Minutes 05-19-81M/lqUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF %~HE CITY ~UNCIL p~.l.O AT CITY ~OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1981 PRESET Edward F. Harmening, Mayor Walter "Marty" Trauger, Vice-Mayor Joe deLong, Councilman Patricia Woolley, Councilmember Samuel Lamar Wright, Councilman Peter L. Cheney~, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk James Vance, City Attorney Mayor H2~rmening called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. The invocation was given by Reverend James C. Stoutsenberger, St. Joseph's Episcopal Church. Mayor Edward F. Harmening led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. AGENDA APPROVAL Vice-Mayor Trauger asked to add four items. Under Old Bus~ness: F. Old Drainage G. Pistol Range H. Solicitation Ordinance Appointment of Golf Course Advisory Conmittee After brief discussion, it was the consensus of four members that this appointment should be made this evening. Mr. Wright felt that this should be made a regular agenda item at a later date. Mr. deLong asked to add one item. Under Old Business: J. Re~_est of City Msnager Mr. Cheney asked to delete one item. Under Bids: B. False Arrest Insurance The City Attorney asked to delete one item. Under Legal: B. 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 81- Amend Utility Ordinance Service Area Density Increases Mr. deLong m~ved to approve the agenda as amended. Motion seconded by Mrs. Woolley and carried 4-1, with Mr. Wright against. Mayor Harmenmng anno~ced that City Hall will be closed on NDnday, May 25, 1981, in obse~ce of Memorial E~y. Leisureville Post No. 10150, Veterans of Foreign Wars plans to conduct Memorial Day Services at Boynton Beach Memorial Park, 11 A.M. Saturday, May 30th and cordially invites you to join them for this observance in tribute to the deceased veterans of the Boynton Beach conmaunity. -1- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 19, 1981 MINUTES Reqular City Council N~etinq of May 5, 1981 Councilman deLong moved to acoept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Vice-Mayor Trauger and carried 5-0. Special City Council Meetinq of May 14, 1981 Vice-Mayor Trauger moved to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Councilman deLong and _carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor H~ng stated if there was anyone in the audience who wished to address the Council on any item not on the agenda they should oome forward at this time. If anyone would like to speak on any item on the agenda, please give your name to the City Clerk and you will be called when that item becomes the order of business. Mayor Harmening recognized Mr. Gene Moore, who represented Cunberland Farms and requested reconsideration of their Site Plan Approval. Mr. Moore stated that this was turned down by the City Council at its meeting on May 5th and, as he understood it, the decision was based upon the fact that the proposed building and truck loading was too close to residential area. Vice-Mayor Trauger noted that the application was approved initially and it was brought back with alteration. ~Councilman deLong noted that he went along with the recon~nendation of the Planning and Zoning Board. and has no intention of changing his stand. The City Attorney advised that this cannot be reconsidered at this point in time either under current Robert's Rules of Order or in the specific rules adopted by the Council at the' beginning of the year - time is now passed. Couneilm~n deLong moved to follow the regular order of business. Seceded by Vice-Mayor Trauger, motion was carried 5-0. BIDS Installation of Air Conditioninq and Ducts at Boy Scout Buildinq Recreation and Parks Mr. Cheney stated six (6) bids had been received and recommended the award be made to the Low Bid from Artic Air Conditioning and Heating for the amount of $1,850.00 which does not include any electrical work. Councilm~n deLong moved to award the bid as. reconmended. Seconded by Councilmenk~r Woolley. Under discussion, Councilmember Woolley asked if this b~ilding is leased, how often it is used, etc. The Recreation Director, Mr; Charles Frederick, responded: it is presently used three nights per week by the Boy Scout Troups, one night per week by the Girl Scout Troups, used on occasion for Arts and Crafts Program for children. The proposed i~provement is to make it more conducive for use, hoping to maximize its use. They do not lease; it is free of charge. Tennis players will be able to use the facilities on the same basis as now but the doors are not left open. The motion carried 5-0. -2- MAY 19, 1981 PUBLIC HEARING - None SITE PLANS Applicant: Location: Use: Holiday Inn, submitted by Charles L. Leemon, III, Owner 480 N.W. 2nd Avenue ~bdified Site Plans - Holiday Inn Motel, Accessory Conmercial Building, Pool and Parking Area Mr~ Annunziato, City Planner, submitted the reoon~rendations of the Planning and Zoning Board that the modifications to theapproved site plan submitted by Mr. Charles Leem~n~be approved subject to staff oonments and that Mr. Leemon resolve the problems'related to parking and occupancy, Concerning the number of parking spaces, Mr. Annunziato advised: 1. The applicant cannot be credited withparking for the two spaces lost as a result of the need for an emergency entrance-off of NW 1st Avenue. The parking space'located at the southeast oorner of the restaurant/ lounge building mustbe removed owing to the location of the siamese fire connection. 3. Given a modification to the angle parking bay to .the south and east of the canopy, one parking space m~y be gained. 4. The parking area shown to the east of the canopy can only accommodate one parking space not two as shown. The number of parking spaces would, have to be computed at 1 space for each 4 seats for places of assembly to result in a savings of 3 parking spaces based on a meeting room which would acoon~odate forty people. The net result of all of these parking changes is a total of 137 spaces. When parking spaces required are compared with parking spaces provided, there is a net deficiency of six spaces (143-137=6). In addition, he advised of items which are recoranended to be included as provisos on this application as follows: 1. Modify parking island to the west of the center parking bay to provide a minimum of 23' from the parking island to the south. 2. Cbnstruct a curb along the northerly limit of the central angle parking bay. 3. In all instances, 41 feet must be provided for 1 way, 60° angle parking and 64' for 2 way, 60° angle parking. 4. Place curb stops in each parking space. 5. Construct a 4 foot chain link fence along the south property line to inhibit users of the Holiday Inn from parking along NW 1st Avenue. The Council addressed the question of a chain link fence vs a hedge fence. Mr. Leemon reported that'the Beautification Board concurred with a hedge. - 3- MINUTES - REGIF3tR CITY COIIqCIL MEETING ~iD~N BEA~, ~-T_XD~DA MAY 19, 1981 Vioe-Mayor Trauger questioned the density so it could not be penetrated; Mr. Leemon proposed a 4' hedge on 2' centers. Mr. Cheney also expressed concern about a ficus hedge penetrating sewerage lines. COuncilman Wright questioned the date of occupancy; Mr. Leemon answered that he anticipated a grand opening the 4th of July. Vice-Mayor Trauger noved to allow a hedge on ~ 1st Avenue. Motion seconded by ~CotmcilmemberWoolley.and carried 5-0. Mr. Cheney expressed concem about the limited access and he reported that we have received permission from the county to widen the curb cut by 5' to the east and to iaprove the radius on the western side -- an LmIx)rtant safety feature that has been agreed to. COuncilman deLong moved to approve the modified site plan for the Holiday Inn subject to staff conn~nts and installa- tion of a hedge on 1st Avenue. Seconded by Vice-Mayor Trauger and carried 5-0. LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Readinq - Public Hearing Proposed Ordinance No. 81-~13 Re': Amend Lot Mowinq Ordinance - Effective Date and Interest Rate of Lien. Mayor Harmening stated that this cannot be considered at this time because of advertising problems. Ordinances - 1st Readinq Proposed Ordinance No. 81- Re: Tree Ordinance (Tabled) Proposed Ordinance No. 81- Re: r~ndscape Ordinance (Tabled) Councilman Wright expressed desire to review these ordinances. Fro. Wright moved to table them until the next meeting. Seconded by Mr. deLong and carried 5-0. