Minutes 12-19-78MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COHNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1978 AT 7:30 P.M. PRESENT Emily M. Jackson, Mayor Edward F. Harmening, Vice Mayor Richard D. Caldwell, Councilman Joseph DeMarco, Councilman David Roberts, Councilman Frank Kohl, City Manager Gene Moore, City Attorney Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayor Jackson called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. and welcomed everyone and wished them a Merry Christmas. She re- quested everyone to L~e mise for the Invocation given by Rev. James Roy and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Councilman Joe DeMarch. AGENDA APPROVAL Mayor Jackson asked if there were any additions, corrections or deletions to the agenda. Mr. Kohl referred to VII Legal and re- quested a Resolution Regamding Fire Department Promotions to be added. He referred to X Administrative~ Item G, and advised the resolution for demolition should be approved. He referred to XIi Other and requested the addition o3 the items City Attorney's Transition and Audit for the City Manager. Mr. DeMarco moved to approve the agenda as corrected, seconded by Mr. Coldwell. Motion carried 5-0. ANNOHNCEMENTS Mayor Jackson read a Proclamation promtaiming the month of January as National Volunteer Blood Donor Month. Mayor Jackson announced that City Hall will be closed on December 25th and 26th in observance of the Christmas Holidays and on Jan- uary 1st in observance of the New Year. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday~ January 27 1979. Mayor Jackson announced tomorrow night there will be a Board meet- ing of the South Central Regional Wastewater Tmeatment & Disposal Board at 5:30 P. M. in the Council Chambers and immediately follow- ing that, this Council will hold a quick special meeting to ratify the action taken at that Board meeting. Mayor Jackson presented service awards to City employees Robert J. Shaw for 20 years of service and Gretchen Luby for 15 years of ser- vice. Mayor Jackson requested Mr. Kohl to join her in front of the podium and then presented a plaque to him from the five members of the Council. She also read the inscription on the plaque. Mr. Kohl thanked the Mayor and Council and added this is the best Council he has served with in the past six years. Mr. DeMarco announced that today is Mr. Moore's birthday and he is celebrating his 50th birthday. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 19, 1978 MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting - December 6, 1978 Mr. Caldwe!! referred to Page 7, second paragraph, five lines from bottom, and questioned whether ~?excepted" from this parcel should be 'Texempted" and Mayor Jackson replied that Mr. Brady did say "exeepted'~. Mr. Caldwelt referred to Page 137 third paragraph from bottom~ six lines up, and corrected this to read: until the outfall line would T%ecome'~ obsolete. Mayor Jackson also eorrected the spelling of obsolete. Mr. Roberts moved adoption of the minutes of December 6 as rected~ seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor Jackson announced that if anyone in the audience wished to speak on any item on the agenda to please give their name to Mrs. Padgett. She asked if anyone in the audience wanted to speak on any item not on the agenda and received no response. BIDS Construction of OffBite Utilities - Mirror Lakes Subdivision (Tabled) Mr. Roberts moved to take this from the table, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Kohl stated the above bid item was tabled from the regular meeting of December 6, 1978, due to a request for further review of the bids received. A copy of the recommendation and Tabula- tion Sheet submitted by Mr. Joe C. Swan of Russell $ Axon and a memo from our Utilities Director, Mr. Perry A. Cessna, concurring with Mr. Swan~s recommendation have been submitted w~ich are self-explanatory. May he have Counci!~s wishes please. Mr. Harmening moved to make tentative award of the contract to the low bidder, Barile Excavating and Pipeline Co., Inc. of Lake Park, on their base bid of $196,311.25 with completion in 120 calendar days, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. One (1) Breathalyzer Unit Mr. Kohl informed the Council that bids on the above were opened on Tuesday~ December !2, 1978~ at 3:00 P.M. in the office of our Purchasing Agent, Mr. William Sullivan. The Tabulation Committee reeommends acceptance of the low bid from Jones Equipment Company o£ Hollywood, Florida, in the amount of $2,345.00. A copy of the tabulation sheet, proposal and affidavit have been submitted. Ail legal requirements have been met. Punds for the above are avail- able in account-%001-211-521-60.42. May he have Council's wishes on this matter please. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 15, 1978 Mr. Harmenigg moved to award the bid for one breatha!yzer unit to Jones Equipment Company of Hollywood, Florida, in the amount of g2,345.00 with the deliver~ time of five days, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Emergeney Electrical Work - City Hall Mr. Kohl referred to submitting a copy of the recommendation from our Building Department regarding the above and stated due to the extreme potential hazard involved, we have submitted quotations and a recommendation from the Tabulation Committee. The Tabulation Committee recommends acceptance of the quotation received from Roger Banks Electric Contractor in the amount of $2,514.60. He concurs with the above recommendations. May he have Councilts wishes please. Mr. DeMarco moved to award the bid to Roger Banks Electric Con= tractor in the amount of $2,514.60, seconded by Mr. Caldwe!l. Under discussion, Mr. Harmening asked who installed this and Mr. Kohl replied this was done years ago and was found by our elec- trical inspectors. He explained how cables from the emergency transfer switch were eonneeted toE-ether with cables fed from the main disconnect switch. Mrs. Padgett added that she thinks Bowles Electric installed it~ but she would have to check. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P. M. NONE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS NONE LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing Proposed Ordinance No. 78-60 - Re: Providing for Adjustment of the General Fund, Federal Revenue Sharing Fund and Antireeession Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 1978 Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-60 by caption on second reading. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of this ordinanee and received no response. She asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to this ordinance and received no response. Mr. Harmening moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-60 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No diseussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: -3- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 19~ 1978 Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Caldwell - Aye Councilman DeMarco - Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 78-61 - Re: kezon~ng Certain Parcel of Land Located in Section 31, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, fmom Agriculture to Planned Unit Development (PUD) (Paber g Kirsner/ 105.83 Acres) Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-61 by caption on second reading. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of this ordinance and received no response. She asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in opposition to this ordinance and received no response. Mr. Harmening moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-61 on second and final reading~ seconded by Mr. DeMareo. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman Caldwell - Aye Councilman DeMarco - Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 78~62 - Re: Rezoning Certain Parcel of Land Located innSection 3!, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, from Agriculture to C-3 (Paber g Kirsner/14.42 Acres) Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-62 by caption on second reading. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of this ordinance and received no response. She asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to this ordinance and received no response. Mr. DeMarco moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-62 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman DeMarco Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Couneilman Roberts Aye Councilman Caldwell - Aye Motion carried 5-0. -4- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA DECEMBER 19, 1978 Proposed Ordinance No. 78-63 - Re: Rezoning Certain Parcel of Land Loeated in Section 32~ Township 45 South~ Range 43 East~ from Zone R-3 to C-1 (Flagship First National Bank/3.21! Aeres) Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-63 by caption on second reading. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of this ordinance and received no response. She asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to this ordinance and received no response. Mr. Caf[dwell moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-63 on second and final reading~ seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Ca!dwell - Aye Councilman DeMarco - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Ordinanees- 1st Reading Proposed Ordinance No. 78-64 - Re: Approving Plat of Summit Plat No. 1 Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-64 by caption on first reading and added that this ordinance amends Ordinanee No. 78-59 which referred to the plat as Hunter's Run. Mr. DeMarco moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-64 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Couneilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Caldwell - Aye Councilman DeMareo - Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 78-65 - Re? Amending Ordinance No. 78-34 to Provide for an Amended Estimate of Revenue and Expenses for the Fisea! Year Beginning October 1, 1978 and Ending September 30, 1979 Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinanee No. reading. 