Minutes 03-17-81MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1981 PRESENT Edward F. Harmening, Mayor Walter "Marty" Trauger, Vice Mayor Joe deLong, Councilman Patricia L. Woolley, Councilmember Samuel Lamar Wright, Councilman Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk James W. Vance, City Attorney Mayor Harmening welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He announced the invocation tonight will be by Father John Block, St. Mark's Catholic Church, to be followed immediately by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Council Member Patricia L. Woolley. He requested everyone to please rise. AGENDA APPROVAL Mr. Trauger stated he would like to add an item to the agenda and since he is requesting a resolution with it, he would like to add it at the end of Legal regarding concern for the in- creasing crime rate. Mr. Wright referred to Item H under Administrative, Accept Report on Membership of Community Rela- tions Board, and stated this is relative to a member who has failed to attend three consecutive meetings and stated he would like to appoint someone to serve. Mr. deLong stated under Legal - Other, he has some questions he wants to ask the City Attorney relative to the Day Care Center. Mr. Vance referred to Item D-1 under Legal and advised a pro- posed settlement of the Culver matter has been worked out; however, there are some trustees involved and they have had difficulty having a meeting and he would like to have this tabled until the next meeting. Mr. deLong moved to adopt the agenda with the additions, seconded by Mr. Wright. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Harmening referred to being asked to make one announce- ment and announced there is a meeting at Twin Lakes High School on April 4 at 2:00 P. M. to protest the President's proposed budget cuts. MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting of March 3, 1981 ! Mr. deLong moved adoption as recorded, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES - REGULAR CITy COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor Harmening announced if there is any Who would like to address the Council on agenda, they may do so at this time. He the audience would like to speak on any i to please give their name to the City Ci~ called upon When that is the regular ord~ Mr. Gene Moore, attorney representing Mr. came before ~he Council asking for relief City policy regarding a tie-in to the Cit He advised that Mr. V~lardo had an agree~ Pagliaruto and building permits were obta on N. W. lst! Avenue. Mayor Harmening advised thisi is on th~ agenda as Item E Mr. Moore explained that he would have t¢ to speak at this time~ Mr. Moore stated that they are asking fo~ apparent City policy an owner of two lots duplexes hays been bu system will not only the properties on the is $12,000.. The cost $2,700. He feels to est system on N. W. 6 away is unressonable ~ if the City ~eSires h brought to hiis proper the feaSibillity of th ~hich has placed t~ 2o tie into the sewE ilar. The cost of t~ ~ewer Mr. Velardo's other side of the s of septic tanks wo~ ~orce Mr. Velardo t¢ ~h Street which is ~ ~nd a restr~ctive~ r~ [m to tie in, the s~ 5y, This requiremer project after per~ Dne in the audience ~ny item not on the added if anyone in tem on the agenda rk and they will be r of business. Antonio Vetardo, from an apparent y sewer system. ent with Mr. John ined for duplexes errupted him and nder AdministratiVe. leave and requested relief from an e requirement on r system. Two eing into the sewer properties but also treet and the cost ~d be approximately tie into the clos- .pproximately 300' ~quirement. He feels ~rvice should be .t would eliminate ~its have been is- sued, If this is a ~p. Dlicy of the City, ~e asks that relief be granted tD utilize septic tanks' on a ~emporary basis until ; · i the sewer sy~stem is ~extended, In th~s c~se, Mr. Velardo s not a developer, a subdivider, nor did n~t come in with a planned uniti development, but he only built two units and wants to usei them. I~ there is a policyJbacked up by some ordinance applying to individual lot owners, he r~quests the City Councill in its wisdom'to allow Mr, ~elardo to install four septic tanks on ~ temporary basis a~d these would be discontinue~ when the system~is brought ~o his property. He should not b!e require~ to bear a $12,000 expense a~d also be charged tap-iin fees fDr the sewer even tt~ough it is not available in conjunction with the buildi~g permit. There was one lot on the corner at N. W. 6th S~reet which has tied into the system. The remaining two unit~ are fully completed and the City has declined to give a cert~ ficate of occupancy. -2- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Mayor Harmening referred to this being addressed in Ordinance No. 80-10 and Mr. Moore replied that he believes this is the Subdivision Ordinance. Mr. Vance .advised that the Utility Ordinance covers thiS and read Section 26-15. Mr. Moore asked why a building permit was issued and Mr. Vance replied that he could not answer this. Mr. Moore questioned if an ordinance was in effect, why was this man allowed to build? The State Board of Health, in this case, indicated they would pose no objections to utilization of septic tanks for these four units. He thinks the require- ment of forcing an individual lot owner, after construction is completed, to pay an additional $12,000 to add onto the system is totally unreasonable and he asks for relief to authorize Mr. Velardo to utilize an alternative method until the City fulfills their responsibility to bring the sanitary sewer to this property. Mayor Harmening stated that he is sympathetic to these pleas. He is not sure of the best way to grant relief though. Mr. Vance advised that under the existing Utility Ordinance, the City does not have the responsibility to bring sewer lines to individuals whO build on lots in the City. By adopting this ordinance in 1980, the duty is on an individual building on any given lot. The existing Utility Ordinance states that the developer or builder will pay the cost of constructing lines to service his property. Mayor Harmening requested an answer to his quest±on and Mr. Vance replied that the only p~ssibility would be consideration of whether the City wants to establish one policy for older sections of the City and a policy for newer sections of the City, which would require some time and effort. This ordinance is of substantial im- portance to the City in relation to the continued development of the utility systems. He woUld hesitate to make any modi- fications or changes without discussing with the consulting engineers. Mayor Harmening asked if he intended to attend the workshop meeting on Thursday and Mr. Vance replied nega- tively. Mayor Harmening stated that he thinks it has been the policy of the City for sometime to sewer the old part of town which was started in 1959-60. It has been an ongoing project and this is certainly part of the older part of town. This one street, 1st Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets, probably should be sewered. There are lots on both sides of the street. They are undeveloped on the south side probably because there wasn't any sewer. He thinks this should be given some con- sideration with a recommendation to be made by Thursday. Mr. Vance replied that he doesn't think this can be accomplished. -3- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH,. FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Mr. Vance continued that he believes it would be important in connection with a modification of this type to spend sometime with the City's consulting engineers. He doubts to have a recommendation by Thursday night could be accomplished and spend some time with the consulting engineers. Mr. deLong clarified that if it is felt there should be re- lief in this instance, it would actually be in violation of our own ordinance and Mr. Vance agreed, unless it is modified. Mr. deLong asked how long it wbuld take to modify the ordi- nance if the members of the City Council feel it is proper and Mr. Cheney replied that obviously it would take at least two Council meetings with having two readings. Mr. deLong stated that these houses are built. The City has an obligation and we don't want to create any conditions de- trimental to the environment. Something has to be done to overcome the installation of septic tanks. Mr. Vance clari- fied that bUilding permits have been issued in this particu- lar situation even though they should not have been issued and this under some theory may raise a certain amount of estoppel in the City's actions. It might be possible to work out an arrangement dealing with these two lots because of the possibly awkward situation we might find ourselves in because of the issuance of the permits. Mr. deLong moved to turn this over to the attorneys to work out a solution. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. Under dis- cussion, Mr. Vance added that 'hopefully they can work something out or will investigate another approach. Mr. Trauger referred to other lots on this street and asked if the line is put down the center of the street, is the price of $12,000 a fair share and would all the other lots on the street have to pay $6,000 per lot? Mr. Cheney informed him that at one time, the deve- loper, Mr. Pagliarulo had a price for extending this line for four buildings or eight dwelling units which was $24,000, which took it about 2/3 of the way along the street. One can assume the cost to go to 7th Street would be $36,000 or $3,000 per unit on one side or $1,500 per unit serving both sides. Mayor Harmening stated that sewers have been put in without a front foot assessment. Mr. deLong informed him that according to the existing ordinance, this cannot be dOne. Mr. Trauger clarified that he was just wondering what the fair share proportion would be. Mr. deLong suggested abiding by the motion and having the attorneys work it out. Mr. Wright requested that it be expedited as much as possible and Mayor Harmen±ng agreed. -4- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Mr. Moore asked if it was his understanding that Mr. Vance is being invested with the authority to work something out to be done within a few days or wait until the next meeting? Mayor Harmening informed him that Mr. Vance will be empowered at his earliest opportunity to attempt to find a solution agreeable to the City and owner. Mr. deLong stated that he shouldn't have to wait longer than Thursday night and Mr. Cheney advised that they could not have a total new ordinance proposal for Thursday night. Mr. Moore referred to there being provisions for funds for renewals and extensions and stated he is certain the City has the authority regardless of the ordinance to bring service to any given area and determine the investment of those