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 81-CC Re: Requestinq "No Parkinq" area on Route A1A in Boynton Beach Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 81-CC by title only. A RESOLUTION OF %HE CITY CIDIlqCIL OF THE CI%Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA REQUESTING !'NO PARKING" AREA ON ROUTE A1A IN BOYNTON BEACh, FLORIDA COuncilman deLong mo~d to adopt ~solution No. 81-CC, seconded by Vice-Mayor Trauger. No discussion, Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Wright. - Aye COmcilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice-Mayor Trauger - Aye COuncilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. -4- MINU~ES - REGULAR CITY ~0UNCIL MEETING ~OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 19, 1981 Other Select Bond Counsel - Golf Course Fundinq - Tabled Mr. Vance requested that this be postponed to include in Item C, Old Business. Approve Settlement - Knotlwood Groves - Parcels 6.1, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 - Tabled Councilman deLong mDved to take this from the table. Seoonded by Coun.cilman Wright and carried 5-0. Mr. Vance presented the proposed settlements that he reoon~ends to the Council for four parcels in irm~n~t domain suits that :the city has pending in connection with the obtaining of easements for water and sewer lines. He announced that deposits were made in the registry of the court. Parcel Good Faith Estimate Settlement 7.1 $ 2,400.00 $ 3,000.00 7.2 22,650.00 25,500.00 7.3 225.00 500.00 6.1 800.00 1,000.00 In addition: Total attorney fees (1 counsel) -- 1,500.00 NET $31,500.00 Vice-Mayor Traugermoved to approve the settlement as reconmendedby the city attorney for Knollwood Groves Parcels 6.1, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3. Councilman deLongentereda request to spread the reconmendation. Motion was seconded byCouncilman deLongand carried 5-0. Consideration of Preparation of Ordinance Re: Time-sharinq Resid_ential Units Councilman deLong moved to declare a 90-day moritorium on time-sharing develop- ments and to direct the city attorney and city planner to bring back to the next meeting their reconm~ndation for location of ssme. Mayor Harmening questioned the status of Legislation to pre-empt-this. Mr. Vance concurred with Mr. deLong's recon~nendation that the City Manager, the City Planner, and City Attorney investigate the matter. Councilman deLong amended his motion to turn this over to the City Manager, City Planner, and City Attorney for their recon~aendations to come back to the City' Council. Vice-Mayor Trauger seconded the motion and it carried 5-0. Mayor Harmening asked that this be put in preliminary rough draft form and brought-back to the next meeting. It was so agreed. OLD BUSINESS Discussion of Pedestrian.Crossinq on U.S. ~1, South of Woolbriqht - Tabled Vice-Mayor Traugermoved to take from the table. Seconded by Councilman Wright and carried 5-0. Mr. Cheney reported that he discussed this with the County TrafficEngmneer. The Gounty agreed to do a study of the change of developments regarding the signals and will come to a city council meeting to answer questions, hopefully the second meeting in June. -5- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY C~UNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACh, FLORIDA MAY 19, 1981 Review Phase I of Golf Course Desiqn Proqz--d~ With the use of a large map display, Mr. ¥~ Hagge explained the layout, designs, and n~intenance, proposing two oourses: 1) 18-hole Championship and 2) 9-hole E~cutive. He noted the capability to be lighted at night. and an additional 9-holes. In answer to a question of the depth of the water area; average 12'. Review Financinq Plan - Golf Course Mr. Cheney deliniated estimated construction costs. Including course construction, buildings, equipment, road and parking, utilities, and design fee, the total comes to $2,445,000.00 for 18-holes and $2,999,500.00 for 27-holes. Including. attendant' costs of bond discount, estimated issue. ,.cost, one year interest, capitalized reserve account, the total bond issue comes to $3, 390,000.00 for the 18-holes and $4,155,000.00 for 27-holes. Estimated maximum annual debt service: $414,850.00 for 18-holes and $512,825.00 for 27-holes. Mr. Cheney reviewed the estimated annual operating income based on 500 members and 70,000 rounds played per year on 18 holes. Including memberships and green fees, cart rentals, range balls, locker rentals, and miscellaneous and interest income, the total operating income is estimated at $906,500.00. Mr. Cheney reported on the estimated annual operating expenses for 18-hole course, based on ERA report, for the first, second, and third year. Total of first year, $419, 000. 00~ second year, $519,000.000; and third year, $519,000.00. F~ then reviewed the 18-hole cash flow. Because .of the proposed bonding approach and the borrowing of interest and the borrowing of the initial operating costs, we end up with a 7-month construction period .in the first year with a proposed reserve, showing a positive cash flow and a' reserve to handle it. Reviewing the estimated ann~l income for 27-holes, Mr. Cheney reported the total income to be $1,251,500.00 (estimated expenses for 27-hole course equals 140~ of 18 hole course). Lastly, Mr. Cheney's report on the 27-hole cash flow shows a better operation than the 18-hole course~ It. shows a g~in in reserve and a net income of $47,000. instead of $10,000. Mr. Cheney noted that the figures do have to be 'refined but they appear to be in line with other courses around us, that he will continue to research. Mr. Cheney noted that when we receive bids from contractors, we will know what the construction and development costs will be. If we can sell the bond issue, then we can prooeed with construction. Vice-Mayor Trauger moved to accept the presentation and that the City Manager set up a special council meeting June 1, 1981, at 7:30 P.M. for further consideration. Councilman deLong seconded the motion. It was so agreed; none opposed. Mr. Alfred Shepard, Florida M~aici~ Security, reported that Medium Grade bonds are selling zn the range of 10-11~. Also, recreational type bond issues in the last six months have been done on short te~m or intermediary basis. Councilman Wright requested materials be sent to the Advisory Committee to study. Mayor Harmening concurred. -6- MINUI~S - RE~ CITY CDL~CIL MEETING ~OYNTON BEACH, FLORIIiA MAY 19, 1981 Consider Amendment to Hypotu~D Utilities Aqreement Msyor Kelly of Hypolu~D addressed the council. Because Manalapan did not notify Hypolux~ that they already had a 6" water line on Hypolu~D Road, Hypoluxo would like an. amended agreement deleting a portion on the south side of Hypoluxo Road. Mr. Vance advised that it is the duty of the City of Hypoluxo to prepare the agreement and submit to Boynton Beach for review. Also, in order for a-proposed amendment to be acceptable, .Mr. Vance would have to see .a consent executed, by the Town of Manalapan, Vice-Mayor Trauger m~ved to grant the request of the Town of Hypoluxo providing that an agreement to amend be presented in acceptable form. Motion seconded by Councilman deLong and carried 5-0. R & A Proposal to Divert Golfview Harbour Sewaqe Mr. Cheney referred to an agreement with Russell & A~Dn to control the odor problem at the regional plant. Councilman deLong noved to authorize Russell & A3~n to prepare the necessary compliances and specifications to divert the sewage flow from Golfview Harbour to the force ~ain on Congress Avenue. Councilmember Woolley seconded the motion. With no further discussion, notion carried 5-0. Drainaqe Plan Vice-Mayor Trauger complained of flooding conditions on SW 6th Street and 28th Avenue. Mayor Harmening suggested installation of submersible pumps where the existing dry well is. There is also an area. susceptible to flooding directly to the south; he suggested two submersibles there and increase the line a little bit. There is an easement running through that area; he suggested 2~" line south to 28th Avenue then two small submersible pumps there and run 3" line to I95. It was noted that this will not take care of 27th Avenue. Mayor Harmening called.upon Mr. Clark to con~ent. Mr. Clark considered quantitative analysis: how much water involved, how long to take to .pump, etc. Mayor Harmening asked for calculations for 3" pipe'dishcarge from the 2nd wet well and construction costs for 2 wet wells 'and4 pumps, electrical service, installing approximately 800' to the west and driveway replacement. Mr. Clark said it is around 2,000' to I95 from 28th and 6th~. Mr. Clark noted that before you can obligate funds, he will have to come up with figures and have some preliminary field investigations. Mayor Harmening asked that-it be brought to the next meeting. Poliee Ranqq Vice-Mayor Trauger asked the City M~nager to comment on the status of the study of the Police Range. Mr. Cheney reported that we have in a'lease a stipulation that the city can put utility facilities in there any time - there is no restriction. This has a major impact on. the value of that land. He noted that this was to be put into amemorandumand presented atthe next council meeting. Vice-Mayor Trauger askedthat Mr. Cheney submit recon~endations of the solution at the next meeting. Clarification of Solicitinq Ordinance Vice-Mayor Trauger cited anex~olewhen the Rotary Club has Santas for the SalvationAnny, and asked if each member of the Rotary Club has to come to the Police Department~tobe verified.or will submitting inwriting suffice. Mr. Cheney e~plained the normal procedure and said hewouldcheck further and report back to the City Council. - 7- MINLrfES - REGULAR CITY O0~CIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 19, 1981 Appointment of Golf Cburse AdviSory Cbm~ittee Vice-Mayor Trauger submitted the names of George Barrett, Joseph A. Sciortino, Jr., and Ben Katz (CPA in N.Y.). Councilman deLong nominated Fred DiSalle. Vice-Mayor Trauger moved to close nominations. Seconded by Councilmember Woolley a~d carried 5-0. Councilman Wright noted that