Minutes 06-20-78MINI/TBS OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PLOP~IDA~ HELD IN CITY HALL, THESDAY~ JUNE 20, 1978 PRESENT Emily M. Jackson, Mayor Edward P. Harmening, Vice Mayor Richard D. Caldwell, ~ncilman Joseph DeMareo, Counei~an David Roberts, Councilman P~mk Kohl, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, C~ty Clerk Gene Moore~ City Attorney Mayor Jackson welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. She announced that the invocation would be given by City Manager, Frank Kohl, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag would be led by Vice Mayor Edward P. Harmening. She re~ested everyone to please stand. AGENDA APPROVAL Mayor Jackson asked if there were any additions~ deletions or cor- rections to the agenda. Mr. Kohl referred to item IV BIDS and quested this one item to remain on the table sinee they have found out some other things and are still looking at this. He referred to the three abandonment requests from Summit Associates, Ltd., listed under PUBLIC HEARING and announced that the applicant re- quested postponement of these and they will be heard on August 1. He referred to Ordinances - 1st Reading and requested No. 1 to be tabled and No. 2 to be deleted. Mr. Kohl then requested the recommendation of the Cemetery Board under OLD BUSINESS to remain on the table and Mr. DeMarco replied that he would like to discuss this. Mr. Moore added that a report has been submitted. Mrs. Padgett informed the Council that Mr. Hurford was unable to be present and requested this to be table~. Mayor jackson stated she would like to discuss it and then send it back to the Cemetery Board. Mr. Kohl referred to Item C under ADMINISTRATIVE and advised that he had not received a resignation from the Board of Adjustment from this member and Mayor Jackson replied that a meplacement member should be appointed since it is necessary to have a quorum to vote on applications and two members will be on vacation durin~ July. Mr. Roberts stated that in view of the fact the minutes reflect this member?s eonseeutive ~bsenees, he believes the position should be filled as soon as possible regardle~ss of receiving a resignation. Mayor Jackson agreed and suggested that this be discussed. Mr. Moore added that under LEGAL, he will make a report on the out- eome of the Nutter ease and also report on a meeting he and Mr. Kohl had withrepresentatives of Village Royale on the Green. Mr. DeMarco moved to adopt the agenda as amended~ seconded by Mr, Caldwe!l. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1978 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Jackson announced that the first Regular City Council Meeting for the month of July will be held on Wednesday7 July 5, 1978, at 7:30 P.' M. because Tuesday, july 4th is a holiday. She hopes as many as possible will please find time to go to the boat ramp on theIntracoastal where we will be having a good old fashioned picnic and then fireworks at 8:00 P. M. on the 4th of July. City Hall ~ill be closed on July 4th. Mayor Jackson announced thatMr. Paul Startzman requested to talk to the Council at a workshop meeting in reference to the Regional Plant Operations Agreement ~and she suggested haying this meeting on Wednes- day or Thursdayevening. After discussion, it was agreed to meet on Thursday night at 7:00 P. M. MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting - June 6, 1978 Mayor Jackson referred to Page 27 and suggested that the State agen- cies be called by their right name and corrected the Metropolitan Planning Agency to Metropolitan Planning Organization. Mr. Harmening moved the adbption of the minutes of June 6, 1978, with this one cor- rection, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Motion carried 5-0. Special City Council Meeting - June 15~ 1978 Mr. Harmening moved the adoption of the minutes of the special meet- ing of June 157 19787 as printed~ seeonded by Mr. DeMareo. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Council. She added that there was a lengthy agenda and requested the speakers to be limited to three minutes. Col. Albert Wehrell, Boynton Isles, appeared before the Council and stated on June 8~ he noticed a little notice in the Post Times. He read this notice pertaining to low income families, elderly families~ disabled or displaced persons, the Palm Beach Housing Authority Sec- tion 8 Program has Federal funds to provide rental assistance to families in need of suitable housing if their annual income does not exceed $15,700. If they would like to learn more about this new rental assistance program, they should ea!l the Palm Beach Housing Authority7 Ms. Rubye Ward. He disbelieved the amount of $15,700 listed and called Ms. Ward and was told this was true. BIDS One (1) Microfilm System and Reader/Printer with Odometer (Tabled) (Remained on table per request at beginning of meeting.) -2- MI~/TES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA LEGAL Ordinances -2nd Reading -Public Hearing Proposed Ordinance No. 78-23 - Re: Amending Section 4F~), Appendix A - Zoning Regulations Relative Antenna Heights JUNE 20~ 1978 Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-25 by caption on second reading. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of this antenna ordinance and received no response. She asked if anyonewished to speak in opposition and received no re- sponse. Mr. Harmening moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-23 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. Under discussion, MayorJaekson referred to this being a great thing and stated that the antenna heights had no discussion and apparently everyone is in favor. Mr. Harmening added that a lot of research went into it. Mayor Jaekson stated that input was given to the Planning & Zoning Beard and evidently it was included and Mr, Harmening added that hgpefn!ly everybody ishappy. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call ~vote on the motion as follows: Councilman DeMareo - Aye Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Caldwell - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 78-24 - Re: Amending Section 4L, Eppendix A - Zoning Regulations Relative Requirement of Buffer Walls Separat- ing Conm~ercial and/or Industrial Districts which Abut Residential Districts Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-24 on second reading by caption. Mayor JaCkson asked if anyone wished to speak in favorof this ordi- nance and received no response. She asked if there was anyone in opposition to this ordinance and received no response. Mr. Harmening moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 78-24 on second and finale reading~ seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett too~ a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Vice Mayor Harmening - Aye Mayor Jackson - Aye Councilman Roberts - Aye Councilman Caldwel! - Aye Councilman DeMarco - Aye Motion carried 5-0. -3- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 20, 1978 BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA Proposed Ordinance No. 78-25 - Re: Amending Ordinance No. 75-19 by Rezoning Acreage Pareels Located in Section 32, Township 45S, Range 43E from Zone R-1AA to Zones C-1 and C-S (Jarvis Property) Mr. Moore read proposed Ordinance No. 78-25 by maption on second reading. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of this ordinance and received no response. She asked i~ a~vone wished to speak in opposition and received no response. Mr. Harmening moved the adoption of Ordinance No. $8-25 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Caldwell. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll mall vote on the motion as ~ollows: Councilman Roberts Aye Councilman Caldwell Aye Councilman DeMarco - Aye Vice Mayor Harmening Aye Mayor Jaekson Aye Motion married 5-0. Ordinances - 1st Reading Proposed Ordinance No. 78- Re: Establishing Filing Fee and Obliga- tion for Payment o~ Costs Incurred In Connection with Processing o~ Application for Zoning Changes or Other Relie~ from the City Ordi- nances and Charter Er. Moore referred to this being in re~erenee to passing on the cost of advemtising to the applicants and Mr. Kohl added that another meeting was smhedu!ed with the Building Department, Planner and City Clerk about this. Mr. Caldwell moved to table this proposed ordinance, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion married 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 78- Re: Amending Ordinance No. 74-38 Mr. Caldwell moved to delete this item from the agenda~ Mr. DeMarmo. Motion carried 5-0. Resolutions NONE seconded by Other -4- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 20, 1978 BOYN,T, GN BEACH, FLORIDA Consider Proposed Agreement Between Palm Beach County and City - Re: Providing for the Funding and Administration of Community Development Block Grant Projects Mr. Kohl informed the Council that the Attorney has looked this agreement over and it is similar to what has been passed year after year. He requests approval for the Community Development Block Grant. Every year they have been doing rehabilitation with the sidewalks~ park, etc. Mr. DeMareo moved to accept the proposed agreement between Palm Beach County and the City providing for the ~unding and administra- tion of Community Development Block Grant Projects, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Report on Nutter Case Mr. Moore referred to Mr. Nutter being given ermoneous information from a representative in the Building Department and based on that, he was severity damaged. At the conclusion of the presentation of this City's case, Mr. Nutter's attorney determined to withdraw the suit with prejudice. Report on Meeting with Representatives of Village Royale on the Green Mr. Moome informed the Council that he and Mr. Kohl were contacted by Mr, Herb Gildan, attorney, representing Village Royale on the Green. Recently a statute was passed whereby recreation districts can be established in a condominium which allow the condominium owners to deal with the developers and obtain municipal bonds to buy out the recreation lease. Each district is created under a general law by adoption of a specific ordinance. Payment of the bonds is made by each recreation area. If there is default, the bond holder eon only take back the recreation area in the respec- tive condominium. Mr. Gildan said he felt they had consummated negotiations with Mr. Gross which will be funded through the issu- anoe of bonds after creation of the district. He requested the City to look into this and if it could be worked out to no disad- vantage to the City and an advantage to the residents, then it be given consideration. They would prepare all the documentation. It would give these people the opportunity to obtain funds and ~und over a 40 year period. Mr. Roberts clarified that the City would not be involved in ease of default and Mr. Moore agreed this was correct 5nd added that it would be ~unded through ad valorem taxes in that area only. The district would be taxed solely and it would not affect any other area of theCity. Refemendums must be held in the area with cer- tain procedures followed. They will do all the work and submit for our approval. Mr. Roberts referred to this being done in Broward County and Mayor Jackson added that the Sunrise Case was done as a special act and not by general law. -8- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 20~ 1978 BOYNTON BEACH, FLOP~DA Mr. Ca!dwell asked if this required a motion and Mr. Mo~e replied negatively. He added that he has no objeotion to them going ahead. and presenting a package and they are just asking for our fair eon- sideration. Mm. Ca!dwell stated that he knows the residents in this area have had their hands full and he would like to help them and if it takes a resolution, letTs do it. What would be our symbol of support-and Mm. Moore replied that we should just listen to what they have to say with an affirmative reply without obligation. Mm. DeMareo asked if these residents were in agreement and Mm. Moore replied that they are and feel this is a solution to their problem. They will pay less in paying the bonds back thanwhat they are pay- lng in their monthly lease payments. Mm. Kohl told about spending about an hour with Mr. Gildan and also Mm. Barnett, President of the entire assooiation of the 14 buildings, sent a letter in favor. They are working things out with Mr. Gross. To help them solve their problems, it will not cost the City one eent or any time but to pass a resolution. Mr. Moore added that another factor is that they will pay the City approximately $18,000 for the sewer and water bill whieh got caught up in the bankruptcy situation and they will repair the defective situations. Mayor Jackson then asoertained that the Council members were in favor. MrJ Kohl stated that he and Mr. Moore will be talking to the association and wilt bring back all the information. Other Legal Matters Mr. Moore reported that the final closing on the Hall lift station site had been worked out. Mayor Jackson referred to the beach pro- perry and Mr. Moore replied that they are oontes~ing it and we will start preparations. OLD BUSINESS Consider Recommendation of Cemetery Board Re: Mausoleum (Tabled) Mr. Coldwell moved to removed this f~om the table, seconded by Mr. DeMaroo. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Jackson referre~to the City Attorney submitt~ga letter and requested him to give a brief summary of the information f~mom the State and other cemetery. Mr. Moore stated that there is no basle legal impediment, either under the State Statute or our City Char- tom, from the City's entering into the proposed arrangement, but there are other things to consider. The Couneil must decide whether there are sufficient cemetery spaces in the area being provided and whether the City should continue in the cemetery business based on availability of eemetery and mausoleum spaces ~rom private companies. He did receive a letter from a firm starting m cemetery in this area who objects to the government being in competition. He also feels there are some questions -6- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1978 which should be sought out from an aetuarial standpoint regarding maintenance costs which we will have to pay. Also: the fact that this is proposed to last for 30 years. The most important problem is that by going into partnership with a private p~ofit making enter- prise, we would fall into the definition of a cemetery co,any. We would be controlled and regulated by the State ComptrollerTs office. The question is whether we want to get under that regulatory body. Mayor Jaekson suggested that this be turned baek to the Cemetery Board with all this' information and have them submit a recommenda- tion. Mr. DeMarco stated he would also like to see an opinion from the State Attorney's office in regards to our partieipation. Mr. Caldwetl replied that he did not know if the State Attorney's office would give further e!arification. Mm. Ca!dwell stated that he is becoming more and more of a believer of government keeping their hands off of private enterprise. Me is inclined to lean this way in this partieula~ matter unless someone can show himwhy the City must expand into private enterprise. Mr. DeMaroo replied that he would rather give the benefit of a doubt and seek some other opinions. Mayor Jac?~on stated that possibly the Cemetery Board may change their minds after receiving this information. These faets have been received since their recommendation was made. Mr. Harmening added that the Board should have the opportunity to rebut or pre- sent their side. Mr. Moore clarified that he was not trying to knock this down, but thinks these are important factors which should be investigated. Mr. Harmening agreed and added that it should be considered in depth. Mr. DeMarco made a motion to turn this back to the Cemetery Board for further consideration~ seconded by Mr. Ca!dwell. Under dis- cussion, Mr. Marmenin? clarified that he did not want our motion to be misinterpretted~ it has not just died, but he is asking for further consideration in light of the points whieh were raised here tonight and in the letter from the attorney. Motion ear- mied 5-0. Mr. Moore added that he would advise who he talked to at the State Comptroller's offiee and possibly a representative could be sent to meet with the Board. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P. M. ABANDONMENT REQUESTS: Description: Applicant: 20 ft. Alley East of Florida East Coast Railway Right-of-way f-~om 200 ft. North of N. E. 6th Avenue to N. E. lOth Avenue Edward H. Bauer and Evelyn Raulerson~ et al (Tabled) -7- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mr. Harmenin? moved to remove this from the table, DeMarco. Motion carried 5-0. gl/NE 20~ 1978 seconded by Mr. Mayor Jackson referred to this being_ tabled for further infonmation and asked whether there was further information? Mr. Roberts e!ari- fled that the question was raised why all the abandonments when actually nothing takes place except%~e will get more tax money. Mayor Jackson asked if Mr. Bauer or Mrs. Rau!erson were present and mecei ved no response. Mr. Ca!dwe!! referred to there being a lot of bookwork involved and in order to grant this, the applicants must provide for ingress and egress: held the utility compan/es harmless for damage, etc. If they want to go through the bother, maybe we should grant it. Mayor Jackson stated that it was her understanding the people just wanted ~6~se it ~or parking and they can do that now. Mr. Ha~mening agreed and added that this apparently was explained to them twice. His recollection was at the last indieation~ they still wanted it abandoned and he has no objection if they want it abandoned. Mayor Jackson asked if anyone had heard anyth%ng and Mr. Kohl replied that he had not. Mr. DeMarco requested comments from Mr. John Johnston about whether this abandonment would creat any problems, Mm. John Johnston, Act- ing Utilities Director, appeared before the Council and stated that he has written two letters to Mr. Tom Clark about the abam~dnment of this easement. This entails an abandonment from 6th Avenue to 9th Avenue between 3rd St. and the railroad. There are several water and sewer lines in this alley and the alley provides access to these facilities. With an easement~ fences ean be installed, cars parked, etc. and sometimes when they are called out at 3:00 A.M., they must get a steam shovel to move things out of the way to make repairs. Mayor Jackson referred to it noting !0th Avenue on the agenda and after checking the map~ Mr. Johnston discovered he was referring to the location of the Hopkins abandonment request. He clarified that there was no objection to this abandonment request from Mr. Bauer and Mrs. Rau!erson. Mayor Jackson ~e~erred to there being utilities in this alley and Mr. Ca!dwell replied that he believes there is nothing except over- head lines. He pointed out that everyone was in agreement provided there is a hold harmless agreement in regard to the tearing up of any of the easement property. Mayor jackson referred to it being brought out that there is a sewer line in this alley and Mr. Caldwell replied that this came before the Planning L Zom/ng Board and it was discussed thoroughly. Everybody is in accord with the granting of the ~handonment of this alley. He does not see why it should be denied. Mayor Jackson referred to there being sewer and water lines in this alley and Mr. Johnston replied that Mr. Cessna handled this and we do have a sewer line in this alley and we should have access to the manholes. He told how the services of a rotorooter machine had to be obtained at times in order to clear the lines when not being able to get to the manholes. He told how some alleys a~ter being abandoned had fences installed all over. -8- MINUTES - REGULAR CZT¥ COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1978 Mr. Moore stated he could not see any justification for abandoning any easement the City has unless there is some overpowering reason to abandon. He eannot see any advantage to the applicant. Mayer Jackson referred to additional tax revenue for the City and Mm. Moore replied that it was ~et, much taxes. All the utility eom- paD/es have objected. It is basically a utility situation and somebody witl have to pay to move those items. He doesn't know what advantage at all it will serve the people asking for this. It ~will certainly be a great disadvantage to the City. Mr. Caldwell replied that he thinks we are getting our nomenelatures confused. We are not abandoning an easement, but an alley and allowing the people to utilize the pmoperty. It allows them to utilize the pro- perry where now they eannot. Mm. Moore questioned the utilization and Mr. Ca!dwell replied that-it will allow truek aeeess to the back and Mr. Moore replied that this was allowed now. If that is what is wanted~ he thinks the proper request should be to pave the alley on a special assessment basis, They have access now if they want it. Mr. DeMarco stated that under the present circumstances, he makes a motion we deny this at the present time until they come up with a more satisfaetory reason for the use of it. They still have use of it as it is. Mr. Roberts seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Description: Applicant: !0 ft. Alley Lying Between Lots 145 thru 147 and Lots 148 thru 150, Arden Park James M. Hopkins~ 905 N. Railroad Avenue Mayor Jackson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor of this ~bandonment and Mr. James Hopkins appeared before the Council and stated he would answer any questions. Mayor Jackson referred to the stipulations made by the Technical Review Board: 1. A 10 ft. utility easement be provided for water and sewer lines and public utilities. 2. 24 hours a day ingress and egress to easement be provided and no permanent construction to be allowed on easement. 3. The cost £or repairs for any damage to private property be borne by the owner of said pro- party and that the City and Uti!ityCompanies be held harmless. Mr. Caldwell referred to reading the minutes and stated that it is apparent that the questions were raised by the Planning g Zoning Board. It was stated thatMr. Hopkins wanted to fence this in and park ears there overnight beeause of his business. He referred to the possibility of a water main breaking about 4:00 A, M. and the crews being unable to open bis gates and Mr. Hopkins replied that he would have to suffer the loss of the broken gate or lock. He would make arrangements not to have anything parked over the mains or lines. He owns property on both sides of the alley and just wanted to make usaa of all of it. -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 20, 1978 BOYNTON BEACH, FLOt%IDA Mayor Jackson asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to this application and Mr. John Johnston appeared before the Council. He stated that this is the one he was referring to during the previous application. There are water lines in this alley which were insta!t~d in the 1940~s and they repair about eight tc nine of these per week with the lead joints weakening. Mayor Jackson ascertained that nobody else wished to speak either in favor or against this a~ndonment. Mr. Roberts made a motion to deny the request for abandonment based on the same reasons. It becomes eomplicated to grant an abandonment when there are several utility companies including the City object- ing and with so many ifs, ands~ whereas, etc. Mr. Harmening seconded the motion. Under discussion~ Mr. Caldwell stated that if Mr. Hopkins is willing to sign a hold harmless agreement~ he eannot see where the problem arises. If the fence is torn up, he would hold the City orany other utility company harmless. The City and utility companies will have access with gates at either end. He does not see why we cannot grant it. Mr. Roberts replied that we can grant it~ but it is a question who is to be benefited most. The City has an oblic~tion to keep those lines in working order. If they have to be to~n up~ we must get into some' legalities which he thinks is unnecessary under the circumstances. If it was an emer- gency affair, he could understand it~ but feels this is going out on a limb. Mayor Jackson added that Southern Be~n~, Floz~ida Power g Light Co.