funds are reasonable. Mayor Harmening stated that he is certain there is no mone- tary shortfall involved, but we don't want to contemplate doing anyt%ing, which would jeopardize other sewer projects. Mr. Moore clarified that they understood they would pay the cost of installation, of the septiC tanks until the system is extended. If it turns out they could invest $2,700, they would much rather give it to the City. Mayor Harmening asked if he had given consideration or had discussion with the property owners to the south and Mr. Moore replied nega- tively and added that the lots to the east were abandoned because of this problem. Motion carried 5-0. BIDS Coagulant Aid - Annual Requirements Mr. Cheney recommended that this bid be granted t, Chemical Company. In addition, he pointed out th. buy some of the required chemicals from the City Miami Beach, who is closing their water facility, requesting authorization to grant this bid to Nal cal Company with the understanding some of the ma will be purchased from North Miami Beach. We wil ing about $700 with buying some from North Miami Mr. deLong asked if the funds are available to al the purchase from North Miami Beach and Mr. Chene affirmatively as we will buy less from Nalco Chem Mr. deLong moved to accept the recommendation frs latiOn Committee and accept the bid from Nalco Ch and also to purchase the offer made by the City o Miami Beach. Mrs. Wootley seconded the motion. sion. Motion carried 5-0. ~ Nalco ~t we can ~f'North He is :o Chemi- zerial be sav- ~each. ~o make ~ replied [cal Co. the Tabu- ~mical Co. North ~o discus- -5- MINUTES - REGI/LAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P. M. NONE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS Final Plat Approval Applicant~ Location: Use: Summit Associates Ltd. - Westga%e of Hunters Run West of Congress Avenue, East of Barw±ck Road, Section 1, Township 46S, Range 42E Housing Mr. Cheney infiormed the Council this is a routine eng±neering bond acceptancie process. Mr. deLong mo~ed to accept the recommendation as stated by the City Engineer iin his communication of March 11, 1981, and accept the final plat and authorize the mayor to sign same with making thi±s memo a matter 'of public record. Mr. Trauger seconded the ~ot±on. No discussion. Motion carried 5--0. LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing Proposed Ordinance No. 81-6 - Re: Adopt Codified Code of Ordinances Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 81-6 by title: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ENACTING A NEW CODE FOR THE CITY ©F BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA; ESTABLISHING THE SAME; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL.OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT IN- CLUDED THEREIN; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATING SUCH CODE; PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF AMENDING SUCH CODE; AND PROVIDING WHEN SUCH CODE AND THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak in opposition to this proposed ordinance and re- ceived no response. He asked if. anyone in the audience wanted to speak in favor of this proposed ordinance and received no response. Mr. deLong moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 81-6 on second and final reading, He added that he has voiced his sentiments on first reading and we must have an instrument to proceed. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. -6- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Under discussion, Mrs. Padgett referred to there being a blank in Section 9 and Mr. Vance replied that he had ori- ginally suggested a date and thought it had been included. He recalls that the suggested date was sixty days from date of adoption. Mrs. Padgett pointed out that April 30 is in the beginning and Mr. Vance suggested putting April 30 at the end also. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman deLOng - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 81-7 - Re: Adopt Energy Element to Comprehensive Plan Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 81-7 by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 79-24 OF SAID CITY, BY AMEND- ING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING AN ENERGY ELEMENT TO SAID COMPREHENSIVE PLAN~ PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING PROVISION; AN EFFECTIVE DATE 'AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak in oppoSition to~ this proposed ordinance and re- ceived no response. He asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak in favor of this proposed ordinance and received no response. Mr. deLong moved the adoption, seconded by Mr, Wright. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the mo- tion as follows: Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Wootley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0, -7- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Proposed Ordinance No. 81-8 - Re: Amending Land Use Element of Comprehensive Plan Changing Land Use from "Local Retail" to "Office Commercial" Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 81-8 by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 79,24 OF SAID CITY, BY AMEND- ING LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY CHANGING THE LAND-USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER FROM "LOCAL RETAIL" TO "OFFICE COMMERCIAL" AND DELETING THE CERTAIN REQUIRE- MENT NOTED IN THE TECHNICAL' REPORT AS ADOPTED BY THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING PROVISION; AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak in opposition to this ~proposed ordinance and re- ceived no response. He asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak in favor of this proposed ordinance and received no response. Mr. deLong moved the adoption, seconded-by Mrs. Woolley. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 81-9 - Re: Rezoning a Parcel of Land from C-3 "Community Commercial District" to C-1 "Office Professional Commercial District" Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 81-9 by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNT©N BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80-19 OF THE SAID CITY BY REZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER FROM C-3 "COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT" TO C-1 "OFFICE PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL DIS- TRICT'', PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPEALING PRO- VISION; AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak in opposition to this proposed ordinance and re- ceived no response. He asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak in favor of this proposed ordinance No. 81-9 and received no response. Mr. deLong moved the adoption, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll cal~l vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Ordinances - 1st Reading Proposed Tree & Landscaping Ordinances (Tabled) Mr. Vance informed the Council that the details for these are still being worked out. Mr. deLong moved for these ordinances to remain on the table, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Motion carried 5-0. Resolutions NONE Other Approve Proposed Agreement for Submission to Court - George Culver Mr. deLong moved to table, seconded by Mrs, Woolley. carried 5-0. Motion Concern for the Increasing Crime Rate Mr. Trauger stated for the past several weeks, he has re- ceived many calls from people expressing their increasing concern over our rapidly accelerating crime problems of theft, burglary, vandalism and rape. Ours has been a City and State of freedom of movement without fear of physical harm. Today, a large number of our community live behind locked and barricaded doors and windows and seldom venture out at night especially if they are alone. Are we loosing our freedom and our right to private property to a young sector of society who have no fear of the law because con- viction is remote and even if convicted, the penalty paid -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 is not a deterrent or a high cost. According to statistics furnished by the State, they show that of every ten crimes committed, four are apprehended and two get sentenced. Bur- glary in Boynton Beach has gone from 24 cases in January 1980 to 110 cases in January 1981. He then read a sampling of the Police log published in the News Journal last week. Also, last week there was an article in the paper of Davis Mills being arrested for burglary and is now a suspect in a 1977 Boynton Beach murder. The granddaughter of the gentle- man who mows his lawn was killed by an intoxicated driver and this same man killed an F.A.U. stude~two years ago. Our police last week made the biggest qualude bust in this area and the next day all apprehended were out on bond to work at their trade and it' isn't a business that was envisioned by our free enterprise system. These cases will in part be brought to court. The minor ones will probably be dismissed as the State Legislature several years ago took away our municipal court where the relatively minor local cases were heard. We are now dependent on a log jammed docket in the County and State courts, where our bleeding hearts, do-gooders and lawyers anxious to make a name pull out all stops with plea barganing appeals, delays, stop motions and writs. Then, because of a very overloaded penal system, these of- fenders are turned back to society to repeat their crimes as statistics show the rehabilitation rates are very low. Mr. Trauger stated that now that he has presented the pro- blem, he does not have any parlor quick answers to solve all this. However, he does know a few facts. He believes our Police Department is doing an outstanding effort in solving crimes and apprehending the offenders in short order. The records show that many of the same individuals are arrested over and over. He does know that rape could be quickly eliminated if we started castrating the offenders. He does know if the families of these young offenders had to compensate the victims in.money or labor, a lot of these kids would not be able to sit down or walk for very long. He does know that in our colonial period, such as Williams- burg, where these minor offenders were placed in the stocks or pillory as a means of exposing them to public scorn or ridicule~ it rapidly reduced the youthful offenders. He does know to get at this problem, we, as a City at the lowest end of government of the people, must take the ini- tiative to get action from our State Legislature, as they are the source of our law. Unless we can spur them to some type of action, we at this level can do little but talk about it. He does not think we can get Mr. Vance to get authority to put public stocks on the City Hall lawn or castrate rapists, but hopes the City Council will back him in his proposed motion. -10- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Mr. Trauger moved to instruct Mr. Vance to draw up an appro- priate resolution to send to our State Legislators expressing our concern for the evergrowing crime rate and request that they press for legislation that would: Permit the names and addresses of jUvenile offenders to be published in the news media. Then we would know who to watch out for and who lives near us. Let the parents or guardians of youths below 18 years old be held liable for reimbursement to the victims of their children's crimes to the extent of damages due to the victim inflicted and if unpaid in six months, a lien be placed against any current or future assets. That plea bargaining for second offenders be eli- minated. Crimes committed with a firearm have a mandatory jail sentence imposed. That in cities of 20,000 or more, the municipal courts be re-established in the State of Florida. Mr. deLong asked who this resolution would be forwarded to and Mr. Trauger replied to the State Legislators. Mr. deLong then seconded the motion. Mr. Vance advised ~here is a current statute on the books requiring those individuals committing a crime with a gun to be imprisoned for ~hree years. Mr. Trauger questioned how many have been imposed - it is less than 10% and he would like to see it enf6rced. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening suggested that the statement regarding municipal courts be amended because the Legislature cannot re-establish the municipal courts, Mr. Trauger re- plied that they ca~ start the initiative. Mayor Harmening agreed they could put it up for a constitutional amendment. Mayor Harmening clarified that it has been moved and seconded to have the City Attorney draw up a resolution to the State Legislature regarding crime in the State. He added that some of the surplus money could be spent for more jails. Mr. Trauger commen~ed that actually jail rehabilitation is rather low. -11- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Under discussion, Mr. deLong commented that maybe if other cities will follow our lead, something may be accomplished. Mr. Trauger agreed that he wants the initiative started by the Cities. Mr. Wright added, that he would like to see this submitted because he has been informed about what has happened as well as having been a victim of vandalism here in Boynton Beach. He thinks we all should be concerned. Also, these proposed cuts being proposed by the President will have a bearing on crime. He thinks this recommendation is timely and should proceed. Motion carried 5-0. Questions - Re: Day Care Center Mr. deLong stated he wanted-to ask the City Attorney what method should be used either by letter or resolution to send to the Senators and Legislators insofar as aid or assistance to eliminate the phasing out of our Day Care Center. This center is a pride and joy of the residents of the~City. It has performed a number one service for the community. He would like to have guidance from the City Attorney as to whom we should direct our communica- tions to. Mr. Vance replied that it depends upon the source of funding. Mr. deLong moved to instruct the City Manager in conjunction with the City Attorney to find out what the sources are and send the proper communication to the appropriate authorities. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion car- ried 5-0. OLD BUSINESS Consider Amendment to Solicitation Ordinance Re: On-site Events Mr. deLong referred to reading the memo submitted thoroughly and stated he believes it is a step in the proper direction and something which may have been overlooked. Mr. deLong moved to amend this ordinance to include on-site events, seconded by Mr. Wright. No discussion. Motion car- ried 5-0. Mr. Trauger asked if this would cover the Salvation Army soliciting at Christmas and Mr. Vance replied negatively and Mayor Harmening added that it would not because that is not an on-site event. Mr. Vance added that he doesn't think there will be any problems with the on-site provisions. -12- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 NEW BUSINESS Consider Proposal for Handling Illegal Parkinq Problems Mr. deLong asked if this would interfere with the regular performance of duty of the Police Department and Mr. Vance replied that this is essentially a non-criminal type of violation. Mr. deLong moved to accept this recommendation of a proposal for handling illegal parking problems as outlined by the City Manager in his memo of March 17, 1981. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening commented that it was his feeling that perhaps the fee was a little bit excessive at $100; but other than that, he finds no fault. Mr. Cheney informed him that the fine is $25 and Mr, Vance added that it wasn't to exceed $100. Mr. Cheney added that this is also a vehicle for ticketing which the Police Depart- ment could use if they desire. It is primarily aimed at trucks parked throughout the community. Mr. deL0ng remarked that one day, it may be realized it was an error in phasing out the local courts. Mr. Trauger referred to the question being asked several months a~whether there is a place in the City where trucks can park and Mr. Cheney informed him that .they can park in any commercial or industrial area, but are not allowed in residential areas. Mr. Trauger referred to trucks being parked by the railroad and asked if there is any central place where large trucks can park and Mr. Cheney replied that he would imagine if there is some enterprising property owner in an industrial zone, he could make some land avail- able for this and provide security and charge rent. Mr. Trauger referred to where the Morgan trucks are parked and Mayor Harmening informed him that this is commercial pro- perty. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Wright asked if this would be a classified position under the Building Department and Mr. Cheney informed him that Mrs. Moore is the inspector and would continue to do this; there is no State certification or training needed. Mrs. Woolley asked if Mrs. Moore does this now and Mr. Cheney replied that she cannot issue a ~icket now. Mayor Harmening referred to taking such violators to court and Mr. Cheney told about West Palm Beach following this procedure with submitting three to four to the courts at a time for processing. -13- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Mr. deLong moved to place this proposed ordinance regarding truck parking on the agenda, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 81-10 - Re: Handling of Illegal Park- ing Problems Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 81-10 by title: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 29, TRAFFIC, SECTION 29-4 "TRUCK PARKING, REGULATED, PENALTY", BY PROVIDING FOR LIABILITY OF OWNER OF THE VEHICLE, ENFORCEMENT, PENALTY, METHOD OF COMPLIANCE WITH PENALTY, PROCEDURE FOR PROPER ENFORCEMENT FOR VIOLATION OF SECTION 29-4, PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING cLAusE; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Mr. deLong moved the adoption of proposed ordinance No. 81-10 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Wright. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman deLong - Aye Councilman Wright - Aye Councilmember Woolley - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Trauger - Aye Motion carried 5-0. ADMINISTRATIVE City Manager Report on MICA Studies (Tabled) The folloWing are to be discussed at a Special City Council Workshop Meeting on Thursday, March 19, 1981 at 7:00 P. M. Solid Waste Management Study & Decision Making Guide Analysis & Recommendation'of the Equipment Maintenance Division Review Classification Plan & Implementation Manual Fire Department Administrative Structure Mr. deLong moved to leave this on the table, seconded by Mr. Wright. Motion carried 5-0. -14- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Consider City Interest in County Owned Land Mr. deLong City Planne City Planne from the Co discussion, Annunziato' not benefit Mr. Cheney referred to receiving a communication from the ~ and moved to accept the recommendation of the r and do not request the property in question ~nty. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion, Under Mayor Harmening questioned the basis of Mr. s recommendation as he cannot see why this would the City and it is not on the tax rolls now. stated that he thinks it is Mr. Annunziato's assumption that it is a piece of vacant land in the middle of several pieces of vacant land From a development point of view, it might be purchased b~the adjacent property owners for development purposes. The City has no particu- lar use for it in this location. Mayor Harmening commented that the City could sell it and could have a park in this area and Mr. Cheney replied that it would not appear to be a logical 1Dcation for a park. Mr. deLong added that there are two parks in this general area and this is too close to the main highway. Mrs. Woolley agreed that it is not a good location for a park, but eventually someone will want to develop and will buy it from the~City at an increased value. Mr. deLong stated that he would think the County Attorneys would be intelligent enough to have a reverter clause in any deed submitted not allowing a resale by the City. Mayor Harmening c~arified that he was speaking in terms of buying it; when thc area is.developed, it would be an asset to the City and coUld be sold. Mrs. Woolley added that she would like to know some idea of the cost. Mr. deLong and he has the City P1 planning po ferent appr what goes o sell it for way, he doe tomary when the first c ~ommented that we have employed a City Planner done a terrific job. Mr. Cheney clarified that ~nner made his recommendation from a development nt of view and the Mayor is referring to a dif- ~ach with owning land and giving some 'control of ~ around it. We could acquire adjacent land or development. Why the County isn't doing it that sn't know. Mayor Harmening added that it is cus- the County owns' land in a municipality, they give ffer to the municipality. Mr. deLong questioned how large the parcel is and Mr. Cheney replied thaT he believes it is 50-60 feet by 100 feet. Mr. de~ong commented that it would only be good for adjacent property °w~ers to purchase it. Mr. Cheney stated that it may have mo~e value in the future and it.is a question of what the CoUncil wants to do. Mr. deLOng stated that if it is sold, we will get taxes from it and Mr. Cheney agreed, but vacant land doesn't produce a great amount. -15- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Mr. deLong asked if it was Mr. Cheney's recommendation that we tender an offer and Mr. Cheney replied that we could ten- der an offer and negotiate. It is a policy question whether we want to get involved in owning pieces of land and using to bring about better development or make somemoney for the City or assembling more land for municipal use. Mr. deLong stated in an instance like this, he would say in the future that the City Manager and City Planner should get together, so the Council knows what direction we are going in and not make recommendations if they want a decision from the Coun- cil. Mr. Cheney clarified that this is a Council policy decision. Mr. deLong referred to a recommendation having been made and stated we have engaged a City Planner, who has done an outstanding job, and have turned down his recommenda- tion. Mr. Cheney clarified that the City Planner's recommen- dation is made from a planning point of view. Mr. Trauger then withdrew his second to the motion and Mr. deLong withdrew his motion. Mayor Harmening suggested that the City Manager negotiate with Mr. Peter Kelly in reference to this. Mrs. Woolley advised that she did look up this property in the plat book and it is about 50' x 100' She thinks it would be profitable for the City. She knows the surround- ing land owners would be interested in buying it at a higher price since they have plans for developing. Mayor Harmening stated that a motion would be in order to instruct the City Manager to negotiate with the County Right-of-Way Agent regarding this particular piece of pro- perty. Mr. Trauger so moved, seconded by Mr. Wright. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Approve ChanHe Order #2 - Wilson Pool Mr. Cheney requested the Council to confirm this change order. He referred to it being a small amount and advised that the change was authorized. It was deck area outside the door where there were some elevations in the concrete and a change had to be made. He requests the Council's concurrence. Mr. Trauger moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager and approve this change order, seconded by Mr. deLong. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Cheney reported that it is anticipated this pool will be ready and open about the middle of April. A meeting is scheduled Thursday morning to do some 'final testing and approving. -16- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Approve Granting of Seven Feet of Lift Station Site to Palm Beach County - Lawrence Road Mr. deLong so moved, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Mayor Harmening clarified that it has been moved and seconded to authorize the signing of a special warranty deed by the appropriate officials granting the County 7 feet of our lift station site on Lawrence Road. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Discuss Sewers on N. W. 1st Avenue between N. W. 6th and 7th Streets - Requested by Mayor Edward F. Harmening Mayor Harmening announced this has been taken care of and the City Attorney will try to work out a harmonious solution to this problem. Discuss Past Mayors' Night - Requested by Mayor Edward F. Harmening Mayor Harmening stated in the past, once a year, we have in- vited the past Mayors to come one night a year and be honored for their past service to the City and he wondered if the Council wanted to continue this and it could be done at the next meeting. Mr. deLong replied that they actually should be invited to the Christmas dinner and Mr. Wright agreed. Mr. Trauger agreed and added that we could honor them very well at the Christmas party each year. We should have them come to a meeting and also invite them to the dinner. Mr. Wright questioned just what is done and Mayor Harmening explained that they have been honored at past meeting,s and presented with a plaque. Mr. Wright asked if it was a recep- tion and Mayor Harmening replied that coffee has been served in the past. Mr. Trauger moved to invite them, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Mayor Harmening clarified that it has been moved and seconded to hold a past Mayors' night. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening asked if having at the next meeting would give time for adequate notice and Mrs. Padgett replied that sev- eral have moved out of town. Mayor Harmening suggested that it be held the second meeting in April. He requested Mr. Cheney to please check into how this has been handled in the past and added that Vice Mayor Trauger can make the presen- tations. Motion carried 5-0. -17- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Appoint Members to Municipal Police Officers Pension Fund Board Mayor Harmening referred to three elections having been held and Mr. deLong asked the City.Attorney what direction we should move in an instance such as this? Mr. Vance stated that the City Clerk has made an honorable effort to get a clear cut reading from the electorate. Mr. Cheney stated the Councilmen may have received sometime today a document addressed to the Boynton Beach CitY Council from the members of the Police Pension Board signed by 44 people indicating that Ray Caudell has withdrawn from being considered. If this withdrawal is accepted, then it is down to two people: Jack DeLoach and Bob Ferrell. Mr. deLong asked if actual nominations were made and Mrs. Padgett clarified that recommendations were asked for in accordance with State Statutes. If one man got enough recommendations, it could have stopped there with a major- ity. Actually, they don't elect their members. Mr. deLong referred to the results of March 20 showing Jack DeLoach as the high man and stated in going back to the elec- tion of February 20, it only states that Bill Hamilton had a majority and who was the runnerup on that election? Mrs. Padgett informed him that it was Jack DeLoach. Mr. deLong clarified that Jack DeLoaCh was the high man in two elections. Mayor Harmening asked if the members of the City Council want to nominate someone to fill this position? Mr. Vance stated based upon Florida Statute 185.015, it would appear they have a recommendation in the petition submitted with respect to a second name for the Police Pension Board. The Statute does not require an election. Mrs~ Padgett has sim- ply chosen this method to come up with a majority recommenda- tion. If the names on the petition are accurate, it would represent a majority of the Police Department. He then read the State Statute. Mr. deLong asked if he was relaying that the Council must act upon this petition and Mr. Vance replied affirmatively, but he has no way of checking the names and signatures. He assumes it is valid and it represents a majority representa- tion. The two names for the Council's recommendation would be Bill Hamilton and Bob Ferrell. Mr. deLong stated that he thinks the same procedure should be used and another election held. Mr. Wright agreed and Mrs. Woolley added that it would be more valid. Mr. Vance agreed that would be an appropriate procedure. Mr. deLong -18- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 continued that some people may have been pressured to sign the petition and the fair and equitable way would be to have an election with the two contenders. Mr. Wright agreed that it should be resolved by voting. Mr. Vance clarified that one more election would be an appropriate method. Mr. deLong so moved, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Mayor Harmening clarified that it has been moved and seconded to have the City Clerk hold another eleCtion for the position· on the Police Pen- sion Board. Mr. deLong added to his motion to approve the ap- pointment of Deputy Chief Hamilton to the PoliCe Pension Board. Mr. Trauger seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ~ccept Report on Membership of Community Relations Board Mr. deLong moved to accept this report and terminate the ser- vice of this individual who has been absent~ without excuse for three consecutive meetings and he be so notified. Mr. Trauger seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. deLong moved that nominations be opened for this vacancy, seconded by Mr. Wright. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Wright stated he would like to preface his nomination by saying he-made copies of resumes available in January. Addi- tionally, he has spoken to people throughout the City who know this gentleman and they woqld like to see him serve on the Community Relations Board. He then nominated Col. William "Bill" Condry. Mr. deLong moved that nominations be closed, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Harmening announced that C~i. Bill Condry has been appointed a member of the Community Relations Board. Request Authorization to Place Construction Trailer on Property Site of 1200 South Federal Highway - Colonial Center Mr. deLong moved %o grant this request, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Under discussion, Mrs. W~ley questioned what kind of trailer this would be and Mayor Harmening explained that it will probably be a house trailer used for a con- struction office. Motion carried 5-0. Approval of After Care Payment - April 1, 1981 to June 30, 1981 Mr. deLang so moved, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Mayor Harmening clarified that it has been moved and seconded to approve the after care budget payment for April 1 to June 30, 1981. Mr. Che~ey added that the Community Relations Board recommended approval of this payment. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. -19- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 Budget Transfers - Compensation Adjustment 80/81 - General Fund and Compensation Adjustment 80/81 - Utility Fund Mr. deLong moved to approve these budget transfers, seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Budget Transfer - Fire Department, Door Repair Mr. deLong so moved, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Mayor Harmening clarified that it has been moved and seconded to approve this budget transfer for the Fire Department for a door repair in the amount of $45. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Request Authorization to Dispose of Records - Building Department and Finance Department Mr. deLong so moved~ seconded by Mr. Wright. Mayor Harmening clarified that it has been moved and seconded to approve the disposition of records for the Finance Department and Build- ing Department. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Authorize Survey Work - Richard L. Shephard & Associates, Inc. Mr. deLong so moved, seconded by Mr, Trauger. Mayor Harmening clarified that it has been moved and seconded to authorize the expenditure of $1,098 for survey work by Shephard & Associates. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. List of Payments - Month of February, 1981 Mr. deLong moved approval, seconded by Mrs. Woolley. Under discussion, Mr. Trauger referred to the Social Security con- tribution in the amount of $65,521.46 on Page 13 and asked if this was on a monthly or quarterly basis and Mr. Swann informed .him that it is paid quarterly. Motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills Mr. Cheney read the following bills for approval: 1. Allied Universal Corporation 1,989.00 Chlorine for Water Treatment Pay from Water & Sewer Rev. Fund 401-332-533-30-63 Boynton Beach Child Care Center 3,257.95 After care program budget April 1 to June 30, 1981 Pay from budgeted funds 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 -20- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEET BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 3. Howard Cook, Gen. Contractor, A Project: Boynton Beach Clubhou Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing 320- Contract dated 9/9/80 Fisher Scientific ComPany For Incubator - Water Treatment Pay from Water & Sewer Rev. Funl Per bid of 12/8/80 Council approved 12/16/80 Gulfstream Lumber Co. Building supplies for several d~ Pay from various accounts: 001-291-529-30-47 15. 001-721-572-40-33 41. 001-221-522-30-99 142 001-192-519-30-9A 5. 001-192-519-40-34 151. Total 357. I.B.M. Corp. Monthly Rental for Computer - F Pay from various accounts: 001-133-531-40-21 6,550. 001-131-513-40-25 682. 001-196-519-40-25 220. 001-211-521-40-25 1,122. Total 8,574. Neptune Meter Company For total of 404 meters Pay from Water & Sewer Rev. Fun Council approved 12/3/80 Rubin Construction Co. 255 yards Shellrock for Royal P Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing 320-' Russell & Axon Pay from following accounts: 403,000-169-01-00 7,185. 403-000-169-11-00 3,762. 403-000-220-64-00 ~ 1,684. Total I2,632. 10. South Central Regional Wastewat Board Re: Billing "ODOPHOS" Odor Con' Pay from Utility General Fund 4 lNG MARCH 17, 1981 ~1. ~6 (Final) ~e, NE 22nd Ave )00-205-01-00 12,317.30 1,887.00 401-332-533-60-42 partments 357.02 )7 .)8 )2 ~b. & March 8,574.00 )0 )0 )0 )0 )0 23,692.06 401-333-533-60-51 lm Clubhouse 721-572-60-22 ~3 .)9 ~8 LO ,~r Treatment :rol )3-000-169-11-00 1,861.50 12,632.10 9,719.29 -21- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 11. Wilson Insurance Agency Malpractice Insurance - AA AmbulanCe & Dr. Vollrath Pay from General Fund 001-221-522-40-46 3,995.00 12. Publix Market Meals for needy & inf£rmed for Feb. 1981 Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 45.12 13. Isiah Andrews Driver for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance ~73-t5, passed 5/15/73 110.00 14. Willie Ruth McGrady Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks Pay from Fed. Rev. Sharing 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 96.00 15. Boyle Construction Company, Inc. Project 626-681-45-6, Est. #1 Pump Stations 316 & 319 for period 1/21/81 thru 2/20/81 Pay from Utility Gen. Fund 403-000-169-11-00 75% re-imbursable from EPA Grant C-120496010 48,510.00 16. Richard L. Shephard & Associates, Inc. Payment for surveying services staking easements Lift Station Site - Lawrence Rd. Pay from Utility General Fund 403-000-169-11-00 2,608.00 Mr. Cheney ~deleted~Nos, 17 thru 19 listed on the submitted list of bills, Mr. Trauger questioned what happened to in- cur these type of expenses covered by these three bills and Mr. Cheney rePlied that it is a potential, but'not necessary canine liability situation that is being discussed with the attorney's office and insurance people. He will give a re- port and these will not be paid at this time. Mr. deLong stated that the bills having been found in order, he moves to pay the bills with the ~exception of Nos. 17, 18 and 19, seconded by Mr'. Trauger. No discussion, Motion carried 5-0. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Trauger moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs, Woolley, MOtion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:00 -22- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 17, 1981 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA BY~/~~/'~/Mayor ATTEST: /// ~>~ ~Cou~%i lmyn ("~ Courts'3]) ilmemb,e% ' ~- ~ Counci~/~n ~y Clerk Recordin~-' Secretary (Two Tapes) -23- N. M E 14 O R A N i3 L! FROM: CITY COUN£IL VIA CITY Grady W.--Swarm Director of Fifance DATE: February 25, 1981 -We now have disposal authorization fro.~ the State of Florida~ ~ivision of Archives, on the foll~:;ing records: 'All cancelled checks pri~r to 10/01/74 CC: With your approval we will pro6eed to destroy the above named records. These records will be destroyed by burning. Grady Swann TP/cc P.O. ~Bo× 3t0 Bovn'~on Beach, Florida TO: TO DESTROY SCHEDULED RECOfl[)~,~ Qtlr~' ~;OT~CE.O. ___ /% ' -- ' I PAGE 1 OF ND DIS[ OSAL Cfi-RTl FICAI'E V' .  2. mv~s,o~ t 3. nunE~u 33435 6, :. DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIv~s~O~ oF AnCHIV~S. ~i, STOn¥ AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT PAGES Grady Swarm (305) 734-8111 E>:t. 220 NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in h.m 8 ere to be disposed of in t~e mannee checked below: L~ e. Destruclion [] b. Microfilming and Destruct;on [] C. Other 7. SUBMITTED t hereby certify that the records to be dj;posed of are correctly represented below and that any audit requirements for ~e recor~ Dale Grad% Swarm, Finance Pi'rector Type N~me RECORD SERIES LIST Schedule ~o. BC Item 28 Title Checks, Ca'ncelled (All) DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION D,~-~'ClO~. Dw,s,on . ~ctvd*'% 10, Inclusive Dates Prior to 0/0 /74 DIS?OSA CERTIFICATE e. De,truer;on Volume Action gnd Date Comple I ed-~ A~proval Type N.~me and Tmdr TO: FROM: Re: MEMORANDUM VI. SITE DEVELOPMENT A. March 11, 1981 Mr. Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Tom Clark, City Engineer Westgate at Hunter's Run, final plat approval The subject final plat has been ~eviewed~ by the Technical Review Board and approval by Council is recommended. The filing fee of.$150, the inspection fee of $2,750 and the bond for the cost of the improvements in the amount of $275,000 has been submitted. A print of the final plat and a copy of the bond is forwarded herewith. The original plat mylar is in the custody of the City Clerk. The original bond document'is being forwarded to the Finance Department. -~ TAC:mb Attach. CC: CC: City Attorney w/copy of bond City Clerk " " " City Planner Finance Director w/original bond Building Dept. Planning Dept. Engineering Dept. Utilities Dept. 2~27781 LITY OF BOYNTON BEACH U q R E N T- M-O-N -T-'H ........ C'-H-"E--C--K--S IECK ¢~ V'ENDOR,." VENDOR NAME ,~'~596 '032o01 CITY OF BOYNT'ON · 37 046452 JO~N Bo DUNKLE ..... '-3-09-98 ....... 0'53505 ..... FEEET--TECHNOLOG-% ~1386 131659 MERRY MUMMERS 31655 311605 AETNA CASUALTY ?2037 ........ 0~5452 --JOHN 2383 tg~4DD SDCI,~L SECURITY 2081 134400 SOCIAL SECURITY 32577 2~u~O. WILLIE B~GLEY 32578 020905 CONSTANCE BAISH --'-7-B:~5~9 ........ 021549 .... FRANK-"A'g---BEDN'KR- '/~'~_~_589 026489 OBE BUTLER ~2581 ....... 030501 RENA EARLIER 325B4 3~0006 LENON HARRIS 3~585 384653 MJR~EL HOLZMAN ~'2586 '~0~.508 ........ F'R~NK-~OHNSON--- --32587 104509 GEORGE A. JOHNS .... 32588 ......... 104510 -'~HN JOHNSTON-- .... 3-F~89-" ~-6'6"300 ...... ELEA'NOR--~dFFER 3~%90 190945 JDHN SCHNEIDER 3~.~1 190940 MARY E. S2HORR '192-59-2 ......... A-DA--SHOOK CHEC~ DATE BEACH 2/05/81 12/31/80 12/05/80 SURETY 12/19/80 £ONTRIBUT 1/35/81 CONTR'iBUT ' ' 1/05/81 TOTAL ~MOUNT '-' 3.59 ' .......... 225.00CR ..... 550.OOCR 76~052R - 22~'0'~ 4,442'~73 ....... ........... $~'~442~73CR .... 2/01/81 458°$4 2/01/81 53.79 ................................ 2101/81 ................ 227%58 ........ ......................... 2/01/81 2-/0-1-/-8-1 2/01/81 2/0~/81 -- ---Z/O.I~/8-r ~N ..................... 2101/8]. .................... ---- - z-/o-t-l-~ ztol/81 z/~i/81 '531-?--3 ......... -B-cT-T-g-~ 99 471.98 164.46 88';-75 ................. 88~'55- ........ 5'~'5-F64 ....... 91 o g-8 133.20 253.66 · "-232-~2-t 202515 ...... 32594 ......... 202553 JAMES C.."'~HOMPS --3~5-95--- 2'3.0452 ...... Ob~'VE"-'WA~A~E' 32596 231589 W.To ~ELCH 32597 255900 MILDRED Ao ZWAR '--32-598--- 081650 ...... H~R-DtD-HE-R~PNG-- 3259~ --124593 NORMAN LOLATTE LEE THOMAS .......................................... 2/01/8! .............. ~95~'91 ....... IN .......................... 2/31/81- 7~-t9 .............. ----Z~O-~/--8-t --t--6--~90 2/01/8i 82.65 T 2/D1/81 77°13 --z~-fO-r-/-~l ...................... 2/D!/81 ...................... 42-~6 ..... ..... 32600 194290 KEN SNOW ..... · 3-2-5~ .... 29§303 -dOHN--M,-~3'I~E'E-- 32502 Z22794 JOHN VICKI 32693 235495 CURTIS E. WRIGP t-~6351 -- ~RS, FLORENE~-S 105450 GEORGE JUNNIER -,32606 194690 T~EODDRE SORG ----3-25-32 ........ 053000 ..... FISHE~--~EN>I 32672 191830 SERVICE INDUST ~325B1 215413 UNITED WAY OF F -326~2 -- i51705 -PETTY CASH PDLt 3~93 194409 SDCI~L SECURITN 3~J~4 21541D UNITED WAY OP '"325P5 .... 030436 THOMAS N-HARPE 326o6 032901 CITY DP BOYNTO~ 32597 393.923 JOHN DE LOACH ~=.~-32698 440025 FRED~ RICE 32599 270022 MARY ~. ALLEN 32T03 I30950 WILLIE ROTH 'aCC 327~I --0142~2 ISIAH'ANDREWS .............................. Z/01/81 2/3i/BI T Z/Oi/81 Ukb~A-N- --~/~/-8i' - 2/31/8t ..................... z/o~/81 IAL SUPPLY i/3~/81 ALM BCHo . 1/30/81 CE ....................... 2-/DZ~81 CONTRI~UT ALM BCH. 2/~3/81 SR~ ................. BEACN 2/05/81 2/35/81 .......... 2/05/81 2106/8i 841.14 1,395.04 ....... 954.33 ......... ~'~t12-.80' ' - ---4-5~-~-5-90--R ...... 87~60CR 61~°04CR 87.-3'2 ....... 85,34~.t6 ......... .53fi.0~ ---'----t-,-I'Z ~00 ........ 47.Z~ 755°34 ........ t09.B9 ..... 573.~I 48.00 2135/81 I ................. 55-~90'- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 2 ,37 ..... ' ............. C U R R E N T-- M--D N T-H ...... £'-'H E--£---K S HECK # VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME ~2702 DlI605 AETNA CASdALTY & SURETY 33 313199 RoAD ELECTRIC CO. ~279~ ...... 011200 --ADAMS CHEVROLET ~2705 011341 CLARICE ADLER 2/05/81 B2705 212827 ALEXANDER BATTERY SALES 2/05/8I ' 3~07 013789 ALLIED'CHbOR'IN-F---~ ..... 2-fD~Bi- 92798 014030 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOC. 2/05/82 52709 D14DBB AMERICAN METAL CONTAINERS 2/25/81 ~-2qlD ........ 014919 -APPLE-SHOP ..................... 3271i 315733 ASGRO~ OF FLORIDA 2/05/81 32712 015990 ATLANTIC COAST FIRE CO. 2/35/81 G~?IG ..... --0-16309 .... A~TOPRODUC-T-Sv--I-NC~ '' /h27t4 323173 goB. RUT3 PARTS~ INC, ' ........... 2/05/8i ~27!5 -' 020~39 T~E ~AKER & TAYLOR'CO. - ..... 2/35/81 .... 3~7~6 ......... ~20440 ~'THE--BAKER---~--T-AY~OR'-~-£O-F 32717 323¢57 BAKER ~ TAYLOR COMPANIES 2/35/81 32718 021201 BO. OF CO, COMMISSIONERS 2/05/8I ----3'~7'~9 ~2~713 .... BDYNTON--A~TO-SUPP~ ........ ~/05-/8~ 32720 02~725 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 2/35/81 32721 024728 B3YNTON BCH.NEWS JOURNAL ...... 2/05/81 CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 2105/81 75,05 2/35/81 97,20 2/-25/81 ............... 76.25 72.18 I~989~-00 15,00 7,384,00 35-¢00 960°00 35.50 ...... 572,20 .......... Z1~45 18,33 I1,217,00 ............... 