all resumes had been reviewed ~nd found to be qualified and expressed his desire to ask the County' to amend the agreement to allow one or two alternates in vmew of the faCt that some of the persons agreed upon might be SnoWbirds and go back north for a few months. Mayor Harmenmng called for votes on each candidate with the following results: Mr. George Barrett appointed 3 years carried 5-0 Mr. Joseph A. Sciortino, Jr. appointed 5 years carried 5-0 Mr. Ben Katz appointed 1 year carried 5-0 CouncilK~n Wright suggested that the city ~naqer. and attorney explore the possibility of amending the agreement to provide for two alternates for the city and one alternate for the county. The council members agreed. Counciln~nn deLong requested'that the city manager put on the agenda for the next meeting a presentation of the Mutual Assistance Agreement with the Town of Ocean Ridge, with copies sent in advance to the Council Members' for review. He reported getting calls from Ocean Ridge about this, in regards to the Fire Department. Mr. Vance noted that he does not anticipate any problems with adverse possession for several years, but he felt that it would be appropriate that thought be given to a Nominal Lease sometime in the future. Mr. Cheney suggested this be discussed at the next meeting also. NEW BUSINESS Review of Proposed Amendments to Occupational License Ordinance - Tabled Councilman deLong moved to take the questions from the table (all three of them). Seoonded by Gouncilmember Woolley and carried 5-0. Repealin~ Requlation of Coin O~er~ted Amusements Mr. Vance read Proposed Ordinance #81-16 by title only. AN 'ORDINANCE OF~qE CITY (I)L~qCLL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING C~APTER 13, "LICENSES", OF ~ CITY CDDE OF BOYNTON BEACH, 1981 CODIFICATION, BY REPEAI./NG SECTIONS 13-52 - 13-59 OF THE CITY CODE WHICH P~OVIDES FOR REGULATION OF COIN OPERATED AMUSEMENTS, PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS. CLAUSE; A REPEAT,TNG CLAUSE: AND EFFECTIVE DATE~ AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. - 8- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 19, 1981 Counciln~n deLongmoved to adopt Ordinance No, 81-16 on first reading only, seconded by Vice-MayorTraluger. No discussion, Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows: Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice-M~yorTrauger - Aye go~acilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Motion carried 5-0 Applioation Procedure and Review by City Mr. Vance noted that this is intended to clean up our lice~nses procedures. It provides an additional method by injunction of enforcing these procedures. Regarding the Handyman's License (Grandfather), it would permit those who presently have a Handyman License to continue in operation; however, if they should ever fail to renew that license in a timely mmmner, they would be for- feited and, over a period of years, woUld probably be phased out. Mr. Vance read Proposed Ordinance #81-17 by title only. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF THE BOYNTON BEACH CITY CODE, 1981 CODIFICATION "LICENSES"; SECTION 13-2 "REGISTRATION REQUIRED; FEE; BASIS OF ONE FISCAL YEAR; PENALTY" AMENDING SECTION 13-3 "APPLICATION FOR LICENSE"; SECTION 13-9~ "SPECIAL PERMITS...TO NON-PROFIT ENTERPRISES" BY PROVIDING FOR AN AFFIDAVIT UPON APPLICATION AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR FALSE AFFIDAVITS; SECTION 13-10 "DECLARATION WHERE FEE DEPENDS ON VARIABLE FACIORS WIRI~qIN APPLICANT' S KNOWLEDGE"; SECTION 13-11 "TRANSFER OF LICENSE; DUPLICATE; FEE, POSTING" BY PROVIDING FOR A CITY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE CLERK; ENACTING SECTION 13-16.1 "EFFECT OF ISSUANCE OF LICENSE", BY DESCRIBING THE LEGAL EFFECT OF THE LICENSE" BY DESCRIBING ~HE ~ EFFECT OF THE ISSUANCE OF A LICENSE; AMENDING SECTION 13-16 "SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF LICENSE"; BY PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR ISSUANCE AND APPEAL PROCEDURE; AMENDING SECTION 13-6, "ENGAGING IN BUSINESS WITHOUT A LICENSE OR UNDER A LICENSE ISSUED UPON FALSE STATEMINTS, PENALTIES; PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE", BY PROVIDING FOR FUR%lqER PSIqALTIES; REPEALING PRES~ SECITON 13-19 AND ENACTING A NEW SECTION 13-19, "METHOD OF ENFORCEMENT; INJUNTION" BY PROVIDING REMEDY FOR INJUNCTIVE ENFORCEMENT; AMENDING SECTION 13-21 "IDENTIFICATION OF VEHICLES USED IN BUSINESS OR OCCUPATION", ENACTING SECTION 13-22 "HANDYMAN AND REPAIR LICENSE"; PROVIDING A REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AI/tHORITY TO CODIFY; AN EFFECITVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Counciln~n deLongmoved that we adopt Ordinance No. 81-17 on first reading only, seconded by Councilmember Woolley. Mayor Harmening expressed his disapproval. He felt that it is an example of red tape. Councilman deLongreportedproblems of inferior work done by handymen passing themselves off as professional plumbers, electricians, etc. Mayor Harmening notedthatwe do have some description and he suggested that we spell it out a little mere. Councilman deLong suggested that it be passed and if there is a problem, amend it. Mayor Harmening felt that the city or state or county or the Federal Government has not been successful in legiSlating efforts to protect people against themselves. Mr. Cheney felt that it is not -9- MINU - REGL!2IR CITY COUNCIL ETINm §O nON MAY 19, 1981 good to have a lot of licenses issued without benefit of any ordinances; the handyman license is just a part of it. Mayor Harmening expressed concern that you have to prove that you have an address which is properly zoned. After thorough discussion, Vice-Mayor Trauger called the question. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows: Vi ce~Mayor ~T~.auger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Councilm~n Wright - Aye Oouncilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Nay Motion carried 4-1. Update and Modification of Classification Mr. Vance noted that we have been using a computer list of occupations that does not match the ordinance of occupations; this ordinance will ma}~e it match. Mr. Vance read Proposed.lOrdinance No. 81-18 by title only. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY .OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, t AMENDING CHAPTER 13 "LICENSES" SECTION 13-22 OF THE BOYNTON BFA( CODE 1981 CODIFICATION, "LICENSE TAX SCHEDULE" BY UPDATING THE SCHEDULE TO INCLUDE ALT, OCCUPATIONS PRESenTLY WIIIqiN THE CITY; FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; PNDVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PBOVIDIB EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING AUIHORITY TO CODIFY; AND FOR O~HER PU~ Councilman deLong moved that we adopt. Ordinance No. only, seconded by Councilman Wright. No discussion, roll call vote as follows: Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Counc~l~ember Woolley - Aye Mayor Hanuening - Aye Vice-Mayor Trauger - Aye Motion carried 5-0. ~ORIDA, H CITY ,UTDATED Y PROVIDING GAN POSES. 81-18 on first reading Mrs. Padgett took a Consider Proposal of "Letter of Intent" - Solid Waste As a follow up to earlier discussion on the matter of Solid ~Waste, Mr. Cheney reconmended that the City Council authorize the execution of a "Letter of Intent", which includes the authorization to expend $31,792.00 by Boynton Beach for a feasibility study. This study is to be funded by four cities: Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, and Boynton Beach. Councilman deLong stated that this figure for Beynton Beach upsets him g~eatly and told how, in 1959, when he served as Mayor in Boca Raton, an effort was made to ' ' with Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, and Ocean Ridge for an incinerator out3~nmnstate Road 441. He estimated the cost for an incinerator at that time would have been somewhere around $250,000. or $300,000. and look at it now - closer to 8 to 10 million dollars. Mr. Vance read Proposed Resolution No. 81-DD by title only. A RESOLUTION OF ~HE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AUKHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A. LE%~fER OF INTENT WITH THE PALM BEACH COUNTY SOLID WASTE ALTIHORITY RECARDING THE. ESTABLISHMENT OF A REGIONAL SOLID WASTE RESOURCE DISCOVERY FACILITY; PROVIDING FOR A FEASIBILIY¥ STUDY IN COORDINATION WITH CERTAIN OTHER MUNICIPALITIES. - 10 - MINUIES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 19, 1981 Co~cilman deLong moved to adopt Resolution No. 81-DD; seconded by Vice-Mayor Trauger. Councilman Wright questioned the availability of f~ds. Vice-Mayor Tr~uger asked if this is the same as Century Village; the answer was yes. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Wright - Aye Co~cilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice-Mayor Trauger - Aye Co~cilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Report on Costs to Improve N.W. 17th Avenue Median Mr. Cheney reported an estimate of $5,000.00-$7,000.00 for sod, allowing some for new pipes and sprinkler heads. He noted that the quality of undergro%md pipes is unknown. Councilman deLong said money is available and he would move to go .in that' direction; however, he expressed concern that children congregating in that area would kick up the sod and. it would r~ down a~c~in. Mrs. Artis was recognized and reported that they have organized a Homeowners Association to work on this type of thing to protect property. Suggestion was made by Mr. Fredericks to take the Ocean Parkway approach' and have natural vegetation (like Wedelia)hand get away from expensive manicured sod. Mayor Harn~ning .suggested that we try a section. Vice-Mayor Trauger moved to do one section as proposed by Mr. Fredericks, with the natural foliage method. Seconded by Councilmember Woolley, motion carried 5-0. Consider Street Sweepinq Proqram Mr. Cheney reported that we have two street sweepers and are using neither of thenu One we would not propose to repair and one that has been broken down for several months and would cost approximately $1500.00 to repair. Mr. Cheney requested consideration for a street cleaning program. Councilman deLong requested that the entire program be put in draft form and presented back to this co%mcil. Vice-Mayor Trauger recommended that we get the present sweeper fixed and proceed to maintain the nmin streets. This was the unanimous consensus of the council. No motion was necessary. Discuss Official Advertisinq The City Clerk directed a menorkudum dated May 15, 1981, to the City Council deliniating problems encountered while advertising in the Sun-Sentinel. At this time, Councilman deLong made a motion to break off relations with Sm-Sentinel and deal with the paper that gave us service in the past. Seconded by Counciln~n Wright~ motion carried 5-0. Report on Buildinq Dedication Plaques In response to an earlier request by Councilman deLong, Mr. Cheney distributed a written price report for the council members to review at this time. Discussion ensued. Mr~ ~DeLong suggested that we go back to the system whereby the contractor would supply the plaque when the building was completed; this was included in the bid. Consideration was given at this time to the buildings recently dedicated without plaques. It was the consensus of the council to put plaques on the new club house, engineering, recreation building, and the Water Department office and garage complex. Mr.. Cheney will talk with the - 11 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY OOUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA developer of the Mausoleum. The council was in agreement. MAY 19, 1981 List of Payments -Month of April, 198] C°~ncitman~deLong m0vedtoplace on file, seconded byVi~e~May©r.Trauger. Vice-Mayor Traugerquestioned the entry "Gametims,-Inc."; answer, recreation equipment. The motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills Mr. Cheney read the following bills for approv-~l: Allen Insurance Ac~ncy Renewal of Public Officials and Enployees Liability Insurance Pay from General Fund- 4,716.67 Pay from Water & Sewer Fund--2,358.33 $ 7,075.00 e Allen Insurance Aqency Endorsement to AutoPolicy additional vehicles to Police Department Pay from General Fun~ .001-193-519-40-41 2,940.00 Allied Universal Corporation 9 tons Chlorine for Water Treatment Pay from Water & Sewer Rev. --401-332-533-30-63 2,013. ~0 e Davis Water & Waste Industries, Inc. For Odophos'Liquid. No. 1 delivered to punping stations Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue Fund ..... 401-352-535-30-65 12,487.44 Harber Chevrolet; Inc. 1 Chevrolet Chevette for Parks Departmant Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-722-572-60-81 State Contract #070-00-81-1 5,718.25 IBM Corporation Rental for Systems 34 for month of May 1981 Pay from various accounts---001-133-513-40-21 001-131-513-40-25 001-196-519-40-25 001-211-521-40-25 3,563.00 349.00 118.00 585.00 4,615.00 Jet Vac Sanitary Services, Inc. 1 Model 810 Vactor on Ford Chassis Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue---401-351-535-60-42 Per bid of 1/13/81 Co~cil approved2/2/81 80,257.88 0 LamarUniforms, Inc. Shirts & Pants for Purchasing Pay from General Fund .... 1,125.85 Pay from Water& Sewer---i,584.00 2,709.85 Lassiterconstruction, Inc. Application #7 For Wilson Municipal Pool Pay from General Fund---001-000-115-87-00 Re-imbursable from Com~ityDevelopment Agreement 15,120.00 - 12 - lVffNUTES - REG~ CITY OOUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACh, FLORIDA 10. Nalco Chemical Co .m~any. Various invoices & credits for Nalco Chemicals Pay from Water & Sewer RevenUe .... 401-332-533-30-65 11. Neptune Mater Company For 25 Water Maters Pay from Water & Sewer Revenue----401-333-533-60-51 12. Orton Construction Co. Est. #1 Final Project: Fill nDvement & clearing Pay from Utility General F~ad---403-000-169-11-00 To be paid from Escrowed F~ds - 1st Bank & Trust 13. Publix Maals for needy and infirmed for April, 1981 Pay from Federal RevenUe Sharing----320-641-564-40-5A 14. Re~ency Dodqe 3 Dodge Pick-ups for Parks Departmant Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing .... 320-722-572-60-83 15. RevenUe Consultants, Inc. 2nd. Payment Request For oonsulting services Pay from Federal R~venue Sbaring--~320-000-247-85-00,~ 16. Rubin Construction Co. 1st. & Final For paving work at N.E. 22nd Ave. City Clubhouse Pay from General Fund---001-721-572-60-22 17. Rubin Construction Co. For 40.55 Tons-Asphalt Cold Mix for Street Dept. Pay from General FUnd---001-411-541-30-4A 18. Earl Wallace Ford, Inc. For 1 Ford Utilimaster Pay from Water & S~wer Rev.---401-333-533-60-83 Per bid of 1/31/81--Council approved 4/7/81 19. Isiah Andrews Driver for Senior Citizens Club 2 wks. Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-641-565-40-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 20. Willie Ruth McGrady Server for Senior Citizens Club 2 wks. Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing---320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance #73-15, passed 5/15/73 21. American Matal Containers For C~rbage Containers Pay from General Fund---001-000-247-93-00 MAY 19, 1981 $ 13,749.28 5,863.00 4,400.00 35.10 17,911.14 1,000.00 6,573.23 1,648.36 11,855.45 110.00 96.00 5,478.00 - 13 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY (DUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 19, 1981 Councilman deLong moved to pay the bills, seoonded'by Vice-Mayor Trauger, carried 5-0. AD3OURNMENT The meeting: adjourned at 10:30 p.m. ATTEST: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA BY M~yor Re~or~ing Secretary (Three Tapes) - 14 - S J ~ R E N T M D N T H C H E C K S o.P. . 4/17/8I 39 zo 34535 152531 PHYSIO-CONTROL . . ~/t?/8I ]33.94 . .34507 156200 PUBLIx MARKET 4/17/81 34.37 34510 e soo JSSELL AXO 4/17/ 3451i . 1B?SJI TIM YAN · 4/17/81 10.00 3&513- 3&51% 100615 SAX ARTS & CRAFTS 4/17/81 17.62 IgO95g OLYVE. E. SCHDDLEY -4/17/81 15.00 i91510 SEACREST PETROLEUM CO. 4/17/81 191523 SEAL TITE PLUMBING CD. 4/17/8I 135.00 192779 SIMON'S U~IFORMS ..~Y (.~.~ ...... 75.00 194303 SND~ CONCRETE CORP. 4/17/81 1,183.00 194513 S]ME'S UNIFORMS 4/I7/81 39.50 ....... 195170 STEVF~'S DRUGS 6/17/81 34515 3~516 34517 34518 ~q451~ 34521 196225 : 34~22 292543 34523 210150' BELLE THDMPSO~ U.S. POSTMASTER ' 4/17/81 15.00 4/17/81 54.00 4/17/81 1,503.00 3-45Z~ 215352 3~525 215393 :: 34526 241600 ~4527 373314 : 34~2B 311218 3~-929 01~073 5~J33 32~385 3~531 324987 134532 026370 UNDERGROUND SUPPLY UNIJaX XEtaX COrPORaTION SJZAN~-"~-"K~S-~ ..... ADCD ADVERTISING SPECIALT AMERICAN SOCIETY' FOR BOCA RATON HISTORICAL SDS. :. SAND~A BRADSHA~ 081605 38545~ 130310 112703 115531 120459 130321 133400 1345~8 34533 030500 CARR '34534 03~598 MELVIN 34535 340305 D.D.T. 34536 04169~ DEPT.D~ VETERAN 34537 046450 J~HN B. OUNKLE 34538 354558 BDNNIE FORLAW ..... 3~539 --35%592 34543 055499 ~ 3a541 ~72700 ~4542 345~5 3&545 34547 3454~ .... 553 4/17/81 4/17/81 4/17/81 4/17/81 4/2!/81 4/21/81 4/21/~1 4/21/91 JAMES E. 5UFF~N .......... ~/21/81 SOIL a SOD ...' ....~/~-~78! -78.50 ..... 1-3-'~-~-~ ............. 222.$3 COLGIN 4/21/81 ~EIGHT FUND 4/21/81 1,414.11 98.10 12.60 52.00 5.00 150.00 I20.00 52.00 254.00 & CO~MJNI ~/21/81 '15.60 4/21/81 1.60 4/21/81 6.00 " LAURA ~OSSELMAN '~'-/'~-~-'~ 19.00 ANTHONY FUSCO - 4/21/81 57.20 NILLIE GIBSON 4/21/91 200.30 TERRY HEMES ~--/~-/~T 990.00-- DEWEY HURLEY '4/21/81 31.20 JACK'S CAMER~ C'~NTER ............... 4'/2I/~1 .......... 2'7'-~ ..... DEBRA KINGSTON ~7~!/81 53.00 ELEAN3R <~SELL 4/21/81 23.94 LANIER BJSINESS PRODUCTS 4/21/8I 52.00 LUCIN]A MACKINLAY 4/21/81 63.00 ~AN~TTA~ T~OPHtES 4/21/81 33.00 MDORE GROUP, INC. 4/21/81 lOO.O0 34552 140436 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION 34553 142590 EDWARD N!SHDLA.~ ...... ' '3~555 150383 PALM B'EACq O~. COLLEGE '4/2t~8'1 -- 459.00 4/21/81 122.90 4/21/81 159.00 --4/2!-~81 101.25 4/21/81 gO0.O0 2 U :t R E N T M D N T H C H E C K S 34556 34557 .---.34558 3~559 34551 CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 15DGI3 PALM BEACH NENSP4PERS 4/21/81 150~4~ ESTELLE PARIS 4/21/8i 152752 PICARD CHEMICAL CD, ..... .4/21/81 1B4Tgg R3RLAND T~UCK EQUIP., [~C ~/21/8~ lg035D SAFETY KLEEN~ORp. ~/21/81 3~55~ l~lTDg SE~ELL H~RON~RE CD., INC. . 4/2I/B1 3~5~5 29~057 S~IT~ ~ HINZ ~/21/81 '3~557 1~72D SOUTHERN PAPER CO. ' 4/21/B1 I95~i5 SJM SENTINEL ~ 4/21/81 __~5~1 2.~2538 THOMPSON-NAYWA'RD ~'~MI.AL ' ~/2i~BI 202600 JEaN THURBER . 