700~z o~tA~ HO~ES CO,R. ~/1~/51 !.003.30 38285 67002~ LEGateD J. OGONOWS~I 9/18/81 20.90 S' 70 33285 570025 ........ 3AMES E, aWENS 9118/81 - ~ 7 ~/18/81 13,50- 38287 570~2 ~o A. OVERFIELD 3828~ 593051 ~ZS ISABEL-PERRY 9/18/81 2.50 38290 580062 M~'~iE t. P~EFFER 9/18/81 17.70 .... 3_82~.k ..........~g~.Q~ . G~_N___P~.~L~LIPS 9118/81 ~7,50 38292 530055 38293' 690002 3R295 730059 38295 700070 E.W. PICA~D 9/18/81 05AIL RI-DGE:'I~C 9/18/81 LER~Y REED __.. . . . 9/1~/81 .JDHNNY L, ROBERTS . 9/18/81 EDWARD G. ROBISON 9/18/31 HANS ROEHL 9/18/81 22.20 Z?.zo 71.50 I13-~40 38298 790.07Z 'SHEL. IA ROGER'S 38299 700073 'JANETG, RUTHERFORD 38301 700098 R~PDES CONSTRUCTION INC. 38332 710123 RDBERT SCHEUR 38303 ....... ~012_~..~_~/iD SELE 3830~ 71.0125 R, WAYNE SHELLER 38335 710128 ~ SHERMAN £ Io APPLETON 9/18/81 9/18/81 15,00: ~./i.~=LB1 ...... 58.09 9/18/81 113o1~ 9/18/81 9.20 -9.Z1~1 ............ 9/18/81 11.30 9/18/81 9.20 __ _GJSTAVE:_SIPDS ..................................... ~/.1~./~1 ............................ BURTON SMITH 9/18/81 12.90 MAR'JORIE P. S~ITH 9/18/81 27.20 38305 ......... 110129 38307 710130 38338 710131 383_09 7!_0~ ME~L~M'ITH _9~_8_1 3.00 38310 710133 LORI"E:" SQUILLANTE 9/18/81 22.20 383,11 710134 WESLEY STEUWE 9/18/81 13.90 38~.!_~ ........ 7~.0.~!35 ..... R~_:N_Q~:._5~JG~N- 9/18./81 29.50 39313 723328 TqE 1700 DEV. CORP. 9/1~/81 1~.80 3831~ 720032 TqE ~ARDENS L~HITEO 9/18/81 81.30 720037 J~ES C. TEAGUE 9/18/81 .720038 SEDRGE THEOB ................................... ~7i~ .................. ToEO' ............................................... ALD /81 72.0039 NORRIS TOLLEY 9/18/81 ~5o70 ' 72334~ So T~CKE~ E V°. S~UNDERS 9/18/81 12,20 INC, 9/18/81 54°75 9/18/81 8.10 9/19/81 &.70 ~ I. RAMSEY 9/19/81 Zlff~q_ ......................... j. ~ZLSON 9/i8/81 5~.00 38315 38315 38317 3831~ ...... ~Ji"9 .......... Y'~'6-O~Z EDWARD TRUEGER 38320 740010 VILLAS OF PINE TREE 3832~ 7~OOll F~ vo:~o 38322 750023 WEST CONSTRUCT'ION 38323 750061 "F-,L, NALLACE 38325 750053 38325 753954 _. 3.8327- 35328 750055 J3NAS WRIGHT 38329 773339 YE OLD PJ5 38333 790003 CITY DF BOYNTD~ BE~C.H. 38331 052910 .FIRST EAN~ & TRUST 38332 22~725 BDYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRE9 38333 9118/81 9118/81 % 8.50 ~/~/~1_ ................... ~,47~ g/lB/Bi LO ,!73.78 9/i~/~1 -9,0L!.23 5.83 9.20 3B 38 38 38 3~ DATE TOTAL A~ouNT O,O,T, ~EIGHT FUND D~v~s ~[~ s u~ST~ [~OVS . ~/~/..~ ..... O['VLSZON '0~ FoREST~ ' ........... 