PERMIT WARNiNG TO oWNER: ~/~/~ MENCEMENT MAY RESULI IN YUUH FA ~'~ FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANC- ~ lNG, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YO~I~(~FI'ICE OF COMMENCEMENT." Date Applied: ?706/01 I NOTICE Prepared By: G U I FARROC IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PERM T, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOON0 IN THE PUBLIC FIECC)ROS OF THIS COUNTY ANC THERE MAY ?/015/01 BE ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT Date Issued: ~ BIS1RICTS, STATE AGENCIES, OR FEBERAL AGENCIES. Permit No.: O 10000 Z ? 89 Permit Type: ROOFING PERMIT INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED: SEE BACK OF PERMIT CARD FOR REQUIRED INSPECTION. · Twnshp. ~ '~ ~ Sub 4'-5' 01 ~ 0 Z 10 Zoning Property Address 1930 NW lST ST Legal~dress Su~MsionName ROLLING GREEN RIDGE iST ADD Owner's Name/Address/Telephone 3430 VILLANDRY WEST PALM BEACH FL 33415 407 734-9451 Additional Description Construction BFE FFF FLZ Occupancy Sq. Ft. Valuation I , ;:) U U Schedule of Fss$ Contractor's Narne/A~ress/Ucense/~lephone Zll N.W. 8TH AVENUE DELRAY BEACH FL 561 375-1100 33444 --General/Architect/Engineer Improvements .'£ ~'~J~ l~ NUT CREDITED 35.00 DATE- 7/06/01 RECEIPT#- 0000009940 000000000 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ~- ...... ~---~- NOT IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED HAS NOT RECEIVED AN APPROVED ,NSP Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above, must have a valid permit prior to starling. In consideration of the granting of this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. F,orida. This permit fee is not refundable. To: Re: From: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION AFFIDAVIT (ONE & TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS ONLY) City of BoYnton Beach, Florida Department of Development - Building Division Field Inspection Section 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Permit No. /~O O~ ? ~ lt (Contractor) (Contractor's Address) (Owner/s Name) (Property Address) CERTIFICATION SELECTION: [~]'Certification of roof metal installation, flashing, underlayment. Certification of re-nailing roof sheathing, and removal and replacement of damaged or rotted wood ~] Other I, W'~lart/ 1,,/'~[/W~r~ , ~ m~O~er~uilder, ~ amce~ifiedasaroofmgcon~acm (L[c~se'flo. ' ~'/~ ~ ~ ) and do hereby ce~i~ that all roof' work (as indicated above) has beer perfo~ed at the abo~d afldres~ in accord~ce ~vith Chapter 15 of the 1997 St~d~d Building Code. I understand tha the City of Boston Beach offers progessive reroof inspections. I have notified the o~er of the prope~y of thi~ affidavit. Signatu~ of 6wner~lder or Q~alifier ~e foregoing ~smment was ac~owledged/before me this ~--~ s ~own to me or who has produced ff~/~& (~pe ' ' a' ) ' e ' · (' an oath. Signamre of person taking ac~o~vledgement Title or ra~ ~;~' ~ 'i~ MYCOMMlSS~I D00152~ [x~ial number ~ June 19, ~005 DJ:mb 10/6/95, Rev"~H:mh 11/27/95. 1/1~96 2/5/96. Rev DJ:bg 11/29/99.8/31/2000 ,,\,CK\MAIN\SHRDATA\DEVELOPMENT\POLICY MANUAL.WP\POLiCYMH\SPECCON\ROOFCERT-WPD DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION (ONE & TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS ONLY) ROOFING CERTIFICATION' DECEMBER 1999 I. PURPOSE II. III. The purpose of this Policy is to provide a method for certifying installation of roof metal, roofunderlayment and re-nailing of roof sheathing on occupied or finished one and txvo family dwellings. AUTHORiZATION Section 103.6 of the 1997 Standard Building Code and Boynton Beach Amendments, as adopted by the City of Boynton Beach, provides that requirements necessary for the public safety, health and general welfare not specifically covered by the standard or other technical codes shall be determ/ned by the Building Official. APPLICATION Qualified applicants may certify the roof metal installation and re-nailing of roof sheathing by preparing an affidavit certifying that the installation of the roof metal and re-nailing of roof sheathing complies with all codes, ordinances, ru/es and regulations; that the qualifier or designee personally inspected the specific job; and that the roof was installed according to the 1997 Standard Building Code, as amended, and the manufacturer's installation instruction. This affidavit must be presented to the inspector at the next scheduled inspection on-site or sent to the inspection office. When the roof metal and roof sheathing are not inspected at either a Sheathing, Tintag/Roof Metal, or Final Inspection, the Structural Building Inspector wilI either fail the inspection until certified by the applicant or pass the inspection if the signed affidavit is present at the job site. '~Vhen a Final is the only scheduled inspection and an affidavit is supplied, the Inspector shall add the comment, "CERTIFIED," and pass the inspection. Progressive reroof inspections may still be requested by calling the inspection clerk 24 hours prior to reroof at (561) 742-6355. E-4 ~ \,CH \,M_AiN\ SHP~DATA~DEVELOPMENTI POLICY .~;UAL. WP\ POLIC'fMH\ SPECCON\ ROOFCERT. WPD