78-65 by caption on first -5- M/NUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA DECEMBER 197 1978 Mr. Harmening moved the adoptionof Ordinance No. reading~ seeonded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: 78-65 on first Mrs. Padgett Councilman Caldwell - Aye Councilman DeMarco Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson Aye Councilman Roberts Aye Motion carried 5-0. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 78-GGG - Re: Dredge and Fill Department of Environmental Regulation Application for the Construction of a Regional Sewer Pump Station No. 356 Mr. Moore advised that this is a pmoposed resolution requested by the eonsulting engineers for the pump station located on the right-of-way adjacent to N. E. 2nd Avenue. Mr. Caldwe!l moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-GGG, seconde~ by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Councilman DeMareo Aye Viee Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson Aye Couneilman Roberts Aye Councilman Ca!dwe!l Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution No. 78-HHH - Re: Fire Department Promotion Mr. Moore read proposed Resolution No. 78-HHH in its entirety. YD. DeMarco moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-HHH, seconded by Mr. Ca!dwe!!. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett too~ka roll call vote on the motion as follows: Viee Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Couneilman Caldwell - Aye Couneilman DeMarco - Aye Motion carried 5-0. OLD BUSINESS NONE -6- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEEI~fNG DECEMBER 19, 1978 BOYNTON BEACH, FLOI~IDA NEW BUSINESS Request to Governor - Re: Grand Jury Investigation (Mayor Jackson) Mayor Jackson stated several weeks ago, she said we should have an investigation and she is qoing to ask the Counci!~s wishes on having a letter sent to the Governor and Governor-Elect asking why an investigation was made in this City recently. Mm. Caldwe!l clarified that she was asking for an investigation of David Bludworth~s office aB to the reasons why he should so timely investigate the City Manager. Mr. Caldwell moved that this Council request Governor Askew and Governor-Elect Graham to look into matters of the State Attorne?s O~fice of Palm Beach County, partieu!arly David Bludworth?s office, and the meddling into local municipality's business. Mr. Roberts seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Roberts stated there seems to have been a letter given to the press which had a great deal of material in it. There were also some clips in the newspapers which indicated action by the candidates for office. Mayor Jackson replied that she has this material. Mr. Roberts continued that he thinks there is enough material to make it worthwhile looking into. He thinks it would be proper also to ask for an investigation regarding threats and intimidations of witnesses in the State Attorney's office. Since this came out several days before the election, he thinks it would be in order to know the reason for the investigation.. Then after the election, at least 20 subpoenaes were issued but only a few people were called before the gran~ jury~ then the investigation was terminated abruptly without an indictment. There is a sequel also to this particular incident which seems to indicate conspiracy or the attempt somebody is getting a perverse pleasure in harassing the City Manager here when hewas voted some severance pay and one of the Council went to the State Attorney to stop this pay. This partciu!ar severance pay is no different than the severance pay which was voted to a City Attorney some years back after he served one year. He thinks all these i~ems should be included. Mayor Jackson adRed that there also might have been a possible violation of the Sunshine Law. Mr. Roberts continued that he also has some minutes which should be reviewed to see if anything can be used in this particular case. A group met and a lot of accusations were thrown around and some questions were put to the candidates. Another one might be interesting stating there is no politicssin the group~ but that is all they were meeting for. Something in here which is more interesting which should be included and that has to do with the fact they were using the State Attorney's office to save money. There are also statements from the candi- date and from David Bludworth. Mayor Jackson suggested possibly Mr. Moore and ~. Roberts could collaborate on this with input from anyone else. Mr. Roberts continued that some of this infor- mation is quite pertinent to all this activity. He did not think it was proper for the State Attorney to submit this tO the news- paper a few days before the election. Mr. Caldwell agreed all this proof should be submitted for the actual investigation. He will incorporate these remarks and thinks the City Attorney -7- MINUTES ' REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA DECEMBER 19, 19Y8 should write the letter. Mr. Roberts added that some items may not be pertinent, but he thinks they should be reviewed and in- eluded if pertinent. Mayor Jackson suggested that Mr. Roberts and Mr. Moore should decide what is to be included. Mr. Caldwell clarified that Mr. Moore is given the liberty to review with Mr. Roberts all the information and comments made and the proper letter requesting an investigation of the State Attorney's office and particularly David Bludworth's Office and his employees shall be written. Motion carried 5-0. ADMIMISTRATI VE Proposed Sale of $2~500,000 Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds Mm. A1 Shepard came before the Council and stated pursuant to the agreement of several months ago, they are here tonight with a purchase proposal for $2~500,000 water and sewer revenue bonds which were validated in the eoumts on November 17 and the validation became effective on December 17. The put_chase pro- posal as to form is the form they have had in years past. This $2~500,000 is to provide funds for the ongoing expansion of the water and sewer system. He presented a good faith deposit cheek to the City Clerk. He then explained the proposed sale. Mayor Jackson asked if this is the first time we have had an A rating and Mr. Shepard replied that we have had it previously. He continued that the proposal is standard. The City will have to certify no litigation affects the bonds and they agree to assist in everything needed between now and closing. He re- ferred to the gross basis interest rate being 7.08% and the net being 7.04% and stated it has been worked out with the Utilities Director, City Attorney, Mr. Kohl's office and the financial people in the City. The auditors and City Attorney will have to approve the form. He then told about the other state bonds in today's market. He has tried to eooperate fully with Mr. Moore as to form and the City staff as to oontent of the offioial statement. The resolution was submitted as prepared by the City Bond Counsel. Mr. Moore asked if it was the intent to have an August 1 coupon and Mr. Shepard replied the~ would not and the first coupon would be February !~ 1979. The interest will be from December 29 to February 1, 1979. Mr. Moore read proposed Resolution No. 78-III in its entirety. Mr. Caldwe!l moved the adoption of Resolution No. 78-III~for the sewer and water imp_movements, seconded by Mr. Harmeningo No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote on ~he motion as follows: -8- M!hUGTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ PLORIDA DECEMBER 19, 1978 Councilman Roberts - Aye Couneilman Caldwell - Aye Councilman DeMarco - Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jaokson - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Shepard thanked Mr. Kohl and his staff, Mr. Cessna and Mr. Moore For their fine cooperation. He told about their coopera- tion showing the visitors the City. They will have the final official statement and will request the City staff to help with the eenterfold of pictures. Consider Request From the School Board of Palm Beach County Mr. Kohl read the attached letter dated December 8, 1978, From Mr. William Brown, School Engineer~ School Plant Planning. Mayor Jackson commented that she hates to go outside our re- gional area, but on the other hand hates to have the schools remain crowded because we did not cooperate. Mr. Caldwell stated that he thinks this City has gone on record to the School Board telling them this is a bad site for the school. Our request to move the site to the West Boynton area has fallen on deaf ears. ~aey have a bad site and he would be opposed to going outside our service area to bail them out of hot water. Mr. Roberts asked if this was in our reserve area and Mr. Harmening replied negatively, but it is across the street. Mr. Roberts clarified that this is a study and the question is whether we would be interested. Are we able to supply the re- quested 30~000 gallons per day and Mr. Cessna replied there was no problem with that quantity of water. He etarified that it is just north of our service area and the question is whether to go outside our service area. Mr. DeMaroo questioned his opinion on this and Mr. Cessna replied that they need water and cannot get water from the surrounding area because they are over capa- city. If we do not serve them~ they will have to put in their own water wells and plant. This automatically will cost the taxpsyer more money. Mr. Caldwel! stated the site location should be moved further south. Mr. Harmening stated they do not have the ground and Mr. Caldwe!l replied they can find the land. Mr. DeMarco stated if we can supply the water, it may be the best thing to do and maybe by being fairly decent they~may re- ward Boynton Beachin the future with the next high school. Our kids will be going to the school and water is needed. -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ PLORIDA DECEMBER19, 1978 Mr. Caldwe!l referred to the kids in the north end and south end still going to separate schools and stated we want all the kids in one school, but this is not