Minutes 07-17-79MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEA~H~ FLORIDA, TUESDAY, Q~/LY 13, 1999 AT 7:30 P. M. PRESENT Edward F. Harmening, Mayor Betty Riseoe, Vice Mayor David Roberts, Councilman Norman F. Strnad, Councilman Walter ~'Marty" Trauger, Councilman Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk James W. Vanoe~ City Attorney Mayor Harmening welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He announced the invocation tonight will be by R~bin Lefkowitz, Lay Rabbi, followed immediately afterwards by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Vice Mayor Betty Riseoe. He requested everyone to please rise. He then ascer- tained that Mr. Lefkowitz was not present and Mr. Strnad gave the invocation. AGENDA APPROVAL Mr. Roberts referred to Administrative and stated under Item A. Report on Solid Waste, he would like to make two brief announce- ments. Mr. Cheney stated at the request of the Chairman of the Community Relations Board, he would like to request Item J under Administrative to be taken off the agenda. Mrs. Riscoe moved to approve the agenda with the correetions~ seconded by Mr. Trauger. Motion carried 5-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS NONE MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting - July 3, 1979 Mr. Roberts moved adoption of the minutes as recorded ~or the regular meeting of July 3, 1979, seconded by Mr. Trauger. M~tion carried 5-0. Special City Council Meeting - July 12, 1979 Mrs. Riseoe moved acceptance of the minutes of the Special Coun- cil Meeting of July 12 as presented, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Council on any item not on the agenda. He added if there is anyone in She audience who desires to speak on any item on the agenda to please give their name to the City Clerk and when that item becomes the order of business, they will be called upon at that time. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEE~NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 1~, 1979 Mrs. Katherine Mass, 2527 S. W. 13th Street, informed the Council she was appointed by the Golfview Harbour Homeowners Association to take a survey regarding the need of street lights in Golfview Harbour and advised that 73 are not in favor of installing lights and 35 are in favor. She then presented this survey to the Coun- cil. She requests the Council to reconsider their position ro install these street lights. Mayor Harmening questioned the basis for this change of mind since several people made the request and Mrs. Mass replied the reason for this whole survey being taken was because many of the residents were not at the meeting when the proposal came up and feel differently to tbs Cityts decision. Mrs. Kathy Dowting, 253B S. W. t3th Street, stated she is against street lights because she jogs at night and enjoys the privacy and darkness. She told about many homes having their own lights which are sufficient. She does nor feel a majority of the people were fairly represented when the request was made. A majority of the homeowners do not belong to the homeowners association. She finds it hard to believe so few can legally make a decision affect- ing ~o many. She is forever hearing about cities, state and fed- eral governments not having any money and considering the energy situation, she thinks it is inconceivable that the City should spend money where it is not desired. Instead, the money should be spent to build more bike baths in their subdivision. Street lights were voted down five years ago. They do not want the poles in their yards. There was also reference to this bein~ a high crime area, but she checked the police records and it is not. Any crimes committed have taken place on the other side of the canal where they already have street lights. The Homeowners Association concluded that ~a survey should be taken and the result is 73 against and 35 in favor. The petition has allowed only one vote per address. She requests the Council to abide by majority rule. Mr. Edgar Lewis, Vice President of the Golfview Harbour Home- owners Association, referred to the issue of street lights ini- tially being brought up in March or April and advised the member- ship thought it was a good idea and it was unanimous to approach the City making the request for street lights and the City agreed to install them. In May, the Homeowners Association distributed to every resident in Golfview Harbour a copy of their association publication indiuating the City had approved the installation of the lights. Nothing more was said until the past meeting when some people objected and a survey was authorized. The membership of the association has not seen the survey and has no comment relative to it. Mrs. Mass agreed that a bulletin was distributed to all the home- owners advising the issue was approved, but clarified she was referring to the initial proposal by the Golfview Harbou~ Home- owners Association. Only a handful of people attended the meeting when it was unanimouslyapproved. If more people were aware of -2- MI~TES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 17, 1979 this issue, a survey would have been taken at that time. A survey was not done previously and that is whypeople are present this evening. Dr. Gerald Skinner, 112 South Federal Highway~ stated he would like to speak to the Council about the waste of energy on 1-95. He referred to being moneerned about this three years ago and having researched this and advised at that time, it cost the State $6~000 per month to run the lights from West Palm Beach to Boma Retort. The cost was $70,000 per year three years ago! We essentially pay this most. This is the most well lit highway in the United States. He would challenge the City Council to do some research on the feasibilityof requesting the lights to be turned off on 1-95 in our municipality. He thinks it would be timely monsidering the situation in the mountry. There are state and federal regulations stating lights are nemessary through urban areas, but many are not as well lit as ours. He has never found anybody who feels theyare nemessary beyond the exit ramps. Mayor Harmening thanked him and added that he was inclined to agree with this suggestion. Mayor Harmening then asked Mr. Cheney where we stand regarding the installation of street lights in Golfview Harbour and Mr. Cheney replied the power company has the plans done. The com- pany is attempting to get seven easements in Golfview Harbour. No installation has beendone. There has been no financial commitment on our part at this time. Mrs. Alicia Stefanini~ 1351 S. W. 2Sth Way, read the notice in the newspaper distributed by the Golfview Harbour Homeowners Association in March, 1979, advising a letter was sent to the City Manager requesting installation of the street lights which was forwarded to Florida Pewer S Light Co. asking them to make a survey. She then read from the May newspaper advising the request was approved by the City Council. It noted there will be 34 street lights and the most of these will be borne by the City of Boynton Beach. Flyers were sent to everyone in the neighborhood regarding this. The people must take the time to attend the meetings and take a stand. This is safety for their neighborhood. She then presented the flyers to the City Clerk. Mrs. Mass stated these flyers were not distributed to all the residents, but were only distributed to the members of the Home- owners Association which numbers 75 out of 500. Mr. Alfred Maekey, 1027 S. W. 25th Way, referred to recently moving to Golfview Harbour Estates and stated he joined the Homeowners Association to accomplish something. The organiza- tion is not large, but they try to make their voime heard. Meetings have been held and all the people have been invited. This is a local squabble which should have been set~led months ago. -3- MINUTES - RECULAR CITY COHNCiL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 17~ 1979 Mayor Harmening referred to this not being on the agenda~ but asked if there were any comments to be made. Mr. Roberts clarified that there are street lights in Golfview Harbour~ but this area does not want any. It does seem like this is a local squabble. He told about developers being required now to install lights and sidewalks and how it was advocated by the police in order to deter drime. He thinks this whole thing is a squabble and we should l~t the residents fight it out among themselves. Mrs. Riseoe stated she concurred with Mr. Roberts to a degree; however~ mayb~et~ere is a compromising point between both factions. Perhaps the residents can get their heads together instead of try- ing to i~onit out here. Possibly there are places where they should definitely not be installed~ but other places where they can be. Mr. T~auger agreed and stated there should be a point of compro- mise. However~ if the people do not want lights~ we should not insist on installing them. He does believe there should be an impartial survey of this area~ perhaps done by the City house to house. Mrs. kiscoe connurred and suggested instructing M~. Cheney to send someone out into the area to take a house to house survey. Mayor Harmening added that possibly Florida Power $ Light Company could be asked to locate lights where they are needed and delete a few. Mr. Cheney agreed and added that one ~f the questions which could be asked in the survey is are you opposed to street lights in the entire area or just to having one located in f-~ont of your house. Mr. Roberts stated if a survey is done~ he thinks the Police and Fire Departments should be involved. Comments should be requested from these departments as it is difficult to locate houses withoutany lights. He still says the City has an obligation to most people to light up the area. Mr. Cheneyasked if the Council also wanted him to do some re- search on the 1-95 question and Mayor Harmening replier affirma- tively. BIDS Approximately 40~000 sq. ft. ~419 Bermuda Sod - S. W. 15th Avenue Little League Field Mr. Cheneyinformed the Council thatbids were ~e~eived from three companies and it is recommended the bid be awarded to Patten Seed and Turfgrass Co. of Lakeland~ Georgia. Their price for deliver- ing sod to the site at the ball field is $5~080 and City crews will install it. Mr. Trauger moved to award the bid for Bermuda Sod to Patten Seed and Turfgrass Company of Lakeland~ ~eorgia. Mrs. kiseoe seconded the motion. No discussion. Motioncarried 5-0. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLIC HEARING NONE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS Ro!lyson Aluminum, Inc., High Ridge Road & N. Construction of 5C~000 sq. (Tabled) JULY 17 ~ W. 22nd Avenue ft. Warehouse/Manufacturing Facility 1979 Mr. Roberts moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mrs. Riseoe. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Marmening requested Mr. Annunziato to give a brief presen- tation. Mr. Annunziato informed the Council this site plan appli- cation is for a 50, D00 sq. ft. industrial building located off High Ridge Road extended. He pointed out the location on a map and explained the access from the City. He then told about this 40 acre tmaet being annexed into the City in the early 1970ts and pointed out this particular 6 acre tract. He pointed out where High Ridge Road is constructed relative to the applicant's loca- tion and added that future public road extensions would be Miner Road and H%gh Ridge Road extended. He explained how the appli- cant proposed to serve the property. Mr. Roberts asked if there was an easement for Miner Road and Mr. Annunziato replied that Miner Road extended is on the County thoroughfare plan. One half of the north half of right-of-way of Miner Road has been dedicated. One of the recommendations made by the staff is Minem Road be dedicated as part of this development. There are no plans to construct Miner Road at this time, but it does appear on the Year 2000 Needs Plan. Mr. Roberts asked if any land had been dedicated for High P/dge Road and Mr. Annunziato replied that High Ridge Road will be developed as an 80~ right-of-way. Also, our comprehensive plan proposes extending High Ridge Road south to N. W. 22nd Avenue which is approximately 1,600 feet. It is shown to be dedicated in the f~/ture as part of the Sand Hill development. Mr. Annunziato then referred to the site plan and explained that it called for construction of a 50~ 000 sq. ft. steel building to be utilized by Rollyson Aluminum, Inc. for the man~cture of aluminum windows. It is served by a privately dedicated road to connect with High Ridge Road to form the only access available to the City. There are plans for potential expansion in the future. Mr. Roberts stated itwas his understanding the right-of-way was dedicated to N. W. 22nd Avenue. He told about the land being annexed in the early 19707s after the Chamber of Commerce painted a bright picture of industrial land being needed, but stated he did not realize it was a landlocked tract and the only access was through another community. He thinks the City in a sense has some -5- MINUTES - REGULAR CETY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA JULY 177 1979 obligation to see if they can work our another entrance on that extension of High Ridge Road and possibly share some of the cost. Mr. Annunziato informed him there has been every indication that Riteco would deci, mate the right-of-way if someone else would pay for the moad. Mr. Roberts commented that 'it could be done by the City, by the developer or jointly. Mr. Cheney advised this would be discussed later after the presentation by the attorney. Mr. Bill Kearns~ member of the High Ridge Road Homeowners Associa- tion, stated at present, this is a landlocked industrial park and the onlyaccess is through High Ridge RDad from the north, which is througha residential community. He feels it is a unique eom- muu/ty with homes on large lots with a lot of children. They do not want industrial trucks on a private residential road. If there is a hiatus at the end of the read and the industrial area has otheraceess, they would accept that but it is unacceptable to have trucks driving through their area. The County passed an ordi- nance not 'allowing truck traffic on their road. Mr. Robert Reed, 640 East Ocean Avenue, Attorney representing Rollyson Aluminum Preducts~ stated the City Planner has pretty well delineated the exact location. It is a 6acre parcel of property located in the extreme northwest section of the City. Rollyson Aluminum Products does propose to build a 50.000 sq. ft. building on this