215392 LI~IJ~ 4/21/81 758.28 112.50 ....... i08~oo 242.30 333.50 59.20 38.50 78.75 2~.g9 B-~O 907.80 46.34 175.00 95.66 ' 14,36 '.'1731.25 278.55 34575, 230450 EARL ~ALLACE FO~'D, INC. 4/21/81 266,81 3~576 231780 WESTE-~N AUTO STORE -3~577 2323~5 AqLENE WHEAT 4/21/82 5.00 232549 R3Z WILLIAMS 4/21/81 273.00 345~9 232790 EUNICE WILSON ' 4/21/81 704.25 ~' ':~-': ''' 4/21/81 12.20 '-' ~2 5~DI23 DEBRA B~YETTE . 1 65GOD9 M.G.I. ~. :': 4/21/81 14.80 ~2 ~jl"$ ........... ~3HNN¥ L; ROBERT'S'' ' .3~583 710~73" - M iA-ES SISSO 4/21/81 5.60 3~584 340001 CUqTIS HENRY -- ...... -..:_, 34585 -~90029 JgHN ~YLIE '.'"'"."~i"-"~ ~/214/81 .... ' ' '.I45.00 ,586 355598 FKEDERICK"S STEAK HO~SE '4/23/~1 15.90 3~587 094310 IN'TE~NATIONAL INSTITUTE ] 4/24/81 25.00-- ~588 314249 ISIAH ANORE~S 4/24/81 .... 130950 ...... .WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY ': 4/24~81 222823 ~-T-~-~' I~'TERNATIDNAL ...... : - 4/~1 ;4591 D13783 ALLIED CHLORINE & i]::' : 4/24/81 3-~592 Olb300 AOTDPRODUCTS, INC. " ~/2~/81 221223 '~D. ~F CD. COMMISSIOMERS 4/2~/81 94 DZlZD1 55.00 -'-569.00 4,176.00 169.35 2,223.56 BO. OF CO. COMMISSIONERS .................. IDRAL BOWEN ........... IDEAL BgNEN 4/24/81 36.98 36596 024653 T..J.BDWLES ELECTRIC CO. ~/24/81 244,71 597 D2~713 B3YNTON AJTO SUPPLY 4/24/81 512.03 98 02~725 BDYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 4/2G/81 9,167.18 3~599 02~730 BDYNTDN BEACH RETIRE~4ENT 4/24/81 3~631 030299 C~IN FEED g SOPPLY . ' ~/24)81 3~532 332893 CITY DF BDCA RATON, ~ODPE 4/24/81 ~3~$a~ ~161~ DELR~¥ ELECTRIC SUPPLy _ 3,414.34 lll.O0£R 111.00 25.85 49,093.00 ..... 2~.00 ......... 32.1~SR 4/30/81 :ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 13 C g R R E N T M O N T H C H E C K S .................................................. CHECK DATE T OT-~L 34534 34535 ....... x~4505 053g00 EMERGENCY MEDICAL ~ SAFET 4/5~/81 ~'35 ~53900 EMERGENC~ MEOiCAL ~ SACET - 3~07 0528~-b--'--~-~EP'~-~-~-E[i'E~-' 34608 062910 FIRST 8AN~ & TRUST 3~539 373~03 BETTY GARRIGA --~3~51O--OTiE~'~---'--~ENEff~'[-'~OL & M~CHINING ~511 07~500 CiARLES GODFREY ~512 27~5~3 R.L. GRUMMONS PRINTING ~4513 075580 GJLF OIL CORP~ 34514 DB3313 HALSE~ & GRIFFITHt INC. 3~515 380425 HAND'S 3~515 080436 T~OMAS N HARPER SR. ~5!5 AMOUNT 32.18 333133 39~313 . 11~.00 348..o0c~ 4'/24/~1 ....... 34~.0o ........... 4/26/8.1 19,639.62 4/26/81 45.90 4/24/B1 125.00 ~/24/81 45.00 ' ~ - ~/2~/~1 39.5o 4/24/.8"1 ............. 4/24/81 4,~73.70 ~/26/81 134.93 I.B.M. CORPORATION ~/2~/81 I'~TERNATIDNAL INSTITUTE 3 ...... 4/2~/81 309.45 4,615.06 ............ 15~'.-O0 .............. 15.16 13D.90 907.15 127.50 3~5t9 100310 .JACK'S C~MER~ CENTER 34523 1'3~759. JDURNIC'S MAINTENANCE 4/26/81 34521 114500 KDPY ~ING PRINTING CENTER ~/24/81 3~5.22 123413 LAMAR UNIFORMS-- 4/24/81 34523 122835 RDN LINKO~S ......... ~/24/81 3452~ 126500 LDNGVIEW LIME ........... 4/24/81 '~-~34525 132773 MILLER BEARINGS .. ~/2~/81 43.00 g,B95.02 45.77 3~525 1~2859 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIP, .~/2~/81 3( .... 27 13~500 ~ONROE CALCULATOR 4/2~/81 ='--~T-~52B .... 135393 MR. THOMAS MULVEY .~" ~/24/81 34529 .. 135423 MJNICiPAL 'POLICE .................... ~/2~/81 3~532 140435 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTIO~ ............... 4/24/81 3'45-3 ~ !34635 '34535 34538 :3453~ 4~41 54542 --- 3'4 5~-3 3454~ ....... ,,345~5 54646 793.33 79.23 6.00 143453 NATIONAL LINEN SERVISE 141701 NEPTUNE METER CO, . 4/24/81 153454 JIM PATTERSON ' 4/24/81 151323 J.W. PEPPER OF FL]RIDA 4/24/-~1 151495 PEACHTREE PLAZA HOTEL ............... 4/24/81 151723 PETTY-'CASq'~ATER E'-SEWER ............ 4/2~/81 162~3-----~EC-E--T-i~---E~C~T;--,r~· 4/24/81 164700 PORTER PAINT CO. ~/24/81 165203- PJBLIX MARKET ~/2~/81 181590 REGENCY DODGE ~/24/81 1B~515 BOB R]BERTS '-i,2'15'68 ...... 119.90 306.40 2,345.20 19.24 143.72 ................. 6'%T00 ..... T'- ................ 93.75 81,50 7,134.72 ...... 190959 3LYVE E. SCHODLEY 191525 SEARS, RgEBUC~ & CO. ~~------S~-qON'S UNIFORMS 5~547 19~613 SDtIE'S UNIFDRqS ............ ~ 48 19G735 SOUTHERN aUiLDING C'ODE 34649 3~553 195023 STATE OF FLORIOA DEPT. 3~651 196225 FLORENCE. STUBBINS ~4553 210373 JLI-T~E JRBAN LAND lUST.-' 95.00 4/24/9i .............. 4/24/81 15.oo 4/24/81 625.90 47~'4-/-~i 8~.95 4724/SL '23.00 '4/24/81 ..... 93.00 ..... ~-£2~7~'i 1,449.0o-- 4/2~/~1 11.4o 4/~4/8L lS.O0 4/~4/9i 3I.~0 ~7,, r. = LI R R E N T M O N T H C H E C K S CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 34559 34593 ~4592 ~593 ALLSTATE 345~5 015700 ASG~O~ OF ~LORIDA 3459~ 015990 ATLANTIC :DAST FIRE 3~65~ 215350 J~DERGRO~ND S~PPLY 34555 216392 UNIJ~X /~4555 23255? 73~ WILLIAMS 25152~ ZEE ~EDICAL SJPPLIES 610003 H~q'?'-OSTASZEWSKI -- 042905 CA~L DIXON ~5038! PALM BCH. JR. COLLEGE 011~00 ADVANCE AIR CDNDITIONIN~ 313729 ALLEN INSJRANC~ 013782 EOUIP~ENT'~RENTAL 4/24/Bi 4,625.57 4/24/81 407.51 '4/24/81 123. O0 4/2,,/e~ 17.45 ~-7S~-/§-~ 39.55 4/27/8I 1,209.00 ~/2~/~1 25.g0 ~/2~/8I 350.00 ~/28/8i 8,592.00 ~/2fl/O1 51 ~0O- 4/28/81 100.00 4/28/8I 210.32 4/28/81 110.00 3~5~7 320439 THE BAKEq E TAYLOR-CO. '~-"'4595 020440 THE BAKE~ & TAYLOR.CO.- --~599 024500 ~ETTY BORDNI ............ 3~7~1 02%653 ToJoBOWLES ELECTRIC CO. 34T~2 227543 BYqDS ELECTRIC MOTOR ~-~3'" 0302_02 CEQ SOUTHEAST, INC. 4.~28/8I ... . 3T.l~ 4/28/81 453.32 4/28/81 10.00 4/28/81 35.52 4/28/~1 247.21 4/28/81 35.08 4/28/B1 II1.00 3~7D~ 030280 .3~7]$ 2303~3 3~735 03037I 3~797 032482 .,.37-'D8 032553 7--'-~7799 032903 CADILLAC ENGRAVERS ......... 4/29/81 CALD~EL'L'";'PACETTI,BARROW;~ ....... 4~29/81 ~'~~'s-Ro~i~'~ SHE ~/28/81 CHILDCRAFT EDUCATION CORP ~/28/81 THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MaN 4/28/8i 25.58 ............. 3,~oo.oo 777.00 40.19 72.00 CITY OF CORAL GABLES >' 4/28/81 18.00 ...... 3~713 ...... 333629 3~71I 333631 ~'71~-- 034604 ALLEN C. CLAR< ................. ~'7'~828! ................ 27'5';"B5 ................ THOMAS A';"-£LARK ..................... ........ ~'82'8'~ .............. 75.00 CDHME~CIAL HYDRAULICS ~ .=. 4/28/81 337.16 CR~FTS 'N THINGS '~':"' '" 4/28/81 7.00 .., JOE DELONG -.v-: 4/29/81 155.00 34713 335432 3~714' 041581 -~---~4715 --041610 DELRAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 4/28/81 32.18 3471-5 344649 DONDGHdE'S MONEYLETTER .......... 4/2'9/81 34717 050371- PA~L ECKERT ........... 4/28/91 --~'~TI'~ ~=9=Y0 --~'E'~-C-~--~O-~AL & ~ET 4--7~8/81 34719 053901 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE 4/2B/81 34722 0.63700 FLORIDA B~AKE £ 4/28/81 ~3%-7-~'1 3557~-J--' ~L-[-~i'DA PD~ER ~ LIGH~ C2 4/29/81 4722 365593 CHARLES FREDERICK 3A723 o71550 GE~E~L G~C TRUC~ 34724 374435 RJTH GOCH 3~725 075533 R.L. GRUHMONS PRINTING ~-':~3~725 275619 FAE G. JMAER 34727 075623 MARGARET,GUMAER 8 Y 25-6 ............... 200.00 348.00 13.00 596,64 50,04-6.69 ~72'~/~ .................... ~'~.05 ........ 4-72~/'~1 ................ i'3.57 4128/8I 2.25 4/28/S1 7.00 4/29/81 2.25 3~728 080305 ,_,."' K. HALL F.. CO. _ 29 2.80313 HALS~-~' 5 GRIFFITH, .INC. 3'4732 ........ ~i3~4'26 .... H-A;~LEY -I~.V-~osoN- O-F PAL~. 3473~ 08042.8 EDWARD HAR~ENZ NG 34732 384623 HDL'LY ACCJMJL~TDR ~ .-~-,',-,34733 -- 284579 ........ qD.JSE ~'-$~ARDEN J4734 3.~5~0 EDGAR HOWELL 4/28/81 2.25 4/28/9i I79.45 ' "' 4/28/81 912.50 B 4/zB/81 135.zz 4/zs/81 ]75.0o 4/z8/B1 334.30 4/Z~?el 12.Do 4/22/~1 2oD.oo 197 C U ~ R E .~! T M 3 N T H C H E C K 34735 34?35 34737 34738 ?-'739 3~740 34741 101507 DEE Go JEGHERS 4/28/81 I12322 <ANVAS BY KATIN .4/2~/81 111559 BERT 4CE-IR 4/28/91 114600 K]PY KINu PRINTING CENTER 123413 LAMAR UNIFORMS ~/OB/B1 120500 BOB LATHAM ~/28/81 121762 LEXINGTON FEED ~ SUPPLY ~/28/81 200.00 1'71.16 205.00 241.1G 377.00 200.00 77.95 34743 130400 MANHATTAN TROPHIES 34744 ~32565 ~AJ~Y~S T]OL CHEST 3~745 130960 M~RAa - HILL BOOK CO. 3~746 130969 MA~¥ ALICE MCKENNA 347~7 I3IETI MEINE<E DISCOUNT MUFFLERS 4/28/81 71.1o 4/28/91 5oo.oo 4/28/81 2.25' 4/28/81 122.85 34748 132771 ~34749 1~1582 ~753 153355 34751 1'51511 34752 161653 .34753 I51755 34754 16287~ MILLER DODGE ~ .................... ._.A/28/81 VlViAN D. NEBEL 4/2~/81 TEREES~ PADGETT ~/29/B1 CHARLES PERSING ' 4/2~491 PETTY CASH POLICE ' 4/2~/81 32.94 69.00 ................... 5~o6 ............ 89.60 200.00 87.44 PITNEY BONES 4/28/81 49.50 34755 154533 34756 164700 34757 RDBERT POCSIK 4/28/81 · 200~'50 ............. PORTER PAINT CO. 4/29/$1 431.50 t65233 PJBLIX MARKET 4/28/81 31.86 -34758 180497 ....... ~,~359 190967 RANGE~ RIZK NATURE CLUB - 4/28/81 9.50 SCIENCE BI 4/28/81 12.30 152 19151D 33761 196633 62 ........... 20553~ SEACREST PETRDLEU~ CO 4/28/81 · - . 2,539.16 .... ST'ANDARD'"'~'""PO'DR''S CORP. 4/28/81 145"~'5'~ ............. WALTER M. TRAUGER 4/28/81 i55'~'~ ................. 63 233453 EARL 4ALLACE FORD, 3476G - 230451 WALLACE & TIERNAN 34765 230522 EST. 3~ WILLIAM D. 34765 2335~9 WATER DEPARTMENT 34767 231600 THOMAS E. WENGLER 34758 23178D WESTERN AJTD STORE ......... ~769 232531 "~L.ORENCE ~ILLI~-h-~ 34770 232808 EDWIN W. WINCH 34771 234625 J.3.A. WOLF FRESH ........ 34772 234651 ,~-~34773 235495 34774 25~559 inc.....,-472~7%1 1,677o58 . '4/28/81 793.96 WARNER 4/28/81 280.00 34775 34775 34778 3~783 ~478~ ,785 34785 34787 DIST. PATOICIA Lo WOOLLEY ~/29/81 3,917.95 4/28/81 ........ 2922'06 4128/81 --'28;'99 .......... 4/29/81 zoo.oD 4/29/81 5.50 ~--72~-T~ 1'55.oo SAMUEL L. WRIGHT BETTY ZOBEL ..................... ~129181 4/29/81 640064 JAY LI'DEEN 472~/-8i 153381 PAtti BCH. JR. COLLEGE 4/28/81 195023 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. 