9/zB/sz .......... ~',503.oo &9,50 DDJBLEDAY 5 C3, 9/l~/B~ ................... .... ED]C~T ION DIGEST EMERGENCY MEOICAL ~ SAFET 9/I9/8Z EQUIP ...................... mN~Z CONSERVATION 9/iB/SZ .................................................. -~I~8/8~ FL-O&ID~ CHAPTER OF IA~I B.OO ' 9'/1BI'B1 FJTU~A PRIN~ING 9118/81 - 9'97'5'09 ,g GENERAL ~M~ TRUCK THE-~:ET RE~DY SHEET ~Ig Y 9/~/Bt CHARLES GODFREY 9/ZB/Si 7,50 G3LF ~AG~Z~NE ...... WILLIAM ~- HAMILTON 9/i8/8L ~--~~ HAND'S ' ~- ~/~/81 9 LLY UMULATDR & 15.00 ~52 HJOSON HO~E GUIDES 9/18/81 09~ I,B,M- CORPORATION 9/18/818 42,74 1~ I~TE~NATIDNAL MFO~ C~REEP. 9/18/81 ti0,00 13 jACK'S C~MERA CENTER 9/18/81 31.31 &94 ....... ~-3'B'S y-~'N S T I TUY E-% I NC · 37.40 ~633 JDNE.S EQ'JIPMENT CO, 9/lB/8t · 559 KDN'GLOME~AT1 PRESS ..... .~7~/8L 59O 9118181 · 775.00' L5~12 Fq~NK: L. {REME~ 9/18/81 3. ...... ~NIE~ B'3SINESS PRODUCTS 9llB/B1 7~,00 05 LIGHTNING POWDER COMPANY 268,50 Zgll ttOYO5 AUTO ELEC~..5~ ..................... 9--/'~%-/~ ........ ~7-~-50 '~31 ~ ...... ~'i T-?--~'~'fo O~ E L L 9 / 1 ~ I B i 4~3.0 0 303B9 MANAGEMENT CENTER 65,50 ......................... ~. o o 30950 HC~R~W - HILL BOOK CO, 9/18/81 95'9 ........ ~i~LIE RJTH MCGRADY 9/Z9/81 22,75 '['~ 8~ ~t~ ~LL[~ ~Z.O0 3~6' ~DDERN B~IDE' . , : .... _ 9118/8~ ..3.~69B_ ~3TOR ~ R~.~D 9118191 315.18 ~0459 N~TION~L LINENREVIEW SERVICE 9/L~/~l 2~.00 i~0454 ,IATIDNAL 2ELOING pRODUCTS 9/iB/81 25.50 ~D~D ~T ~O~L ............................................ ~7~7~--i ' a~ .~z ................. 17.00 ~lTl8 NEWSWEEK 9/lS181 ONE THDOS~ND AND 50383 C -DCK'S RADIATOR SE~VIC 9/lB/gi 3~ .~8 53~13 'oALM BEASH NEWSPapERS 9/LS[_SL... s Z ~_.! ~ ....... ~ ............................................... 90O 7'4500 55Z 355 ;4ECK ,- 8187 3B 2,1fT¥ OF i50¥NTON BEACH _.~....~ E ,4 T ...... ~ 3_~ T ._4 .... c H E C..~ s C,4EC< RA'4GE~ cONSTRUCTION INDUS D&TE TOTAL A¢ouNT 45.30 911~i~1 z35.00 Ev~ ~AyMON0 9118181 ~j_Oi~_.?~.iNTI_~ ................................. 9tk8/81 25,333°30 ...... 15.90 ;c~WTD BDARO 9118181 t85~2Z_--- 3LYVE Eo scHOOLE¥ 91zBl_~L ................... ILVER BgROETT g/1R/B1 Z7,5:~9 ~. CENT- w~STEW~TE~ TREAT - 1,~zI.OO--~ p~ESTRESSEO ........................... ........................... 9/1B/81 UTHE.RN p~PE~ CO,.. 9/1B/81 9/1~IBi ST~NDA-RD' S~N.I~ARY SUPPLY BOS.gO ........... ZIoYO STATE OF FLORIDA D~PT* -~'~'~.B/Bi Z0.89 -- 9/18/8i STEVEN'S D~JGS g/18/81 .... ................... 5.00 Sd-~.iNTENDEHT OF · - 9/iB/81 2ZS.gS-- sjPERIOR SORGICAL ~FG.CO- ___~/~/8._% .................. 5-¢~8--0 TENNIS S'3PPLY .......... 9/18/81 T~NSI-TRDNICS' ' g/lB/81 31- T~0P~G~S, ~C. ~R¥ -~!~818~ ..................... ~gS.Z s.co~ST GU&R-E--~v×IL'~ ..... ; ............. ~/i'8'/B1 5,583o7~ UNOE~G~OJNO suPPLY EARL WALLACE FO:RD, INC- 9/19/81 _L.t._s~BEET__JOURNAL ................. W~RREN G3RHA~ ~ LAMONT, I g/~8t81 3 WES'TE&N AdTO STORE 9/~8/8~ OLF FRESH DIST- - ~-~EKS~'IG~'~ .............. 9118181 95.00___ XEROX CORPORAYiON 9/18/81 ZE= ~EDICAL sUPPLIES ~-~ ................. jS'~~'5-q'E~ .......................... 