Minutes 06-16-81MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THURSDAY, JUNE 16~ 1981 PRESENT Edward F. Harmening, Mayor Walter "Marty" Trauger, Vice Mayor Joe deLong, Councilman Patricia WHolley, Councilmember Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk James Wolf, Assistant City Attorney ABSENT Samuel Lamar Wright, Councilman (Excused) Mayor Harmening welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. Hie announced the invocation would be by Rev. R. M, Lee, Pastor, St. John's Baptist Church, to be followed immediately by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Councilmember Patricia L. Woolley, He requested everyone to please rise. AGENDA APPROVAL Vice Mayor Trauger requested the following addition: "VII. LEGAL: C. Resolutions: A ~ropOsed Ordinance'for the City Attorney to draw up concerning vehicle inspections," He added that when the.Council comes to the appointment of the Golf Course Advisory Comm. ittee Alternates under "X. ADMINISTRA- TIVE C", he would literally like clarification of the editorial with ~gard to the golf course, Councilman deLong asked that the Council discuss the compensation for injured employees and also the training laws for the Fire Department under "VIII. OLD BUSINESS". He stated that he thought these two items could be resolVed by the City Council, and he did not believe there was any necessity to. have the controversy and distasteful attitude in the City of Boynton Beach like the City of Lake Worth is having. He further stated there is a misinter- pretation of some of the items, and he believed the Council should try to resolve .them and, by the same token, try and protect the image of the City. Mayor Harmening asked if there were any other additions, and City Manager Cheney requested the addition of the following: "VI. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: B. Site Plans: 4. Holiday Inn - a brief report" - 1 - ~MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 City Manager Cheney also requested the following amendment, under "X. ADMINISTRATIVE, D," so that the Agenda item would read as follows: "D. Accept Utilities - Villas of Pine Tree Release of Bond and Approval of Joint Venture Agreement" Mayor Harmening said he would like the following added under "X. ADMINISTRATIVE: "P. Discuss the appointment of the Solid Waste Authority." Councilman deLong moved to adopt the Agenda, as amended, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger. Motion carried ~4-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Mayor Harmening announced that Councilman Wright expressed his regrets that he was unable to be present at the meeting because of commitments to his job that had to be attended to. MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting of June 2, 19'81 Vice Mayor Trauger moved adoption of the minutes, seconded by Councilman deLong. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor Harmening stated if anyone in the audience would like to speak on any item not on the agenda, they may do so at this time. He added if anyone would like to speak on an item on the agenda to please give their name to the City Clerk and they will be called upon when that item is the .regular order of business. Mr. Nick Cassandra, 2554 S. W. Tenth Court, Boynton Beach came forward and expressed his concern regarding clarification of an article he read in the newspaper and wished to ask the Council if the article was true. He said it was with reference to expenditures for the golf course. Mr. Cassandra stated he was involved with the Council elect of the present administration where, during the campaign, they emphatically implied that no City funds or tax money would be used for the golf course. He was concerned about the elected Councilmembers, if the article is correct, that tax money of $50,000.00 has al'ready been spent and another $50,000.00 will be spent. Mayor Harmening informed him that it was correct. Mr. Cassandra asked if that was tax money and Mayor Harmening replied, "That is right". Mr. Cassandra told Mayor Harmening he knew Mayor Harmening was not on the campaign at this particular time but the other Councilmembers implied emphatically as a pledge in their campaigns that they would not use tax money, but one of his questions had been answered. MINUTES - REGULA~ ~ITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 Mayor Harmening told him his question had only been partially answered. Mr. Cassandra continued that his-second concern was that the consultant firm,that the City will hav~ implied that there will not be enough money collected from the golf course to cover the bond issue. He wondered if that was true and said he heard City Manager Cheney comment at the last-meeting that he had proposed, with the amount of people that would be coming in, on the low side, everything on the low side~ the City would have enough money for this. Mr. Cassandra said his second question was: '~f this bond issue is not floated, is the C±ty out that money?" Mayor Harmening replied, "That's right," Mr. Cassandra then asked what happened to the campaign promise that they would not use City money, Mayor Harmening answered it had no validity. Mr. Cassandra remarked' that he did not pick on City Manager Cheney as he takes his direction from the-City Council and, therefore, whatever has been spent was by the Council's mandate, so he is really the person with the answers if the answers are needed. Mr. Cassandra said Cit~ Manager Cheney commented when the golf course came up, that there might be some initial expenditures required to get the~th.ing rolling. "Small amounts," if he recalled, were the words ~ity Manager Cheney used, and the golf course would reimburse this-money. Mayo~ Harmening told him the bond issue would reimburse it, ' Mr. Cassandra addressed his nex~ question~to Mayor Harmening because Mayor Harmening had been answering him. He asked, "Suppose that we do no~ have enough reven~es coming in and if, in reality, does the City cover this bond out of tax money~'' Mayor Har~ening replied that it was a hard question to answer because the City did not know the answer, ~Mr. Cassandra said it should be either yes or no. If the monies are not there, th~ City will cover. If the monies are there, it ~s irrelevant. Mayor Harmening answered that it would depend on whether ths bond issue sold, but it appears that the bond isSue will be sold without any problems and the City will recoup the money. Mayor Harmening further said if the bcnd issue is not sold, the City will not recoup the money '~as Mr. Cassandra put it~. Mr, Cassandra told Mr. Harmening he was glad he brought that up because he did not want to brine it up and it seemed to him the horse should be put before the cart. Mr. Cassandra said they should get the bond issue before they have any more expend±tureso Vice Mayor Trauger asked Mr. Cassandra how he could get the bond issue until' he knew how much he would have to spend for the golf course, Mayor Harmening commented it may be a nice way to go, but it was not feasible. Mr__Cassandra said at the last meeting, City Manager Cheney sai~the bond issUe would be $4,000,000.00, so the City knows exactly how much they want, - 3 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 Mr. Cassandra continued that if he recalled, City Manager Cheney said it would cover hurricanes, and water, drainage, and anything else that might occur at that golf course. City Manager Cheney expressed a desire to add that the City did not know how much it was until they had spent the original $8,000.00 and an additional $43,000.00. He added that relative to a $4.,000,000.00 bond issue, that was a small amount of money. Mr. Cassandra asked about the next $50,000.00, and Mr. Cheney replied that that was part of the whole process. It is being paid carefully, step by step. Mr. Cassandra said when the budget was submitted by City Manager Cheney, he had a certain amount of tax rates increased because of population explosion, due to maintaining the same services the City had before~ inflation, raises for the City Clerk and for the Fire Department, at that time, also.~ The City had a certain amount of tax rates. That was brought down by concerted effort by the City Council by $400,000.00. Now the City is spending another $100,000.00. Mr. Cassandra asked where the money was coming from. Councilman deLong stated it appeared to him that if the taxpayers of this City have $100,000.00 invested in the ~golf course that is predicated upon the sale of revenue certificates, it will not cost the taxpayers a cent because they will be dependent upon the revenue from the tax saving certificates. He continued by saying that the people in the City of Boynton Beach are intelligent enough to know that any type of first class city in this day and age must have a golf course. In view of the fact that the City is getting a golf course for half of the cost because they do not have to purchase the land, Councilman deLong said he felt the people in the City would rally around and float the general obli- gation bond issue to protect the $100,000~00 that was spent, and they would get the money returned to them eventually from the returns of the golf course. Councilman deLong further said the City would have to arrive at just exactly how much of an increase in millage the taxpayers pay. Mayor Harmening remarked that it appeared to him that Mr. Cassandra was merely starting his campaign for this year early. Mr. Cassandra laughed. Mayor Harmening continued by saying that Mr. Cassandra had been at most of the meetings and he was sure Mr. Cassandra was aware of what was transacted and has transpired, and for him to ask these questions t~at are a little bit of a problem to answer yes or no, just struck him as so much "gibberish or garbage" - 4 - BOYNTON BEACH, FL~'R~IDA June 16, 1981 Councilman deLong said he felt the people of Boynton Beach would protect, and he didn't think there would be any.hard feelings toward the people who wer~e on the Council who made this effort, because they did operate in good faith. Mr. Cassandra told Councilman deLong it was not a question of good faith. Council- man deLong replied it was a question of, "If you can't do it one way, you are forced to do .it another, ~and the amount of money that you would have to pay in an increase in the taxation would be minute, and furthermore, the returns from the golf course would revert back to the City, the revenue." vice Mayor Trauger said he was going to raiseltkis item later,' but with reference ~to the editor±al Mrl Cassandra was referring to in the paper, nowhere, with'the concept of the golf course, as he remembered from the economic studies that were made by the firm in Orlando, was there anyth±ng say±ng that it wasn't economically feasibl~ based upon those number of rounds. City Manager Cheney agreed by saying the report indicated that under a set of circumstances, among other things the possibility of $400,000.00 from asset programs, that there would be some problems ~that woUld have to be studied through. He said we did not have a $400,000.00 possibility of asset program. The report also took a look at the 27 hole concept and suggested that would be a healthy situation but at that time didn't see the possibility of the existing 9 hol~ because it would have to go on the 40 acres of land fill. What the City has done is put 9 holes on the original 150, to the first 18, and that's a change. ~r~ Cheney~? further stated that the report did not come out and was not necessarily meant to come out with a strong position. It was meant to put on the table a number of conditions, a number of alternatives in financing, and to put on the table for the first time some analysis of economics~which the 'City had never gone through before because it would have been premature hereto- fore. He said the City had taken the report, refined those figures, and have come to the point where the financing looks pretty positive. Vice Mayor Trauger said his point was to the paper giving the information, particularly from this last report. Vice Mayor Trauger addressed Mr. Cassandra~bY saying, "The other side, Mr. Cassandra. You and I both work for organizations. We invest our time in labor ahead of time, then in two weeks or a week, we get paid, don't we, for compensation, bUt we've invested our labor in the meantime." The City' has invested its money to get the information to sell the bonds. The City will get paid off in the same light. Mr. Cassandra took exception, saying that his district was not running for reelection. That was made clear when District 1 and 2 was so badly changed in that election. His concern has been, and always has been, the money, budget, and tax. Mr. Cassandra said he ta~es exception ~f people will rally for the tax increase at the high tax area. He said he thought it was wrong to say that at the moment. - 5 - MINUTES - REGULA~'"'I~ITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FL~RIDA June 16, 1981 Mr. Cassandra addressed Mr. deLong and said, "I would rather you would have said, Mr. deLong, are projectioned by, City Manager Cheney's investigation shows that this thing will run, and we will be reimbursed, but~not to say that the City will rally around for a tax increase." Councilman deLong replied that he had every right in the world to say that if, in the event that the revenue certificates issue does not float, there would be a recourse to protect the $100,000.00 invested. He asked what was wrong with that. Mr. Cassandra answered, "I have to protect my $100,000.00 by investing back some more money to cover ±t?" Councilman deLong told him what he wanted to do was to just continue his campaign and then he can go out, split the referendum, and fight against it. Then let the people who are ±n favor of it go out and fight for it. Mr. Cassandra said he had one more question and then he would definitely walk away. He said the question was very simple, tax money is being used, Mayor Harmen±ng advised that the bond looks good and will be floated and the City will get its money back, The question is, if the City doeSn't get its money back, do they have to pay it? And the answer was, "Yes, if that occurs." Mayor Harmening told Mr. Cassandra that was right. Mr. Cassandra stated he was under the impression that no City fund in any way other than the initial investment to investigate this would have been spent. Councilman deLong told him that was on a revenue certificate issue. Mayor Harmening said the Council should not get into a big discussion, they had a lot of work to do, this was a political discussion, and the Council should' just let it drop. He asked if anyone else wished to Speak. BIDS Sport Lighting. City Manager Cheney informed the Council that Graybar Electric Company submitted the lowest bi~d for the work, in the amount of $1,016.00. He pointed oUt that the Memorandum showed a total projected amoun~t of $35,000~00, under Item 2 of the Bid Summary, and this particular portion of that $35,000~00 was estimated to be $2,300.00. He recommended that the bi~d be awarded to Graybar Electric Company. He said the City will be doing some of the Wilson Park work and will not upset the use of Wilson Park during the summer, and there will be a lot of b~dding throughout the summer, so when the summer session is over, the City can get in heavily to really moving into Wilson Park. Councilman deLong moved to accept the recommendations of the Tabulation Committee and award the bid to Graybar Electric Company, West Palm Beach, Florida in the total amount of $1,016.00. Council~embe~ Woolley seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. - 6 - June 16, 1981 MINUTES - REGULA1 .~ITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA False Arrest Insurance City Manager Cheney explained that the Council had been taking a long look at this item, and it had been pulled off the Agenda at the last couple of meetings. He said a little analysis had been handed to the Council and they cOuld act on it tonight or wait until the next meeting. He said it pertained to false arrest insurance for the Police Department and was a very difficult sub- ject, not only here but nationwide'. City Manager Cheney recommended (frOm an analysis and a lot of help by Ray Allen) a change from the present coverage of Insurance Company of Pennsylvania to Specialty Insur~ance Services of Jacksonville, which will provide insurance throUgh the Zurich-American Insurance Company of Illinois. City Manager Cheney further said that periodically it is found on false arrest or police insurance that when it comes to renewal time, some conditions and terms change depending on the nature and attitude of the insurance company, He stated the City had known of the possibil£ty of changing for the last two or three months but did not want to rush into a change without continuing to look around. Also, they did not want to wait until the last minute and have to stay with the same company. City Manager Cheney proposed going to Specialty Insurance Services with Zurich-American I'nsurance Company, where the deductible is from $10,000.00 per incident fwhich is really no insurance at all) to $250.00 deductible. He said the question is whether we have canine coverage or not, to a situation where the City would have canine coverage, to limits of 500 or 1,000,000, to a premium of $27,150.00, which is more than $19,300.00, but the City would get rid of that $10,000.00 deductible, to a policy that would cover the City when an occurrence takes place instead of when the claim is submitted. He admitted there was a slight higher premium between the two policies. City Manager Cheney also said the new policy would be to a situation where you are picking up simple negligence and the old policy does not. City Manager Cheney gave the following example: A policeman happens to be walking around, swinging his billy club, and happens to accidentally hit somebody, and it is not in the action of arrest. The current policy does not cover that, but the new policy would. The policy has been reviewed by the City Attorney's office. It was recommended by City Manager Cheney that the City change to the new policy which is $27,150.00 plus $9,720.00, which is about $37,000.00. He said the City just cannot live with a $10,000.00 deductible. Vice Mayor Trauger pointed out an error in the $9,720.00. It read 9,720,000. City Manager Cheney concurred with the correction by saying it should be 9,720. - 7 - ''~ ~JUNE 16~ 1981 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Councilman deLong moved to accept the award of specialty Insurance Services 'of Jacksonville for Police false arrest insurance through Zurich-American Insurance Company of Illinois, Councilmember Woolley seconded the motion, There was no discussion. Motion carried 4-0. PUBLIC HEARING'-' 8':~0'0~ P.' M, None DEVELOPMENT PLANS Preliminary Plat' Applicant: Location: Use: Motorola P.I,D. Southwest corner of Congress Avenue and N. W, 22nd Avenue Planned Industrial Development Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, said the request was sub- mitted by Mike Holleman'for Motorola, Inc., and the request was for the approval of the preliminary plat for the Motorola develop- ment. He stated the Council should be very clear with the contents of the plat and certificate and with the working documents. He presented a typical first page of the plat which indicated dedications and reservations, acknowledgments, approval ofmunicipal- ity, title certifications, surveyor's certificate, surveyor's notes and location map, The second page of the plat was more in line with survey data, Briefly, it gives the bOundaries of the plat, which, in this instance, are Congress Avenue, Northwest 22nd, E~4 Canal on the East, and the Boynton Canal on the South, The plat accounts for additional right-of-way for Congress and for Northwest 22nd Avenue, Additionally, the righ~s-of-way for the E-4 canal and the Boynton canal have now been worked out with. the Drainage District, There was some question as to where the appropriate lines are. Mr. Annunziato continued by saying some of the interesting features of the plat actually related back to the DRI approval, which required the construction and location of the bicycle path on 22nd Avenue and Congress, and a surrounding green belt ease- ment which is proposed to be platted at the circumference, Mr, Annunziato said the plan was unanimously recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board, based on the following memos, which he read: "To: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner From: Tom Clark, City Engineer Re: Preliminary Plat, Motorola - 8 - BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 "On May 26, 1981, the T.R.B. reviewed the subject plat and recommends approval subject to the following: 1. Memo from the City Planner dated May 26, 1981. 2. Eliminate 'Surveyor's Note' N( . 5 from the Plat sheets. The 'Greenbelt' should be inc[ Dedication on sheet No. 2 of The improvements to Congress as shown on the 'Site Plan & I placed on drawings to be appr( Traffic Engineer. Off-site utilities should be Plan & Details'.. Health Dept. be submitted to the Utility D2 and signing. e A cost estimate is required improvements." Mr. Annunziato explained that basicall' Surveyor's Notes alludes-~to is %he pro[ utility easements. There are utility ~ encompass the Greenbelt, so there was uded in the ~he plat sheets, lnd to NW 22nd Ave. )etails' should be ~ved by the County Ldded to the 'Site Application must rector for approval ~r all off-site ,'what Note 5 of the ~ibitions to landscaping ~asements which also conflict there, Mr, Annunziato added that the cost estlmat~ was submitted. Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner~,then read his memo of May 26, 1981, addressed to Tom Clark, %tty Engineer, regarding Motorola Preliminary Plat, as follows: "Based upon a review of the propo~ for Motorola Planned Industrial be advised of the following comme~ 1. If the final plat is not 90 days of preliminary plat app~o~ Council, then it is recommended t! dedicate rights-of-ways and utili~ City as proposed on the prelimina3 days of preliminary plat approval 2. Remove the limiting comm document which precludes landscap2 of the greenbelt which is encumbe3 easements. ;ed Preliminary Plat ~velopment, please its ~ recorded within ~al by the City ~at the developer ~y easements to the ~y plat within 120 nt from the plat .ng over that part ~ed by utility 3. Recommend the use of sodium vapor lighting for parking lot lighting. - 9 - MINUTES - REGULA~CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA June 16, 1981 This item has been scheduled for the Planning & Zoning Board meeting of June 9. 1981.'~ Councilman deLong moved to approve the Preliminary Plat submitted by Michael A, Holleman, Project Architect, who drew the Preliminary Plat and construction plans for Motorol-a Planned Industrial Development project, ~to be located on Congress Avenue at N. W, 22nd Avenue, as unanimously recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board, subject to staff comments. Vice Mayor Trauger seconded the motion. There was no discussion. Motion carried 4-0. Applicant: Summit Associates, Ltd,, submitted by Charles N. Gilbert, Agent Location: 3500 Clubhouse Lane Use: Preliminary Plat, Replat of Housing Tract "O" Summit Plat ~1, Hunters Run Golf & Racc uet Club Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, told the Council hat the appli- cation before them was a request' for preliminary plat approval. However, the next three apPlications are somewhat tied in. The Council has seen the overlay before, in SUmmit Plat No, 1 of the Hunters Run Golf & Racquet Club project. They divided it into tracts for development. The tracts-were developed, plus a recreation tract. Mr, Annun.ziato explained that th_= topic of discussion at this meeting would be Tract "O" and it would be followed by modifications to the recreation area. Mr. Annunziato pointed out that the proposed Preliminary Plat was a replat of Tract "O" plus portions of golf hol_= 18-S. He stated that the North limit of Tract "O" iS'being mDved northward to accommodate the residential development. AS a p~rt of that, and it will come up in the modification of the Club house tract, golf hole 18-S in-.golf green 18-S will be moved nor Lhward on to the recreation site, but that will be the topic o'f Riscussion later. Vi~e"M~y~r~JTraug~r~ m°v~~o~ded~:by 1Co~]nci ~.l~n deLong, tc approve the Preliminary Plat submitted by Charles Gilbert, Agen for Summit Associates, Ltd. No discussion. Motion carried 4-]. Mr. Annunziato called attention to the memorandum o Tom Clark, City Engineer, which should be included. The memo eads as follows: "The T.R.B. met on June 2, 1981 to review the ;ubject preliminary plat. Conceptional approval of t~ W.M.D, is required. I will check this with the W.M.D Acceptance is recommended as n-oted on a print of the Preliminary Plat." Mayor Harmening and the Council agreed that the plat was approved. in~!~din~-~th.e~staff~omments. - 10 - MINUTES - REGULAR'~ITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 Site Plans Applicant: Location: Use: Summit Associates, Ltd., sUbmitted by Charles N. Gilbert, Agent 3500 Clubhouse Lane 29 Single Family Units, Swimming Pool and Restrooms Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, presented the next application, which was a site plan for Tract "O", which provides the layout of the proposed uses.. To the South is Summit Drive, and Tract "0" is ~to be served by Glens Drive East, which is a private roadway which terminates into cul-de-sac,~ Additionally, this private drive serves six houses. In addition to the construc- tion of the houses, there will be a pool and restrooms and a lake, plus a masonry wall on Summit Drive to provide for the golfers. Mr. Annunziato explained that the current north limit of Tract "O" encompasses property Iwh-ich is now a part of the golf course. he application was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board Based on a recommendation-b~y the staff, it was recommended to the Council, subject to staff commen~ts, of which there were two, as follows: "Public Works Dept. (~ The developer must construct a T turn-around at private drive ~2) No underground cans" Mr. Annunziato pointed out that the T turn is to accommodate trash trucks. He stated the application was also reviewed by the Community Appearance Board and comes to the Council with a positive recommendation. Mr. Charles Gilbert, Agent for Hunters Run Golf & Racquet Club, came forward to clarify the staff comment about the turn-around. He said the developer is trying to arrange for trash pick-up in that driveway in a different manner that will not require the trucks to pull up in there. Councilman deLong moved to accept, the unanimous recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board to approven the site development plans submitted by Charles Gilbert, Agent, to provide for the construction of 29 single family units plus a swimming pool and restrooms on the Replat of Housing Tract "O" - Summit Plat ~1, Hunters Run Golf & Racquet Club. Councilmember Woolley seconded the motion. Mayor Harme~ing asked if there was any discussion. City Manager Cheney said he did not understand Mr. Gilbert's comment regarding the staff comment for a T turn-around. He asked whether it was a condition' o~ what. Mayor Harmening said it was proposed by staff but he thought Mr. Gilbert had taken exception to that because the garbage trucks would not have to go in there, Mayor Harmening asked Mr. Gilbert if that was correct and he replied it was, - 11 - MINUTES - REGULAR t~f£Y COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 City Manager Cheney asked City Planner Annunziato if it had been reviewed and if it was OK. Mr. Annunziato answered that it had not been reviewed by the Sanitation Department but he suspected it would be sufficient in that the only concern was the ability to turn the trash trucks. City Manager Cheney asked Mr. Annunziato to put the plat back up so the Council could see what the change is. He said he felt the record should be very clear as to what it ±s, so the City does not get into a problem later on. Mr. Cheney asked where the particular site was located and where the trash cans would be, Mr. Annunziato showed where the proposed T turn-around would be. Mr. Gilbert pointed oUt the intersection where i't was proposed to have the garbage collected, City Manager Cheney ~equested that the records show that the dumpster will be located on the main road off of Summit Drive ~and ~not on the dead end road, because he suspected that the people living up there wili eventually complain about having to carry their garbage so far away, Mr-. Gilbert said there will internal picking up, City Manager Cheney said he wanted the record to show that so i~f the people that live there complain about taking their garbage so far, the City can say the developer indicated that he would solve that problem. Mr. Gilbert advised Mr. Cheney 'that the people who are purchasing there would certainly be told about the garbage~ Mr. Cheney commented, "That's good. I'm glad you said that." Motion carried 4-0. Site Plan Applicant: Location: Use: Summit Associates, Ltd., submitted by Charles N. Gilbert, Agent 3500 Clubhouse Lane Modification of Site Development Plains, Hunters Run Golf & Racquet Club Mr, Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, presented whiCh provides for modification to the recreati~ which are encompassed in the past approval of T~ Mr. Annunziato informed the Cpuncil that there an approval to construct 36 ~otel units to the the club house. The applicant is requesting th~ ~he application, )n tract, some of ~act "0'!. ~urrently exists ~orth and west of ~t that construc- tion be deleted. Secondly, because they are as]ling that the 36 motel units be deleted, there is a commensurate reduction of approximately 39 parking spaces requested. The third issue ±s the demolition of the existing maintenance structure. Mr. Annunziato asked the Council to recall that some- time in the last year they weDt through some plan approvals for a new maintenance compound in T~act "C". - 12 - MINUTES - REGULAR ~TY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLO~iDA June 1.6, 1981 Mr. Annunziato said the fourth issue was the relocation of golf green 18-S onto the said recreation tract, It moves northward,, and the green actually takes-th~ place of the maintenance structure. These issues have to do With aesthetics pl the restaurant. The application was revi Zoning Board. There were no comments. Ti Board unanimously reccmmended that the apl the. CoUncil. It was moved by Councilman deLong and sec~ Trauger to approve the modified site deve by Charles Gilbert,~ Agent for Hunters Run Said plans provide for modifications to t recreation tract, and they include the del :imarily and~views from ~wed by the Planning and le Planning and Zoning )lication'be approved by )nded by Vice Mayor kopment plans submitted Golf & Racquet Club. he approved clubhouse ~tion of 36 motel units and the deletion of 39 required parking spaces, the demolition of th~ existing maintenance ~truct~e, and the relocation of golf green 18-S Onto the said recreation tract~ Councilman deLong asked Mr. Gilbert how b~g! a 'parcel of land'~the units they were eliminating took up. Mr'. 'Gilbel replied to Councilman deLong's question prospectus for the land. Motion carried 4-0. Site Plan Applicant: Location: Request~ "Meadows 300", submitted 'by J Agent West side of Congress Avenue, and Canal 20 ModifiCation of Master Plan f Mr. Annunziato said this~was a request to Plan. He stated it came to the CoUncil i two other modification plans the Council three months. BasicallY, the Council is tion as to the status of the change, that substantial or not. If the application's substantial by a motion from the Council, subject to a rezoning request. If the ap determined to be not substantial, then it Board for approval, approval with modific Mr. Annunziato explained further that in is requesting to remove from each develo~ private recreation tract and then consol~ ation into two private recreation tracts, and one south of Canal 19. He said the t course, was the "Meadows 300" and it had ft estimated an acre and that they have no future llian Trapp Bryan, III, between Hypoluxo Road )r "Meadows 300" PUD modify the approved Master a a fashion similar to reviewed within the last ~sked to make a determina- is, whether it is iows it to be proved to be then the application is ~lication request is 'goes back to the Zoning ations, or denial. this instance the applicant nent parcel a very small Rate that private recre- one north of Canal 19, Dpic of discussion, of Oeen seen in several forms over the last two or three years. It came to the Council as a request of community zoning. Then a Preliminary Plat was submitted and subsequently approved. ~'MINUTES - REGULAR ~r ~Y COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORYDA June 16, 1981 Mr. Annunziato stated the applicant is now in the phase'of modifying the Master Plan. He said they were very far along, at the staff level, in making recommendations on the modified preliminary plat, Councilman deLong said it appeared to him that "The Meadows" was on the East side of Congress Avenue. Mr. Annunziato advised that it was on the West side, opposite the Boynton Lakss project. Mr. Annunziato continued by pointing out that the development is similar in structure to Congress ~being the major border. The proposed development is to be served by a loOp road which, inter- sects at its southern terminus directly across the street from the entrance to Boynton Lakes, This w~ll be a four corner intersection, signalizing turn lanes. Mr. Annunz±ato informed the Council that he did include some additional information for them. Mr. Annunziato read the changes he had requested from a Memorandum addressed to City Manager Cheney, dated June 8, 1981, as follows: "1. To remove from each development tract the previously approved small parcel of land which was devoted to private recreation and incorpor- ate this acreage into the proposed lot layout for the tract; To consolidate all the private recreation into two parcels formed from tracts M and G; e To increase the density in tract E from 3.5 to 4 units per acre and in tract F from 4 to 5 units per acre to account for the loss of units which resulted in placing the private recrea- tion in tracts G and M only; and, To increase the overall unit count by two (2) units." Mr. Annunziato said he just recently found out that number 4 above was not really a change but just a misunderstanding on his part. ~pparently there was going to be an increase of two municipal acres south of M and G, resulting in a reduction to the entire acreage north of Canal 19. The overall numbers would not change. The additional information provided for the Council's edification included tax approvals, issues concerning traffic, and the School Board. Mr. Annunziato further stated that the application had been reviewed by the Technical Review Board on Monday, June 8th, and the Technical Review Board unanimously recommended that these changes not be substantial in nature. He said, however, the Technical Review Board did continue to suggest that if this does go to the Planning and Zoning Board that the right-of-way be dedicated for Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue (to include the commercial tract} within 60 days of the Master Plan approval, if the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat are not recorded. - 14 - MINUTES - REGULAR ~'~Y COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACHr FLORIDA June 16, 1981 Mr. Annunziato said secondly, there was a memo from the Energy Coordinator, Craig Grabeel, which he read, as follows~ "The following comments are subm±t~ed relative to subject master plan in the interest of encouraging energy-efficient development: Recommend the use of high-pressure sodium vapor lighting, Recommend the use of low-maintenance vegetation and ground cover in landscaped areas in order to reduce irrigation requirements. Further recommend the use of sur~face water for irrigation of common areas to minimize the demand for treated (City~ water." Councilman deLong moved tQ .accept the recommendations' of the Planning and Zoning Board. He said the reason he asked whether "The Meadows" was on the East side was becau-se the original "Meadows" tract was on the East side. Mayor Harmening said he thought it was on both sides originally. Vice Mayor Trauger asked when Mr. Annunziato was talking about Motorola, on the East side of Congress, he added the bicycle trail along there. He wondered if that came up on Boynton Lakes the same way to Hypoluxo Road. Mr. Annunziato answered that it did. Mr. Annunziato explained that at the time the deeds to Boynton Lakes and the "Meadows 300" were going through Planning and Zoning approval, there was consideration of putting b±ke trails on both sides. Since that t±me, there has been an attempt, on the part of both developers, to meet and join in the construc- tion of the bike path on the east side ~with bike paths to be constructed in the 80 foot public right-of-Way, therefore, affording one point of ~ntersection where the loop roads inter- sect at Congress Avenue. He said there would be, at least, a bike path on the east side of Congress tying the north to the north city limits to the south city limits. Vice Mayor Trauger seconded Councilman deLong's motion that the City Council finds the modifications of "Meadows 300" ars minor' in nature. Councilman deLong referred to items 2 and 3 of the above memo noted on this page of the minutes, from Craig Grabeel, Energy Coordinator. He said he felt the recommendations were good but thought the recommendation should be forwarded to the Community Appearance Board because they had to approve it. The motion carried 4-0. - 15 - MINUTES - REGULAR m_..