10~'00 "~'2:722 .... 324733 3P~23 32~753 ~/24 024800 ~ ~7'~5 ...... 325603 32725 030185 32727 3~3289 --32'728 ...... 03029~ 32729 030~60 32733 3335~9 32~31 --~31550 32732 03362~ 32?33 333555 32?35 03~593 32?35 D3q59~ /'~'"32738 334953 .:~ 32739 035459 ---~327~ ....... 03556g -~-39-4-~63 I44.$5 37.32 6-3 ...... 19o80 ........ 7.13 -' BDYNTON"BEACH-R-E-T-IR'EMENT ........ BOYNTON ,.GLASS SERV~CE~ 2/35/8i B2YNTON WEST DEVELOPMENT 2/0~/8i C.K.'S LOCKSHOP~ lNG. ' ' - 2/05/81 CADILLAC ENGRAVERS ............. 2/05/81 CAIN FEED--'~- S-UPPUY ................ Z--/95-/~81- ................. 10B'~-65 · CAPEL KLANG COMPANIES 2/05/81 CASE PONER g EQUIPMENT CD 2/36/81 .... CENTURY'-POO~-SERVIDES -~-/0~/8~ ALLEN C. SLARK 2/0~/81 CLEMS3N ~N~VERSITY " 2/05/81 '--COCA COL~-BOTTL-~NG--~-O~ ................. 2~95~81 ~ICH~EL J. COLIIZ ~ ASSOC 2/35/81 COMMERCE CLEARING HOUSE 2/25/81 112,74 34,38 ..... 377,74 -" 15,00 --39w90 360,00 9,39 --CD~MEROI'&L HYDR~U~-ICS D ...... ~/-5-5/8t C3VE SHOE REPAIR 2/05/81 23.00 CR!MHINS COMPANY~ INC. 2/36/81 --' 161,98 .... ~RDNN-UIFE--~-NSURANe~-~O, ~/05-/81 ........ --3~504-F72 327~1 335353 CJST3~ BJSINESS HACHINES 2/~5/81 7,50 32742 0~3395 DALE'S PAINT & BODY SHOP 2/05/81 186.70 327~3 0~1596 DELRAY BEACH FIRE-DEPT.- ................. 2/05/81 ............... ~fi~95 ?'~7~ 04.1503 DELRAY CqEMICAL CD. 2/D5/81 37.20 3-~5 0~1610 gELRAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 2/05/81 12.47 327¢5 Dff~53~ DOLPHIN ELECTRONIC-SUPPLY ......... 2/05/81 ............... 10.55 327~7 0~753 DOUBLEDAY & CO.. 2/35/91 67.76 3~7~8 050205 E.V.F. INC. 2/05/81 338.00 ~, 3,7~9 353339 EAST COAST-FIRE-EQUIp.- ....... 2/05/81 .............. 24.-70 32753 353~00 EMERGENCY MEDICAL g SAFET 2/06/81 44.B5 32751 053911 EMERGENCY TRAINING 2/35/81 920.00 32752 3555~ ERNST ~ WHINNEY ................... 2/35/81 ........ 12~955.90 -- · 2:,>27~1 SZTY 'DF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 3 ::)7 ................... E J R R E N T M 0 N T H C'-H'-E C"K-'S' HECK ¢~ VENDOR f! VENDOR NAHE ~2753 'DCD1D5 DIANE cAC<LER '54 052823 FIRENEN'S RELIEF ....... 3-~75-5 ....... 062920 --FIRST--BANK & TR-UST 32755 D53000 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 52757 0537!q FLORIDA EAST .COAST "32758 ......... 053783 FLORIDA POWEP E-~-IGHT--COo~ ......... Z/05/8-I- 3'2759 053533 FLORIDA WATE~ ~ POLLUTION 2/35/8i 32759 063830 FLORIDA WATER & POLLUTION 2/05/8I 3'2-75'3 054603 ..... FOUR STEEL CORPORAT-IDN- ~27.6I 055500 FJTORA PRINTING 2/05/81 32762 070355 GALE RESEARCH CO. 2/05/8i ..... 827~3 070~03 BETT¥"GARRIGA ~2764 071570 GEMERAL TOOL C MACHINING 2/05/81 ~2755 ...... 071587 GEOTEC, INC. ' .............................. 2~05/81 CHECK DATE 2/05/81 2/35181 ..... 2/35181 CHAPTE 2/05/81 32767 0745S0 T~E GOOD LIFE 2/05/8I 32758 37~582 RD:ERT G330ING 2/05/81 .-- .... 3'27~9-- 075450 O'RAYBAR ELECTRIC-CD; ~'NC~ ............ ~/D'5-/BT 32770 075480 GRIFFIN E~UIPMENT 2/35/81 32771 .......... 375533 R.L, GRdMM'ONS PRINTING ........... 2/05/81 -----~77'2 080300 ........ HACH"CHEMICAL 3?-773 080305 G.K. HALL & CO. 2/05/81 3~74 OBO31O H4LSEY & GRtFF!TH, INC. 2/05/81 ----~'2775--- -~8449~ S',. F-~-HOLDEN~ ~NC~ ..... 32775 084623 HOLLY AC'£JMULATDR ~ '-2/35/81 32777 .... 09~b83 RETTY HOUSEHOLDER ..................... 2/35/81 -~--~778- ~84693 32779 085351 NOAH HUDDLEST~N 2/05/81 32780 085427 HJNTE~S RJN GOLF & RACOUE 2/05/81 J-~7~ 090105 ..... I-%B.M~ CORPORaTiON 32792 OgOlOB 32783 .0~011t 3'279'~ 32785 .094255 32786 10031O 32788 115601 .32789 120410 -32799- --120453 32791 121525 .... 327~2 122850 32793 - 122883 ~--7~4 122911 32795 ..... 131559 32797 131765 32798 132771 >-.. 3?799 132~55 32BDO 135344 32801 135420 32892 i40417 ICMA RETIREMENT CORP. -' ' 2/35/81 IMPA SOoFLA.CHAPTER .............. 2/36/81 INSTITUTE-OF BL-ACK INSJRANCE SERVICES OFFICE 2/35/81 JACK'S CAMERA CENTER 2/05/81 K~PY <tNG PRIN~NG ELEANOR KRUSELL- - -2/95/81 LAUAR IJNIFOR~S ..................... 2/05/.8t -LANIER BJSINESS--PR~JC-T-S 2/96~9i PAUL DAVIS LECLAIR 2/05/81 LIONEL D. EDIE CO, 2/35/81 MILLtE LIPTON ............................. 2/35/81 LLDYDS OF BOYNTON BEACH 2/95/81 ~SSRA~ - HILL BDO< CD. 2/95/91 ~E~RY ~UMMERS ....................... 2/35/8t ~I~MI ELEVATOR CO. 2/05/8! ~ILLER DqDGE 2/05/81 TOTAL AMOUNT EDqARD MITCHELL '~IKE MJLLEAVEY MJNISIPAL POLICE NALC2 CHEMICAL CO. 11.25 868,21 566.45 20,00 84.00CR ..... 84,00 -5-5~'60 117.20 210.10 509.00 .................... 200~00 ..... 612.50 1,500.00 5-10~'00 ......... - 130.t0 ................ 27.75 .... 312,71 11.36 -- 1~--~0'~.-00 ........ 148~20- - .............. 45~'90 ........... I~5~80 250.00 3,564.63 .... 193o0~ ......... 19.00 ---35~'00-- ........... 9,00 359.~5 5.91 .............. ~,9~5.25 ...... 1~-'~0 6°00 1,Z5O~O0 ................ 5~-.00 ....... 117,30 9.23 ............... ~O0~O0 '-- 58.61 79,53 ............ 2/05/81 ................. 50.00 2/05/81 43.13 2/35/8i 1,189.82 ~'" -2/05/81 ........... 9~6.90 '2IZ71FJi CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH · OAGE ~ ~97 .................. C U R R E N T M- 0 N-T H ..... C--H--E-£--K-S ............................................ :HECK N VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAM. E SHEC< DATE TOTAL AMOUNT ~"32803 1~9444 NATIONAL LIBRARY RESOURCE 2/05/81 58.31 304 143453 NATIONAL RELDING PRODUCTS 2/05/81 68.90 ...... 328'05 ........ 141701 NEPTUNE-METER--ED° ~95~-8-~ ......... 25-,537o69 ~2806 1~1~06 NEWARK. ELECTRONICS 2/35/81 21.71 32837 1¢~593 NDLC3 CHEMICAL CD. 2/35/81 ~12.50 '~G2898 ...... 150851 --~IH-O'CONNOR '2/55/&1' ~5~00 32809 150373 PALM 5EAC~ BRAKE & W~EEL 2/05/81 51o59 '- 32819 159437 PALM-BEASH HYDRAULIC JAC< 2/35/81 7.12 ~28&i~ 150425 .... PALM--BEAGH--POS~-~-tME'S Z/05/8t ~'50 ....... ~28!2 153437 PALM BEAC~ SPRING CO~ 2/05/81 198.01 32815 15D&~ ESTELLE PARIS 2/35/81 273°00 ------~28-t-N /~32815 32815 32518 32819 -~2820 32821 32822 3282~ ~'~82~ !9095~ ~825 191103 ....... 32926- ....... ~-9t523 32827 191533 32828 19~3I ...... 92829 ....... ~91709 t515tt ...... ~D~£~S--RA~{A-TDR 152753 152879 ~'54597 lB9503 125323 ~OtBO i~0347 '190399 OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY DoM. SCOTT & SONS COMPANY ...... SE-~ER-E~T--V-~TER--!NA~Y SERVICE INDUSTRIAL SJPPLY JDHN SERRENT!NO PICARD CHEMICAL CD. - ..... 2/35/81 608.75 PITNEY BOWES ...................... 2/95/81 ......... 195.90 L-AV-E'~N_~-PO~T~R--DANGE'-~P,SU ......... ~/05/8-t ......... t'50~00 EVA RAYMOND 2/96/81 ~5.00 Rj-DIK PRINTING 2/05/81 105~00 ..... S,A-.S-.--{'N~o' '2~'05/8t 16t-o40 SAFETY EDJIPMENT CD. OF F 2/95/81 ...... 31o95 SAL'S SPORT SHOP ..................... 2/05/81 ....................... 79°00 ~/06'/-8t .... ' ..... 68.45 2/35/81 15.00 2/05/81 lO.D0 2/35/81 ...... 85o50 2/05/81 ................ 2.55 ~36~8t ~!-~-55 ........ 32833 191795 32831 192779 ..... 32832 ..... 32833 194697 3283~ 1~792 ..... 32835 ....... 194703 32836 195000 32887 lP5015 --~,~.7--328~8 ........ ~95225 82~89 195395 , 828~0 19540~ 32841 ~95405 32942 23348~ ..... 32843 292543 ---3284~ 20552° ~ ~B45 295595 ~28c5 2tOtqD 32847- 32848 2!~359 32849 216~5 3~55D 222~23 32551 22~585 32852 2304~ ....... 32853 233~57 SEYFARTH,SHAW~FAIRWEATHER 2/3~/81 3,891.88 SIMON'S UNIFORMS 2/05/81 144.00 .... SD~TH--FLDR-ID~-~A~-~R-UEK-S ~-/~5J8-t- 29~9 S. CENT. WASTEWATER TREAT 2/05/81 43~585.90 SDJTHEASTERN FIDELITY INS 2/05/8i --i09.00 ..... ~DUTHERN---BELL TELEPHONE -2-/D5/D~ -2-~6~8~8t ST. PETERSBURG JR. 2/05/81 125.00 STATE OF FLORIDA 2/35/81 1.95.23 FLORENCE-~UBBINS .2/95/-8! SJHMEqS ELECTRIC 2/35/81 18,00 SJNSHINE PAINTING " 2/35/81 2,527.90 ..... SUNC'O?"--'t'N~-- LP-/'-DE~8-~ ---158~'9~ ..... TAUL~AN'SALES CO. 2/05/81 74.50 BELLE THOMPSON 2/35/81 99.00 TR~NS-STATE-E~UIPMENT,INS ........ 2/95/81 ................... 525.00 TqDPICA'L SUPPLY CD., INC. 2/05/$1 25.50 iJ°S. NEWS ~ WORLD REPORT 2/35/81 25.00 U.S.S° AGR't-CHEMtCALS ................... ~/95'/81 ............. 498.'75 .......... UNDERGRD-JND SdPPLY 2/35/81 3,379.78 UNIVERSAL BEACH SERVICE 2/95/81 249,30 VILLAGE SDUTH~ INC~ .................... ~/95-/81 ....... 1,514.75 ...... DR RICHARD C VOLLRATH 2/35/81 1,610.50 EARL WALLACE MOTORS, INC~ 2/06/81 218.90 EARL WALLACE FORD,- INC--~--- - 2/D5/81 ............... 37.31 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE · ~ECK D VENDOR fJ VENDOR NAME i~2854 '231782 .55 232403 ~285-6-- -234647 32857 234592 52858 241503 "~2'85'9 ...... 262798 32852 280939 32861 085351 CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT WESTINSHOJSE ELECTRIC 2/05/81 1,218o7~ J. ~HITE ALUMINUM ....... 2/35/81 ...... WD~EN,-S-~-SPOR-T-S ..... ~--2/95~8I .... 9~95 ~3RKOJTS 2/05/81 1,1~9.75 XEROX CORPORATION 2/05/81 869°09 RDBE~T--j,--~IELINS~I---PH~'Do 2~/8-1 ........ lOOwOD JDHN CoBUCHAN 2/05/81 NOAH ~UDDLESTON ............. 2/05/81 ................... 8.53~00 3~8~-z--2-10153 ..... UoS~'-POS-TMAS'TER ..... ~2853 023800 BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA 2/1D/81 32864 02~725 BCYNTON CiTY FEDERAL CREU 2/05/81 ~-'3'2'~5-- -22~599-" VON--HAGGE-'~"-DEV~I'~-TNC. ---- '~/-1-~/81-- '"~:'"~2855 ' 015703 ASGRON OF FLORIDA ................. 2/11/81 .................... 387,00 $2867 ....... :--016000 ATLANTIC-HARDWARE .......................... 2/1'1%81 .................. --3-28~8---0'189-23 ....... A-TL'~TTC---N~-~I'DN~t--[FA-NK 2-/-~17-~1 32859 015303 AJTOPRODJCTS, INC. 2/11/81 53.45 32870 020170 B.~. AUTO PARIS~ INC, 2/11/81 1.~372,31 ...... ~871 --3215~ BEANE'"EXTERMINAT-1N$-%0% ........ ~/'~1-/~81 ...... 138~00 32872- 32873 32878 32879 '---~2'8-P~ 32881 82882 32894 900~00 21,223o45 25,00 Z~O00~O0- 024720 BOYNTON BEACH CHAMBER 2/11/81 .... 1,OOOoO0 324755 BDYNTON GUN E LOCK, INC.- ....... 2/11/81 ...................... 785~30 ~2~773-- .... BDYN~OM-~MEDIC~t--OX'Y~-EN 'Z/-1Tf8T 1-1~-0~ 03056R' OMERO C° CATAN 2/11/81 8.00 032905 CITY DF DELRAY BEACH 2/11/81 94.46 2/11/81' ' 10.00 2'/11/8~ ................ -04'1589"- DENSBERGER--F~RE-~-Y-SffEHS-- 0~5~'53 JOqN Bo DUNKLE ..... 350.313 EASY P~Y TIRE ~TORE --963690 ..... F-bORt-D-A BD~T---&'-NUT- ~/~-t-/-8~ 353'900 FLORIDA UNEMPLOYMENT FUND 2/11/81 3~103o86 053833 FLORIDA RATER ~ POLLUTION 2/11/81 72°00 37270~ WILLIE GIBSON 2111181 ......... 90.00 ~2885 ....... 075~59 HDWIE GREENE~ TANK INSPEC 2/11/81 ............... 309.0O ~32886 .... 075530 ...... ~--~-L-.--GRUM~ONS---PR-~N-~t'N~-- ~t-1-I-/8-t' 32887 075581 GJLF OIL CORPORATION 2/11/81 8,799.24 32888 075.610 GJLFSTREAM LUMBER CO. 2/11/81 435.27 ~32390 280426 HARLEY DAVIDSON OF PAL~ B 2/11/81 471,14 32891 ........ 08642.4 TD~I HUNT SALES-CO. - ..... 2/11/81 ...... 218,38 ----J-328g2 1-.993tD- jACK--LS--~&qER--A--~-EN-~R-- .... ~/-1-t-/8-1 32893 114503 KDPY KING PRINTING CENTER 2/11/81 59.70 32894 120569 LAWN~OWER HOSPITAL 2/11/81 51°35 32895 ....... 13039t ELLEN-MANCUSO 2-/-t-t/8t ?~8o6 13050~ MANUFACTURERS LIFE INS. 2/11/81 682.48 ~a8~7 130576 MAXIM'S INC./MAXIM'S INTE 2/11/81 220°00 '-'328~8 ...... 139938 MCCALL'S ~ORKING-MOT'HER ~/1-t/8-1- 9.