9tlS1~1~!1~1~ 5.ZO HAZARD Av~L ..................... ~i~781 1.BSCR .... ~-2~:~E~soN 9118181 ~8 VELM~ E- B~CON 911B/ ...................... CA~MINE BEATRICE ---~--~-/~'/81 12.20 5t ~ALPH BLOMBERG 9/18/81 ..................... 52 PEGGY:-~--*-- BOCHTLE~ ................................. ~/~/81 ~2.50'" 53 ..........["ESTE~ B; BRE~T 9/18181 Z5.80 !55 .... J[~--~3OOKS .................................................. ~j1~i8~ -~, 53.80 155 TE~LYN Bj~GESS g/lg/St Z~IO 157 D3RETHA' BJTTS 9/18/81 55 D~VE BRY ANT' . ....... " " '9/!B/81 15~ 8JTLER-c3~ST~UCTIO~I 9/1B/81 75.50 0075 ALEX C~LIEN00 9/1.~/~1 9133181 ~7 2ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 5 _~__U_.~ R E N T M 0 N T H C H E C K S TOTAL A~DUNT 583.00 45.00 83.33 89.75 39.~0 5B.51 12.74 118o50 46°72 VENOO VENOOR tHEe< ~03i I15~12 F~NK L. KREME~ 9/11/81 ~80~.~.__~_.~2800 LINDSLEY LUMBER CO. 9/11/81 38033 130565 MAURY'S TOOL CHEST .... 38334 130950 WILLIE R~TH MCGRADY 9/11/81 _..39g3P .... 1=}1755 MIAMI ELEVATOR CO., 9/11/81 38036 132 ~"~-' ~I-~L-~-~--~'~ N G S 33037 13542] MJNI[IPAL POLICE 9/11/81 38038 135~40 ~ICHAEL MUNRO -:' -- g/I1/81 38039 ".- 140460 NA'TIDNAL'."WELDING-PRODUCTS 9/1I/8I 380~2--:'.. ::150355 PAi'NT" CENTER '~,...!:.- .: TURF. EQUIPMENT. 38342 15,1553 CHARLES PERSING 9111/81 .... 21~o25 9fll/81 83.26 9/11/81 ~--~'~-~-d.:'.?~:i::.i:'.15~'530 :'PDP'~LAR PH~'~RAPHY .::'~.;~:':-':::?:.::.: . ..-: ::. · . ~ ' . . , 380~5..:--:.:"?.'"::-':'.155501.:'!:P'R:ODUCT INFORMATION NETNO ~ 380~7 ':.:.:ii';:-:.:.~BO~9~ "RA-N~ELINE FEED [ SUPPLY I-'-S~--a '' 1804-~ RA~-~"'~~b~?'iON ~-NDuS '/ 380i49 180500 PVA RAYMOND ~ 190935 ~CHOLASTIC BOOK 911!/81 9/11/81 9/Ii1~1 9/11/81 9/11/81 9111/81 9/11/81 5q, 1 85-. 50 _. :.:,,. 995,.00-- 107.75 65:~7~ 45.00 SERVICES 9lit/si 77.62 .:::..-...:...190959 '3LYVE:E. 'SCHOOLEY .......... '--~-7i~'~ ...... 15.00 2'::..?.':::'-191103 SC:OTTY.'S ':. .:. " 9111181 253~57 3. 1~1515 SE~&CREST PNARMACY ' ! g/ii/si ~ 191702 SE!WELL HARDWARE CD., INC. 9/11/81 33.22 i94729 SOUTHERN PAPER CO. 9/ii/BI B .: '1~5~27 "S~PE~IOR':SURGIC'A[ MFG.CD. 9/11/81 1,B89'~5 9:':'i i":i:':]200~80 TAUL. MAN SALES CD.'- 9/11/81 207..86 g ZlOISO U.S° POSTHASTER 9/11/81 Z~500~' 232523 JOE WIL. LIAMS PUMP SERVICE 9/ii/el ~.ZO_q ...... ~O~H CHEMICAL & PAINT CO g/il/Si 2~g.gO 2 lsoo XE. .d .......................... 320004 VIRGINIA K. FARACE 9/11/81 15.00: 023800 315323 020103 :_ 323179 BLUE-CROSS OF ~LORIDA ' 9/11/81 25,993.71 FLORIDA LIBRARY ASSOC. 9/15/81 112.50 B ~ H SALES 9/15/81 262.90 BoB, AUTO-PARTS,~iNC. 9/15I~1 28-7~6 - 76 077 3 79 075610 _3 DB~693 '0'20I?I' ~ BBR GENERAL CONTRAC.TORS,'I 9/15/81 680.00 .2~2.~.35..--~CI~_.~_DELRAY BEACH _9~!.5~_8! 78.99 051300 EDWARDS ELECTRIC CORP. 9/15/81 104.~2 ..... 063737 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL SERVIC 9/15/81 95.25 25~549 GEO. FOWLER WELDING CO..