~ and the City have objected to this. Motion carried 5-0. NEW BUSINESS Discuss Zoning Ordinance No. 75-19 - Re: Boarders (Mayor Jackson) Mayor Jackson referred to receiving calls and now a letter in refer- mace to the situation of widows in the City who do not like to live alone, but we have an ordinance saying you cannot have anyone else except your own family living in your house with you as bcsm~ers. Sometimes people would like to live together and share expenses and she would like to know if there would be any objections if this reference was taken out and it be limited to two people not re~ated being allowed to live together. Mr. Kohl referred to talking to Mr. How~el! about this and advised that the question is where do you shut the door - one will say one is living there and then there wilt be two, thmee or four. Mayor Jackson referred to several young families moving into a large house sharing expenses ~nd stated that many widows and widowers living alone wanted eom- pany and did not enjoy living alone. Mr. DeMareo stated that he felt the ordinance was unfair, especially with people living on fixed incomes. He thinks it would cause a hardship to some people and thinks something should be done to help them. -10- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1978 Mr. Roberts commented that as far as he knows, many people have teamed up togetherowithout the benefit of marriage and Mayor Jackson agreed, but stated that they are living in opposition to our ordi- nance. Mr. Roberts replied that they could still live together and he thinksthe ordinance as it stands should not be disturbed. People who want to share can do it. If a whole group comes in, it would be a different story. Mr. Kohl stated that there were probably many widows living together around the City and we do not bother anybody like this. He thinks each case should be chandled on its own!ike we are doing now. If there is someone with a hardship, he wi!lmake sure it is taken acre of. Mayor Jackson stated that one woman asked the Building Dept. about this and was told she could not do it. Mr. Kohl stated that he would talk to her. Mr. Harmening suggested leaving it alone and if someone has a pro- blem, they can contact the City Manager. Mm. DeMaroo moved to leave it status quo and take each individual case as it comes up and let the City Council, City Manager or staff decide. Mr. Ca!dwell seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Jackson re- quested Mr. Kohl to reply to the letter received. Motion carried 5-0. Discuss Proposed Resolution re: National Weather Service Radar (Mayor Emily M. Jackson) Mayor Jackson referred to a me~1zing of the Palm Beach County Munici- pal League and told how a man from the National Weather Service had explained when something happens to the power in Miami, we do not get reports in our area. This man suggested that we request the County Commissioners to fund an early warning weather radar instal- lation in this area. This was prepared as a resolution by the Municipal League which was included in the agenda book. There was quite a discussion on this and many people felt we were asking a federal agency to be funded by the County and felt it was not right. She wants to know whether we want to go ahead with this because it does not look like the federal government is going to be eoming through on this. There will be a vote taken on this resolution at the July meeting. Mr. Roberts referred to the funding of it and asked if each munici- pality would be assessed and Mayor Jackson replied negatively and elarif/ed that they were just asking if we support the concept and they are asking the County to take care of it. Mr. DeMarco referred to having radar service through Channels 5 and 12 and Mayor Jackson replied that their towers could also go down. Mm. DeMarco clarified that if Miami went down, we would still have one at West Palm Beach and Mayor Jackson agreed. Mr. Roberts stated that most of the hurricane warnings originate in Miami and if there is a power failure, Palm Beach County may not get it in time. MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, PLOR!DK JUNE 207 1978 Mr. DeMarco stated that there is nothing wrong with a radar system if we can get it. Mayor Jackson added that it 'was mentioned that Miami does have some kind of substitute thing when it ~gges down; however, it only goes as far as Homestead. She just wants to know before she votes onthis how the rest of the Council feels. Mr. DeMarco clarified that it would be a government project and Mayor Jackson agreed~ but stated that the government has not come through with the money. Mr.. DeMareo moved to support the resolution of the Palm Beach County Municipal League in regard to an early warning national weather ser- vice, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ADMINISTRATIVE Boynton Beach Park and Sports Complex Mr. Kohl referred to Boynton Beach being the third largest city in Palm Beach County, but stated that our City is the lowest in the number of developed acres in parks, recreation and sports programs. We have approximately 61 acres of developed recreation area in 14 separate locations. Based on a population of 36,000, we should have 360 developed acres of parks~ recreation and sports. By 1990, we should have 570 acres. We have acquired 55 acres from Palm Beach County for the sum of $1.00. The county has given us an additional 8 acres to the south of the 55 acres for a total of 63 acres by the South Technical. School. As they know, five years ag-o, we received 20 acres from Charter World with the provisionthat it be developed into a recreation area within ten years from the date of the gift. This 20 acres is across the street f-~om our 63 acres on the west side of Congress: and borders the lake in Charter World. Also the new developer~ Summit Associates, Ltd.~ has stated they will be donating l0 acres to the city for our park and recreation program- ming. This additional l0 acres is contiguous to the 20 acres from Charter World. This combined total of 93 acres is worth over two million dollars in land value alone, and therefore, it behooves the city to develop this land into parks, recreation a~eas and sports sites. At every function that he has had the privilege to be in- volved with, such as the Art Festival, the Fourth of July Celebra- tion, and the Chamber of Commerce Business Fair, there has ne~er been enough room for ali the people who wished to participate in these community activities. Not only would this new park and sports complex give us an area to work with for these activities, but it would be a tremendous place to serve all our citizens. One import- ant factor in this park and sports complex is that we will have many team programs in the Gymnasium. This will include basketball, wrestling, boxing, volleyballs, badminton~ g~%~nasties, karate, self defense, kick boxing, and judo. There will be areas in the park for tennis, basketball, football, softball, soccer, Little League base- hall, handball-racket, a heart trail, and a playground/picnic area by the lake. This park is For all ages from children to set, or citizens, for those who want to actively participate and for those who want to watch. -12- MINI1TES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ,JUNE 20~ 1978 Mr. Kohl continued that we will be able to recruit kids off the street, bringing them to this great place, teaching them skills in spomts and building character and pride in themselves and in our community. He cannot say that each one of them will become an ama- teur or professional athlete in their own right. ~{e would not claim that each one will become an Olympic contender or a professional athlete~ but he can assure them that -many boys and girls will be better persons physically and mentally for pamticipating in these sports activities. He would say t?~t if we took just one child off the street and made him a better person, that ~all of this would be worth it. He referred to submitting a breakdown for every .item~ but advised that there was one mistake and distributed corrected copies. Mayor Jackson requested eomments from each member of the Council. Mr. Ca!dwe!l stated that he has reviewed the figures, has looked at the plans, seen the projected growth of the City of Boynton Beach, seen the location of this land~ looked at where the exist- inq facilities lie, etc. This plan is better organized and more thQ~ht out than the original eoncept proposed. In his opinion, the cost factor is within a very reasonable cost factor to give the citizens of this City the meereational facilities absolutely necessary for a well rounded municipal life. As it stands now, our existing facilities in all these areas, whether talking about a passive park or tennis courts~ softhal! £ie!ds~ etc., fall way short of the existing demand, let alone the future demand. It is on that basis after reviewing all the facts and numbers~ his only question is not whether we will build the park or not, but at what time we are going to put this to a referendum of the people. He is whole heartedly in favor of this whole plan. Mr. Roberts referred to the crowd at the 4th of July celebration and stated that anybody who has attended this will definitely state we do not have any room around the City unless we develop this complex. The place was jam packed at the last July 4th ceie- bration with no room to park or aeeommodate people. The popula- tion has increased. He attended the Festival of the Arts and there was no room to move around the Civic Center and this was also true at the Business Fair. He thinks we must move ahead and do something f~r the City~ not only for the present but the future. If we had a decent complex, baseball teams of all ages would be using it, we could hold sunrise services there, and a group has approached him ~om a national fraternal ~rder wanting to put on a show. It should go to referendum to see if the people want it developed. He thinks it could even be asked how rm~ch they want to spend. We will be way behind the eight ball if we don~t get moving. -13- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1978 Mm. Harmening stated that his feelings have been expressed by the previous two speakers. In many respects, our recreational and athletic facilities are somewhat lacking. The City is growing whether 'we want it to or not. We can anticipate considerable g~owth this year and next year. If we go ahead with this, he thinks we will be recognized somewhere down the line as people looking forwar~ with recognizing the development-of this complex. He knows a lot of people want this and it will be utilized rather extensively. He is very much in favor of it. Mr. DeMareo stated that he was tickled to death to see we picked up another eight acres from the County and ten acres from Summit Associates. Looking over the figures~ we are talking about a ~gymr~sium, offices, showers, storage area, parking lot, stadium, ball field, track fietd~ sprinkler system, tennis courts, basket- ball courts, pienie area, dock~ etc. It is really a complete com- plex and this is what the City needs. He said before: those against it should stand u~ and be counted. He is for it !00% all the way. Mayor Jackson requested Mr. Kohl to explain the heart trail for the benefit of the audience. Mr. Kohl explained that it was a one mile heart trail with 20 stations where you do certain things at each station and he gave examples. There are recognized heart mile tracks all over the United States and they are recommended very highly by doctors. Mr. Caldwell added that he has seen some; the whole concept is not only to develop leg muscles but to develop al! the muscles of the body. It is an excellent concept. Mayor Jaekson referred to the lake activities and Mr. Kohl told about plans for fishing rodeos, fishing contests, and aquatic contests in the water. Mr. Harold Werger, 719 N.W. 7th Court, appeared be~fore the Council and stated that he is in favor of this whole project, but a lot of people do not understand it or do not know what it will cost. He thinks it should be taken before the people and explained to them. The figures must be given to the people and the question put to referendum. It must be explained to the people ~ully. Mm. Caldwell agreed and stated that the more people who understand it, the more who will be in favor. He is sure once it is explained to those opposed~ they will change their ~ind. He asked what sugges- tions Mr. Werger had to get this to the people and Mr. Werger re- plied that no figures have been given. He thinks something of a concise nature should be publi~shed in the Shopper. All the people in opposition mould put in a full page ad and there is a lot of controversy. If the Council comes out with something in the open and puts it before the people intelligently, he is sure they will go for it. Mayor Jackson asked if we deeided to put this to referendum~ could we have some flyers printed and distributed explaining the total cost, etc. and Mr. Kohl replied affirmatively. -14- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLOP~DA ~rdNE 20, 1978 Mr. Roberts referred to having only read the proposal and stated that we should decide what direction we will take. He feels it should be published in every newspaper with a map and price and let the people decide whether to ~ully or partially develop it. Mayor Jackson agreed and added that she hopes the newspapers will print about all they can. Mr. Werger added that they should also state the methods of financing. Mr. Caldwe!l stated the only way he can see to f~und out this pro- ject to get all the dollars together at one time would be to borrow the money from the pub!lc and that means requesting a bond issue to be floated. Once the bond issue mechanisms are underway, we can then put it to referendum of the people or actually it should be to the people first and if approved~ then we %rlI1 develop the project as laid out by Mm. Kohl. We can do this in piecemeal, but we would have a hard time keeping the whole project together with repa~ing one part'when building another. He does not think the public would get complete utilization. He would like to see the whole thing done at one shot. Without raising taxes~ the only way to do it would be to float bonds and use the State Entitlement Funds to pay back the bonds. Mr. Caldwell moved to accept the report as presented by Mr. Kohl, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Caldwel! moved to put to referendum the question of floating 1.5 million dollars in municipal bonds for the funding of this municipal project with bonds to be paid back by the State Entitle- ment Funds and in no way by the ad valorem taxes. Mr. Roberts asked if we should ask the people whether they are in favor first before floating the bonds? Mr. Moore suggested that the proposi- tion be put to the people at referendum asking shall the bonds be issued to fund this definitive pro~ect? He continued with explain- ing that the 