R11-084 I' I 1 RESOLUTION NO. Rll- 08,", 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY 4 OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE 5 PURCHASE OF NECESSARY REPLACEMENT COMPUTER 6 NETWORK HARDWARE FROM RONCO COMMUNICATIONS 7 & ELECTRONICS, INC., AND PROFESSIONAL 8 IMPLEMENT A TION SERVICES FROM AVAYA IN THE 9 AMOUNT OF $55,221 PLUS A 10% CONTINGENCY NOT TO 10 EXCEED $5,522 FOR A TOTAL APPROPRIATION OF 60,743; 11 AUTHORIZING THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE 12 THE ST A TEMENT OF WORK WITH AVAYA FOR 13 IMPLEMENT A TION SERVICES; AND PROVIDING AN 14 EFFECTIVE DATE. 15 16 17 WHEREAS, the computer network that operates the Police Department information 18 systems consisting of the NCICIFCIC is over ten years old and needs to be updated with 19 many components requiring replacement; and 20 WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) has upgraded their 21 security standards to the point that the City's Police Department is now in violation of those 22 security standards; and 23 WHEREAS, the network equipment and current hardware and software can be 24 quickly and proficiently updated by the A vaya, the provider and installer of the present 25 equipment; and 26 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, upon 27 recommendation of staff, deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of 28 the City of Boynton Beach, to approve the purchase of necessary replacement computer 29 network hardware from Ronco Communications & Electronics, Inc., and professional 30 implementation services from Avaya in the amount of$55,221 plus a 10% contingency not to 31 exceed $5,522 for a total appropriation of 60,743 and authorizing the Interim City Manager to 32 execute the Statement of Work with A vaya for implementation services. 33 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF 34 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: 35 Section 1. The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are true and correct and hereby 36 i ratified and confirmed by the City Commission. 37 Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does S:\CA\RESO\Agreements\Reso - Purchase Police network upgrade hardware,doc , I I 1 hereby approve the purchase of necessary replacement computer network hardware from 2 Ronco Communications & Electronics, Inc., and professional implementation services from 3 Avaya in the amount of $55,221 plus a 10% contingency not to exceed $5,522 for a total 4 appropriation of 60,743. 5 Section 3. The Interim City Manager is authorized to execute the Statement of 6 Work with Avaya for implementation services, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 7 '''A''. 8 Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. 9 PASSED AND ADOPTED this lto ~ay of August, 2011. 10 11 : : CIT OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA , 12 13 14 15 16 . 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 .. 251 26 Commissioner - Marlene Ross 27 ATTEST: 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 (C S:\CA\RESO\Agreements\Reso - Purchase Police network upgrade hardware,doc i R f\-oBt.f AVAYA Statement of Work for The City of Boynton Beach Police Department ERS LAN Implementation Services Quote #: eprojecC 11 FL 157 4-SSR_A-00269852 6/17/2011 Table of Contents Section 1: Pricing Summary...... .................. ...............................,............................. .......'.................. 3 Section 2: Overview of A vaya Services............................................................................................. 6 Section 3: Scope of Services............,..................,... .......... ....... ................. .... .......... .......... ................8 Section 4: Assumptions................................. ................... ........................................ .......... ............. 11 Section 5: Excl us io n s .. .... ..... .. . .. . .... .... . .. . ... . .. . . . .. . .. .. .. ..... . . . . . , .... . . .. . . .. ... . . ..... .... . . . . .. ... . .. . . ... . . . .. ..... . . . .. . .. 1 5 Section 6: Roles and Responsibilities.... ..................... .......................... ..................... ......... ............. 17 Section 7: Order Codes and Regional Specific Information............................................................. 22 Section 8: R efere n ces ..................................................................................................................... 23 Exhibit 1: Change Management Process .........................., .................. ........... ......... ......................25 Exhibit 2: Change Management Request Approval Form............................................................... 26 , __ -_~_._..___._.._____.___...._.",."____.....___._..._m_ _____ "age 2/26 Avaya Proprieta, y & Confidential. Quote # eProject 11 FL 157 ,jSSk ^ 00269852 U:;e plJr3uont ;0 the term~ of J'Jur :;igned agreement or /"la,'a policy, Date' 6/17/2011 Section 1: Pricing Summary The total price for the services and deliverables to be provided under this Statement of Work is $13,579.25 USD, including estimated travel and living expenses. if applicable. This price is valid for a period of 120 days from 6/17/2011. , I I 'I' lid, d 11I1' 1)1, ~ ) f i ! 1 > ), ,I J\II \ I ~ (I' \l"!U' 1 1 N0029101 Ethernet Routing Switch Implementation Services Package $6,'09,25 $6,709.25 2 1 N0180560 Ethernet Routing Switch Premium Implementation Services Package $3,320,00 $3,320.00 3 1 N0182398 Projectl'vlanagement $1,800,00 $1,800.00. 4 1 N0205932 Estimated Travel and Living Expenses $1,~50.00 $1,'50.00 1.1 Services Pricing Notes . Pricing is US Dollars and excludes local taxes . Pricing is Direct pricing to The City of Boynton Beach . No further discounts are allowed without written authorization from Avaya . Travel and Living expenses are estimated. Actual travel and living expenses will be invoiced at cost and in accordance with the Avaya travel policy. . Pricing assumes the majority of work will be performed during 1st shift hours with cutover activities to occur during 2nd shift hours. (First Shift = M-F 8-5. 2nd Shift = M-F 5-midnight, Sat 8-5, 3rd Shift = M-F midnight - 8am, Sat >5, Sun all day). . Pricing assumes a single phase implementation with all onsite work and cutovers to occur over the course of 3 consecutive days (M-F only). . Pricing assumes Implementation of a total of 6 ERS switches configured in 5 stacks at The City of Boynton Beach Police Department in Boynton Beach, FL . Pricing includes Project Management . All work will be performed by non-union personnel . This New Installation replaces equipment in an existing network . Deployment assumes a Voice & Data Network . Pricing does not include advanced authentication or encryption services (e.g. Radius, Tacacs. SSH. 802.1x, or SNMPv3) . Pricing assumes no ERS 4500s or 5600s to be deployed will have more than 16 VLANs . Pricing includes Advanced QOS policy engineering (e.g. access control lists, trusted or untrusted interface configurations, multiple traffic filters, Le. VolP or other software class of service requirements of more than one policy per switch) _ ~~__u__~___ ~ .