__L ....... ~_!.~_~.~ 355.15 055590 C~ARLES FREDERICK 9/15/81 130.00 0T5~59 H]WIE GREENE, TANK INSPES 9/15/~I ~ 900.00 ........ ............... 9/15/81 ................. -G J1 F S TR E A M-'"[~MB E ~ 20, - ................ ~/i 5-~ l 35 Z ~-~2 . HALSEY & SRIFFITH~ [NC. EDGAR HOWELL ............... ~.~.~81 155o00 ~7 :HECK # 3833;' 9/30/81 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAG~ b VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 395424 T2M HJNT SALES CO. 9/15181 .75.i~_~ 38083 100215 J-P- ELECTRICAL CONTRACTC 9/15/81 380~ 11553~ ELEANOR K~USELL ........................ 9/15/81 38085 130565 MAURY'S TOO[ CHEST 9/I5/81 38086 131682 LiSA METHFESSEL 9/15/8i 38088 15037~ PALM SEAC~ COMMUNICATIONS 38089 150454 Jl~ ~ATTERSON .... ~S. o93 1517z~ ~Errw CAS~ ~AIE~ & SE~E~ 3809L 152750 -PICARD'~;.CHEH'ICAL CO..' 38092 . 166200 P~BLIX: HARKET 38093'''' ~::19279~ C~ -~.. 3809~ i94~89 ADa[EN.NE SORG 38~95 2.21700 TESTING LAB OF THE ---~.~ 2~5¢13 -TRAIL gO~D TRACTOR 3809,7 205530 38098 210193 U,S.S. AGRI'CHEHICALS 38099' 231780 WESTERN A T 38100 232500 JOE WILLIAMS PUMP SERVICE 38101 280009 PEGGY J BOULLE . _3.8,L0_2 _ 22~599 VOW HAGG~ ~ DEVLIN~INC. 38133 ~55313 E~2I. TABLE LIFE ASSURANCE 38~0N 3?O00G H~GH KENNEDy 1,377'.,08 80°00 25.50 8O.OO 9/15/81 9/~5/81 ',,8o..oo 9~_t_5/81 35 ~91 : 9115181 .... 9/15/81 9-/LS/SL LS.00 9/L5/8~ 9/~-5791 37,50 9/i, 5/8I 52,,.50;.:-: '~'' :' ' 9115/81 693..65 -. 9/~5t81 15.00 ~.~ 1 _~g_~8/81 22Z~,95 9/18/8I 9118/81 313.98 9/1.8/8i I09..29 9119181 9/18/81 5Z.66 9118/8I 228.~. 9119/8'1 39,INS.300R 9/18/81 39.I¢5,.~0'0 9119/81 . 9 / ~Y?%-i ..................... -~'~-~ 38~05 '330017 YVON N. GRANOBOIS 38135 ~23313 CqARLES PERSING 381i07 ~20012 MARK--,A. PHILL.IPS 381i08 330021 ALEN.GALLOWAy 381i09 27'0023 , ROBE:R/ D,o AI. EST~CK 38110 032901 CITY:OF BOYNTON BEACH _3~i11: OlI~O~ ';~DVANCE AIR CONDITIONING 38112 013720 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 38ii3 313783 ALLIED CHLORINE & 3811 ~ ...... ,--"- 013.7~ ....... ~-L~-i-~ E[-EC-¥-~i-~ 38115 : 0I~2~0. [SIAH ANDREWS' ........ ~8~.JI--5-~___".:31~922 ~PPLIE. D SCIENCE DIV. 381~17 0157O0 ~SSRON OF FLORIDA 38118 315929 ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES ..... ~8I~9 016000 ATLANTIC ~ARDwARE 38120 016300 '~UTOPRODUCTS'~ INC. ~3812t ~2~173 8.~o AUTO PARTS~ INCo 38123 02459S T~gM~S 8DJREGY & CO. 38124 02~595 B3YL~ CO~STRUCTIO~ CO. 38125 _~02.~7 __, lO BPYNTON aUTO SUPPLY 38127 025445 BRIDES 38128 ,INC. 38133 0~0~50 CAPEL KL~NG COMPANIES ]~IO1 33~60~ COMHERCIAL HYDRAULICS 9/18/81 55'.oo 97i-87~ 351..15 9118/81 45~00 9118/81 IN2,Z4 9t1~t8I 9118/81 9/18/81 9/19181 9119181 9/18/81 9118/81 .._025.580 ..... ~30~T' ~/t8/81 2I~30, 133,758.25 759.52 .................... ~/18/81 I5~.05. ':.: ..... ~0. ~/fW~l' ........... T ~o-3f5£ ~/t~/~1 I8~.9o & 9/i~/~1 6¢3.48 '~X30/81 SITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE ~ECK # VENOOR ¢~ V_E~DOR NAME CHEC< DATE TOTAL AMOUNT _. )29 010310 ABCD AUTO BODY 9/04./8Z .31930 311203 ADAMS CHEVROLET 9/04/8i 37932. 