-95 SO~I~ Z/ii/SI 32899 I&O4q5 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC r m 32933 l~D&ED NATIONAL LINEN SERVICE 2/11/81 303o84 --~'329~i - -iEI~13 ODOR CONTROL SYSTEMS .............. 2/I-I/81 ............ lq8oO0 32992 I51~53 OFFICE O~ TECHNICAL REFER 2/I!/81 3.15 37~33 150355 PAINT CENTER 2/I!/81 I37.99 3290~ -i50~03 PALM BEACH CTY.TRAINING ~ ..... 2-/1I/8I ........... 2~27/~1 =IT¥ 3F B3YNTON BEAEH HECK,." VENDOR,." V. ENDOR NAME CHECK DATE r ~2995 151713 PETTY CASH RECREATION 2/11/81 _ )06 166200 PJ~LIX MARKET 2/11/81 ..... --32907 ....... 181579 .... REAL ESTATE-DAmA 2/t~'/'81 32908 131650 NANCY RENFRO STUDIO5 Z/11/81 32909 192100 $=OTTY'S 32~11 1915i0 SEACREST PETROLEUM CO. 2/11/81 32912 1915~5 SEACREST PHARMACY Z/11/81 3291~ iOZGTO SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 2/11/81 32915 195010 STATE OF FLORIDA OEPT. DF 2/Z1/81 ;2917 196~05 SUNCO, INSo -"' 2/11/81 32~18 205533 TR~NSI-TRDNICS, N.. 2/11/81 32920 Z~1500 XEROX CORPORATION 3~921 ~1501 XEROX CORPORATION Z/11/81 ~2~23 5~0~1~ BOBBY ALEXANDER 2/11/81 3292~ 530015 ARLENE ALLEN '- 2/1!/81 -~3'2925 -5-40023'-- CL'ARENCE B-EERY ~'-~25 5~00~5 H~TZ~ BERGER Z/~1/81 32927 5~33~5 DR. HJGO BINNE 2/11/81 32929 5~00~8 DELL BURDETT ' 2/11/81 ~2930 5R00~9 RICHARD B. BYE~ 'JR, 2/11/81 ....... ~2'93'1 .......... 5'~0053 ...... E'MERALD--B~E'RS 2/1~/8I' ESTATES 32~32 550033 ROBERT CAMERON 32933 550031 AMGELD J. CASSARO ...... ~293~ ....... 550932- UA~ES E-g-~OX' 32935 550033 ROBERT L. COX 32936 550098 CRANBROOK LAKE ........ 32937 ........... 550027 ROBERT- DAR'I0- 32938 550028 GEORGE DAVIS 32939 550029 JONES DOUGLAS --~329~0 .... 550033 WM. 'A.'-DUBOIS"-JR. 329~1 5~0020 OPAL FULLER ' 32'9~2 5~3~2! ADAM FELIER ...... 32943 ...... 590029 -'-TO~ 'G~STAFSON 329~ 600020 DR. JOHN HALEY 329~5 5DOOZ! JOSEPH HAqHATA 2/11/81 2/11/81 2/11/81 2/11/81 2/I1/~1 2/11/81 2/lt/81 2/1I/8I 2/11/81 2/11/81 2/11/81 2/11/81 PAGE 6 'TOTAL A~OUNT ~7o19 10o00 1D.O0 82.10 ----2'5~0-- 1,363.OT 388.08 TS-J~'O 3~.08 170.92 - 1~195.50 ......... : ....... 95'~'30 129o05 137.30 -30~-0~ 1~.90 ......... 8;70 ZD%Z'TO ~o20 27.90 ~.TO 25,'10 l~oqO 1DolO 27.--20 60.00 ~-?0 5.~0 38.10 7.20 .... 18.00 2.50 27.20 '329~6 329a8 32949 32950 32~51 3 952 3 953 3~954 32955 600022 530091 520000 620010 540012 543014 550044 553q~5 6500~7 650105 FLEMING HELLESKON ................................ 2/11/8I ................ I~.70 - HJNTERS RON 2/11/81 86~.80 JAMES R.. JOHNSON 2/11/81 18,80 STEPHEN JOBB ........................ ~/11781 .......... 2DoBO LOIS LAC<~AN 2111181 18.oo GREGORY LOGAN 2/11/81 22°20 ARLENE MAURER ........................... Z/ll/B1 ................ ~6~90 ......... CLAYTON MOORE 2/11181 13.70 MICHAEL ~C FADDEN . 2/il/Bi 12.~0 ~INTO CONSTRUSTION INCf .......... 2/It/8I ............. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 7 07 - ........... C J R R E N T- H D"-N--T'-HT' .... HECK # VENDOR # VENDOR NAME CHECK .~'m7956 '650153 MARINER VILLAGE OF ,j ~57 670015 3AK~ODD LAKES ..... .... 32'953 '670019 .... R.'-B;--OLDS 3Z959 670020 JOANN OLIVER 32950 530023 MAJRICE PLOURDE ~'3'29'51 ........... 690024 JD~N 'PAGLIARULO : .... ~2952 633025 ROBERT PARR ~295~ 630027 JAME~ PHILLIPS .......................... 3'Z'95~ 6'80029 '-C~ESTER"'P~US-IECK'I ~2955 7200~4 PHILIP RAGUSA 32955 700034 PHILIP RAGUSA 'C'"~2957 790037 CHRIS ROBERTS '32968 ......... 70003~ 32970 719039 32971 710040 DATE Z/Il/S1 Z/~I/81 271~7'81- 2/11/81 2/11/81 27~1'/$1 2/11781 2/11/81 Z/ti/SI 2/11/81 Z71-7781 2111/81 RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ .............................. 2/11781 RHDDES-"C-D~STRUCTI-D~--I~[. 27I-i-/'8'~ V. SCALAMNDRE Z/~1/81 MARY SCHUETZ 2/11/81 SILBE~T-g---SWI'~IUD-"SD~P; ............ ~71'~/8I 32973 710042 DR. ERNEST SMALLMAN -2/11/81 !- 132974 ..... 710043 RANDALL G."SMITH ........... 2/11'/81 3~976 710045 C~RISTINE SOMMER 2/11/81 3-~977 710047 DON SDRENSEN 2/1!/81 "~8 710049 .... PAU/"'SPENSE 32979 710069 REBECCA SP~NKS ..... 329~0 710053 SJN ~ST N~T"L' BNK---3F PBC ...... Z/II/B1 32982 720019 JOSEPH TORREGRDSSA 2/1~/81 32983 720323 JAHES D. TRIMBLE Z/ii/B1 ~ 75002! WAEDI'E"&-PEREZ CONST--CORP 32985 750022 J. S~ILEY NAGNER Z/ii/B1 - 329P5 '- 790000 CITY 3F BOYNTON BEACH ' Z/ii/Bi --:~'3-2987 7901~ ...... CI-TY-OF--BOYNTON--BE~'CH 3Z~8B ~9002¢ HICHAEL HJNRO ~2989 1~0950 NILLIE RJTH HCGRADY Z/iS/B1 32991 3BD~Z~ EDNARD HARMENING Z/13/8t ~32992 O!ZSD5 ALBATROSS SUPPLY ...... ....... 3'29~3-- 01'2808 ..... ~NEESE-I'A--AEDOUS ~/I~/8I 32994 320173 B.Bo AUT] PARTS, INC. 2/13/81 _~ 32995 021690 ARNOLD BERNHARD g CO. INC 2/13/81 329P5 ....... 321692 VECJS BERRICK .............................. Z/r3/81' ?'997 024713 BDYNTON AdTO SUPPLY 2/13/81 3g9qB 024725 B3YNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 2/13/81 TOTAL AMOUNT -'- 92.70 ....... 210.00 ". 3~-T-FU 10.80 9G.B5 .... 12.20 "- ........ ; ...... 9~50 -5'6'~5~' ~2.90CR 42.90 60~00 ....................... 1'2~-20 ......... ~';'¢0 ............ 3'95-73-8 27.20 ~.70 ~O~OO' .......... 22.75 -- ..................... 2 T~'2 ff .... ~-Z~-O 7°20 18.80 f2~-O .............. 7.50- ................. 358.'85 8.90 12.20 " ' 27.50 ---1,335.82'' '59-2~I'~ 602°24 48.00 597.37 ..... 41.08 ~-00- ........ 89.51 223.90 1'4~50 393.79 9,22D.~2 32999 ........ 324728 B'3YNTON BCH.NEWS-JDURNAL .......... 2713/81 ................. ~0~-00 ......... 33003 324733 BDYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT Z/13/81 3~433.55 3303i 024760 BDYNTON GLASS SERVICE, 2/I3/81 341.86 33332 32~..~0 BOYS LIFE 2/13/81 B.GO 3~333 025585 BROOKS PRDDOCTS 2/13/81 941.'25 33324 333562 CLIMATROL DF FLORIDA~INCo 2/13/81 30.00 33335 3~4753 D3JBLEDAY & COo : ......... 2/13/81 ........ 35.84 ~127/81 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 8 507 ................. "-. U R R E N T -M 0 N T H ..... C-'H-E- C"'K S ......................................... ~HECK,." VENDOR,." 395 053732 33037 052823 .......... ~008 ......... 052910 33009 053582 33010 053749 -33J'IU ...... 370493 33012 074503 33013 075615 -----~,3~I'q ....... 333339 33015 394523 33016 090!10 --~'~30'1-7 '1'03231 33018 100319 33319 114533 ~OC-D----'r- .... 11'5501 33021 120450 33322 1217~2 ..... 33U23 I'30~9P 33024 '- 130551 33325 132770 ---- ?~026 1-32859 ~327 135423 33028 1~041.D -' ~3'0-2~ IqO'460 33333 153423 33031 152790 ...... 330'3'2 180500 33333 185313 33034 190937 ..... 33335 ........ 1-909~1 33335 190959 33037 19170'0 33338 ....... l?qS1D 33039 lq9723 33040 19~t70 33042 33343 295530 241533 010300 014052 316303 021517 022930 324739 025383 033629 03453~ 050449 052B15 35~503 075453 33045 33345 ?-~047 33349 33053 33351 33352 33053 3335~ 33355 33356 VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT EMERGENCV ~EDICAL SERVICE FIRE~EN'S RELIEF & .FIRST' B-ANK-'C-TRU~I FLA,ASSOC,OF GOVERNMENTAL FLORIDA EDUCATIONAL BETTY' GARRIGA CHARLES GODFREY GJLFSTREAH STEEL.CORP. -HALSEY'S HOLLY ACCUMULATOR ITT GRINNEL COMPANY JACK'S CAHER& CENTER KDPY <IN~ PRINTING CENTER ...... EEE'ANOR-rRUSELU LANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS LEXINGTON FEED & SUPPLY .... HELEN~-MANJEL MARSHALL BOLT g NUT CO. MILLER BEARINGS MIRACLE-RECREATIO~-~QUIP~ qJNICIPAL POLICE NALCO CHEMICAL CO. 2/13/81 45.00 2/13/81. 868.~2 2/r3/81-'-- ....... I'8¥510~87 2/13/81 10.00 2/13/81 ..81,18 ~/I3/8I '~5700 ..... 2/13/81 ~5.00 2/13/81 ...... 65.10 27~I3/8I ~'5~ 2/13/81 53.30 2/13/81 312,21 2%I3-/8I ~U'5~-5 2/13/.81 ........ 53.76 2/13/81 ........... 73,75 ~/73~8I 2'~00 2/13/81 215.00 2/13/81 65.50 ~/I3~8I- 23~--U0 2/13/81 ..... 455.'83 2/13/81 '. ............ 23,51 27I'3-/'8I 5'I'1~.3'6 ....... 2/13/81 1,190.49 2/13/81 335.90 .... NATIO~AL'-WELDING--~R'ODUETS ......... iZ-/~378'I' PALM BEACH OFFICE SUPPLY 2/13/81' PIERCE TIRE CO., INC. 2/13/81 EVA RAYMOND .......... Z~-13%'81 RJBIN CONSTRUCTION C3. 2/13/81 SCHONSTEDT 'iNSTRUMENT CO. 2/13/81 -SSHROSK"S'MOWER-SAEE'S 2~13781 OLYVE E. SCHOOLEY 2/13/81 SEWELL HARDWARE CO.~ INC. 2/13/81 --FLORE TRANS XEROX .... ABS-rT AMER! SDME'S UNIFORMS ................ z ...........~/1-3/81 S~JTHERN PAPER CO. 2/13/81 STEVEN'S DRUGS 2/13/81 NCE STUBBINS ........................ ~/F3/8i I-TRONICS, INC. 2/13/81 CORPORATION 2/13/81 RUCK-~'-EOUIPMENT~'I'NS ............ CAN PLANNING ~SS02IA 2/1B/81 &TLANTIC HARDNARE 2/1B/81 KAREM BENNETT ................. 2YlB/8i BISHOP'S 2/18/81 BDYNTON CAMERA SHOP 1/15/81 B~LLDOG I~DUSTRIES ,INC; ....... Z/lB/BI ALLEN C. 2LARK 2/18/81 COMMERCIAL HYDRAULICS C 2/tB/81 F.B.I. NATIONAL AC&DEMY A Z/lB/81 FIRE & POLICE PERSONNEL R Z/lB/B1 F]JR STE~L CORPORATION 2/IB/3i 3RAYBAR ELECTRIC 63. INC. 2/18/81 90%'0U ........ '" 368.90 .... 3~159.16 -~5;00 101.97 577.92 7-~.85 .......... 15.00 '- 364.44 22~25 ......... '225,00 9~o33 1-5;00 297,70 125.~6 65.00 29.80 .......... 73~50 35.75 19.60 .......... 59~50 72.00 282.81 ....... 125.90 48.00 64.00 ..... liD.D0 ZI2718~ ,CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH E'-'-N -T- ....M--D--N'-T-"lt ....... C--H--"E VENDO'R NA~E CHE[< PAGE 9 DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 58 33060 33351 ~3352 ~3063 ~3354 ,4-B-O-~E5 33356 33~57 *075580 GULF OIL CORPo ' '- 2/15/81 384583 BETTY HOUSEHOLDER ................ 2/18/81 0345-93 ----EDG-AR--HO'~EL~ Z-'/IBTBT 094312 INTERNATIONAL MFOA CAREER 2/18/81 134633 JONES EQUIPMENT CD. 2/13/81 12155g .... ~NET--L'ENTZ Z/T87BT 122800 LINDSLEY LUMBER CO.' ...................... 2/19'/81 133319 ~HITT MACDOWELL .............................. 2/18/8'1 134533 ~9NROE CALCULATOR 2/18/B1 135344 MIKE MULLEAVEY 2/19/81 ..... 7,969.07 45.'00 I00.90 354.32 ....................... 37,-76 ................ ~08;90 278.00 q3.12 .... ~3359 .... ~30'73 ~3-30-7I 33372 33373 ..... ~33075 15373R GAIL 3LSEN 1-53359 NORMAN P~LSO 2/1'378-1 ~5~'759 .... PI-[A-RD--C-~EMTC-A~[--CIOo ~/-1'B7'8~ lOOTS-U-- 164533 ROBERT PDCSIK 2/15/81 325.5.0 185509 RJSSELL £ AXON 2/13/81 1~-472.78 191519 ...... SEACRE'ST--.PETROLEUM-%0, Z'~l~B1 192503 ~AROLD SHOLL 33076 ............ 194395 'DAVID SOBEU .... 2/1'B/8-I ----~53~7 1-945'97 ....... S'~-~'EN~--W~S~F~TER--~R~-~ Z'/l'B~St 37~78 '19~719 SOUTHERN PHOTO & NEWS INC 2/19/81 3~U79 195415 SUN SENTINEL 2/13/81 -Z'D2603 ........ ~E-~N-THUR~E'~ 2'7I~781 '33031 215359 UNDERGROUND SUPPLY .... T ................ 2/13/81 10.35 10.37 Yb-5-TOO ................. 291.50 -33382 ...... 216393 U~IJAX -----3'3U8'3' 233545 ...... WATER MAN~Gt~ME-NT--~C~'ENCE ~/1'378I 33084 232549 R3Z WILLIAMS 2/18/81 435.00 33385 232908' EDWIN W. ~INCH 2/18/81 325.50 ---33'785-- 2~lC'33--XER-OX-CORPUR-aTION 2?Y~/~B~f 1-52756 3308T 700034 PHILIP RASUSA ............. 2/iB/8i .... ~ ...... 27.20 33388 730335 ~ICHA~D RASCHDORF ............... Z/IB/81 ....................... 15'.'70 - -'=~3~89 .... ~5003t FR'ANCES--E~-SCEBUO 2~19/3-I 333~3 513003 MI£HAEL S YURA 2/23/8i ~55o22 33391 133950 WILLIE RdTH HC~RADY 2/23/81 38.~0 ~3092- -~-I~240 -T-SIAH ANDREWS ." ~3393 3~3035 GqET£HEN LUBY ............. 2/20/8t 418.72 .3339~ -" ~900t~ MC ARTHUR WATERS .................... 