4/33/81 314243 ISIAH ANDRE~S ........ 4/30/81 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY ' 4/35/8I 01415~" ~M~'~!~A~'-~&-TE~n WORKS AS'SD 4/%D~81 3'1~309 CARMEN AN~UNZIATD 4/39/81 018020 ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK 4/33/81 347~8 t .......... .... ~'34789 32a16~ B.~. ASSOC. F REFI. GHTERS 4/33/B1 155;"00 ............ 53.-00 .......... 125.00 22.50 51.39 55.30 49.00 -- 86.00 175.90 509.00 29.65 624.78 L ~tECK -,,' VENDOR :,ITY DF BOYNTON BEACH RENT MONTH CHECKS VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE ~AGE 16 TOTAL ANOUNT 379.39 817.00 34790 020203 B.I.F, 4/33/91 34791 0204~0 THE BAKER ~ TAYLOR CO. 4/33/81 .... 4792 '_ 22'1533 BEANE FXTER'MINATING SO, - .... ~/30/81 ~/ '93 324851 RD R. BONK~R 4/33/81 '---~'~'bN 025725 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 4/30/8I, 34?95 4/30/81 ~4797 ~/39/8I 404.00 45.30 9,238,48 3~429.30 97.72 I2.00 22~733 BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 325583 BRO - DART, INC. .. .... 030590 ANN CELLA ~4~98 343~88 DAVID. & Cq~RLES~[NS.' ~4799 04~500 DAVI~ METER & SUPPLY 34533 344753 DOUBLEDAY'~ -4/33/81 4/33/81 4/33/8t 22.85 q98.58 7.21 34531 352823 FIREMEN'S-RELIEF ~ 34802 052010 FIRST BANK & TRUST ._34533 253783 4t33/81 4/30/8i 910.23 19,611.15 49.00 69.30 3,953.50 FLgRID~ P3~E~ [ LISHT C3, . 4/3~/81 ~BD~ 063798 FLORIDA TENNIS AS'~'~'~'= ..................... ~/~3/8'~'" 3~80~ ........... 065500 ........ ~K~'OU~ ELECTRIC 4/33/81 34835 065553 ~ATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE-- 4/33/81 ·-348~7 .070400- BETTY GARRIGA ' '">- 4/33/81 34538 374503 CHARLES GODFREY .... . -...-. 4/33/81 34809 075288 DENNIS £. GRA6EEL 4/30/81 45.00 45.00 12.20 3481O 34Bll 34812 3L~i4 '086351. 396428 HJNTE~S RJN CONSTRUCTION 4/30/81 .090108 IG~A ~ETIqEMENT CORP, 4/33/81 I20410 LAMAR UNIFO.RHS ": 4/30/81 120450 LANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS -4/33/81 .3~8!5 122805 RDNALD G. LINKOUS ......... :2 .... ~(Bg/.81 235.30 241.30 265.35 157.23 13.00 .......... 3~9i~ ................. ¥33194 .... MD~" PJBLISATIONS i .... ~'~'917 ......... i33403 ..... M'~'~q~T~A~'--'T'ROP~iES ..... 4/33f5i ...... 34819 133937 A~ABELLA MCDERMOTT .... . ~-~:,-.... '34823 133954 HCFARLAND & Co.,iNC. '"' 34821 136420 MUNICIPAL POLICE 34922 ........... I~0~44G -' NATIONAL LIBRARY RESOURCE 34823 i4I?OI' ' NEPTUNE METER CO. .................... 9!30 / 8 ....................... ................. 221,22 -4/30/81 4130/81 q/30/81 4/33/8! 4/30/81 ..... 55.00 -' -'.,--:' ' 12o00 : 15.95 1,225.45 58.31 608,48 34825 '34826 ~BZB 34829 ---'--3-4-83'~ 34831 -~-=~ 4832 ~4~34 3 35 34837 3~838 180490 SHARON RANDOLPH .... .~'' .. : . .... _ 41301~o. - -- 45.55 180500 EVA RAYMOND -. 4/30/91 '.7':-:; 45.00 192779 SIMON'S JNIFORMS .... ] ..................... 4/33/81 194301 SNgNDEN'S UPHOLSTEKY & F~ ........ 1947'33 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 196225 FL]REN£E ST~BB[NS 2-1-5-3~3 JND~-~G-~'~-~'--S~P~Ly 215410 UNITED WAY OF PALM BCH. -- 215423 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ORE ' 241600 XEROX CO~PORATZON 490033 PAUL VALERID JR. · 41~7~£'- 23.00 4i3~1Sl- 4~'24~.30 4/30181 15.00 ~---~3/8i 987.90 4133181 585;92 - 4133/81 .... 1-4~00' 4/33/81 73o00 4/33/81 382.08 4/33/81 24.29 .~S4O 73097~ RIDSE~OOD BOlLOERS 4/33/8i 25.70 · 1,372,659.33 -4/30/Bt .CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH '? C UR R E N T M O N T H C H X.' A~MINISTRATTVE C K $ E. CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 99 5&0004 ROBERT BOOKER 125 640001 LIN ~&R CSNSTRUCTION ~69 710009 RICHARD A. SOTHEN ~._ ¢S 600010 G,~ENOOLYN HAYES 121554 LEg~ COUNTY BLDG. SUPPLY 2536 2649 4298 5235 6018 9378 lOIEt 3t~1 10210 ,11273 i12BB 11313 371573 590010 590013 5BUOl7 290007 740002 550009 JDBEAR, INC. GENERAL TOOL.&.MACHINING ~AYMOND GRANT SEgRGE A. FERGUSON RAYMOND CAST&NEDA SEMONE VEINBERG RDDNEY CARTER ~50008 WILLIA~ . ~HELL 650o09 M. ~. J. C. 71000Z MRS. IVA SCHMELTZ 680010 CHARLES L. PORTER ~5~01~ JOLIAN WHITE 590015 JAMES GRAY 3~0024 EJGENE HDRTDN 12853 ~3073 10/ti/77 7.50CR 10/11t77 11115/77 12/15/77 1/05178 1112/78 3/21/78 4/14/78 4/1~/78 5/19/78 9/22/78 10/23/78 10/20/78 2.60CR 2.50CR 4.70CR IO3.OOCR ~O0.OOCR 12.50CR 8.50CR ll.llCR 5.5OCR -- ~-5T~ 5~ R IC.20CR 4-7OCR z 5.8-0-C R ................... 1'2-;'~ 0 C"N ........ 10/28/78 .................. 2,505R .1.~OCR ............. I',~'OCR ............. .......................................................... o00 11/22/78 11/22/78 11/22/7'~ ................. 1/i9/79 1/23/79 530013 CATHY ADAMS -- ~'-. 2/21/79 680025 KAREN PEIRCE ']:.,.~..,2/21/79 650013 RICHMDND NELSON · ':.':' . 3/16/79 1.40£R ,1.2OCR 30.OOCR 15122 ~5113' 16'738 16737 16747 '1'8507 10302 ..~233 '2u2!O 570335 710045 5503~3 JDSEPq OLENIK ~- 4/i7/79 BOB SE~PELL ...................................... ~717/79 'JAME~'"'COLE ................................................... ~'/12~79 ..,:--";":' 6/12/79 '-":- - 7/29/79 71~-£7 9 8/17/79 ................9/i~/79 .~,.!'~"- I-0-/2~-/7~ · 10/23/79 10/23/79 550068 MARJORIE MILLER ..... 680039 TERRY A. PEARSON ~ 650081 ARDEN MILLER 710059 SAIL 560044 ROBERT A. DAVIS 520021 MERRITT"JACOBSEN ...... 550119 AGNES MC FAUL 680063' TED PENNINSTON 15.DO£R ......................... ~ ~- 7'0'C-~' ........ 1.4OCR 8.0OCR 5.40CR .......... 2 -*-7 'O'C-R-: ........ .................. ~.-;-7-0-£-R ?.50CR 6.60CR 19,I0£R ................... i";'OOC'R 39.856R 12.2OCR ................. 3';"1'o C'R ........ f;-"~ os R-' 171 550064 ,~I CHAEL 938RANSKY 11-1'7 2-77-7'~' _1194 5900~5 EFRAIN GARCIA ....... 11/27/'79 21220 ' ' 680072 JAMES POTTER ........................ 11/27/79 710119 EDWIN STE[.K 11-/~2~77 79 21243 750071 WAllIN ROOFIDIG 11/27/79 ~'~ 1979 5401~7 MARIA BUSTILLOS 12/21/79 ~1989 553069 JA~ES 2'~ "02 620033 NI.H~LA5¢ R JACOBSON .......... 12/21/39 ........ ~2~.~.5 710126 JESS L. SPINKS 12/21'/79 223G5 710127 SOE STONE 12/21/79 2315~ 540065 JDA~ LAMBERT - 2/ZZ/80 15.~OCR ~26885 570015 GARLAND ORR 6/Z0/80 7.ZOCR 2q352 710182 GEORGE SIKORA, JR. 8/12/80 8.OOCR 4/3-3/91 %ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH =. IJ R R E N T M O N T H C H E C K NECK "' VENDOR-'J~ ~Eq.SbR NAUE CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 29196 530063 ANN MARIE MOTEL 30343 500004 ELEASE HIGHTO~ER .... ~1~51 563317 PIERRE DUMESMIN ,~ 82 072679 HENRY E. GIBSON? SEC,' TRE 33939 2Booa4 WILLIE BAGLEY 3390.9 020405 CONSTANCE BAISH 33911 025489 OBE BJTLER ..._ 33~!2 333501 RENA :ARRIER 339!~ 222794 JDH~ ~ICKI 33~15 38~660 MJRIEL HOLZMAN. . 33919 380006 GA~'TCHEN LUBY .33921 190945 JOHN SCHNEIDER ..:33~22 190940 MARY E. SCHORA .I2/lg/80 1/I5/81 16.40 7.503R 2. O~R 12.gOCR 3/13/81 4/01/81 4/01/81 4131181 ~/01/81 4131/81 ~/01/81 15.0OCR 489.21 53.79 108,59 227,58 63.23 397,99 ~71.98 164.46 4/31/81 4/01/81 88.75 88.56 418,72 4/31/81 4/01/81 4/31181 91.28 133.20 253,66 -: ~923 192592 ADA SHOOK 3.3924 232515 LEE THOMAS 339'25 ........ 2~2553 JAMES C. THOMPSON "-~ ~'~ ' --~ ~-~ ~-2-- ..... ~'~'~"-g A L L A C E ~?~Z7 4w0018 M% ARTHUR WATERS 3>V~8- 231580 W.T. ~ELCH 4/01/81 4/31/81 4/01/81 4/01/81 795.91 71.19 168,90 ~64.71 82.65 3~929 255900 MILDRED A. ZWART 33930 ....... 106~50 GEORGE JUNNIER 33931 194693 THEDDDRE SORG 33932 196361 MRS. FLORENCE SULLIVAN 33933 081650 HAROLD HERRING - . ..,:.?... 3393~ 12~590 NORMAN LOLATTE 4/31181 4/01/81 4/31181 4131/81 77.13 954.33 303,60 194.10 4/01/81 ~/31/81 30.'34 42.46 33936' ;3937 34044 34091 194290 KEN SNOW 235300 JDH~ Mo TUITE 222794 JOHN vICKI ~-95 .... C:-3RTIS E. WRIGHT-- 1~4513 JOHN JOHNSTON 0~2901 CITY OF BDYNTON £~6----0~ ~T~-T~----O~ FLORIDA 450913 ALLEN SMITH 390015 GEORGE MACNEILL BEACH '~Dg~ ......... a3~65% .... CEEH~'-OO-i-VERSITY 34393 314243 ISIAH ANDRE~S '"~'~'-34094 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY- DEPTo 4/31/81 4/01/81 4/31/B1 4/01/81 4/31/81 3/31/81 4101/'81 3/3t/B1 4/33/81 4102/81 4/g3/B1 4/03/B1 4/33/9I 225.41 91.50 1,395.04 481.64 43.31 53.25 561.75 192.21 15,00 55.30 48.00 198.00 ?'~'996 020205 3~097 020443 34398 .... 021545 3~099 021619 ~3 IOO 324653 ~' 3~131 32472~-- 3~102 32~730 B,D.A.F.:ERTIFI£ATIO~ BOA 4/33/8I BALL MAC~I',IES 4/03/8i CHARLOTTE BED~INE~ ............ 4-/3~/91 BELNIN MILLS PUBLISHING 4/03/81 T.J.BDWLES ELECTRIC CO. 4/03/81 BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT ~/03/~1 25.30 56.00 4.50 23.31 470.75 ~,355.18 3,412.04 U ~ =ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH R E N T M g N T H C H E C K S VENDOR fJ VENDOR NAME 34_133 34194 030317 ~' ~ 35 .332403 3~107 033538 34t38 3~3395 ~34t08 0~0395 CHARLES CAHPBELL CHASE MANHATTAN BANK C I T Y ~_..~P~N~_.~ EA~ H D~.CATHLEEN M.CLARKE DALE'S PAINT E BODY SHgP DALE~S PAINT & BODY SHOP 0~270g BETTY DIE~ICK 047599 DORIS', D~YER 050300 EAST COAST FIRE EQUIP. D$282~ 062910 06~592 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & FIRST BAN~ & TRUST LAURA FQ~SELM_AN__., 35~731 E. LESLIE FOX PAGE 3 CHEC-~ DATE, TOT~-L AMOUNT SUN ~/03/81 4/33/81 ~/03/8l ~/03/81 ~/o3/81 3~1~9- 34110 3~1!1 34112 34113 3411~ ,~115 1!7 070350 BJD FJRLgNG GAINESVILLE 32.98 54.00 25.00 91.44 300.00 42~o36C~ 429.36 25.00 18.30 3,274.94 900.36 19,532.12 15.00 375.00 ~/33/81 ~/03/81 ~/33/B1 ~/33/81 ~/33/81 ~/`33/51 ~o~.65 34119 3~!2`3 070391 070~00' 3.7~500 MDLLY GARFiNKLE BETTY GARRIGA CHARLES'GODFREY ':.. ~/03/Bi ~.50 ' :~/03/81 ~5.00 -"-."