015300 AJTOPRODLJCTS, INC. 37933 020101 ' B&L FEED -SUPPLY~IN~. 3793q, '021530 BEANE EXTERMINATING CO,, 37935 322~30 BISHOP'S ...... .3_7_9_.3_,_6 024710 BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY 37937' ' 024.780 ' BO.YNTDN:':'PUMP &"SUPPLY 9/0~/8i 9/0~/81 9/04/81 9/04/81 9/0~181 9/04/81 378.93 597.00 33.63 77.00 Z58.07 8¢.08 198.00 97.25 9104/81 9/04/81 9104/81 9/04/8i 9/0&/81 9104/81 22°'85 14.5.50 14.11 ~13.00 53.53 353900-:'- EMERGENCY MEDICAL [. SAFET 053705 FLORIDA..'C. ERAMIC. SUPPLIES 9/04./81 37938" ..?;- i: 333283: CAOILL~£ ENGRA. V, ERS ~-'-'~3T9-4-~ a~l~lB DE BRA TURF g INDUSTRIAL 37941 3~1699 DESIGN 'SPACE,INT'L,, 37942 042605 DIAZIT CO., I.~C. 379N3-..;~:;:':'.35331~ : EASY PAY TIRE STORE 37965 356533 FJTdRA PRINTING ~9/0~/8~ 5t,9~ 25.9~ 1,~53.00 07~580 THE GOOD LIFE 9/04/81 075530 R.L, GRUMMONS PRINTING 9/06/81 0755N.~;.'... GJLF. CONTROLS CORP. ' --9/0~/81 7~.35 274.10 37947 379~8 ~19 ~ 9 ~50 37952 37953 37954 ' i:: 081652' ':.::HES ';TAANSPORT~INC. '- 9/04/81 -: 38~523 HOLLY 'ACCUMULATOR g 9/0~/81 lO03lO JACK'S CAMERA CENTER 9/04/81 I~503 JONES. EQJIPMENT CO. 9/0~/81 ' ~ 114.50Q KC~Y."K'ING PRINTING CENTER ~/0~/81 175o00 78.90 712o~8 4.01.91 700.72 139,15 37956 130565 MAURY',~:TOOL CHEST 9/0¢/81 131571 ME. INEKE DISCOUNT MUFFLERS 9/0~/81 37952 37955 37966 379'57 37958 .37969 37970 971 37972 ..... 37-973 - 37974. 37975 37977 37978 35.75 13~.~0: 132771 MILLER DODGE 9/04./8i 4.98.56 151313- ODOR CONTROL SYSTEMS 9/0~/81 152790 PIERCE 'TIRE ............. CO°, lng. 9/04/81 2,g00o42 15~579 'P'OLICE EXECUTIVE RESEARCH 9/04/81 8.50 180408 RADIO: SHACK ,~8941 9/04/81 191510 SEACREST PETROLEUH 63. 9/0¢/8i 1,244.39 191523 SEACREST VETERINARY 9/00/~1 11~.15 1950'10 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. DF 9/04/81 24.3.02 1950'15 STATE' 07 FLORIDA 9/0~/81 195170~ STEV'EN'S DRUGS . 9/0~/81 .2~I~ TRAIL':iFORD TRACTDR C'Do 9/_0_~81 215415 UNIVERSAL BEACH SERVICE 9/0~/81 311.00 230403 CHARLES WALDNER, M.D. 9/04/81 14.4.00 __2._33.~ ..... ~_~.~C_~Akk~CE MOTORS, INC. 9/04/81 657...00 390043 ~ARI&NNE MARESCA 9/04/81 1,582.31 370013 VIRGINIA ED KEISTER 9/13/81 175.97 ~50035 '_..~.DN~_RD. T_~ENAS 9/13/81 ~,287.94 215405 UNITED BESCAR 9/10/81 Z~-"-.~-~ 33001~ 'THOMAS DETT~aN 9/iI/8~ 8~7.39 ~50352 LINDA SHELTON 9/11/81 22~.3~ 9/30/81 SIT¥ OF qECK 37~79 290015 37980 350003 BOYNTON BEACH O N T H CHECKS NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT CARL COLSON 9/11/81 352.70 THORLEY JOHNSON 9/!1/8I 179.87 3298 37982 37983 37985 37985 37987 37988 37989 37~90 0I~071 37991 Ol~2~O 37992 014300 ...... 