£Y COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 Holiday Inn - Clarification of access to City Manager Cheney said he wished clarification of the access to Holiday Inn. He stated it'had.come to-~'the City's attention in the last couple of days that Holiday Inn's developer had applied to the County to carpet a break in the median on N.iW. 2nd Avenue to give access to Holiday Inn from both directions to the median cut opposite their driveway, Mr. Cheney pointed out that that had never been a part of the approved plan before and had never been an item that the City Council had discussed, or that the staff, Technical Review Board, and. Planning &nd'Zoning Board had acted ~n. He stated it was probably a good idea because without it, you would have "U" turns helter, skelter, everywhere. Although it is not anything the City had a chance to respond to, to suggest anything about the configu~i~n~ of the median break or additional construction of a median on N. W. 2nd Avenue, which Mr. Cheney thought Should~be considered, or to' suggest any- thing about future si~gularization, or to address the questions of Holiday Inn and a median break in Galaxy School, Mr. Cheney said his conclusion was that it is probably a good idea if the City had a chance to review it in the proper time. He said it probably could be made better than what is to happen. However, he stated it had been approved by the County, the City had not been made a part of it, and it is going ahead:, and City Manager Cheney wanted the record to show that it is' happening so nobody is surprised when they see a contractor under contract to Mr. Leeman, with approval from the County, up there doing that work. City Manager Cheney continued by saying that at the same time, the modification and widening of that driveway entrance is taking place; '~Do~ he knew Councilman deLong would be interested. He said that was good as the City had approved ~that and that was part of what the City wanted to happen'. The entrance is now 35 feet instead of 25 feet. Vice Mayor Trauger asked if there was a problem of the Galaxy School, that this traffic pattern created such a furor of six or seven months ago. Councilman deLong replied that it was in the same area. City Manager Cheney commented that the Galaxy School would probably be better off because it will be eliminating new turns just east of Galaxy School or any place any one thinks he can get away With it. City Manager Cheney said what bothered him, in part, is that the City did not get a chance to review it and he thoUght the City should have. Vice Mayor Trauger said it was .the same proposition of getting approval for a cut from the Courthouse that we are now facing the restaurant and the bank on U. S. 1, and if they charge ahead without the City's knowledge, the City would be right back in the soup. - 16 - MINUTES - REGULAR BOYNTON BEACH, FLf ~Y COUNCIL MEETING [DA June 16, 1981 City Manager Cheney stated that on that particular issue, Mr. Walker, at the second meeting in July, hopefully, would be present to give a total presentation on that issue. Mr. Walker is now on vacation. Vice Mayor Trauger said it was skirting the original site plan development. City Manager Cheney said this doesn't usually happen. the City has great coordination with ths County, Usually, LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HE~RING Proposed Ordinance No. 81-19 Re: Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Private Community Television Antenna Assistant City Attorney James Wolf read proposed Ordinance No, 81- 19 by title, on second and final reading: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 75-19 (APPENDIX AY 'ZONING REGULATIONS, DEFINITIONS' TO ADD A DEFINITION OF COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION~SYSTEMS; AMENDING SECTION 4F4 BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 4F4-1 PRO- VIDING AN EXEMPTION FROM THE TWENTY-FIVE ~25) FOOT HEIGHT REGULATION AND LIMITING SAID ANTENNA HEIGHTS TO SIXTY-FIVE (652 FEET; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING PROVISION; AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak in favor of this proposed Ordinance and received no response, He asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak in opposition to this proposed ordinance and received no response. Councilman deLong moved for the adoption of Ordinance No, 81-19 on second and final reading, seconded by'Councilmember Woolley. No discussion. Mrs. Tereesa Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilmember Woolley - Mayor Harmening - Vice Mayor Trauger - Councilman deLong ~ Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion carried 4-0, - 17 - MINUTES - REGULAR l'< t~Y COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLok~DA June 16, 1981 Proposed Ordinance No. 81-20 Re: Amendment to Zoning Ordinance "Community Antenna Television-Systems" - Definition Assistant City Attorney James Wolf read proposed Ordinance No. 81- 20 by title on second and final reading: "AN ORDINANCE' OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 7 'COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISIONS SYSTEMS' SECTION 7~t, 'DEFINITIONS' BY ADDING A DEFINITION FOR~COMMUN~TY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEMS, EXEMPTING SAID SECTION FROMTHE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 7; PROVIDING FOR A S~VINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING ORDI- NANCE NO. 8.1-12; AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES." Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak in favor of this proposed Ordinance and received no response. He asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak in opposition to this proposed ordinance and received no response. Councilman deLOng moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 81-20 on second and final reading, seconded by Counc±lmember Woolley. No discussion. Tereesa Padgett, .City Clerk, took a roll call on the motion as follows: - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger _ Councilman deLong - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 4-0. Councilman deLong moved to take the Tree Ordinance and the Land- scape Ordinance from the table. Vi~ce Mayor Trauger seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. Ordinances - 1st Readinq Proposed Ordinance No. 81-21 ~Re: ~Tree Ordinance Assistant City Attorney James Wolf read proposed Ordinance No. 81-21, by title only, on first reading: ,AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THECODIF~ED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY TO PROVIDE FOR CHAPTER 7-A ENVIRONMENT ARTICLE 1, TREE PRESERVATION; BY PROVIDING FOR A UNIFORM PROCEDURE FOR DEALING WITH THE PRESERVA- TION OF TREES WITHIN SAID CITY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PRO- VIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES." - 18 - BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 Councilman deLong moved for the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 81-21 on first reading, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger. - Mayor Harmening said it seemed to him that this was a long time coming, and he was not .so sure that the Tree Ordinance is a good thing because it will create a lot of problems for the City. Councilman deLong said that both the Tree Ordinance and the Land- scape Ordinance were lengthy Ordinances so if there were any "kinks" in them, they could be amended later on. Mayor Harmening said it would take a whole year to amend it a page at a time. Mayor Harmening asked if there was any more discussion. There was no response. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call on the motion, as follows: Councilman deLong - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - No Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Motion csrried 3-1. Proposed As s is tan~ 22, by tJ A5 B£ S} F( Ordinance No. 81-22 'Re: Lands'Cape Ordinance Councilm~ first re~ Mayor Ha~ hensive · City Attorney James Wolf read proposed Ordinance No. 81m .tle, on first reading: ~ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY'OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, lENDING THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY BY lENDING CHAPTER 7A BY CREATING ARTICLE II, THE ~YNTON BEACH LANDSCARTNG CODE;.PROVIDING FOR A ~ORT TITLE; DECLARING PURPOSE AND INTENT; PROVIDING ~R CONSTRUCTION OF LANGUAGE AND DEFINITIONS; PRO- V~DING FOR LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTAIN YARD At~AS' AND OFFSTREET PARKING'AND OTHER VEHICULAR USE A}[EAS; PROVIDING REQUIRED LANDSCAPING ADJACENT TO PI~LIC RIGHTS-OF'WAY; PROVIDING FOR PERIMETER LAND- S(~APING RELATING 'TO ABUTTING PROPERTIES; PROVIDING F()R REQUIRED LANDSCAPING FOR ACCESSWAYS; PROVIDING F()R SIGHT DISTANCE FOR LANDSCAPING ADJACENT TO P BLIC RIGHTS-OF-WA AND POINTS OF ACCESS; PR IDING FOR LANDSC .EPLAN ApPRO PROVIDING FOR PE ORM- ANCE SURETY~ PROVIDING FOR THE APPLICABILITY; PRO- V~DING FOR ADMINISTRATION AND 'INTERPRETATION; PRO- VIDINGFOR ENFORCEMENT, VIOLATIONS', PENALTIES, AND O~?HER LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES; PROVIDING FOR Al?PEALS TO THE. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT; PROVIDING FOR S]~VERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR~CODIFICATI~N; PROVIDING F()R AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. ~n deLong moved to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 81-22 on ~ding, The motion was seconded by Conncilmember Woolley, · mening said this Ordinance was a little more compre- ~han he expected and a lot better than the Tree Ordinance, - 19 - MINUTES - REGULAR~I'~TY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR/DA June 16, 1981 Mayor Harmening asked if there was any more discussion. There was no response, Mrs. Padgett took a roll call on the motion, as follows: Councilmember W©olley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 4-0. Resolutions Inspections - A proposed Re~lution for the City Attorney to draw up concerning vehicle inspections Vice Mayor Trauger said he has'been concerned with the State of Florida revoking or attempting to revoke in October the inspection of vehicles. He stated he was amazed that about one- third of the vehicles that went through the inspection station failed and had to come back. He felt that was a rather high statistic. He sa~d looking at the older cars running around on the roads, .a few accidents, and some of the police statistics of brake failures, that anything the City could do to keep the vehicles safe would be well worthwhile. Therefore, Vice Mayor Trauger recommended that the City instruct the City Attorney to draw up a Resolution to Palm Be~ch County stating that the C±ty Council was in favor of the continuation of vehicle insPection in Palm Beach County, Vice Mayor Trauger moved t~ instruct the City Attorney %o prepare the proposed Resolution in accordance with the above statements, seconded by Councilman deLong, No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. LEGAL Other Approve Hypoluxo' Amended Agreement - Wa'ter City Manager Cheney said %he Agreement had been reviewed by the City Attorney of Boynton Beach, the Town Attorney of Hypoluxo, and the City has a letter from the Manager of Manalapan indicating that their Town Board has approved-it, so he recommended that the Council approve this modification. Councilman deLong moved to approve the Amended~Agreement between Hypoluxo .and.BOynton~.~Beach for the 'water, Councilmember'Woolley seconded the motion, No discussion. Motion carried 4-0, OLD BUSINESS Compensation for''Injure~d Emp'~o'y~es MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEAC~ FLORIDA June 16, 1R81 Councilman deLong said he thOught the Council was caught a "little bit flat footed" at the last meeting on the issue of workmen's compensation for injured employees. He meant there was no field man at the meeting and the Council had no time to study it, He did make a study of it since ~and said'he was of the opinion that he believed he was the one who made a motion to amend Ruling 11, Section 5 of the Civil'Service Rules and Regulations. He stated further that he believed he was the CounCilmember Who moved to amend Resolution 78-SS, and passed out information to the Council that he had on. it, and Said he would make comments on Councilman deLong continued by~ saYing that the intent of the motion could be found on the 2nd page, "Workers' Compensation," Councilman deLong said he did not know whether it was inadvertently or intentionally, but this .particular ~end.ment to that Section of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations was included in the pay plan, Without the knowledge or consent of the City Council, it was included in the pay plan. Resolution 8Q-NN was adopted later, which more or less circumvented or repealed the action of Council. Councilman deLong stated that without the knowledge or consent of the Council, he believed that this~particular Resolution was out of order in two respects. If the~amendment was going~to go into the pay plan, Councilman deLong expressed his feeling that ~theCouncil should-have been apprised of it so they could take the necessary action, because ~he did not think anyone connected with the City administration can countermand any of the options of the City Council. Councilman deLong pointed out that when this Resolution was passed, the caption says, "A RESOLUTION QF ~THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING PAY PLkN FOR FISCAL YEAR~1980--1981~ ~ND ESTABAISHING JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR CERTAIN MUNICIPAL POSTS". That particular amend- ment is included in the pay plan, but that particular amendment is not shown in the caption ~nor in the body of the Resolution, which Councilman deLong thOught might have been in error. Councilman deLong referred to a memorandum sent by City Manager Cheney to Councilman Wright, under date, he believed, of June 8, where he wr0t~,'--"The-.chan~ein the me~hod f~r handling Workmen's Compensation, which added the pr0vis~on for payment to the employees, is~cl~a~a chan~e in,the conditions of~emplOyment-~-and~he~e-~ % ..... fore, is clearly an item that has to be negotiated as a part of contract negotiations for employees inYa'.~t~Bar~ai~ih~ U~i~n%~ ~ Such a change in the Fire Department has not been put into effect since the City is still operating under the terms of the 1979/80~ contract and, therefore, it is not possible for Steve Campbell to be covered by this change." Councilman deLong said it was his intent that no one would be eliminated. This was to be coverage for every employee in the City, and it would appear to him that under this ruling, you would have to wait until an agreement was signed before you could .be injured. If you receive injuries, the only thing you could do then would be - 21 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 penalized, which is your vacation or sick leave, so why stay for Workmen's Compensation? Councilman deLong'stated further that, as far as he was concerned, as this was not ichanged by the State, but has been changed in the system of paying the employee injured in the line of duty, the difference in what the~State Workmen's Compensation is and what the salary of the injured employee is was revised whereby the injured employee would not be penalized by suffering the loss of sick and/or vacation days>~n order to collect his or her salary during recuperation for a set period of time. Councilman deLong asked if the Council s~ould consider an injury in the time of duty a change in the cond±tions of employment when such injury was not caused by the employee, or should the Council expect the employee to work while disabled. He said he thought in view of the fact that the Council did go on record to grant this, ~at no one within the administration could countermand or circumvent what the original intentions were. Mayor Harmening advised CoUn~cilman deLong that no-one did. He said by Resolution 80-NN, which was passed by the Council, Section 3 applies to everyone in the City w£th the exception of the Fire Department, CounCilman deLong ~r~lied, "Well, that's it." Mayor Harmening said they were covered by Union contract. Councilman deLong told Mayor Harmening he did not include that amendment and he thought that amendment should have been included in the caption of the Resolut.