1.5 million dollars would consummate the total cost for the entire project. The purpose of holding a referendum is to sub- ject the ad~lorem tax power to back it up. The initial funds can be pledged without a referendum. If a referendum is held~ the ad valorem taxes should be pledged. The purpose of a referendum is to pledge the ad valorem tax power unless they are talking about having a straw vote. Mr. Caldwell replied that he thinks it was made perfectly clear that at any time we are floating bonds of this nature, it would go to referendum. We can have a referendum without pledging the ad valorem taxes to be highly responsible to the people. It is true we can pledge the State Entitlement Funds without a referendum~ but we pledged ourselves. Mr. Moore con- curred that there should be a referendum, but the purpose is to pledge the ad valorem tax power. Mr. Caldwe!! stated if we don~t want to pledge the ad valorem taxes, can we still have a referen- dum and Mr. Kohl replied that he will check with the fiscal agent. Mayor Jackson asked how many were in favor of pledging the ad valorem taxes and Mr. DeMarco replied that he would like more in~ut. -18- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1978 Mr. Roberts suggested that it would be advisable to have two parts to the referendum with asking the people if they are in favor or against and then another section covering the result if accepted. Mr. Moore replied that he thought this would be oonfusing. It must be deeided what date the referendum is to be and we must get the fiscal input regarding the proposition to the people. Mayor Jackson suggested having the referendum at the general primary in September. She referred' to the lack of people voting at previous m~er4ndums and stated that she wants the people to know it is there. Mr. Harmening replied that if it is properlyadvertised, he thinks the people will be aware of it. Mayor Jackson then referred to the *~andidate names being ain a book for the election and asked if it would be possible to hand the people a ballot covering the referendum? Mr. eSee Roberts told about Boca Raton having a separate card with questions Minutes for the people to answer. Further discussion followed and then Mr. 7/5/78 Caldwel! stated that he thinks these mechanisms ean be worked out later. The question is when it wi// go to rsferendum. When does this City have the best voter turnout? Mrs. Padgett replied that the onlyffigures she has ~re for our City eleotions. Mayor Jackson stated that all the legalities must be completed 45 days ahead of time and Mrs. Padgett informed her it was 30 days. Mm. Caldwel! moved that we hold a referendum on this questions at the September primary eteetion for the purpose of floating bonds for the spoD~s complex, eeconded by Mr. DeMarco. Under discussion, Mr. Harmening stated he thought we should be a little more specific. As he understands'the motion, we can either ask for an opinion whether the people in the City want to build the sports complex as it is laid out without any definite financing and if the result of the election is favorable, we wilt go ahead with a bond issue using the State Entitlement ~unds or include a two part question. We need to make this deeision tonight or shortly so we can get on with the preparation for the election. The first part would be whether the people are in favor of the recreation program and develop- ment of this eomplex and the second part would be the financing. It could be broken down to be very detailed. Mr. Werger suggested that everything be explained to the people fully and there will be a better response. Mayor Jackson added that she still wanted flyers to go out and the newspapers to report on it. A flyer which is available to everybody would be an ideal thing as opposed to public hearings. She asked if Mr. Wet.em felt this would solve the problem and Mr. Werger replied that it must be in detail. Mr. Caldwell suggested that the motion be passed or denied and then we can decide how to structure the referendum. The motion was to put it up for referendum on the September primary. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Jackson referred to speeifying an amount of money and Mr. Moore informed her that the amount of money~ term of bonds, and how they are going to be repaid must be specified. He thinks there is enough information for Mr. Kohl, himself and the fiscal agent to come back with information. He feels the less choices the people have to make, the less confusing it will be. He feels they have sufficient input to come back with a proposed proposition. -16- MINUTES - REGHLAR CITY COHNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, ~LORZDA JUNE 20, 1978 Mr. Caldwell announced that he would like to schedule some advertised public hearings where we earn present this to the people of this City and let the people speak their piece for or against. He suggests setting aside a couple evenings for the people on this particular issue. Mm. Roberts referred to sending out flyers and Mr. Caldwell replied that some people don?t read. Mayor Jackson asked if two meetings would be necessary and Mr. Caldwell replied that the Council Chambers are only so big. He suggests advertising North of Ocean Avenue for one evening and another evening South of Oeean Avenue. He thinks this is as important as the rezoning which had two hear- ings. Mayor Jackson questioned when these should be held and Mr. Moore suggested that before holding the publio hearings, theyshould have the specifie information how it will be ~unded and the cost to eaeh taxpayer and be totally prepared. He suggeststhat the Council approve the basic proposition fimst. Mayor Jackson suggested that at the next ~eetin~ that t~ Counei! men, ers be prepared to set two nights aside for t~ese public hearings. Consider Site Development Plans Tom Gustafson Ind, of Palm Beach County, Inc. to Construct a 14 Space Parking Lot with Landscaping at 800 N.E. 3~d Street Mr. Kohl informed the Council that the Planning & Zoning Board at their regular meeting of June 13, 1978, reeommended the site develop- ment plans submitted by Tom Gustafson Ind. of Palm Beach County, Inc,, to eonstruct a 14 space parking lot with landscaping on Lot 90, Arden Park Subdivision, at the southeast corner of N. E. 3rd St. and N. E. 7th Avenue be approved sub=eat to providing sidewalks on N. E. 7th Avenue and adding two.additional feet of pavement to the width of the parking lot. The motion to approve was made by Mr. Lambert and seconded byMrs. Huckle. The vote was 6-0-1 with Mr. Arena abstaining until quidance is provided by the City Council with respect to Planning & Zoning Board action coneerning site plan approval. An excerpt from the Planning $ 5o~ng-Board meeting minutes and a map showing the location of the proposed construction have been submitted. Mr. Caldwe!l moved to approve the site plan as presented to the Planning & Zoning Board withttheir recommendations and addendums, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No disoussion. Motion carried 5-0. Gerald L. Skinner, D.D.S., to ~onstmuct a Medioal/Dental Office Building Located at the N.E. Corner of Seaerest Blvd. and S.E. 26th Avenue Mr. Kohl informed the Council the Planning & Zoning Board at their reRular meeting of June 1S, 1978, recommended the site development plans submitted by Dr. Gerald Skinner to construct a Medical-Dental Office Building on Lots 92 and 93, High Point Subdivision, at the northeast corner of Seacrest Boulevard and S. E. 26th Avenue be approved subject to the following~ speeifically noting the front of the building is on Seacrest Boulevard and the rear for setback pur- poses is on the East: -17- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1978 Engineering Dept. - Parking lots to be constructed with 6~' crushed rock and 1" asphaltic concrete minimum. Building Dept. 20 ft. rear yard required. 6~ high masonry wall. Provide sidewalks on S.E. 26th Ave. City Planner - Wall detail to be provided. The motion to approve was made by Mr. Trauger and seconded by Mr. Winter. The vote was 5-0-2 with Mr. Arena and Mrs. Huakle abstain- ing. An excerpt from the Planning & Zoning Board meeting minutes and a map showing the location of the proposed construction has been submitted. May he have Council's wishes on this matter. Mr. Roberts questioned what the note meant "The Zoning is accept~ able"? Does it mean it is properly zoned? Mm. Annunziato replied affirmatively. He then stated that there is a question regarding the buffer wall as based on the action tonight, the ordinance not requiring the wall in this zone does not become ef~eetive for ten days. Mayor Jackson replied that it will not be built in ten days. Ma. Caldwell stated that the plans were appro~e~ tonight. He recom- mends that requirement be stricken and that it be noted that it be a 6f masonmy wall or a dense ~o!iage hedge. Mr. Caldwel! then asked if theme were undeveloped lots adjacent to this property and Mr. Annunziato informed him there were houses to the east-and north. Mr. Ca!dwel! asked if these homes have side- walks and Mm. Annunziato replied that he did not know, Mm. Ca!dwe!l referred to this road being renovated and stated that these sidewalks would go nowhere. He suggests that the ~idewalk ordinance be reviewed. Mayor Jackson re~erred to this area being ~ezoned recently and stated that she believes this will be a medi- cal area eventually. Mr. Ca!dwell still questioned the necessity ~er sidewalks on 26th Avenue. He would like the Council to take another look at the ordinance as he has seen short stretches of sidewalks installed going nowhere. He agrees with the intent~ but enforcing it in some neigtmborhoods does notb/ng. Mayor Jackson informed h4m that this street was put in in 19~3 and she thinks the people will eventually put in sidewalks. Mr. Caldwell asked if she meant they would do it on their own and Mayor Jackson replied that in many cities, it is required. Mm. Caldwe!l requested that tb/s issue be addressed and Mayor Jackson suggested that he request it to be included on an agenda. Mr. DeMarco moved to accept the site development plans for Dr. Gerald Skinner subfect to staff reeommendations~ except the wall to be re- placed bye hedge at the owner?s option as the ordinance will mall for. Mr. Caldwell seeon~d the motion. No discussion. Motion ear- tied 5-0. -18- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1978 William Vaughn for Clint Nangle & Partners to Construct a Shopping Center Located East and Southof Lindstey Lumber at the Interseetion of Woo!bright Road and Congress Avenue Mr. Kohl informed the Council the Planu/ng & Zoning Board at their regular meeting of June 13: 1978, recommended the site development plans subr~tted by William Vaughn for Clint Nangle & Partners to construct a Shopping Center east and south of Lindsley Lumber at the intersection of Woolbright ~and Congress (BOYNTON WEST PLAZA) be approved subject to the following: Engineering Dept. - Paving and drainage plans with elevations required. Building Dept. 7 handicap parking spaces required. Pro- vide sidewalks on Woolbright Rd. and Con- gress Avenue. Fire Dept. - Provide fire hydrants as n~rked on plans. Utility Dept. Plans and specifioations ~or water and sewer improvements by Registered Engineer to be provided and coordinated with the Utility Department andtthe Engineering Department. General Services Provide 1 additional dumpster for Pantry Pride. Planning Dept. - Wall to be 6 ft. in height. Planning & ZoD/ng Board - Dedicate 7T of right-of-way for Woolbright Road and 10' of right-of-way for Congress Avenue The motion to approve was made by Mm. Lambert and seconded by M~. Jameson. Thev~ote was 6-0-1 with Mr. Arena abstaining. Mr. Harmening moved to approve the site development plans for William Vaughn ~or Clint Nang!e & Partners to construct a shopping center located east and south of Lindsley Lumber at the intersection of Woolbright and Congress Avenues with the staff and PlaDm/ng $ Zoning Board recommendations. Mr. Caldwei1 seconded the motion. Under diseussion~ Mr. DeMarao asked if tko walt would have any ~eet and Mr. Coldwell replied negatively. Motion married 5-0. Consider Resignation of Member f~om Board of Adjustment Mayor Jackson requested Mr. Wil!iamCwynar to come forward and asked if he was aware the Board of Adjustment had recommended that he be dropped as a member of the Board, but a resignation has not been received, gr. Cwynar replied that his resignation was in the mail and it would probably be received tomorrow. -19- MINUTES - RBGULAR CITY CO[1NCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1978 Mr. DeMarco moved to accept Mr. Cwynar~s resignation~ seconded by Mr. Caidwe!l. No discussion. Motion carried S-0. Consider Replacement of ABov~ Mayor Jackson referred to needing somebody badly ~or this Board and asked if there were any suggestions? She asked when the next meeting would be and Mr. Carl Zimmerman informed her that the Board would not be meeting until ~uly 10 if a petition is presented. Mayor Jackson requested the members to be prepared at the next meeting on July 5. Mm. Caldwell moved to table the appointment of a replacement for M~. William Cwynar, seconded by Mm.. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. Request for Transfer of Cemetery Lots 79 & 80, Block F, from William Bixler to Helen K. and Thomas C. Jeffers Mr. Caldwell moved to appz~ve this transfer, seconded by Mr. Harm~ni~g. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Request £or Disinterment f~om Lot 652-A, Block N, Robert A. and Maybel!e Phillips, Parents of Sandra Legg, Deceased Mr. Caldwell moved to approve this disinterment, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Requests from Community Relations Board Replacement of Three Members Mr. Kohl read a memo from the Community Relations Board referring to the loss of three members and requesting that three women be appointed as replacements. Mayor Jackson referred to the Board still hav~ng nine members and stated that maybe we made a mistake in making this Board so large and possibly tb~s caused a p~oblem. Mr. DeMarco agreed that the Board could operate with nine members. Mm. DeMarco moved to continue the Board with the nine remaining members, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Under discussion, Mr. Roberts advised that he attended the Community Relations Board meeting the other night and will submit a report to the Council members to take up at the next meeting. He believes it was unwieldy to have 12 members with Mrs. Girtman being the Chairlady over 11 men. It is very important that if there are any additions to the Community Relations Board, they should be women. Mr. Harmening Rgreed. Mr. DeMarco also agmeed~ but stated that he thinks we have enough mem- bers at the present time. Mayor Jackson disagreed and stated she didn't think sex should have anything to do with it. She does not feel anybody's gender should carry weight for an appointment, but it should be based on qua!if/cations. She has never felt any dif- ferent sitting here with four members of the opposite sex and work- ing with them and does not think it is necessary. Mr. Roberts com- mented that we could improve the quality of the Board with some women. Motion carried 5-0. -20- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 20, 1978 BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA Improvements for Cherry Hill Cemetery Mr. Kohl referred to a memo being submitted from the Co~unity Rela- tions Board and added that there have also been newspaper cartieles about Cherry Hill Cemetery. He advised that f~r th'e past year~ we have been dickering with the Community Development Program as this was included in the program. As soon as things get stmaightened out, awork will begin on this cemetery. It has been held up at the HIi~ level. It will all be taken care of and has been in for over a year. Mayor Jackson referred to there being a lot of publicity how she wanted to move some people fmom the cemetery, Cherry Hi!l Cemetery is not the only eemetery in that neighborhood. It has no pempetual care. Many people wanted to have bodies t-pansferred when the Civil Rights Bill went thmough. She made an offcui~,.,~ remark that if there weme onlya ~ew survivors, maybe the people wanted to move them to a cemetery where t~y wo~ld be takeneare of. it was blown out of proportion in the newspaper. She told about further inquiries being made from the newspapers and television station~ but mejeeted. She cIamified that she never wanted to move any bodies without the per- mission of the people. She thought there were only three or foum bodies there. The whole thing is dead as far as she is concerned. F~. DeMaroo referred to spending some time at this cemetery with several members of the Community Relations Board and stated that from what he could see, there are possibly 60 graves there. He thiD_ks it would be a worthwhile project and a historical site for Boynton Beach. Mayor Jackson replied that this is wh~t was being planned. Mr. Kohl clarified that the Community Development ~lock Gmant is given to us and we are waiting for the monies to start renovating ~this. Also, there was never any perpetual care money here like at the eemeteryon 15th Avenue. Mr. DeMarco added that the man living next door said once it is cleaned~ he will maintain it free of charge and he seemed very willing and Mayor Jaelcson re- plied that it has been cleaned before and was not taken care of. Mr. Kohl stated he would like to wmite a letter to the Community Relations Board from the Mayor and Counni! advising that with the C~mmuDity Development Block Grant~ this will b~ improved. Mayor Jackson requested him to also include clarification of her position. Mr. Roberts requested him to also answer the other note ~n regard' to appointments. He clarified that at the present time~ it will remain status quo with nine members and at our first opportunity~ we will attempt to add some women. Consider Budget Transfer Request - Community Promotion Mm. Kohl informed the Council that this request was to transfer money within the Publicity Account to provide funding for the 4th of July celebration. Mr. DeMareo moved to g~ant this request for a budget transfer, seconded by Mm~ Caldwe!l. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. -21- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA JUNE 207 1978 Mr. Kohl announced that before going further, there was one thing he forgot ±n regard to the Boynton Beach Park and Sports Complex. The Recreation Department ~alt approved the park and .sports complex we talked about tonight. They are all in favor of it very highly. Also, Mr. Bill Flushing, Associate Engineer, and Mm. Charles Frederick, Recreation Direction, have worked many hours with the City Manager to produce these plans. These two gentlemen helped out more than he did. Mm. DeMarco replied that it was a job well done and Mayor Jackson added that she did not expect it to be this complete. List of Payments -.Month-of May, 1978 Mr. Hammening moved to accept the list of payments and attach to the minutes~ seconded by Mm. Caldwe!t. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills Mm. Kohl requested to add one bill from Allen Insurance Agency corem- lng an endorsement for workmen's compensation which he just ~meceived today at 4:30. He explained how there was an additional premium in the amount of 8277508 since our experience modification was raised based on having two cases in which the court awarded S76,000 to one man and $397000 to another. Mayor Jackson asked if both these men were still working for the City and Mr. Kohl replied negatively. Mr. Harmeming questioned the nature of their injuries and Mr. Kohl told about one man having an accident when climbing the water towem. Mr. Catdwe!l moved to add this bill~ seconded by Mm. Harmening. No diset!ssion. Motion carried 5-0. Mm~ Kohl then read the following bills for approval: l. Rubin Const~dction Co. ~ 2,371.31 Asphalt concrete mix II Pay from budgeted funds 3~0-401-540-04-.31 2. Camm Soil & Sod 1,190.00 Ba?~a sod .for new utility offices and warehouse. Pay f~om Utility General Fund construction account. 3. Ameriean Micmofilm Service 17046.30 Microfilm service for Building Dept. Pay from budgeted funds 001-261-520-02.76 4. Gene Moore 17905,00 Title insurance premium on Sports Complex Pay from General Fund 001-000-247-41.00 5. Russell $ Axon 626-681-04-.~4 Inv. ~7 1,451.56 Engineering services in connection with Regional Lift Station and Force Main permits & easements Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-11.00 Authorization dated 11/19/72 -22- MINUTES - REG%ILAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1978 6. Russell & Axon 626-681-08-6 Inv. ~23 4,043°97 Resident project services Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-01.00 Authorization dated 5/8/7~ Y. Russell & Axon 626-681-08-3 Inv. Al8 1.406.85 Consulting services during construction of Water Facilities Treatment Plant Pay from Utility General Fund A01-000-169-01~00 Authorization dated 5/8/74 8. Board of County Commissioners 10~701.00 ~se of County Landfill ~or the month of May Pay f-~om budgeted funds 001-32!-530-02.9A 9. Boynton Beach Child Care Center 29186.00 After 'care program f~r July, August & September Pay f~om budgeted funds 320-871-570-02.5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 10. Barile Excavating L Pipeline Co. 8,061.22 Cherry Hills Water System Improvement Pay from Utility General Fund 401-000-169-01.00 Refundable f-rom Palm Beach County Community Dev. Contract dated 12/1/77 11. Isiah Andrews 1!0.00 Driver for Septet Citizens Club - 2 weeks Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-871-570-02.5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 12. Willie Ruth McGrady 96.00 Server for Senior Citizens Club - 2 weeks Pay f~om Federal Revenue Sharing fund 320-871-570-02-5A Ordinance ~73-15~ passed 5~i5/73 13. t~b!ix Market 133.13 Meals for needy and infirmed Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 320-871-570-02~5A Ordinance ~73-15, passed 5/15/73 14. West Construction Est. ~4 25,713.00 City Hall elevator Pay freom Public Works Grant Fund 350-835-570-05.69 Contract dated 12/9/77 Mr.. Kohl stated that the bills described have been approved and verified by the department heads involved; checked and approved for payment by the Finance Department; funds are available in their respective budgets. He therefore recommends payment of these bills. -23- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COLLNCIL MEETING JL~E 20, 1978 BOYNTON BEACH, FLOPC[DA Mayor Jaokson asked if the bill from West Construetion was a final bill and Mr. Kohl replied negatively, that he thinks 10% was' held hack. The elevator was approved today, but there are some fuses they are lacking. It-will be in operation in another day or so. Mr. Harme~ing moved to pay the bills, seconded by Mr. DeMarco. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Jaokson mentioned that the Russell & Axon bills have to do with the regional lift station 'or water plant and Mr. Kohl agreed. ADJOURNFfENT Mr. Caldwel! moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjournedaat 9:35 P. M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA Vi~yor ATTEST: Councilman ~ ~Clerk eeording %ecretary (Two Tapes) 5/31178 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 1 MFS507 .............. O-U T--S _T_A_N--D-I-N-G ...... C H._E.C-X S ............................ CHECK # VENDOR # VENDOR. NAME CHECK DATE TOTAl AMOUNT 5036 030501 RENA CARRIER 5037 10450B FRANK JOHNSON ....... 5038 ........ 230452 ...... OLI~E-.~ALLACE ....... 5039 056500 WOODROW EUTSAY 5040 166300 ELEANOR PUFFER 504L__~---2-31-58-0 ...... 5043 192592 ADA SHOOK 50z~ 084660 ~JRIEL HOLZMAN 50~6 190940 MARY Eo SCHORR 5/01178 63.23 5/01/78 88.75 5/01178 ............ 5/01/78 5/01/78 91o28 5/01;78 202.21 5/01/78 164.46 5/01/78 25B.66 5047 266900 MILDRED A. ZWART 5/01/78 77.13 5049 2~2510 KATO WILLIAMS 5/01/78 365.91 5050 021540 FRANK A. BEDNARICK 5052 202550 ' JAMES C, THOMPSON 5053 202515 LEE THOMAS 5055 081650 HAROLD HERRING 5056 19~290 KEN SNOW 5/01t78 305.62 5/01t78 71.19 5/01/78 795.gi 5£01./~ ,.~-~50 ~.- 5/01/78 5/01/78 225.~1 5058 196360 EDWARD SULLIVAN 5/01/78 194.10 506~ 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/01/78 2.75 LSO65:__.O3219GL_ CI_T~.~-BOYN~ON-BE~CH ........... 5~0l/-7B- 5065 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/01/78 3.00 5065 0~290t CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/01/7B 1.29 $06-~ ....... J~:2~__--P~E~T.Y-~ASH-.-WATER-&- SEWER ............. 5/01/78 .............. 5065 161720 PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER 5/0t/78 4.42 5065 161720 PETTY-CASH WATER & SEWER 5/01/78 1.90 ........... 5,06.5 [6~'¢~_O--_---~P.E~ZY~:-C,~S~]-W~TSR.,-.~-~E~ER ......... 5/01/78 .............. 5065 161720 PETTY CASH WATER [ SE~ER 5/01/78 50~5 161720 PETTY CASH .WATER & SEWER 5/01/78 1~o00 5067 03~901 CiTY OF 8OYNTON ~EACH 5/03/78 [.88 5067 03~90~ C[TY OF ~OYNTON BEACH 5/03/78 3,00 5067 03~90~ C~TY OF ~QYNTO~ ~EACH 5067 03290~ C~TY OF ~OYNTON ~EACH 5/03/78 2.38 5/03/78 5.00 5~ L61,~:O .~E-T-~-CA.$~ W~T~J:~-~-SEWE,0'-- - .5//]L.3~8 ..... 5067 16[720 PETTY CASH WATER ~ SEWER 5103178 5.00 5067 I61720 PETTY CASH WATER ~ SEWER 5/0~/78 .69 506~ I&%12~P.E~--~S~A~.E~--~-SE~E~ ...... 51.03/38 8-~44 5067 161720 PETTY CASH WATER ~ SEWER 5/03/78 3.00 5067 161720 PETTY CASH ~ATER ~ SEWER 5/0~/78 ~.00 ....... 50&Z ........ ~61~2O._.~ET_TY-CASH-WA~ER-&-SE~ER ..... __1-+50.- 5067 161720 PETTY CASH WATER ~ SEWER 5103/78 3.77 5068 134650 GENE MOORE 5/03/78 5,000o00 5069_ _0L424~- ~S.I~H..ANDRE~S~ ........................ 5/04/78 ............. 5070 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY 5/04/78 48.00 5071 191500 SEABOARD COASTLINE RAILRO 5104/78 30.00 5072 ..... 5.100.02 ~LARENCE--~DUNKIN- ................. 5105/78 5/31/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE __.MBAE07 .............. O_u._T..S_T_A_N D I N._G C H E C K S CHECK ~ VENDOR ~ VENOOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 5073 ~50(~15 GERALD SCNUNCK 5/05/78 188.03 5074 280018 'ELENOR M. BURNS 5/05/78 ...... 