__~__'__m_'_~'_,_,_"_ Page ::/26 /\'J'd~'8 PlOpneta' j &, Conf,dent,,;I, Quote #. eP[oject 11 FL 15711 ~~~+:J, 00269852 11,'e Plw'uiint j(; tI~e temi': cf your flgneci agreerner t 01 I':"i;~ ii r:oll'.:j, Date: 6/ 1712C 11 . Pricing assumes no ERS 4500s or 5600s to be deployed will be running more than one Routing Protocol . Pricing does not include implementation of any of the following: CWDM, ATM, NAT, MPLS, BGP, IPv6, VRF . Pricing does not include multiple policies or filters . Pricing does not include a Customer specific Acceptance Test PLAN . Pricing does not include ad-hoc product knowledge transfer . The services Pricing was determined by the Avaya sales manager completed Questionnaire, . See SoW beginning in section 2 of this document for services description details, . Any changes to the SoW or Bill of Materials will require a Change Management Request Approval (CMRA) and additional quote for services. 1.2 Bill of Materials Below is a listing of the equipment (purchased separately) to be installed: Police Department QTY Order Number Product Description Next to Passport 1 AL4500E 14-E6 ERS 4548GT-PWR with 4810/100/1000 PoE ports and 4 shared SFP ports, plus HiStack ports and RPS connector. 1 AA 1419048-E6 1-port 1000Base-SX Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP). connector type: LC, Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Interface. 1 AL2011013-E6 Console cable for use with Ethernet Switches and Ethernet Routing Switches, IT Depot and Shoot Ranoe 2 AL4500E 14-E6 ERS 4548GT-PWR with 48 10/100/1000 PoE ports and 4 shared SFP ports. plus HiStack ports and RPS connector. 2 AA1419048-E6 1-port 1000Base-SX Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP). connector type: Le. Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Interface. Main Closet 2 AL 1001 E11-E5 ERS 5698TFD-PWR with 9610/100/1000 IEEE 802,3af PoE ports. 6 shared SFP ports, 2 XFP ports, 1 OOOW AC PS. 1.5 foot Stack Cab. 4 AA 1419048-E6 1-port 1000Base-SX Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP), connector type: LC. Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Interface, 2 AL 1905E01-E5 ERS 5600 redundant 1000W AC power supply, For use in the ERS5698TFD-PWR. NA Power Cord Madsen Center 1 AL4500E 14-E6 ERS 4548GT-PWR with 4810/100/1000 PoE ports and 4 shared SFP ports. plus HiStack ports and RPS connector. Changes to this equipment listing will require a CMRA and additional quote for services. P;~pe !\)?C h'liiy.i Frop,!~;tal: & ConfiderHI<';! Quote #. e~rclect l11-L 157/; SSP /, aJ26~)B5L lI~'e pur:.:; :~~nt to The teu:L c:f YUill ::1<':;, lee f1grp,e'Tlent Of j., '(-~'~ r:, p(:;lc~ U(~te' 61 i 1/201 1 1.3 Purchase Orders Purchase Orders shall be placed on the designated Avaya aftiJiate(s) for the country of purchase in accordance with the terms of your signed sales agreement with Avaya, Purchase Orders should contain reference to the associated quote (eProject code or Request Number), Purchase Orders are to be presented in a non-editable format such as PDF and emailed to: Americas: corpacct@avaya.com (or faxed to 1-877-411-7108 or 513-228-8695) EMEA: ~f'!I~aord@avaya.com APAC: asiaeo@avaya,com Acceptance of purchase orders(s) for the products and/or services quoted herein is subject to validation of an applicable current sales agreement between Avaya and Customer. Page 5/26 ^va'y"c3. P;OpllfOtay & CUCJf,dentlEI OuUtE t;, cPloJect.i1F_,f,'71i SSk i\ 0['26[;1l52 L!se pu!'~;ur:,.:nt to ~he terrns of ;t'O;,)! ~-'iRned dqreernenl Of J\':c~J'c. policy, Date 6/17/2011 Section 2: 0verview,.ofAvaya....$ervices Subject to Section 4 (Assumptions), Avaya will provide the following Services as more fully detailed in Section 3 (Scope of Services) below, 2.1 Overview and Availability 2.1.1 Implementation Services Package - Ethernet Routing Switch 4500 and 5600 Avaya's Implementation Services Package is designed specifically as an end-to-end service offering for network infrastructure deployments. The Implementation Services Package helps to ensure that network infrastructure is deployed and integrated to effectively support organizational and business goals, When Avaya performs the network deployment. integration and business risks are significantly reduced. network performance is improved and return on investment and time to revenue are accelerated. Avaya provides this Implementation Services Package - Ethernet Routing Switch 4500 and 5600 to turn up new equipment for production use. This document identifies the deliverables. work activities. roles, responsibilities. assumptions. exclusions and other relevant details for service delivery and implementation. Availability This service is available in North America. 2.1.2 Project Management for Enterprise (Plus) Avaya recognizes that project complexity and risk can vary greatly from one project to the next, thus driving the need for project management expertise, Given this. Avaya has established Project Management for Enterprise service offerings to align to and meet each customer's specific project management needs. The Project Management service provides a skilled Avaya project manager who has the responsibility to coordinate and manage all project activities with the goal of helping to ensure the project will meet its schedule. financial and quality objectives, as defined in an agreed-upon statement of work between The City of Boynton Beach and Avaya, The specific project manager deliverables and responsibilities are clearly listed in the Deliverables and Avaya Responsibilities sections of this Project Management Scope of Work. Each The City of Boynton Beach project is assessed by Avaya to determine the relative project complexity and the resulting recommended Project Management service offering. Service Details This offering provides project management expertise (at a senior project manager level) for successful implementation of projects having a medium to high degree of project complexity (and associated risk), The following list describes the types of projects that fall in this category: . May include such things as live network cutovers/replacements, greenfield (new installation) and network overlays, multiple advanced services (for example. cutover, construction and site acquisition), multiple product families .-.....-.------- Page fiL6 A'/oIn. Proprieta'y & Confidential. C'jote # 6PrDject 11 Fl1571i.SSR '\ OC2693f2 U,.:e pursi,imt to H,e terrn~, cf you, Signed agreement or A:aya rolic; Date: 6/17 fL()11 . High third-party risk (new third-party solution may not have been previously integrated in a Avaya network solution) . Schedule includes non-standard intervals and is determined to be aggressive . Team size - extensive project team required: medium to large team (up to 20 resources managed) . Level of customer interface - working and management level The following incremental offerings can be quotable separately. On-Customer-Site Project Management Avaya can incrementally quote project manager on-customer-site time if desired by The City of Boynton Beach (including associated travel and living expenses). Availability This service is available globally, ,._..._____._ __n.