37993 315561 3799~ 379.95 37997 37998 ...... 373~_9_ 38000- ~A£K SLO~N 9/L1/81 138.01 010197 AAA GARDEN CENTER 9/lt181 59.00 .............. ~103'12 ~ DIXIE.SAW SHOP 9/i1/81 21.00 011771 t11/81 013781 ALLSTATE EOU P EN R NT L 9/11/81 013945 AMERICAN- HERITAGE 9/11181 2~.00 AMERI:KN-.'-PUBLIC WORKS ASS 9/II/81 _125.00 AMER~..~__~.D~IET'Y FOR 9/11/81 45.00 ISIAH ANDREWS 9/I!/B1 CARM~N ANNUNZIATO 9/ii/8I IO0.O0 4RTIC AIR CONDITIONING 9/11/81 37~90 01530.0 '~.J.TOPRODUSTS.~ INC. 020~39 THE BAKER:'E TAYLOR CO. .... 02.Q~ ...... TdE__.~KE.~_.,..T.~yL~__£O. 020450 BAKE~ ~ TAYLOR COMPANIES 323557 BLACK & DECKER (DOS°) INC 02~700 B]YNTON AUTO GLASS & '.~ 9/tt/81 87.11 9/i1/8Z 13o-53 3_!_!.!/_81 ~31°99 9/11/81 18.52 9/11/81 167.92 9LllZ~i .._~-_52_,30 9/11/81 IbOoO0/~' 38;23t 22~723 BOYNTON BEACH CHAMBER 9/1t/81 1,003.00~ .-..-~. _ 38002 ......... 02~725 ........ B.OY.NTO_N.___.C.I.T_y E.EOER. AL. CREQ ............ 9_/_L1/_81 ......... 9~021_02:.3 ......... 38003 02~730 BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 9/1'1/81 3,721.27 3800~ 02~773 BOYNTDN MEDICAL OXYGEN 9/11/81 125.00 38035 D~56$D 'BRO'~a~D':.PUMP 5 SUPPLY COo 9/11/81 15.ON 38009 D3~413 C~EMI CAL CONCEPTS 9/1!/81 41.35 .... ~_80~tL ...... P~_~_7_2 ...... ~_~ O V C 0 L A G E 9 / 11 / 81 ~ 2.50 38012 O~t~tO g E L R ~-9--~'C~ ~-~-i-"C' '-~O-p p L'y 9/11/8~ 152.~6 38013 D~l. bg~ DEmT.OF VETERAN ~ COMMUNI 9/~1/8~ 2g. O0 38g. I..~ ..........~_~_~._ _DESIGN SPACE,INT'L . 9/11/8~ 59g.00 38016 0~4750 DOUBLEDAY E CO, 9/I[/8i 25,I2 .... ~_9317 3528~3 FI~ENEN'S RELIEF ~ 9/11/81 1,1~2.57 38018 062910 FIRST BANK & TRUST 9/11/81 .............. 38019 353737 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL SERVIC 9/11/81 18,75 ~--" .......... 38ozg ......... g_ 37a. L_9R OA. PdBLIE EMPLOYER..& ...... _~.(81 45000 38021 055500 F ~ A'~K ~ 0~-{~' E['~i-~R ~ ~ 9/11/81 4~.53 3832~ 373~3~ GATOa CULVERT CO. 9/11/81 79.00 ...... 380~3 374500 C~RLES GODFREY 9/11/81 45.30 3802 ~ .......... 37 ~ 5'~ ~ ........~5[-D~ 'O-A S-f~'- '-~ L'O ~-~*~"~ G 9 / 11 / 9 t W 5.77 3~325 375~89 OENNIS C. GRABEEL 9/11/81 23.00 ..... 33025 075590 GJLF OIL :ORP. 9/11/81 8,970.81 38028 3~030~ HALSEY'S 9/11/81 25~.39 .... _~R029 080310 HALSEY ~ GRIFF[TH, I~C. 9/11/81 ~ 9'I3~1%1 CITY OF BOYNTON ~ECK ~ VENDOR f¢ VENDOR NAME CHEC< DATE TOTAL A~OUNT 3,7140 337 3768% 37585 055310 E2UITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE 8104182 ........................ g~ ..... 323800 BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA 8/11181 400.01 3.5~_~1.q_ __E~I~BLE LI~E ASS~_~ ............. ~./.~.~/~ ................... 83~CR__ 280004 WILLIE:-B:AGL. EY 9/01/81 455.26 020405 CONSTANCE BAISH 9/01/81 53..79 37587 '026480 OBE BUTLER. 