±on and, ~if not in the caption, it should have been included in the'body of the Resolution, and he did not think anybody had a right'to put that in the pay plan with- out first coming back 'to the City Council for their input and their approval, Councilman deLong said he thought this was one of the things that should be cleared up in the Fire Department. City ManagerCheneysaidhewas very. conCerned'about the'whole relation- ship there and about the City being emotionally forced into,'~by their activities at this meeting, intO an unfair labor practice. Mr. Cheney said Councilman deLong made a point that the document before the Council was not a complete document but 80'NN had attached to it the pay plan. The document before them had attached to it one page from the pay plan. Mr. Cheney said 80-NN and the pay plan is captioned in the Resolution as pay plan. City Manager Cheney explained that was adopted in. the City of Boynton Beac~ had with it the long par~ which shows the pay steps and grades. ~t also had attached to it an indication of what pay grade each emPloyee was at. It additionally has attached to it a number of'operating rules as to'how you apply the pay plan that haS'been traditionally identified for a good many years as the pay plan. The sheet which is attached to the main sheet or Resolution is one sheet of a pay plan. - 22 - MINUTES - REGULAR ~TY COUNCII MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 City Manager Cheney stated he knew exactly what he was doing when he made the recommendation on 80-NN. He said he knew the City should improve the Workmen's Compensation benefits for the emploYees and he recommended that last year. City Manager Cheney recommended it as a type of pay plan because dollars must be appropriated out of the budget to give monies, not give sick leave credit or vacation leave credit, but give money to the employee, and he thought the City should move in that direction. He said he made the recommendation that they keep a hol~ of the employee who is injured. City Manager Cheney further stated that he did not know whether that particular propos'al, less than that or more than that, was something that the Union negotiators would accept, not accept, argue about, or what have you. In 'the whole content of negotiations, a lot of t~ings come up. There is a lot of give and take. If the City were to give the Union, for example, a 25% pay increase and no improvement to Workmen'S Compensation, they might say, "Fine", and that would happen. If the City were to give them a 5% in~rease in pay and a Workmen's Compensation improve- ment that was this plus ~ lot more to pay for pain and suffering of the injured, they might say that is fine. City Manager Cheney suggested that the City Council cannot unilaterally affect the pay of the Fire Fighters in the Union and say to the~, "We know wh~t'~s best for you." He also suggested that the C~v±l Service R~les and Regulations that are there are the Rules and Regulations and they still apply to the Fire Department, as they have to all employees, and they can still use sick leave and vacation leave, and that is there.~ City Manager Cheney continued by saying that the new system that the City has, which he hopes can be given to the Fire Department very soon, and he hopes the City can give them a lot more and solve their problems, are pay items and dollars out of the bUdget which the City would be paying to them, so he feels it is a part of their compensation and, therefore, a part of negotiations. City Manager Cheney said he knew full well that he recommended it to the Council in 80-NN. He apologized for not, if he didn't, making it clear to the Council what he was recommending, although he thought Section 3 was very clear. City Manager Cheney stated he did not like to do this "kind of pay discrimination between groups of employees" but, as he said two weeks ago, he refused to have the Union, the Union Members chose to have a Union, and there are rules that go with having a Union, and there are contract negotiations, and it is give and take. For the last several years, the Union has had one "heck of" a contract, and there were some disagreements this year about that contract, and the City is negotiating. - 23 - BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 City Manager Cheney said .he thought the City Council would be on the edge, if not over the edge, of an unfair labor-practice if they unilaterally, without negotiations, affected the conditions of employment of the Members of the Union. He felt a City resident, a taxpayer, or a non-Union member, or anybody else could charge the City with that. He suggested at ~the last meeting that ~he particu- lar employee who did not think he has been fairly treated can take this through a grievance and bring it to the attention of an independent arbitrator, as the City had recently in a situation on salary compensation, and get an answer as to whether his position is correct or not correct. City Manager Cheney expressed to the Council that he was sorry again if he misled them but he did not see how he could, because he made it quite clear. He asked the following of the~Council: That he pull together for the Council the total Resolution 80-NN and provide it for them. at That the question be 'addressed~ to the City Attorneys, a Labor Attorney, and get their judgment as to. where the City stands, so that they do.not take a step that might cause the City more problems. Obviously, Mr. Cheney said, if he is wrong in what he injected here, it is retroactive, so if the City gets this additional advice, they will not be hurting anybody, they will just be delaying. Councilman deLong told City Manager Cheney the problem with send- ing Attorney Carson any communications for a legal opinion, you know in advance what that opinion will be. By the same token, if you send to Attorney Vassallo, you know in advance what that opinion ±s going to be, so why not strike a happy medium. City Manager Cheney said he w±shed they could str~ke a happy medium, but when you are dealing with something 'tha~ i~s so carefully prescribed, he thinks the City has'to' de~l-very carefully because they are dealing with potential violations which come out of the private sector and the ~public sector which are before us. Like it or not, they are before the City. City Manager Cheney stated he believed his interpretation was right, there is a provision to get around it and that is an independent person to interpret it. Councilman deLong said the thing he couldn't realize was that City Manager Cheney was upgrading the situation for all City employees and he failed to realize where it is an unfair labor practice. City Manager Cheney answered it was because ~the situation was up- graded last year for all City e~ployees by 8-1/2%, Councilman deLong thought it was discrim±n~tlon. City Manager Cheney said the Fire Department chose to beldiscriminated against. They chose in the past, as members o~ the Union, to haVe binding arbi- tration in their Contract. No Qther City emploYee has binding arbitration. No other City employee can go to an independent - 24 - MINUTES - REGULAR (I~ ~Y COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 party to make a rule on their employment situation in the City of Boynton Beach. That's a "heck of" a good thing the Union has. City Manager Cheney stated he did not think the Union should have it and he is recommending that the City get rid of it, but they ha~e that because they negotiated it, because they chose to be Union. If the Police Department is that successful, because they have chosen to be Union, they can do that. That was the Fire Department's-independent choice, protected by State law. The Fire Department has chosen to be dealt with differently than other employees through ~the Union process, and that is fine, but those are the rules of the game established by them, at their choice, and by the legislature. City Manager Cheney said, "Yes, it is discrimination, and if they are successful in negotiating a bigger wage increase than the rest of the employees, that's discrimination too, and they can have it." City Manager Cheney further stated that this year, all City employees got 8-1/2% salary compensation assessment. The Fire Department did not get it. That is discrimination, except the City was upheld by an independent arbitrator, who said that was a part of the game the City is playing. It is discrimination, but it is legal until the problem is solved. Councilman deLong moved to give the Fire Department what every- body else is getting. He said that was his intention and if the City says he is breaking a law or commi~ing~f~labor practice, so be it. He stated he thought the Fire Department are entitled to being treated in a fair way the same as everybody else who works for the City, He said that was his feeling. City Manager Cheney told Councilman deLong he did not want to look like he was arguing with him, but the question of fair and equitable in dealing with Unions has an answer that is arrived at from negotiations, not by one party judgment, not by uni- lateral judgment. The definition of fair and equitable is arrived at through negotiations. He told Councilman deLong if he doesn't do what he is suggesting, he would not think Council- man deLong was being unfair or unequitable, because in this system of Union negotiations, equality in fa±rness is a product of negotiations and nothing else. Councilman deLong said what he was talking about was on the job , ~nju~y,.~ not Union negotiations, nor Union contracts. He said "in~ry"~-- he did not think if you are going to accommodate these people and See minutes put them on the same plane and give them the same advantages that of 7/.07/81 other people who are injured r~eceive, he didn't think they could distort them. City Manager Cheney said on that one, they did disagree, because he did think~it was a part of compensation and benefits, Councilman deLong attempted to make a motion and Vice Mayor Trauger requested him to please h6~d his motion. - 25- ~INUTES - REGULAR CIr~(T]COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORID~ June 16, 1981 Vice Mayor Trauger called attention to the fact that the City has been negotiating for over a year on the contract and, if he under- stood it correctly, the only real stumbling block is the binding arbitration. He asked whether that was correct. City Manager Cheney replied that there were five stumbling blocks at the moment: 1. Binding arbitration. 2. Rules and regulations. 3. Definition of a grievance under the contract. 4. Wages. 5. Prevailing rights. Mr. Cheney said the grievance issue is just as serious as binding arbitration because the City had allowed into their'contract a line that says that you can agree, among, other things. City Manager Cheney said the statement, "among other things", is so broad that, in fact; the City-had two pending greivances as a result of it. Among other things, it ±'s so broad that ±t is really the same as binding arbitration. Where it is-traditionally, and City Manager said he meant State law, the only things you can agree under the grievance provlsions~under the contract are the terms and conditions of that contract~, not "among other things", which is an "open door", so that is binding arbitration. City Manet rights the privi[ response : of a grab tion is runs the they just on whethe: [er Cheney further explained that if the City had any ;ofar as binding' arbitration, 'they would not know what .ege of rights are. He added that he never had a [rom the Union'as to what'the rights are. It is "kind bag" sitting there for anybody to grab. The whole ques- ~les and regulations. This is the whole issue of who [epartment. Wages are a project of all of those, because go up and down, Mr. Cheney sa£d ke suspected, depending or not they agree or not. Councilman deLong moved to fo'llow the provisions of the amendment to the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, Vice Mayor Trauger seconded ~he motion to get it on the floor, Vice Mayor Trauger said the City had been at this for over a year and ~ere at a "loggerhead" that the/Union and that the City, when coun~rles do this, becomes a war, and he didn't want it to break out!among the departments of the City. employees, Two people cannot stand 0~f and not agree and work in the same environment fOreVer. [I't has to come by give and take, and that is'your private arbitration, but there must surely be some deadline down the line, Vice Mayor Traug~r: further stated tha~ the Fire Department is suffering from lack of faith. Steve and one ofilthe other men are - 26 - MINUTES - REGULAR ~l.£y COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR!~DA June 16, 1981 suffering from a lack of compensation beCause of this, and Vice Mayor Trauger believed these to'be t~tally inequ±table, He sa±d the hard part that he was concerned withwas the following question, which he asked Assistant City Attorney James Wolf: "From your viewpoint, if the Council takes any action, are we in violation?" Assistant City Attorney Wolf advised that they very well might be. He said there was an opinion written by Mr, Carson in respect to the Labor Attorney that the issue of insurance, which he dealt with, is specifically a term and condit±on~of employment. Mr. Wolf further advised that he did not see where this issue of extra compensation was any different.than extra insurance. He said he also would think that under that same opinion, that would be a term and condit±on of employment and you could not use that as a certain procedure set out in Chapter'447 of the Florida Statutes. Assistant City Attorney Wolf stated to the Council that, based upon Mr. Carson's opinion, whO he respects as'a Labor Attorney, he felt the Council may very well be commuting an unfair labor practice an~ be in violation of the statute~ Vice Mayor Tralgerasked, from that viewpoint., how could the City protect cer~ain employees from undue personal losS. Can they be assured the5~ will be compensated at the end of this, if it comes out favorab]~Y? Vice Mayor Trauger further said that is State law, under ~he Unemployment, and that does not really come back retroactive. It has to happen as the event takes Place. Assistant City- Attorney Wolf pointed out they. are protected by Workmen's C ,mpensation. EventualIy, when the Union contract would eventually come before the Council after a Court proceeding, or by a Spe¢iat Master, when it comes'up before the City Council, at that poi~.t, the City Council, according to the Statutes, can grant certain provisions in the final determ±nation of the cont-ract. ~.s Mr. Cheney said, the Fire Department chose to have a Union, and when they made that Choice, they were set out by certain rules, and the Council is just as ~ound by those rules as the personnel.of the Fire Department and t~e Union Hall, That is what the Lecislature has chosen to say. City Manage~ Cheney wished to d~scuss the que'stion of equity again. He .aid he did not know what was equitable because that depended on their judgment, and he.asked'what.waS equitable about situation~of all of generalemplOyees versus the Fire the current Department ~nder disciplinary, All genera% City employees re- ceive a pay increase as judged appropriate by t~e City Council, and that's t. The Fire Department has thC ability t~ not accept what the City offers in the Union contract and go to an independent a~bltrator, under binding arbitration, and get an independent, individual person to say what the City has to give the Firemen as a compensation adjustment. Is that equitable relative to the rest of the City employees? - 27 - MINUTES - REGULAR ~?Y COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLOk~A June 16, 1981 City Manager Cheney fUrther stated that the Fire Department had that right. They have not used it, but they have that right. They can do it. An independent party could say that they get a compensation adjustment of 5%. Weigh that equity with the equity of being sure that if they had enough sick leave and vacation leave, they can still get the same amount of take home pay that they got before injury, which' has been what the City__has been giving all of its employees for the last several years which, prior to October 1, was thought to be equitable. There is a give and take situation which is solved only by negotiations or binding arbitration. City Manager Cheney said the City could not decide at this meet- ing that the Fire Department would get something in the future when they agree on something, because the City could not say that. What they are getting in the future is a part of the negotiations. They may say that they do not want any improvements in Workmen's Compensation because they do not get hurt very often. They will miss that in turn for getting more vacation, an extra Kelly day, and a higher increase in pay. There are a whole bunch of things out there they may prefer over what might not be really many dollars in the pocket. The City cannot unilaterally tell them what is fair or what is equitable. Mayor Harmening said he could not agree more with what City Manager Cheney said and, in addition to that, he had no reservations about the legality of the situat±On. He further stated that there was no question in his mind that the COu~ci.