____._._......._._ -..-.--.--.,..-.-"-.--.-- --- ~,_.,- Page 7/26 /\vaya PropnelCl'" (x C:onfidenlial. Quole #: eProjecl 11 F1.157 ~ SSk ^ 00269[,52 I Jse ;,ursuanl to the term" of your sig'led c,greernent or A/aya policy, ~)ate. 6/1712011 Secti~n,3~ S.J,'m:',$itf'V~~ Avaya will deliver and implement the Services outlined below within the scope of this Section 3. Services to be performed are detailed below. 3.1 Service Details 3.1.1 General Deliverables for Implementation Services Packages - Ethernet Routing Switches These services include: . Ethernet Routing Switch standard engineering, installation. configuration and integration services Detailed Engineering For the requested equipment, Avaya provides a detailed workbook or worksheets for step-by-step platfonm configuration, This information will be collected through data collection templates and the Customer Questionnaire provided to The City of Boynton Beach during the Customer Initiation call. Some examples of items listed in the workbook are: . Network overview illustrations . Scope of work/functional description . Network diagrams reflecting the physical and logical traffic flow . Detailed. hierarchical network drawings and tables . Component slot/port assignments . All Ethernet Routing Switch component mappings and attribute values . Network management IP addressing scheme/address allocation . Virtual LAN (VLAN) assignments for up to three port-based and/or protocol-based VLANs . Network management hardware/software platform specifications . Multilink Trunking (ML T) assignments for up to three switch-to-switch links . Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) assignments for user- and trunk-based links . Layer 3 routing policies and address plans for one internal routing protocol (Routing Information Protocol [RIP], RIP2 or Open Shortest Path First [OSPF)) . IP addressing and routing design for up to three new routed networks Standard Installation Avaya performs the following installation activities: . Site readiness review mm_.___._ P3ge 8/26 ^v,~yc. Propnetary & ConflrJential. Ouete # eProject 11 FL 1571\ SSR ;\ 00269852 Use pur:;U3Ilt to the terms of YO,Jr Signed agreement or IIVc;ya poL:;\" Dote, 6/17/2011 . System inspection . Physical installation . Network element configuration and integration Site readiness review Avaya performs a site readiness review, including: . Contacting The City of Boynton Beach prior to going to the site . Confirming that the site is ready (has sufficient space. power supply. etc,) via site-readiness checklist filled out by The City of Boynton Beach System inspection Avaya performs a system inspection, including: . Conducting a visual inspection for damage to system components . Powering up the Ethernet Routing Switch node . Checking "green-light" status on the Ethernet Routing Switch node Physical installation Avaya performs the physical installation of the requested equipment, including: . Unpacking and taking inventory of components . Inspecting for visible damage or defects . Completing a materials inventory of the network equipment to be installed . Installing chassis. cabinets, power supplies, modules, and standalone devices in the designated racks. office shelves or on the desktop location . Verifying firmware configuration and parameters Network Element Configuration and Integration Avaya configures the Ethemet Routing Switch system using the detailed configuration documentation in the workbook or worksheets, In addition to executing the workbook, Avaya: . Provides technical resources for implementation . Provides troubleshooting and support to help ensure that the equipment is working as engineered in accordance with the specification book (spec book) . Performs network element integration into The City of Boynton Beach's network . Gives The City of Boynton Beach the updated spec book when complete . Performs basic connectivity testing via ping -'...'--- _.__,~..___,__...._..__._...._.m.. - __~_._'_'____"_"'" ,...., __ ___._'__'_H._.._..._..,.,.._."___....._... ._._.~._._,,_.._- - - _._.__n__.'_"'_"'__"_ ..._..._.__...____.___....._...._.._._ Page 9/26 {wa/a Prop,.,eta, y & CO,lfldentlal. Quote #: eP,oject 11 ~L 1 :'711 58\-< ,\ 002c9('~lL U:;e pur~uant to FIe term,: Of your signed agreement c; AVcIa polic" lJate: 6/17/20'11 3.1.2 General Deliverables - Project Management Services for Enterprise The key service deliverable is the project plan. which includes the following: . Validation of the statement of work . Project schedule . Communication plan . Scope/change management . Responsibility matrix . Quality management . Risk management -" --~..,._",._-".- +'~-----_."'-""-""-"~-''''---''''' ... .. . ..-.-----...-....-...'--...-..----...........----.--.-..-...-.--- --""-_._.--~_..-------_.- ----- PilQe 10/26 ^'/a'YH Proprietary & Confidential, Quote #. eProjer:t 11 FL,157 4 SSRj\00269ij52 Use plJi!.uanl to the term:: of your ~igned agreemenl or Av,,;,a pol',r:y, Dale: til1712011 Section 4: Assumptions Avaya's ability to perform the work described in this document is based on the following assumptions. The parties agree that changes occurring to any of the described assumptions below will constitute an unanticipated event resulting in a possible delay of the project and/or change in project fees, Any changes will be agreed in accordance with Avaya's change management process as described in Exhibit 1, 4.1 General . Neither party will be obligated for the deJiverables and/or Services described in this SOW until Avaya and The City of Boynton Beach mutually agree by signature below. . Completion of the deliverables and performance of the Services are based on the parties carrying out their responsibilities as defined in this Statement of Work in a timely manner. The parties will follow the change management process as described in Exhibit 1 to address any changes. delays or disruptions in Avaya's continuous performance of Services, . All documentation and/or custom developed materials provided by Avaya will be in a format to be determined by Avaya. . Unless otherwise stated, Avaya services will be delivered remotely. 4.2 Work Hours . Avaya's "standard work hours" are 08:00 to 17:00 (USA local time) Monday through Friday, excluding Avaya designated holidays. . Non-service affecting work will be performed during Avaya standard work hours. 4.3 Pricing . Actual travel and living expenses will be invoiced at cost incurred, and in accordance with the Avaya travel policy. 