Minutes 10-19-76 ~ T MI~YJTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL M~ETING OF THE CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ HELD IN CITY HALL, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1976 PRESENT Joe DeLong, Mmyor Joseph F. Zack, Vice Mayor Edward F. Harmening, Councilman Emily M. Jackson, Councilwoman Nor-man F. Strnad, Councilman Frank Kohl, City Mm~ager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Robert B. Reed, City Attorney Mayor DeLong welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He requested everyone to arise at the so~u~_d of the gavel for the Invocation given by Mm. Frank Kohl, City Mansger, and to remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Vice M~vor Joseph F. Zack. Announcements Mmyor DeLong requested anyone present wishing to address the Council to kindly step forward at this time and give their name to M~s. Padgett, the ~ity Clerk, and when the item they are concerned with becomes the order of business, the City Clerk will call upon them. Mmyor DeLong announced that in view of the fact that the Ad-Hoc Committee appointed by this City Council for the studying of five building permits has no power of subpoena, ~he Chair recom- mends the discharge of this Committee with a vote of thanks. He added that the City Manager should be instructed to send the appropriate recognition to the members for their service on this Committee. He clarified that a motion was in order to discharge this Committee with a vote of thanks and the City Manager shall be instructed to send the appropriate letter of recognition for the service rendered by this Committee. Mr. Strnad so moved, seconded by Mr. Zack. No discussion. Motion cs~ried 5-0. MIS~u-TES Regular City Council Meetin~ - October 5~ 1976 Mmyor DeLong called on the members for omissions, errors or corrections. M~. Zack passed. M~. Harmening referred to Page 26 e~d questioned the word "approve- in the ,-~ddle of the second paragraph halfway down and stated that he was not sure if M~. Reed was quoted correctly. Mayor DeLong replied that the Planning & Zoning Board evidently made a recommenda- tion. ~m. Harmening suggested the word should be: ~prepare~,o M~s. Jac}~on referred to page 2, and advised that a word was left out five lines from the bottom and it should read bond "validation'. ~. Strnad had nothing, Mayor DeLong a~unounced a motion was in order to accept the minutes as corrected. M~s. Jackson moved the a~option of the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting of October 5, 1976 Mi~UJTES - REGUL~ CIT~' COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTO~ BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1976 as corrected, seconded by M~. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Special City Council Meeting - October 1~, 197~ Mayor DeLong called on the members for omissions, errors or corrections. ~s. Zack and Mr. Harmening passed. M~s. Jackson referred to Page 1, second paragraph, seventh line, and ques- tioned if it should be "lost~' cost insurance and ~o Kohl in- formed her it should be "loss'~. Ms. Strnad stated he had nothing. Mmyor DeLong announced a motion was in order to approve the Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of October ~5, 1976, as corrected. ~. Zack so moved, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Motion w~ ~ car_~e~ 5-0. I~JBLIC AUDIENCE See P. 2 Min. of 11/2/76 Mayor DeLong asked if anyone in the audience wished to ~dmress the City Council and received no response. B ID~ One (~) 6 Cubic Yard Dump Truck ~. Kohl informed the City Council that bids on the above were opened on Tuesday, October 12, 1976, at 4:00 P. M. in the office of the PUrchasing Agent, ~. William H. Sullivan. The Tabulation Com~ittee ~ reco~mnenms acceptance of the low bid from General G.M.C Truck & ~ · o~rv~ce, Inc. in the amount of $~0,076.50. The