~would be guilty of an unfair labor practice if they began to think about that, let alone attempt it, and he certainlY did not feel %he least .bit of remorse for the Fire Department, as these people have put themselves.in exactly the positiOn they are in. ' .The City did not put them there. The City did not force them to join the Union. The City did not force them-to take the stand they 'have taken on negotiations. Councilman deLong stated, in his estimation, the government body of the City is the City COuncill They make the local laws. No one has any right to circumvent those particular amendments or what have'you, regulations, or policies,~ unless it is in session the same day and they decide to reconsider it, or if an Act of the Legislature comes out and supersedes, or someone takes the case to a court of proper jurisdiCtion, and the Court rules in opposition to the City's actions. S~ill the City has recourse of appeal. Councilman deLong further stated that as far as he was concerned, the coun~±t* .is the legislative body of the City, and he would take a~shot at it. He said he idid not think it was unfair legal practice, that if the Coun,cil was trying to take something away from the Fire Department, iit would be something different. He told the Council he was willing to die or to live, Vice Mayor Trauger told Councilman deLong his motion strictly "sticks" to the area of Workmen's Compensation, *SEE 7/7/81 MINUTES - 28 - MINUTES - REGULAR Ci~TY CO.UNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA June 16, 1981 Councilmember Woolley did not understand the motion and asked Councilman deLong to repeat it. Councilman deLong repeated that his motion was to keep in force the original amendment to the Civil Service Rules. Mayor Harmening said he doubted that it could be changed by a simple motion because it is incorporated in the Resolution. Councilmember Woolley said she did not have a chance to read all of the information. Mayor Harmening said the Resolution could not be changed by a mere motion and said it had to be changed like by like. Councilmember Woolley moved to table the motion, seconded by Mayor Harmening. Motion carried 4-0. OLD BUSINESS Fire Department - Traininq Laws Councilman deLong said it seemed the City was given a bill of goods about* two Executive Officers, as one of them was going to be a Training Officer. He presented a copy of the job descrip- tion, which did not say duties. Councilman deLong said he had served on a Civil Service Commission, has been a Shop Steward, a Secretary for the Civil Service Center, served on personnel boards, and had been a Chief Examiner, and as far as this particular setup here is concerned, he thought there was a lot needed insofar as job descriptions are concerned. Mr. deLong pointed out that when you have twopeopleinthesan~classification*performingseparateduties, youhaveto make a distinction between them, and he didn't know whether it should be Executive Officer I or Executive Officer II, but somewhere along the line there has to be some changes, because it says in the absence of the Chief, employees (plural) of this class may be in command of the entire department. *SEE 7/7/81 MINUTE~ Councilman deLong asked what the City will do if the Chief is absent, when you have the two Executives in full supremacy. He said the City is going to be in trouble. He told City Manager Cheney "Here is the rub, and it is up to you to straighten it out." City Manager Cheney said he did not know what Councilman deLong was looking at but he would be glad to have a copy of it and respond to him. Councilman deLong said one man was an Executive Officer but on there it said Trainer David Crockett, an Executive. Mr. deLong said he knew and also understood t~at other members of the Council had been told that Mr. Crockett denies that he is a Training Officer. Councilman deLong said the~e was no more training now than before the Fire Department had a Training Officer. Mr. Crockett was hired as a Training Officer. Councilman deLong said he thought it was - 29 - BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 incumbent upon City Manager Cheney to get it straightened out. ~:M~¢ C'h~.n~ said he didn't know whether ~t would get straightened out but he would be glad to look at the document Councilman deLong was looking at-and give a report at the next'meeting. Councilman deLong informed him there was no more training now than there was before they had a Training Officer. City Manager Cheney said Mr. Crockett was hired as the Executive Officer for Training, and if anyone has to push a button and then'have overnight changes, that was fine, but he was not su. re the City coulddo that, but he would be glad to give his report. C~ty Manager cheney said obviously, he did not know what the individUal firemenwere saying to Council- man deLong, so it was difficult to respond to what was said to the individual Councilmen, but he would be able to give a report in the next Council meeting. Councilman deLong moved that City Manager Cheney give a report on the Training Officer of the Fire Depar'tment at the next meeting, The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. NEW BUSINESS None. ADMINIS'TRATIVE Mutual Assistance Agreement with Town of Ocean Ridge - Requested by Councilman Joe'deLo'n'g ............... TABLED Councilman deLong moved to leave the issue on the table, as he never saw a copy of it. City Manager Cheney'asked him if he did .not get a copy of it. Councilman deLong asked to be extended the courtesy of leaving i-~cn~le~.table because the Agreement was sent over ~Ast y~ar' abont October or November, and he *did~6t :remembe~· see- ing a copy of it. At the last meeting., Councilman deLong said City Manager Cheney was asked to supply the Council with copies so that they could study it. He said he never received a copy but he managed to get copies which he said he would give the Council. 7/7/81 City Manager Ch~ney. lnterrupted to say...that it was on the Agenda, it was available to be put in the Agenda books on Friday, and he did not know why it did not get into the ~genda book. Councilman deLong said the Council had copies now. Mr. deLong 'said there was a counter-proposal at the last meeting by the City Manager.. ~Chen~y) which embraced the entire County. Mr. deL~ng continued that he felt at that time, and still feels, that if a'll the different departments in the County are lined up under one umbrella, it will take quite a while. In fact, the County districts are under the jurisdiction of the County C~mmission, so the City Could see what it was up against, and they would get into a mess,*as two fire districts are suing the County Commission. *SEE 7/7/81 MINUTES BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 Councilman deLong advised that at the present time, Delray Beach and Boca Raton were engaged in signing mutual agreements. He said it would be beneficial to the City because these people have an aerial which may be needed in an emergency, and it would not hurt to mull it over and bring it up at the next meeting. Council- man deLong moved to leave the issue on the table'until the Council has a chance to study it. He advised the Council to forget about any past dealings with Ocean Ridge, as this was something that would benefit the residents of Boynton Beach where their lives and property depend upon speed and fire responses. He told them to forget the past and try to work something out. Mr.. ~deLong moved to leave the issue on the table, give the Council an opportunity to study it, and make a decision at the next meeting. Vice Mayor Trauger seconded, the .motion. No discussion, Motion carried 4-0. Consider City Logo and City Entrance Signs - Requested by Vice Mayor Walter 'T'rauger ........................ Vice Mayor Trauger said the Council had asked City Manager Cheney to draw up a logo and came to the agreement~ except for getting the "bird" in it. He said he felt the bird was back in. City Manager Ch.eney presented sample's of logos, in color and in black and white, drawn by two different artists with two different alternatives. One showed what the color would do, One showed what the black and white would do. Mr. Cheney said he thought it should be in color. The colorsrwould go on either design, Vice Mayor Trauger asked what the color of the official stationery was. City Manager Cheney replied it would' be expensive to use color on the stationery, but vehicle decals would be made up in color. A logo would be put on the stone wall sign at the Northern limits of the City. The Council would'have to decide whether it wanted, "Boynton Beach" or "~elcome, Boynton Beach" Mr. Cheney said he felt "Boynton Beach." was~enough bec~se obviously you are welcoming people and by that time, they are already in Boynton Beach by about three miles. He showed a plastic material that comes in many colors, which is pistol proof, shot gun proof~ impregnable against banging and stoning, will not freeze, and if it is stolen, it is cheaper than metal. Vice Mayor Trauger requested the Council act in stages, He moved the approval of the City logo in the colors prescribed .in the format, to be used on decals and appropriate signs, and the logo in black and white be printed on. stationery, The logo held by City Manager Cheney would become the official logo. Councilman deLong seconded the motion. Motion' carried 4-0. Vice Mayor Trauger stated that the plastic signs were used on the college buildings in brown and they were doing exceptionally well because of being shock proof and the cheapness compared to anodized aluminum. He recommended they accept the type presented and also using "Welcome, Boynton Beach" on the rock sign and also on the other sign. - 31 - MINUTES - REGULAR CIT ~OUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1RS1 Vice Mayor Trauger asked City Purchasing Agent William Sullivan what size was recommended on "Boynton Beach". Mr. Sullivan replied that there were two recommendations. One was 18 inches, which Vice Mayor Trauger felt was too big, and Mr. Sullivan agreed. Mr. Sullivan said 9 inches was recommended for "Welcome" and 12 inches for "Boynton Beach". Vice Mayor Trauger asked what color the Council wanted to use. Mr. William Sullivan introduced Mr. William Lee of Ferrin Signs, Inc. Mr. Lee showed the Council a photograph of the wall and said the drawing the Council had before them was in proportion to the wall. He said the drawing was in fairly accurate measurements to determine the proper letter size and on which they based their recommendations of 9 inches for "Welcome" and 12 inches for "Boynton Beach". Mr, Lee advised that electrical was provided at that location. However, there are no flOOd' t£ghts, Mr~ Lee said there was a discussion with the Community Appearance Board and the Chamber of Commerce. Several possibilities of perhaps illumi- nating it had also been discussed. Vice.Mayor Trauger asked, from the recommendation of illuminating, what colors the letters should be. Mr. Lee recommended a light color, such as yellow. He said he was almost hesitant to say yellow,_ but he felt it Would be very prominent, Mr. Lee said he would be more than happy to bring an assortment of colors to the wall and an arrangement 'that Ferrin's .Design Department would recommend. He said he thought the City needed something that would be contrasting against the wall. Mr. Lee recommended, since it would not change the overall, presentation at all, that Ferrin Signs, Inc. take an assortment of colors~to the wall. City Manager Cheney suggested arranging some.time when everybody could be there, late in the afternoon or some evening, Council- member Woolley asked if the logo'would be up there. City Manager Cheney replied that the.logo would be there on one side. Mr. Cheney asked if they were also addressing the~South end of the City, and Vice Mayor Trauger replied, "Yes." Mr, Cheney asked where Mr. Lee would put ~the sign. Mt.Lee answered that he believed it would be put on the backstop affair. Vice Mayor Trauger said the backstop affair was the only thing the City had. Mr. Lee said he had heard, but was not sure where, that there was a possibility of building something on the Southend of the City, much like they had on the North. He said he was not certain where it had progressed to, Vice Mayor Trauger replied that the City had been doing this for three years and that was why the rush to get the sign, "Boynton Beach~. Mr, Traug~'.' said the City will get it this year, so at least you will know you are in Boynton Beach. Mr. Lee said these letters, aside from the ones going a~ the North- end of the City, that what they would do there would actually use blocks and then go back to the letters with aluminum studs and anchor them into the they could use alSo aluminum studs but with a back plate to - 32 - BOYNTON BEACH, FLoRiDA June/16, 1981 actually bolt them to the existing structure. Vice Mayor Trauger asked Mr. Lee if there was enough space in the Southend backstop thing to put up, and also asked h~m if he had looked at it in accordance with the s~ze of the_sign he would put up. Mr. Lee said he had and there would certainly have to be some rearranging done. City Manager Cheney commented that maybe they could meet down there and talk about it, and told Mr. Lee signs were wanted on both ends, Vice Mayor Trauger moved to-accep~-the~?~roposh!-ofthe size of the letters recommended on the scale of 9 and 12, as proposed by the sign company. Councilman deLong seconded the motion. Mr. Lee added that there was one other thing he thought should be brought out and that was that the logo .that was shown on the draw- ing was shown just relatively in proportion to the size of the letters as proposed for the wall. The prices he quoted did not include the cost of the logo. Mayor Harmening asked if all were in favor of the price range. Motion carried 4-0. Appointment of Golf course AdVisory Committee Alternate Members Councilman deLong moved that the nominations be opened, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger. Motion carried 4-0. Vice Mayor Trauger recommended the nomination of Miss Sandra Post, who is a profesSional golfer; qUite~renown,~and who lives in Boynton Beach. Miss Post was born and raised ~n Oaksville, Ontario, Canada, and she came to Boynton Beach in 1968 and lives at 751 S. ~W. 36th Avenue. For the people in ladies' golf, Vice Mayor Trauger said he believed she 'would be capable beyond a reasonable doubt of guiding the City so that the women would have access to the proposed~golf course and facilities adjacent there- to. Therefore, he recommended Miss Post. Vice Mayor Trauger also recommended the name Of Alfred J. P~£ffer. He said the Council had a copy of his resume in their file and know of his interest in- the golf course and the golf courses that he has belonged to. Mr. Alfred J. Peiffer lives at 1802 Ocean Drive, Apartment 107 N,.Boynton Beach, Florida. Mayor Harmening asked Vice Mayor Trauger.if he was speaking of nominating these two people as alternates and Vice Mayor Trauger answered, "Yes." Councilman deLong moved that the nominations be closed and also advised the members of the Council that it would be a good thing if they made the appointments because Mr. Barrett called him and asked him to advise the Council that he would not be on the Committee *for~thesU~r~_~causelhewent-~-~o~h~- C~un~tmember.-Woo~ey seDond~d %he motion. Carried 4-0. - 33 - *SEE MINUTES- REGULAR '%~I~Y COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~une 16, 1981 Mayor Harmening stated that Miss Post and ~Mr. P~iffer were voted unanimously as alternates on the Golf Course Advisory Committee, He asked Vice Mayor Trauger if he had anything else on the Golf Course Advisory Committee and he said he was going to bring up the editorial that was in the paper but it had already~been hashed through as a Public Hearing, Vice Mayor Trauger said now, on the recommendation of Mr. Cheney, the City Manager is sending the paper the copy of the last analysis information fact sheet that he presented to the City Council, City Manager Cheney said he assumed the Post Reporter had delivered that. Mayor Harmening said to assume nothing with the reporters and there was laughter, ADMINISTRATIVE Accept Utilities - Villas of Pine Tree Release of ~ond~and ~pproval~ of 'Jo~int Ven%~u're ~greement Councilman deLong moved to accept the recommendation of City Manager Cheney that the Council take the appropriate action to release this bond and make the memorandum a part of the Public Records. Mayor Harmening said it had been moved to accept the utilities of the Villas of Pine Tree and release the bond and the people who are authoriZed to sign the same. Councilmember Woolley seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. County Annexation.