- 4/03/~1 ~5.00 34121 3~122 3~123 075288 075~5 DENNIS C. GRABEEL MARY C. GRAY HARDRIVES~ INC. ~/33/8I 2~.20 ~/03/81 ......... 4:'~6 ~/33/81 729.~0 3~[2~ 386351 ND&H HUDDLESTDN 3/~25 090101 I.B.M CORPORATION 125 -090103 ICMA RETIREMENT CORP, 27 09~3~2 I~TE~NATIDNAL POLI, SE DaGS 3~'~2~ ...... ' ....... i323'1g .......jACK'S CAMERA'C-E'NTER 129 ............ ll~SOO '~PY 'k'iNG PR'INTI~"'~ CENTER '~/33/81 323.30 ~/03/81 760,50 -~/33/81 193.36 -' ~/03/81 50.00 3~133 ". IZDGSO LANIEA BJSINESS PRODUCTS 3~131 1217~2 LEXINGTON FEED &.SUPPLY 3~132 122880 MILLIE..LtPTON ' -"~33 1309~0 MCCAIN SALES 4/03/8Z 127.36 ~/33f81 13.50 ~-76~/~i 945.25 ...... 39,50 .............. ..... 58;~£ .... I~155.95 ~o50 194.25 1DoOOCR' 34134 3~135 3~137 34138 13DgSg MSGRAN-HILL BOOK CO. ~/33/81 131755 MIAMI ELEVATOR gO. ~/03/81 13-2'7'D~-----F~i~I---H~'L-D :..., -~/0-3--/'-81 136420 MJNICIPAL POLICE ~/D3/81 153599 JDSETTE OLAF 4/03/81 181688 RESCUE SEqVICES,INC"~ .... . .............~/~3/8i 186320 RJ-D!~ PRINTING-= .......................... 4/03/81 '3~1~3 193990 S~I!TTY'S SERVICE SHOP ~/03/81 .......... 3~1~ 195020 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. ~/D3/81 -3~14~ 195023 ST~TF OF FLO IDA DEPT '"~5 195225 FLORENCE STUBBINS '' ~/03/81 3~1~5 I95~15 SJN SENTINEL ~/03/81 i 34I~7 195505 CH~LDTTE SUZZI 3414~ 215393 U~IJAX ~/03/81 '3~I~9 233433 CHARLES ~ALDNERt'M.D. 4/D3/81 ..... '34153 25152~ .... ~EE '~bICAL'S'ub~'[~ .................... -, 3~151 ~70001 PAUL. VALE~O ~/3~/~Z 1D.OO 15.00 1Z.53 25.30 132.00 61o39 109o00 4/33/81 ~.ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CURRENT M D N T H CH .,. VE~IDOR ~ VENDOR. NA~E ECKS CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOLINT 34152 010152 A. BELTRAN'TYPENRITER EO. 4/o?/81' 34153 311433 ADVA~CE AiR CONDITIONING 4/27/8! ~i'54 -'-~Ii403 '-'~'VAN~ED FABRIC'~T'Off'~ 4/~28111~ ..... ~ 55 315300 AJT3PRODUCTS, INC. 4/07/81 --'~'~55 023173 B.B. AUTO PARTS, INC. 4/37/81 2~.00 57.90 75. I5 268.23 185.55 286.~2 95,00 353.30 3~157 02~553 T.J.BDWLES ELECTRIC CO. 4/07/B~ 34158 324773 BDYNTON MEDI.CAL OXYGEN 4/37/81 3415~ 027640 BY,DS ELECT~I~ MOTOR 4/D?/81 ~4163 330576 CAUSE~AY,IN~ .......... 4/07/81 ~iCi ~3¥55.3 CEqTtFIED LA~ORATORIES .... ~/07/9i ~.152 03~60~ COMMErCIaL HYDRAULICS 3~i53 035395 CRaME~ PRODUCTS,INC. 4/07/81 __3415~ 3~0.395 DALE'S PAINT t BODY SHOP ' 0~t610 DELRAY EtECTRIC SUPPLY ...... ~__/07/81 ~6 OGg~50 JOHN B. OUNKtE __~-~7 050300 EAST COAST FIRE EQOIP. 30.00 257.00 127.59 20.00 301.37 271.87 68.00 3~t59 ~173 3~t71 3~172 050310 353715 054500 071550 080310 084620 75 100310 ,75 126333 77 133233 13~.g0 EASY PAY TIRE STORE. ,"-77--'74-~/.81. 1,.514.19 FLORIDA DIESEL TRUCK & IN ~/07/81 49.16 FDU~ STEEL CORPORATION' : ~/37/8~ 2~.95 ' 'GENERAL G~C TRUCK ~/~ 298.~2 HOLLY ACCd~ULAT~R E . '..::,]'~ 4/~7/8I 122.20 JACK'.S C~MERA CENTER ~/07/81 47.2~ MR. 5TEVEN LUNSFORD 4/07/81 M.T.A. E~JIPMENT CORP. : 4/07/81 1~1.72 79 152750 82 191103 191103 235353 215350 PlCARD CHEMICAL CD. ~/07/81 ...................... 283'~'~'~ ........ 'SZOTTY'S - ...:: SCOTT '6. SONS S'DMPANY ' ~/07/81 973.00 URFMASTE~, IN~ · '"' ~/97/81 ' I ~ 500. O0 :" ~NDERGROUND SUPPLY ~/27/81 859.50 , B 5 L87 2304~8 __ EARL WALLACE MOTORS, INC~ ........ ~/07/81 233451 WALLACE E TIERNAN .................... 4/0718~ 232489 H~RB ~ILLARO TRU~'G 241600 XEROX CORPORATION --' /07/8 ~26725 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED : : ~/27/8I 290034 .... ANTOINETTE 35'0003 218.00 473.39 499.50 125.45 314240 130950 T~ORLEY JOHNSON 4113/81 ........ WILLIAM HILLIARD 4/i0/81 I29.4~ ISIAH ANDREWS ~/13/81 55.00 WILLIE R~TH .CGRADY 4/I0/8i ~8.00 D11353 AD'~INISTRATIVE CHARGES 013720 ALLEN tNSORAN=E AGENCY :9~ ....... ~-D~5-~O'---A-YLANTi-~-~OX~T FIRE CO. 99 015020 ATLANTIC N4TIONAL BANK 016300 AJ~OP~ODUSTS, INC. !'31 ....... 5~J'~Y3 ..... B.B'~--'~OTS'-~TS, INC, '02 OZOl?I ~5~ GENERAL CONTRASTORS,I q/13/81 25,5~1.57 4/12:/81 6,9~8.00 4/1~/81 33.25 4/13/B1 122,~9~.87 4/10/81 2R.7~ 4/1~/81 13.62 4/1D/B1 ~ U R R E N T M D N T H C H loCK" ' --"',,, .......... V.NDOR~ .......,.ii ............................ VENDOR NAME 3~'20'3__020505 BAYFRDNT ~'ONCOURSb" E C K S CHECK 4110/81 D~TE TOTAL 4/10/8L AMOUNT 10,025,00 50.80 21,551.41 021581 ARTHU~ BERMAN =' 4/13/81 023800 BLJE C~OSS OF PLORIDA ' ~6~53 ........ ~'~nD~-'~[E~T~-~"CO~ ............. z__.z ....... ~/to/sz 35.00 0~$95 B3YL~ CO~STRU:TION 024710 BDYNTON ~JTO SUPPLY ~/i0/81 862,93 0247Z5 BDYNTON EITY FEDERAL CREg 4/19/81 9,211.I8 D2~?26 BDYNTON B~A£H VOLUNTEER 4/10/81 359.50 ~73D BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT ~/19/81 BDY~TO~ GJN ~ LOCK, INC. 4/1D/81 BDYNTON PUHP & SUPPLY 4/10/81 ~RANDENBEqG'S AMOCO 4/ID/81 5 ~-~3254~2 7~8.95 79.77 256.50 BYRDS ELECTRI8 MOTdR ............ ~ i/19/81 ........... - 4/19/~t ~/10/81 -.'". 4/10/81 34219 ~4223 3 Zz1 3~222 34225 ~113181 35.95 ~-7.40 300.00 09029Q _ CAIN FEED ~ SUPPLY'' ----~ -~-- .~- -~ ..... ;- ~ ................................ 03~Bu CALDNmLL,P&CETTI,BARROW 0~.65b CENTURY POOL SERVi:~S 3 141~ CHEMICAL CONCEPTS i6'38 D~.CATHLEEN ~.CLARKE 23~604 CDMMEqCI~L HYDRAULICS E 4/I0/8i 33~315 BILL CURRIE FORD INC. ~/19/81 0~'~05 DAVIS WATER ~ WASTE iND9S 4/10/8i · 75.30 26,5~3.00 3,928.00 v+.zz.9 1 4z33. 3405?5 DA¥-TINERS .'_ 6/19/81 24155~,, K.ATqLEEN DENEEN ' ~/10/81 046459-""-' JJ~-~. DJNKLE 4/13/81 0555~9 EtNST ~ WqINNEY ~/~'/8~ .3'SZSZO ~REMEN'S RELIEF & ,.:.>::C.{i~4./10/81 -052919- FIRST BANq.~ TRUST, - ..~,.,-- 4/1~/81 065500 FRANKqOUSE ELECTRIS ~/10/81 07'0~'~ BETTY GAR~IGA 4/I~/81 26.94 1.15 1.20 ~05.30 5,80g.00 ,- .. , BT~.q-5 .... ;,,: '-'. ~9~093.Z0 ~7.20 45.00 07~401 GARVIN'S SIGHTS & SOoNDS ......... ~34Z38 34239 07~500 'Cq'~LE'S'GDDFRE'Y ..................... ~'7i'b781 4241 :' ,4~42 0756~1 ..... 3¢24~ 080394 3~2~5 381652 0754'50 $~AYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 2755S0 R.L. GRUMmDNS PRINTING ~5'73-5'83 .... -G-D--CF -- 3 'I~ --=-O'R- i~. 075610 GJLFSTREAM LUMBER ~' TOM GUSTAFSON PAINT MFG. ' HARBEq CHEVROLET HES T ' . ~ANSPORT, INC I~TE~NATIDNAL ~SS9~. OF E J3BE~R, INC. " ELEANDR KRUSELL LASS!TE~ SONSTRUET~ON KEVIN CLEMENT LLDYDS O~ BOYNTON BEACH 34249 115601 34253 120491 34251 123553 ,'.34252 ...... ~'-~h~zs3 lZz~t~ ~/ID/81 4/10/81 ~-T1-97-8-i 4113/81 4/12/81 4/19/51 4/13781 ~/19/81 4/13/81 4/13/81 45.00 '- .-:." 19.70 23.38 20.3.95 &88.66 ......... 152.80 ............ 5,718.25 ~5~.50 9g. O0 ~Og.90 15.00 31,809.60 8.25 &25.90 4 ~./-~J/~i . ' Jify ')7.- - C U R R E N T OF BOYNTON Bc_A~H''~- ' ' ..... ~PAGE M D N.T H C: H.E C K S 'CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 34254 124503 LDNGVIER LIME 4/10/8I 4/lP/81 11,467,73 543.20 %z, 255 133400 ~.ANq~ T TAN TROPHIES z'~57 t 35z*ZO MJNICIPAL POLICE - --~-~B 15131~ ODOR ....... ~-~ONTROL= ............. SYSTEMS 3&259 153800 OLYMPIA SPORT SHOP, 3aZ53 150355 PA I.~T CENTER 4ti3/91 4/10/8t ~/10/8~ 4/13/81 57.00 116.35 ~.25 507.82 3a252 160383 PALM BEAC~ JR. COLLEGE 4/13/81 ½~253 150437 PAL~ BEAC~ HYDRAULIC JAC<-': ..... 4/10/81 &~ZE~ 160419 PALM BEACH NE~SP~-PE--~-~" ~/19/81 3a255 1604~4 ESTELLE PARIS -" ~/10/81 5 151651 PERSONNEL ASSOC. OF PALM 4/19/81 162899 oIZZA VILLA - 80YNTOM 4/10/8~ 15520 -195533 ~JSSELL ~ AXON " _: '. ~/1D/81 190181 SCR~TD BOARD -" 19~-~?-~.~ETY ~JIPMENT CD. O~ F 4/~81 190959 191515 21.80 11.20 2;).50 ID.DO 3~27~ PJBLIx HARKET ............................ ~/i~/81 ......................... 4.7...~:28 ....... 57 45.30' 57.077.76 25,~02.92 25,903.00 1,422.00 15.00 268.77 SAX ARTS '~---C'RA~TS ................................... ~/10/8i DEYVE E~'"i~'HOOLEY ................................ 4'I19181-' SEACREST PHARMACY -..-:: ~/13/81 191520 SEACREST VETERINARY ~/13/81 613.95 191630 'SERVICE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 4/13/81 7.889.00 191531 J3HN SERRENTINO ............. 191700 SEWELL HARD,ARE CD., INC. .... 4/19/81 95.92 191705 SE'YFARTH,SHAW, FAiRWEATHER 4/10/8i ......................~','6~g,i0 ......... -'.:.- 19ZA~P RI~' ~HARD L.SHE?ARD C ASSOC 4/13/8i -1,098.00 192779 SIMON'S UNIFORMS '"'""t.,~ : 4/10/81 ' 3~o00 19~990 SMITT¥'S SERVICE SHOP ~/10/81 41.90 19~5~3 SDJTH TECHNICAL CENTER ~/19/81 25.D0 19~69v S. CENT. NASTEWATER TREAT ~/10/91 19~728 SDJTHEAST UNDERGR3UND ~0~ "' ~/10/81 19--~i0 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT~ OF '4/13/81 196015 S~'ATE OF FLORIDA ..... ;-':'-: .4/19/81 195225. FLORENCE STUBBINS ' '- 4/10/81 84 ~287 4292 42P5 4295 37,848.00 65,77~.3~ 1~9o25 152.72 15.00 [~-6--~-i-S----'~"SENTI~E'L ~-7i3/81 73.88 290381 TALLA~ASSEE DE~OC~A'T" 4/19/81 .... ~5~" __2DD~6D TAULMA. N SALES CO. ' ....... 4/i3/81 ...... 207.90 194593 SDJTH TECHNICAL CENTER 205410 TRAIL FORD TRACTOR CO. 215~15 U~IVERSAb BEACH SERVICE 4/10/81 311.00 221493 VANGUARD CRA=TS,INC. 4/10/91 i~3.25 .... 230448 EARL NALLACE HOTORS, INC. 4/10/81 65~.00 231773 ~EST PALM BCH AUDITORIUM ~/10/81 32.00CR 281770 ~EST PAL¥ BCH AUDITORIUM ~/10/81 32.00 23255D TOM WILLIAMS 4/13/81 W/lO/8~ ?~.75 4113181 25.00 4113181 753.00 4/~D1'81 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DACE J'~35 251531 XER3X CORPORATION '3~35 450045 KAREN L. SOV~' 3430? 470003 PETER VERSEN 3~33B 533915 ALFRED ALLEN '34399 540059 ANNA A. BAILEY 3~'J-~'D-'~ ........ 5400~ .... 3~AI~-3 BASCIETTD 3~3~1 5~3953 I~¢IL'NG S. BASS 3~312 5400~! LJ~Y BERGMAN 3-~'~i~ .......... 