4.4 Technical . For remotely delivered Services, an internet connection via Avaya Secure Access Link (SAL) or Virtual Private Network (VPN) for access into all Avaya systems at the installation site(s) will be required prior to the start of all work activities. A system user ID and password with appropriate permissions will be required, . Network access will only be used to perform the activities described in this SOW. . For VolP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Solutions, Customer will have a network ready to support VolP traffic, . Customer's hardware, software and network must meet minimum Avaya requirements to support the solution . Servers targeted for integration must be attached to a network with no impediments to intercommunication between the devices. . Customer's system may be unavailable during cutover, Avaya will notify Customer of any potential outages associated with the implementation of this SOW. Avaya will notify Customer in advance of each planned cutover. _ _n_.. __..____._..m....._ ...._..._....._.._...___._._.._.._..._ -.- ..- ...- n '+_. Page 11/26 I wara P,oprietilfY &. Confidential. Quote # eProJectl1 FL 157~ S8R.J' 00269B52 U~'e pursuant to the term:, of your signed agrw-'.rnent or il",.a)'a polle, ' DClte, 6/17/2011 4.5 Environmental . For physical installations, Customer's equipment location shall meet the minimum Avaya environmental requirements for the equipment being installed. 4.6 Prerequisites 4.6.1 General Prerequisites for Implementation Services Packages - Ethemet Routing Switches See Customer Responsibilities. 4.6.2 General Prerequisites - Project Management Services for Enterprise The following needs to be available before/during the delivery of these services: . Appropriate authorization to begin work activity (The City of Boynton Beach purchase order and approved contract) 4.7 Key Performance Indicators (KPls) 4.7.1 General KPls for Implementation Services Packages - Ethernet Routing Switches No KPls apply to these services. 4.7.2 General KPls - Project Management Services for Enterprise No KPls apply to these services. 4.8 Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) 4.8.1 General SLAs for Implementation Services Packages - Ethernet Routing Switches No SLAs apply to these services. 4.8.2 General SLAs - Project Management Services for Enterprise No SLAs apply to these services. 4.9 Timelines 4.9.1 General Timelines for Implementation Services Packages - Ethernet Routing Switches The following timelines govern the delivery of these services: . The lead time for the service is two weeks, --. -.-..---...-- ---_..._- .,- .-- --- ". F)dge 12/26 AVdya Prop; ietalY & CcrJfident'dl Quote #: eProject 11 FL 15711 SSR.,\ 00269852 Use pursui.nt to the Wrrm: of your Signed agreement or r,:a', a ,:olley, fJale 6117/2011 . The time needed to complete the service is typically one to two weeks depending on the number of ports and system configuration, Avaya and The City of Boynton Beach will agree on a timeline for milestones, activities, deliverables and the service completion date, 4.9.2 General Timefines - Project Management Services for Enterprise The following timelines govern the delivery of these services: . The lead time to initiate the Project Management service is one to two weeks from The City of Boynton Beach's authorization to proceed (using a contract or purchase order). Timelines can vary due to resource availability. 4.10 Service Specific Assumptions 4.10.1 General Assumptions for Implementation Services Packages - Ethernet Routing Switches The following assumptions govern the delivery of these services: . The standard service does not cover advanced services such as multicast routing, A custom quote must be requested for advanced services, . Avaya will provide the majority of the services during normal business hours, 08:00 to 17:00 (local time) Monday through Friday, excluding Avaya-observed holidays, Some work, however, may require after-hours access to The City of Boynton Beach's site at an additional charge. . The standard service only covers a single site visit for installation and integration services. Next day support and monitoring is not included as part of this SOW and can be included at an additional charge. . Neither party will be obligated for the services described in this SoW until Avaya and The City of Boynton Beach mutually agree to the deliverables and other provisions. Agreement is indicated by The City of Boynton Beach issuing a purchase order that includes this document and. if applicable, a statement of work, and Avaya accepting the purchase order. . Completion of the deliverables and performance of the services are based on the parties carrying out their responsibilities in a timely manner. The parties will rely on a mutually agreed Change Management Request Approval (CMRA) to address any changes. delays or disruptions in Avaya's continuous performance of services, other than delays or disruptions caused solely by Avaya and/or its subcontractors. . All prerequisites need to be completed by The City of Boynton Beach prior to the beginning of the service activities, . If information specified at job quotation is not available, a site visit will be required, and The City of Boynton Beach agrees to pay Avaya all associated charges. . Avaya will determine the appropriate Avaya parties to attend meetings and conference calls. . Any changes in The City of Boynton Beach requirements. signed-off in the requirements phase, will follow the CMRA process. . Any environmental issues, such as but not limited to asbestos in the environment. will cause work to cease in that location until corrective measures are taken by The City of Boynton Beach. . The service will be performed by Avaya or an Avaya subcontractor. Page 13/2C f\V,;'ia P,-opoetary & Confidential. Quote # eProJect 11 Fl.,157~ SSR_!, OD269852 Use pU' ,;U,int to trle terms of 1'01'1" s'rmed agreement or ,\\'aya policy, Date, 6/17/2011 . If the site is not ready by the scheduled start date. if testing activities are suspended because the site is not ready, if required information is not provided or if changes are made to the scope of work, then the schedule for completion of the Implementation Services work will be changed accordingly and additional fees may apply. 4.10.2 General Assumptions - Project Management Services for Enterprise The following assumptions govern the delivery of these services: . Scope and costing is based on the project manager working normal office hours in a Avaya location. If on-site project management is required, The City of Boynton Beach will be responsible for travel and living expenses, In situations where weekend work or overtime is required due 10 The City of Boynton Beach maintenance windows and unforeseen requirements, The City of Boynton Beach will be responsible for all incremental costs incurred. . The project manager will work with The City of Boynton Beach to ensure clear understanding of the service deliverables agreed upon between the parties in the statement of work. As part of the early project team discussions. the project manager will work to confirm the initial assumptions and scope in the statement of work and identify any exceptions that can require a Change Management Request Approval (CMRA). Quoted project hours are based on the information available at time of quote. Additional funding may be required once detailed project scope and duration are determined. The project plan will be developed based upon this mutual understanding of the statement of work and the project manager will coordinate and track progress to the agreed-upon plan. . For extended project management assignments, there will be periods during which the project manager will not available (holidays, training and sickness). Arrangements will be made to provide coverage during these periOdS if there are potential conflicts. . Avaya provides project manager resource investment during the life of the project. Where The City of Boynton Beach delays or defers the agreed-upon deployment schedule beyond the target end date as defined in the agreed-upon project schedule, The City of Boynton Beach will be liable for the incremental costs incurred for project management hours necessary to support the incremental interval of the project. ------...".......