six acre tract to house a manufacturing plant which produces a line of aluminum windows and doors. Presently the Rollyson plant is located in Lantana and theywish to relocate the plant on this property. This property was annexed into the Cityon September 1, 1972. The City Council zoned the property M-1 for industrial usage which is the usage Rollyson propose~. Mr. Reed then stated rather than becoming involved in the speci- fic merits of the site plan, he would like to touch on two points previously discussed. The first concerns readway aceess to this parcel. He explained the present two modes of aeeess from the City.. Many of the County residents living in the residential area to the north of this property have objected to this site plan on the basis of truck traffic using High Ridge Road. Pre- sently Palm Beach County's resolution governs vehicular traffic on High Ridge Road to a limit of 6 tons per a~_le. None of his client's trucks would exceed that axle load limit. Most of the trucks would be of a pickup truck variety which are far from the load limit. Mr. Reed stated in addition, the Technical Review Board has recommended access to the south. At present, the paved portion of High Ridge Road ends at the proposed intersection of Miner Road. He pointed out the area of shell rock road and advised that down to N. W. 22nd Avenue, there is no road of any sort. -62 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 17, 1979 Mr. Reed continued that the Technical Review Board has suggested a more direct route of access be provided to decrease polioe and fire response time by extending High P/dge Road from the present paved terminal point to meet N. W. 22nd Avenue. This distance is approximately3/4 mile and the estimated cost for two lanes runs upwards to ~500~000. They have no objections to the extension of High Ridge Road and agree it will provide a more direot access and shorten the response time for emergency vehicles, but they feel it is unreasonable to expect Ro!lyson as a condition of securing approval of this site plan to pay $500,000 for the extension of High l~dge Road. In lieu of that~ h~s e!ient has agreed to pave the present shell reek portion from the temminal point to the entranee road and the road into his property. He explained his o!ient would pave both these roads munning about 955 feet. In addition~ they have attempted to assist the City in obtaining the neeessarymight-of-way from the owner of the property to extend High Ridge Road. They secured a letter from Mr. Riley indicating the two corporations would be~willing to donate the necessary road right-of-way providing the ro~d is built to City standards and providing they do not have to contribute to the cost. High Ridge Road would pmovide a more direct access rouEe~ but the _question is who is going to build it~and is it reasonable as a condition to this building permit that the applicant spend $500,000 for a road extending 3/4 mile which his property does not abut on? When this p~operty was annexed~ the City should have taken into consideration the access meads to this p~opm~rty. He agrees with the statements from the residents about truck traffie~ but this area has been zoned industrial for seven years and this is the access to this property. When a person pays a substantial sum for industrial zoned property~ he should be pro- vided the means to utilize the property. Mr. Reed stated the other question concerns the municipal utility systems and connection for this site. He referred to the nearest municipal utility lines being a substantial distance from this property and stated the architect advises the effluent discharged from this building will be no more than from a single family resi- dence, ge believes the recent ordinance requires the developer ~f commercial units or residential units in excess of two units to file plans showing connection of the utility systems. Commercial units are not applicable to this situation. Mr. Vance replied that he is thoroughly donfident that commercial includes indus- trial. Hewever~ he explained there was an appeal procedure with the possibility his client would be allowed to paya pro-rata share of the cost of eventually connecting into the City's sys- tem with an installation now of a well and septic tank to meet the County health code. Mr. Reed clarified that he was not sug- gesting that the ordinance covered commercial and not industmial, but that this is not two units. It is felt the effluent dis- charged by this one commercial unit would be equivalent to a single family residence. His client would be willing to post the necessary bond and submit plans and specifications and con- neet once the lines have progressed. Mr. Vance clarified that -7- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 17, 1979 an appeal would be for a temporary stay sinee water should be available within approximately 8 months and sewer within 12 to 16 months. Mr. Reed clarified they were requesting permission to install a septic tank and well during the interim period of time bo proceed with construction. At such point in time when the utility systems are avaita~e~ they would shut down the well and septic tank and hook up. Mr. Vance clarified the appeal from the utilityordinance would be combined with the request for site plan approval. Mr. George Wasser, 7544 Lake Worth Road, Lake Worth, Architeet for Rollyson Aluminum Products shewed a rendering of the p~oposed metal building primarily to be used for warehousing. He commented that the people to the north who have their residences might be a little bit concerned about the railroad behind them and the heavy traffie on 1-95. The building contains 50:000 sq. ft. of floor area. He explained the various aspects of the plan. He referred to it being questioned what they should do while waiting for water for the fire sprinkler system and stated depending upon the timing, they have designed concrete block fire walls to divide the build- ing into three parts. Should the pmogress of the water system not be in a timely manner to ~atisfy the fire marshall, they will in- stall these walls. A!so~ a sprinkler system wilt he installed for when water is available. Also~ fire hydrants will be plaoed around the building. Mr. Strnad questioned the number of proposed employees to be at this plant and Mr. Wasser replied there would be no more than 25. They have designed the plant for an eventual eapacity of approxi- mately 60 employees and the parking is designed for 75. This will be primarily warehousing. The building has been manufac- tured and was completed two months ago and is waiting to be shipped. Mr. Strnad asked if showers would be available for the employees and Mr. Wasser replied negatively as it is primarily warehousing and future expansion of the building will incorporate the manufacturing process. This is anticipatedwith the parking facilities now. Mr. Strnad stated there would be more sewage disposal with 25 people working in a plant and possibly more than in a private residence and Mr. Wasser informed him that according to the County Health Dept.~ the septio tank would be the same size as one for a house and the 25 people working would be split over three shifts. Also, there will be no use of washers, dish- washers, eta. Mr. Strnad questioned who owned the property to the north and west and Mr. Wasser explained that it is owned by Bostick & Jefferies. Mr. Strnad referred to the completion of the road enhancing this property and Mr. Reed agreed but added it would also benefit the residential section as well. Mr. Strnad referred to there being residential property to the south and Mr. Reed pointed out that the property to the west and south is zoned industrial~ but fur- ther to the south the property is zoned residential. -8- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 17, 1979 Annunziato clarified that all the property from Miner Road ex- tended south to N. W. 22nd Avenue lying east of High Ridge Road is zoned industrial and all the property lying west including that portion in the County is zoned residential. Mrs. Riscoe asked if he was suggesting that the City carry the burdenfor this road to be built and Mr. Reed replied negatively, but he is suggesting if the City deems it neeessary to extend the road to N. W. 22nd Avenue either the City or the developers of tb~s pmoperty bear the expense. He does not think it is reason- able to condition the approval of this six acre site plan app!ica- t-ion on building the road to N. W. 22nd Avenue. They are not saying it has to be built, but are saying their contribution ought to be the part shown. Mr. Cheney advised that possibly one of the things which could happen is when the additional 34 acres is 'subdivided, the road should be required to be paved and extended. This particular item is not a subdivision. The people who develop the rest may argue about extending the road, but there may be a legal differ- ence with developing a subdivision. Mr. Vance agreed this was correct. One more subdivision is needed to make this area a subdivision. Mr. Reed replied that he would prefer not to speak to any requirement eoneerning the balance of this subdivision with respect to any requirement for cooperation to extend High Ridge Road because it is beyond the purview of this app!ieation. Mr. Cheney clarified that it is now a matter of record this might be requested when the subdivision is built. Mayor Harmening referred to there being problems when Florida Pneumatic built their plant, when the area was annexed and when Lehigh Portland Cement Co. attempted to build with the City going to considerable expense to protect the people in the County and City. At the present time, the owners of this pro- perty have a perfect right to build anything in the lndustria! zone. Until such time as the land is further subdivided and the subdivision regulations become app!icable~ it seems we are in a rather preearious position to deny the utilization of this land. It would be niee to have High Ridge Road extended as it would benefit the City and property owners, but he ean under- stand the re!uetanee of the owner of a six acre parcel having to build this. Mr. Roberts referred to any applicant having to meet the staff recommendations and stated the City has not approved any building with no ingress or egress into the City. He read through the recommendations made and it seems like all the departments are in agreement. There is no ingress and egress and he thinks we should look into this ~urther. The developer has agreed to give an 80' right-of-way for Miner Road with 24' to be paved. Mrs. Riseoe agreed and stated the plan has been against all the staff recommendations and these should be met. -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COLLNCtL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH: FLORIDA JULY t7, 1979 Mr. Strnad referred to Mr. Rollyson not wanting to spend this kind of money for this Rix acre site and stated this road would benefit all the surrounding land whioh is owned integrally by people in one family. Mr. Trauger stated he is in favor of an industrial plant and jobs being created. He is in total agreement after sitting with the Planning S Zoning Board with their recommendations since they have studied it in great detail and only approved subject to staff recommendations. Each of the staff reeommenda- t-ions has not been oomplied with. Mayor Harmening replied that ~the only staff re.~ommendation not being complied with by the applicant is extending High Ridge Road to N. W. 22nd Avenue and this seems to be an undue burden to place upon the owner of this property. In faot, the Planning & Zoning Board was not unani- mous on this aspect. There is access through High Ridge Road and he cannot see how we can deny the use of this property. Mr. Cheney referred to the staff review process not including the City Attorney and suggested having him comment on the letter submitted regarding the road dedication and the legal situation. Mr. Vance stated the proposed dedication reflected in Riteoo?s letter is a conditional dedication. This is a situation where there is no right-of-way for a road running 2,000 feet to the south. Mayor Harmening questioned the oonditions for the might-of-way and Mr. Vance read from the letter that High Ridge Road is to be constzmcted to meet City specifications, be ao- oepted by the City ~or maintenance, be constructed at no expense to the owners adjacent to the east and wes% and be completed by January l~ 1981. Mr. Vance clarified that the City annexed this property some time ago and zoned it industrial. The City has permitted eonstruction of one industrial user on the site. The applicant has the propem zoning. He has access, whether good or bad access, and obviously from the opinions of the staff it is not the best access and could be improved if High Ridge Road is completed. However, the legal position denying the applicant his right to use the property which is properly zoned and meets ordinance requirements is not too firm a position. Mm. Annunziato clarified there were two remaining issues amount- ing to a staff positive recommendation and an agreement by the developer, the extension of High Ridge Road and compliance with the utility ordinance. Our cost of participation to extend the master sewer and water lines would be prohibitive. There could be an appeal to the City Council which the applicant is making now. If the City Council agrees to this, skiff would like to reserve the option of reviewine the fire safety program the applicant has designed. The staff comments were based on mom- pliance with the utility ordinance. The staff felt very strorg~y about the High Ridge Road situation. Oum position would be more -10- MIR-riTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEET/NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 17~ 1979 sustainable if it were a subdivision. When the owner of the re- maining portion of land has a master plan approved, he will be put on not-lee that we will be looking for the extension of High Ridge Road. Mr. Vance agreed that he would feel much more eom- fortable with the situation if it were a subdivision. At this point in time, it is not a subdivision and the legal position is somewhat tenuous. Mr. Reed pointed out again that this pareel is not landlocked. Mr. Reed clarified that the applioant has agreed to each and every One of the Technical Review Boardts recommendations withrespeet to approval of the site plan with the one exeeption that they dontt feel it would be legally reasonable to expeot the applicant to bear the entire cost of extending High Ridge Road 2,000 feet to the south to N. W. 22nd Avenue. They have agreed to comply with each and every other staff recommendation. As the City Attorney indioated~ the Cityts legal position would be tenuous to deny this app!ioation on the sole ground the applicant re~used to pay 100% of the cost to extend the road TO N. W. 22nd Avenue. This is a mere application for a building permit and not a subdivision plat application. The site plan only applies to six aeres. If another parcel is sold byBostiok $ Jefferies, they would be quired to oompl~ with the subdivision ordinance. Bostick L Jefferies aou!d not provide for any sales until they adequately address this question. The City is protected by their own sub- division ordinance. There is access to this proper4iy. Mm. Reed added that they are appealing the recent utility ordi- nance and requesting interim use of a septic tank and well until the City[s sewer and water lines are available at a reasonable distance. They will file plans and speoifieations and will file a bond to cover oonst~uetion. Mr. Strnad clarified that his main point was this group is owned by a group of individuals. He will not burden the taxpayers of this City to put a road in ~or a private enterprise. Mr. Reed replied that the approval of this six acre site plan would not have the effect of burdening the taxpayers to build the road for the whole 30 acre park.as subdivision approval must be given for a 30 acre park. A subdivision plan must be submitted and at that time this question of extending the road will be addressed. It is a different situation with talking to the owner of a 30 acre industrial tract and this applicant wanting to build a plant on a six core parcel. The City Attorney has indicated the Cityts legal position would be a tenuous one if rejeotion was condi- tioned on that sole point. Mr. Bill Kearns refer~ed to the recommendation being to extend High Ridge Road because of this industrial subdivision and stated now it is brought up that the sole owner o~ six acres should not build it. He read the ordinance pertaining to the -1!- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 011LY 17, 1979 restriction of trucks on High Ridge Road. The rendering of the proposed building shows a semi-tractor trailer unloading and if this is a warehouse~ this is the kind of trucks which will be using High Ridge Road. Also, the Fire Department stated it would take twice the eritical response time to respond to an emergency. Mr. Roberts stated we made an error once and there is no point in eompounding the error. He feels the City made a mistake and he doesn't expeet the taxpayers to pay the entire cost, but possibly the City could get involved because we will gather some benefits. Mayor Harmening pointed out that the owner of the additional pro- perty to the south, which is also zoned M-l: is going to want to develop that property and it will be aeeessary then for that ownem to build the balanee of High Ridge Road. He realizes it would be better to have a more direct aceess to this p~operty, but he sees no reason for the City to assume the cost of a law- suit, which in his opinion we eannot win. The whole thing will resolve itself in time. He is not in favor of the City extend- ing High Ridge Road. Mrs. Riseoe moved to deny the site development plans for Rollyson due to the fact they do not meet the requirements of staff, seconded by Mr. Trauger. Under discussion, Mayor Harmening re- marked that as far as the staff comments having any legal basis, they would not carry a d~p~ of water. Motion earried 4-1 with Mayor Harmening dissenting. At this time, Mayor Harmenin~ called a five minute recess and then reconvened the meeting at 9:20 P. M. LEGAL 0rdi~anc~ - 2ndReadin9 - Publia'Hearin~ Proposed .O~d~nance No. 79-20 - Re: Amending City of Boynton Beach Retirement Plan Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-20 by title on second reading. Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience was in favor of this o~dinanee and received no response. He asked if anyone in the audienee was opposed to this ordinance and received no re- sponse. Mr. Strnad moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 79-20 on seeond reading, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No diseussion. Mrs. Padgett took a ~oll call vote as follows: -12- MINI1TES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA JULY 17~ 1979 Councilman Trauger - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 79-21 - Re: Providing Annual Parking Decals and Restricted Parking Areas -Munieipal Beach Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-21 by title on second reading. Mayor Harmening asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of this Ordinance No. 79-21 and received no response. He asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in opposition to this ordinance and reeeived no response. Mr. Trauqer moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 79-21 on second reading~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Strnad - Aye Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye Couneilman Trauger - Aye Couneilman Roberts - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 79-22 - Re: Amending Codified Ordi- nance to Provide Standard Porm for Surety or Performance Bond Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-22 by title on second reading. Mayor Harmeninq asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of this ordinanee and received no response. He asked if anyone was opposed to this ordinanee and received no response. Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept Ordinance No. 79-22 on second and final reading~ seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll eall vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Trauger - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Vice Mayor Riscoe Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 5-0. -13- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 0mdinanees - 1st Reading Proposed Ordinance No. Retirement Fund Plan JULY 17, 1979 79-23 - Re: Amending Piremen's Mr. Vance read proposed Ordinance No. 79-23 by title on first reading. Mrs. Riscoe moved to accept Ordinance No. seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. mot! call vote on the motion as follows: 79-23 on first reading, Mrs. Padqett took a Vice Mayor Riseoe - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Trauger - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 79-FF - Re: Utilities Connection Charges Mr. Vance read proposed Resolution No. 79-FF by title. Mr. Roberts moved the adoption of proposed Resolution No. 79-FF~ seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. Mrs, Padgett took a roll ecl! vote on the motion as follows: Couneilman Tmauger - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Vice Mayor Riscoe - Aye Mayor Harmening - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Other Consideration of Financial Relief for City Attorney Until Next Budget Mayor Harmeninq asked if there were any comments or discussion on this subject. Mrs. Riseoe replied she was not for this two weeks ago and will not ehange her mind at this point. She re- ferred to ou~ City Attorney being our parliamentarian and stated he put this on the agenda without any knowledge to any of us. She took particular exception to this after giving it a lot of thought. The man was hired knowing exactly what was entailed in this situa- tion. She thinks it would have been more tasetfu! if he waited until budget time. She will not in any way vote for an increase until budget hearings. -14- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 17, 1979 Mayor Harmening stated it is his thought from reviewing the mater- ial submitted and number of hours worked and p~oliferation of lawsuits the City seems to eneourage in some eases, the City Attorney probably had no knowledge what the conditions were going to be and based on a reasonable expeotation of the Workload, it probably would have worked out at the fee agreed to when we inter- viewed the attorneys. However, being well aware of all the work the City has called upon the City Attorney to perform in the first six to seven months and the amount of work it looks like there will be for the balance of the year, he feels in ~airness to Mr. Vanee that he should be entitled to reasonable compensation for the amount of time spent. It is customary to agree on a figure per year, but the City Attorney serves not only at the Couneil's pleasure but he also serves at his own pleasure. If he is not able to make the amount of money based on the amount of time in- volved~ he eoutd not blame him if he did resign. Also, West Palm Beach has a pmoposed budget for 1979-80 for $t76:000~ Lake Worth~s eurren~ budget is ~66,000~ and Delray Beach has a proposed budget for 1979-80 of $70,000. Even if we give Mr. Vance two or three times what he might be asking~ we are still getting a bar- gain. We should have obtained the figures from Boca Raton. Mr. Vance informed him that the figures from Boca Raton were not submitted because of the extensive litigation Boca Raton has been engaged in and he felt their budget would not be a fair represen- tation. Mayor Harmening suggested that if it is agreeable that there be some sort of compromise. He feels personally Mm. Vance has done a good job. His reeommendation would be to continue paying ~25~000 based on 40 hours per month and for any additional time, pay at the rate of $50 per hour for usual work and $75 Der hour for litigation. Since we have a new City Manager, very possibly the total amount of time spent on numerous administrative details should be less for the balance of the year. Mr. Roberts agreed with the first statement made that the request came as a surprise. He thinks suoh matters should be given some consideration. It is true we have not been under normal eondi- tions for three months. It se~ms we talked about a solid figure~ but it seems a compromise would be acceptable. He was thinking of possibly $40 per hour and $70 per hour for court work whieh would only be paid until the next budget. Hearings will be held at budget time and at that time, an increase can be considered and the additional amount discontinued. This would only be for a matter of about ten weeks. Mr. Vance stated that he did not intend to present the City with a take it or leave it blank amount and regrets if that impression was given. He found himself in the position of putting in a lot of hours and in his opinion~ he was not adequately getting com- pensated for. The proposal suggested of 40 hours of time an~ effort on his part for the existing retainer of $257000 per year MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEE[UfNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 17, 1979 plus $50 per hour and ~7 ~ per hour on litigation over that would be acceptable as a reasonable compromise. Perhaps, it would be some benefit to the City ~f they could control the amount of time he would devote to City work. Mayor Harmening replied that he thinks Mr. Cheney would do everything possible to keep the amount of hours down. Mrs. Riscoe referred to the federal cap on raises and setting a precedent and stated under these circumstances, every employee in the City would come back wanting the same type of money. Secondly, duming interviewing attorneys: we _badmen we would no~ even con- sider because they wanted $50~d ~0-~V~hourj~an~hey had much more experience than Mr. Vanc~.' Thi~ ~as ju~t~ ~i'~tl~ over seven months ago. Mr. Strnad referred to a bargain being a bargain and stated when someone makes an agreement to do something, it should be carried out. He would be in favor of hiring a permanent attorney and qoing as high as g50,000. He could be here every hour and work for the City fulltime. If Mr. Vance had waited until the end of the year or until budget time, possibly he would have a different attitude, but this presentation was very poor. Mr. Trauger referred to having Mr. Cheney prepare a list of the expenditures for attorneys~ salaries and costs since 1972 and pointed out that we have beenspending over ~0~000. He suggests at budget time that we look to the feasibility of finding a young attorney for a fulltime City Attorney. He feels the City needs about the best legal service we can possibly get. and referred to the various lawsuits. He feels Mr. Vance is a fine attorney, but agrees the way this was brought up was improper. He has received many calls in reference to this and hopes we can hold off until budget time to resolve this matter. Mr. Roberts referred to there only being a couple months and suggested giving relief. He added that 'an extra percentage would not be given ~or bond issues and Mr. Vance agreed that was not intended. Mr. Roberts moved for the next ten weeks to allow Mr. Vance any extras over 40 hours on a monthly basis and litigation at $40 and $70. Mayor Harmen/ng re~erred to mentioning the ~igures of ~50 and $75 and Mr. Roberts replied that it could be $50 and $75. Mayor Harmening then turned the gavel over to V~ce Mayor Riscoe and seconded the motion. Mayor Marmening clarified that it had been moved and seconded to retain the City Attorney on the cus- tomary retainer fee for 40 hours per month and any time accrued over 40 hours to be paid an additional $50 per hour and $75 per hour ~or litigation for the next ten weeks. Under discussion, -16- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH: FLOP~IDA JULY 17, 1979 Mm. Strnad questioned why Mr. Roberts was being so free with the taxpayers' dollars with going fmom $40 and $70 to S50 and g75 and Mm. Roberts replied that it will not make that muoh differenoe for a few weeks. He added that in his opinion under normal conditions~ $25,000 is a fair fee, but we did not have normal conditions. This can be voted on at budget time and the additional will not make that muoh difference in the next ten weeks. He also does have a list of items for which money was spent in the past with little regard to the oost to the taxpayers. As requested, Mrs. Padgett thentook a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Strnad No Vice Mayor Riscoe No Councilman Trauger - No Councilman Roberts - Aye May~r Harmening Aye Motion defeated 3-2. Mayor Harmening asked if anyone wanted to make an alternative motion and Mr. Vance replied that it would appear to be the appropriate time for him to submit his resignation as the City Attorney. He is willing to serve for an additional 30 days or whatever pemiod of time the Council feels would be necessary to find a replacement. Mayor Hammening asked if he would serve for 30 days at the going rate and Mr. Vance replied affirmatively. Mrs. Riscoe moved to aceept the City Attorney's resignation effective in 30 days, seeonded by Mr. $trnad. No discussion. As requested, Mrs, Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Roberts - No Councilman Trauger Q No Councilman Strnad - Aye Vice Mayor ~iseoe - Aye Mayor Harmening - No Motion defeated 3-2. Mr. Vance stated he appreciated this vote, but he does not think he can continue to represent the City. Mayor Harmening replied that he appreeiated his standpoint and he has every right to resign or stay on as he sees fit. If the City cannot find a replaeement within 30 days~ we will be without an attorney. Mr. Vance referred to there being a couple of litigation matters pending and Mr. Roberts suggested that he b~ing these to a eon- clusion as this was the procedure previously when changing attom- heys. -17- MiNUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLOP/DA JI/LY 17, 1979 Mr. Trauger moved to recommend that Mr. Vance continue with the matters Of litigation~ seconded by Mr. Strnad. Mr. Vance advised this would be at $75 per hour and Mr. Strnad agreed and added if a new attorney was engaged, it would cost more with the research to be done. Mayor Harmening clarified that it had been moved and seconded to continue to retain Mr. Vanne's services in all pending litigation. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Vance encouraged the Council to engage in interviewing attor- neys at the earliest possible date. Mr. Roberts suggested that an ad be placed in the newspaper as soon as possible with it noting some muo/cipal experience and salary being negotiable. Mrs. Riseoe suggested the ad be ~un through August i5. Mayor Harm~ning questioned the need for an ad since the newspapers will report this oocum~nce and any attorney interested will be contacting the Council members. Mr. Strnad moved to advertise for an attorney as soon as possible, seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Harmening dissenting. Mayor Harmening added that as soon as responses are received, a 'workshop meeting will be set to con- duet interviews. OLD BUSINESS Progress on Completing Statutory Requirements- City Comprehensive Plan (Tabled) Mrs. Riscoe moved to take this off the table, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Annunziato told about the plan receiving ve~y complimentary comments from most of the reviewing agencies. Mr. Roberts moved to acknowledge receipt of the comments from the State Land Planning Agency~ the Treasure Cost Regional Planning Council and the Palm Beach County Local Planning Agency and authorize the City Planner to transn%it the submitted responses~ seconded by Mr. ~Tauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Considera~iedhs~tGharter Review Board PropOsal Mr. Roberts referred to the memo submitted containing the dates of elections in the various municipalities and pointed out that most are held between February and Ap~i!. He would suggest if any change is made that we hold the election in March. Also~ there was a question as to changing the method and he would be against ohan~ing the method ~f the highest vote cleating the Vice Mayor. He referred to sometimes people elected not being experienced and under our procedure, the Vice Mayor serves with the Mayor for a year and gets experience. He is in favor of keeping this system. -18- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEAC~ FLORIDA JULY 17, 1979 Mayor Harmening referred to plurality vote and Mr. Roberts replied that possibly this should be accepted and incorporated in the changes since it is a practice in most municipalities and the County and State. Mr. Trauger stated he was in favor of also seeing the dates changed to possibly Mareh when the majority of the other ~ity eleetions take p!aee. He is also in favor of the plurality vote of 50% plus one. However, since this is an important matter, he would suggest discussing it further at a workshop meeting with having input from the public possibly. Mr. Roberts agreed and moved to put this on the table, seconded by Mr. Strnad. ~nder discussion~ Mr. Strnad asked Mrs. Padgett if there would be any difficulty having the election in March since 16 nu~n~ipalities hold their elections in March and Mrs. Padgett replied negatively and the County has said they can accommodate us. Mr. Strnad requested that a date be set for the workshop meeting and after discussion, Mayor Harmening sug- gested that it could be discussed during the budget hearings. He added that if it remains tabled, it-will be on the next agenda. Mr. Roberts thenwithdrew his tabling motion and moved to strike this item~ seconded by Mr. Strnad. Motion carried 5-0. Report on Bus Stop Issue Mr. Cheney referred to various officials being on vacation and not being able to obtain information and stated he hopes to have more information by the next meeting. Mayor Harmening suggested that recommendations be made for benches at critical locations. BUSIMESS Discuss Control of Lauhching and Removing Boats at Boat Ramp (Boat Club on Intracoastal) Councilman Norman Strnad Mr. Strnad told about the situation at the Boat ~amp being horren- dous over the weekends. A couple years ago, he asked the former City Manager to look into the possibility of having a man there on the weekend to regulate this traffic and keep the place clean and to also see if we could possibly charge ~or launching of the boats. He told about many people using this ramp from out of the County because it is convenient being close to the inlet. A fee charge has worked very well in Lake Park and he told about the honor system being used during the week with an attendant being there on the weekend. Possibly a decal system could be implemented for boats similar to our beach system. He feels it would be reasonable. -19- C MINUTES - REGULAR C/TY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 17, 1979 Mr. Roberts agreed this was an excellent idea and suggested the City Manager eontaet some of our neighboring communities to see what system they have. Mayor Harmening agreed and suggest~dg turning this over to Mr. Cheney to make a brief feasibility study to determine problems, costs, merits, ineome, ere. and report back to us at a later meeting. Mr. Roberts moved to turn this over to the City Manager f~mmore informationand added that he wants to make sure the fees would take care of the attendant?s pay. Mrs. Riscoe seconded the mo- tion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Di~qu~s ~0s~ib%!~y of Cq!lgqt~ng Fees f~om Non-Residents £or Launching Boats at Boat Club Councilman Norman Strnad Mayor Harmening stated this was taken eare of during discussion of the previous item. Discuss Municipal Beach Councilman Walter Trauger Mr. Trauger referred to receiving a number of calls and eomments regarding the deteriorating condition of our public beach and told about improvements being needed. He suggested that the pienie areas be cleaned in the afternoons~ the bath house be repaired, the grass areas along the sidewalks be widened, erect a fence to buffer the sand, increase the number of refuse eans~ repair the jetty at the north end siD~musted shau~ points are sticking out, request the County to clean up the north end of the beach~ increase seating capacity, and improve the snack bar area. Atso~ he recommends adding guards to protect the area from 4:30 P~ Mo to 10:00 P. M. or midnight during the summer months. He suggests this be turned over to the City Manager and he will furnish a copy of these recommendations to the Recrea- tion and Parks Department. Mayor Harmening agreed that improve- ments are needed. Mrs. Riscoe also agreed that improvements should be made. Report on Solid Waste Mr. Cheney advised the report was submitted because Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority has requested comments and will hold a public hearing tomorrow. He does not anticipate anyone going to the public hearing unless the Couneil desires, but thinks we should comment in writing° Mayor Harmening stated he particularly liked Mr. Cheney~s recom- mendation that we comment favorably on the proposed plan, but as the City Planner suggests~ we reserve the right to addmess speci- fic development and operational questions as the new landfill site proceeds and as alternate resource recovery options become available. If it is the Counci!~s pleasure, we could ask the City Manager to comment in accordance with his memo. -20- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR_iDA JULY 17, 1979 Mr. Cheney advised that his feeling is in general the proposal for handling solid waste is relatively reasonable for our City. The only thing which disturbs him is there seems to be som~ opportunities for recycling which may have not been addressed. Mayor Harmening replied that it probably was not of sufficient size to be economically feasible. Mayor Harmening requested Mm. Cheney to forward his comments. Mr. Roberts referred to the Council not having indioat~how they feel in regamd to the impact fee and stated if the Council is in favor and accepts this ordinance for the fair share contribution for road improvements~ we should get inwmiting from the County that they will pay any court costs for us acting as their agent should a developer fail to pay this. Mr. Vance referred to this being a hold harmless agreementand explained it would be an agreement from the County holding the City harmless for any damages of the City acting as an agent for the County in connec- tion with this partieu!ar ordinance. If the City desires not to pamticipate, the City passes a simple ordinance saying they don~t want to do it. Mr. Roberts requested this to be on the next agenda so we can either accept it or pass an ordinance rejecting it. Mayor Harmeninq suggested that the City Manager w~ite to the Board of County Commissioners in regard to this hold harmless agreement and Mr. Roberts replied it would only be necessary if we accept the ordinance. M~yor Harmening clarified that we accepted it when we did no~ pass an ordinance eliminating it. We are acting at the present time as the CountyTs agent. We should obtain this agreement soon to be protected. M~. Roberts requested this statement to be received from the County in writing. Mm. Roberts referred to the other item being in regard to the Code Enforcement Board which is effective in the State on Octo- ber ! ~and advised that he has a sample ordinance which can be e~amined by the City Council and possibly we can take action at the next-meeting. Mayor Harmening agreed we should act on it and appoint a Board when it becomes effective. Mm. Cheney added that he assumed the Council wanted to adopt this and has asked the City Attorney to work on the ordinance. The draft ordinance should be helpful and the Board should be appointed in September. Mr. Vance requested a copy of the draft ordinance. Change Order~ Contract with Rubin Construction Company Re: EDA Project 0451-26735, N. E. 7th Street Drainage and Road Construction Mr. Cheney requested approva~ of this change order in the amount of $407.50 increase. Mrs. I~iscoe moved to appmove this change order for Rubin Construction Co. in the amount of ~407.50~ seconded by Mr. Strnad. Under discussion, Mr. Strnad referred to Mr. Clark looking into this matter and Mayor Harmening pointed out that Mm. Clark signed the change order. Motion carried 5-0. MiNI1TES - P~EGUL~R CITY CO~dNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BE~CH, FLORID~ JULY 17, 1979 Request for Funds for Golf Course Advisory Committee Mr. Cheney referred to the Golf Course Advisory Committee having met a number of times and advised they have requested some ~unds be available so they can proceed ~ith engineering~ architectural and survey work to begin ~a preliminary analysis of the land to present to the Water Management District. Mayor Harmening plied t~at this request seems to be slightly premature. Until we secure title to the land, this Couneil would not be interested in spending ~!0~000 for any type~-Of~ engineering or architectural fees. We should get moving on the land acquisition. Mr. Cheney agreed and advised we are attempting to do that. M~s. Riscoe suggested getting on the agenda of the County Commission meeting regarding acquisition of the land. Draft Version of User Charge Guidelines - Wastewater Mr. Oheney referred to this being a lengthy document and stated it has been left in the office ~or review and asked if any Coun- e_il members wanted a copy of it. He added that it is an import- ant doc~.ment relative to our sewer rates and there should be some comments from the Council. A response should be sent with the draft to be reviewed by DER and EPA. Mr. Roberts requested a copy of the document so he could review it with Mr. Startzman. Mrs. Riscoe stated she would stop by the office to read through it. Mayor Harmening suggested ~his be tabled and brought back at the next meeting for comments. He added thatlit pertains to indust-~ia! cost reeovery. We do not have any industries in this City coming under this ordinance~ but we are required to have the ordinance by EPA to qualify for grants. Comments ean be made at the next meeting and we will make a recommendation then. Request for Water Servi~e Only Outside City Limits - Overlook Rd. Mr. Cheney referred to the Boynton Beach City code requiring Council approval of any extension of water service to an area that is not currently served by the City sewer system and advised we have a request for the extension of water service on Overlook Road. The Acting Utilities Director recommends that Council authorize this extension to this property outside the City limits. The property is in the County; at present there is no sewer available in this area and there is no sewer service planned in the near future. It is recommended allowing the water service since it is very diffieult to get a good well in the area beaause the lots are very small and the septic tank systems are close together. There is an existing water main in front of this property. The owner will pay the connection charges. -22- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY CCd_MCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH: FLORIDA 01/LY 17, 1979 Mr. Trauger moved to accept the City Manager's recommendation for water service outside the City limits and per our new ordinance~ seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. Under diseussion~ Mr. Roberts asked if there would be any problem with being able to serve this