57588 330501 RENA C ARRIE'R _~7__6__8_~__ , ___0__3.3.6_09 C_~_LL!_E CL~TON' 37690 090432 :'::]]':'~JD.HN HARR'INGTDN "~:' : :":.::'-:':, ' :: ' 375.9-1: ' .... 37593 1~508 FRANK JOHNSON ~75~ 10~50~ GEAaGE A. JOHNSON-- 3759~__ 10~510 J~.~.N JOHNSTON - -' 375-95-.::..::.'-~:. 380005,:::,-.:: GRETCHEN::;:LEUB~ ...... ' :.': ::.:. ,C '.':::::-~::. ~ -' 3750:Y:.?-?:::<":'.:.:.?[56~00:'' ~>.EEEANOR.~.:,:PUFFcR . ~ '.:: ::: ."' ,?:::- : ?:: ' -,':-.. 375.98 "~909~5 :.?UOHN"::~'CH~E:IDER''::'S:::.::~ ".:.?: 37599 37700 37701 9L.~lL~l 9101/81 9101/81 9ZO_!Z.~I 9101/81 9/01/81 9/01/81 9/01/~1 9/01/8I ]~702'. 703v' 3770:~ 37705 37705 37707 37708 - 37709 ' 37711 37712 37713 37714 1909~-0 MARY E. SCHORR 192592 ADA SHOOK 450024 FRANK SMITH '" '202:5:1. 5. i (LEE:': :. Y H.OMA Si::- ~.:-~;!]i-;:';'~:i~:::->!:": :.'].ii"-.;::i;i: <"' :: :::; '~::..'.. -202'550 :.:'i:JA ME:S::~!:C :~:: j:.IHOMPS ON /....:..,'.. :'. "!::<-": ..::'~.::." .' '/'.:23 O: ~ 52 .": ": .:'.0 [ I V E .'.:!': W A L L A C E :':i'. :'' ,.:i 'i::"::":'i -:' :~' '- ' ."' '- ' ~90018 MC ARTHUR WATERS 231580 W,,T. WELCH 266900 MILDRED A. ZWART 1.0 S ¢50:;::'.:-?!G E 0 R ¢ E <!?::~16:NN: t.'E R~.:i:! :(i?;i? -!'" 19~5-90:'. ::::"!~::_LY'j~IEODORE?iiSORG ~:.~:::::::..iY?.: · _ 196361 MRS. FLORENCE SULLIVAN 281653 HAROLD HERRING i2~590 NORMAN 'LOLATTE 19~.290' -KEN'] S:NO:W:'ii:';~ ~"~'37717 235495 CJRTIS E- WRIGHT 37718 02~725 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL C&ED ...... 3_~7 ~2~80._0__ BL~_._.CROSS OF FLORIDA 37825 .i;3.32::~68: CHIEFS:.!:!..TR:A.IN~NG: FUND :.-.-.' ~ 37856 ~50'051 .L. RICHARD:': Oi, SIMMONS: _3786~ ~7858 '869 .... 37870 ......... 5_kO_OD~__5~NII_&GO ~A.N~S 37871 380011 BOB. LATH~M 37872 300006 WILFRED ~ DENIS 91011.81 9101/81 9101/81 9101/81 9101/81 9101/81 9/0!1'8I 9101/81 9t0t181 9101:/81 9101/81 9101/81 9/01/81 9/01/81 9/01/81 9/0t/81 9/01/81 9101/81 9101/81 9101/81 _ 9/01/81 9/01/81 9/01/81 8/11/81 8/31/81 9/01/81 :~10}}5 -.'ABERQ~EN~i.CONS_'LRU~i!~N"CzOR_,, __ ~tOZ/81 140451 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 9/05/81 075288 DENNIS C. GRABEEL 9/04/81 9ZO.~Z.~!.._/__ 9/0~/81 9/0~/81 108.59 227.58 53.23 307~99 ~5t.73 46'1.,.39 4-i3.77 133 ,~20: ' 253.56 202o21 61.2I 795 ~91: 71..i9 168.90 82.65 77~I3 876~15 945~98 i9~.i0 30o3~ 42~6 225~t 9i~50 820.89 ITD~O0 400.01ER 25~00CR 67.~1 495~30 228+94 225.16 5~1.73 355.~2 37873 .......... 27001L _'A.JTIS:_.~.D~INS ............................ 37874 ~20015 JAMES q. PATTERSON 9IG~/91 477.92 37875 280008 ARTHUR BLACK .3787.5 ...... ~Ll.~_2_~.~_ ._IS~AH ANDREWS 9/0~81 55.90 97 9/30/81 ~ U CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH R R E N T M O N T H C H E C K S HECK .. VENDOq f; VENDOR NAME ' CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 37877 315483 ARGO JNIFORMS 9/04/81 37878 015909 ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES 9/04/81 37879 021700 BETHESDA MEMORIAL 37880 32~725 BOYNTDN:.,CITY FEDERAL CRE. D- - 9/04/8i 3788I '. 