--.--.,.- -'~--'-- _....n.____........._.....___.... ........................_....__......._._..__'__...~__. .__ _........................__....._........,.____._.,.................__._ _.---._._-----._---._..._...._~._".,---- Page H/26 /\'fcjJ'a Propri"Otcl!"} & ConLdential Juote#, eProiect 11FL157~ SSR ^ 002<:9852 Use pursuant to tile terrns of ,our ,'igned <.>Q'ecrnent or I\'.'aya poliCe' Date b117/20 - 1 Section 5: EXcli:JsiOns The following activities are not included in the scope of services to be performed by Avaya as priced within this Statement of Work: 5.1 Standard Service Exclusions . Avaya Product training or certification. . Testing of Customer provided equipment. . Resolving interoperability issues with other vendors. . Any engineering, or re-engineering, of existing equipment whether previously supplied by Avaya or by another vendor. . Any re-installation or modification of previously installed equipment. conduit, cable rack(s). or fiber duct(s), . Coordinating of the installation of cabling or inside wiring at Customer premises, . Testing for network-wide integration of Customer's network. . Cable lacing associated with equipment. . Removal and disposal of any previously installed Customer owned equipment or cabling, . Performing any work requiring an electrician. . Any operating system patches and anti-virus software installation, . Any modification to existing customized applications or 3rd party vendor solutions. . Network issues. such as bandwidth, static, call quality, packet loss, jitter, delay, etc. . Any additional functionality not mentioned in the scope, 5.2 Service Specific Exclusions 5.2.1 General Exclusions for Implementation Services Packages - Ethernet Routing Switches The following activities are completely out of the scope of this project and are not performed by Avaya and/or The City of Boynton Beach as part of this project: . Being held responsible for delays in the implementation, or delays related to the implementation of The City of Boynton Beach's business applications . Reinstalling or modifying previously installed equipment, ironwork, cable racks or fiber ducts . Performing any work requiring an electrician . Resolving interoperability issues with The City of Boynton Beach third-party vendors . Providing any engineering, or re-engineering, of existing equipment. whether previously supplied by Avaya or by third-party vendors .---"---.---.. -- f) iJge 15126 I\VClya Prup,etiJl y & Confidential Quote #: eProject 11 FL 157 ~ SSR ^ 00269852 Use pur~:,Junt to tr1e terms CI YOlJr signed ag'eernenl or ,'way", POliCY. Date' (ji1 i'/2C11 . Removing and disposing of any previously installed equipment . Assessing any part and/or aspect of The City of Boynton Beach's network that is not mutually agreed upon . Directly attaching AC wires to circuits other than through a standards-agency-approved connectorized electrical outlet . Disclosing proprietary information relative to the exact methods and procedures for service delivery . Testing The City of Boynton Beach-provided equipment unless stated in this document . Testing for network-wide integration of The City of Boynton Beach's network. If a network-wide test is needed, Avaya can provide Network Connectivity Test, Verification and Acceptance service (A0917322). . Surveying The City of Boynton Beach's site and collecting optical data . Installing Installation Related Material (IRM). An IRM equipment list determines the cost of such installation, Avaya can create an IRM equipment list as part of Site Engineering - Optical/Data, . Stitching cables - cables are run unstitched in the cable racks; however, Avaya Cable Lacing service can provide the resources for dressing cable runs using laces or stitches instead of cable ties, . Setting up and integrating element manager/client workstation, Avaya can provide this service separately as Element Manager/Client Workstation Setup and Integration. . Special requirements, such as materials, engineering activities outside the scope of performing this service or exceptions to Avaya standards, will be billed separately using the Change Management Request Approval (CMRA) process. 5.2.2 General Exclusions - Project Management Services for Enterprise The following activities are completely out of the scope of this project and are not performed by Avaya and/or The City of Boynton Beach as part of this project: . Management of The City of Boynton Beach Deliverables - Avaya's standard offerings do not provide Project Management services for managing The City of Boynton Beach's internal project responsibilities and deliverables, Such services can be assessed and custom quoted incrementally. -~'-'-'-"-'---'-'''-'---'''---'''' ....--.---..---.-.--.....................-.....,.. -------_.~ ._-_.__.~-~--'.,.'-_...._. Pdge 16/26 ^"d'fiJ PlOprield '! & Confieiential Ouote #, ePrOJect 11 FL', 5711 S~ H f\ 00269852 Use PUfsu:;jnl t() the teart'" of j'OLJI ~'j9ned Bgreorner'l Of /:18:,'(; POtlCj < Date' 6117/2011 The following activities will be performed by Avaya, the Customer, and/or a 3rd Party/Provider as stated below: 6.1 Roles and Responsibilities 6.1.1 General Avaya Responsibilities for Implementation Services Packages - Ethernet Routing Switches Avaya is responsible for: . Providing a single point of contact for communication and reporting . Complying with The City of Boynton Beach security measures for accessing building, data and voice networks and handling confidential information . Performing service activities using Avaya standard practices . Providing updates to a The City of Boynton Beach-designated contact . Providing the necessary tools and test equipment required by Avaya to perform the services . Providing qualified personnel to perform the tasks associated with the service . Reviewing service-specific requirements with The City of Boynton Beach . Developing activities, deliverables and an agreed-upon service completion date . Sending a Customer Satisfaction Survey to The City of Boynton Beach upon service completion 6.1.2 General Avaya Responsibilities - Project Management Services for Enterprise Avaya is responsible for: . Establishing and managing a Avaya project team that will provide timely and effective execution of project requirements. . Acting as a single point of contact for the The City of Boynton Beach and project team, facilitating