Tabulation Sheet, Proposal and Affidavit signed by M~. G. DeSanti, President of General G.M.C. Truck & Service, !nc. are on ~e He has checked all other ~ · ' ' .... r~qumremenss smd everything is in order. Monies for the above purchase are budgeted in the Federal Revenue Sharing ~ ~und (Streets Department) Account No. 020-833-00 in the amount of $~0,500.00. He concu~s with the recommendations of the Tabulation Committee. ~@. Harmening moved to accept the reco~endation of the Tabu- lation Co~3mittee, Purcnasmng age~t and City Manager ~nd award the low bid to General G.M.C. Truck & Service, Inc, in the amo~ut of $t0,076.50 for one 6 cubic yssd Dump Truck. Zack seconded the motion. No discussion. Mo.~on carried 5-0. Seven (7) Light Utility Plc~-up Truck~ ' k ~. Kohl advised that bids on the above were opened on Tuesd~y~ , ~ '~ P. M. in th~~ of the Purchasing October ~2 t976 at 3.~0~. Agent, M~. ~illiam H. Sul_mvan. The Tabulation Committee recom- mends acceptance of the low bid from Earl Wallace Ford in the amo~nt of $24,191.51 ($~,453.93 each). ~. -e~ ~ ~ry Perrigo, -2- Ml~JTES- REGULAR CITY COL~CIL ~T_NGT~ T BOL~ON BLACH~ FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1976 Truck Manager of Earl Wallace Ford, stated that the trucks could be delivered in sixty (60) days, A copy of the Tabula- tion Sheet, -~roposal signed by Mr. Jerry Perrigo and Affidavit signed by ~, William L. Wallace of Earl Wallace Ford s~e on file. He has checked alt other requirements and everythiDg is in. order.~ ~ Monies for the p~chase of seven (7) one-half(½) ton ~rucr~ have been budgeted as follows: CAPITAL OUT~Y 3 Trucks: 030-9t2~51 (Water Distribution) 2 Trucks: 03G-921-51 (Sewage Pumping Stations) 1 Truck : 030-922-51 (Sewage Treatment Plsuut) .FEDERAL RE?~ENUE S~_~RING F~ ~ Truck : 020-825-00 (EnviroD_mental Protection) Parks Dept, He concurs with the recommendations of the Tabulation Com_~_ittee. ~. Harmening moved ~o accept the recommendation of the Tabula- tion Committee and City ~D~nager and award the bid for seven Light Utility: Pick-up Truc~us to Earl Wallace Ford in the amount of $24,t91.5I. Mr. Zack seconded the motion. Under discussion, ~. Strnad referred to the fund for the last truck and asked if a section of the Parks Department was in Environmental Protection and M~. Kohl informed him it was listed under Environmental Pro- tection uzader Revenue ~ ' onarmmg. Motion carried 5-0. Two (2) ½ Ton Pick-up TrucW~ M~r. Kohl advised that bids on the above were opened on ~aesday, October t2, 1976, at 4:30 P, M. in the~office of the Purchasing ~&gent, ~. ~,illiam H. Sullivan. The Tabulation Committee recom- mends acceptance of the low bid from Jack Nicklaus Pontiac in the amount of $8,375.16 ($4,18z.50~ each) with delivery to be within fifty-five (55) calendar days. A coDy'of the Tabulation Sheet, Froposal and ~.ffidavit are on file. He he~ checked all other requirements and everything is in order. Monies for the above purchase have been budgeted in the Capital Out~e~ (Sewerage Collection) Account No. 030-920-51 in the amount of ~8~400.00. He concurs with the recommendations of the Tabulation Com~ttee. ~rs. Jackson moved, to accept the recommendation of the City Manager and Tabulation Con~nittee and award the bid for two ½ ton Pick-up Trucks to Jack Nicklaus Pontiac in the amo~3mt of $8,375.16 from Account No. 030-920-~51. ~-[~. Harmening seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mr. Zack referred to the Tabula- tion Sheet listing this bid as $8,375.00 and ~. Kohl egreed that a typographical error had been made and requested the 16¢ be left off. Msyor DeLong requested the motion to be corrected to read the amount of the bid-to be $8,375.00. Motion carried 5-0. -3- MI~JTES - REGUI~R CiT~ CO~CIL MEE_IN~ ~ BOY~ON B'~ACH, FLOR IDA OCTOB~ 19, 1976 Tires Mm. Kohl ~formed the Council that bids on the above were opened on Tuesday, October 