507 ~ 180017. HAROLD..BUR~S 50?6 420005 ROBERT POCSt K 5/05/78 242.28 5077 ~¢0~1 NENGLER. THOMAS E. 5/05t78 198.10 50~8 181590 REGENCY DOD~E 5/09/78 5079 0lq 2~0 JSI~H ~ND~EWS 5/11/78 55.00 508~ 0,23~00 BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA 5/11/78 6,142.64 50Sl 0~23800 BLUE CRSSS OF FLORIDA 5/~1;78 ~31 023800 BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA 5/11/78 7,436.49 ~OB1 023800 BLUE CROSS OF FLORIDA 5/11/78 243.24 ...... ~D~ ....... 025800. ~LUE_C ~gS S_.~__F LO~ DA .......... __5/S1AL~8 .............. ~081 0~800 BLUE CROSS DF 5LO~[DA 5/11/78 219.76 5082 500002 C. NORMAN DOUGLAS 5112/78 152.30 ~_083 ..... ]0~7 ~H ~.._ D.U~-.-- 5/_12/28 , 5084 ~100el ~RNEST L. ELLIS 5/-12/78 210.84 ~085 ~50016 ~ARTH~ N. STEPHENS 5/12/78 1~8.74 5087 210151 U. S. POST~ASTER 5/16/78 750.00 5088 025603 BOB BROWN 5/16/78 101.50 5090 014240 JSIAH ANDREWS 5/18/78 55.00 5091 13~50 WILLIE RUTH MCGRAOY 5/18178 48.00 5093 ~80005 GRETCHEN LUBY 5/19/78 5095 160639 PAL~ SPRINGS RECREATION D 5/2B/78 55J5 2]6350 UNDERGROUND SUPPLY 4/~[/78 76.17C 5682 191630 SERVICE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 4/28/78 ............ 5~.7 ..... 010200-. A.~.~._BULLD.E~S ...................... 5/05L78 .... 5688 0~3720 ALLEN iNSURANCE AGENCY 5;05/78 5689 015500 VEVA ARMBRUSTER 5/05/78 ~0.00 ........ 5~90 ........ 0162.95 ..... ~__~E.RN~-A~ I [ N ............ ~.05/7~ ..... 5691 0~6~00 AUTOPRODUCTS, INC. 5/05/78 8.80 5692 024665 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 5/05/78 52.90 5694 024730 BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 5/05/78 5695 025610 STEVE BRUNNER 5/05/78 ....... 5696 ........ ~2~595 ..... BUREA~_O~-EXPLOS~ES~ASSQ ......... 5~05/7~ 5697 0~0505 DAVIS WATER & WASTE INDUS 5/05/78 5698 041610 DELRAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 5/05/78 ~ -- -5699 ..... 0~-&650 .... DONtS--ALIGN~EN% ............... 5/0~/78 -~. 5700 04~780 ~. ©. BOWLING FIRE EQUIP. 5/05/78 5700 04~780 W. 0. BOWLING FIRE EQUIP. 5/05/78 570l ..... 046450 .... 5ONN.g.. DUNKLE ................... ~/05/~8 5702 062820 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & 5/05/78 5703 062910 FJRST BANK & TRUST 5/05/78 .... 57OS'-- .... 06B~OO .... ELORIDA-~RAKE 2,357.62 25.00 229.66 67.38 ~5.50 26,861.00C 26,861.00 618.61 11,731.$3 ................ 5~05/78 .......... 90~ 5131/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~-qHECK # VENDOR # VENDOR NAME ...... O~3~i~--'~LORIDA CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ~705 t~706 0&~746 FLORIDA LEGISL~TUffE JOINT 5706 06~6--~FLORIDA"LEGISL~TU~E-JOINT PAGE CHECK gATE TOTAL A~OUNT 5105178 i8.65 5/05178 37~506R .... 5105/78 ........... -~7-~0 .... 5707 063780 FLORIDA PO~ER ~ LIGHT CO. 5/05/78 5708 06~00 FOUR STEEL CORPORATION 5/05/78 35~20 ObAbAg -GEO. _~O~LE~.~ELO~N~-C-O ............ 5./05/78 ............. 5709 ....... -- 5?lO 065500 ERANKHOUSE ~LECTRJC 5/05/78 - _ 5105/78 6,6~7.72 5711 070000 G.A. INDUSTRIES __5LOfi./T& .... 5~12 .... O~TLOZ,,.~_~Y--GAP, RIG¢~-~--~-~--~--- 5105/78 ~ 9.48 ........ O7OA05 GATOR F~EtGH~WAY~ :3o.oo ;5713 07¢500 CHARLES.GODFREY 5105/78 _-~715 .... ~5~'~~EA~-L~E~ 5105/78 5V16 OBO~2O .~"L~Y OAvIOSON O~ PAL~ B 5/05/V~ 207.g5 ...... 57~4 ...... L246~O'N~E'H'~E 5/05/78 999.00 ~-,5725 13,O530 JOHN W. MARCHERET ASSOC- 5726 130g~0 MCCAIN SALES 57Z8 I~4720 MuYLE, GENTRY, jONES, FLA 5729 136340 LAURA MUORYK 5105/78 272.00 5/05/78 100o00 5/05/78 25.00 5730 ......... 1~5420 .... ~uNICXPAL POLICE ...................... 5105/78 218.62 %~1 140450 NATIONAL LINEN SERVICE TS- ? t~60 NATIONAL WELDING PRoDUC ............ 5/05/785105/7~L_ .... 67.40 5734 155600 ORTON CONSTRUCTION CO. 5/05/78 5105/78 117.83 160365 PAINT CENTER 5 7'8 5735 ~,,~.~p~a~H ~OM~UNIC~T-ION~ ........... 5/0 ~. - ....... 5736-------.-16~4 .......... - 5/05/78 18.~8 5737 I6~410 PAiN BEACH NEWSPAPERS 57~8 161511 PEACOCK, S RADIATOR SER¥IC 5/05/78 ..... 573~- ' -- 5105178 57~0 182780 RICH NOTO~S, INC. 569.l~ 57~1 ~8~700 ~OWLAND TRUCK EQUIP-, INC 5105178 5~g2 - 5/05/78 Ig, lg5-~8 574~ ' JSbSO0 RUSSELL i AXON 5/05/78 288.00 O0 S.O.U.S-, INC. 57~ lgOZ ....... 5~05/78 ............ ~5 190~ ~ -- 5/05/Y8 8,BgT.O0 ~ 19046S SANDPIPER CONST. INC. 10.00 5746 5/05/~8 57~7 190959 OLYVE E. SC HOOLEY ...... 5105178 - 5748____~.9~52~_~EACRE~-VE-TE~IN~RY 5749 191600 SERVICE EOUIP- CO., INC- 5105178 688.'80 5/05/T8 49.94 . ~NDUSTRIAL SUPPtY 5750 19:1630 SERVICE _ 5/~5/Z8 ........... 575L ..... l~3g12 __LEON _S~ILE~ .......................... 5/05/78 53.51 5752 I94300 SNON CONCRETE CORP- 5753 Ig$70g SOUTHERN MyDRAuLICS ~ EOU 5105178 ...... 5105178 ......... ...... 5754 ..... lg6392 ~iLLfAM~ULLI~AN 5/-~1/7~ CITY OF BOYNTON ...... __O_.U~L.-S_T- A N D. .! N G VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME BEACH PAGE 4 C...~-E.C K.S ................................... CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 5756 2005~2 TAYLOR RENTAL CENTERS 5/05/78 7.47 ...... 5757_~ ..... 20~5~1.0 _~_RA~.FO~D IRACI~R--CQ ........ 5Z05/78 .............. 5758 2~28~0 VIKING ENTERPRISES 5105/78 ~78.00 5/05178 25.00 5759 ~ 2,32550 TON WILLIA S OAVID WRIGHT [ SON, INC. 5/05/78 352.44 5762 Z~60B 57~ XEROX CORPORATION [~I~T.~EI_VE-.CI-~ARGES~ ARNO PRESS ATLANTIC NATIONAL BANK SALES 5/05/78 125.46 5/09/78 12~00 5/09/78 5/09/78 134.33 5~68~' BoBo AUTO PARTS~ INC. 5/09/78 21.0~ < 5~0{ ~g THE BAKER [ TAYLOR CO. 5/09/78 ~ll ~2:]~00 BILL'S ~ILITARY STORES- 5/~9/78 23.~5 ~3~ 'QZ~52 R.R. BOWKE~ CO- 5109178 5774~ 024~:10 BOYNTON AUTO SUPPLY 5109178 5~76 0~4~7 BOYNTON BUILDERS SUPPLY 5109178 72.42 5~79 ~0- BROW~RD PU~P ~ SUPPLY CO. ~/O~/ ~ 5785 04~00 DEFRAY CHEMICAL CO. 5/09/78 57861 ~1-~0 DENSBERGER FIRE EgUIP. CO 5/09/78 35.00 5789~. 0~0 EMERGENCY ONE 5109/78 : 26,861; 5~-91~ 05~pO EOUIPMENT RENTAL 5/09/78 100.00 5792~ 0~5 FAIRCHILD PRODUCTS CORP. 5/09/78 84.00 5~g~; O~5 u~LE RESEARCH CO. 5/0g/78 140.Bg 5yg5~' ~755~0 GULF 0IL CORP. 5/0g/78 66.~0 5796~ ..... ~-~95 _~OFCN~N_P~LIC~T-IONS .............. 5/09/78 ..... 1~0.- 5797~ ~0 ~NOI~N RIVER COMMONTIY CO 5/09/78 7.85 5~B~ ~0 j ~ J BLUEPRINTERS _5f0g/78 Ag.lO 580~ 10~5 JAMESTOWN PUBLISHERS 5/09/78 2.25 580~ ~,[4~25 KNOWLEDGE INDUSTRY PUBLIC 5/0g/78 24.50 5~ 0~ .... ~ i~90----SUZ ANN~. ~._--KRUS~ - ........... .... 5/091 ~8 ............... 58~ ~3:~J0 ~H[TT ~ACDO~ELL ~10~1~8 5~04 ~20 MAC~ILL~N PUBLISHING CO. 5/09178 1.36 5~5 ......... [~27- .MAIN STREET.-BOOKSSLLE&S ......... 5/09/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 5 5/31/78 Mg~507 ...... Q U T S.T A.N..D.[ N G , C ~ E £ K S .................... CHECK ~ VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME CHECK D~TE TOTAL ANQu~T ~, 5~06 1~0500 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INS, 5/09178 581.71 5807 1~0960 MCGRAW HILL BOOK CO, 5/09/78 27.29 5809 ~3~570 ~JLLIAN ~O~QW [ CO,, [NC 5/09/78 5~,76 "7 5833 020170 B.B~ AUTO PARTS, INC, 5712/78 5834 ...... 5835 021530 BEANE EXTERMINATING CO, 5/12/78 5836 024725 BOYNTON BCHo FEDERAL 5/12/78 583~ 02-4~730 ....... BOY,ION ..BE ACtoR ET.I ~ENEN~ .......... 51&~178, 5838 02~765 BOYNTON GUN & LOCK, INC. 5112/78 5839 030500 CARR SOIL ~ SOD 5112/78 58~i 0~0~00 E ~ S PRODUCTS CO. 5/I2/ 5842 050~77 ECONO AUTO BAKE SYSTEMS 5/12/78 5844 062910 FIRST BANK & TRUST 5/12/78 5845 063800 FLORIDA UNEMPLOYMENT FUND 5/12/78 5846 ...... 06~55-~ 5847 064600 FOUR STEEL CORPORATION 5/12/78 58~8 070~00 ~ETTY GARRtGA 5/~2/78 58~9 ...... 074500 ._CHA~LES-~ODEREY ................ 5/12/-7~ -- 5850 075467 REJEAN N, GRENIER 5/I2/78 58~I 075530 R.L, GRUNMONS PRINTING 5/I2/78 5852 .... 075580 GULE--OIL-CQRP ..................... 5/12/78 585~ 075581 GULF OIL CORPORATION 5/12/78 5854 5855 5810 141600 THOMAS NELSON ~ SONS 5/09/78 24,08 5811 - .160407..PALM BEACH-HY. DRAULIC-OACK-- 5Z09/78 ...... ' 12-9..48 5812 162790 PIERCE TIRE CO., [NC. 5709178 2,101.85 5813 162799 PIERtAN PRESS 5109/78 25.00 581~ ....... 16~7.0 ..... ~i~NEY P,~OWE:~ ....................... ~5~09178- 5815 153610 PLASTIC WINDOW PRODUCTS 5/09/78 17.50 5816 166180 PUBLIC LIBRARY JOHNSON CO 5/O9/78 7.50 5817 ..... ~_~I~2~:__R~CORCL-.SHAfT. K ........... 5709/78 ..... ~-~1~ .... 5818 190~55 JOHN C. SCHULAR 5/09/78 t00.00 5819 191510 SEACREST PETROLEUM CO, 5/09/78 5819 .......19L510- ..... g~ACREg~-PE~ROLEUM-CO,- ............ 5109-f78 5820 196003 STANDARD ~ POOR'S CORP, 5/09/78 120,00 582t 19~0~0 STATE-OF FLORIDA OEPT- 5109178 22,50 5822 .... ~96~11 - S~P~R~EN~NT-O~DOCU~EN 5109178 ..... 5825 216390 UNIJAX 5f09/78 26.82 5824 2Ib415 UNIVERSAL BEACH SERVICE 5/09/78 162.50 5825 --~.2~04.00 .... g~gL~S--~AL~N~g,-~ ............ 510917~ ~5~ 5826 2B05~5 WATER HYDRANT SERVI~ 5~09~78 B,712.50 5827 291600 XEROX ~ORPORAYION 5/OgfY8 5829 015500 VEVA ARMBRUSTER 5/12778 10.00 5830 016000 ATLANTIC HARDWARE 5712/78 94.43 5831 ...... ~Oi~O~O ~TLANTIC .NAtIONAL--BANK .... - 5/12/78 ......... 5852 OiE~iO AUTOMATIC FASTENERS 5/12/78 47.I0 451.0T -L9-7-~22 .... 160.50 7,016.07 455.52 985.00 -52~80--- 294.80 180.00 ____ 6-1-g~-gO 11,834.55 2,825.38 29.29 30.00 100.00 45.00 3,518.56 080310 H~LSEY £ GRIFFITH, INC. 5/12/78 2,039.75 100200 . J_~._J_BLUEPRINIERS ....... 5/1217-8 .............. ~5.Jfft--. 5/51/78 CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH PAGE 6 . ~BA5D7 ........ 0 U .[_& 'T _A.N_D._I. 4_G .... C H E~C K S CHECK ~ VENDOR 8 VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 5~56 100310 JACK"S CAMERA CENTER 5/12/78 252.59 5857 10~600 JONES EOUIPMENT COo 5/12/78 99.24 5858 . 1[1580 .... KELLY.I~AC[OR--CO .................. 5/12/78 ............... 5~59 i12815 KIRK MATERIALS. INC. 5/12/78 i08.00 5860 t14600 KOPY KING PRINTING CENTER 5112/78 112.I5 58~1 .... 1~80.0 ...... LI~.&LE]L__LU~E~_C~ .................. 5/12/78 ...... 5862 ~30{00 MANHATTAN TROPHIES 5/12/78 227.75 5863 ~31656 BERNICE MERRtTT 5/12/78 20.00 586~ ....... 13~*-65Q ..... GENF__NOQ~E ......................... ~IZ/-Z~ 5865 135~10 ~R. O'S PAINT [ BGDY SHOP 5/12/78 25.00 5866 136~20 MUNICIPAL POLICE 5/12/78 954.12 5868 142720 JO~N NIEBEL 5/I2/78 100.00 5869 150900 OCEAN CITY LUMBER CO. 5/12/78 6~.~0 5871 160~81 ~ALM BCH. JR. COLLEGE 5/12/78 2~.00 5872 162750 PICARD CHEMICAL CO. 5/12/78 ~38.76 5874 1655~0 LOUIS PROSSEN 5,12,78 ,8.82 5875 166200 PUBLIX MARKET 5,12/78 92.57 5877 1817g0 JOHN R,YNQLOS 5,12,7~ - ~76.50 5878 186320 RU-DIK ~JNTING 5112/78 376.20 5880 191510 SEACREST PETROLEUM CO. 5/12/78 931.79 5881 191600 SERVJCE EgU]P. CO.~ INC. 5/12J78 684.~0 ....... 5882 ..... ~&~ ...... &~L.~OWA~E-.C~ INC ........ 5/12/7L 5883 19~912 LEON SMILES 5/12/78 ~27.50 588~ 19~950 SHITH MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES 5J12/78 212.25 5~86 ~96010 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPT. OF 5/12/78 . 5887 196015 STATE OF FLORIDA 5212/78 ~07.91 .......... 5~8 .... I~9.5.__S.~.~-E~CIR[C .... 5Z.12Z~8 ~93 5889 200390 TAMPA t~MATURE WORKS. INC 5/12/78 22.00 5890 210150 U.S, POSTMASTER 5/12/78 850.00 ........... 5891 ~216~7 .... U~I~.ED~A-~GS~ ...... 5/12/78~. 1~0 5892 221650 A. R~CHARD VERZAAL 5/t. 2/78 158.40 589~ 2~6~20 JAMES WURTH 5/12/78 100.00 5895 015990 ATLANTIC COAST FIRE CO. 5/16/78 18.50 5896 016~00 AUTOPRODUCTS. INC. 5/~6/78 6.69 .589~ ........ 02Q~61 B~EY~S._~UMP~..-.INC ...... - 5/:16/78 5898 021700 BETHESOA MEMORIAL 5/16/78 75.71 5899 022930 BISHOP'S 5/16/78 5901 02~760 BOYNTON GLASS SERVICE. 5/16/78 16.00 5902 026380 BULLDOG ENTERPRISES 5/16/78 15.80 5903 .... 032905 ___CI_T_Y_~.DEER~[E~BEACH .......... 5/16ZZ8 .......... 590~ 03~915 COPPER S~LES CO. 5/16/78 555.13 59~5 040500 DAVIS METER g SUPPLY 5~16~78 935.00 5/31/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 7 MBAS07 ........ O..U T S T A,N ,D-I N G C fi_E £_.K S CHECK ~ VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT -~ 5907 062800 FIRE EOUIPo SALES E 5/16/78 5.50 -- 5908 075450 GRAYB~R ELECTRIC CO. INC. 5116178 5909 ~75500 ...... GRIFFIN POLLUTION -. 5/16/78 ............ 5910 075610 GULFSTREAM LUMBER CO. 5/16/78 515.50 5911 111510 KEATTS TRUCKING SERVICE 5/16/78 158.00 5912 1SL550 - ME£HANIC~-UNtFORM SERVICE ..... 5/16/78 ................. 5915 160381 PALM BCH. JRo COLLEGE 5/16178 20.00 5914 181760 REVENUE SNARING ADVISORY _ 5/16/78 40.00 ......... 5915 ..... 1-91.10~ _-&C~T~Y~ ......................... 5/_16/7-8- ~916 191530 SERVICE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY ' 5/16/78 678.41 5917 19~990 SMITTY'S SERVICE SHOP 5/16/78 184.4t 5919 196009 PAUL STARTZMAN 5/~6/78 230.77 5920 196~70 STEVEN'S DRUGS 5/16178 5922 222800 VIKING ENTERPRISES 5/16/78 5923 232480 HERB W]LLARD T~UCKING 5/16/78 963.00 5925 01~650 ALL OUT CONT~ACTOffS, INC. 5/t9/78 5926 0~780 ALLIED CHLORINE ~ 5119/78 1~723.78 15.00 68.56 5928 5929 5930 5931 5932 5933 593~ 5935 5937 5938 0tfi9~80 DR. ROBERT ~o ATNINS 5/19/]8 020100 B ~ H SALES 5/19/78 021202 BO. OF CO. COMMISSIONERS 5/19/78 1,977.60 021610 BELWIN HILLS PUBLISHING 5/19/78 100.00 024725 .... BO~NTONBCH.-EEDER&L .......... 5/19/78 .............. 7~006--07 ~24730 BOYNTON BEACH RETIREMENT 5/19/78 2~97.59 025610 STEVE BRUNNER 5119/78 122.85 0~0290 ..... C.L.S.-CORP ............ 5/19/78 .1~.0~ 0303~5 CALGON CORP. 5/t9/78 2,050.00 ~30540 CASE POWER ~ EOUIPMENT CO 5/19/78 10,86~.00 5939 032400 .... 5940 032625 JOHN CHUREY 59~t 034550 COCA COLA BOTTLING CO. 5942 ...... 0~1684 ..... JOH~-DE-NSON ......... 5943 044750 DOUBLEDAY ~ CO. 5944 050~00 EAST COAST FIRE EOUIP. 