effective project initiation, planning, execution, control, and closure via proper application of the key knowledge areas as defined in the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK)-integration, scope, time, cost. quality, resources, communications, risk, and procurement. Avaya is responsible for understanding, defining, reviewing, analyzing and providing project coordination from ordering through installation and turnover of a product, service or solution to The City of Boynton Beach, . Developing, monitoring, and maintaining the project schedule in support of the approved statement of work and any subsequently approved CMRAs. This includes defining the key project milestones for Avaya and The City of Boynton Beach, as well as supporting vendors specifically identified in the statement of work. The Avaya project manager will provide timely updates regarding any schedule changes to both The City of Boynton Beach and Avaya primes, The project schedule defines all key project tasks, their respective time requirements, functional ownership and interdependencies. The project schedule provides a clear view of all project milestones, as well as highlighting the critical-path tasks and their associated status. It is an important tool in managing project implementation, _no, "."",,,,,'u,,,,___..._, -"---.--'.. ._-- n_.__._ Paqe17/26 ^vaya Proprietary & Confidential. Qucte #. epro;ect 11 FL.157.; SSf~ ^ 002CS852 Use pursuant to the terrns c' Y:lU' ;'igneej agreement Of ,A,',aya polie/. Dote, 6/17/2011 . Establishing a responsibility matrix that identifies the key project deliverables (from the statement of work and engineering notes within the base contract), identification of responsibility ownership (The City of Boynton Beach, Avaya or both), and specific resources (by name) who are responsible to help ensure timely and quality completion of the key project deliverables in question. Avaya will establish and manage Avaya's internal project team to provide timely and effective execution of project requirements. . Establishing a communications plan that facilitates regular and managed exchange of information both within Avaya and between Avaya and The City of Boynton Beach. The plan will include the identification of critical project information and details of how this information will be maintained, accessed and distributed. Key components of the plan include the listing of Avaya and The City of Boynton Beach contacts project review meeting logistics, action register management, project status updates, escalation processes, and CMRA activity. . Organizing and chairing a project review meeting with The City of Boynton Beach on a mutually agreed frequency to provide status of Avaya deliverables/actions and obtain/validate status of The City of Boynton Beach deliver8bles and actions in support of the project implementation, Avaya will document key agreements and update the project schedule accordingly based on meeting results. Avaya will escalate issues as required to keep the project on track. . Managing the project scope (in accordance with the approved statement of work) during the planning and execution phases of the project using the Change Management Request Approval (CMRA) process. Avaya will partner with the The City of Boynton Beach project manager to: - Identify and evaluate potential CMRAs-clearly understand and communicate impacts as related to content, cost, quality and schedule - Initiate and gain approval for CMRAs and associated The City of Boynton Beach purChase orders - Proactively manage CMRA fulfillment and closure . Utilizing risk management processes to identify and manage project risk throughout the project. 6.2 Customer Responsibilities Customer will be responsible for the following. 6.2.1 General Customer will: . Designate a single Customer point of contact (SPOC) for Avaya, The individual will have a thorough understanding of its business requirements and teChnical environment, and will be authorized to make binding decisions on Customer's behalf. . Complete forms and questionnaires as required by Avaya. . Provide access to all parts of Customer network that are within the scope of this project, as required for the delivery of the Services, . Provide access to facilities and personnel as necessary for Avaya to perform its responsibilities. -----.. --......-...._~_.._~- Page 1E/2C /\Vi:..1'2 PI opneta, y & Conflder,tlal Ouote # ePro,ect . 1 H_ '57 A S~oK /' C'()269E52 Lisp' pursuant to H18 terrl1~: oj; your ~'lgnE:d (3gref~rner't Dr ^.f(~'J'a pediey [),;te ()!'7/2011 6.2.2 General Customer Responsibilities for Implementation Services Packages - Ethernet Routing Switches The City of Boynton Beach is responsible for: . Designating a single point of contact to fulfill the following responsibilities: - Identify key staff members and/or management required for the completion of this service - Attend (or request) project checkpoint meetings - Ensure that detailed information is provided in a timely fashion (network diagrams, traffic flows and utilization, architecture specifications, costs and tariffs, etc.) - Review draft deliverables and authorize final deliverables - Assist with interpretation of data - Sign-off of the statement of work - Sign-off of the network engineering spec book prior to on-site deployment - Sign-off of the Statement of Completion notice upon service completion . Submitting purchase orders for the services specified in this document . Providing access to facilities, data and personnel as necessary to perform Avaya responsibilities . Providing escorted or non-escorted access to the work site as required . Providing access to all parts of network that are within the scope of this service . Providing subject-matter experts for third-party products not installed by Avaya in The City of Boynton Beach's network. if required . Providing reasonable security and secure storage for all Avaya tools, equipment and material kept at The City of Boynton Beach sites . Providing information as required by Avaya during the service (topology maps, design documents, past audit/assessment reports, bandwidth and resource utilization reports, etc.) . Verifying, completing and submitting the necessary forms and questionnaires provided by Avaya in a timely manner . Requiring attendance of key staff members and/or management for on-site and/or remote interviews conducted by Avaya . Specifying any network changes that will be implemented during this service . Providing timely sign-off for each project milestone document as provided by Avaya . Submitting any requests for replacement of damaged or defective products that are identified by Avaya during installation to The City of Boynton Beach's Avaya product distributor . Providing information required to customize the logical network design so that it conforms to The City of Boynton Beach- specific standards ..--..--.-. ..........-.-...---.,-.-- --._---_.~.__. """__""_._._n___ ... .... ....__._.____...._...._____..... -- Page 19/26 /way'a Proprietil)' & Confidential, QLote #. eProject ,11 Fl.157tiSSk /\ 00269852 Use pursuant to nle terms of your signed agreement or t\vay" policy DfJte. 