-55 Acre Pa~k ~rea Councilman deLong said it was called to the Council's attention that there was a $300 fee on this issue and, at this time, he moved to waive the fee and accept the recommendations of City Manager Peter Cheney and City Planner Carmen Annunziato and refer the application of annexation to the Planning and Zoning Board for processing. He added that the City Manager and City Planner's recommendations should be ma~e a 'part of the public record. Vice Mayor Trauger seconded the motion. No discussion, Motion carried 4-0. Consider Beach Conces'sion~eas'eP'ropos~al Councilman deLong stated he was concerned with the recommendation of City Manager Cheney, as he recommended that the Council hold off on this for a year because of "a change in the atmosphere over there at the beach°" He asked to speak in all fairness to the people who invested their money in the beach concession and sold it. Councilman deLong said when Pete Kulla bought it, he turned it over to his son-in-law, and it went down to Shelhamer, and then Sehlhamer sold it to Lichtenstein. Now when Lichtenstein - 34 - MINUTES - REGULAR ~Ty COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 wants to sell it, the Council stands in the way, Councilman deLong said after reviewing the lease that ~ by the buyer, he could not accept the terms he 'had and that the City revert back to the original lease and go approve the sale, predicated upon the wording and provJ the lease agreement that the Lichensteins had signed~ Harmening asked if LichtenStein had two years, and Cour deLong replied, "N~, it's five and fi~e, and he's got as proposed recorm~ended along~to sions in Mayor .c±lman ~ne more year to'go, and as the City Manager said, I~d llke to delay it for a year, but he only has a year to go and he could also pick up his option at the end of that year." Councilman deLong said the main thing in the lease agreement is on the 2nd page, paragraph 4, w~ich says: "4° Lessess shall have the option to renew this lease for an additional five ~5) year period at a rental to be negotiated." Councilman deLOng said City Manager Cheney was talking about negotiating a letter. He said he could not understand why there should be any differences in opinion on what has transpired in the past because the City has the edge there, and when the lease runs out in another year, and then'they renegotiate, it would be on the terms that are agreeable to the City, Councilman deLong said at this time ~he would move to grant permission but it should be predicated on the same type of lease that is in force at the present time. Vice Mayor Trauger seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 4-0. Ratification of South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board Acti'On- 'Pl'ant operat'i'on Vice Mayor Trauger moved for the ratification of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board Action - Plant Operation. Councilman deLong seconded the motion. For the edification of the people present, Vice Mayor Trauger explained that Delray Beach is now the operator of the plant and this would bring South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board as the operator of the plant. Councilman deLong said he would trust that the City woU~d not take it over, and he was assured by Vice Mayor Trauger that the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board would be taking it over. Councilmember Woolley asked Where Mr. Bean w.ould fit in, and Vice Mayor Trauger told her he would go with the Board. The motion carried 4-0. - 35 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BQYNTQN BEACH~ FLORIDA June 16, 1981 Request for Revocable One Year Per'mit for Use of Public Property - Copeland Councilman deLong said he thought the Council needed more input regarding this request. City Manager Ckeney said it was put on the Agenda because he needed a copy of the deed and he had not talked to Mr. and Mrs. Copeland at that time. T~ey raced around and got a copy of the deed and brought it in, so Mr. Cheney put it on the Agenda. City Manager said it was not the kind of situation the City will give a revocable permit to. He said what Mr. and Mrs. Copeland were looking'for, as he understood it, was to put a fence up in'their.fro~t yard, in t~he~right-of-way, and not to use an easement that is beside their home. C~ty Manager said he coUld see.no way the.City could start a precedent if they let them put up a fence in their front yard. He stated he did not have a total report for the Council. Councilman deLong said as far as the letter was concerned, he sympathized with them, but' he wondered where the City stood from a legal Standpoint, because he felt they were going into a right- of way or an easement. He said he thought the Council should have some input~ tha~ithe staff should check this out, the City Engineer would have to check it out, and-that the Codes would have to be checked out to See whether Or not it would be permissible, Mr. Copeland came forward and asked City Manager Cheney what he had said regarding the Code. 'Mr. Cheney said first, Mr. Copeland wants to put a fence £n~the City~right'of-way, Mr. Copeland said they had a sixty foot' right-of-way. '~i~y. Manager Cheney said the City, as a general prin¢ipleT~.~has never, and does not allow private activities or private construction or private fences in the City rights'of-way and ~he did not think there was any way they would recommend to the Council that they do that. He said he did not think the Council would do that. It is just not done. City Manager said what happened when Mr. COpeland was first talk- ing about the use of the right-of-way, that the City was thinking about a situation where they sometimes have rights-of-way or ease- ments between properties, not along the street. Mr. Copeland said i't was clearly stated that this was a road easement. City Manager Cheney said maybe the City' did not understand exactly what Mr. Copeland was say±ng, and it was the discussion they never got to have until now. Mr. Cheney said he did not think they were probablY going to allow it to be done. Mr. Copeland told Mr. Cheney that what he was just saying was he cannot allow it to be done. Mr. Copeland said they would get together to discuss it and see if there would be a way. Councilman deLong moved to lay the issue on the table, have the City Manager make a study of it, and contact the City Council. He said he sympathized with the contents 'of Mr. Copeland's letter, Mr. Copeland said the Council.could see that it was not an encroach, ment, other than what had already been there for about 27 years. Mayor Harmening said there was a motion to put it on the table pending furtker study. Council~member Woolley seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. - 36 - vMINUTES - REGULAR Cz~.Y COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR,~ ~A June 16, 1981 Mayor Harmening expressed regrets to Mr. Copeland that the Council could not resolve his problem in a more expeditious manner because he, too, was in sympathy with him after reading his letter. Mr. Copeland thanked the Council and said, "We'll resolve it." Approval to Use Collection Service for Overdue Bills City Manager Cheney said the memorandum sent to the Council was self-explanatory. Mayor Harmening asked whether the Council felt a collection serwice would be beneficial, Vice Mayor Trauger replied that he definitely thought it would be beneficial because the City w~uld get something rather than spending all of the people's time and e~fort~ ~trying. to get a little over a l~ng time. Vice Mayor~Trauger moved that the City Manager pursue the use of a collection agency for overdue City'bill's. The motion was seconded by Council Retention Councilman additional employee al would not ] Motion car~ Set Date f~ City Manag~ The date Request Au~ Miscellane Mr.'~eLong request to receipts. Request fo~ for refund Memorial P~ List of Pal ~ember Wooltey. Motion Carried 4-0. Employee ~ffer ~ge ~70 deLong made a motion to grant Henry AlberS. a One year extension. Mr.~ deLong said Mr. Albers- was a valuable ~d if the City had a half dozen or more like him, they ~ave to worry. Vice Mayor Trauger seconded the motion. ?ied 4-0. )r WorkshOp ~-~'Ce'nt~ra'l' B~sin~ess· uis'fr~ict Revitalization ~r Cheney suggested. Thursday, July 9, 1981 at 7:30 P,M. ~s agreeable with all members of the Council, ~horization to Dispose of Records - Municipal Court US Rec'ei'p~s moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, to dispose of records.of Municipal Court - miscellaneous Motion carried 4-0. Refund on Cemetery Lots moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, that the request on cemetery Lots 133 A-and B, Block N, Boynton Beach irk Addition #1 be granted. Motion carried 4-0. ,merits - Month of May, '1981 Vice Mayor Trauger moved to place the list of payments for the month of May, 1981 on file. The motion was seconded by Councilman deLong, Motion carried 4-0. - 37 - BOYNTON BEACH, FLORidA June 16, 1981 Approval O'f B~i'~ls Mr. Cheney read the following bit!s for approval: Allied Chlorine'& Chemical Pro'd. 10 Tons of Chlorine for Water Treatment Plant Pay from Water & Sewer Fund 401-332-533-30-63 American Metal Containers For Garbage Containers (i~ Pay from. General' Fund 001-00D-247~93-00 B.I.P. partial Payment for "Replacement Controller Equ ipment" Pay from Water & Sewer Fund 401-332-533-60-42 Council approved 11/5./80 e DaVis Water &' waste'!ndustries-,-'In, c, For Odophos LiqUid No.. 1 delivered to pumping stations Pay from Water & Sewer Fund 401-352-535-30-65 DeBra 'Turf '& Equipment 'Co. Three-wheel Pin Type Chassis Turf Tractor Pay from General Fund 001-721-5'72-60-41 2,499.71 Pay from Fed. Rev. Share Fund 320-722-572-.60-45 2,800.00 Per bid 4/28/81, Council approved 5/5/81 Engineer Servic'e Corporation For labor, materials & services for installation of Seiscor Remote Terminal Units complete Pay from Water & Sewer Fund 401-352-535-60-42 Florida LeVel and Transi't Co, For Stick Files Pay from Water & Sewer Fund 401-351-535-60-71 Per bid 4/13/81, Council approved 4/21/81 Superior~ Su['gical Mfg. Co. Uniforms-Shlrts & pants Pay from General Fund 0'01,.195-519-30-97 1,324.12 Pay from Water & Sewer Fund 401-395-539-30-97 1,324.13 H. F. Mason Equipment Corp. 3 Leach 25 Cubic Packers (Rear Loaders) Pay from General Fund 001-000-247-91-00 Per bid 4/14/81, Council approved 4/2.1/81 $ 2~237,00 1,782,00 2,246.00 9,602.00 5,299.71 48,000.00 1,190.00 2,648.25 165,094.00 - 38 - ~MINUTES - REGULAR C~?Y COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR'~IJA June 16, 1981 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Municipal Code Corporation Balance due for 100 copies Boynton Bch. Charter & Code of Ordinances Pay from General Fund 001-122-512-40-77 Neptune Meter Company For 204 Meters Pay from Water & Sewer Fund 401-333-533-60-51 Neptune Meter Company For 404 Meters Pay from Water & Sewer Fund 401-333-533-60-51 Regency Dodge 1 Dodge pickup for Parks Pay from Federal Revenue Share 320-722-572-60-83 State Contract No. 070-00-81-1 Regency D'odge 1 Dodge Max±van for Recreation Pay from Federal Revenue Share 320-721-572-60-81 State Contract No. 070-00-81-1 Rubin Construction COmpany Asphalt for Street Dept. Pay from General Fund 001-411-541-30-4A Superior Surqical Mfg, Co. Uniforms for Fire Dept. Pay from General Fund 001-221-522-30-97 Unijax Supplies for Bldg. Maint. & Purch. C.OoS. Pay from General Fund 001-000-141-01-00 001-1~2-519-30-92 48.92 954.80 J. Williams Pump Servic'e, Inc. 1 New Gould Pump wJstainless steel shaft Pay from Water & Sewer Fund 401-331-533-40-3B Isiah Andrews Driver for Senior Citizens Club 2 wks. Pay from Federal Revenue Share 320-641-564-40-5A Ordin~noe ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 Willie Ruth McGrady Server for Senior Citizens Club 2 wks. Pay from Federal Revenue Share 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 $ 1,651.66 5,261.16 24,569.56 6,372.86 10,287.32 1,831.01 4,911,05 1,003.72 4,181.15 110.00 96.00 - 39 - MINUTES - REGULAR C'~-i~Y COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA June 16, 1981 21. John B. Dunkle, C'l'erk 'of the circuit Court Payment of Final Judgment - Land Takings Re: Lift Station & Force Mains on Lawrence Rd. Pay from Utility General Fund 403-000-169-11-00 $ 6,175.00 Councilman deLong said the bills had been verified and were in order, and he moved they be paid, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger. Motion carried 4-0. OTHER Solid Waste Authority Mayor Harmening stated that he had received a letter from Mr. Jim Adams, Solid Waste Authority. Since Boynton Beach is one of the cities being represented, they asked that the City appoint a representative so that they can have an organizational meeting in the near future. Mayor Harmening said i't could be an elected official or a staff member. The Council suggested City Manager Cheney would be the one to go if his schedule would not be too crowded. Councilman deLong moved, seconded by Vice Mayor Trauger, for the appointment of City Manager Cheney as the representative for the Solid Waste Authority. Motion carried 4-0. ADJOURNMENT Councilman deLong moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilmember Woolley. Motion carried 4-0, and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:45 P. M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH / ATTEST: .~_~ 'lerk (3 es)~ By )r - 40 - AG~'NDA ~une 16, 1981 ADMINISTRATIVE: county Annexation - 55 Acre Park Area Attached is material relative to the annexation of a portion of land ~hich will become a part of the "55 Acre" County Park' adjacent to the South Tech Building. It'has been understood for' some time that this piece of land should be annexed to the City and %he attached do'cumentation shows that the County has been cooperative in this matter and proceeded with a resolution .requesting the annexation. I~suggest that the City Council refer this matter to the Planning and zoning-Board so that the necessary steps for Public Hearing on the required zoning and annexation matters can be initi~%edo PLC:jc Attachments cc: Carmen Annunziato Charles Frederick · ' /' /)Cheney City Manager MEMORANDUM. Peter Cheney City Manager Carmeh S. Annunziato- City Planner June 5, 1981 Palm Beach County Annexation -Application I have reviewed the application for annexation submitted by Gary Brandenberg for the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County to have annexed into the City a 10 + acre tract which is part of'the proposed Boynton Beach Regi--onal Park. 'The application as submitted is deficient in ~h~t an application fee of $ 300° and a sealed survey were not sub~ mitted. I assume that the fee will be waived~ and I contacted the County and advised the applicant to send a survey. Concerning procedure, Resolution76-X requires that the City Manager place the application on a Council Agenda for Council's deliberation. The City Council may at that time proceed with advertisements and public hearings related ~o annexation or forward the matter to the Planning and Zoning Board for study and recommendation. If the request is forwarded to 'the Planning._and ZOning Board~ the City Planner is required to circulate a departmental review form to each department head (copy attached) and then report the findings to the Board. M~.. recommendation with respect to this matter is to have the Council refer this application to the Board for a public hearing at which time the issues of both annexation and appropriate zoning classification may be addressed. I offer this recommen- dation.for two reasons as follows: Chapter 163, Florida Statutes requires that the Local Planning Agency address issues in- volving land development and.zoning in the. City; and, the Boynton Beach ComprehensiVe Plan suggests in its annexation policies requires that a study be conducted on annexation requests to determine.the cost/benefit aspects of the application. I further suggest that this application be placed on a Board agenda for July 28th, 1981. · . .Carmen S. Annunziato/~ · City Planner CSA :mpc . R E N T M D N T H C H E C K S PAGE I . X. ADMIN. CK # VENDOR ~tgD 653Q08 VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE WILLIAM MITCHELL .......................... 10/29/78 TOTAL AMOUNT _2~.8o 540065 640065 JOHN LAMBERT ................ ~ JOHN LAMBERT --~4ZB 5 194693 S~UT~-~--E-C HN I C A L, CENTER 34295 1946.93 SOUTH TECHNICAL CENTER .... 482 055625 CJNK UNLIMITED 585 255~'~ FREDERICK'S STEAK HOUSE 653 210079 ULI-THE URBAN LAND INST. -~ ......... .28000~ .... WIlL'IE~''~A'~LEY Z/aZ/BO' 2/22/B0 4/'10/81 ~4651 020~05 CONSTANCE BAISH ~?~ 5/01/81 · 34552 92154~ F~ANK A. BEDNARIC~ ~- ~/ 5/31/81 D26~80 OBE BUTLE~ ¢ , / 5/0I/8~ ,~N 030501 RENA CARRIE~ ..x:~ ~~ 5/OI/BL ....... ~Z~¥['- ~'zz~'~4 ..... ]'~HN"VI~i ......... ~'-~YZ~/~-- 5/~/81 3G6$B' I04508 - F~NK JOHNSON ' 9:~/ 5101181 [4659 104509 GEORGE. AD JOHNSON'. 5/D1/BI 380005 .GRETCHEN LUBY b/01/81 16.40 ................. l~'.~ocR ........ 26.00CR 4/10/81' 26.00 4/17-/81 150.OOCR 4/23/81 15.00SR 4/z~/81 ..................... '5701181 4~.z~ 53.79 -108.59 227.58 63.23 471.98 68.75 88.66 418.72 ELEA 3467i-- ...... i'~5'J'O~ ............. NOR PUFFER ,72 ~'~09~ ..... ~'O'~'-'~i'5~R 5/01/81 91.28 5/01/81 133.20 5/21/81 253.56 i909N0 MARY E. SSHOR& ;' 192592 ADA SHOO~. - 5/01/81 202515 LEE THOMAS 5/31/81 Z0255D j~.q~S.._~_!~_~ps.p~_...: .... : ........... .: ....5/01/8i 23D~'~ ........ OLIVE WALLACE 4g0-0'[8 ...... M:'-"ARTHUR WATERS 202.2i 795.91 7I.I9 75 77 78 'BToI/8~ 5/01/81 168.90 454.71 231583 W.T. WELCq 5/01/81 82.65 ,81 34686 7 88 '",-~,B~ .............. 194513 77 081553 34780 290034 265900 HILDRED A. ZWART. 5/01181 105450 GEORGE JUNNIE~ 5131181 1~59o t-~-~6DR-~O~B 5751181 '95'381" ~RS."'FCbRENC'E-~'U-CLiVAN ................... 5/01/8£- ................. T~ 575Y781' 124590 NORMAN LOLAT = --i~-~-9~---~--~qOW .5'Z-0-~8~ 205300 JOHN M. TUITE 5/21/81 222794 JOHN VIC~I 5/01/81 JDHN -J OHNS TON-:: :1..2_.~.:-:-:-' ................. 'T .......... :"- :' 5/D-I / B I ANTO!NETTE CULLEN 77.13 964.33. 635.80 i-9-~;'[~ ....... · ¥2¥¥~ ........ ZZ5.~£ 91.50 841;1~ 1,395.04 ~81.54 33.34 144.58 --~a478i 370005 CLAIRE KENDALL ~47B2 2?0004 ROY AIKENS ~-~-~9 194301 SNOWDEN'S UPHOLSTERY & FA ~: ~1 i9470~ S]UTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 34'842 010195 A.A.AMBULANCE SERVICE INC · ~43 o~11oo 34844 311403 ~34845 01150D -' 34~7 01600~ ADAMS CHEVROLET 5/01/81 184.27 5/01781 548.49 4/3g/81 lOB.OBCR 5/31/81 105.08 5/05/81 79.00 5/35/8~ 123.27 ADVANCE .AIR .C3NDITIONINS AERIAL & HYDRAULIC EOUIPM 5/35/81 58.30 5/05/81 593.05 ALEXANDER BATTERY SALES 5/.05/81- 215.40 ATLANTIC HARDNARE ..... ~.. 