024.730 83YNTON.:'BEA_CH.RETIREMENT ':':~-:': 37882 ''''<' 02~8.!0 8DYN'TDN WRECKER SERVICE.:';::iii!?:i): 9/04/8! 209.50 1,574o30 3~465o78 225°00-' 37883 225370 DR..JAMES-E. BUFFAN 9/04/81 37884 030298 JUDY-CALANDRA 9/04/81 ...... 378~5 _~}2~90 CHAFIN MUSI_C '~ 9/04/81 37886 ~-/~ -~- 9/0~/81 37887~. O:'~ZTO~.ii'.i:::':'CA~Ot~!NE!:!'i:!DI,cK]$':i'~':i!?!]!~:i../,":!:::''~:'';'. .~.~?,:.. 9/0~/8Z 37889 050300 EAST COAST FIRE EQUIP. 9/'0~/.81 37890 056910 KENT.EWING ENTERPRI.SES. I 9/04/81 . ..~L$91 ~2__8_23 ~_E~'__S_R~_LFE~& 9/0~t~] 153.30 I5o00 .t ,8_?o. OD 395 .T~ZZ'5.00 37895 ~53780 FLORIDA P3WER ~ LIGHT CO. 9/0t,/81 37895 05~5~9 GED. FOWLER WELDING CO. 9/04/81 3Y_8_9_~. ~_7_1_57_8 D~NALD~_]_O~O_THY G~N~ . 9/_0~/8_] 37898 '::<:~:":'?':OZ~600:'.': GLASGOW:, EQUIPMENT CO. 9/0~/81 37899./;.'>:~'.:':?:37]535~': -:.JANE'S>C~.~" MARY S,GLENN -'--'.'.',': 9-/0~-/8L 37901 075288 DENNIS C. GRABEEL 9104181 37902 10021~ J.M. TRUCKING, INC. 9/0~/81 37903 10~603 JONES~ ~QUIPMENT CO. 9/0~/81 3 7 9 c 57~': ~ :::: :~i'.:~.:':.;: ~:::.:~.?:~ ~.5 ~ ~ 2-... :.<~-. ::'~: '~;~ A ~ K ::: ;' 'L ;:::::'::X ~ ~, E R :~ :;:: ;~ ?' ::' .'...~ .? ::,'.:-, :: <::? :. 9-7 0,:~./S ~. 37905.,:::.:~:~:?:;~?;~:iZ0~6~: ::;.?'LA...~A.::.:TA~vEL'-t .~:~:~.~:~'::~::~-.:.~:.. -: :::: ?:::;~'~:.~..:.., 65t297~56 50~I0 ZSO~.Ig~--~::~T., ~80'o O0 ---~-.~: :' 37907 124603 LONGVIEW LIME 37908 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY 3~909 136400 MUNICIPAL CODE CORP. 37910..:.:':;C:::??ii:~i~1;.3542~ ::Md'N[CI'PAL POLICE.' 379I I!':i"::~:!!'::::'ii!i!;!ii.i![::~O~6O NATIONAL WELDING-P~ODUC. TS 379IZ-:. :;';':;.;~::~;i?'~5~o PALM ~EAC'H OFFICE: SUPPLY 37913 151720 PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER 379IN I80496 RANGE~ CONSTRUCTION INDUS 37915 i8050~ EV& RAYMOND 910~t81 9104181 9/0~/81 250~00 525.00 6,214~92 9/09/81 9/04/81 9/04/81 9/04/81 9104181 9/04/81 ~8o00 3tI5g.52 1,287,51 ..~... 133.20 I21,35 29.38 6,475.33 45.00 37918 :.:':::-:I90.953 .':":'SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN' ' "-:.::: 'i:~ /' '''':': 9/04/81 37919 194697 S. CENT, NASTEWATER TREAT 9/04/81 3T920 20049T JAY TAYLOR 9/04/$1 3792i 205530 TR~NSI-TRONICS~ INC. 9/0~/8I 33~26~_ 25.13 37922 205600 TRDPIGAS, INC. 37923 21535:) LINDERGROJND SUPPLY ...... ~7_92__~ ..........~_1_6425_ ..... U.~N~ I[__V_:~R_.S_.!__T__Y___~F FLOR I D A 379Z5 2Z14-99 VALLEY FORGE FLAG CO,,, 37925 2304,49 EARL ,~ALLACE MOTORS, INC. ~ 792_7_ ...... _.0_51609 =ENCE FACTORY 9'/04/81 9/0~/81 9/04/81 55.79' 25.60 125o00 9/0~/81 9/05/81 9/04/81 229.57 21~.00 5,51~.20