6/17/2C11 . Labeling all The City of Boynton Beach-supplied cables to be terminated . Ensuring that all The City of Boynton Beach T1/E1, Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS), Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), Frame Relay, Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) and Point-to-Point circuit facilities and UPS power are ready and available and properly grounded at the start of installation . Identifying customer-provided equipment such as rectifiers, fiber patch panels, DSX3 panels, Ethernet hubs, routers, NetSync equipment, racks, and external cabling . Providing a Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)-free zone . Ensuring that Avaya can use a modem to configure the Ethernet port . Designating a customer representative who is knowledgeable regarding cabling standards and Avaya hardware components, who pre-certifies all cables as suitable and operational prior to the implementation service start date . Supporting all aspects of The City of Boynton Beach's business application software . Confirming the number of ISP and corporate networks to be connected . Install all cables and provide power outlets with sufficient service drop remaining to allow termination . Notifying Avaya in advance of any environmental issues or requirements . Ensuring that an AC power outlet is available and operational . Ensuring, if required, a working Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS)/analog line is within reach of the Ethernet Routing Switch by the agreed-upon installation start date . If installation activities are suspended, canceled, or changes to the scope of the project occur, the Avaya project coordinator requires notice within five business days, If notice is not given within five business days it will result in a Change Management Request Approval (CMRA). . Ensuring that all The City of Boynton Beach facilities are ready and available, and that all necessary information is provided (including location, floor plans, power, building access. etc.) . Providing remote access (Le., VPN access) according to Avaya specifications . Identifying and installing all The City of Boynton Beach-supplied equipment . Providing technical assistance, including all information and documentation, for all The City of Boynton Beach-supplied equipment . Ensuring telephone service is available at all sites for maintenance communications prior to the start and throughout the duration of installation . Providing IP addressing scheme (Le., useable subnets) 6.2.3 General Customer Responsibilities - Project Management Services for Enterprise The City of Boynton Beach is responsible for: . Providing a single point of contact who will communicate directly with Avaya and who will be accountable for any The City of Boynton Beach actions agreed to by The City of Boynton Beach's project team ----.---. ......-...--------..---..-.-....-. .------....--..--------...-...-...........-......-....-.........----.-.........,.-....-.......-.-........---,....--- ..- Page 20/26 Avaya Prop,ieta'l (,. Confidential Qucte #' eProJect l' Fl.1574 SSi-\ A00269852 Use pursuont to the term:; Of )<)ur s'gned agreement or ,',\3)'a polie]', Date: 6/1712011 . Acting in concert with Avaya in a partnering relationship to address project deliverables in the overall project plan for The City of Boynton Beach . Tracking and managing The City of Boynton Beach's internal (and The City of Boynton Beach's contractor) milestones and deliverables. The overall project plan generated by Avaya will show The City of Boynton Beach's major deliverable milestones, but not internal milestones and deliverables of The City of Boynton Beach or The City of Boynton Beach's contractors . Timely identification of any project issues or risks that can affect the progress of the project . Ensuring appropriate staff is available for regular consultation and meetings with Avaya . Providing contact names and related information for project-related operations . Providing detailed status of project efforts currently underway (or proposed), inCluding contact and vendor information, project status and any relevant technical and business information that will have an affect on the progress of the project . Providing resolution of The City of Boynton Beach vendor issues affecting the completion of the project . Partnering with Avaya in the evaluation and approval of CMRAs and any associated The City of Boynton Beach purchase order requirements . Providing security clearance and access to The City of Boynton Beach offices and work areas . Providing external WLAN and broadband access to Avaya personnel working on The City of Boynton Beach premises -.-- -~.~~.- ....-.---...-.....-.-... .....-- Page 21/26 Avaya Prop, ietary & Gonfider1tlc;l. Quote #. eProject 11 FL 157/j-SSk ^ 00269F52 U~;e purc;uant to the terrn~ at JOur signed agreernent QI" /,':a,a rXJllcy, Date (1/1712011 Section 7: ora~"~GQdQ...~nd......Ftegion'al"'Spee1fjclnform~~n'." 7.1 Order Codes Implementation Services Package - Ethernet Routing Switch 4500 and 5600 Project Management for Enterprise (Plus) NOO29101 Ethernet Routing Switch Implementation Services Package N0180560 Ethernet Routing Switch Premium Implementation Services Package N0182398 Project Management 7.2 AcronymslTerms Implementation Services Package - Ethernet Routing Switch 300/400/2500/3500/4500/5500 BPS 2000 SaM (Sill of Materials) - Document that identifies products and services purchased CI (Customer Initiation) - External call between Avaya/partner and the customer CIQ (Customer Information Questionnaire) - Document that collects network information used to complete the spec book D-date - Date the equipment will ship H-date - Date when on-site installation will start CMRA (Change Management Request Approval) - Used when there is a change due to delay, cancellation or addition in the project. A CMRA may result in additional funding required. K-date - Completion date OCC (Order Commit Call) - Internal Avaya/partner call sac (Statement of Completion) - Document that the customer signs after work completion Spec book - Workbook that contains network element configuration data ------"'..._....._--~._---_._--~_...._..._~--~----_.,.-- . ._......._.____..._.__.______.____...."...___........_._............._..__.__"_.._..._.... .n. ........_......__..._........_n_ ..'____. Pc1ge 22/2b fwaya . p, upneta,)' & Confider tlal. Quote #: eProject 11 Fl_ 157,; SSR A 00269852 Use purSl,ant to !tie terrns of your signed ag,eement or Ava/a pohcy. Dilte' 6/17/2011 Sectioa#8t .ltefit~B~S Contract Reference: This Statement of Work is governed by the agreement "Agreement" between Avaya and The City of Boynton Beach. Unless defined in the text, capitalized terms used in this SOW, will have the meanings specified in the Agreement. In the event of a conflict between this SOW and the terms of the Agreement, the order of precedence specified in the Agreement will apply, If there is no order of precedence specified, the terms of the Agreement will control. Avaya Contact Information: sow Author: John Malott Reach Number: 248-746-7160 SOW Contributor: Reach Number: Physical Location 1: The City of Boynton Beach Contact Information: The City of Boynton Beach Avaya Inc. Contact Name: John McNally Contact Name: Mark Herman Reach Number: 561-742-6073 Reach Number: 786-331-3240 100 East Boynton Beach Address: 211 Mount Airy Rd. Address: Blvd, City: Boynton Beach City: Basking Ridge S tate/Province/Depa rtment: FL State/ProvincelDepartment: NJ ZIP/Postal Code: 33425 ZIP/Postal Code: 07920-2311 Country: United States of America Country: United States of America Quote #: eProjecC 11 FL 157 4-SSR_A- 00269852: ____...