the case with the School Board plans. For ten years, they have said the next high school will serve the Boynton Beach area. Time and again~ they have always found an area more pressing than Boynton Beach and he told about their latest statements referring to Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, La~e Worth and Jupiter. They have not given Boynton Beach any eonsideration. We have always cooperated on every issue. He thinks we are being naive~to bail them out of hot water and it will not solve anything. If you think Boynton Beaoh is going to get a high school with that high sehoo! at Hypolyxo and Lawrenee Roads~ it is just not fact. This will be used as an exouse not to unite the north and south ends of Boynton Beach and it won't be done. It is not in their plans. They have gone against the State survey team who indieated the sehool should be in the West Boynton Beach area. They have no intention of it now nor in !0 to 15 years in the ~uture. It is one more carrot dangled in front of us to get what they want. We must make ourselves felt. Mr. DeMarco replied that he realized this, but we do have new Board members and he is sure this will be taken into considera- tion. He is sure they have made a survey and the next school will be in West Boynton Beach. He would hesitate to agree if this involved a private enterprise. Mr. Marmening agreed this is public enterprise and he feels the City would be er~ticized if we don~t supply the water since we are in the position to. As long as they pay their share of construeting the lines, he feels we should supply it. He agrees with Mr. Ca!dwell we should not give the School Board mueh, but if we turn this down~ it will cost the taxpayers of Palm Beach County more money ulti- mately. They will get the water themselves. He cannot help but vote to give them the water. Mr. Roberts asked if the Area Planning Board would consent to us going in there and Mr. Cessna replied it was up to the School Board to get their approval. This is strictly an informal thing and they would have to do these things formally and come back to the Council. Mr. Roberts referred to this being a school and being right across the street from our reserve area and stated as long as we don~t pay any cost and get our share ~or the water supply, he will go along with it. Mayor Jackson stated she agmees with Mr. Caldwe!!. We dontt have any assurance they will move into another place in the reserve area and will probably build itanyway. Mr. DeMarco added that we would aetuatly be depriving the taxpayers as well as the students. -10- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORI DA DECEMBER 19, 1978 Mr. DeMareo made a motion to try to supply the water if possible, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Mr. Roberts referred to th~s just being a request~and Mr. DeMareo replied the motion was to grant the re- quest. Under discussion~ Mr. Roberts referred to the approximate cost being requested and Mr. Kohl informed him that Russell g Axon is working on that. Mr. Roberts stated he would go along if we don't get stuck with the cost. Mr. Caldwell stated he can't help but feel that by our bailing them out on this that we are going to be doing a disservice to kids in this City. If we decided not to go outside our legal service area and that coupled with the unex- peered road costs to that particular site would be enough monetary pressure brought upon the School Board to select another site. They have chosen_a bad site. Even the school surveys indicated it was a bad site but they still located it there. He is against us going outside our service area. If we said no, they would have to look seriously into going further south with their plans and locate that school in the Boynton Beach area. We can say good~y~ to getting a high school in this City and gettfng our kids together if we go along with this. Mr. DeMarco stated he thinks a delay would be detrimental to the kids going to school. By going along with them, he feels they will consider a Boynton Beach site for a school. Mr~ Harmening referred to the Sehoo! Plant Planning and explained how they would continue and this water would only be a small object in their path. Mr. Moore asked Mr. Cessna if he had discussed thoToughly with them the tapin charges and Mr. Cessna replied affirmatively. Mr. Moore referred to having a request for easement from them which is not finalized and Mr. Kehlnagreed. Mr. Roberts suggested that the recommendations made be taken into consideration. Motion car- tied 4-1 with Mr. Caldwe!l dissenting. Consider Approval of Services by Ca~penter, May &nd Bremer Mr. Kohl read the attached letter dated December 3_!, 1978, from Carpenter, May L Bremer. Mayor Jackson ascertained there were no questions. Mr. Harmening moved to accept the letter of service to be rendered from Carpenter, May & Bremer and authorize the appropriate people to sign the proposal~ seconded by Mr. DeMareo. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Request Authorization to go out for Bids on Garbage Packers Mr. Kohl requested authorization to go out for bid ontwo commer- cial garbage packers. Mr. Caldwell moved to go' out for bid ~or garbage packers, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Under discussion, Mr. Harmening requested that the bidders be informed by the specifications that we want first class equipment. Mr. Caldwell asked if it was an emergency situa- tion to get these trucks and Mr. Kohl explained how it takes a long time to get these packers unless they do have them on the line. Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 19, 1978 BOYNTON BEACH, FLOt~DA Consider Request for Conditienal Use in C-3 Zoning - Re: Gulfstream Lumber Company Mr. Kohl read the attached memorandum dated December 14, 1978, from Mr. Annunziato and Mr. Howell. He added that a letter also was on file from Mr. Robert Griffith in regards to an application from Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Graves to construct a parking lot. Mr. Harmening moved to turn this over to the Planning & Zoning Board for study and recommendation, seconded by Mr. Ca!dwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Request for Variance of Subdivision Ordinance - Re: Plunkett Property Mr. Kohl referred to submittb~ga copy of correspondence from Roberts Research Laboratories, Inc.~ Robert B. Reed, represent- ing Paul M. Plunkett; and our City Engineer~ Tom Clark, advising the recommendations of the Technical Review Board, all of which are self-explanatory. May he please have Counci!~s wishes garding this request. He added that th/s should go for public hearing for the next Council meeting with all pertinent data enclosed. Mavor Jackson stated she thoucht it would be better to have it for the second meeting in JanUary rather than ~at the organizational meeting and Mr. Kohl replied that they said it was going to be a hardship if it was going to be that late. Mr. DeMarco moved to consider this at the first meeting in Jan- uary by the new Council under New Business, seconded by Mr. Caldwe!l. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Resolution for Demolition of Structures and Clearing of Land in 2onjunction with the Community Development Project Mr. Kohl respectfully requested the City Attorney be directed to prepare the appropriate document to demolish structures and clear the land as described in the submitted list. This is in ~ccordance with Chapter 14-A of our Code of Ordinances and in conjunction with our Community Development Pmoj ect. Also submitted was a map showing the location of these structures. Mr. Moore added that Resolution No. 78-jJJ requests the County Commission to proceed with the demolition of these struetures. Mr. Caldwelt moved to adopt Resolution No. 78-JJJ, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. Under discussion, Mayor Jackson e~arified that this isbby the County and Mr. Kohl agreed and added that it is in conjunction with the Commun/ry Development Project. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: -12- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOTNTON BEAC~q, FLORIDA DECEMBER !9~ 1978 Councilman Catdwell Aye Councilman DeMarco Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson Aye Councilman Roberts Aye Motion carried 5-0. Recommendation on the Completion of Galaxy Park Mr. Kohl referred to submitting a recommendation from our Recrea- tion Director~ Mr. Charles C. Frederick, regarding the completion of Galaxy Park. Please be advised that he concurs with the recom- mendations as outlined. May he please have Council's wishes. He then read Mr. FrederickTs attached memorandum dated December !5~ 1978. Mr. Caldwell moved to accept the recommendation of Mr. Frederick and simultaneously transfer f~unds from the appropri&te accounts for completion of the park as laid out in the memo, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. Mr. Harmening stated no transfer was necessary and Mr. Caldwell agreed. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Quotations Received for Tennis CourTs - Galaxy Park and Sara Sims Park Mr. Kohl referred to submitting copies of correspondence from our Deputy City Engineer, Mr. William V. Plushing~ and our Recrea- tion Director~ Mr. Charles Co~ederick, pertaining to the above and stated as indicated in these, their recommendation is to award the bid on the tennis courts to Tennis Supply and the bid on the lighting to J $ P Electric. The estimated cost for Galaxy Park (maximum) is ~35,455.37; and for Sara Sims (maximum) is S35,010.65 for a maximum total of 870~466.02. There is a good possibility of the cost being as low as g66,766.02 depending on the quality of German Pavingts work. Funds are available as follows: From EDA for Galaxy Park $ 39,944.00 From Community Development for Sa~Sims 69,703.94 He concurs with the above recommendations. May he have Counci!ts wishes please. He added the other work pertaining to these figures was also submitted. Mr. DeMarco moved to grant the bid to Tennis Supply and J L P Electric as contained in the forms lnclud_ng the special condi- tions~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. -13- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA Consider Recommendation from Utilities Lake Estates DECEMBER 19, 1978 )irector - Re: Cranbrook Mr. Kohl stated on November 87 1978, Council approved the tentative awarding of the low bid submitted on offsite utilities for Cranbrook Lake Estates. Pursuant the Council's action, Mr. Joseph Cogen~ President of Cranbrook Lake Estates~ in his letter of December 12 has requested rejeetion of the bids due to his belief that he can negotiate for better prices. Our Utilities Director~ in his memo- randum which was submitted~ indicates his recommendation to approve Mr. Cogents request, agreeing to pay $237622.00 towards the most-of sizing the line to a 16~ line. May he please have Couneilts wishes regarding the above recommendation. Mr. Roberts asked if this is done by Mr. Cogen, will there be the proper supervision and Mr. Kohl replied they must meet standards and he will ~efer to Mr. Cessna or Russell $ Axon to tell how this will be done. Mr. Cessna stated we have standard specifica- tions and drawings they must comply with and Russell $ Axon will inspect with our inspeetors to be sure it is done in accord- ance, Mr. Caldwell referred to Mr. Cogen going on the assumption of getting a lower bid and stated ~f he does not, we must go out for bid again and Mr. Harmening replied this was Mr. Cogen~s problem. Mr. DeMarco moved to grant the request of Cranbrook Lake Estates to pmoceed on their own according to City specifications~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Request for a Temporary Mobile Office Submitted by Bethesda Memorial Hospital Mr. Kohl referred to submitting a copy of the letter dated Decen~ ber'l!, 1978, from Mr. Robert B. Hill, Assistant Administrator, BethesdayMemorial Hospital requesting a temporary mobile office to be used for an emergency room waiting area and advised this temporary o~fiee will not be visible from outside hospital grounds. The consideration is in aceordance with Chapter 30~ Section 30-3 of the City Code of Ordinances. The Building Department recommends approval~ based on maximum oceupancy requirements as to exit faei- lities~ proper signs will be placed according to code pertaining to maximum occupancy and the Fire Marshal will approve fire ex- ting3/ishinq equipment. Also submitted was a zoning map showing the specific location. May he have Council's wishes on this matter. Mr. DeMarco moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. -14- MINUTES - RiL~dLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA DECE~BER 19~ 1978 Consider Request for Preventative Maintenance Man for the Fire Dept. Mr. Kohl referred to submitting a copy of a request from Chief Gene Wright for the above which outlines the needed experience of any applioant, as well as description of duties. If Council ap- proves this~ notices will be posted within the Fire Department as a promotional opening for a eurrent employee of the Fire Depart- ment who will assume the above duties along with his regular duties with a five percent inerease. May he have Couneil?s wishes please. Mr. DeMarco moved this request be granted and a maintenanee man be advertised for the Fire Department, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carmied 5-0. Consider Eneumbranoe of Funds fmom Fiscal Year Ending September 30~ 1978 to Fisea! Year Ending September 307 1979 Mr. Kohl referred to submitting nine eneumbering documents. Mayor Jackson aseertained there were no questions. Mr. Hammening moved to encumber the funds for the nine different projeets~ seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion ear- tied 5-0. Advertise for Application to fill City Managerts Position Mayor Jaekson stated as far as she is eoncerned, she has a City Manager until she goes out of offiee and doesntt believe she should have any part in this and doesn't know what the new Council wants. Mr. Roberts asked how this came to be on the agenda and Mr. Harmening replied that he requested it. He thinks for the best interest of the City~ we should attempt to expedite the proeure- ment of a new City Manager by all practical and possible means. We should commence advertising as soon as possible. Mm. Roberts replied that he didn't know if we should take any action since we are only two members. He has no way of knowing whether the other three are in agreement. He is mixed up with all the items in the newspaper about various appointments about to be made or meetings which have taken place to which we were not invited. A workshop meeting was scheduled for Thursday, but he hears the new members don~t want to attend. Under the circum- stanoes, he was about to suggest until having this workshop meetirg to wait to see what their intentions are and who they have agreed upon appointing. There is not only the question of the City Manager but other important appointments such as an interim City Manager. He thinks the Council-Elect should give us the courtesy to express ourselves. He would be against tak- ing any action until after the workshop meeting. -15- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 19, 1978 Mr. Caldwell stated he could appreciate their desire toaadvertise, but until there is an organizational meeting, theydo not know what to put in the advertisement. We do notknowwhat type of personthey~want or withwhat background. We must know the exact requirements. Mr. Roberts stated he has received a couple telephone calls and definitely told them we have not gone ahead yet. Mayor Jackson added that at the beginning of 1970, we had no City Manager. An organizational meeting was held and a department head was appointed as an interim. Mr. Harmening clarified that we are not advertising for an interim City Manager. To answer Mr. Caldwell~s criticism:more directly, it is not necessary or necessarily commonplace to list too many details when advertising except pgpu!ation, salary, etc. A!se~ it does not cost anything to place an advertisement in the Florida Municipal League Jo~al which is viewed by many potential appli- cants and would possibly save at least two weeks in time. He added that the interviewing process can be lengthy. If by a simple method of advertising we can cut a little time, he thinks it would be worth it. Mr. Harmening suggested, if the Mayor had no objections, that possi- bly some of the newly elected people could state their opinions and Mayor Jackson replied that she did not like any part of it. Mr. Moore advised the Council could authorize the Vice Mayor to spend the neoessary funds to advertise. Mr, DeMarco agreed there was nothing w~ong with that providing the incoming Council is in agreement. Mr. Caldwell agreed we didntt have to get into too many details, but the details are not for us to consider even the salary range. Mayor Jackson suggested that the MayorlElect do this administra- tively. Mr. DeMarco made a motion to approve the necessary funds to adver- tise. Mr. Roberts replied that he has extended his intention to cooperate, but he is confused about the items he has been reading. Possibly a City Manager has already been selected. He prepared several questions to ask Thursday night, but now themmeeting has been called off. Mayor Jackson suggested that the Mayor-Elect call a meeting of the newly elected Council and discuss this and Mr. Harmenin~ replied that he did this but apparently it has not worked out. Mayor Jackson stated in 1970~ a new City Manager was not appointed until May and there was an interim City Manager and she doesntt think two weeks will make that much difference. Mr. DeMarco again made his motion to approve the necessary funds to adv~mtise if in agreement with the incoming Council, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Under discussion, Mr. Roberts commented that this is improper as the new Council should be involved. Motion failed 3-2 with Mr. Caldwell, Mr. Roberts and Mayor Jackson dis- senting. -16- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA DECEMBER 19, 1978 Budget Transfer Requests Fixed Charges (Contingency) to Sanitation (Equipment Rental) Fixed Charges (Contingeney)tto Various Accounts used by Police Department Mr. Kohl read the budget transfer request to transfer $875 from Amcount 001-195-519-90.11, Contingencies, to Account 001-341-534- 40.21~ Equipment Rental, to provide money for payment of analysis of well samples, He read the budget transfer request to transfer $5,250 from. ACcount 001-195-519-90.11, Contingencies, with $3,250 to Account 001-211-521-40.99, Other Contractual Services, for rental ears and $2,000 to Account 001-000-247-45.00~ Police Confidental Fund; total amount to provide money for formationof Police Vice Unit. Mr. Harmening moved to grant these budget transfer requests, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ApprOval of Bills Mr. Kohl read the following bills forapproval: J. Williams Pump Service Pump for Well ~6 Pay from budgeted funds 401-331-533-40-3B Council approved 10/3/78 $ 3,023.42 Fla. Diesel Truck & Ind. Repair Parts & labor for Packer ~19 Pay from budgeted funds 001-341-554-40-33 900.00 Aqua Chem Co. Pebble lime for Water Treatment Plant Pay from budgeted ~unds 401-332-533-30-65 ' . .. :4,437.10 Board of County Commissioners -Palm Beach County Solidwaste disposal for November Pay from budgeted funds 001-341-534-40-9G 10,156.00 Barile Excavating & Pipeline Co. Est, #5 Galaxy School Park Pay from Pub!lc Works Grant Fund 350-852-585-50-70 Contract dated 1/23/78 18,530.29 o Fla. East Coast Railway Co. Annual fee for maintenance Pay from budgeted funds 001-195-519-40-16 Agreement dated 8/18/71 1,950.00 -17- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 19, 1978 10. Publix 112.80 Meals for needy and infirmed Pay frOm Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-871-570-02-5A Ordinance ~73-15~ passed 5/15/73 Willie Ruth MeGrady 96.00 Server ~or Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks Pay from Federal Revenue Shaming Fund 320-871-570-02-5A OrdinanQe ~73-15~ passed 5/15/73 Allen Insurance Agency Experience modification on Workmen's Comp. Pay from various funds subject to transfer approval l, 640.00 Isiah Andrews 1!0.00 Driver for Senior Citizens Club -2 weeks Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-871-570-02-5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 11. Allen Insurance Agency Adj. per audit based on payroll for Gen. Liability Pay from AcCounts Payable in various funds 8~367.00 12. Intereounty Construetion Co. Est. #1 Regional Lift Stations Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-1t-00~ Reimbursable from 1978 Bond Issue Contract dated 10/16/78 22,050. O0 13. R & R Utilities, Ine. 28,682.00 Lowering pipe f~ Seaerest Blvd. widening Pay from Water L Sewer Revenue Fund 401-333-533-40-3K Council approved 10/3/78 14. Belvedere Construetion Co. Est. ~1 Water line extension between N.E. 8th & 9th Aves. and in vicinity of S.E. 21st St. Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-01-00 14,914.89 18. Russell $ Axon 626-681-30-4 Inv. ~6 1,079.71 Professional serviees in connection with Mirror Lakes Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-220-53-00 Authorization dated 6/6/78 16. Russell & Axon 626-681-29-4 Inv. ~7 Professional services in conneetion with Cranbrook Lake Estates Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-220-52-00 Authorization dated 5/11/78 124.39 -18- MINUTES -REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 197 1978 17. Russell & Axon 626-681-28-4 Inv. #6 Professional services in connection with Sandhill Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-220-051-00 Authorization dated 4/20/78 3,558.88 18. Russell $ Axon 626-681-08-6 Inv. Resident inspection L Engineering services during constmuction Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-01-00 Authorization dated 5/8/74 19. Russell L Axon 626-681-04-4 Inv. #13 Engineering services Regional Lift Stations Force Mains Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-11-00 Authorization dated 11/19/72 4,662.54 1~127.24 20. Russell & Axon 626-681-01-4 Inv. ~53 Engineering semviees in preparation of report for 1978 Bond Validation & Sale Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-11-00 Authorization dated 12/9/78 2,723.69 21. J. P. Electrical Contraotors Corp. Wilson Park Lighting System Reimbursable from Palm Beach County~Comm. Counoil approved 10/3/78 16,438.50 Block Grant Mr. Kohl stated the bills described have been appmoved and verified by the department heads involved; ehecked and approved for payment by the Finance Department; funds are available in their respective budgets. He therefore recommends payment of these bills. Mr. Roberts moved we pay our bills, seconded by Mr. Ca!dwe!t. No discussion. Motion earried 5-0. CONSENT AGENDA Ratify Palm Beach County Municipal League's Nomination of David Roberts for Appointment to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Counoi! Mayor Jaokson explained this nomination had to be ratified by the Counoil before an appointment could be made. Mr. DeMarco moved to ra~ifMtthe nominationof David Roberts for appointment to the Treasure Coast I~'gional Planning Counoil, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. -19- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER [19, 1978 Bevera~e-License Application Submitted by Camol Clemons dba Carolts Restaurant, 114 N. E. 10th Avenue List of Payments - Month of November, !97~ Mr. Caldwel! moved toapprove this application and list of payments, seconded byMr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER City Attomney[s Tmansition Mr. Kohl refemmed to paying the last City Attorney money transition work and stated it is up to the Council what they want to do now. Mm. DeMarco moved to grant one month?s transition pay to the City Attorney to make the transition, seconded by Mr. Hammening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Audit for the City Manager Mr. Kohl suggested that the~ouneil have an audit for the City Manager inasmuch as he is leavin~ and it is customary everyone that leaves should have an audit-especially the position of the City Managem or Finance Director. He respectfully asks this to be done so there will be no question. Mm. Roberts so moved~ seconded by Mr. Catdwell. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ADJOURNMENT Before adjourning, Mayor Jacksonwished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Yeam. Mr. Ca!dwell made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was propemly adjourned at 9:15 P. M. -20- MI~dTES - REGULAR CITY COIiN~ZL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA DECEMBER 19, 1978 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ATTE ST: Councilman Councilman ' / Reeordi n~ Secretary (Two Tapes) -21- ~HOMAS J. MILLS THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA December'8, 1978 City of Boymtoa Beach P.O. Box 310 Boyntom Beach, Florida 33435 Att: Mr. Per"~y Cessna RE: UTILITIES S-3 HIGH SCHOOL Gentlemen: The School Board of Palm Beach County is planning to build a new high school on a 60~O~O_~_ac.r~t~ of land located at the northeast corner of H~poluxo and Lawrence Roads. The f~_rst phase Of construction wilI serve 1500 student._,s · rlth a~er_~m~nd,of app.~roximately 30,000 ~alto~s Der d~¥f' ~5~str~tion w/_lI st~t'{~ ~p~h~ of ]gY~q, and school will he ready for use in S~e?~emher of 19~1o ~ The propose4 school is in'Florida Water Service, Inc. service area, Fir. L.S. Mc~thur of Plortda Water Service, Inc. /nforms us that he cea net supply us with water because of Health Department restrictions. Prior to a formal request for water and sewer utilit7 ser~ice, ~-~ would %ike to ~_qnqui_~e if___the Cit7 of Boynton Beac~ w%~d be ~t~te4 in fu~ish- ~ns ut~it~ se~ices to t~e newhf~h s~ool and if ~o, a~~te cost ~st ~ta.o~u~~on ~ the ~tension of the s~st~s, co~ecti~ z~and other ~Iate~ costs. - ~ - ' We will appreciate your assistance iu developing this new' facili~y. Very truly yours, William Brown, School Engineer Schooi Plan~Planning WB:gcn cc: Dr. Fred W. ~ay, Director Mr. Fred R. Bodnarchuk, Assistant Director Mr. Carey' LOC~mn~, Real Property Manager MEMORANDUM TO: Frank Kohl, City Manager RE: Galaxy Park; Completion Request December 15, 1978 As you ars aware, the total completion of Galaxy Park is not possible with the funds available from the E.D.A. Grant due to high bid submittals. As this park facility borders the main entrance to our City via the 1-95 exit, it has high visibility to residents and tourists alike. Its total completion will contribute to a positive impression and image for our City, and of course, will provide needed rscreation facilities for our residents. Thus far, we have contracted for the lighted baltfietd, restroom- shelter ~tructure, parking area, and sidewalks. ~egotiated bids for the two lighted tennis courus are prepared for presentation and approval. Unit projects remaining to eomplete the park development include: i. Playground area and equipment 2. Extension of sprinkler system 3. Landscaping Estimated costs to complete these proRects are: i. Playground area and equipment $ 17,000 2. E~ension of Sprinkler system 1,000 3. Landscaping 10,000 Total $ 28,000 Funds remaining in E.D.A Grant $ --4,488 Funds required for park completion ~-23,512 It is recommended that funds in the current Recreation Capital Improvement Account, $ 001-721-572-60-56, he authorized for use to complete these projects according to standard pruchasing and biddin~ procedures. Thank you. Charles C. Frederick Recreation Director CCF:as CC: Bill Flushing Bill Sullivan 310 OKEECHOBEE BOULEVARD December 11, 1978 Mr. Frank Kohl City Manager City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Mr. Kohl: This letter is to confirm the nature and extent of our services to the City of Boyaton Beach, Florida, Water and Sewer Fund. We ~dll examine the accounting records of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Water and Sewer Fund with regard to the net revenue, as defined in Bond ResolutiOn 6~-FF, for the twenty-four months beginning October 1, 1976 and end- ing September 30, 1978. Our examination will be in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and will include such tests of the accounting records 'and such other audit procedures as we consider necessary to render an opinion on the schedules representing the ratio of net revenue to maximum debt service requirement for the twelve months beginning October 1, 1977 and ending September 30, 1978 and the annual average of twenty-four months beginning October i. i976 and ending September 30, 1978 in accordance with the require- m~nts of Section 14, Subsection L, Paragraph 2(a) of Bond Resolution 64-FF p~ovid~g for the issuance of additional parity bonds payable from and secured by a p~edge of the net revenue of the Water and Sewer Fund. Our charges for these services will not exceed $2,750 and will be invoiced at the completion of the engagement. In addition, we will prepare a report on the examination of the finan- cial statements of the Water and Sewer Fund of the City of Beymton Beach, Florida at September 30, 1977 and for the year then ended, for inclusion in the Official Statement of the $2,500,000 City of Beynton Beach, Florida, Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds Series 1978 issue to be prepared by Wm. R. Hough & Co. The information in this report will be extracted from the Annual Financial Report of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida for the year ended September 30, 1977, on which we pre~iously issued our report dated January 13, 1978. Mr. Frank Kohl City Manager City of Boynton Beach Page 2 December 1i, i978 Our charges for these services will not exee~d $500 and will be billed directly to Wm. R. Hough & Co. If these arrangements meet with your approval, please sign the emclosed copy of this letter i~ the space provided amd retnrn it to us. Yours very truly, CARPENTER, MAY & BREMER REM/be At. ROVED: By: Da~e: MEMORANDUM City Manager Carmen Annunziato; City Planner ~3ud Howell, Building Official 12-14-78 letter from Robert Griffith/ Gulfstream Lumber When the City revised its Zoning Ordinance in 1975, Zone.lUmber yards were made a permitted use in the M-l, Light Industrial The lan~ upon which G~lfstream L~mber and Lindsley Lumber are IQcated was zoned C-3, Community Commercial, This caused the zoning status of these two ~ses to change from permitted uses to 1 egal, non-conforming uses. In my opinion, this action was taken to offer protection to the surrounding commercial uses. Since that time, the City adopted a Conditional Use Ordinance which requires public hearings and site plan submission in order to 9ain use approval. The purpose of the Conditional Use Approval procedure is to insure that the location of a use will not interfere with the physical or economic environment of surrounding land uses. In light of the fact that these two.businesses and possibly others are major employers in the City and that as the City ~rows there will be a-need to expand these businesses ~ re · . . , W= commend that this questzon of non-conformzty be referred to the Plannihg & Zoning Board for study and recommendation as to whether or not lumber yards and their attendant commercial uses should be permitt-ed as a Conditional Use in the C-3 zone. CSA:pf CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, City Planner ~HOWELL; Building Official 1L130/'l~ t, ITY JiF ,BOYNTON ~ .... ~' CHECK ~ VENDOR ~ VF;NgOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAl_ AHRUNT .... t0~70 ............ O2t 5~0 .... ~,~NK--.~...~FQi4ARICK ! t/0t/78 Z~2.76 . .... ~)-~ -- ~%2-o~,~--- C4a m- ~&,_-R- ..................... t1/01178 ............. 10B72 030501 RENA CARRIER 11/OI/?B 63.23 10373 O5h500 NOL]DROW EUTSAY 11t01118 t037b 0o* )od ;4LJR I ~L HOLZMAN 11/01/7~ 164.46 1C370 lO~5Od =' ~ -' ' ~ -4-,.,,. JOW,*SWW I t/0!/78 88.75 10378 . 104510 JOHN JOHNSTON tl/01/78 625.19 10379 1~630D :, ELEANOR PLiFFER t1/01/78 91,Z8 10381 - .... IgO9~O ..... ga~Y- ~-.---SCHO~ .................... tt/01/78 ........... 2-5~.66 ..... t0382 ...... 1~25q2 ..... Al~ SHGgK ............ 11101/78- ........... 2-02~-21 ll/O1/Y8 ~--*~-,.T, ~-~G~ ......................... 1t/01/78 .......... . t:)~gO . O. t650. AROLO H~ ,t~o 11/01/78 BO,3~ . 10{91: :'? ' 124590% Nt]RMA~( LOLATTE I1/01/78 "42~46 t0.3~.~ ............20o300 ..... J~HN.?4,--~UI TE -- I t/0t/7~ ...... 9t t ,g~4 -- 3~uOO~ ...... ,~¢cT~Nc-,.LU~Y t'iI0117~ - 112.98 [0~07:'}' ~ ~3095G' ¢~lk I~':ROT~ *~CGRAOY 11102/78 48.00 I0gl0 ~2OC103 ..... adSSFL. L-..,PRIMROSE da, t!/02178 . ...... 17-7,41 .- _EGG 10131/78 210.00C~ lOFl&[ 10/~1/7~ 7.50CR -I-NC.- ..................... IlI0~778 .......... ~" Z~40 ..... ~YaDS.bL~CTatC ,-}uTOa [110~175 .... t14.00 IF~8g6 ...... 041508 ...... ,UE h RAY -gHEe,ii CAL CO. 10888 ENGfSL~ t FOR~S 10889 064600 FOUq ST~ f ION ..... L~a 4-3 t 2.~t a---~A ga~---Ya t~,OR~S ....... 10B95 131700 LaUR~ METZ i ;14'¢B 102750 PICA~O CHEMICAL .I~44~ ...... ! -~600.9 ...... kAUL -~-TA !tlO7/78 ......... 130.OO tli07178 ............. ~o0.'3- ..... 11t97/7~ t43.80 t1707/7~ 108.85 III07/73 .............. ~4~i~ ...... II/OT/?5 ll/O//7a 11t0117s tt/OT/T8 i~/07/T8 11/07/78 t!/07/78 11tu7/78 tt/07/7a 212o23 59,50 15.00 168.00 13.40 ..... lDO.DO -. t[1~0178 CIFY FOYN~ON ACH OgO0 216~9w UN [J.A× lOPdl 210391 Ur~I JAY, INC. t0~02- .... -~22~00 10903 232500 .IOF WILLIA~aS PU~4P S~RVICE 10904 241600 XF~tOX CORPOR&T ION t090-5 ........ ~ot520 ---~EF f4~OIC~k SUPPLIFS 10900 t. 9~g00 SOCIAL SECURITY CUNTRIBUI 10907 204~95 TtJk~N & COUNTRY I~qD. 1NC. 10909 014~40 I~[&H ANDRE ~S igglO ~40001 JUHN E I REYNOLDS t0912 130500 ~4ANUFACTURFRS LIFE INS. tO91J 4500%3 MARTIN SCHWART ~ ...... t-G~ 0~-0340 10915 10916 tl/07/78 111071?8 tl/07778 11/01778 11/07778 11107/78 }t/t0/79 tl/10/78 11/10/78 011200 ADA~S CHEVROLET tl/I0/76 011350 ~ ~ ~ AJLt~ISTRAYIV~ CHARGES 11110778 ~tSt~----A-FCO&.--t~NG~- ............ 111-10/78 t09t? ...... 011510. 109t~- ..... 012805 .... NAY;,~E AKERS FORD INC. .~0920 013923 ANFRICAN COMPUTER SUPPLY . 10921 015310 AO~ACHEM COMPANy -~ -1092-2-- ~155OC~----.~E ~A---A R-~2U ST ER ., f0923 ...... 015910 .... ASSOC[ATED. LI gRAR tGS, :" 10924 ..... OlAPO0 ..... ATLANT lC -IIAROWARE. .... t~2--> ~- ~02 ~-k A~:~ t ~ ~AI .I ONAL ~ 10926 ' O163~0 AUTOPRODUCTS , INC. 10929 020~59 -. BARiLE FXCAVATING tO~O~ 021200 -t0931 ~ -022905--~I S 10933 023800 CROSS OF FLORIDA 11110/t8 ll/tO/YS 11/10/78 338°55 1t/10/78 t1/t0/Y8 ll/10/78 12.06 11/10/78 .... 11/10/78 11/i0/78 it/lO/TS 11/10/78 11/10/78 tl/10/78 11/10/78 1!/10178 ....... ti/-t-0/7~ 10935 ............ 024710 ........ BOYNTON ,AUTO SUPPLY t093o ........ 024725 ........ ~ -RAL CRED t093~ SERVICE. 1i0939 024765 . BUYNTON GUN g LOCK, .,T~41 OZSoOo ~UWARO PUMP & SUPPLY tO'P~4 030500 CARR SOIL ~ SO0 10945 032950 CITY PO~L iSHt NG ~-- &O~. - ....... 0 ~4550-----~41GA..-CQ~A -gOTT LING. CO. ~ - [,)"~ 7 03~590 IH 20OORE COHAN lo~-, 03F700 CYPRbSS PtiNO ,'4URS~RY TOTAL ~OUNT 342.60 122.95 ...... 857.50 I25.46 ..... 45,270.88 B,930.03 55.00 329.68 .......... t 9~ 59t.70- t1.21 15,416.66 tg,56~.15 I1.~5 9,538.83 438.78 ...... 42.4~ 23oi0 17,969.41 tl/10/~8 ............ 11/10/78 7,194.60 11/10/78 990,00 11110/78 9.70 tt/lO/7g 11110/78 28.74 !1/10/78 1,020.00 11/10/78 305.45 ' 1l!50t7~ CYFY IF f~OYNi'~,'N aEACH .... ~GE ~ ~.09~C* 041420 ~FCIStON OAT6 ComPUYER CO [0963 050290 EAGLE FI~E TRUCKS, iNC. 10954 050310 EASY PAY TIRE STORE 4-~g~5 ..... 050~7-7 .... ~ONO- ~UT(S -gAKF SYSTEMS 10959 ~)62820 F[RE~EN'S RELIEF g 10'7o0 . ~02910 F~RST BANi< & TRUST ! t/ 1017-; 140.00 11110/78 tl/10178 11/t~/78 70. t0 t 1/10/7~ l, 193.99 1 1/10/7t{ I 1/lO/7~ 11110/72 "- .............. t t/-!~ 778 ............... 10952 .- 06,3800 10963 .... 0-~5596 g~ENZ- ENTERPRISES . t l/10/7~ ~1'~. :[NC.- ........... 110'10/78 O. 11/10178 BETTY Gh~R fDA II/10/7~ 189&d ...... (~t4~40 .... G{3EOGOAS~ PLOMR[NG ..... 11/1.0/7~ ............. t t1-10/F8 GRUNt4CNS PRINTING ~0972 HARDRIVFS OF DFLRAY, [NC. F-LI}R4.P.A UNECPLOY~4ENT FUND .... 11/10178 11110/78 t 1/t0/78 t t/-t0/78 109~5l 10983 109g4 - lOOt;'/ tOg.~ 1C-99i IU227 --- ........... -.t 0~,.65 .......... ~-~2-~ Z~+1,90 98.40 I t/I0178 178 II/lO/~ - ~ 27,605.00 11110/75 hL g MUNICIPAL 1tlt0/78 440500 t00~10 J~CK'S CA~F~A C~NT~R 11/10t7;4 1 t4429 JANET .KNONLES ll/10/78 ,~iP Y--K I-.;&g PR4 NIl ,~?~ CENTER l ~/-10/78 ............ LAMAR UN[ FORMS t I/10178 104, )q50 LAN[ER RUSINESS PROBUCTS ll/10/78 ...... 1 t-I 10/78 ......... 130302 ~ACRON&LD ~-RaINTRffE tNC. 11/I0/76 ......... 6,95 ~E f~CGU [ ~E !t/10/78 [LLER DODGE Ii/lO/TS 581.37 136420 ~"KJt,ilglP&~ POLICE 111t0/7~ 871.78 1404~5 NATION&L FIRE P~3T~CTION ll/iOIT~ SO.O0 -- h-,~,-*.-- 44046(~ ..... N¢.¥tg-NA{. CE-LOiNG ¢RODUCTS ~i lOqgo 160330 PAt.?4 BEACH JR. COLLEGE ..... L;-;4~ 102700 .... ~-I6¢'{C~ ftRF Cd., 1.~<.. tl/tOtTg ............. 32,80 . 11110/78 11110778 Il/tO/TS ............... lI/10/7~ tt/1~/78 . . 144o33 108,00Cq I08,00 635,25 t.730.45 ·C[TY OF rI©YNT~N ~EhCH _ 11003 1100~ I805OO EVb RAYHOND It00o 1G4520 aoaEeTS SEPTIC TANKS 11009 ta6~lO 110t(7 la~500 aUSSELL a AXON ~ tt012 ..... 19~12 LFON SNILES PAGE CHECK OAfF TOTAL t1/10/?~ t2.50 !t/10/Z8 t7.19 lt/lO/Ta - ---t©0.01 11110/78 94.50 11/10/78 30.00 11110/78 ..... 11/10/78 3,400.00 11/t0/7~ 5,730.00 ' ' ll/lO/Ta ti/tO/YE 13,020.60 11/10/78 12,332.28 11/I0/7~ 12Y.50 11 34 90 .Ai~TIC COAST FIRECO. *.- t 10 ~ 6 ............. ~20450 ...... .~. AKFR 8.~-l~.a.Y LOR. GOMP.~ I ES t.t0 4E,S -t'NDUST R I ES ~-.. tNC. ~=. t1039 ~ BE~TL~Y, INC. ltfit},- 19599L,* SM[TIT'S SERVICE SHOP 11/10/78 II,,Ib 194703 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE tt/10/78 11016 194711 SOUTH EASTERN PRESTRESSED ll/iO/Tg I7,992.09 tl01¢~ ..... 200200 ~ a T ENGINEERtNi; lt/lO/TB 5.669..36 .,=!1~19 2~I149t ...... T~CHNOMtC.PUBLISHtNG CO. 1!/10/78 11021 .: 216350 UNDERGROUND SUPPLY 1 l/tn~7,~ ........ 4~OG ..... ~a- ': -z ..... ~'~ 1,056.38 1~ ,22 2305~5 WATER HYDRANT S~RVICE 11024 ........... ~2500--.JOa ~ltLLtA~iS PUNP SERVICF I1/10F78 360.00 11025 ......... 236500 DAVID WRIGHT 6 ~n:,: '11~27 V 280025 : DAVID BELL tl/10/78 11028: :j 3200I~'"';9INCENT ?BARI tI/tO/Za ~32.29 11030 011510-IFCOA. INC. . .... 11113/7:3 i~, 564.54 11031 t~(:~8:) ~aLM a~aC~ JR. COLL~GE tl/t3/F8 24.00 llOB3 rATE OF FLORIDA 11/13/18 57.13 1l')40 021700 ~ETHE SO~ MFNOR IAL 11/14/78 99.63 1-5-- ST-FtRMY -.C4+~4~.AN t S ................. t t I i~/7~ ........ t 0~.-00 ...... 1t,)47 ............... 03249b ........ CITY OF BOYNTON ~3iaCH 11/14/78 30.00 · . .. t!;)43 ..... 033~50 ChEAN :~ACHtN: C~i~ WASH !1/1~/7~ 33.75 lt~5 · 03>560 CROWN LIFE tNSURANCF ,. ,~, _ ~-- - . _ - ' - ~ --'~ .......... ~-9.00 ...... 1t0~9 ~ 0'> 55 3~- I~Y E~[ N ......... Ltl t4/7a- t05.00. - 11114/78 33.50 1t/14/78 ........ ,tt/14/7~ 8Bot3 ti~t4/-7~ ............. 11114/7a 15,34 CHECK ¢ VENOOR ~ VEND[],a. NA~E C[tE-CK DATE TOTAL .~ ~0>1 0655~0 F~ANK,t~JUSF FL~CTRtC 111 ,*~2 ........ ~o boy -FU~oR~ PRINTING 11054 070410 GAYLG~D BROTH dR S tl/14/78 5.29 11055 07~542 bO~}~ I E GOLDFN 11/14/78 lO.O0 ..... 11050 -}':~i20410 'LAt~AR UH~FOR~S ............ ~aO -- 11114/78 57.34 /1~5i /,]:{~]~t30~?0 ¢~AC~4ILI_~N PUBLISHING CO. tl/14/78 14.i7 11057 '-:t~?l~3310 '"kAREN OKENIC& !t/i~/78 544.00 Lt(}o'~ ...... -~90qb4 ..... SC~ENT[F-IC INC. - ....... } 1/1~/78 ....... i!0/~) ..... isle25 ..... SEA~S, gOEaUCK a CO. --- l]tt~/7a ..... /~ ~72.."v:i95t78. OSCAR, 5. ,STISKIN, , t 1/14/78 ,,;,_073 -:'.2~2~5; RICHARD L.TtastER &ANN M. 11/14/78 240.00 ---~* ~ .... ~5~ t~ VE-~ ~E AC~- .5 Ea V t C F ...... 11/14t-78 ......... Z t-~.. a~ 1t0;'5 221&00 ---V~LVA SH~.EN~ .... 1t/14/78 -- t96.b~. --4-i'.; ~ 6- --~5~9.5---~%;g T ~ S~..--WR t ~H~ .......... 11/14/75 - ' l~O~ ": i817Z0 ' ~ETTY CASH W~TER a Sawaa 1l/t41.78 .... ~__ 11076 :;1 ;~:]';-~ ~ O 02 a ROSFR T .gL AKa - .,, tlt15/78 52.75 ~9 ;'%'= ,,- .... t l/15/78 27.67 -- ---, ~0t ~--~g~--~L~A~ ....... ~ ...... :~=_ 11115¢78 .......... t~.~ - It ~u 32(H~12 .... RUTH FINNY 1111-5/78 ..... 173.~5 11041 .... Ot~2~O ..... tSIa4 A~¢ORPWi ..... 11/t6t78 55.06 11 ~;z+ ~ =: 010340' -ACCENT A~RDS Il/17/7~ 126.50 1 l~L~a .... 4115500 .... V~VA ARaaRUST E a 11/17/78 ........ 10. OO- ,- ~ 110,,7 Dt~306 ..... AU'FGMaTIG, ENTRgNCES. INC.--.- [1/t7/7S --- 32.00 ] ;i llO-~O : 024~75 SOY~4TON CITY FEDERAL CRED 11117/78 7,177.90 ltO'~ - 02A~O0 - gLll(;. OFFICIALS ASSOC. 1!/I7/78 ..... 60.00 ] ) ~5 ~q5455(~ COCa COLA,RQTTLtNG CO. ~t/t7/78 .... I 050~00 EAST COA,%T FiRE EGUIP. 