5/Q5281 _ _ 12.65.. PATHOLOGY GROUP '5/05/81 49.40 021703 BETHESDA C~TY OF BOYNTON BEACH . S U R R E N T M 0 N T H C H E C K S PAGE 2. ECK" ,, VENDOR'" ,. VEN)OR NAME - CNECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT ~'--'- '%849 324653 T,J,B3WLES ELECTRIC_COp .... ~ ............ ~/05~81 ~' '3 _ _ 024723 BOYNTON BEACH CHAMBER 5/35/81 34851 224783 BOYNTON PUMP & SUPPLY 5'/35/81 535.40 999.39 34852 325603 BRONARD PUMP & SUPPLY CO. 5/25/8~ ~4853' 030303 CALOWELL~PACETTI,B&RROW ~ 5/35/8I 4854 __06t600 OELRAY CHEMICAL CO. 5/05/81 232.15 168o7~ 113.70 485.5 ...... 045453 JOHN B..DUNKLE , .~/2~/BI 4856 053900 EMERGENCY MEDICAL & SAFET 5/~/81 ~857 ........ 0754~9 .... G'RAYA~'~"~'~'Mp~NY, INC. 5/05/8i 272,00 358,20 197,12 34858 075533 R,L. GRU~MONS PRINTING 5/35/8I 5.00 3~859 080313 HALSEY £ GRIFFITH~ INC. 5/05/81 627.00 0853'53 HJGHES SUPPLY 5/05/81 277°86 100313 JACK'S CAMERA CENTER 5/35/81 315.25 ~2 120410 LAMAR UNIFORMS 5/05/81 19,50 348'53 133555 HAURY'S TOOL CHEST 5/35/81 33.30 3~85N 13~575- MOM CHEMIOAL CO°, [NE. 5/05/8i 3~1~30 34855 142590 EDWARD NICHOLAS 5/05/81 32o5Q 152750 PiCARD CHEMICAL CO° 5/35/81 235,S0 ;58 185500 RJSSELL -E AXON 5/05181 2,727.03 ~9 192470 SHERWIN WILLIAHS CU. 5/35/81 78.99 193990 SMITTY'S SERVICE SHOP 5/05/8]. 189°90 'I I94300 SNOW CONCRETE CORPo 5/35/8I I4~°75 I94400 SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUT 5/35/8I 80~393oI8 G~ADY W. SWANN 5/25/8I IOIoO0. !74 TENNIS SUPPLY " 5/35/8i 65,98 195899 201583 --23541'0 TRAIL FO~D TRACTOR CO, 5/05/81 I5,2~ ~6 215353 UNDERGROUND SUPPLY '5/05/81 962.50 4877 216393 UN!JAX 5/35/8I 327.80 320034 VIRGINIA Ko FARACE 5/05/81 250~00 440025 DELORES 2800~2 RUSSELL 324725 .......... ~oY'NYbN RDSSE 5/35/81 272,41 E, BUTLER 5/05/81 1,245,27 CITY FEDERAL CRED .5/05/81 150°00 190181 SCRWTD BOARD 194698 SOUTHEASTERN FIDELITY ~NS ~7000~ PETER VERSEN 5/35/81 25,003~00 5/35/81 367215,00 5/08/81 60I,ON 33003~ WILLIE L GRAHAM 85 3142~3 ISIAH ANDREWS ~8'~ ....... ~-~0950 ..... ~ILLIE RUTH MCGRADY 5138/81 ~15.8b 5/08/81 55.00 5/08/81 48.00 ~88 195023 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPTo 5/08/81 10°55 89 010302 AoSoA. YOUTH SOFTBALL 5/08/81 10.00 ;90 011342 ADLER'S FOREIGN BOOKS,INC 5/08/81 16.75 91 ALLEN INSJRANCE AGENCY 5138/8I 3,357.00 92 AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTIT~ 93 THE BAKER ~ T~%D~---~6-~ 313723 013933 023439 23.05 TqE BAKE~ ~- !AYLOR CD. 5/38/81 7.89 x.~'34~95' . 021205 BO, OF CO.' COMMISSIONERS' ,' 4~95 023581 :BJBLE¥-BLAIR 34~98 023800 BLUE CROSS-OF FLORIDA 5/38/81 500°00 5/38/81 93.50 5138/81 5/381-81 5/28/8I 166.40 58.82 5/2 /81 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE C U R R E N T M O N T H C H E C.K .S HECK,." VENDOR- ,,-" ~/ENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL , --?---~4930 024595 B3YLE CON~TRU=TION CD. 5/03/8I AMOUNT 42,398.81 5/38/81 5/08/81 5/08/81. 51~B/81 5/38/81 9,208.48 3,433.37 185.00 54.00 159.00 56.00 )mHD1 024725 BDYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 3~,.,02 024~33 BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT ~9-~-3 024773 ....... ~Y-~'TON MEDICAL OXYGEN ~4934 02~780 BEYNTON PUMP ~ SUPPLY ~935 02637~, D~. JAMES E. BUFFAN ~4936 032~13 CHEMICAL 20NCEPTS 5/08/81 ~937 "--' 032905 CITY OF DELRAY BEAdH .................. 5/08/81 . ~-~ ........... 034553 --'CECA COCA' BOTT[iN~-'CO. 5228/81 43,55 39.90 3~9~9 ~34599 C3MMERCE CLEARING HOUSE 5/08/81 3~I0 041619 DELRAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 5/08/81 3~9'10 041613 DELRAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 5/08/81 ~? '~_!_'_ ..... ~.41597 'DEVELOPMENT CREDIT CORP. 5/08/81. -- EXEcuTIVE ENTER"~RIS~s PD~ ........... ~08/8i FIREMEN'S RELIEF ~ 5/08/8I 22.48 73.57CR 73.57 24,706.88 34913 052823 4.54 '3~9iN 052910 FIRST BANK & TRUST 5/08/81 15 353603 FLANAGAN - METCALF, INC. . 5/08/8i 15 053743 FLDRIDA EDUCATIONAL 5/08/81 20~192.15 133.79 98.34 34917 ...........053743 FLDRIDA_.!N~TITUZE_.O,F..]~EC~ ............ ~(08/81 8 053783 FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT 053803 FLJRIDA UNEMPLOYMENT FUN~ 5738/81 llD.O0 19~_~92077 2,061.3~ ~2Z 056500 FJTURA PRINTING 370~00 BETTY GARRIGA 074503 'CHARLES GODFREY 5/08/81 5/08/8~ 5/08/81 25.50 45.00 ~Z5 075583 GJLF DIL CORP. 080309 HALSEY'S 5/38/81 5/08/81 25.70 310.20 150.30 )25 0803.1.0 HALSEY & GRIFFITH~ )Z7 080352 JAN HALGRIMSON ~28 082785 JANE HILDERBRANDT INC. 5/38/8~ 5/08/8~ 5/38/81 312.75 2~.67 2,297.87 090105 09~301 100319 104758 120415 120459 ~38 ~39 TEM ~UNT SALES CO. 5/@8/81 I.B.'M, ~3RPORATiO~ ................... 5/'a'8/8i INDUSTRIA['-'ELEC'TK~L 57687~i I~-T'~I~NAL CITY 5--/08/81 JACK'S CAMERA CENTER 5/08/81 THE J3URNAL OF ACCOUNTANS 5/38/81 FRANCES LAMPARELLI 5/08/81 LANIER-BUSINESS'PRODUCTS ......... : ....5/38/81 75.00 79.31 111-,05 27.25 250.2~ 20.00 17.o0 .... ~dz~ ........... ;43 ;45 ;46 ;47 ;48 ;4:::) KEVIN CLEMENT ........... . ............... 121544 L~ CHEVRELET 5/;d7~1 7,059.00 122705 LIGHTNING POWDER COMPANY 5/38/81 Ii4.55 133400 MANHATTAN YROPHIES 5/38/81 33.00 13050~ ....... ~'A~'~'~¥URERS'LIFE INS. 5/08/81 675.02 130950 ~:SRAW - HILL BOOK CD. 5/38/81 205.92 13176~ MIAMI ELEVATOR 20. 5/29/81 58.61 1327~!' M~NN'~-~¥-~-§~HOLARLY PRESS-- 5/5~/81 19.50 132859 MIRASLE RECREATION EQUIP. 5/08/81 431.26 1347o0 MaT3~OLA~ INC. 5/03/81 135423 MJ~'CIPAL POLICE 5/38/81 1,223.50 135519 ~3RDSKI AND ASHTON . . _ 5/08/8! 3.25 142445 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC sociE 5/08/81 -' 25.45 5/Z9181 C U R R =ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH E NT MONTH CHECKS PAGE ;.CK VEN93R. ,," 151313 VEN)OR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT ODOR CONTROL -SY.S:T.EH~ ............ :.] ....... 5/Q8/81 .............. 105~- 8.5 349-~1 159365 PAINT .C~TER 5/38~81 12_3~0_ "952 ' ' 150371 PALETTE TALK 5/38/81 4.00 ,953 I52374 PALM BEACH COMMUNICATIONS 5/09/8i' 24.00 ,95~ 151700 PETTY CASH LIBRARY 5/3. B/81 17.o77CR ,954- 151703 PETTY CASH LIBRARY 5/08/81 17.77 .955 151723_ PETTY C~$_~_ ~955 -15172q PETTY CASH 34955 i52509 PHYSICIANS' 3~957 WAT~g _~_.~E_W_E_~ ..... 5/OB/81 WATER & SEWER DESK REFERENC 5/08/81 152501 PHYSIO-CONTROL 5/3B/81 28.07 15.95 125°08 154738 155308 PD~ELL P~-BLICATIONS PRENTICE-HALL~INC- 5/08/81 5/08/81 1D.O0 21o58 -~-.950 ....... 180503 34952 1Bt759 1,909.90 34953 186533 '3~95~ 190991 39955 190959 RUSSELL & AXON _ . 5/08/81 30,483°23 SCHROCK'S MOWER SALES 5/08/81 21.~O- OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY 5/35/81 - 15o00 191529 SEACREST. VETERI~A¥ 3~955 . . ......... .... :-5/o8/81 111.oo 3~957 !~9.6!P ......... sPa.a,s UNIFORMS ' 194733 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 5/08/81 100.80 ~9 194728 SOUTHEAST UNDERGKDUND'.CDN 5/38/81 101,118,28 34970 195015 STATE OF FLORIDA 5/08/81 152.15 ~71' 196225 FLORENCE STUBBINS ...5/38/81 15.00 3~972 196414 SgNSHINE ARTIST 5/08/8[ 15.00 -----~-4-~-3 ......... 7gi'~o'~:]]]~E~IING LAB OF THE -5/39/81 269.00 2~5530 TR~NSZ-TRONICS' IN~. 5/98/81 206°14 2355-95 TROPICAL SUPPLY CO., INC. 5/08/81 9.36 34975 216391 UNIJAX, INC. ~4977 230403 CHARLES WALDNERt M.Do 8 2304~5 EARL WALLACE MOTORS, INC° ,9i79 230513 ....... ~'~D-"~D~s'T~O~T~ON__ 5/3B/81 2,081.42 5/08/81 1,629.00 5/08/81 873.00 5/38/81 643000 4980 232793 H.W. ~ILSDN CD. 34981 234513 WOLFE BUILDING. CORP- 5/38/81 70.00 5/39/81 62.00 ~49'82 310034' ROBERT EI'HORST 9983 340039 JDYCE A. HILL m4984 ~50015 DONALD C. TICE 5/08/81 53.00 5/08/81 231.58 5/39/81 B-CH. JR. COLLEGE 5/08/81 5/0~/81 5/11/81 65.08 19~5~ .... S9. o o D-35560 =~ONN LIFE INSUKANCE CO. ~4988 014052 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIA 5/12/81 30°00 }.~89 015990 ATLANTIC COAST FIRE CO. 5/12/81 23.00 ~ ~90 01600g ATLANTIC HARDWARE 5/12/81 145.5~ ~'~991 915920 ATLANTIC NATIDN~<--~X~K_. .......... ~/'5(??-~ ]]~'2ff/]-] .~P~.'6'29° 51_ 3~-'{~2 '- '016309 - ' AJTOPRODJCTS, I~C', 5/12/8~' 359.11 5/12/8~ 65.06 5/lz/81 zo.oo 5/12/81 594.30 34993. 34997 044779 34998 '045621 320173 B.B. AUTO PARTS,-INC. 024703 BOYNTON AUTO GLASS & - 924719 BOYNTON ~UTO SUPPLY ~3459Z- -~LL'i~%---~GNS ....... -:.._ 511.2181 _.. ANDREE DgNLING 5/12/81 DRUS INTELLIGENCE PUBLICA 5/12/81 5.00 4ECK ~ VENDOR. "',,- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH R E N T M O N T~H . C H E C K S VENDOR NA~IE CHECK 'DATE TOTAL AMOUNT PAGE 5 34999 050319 5433 353601 3t 30 053601 35031 053901 35392 353703 -~'~5333 053723 ,5034 0'53739 .EASY PAY TIRE STORE 5/12/81 713.56 ELECTRIC':OM~ANY ................ .-?' ..... 5/58/81 35.30CR ELECTRIC COMPANY ......................... 5/12]8'1 ................. 35,00 EMeRgeNcY MEDICAL SERVICE ~ '5/12/81 ID.D0 FLORIDA BRAKE & 5/12/81 318.41 FLORIOA EAST COAST 5/~2/81 103.00 FLORIDA INNOVATION GROUP 5/12/81 100.00 ,5U35 070353 EVA C. GALAMBOS.PH.D~ ,503~ ............ 0~1545 .... 3'I'M-'HERIG' 5/12181 ............... 32~.'51 .......... 5/12/81 50.00 35037 084593 ROBERT HOWELL 5/12/81 35~38 090099 I.B.M. CORPORATION 5/12/81 35239 0943~9 INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL M 5/12/81 58&o20 ~5o75 183.00 13 123453 LANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS 5/12/81 5~'~ ........... 121525 '-'PAUL '~'Sd~ ........... ~2'2853 LIONEL D.--ED~ ~'0; ........... 5/~2/81 313 130313 WHIT~ ~ACDOWELL 5/12/81 350I~ 131585- M~TRDPOLITAN MUSEUM OF AR 5/12/81 ~5015 132771 M.ILL~ DODGE 5/12/81 ~15 134675 Co VD MOSBY COMPANY 5/12/81 ~5017 140444'~ N~TION'A-t"[~RARY RESOURCE ~5'~?~ .............. ~g1709 .... /~EPTUNE METER CO'. 148.77 6.00 1~253o00 801.40 5B.81 338.87 20.90 5/12/81 58.31 '' 5/12/8'1 '588.64 t50!9 150407 PALM. BEACH HYDRAULIC JACK 5/12/81 ~'%23 150410 PALM BEACH. NEWSpAPERS 5/12/81 15170~- PETTY CASH LIBRARY -5/12/8I 17.39 7~.20 15.00 )Z~ .............. 151723 ._ _P 123' 152753 P 152790 P ICARD CHEMICAL CO. 5/12/8I 33.84- 245.00 IERCE TIRE CO., INC. -5/12/81 2~194.63 165424 PRINCETON CIRCUIT SUPPLY, 5/12/81 5025 182f72 RDNALD. RHYM JR. 5/12/81 5027 .186319 RJBIN CONSTRUCTION CO. 5/12/81 61.52 150.00 27~.32 185323 191519 f94715 RJ-DIK PRINTING SEACREST PETROLEUM 'SOUT~ERN--~i[~-'~'~EK' 5/12/81 378.80 5/12/81 1,~24.25 5/12/81 92.00 31 195013 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. OF '5/12/81 ~5032 196411 SUPERINTENDENT. OF DOCUMEN 5/12/81 33 195415 SiN SENTINEL 5/12/81 2.40 ~6.50 )34 210159 ~5035 ........ 215353 ~5635' ' ' 215415 JoS. POSTMASTER' 5/12/81 310.00 UNDERGROUND'-SUPP~'~ ........: ........................ 511z/81 UNIVERSAL B'E~'q'~'~I'~'~ ~7 221493 VANGUARD CRAFTS,INC. 5/12/81 °87 t5338 231778 GREAT WESTERN OFFICE SUPP 5/12/81 278.34 ;503~ 234692 WORKDJTS 5/I2~8I 935.00 234703 WORTH CHEMICAL & PAINT ~' ~41 241500 XEROX CORPORATION )42 332901 CITY DF BDYNTON BEACH )43 310004 ROBERT EICHORST ~5044 195023 STATE OF- FLORIDA DEPT. )45' 340943 WILLIAM L. HERDON )45 450021 SAM 5HELTDN )47. 380001 LA~, 'MARK G. )48 314243 ISIAH ANDRENS CO 5/12/81 ~9.98 5/12/81 125.46 ~/14/8i ~5,95 5/14/81' 53.90 5114/81 .80 5/15/81 ~05.8~ 5/15/81 5/15/81 5/15/81 132.09 ............ Z7 ].-.e_5 .......... 55.00 CITY'OF BDYNTON BBACH . PAGE ~__.__ . "U R R E N T M O N T H C H E C K S ECG VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT ""r~'!049 139950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRA~y 5~15~81 ~8~00 ~'-3 O1D150 A. BEL.~A.~_...TYPEWRITER CO. 5/15(81 15.20 ...... ~-~51 ....... D14031 AMERICAN LUMBER 5/15/81 34.54 ~35052 0i~30~ CARMEN ANNUNZI'ATO 5/15/8% I8,00 --?~5353 015564 ARTHRITIS FDUND.FL~.CH~P- 5/I5/81 85°25 ~gE~ 015300' AJTDPRDDUCTS~ INC. 5/15/81 278.45 5/1~/81 185-15 5/15/81 350.00 5355 .......... 020173.. . ,-5057 024509 BETTY BDR'DNI -02~725 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 5/I5/81 ~5359 3Z4733 B]YNTDN BEACH RETIREMENT 5/15/81 3~9o53 02~738 BDYNTDN CAMERA SHOP 5/15/81 4°48 :~.~!_ O24765 BOYNTON GUN ~ LOCK, INC.__ 5/15/B1 54go50 52 030503 CAR~ SOIL E SOD 5715/81 65.00 032905 CITY DF DELRAY BEACH 5/15/81 84.~2 333529 AL~EN C. CLARK 5/15181 3!5365 33~55~ COCA COL'A BOTTLING CD. 5/15/81 79.80 5365 03~548 COMPENSATION INSTITUTE 5/15/81 135.0:0 035353 CJSTDM B~SINESS_~..~.~_$ .......... ~.~/.~ .............. -3~1683 DEN'SBER'G-E~'-~IRE SYSTEMS 5/15/8t 10o00 953605 ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION & - 5/I.5/8I 35.00 )67 5068 5~'59' 5~23 05~899 EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE 5/15/81 96~00 5. FI 052820 FIREMEN'S RELIEF ~ 5/15/81 897°45 tT2 352'910 'FIRST BAN~ ~ TRUST 5/15/81 19',89~.50 05)000 ...... ~!~HE~...~E~TIFIC ~! 5¢15/81' 74 .... 353723 FLORIDA EAST COAST 5/i5/81 53.00 75 05373~--- ~"~RIDA INDUSTRIAL SERVIC 5/15/81 165,00 ~DoO0 '15,q8 5,25 053~58 FLORIDA P3LICE CHIEFS ASS '5115/81 05~603 FOUR,STEEL CORPORATION 5/I5f81 78 354549 ~EO. FOWLER WELDING CO. 5/15/81 055503 FRANKHOUSE ELECTRIC 5/L5/81 070355' '~ALE"R'ES.EARc~ ..... - ........................ 5-~'~5/81 ............. CO i 07QAOO .... BETT~-G~i~A 5/15/81 070410 GAYLORD BROTHERS 5/15/81 335.27 83 074500- CHARLES GODFREY 5/15/81 45°00 8~ 0745~0 ~G]LDCDAST PLUMBING- 5/15/81' 97°51 383.48 845.90 45.00 85 G~A~ADA VALVE ~ FI[T~NG 5/-[5-~81 651.09 DB6 ........... 3755~0 GjLF~CONTROLS CORP, 87 075580 GJLF OIL ~ORP, 5/~7~-- 8.8~9-92 -- ) 88 D~5~-i-~------G-J-[-~ST ~ E A M L U M B E R '~O · 5 / [5~ 81 659.36 )89 080425 HAND'S 5/15/81 9.31 J90 380573 HAYNORTH'S TOWING 5/15/81 ~9.00 084667 HONDA SOUTH 5/15/81 53.96 .JDZ 090099 I.B.Mo C]RPORATION ..... 5/i5/'81 ...... 81.81 390103 I.B.M. CORPORAT .................. ION 5/'~5~'8i ............. 205.00 9~- O95 5 7 098 399 --094297 INTERNATIONAL ASSD:. DF E '- 5/15/81 25.00 100313 JACK"S CAMERA CENTER 5/15/81 6?.08 10~515 ELIZ~BET'q JOHNSON 5/15/81 5.00 112815 KIRK MATERIALS, ..INC° ........ 5/15/81 I13.90 I15~IB MARION KRETSER 5/15/BI 5.DO 512'9181 S U R R E CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH N T M 3 N T H C H E C K S PAGE IECK " VEnDOr'" ,. ,. VENDOR NAME ~5'103 115531 ELEANOR KRUSELL CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT r'31 122453 3bz32 121531 35133 122853 3513~ 130557 KATHY MARSH .... 15135 130555 MAURY'S TOOL CHEST 5iD5 . I3542D MJNICIPAL POLICE 5/I5/8I 15,00 LA~IER BUSINESS"PRDDUCTS'.i.-_-'=~-i.' 5/15/8i ............ 39'~'-47 LEDGER PUB. CO. 5./15/81 ............. 25'00 [i'ONEL PLAYWORLD 5/I5/81 153.00 5/~5/8i 20.00 5/15/81 239.25 5115/81 ......... ]_,267.22 5_137 ......... 1~3~53 .5138 153803 ~- 35]~39 150355 NATIO~AL-~ELDING PRODU~'~ ......... 5/i'5/8I DLYMPIA'-'~POR'T S~';-iNC. ~8.25 135.90 35113 35111 ~'i !3 35115 PAINT CENTER 5/15/81 12.88 150379 PALM BEACH HALFWAY HOUSE 5/15/81 13.00 150413 PALM 8EA~q NEWSPAPERS 5/15/81 151703 152753 155308 PETTY ....... CASH LIBRARY 5/15/81 11.45 PICARD C~EMI~AL CO. 5/15/81 101,85 PRBNTICE-qALLtIN~- ................ -- ...... 12.95 155525 PR3 ONE ALLSPORTS 5/15/81 24.50 35115 180503 EVA' RAYMOND 3 l!7 190959 3LY~E'E. SCHODLEY 8 191103 SCDTT¥'S 5/15/81 45.90 5/15/81 15.00 5/15/81 32.97 191515 5123 191703 SE~ELL HARDWARE CO'., INC. '- 5115181 ~95o18 188.17 '192771 194706 I96029 196225 DENNIS SIMMONS SDJTHERN BUILDING CODE STATE DF FLORIDA DEPT. -5/15/81 93,00 5/15/81 18.00 5/15/81 28.60 FLORENCE_ 15.DOCR 12Z i ~m. ....... 196225 25 I95427 ~26 196899 27 235603 28 205350 SJPERIDR SURGICAL MFG.CO. '5/15/81 489.20 ~RADY W. SWANN 5/i5/8i T~DPIGAS, INC. 5/15/81 1'49.90 TUPPENS 5/15/81 65.64 29 210159 5133 215359 31 216393 32 216435 U.S. POSTMASTER 5/I5/8I UNDER GROUND "SUP P['~ ....... 5/I'~/B-l' U N I J A × ............................ ~-- ......... ~ 77'5 7-8-i' ......... I~503.00 998.75 34.56 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 5/15/81 16.50CR L33 34 216436 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE. 5/15/81 16.50 23178]' WESTERN &JTD STORE 5/15/81 71.76 23178~ MARGARET NESTDN ...................... ~5/81 6.00 CORPORATION 5/15/81 CDRPORATiD~ ....................... 57i'~/8~ ........... 137.30 5/15/81 1~Z93.93 5/15/8i 5.00 5/15/8i 33.00 241603 XEROX 36 241601 XEROX .137 290035 DAVID Co CREWS ~35138 370019 DOROTHY KOCH ~1:39 530017 BARBARA AKES ~i4~ ......... 5--~-OJlB ...... D~'"gERNON ASTLER i .41 5~0961 LJSY BERSMAN 43 540959 JD~N S. SANCROFT 351~ 5~0070 MINNIE BARRETT ~-35145' 5~3971 ROBERT. B~RRIENTOS ' '- ~5147' 540373 MICHAEL" rBELLOS~HI 35148 5~007~^ ..... j~AND.CONSTRUSTION 5/15/81 30.00 ~/15/81 3.50 5/15/81 37.20 5/15/81 27.20 5/15/81 15.30 5/15/81 3~.50 5115/81 4.70 5115/81 1B.lO 5/15/81 14.40 '5129181 597 C ' Z ITY OF BDYNTON BEACH U A R E N T MONTH C H E C K S PAGE 8 CHECK # VENDDA ",. '?~149 540075 .~-. 153 540075 ..... 35151 ........ 540077 35152 540078 VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT BOBBY BORDEN 5/1'5/81 DEBR~....D~TTE ................................. 5-~[~ LESTER B. BRENT 5/I5/8~ A. BRUNNER 5/i5/81 1o90 11.40 55.50 13.90 35153 540079 35154 550333 .~Ls.E ........... 55po44 C. J. BURR CARTIER CONSTRUCTION ROMONA COLON 5/15/81 19.00 CO. 5/15/81 17.05 5/15/8i 7.70 351155 550045 35157 550045 35158 550047 XNASTX--~' ID CACERES NALTE~ C~MPSELL JA~ES CARNICK __5/15/81 12.78 5115/81 , 4.70 5/15/81 7.40 35159 550048 ,~'~35t53 550050 .35151 62 35163 i35165 35165 GILDA T. CICIONE PETER' COLOMBO 55005! C LAK~.£..E. COMEAU 553052 S. J. CON,AY 550053 GERALD C~OCILLA 550398 CRANBROOK LAKE ESTATES 5500~5 VINCENT DE MAYO 550045 L.W. DENCKER 5500_48 ........... ~V- HELHJ~ DIE~RICH 5/15/81 12,20 5/15/81 14.60 .5/15/81 25.10 5/15/81 - 27.20 57..20 ~o70 2.60 5/15/8i 5115181 5/15/81 ....... -- .5/15/8i- -'8.00 5/15/81 22.20 ' 5/15/81 25.00 L68 550049 SCOTT DOWNING 550059 ALBERT ~o DUERK 550052 T. L. DAVIS ~.:..- 5/15/81 1.90 35171 172 570013 BERT E. EIPPERT 570014 EJGENE Eo' ELMORE 570015 PATR!~_I.A...EMBURY :., 5/15/81 12.20 5/15/81 4.20 174 351 75 76 5 TD 9_.!._5 ........... _J_O $ E ~P~H. ER_ A C E 580027 GERALDINE FOY 580028 MARILYN FULTON 77 590038 78 590039 7~ ............ 590043 VINCENT GALLO DOROTHY GARCE~U ~_../__1_5/_._81 .................... _~. lo_~_o 5_/_!5/_ 81 z 4.3 o 5/15/81 'Y.-Y6- .... 5/15/81 25.50 5/15/81 36.70 5/15/81 32.88 .81 13.8 o 80 81 82 K~ISTINE GARRON 5gOq.~.!_~ ..... R._A~--'~.'