~____..__._..__m..._.._......_._.__..,...,__._.. -_._._...._._.~- - --_......._~~-*..__..~._...~_....__...._-- Page 2:';/26 r\VClva Propnetal Y & Ccmfl(ienti21 Quote #: eProject 11 F1157 ~ SSk 1\ 002681352 U~e pur::Ui.'rlt to the terms of your .:'gm,d agreement or ;,vaya policy, Date 6/17/201' CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE BELOW ACKNOWLEDGES THAT CUSTOMER HAS REVIEWED AND AGREES TO THIS STATEMENT OF WORK ("SOW"). THE EFFECTIVE DATE ("EFFECTIVE DATE") IS THE DATE ON WHICH AVAYA SIGNS THIS SOW. :~;:~~ _",,,~uJ;,<-\ l-b(eJ-,w;p.c Co (' i LA Vc:rr"e re.- Printed Name :I:n+e"-i rn C~+)' MAN A-GeR.... ( Title Title ~~~ dH(:__)_<L~ \'15) ,-)C \ \ Date Date ( _.__._._mo_........_ __~.___.__..._.._~__.._..__._.__.._.._....______ .. _.....___..___........_.._....__...,_." ....." ,.......__.___.....___....".__m....................... .. --------.-____,____,_.__,.,_...._...,.,',._.,"_~_____ _._.m.....__...._.....___._____ Page 24/26 I\"B)'B Propneta,y & Confidential. Owte # eProJeet11 FL 1574 SSR 1\ OG2f.GE52 Use pu,suant to the temE; of your signed agreement or l,vaya polie,'. Date: E/Pi2011 EXbibit1 : Cha",gQyl!1~nag$m~f'ltPfQ~ Either party may request changes to this Statement of Work at any time. Customer and Avaya will each designate a single point of contact for the authorization of project change requests, Customer and Avaya will use only the procedure under this Exhibit to control changes to the Statement of Work. . Since a change could affect the price, schedule, or other terms of the Agreement for this Statement of Work, both Avaya and Customer must approve each change before amending the Statement of Work. All change requests will be submitted in writing using a Change Management Request Approval Form or Job Change Order (JCO) similar to the sample form in Exhibit 2. The Change Management Request Approval Form will describe the change and include whatever rationale and/or estimated effect the change will have on the Statement of Work. . Customer and Avaya will review the Change Management Request Approval Form. For any change requested, Avaya shall be entitled to adjust the time of performance and the charges for the work to be performed in a SOW. Any adjustments to the time of performance or the charges for the work to be performed which result from a change request shall be set forth on the Change Management Request Approval Form. . The originating party will submit the Change Management Request Approval Form to the other party. The other party will either accept by signing the Change Management Request Approval Form or reject the Change Management Request Approval Form within three (3) business days of receipt. If rejected, the Change Management Request Approval Form and a rejection rationale will be returned to the originator, . Approved changes as reflected on an authorized and executed Change Management Request Approval Form will then be incorporated into the Statement of Work. . No changes to the SOW shall be effective until the Change Management Request Approval Form is signed by authorized representatives from both parties. - ..............................-.,..----.....-.-...-..--.....-.-...--............. -_.__..~ Psge 25/26 ^voj'3 Proprietary & Confidential. Quote # eProject,11 FL 157~ SSR..^ 0026QS52 Use purr;uanl to tr18 terrn~ of your :;'gned iJgreement cr I\Vo';'<> polic,', Dale: (i/1712011 Exhibit 2: Change Management Request Approval Form Change Management Request Approval Form Change Request Control Number: Original Contract Date: Date Issued: ,",ustomer Name: Project Code: Quote Number(s): User Organization: ,",ustomer Address: City: State: Zip: Date Requested: Requested By: Requestor Phone: Requestor Email: Date Required: Site Contact: Site Contact Phone: Site Contact Emall: Impact Assumption: Synopsis of Requested Change: Material Qty Description Equip. Installation Total Post Warranty Code Cost/Lie. Fee Cost Service Charge Removed . Yes I r I No I r Estimated Tax $ I Estimated Shipping $ I Estimated Total $ Supporting Documentation Attached? Change Approval/Disapproval Final Disposition: r Approve Request r Future Consideration r Disapprove Request Customer NamelTitle: I Phone Number: E-mail Address; Customer Signature: Date Signed: Assistant Contract Mgr/Sales Mgr: I Phone Number: E-mail Address: Assistant Contract Manager/Sales Manager Signature: Date Signed Provisioning Project Owner: I Phone Number: E-mail Address: Provisioning Project Owner Signature: Date Signed: Project Management Disposition: I-'rye 2fi/26 1\'!(~Yn r>mpIIAt;,c)' (, rC:lfllief ,/",1 O.lotA Ii el-'iOjec;t 11 FL. 0571\ S2h: J\ 0026S: 'jR:; Use pur:~U,.irlt fc the fe!n~: of ">,0'[ ::Jgned agreC:T-er1j 01 ;'-.Vi.-'J c, pClicl'. Diite,6i17/2011 RU-OB'I .l!Q.!!~Q..~ In.. >>Proposal Pricing Company: City of Boynton Beach Quote Date: 6/23/2011 ContllCt: Doug Solomon Quote Number: TD312412 AddreSs: 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd Account Manaller: MCGAUGH,GRANT City, State ~p: Boynton Beach,Florida Phone: 5617426171 Phone: 3055621825 Fax: Fax: Emall: solomond@bbfl,us Emall: GMCGAUGH@RONCO.NET Unit Price Next to Passport .'-...---'.----.-.'- ERS 4548GT-PWR with 48 10/100/1000 PoE ports and 4 shared SFP ports, plus HiStack ports and RPS connector. 1 AL4500E14-E6 1 AA1419048-E6 I-port 1000Base-SX Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP), connector type: LC. Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Interface. 1 AL2011013-E6 Consote cable for use with Ethernet Switches and Ethernet Routing Switches IT Depot and Shoot Ral AL4500E 14 E6 ERS 4548GT-PWR with 48 10/100/1000 PoE ports and 4 shared SFP ports, plus HIStack ports and RPS connector. 2 AA1419048-E6 I-port 1000Base-SX Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP), connector type: LC. Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Interface. __.__ ______mm.._'.. Main Closet AL1001E11-E5 ERS 5698TFD-PWR with 96 10/100/1000 IEEE 802,3af PoE ports, 6 shared SFP ports, 2 XFP ports, 1000W AC PS, 1.5 foot Stack Cab I-port 1000Base-SX Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP), connector type: LC. Digitai Diagnostic Monitonng Interface. ERS 5600 redundant 1000W AC power supply. For use In the ERS5698TFD-PWR. NA Power Cord ----,- ERS 4548GT.PWR with 48 10/100/1000 PoE ports and 4 shared SFP ports, plus HiStack ports and RPS connector. I Notes I Price does not Include Shipping and Handling( ESTIMATED AT $832.00)