11/17/78 t9.40 ...... f~5 q ~:3~ ---g¢'i~;RGF ~4C-Y -~Fi) i C A b · g SAF6T -- 11/17778 ...... -557. g~ ["-L ;)b2:;2u FIREaCN~S RFLIEF a ll/tT/7d .- o55.~8 to;~; ~o2910 ~IAST aa4X a faUST !1/t7/75 t2,72~.04 ~-:-~tlo~ - ooj7147 ---gLORIOA PUBLIC UTILITIES 11/t7/7~ ...... t5.69 ....... 2o0.93 ........ 1 CITY O~ ~uY;qION ~,EACt4 CH~CK llllO 11113 llltg lttOP O70~OO ~ETIY GARRtGA ~1~0~ ........ 474500 ...... g~A~LE.~-GODFR~¥ 11104 OF5449 GRaYaRC COMPANY, INC. 11105 075450 GRAYMAR ELECTRIC CD. iNC. 1~t06 ...... 0~5S~0 .... ~.ILF-OIL--G~RP, 11107 075581 G(JL~ ~[L CORPORATION 11106 0~0310 - HALSEY ~ GRIFF[TH, INC. --- ~(~ ..... ~AANK--~LLgCO. OF N.Y. 094290 INYER~L REVENUE S~RVICE - 100200 J g d RLUEPRIMTERS .... ]t~600 KOPY KIMG PRINTI~G CENTER - 121570 LEAHY ~USINESS ARCHIVES CHECK DATE TOTAL A~QUNT It/17/7g 30,00 1t/17/7~ 30.00 - ll/t7/76 ..... 50~00 ...... 11/17/76 141,67 11/17/78 47.40 11/17/78 t,29~,~5-- . 11/t7/?~ 4,044,96 ti/17/~8 85.53 11/17/~8 56.75 11/17/78 -1t/1717& ............ 7-9~0~- ..... I1/l?/Tg 2~2.58-- t1117/7& ~,306.t0 - - -t-1-t~15 11116 136420 MUqICI PaL POLICE 11117 151310 IH)OR CONTROL SYSTEMS l]1t9 - to03~0 PAI_~ gEAgH-.,tR. ·COLLEGE II120 -. 1~03~t . PAL~ GCH. JR. COLLEGE ..... / "t t.21 -~{~2-~.--WA L ~C~F-F~ G~--SU P PLY -3i-:½0-3-1-C~-- WHI-¥.I--+v,~GD-OWELL ............... 1 ! t 17/78 ...... 54,~.~0 .... 11/17/78 834.45 tl/17/78 85,25 11/t7/~8 t26.00 11/17/78 tt~-17/78 ...... ~02~82 .... 1t/17/?~ 30.00 I1/17/7~ 304.13 itt22 180500 EVA RAYMOND 1!!23 ' lo,5310~' RUBIN' CONSTRUCTIO,w> - ---t t-t-2z~' t.86.3~0- .... ~ O--~-K~%~%T-t N ~ .................. tl/t77~8 ........ 11125 .......... !90~59- · -~LYVE..E~ -~CHQOL~Y It/I7/7~ tO.OG l!tRb t~1100 SCOTTY~-S 1t/I7f78 1tt78 1939I 2 LEON S~IL~S 11/17/78 11129 ::. t94~i0 SO/El, S,, UMIFQRMS tl/I7/7~ 5~.00 t-t-~%~' :"~ 1-~7-~ S01~THE~'~-g~-LL Y~-O~ONF ......... 1t/t7/78 .......... 11131 ...... 194720 S~}UTHE~N P~P~R CO. tl/t7/7~ g17.80 11132 202600 JEAN /HWR~FR I 1/I7f78 604.80 }!134 216350 UNOERGROUND SUPPLY 11/!7/7~ 380.62 113~ 2~f-O cO,t~ WILSON t_/17/7~ 64.80 11137 .............. 235~95 ........ CORTtS-.-E,, .~RIGHT .......... It/17/78 · i~36 .......... ~4t606 ..... X~OX--CORPORAT ~ ON !17~7/78 633,~t 11140' O~BqO0 SLUE C~OSS OF ~[ORiOA t~/17/7,~'~ Ill~i · 023800 BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA 11/17778 t 114-2~u: -- -t2C~+~-¥)-~---LAN.TANA--$R.. HIGH ~CHOOL.-+% [ 1/20/75 597.52 ........ 100.3t 44.67 ......... 134.58 10.00 ~tl43 %40003 .... ALBERT HOLLIS JR. I;tl~g 101720 PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER 146 130950 WILLIE 11I~7 011200 aOae4S CHEVROLET ~140O ..... AO~-- 4t ~ CO~t-T IONI NG 11149 0t37~0 - aLLIED-CHLORINE 11150 it. 5500 vEVA ARNBRUSTER i~t ........ Oil, MO0 AUT:JPRL}~CIS, lng. . - t1/21/1~ 11/2It7~ 11/2t/78 [1/21/75 11t22/7g 11/22/78 1t/22/78 tl/22/78 tt/27/75 11122/78 1t/22/Y6 t]122/78 167.60 400.25 16.43 800,77 7.737.9~ t00.00 I0,700.00 ti!.32 034-590 ' THEODORE COHAN 11/22178 .58.00 [llft ,)~3600 FL4f'4AGAN- ;4ETCALF, INC. 11/22/7~ ~t 1.75 OF0~OO BETTY GARRIGA It/2~/75 ]0.O0 .1]74 070404 G&TGR CULVEPT CG. 11/22/7~ 36.00 11] 75 O. 75450 G;tAY~AR ELECTRIC CO. tNC. I1/Z2/78 --92.50 !}t77 380620 HOLLY ~CCU~4ULATO~ g ll/~2/7,9 260.20 ' --~ ~ ''' *~ ~TER=m, g ,m, c -~ CE- ....... Y ~uBC:~T. INC. 11/22/78 11.25 [1180 124650 Lt]RSN' S SHARPENING I1/22/78 22.25 ! I t~t ~3-1.-m----~TY--n4Ag~,W~LU ................ 1t/22/78 ................ --- t i !.J~ ..... l-~27.7 [ ..... 44-1 kL~5 ~ - OOOGE- 11/22/7~ - 432-. g9 ..... 11t~5 11 !bb llt.J6 L!{6'G [1197 !95 195 Lll )6 -13~4~0 MUNICIPAL POkTCE 11/22/78 841.89 150900 OCEAN CITY LUN~ER CO. 11/22/Tg 30°80 .... 160407 ..... PAlm B~ACH HYDRAULIC JACA ttl2217~ 12.34 - SEg.- .......... tt/22L-18 ................. ~-g-.O0 .... IF_RCa TIRE CO., INC. 1t/22//g 1455~1 PROTSCTtON SERVICE IN(]. 11122/78 ..... 1-~o500 -:-EVa -aa~q[~,4D ................. 1t/22178 [0327h0 ~I(]~ ~4~]TGRS, I-VC. t1122/TB [8,~7n0 Rt$:4LANO TRUCK E;)UtP., INC tl/22/7S t-66 ~0~- -AUBA~qK- .I NC-. ...... t1/22/7~ ,, ~I~7 1855{'}C} KUSSELI_ 8. AXON ]~ 11 l."; ~s ]' 90350 SAFETY KLEEN ' i')30L2 I_E 'i ~ S;~l LFS '~ :- [!2:Z . 1')47C,~ .~U~,,L~,~ BELL 11/27/78 t1122/TB 11122/78 11122/78 ttlggllB ll/22178 1,932.11 102.00 10.46 104.52 ..... ~8,1~ .... Z,176o28 27.50 .... lO.G0 I87.60 t77.50 CITY F]F- t%tY'~;FON :-~EACH ' i, t203 tgAO0g ~AUL ST&RTZMAN 112(}~ 196175 STtPES ~1207 221600 V~LVA ~t-2R~ -~-22600 -VIKING ENT~aPRISbS ..... ~t~t 2~-{-780 WG STARN &UTD.--S-TO~E 11212 2B5500 DAVID WRIGHT g SUN, CHECK DATE TOTAL [1/~Z/7~ 11/2217~ ..... [t/22/78 tl/22/?~ 11/22/78 tl/22/73 '1t/22/7S 11/22/78 ........... 11/22/78 tNC. 11/22/78 t 'qC. ~,~1 i213 530004 JOE ALLEN t1/22/75 'L,,... 1-12-14 ....... ¢-?,-00, 05 ......~tG~I~L &¢~R~Z-ZF ................ 11/22/78 11215 530008 ?~YR& O. ANDERSON ll/22/78 ii716 5~0007 HUGO ~OFDD t NGFI~US 11t22t7a &~&-?--- ~r~q.~ ..... ~-kq~E-{~L-~.- gO.-INC.- 11722/78 11218 5~O009 N. L. SO~baS tl/22/78 ~I219 540018 TIMS[HY BAKER 11/22/78 A?!OUNT 22.45 22.00 ,z,-9.. 74. ........ ~8.92 3.50 ....... ~32.-00 .... 930.30 4,66t,15 72 la,BO 7.50 11.O0 .......... -7 :~., 5C---- 11.O0 18.30 ~1-?.20- .... --q>4-.OOt-9 .... --S-:FANLEY -C. -P.*ENN [t22l 5A-OOP O tSONN [ E C Rg_ ST .--t/~VE S T . INC. ,$1.222 540021 .10 SEPiq RRUWFR .~ . 22-~ ...... 54430-2 2 .... 4=- l-NgA- P .- ~ R-A-gL EY ............ 11224 '-560023 JOHN 8ROCK 11225 540024 Vt VtAN RUNKER tl/2~/76 ................ tO.~.O 1!/22/76 tO.OO 11/22/78 - - 12.20 11/22/78 ............... 11/22/78 11.15 1!/22/78 7.OO 11227 ,5~0020 R(}S,$ LE~ ~I(}~N 1t/22/7~ 8.00 1122o ..... C~OO27 -. gt}L LEF N 6RONN[ i 11/22/78 10.80 1!3~O 5~OO07 C{}tONIAL CUd8 C0~DO ASSC 11/22/78 11231 ';i~55001t~ : NigaAak CaOV tl/2277d 4.40 ~i~33 -55001 S- PRANK CaSaLtNO 11/22/78 z~.O0 z 121:3~ 5~00] 4 JOHN CHF~-~ICK 11/22/7g 2.00 tI23~ 3016 J,&'NNF T T9 CORNUT T tl/22/78 1.40 11237 550017 ~ tCH&RD CURP,~ it/22/78 ~L2 x2. ...... 5 5~.~R_~E. c -C ~g$.~ ...................... t 1/2 2/78 ............. t 2,-20 ..... -~oOOO3 ........ ).. >.D. OF -BOY-NYON-g~ACH ..... 11122/75 12.50 5~>GOC~ ....... ~:-~8/Af K. DANK-ER tl/22/76 12.20 11242 580006 ANNA f. gAVIN 11/22/75 12.20 ~I?~3 570003 RARgARa ENGRAM 11/22/78 8.00 ~)a~ ~/[tlO0~-----4~40A .FV~ ........................ t t/22/78 t2-.20 iI//.o 5~50005 GERALO FrFNFY [ 1/22/7:~ 12.20 i-i2&';' ---5~9005 .... FE~AZZOL. i C[~4sf- CORP. t!122/78 55.~ - · I !2~a_ 580007 J&NIE FULLER 1L/2g/78 15.00 L~2¢9 580095 C.L. FdRGFRSON 11122/75 7.50 ] [2')1 5g0C(~5 IS~{aA~L ~.)UL~OLIR~F 1!/22/l~ 1.70 11252 '~:~'2~'- ' &~-O0-5-- :~ · '- ~ · ,. ~.--H~R-P~ ~ ........................... 11/22/78 ............... 11257 600006 ALMA H~BBS ll/22/78 ~0.00 1t25~ 620003 LUTHER JACKSON 11/22/78 Th,. O~ }~t- -K-~[FF~=-~ .......... t 1 / 22/78 112~d bqO00~ ~Rg. 4.H. K[RT~N lt/2217~ t5.00 11261 6BOOq6 ,laRRY ~. KLEIN 11/2~/7~ 1.20 ~126~ : :~S~6400t2 PATRICIA LAN~RT !]126%, :?]?:'~4001 ~ ' 'JGROME LED~EtTER ~ !li/22/Fgl/22f7~ '152'20. O0 ..... ~~0 I~~.bE_VF~NE ...................... ~1 t/22/-7& ........... 7~.~G 11267 ......... 640,,t 6 ..... ~ARG ~RET L I NNF ~&,'~N 11122178 ...... · ~z~u j}: ~B~OOt ~ LLOYD LINNELL 1 i/2ZiY8 ~.~0 ~t27-~ _ ~.~ ' gG~2-- L~OS.+.~F.V_VENT. URE ............. 1i/22/78 ................ [t. 2F~- ohO(It t ..... -A-LAN MU>GA&Vi 11122/78 ~ ...... ~.SO01B ..... J~NFS ~AY 1 l/2g/T8 2.20 N&CHAZ~L 11t22t78 Z.20 Z~A~TH NICHOLS 1t12217~ 4,70 ~1255 t1122/7g ..... 15,00- .. 11127178 8.70 L. PORTER 11/22/Y8 I t~t 29~ ........ ~i(~012 ..... V.[ CTOR POC. K~ T T I.I/Z2/Y8 .................. 6.gO ....... 1-I 2~ t ...... oBC~a l ~. NELSON PFRNIC~ lltmp/~ ..... ' ' - ........... ~ .... ~-'~ ~.00 ..... it/22/7~ iit22/T~ II/_~2f7B ] t122178 11t2217:~ 6..50 15.00 9.40 12.20 8.20 7.20 - 12.2~ 11130,/7?3 C[I-Y CtF MbYNTtiN BE~CH 11305 72000? L~UtS C. TOI IF 1t~0~ 720006 Ji~F t13J8 750D06 WOODS ~ O E-NOBHI LL ASSOC. l]309 750010 MDARI S W~DF -1-t~t-P - 7-Soo.]-b ~ 80N~RO -~ELLS llBll 7500[2 ~SLEY STEt;WE CONSTRUCT. 11312 7500t ~ R.H. wE~/VffLD ..... t-~ -7:3001 ~ .... JUL[ AN-~HI TE 11314¢` 750015 MRS. HOWARD WHITNEY JR. 11315 7500t~ ST:~NLE Y WII COX 1t/22/78 . ~. 11317 770001 WILLfAN Y(}t~NG 11/22/78 12.20 ~1~t5~ 790~42 CITY OF 80YNTDN BEACH 11/22/7g 15.00 ~' 790145 CITY ~F 3GYNTGN ~EACH 11722/78 4.20 ....... ~--I 3¢2 ---~7gG!~6- ...... ,C ~¥-.-~F--~OYN~gf4 - ~3 E-~GH ............. ! t/Z2/78- ............. 1-~ ~O0 11%23 790147 CITY OF ~OYNTfJN 8EACH 11/22/78 4.ZO 1t324-- 79Ot4a CITY OF-gOYNT~IN 5EACH 11/22/78 15.00 11326 7'90159 CITY OF 8OYNTQN ~3EACH t!/22/78 1l ~7 79015~ CITY DF 5OYNTON 8EACH II/22/78 5.60 113.29 ........ !9015} CIT~--.O~.-~YNTON ~EACH 11/22/78 !I/22/73 1.20 11/22/78 2.40 11722/78 12.50 11/22/7a 15.00 1l/Z2/78 .............. tt/2Z/78 27°20 11/22/78 7.50 11/22/7g ............... 11/22/78 9.40 11336 ..... 790160 CITY OF 8. t}YNTON. I13J~ , /vol62 CITY O~ SOYNTCN 1133~ 790163. CITy OF .... t t 34-a ...... 7901-66 .... Gl TY-- OF-- 80Y-N~ON r. , ~ 3TNT ' 11344 7901~a C,I~ ~]F ~ ON BEACH 11345 Z90159 CITY ~F B~YNTON 6EACH ttb4? ........ 79017i CITY 11351 790175 CITY OF BUYN/ON BEACH t ! 352-~ 79 ~l.7A .... X~--T-Y~F-~O Y~T [!35~ 790~ F8 CI FY {)F ROYNTu,~ dEACH 11122/78 t3.00 11122/78 IS.0O 11122/78 15.00 tl/2~7~ .............. 11/22/78 .t5.00 t1122118 13.60 11/22/7~ ............. 1t/22/28 15.00 [1/Z2/78 17.50 [1/22/78 ............. ~ .. !t3'361 .......... 79Ot5z~ CITY OF- HOYNT£1N "~bAC,I- L . 11B32 790156 CITY OF aOy~TON B%~rH 1t33~ q' 790157 CITY fiF AnV~TC~ R~ra tl/2~/78 5.00 1t122/7~ ............ tl/22t78 2.30 i1/22/7S 15.00 t.!/2Z/78- ............ tt/~2/78 7.50 _ ...... CH J_/2=17~ - - . _ - , , . l]122/78 ............ t-~ .... t]~9 7g01~3 C~TY (iF BOYNTQN 8EACH Lt/221~8 2'.80 11300 790184 CITY OF 8OYNTON BEACH ~112~/7~ ltSoZ 790l.¢~ C~TY L3F 80YNT(]~ 4E~CH 11/22/7~ t5.00 11363 790~7 CITY i)¢ BOYNTUN BEACH 1]./22/73 ~.50 11365 7~0139 CZTY OF BOYNTON SE&CH t~/2217~ tt~s6 ~ .'7S0190 ' cf-rT OF]SO~NTON ~E~CH It/22/7~ 11~6~ ..... 7-¢01P~_ --~,ITY OF ~O-Y-¢4TUN 8EACH 11/22/75 ....... - t t 3 / ~~19~--~i ~ ~ - ¢~ ~Y*N4 ~t'~ --~zACH i 1 t Z2 / 7 ~ 11371 :::,';~FSOlg5 Ci~Y DF 8dYN~ON 8EACH ...... 11122/78 11372 ~ ;:?'790196 CI)Y OF BOYNTON 5E~CH 11122/78 -11375 .... 7.g01~-¢ C-ITT ~F--~OYN~(]N BEACH !1/22/7a .............. ~-.