5946 061505 FRANK D. & MAYBELLE E. FE 5947 062820 FIRENEN'S RELIEF ~ --- 5949 ...... 062-910---gI~S-T~ANK-~S-X~US~ 5949 063,746 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE JOINT 5950 066500 FUTURA PRINTING 5952 070410 GAYLORD BROTHERS 5953 072670 HENRY Eo GIBSON, SEC, TRE 51t9/78 200.00 5119/78 59.70 5/19/78 12.69 5/19/78 321.00 '5/I9/78 5/19/78 622.87 5/lg/7B 40.00 5/19/78 I0.00 .~lgZ~8- ...... 30=00---- 5/19/78 20.20 5/i9/78 I6.00 38.00 ..... 5954 ..... 074500_- CHARLES_GOdfREY ................. 5119/7~ 5955 074587 JULIETTE GOOOSELL 5/19/78 5956 075530 R.L. GRUMMONS PRINTING 5/19/78 595~ 08:I605 ..... ~.E-RR~-HENE.S ................. ~Y-19/78 5/31/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 8 CHECK ,~ VENDOR # VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL 'AMOUNT 59'58 090,100 IoB.M. CO~PORAT I ON, 5/19/78 3,83?,,0'0 5959 1t0300 HENffY KAHI YA 5/19/78 ~6.45 5961 [29560 LAWNMOWER HOSPYTAL 5962 124760 &OHM LOWERY ........ 596t ...... :~3~3~0 ...... MAC~IZLAf'L_~UBLtS~L-NSG~O-. - " 5964 134650 GENE MOORE 5965 136420 MUNICIPAL POLICE ........ 5966_ ...... ~.~0~45 _NAT],ONA,L_GEOG~A~EIC~OC-IE- 5967 140~61 NA~IONALURBAN LEAGUE 5/19/78 358.00 5/19/78 56.95 5/19/78 5/19/78 907.42 5/19/78 '5,00 5968 144590 NORENE CONSTRUCTION 5/19/78 5_969 __.t6G4.2Q _.RAI~F~C~ELOEE 1CE---~IIP P L ~ ...... --5~19278 5970 16~ 5~ JIM PATTERSON 5/19/78 5971 161600 PENN~LT C~PORAT [ ON 5/19/78 ............ 5972 ...... L&ZZ~O~_IC - ~I.~- ./R AV.E L AGONY ........ 5219/~_8 5973 180500 EVA RAYMOND 5974 182849 JUNE RIPLEY 5976 182970 RIVERSIDE AVONDALE PRESER 5977 186310 RUBIN CONSTRUCTION CO. .5978 .... 5979 192790 CAROLYN SIMS 5980 193912 LEON SMILES 5119/78 5/19/78 5Zl-9Z-7~ 5119/78 5119/78 51191-18 5119178 5/19/78 5981 ....... 1947D~ .... S~LLYHE~RN~BELL_IELE~HONE ....... 5./19/72 5982 202545 HANK THOMPSON REALTY, INC 5/19/78 5983 207600 TYPE 'N COPY SOPPLIES INC 5/19/78 IO0.O0 i00.,,00 2,753.17 30.,00 16.00 9.12 l · 374.62 100. O0 127.50 1 · 000. O0 60. O0 5984 ...... 23020~- 5985 230451 ~ALLACE [ TIERNAN 5/19/78 984.42 5986 231755 WEST CONSTRUCTION 5/19/78 5.409o00 5988 2~4687 WORKING CRAFTSMAN 5719/78 2.95 5989 530009 NICHOLAS ATHENS 5/19/78 9.85 ........... 5990 ..... 5991 530019 MRS. H.A. AMBROSE 5119/78 12.50 5992 540008 BILTMORE BLDG. CO. INC. 5/19/78 12.20 5993 ....... 54003~_~_~-_BAG~NSt<.L 5994 540039 CHERYL L. BARTENS 5/19/78 5995 540040 OR~ZIO BASCIETTO 5/19/78 5997 540042 LINOA E. 50YER 5/19/78 5998 540043 M.J. BREWER 5/19/78 5999 .... 540044 .... ~EORGI.~BUCKLEY 5/19/7~- 6000 540045 ALBERT BUSSCHER 5/~9/78 6001 540046 BUTLER ~ OENBRINK. INC. 5/19/78 6002 - 540037. __L--.BAGINSKI ................ --5/29Z-7~ "-- 6003 5400~8 ANTHONY R. BELFORD 5/19/78 6004 540049 BEULAH BROWN 5/19/78 6005 ...... 550002 ..... C.L.S~.-CORP .... £: ........................ 5119178 6006- 550053 PAUL CARLSON 5/19/78 6007 550054 HARRY A. CHAPIN 5/i9/78 6008 ....... 550055---CITY-MERCHANDISE CO.--~NC. 5/I9/78 7.20 12.20 4.70 4.70 4°70 95.10 3.-93 - 3.50 12o20 .... &g.gO - 7.50 4.70 5/31/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 9 1'45A507 ........... 0 U--T S.-T-A N D I-N--G. CHECKS TOTAL AMOUNT 19.40 CHECK ~ VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE 6009 550056 EDDIE CLICKNER 5/I9/78 ~ 6010 550057 GEORGE CRAIG 5/19/78 6011 . .-550058 .ALLEN ~..CULLEN ........... 5/19/78 L~-~ 6012 560033 OTERA C. DEGRASSE 5t19/78 6013 560034 SAUL DIAZ 5/19/78 -- 6014 560~35 .... REV~-.HELMUI DIETRICH ............... 5/19/78 6015 560036 JOSEPH DOUGHERTY 5/19/78 6016 580~I5 FEDERAt HOUSING ADN. 5/19/78 t ........ 60I-~ ......... 5~OOi~S--PERCY--~ULKNER .............................. 5~19/78 6013 580017 GEORGE A. FFRGUSON 5/I9/78 12.20 4.70 6.15 1.90 7.00 6.50 6019 580018 JOSEPH FERRAR 5/19/78 12.20 .m~'. .... 6020 ...... 58~0~ $~E-LOON-FRIEOLANO ............... ~/19/7~ ........ ~ 7=2~0~.- ~ 6921 590014 EARL W. GEHMAN 5/19/78 6022 590015 DOUGLAS GERKEN 5/19/78 ......... 6~gB ...... ~90~16---~RR-Y---GLAN~ ..................... 5/19/-78 6024 590017 ALMERT M. GREENLEAF 6025 5900t~ WILLIAM GRUMMER ........ 60gA ~:~O~D~O~8 ..... O~AN--Pb~RMON~ 6027 600039 KATHERINE HARVEY 6028 6000~0 A. HERNANOEZ 6030 6~0~2 ARTHUR HOFFMAN' " 6031 6000G3 DONALD B. HOWARD 6033 610001 IIT FLORIDA C~P. 60~ 620014 OORIS JEFFERSON 6036 630023 KENN]E J. KILLJAN 6037 630024 JOSEPH KNOLL 6039 6~0026 GEORGE A. KURNATH 60~0 630027 JOSEPH W. KUSHNER 5/19/78 5/19/78 5/~-9/~ 5119/78 5119/78 5/-1.947~ 5119/78 5/19/78 5/19/78 5119178 ..... 5.1-1-9/7.~ 5/19/78 5/19/78 5t-1917& ........ 5/19/78 5/19/78 60~1 ...... 63002J3- _,aI_~-K~-WINt~L ................. 5/1.9/-7J3- 6042 630029 GEORGE A. KURNATH 5/19/78 6043 62~0032 LOS MANGOS DEV VENTURE 5/19/78 604~ ....... ~00~3 .... DONALO~LANKLIN 5/-19~78 6045 6400~4 DON LANK~N 5119/78 6046 bAOOB5 ANN LYNCH ' 5/19/78 604~ ........ 65~03 -__~RD- MALLO~ 57L9./78 6048 650057 HERBERT alNN~" 5/~9/~8 6049 650058 GILBERT MICHAELS 5/19/78 6050 ....... 650~5g 6051 66000b RONALD NYE 6052 660007 C.A. NICHOLSON 605S ..... 680023 .... 6054 ~80024 FELICJE PENN 5/19/78 6055 680025 KATHLEEN PENNACHI 5/19/78 ..... 6056 ...... 680026 ...... J~ WILLARD_P-IPE~ 6057 680027 JOHN C. PITNEY 5/19/7B 6058 700029 CLYDE RADER JR. 5/19/78 .6059 ..... 7000~0 AL~ERI.RAMSEY ................... ~Z19/78 6.50 6.55 22_-~00--.- 7.50 11.50 --~ 2~L-.- 7.20 3.30 2.50 4.70 23.00 5.00 · 11~50-- t1.15 4.70 15.00 7.20 11.00 27.20 15.00 7.20 6.15 . 6.50 5119/.28 ....... 2.20-- 5/19/78 12.20 5119178 4.70 9~.AO 4.70 6.15 2 6.50 7.50 LB~O0 5/31/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 10 _~MBA507 ......... O_U CHECK ~ VENDOR # VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 6060 700031 ROBERT D. REEVES 5/19/78 1.20 6061 700'032 FRANK ROMANO 5/19/78 4.70 6063 70003~ JOHN P. RYAN 5/19/78 6.50 6064 700035 BEN REYNOLDS 5/19/78 16.10 .... 6065 ........ 710053.----M~%RJ~-~/kJBAN ............................. 5Jl9138 ...... I~L.XIO 6066 710052 ~AY SANFORD 5/19/78 4.00 6067 7~0053 VIOLE~ SCHUMANN 5/19178 4.70 .......... 6068 6069 710055 BRUNO W. STUART 5/19/78 13.30 6070 ?Z0023 BERNARD W. TACY 5119178 7.50 6072 740012 NIEVES VILLANUGVA 5/19/78 3.80 6073 740013 CARL VOGT 5/19/78 4.70 60T5 780002 'FRED ZONA 5/t9/78 12.20 6076 790759 CITY OF ~OYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 7.80 ......... 6077 __ 7-907_6,L~i/~--~F-_BO.Y.N/Q~85AC~ 5/I~78 ---- ~5 6078 790761 CITY OF BOYNTON B~ACH 5/19/78 7.80 6079 790762 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH . 5/t9/78 2,80 ~O 79076~--CL~O~-.BGY.NTON-BEACM- 5L19ZI& 608l 790764 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 5.60 60~2 790765 CITY 8F BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 2.80 6084 790787 CITY OF BOYNTON 8~ACH 5/19/78 2.80 60~5 790768 CITY O~ BOYNTON B:tCH 5/19/78 11.90 5086 6Os7 790770 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/,19/78 ~.90 6088 790771 CITY OF BOYNYON BEACH 5/19/78 2,80 .... 6089 ........ 60~0 '790?7S CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 , 2.80 6091 790774 CITY OF BOY,ON BEACH 5/19/7~ 2.80 7907~77 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~5~00---~. 5119/78 15.00 5/19178 15.00 5119/78 15.00 5/19/78 7.25 5Z1-9-/18 7:50 -- 5119/78 10.60 5/19/78 2.80 ..... 5/19/38 ................... LETO0 - 5/lg/T8 2.80 5/lg/78 ~.80 6096 790779 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 6097 790780 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH --609 8- .... 790-781 CI_T Y 0 E - BCiY-NI-[lN~BSAC.t4--- 6099 ?90782 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 6100 790783 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH -6101 --- 790784---- C I T Y---[IE--BO~' NT ON.-B E ~CH- 6102 790785 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 6103 790786 CITY OF BOYNTON 6104 790781--CITY-OF--BOY.NTON-BEAC~ ........... 5119/38 ......... 5~--OQ. _ 6105 790788 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 8.85 6106 790789 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5119/78 9.37 -6107 ---790790---CI~Y_OE BOYNTON-BEACH ................ 5/19/~8 ....... 5.60 .- 6108 790791 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 15.00 6109 790792 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 8.00 -6110 -----790793 .... CITY-OE-BOYNION.~EACH ............. 5t19/38 $/3t/78 BEACH PAGE I1 _C H E_C K..S M,~ b G 7 CHECK # VENDOR ~ VENDOR NINE CHECK DATE IOTAL AMOUNT 611I 79~794 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 6112 79~795 ~ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 6113 790796 CITY ~ BOYNTON gEACH . . 5/t9/78 61t~ 790797 CITY OF BOYNTON B~ACH 5~19/7B 8.50 6115 790798 CITY OF 80YNTON ~EACH 5/19/78 8.45 5116 .... 79~799 CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC~ ..... 5/I9/78 7~5Q 6117 79'0'~00 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 100.00 5/19/78 15.00 ' 3.50 6120 79~80~ . CITY ~ BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 al2i 79080~ CITY OF ~OYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 100.00 a123 790806 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 7.80 612~ 790'807 CITY OF BOYNTaN ~EACH 5/19/78 15.00 6126 790809 CITY OF 50YNTON BEACH 5/19178 15.00 CITY OF GOYNTON O U T S T A.N D I N G 6118 790801 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 6119 ........... 7908(12 ..... ~I T.Y_~]~F_t~[LYN-T-DN- t~EA~zi 6127 790810 'CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 6128-- .... 7908~1 6129 790812 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 6130 T90813 CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH 613 1 ........ 790,&1~ .... CI~-~ OF-.BOYa~ON--.BEACH 6132 790815 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 6133 790816 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 6134 ..... ?-9081-7 .... CI~¥.-~.~4~3YNTO'~ ~E-~CH 6135 790818 CITY OF BOYNTQN 8EACH 5/19/78 7.50 .... 5/19/78 5/19178 8.50 5/19/78 15.00 _5/i9/~8 - 5/19/7B 7.50 5/19/78 2.80 5/19/78 7.50 6196 790819 CITY OF ~OYINTON BEACH 5/19/78 3.50 6137 -. -799,820 ....... CITY-OF ~O~TON B~ACH ............ 5/19/78 ......... ~50 6138 790821 CITY OF ~OY'NT~N BEACH 5/19/78 3.85 6159 790822 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 2.80 6140 ...... 790823 .... CIT-Y GF-~O~N~ON t~EACH ........... 5/19~7B ............ ~.5~-- 6141 ?90824 CITY ~F BOYNTON BE~CH 5/19/78 7.80 6142 790825 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 15.00 6143 79~826 ..... CI..~Y--OE-BOY~T-ELN-BE~CH ............. 5/.19/78 ............. 7~50 6144 790827 CITY OF BOYN~ON BEACH 5/19/78 2.80 6145 790828 CITY OF BO~NTQN BEACH 5/19/78' 7.50 6146 ...... 7-90929 ...... CI~Y-.OF-~BO~N~ON-~ACH- ......... 5/t9/78 -2~>.00--- 6147 7908~0 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 2.80 6168 790831 CITY OF BOYNTON B,EACH 5/19/78 25.00 6150 7908BB CITY OF 80YNTON BEACH 5/19/78 15.00 6151 790834 CITY OF BOYNTQN BEACH 5/19/78 6152 - T9~8~5 .... CI-T-Y--OF-8OYNTONfL~--ACH .... 5/19Z78 ....... 6153 790838 CITY OF BOYNTaN ~EaCH 5/19/78 7.50 6154 790837 CITY OF BOYNTON 6EACH 5/19/78 2.80 6156 790839 CITY OF BOYNTON B~ACH 5/lg/78 15.00 6157 790840 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 8.50 6158 .... Y90841 ..... CI.T-Y OF B~YNTaN-BEACH ............... 5/19/78 ...... 6159 790842 CITY OF ~OYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 15.00 6160 7908~ CITY OF BOYNTON ~E~CH 5/19/78 2.80 al6I ...... ZgOa~4 --CITY-OF-B~YNI~N..BEACH ................ 5/19/78. 7~- 5/SI/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE I2 CHECK '"- 6162 61 ~3 . 6164 6165 6166 6167 ~ YENDOR # VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 79~0~45 CITY OF 8OYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 2.80 790846 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 790848 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 799849 CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH ~0850 £.I~y_OE._BOYN~ON--~EACH --~ 5/19/78 15.00 5/19/78 ............... 3~511--- 5/19/78 5.60 5/19/78 15.00 51L917~ ............ 2.8.0--- 6168 6170 6171 6172 6174 79~0851 CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH 5/19/78 790852 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/76 790~54 CITY OF 80YNTON ~EACH 5/i9/78 790855 CITY OF 50~NTGN ~EACH 5/19/78 7g0857 CITY OF 80YNTON BE~CH 5/lg/78 6175 790,858 CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH 5/19/78 ........... 6176 - ~85~___CJ_T~__OE_BGYNTO~-BEiCH-- .............. 5lI9/78 6177 790860 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5119/78 6178 79086I CITY OF BOYNTON B~ACH 5/19/78 6t80 790863 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/lg/78 6lB1 790864 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 ~ 6t82 7~865 ..... C~T_I~_O~_~OY~TOt~-BEACH ........ 5/19/78 618~ 790~56 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/I9/78 6IB~ 790867 CITY OF ~OYN~ON BEACH 5/i9/78 6186 790869 CITY OF BOYNT~N BEACH 5/I9/78 5187 7~-870 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/I9/78 ....... 6188 .... 790~71..__~I_Y_OE--E~Y~-~L-~C~ ............. ~/19/T8 61~9 7~0872 CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 6190 790873 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 6192 790875 CITY OF BOY~NT~N BEACH 5/ig/78 8.85 5.60 7.50- - 6.50 8.50 2.80 50~.00 8.50 ls_r{O _ 5.00 3.50 15.00 2.80 ........ 