54;9'§~'-- .... C K S ~/12/81 4/13/81 4/10/81 3431~ 5~0'053 BDYNTON PLAZA " .~/i3/81 315- 54006~ 93NNA JO BROWN ......... '. 4/10/81 15 5~3355 KENT BROWN ..................................................... ~ .4/13/81 34317 5%0955 E. W. BURTON ~13/81 34318 54.0067 JRHN BUTLER ........................ 4/10/81 ,343~ 55000~ CASTLE BLDRS~ INC. .<.:-:~-h.4/10/81 553339 CARTIER CONSTRUCTION CD. . ""'' 4/19/81 550039 ETHEL t. CLARK AMOUNT 3~323 550040 qDBE-~T C33K 3~324 5530~1 JOHN :RUTSHFIELD ............. 25 _3_~_3 Z ? 77.7.4 550042 JACK CULBERTSON ..... '-'.'~ -: 550044 RDMDNA COLON ..... 553398 £RANBROOK LAKE ESTATES . 1,348.73 137.30 52.34 137.77 5,00 22.20 6,50 57.'20 6.50 4,70 24.95 4~ 50 5.70 ................. 2'~'. ~6 .......... .................. i~',26 ........ .-! .-:: 2.50 :.:!': -- :71.01 " '::40.58 4/13/81 4.70 4/i o/e i ........................ 1'~b- ............. 4/1318~ ............ 4/10/81 26.30 4/10/81 ... .60.00 3~328 550026 D.RE~.~L .P~3P. INC > 4/10/81 553338 RIC~ J DSREY 4/10/81 560039 EDWARD DAVIS 4/13/81 56.50 B.53 14.50 5S0040 PHYLISS So DAVIS 3~332 55334! ~INIF~ED DE JARNETT LD~3.~3_ ...... ~O~ ...... SE.~E~D~ MELLO 550943 GRA~E DIE~L 550359 JA~ES DODGE SR. 570012 LA VONNE ELLIS 570033 L'INDA EVE 580022 F. L. KING CONSTRUCTION 580023 NICHOLAS FALGIANO 5B3324 ~ATTIE FARRION 580025 ELIZABETH FOSTER 4/10/8.1 4/13181 4/10/81 "4/13181 4/13/81 4/10/B1 4/~3~8i 4/13/81 4.70 1.90 3.20 -'. -- 22.00 26.50 15.00 9.90 4~,90 45 7 49 53 580025 KI~K Eo FREIDEAND 593034 ~-~ GANGLER 5~0035 GILBERT SJST~VE 590035 ROBERT B, GDD~IN 590102 RICHARD SRAHAM 500004 ELEASE HIGHTOWER 533927 KEVIN HA~LEY 5OO02B ROBERT C. HENLEY DO00Z9 HERB'S TEXACO STATION 533035 HENRY .HOYMAN 5D005~ OA~YL HAuBY 630091 HJNTERS RUN 4110/91 - :,.- .... .. . 4/13181 4113/81 ~/8t .............. ?i13/8i 4/13/91 4/13/81 4/13/81 4/13/91 4/I9/~1 46.50 27.20 27.20 12.20 7.50 30.00 22.20 9.85 9.90 11.50 ~14.5p ...... . q/3O/gL SITY OF BOyNTON BEACH PAG~ 8 C LI :~ R E N T M D N T H C H E C K S CHEC< DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 34354 530018 WILLIAM KEMENT 34~55 533319 MARVIN KLEPPS 34356 530020 HANS KRUSE 3 -~57 540020 SAt LASPISA ---~-'~358 5~332I JAY L30S ~/19/81 30.00 ~/ID/~I 27.20 ~./1~/~1 .... 13.~o 4/~o/81 34359 5~0053 MIEHAEL J. LIBURDI 4/13/81 15.00 3~3~3 54008l ANTONY LA¥INO 4/10/81 33o10 ~4351 553353 MARI~ F. ~ARCH ....................... ~/13/81 15.30 3~352 65035~ ALEX MATTFELD 6/19/8i ......... 11.50 3435'3 ......... 55~355 ...... ~ILL~M MEYERS ................................. '~-.35~ 65~55 JOHN I. HILLER ~/13/81 12.20 343~5 650057 WAYNE A. MILLER '" 4/10/81 g.90 34355 550058 JOHN MOFFETT ~/10/8i 2.35 3~357 34358 3~359 3~370 650059 ~. THOMAS MOLLOY .............. t. 4/10/81 .......... 35.53 650060 JOHN ~. MORR[SSEY ............ ~./13/81 12.20 5.53351 ' HE~BE~T MC CLINTOC< 4/10/81 ~5.25 550052 THOMAS MC CLOSKEY .'4/1~/81 9.20 55235~ ' THERESA S. MC GUIRE ....:-=.~'.~.:,, . 4/13/8I 7.80 55008l~ A~DEN MILLEK ""::.''..~. ~/13/81 5.~0 34373 650153 ~ARINER VILLAGE OF B.B. G/lO/81 3~37~ 55032~ NORENE""CDNSTRUCTIO~ ............... --:-~'-~'l'~/B1 ...... ' --~ ............................................................. 570015 OAKW03D LAKES ....... 68003~ CHARLES PARIANO " .... ~/10/81 S~3335 HOgAn2 PARRACINO ,. -_-': . ~/~g/8I SBOO37 R3LAND PAQUETTE ·,'. ' ' ~/[0/8! ~I.80 8.20 25.50 27.20 27.20 9.00 5~3338 A~THUR PEIN :-' 4/13/81 5800~0 JOHN POMEROY - ~/13/81 680041 PAUL E'. PROVOST ............... : ..... 4/10/81 ~B2 5903~2.- NORMAN A. PALSA ."..~'.'.:::.-T. ~',,.~-.'.:'~/i3/8i " .... 38~ 5~005~ TED PENNINGTON i'i":,:-, .... 38~ 7000~5 C. ~.. ROWLAND '-"' - A/19/8I 15.50 29.~0 5.50 ...... 30.00 '5.50 zo.0o B5 733953 RDSERS & FORD CONSTRUCT. 4/i3/81 385 ......... 70007~ 3'86 700~-- ~D~ENOOD BUILDERS 4/10/81 ?3DO9~--~'-qT~DES CONSTRUCTION INC. ."".. ~/I-~-781 88 710053 ROMIE SCHNEIDER .:.;-. .... .- -:' ~/1D/81 B~ '71335~ WILLIA~ SHULMAN .... 4/13/81 391 710065 FLORENCE SULLIVAN ................... ~/10/81 8~.00 27.50CR 27.~0 539.25 12.20 30.00 22.20 8.90 392 713357 RICHARD SAY,ELL "' 4/13/81 39-3 ?10'¥55 72002~ STANLEY TOMS ~/10/81 3~5 720~25~ TqDMAS E. TILLEY ~/13/81 3~397 753325 EVA WALKER ........... 4/13/8t 23:70 81.50 3.40 4.70 ~.70 398 399 431 ~'~z 433 750025 MAR~' ANNE WHEATLEY ................... ...... YS'O'O 2 ? ....... R'I L L~i-H'=G~'--~'I'[-S~ N- 47i'o / 8 i-- ?5ODZB E.G. WINSLETT 4/iDIB1 75002g HE~BE~T' WELLS ~/13/81 70~OOg CITY DF B3YNTON BEACH 4/19/81 ..... 3': 3'o ......... -:-' 13.10 20.80 63.00 39.85 2,I44.06 41~0t8~ .~7.- ~ ' S ~ R R E N T -~ECK ,,. ~E'~D~-~ --~ ........... '9-E~'DOA NAME 3~405 032901 CITY 3F B3YNTON MONTH CHECKS BEACH 4/19/B1 AMOUNT 146o32 6~.19 ,-~-14435 02043~ TqE BAKER ~ TAYLOR CO. ¢ ~37 373443 THE RAKER ~ TAYLOR CD. 3~409 024760 BOYNTON GLASS SERVICE, 3~413 325583 'BRD - DART, INC, ~4412 035553 CR]AN LI~E INSURANCE CO. ~413 035310 CJRRENT HISTORY [~4!~ 042605 DIAZIT CO., INC. 4/14/8I 4/14/81 ~/14/81 4/i~/B1 4/14/81 4/14/~i 53.77 1,582.80 42.00 304.00 187.95 26.95 -3,355.29 18.85 4/14/81 ' 27.59 34415 34416 7 ,~4~19 34~753 DOJBLEDAY & CO. 05~700 FOX VALLEY HARKING SY-STE~ 066500 FUTURA PRINTING 373355 GALE RESEARCH CO. 070380 GAMETIME, INC. 075581 GJLF 3IL CORPORATION 080300 HACH CHEMICAL %24 34425 3~155! HERRSCHNERS 0B~659 HORN BOOK MAGAZINE 090105 I,B.M. CORPORATION -25 ~7 :28 ~Z ~. 433 ;443% .436 '100310 121525 130329 ...... i30500 135519 .!~D444 161~20 15~525 166177 180455 181589 INLET DIVE SHOP JACK'S CAMERA CENTER PAUL DAVIS LE2LAIR ~ACMILLAN PUBLISHING CD. MANUFACTURERS LIFE' INS, MJROS~I AND ASHTON NATIONAL LIBRARY RESOURCE PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER PDPJLAR SCIENCE PJBLI2 SERVICE MATERIALS RANDOM HOUSE INC, REGENT BOOK CO-, INC. ;4143 190400 SALT 4ATER SPORTSMAN 191595 SEMINOLE COJNTY SHERIFF,S 192750 SILVER BURDETT 4/14/81 23.06 4/i~/8i .351.92 '~7T4/~'i ~z.5o 4/14/8i .......................... 5v.bO 4/i418i ............... ~80.I8 ........... 4/1~tB1 9,295.73 4li4/8i - io8.59 ~-/-i-47-~i .40 .4714/81 4/14/81 · 21 .O0 .................... 7'9. '~ i' ................ 24.00 4/14/8i 286.96 4/14/81 4114/81 91.65 4/14/81 156.55 4442 34445 .4~46 S~447 i947o5 S]UTHERN LIVING ~-7-1--47-8'i 23255} TBORNDIKE PRESS ......................... ~/i~/8i 2i5390 U~IJAX ........................ ' ............. ~/14/8i 16.00 ........... i'i'~'jg6 ........ 38.40 231780 WESTERN AUTO STORE .. ~?i-47~ 9.98 232400 J. ~HITE ALUMINUM - 4/14/81 23.50. __232550 TOM WILLIAMS 4/14/81 11,B5 23~525 J.J.A. ~gLF FRESH DIST.-- 4/i-4-~8-i 241500 XEROX CORPORATION ............ 4/14/81 042905 CA~L DIXON ~/15/81 212153 J.S. POST~ASTER 4/1~/81 - -451 151719 PETTY CA.SH RECREATION 4/15/81 290004 KENNETH 'CLAYTON 4/17/81 29JO21 TI~DTtY CAUPBELL 4/17/81 ~4454 01424~ ISIAH ANORE~S 4/17/81 6.50 237~33 600.00 1,500.00 59.00 259.67 183.26 55.30 M 2 N T M C H ~ C K S 34455 130050 WILLIE ROTN'MCGRADY 34456 01378~ -'A'LL~-~ECTRIC 4/1~/81 34~57 315353 ATLANTIC HARDWARE 58 315300 AJTOPRODJDTS, INC. 4/!T/81 ~:~ 59 020~-7~ ..... 6C--B~-"~UTO--~TS~ INC. ~/!7/8! 34~$3 022930 BISHOP'S ~/I7/81 3~451 ~24725 BDYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 4/!?/81 324739 BDYNTON BE&CH RETIREMENT 6/17/8! 0-2G780 B3YNTON PU~AP & SUPPLY '' ~/17~81 ~4~64 02qSlO BDYNTON WRECKER SERVICE 4/17/91 71.28 1,~23.75 b~o25 109.52 90.00 ;4455 325598 VERS~ BROdNELL 54~55 925609 BRONARD PdMP & SUPPLY CD. 3~57 030280 CADILLAC ENGRAVERS 34~58 032897 CITY DF BDYNTON ~EACH 469 03~550 COCA COLA BOTTLIN~ CO. g~7~ D~0395 DALE'S PAINT ~ BODY SHOP 3~47i 0~1593 DEFENSE MAPPING A~ENCY 34472 042~00 DIXIE ASPHALT CO. B4~73 953729- ELSEVIER-DUTTDN PUBLISHIN 4/17/81 4/17/8i 4/17/81 ~/i?/81 '' ~/I?/8~ 4/17/81 ~/17/81 4/i7/81 4/17/81 4.50 447,75 7,13 13,50 79.80 9B&.O0 9,00 353o8~ 7,89 3447~ 052820 34475 052900 063690 34478 .353730 37~79 064500 FIREMEN,S RELIEF & 4/17/81 906.75 FIRST BAN< & TRUST .............................. ~/17/81' ' ................................................ 40.00 FIRST BAN< & TRUST .................... T~-/~/§'i- 19,589.88 FL]RIDA BO['¥-'-[--~OT 4/17/81 99o80 FLORIDA COAST BILLIARDS " 4/17/81 538.59 FDJR STEEL CORPORATION' 4/17/81 883.16 3%~92 064649 '-+~-B i 355533 34482 355625 GED. FOWLER WELDING CO. ~ 4/17/81 71.05 F~ANKHDJSE ELECTRIC 4/I7/81 42.33 FJNK ~NLIMITED 4/17/81 150,00 ..... 34483 056500 FJTU~A PRINTING .4/17/81 17o00 '344~ DTD~O9 BETT~ GARRIGA '.. i .. ' ' - 4/17/81 45.00 3~485 071587 GEOTE2, INC, ~/17/8I 379.00 ~85 074522 CHARLES GODFREY ~/17/81 45.00 ~4487 34490 ~91 ~4494 34496 3~97 0.74540 GDLDCDAST PLUMBING 123.90 075450 G~AYBAR ELECTRIC C9. INC. 4/17/81 158.05 075~-----~-~FIN POLLUTIO~ - 4/17/81 425.00 ",;:-:"'.C( 080303 HALE FIRE PUMP CD. '4/17/81 119.13 084620 H]LLY ACCUMULATOR t - 4/17/81 58.90 iN ~/17/81 220.90 090099 I.B.M. Cg~PORATION 4/17/81 99.00 Dg4297 IqTERNATIDNAL ASSOC. 0~, E 4/17/8i 25.00 SOCIETY DF 4/~7/81 12.00 CENTER 4/17/81 65.44 4/17/81 40.00 D-9~'34~ ....... i-'~¥~'~q-A'TIONAL 190319 JACK'S CAMERA II2295 CATHY KAqBER ~4o9 13040C MANRATTA~ TROPHIES )r'~OD 133953 MC GRAd-EDISON CO. 3~501 ........... 132770-- MILLER-BEARINGS -34591 132775 MILLER BEARINGS 54532 135423 MJNICIPAL POLICE ~4503. 150~51 Jl~ O'CONNOR ....... ..... %453~ 152381 PALM 'BCH. JR. COLLEGE 4/~ ~l 705. .......... ~ .... 4~1'7/81 .................. 441.10 --- 4/17/81 " 4/¥~/81 43.54CR 4/17/81 43.64 4/17/81 1,214o81 4/I~/81 ~6.00 4/17/81 O0