2/23/8I .............. ~5'qo71 '-'---3'309-5 02~725 ...... -BDYNTON--CI-T¥--FEDER-~E--CR-ED Z/Z~8-Z-- T00-;~00- 33395 311353 AD~INISTRATIVE CHAmoiS 2/29/81 26~541.67 ..... 33397 013783 ALLIED CHLORINE a 2/29/81 1~989.00 33398 ...... 321231 ?~399 02~731 BDYNTDN ~JTO ELECTRIC INS 2/23/81 153.90 3~190 024725 BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED 2/23/81 9,245.18 33191 ......... 324733 BDYNTO~ BEACH RETIREMENT ........ 2729/81 ......... 3:,755%3~ 33102 333353 CAPE KENNEDY SPACE CENTER 2/2~/B1 129.00 33103 032380 CqACE SCqOOL 0~ GYMNASTIC 2/29/81 87.18 33134 032401 VIRSI [HATFI~LD '33135 332897 CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH 2/23/81 658.52 33195 33489fi HOWAR3 COOK 2/23/81 6~51~o80 33137 352~23 FI~EHEN'S RELIEF'a ....... 7 .... 2/2~/81 ............. .1~343o55 2/27/81 :ITY 37- .................... OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE lO - M'O' N - T' - H--~--H-'E --C--K--S ........................................... ~ECK # VENDOR # VENDOR NA~E .38 352PlO FIRST BAN< E TRUST 331D9 353798 FLORIDA TENNIS ASSOC- --'-33'170 ....... 081505 TERRY HENES 33111 235351 NOAH qUDDLESTON -~3112 I15601 ELEANOR KRUSELL CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 2120/81 2123/81 2123/81 2123181 22,674.93 11.00 295.00 30.00 B~3II'3 ....... q-'I'2049t -- 33114 134545 33115 136429 ..... 3~IU .......... ~43393 33117 153387 33118 184560 33120 191705 33'121 19244~ -LASSITER-'CONST~UCT"ION-CO- 272'3~8i' ~33RE BUSINESS FORMS, INC 2/ZP/81 MUNICIPAL POLICE .... 2/22/81 PALM BEACH COUNTY ASSOCo 2/23/81 BETTY ROHACK 2/20/81 SEYFARTH~SHAW,FAIRWEATHER ..... 2/20/81 RICHARD L,SHEPARD K:ASSOS ...... 2/23/81 ---:-3~¥22 .... T~4899 ..... ~C';--SPORTS-- 196389 R. d. SULLIVAN coRP. 2/29/81 233545 .W~TER HYDRANT SERVICE 2/20/81 Z3'23~7 ...... PAUU-U~--?4HEEL~S 232790 EUNICE WILSON ............................... 2/20/81 33123 33124 '33126 -33127 33133 ~33132 33133 2~1633 ×ERDX CORPORATION ~90019 ...... :~EAN WTUUI-AMS 070400 BETTY GARRIGA 074599 CHARLES GODFREY IB050O ....... EVA'RAYMOND 193959 DLYVE E. SCHODLEY 195'225 FLORENCE STUBBINS ....... 2123/81 Z7'Z'DTBt 2/23/81 Z/ZD/81 ............... 2/23/81 ---~3i3~ ............ OllZOD 33135 911439 33136 013729 ----331-37 ~14339 33138 015990 33139 016009 ....... 33140 ............ 3163'0D 33141 023t73 33142 021200 -~33143 ............ S23567 3314~ 024509 , 33145 324313 -----~3'1A5 .......... 0Z5530 -+~ 33147 030183 ADAMS CHEVROLET 2'~2-~78~ ADVANCE AIR CONDITIONING 2/24/81 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 2/24/8i .... CARME'N-'~NNUNZ-I-A-FO- 2~2~7'8'1 ATLANTIC COAST FIRE CO. ' .... 2/2~/81 ATLANTIC HARDWARE ............. 2/24/81 --A~TDPRgDU='TS'F-'INC. B.B.. AUTO PARTS~ INC. 2/24/81 BD. ~F COo COMMISSIONERS 2/2q/81 BL A C K'"C DEC KER -( U, S~-I '---I NS ........ ---27~2-4-/8 i- BETTY BORONI 2/24/81 BDYNTON ~RECKER SERVICE-:' ' 2/24/81 C.C. CONTROLS CORP. 2/24/81 1,235.28 "' 1,423.16 22%-00 5D~O0 IOB.O0 I-9-F83 ~CrO-- ..... 2,215.50 ................ 365.00 6,466.10 4,537.50 iOD~OU ............. 783.00 ............. 2990'5 1" 4-5.00 45.00 4570'0'-- ............... 15.00 ............... 15-;00 .... 'I 5T59 262.46 8,592.00 1-O D~- 0 O ...... 12.75 ............ 21.55 1-99~-q~ 7 ........ 255.03 55.06 5-3%-30 1DUO0 - 45,00 78 90.00 33148 333333 .... 149 ...... 331rOD ~150 033631 33151 334587 ....... 33152 3~1581 33153 3~1680 :~ 3315~ 050371 33155 053900 33156 05390C 33157 0535B3 - 33158 063690 CALDRELL,PACETTI,BARROW 8 2/24/81 3,509°00 PERRY CESSNA ....... 272~/81 ............ 130-;00 ......... THO~S Ao CLARK 2/2q/81 75.00 TBgMAS E E L!NOA L CDFFEY 2/24/81 1,2OD.O0 JOE DELONG .............................. Z/2'~/8I ............... 155;00 ........ DENSBERGER FIRE SYSTEMS 2/24/81 58.00 PAJL ECKERT 2/24/81 200.00 EMERGENCY ~EDICAL'-E-'SAFET .......... ~-/ZG/81" Y82~85 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 2/2~/8i 232o26 FLORIDA ATLANTIC JNI~ERSI ~ 2/24/81 60.00 FLORIDA BOLT 8 NUT .................... -Z/Zq781 54.gi f CITY OF BOYNTDN BEACH PAGE 11 07 ......................... U R R' E N T M-O N'T-.H ....... C'H'-E-C-'K'"S ........... HEcK # VENOO~,," 33159 '053700 ...... 3~'i'5~ ....... 071551 33162 071565 33153 072.700 33165 030310 331-55 080~Z5 ~3158 384655 33159 339574 ........ ~79 084690 -1~33171 D8~693 331'72 ......... 035415 -3~1--F3 '090105- 33174 094301 33175 lO020t --~--'3]-175~ ..... 1315~7 33177 1D~SO3 · ......... 33178 ..... ~Ii559 ~E~DO~ NAHE CHEC< DATE TOTAL AMOUNT FLORIDA BRAKE ~ 2/24/81 526.77 CHARLES :REDERICK 2/2~/81 "' 139~00 -GEnERAL"BINDING-S-A~[ES--C13R ........ -272'~£8-1 ~3,-TOb GENERAL TIRE & RUBBER 2/2~/81 785.51 ~ILLIE'GIBSON 2/24/81 160.DO GRIFfIN-POLLUTION - 2724'/8i ~5~.-0~ HALSEY & GRIFFITH~ INC. 2/24/81 572.21 HAND'S .... 2/2~/81 ..... 15'.-5~ ' " --EDWARD'H~'R'MENING' 2--~2'~-~8'I EARL HORNE INC. 2/24/8i ~O.O0 HOPKINS MARINE HARDNARE 2/24/81 173.56 '-'EDGAR HOWEEL- 2-/'2~-/-8I -2-O-D~DO ROBERT HOWELL ................ 2Z24781 I'8'0~"00 ........ BETTY HUNDLEY ....................... : ........... 272'~/8Z ............... ~[~'94 ........... 'I~'B,~='CORPOR-A~TON 2-/2-~f8I INTERNATIONAL CITY 2/24/B1 38.75 J. & J CHEMICAL 2/2~/81 201.D0 "-DEE G$--2E-G~ERS 272973I JONES EQJIPMENT CO. ' ............. 2{2~/81 ......... 960.00 BERT KEEHR 33183 114600 KDPY KING PRINTING CENTER 2/24/81 ±B1 120410 LAMAR UNIFORMS 2/24/81 12'0503 ........ BDB--E~TR~ 272~-/8-I 33183 ' 122911 LLDY~S OF BOYNTON-BEACH .... 2'/2'~/81 3~194 .......... 131731 ~ETZLER ~"COX WE/DING ................. 2~24/81 --~-3T85 13'2'771 ..... MT'LE'ET-DOD~ 33185 13~572 ROBERT MORRIS ASSOCIATES 2/24/81 3187 153353 TEREESA PADGETT 2/24/81 33139 33190 33192 193 ~331P5 33195 T---~337~ ..... 190350 ....... SA~ETY-KtEEN-CO~Po 33193 191513 SE~CREST PETROLEU~ 33199 191530 SERVICE INDUSTRIAL tA3374 150407 PALM BEACH HYDRAULIC JACK ...... 2/24/81 i5~4i~ PALM BEA£~ NEWSPAPSRS ............... B/24/81 151550 ...... CHARLES-'P~RS-ING 152750 PICARD CHEMICAL CO. 2/24/81 152873 PITNEY BONES 2/24/81 15450? '-"ROBERT POCS-I~ .............. ----2~24/'8'1 1~631~ RJBIN £ONSTRUSTION :3o - ' 2/24/81 19013~ S.A.S. INC. ' .............. 2/24/81 CO. 2/24/31 SJPPLY 2/2~/81 23°50 304.&0 :2-00g-0-5 = .................... 167%35' ...................... 1'I-5 ~' OO ....... 2-7%-8'9 ........... 22.20 50.00 ............. ........... T-~66'~ 44 ...... -20 ~'00 575.00 15.49 -- ---20~,-00'~ . .... 211.55 303.5~ 1,493.88 363.32 33200 ..... 19459~ SOUTH FLOAIDA'-MACK TRUCKS ......... 2J2~/81 .............. I00%~7 ........ 33231 lP4733 SDJTHERN BELL TELEPHDNE 2/24/81 1~738.45 202 202555 P. THDMPSDN 2/24/81 13.98 332D3 .... 235413 TR~IL FO~D TRACTOR CD, .......... T/Z~'/Bi 2~-1'6 ..... 33204 23553~ WALTER M. TRAJGER 2/24/81 155.00 33205 235500 TqPP!SAS~ INC. 2/2~/81 251.2I 33236 2!5357 JNDERGROJND SUPPLY ...... 2/2~/8i .... 80;16 33207 215393 ~N!JAX 2/24/81 185.83 33208 230400 CHARLES WALDNER~ M.D. 2/24/81 779.00 33239 - 23'0449 EARL WALUACE ~OT3RS', INC~. ~ 2/24/B1 .......... 654.00 -- SITY 5 N T OF BOYNTON BEACH M 3"N T- H ..... C-PI' 'E--C--K 'S PAGE 12 'qECK" ,~ VENDOR # ., 33213 '233453 211 233543 .... ~J'Z-tZ ......... 231603 33213 231783 33214 232345 -'~:~'332-r5 ...... 232480 33215 232838 33217 234651 332'I~ ......... 235495 33219 241533 33220 251615 : ...... 332q2-t- 2-5152D ~3222 251535 33223 262798 qENDO~ NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT EARL ~ALLACE FORD, INC. ~ATER DEPARTMENT THDMAS-Eg-NENGLER WESTERN AJTO STORE DANNY WHITE HERB WI'EL~R~--TR~CE[NS EDWIN Wo ~INCH PATRICIA L. WOOLLEY ' SA~UEL-L~'--WRIGHI XEROX CORPORATION YERG~ INCORPORATED -ZG~-MEOIC-AL'-S~PPL~ES 'ZENITH CONTROLS I,NC~ RDBEPT Jo ZIELINSKI PHoD. 2/2~/81 133.'15 2/24/81 3,573.10 2/24/31 83.08 2/24/81 145.00 '2-/22*-/8-1- "97-S% 5-0 ...... 2/24/81 200.00 2/2~-/81 155oD0 2/2 ~-/81 1'5 ~ ~-DO' 2/24/81 987.16 2/2~/8I 71.33 z-/z 7'8-1 z 212~/81 ........ 26.'5I '-' 2/2R/81 .............. 10O.OO'- ' .... 733'22'~ 33225 33257 '-----BSZ~8 33259 '33253 253 .... 33265 33255 254559 .... BETTY 'ZOB'E~ 31DOD2 CLINTON EDWARDS 195020 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. 3'%~2G3 .... ~SI'AH-'~ND~E'NS 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY ................ 270003 JA~ES AI<ENS .............. 01'IG33 ....... ADVANCE AIR 'CONDIT~ONIN~ 013781 ALLIED ELECTRIC 320169 B.Bo ASSDC~ FIREFIGHTERS -~2.4710.- ..... BOYNTON-~-JTO-SUPP[Y 024725 024733 2-/2 ~-/8I 2/24/81 183.00 2/26/81 7.50 27'Z7-I ~I 5 2/27/81 ...... 48.'00 " '2/27/81 ..... 395.5'8 2-Y 2 7/-8I ~75-; O-C[ ....... 2/27/81 203.34 2/27/81 325.20 2/Z-7-/-81 72'I~77 2/27/8i: .......... 9 ~ 50I~'I 8 -2/27/81 .......... 3~421'.96 BDYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT ........ -'-- .... 3'3257-l----'03'4559 33258 340525 33259 352923 .... ~3Z-rO'- -0'52910 33271 3'53783 33272 354539 .... 3327-3 '055550 33274 370403 33275 074509 ....... 3327~ ~74536 ~'~33277 075~50 33278 080425 ~-33'27~ ......... 3~009q 33283 113497 33281 1!421~ 33282 114633 38283 115521 284 121741 33285 122983 33286 1]040q 332~7 133565 33283 131582 33289 135429 332~D 143435 33271 163389 ..... COCA 'COLA--BOTTL~NG-C'O; DAY-TIMERS FIREMEN'S RELIEF "' .... FI'RST' BAN~'-~-TRUST ~LDRIDA POWER E LIGHT CO. FDJR STEEL CORPORATION -FRATERNAL-ORDER'-OF"-POL'IC'E BETTY GARRIGA CHARLES GDDFREY GOLD 'COAST--CH~PT~-'~P~ GR4YBAR ELECTRIC CO. INCo HAND'S '- I,B.M."CORPOR'~TTON KAUFF'S TO~ING ~NAPP INS. 2-/27/81 2/27/81 2127/81 ~/27781 2/27/81 2127/81 2/27/8i 2/27/81 2/27/81 2~27/8I--- 2/27/81 2/27/81 --2-I2718I 2/27/81 2/27/81 KDPY KINS-PR!NTING CENTER ............ ~/27/8I ELEANOR KRUSELL 2/27/81 ~AXWELL LEWITUS Z/27/81 ~qANK LOESCHNER ............................. 2/27/81 ~ANH4TTAN TROPHIES 2/27/81 ~AJRY'S TOOL CHEST 2/27/81 LISA METHFESSEL ............... 2/27/81 ~UNICIPAL POLICE 2/2v/81 NATIOnaL FIRE PROTECTION 2/27/81 PALM ~EACH JR. COLLEGE --- 2/27/81 79%80 15.42 895.71 ..... ~2,323.76 ...... 57.42 45.00 45.00 IO~O0 ...... -- 343.20 34°06 ~O~'O0 ....... 49.60 1~552.00 10~o00 32.00 55.55 522.D0 ............. 2.34 1,157o~2 11~o0~0 ............ 12.D~ 'ITY DF BDYNTON B£AEH q~CK,. ~' VENDDq ,." VEND~R NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT z. B3292 '150430 PALM BCH. COUNTY PoB.A. 193 151720 PETTY CASH WATER C SEWER 33-29ZF- ........ 154599 ..... F3HPANO"BEA'CH--POL-~-~-DEP1 ~3295 180503 EV~ RAYMOND 33296 190q59 OLYVE Eo SCHOOLEY -332'97 ......... 192779 ..... SIHON"S'~JqIFOR-~S ~329B 194~33 SOCIAL SECURITY CDNTRIBUT ~3299 i9~610 S]ME'S UNIFORMS ~33-03---195225 FE'DREN'SE--S'TUB$~S ~330i 215~10 UNITED WAY OF PALM BCHo 33332 21~4t~ JNIVERSAL ENTERPRIS-ES SUP ~--B'~3-3 233'~5! ..... W'A'LE~-CE-~--TTE~NT~N ~-'3304 ' ' 330007 ~3335 ...... 333338 '2/27/81 2127181 ~727'/'8'I- 2/27/8I 2/27/81 2-/2-7-18~ 2127/81 2/27/81 2/27/81 2/'27/81 DAVID T GALLOWAY ....................... 2/27/81 JD~N"G~RD~E~ ................... 7 ................ 2127/81' I5°00 23.41 ~5o00 15o00 65~521.46 ............. 8~75 lS.~O ~78o84 .~05.65 rTZ/3-8 .............. 15;00 500;-0'0 991,728.21