area and Mr. Cheney replied the water is in the street and we have the obligation to serve this area. Mr. Roberts questioned the number of knits to be hooked up and Mr. Cheney informed him this was for only one house~ but he could not comment whether it would open up a whole area. He assumes if there was any immediate problem, Mr. Law would have made a comment. Motionearried 5-0. Reallocation of Street Resurfacing Funds Mr. Cheney referred to this being a followup of the approval of authority given to him at the Special Meeting last Thursday night and stated it was recommended to take N. W. 7th Street off because of ~o~ce main work and doing the streets as recommended in the memo. N. W. 7th Street will be done after the force main is finished. Mayor Harmening asked who picked the streets to be substituted for N. W. 7th Street and Mr. Cheney replied they were picked by the City Engineer and Mr. Warren Shelhamer and came from the $125~000 list. He added that one street was included because the contractor was working in that area. Mayor Harmening read the list of streets and asked if these were the most in need of resurfacing and Mr. Clark replied affirmatively~ but explained possibly they weren't the top priority but were picked because they are in the general area where Rubin Construction Company is working. Mayor Harmening questioned why the streets weren't picked which needed it more than these and Mr. Clark told about Mr. Shelhamer and himself making aninvestigation of the complete list. Me also explained how it was hard to establish priorities whenmakin9 a visual observation and not having all the streets together. All the streets listed needed resurfacing. Mr. Trauger moved to re-affirm approval of the street resurfac- ing program in the memo from Mr. Tom Clark~ City Engineer~ dated July 12, 19797 to the City Manager. Mrs. Riscoe seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. General Services Department - Reorganization Mr. Cheney referred to Mr. Bob Feltz having submitted his resig- nation as Superintendent of General Services effective Friday~ July 20~ 1979, and stated he is recommending the following to the City Council and asking for the Council?s comments and approval. He w~R!dbe making these recommendations in the 1980 budget~ but feels that action should be taken now so that when he appoints a replacement for Mr. Peltz~ he will be selecting an individual for this proposed regrganization. He proposes to re- assign the Parks Division to the Recreation Department and rename -23- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA JULY 17, 1979 that Department ?~Parks and Reereation Department~ with Mr. Charles Frederick being responsible for the entire operation. He proposes changing the name of the General Services Depart- ment to "Publie Works DepartmentT? and this Department would then be responsible for three primary functions: all aspects o£ refus~ .and trash eo!leetion, streets division and vehicle main- tenanne and additional activities might fall within this Depart- ment~.s responsibility. However, if the City Council approves this reorganization~ he will be looking for an individual to replace Mr. F~ltz who has expertise and experience in these three areas particularly. We have had over the years a problem with coordination between recreation facilities and maintenance be- cause maintenance is in a separate department. This would make recreation complete with operation~ programming and maintenance. He explained how it would make coordination much easier. Mr. Trauger questioned how large in personnel the current General Services Department is and Mr. Cheney replied there are 60 to 70 employees. Mr. Trauger asked if we had a Public Works Department years ago and Mr. Cheney replied that hebelieves the activities were called public works. Mr. Trauger referred to Mr. Patrick possibly being a ~eplacement for Mr. Feltz and Mr. Cheney replied that Mr. Patrick has been Mr. Feltz's assistant. Mr. Trauger moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager for the reorganizations as stated in his memo dated July 10~ 1979, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Acceptance of Resignation from Frar~k Oberle~ Planning Zoning Board Mr. Trauger moved to accept the resignation of Mr. Frank Ober!e and appoint Mrs. Lillian Bond to serve on the Planning & Zoning Board~seconded by Mr. Roberts. Under discussion, Mr. Strnad suggested taking these separately to give someone else the chance to submit a nomination. Mr. _Roberts then withdrew his second and Mr. Trauger withdrew his motion. Mr. Trauger moved to accept the resignation of Mr. Frank Ober!e from the Planning $ Zoning Board with regret and send a letter expressing the Council's appreciation for his service~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Replacement for k~ove Mr. Trauger made a motion to appoint Mrs. Lillian Bond to the Planning & Zoning Board. He added that Mrs. Bond has been a resident of Boynton Beach for a considerable amount of time, is active in civic affairs and is knowledgable. Also, having lost Mrs. Huckle as a member of this Board in the massacre last year, this will be a female replacement. Mr. Roberts seconded the motion. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEET/NG BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA JULY !7~ 1979 Mr. Strnad referred to having other nominations and Mayor Harmen/ng replied this appointment was made by motion. Mr. Strnad stated the order of business is to ask for nominations. Mayor Harmening asked if this proeed~re was proper and Mr. Vance replied that he thinks it would be appropriate to have a motion to olose nominations or permit additional nominations. Mm. Strnad then nominated Mrs. Lynn Huckle. Mrs. Riseoe moved that nominations cease, seoonded by Mr. Strnad. Motion oarried 5-0. Mr. Roberts asked if Mrs. Huckle would accept this position and Mr. Strnad replied that he did not know, but she was on the Board befome. He asked if Mrs. Bond would aceept this appointment and Mr. Tmauger replied affirmatively. Mr. Strnad suggested the ap- pointment be tabled and advised that he will ask Mrs. Huokle if she will aecept. Mr. Roberts stated that he has talked to Mmso Huckle and she will not accept the appointment. Mr. Strnad re- ferred to Mrs. Huckle being a very effective member of the Board and Mr. Tmauger agreed and questioned why she was not appointed this year. Mayor Hammening called for a vote on the nomination of Mrs. Lillian Bond and the vote was 4-1 in favor with Mr. Strnad dissenting. City Manager - Out of Town August ~ - 107 1979 Mayor Harmen/ng referred to Mr. Cheney?s memo advising that he will be out of town and stated he recommended Mr. Sullivan sit in for him at the Council meeting. Fro. Cheney agreed but added he will be available daily and he does not propose that an Aot- lng City Manager be appointed. Mayor Harmening ascertained there were no objeotions. Sale of Surplus Chemioals Mr. Cheney read the following memorandum dated July 12, 1979, from Mr. William Sullivan: ~On May 1~ 1979, we received no bids fo~ the sale of 34 - 135 pound barrels of Pennwalt Anhydrous Ferric Chloride Chrystals and 1! pallets of 50 - 50 lb. ~ags per pallet of hydrated lime (13-3/4 tons). This was after 22 notices of the sale were mailed to prospective buyers. The City of Sunrise said they may ~econside~ for the lime. I sppke to Mr. JacObs of the Utility Department on July 12 and he said they were not inter- ested. Pennwa!t Company, the manufaeturer of An FeCH2 would take its product baok; however~ the City will have to wait and pay for them to reanalyze the drums and the City would have to pay freight charges to ship material back to them plus a1!5% mestooking charge. It will cost us money to take this action. -25- MZNI1TES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, PLOtlIDA JULY 17, 1979 Therefore, t request that the Utility Deirector begin planning to dispose of the chemicals in the most efficient and !e~al way. This %~Duld mean checking with the EPA and County agencies~ if any. Mr. Strnad asked if this is the material left over from the other type of water treatment they wanted to use in the plant and Mr. Sullivan informed him that it is from the sewer plant. Mr. Trauger moved to accept the recommendation of Mr. Sullivan for disposal of Anhydrous Ferric Chloride and hydrated lime per his memo of July 12~ seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No disoussion. Motion married 5-0. Relocation of 15TT Sewer Main, Seacrest Boulevard - S. W. 24th Avenue to S. W. 26th Avenue Mr. Cheney referred to this p~ojeet coming to our attention be- cause of the Seaerest Boulevard project and stated we have to lower our sewer line which should be done quiekly so the project can be completed. We have had difficulty finding people to do it, but Paul N. Howard Co. will do it for about $1~,000 with their charge being ~6~000 fo~ the work and we will buy the pipe for about $6,000. This is the best proposal. We know Howard?s womk and they ame working on the force main. They can fit the work in on Saturdays. It is similar to what was done on Wool- briqht Road. We do not want toe,encase it in concrete as there oan be problems. Mayor Harmening asked if he was referring to lowering or moving the main and Mr. Cheney replied that it has to be lowered and the pipe will be replaced. Mr. Clark clarified that this is a gravity line and has to be encased or replaced, it is ao~ known how much it can be lowered. D.O.T. will not allow the clay pipe to stay and the City does not want it to stay without any pro- teetion. It is a gravity line and is e_lose to the sub-grade in this particular vicinity. Mayor Ha~mening commented that it cannot be lowered too much even if necessary. Mr. Cheney stated that a 400~ distance is required to meet the adequate grade. Mr. Clark clarified that it is not a question of lowering, but it must be encased or replaced with ductile iron pipe. Mr. Cheney added that if it is replaced, then it will not be lowered. We plan to buy 16?' ductile iron pipe. Mr. Trau~er moved to accept the recommendation of the Acting Htility Director per his memo of July 17 fo~ a 16~' main on Sea- crest Boulevard and make the award to the Paul N. Howard Company at the price ~f S!6 per foot plus the p~ice of $14.51 per foot for ductile iron pipe~ seconded by M_~. Roberts. Mr. Cheney added the total p~ice would be $127204. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. -26- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA JILLY !7~ 1979 Approval of Engineering Work for Water Treatment Plant Modifica- tions -Removal of Aerators Mr. Cheney referred to submitting reports from Mr. Law and Mr. Colginand added that ~we have also had recommendations in the past from Russell & Axon to getrid of this aerator. By getting rid of this, it will increase the oapacity of water into the plant. It is recommended hiring Russell & Axon to design and prepare plans and specificat~9~sfor bidding of this work. The estimated cost ofworkis ~J3~0J0G~ The initial fee fore,sell & ~iXon is $i, 400. The engineering services will be a total of $2, 800. Ail the engineering work involved Will be $4,200. Mrs. Riscoe moved to instruct the City Manager to go aheadwith the removal of the aerator from the water tmeatment p!ant7 seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motion c~rried 5-0. Application for Permit to Solicit -Boynton Beach Police EXplorers #396 Mrs. Riscoe referred to the application being filled out and signed properly and moved to accept the application for the Police Explor- ers for the time period stated, seconded by Mr. Strnad. No discus- sion. Motion carried 5-0. Budget Transfer - City Attorney Mr. Cheney read the budget transfer request to transfer $27460 from Contingenoy to provide funding for authorized expenditures to City Attorney Accounts that were under-budgeted. The Salary Account will be overspent due to the payment of one additional month's salary to the past cityattorney during the transition period of January 1979 in the amount of $27333 creating a shortage of $1~085. Resolution 78-DDDadopted November 1978authorized $200 per month to Thomas Woolley for services as city prosecutor. This is paid fmomCityAttorney Special Contingency Aecount-whichhas a bud- geted amount o~ $825 and Will require anadditional $1,375 to cover expenditures through the end of our fiscal year. He recom- mends this transfer be made so these accounts will be balanced. Mr. Roberts moved to authori~, this transfer to provide funding for authorized expenditures to City Attorney AccoUnts7 seconded by Mrs. Riscoe. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. List of Payments - Month of June 1979 Mr. Roberts moved to accept this list and place on file~ seconded by Mr. Trauger. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills Mr. Cheney read the following bills for approval: -27- MINOTES - REGOLAR CITY COHNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA JOLY 17, 1979 Robin Construction Co. Asphalt Concrete g Hot Mix for Stmeet Department Pay from General Fund 001-411-541-40-3A 216.28 Kruse~ O~Conner L Ling For Actuarial Study $ that~study includes costs of reducing the normal retirement age Pay from 612-862-586-20-29 1, 1!0.00 Boynton Beach Child Care Center 37 439.70 After care p~ogram for 3rd quarter, 1979 Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-64!-564-40-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 Publix Market Meals for needy and infirmed Pay f~om Fed. Rev. Sharing Fund 320-641-564-40-5A Ordinance ~73-!5, passed 5/15/73 97.84 Heintzelman~s Truck Center~ Inc. One Ford Courier Pickup for Parks Dept. Pay from General Funds for budgeted funds 001-Y22-572-60-81 State Contract ~070-00-79-1 693.00 Game Time~ Ina. Recreation Swings~ Slides, L~nar Lander~ per bid of 5/8/79 Pay from General Fund 001-721-572-60-56 Approved by Council 5/16/79 etc. 1~:231.77 Intercounty Construction Corp. Est. ~8 Part A - Lift Stations - 626-681-04-3 Pay ~rom Utility General Fund 401-000-169-1!-00 75% EPA reimbursable Contract dated 10/26/78 37,007.10 Paul N. Howard Co. Est. ~5 Part B - Force Mains - 626-681-04-3 Pay from ~tility General Fund 401-000-169-1!