30~00- - 9.20 7.50 .......... 50.00~ 15.00 IO0.O0 ..... 50.00 6195 6196 6199 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 790878 CITY OF BOYNTGN BEACH 5/19/78 790879 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 ..... ~90880_.~I_TY._OF_BOYIqIOALBEAC~-- 51.19/78 790881 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 790882 CITY OF BOYNTON 8EACH 5/19/78 ..... ~90883. C. LT.~.OE__BOY-b~TON--BEJXCFL ..... 5/1 g/Z8 790884 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/19/78 790885 CITY OF BOYNTON BE~CH 5/19/78 .... 790886- CI~_OF__B.OYNION BEAC~ ............. 5/19/78 790887 CITY OF BOYNTON BE~CH 5~19/78 6205 790888 CITY OF BOYN~ON BEACH 5/i9Z78 6206 .... 7908&~- ~Y-~F B~YN~__BEAC~ ................ 5YI9~78 6207 7~890 CITY QF'BOYNTON BEACH 5/I9/78 6193 790876 CITY OF ~OY~NT~ BEACH 5/19/78 50.00 6194 .____290,8Z2 ....... C[~Y=_OF_~OYNTD~N.BE.ACM-- 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 15.00 2.80 30.00 7.50 15~0 15.00 6208 790891 CITY OF BOYNTON 8EACH 5/19/78 2.80 6209 ...... 790892 .... CITY_OE_BOYNION-~EACH .......... 5/I9/78 .......... ~.5~00----- 6210 011200 AGARS CHEVROLET 5/2~/78 267°76 b211 013781 ALLIED ELECTRIC 5/2~/78 61038 6212 ....... 014070 .... ~MERICAN SIG~.T~E~ING ~OU~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH O Li T $ T.A.N-D I N G C H E C K S PAGE CHECK ~ VENDOR # VENDOR NAME 6213 016300 AUTOPRODUCTS, INC. 6214 ~20170 B.Bo AUTO P~RTS, INC. 6215 ~20300 BADGE~ .METER, INCo 6216 023760 LINDA BLOOME 6217 ~24710 BOYNT~N AUTO SUPPLY CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 5/23/78 270o9L 5t23/78 129.05 5/23/78 ........... 5/23/78 40.00 5/23/78 790.79 6218 -- 02566D .... LARRY BRYSON ......................... 5/23/78 6219 0~41595 DELRAY AWNING 5/23/78 6220 041684 JOHN DENSON 5/23/78 90. O0 16.00 6222 044650 ~N'S ALIGNMENT 5/23/78 t4.50 6223 045418 DREW CHEMICAL 5/23/78 896.43 6225 063690 FLORIDA BOLT ~ NUT 5/23/78 15.60 6226 063700 FLORIDA BRAKE E 5/23/78 6227 ..... 065620 ..... ~RIG[D-.FLUID-COMPANY ................ 5/2.3-/7~ 6228 071550 GENERAL GMC TRUCK ' 5/23/78 358.98 6229 072700 'WILLIE GIBSON , 5/23/78 51.00 6230 .... 0Y4610 ---GORtLLA~-MOIO~$ L ~/23/78 6231 080310 HALSEY i GRIFFITH, INC. 5/23/78 2~8.62 6232 080550 HAUSER MOTOR CO. 5/23/78 23.39 62~4 084664 HOME SERVICE 5/23/78 23.90 62~5 086350 HUCKLEBUCK MUSIC 572~/78 75.00 62~6 .... &O0310 JAC~S.-.CA~-~-CENT-E~ ................ 5/23/7g-- 6237 120450 LANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS 5/23/78 538.37 6238 120490 LAS-SANA ~TTACK TRAINING 5/23/78 62.00 6239 13~680 ....... ~ARTIN HE-TH ........................... 5/23/78 ................ 62~0 ]3~650 uEN~ MOORE 5/23/~8 56,7L3.~0 6241 153310 KAR'EN OKENICA 5/23/78 36.00 62~3 160~95 PARANED~CS INTERNATIONal 5/23/78 12.00 6244 162790 PIERCE TIRE CO.. INC. 5/23/78 t,995.I7 62~5 .... 186320.- ~U=DIK-PRINTI. N~ ............... 5/23~78 .... ~5 6246 t90460 SANCHEZ HOSE E EOU~PNENT 5/23/78 73.7I 6247 i93510 SEACREST PETROLEUN CO. 5/23/78 ~82.98 6248 .......... 1.91600-~--~E~V-IC~--E.OU,Ig..-CO.-,--~NC ..... 5/2~/~8 ..... ~5 62~9 ~9L530 SERVICE INDUSTRIAL SUPPL~ 5123178 965.25 6250 19~990 SMITTY~S SERVICE SHOP 5123/78 3t.06 625t ........ 194709 ..... S~THER~HYDRAULI~-EQU 5123L7~ _.~5.8~ 6252 ~96008 STAR PUSL~SH[NG 5/23Z78 35~.27 6253 196009 PAUL STARTZNAN 5/23/78 50.00 6254 201520 ...... TEMKIN SHOE-CO ................. 5/23/78 ....... 6255 202850 TtSDALES 5/23/78 5256 221650 A. RICHARD VERZAAL 5/23/78 198.00 6257 .... 230450 --EARL WALLACE FORD,-INC. 5/23/78 ............... ~4.51 6258 232480 HERB NILLA~D TRUCKING 5/23/78 135.00 6259 235500 DAVID gRIGHT ~ SON, INC. 5/23/78 t9.99 5260 .... ~50017.. MARILYN L~-~AUNDERS ....... 5/23/78 ............. 6262 161720 PETTY CASH WATER E S~ER 5/24/78 15.22 6262 161720 PETTY CASH WATER & S~ER 5/2~/78 9.25 6262 ~ 032901 .-CIZY OF 8OYNZON BEACH ........ 5/2~/78 5/31/78 CITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH PAGE 14 .... ~BAS07 .................. 0 U T_ S..T_A.N.D_~__~LG ...... C H.E C K-S ......................... CHECK ~ VENDOR ~ VENDOR NAHE CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 6262 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5/24/78 2.49 6262 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON 8EACH 5/24/78 16.50 '_ ....... 6263 ....... ~6t720_ PETT~ C~S.~._WATER ~_~EWER ...... 5/25/18 ...................... 6263 161720 PETTY CASH WATER & SEWER 5/25/78 6263 0S2901 CITY OF BDYNTON BEACH 5/25/78 6°50 I, 626S 0~2901 CITY OF BOYNTON B,EACH 5/25/78 .: 6263 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON'BEACH 5/25/78 8°68 ?~- 6263 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5125/78 3.99 . 6263 032901 CITY OF BOYNTON 8EACH 5/25/78 9.88 526~ 0142~0 ~SIAH ANDREWS 5/25/78 55.00 6265 130950 WILLIE RUTH MCGRADY '5/25178 ~B.O0 6267 290006 ALMA COOK 5/26/78 L61.12 6268 ~40007 GUS R. HART 5126/78 6270 38000[ LA~ ~ARK G. 5/26178 627[ 390008 JERRY HOODY 5126/78 ' 6273 0103~0 ACCENT AWARDS 5/26/78 60.00 6274 011400 ADVANCE AIR CONOZTIONING 5/26/78 i66.25 .,~ ........... 6275 ....... 013110 ~LL.E~.C~IC~_C~ ........... 5/261YL ~[. 6276 013940 AMERICAN HEART ASSDCIATIO 5/26/78 150.00 6277 015500 VEVA ARMBRUSTER 5/26/78 10.00 ........ 627_8__ ~02~ZZ~_~OY~N_~H~E~~ ..... 5ZZ6Z~8 .... 6279 024730 BOYNTON BEACH RSTIREMENT 5/26/78 6280 024785 BOYNTON RESTAURANT SUPPLY 5126178 ......... &28i .... 026380-.--BULLDQG-ENT~RP~IS~ ............ 5Z26178 ...... 8~0 6282 030488 CARPETS OF LANTANA INC. 5126178 81.60 6283 03~550 COCA COLA BOTTLING C0. 5/26/78 29.85 ~-. 6285 036349 CUSTOM AMBULANCES 5/26/78 22.49 6285 0~1651 JOSEPH L. DEMARCO 5/26/78 116.45 .... 528~ ..... ~50200 '5--~S PRO~UC~ ........... 5/26/~ .... ~90 5288 053900 EMERGENCY MEDICAL ~ SAFET 5/26/78 169.55 6289 062820 F[REMEN'S RELIEF ~ 5/26/78 .620.24 5291 053720 FLORIDA EAST COAST 5/26/~8 5292 063780 FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT CO. 5/26/78 553.9B '- 6293 063787 ...... ~L.ORIDA--PUBLI~UI-IL~IIES ....... 5/26/78 ............. ~05 6294 070400 ~ETTY GARRIGA 5/26/78 BO.O0 6295 074500 CHARLES GODFREY 5/26/78 FO.O0 -~--- 6296 ..... 075450-----GRAYBAR-~LECT~IC.~O._INC ....... 5/2~/78 ............ 1L~2 ~ 6297 080310 HALSEY ~ GRIFFITH, INC. 5/26/78 567.20 ~ 6298 084700 HOX]E'S SHOE STYE 5/26/78 ..... 6299 ......... 104500 ..... JONES ~Q~.!~_~O, .................. 5Z26/78 I82.80 6300 1~0310 WHITI MACDOWELL 5/25/78 612.20 6301 130945 B[LL MCCONKEY 5/26/78 1~9.60 6~02 132770 MILLER BEARINGS ............................... 5/26/78 ........... 8.74 5/31/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE .MB~507 0 13 T_S T A N D I.N...G C H E C K S .... CHECK ~ VENDOR # VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT ' ' 6303 132787 PAN MINK 5/26/78 22.40CR ~. 6304 134575 MOM CHEMICAL .~O.~..INC 6305 134650 GENE MOORE 5/26/78 72,65~.60 6306 134665 ARNOLD A. NORETTO 5/26/78 100.00 6307 ._ 136420 MUNtCIPAL__~DLICE ......... 5/26/78 ......... 9~7~9 _ -~ 6308 161585 PENINSULAR ELEC. DISTRB. 5/26/78 33.93 6309 180500 EVA RAYMONO 5/26/78 30.00 6311 184700 ROWLAND TRUCK EQUIP., INC 5/26/78 73.92 6312 186500 RUSSELL K AXON 5/26/78 2,616.70 ~314 191524 SEA MIST MARINA 5/26/78 50.00 6315 191525 SEARS, ROE~CK g CO. 5/26/78 I3.45 6317 193912 LEON SMILES 5/26/?8 127.50 632~ 6346 6347 6349 6350' 6351 6353~ 6354 6355 6.318 194700 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE 6320 210140 U.S. NEWS g WORLD REPORT 6321 234700 WORTH CHEMICAL ~ PAINT CO ]32%_R7 ___~ MINK 011340 AUDIS ADKtNS 013720 ALLEN INSURANCE AGENCY 014300 CAZMEN ANNUNZIAIO 020100 B ~ H SALES .6357 5/26/78 _5 f 2.6/Z8 5/26/78 5/26178 5/26/78 5/30/78 ~130Z78 5/30/73 5/30/78 0203q0 ..... ~A~GER 2~EIEB,_INC ................... 5/30/_~8. 0~0440 THE BAKER ~ TAYLOR CO. 5/30/78 021700 BETHESDA MEMORIAL 5/30/78 ....... 024590 __I~OMA~ BOUBEGi___&_~O,.~ ............... 5130;78 030300 RICHARD D. CALDWELL 5/30/78 030301 DAVID CALDERONE 5/30/78 030588 MARSHALL CAVENDISH CORP. 5/30~78 032490 CHILTON BOOK CO. 5/30/78 140.52 _2_24. 22. O0 15.85 2_2.4_0 200.00 4,377.00 !g 50.00 835.10 726.32 26.70 85.00 4.20 _49, 9_5~ ..... 14.22 6358 034874 CONSUMER RESEARCH, INC. . 6359_ _ .... 041 650____J~S~R~_j~I~_~._ARC~___' 6360 044750 DOUBLEDAY ~ CO. 6361 063780 FLORIDA POWER ~ LIGHT CO. 6363 071545 MIKE GEH~ING 6364 072812 GIRL SCOUTS OF AMERICA 5130/78 5/30/78 5/30178 _513~J78 5/30178 5/30/78 8.98 85.00 20.54 28,961.51 85.00 2.80 11.79 . 6365 6366 075478 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING 6367 080428 EDWARD HARMENING ...... 6368 ..... Q8!602 6369 084600 JOSEPH T. HOLLAND C~ 6370 084690 EDGAR HOWELL _. 6371 6372 6373 ..... 6374 ....... _0 t5458. GRE A L O.U_I D_O UR S_. P_U~LI .S H IN G ....... 5/30/78 5/30/78 5130178 5130/78 100.380 ..... EMILY .J~C~ON ........... - ....... 5/30/7.8 104600 JONES EOUIPMENT CO. 5/30/78 110400 JEAN KARR g CO. 5/30/78 1115.50 BERT KEEHR 5/30/78 8.97 85.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 _ UOO~ _ 29.70 6.80 5 ~,_0~ .... 5/31/78 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 16 6375 114550 FRANK KOHL - 0376 114600 KQPY KING PRINTING CENTER 6377 .... ~20500 _. ~..~!HAM .................. 6~ 130320 MACMILLAN.PUBLISHING COo 6}79 13~650 GENE MOORE 6~80 t34670 WILLIAM MORROW G ~0o, INC 638I 141600 THOMAS NELSON ~ SONS C K S ..... CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 5t30/78 143.85 5/3Q/78 ..... ~.Z~,O0 5/30/78 5.07 5/30/78 2,333.00 5~30/73 - __=____ k~.7! _. 5/30/78 24.08 6382 156200 EDWARD OTT 160430 PALM BEACH RADIO, INC. 161650 CHARLES PER$ING 184517 DAVID ROBERTS 6~87 192760 SILVER 8URDETT 6388 196178 OSCAR ~. STISKIN 5/30/78 70.00 5~_3Qf7_~ 25.00 5/30/78 192.30 5/30/78 ~25.00 5/30/78 25.80 5/30/78. 527.00 ....... 6}89_ Z2_2~__09 __ __¥ ~L?~G~_N._T~..R?KL_S_E___S_ ............... 5/30178 6390 230200 6391 230989 639~ ..... 6393 232793 H.W. WILSON CO. 5/30/78 6394 232'808 EDWIN W. WENCH 5/30/78 6~9.~ ....... ~.32~09 ...... ~_IN~B_D.R~LI~_U.!N~!~C? .......... 5130778 6396 23~625 J. JoA. UOLF ERESH OISTo 5/30178 5397 234695 WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA 5130/78 6399 264550 BETTY ZOSEL 5/30/78 6400 ~i0004 EDWARD OTT 5/30/78 W.E.S.C.O. 5/30/78 32.76 WALT DISNEY EDUCATIONAL M 5/30/78 504.00 6416 025580 BRO - DART, 99. O0 125.00 6.67 6.00 10.95 20.00 B · 213.10 6401 ..... t96QgO ....... STATE OF FLORIDA DEpT .... 5131/18 ............. !3.50 6410 015500 VEVA ARMBRUSTER 5/3t/78 10.00 6411 020470 BARNES INDUSTRIES. INC. 5/31/78 132.88 641.2 ...... 923~ .... ~RNA~L~ ........................ 5731178 ...... 6413 024700 BOYNTON AUTO GLASS ~ 5/31/78 55.00 6414 024725 BOYNTON 8CH. FEDERAL 5/31178 7~029.57 6415 ......... 92~%3Q _~OYNTQN_~Oc~_RETIBEM_EN~ ........ 5~31/78 ...... INC. 5/31/78 13.20 6417 030460 CAPEL KLANG COMPANIES 5/31178 130.24 64t~ CE.NT_~ AL__AD OlQ_~ !~gAL 5.f31/~8 163.61 6419 031700 PERRY CESSNA 5/31/78 ~8.00 6420 034593 MICHAEL J. COLITZ ~ ASSOC 5/31/78 - 405.00 Zg6.00 6422 041420 DECISION DATA CONPUTER CO 5/31/78 240°00 6423 041600 DELRAY CHEMICAL CO. 5131178 276.00 6424 .... 0~168~ ...... JOBN DEMSON .................. 5/31/78 _ 6425 6426 642~ 6~28 6429 6430 6431 6432 6433.._ ..... 16.PO 041700 DEVOS CONSTRUCTION CO. 5/31/78 200.00 062820 FIREMEN'S RELIEF & 5/31/78 750.57 0629.0! ..... ~IBS%_B_ANK t TBUST__OE_.PAL 5!_31/78__ ~____ 3~_OO~.O_O__ 062910 FIRST BANK ~ TRUST 5/31/78 13,278.94 063713 FLA. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE 5/31/78 160.00 066500 FUTURA PRINTI ' ' _ _ 5/3i/7~ 5~.40 070400 BETTY G&RRIGA 5/31/78 30.00 071587 GEOTEC, INC. 5/31/78 425.00 074500 CHARLE.S GOD~E% .................. 5/31/78 .......... __30--00 MB~507 CHECK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PAGE 17 0 U T S T A N .D ! N G _C .H E C K.~ ........................ # VENDOR NAME CHECK DATE TOTAL AMOUNT 6434 080450 HARVEL ~ DELAND 6435 086350 HUCKLEBUCK MUSIC 5/31/78 75.00 6436. _12~10 LAMAR ~NIFORMS 5/31/78 _ __ 48°40 6437 120560 LA~NMOWER HOSPZTAL 5/31178 299.70 6438 i30392 SAMUEL A. MANCU$O 5/31/78 100.00 643~ ...... 13pAO0 ~A~HA~TAN_.T~DpHtES ............... 5/3!/78 ..... 8_ 6440 1~0405 M~NGO ESTATES 5/31t78 800.00 6441 1~6420 MUNiCiPAL POL!CE 5/31/78 1,047.03 64~2 ~!_70b_ ~_E_WAR~ .ELECTRONICS ............ ~_~/78 _ 12I,~0 6443 153:800 OLYMPIA SPORT SHOP, INCo 5/31/78 17o95 6444 161596 ' PENN ATNLETIC PRODUCTS 5131178 538.56 6445 _ t~TO0 PORTE~ PAt~ CO. ....... '~5_L~I~..~ 6446 180500 EVA RAYROND 5/31/78 30.00 6447 186305 RUBANK [NC. 5131/78 166.95 6~49 191630 SERVICE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 5t31178 ~.01 6450 193912 LEON SM[LES 5/31/78 [27.50 645~ ...... !~600p ...... ~A~_S~A~TZMAN .............. ~]i~!Z~8__ 5~.00 6452 196174 MICHAEL GREG STICKNEY 5/31/78 6453 205595 TROPICAL SUPPLY CO., INC. 5/31/78 180.60 645~ 216350 UNDERGROUND SUPPLY 5/31/78 599.40 6456 216360 UNDERWRITERS LABOR~TORtES 5/31/78 8.13 6457 2Z~600 VEL~A SHEEN ........................... 5L~.i_ZZ~__ 6458 230540 WATER DEPARTMENT 5131/78 I0,4~6.45 6459 232480 HERB WILLARO TRUCKING 5/31/78 6460 232~90 SU~RIFF RICHARD W_tLLE _ __ 5L31/78 ............ 1~.95 ~61 470001 ADRIAN R. VERZAAL, JR. 5t31/78 ............ 1,014.606.15