~.SPAR 590041 SAN~RA R. GASSIER 5~0043 MA~CE GATHIER 5/15/81 24.70 5/15/81 27.20 5/15/81 205.26 L84 85 5/15/81 21.50 5/15/81 2.50 ;185 590045 EARL SEHMAN 590046 WEBSTER D. GEORGE,-ESTATE ......... 590047 HERBE.R~_GROSSHAN ..... ~90048 D~. RENALDO GUTZE~'~Z 590038-' ~JT~-M-~--'HANSON 500039 DON HARPER 5/15/81 25 80-- 5/15/81 5.50 511.5181 iz.~o 5/15/8~ --'--i5.2o 89 500343 Cff~RLOTTE HARRIS 93 600042 LIS HELLESKOV 630043 HARRY C. dULL 92 690091 ~JNTE~S RUN 93 620013 JA~ICE A. J0NES 94- 520014 KENNETH JOHNSTON 5/15/81 23.90 5/15/81 3.80 5/15/81 2.50 5/15/81 --- 486.80 5/15/81 3.80 5/15/81 24.70 95 630029 qANS KRUSE 9.5 530021 T~OMAS KINGMA 197 530922 ~ED~GE H. KISHP'AUGH I98 530023 F~ANK KOHL I99 6~O022 C. L. LANE 5/15/81 13.90 5115/81 ~z.zo 5/15/8z f~'~'0- 5115/81 19.85 5/15/81 3.30 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH R' E 'N T M O N T H C H E C PAGE 9 ,- VENDOR,," VENDOR NAME. 35233 $~0923 'HAROLD LEE CHECK DATE TOTAL-AMOUNT 3. 32 540025 3523~ .640025 3520~ 5~3927 -~5295 5q002~ 35235 650057 CHARLES RJDDLPH MICHAEL LIDSKY 5/I5/8i ................. 25.90 LIETO . 5/I5/81 38o50 BRIDGET .LEWIS L]PEZ-TDRRES,ALALU M.D.P~ WAYNE AD MILLER 5/1518~ 3.50 .5/15/81 43.70 5/15181 12.30 -57i5/81 ......... 21.15 5118182 ~'~5 ~5227 65305~ HER~E'RT MANNA 35209 650957 ROBERT MERRILL 5/15/81 18.00 35213 650959 JERRY MOORE , 352!1 6~0070 PAUL MOS. HER _.~:~5212 650971 DR. SRAIS MUCKLE 5/15/81 20.10 5/15/81 25.10 5/i5/81 8.oo ,~ ,3,5~I~ 550073 GEg~E MoE~RT 35215 6509'~ ..... ~'I~ENT J. MC EABE III 35215 550975' R~BERT MERRILL 35217 653153 MARIN.ER VILLAGE OF B,B. '352'18 650005 NDRENE CONSTRUCTION 5/25/8i 57.zo 5/15/81 15.50 5/i5/81 '38.00 ' 5/15/81 177~20 5/15/81 33.10 35k, 21 570021 GORDON OLIPHA.NT 5/15/81 10.00 3~22, 680023 MAURICE PbOURDE 3>~23 680037 ROLAND PAQUETTE ' 5 . ' 3 22~ 5800~9 JOHN POMEROY 5/15/81 8.20 5/15/81 12.50 5/I5/8I 2.80 5 5800~3 ANTHONY POPE 27 690002 QJAIL RIDGE INC ~715/81 388.10 ,5228 700043 RIDGE HOMES CONDO. INC. 5/15/81 1.90 ,5229 7900~6 'AARON RAI~IS ~/15/81 23.90 ,5232 7300~7 RAZOOK REAL ESTATE 5/15/81 ..................... - 30.00 ..... 352'31 .......... 7900~8 35232 233 700053 R3GERS & FORD CONSTRUCT. '5/15/81 7.00 523~ 5 700051 BRJNO RISSANEN 5/15/81 1~.20 700052 KIMBERLY RINGELSTEIN 5/15/81 27.20 733053 HERBERT RIVERA 5/15/81 18.70 CHARLES ROSIER .......... ' ............... 5/15/81 ................... 24~0 ....... LOUIS RUSSO 5/15/8~ 40.10 RI~GE~O0} BUILDERS __ .... ~5237 ............. 790054 35z3s 700055 '~~ 7ao97~ 5/15/81 53.80 .35242 730099 RqgDES CONSTRUCTION "~'35241 710059 SAL'S PIZZA CAUSEWAY ~52~2 710360 .... STEVE SANDERS ~43 710951 M E. SCHATZB'ERG .,3~24~ 710359 GERALD J. SCHECHTER · -----'----' 35245 71007~ ..... JJL~US SSHENZER. 352~5 710071 7 ' ELEVEN' 35247 719972 R3BERT SHIVELEY ~'~-~8 71007-~" '~E-~D ~HULTIS . 35249 71037~ GEORGE. SIFFRI' 35253 710375 ROBERT J. SLAGER INC. 5/15/81 332.00 5/15/81 9.85 5/15/81 1~.90 5115/81 25.50 ~/15/81 69.oo 5/15/8% 11.55 5115/81 2.35 5/15/81 21.50 5/15/81 5.26 51~.51'81 25.~o 5/L~Z8~ it.to CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH , U R ~ £ N T M O N T H C H E'C K S PAGE IO ,. VENDOR ,. VENDOR NAME' · CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT -52 I 710975 GEORGE R. SLEDGE 5/iE/SI.y. .¢-52 ....... 713077 CqESTER ~. SMITH 5/I~ -35~53 710378 HARRY SMITH 5/15/81 - 35254 710079 CINDY SPATE __35255 710080 SOPHIE B; SPIRAWK ;5255 7.10081 ANTHONY STALLONE ,~ZS.~ ......... 71008? HARJD~.~.~_$TONE ,5258 710083 SJ~ DEK APT. J5259 710084 ~ALTER SWANSON 5.90 '7.20 40.00 5/1518~ 18.10 5/15181 2,80 5115181 z4.4o _ffl _f l t.zo 5 5 z. 4 o 5/15/81 4.70 35263 710085 R. SWERDLICK 5/15/81 27.20 35-Z61 710155 SEAWAY VILLAS- 5/15/81 55.80 62 720027 TANEN HOMES CONST~ 5/15/81 69.00 53 720~2~ ......... ~J.E 1700 DEV. CORP. 5/15/8~ 60.00 ~526~ 7200~ .... EL~_OO.D~..TICE 5/15/81 17.00 720033 J.E~NNED'~ TOUSIGNANT 5/15/81 5~0~0 ,5267 68 7&OOO5 ~ A~TONIO VILLANOVA 740006 HARRY VOLKER 75002~ WEST CONSTRUCTION 5/15/81 25.10 5/15/8i 26.50 5/15/81 55.50 ,5 273 750333 .- 7.50031 750032 HARRY J. WARD SIDNEY WARNER JOHN WEBER 5/15/81 2.50 5/15/81 .- 21.50 5/15/81 ' 9.20 73 7~ 753933 PAUL J. WHEELdS 75003~ ~REDERICK WILHELM 750035 GERI RIRTH 5/15/81 12.20 5/15/81 21.50 5/15/81 I2.20 76 77 779901 HELEN YOUNG 770002 JJN-E YOUNG 7~0003 CLARA ZECHNER 5/15/81 '3,30 5/15/81 12.20 5/15/81 '~o70 790003' CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH 79 340939 E~NEST HARVEY !82 290011 WILLIAM D CAVANAUGH 5/15/81 2,~13o31 5-/15/81 858.58 5/15/81 197.00 81. 19502~ STATE DF FLORIDA DEPT. 82 020170 B.B. AUTO PARTS, INC. :83 02~7~J ...... B'DGNTON POMP & SUPPLY 5/18/81 39.25 5/19/81 1,081.29 5/19/81 604.38 84 025603 B~3NARD PUMP & SUPPLY CO. 5/19 85- 041503 DELRAY CHEMICAL CO. 5/19 85 3~161~ DELRAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 5/19 87 054549 GEO. FOWLER WELDING 88 070390-" GARDE'N'-'S~ORE 99 0755'~J--: '-'G~IFFIN PDLLUTION 181 198.25 181 302000 181 41.39 CO.. 5/19/81 B.O0 5/19/81 650°00 5/19/81 425.00 90 375581 GOLF OIL CORPORATION 5/19/81 9,305012 91 075613 GJLFSTREAM LUMBER CO. 5/19/81 65.00 ~92 DBO31D qALSEY & SRIFFITH, INC. 5/19/81 572.25 110!03 K & ~ ELECTRIC SUPPLY INS 5/19/81 74.26 !94 111625 KENDALL PEASTICS,INC. 5'/~g/BI 809.53 122911 LLDYDS OF BOYNTON B~CH 5/19/81. 13~C'~0 ~95 165539 LDJIS PROSS.E~ 5/19/81 23~.00 !'97. 190353 SAFETY KLEEN CORP. 5/19/81 38.50 ~98 191109 SC]TTY.'S 5/19/81 238.61 19163~ .... S'ERVICE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 5/19/81 52.92 0~ i92fi72 S~ERNIN ~ILLIAMS C3. '¢ 5/I9/-8i I5.77 __31 195999 S I A~.~_ .S A N I TA~Y SUPPLY , 5/19/81 66.60 CUR ZITY' OF BDYNTON BEACH R E N T M,3 N T H C H E C K PAGE 1EC,K t& VENDOR-" VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE JNIJAX .............. : .... 5/~/81 ...... 281.91 WALLACE E TIERNAN 5/19/81 271.75 EDGAR HOWELL 5/29/81 35.00 'T~3~S E. WENGLER 5/~[8~. 35.00 HAROLD BURNS 5/22/81 327,96 ELENDR. M. BURNS 5/32/81 295.56 TOTAL AMOUNT 5338 216405 5339 320921' UNITED PARCEL SERVICE. 5/21/81 .00 C.J.FERGUSON ......................... 5/22/81 ................ ~3.8'5 BRADFDR~ '~'--M~R LIN 5/2 ~'/~ 1 ....... ~5.97 --3533! 1370022 DAVID M. KING 5/22/81 75.00 324725 BDYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED .5/22/81 9t263,~8 IiOEOI KA~ASAKI 5/22/Bi 8,9~2.90 014243 ............. 1'So95o ~15 D1372D IS. lAM- ANDRE~ ................... 5/22/8!... 55.00 WILLIE RUT.H...MCG~ADY ....................... 5~22/81 - 4.8,-00 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 5/2~/81 lO~Ol5.00 ~!T 013780 AL,LIED CHLORINE & 5/22/81 2,013.30 3531'8 013925 AMERICAN CYPRESS FENCE 5/22/81 9D.DO 014038 AMERICAN METAL CONTAINERS 5/22/81 5,~78.00 01590~ ASSDC!ATE.D .Cg_UR~_.K~RDRTE. B ............. ~/22/81 5321 .............01630D AJTOPRODUCTS, INCo : 5/22181 02D~4'3 ..... :-'T~E'~':AKER ['-:Y~-'E~'~ 5/22/81 169.71 169;36 321511 BELVE3ERE 5 8 lO 5/22/81 41o86 · 5. 14 024475 .JAMES BONDMINI 5/22/B1 96.00 ~25 '02459D THOMAS BOUREGY & C~. 5/22/81 21.30 5 ~27 5328' 35333 353'31 02671~ BDYNTON 4JTO SUPPLY -; 5'/22/81 527 38 024730 BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 5/22/81 ................................................. 324819 BDYNTON WRECKER SERVICE ..5/22/81 DO.DO 025589 BRDDART ,INC. 5/22/81 137,56 025593 BRDW~RD CHIEF'S ASSOC. 5/22/81 ZO.O0 025503 B~ONA~D PUMP & SUPPLY CO. 5/22/81 1'52,85 326~50 030298 BJSINESS MACHINESt INC. 5/~2/81 87,50 JJDY CALANDRA 5/22/8I I5,.00 CASE PONE'~ &'"~Q~'~NT CO 5/22/81 132.99 03165D ~5335 033555 ~7 034579 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES 5/22/81 99.75 CLEMSDN UNIVERSITY 5/22/81 -15,00 CDEVOLUTIDN QUARTERLY 5/22/81 1.g. O0 ;38 33~63ff 5339 ...... 834877 53~D 035399 C]MMERCI&L HYDRAULICS & 5/22/81 3-2-1 CONTACT ......... · ...............~'/22/81 ................. BARRY CRANE COURT REPORTE 5/22/81 189.90 340505 DAVIS WATER & WASTE INDUS 5/22/81 340525 D~Y-TIMERS 5/22/81 43.32 04~759 DDJBLEDA¥ 8 CD. 5/22/81 36,58 050309 EAST COAST FIRE EQUIP.. 5/22/81 902.25 054409 .ENVIRDTESq CORPORATION 5/22/81 532.D0 ;45 DEZBZ3 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & 5/22/81' 96B.6~ 352919' - FIRS'T-BAN< & TRUST 5/22/81 20~739.28 ;48 363717 ZASdlER,FLDRIDA DEPT.OF 5/22/81 ~D.DO 49 363795 FLQRIDA STANDARDS LABORAT 5/22/81 45.00 JBD 37340~ BE TTV--~I GA 5/22/8I 45.00 51 074509 CRADLES GODFREY 5/22/81 45.90 52 374579 GDDD qOUSEKEEPING 5/22/~1 11.97 5i 9/81 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . PAGE N T M O N T H C H E C K-S ~ECK,." VENDOR %==¥~ 353 375 VENDOR NAME . CHEC( DATE TOTAL AMOUNT DENNIS C. GRABEEL ..... 5/22/81 ............... ~9. o40 ~.Lo GRUMMONS ~R~N~G .......... 9~22/_81. 100.00 BEVERLY HALL 5/22/81 65.26 ~¢ ~54 375533 35~55 080354 35355 080394 35357 030430 ~5358 081505 HAUBER CHEVROLET 5/22/81. 5~718.25 H]RARD HA~RILL DECORATING 5/22/81 1,339,50 TERRY HENES 5/22/Bi '397.50 ~5359 082785 ~5360 , 3536i 385351 JANE ~ZL]ERBRANDT_ ......... .5222/81 9~9.55 ~DLk~__~CCUMULATOR ~ ~12_2./~_ 185.~0 NOAH HUDg'LESTON 5/22/81 210o00 35352 090099 I.B.Mo CORPORATION 5/22/8i 90000 35353 09010~ IoB,M. CORPORATION 5/22/8i 4,615.00 ~6~ ID020I J. ~ J C~EMICAL 5/22/8I 28~.I5 35357 112~89 J ET.. V A C- _S A ~ I_.T A__R_Y_ S~.E_R V.I C E 5_/_2_2/.8_L .... 8_0_,_257.88 ...... J E:.~,,N__K A R ~ ... F_,, ,C O. 5/_2_Z/_B 1 7.30 KIMBO EDU=ATIDNAL 5/22/81 78.82 35368 114509- K3.PY KING PRINTING CENTER 5/22/8Z .15.95 35369 122~91 LASSITER CONSTRUCTION CD° 5/22/81 I5~123o. 00 122911 LLDY~S DF BDYNTDN BEACH 5/22/8I 211o~0 130952 M:G~A~-HILL BOOK C. Do - ~5/22/81 131571 MEINEKE DISCOUNT MUFFLER~ 5/22/81 16.50 ' ' 39.90 75 5 132771 MILLER DODGE 135423 MJNICIPAL POLICE 137535 LEE MYLES TRANSMISSION 5/22/81 .5/22/81 5/22/81 183.77 1,258.19 225.00 1~0513 NALCO CHEMICAL CO° 141701 NEPTUNE METER CD, 5/22/8i 13,7~g.28 SOCI.E 5/22/8i 5.95 5/22/81 5,863.00 35381 2 1ff5593 ALLAN NY.OJIST 1508~! JIM O'CONNOR 155600 O~TON CONSTRUCTION C9. 5/22/81 50000 5/22/81 185.00 5/22/81 ~,40D°DO 150373 PALM BEACH 8RAKE £ WHEEL 150425 PALM BEACH POST-TIHES 150437 PALM BEACH SPRING COo 5/2~/81 55.78 5/22/81 9.75 5/22/81 23.40 ,88 155359 LDJIS M. PREZIOSO 180500 EVA RAYMOND 181593 ~ESENCY DODGE -5/22/81 2Io'40 5/22/8'i 45.00 5/22/8I 17,911.14 391 181759 REVENJE CDNSULTANTS,ING° 18'i75~ ....... ~ENJE SHARING ADVISORY 18~79D RDALAND T~UC-K EQUIP., IN: 5/22/81 1,039.00 5/2Z/81 55.00 5/22/81 131.53 ,94 185313 RJBIN CONSTRUCTION-CD° 190188 SGM FARM SUPPLY,INC. 190959 DLYVE E. SCHOOLEY 5/22/81 8,391.10 5/22781' 488.00 5/2~/81 15.00 398 ;99. 401 4D2 493 I9110~ 191132 192759 194589 19G732 19599~ 195415 196427 1955D2 SCDTTY'S 5/22/81 627.00 5/22/81 S']PE 34 .................................................... P_~.O0_. .... SILVER BURDETT 5/22/81- 9.87 ADRIENNEf SORE 5/22/Bi 33.22 SOUTHEASTERN FIDELITY INS 5/22/81 lOg. DO ST. PETERSBURG BANK ~ TRU 5/22/8I 347°46 SJN SENTINEL 5/2.2/81 28.14 SJPERIDR SURGICAL ODJG 'SUSSMAN MFS.CO. _'~/22/81 2,709.85 5/22/81 67.~0 SITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C U R R E N T M D N T H C H PAGE HECK " ,. VENDOR-" CHEC~ '--:-~--~34 ' I96~0-~ .SWEDISH BOOK NOOK ,5435 202550 THORNDIKE PRESS 3,. 35 - 232600 JEAN THURBER 35408 2IOI5I U. S. POSTMASTER '~5439 215353 gNDERGqOUND SUPPLY ~4!3 230447 RICHARD '~. WALKE ~54II .... 232452 " EARL WALLACE FORD~ ½5412 ........ 23178b ...... aESTERN A-jTO-'~TORE iNc'; ........... i~5~iS 232549 ROZ WILLIAMS ~54~4 232790 EJNICE WILSON '35~I5 234625 JoJ.Ao ~.OLF FRESH 9IST. DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 21.50 ~9~23 281,25 543.90 649.85 180.00 26,88 135.00 99.00 6.50 ~5~!T 310004 3,~oo~2 XEROX CORPORATION 5/22/81 ROBERT-E~CHORST 5/22/8I ..............................................CLIFFORD LEWIS ~/81' 1,327.q8 38,00 480.28 35419 332901 CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH 5/25/81 !35423 151642' PE'RINI LAND & DEVELOP 53. 5/27/81 ~421 13542D MJNIC-IPAL POLICE 5/27/81 51o55 133.00 ~ODLD'O 3545~ 370313 VIRSINIA E.-KEISTER S/Z9/CI ~545~ .......... ~2002I''- DANIEL'PER~[~S 35455 ~-lDOD5 .... 321.32 329.9N 503.52 ,55 420014 THEODORE PRINSE 5/29/81 213.21 3~1~.57 ~3001~ CAROL A. NICHOLS 5/29/81 2~2.86 914240 ISIAH ANDREWS -5/29/81 -59 I30950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY '> ...~/2~f~ ........... ~_~_O 354~ ...... 0'10901 ....... ACTI~E'-'~A~TO-'~C'~N~'' 5/29/81 204.00 '~ AMS 'CHEVROLET o. ~i~zoo A~ ...................................................:-~7%~ ~B.56 62 011'353 ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 5/29/8i 26~541.67 35~53 311GOD ADVANCE AIR CONDITIONING 5/29/81 68.30 011403 ADVANCED FABRICATORS 5/29/81 95,00 65 0~3723 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY '5/29/8~ .66-- ........ 0i4303 CARMEN-ANNuNz~'O ............................ · 67 015990 ................................................... ................ ATLANTIC COAST FIRE '8,592.00 lOD.O0 374.q5 015923 ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK 5/29/81 303.00 -69 316333 A-JTOMATED SUPPLY 2ENTE.R' 5/29/81 375o8N .70 020169 B.B, ASSOC. FIREFIGHTERS 5/29/81 505°44 -71 020173 B.B. AUTO -72 020439' THE B'AKE'R -73 ............ 320440 THE BAKER PARTS, INC. 5/29/81 o.._! -_-_i -.': i - ...... 5_4...?_ ........ ~ TAYLOR CO. 5/29/81 906.22 475 476 77 ..... %78 479 33 481 482 3 435 -32173~ CHANNING L. BETE CO.,INC. 02~503 BETTY BORDNI 02~725 BDYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 02~739 BDYNTDN BEACH RETIREMENT 324780 BDYNTDN PUMP g SUPPLY 339299 JJOY CALANDRA 030303 ...... C ~L~'C~,-P ACETTI, BARROW 030463 CAPEL KkANG"COMPANIES 332415 PETER L. CHENEY 232~9~ ..... ~-~TY OF BOYNTON BEACH 933631 THOMAS. Ao CLARK 335459 CqIMMINS :OMPANY, IN:. 5/29/81 32.33 5/29/8~ lO.DO 5/29/81 9,478.98 5/29181 3,769.91 5/29/81 56.70 '5/29/81 39.00 5/29/8i 3,503.00 5/29/81 37.68 5/29/81. 109.00 5/29/91 7,503.00 5/29~81 75.9.0 5/29/81 157.50 5/~9/81 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 7 S U R R E N T M O N T H C H E C K S PAGE 14,- I~CK~" VE~DD'R ",. VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT m5485 043395 DALE'S PAINT'& BODY SHOP 5/23/81 r'87 , O~I41B DE BRA TURF'-[-"~NDUSTR-~AL ......... '~/2'9/81 3~88 041581 JDE DELONG 5/29/81 237.04 22.00 155,00 35489 0~1513 DELRAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 5/29/8I 35~93 041683 DENSBERGE~ FIR.E SYSTEMS 5/29/81' 5~91 0GI584 JDqN DENSON 5/29/8I 13.92 27.00 32,00 ~5~92 ,5~93 050203 ESL ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTD 5/29/81 ,~5~9G 059371 PAUL ECKERT 5/29/81 198.74 ZA. o3 203.90 ~5Ng5 051287 ED'S GARDEN CENTER 5/29/81 35~9& 053901 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE 5/29/81 352823 FIREMEN'S RELIEF E 5/29/81 109.25 10.00 1,115.T~ 3529zo _E!~ s .T___ B A ~_S.__.T..R_U $ T ,,.'99 3555.5_3 ....... FRA_T_.E_R_N__A~_~.~.~ER OF POLICE ..... 5. /__2_ _9. ~ _ 8_!'_ 35503 055593 CHARLES FREDERICK 5/29/81 133.30 ;3Z 056500' FJTdRA PRINTING 5/29/81 936,N0 t5532 073403 BEYTY GARRIGA 5/29/8i 45,00 07~503 CHARLES GODFREY 5/29/81 45.30 ~.~ ......... 075483 ...GRIE.FIN..E~U!PMENT ........... · .... 5Z~OA~I .............. ~,~.~.-.~0___ 3755!~._- ........ ~_E~_._~.P~Z_~IO~C_~RP- 5/29/8& 122.50 075530 R"..Lo -G~UMMQNS- PRINTING 5/29/8i · 1-39.75 080309 HALSE¥'S 5/29/81 27.96 080428 EDRARD HARMENING 5/29/81 175.30 084520 HOLLY ACCUMULATOR E 5/29/81 1~5.90 it3' 09465~ A-HOME SERVICE, INC. ;,.' 5/29/8i 21.~0 511 08~657 qD'ND~'~'~T'H" , ~/-~:~-~- 15.58 ;1Z 084'693 EDGAR HORELL 5/29/81 200.00 3 133312 JACK'S CAMERA CENTER 5/29/8i 31.92 4' 131507 DEE G. JEGHERS 5/29/81 203.00 5515 IIi553 BERT ~EEHR 5/29/8i 203.00 5 123453 LANIER BBSINESS PRODUCTS 5/2~/81 599.00 5517 ..... ~'~O~ ..... ~-~B LATHA~ 5/2'~/~ ..... 200.00 5518 130433 MANHATTAN TROPHIES 5/29/81 ~35.25 19 130565 MAURY'S TOOL CHEST 5/29/'8i 359.00 35523 131571 MEINEKE DISCOUNT MUFFLERS 5/29/81 125.85 131753 MEYER SOD 5/29/81 3,5~3.76 132771 MILLER DODGE 5/29/81 74o35-- ~- ......... ~'3-& ~2 ~ ........ ~'~ N'I'C i 'P-/~ L-- p 0 L I C E 524 143~95-'-- 5 / z 9-/~-£ .............. i-';'i'5 z. o q- 5/29/81 132.57 25 150100 P & G DISTRIBUTORS 5/29/81 40.80 ,,35526 150353 TEREESA PADGETT 5/29/81 53.00 ,~5527 160373 PALM BEACH BRAKE ~ WHEEL 5/29/B1 I73.50 !~5528 150383 PALM BEACH JR. COLLEGE --5/29/81 12.90 529 153433 PALM BCH'. ~OUN V P~B;A'.. "':"~ 5/~'~781 ......... 16.00 '33 ...... 150462 PARCO EN'GINEERI'~G/"~P. 5/29/81 I03.83 31 151511 32- 151653 33 152753 i53.~ 15~500 ~5 180490 ~536 180502 PEACOCK'S RADIATOR SERVIC 5/29/81 185.75 CHARLES PERSING 5/Zq/81 203.00 PICARD CHEMICAL CD. 5/29/81 8~.60 ROBERT PDCSIK -_.. 5/2~/8i 203.00 SdAR3N RANDOLPH 5/29/B1 57,~8 EVA ~AYMDND 5/29/8I 45,00 '-~/29~B1' 'ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . I C '.J :~ ~ E N__ ,T__ H 3 N T H C H E C K S VENDOR " VENDOR NAME PAGE 1~' CHECK ~ATE TOTAL AMOUNT ---.~5537 190347- SAFETY ED~IPMENT SOo OF F ...... ._._ 5/29/81 .......... 533,40 5538 I9~51 SANDERS~ASPIN~AL &_ ASSOC~ · 5/29/81 ........ 121o35 m~ I9 190959 DLYVE Eo s£HOOLEY 5/29/BI 15.30 ---'~5-~'0 I91513 SEACREST PETROLEUM CO. 5/29/81. i,I27.80 35541. 191733 SEWELL HARDWARE. CD.~ INC. 5/2.9/81 SO4,B5 ~,5542 igc?D3 SOUTHERN ~ELL TELEPHONE 5/29/Bi 6~289o55 55.43.' ~95592 WILLIAM 55~ 2DD~9T JAY TA, YLOR ~5~ ..... .'2'~1~8'~ ...... TENNI'S--~U~pL 205532 WALTER M. TRAJGER' 5/29/81 z75. 5129.181 ............... ~?.00 5/29/81 182,35 5/29/81 155o00 ;G7 213079 ULI-TqE U~BAN LAND INST. 5/29/81 lB.50 ~55~8 215410 UNITED W~Y OF PALM BCH. 5/29/81 ~6Bo67 22147~ 222B03 VACUUM UNLIMITED 5/29/8l. 58.~!0_ VILLAGE SOUTH, INC. 5/29/B~ B~2.GO ~5552 2305~ WAyER DEPARTMENT 5/29/Bi ~202.90 3555~ 2.30545 WATER HYDRANT SERVICE 5/29/8i ~,537,50 3555~ 23'I503 THOMAS. E. WENGLER 5/29/81 200,00' 2323~B WqITAKER PLUMBING CO. 5/29/81 283ouO J2E WILLI~HS PUM'F'SER-~I~'~ .......... 5/2'6/81 .................. 599.I0 23~661 PATRISIA L° WOOLLEY " 5/29/81 155.30 ,~9 235495 SAMUEL L- WRIGHT 5/29/81 155.00 i5~63 2~I633 XEROX CORPORATION 5/29/81 .. 333°27 254553 BETTY ZDBEL ~5031G RDBERT'T~NSON 5/29/81 53 DO .............. 500.,up ............ 5/z9/81 835.03 1,140,001.54