-00 75% EPA reimbursable Contract dated 10/26/78 289,977.30 Russell L Axon Est. ~! - 686-681-44-2 Professional serviees rendered in connection with 1 MG water storage tank S. W. 15th Avenue $ Congress Ave. Pay from Utility General Fund 001-000-169-01-00 Authorization dated 5/21/79 90. O0 -28- MINUTES - REGULAR CI~f COI~C!L MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLOP~DA JULY 17, 1979 10. Willie Ruth McGrady 86.40 Server for Senior Citizens - 2 weeks Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund O~dinance 73-15, passed 5/15/73 320-541-564-40-5A Isiah Andrews 99.00 Driver ~or Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks Pay from Federal Revenue Shaming Fund Omctinance 73-15, passed 5/15/73 320-641-564-40-5A 12. Palm Beach Dodge, P. O. 45003 10,929.90 Two Do, Aspen Cars - Police Dept. Pay from budgeted f~nds 102-211-521-60-81 State Contract 070-00-79-1 !$. Palm Beach Dodge - P. O. 45110 21,859.80 Four Dodge Aspen Cars - Police Dept. Pay from budgeted f~nds 001-21!-521-60-81 State Contract 070-00-79~1 14. Underground Utility Constr., InT. ~489 5,380.!5 Repairs to Sewer Main at N.E. 4th St. g N.E. 16th Ave. Pay from budgeted funds 40!-351-535-40-3F 15. Barile Excavating S Pipeline Est. ~S 17,025.00 OffBBte Utilities - Mirror Lakes Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-01-00 Contract dated 2/26/79 16. Griffen Pipe P~oducts Variety of clay pipe 1,000.09 17. !. B. Mo Corporation 6,541.00 Computer service Mr. Cheney recommended all these bills be authorized for payment. Mrs. Riscoe moved to pay the bills, seconded by Mr. Traugero No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER Mr. Strnad re~erred to tf~ application approved for the Police Explorers and stated he tb/nks they should have estimated the percentage of proceeds to be expended in Boynton Beach instead of noting none. He voted against the Moonies because they were not expending any ~unds in the City. Some of these f~nds being collected by the Police Explorers could funnel back into the City for people being treated for Muscular Distrophy. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA J~LY t7~ 1979 Mm. Roberts moved to adjourn~ seconded by M~. Trauger. Motion taxied 5-0 and the meeting was adjourned at !1:10 P. M. CITY O1~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA f ~ Vice Mayor ~ ~ ~ouncmlman ATTE S T: Councilman -- ~- Counc~!~an / Recording Secretary (Pour Tapes) -30- IA507 I~,~'82 [6243 -16292 62'93 6294- 6295 16298 J~6~99 6303 6306 6307 6309 ~%10. 6312 [6314 5 16316 L6B65 [6366 16367 [6368 16493 6495 [6502 ~1o504 ,,{165o5 I~16506 ~16507 650S 16509 [6510 I6511 I651g CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH C U R R E N T MO NT H C H VENDOR ~ VENDBR NAME 650044 RICHARD B. MILLER 063700 FLORID& BRAKE g 020405 CONSTANCE BAISH 021540 FRANK A. BEONAR~CK 026480- gBE BUTLER 030501 RENA CARRIER 056500 ~OODROW EUTSAY 080432 JOHN HARRINGTON 084660 MURIEL HOLZMAN 10450~ FRANK JOHNSON 104509 GEORGE A. JOHNSON I04510 JOHN JOHNSTON 166300 ELEANOR POFFER 190945 JOHN SCHNEIDER _1909~0 MARY E. SCHORR . 192592 ADA SHOOK 202550 JAMES C. THOMPSON 202515 LEE=THOMAS ........ 230452 OLIVE WALLACE 231580 W.To WELCH 232510 :KA~O. HILLIAMS .... 266900 196360 _081650 124590 194290 -2'06300 290022 380010 __0L4240 130950 063700 011350 013780 020170 024720 025660 026370 030280 032413 034550 034600 041597 041600 04168~ 063000 063690 063780 065500 070380 MILDREO AD ZWART EDWARD SULLIVAN HAROLD HERRING. NORMAN LOLATTE KEN S~OW JOHN M. TUITE.. . JAMES W= CRAIG EUGENE V. LUSK _ISIAH ANDREWS ........ WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY FLORIDA BRAKE ~ CITY.OF. BOYNYON BEACH ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES ALLIED CHLORINE & B.Bo AUTO PARTS, INC. BOYNTON BEACH CHAMBER LARRY BRYSON DR.-JAMES E..BUFFAN CADILLAC ENGRAVERS CHEMICAL CONCEPTS COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. COMMERCIAL RECORD DELR&Y BEACH NEWS JOURNAL DELRAY CHEMICAL CO. JOHN DENSON FISHER SCIENTIFIC FLORIOA BOLT ~ NUT FLORIDA POWER £ LIGHT CO. FRANKHOUSE ELECTRIC GAMETIME, INC. PAGE E C K S CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 3/16/79 5/25/79 6/01/79 6/01/79 6/01/79 6/01/79 6/01/79 6/01/79 6/01/79 6/01/~9 6/01/79 6/01/79 6/01/79 6/01/79 6/01/?~ 6/01/79 6/01/79 .... 6/01/79 6701/79 6/01/79 6/01/79 6701/79 8.10CR 21BoOBCR 53.79 236.52' 227.58 55.6~ 397.99- 16~.46 88.75 88.66 625.19 91.28 133.20 2'53.66 202.2I 795.9t 71..1~_ _ 168.90 82'.65 77.13 6/01/79 194.10 6101/79 ..... -- 30.3~1 ..... 6/01/79 6/01/79 ~25o41 6/01/~9 ..................... O.O 6/01/79 1]~.2~ 6/01/79 261.56 6/01/79 ....... 6101/79 6/04/79 117.21 6/05/79 ............. 6105/79 6/05/79 6/05/79 6/05/79 6/05/79 6/05/79 6/05/79 6/05/79 6/05/79 6/05/79 6/05/79 6/05/.79 6/05/79 6/05/79 6/05/?9 6/05/79 6/05/79 6/05/79 I5,~16.66 700.00 833.33 274-50 ......... gO0_._O0 .... L .... 28.13 1.106.40 93. LO__ 60.00 600.06 ...... 181.09___ 3Z.00 53.64 ....... 1.1.69 48,132-61 14.49 __~,857.50 ...... CttECK # % 16516 ~6517 6518 6519 6520 76521 !16522 ,16523 ,525 $52.7. 6528 6529 6530 6531 ;32 . ~5 4 9 ~1~553 1855~ 1~555 l~ '~ 56 55~ 5~8 560 ,562 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CURRENT MONTH CHECKS VENDOR 071570 07270O 075530 075640 080310 080425 llOlO0 120410 120451 130400 130500 132383 13~575 134600 150900 153310 --160100 1604~4 16151~ 164600 184520 186320 _193990 194610 201580 20~350 210140 210150 ..210191 216350 216390 -221492 22160~ 230200 .210540 230545 232798 280028 130950 014240 450012 270007 290023 280024 380006 3~0004 390018 011510 013710 013780 PAGE Z VENDOR NAME GENERAL TOOL g MACHINING WILLIE GIBSON R.L. GRUMMONS PRINTING TOM GUS TAFSON HALSEY E GRIFFITH, INC. HAND'S K & M ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC LAMAR UNIFORMS LANIER COMPANY MANHATTAN TROPHIES MANUFACTURERS' LIFE INS. MILLIPORE CORPORAT ION MOM CHEMICAL CO., INC. MONROE CALCULATOR MALCO_CHEMICAL-CO- OCEAN CITY LUMBER CO. KAMEN OKENICA ~ g _G-DISTRIBUTORS ESTELLE PARIS ELEINE PELUSO POMPANO OFFICE SUPPLY, CO ROBERTS SEPTIC TANKS RU-DIK P~INTING SMITTY'S SEMVICE SHOP SGME ~S UNIFORMS TENNIS SUPPLY TUPPENS - · - U.S. NEWS E WORLD RE~ORT U.S.' POSTMASTER USTA EDUCATION g RESEARCH. UNDERGROUND SUPPL~ UNI JAX JAMES ~. VANCE VELVA SHEEN W.E.S.C.O. WATER. OEPARTRENT WATER HYDRANT SERVICE WILSON ROWAN LOCKSMITH CO KATHERINE A. 8ELL WILLIE RUTH MCGRAOY ISIAH ANDREWS GEORGE SI~ ANTHONY ALBURY OL [NOO C AMARDELLA BRADFORD BAXLEY GRETCHEN LUBY WILLIAM MILLIARD ROBERT E. MANSFIELD AECOA, ALLEN CHEMICAL ALLIED CHLORINE E CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 600.00 6/05/79 6/05/79 121.50 6/05179 ..... 230.0~ 6/05/79 325°00 6/05/79 289.-82 6/05/79 ........ 13..82 6/05/79 77.86 6/05/79 586.07 6/05/79 .... 300.00 ..... %/05179 315o15 6/05/79 632.3~ 6/05/19 - .125'..]9 6/05/79 21~o22 6/05/79 70.75 6t05/79 . ~' 21.76 "' 6t05/79 :-< ,-.320.40 6/05/79 162.00 6/05179 50.00 6/05/79 ..... 6/05/79 50.00 " 6/05/79 95.~8 ..... 6/05/79.: ...... 6/05/79 48.50 6/05/79 6105/79 ~2.00 6/05/79 t,OOO.O0 6/05/7~ ......... ~.00 6105/79 1,562ot8 6/05/79 3~.45 6/05/79 ........... 6/05/79 6/05/79 205.S0 6/05/79 4,000.00 6/05/79 .£ 6/06/~9 ........ 12_9.65 .... 6/07/79 ~8.00 6/07/79 55.00 6/U8/79 ....... 6/08/79 13~.81 6/08/79 1,321.30 6/08/79 6/08/79 489.76 6/08/79 130.63 6/08/79 6/08/79 18,058.35 6/08/79 ~5.85 6/08/79 2.,2_75.00 - ~507 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C U R R E N T.MO NTH C H EC K S cHECK N VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME 6584 015500 ~1~%55 -020170 16~66 020300 16567 020458 -~6568 021201 ' .6569 024725 .6570 024730 .657I 024765 16572 02640i 165.78 030299 16574 035411 040525 046~50 046~51 i16578 . 050300 116579 062820 16580 062910 16581 .... 065595 16582 070400 16583 074500 {16584-- 075400- 1{.86 075580 16687 075610 :- 1 ~6~5, 88 080310 t~589 080424 080577 090100 CHECK DATE VE~A ARMBRUSTER B.B. AUTO PARTS, INC. 8AUGER METER~ BARILE EXCAVATING [ PIPEL BD. OF CO. COMMISSIONERS ~OYNTON C[TY.EEDERAL CRED ' BOYNTON 8EACH RETIREMENT BOYNTON GUN g LOCK, INC. DAN BURNS OLDSMOBILE INC. CAIN FEED ~ SUPPLY JAMES G. CREVELING, JR. DAY - TIMERS JOHN B. OUNKLE JOHN B. DUNKLE 6/08/79 6/08/79 6/08/79 6/08/79 6/08/79 6/08/79 6/08/79 ~/08/79 _6/08/79 6/08/79 ~/08/79 6/08/7g 6/08/79 6/08/79 EAST COAST LIRE .EQUIP ....... '-- .6/08/79 ...... FIREMEN'S RELIEF g 6/08/79 FIRST BANK-& TRUST 6/08/79 FR~NZ ENTERPRISES .......... = ...... 6/08/79_ BETTY GARRIGA CHARLES GODFREY GRANADA. VALVE-K FITTING R.L. GRUMMONS PRINTING GULF OIL CORP. GULFSTREAM.LUMBER CO.- HALSEY & GR[FFITH, lNG. 6/08/79 6108/79 _6/08/79 .... 6/08/79 6/08~7g 6108/79 .:--- 6/08/79 HARDRIVES OF DELRAY, INCo 6/08/79 KEITH Eo HAYNES, M.D ........ 6/08/79 I.B.M. CORPORATION 6/08/79 090105 IDB.M- CORPORATION 6/08/79 1~I~59~ ....... 094209 .... INDUSTRIAL WELDING, .IN~ .......... 6/08/29, 594 094260 INSTITUTIONAL DRUG SUPPLY 6/08/79 595 PAGE 3 TOTAL AMOUNT I01,489.35 i0,026o00 2,597.16 812.50 699.16 -:' - ' 30.00 ~0.00 7.zo 21~.~2 300.. 6,4~1. O0 . ~g 6O5 ~06 lt,609 l ,611 It,SI2 11.613 -~25_.0_0 28.56 100200 i00~10 .... 104600 111580 120450 120450 120574 .iZI520 121678 122705 122853 130310 130541 132770 136420 140450 140460 151310 161710 162399 J E J BLUEPRINTERS 6/08/79 JACK!_S-.CAMER~CENTER ............ 6/08Z79 ........ ---- JONES EOUIPMENT CO. 6/08/79 KEN MANUFACTURING CORP. 6/08/79 LANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS . _ 6/08/79 LANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS 6108179 LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE 6108179 LEAHY BUSINESS-ARCHIVES ........ 6/08/29 24. O0 42Zo00 ·" 286.76 31.60 35.00 DR. HERMAN I. LEVIN 6/08/79 LIGHTNING POWDER COMPANY 6'/Q8/79 LIONEL PLAYWORLO ....... 6t0'8/T9-. WHITT MACDOWELL 6/08/7~ MARK 10 MEDICAL INC. 6/08/79 MILLER BEARINGS .... 6/08/79 MUNICIPAL POLICE 6/08/79 NATIONAL LINEN SERVICE 6/08/79 NATIONAL WELDING.PRODUCTS 6/08/79 ODOR CONTROL SYSTEMS 6/08/79 PETTY CASH RECREATION 6/08/79 ROBERT & MAYBELLE PH[LLIP 6/08/79 1,000.00 ....... 294.95 510o00 39.20 948.80 201.51 ..... 25.20- 86 ...... 240.,-00CR-- ..... b129179 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~G7 c~CK# 16615 ,617 ,6t8 16621 16622 ,633 ~6 ,637 51 52 54 55 56 57 CURRENT MONTH CH VENDOR # VENDOR NAME E C K S PAGE 4 162399 ROBERT & MAYBELLE PHILLIP 180500 EVA RAYMOND 182800 RINKER MATERIALS CORP. 186310 RUBIN CONSTRUCT[ON CO. 186500 RUSSELL & AXON 190960 SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS 191100 SCOTTY'S 191520 SEACREST VETERINARY 192470 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 193920 DOROTHY SMITH 193920 DOROTHY SMITH 194400 SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUT 194901 sPaRTIME 196225 FLORENCE STUBBINS 196405- SUNCO, INC. 196405 SUNCO. INC. 200200 T & T ENGINEERING .201580 ~ ~TENNIS SUPPLY 204600 TOM'S WELDING SERVICE 205410 TRAIL FORD TRACTOR CO. 216350 UNDERGROUND SUPPLY 231590 GEORGE F. WELSCHER, 234700 WORTH CHEMICAL [ PAINT CO 241600 XEROX CORPORATION 261520 ZEE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 162399 ROBERT & MAYBELLE PHILLIP 370013. VIRGINIA E. KEISTER -: .- 032901 CITY OF BOYNTaN BEACH 011200 ADAMS CHEVROLET 020440 _ THE BAKER ~..TAYLDR ca 021205 GO. OF CO. COMMISSIONERS 021530 BEANE EXTERMINATING CO. 023800 _ BLUE CROSS OF_FLORIDA 024590 THOMAS BOUREGY & CO. 024651 R. R. BOWKER 024780 BOYNTON PUMP &..SUPPLY 025422 BRANDENBERG~S AMOCO 030480 CARPENTER, MAY & BREMER 032390 £HAFIN MUSIC 041690 DETECTIVE BOOK CLUB 044750 DOUBLEDAY & CO. 053900 EMERGENCY MEDICAL ~ SAEET 054370 ENGINEERING MACHINE Ca. 055800 ESQUIRE 063700 FLORIDA BRAKE 070010 G.G. TRANSMISSION, INC. 071550 GENERAL GMC TRUCK 075450 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. 075580 GULF OIL CORP. '00042~ MARLEY DAVIDSON OF PALM B 084620 MOLLY ACCUMULATOR CHECK DATE 6/08179 6/08/79 6/08179 6/08/79 6/08179 6/08t79 6/08/79 6/08/79 6/08/79 6/08/79 6108/79 6/08/79 6/08/79 6/08179 6/08/79 6/08/79 25.00 6108/79 6/08/79 6/08/79 148.11 TaTAL AMOUNT 2~0.00 30.00 24.316.97 ~,318.55 " 13Z.30 255.55 156.00 ....... i9..82_ I1.39CR. .~=-&l.,lO~O0 290°08 i0.00 .._ - . 128.00'-,'-/:, : 6/08/79 60.75 6/08/79 240.00 6/11/79 . 268._62._~ 6/12/79 . 57.~3 6/12/79 10.16 6/12/79 358o0Z 6112/79 145.00 6/1Z/79 ...... I&*_~ZB.ZO _. 6/t2/?9 9.90 6/12~79 33.00 6112179 ........ 6112179 32.50 6/12/79 6/12/79 14.46 6/12/79 1~.0~ 6/12/79 _~_ 156.55 6/12/19 208.52 .6/12/79 16.00 6/12/79 .... 30.72 ....... 6/12/79 26.25 6/12/79 29.69 6/12/79 '233.84 6/12/79 130.73 6/12/79 363.1~ 6/12/79 127.00 CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE CHECK ~ VENDOR ~ . ~,.J63 100395 16664 106451 ..16655 120410 16666 120450 1~667 110320 16668 130940 16669 131760 16670 132771 16671 134670 · 16672 160373 ~6673 160407 k.,-~6674 160410 16675 161510 I66~6 .... 162750 16677 162790 Ib678 16~705 1667-9-- - %66~00 16680 186310 16681 191510 16682 192160 1~%83 194706 I~84 194820 16685 _ 196405 16686 205541 16'687 216350 I6688-_ 230450 !i I669D 2 1600 i~ Io6~2 540081 i6693 5'0082 ~ i ii 16694_', 5400:83 i : 16695 5~0084 [:.~_,16696 540085 ~6697 5,0086 '16698 540007 !1166 9 560088 ~ 16TO! 540090 16702 540091 16703 540092 ~'~04 550002 ' ti' t6705 550035 167O6 550041 16707 550042 ,, 16708 5500~3 16709 55004~ 16710 550045 16711 560026 16712 560035 R R E N T MONT H CHE C K S VENDOR NAME INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL M JAD£O SIGN. INC. JUNO INDUSTRIES LAMAR UNIFORMS LANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS MACMILLAN PUBLISHING COo MCC~IN SALES MEYER SOD MILLER DODGE WILLIAM MORROW E CO., INC 'PALM BEACH BRAKE & WHEEL PALM BEACH HYDRAULIC JACK PALM BEACH NEWSPAPERS PEACOCK'S RADIATOR PICARD_CHEMICAL CO PIERCE TIRE CD.. INC. POWER TOOL SERVICE PUBLIX MARKET RUBIN CONSTRUCTION CO. SEACREST PETROLEUM CO. SILVER BURDETT ._ SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE SPENCER BOOK CO. SUNCO, INC. : IRI-CDUNTY CONCRETE PRO~U UNDERGROUND SUPPLY EARL_WALLACE.FORD, INC. HERB WILLARD TRUCKING XEROX CORPORATION JOHN_W. BUZARD JOHN BABCOCK JOSEPHINE' 8ARELLO C. G. BARZ .......... HENRY BEARDSLEY ARTUR BLONDELL JUNE BLYDENSTEIN . STEVEN E, BOLTZ DELtE J, BOUDREAU JOSEPH BROWN .__ DONALD BURFORD THOMAS BUSH CHESTER BARRETT C.LoS. CORP. DAVID CENTDLA NORMAN CLAYTON CHARLES B. CLARKE JAMES COLE HAROLD CONGER JEFF CUNNINGHAM DREXEL PROP. [NC GEORGE DAILEY CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 6/12/79 170.00 6/12/79 300.00 6/12/79 257~55 6/12/79 491.88 6/12/79 30.38 6/12/79 .. ~5.~_~! ....... 6/12/79 331.20 6/t2/79 6/12/79 311.11 6112/79 55.80 6/12/79 94.13 6/12/79 10.41 6/12/79 517.08 6/12/79 77.23 6/12/79 ..... ~ ...... 6/12/79 975.63 ..,: - 6/12/79. 22.06 .< 6/12/79 ............ 6/12/79 481.13 6/12/79 6/12/79 ..... - 1~..~_ .... 6/12/79 384.00 6/12/79 54.30. 6/12/79 .... 6/12/79 50.00 6/12/79 1.286.~5 6/lZ/79 .......... 55~14 _ _ 6/12/79 958.50 6112/79 105.9~ 6/12/79 .......... 3~.~2D ~'~-"_ 6/12/79 6.50 6/12/79 27,20 .6/12/79 ........... 6/12/79 47,20 6/12/79 12,20 6/12/79 ......... 6/12/79 27,20 6/i2/79 .6/12/79 ......... 1~.~0 6/12/79 7.50 6~%2/79 11o15 6/12/79 .