-2~- ~ ~377 790201 C~TY ~)F 80YNTON &EACH [I/Z2/78 t137E 790202 CITY OF BOYNTDN 8EACH 11/22/78 7.50 -t-~7~ ~P-O~-+-~-~Y,.Td~ BEq~ .......... 11/22178 .................. ~-.aO - i1 ~:5C ...... 7.g0704 C.[TY 0~.- 8riYNTDN · ~E~CH .... 11/2?/78 /9020¢ ~tTY = ~NT(,~ o,.[~C~ 11/221T8 .... ~qC?ll CiTY } 8EACH 5EACH OYNTUN ~EACH tl/2-2t78 ...... 1t/22It8 ti/2217S tt/22t78 tt/2717~ tt/~2/78 11/2Z/IS tl/2ZI28 10 I 0 °60 2.80 1 ~'~2 7'-)02 t ~ .... CiTY 113v% 7,9o217 .... C.tTY OF BOYN~ON ~E-ACH ........ tl122178 ....... I-5.0~ ..... ---~-T · --~F--~ t!3~5 CiTYr~,.~p 'SL. YNT~¢N"~ ~ '~" o~hCn~C " 11/2217~ 7.50 113~5 790220 CfTY OF ;%OYF~TON 8EACH 11/22/78 12.60 )'>¢~ 7~0722 - CITY ,L- ~,,Y~Tu4 ~E&,.rt 1I/Z2t76 15.00 ~ I ~ ,.~ 7')022~ - CITY ,)F RUY~TON ~EAC~ !1127/78 15.00 [ [!-~',)i 790225 CiTY ElF 8[JYNTON REACH 1II22/78 R.80 114C'2 790220 CITY OF 80YNTON G~ACH 11t22/78 7.50 .'~o/7,~ CITY ~)F :40YNTuN :~FACH 111~217o 7.80 'l ...... tt4~o ........ '?g02'%..~ --Ct fY GF,-8(IY~TON ~SEACil 11/22/73 -- - t5.gO-- CITY OF H{}YNT]N i'EEACH PAGP 12 CdECK T V~..,~J>. ~ %~,_~,[)R Na~E CHFCK OATE TOfAL AMOUNT 11406 7907%2 CiTY 0~ ~OYNT~N GEACH [-t~O~ ~902~3 ---C-I-I'Y OF BOY~T~IN BEACH 11410 79-0,234 CITY OF ~OYNTuN P,~ACH 11411 7902]~ CfTY {IF BOYNTON ~EACH [14-t2 ........ -7~02~o --G-ITT Og 6OYNTQN ,~ACH 1141:~ 7902q1 CITY OF ~OYNTuN BEACH 114t~ 7902~3 CITY JF BOYNTDN ~F~CH 1t41~ ?90241 CITY OF ~OY~'~TO~ BEACH' ~ ]1419 790~4~ CITY 0F BOYNTON ~EACH iI~22 790246 CITY OF Bi]TN'JUN BEACH 11~23 7902~7 CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH 11122/73 7.50 11/22/T8 15.00 I1/22/7~ %1122/78 1i/Z2/79 5.00 tl/22/78 - - 7-.50 _ 11/2~/78 6.30 } 1/22/T8 i%.O0 - tt/22/78 ...... IiZ22/78 i3.60 iL/22/78 23.80 ]t12~/78 7.50 11722/78 7.50 11/22/~8 ......... t5.00 ........ 11/22/78 15.90 11/22/78 15.00 -i 1142W tt~! 114~2 ----~--~4~3 -- -1--t~ ~- ---- 7-9~ _~ -~--~ ~-t-T-Y Or-- ~0~.~ 1C~,~ - ~-_ ACH ........... 1112217-8 ....... t]42~ - 79(';2/+~ CITY ~IF ~OYNTON BEACH 11122/78 11426 .... 790?50 CITY ~}F RO~NTON ~EACH 11122176- 15.00 790252 CITY ~P ~OYNTON BEACH 11122/78 15.00 " 790253 CITY UF BOYNTON BEACH 11122/78 lE.OO 79-025~ ..... CITY 4~F--~.N-TO~ 8-E-~CN ....... tt/-22778 ............. t-~.O0 79075'> CITY JIF ~OYNTO¢4 ~EaCH 11122/78 7.80 790256 · (.;t-'TY ~F ROYNTG~ ~E~CH 11/22/78 2.80 790253 CITY {iF BDYNTO",I BEACH 11/22/78 12.60 11435 , 790259 CITY {}F ~OYNTON BEACH ..... ~-~ -%-}5 c~ 7 ~S:2-6 O---~.~q-~.-T-Y- ~]~- ~ - F~T~Y?4 T O~q- 114'*7 79,¢~o1 CITY NF gOgNl-': t!u3~: 790262 .CITY OF 5UYNTUN bEaCH 1117_2/78 2.80 ..... 1 t7-Z2/79 ............... 11122/78 15.00 It/22/7~ 7.50 , t 1 -~-.. ~----~-~ ~-~. ,'> :~ ,.. t- t Y- U~--~O-Y,4-T 0,4 - o-E-& C~4 ..... 11122/78 ........ ~..o0 ..... 11449 ': ~790264 CiIY OF :BOYNTON 8~ACH 11/~?/78 11441 ":7902&5 CITY aF ~OYNTOa BEACH 11/22/78 14.00 ~}~ ..... 790~ ...... Gt-.TY ;tF--ilOYNFON aaaCH 11122/78 .... 11/+45 790_270 CITY 'OF aOYNTQN BEACH 11/2:2/78 7.50 I l',4T 79027I ' ' CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH 11/2.2/78 15.00 - ---~-9-00 t 7---~'~,--X--.~ ..--~,~,-KS ............ 11127178 ....... ~- 1.0~ . !~-~'~ PiO! 50 - u-.~. POST~i/~STER 11125/78 95:t.00 _ t ].~), 010335 dE-iN ACCAROI 1.1128/78 25.00 ]---t-t~3t (YI:Oq]O-~.MGY I}'ACUNTO ......... 11128/78 ......... 25.00 -- ., I1.457 012;500 AIR PI]LLUTIO~'~ CONTROL 11128/78 660.00 ,j 1t45'~ 0[3720 ~LLF;',i fNSUR,5?<CE aGENCY 11128/78 26.385.26 tt457 0t~l-;,) ~: &~4P~]L 1tI~/7~ 25.00 -',~ 0['-7:~5 .'s. ~ a:~lb tt/28/~8 31.25 .... ~ t~o0. -~-~.5905 ....... ASPHAL F -PAVEN [ X ~ '~ 11451 0i~908 ~SSOCIATED COURT REPORTER ~' I1462 020~GU TH~ BAKGR & TAYLOR C3. it--s'5 ..... G2045~ .... ~AK~R E ~A-YLOR Co,,~P~t~S -- tttZ8/7~ - 11/28178 SO,O0 11128/7~ ........... 3~8.-q~ ....... 1t12~/78 57.67 11/Z8/78 40.04 tl/26178 25.00 - ~ . .,- _'~.' ~ : _ '~ ~ - ~ .... .~/7o I0,025.00 114o7 022~60 ~R~A~A ~[$B[E t I128f~ 25.00 [1~70 02~51G --FLORFNCE ~G.RUCK I1/2g/78 ...... 25.g0 .... 1t~7i .... 0245~G THO~qAS GJDRFGY & C:3. 11473 027~m3 V~OLFT ~vo~ t t/2~/78 , ': ............... 11128/7~ 2~00 / l-+7~ -:0302 g(~ CAO[LLAC ENGRAVFRS 11128178 i)477 .... 0~0~0') . CALfFO~t~ GLASS i t~70 ---~:--~:32490 _ .. CHICTfP~ ~OOK C~ ........ ltt. Zg/T& ............. ~15-.2& ..... llano D34675 JOSEPH CONNFLLY 1 )_12~/7~1 BO.DO ......... ' ........... ~ 1t/2~17~3 25.00 I Iz+,- 0~]695 ~ORUTHY DET~ILI:R ll/28/78 25.00. - 042 F, oO ¢~E TTIE O~CTO~ ;.1118178 - 25.00 -GHARL ~T.T~ ~U ~ SC GU:.j I ........ t t/2g/lg ............. S~ EL!ZA~TH OOqr4AN 11128/78 25.00 044750 OOtJqL~OAY E CO. 1t/28/78 50~O7 114-97 .... 0o3&6~ , ~v = ~ ~' ~-i~'gq - 0837q) .... FLORIDA TREND- -; 1 !503 llb' ~. 1150a 06559,, CHARLES F,lcDc R I,~K 11/28/7g gS.0C 0 Il 5~g5 NIKE ¢ .... ,oF~, ~ [NE l t128/78 5 075511 G~OLtER YEaR ROOK, INC. t1/28/7~ 5.98 075513 LEO GR~S~o~"'~<O 11/28/78 25.00 .... 080300 ..... G.-K.-HALL_S sq~ .................... 11/28/78 ........... 42..-30 -- Oo~S ,. RESS HALCYON !I/Z8/75 060310 ~AL.S~Y fi GR[FFfTH, [,~C. 11178t7~ 144.86 O&OiOd ---HAl<DR LVS-S, - ~NC ........... l t128/7a- .......... ~4.90 ..... CITY 3F g¢¥~4TL}N 1 ll2817~ 25°00 1t/28178 25.00 11t2~I78 85.24 -[1128f78 25.00 11/78/75 30.00 1112B/7~ . 10.00 !I51~. 084690 ~.~.c HJ: ,-LL 11f28/78 t25.00 1~ 5~-~.-- ~"~ ~,---~ .... - ........... i 11~g178 .......... ._ 5.06 ......... It ~1 -- 086/+0~ h";'~..~c'- ,-,. kidLf~RF~ Itt28/78 25.00 [ .>._~ 090/(h} [ . a.~q. u,,aP ,RAT I,¢,~ 11/28/78 3,~37.00 11524 100310 JACK'S P ,'Fa,~ _ ~hh_, ~ C~NTFR 11/Z8/78 ] I ..~ IOO3aO E~tlLY JACKSON 11125/78 ~- 1152z~- -M~'~zc ~,-~-~"~ - --~a.-.-Y--~,.a.S.~~', o ' "- ' "~ ............... 11128/78 1L527 ....... t/~)bO0 ~[}~ERT K~U~ ~iAN 11128/78 llSPd 111550 ~ERY ~E~R - 1t/28/78 ~1530 111630 NhNCE KENNEDY 11/28/T8 , : ll~B1 ~12692 KEN KING 11/28/78 l-t 4~-~- - .-Ca A ,a ---~8a L- ......................... 1-t I } 11~¢3 ......... t1~0~' ' c KUPY KINo' - '~ ~RINYtNG CENTER t~ }J4 ...... tiS490 JERRY RUa~CEK 1t/28t78 -- i 15 ~-~2-~-B-t-¢ .... 7b-~>tag-a ~ fgB~ OU~t ;~aL .............. ttt28~7~ ............... ~9.~ ....... ; 11510 ;' 1~0500 ~0~ LATHAM ' 111~8tT8 ' :- t 5~9 ..... I305B~ JiIAN-S.. aAPVIEK - 1t128/73 .... 25.00 i!5~0 130944. CAbaLaS F~C C~a,.iu~ 11t28/78 25.00 %~-tl '5~t ~aq~9--r--J~hal-I a-- aa ~.KS ................ _ .......... t 1/28t78 .................. 2~.00 ...... I 11,~ 131o7(, BbRTH~ F~I~H 11128178 25-0U 11543 ' 'tB2720 STANLFY MICHALSKt 11/2~/78 25.00 54' ...... a' : .... ~ *'- ~ '- ~ 1l ') t..2t~t 141 [IL%e D . ,4I. LLE-R ........... 11/2g118 ...... - ~:. t!~=~ ............. 1327~t ...... ¢,I-LDRuD.-~IILLER ....... 11/28178 .. 160.00 ..... a It'll, 134~50 &EhiE MOORE 11/~8f78 2~333.00 t I 5~,~ ¢ 1346~6 ELIZABETH EO~N I i',IGSTA~ 11/28/78 25.00 .15o~ -- 141600 TH(lt4AS-NELSON & SONS ll/2glY,J 31.03 ,,; I !5~I l~.~zO PHYLLIS ORCHARD 11128178 25.00 1 ! ~->o 1~t650 C,,~RLE ~ PraS i~ 11128/'18 175.00 lib.? tol b95 i~ha I AN PATERSON t1/2g/78 30.00 21.84 lO0.O0 50.00 25 25.00 20,,D2 25 11559 1~2800 - ~INKFR ~ATFRtALS CORP. 11/28/78 ...... 15.20 . 1t562 1847{}0 ROWLAN~ TRUCK EOOIP.. ~NC 11/28/78 24,000.00 1t5~ 18~500 ~USSEL/ ~ AXQN 11/2~/78 11,094.34 1[566 190895 KATHLSEN SC&LLY 11/28/78 20.00 11568 [~0952 ~ETTY SCHWARTZ 1112817~ 25.00 1t5a~ ~1599 HAeRY SELTZER 11t281'18 ..... -&~ . ~-~~4bP4~--~.;~LI 4 ............... t-1128178 ...... Z %.-00 ......... ~ ~ 57~- ~g45~ ~RF~b--SHERIUAN .......... ~t/2~3~ ............ ~.._ 11128/78 35,00 t if28/78 25.. O0 11577 ........ I9~2~ 4~3THY- S,,t~v~ ttt2~178 ........... ~,~ 2u~¢~ ~YL IA TnRR 1 ~/ IIZ~ Y~ 25.00 ;"1158[ -20[~00 THERESa TERW[ EL · ' 1 t128/78 - 25.00 TTE 11/28/78 - .............. 1t)~2 2z~ ~ 602 ~AR~.~RE T YATmS ~ ]/28/78 25.00 11~ ¢ ....... 3~*,22 Jd,,.~ ,4=LF.RIuh ....... tI/Z~IT8 ....... 11590: .- :; 132779 : ~?[LOR~D'.-,attLER ' ti/28/7d 11y99.;]: ;:{ ::-' 06378~ ': 'FLORIDA PO~ER S EIGHT CO. II/29/78 ,,~--%-1--[4¢~c':'' 3~Om~ LENO>~.~q~I.% ........................... I t/30tZg ..... l ..... ~54 ..... 11625 ...... 290017. ~ILLIAN-CLOUG~Eg .... 11/3~178 223.10 11S26 ........... 0l~2&0- ISI~H A,~DAcV~ 11/30/78 . 55.00 11630 013990 '&b~ERICAN INSTITUTE OF PLA !1130f78 60.00 ]1631 . ' 015500 VEV,I A~4HRUSTER 11/~/7&~c~ 10.00 118~3 OZ/~3lu RG~'S ~A~R ECHOES II/~/7S il-.~%----024725--..--¢OY;4%(;~-CITY FEDERAL CRE[% 11/30178 .............. 7.30.3..2.0 1/30/7:] CITY OF 8L)YNTUN BEA£H '~ 16 VFNDOP, ~ VENDOR NA~-~b CHECK 0256~0 L~RRY BRYSON 1tt30/7~ OBO~7d CAROUSEL PU{SLISHiNG C{I~P. !t/30/78 034590 THF OOORF COHAN ll/B0/7~ 040500 OAVIS ~4FTER b SUPPLY tt/30/76 047~0 DYN~-NFD t 1/30/7G DATE TOTAL ANOUNT 22~ -50 3°95 51 o00 3.25 '::, 9 '~- o 18 57 11646 062S20 ~tRf~MEN'S REL[FF ~ 1I/B0/78 9Bl.?f~ ~ 11o~+8 0629~0 FIRST ~ANK ~ T cST tt130178 -16,528.63.. --tt-~50 --- 0'~Og,-- hEYg%-gA~-I.g~ ............ 11130178 .............. &O~ .... 116%5 ~)&2704 n~&N ~L)INT ~LVD. ~SSOC. 1t130t7~ 25.00 " ;,,..16~,~ 08647o HYDRO PYNAMtCS SALES i SE 11130/78 5~.60 , 11858 094250 INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORTATt 11/30/78 ~t.00 ~ .... · :L ~5~ ...... ~% ~5--.-- ~4 T.E ~t N~7~{~ k. R~g~ NG : .............. ~ t/3017g ......... HOSPITAL I~TERNAT [ O~AL 11667 116. e. 9 l lo7o 11672 ti6/B 13t7o6 .... Wt~I ELF¥~TGR Ct,. - - 134575 ~OP CNEmlCAL CO., INC. tPAL--POLICE NATIONAL FIR~ PROTECTION t,6~.~ 5.> ...... J.~HN PAoLIARuLO .................... ll/30//g 3OO.56 11130178 1t/30/75 tt/~MT.g ......... 5_00--- lllBO/l$ 11t30/78 ttt30/~8 11/30/78 11130t78 11t30t78 tt130/78 276,30 350.00 15.~0 -~9_00 .............. 5~7-~Z0 1OO,O0 11575 160401 PALM ~EACH COUNTY SCHOOL 11/30/78 4,000.00 11670 160420 PAL,*~ BEACH OFFICE SUPPLY llt30178 49.z~5 mlAT- to0~O9 RAY~fINO g O0~[S PASTL 11/30176 - 1OO.00 ~l,i, 7) 162750 .. PIC~RD-CHE~ICAL CO. 1t130/18 50.15 ilo,~l 1F~4~78 MARGARET S. ROSENTHAL [1¢~:'~2 lb63l. C RU~IN CONSTRUCTION CO. t t~ ~ t904~0 MAqCiAL DANTIAGO .... 11/30/7~ ~6.00 ...... t ] ¢= o & ......... t-O t 7GC~ .......-S ~-W~ h L-HA-R-DW A R ~, GO. CHECK ,~ VENDOR ~:~ VENDOR N~.ME CHECk t1~7 ~9~ql2 --'~ E~tLE.~ lb/SO/Y~ ~-127.50 ....... 11690 19470] SoUTmER:~ BELL TELEPHONE 11130178 278.46 116'~! 195990 SI. JOHN'S ~IHODIST CHUR tt/B0/78 []594 ~)6~q~ TUFF K~Yre D[~'~[)L t1/30/7~ ~ t 6q6.. 221600 VELV~ SHEEN lI/30//g t!~9~:~ ;;.:2~Z800 VIKIngS .ENTERPRISES ' ll/30tT~