__ tB.-YD .......... 6112/79 12.20 6/12/79 1~.00 6112/79 12.Z0 ......... 6112/79 9.85 6/12/79 I.~0 6/12/79 11.50 ....... 6/12/79 5.28 6/12/79 6.88 6/12/79 6.15 6129/79 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 6 ~507 CURRENT MONTH CHECKS CrlECK # VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME ~o?~3 560036 56003? 16715 560038 t3716 560039 ~7t? 560040 ~71B ~719 580033 ~720 580034 16721 590049 ~6722 590.050 ~ L672B 590051 ~7~4 .... 590052 . £'6725 600034 6726 6000~0 728 600042 ~T29 600043 ~730 ....... 610004 731 620015 i732 6~0018 '33 ..... 630019 640032 640039 6. 650067 650068 650069 9 i 650070 650070 650072 ..... 650073 650075 650076 . _660016 .5 660017 670011 680039 680042 %9 680043 0 ........ 6800~6 68004? 5~ 6800~6 680049 ~4 680050 ;5 7OD020 6 700021 ;7 700022 700023 710060 $0 710063 ,l 710064 710065 C4-1ECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT HENRY DE 80ER FRANK DESROSIERS RICK J DOREY ALBERT W. DUERK REV. HELMUT DIETRICH DANIEL FARRELL ~£NTHROP FAULKNER ALFRED ELORA PHILIP GANTNER JIMMIE LEE GARLAND PETER F. GULOTTA CATHERINE GROUSTH.. HAWKINS ~ MOU~, INC. D.A. HALEY 6112/79 6.50 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/t2/79 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/12/79 6112179 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/12[79 6/12/79 6]12/79 3.40 ...... : ...... 8 ._53_ 6~ 50 10.00 .... , .... ~. o_o 8°00 6.15 5.00 15.4-5 8.70 JOYCE_HARffI.S ........ : ..................... MARTHA HtEMSTRA LEN HEDMAN IRENE_.IRELANO ARNE JOHNSON ALEXANDER KALEN CLARENCE KITCHEN LOS MANGO DEV VENTURE FRANK LEO ROBERT H. MERRIL MARJORIE MILLER JAMES MOLLICA · MANGO ESTATES MANGO ESTATES ERNEST MC CRAY CHARLES J. MC KENNA HERBERT MANNA RUTH MUSSER RtCBROND NELSON_ _ HERRIE'LOU NORTH MARY P, O'ROURKE 6112179 .. ": 27.20]? 6/12/79 .8o00~? 6112179' 6.50 6/I~/74 ?°50 6/i2/79 .... T.~O_ ....... 6112/79 80.30 ~ 6/12/79 7.50 6/12/79 2.55 6/12/79 ~.I0 .... 6/12f79 ....... t2.20CR ...... 6/12/79 12.20 6/I2/79 6/12/79. .__ 6/12/79 6;15 6/12/79 12,50 6/12/79 6112/79 22.20 6/12A79 6.15 T~RRY A. PEARSON _ _ ' .... 6/12/79 ARNOLD G. PEEBLES 6/12/79 PELL CORP. 6/12/79 NELSDN PERNtCE ............. 6/.12/X9 SAM PERALA MILDRED PHILBROQK MARIE t. PFEFFER JOHN C. PITNEY GIFFORD RAULERSON ROSE RICCI STEVE RICHARDSON CHARLES RUTHIG HENRY SAINDON HOMER SALCE SHERRI SAARS ~ESLEY STEU~E 6112179 6/~2/79 61f2779 6/12/79 6112/79 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/t2/~9 6/12/79 6/12/79 12o70 15.00 12.20 ...... 25.00_ 10o00 21.00 26.15 7.20 _ 6.50 ...... -- 40.80 56.90 27.20 ol29119 ;5507 ICHECK # [ 16766- -~-~16767 16768 [6769 16770 16771 ~ 16772 16775 .~6775 16775 [6776 i677B' t6781 16782 : 1L,f8~ 16785 ~-' 16786 16787 16788 %16789 16790 16791_ 16792 16793 16795 16796 [6798 16799 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CURRENT MONTH CHECKS VENDOR 710075 710083 720026 720027 720028 720029 720030 740001 740012 750006 750041 .7500~2 750043 750043 750044 770004 770005 ~_.79.1002 791003 791004 791005 791006 791007 ~.791008 791009 791010 791011 791012 791013 39101~ 791015 791016 ..... 7~1017 791018 791019 791020 791021 791022 16800 ..... 79.1023 PAGE 7 16801 791024 16802 791025 16803. . 791026 i L~804 791027 CIT~ OF 805 791028 CITY OF 16806 791029 CITY OF 16807 791030 CITY OF 16808 791031 CITY OF ~,~'16809~ 791032 CITY OF 16810 791033 CITY OF 16811 791084 CITY OF 16812 791035 CITY OF VENDOR NAME ROBERT C. STEWART JORGE SALINAS ALFRED TERNA LORRAINE THRASHER FRANK W.S. TILTON DOUGLAS L. !OLES FRANK W. S. TILTON OSWALD W. VOGEL EDWARD VER COLEN WQODSIDE-NOBHILL ASSOC. HERBERT WARREN WILLIAM WIGGINS Wo ROY WILLIAMS W. ROY WILLIAMS BETTY E.._WURSIER_. STEPHEN J YOST E.W. YOROY CIIY_OF~BOYNION_BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CIIY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY. OE BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH .CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH' CIT_Y. OF_BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH _CIIY_OE BOYNTON BEACHi CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF 8OYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY..OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY. OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON 8EACH BOYNTON BEACH 80YNTON BEACH CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 6/12/79 24.15 6/i~/79 5°90 6/12/79 4.70 __ 6/12179 6.15 6/12/79 7°50 6/12/79 .... 6~.~0 _ _ 6/12179 lliO0 6/12/79 lO.OO -6/12/79 13.50 6/12/79 109.50 6/12/79 27.20 6/12/79 6/12/79 2.60CR 6/12/79 2.60 .6/121 9 ....... '12.8o ~[12179 ].80 . 6/12/79 ....... 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/12179. 6/12/79 6112179 8.50 15.00 2.80 2..80 2.80 2.80 6112/79 " - 8.50 -".. 61!2/79 7~50 6112119 ..... 6/12/79 15.00 6/12/79 15.00 6/12/7_9 ....... 3.85 6/12/79 2.80 6/12/79 : ' ' 15cO0 -' 6/12/79 __ 15..OO; _ 6/12/79 2.80 6/12/79 5oi5 .......... 6/12/7F~ ............ ~5.00 6112/79 . 13.60 ~/~2179 3.50 6/~2/~9. _ -- 7.50 ........ 6112/79 7.50 6/12/79 9.72 6/12/79 ____. 8.85 6/12/79 8.50 6/12/79 7.50 6/12/79 . ._ 26.60 6/12/79 6.47 6/12179 15.00 6/12/79 .... BO..OQ 61~9179 CITY OF BDYN¥ON BEACH ~07 C U R R E N T M ONt H C H.E C K S CHECK ~ VENDOR # VENDOR NAME 16815 681 7 6818 6819 16821 16825 ~'6827 68~8 B31 6833 6AB5 6&36 6937 6938 6840 6842 t6,849 ~6853 6854 :16857 I6~58 i6a 2 791036 CITY flF BOYNTON BEACH 7910B7 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH 791038 CITY.OF BOYNT-ON BEACH 791039 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 791040 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 7910~1 CITY OF BOYNTDN BEACH 791042 CITY OF BOYNTON B~ACH 7910~3 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 791044 CITY OF ~OYNTON 8EACH 7910~5 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH 791046 CITY OF BOYNTON 8EACH 791047 CITY OF BOYN/ON BEACH 791048 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 791049 CITY OF BOYNTDN BEACH _391050 CITYDE BOYNTON BEACH 791051 CITY OF BOYNTON 8EACH 791052 CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH _791053 - CITY:OF BOYNTON BEACH ~91054 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 791055 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH .791056 791057 791058 791059 791060 791061 .791062 79106~ 791064 .... 791065 791066 791067 __79t068 791069 791070 791071 791072 791073 .I9i074 791075 791076 ~ 791077 791078 791079 791080 791081 791082 7910B3 791100 79110i CITY ~F BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTEh%I BEACH CITY OF BOYNTDN BEACH CITY.OF BOYNTON 8EACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON 8~ACH CITY DF BOYNTDN BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTDN BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTDN BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON'BEACH CITY-- OF CITY OF CITY OF CITY. DF CITY OF CITY OF CITY OF CITY OF CITY OF CITY OF CITY OF CITY OF CITY OF BDYNTON. BEACH BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTDN BEACH BOYNTON BEACH BDYNTDN BEACH BDYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEfiCH BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 6/12/79 23.19 6/1Z179 8.50 6112/79 ...... 15.00 6/12/79 ~.50 6/12179 7.00 6112./79 7 -_ i5.00 6112/79 10.05 ~/12/79 8.85 6112/79 .... 25.0~ 6/12/79 15.00 6/12/~9 ~.50 6112/79 ....... Z.~BD .... 6112179 7.50 6/12179 6.30 . 6/12/79 ....... 6112179 7.00 6/12179 : 2oS0 6/12179 15.00 6/12179 15.00 6112179 ..... 8.50 6112/79 - I5.00 6~i2/79 I5~00 6/12/79 ~ ....7.80_.. 6/12/79 2.80 6/12/79 6112179 ....... ll.BO 6/12179 ;' 11.80 6/12/79 .6112/79. _ _ 6112179 15.00 6112179 15=00 6l 12/79 .... 6/12/79 2.80 6112/79 -- 7.50 6112179 . _. ___8.5_~ 6/12179 27.45 6/12/79 25.90 61t2/79 6.30 67-L~/79 8.85 6/~3/79 _ _ 10.00 6/12/79 7.80 6/1~/79 8°85 6/12/79 . 15.00 6/12/79 5.60 6/12/79 8.85 6112179 6/1~/79 15.00 6/12/79 8.85 6/12/79 3.85 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 9 fiE07 CUR g CHECK # VENDOR N 6864 791102 . 10.~55 791103 16866 791104 168167 791105 6868 791106 6869 791107 6870 791108 '6871 791109 16872 791110 16873 791111 168?4 791112 ~875 791113 ~.~6876 791114 16877 791115 168~8 7~1t16 16879 791117 16880 791118 16881 791119 ~1688Z 791120 l&~g6 791124 [6887 791125 6888 791126 R6889 791127 689~ 791128 116891 Y91129 !1689~ 791130 ~6893 ..791131 16894 791132 [6895 791133 16896 _Y~llB4 16897 791135 16898 791136 ~'6899 791137 k,~,6900 791138 i 16 O1 4Z0008 };ii69o2 ._19 olo 169o3 1%o15 L6904 086B5I [6905 016020 [m~06 340006 ~,i~07 450018 16908 340011 il6909 490017 116910 210150 ~6911 180950 16913 010150 1~914 015500 E N T MONTH CHECKS VENDOR NAME CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH CITY DF BDYNTDN BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY DF 80YNTON BEACH CITY DF BDYNTON BEACH CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH CITY DF BDYNTDN BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH CI_TY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTDN BEACH CLIY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH 'CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTDN BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTDN BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF'BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF 8OYNTON BEACH CITY.OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH STANLEY C. PORTER STA/E OF FLORIDA DEPT. OF STATE OF FLORIDA NOAH HUDDLESTDN ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK LENON HARRIS MACK SLOAN ALVIN HERRING JR. WILLIE WILFORK JR. II.~. POSTMASTER WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY ISIAH ANDREWS A. BELTRAN TYPEWRITER CO. VEVA ARMBRUSTER CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 6/12/79 6112/79 6/12179 6/12179 6/12179 6112179 6/1~;79 6/I~/79 -6/1~/79 6/tZ/79 6/12/79 ' 6/12/79 6/I~/79 6/12/79 6/12179 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/13/79 6/1~/79 6/I~/79 6/12/79 6/I~/79 6/1~/79 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/1~/79 6/12/79 6/1~/79 6/12/79 6/I~/79 6/12/79 6/1~/79 6/12/79 _ 6/I~/79 6/12/79 6/1~/79 ~_ 6/1~/79 6/13/79 6/t3/79 6/13/79 . 6113/79 6/~4/79 6/15/79 6/15/79 6/15/79 6/15/79 6/15/79 6/15/79 6/15/79 6/15/79 6/15/79 15.00 15.00 30.00 7.50 7.80' _B.EQ_ 7.50 3.10 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 2.80 7°50 2.80 ......... 8.85_ ...... 8.50 15.00 ...... t5. o 0_0 ..... 5.00 15.00 2.80 7.50 _Y. 50 7.50 8..00 ........ A-90 30.00 3.50 3.50 ?.50 2.20 11.20 706.44 _ 116_...3_t 88.01 200.00 270~872.75 586.74 386.48 .... 240.20 251 · 46 750.00 ....... 48. O0 55.00 28.00 _ 10..00 6/29/79 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 10 CURRENT MONTH CH CHECK ~ VENDOR # ~].5 016000 16'~,..6 016020 16917 020299 16918 020439 ~920 024725 ,921 024730 ~922 024765 16923 032400 ' 16924 034592 16925 035543 ~926 ....... 035560 ~o927 040500 1~928 041420 1~929-- _062.820 VENDOR NAME ATLANTIC HARDWARE ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK BACKPACKERS GENERAL STORE THE BAKER ~ TAYLOR CO. BEANE EXTERMINATING BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CRED BOYNTQN BEACH RETIREMENT BOYNTON GUN ~ LOCK, INCo CHASE MANHATTAN BANK COLLINS SIGNS CROMWELL-REMSEN ATTORNEYS CROWN_LIFE INSURANCE CO DAVIS METER & SU2PLY DECISION DATA COMPUTER CO FIREMEN'.S.RELiEE~.& 1~9~0 062910 FIRST BANK & TRUST I9931 063000 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 1~93~ ..... ~O~O~O0..BE~]T_Y_GARRIGA:----- 16933 074500 1~934 l~935 075450. 074540 1,:6~6 080310 t6~7 0804B1 16938 .... 030434 1~939 086R50 Ij6~40 100216 li&9~l~ 104600 I:69~2 I~o45o ~69~3 120457 ~69!4~ ..... 131.559 ~45 ~32700 ~4o 136420 ~948 165525 1~949 180500 950 ......... 1.91~02 5951 194694 5952 196225 ~953 .... ~202850 595~ 210151 6g55 230451 6956 231182 6""~7 241600 ~'~69-58 241601 ij6 59 a9ooi [~6960 510004 ~6961 440013 ~96~ 270014 ~6963 206300 ~6964 450036 ~6965 440014 E C K S CHECK DATE 6/15179 6115/79 6115/79 6/15/79 -6/15/79 6115/79 6/15/79 6/15/79 6/t5/79 6/15/79 6i15/79 6/15279_ 6/15/79 6/15/79 TOTAL AMOUNT 114 1,250.00 15.00 ~7~_78~.~9__ ' ' ___.. 2,579.-92 892.47 ........ __5_2.5..9Q ...... - '. - ~2~1.12..5~ '- .-~ - _ 6/15/79 ....... 6/15/79 ; 13,796.81 2-~ - 6/15/79 . i ~"5~.46-'" ' ~ ,' ' CHARLES GODFREY GOLDCOAST PLUMBING GRAYBAR ELECTRIC. CO. INC. HALSEY ~ GRIFFITM, INC. HARPER'S HARRISON COMPANY HUCKLEBUCK MUSIC · J.P. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTC JONES..EOUIPMENT--CO. LANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS Co H. LANSFORD MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED MIAMI HERALD MUNICIPAL POLICE PET_~Y_£ASH LIBRARY PRO ONE ALLSPORTS EVA RAYMOND SCORE.-3~ SOUTH FLORIDA MACK TRUCKS FLORENCE STUBBINS TISDALES ................. U. S. POSTMASTER W~LLACE '& TIERNAN WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION JOHNMAY SANTIAGO VANES J.T. ROBERTSON CALVIN ANDREWS JOHN M. TUITE GRACE E. SHIELDS PHILIP REMERY 6/15/79 30.00 6/15/79 6t15/79 53.1..5~ ...... 6/15/79 989.80 6/15/79 1t.98' 6115/~9 6/15/79 200.00 6/15/79 1,528.IB 6/15/79 679.12 6/15/79 250.00 .6/15179 6115179 20.15 6115/79 1,134.54 6/15/7.9 ~..Z~ ___ 6115/79 37~(-60o00 6/15/79 ;-- 30.00 6/15/79 = 30.OD _- 6/15179 6/15/79 10.00 6/15/79 ~' 48°00 6'/:15/79 141.32 6/15/79 _ ___.--9Bo05 _ _ 6/15/79 778.32 6/15179 6/15/79 _~,459.R1 6/15/79 3.24 6/15179 6/15/79 .... 297.83 ...... 6/15/79 91.50 6/21179 275.76 6/18/79 _ A507 ~-EC K /~ 1 16967 16968 5970 $971 5972 t 6973 't 6974 16975 ?'~$976 16978 16979 1698 0 16~81 16982 ?,16'983 ~-16~84 1 &~8'7 16988 I:~990 ~6993 16994 16995 16~96 ~699~ t~998 ...... 16999 17002 i,voo3 ~oo~ 7005 .7006 L~07 t ~x~08 ~7009 ~1701 l 7012 ,,t¥ot4 L7016 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CURRENT MONTH CHECKS VENDOR # 016300 020170 020448 021602 021618 024280 02471~ 024726 025600 030185 030280 032414 041684 050300 05~3:97. 060121 06~600 064649 070410 072810 _075283 075450 075500 075530 080425 086455 120309 120560 121742 . 122800_ 122853 124650 130200 141700 144500 162750 181599 186310 191510 191585 191600 193916 196405 205600 216350 222820 231572 232479 032901 280019 390020 PAGE II VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 4UTOPRODUCTS, INC. B.8. AUTO PARTS, INC. MRS. J. BANNISTER BELL ~ HOWELL CO. BENNETT POTTERY SUPPLY, BOAF CERTIFICATION BOARD BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY BOYNTON BEACH FIRE DEPT BROWARD PUMP ~ SUPPLY CO. C.K.'S LOCKSHOP, INC. CADILLAC ENGRAVERS CHEMICAL SALES CORP. JOHN DENSON EAST CoAsT FIRE EQUIP. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ~AMILY HEALTH MAGAZINE FOUR STEEL CORPORATION GEO. EOWLER WELDING CO ..... GAYLORD BROTHERS GIRARD-POLLY-PIG CRAIG GRABEEL GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO. INC. GRIFFIN POLLUTION R.L. GRUMMONS.PRINTING HAND'S HUSSEY ELECTRICAL CONTR. LABOR-MANAGEMENT RELATION LAWNMOWER HOSPITAL LEXINGTON FEED& SUPPLY LINDSLEY LUMBER. CO- LIONEL PLAYWDRLD LOREN'S SHARPENING M.T.K..EOU[PMENT. CORP .... NEPTUNE METER CO. NOLCO CHEMICAL CO. P/CARD CHEMICAL CO. F.W. REIN RUBIN CONSTRUCTION CO. SEACREST..PETROLEUM CO. OICK SEITNER SALES SERVICE EOUIP. CO., INC. NRS..J.W. SMITH SUNCO, INC. TROPIGAS, INC. UNDERGROUND SUPPLY VINCE CANNING SHOES HARRIET WEITZENFELD EDWARD WILLIA, LITY OF CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH JOSE MEJIA 6/19/79 -' 88~55 6/19179 219.70 6/19/79 10.00 6/19/79 85.38 6/19179 899.00 6/19/79 55.00 6119179 6Z3.36 6/19/79 190.20 %/19/79 237-55 6/19/79 17.60 6/19/79 18.82 6/19/79 176.25 6/t9/79 32.00 6/19/79 52.40 ........... 500.Oq ....... 6/19/79 6/19/79 6/19/79 6/19tZ9 6/19/79 6/19/79 6/19/79 6119179 6/19/79 6/19179 6/19/79 6/19179 6/19/79 6/19/79 6/I9/79.~ 6/19/79 6/19/79 6~19/79 ....... 6/19/79 6/19279 6/19/79 6/19/79 6/19/79 6/19/79 6/19/79 6i-19/79 6/19/79. 6/I9/79 6/19/79 6/19/79 6/19/79 6/19/79 6/19/79 6/20/79 6/21/79 6/21/79 12. O0 98.82 62.00 508.22 ......... 21.2_0 .... 903.32 -' 700. O0 19.88 705. O0 .... 15..00 ...... 148.55 92.55 142.5 ~ 27.50 ._365_. ~'.6_____ 1,995.00 118.75 ....... _62.25_ 25.00 422° 58 35_9. 56. .... 75.60 67.53 ...... 11.39 182.80 71.53 335.50 .... lO0oOO 10o28 _ _ 20.00 .......... 73.32. 427.56 534.84 " 8129179 [-- 7Oll 320o14 1'~19 300008 17020 300002 xt7021 280002 ..... 17022 440015 17023 014240 17024 130950 .17025 650044 11026 17027 015310 ,~.17028_ 015500 ( 1029 016035 -~7030 021203 17031 024413 :17032 024725 17033 024730 17034 .-025610 17035 026420 17036 032890 17037 034550 17038 034600 1{~39 040500 17040 041684 <]17041 050310 :i ~17043 062910 1:17044 063714 ':A1.7045 __.063780 17046 063787 17047 070400 KO~8. .-074500 17049 07558O 17050 075581 7051 -080~25 7052 081601 ~7053 084689 17054 086351 17055 090100 .7056 090101 7057 094280 .7058 100213 /~59 100216 '; 170~0 101624 II 17061 114600 17062 120574 )63 121725 7064 122853 i~7065 130547 17066 131550 CITY OF BUYNTON BEACH CURRENT MONTH CHECKS VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME CHECK CHARLES C. FREDERICK JQYCE J ESCOE JOHN A DERTING C. NORMAN DOUGLAS LILLIAN ~ONNER SHARON RANDOLPH [SIAH ANDREWS WILLIE RUTH MCGRAOY RICHARD B. MILLER BETTY BORONt ADUACHEM COMPANY VEVA ARMBRUSTER MRS.NORMA ATWELL BO. OF CO. COMMISSIONS' MRS._FLORENCIA BOLDON . 80YN/ON CITY FEDERAL CRED BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT STEVE BRUNNER BURROUGHS CORPORATION CITY OF BOCA RATON, COOPE COCA COLA BUTTLING COMMERCIAL RECORD OAVtS METER ~ SUPPLY DAVIS-METER.& SUPPLY JOHN DENSON EASY PAY TIRE STORE FIREMEN~S RELIEF & FIRST BANK & TRUST FLORIDA DEPT. DF TRANSPOR FLORIDA POWER_& LIGHT FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES BETTY GARRIGA CHARLES GODFREY GULF OIL CORPo GULF OIL CORPORATION HAND,S HELLIGE, [NC. PAUL N. HOWARD CO. NOAH HUDDLESTON I.B.M. CORPORATION I.B.M CORPORATION INTERCOUNTY CONSTRUCTION d K M PAINTING J.P. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTC JENSEN TOOLS & ALLOYS KOPY KING PRINTING CENTER LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE LEWIS OFFICE SUPPLIES LIONEL PLAYWORLD MARS SIGNAL LIGHT CO. MECHANICS UNIFORM SERVICE DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 6/21/79 6/22/79 6/22/?9 6/22/79 6/2Z/79 6/22/79 6/22/79 ~/2Z/79 _6/22/79 6/22/79 6/22/~9 6/22/79 6/22/79 6/22/79 6122/79 6122/79 6/22/~9 6/22/79 6/22/79 6/22/79 6/22/79 6/22/79 6/22/79 6/22/¥9 .00 178.32 320°2.8 157.08 ._ 170.98 55.00 8.10 277.2!0 8,198.38 ..... lO-DO _ ._= 25.00 -547.12 ..... 1Z-_OO_ ...... 7,73~,.89 Bl,O00oO0 60.00 16.00 877.98 6/22/79 ....... 730.5L .... ~_ _ 6/22/79 13,910.99 6/22/79 1.00 - -6/22/79 ....... Z].~.16 .... :_ _ 6/22/79 3.76 6122/79 30.00 6/22A79 .......... 3Q..O~____ 6/22/79 6/22/79 6/22/79 6/22/79 6/22;79 6/22/79 6/22/79 6/~2/79 6/22/79 6/22/79 6/22/79 6/22/79 6/22/?9 6/22/79 6/22/79 6122179 6/22/79 1,512.60 4,928.09 ....... 28..68__z 91.50 334,830.60 ......... 596.50 _ __ 6,617.67 9,100.00 3,440.00 __ _ 257_. 25_ .... 160.90 70.00 392.91 4,377.60 35.00. b/29/79 C CHECK ~ VENDOR _I~7 tY069 17070 .... 7'071 7072 7073 7074 17075 ],17o 6 ~70~0 [70~1 ~70~86 7~00 7~01 '~02 03 7104 7106 7107 7108 1 7112 '113 7 t5 7117 CITY OF 60YNTON BEACH U R R E N T M O NT H C H EC K S VENDOR NA~E 132705 MIAMI CLAY CO. 136420 MUNICIPAL POLICE 153800 OLYMPIA SPORT SHOP, INC. 165505 PROGRAM AIDS~ INC. 180500 EVA RAYMOND 191525 SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. 194703 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 196225 FLORENCE STUBBINS 201700 TESTING LAB OF THE 216350 UNDERGROUND SUPPLY 241600 XERO~ CORPORATION 330014 JOAN A. GARDEN ~OOlO ALLEN SMITH 290024 STEVEN O. CAMPBELL 280018 ELENOR M. BURNS 013720 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 014300 CARMEN ANNUNZtATO 02.0~39~ THE BAKER g TAYLOR CO. 020440 THE BAKER ~ TAYLOR CO. 021699 A.M. BEST C0.- 0~5660' LARRY.BRYSON . 032390 CHAFIN MUSIC 034550 COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. 034602 COLLEGE BOARD PUBLICATION 040500 DAVIS METER C SUPPLY 044750 DOUBLEDAY E CO. 046450 JOHN B. DUNKLE - . 053900 EMERGENCY MEDICAL ~ SAFET 062901 FIRST B~NK E TRUST OF PAL 063792 FLORIDA SPORTSMAN .... 065556 STEVE FRAZIER 065590 CHARLES FREDERICK .072700 WILLIE GIBSON 080428 EDWARD HARMENING 08~600 JOSEPH To HOLLAND 084690 EDGAR HOWELL 086350 HUCKLEBUCK MUSIC 101507 DEE G. JEGMERS 104522 BETTY JOLLEY 104600 JONES EQUIPMENT CO. 110289 TED J. KAKLIS EMPLOYEE II1550 BERT KEEHR 112680 WILLIAM T. KIEKENAPP 120451 LANIER COMPANY 120500 503 LATHAM 130320 MACMILLAN PUBLISHING CO. 130558 WILBERT MASLIN C BESSIE 136560 MUSIC PERFORMANCE TRUST 153800' OLYMPIA SPORT SHOP, INC. 160350 TEREESA PADGETT 160410 PALM BEACH NEWSPAPERS PAGE 13 CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 6/Z2/79 toooo'6 6/22/79 33.60 6/22/79 78.29 6/22/79 30°00 6/22/79 175.0~ 6/22/79 4,396.57 6/22/79 lO.O0 6/22/79 144o00 6/22/79 6/22179 6tl.85 6/22/79 452.10 6/25/79 184.48 6/26/79 360.56 .6/26/~9 6/26/79 " 4,767.82 6/26/79 50.00 6/26/79 ........... 6/26/79 6126/79 6126/79 6126/79 6/26/79 6/26/79 _6/26179 6/26/79 6/26179 6/26/79 6/26/79 67~6/79 6/2~/79 6126/79 6126/79' 6/26179 6126/79 6/26/79 6/26779 6/26/79 6/26/79 6/26/79 761.83 120.00 ..... 293-00 ............ 52 o O0 66.50 __13_..9~ - 79.20 36.9! ...... 10.60_ __ 37°25 93.75 ...... 9_.95 200.00 85.00 ' _ ..... BI. OD _.~. I00o00 125.00 __ d .... 1Z5..00 ....... 100.00 125.00 _ 10.00_ ...... 349.20 37.00 _ _ 50.00 _ 100.00 131.50 .... 126.00 12.21 200.00 .... 225 o O0 _. 83.90 25.00 . _ 170o 82 6/26/79 6126/79 6/26/79 6126/79 6/26/79 6126/79 6/26/79 6/26179 6/26/79 6/26/79 6/26/79 6/29/79 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE I4- ~,507 CURRENT MONTH CHECKS .cUECK # VENDOR # VENDOR NAME 16165O 17~'19 161710. 1712O 1645OO -~7121 166200 7122 182898 7123 184517 7124 190960 -t1125 192797 17126 194901 '17'127 195993 ~.128 196200 /129 . Ig&AIO 17130 201579 17131 205532 i17132. ~'i7133 221~92 17134 230540 I7t35 .... 231600 17136 232793 17137 232808 234625 ,39 234648 L7140 234651 L7141 __~346&2-- 17142 264550 ~7143 650071 ~1~144 . .750045 17170 191524 17171 450022 ~1~i72 _320014 17173 420006 17175 320007 1~176 370002 390004 .7L78 ~t0005 17179 520002 17180 - 01~2~0 CHARLES PERStNG PETTY CASH RECREATION ROBERT POCSIK PUBLIX MARKET BETTY RISCOE DAVID ROBERTS SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS CYNTHIA SINNOTT SPORTIME ST. MARTIN'S PRESS,INC. NORMAN STRNAD ...SURERINIENDENT.DOCUMENTS THE TENNESSEE MOONSHINE WALTER M. TRAUGER CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 6/26/79 125.00 6/26/79 47°55 6/26/79 ...... 6/26/79 26°52 6~26179 85.00 6/26/79 lg.95 -~/26/79 . 6/26/79 ........... 1.1,~! 6/26/79 6/26/79 6126179 6126179 85.00 . .UNIVERSITY.PRESSES OF..FLO__ JAMES W. VANCE P.A. W~TER DEPARTMENT · · __.THOMASEo-WENGLER ........... H.W. WILSON CO. EDWIN W. WINCH J.JoA. WOLF FRESH DIST.. ~OHENJS SPORTS FOUNDATION ROB WOODFIRE 6/26/7~. __LM.oO~ 6/26/79 '':.- 2,08~.33 '~-~- 6/26/79 ', 5,523,'85-/<;/-. .6Z26/Y9 ....... ff~',-'--=12.5_,00~' ~' ='_ 6/26/79 58.00 6/26/79 125.00 6/26/79 ...... 6.50 ....... 6/26/79 12.00 ] 6/26/79 200-00~ ' THOMAS.-J WOOLLEY. JR ........ 6/261~9_ BETTY ZOBEL 6/26/79 JOHN MOSETTI 6/26/79 NELLIE-H WILLLAMS ESTATE~ - 6/26/79 SEA MIST MARINA 6/27/79 ....... ~L ZOO ,.:0_0__ - · 20. O0 12.20 ~ . Z.,.&O_ 360.00 ":! ':< '- PATRICK SMITH 6/29/79 322;58 ','- CHARLES.C. FREDERICK ..... ± ....... 6/29/7.9 ..... ' FREDDIE W PATRICK NOAH E HUDDELSTON' ._PATRICIA_FRAIIER MINNIE L KING NATHANtEL MCGRAOY JOE.L. OWENS ELIZABETH J. ZOBEL ISIAH ANDREWS 6/29/79 -473.08 6/29/79 453.10 6/29/7~ ......... 6/29/79 6129179 506.85-: 6/29/.29 ....... :__ ~322~Y_8 ._ 6/29/79 583.02 6/29/79 55.00 17181 ..... 230950 .... WILLIE RUTH_MCGRADY ............ 6/29/79 82 010310 ABCD AUTO BODY 6/29/79 17182 010310 ABCD AUTO BODY -6/29/79 It183 : 011400 .... I ~84 015480 17185 015500 17186 016300 ITI87 020160 ~!7188 021618 17189 021700 17190 023660 1719t 024725 17192 024730 ADVANCE AIR CONDIT.IONING ARGO UNIFORMS VEVA ARMBRUSTER AUTOPRODUCTS, INC.. B.B~ ASSOC. FIREFIGHTERS BENNETT POTTERY SUPPLY~ BETHESDA MEMORIAL DICK BLICK BOYNTOa CITY FEOERAL GRED BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 6/29179 6129/79 6~29~79 6/29/79 6129179 6129/79 6/29/79 6/29179 6/29/79 278~00CR 278°00 ....... 3~5,,z~9~ ...... 100.00 10..00 ...... Z53.~50 .... 250.80 15.50 .... I26.55 --- -- 27.64 7.'f69.89 2,559., g-ri- . __ 6/29179 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE CHECK # 193 17'195. 17196 ~198 [199 r200 '" f7201 ~ 17202 17203 ,~ 205 ~ '~7207 ...... ~T208 7211 7217 7218 721.9 7220 7221 'H. 7-223 igTzz6 - ~J7227 i~7230 ~7231 ...... 7233 1234 ~7237 ?J17238 ~0 17243 CURRENT MONTH CHECKS VENDOR g VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 025580 027640 030555 032416 04050O 051300 053900 054370 060200 062790 062820 062901 052910 BRO - DART, INC. BYRDS ELECTRIC MOTOR KATHLEEN CASTAGNOLI PETER L. CHENEY DAVIS METER g SUPPLY EDWARDS ELECTRIC CORP. EMERGENCY MEDICAL ~ SAFET ENGINEERING MACHINE CO. F.R.P.A. 79 REGISTRATION FIRE CHIEF MAGAZINE FIREMEN'S RELIEF & FIRST BANK £ TRUST OF PAL FIRST BANK & TRUST 063780 065550 074500 075530 075640_ 080303 080310 080426_ 080555 084610 _084620 094301 104600 112695 1'12815 .115599 120322 120574 12167S 124650 I31571 063700 FLORIDA BRAKE 063750_ FLORIDA INTELLIGENCE UNIT _ FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT CO. FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE BETTY GARRIGA ............ CHARLES GODFREY RoL. GRUMNONS PRINTING TON. GUSTAFSON HALE FIRE PU~P CO. HALSEY ~ GRIFEITH, INC. HARLEY DAVIDSON OF PALM B HAV--A-TAMPA JOHN E. HOLLIHAN HOLLY ACCUHULATOR & ..- INTERNATIONAL CITY JONES EOUIPMENT KANVAS BY KATIN KING OF THE HILL WATER SL KIRK MATERIALS, INCo KRUSE., O'CONNOR & LING WARD LAFRANCE TRUCK CORP. LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE DR. HERMAN I. LEVtN LOREN'$ SHARPENING MEINEKE DISCOUNT MUFFLERS .132783- MILLIPORE CORPORATION. 136420 1~0460 141700 160373 i60400 160407 160430 164705 166200 180500 182780 I86500 MUNICIPAL POLICE NATIONAL WELDING PRODUCTS NEPTUNE METER CO. PALM BEACH BRAKE & WHEEL PALM BCH. COUNTY P.B.A. PALM BEACH HYDRAULIC JACK PALM BEACH RADIO, INC. POWER TOOL SERVICE PUBLIX MARKET EVA RAYMOND RICH MOTORS, INC. RUSSELL 8 AXON 6/29/79 42.81 6/29/79 56.00 6/29/79 10.00 6/29179 191.23 6/29/79 9To87 6/29/79 32.20 6/29/79 51.44 6/29/79 140.00 6/29/79 15.00 6/29/79 735'.71 6/29/19 3,000.00 6/29/?9 13,671.58 6/29/79 53.45 6/29/79 ............. 6/29/79 43,281.00 6/Z9/79 5'18.00 _6129/79 ...... --__30.~.00 , - __~ 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 30.00 117.00 130.54 . 829.15. 225.00 150.00 _ _=____ 350.53__ 60. O0 Z,008.00 ........... 236._~0~' 80.00 I17o00 6/29/79 ...... 960...00__ 6/29/79 53.70 6/29L79 35°00 6/Z9/79 ...... 6/29/79 9.00 6/29/79 67.95 ..... 6/29/79 ......... 190.03 6/29/79 951.40 6/29/79 lO.O0 6/f9/79 _1,~60.00' 6/29/79 356.60 6/29/79 90.00 6/29/79 1~7.60 6/29/79 192.30 6/29/79 24.95 6/29/79 69.18 6/29/79 30.00 6/29/79 I8.80 6/29/79 A,74~.87 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 16 4507 cHECK # 17246 ! 72~-7 ~7248 7250 17~52 17253 ~25~ 255 .- C U R R VENOOR# 191700 192453 194703 194704 196020 196169 196225 196395 200200 202600 205410 205595 210149 ;17257 216350 !~7258 216410 17259. 230400 [7260 232790 17261 390021 · 17262 010310 I17263 020440 117264 024720 ~17~-'%5 024758 17*z'66 .030185 I72&7 ..... 030280 17268 0324~6 17269 034550 17271 17272 086350 I7274 II4600 17275 1~0565 17276 ~ i~2771 ~7277 ISBBIO ~7278 16~702 7279 . ~66200 %7280 18277~ ~[1:7281 190515 ' 1~82 ..... 192449 ~7283 192592 728~ i94~00 7285 202552 -'~86 205410 ~Z87 230400 '17288 ~17289 231787 E N T MO NT H CH.E C K S VENDOR NAME SEWELL HARDWARE CO.. INC. SHERATON-TWIN TOWERS SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. YVONNE STEWART FLORENCE STDBBINS SUMMERS ELECTRIC T & T ENGINEERING JEAN THURBER TRAIL FORD TRACTOR CO. TROPICAL SUPPLY CO., INC. DoS. PENCIL &.STATIONERY UNDERGROUNO SUPPLY UNITED-WAY OF PALM BCH ...... CHARLES ~ALDNER, EUNICE WILSON JOSEPH I. MACDONALD ASCO AUTO BODY THE BAKER £ TAYLOR CO. BOYNTON BEACH CHAMBER 807NTON FLOWER POT C.K.'S LOCKSHOP, INC. CADILLAC ENGRAVERS PETER L. CHEMEY COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL JOHN DENSON HUCKLEBUCK MUSIC JACKI. S CAMERA CENTER KOPY KING PRINTING CENTER MAURY'S TOOL CHEST MILLER DODGE KAREN OKENICA PORT-O-LET CO., INCo PUBLIX. MARKET - NAOMI RIBOOLI SATTELLITE PRODUCTS, INC. RICHARD L.SHEPARD. & ASSOC ADA SHOOK SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUT M. LEE_THOMPSON TRAIL FORD TRACTOR CO. CHARLES WALDNER. M.D. EARL WALLACE EORD, INC. CAROL WEYERS CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 6129/79 29.30 6/29/79 266.00 6/29179 2,470.8. t ........ 6/29/T9 525.tB 6129179 7.50 6/29/79 10. O0 6/29/79 10o00 6129179 399.0~ ~29~79 18..00 6/29/79 64.80 6129179 6/29/7_9 6/29/79 llo~g 6/29/79 6/29/79_ 6/29/79 780.00 6/29/79 -135~00 6/29/79 ......... 26o~.__~:-=.~--- 6/29/79 278.00 6/29/79 1,148.07 6/29/79 ...... 6/29/79 14.56 6/29/79 6/29/79 ....... 6/29/79 43.35 6/29/79 133.00 6/29179 .... 80.24 6/29/79 16.00 '- -7-- 6/29/79 '~00-00 ~ 6/29/79 25.75 6/29/79 930.00 6/29/79 .......... 161o0.0 ...... 6129/79 478.80 6/29/79 110=00 6/29/79 ........... 6/29/79 6/29A79 324°03 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 612~/79 6/29/79 6/29/79 6/29/?9 6/29/79 48,842.52 950;00 1~2o03 910.00 25.03 4.00 '1,792,505o07