12, 1976, at 3:00 P. M. in the office of the ~&rchasing Agent, ~. William H. Sullivan. The Tabulation Committee recommends acceptance of the sole bid from Goodyear Service Store (Easy P~y Tire Stores, inc.). A copy of the Tabulation Sheet, Proposal a~ud Affidavit are on file. He has checked all other requirements and ever~y- thing is in order. Monies for tires have been budgeted in all Department Accounts which have vehicles. He concurs with the recommendations of the Tabulation Committee. Mayor DeLong referred to no set prices being included in this recommendation ~d M~. Kohl informed him they were on the proposal blan/~. Msyor DeLong stated that he believes it would be appropriate in the future to follow suit~ to have it on the recommendation sheet. Mr, Kohl then read the following prices submitted: Re-Caps - Passenger 14.75 Mount & Dismount 1.50 Flat Repair Charges - inside Patch 1.50 Bal~ucing - Computer/Special 3.25 Alignment ~1.88 Valve Assembly 1.OO 2 ~_ece Truck Wheels - Mount & Dismount 4.50 Mayor DeLong stated that mt was ~pprop_ma~e mn awarding bi~s that the records reflect exactly what they are awarding. He requested that this be included in the future. ~-~. Zack moved to accept the recommendation of the City Mana- ger and Tabula~i~n~..Comn~ttee and accept the low bid, the only bid, from Goodyear Service Store. M~. Harmeni~ seconded the motion. MsJor DeLong clarified that it had been moved and seconded to accept the recommendation of the City Manager and Tabulation Committee and accept the low bid from Goodyee~ Ser- Vice Store for the amounts as quoted and listed above. Under discussion, Mr. Strnad stated he aidn't go for this at all with j~ust having one bid coming in and having to take this bid. He asked if any tire companies outside of Boynton Beach had been asked to bid and ~. Sullivan informed him that they contacted four altogether: Shell Service Station, 15th Ave. & U. S. I; Firestone Tire Co.; Goodyear: aud ~£erce Tire Company and they only received this one bid. Mayor DeLong remarked that it was not unusual when only receiving one bid to award the bid. ~. Sullivan further explained how it was advisable to have a firm located nearby. Mr. Strnad referred to with not having any other bids, they did not know whether these prices were high, low or intermediate and M~vor DeLong aues- tioned what it had been previously. ~. Sullivan informed MIhr~TES - REGULAR CITY CODICIL MEETING BOY~Y~ON BEACH ~ FLOR~A OCTOBA~R 19, ~976 them that they have dealt/ with Goodyear for two years and these prices are a little higher, They also did receive a booklet giving prices for all tire sizes. ~. Strnad asked if the recapped tires would be used on police cars mud Mr. Sullivan replied: no, they buy police special ones. Jackson asked if these were for some of the older vehicles and !-~,~. Sullivan explained how everything was included exceot the big trucks. Mrs. Jackson remarked that Go buy retreads- for the newer cars would be foolish. M~. Zack clarified that these prices were for recaps and repaying and Mr. Sullivan in- formed him that they submitted a booklet with prices for all tire sizes. Mr. Zack asked if the City had tires on hand already mounted and M~. Kohl informed him that spare tires were in stock, but were not mounted on wheels. M~. Zaek asked if they took them to Goodyear to be mounted mud Kohl explained that they do change tires in the garage, but when they need some tires not in stock, they ts~e them to Goodyear. Mrs. Jackson referred to tires requiring balancing and Mayor DeLong informed her there was a balam~.cing machine in the garage mud they do it, but this has been the system and he believes the garage has enough work. Motion carried 5-0. Ma~or DeLong ~eferred to the time being 7:55 ~. M. mud anno~_uced a motion was mn order to suspend the regu!s~ order of business. ~,~. Harmening so moved, seconded by ~s. Jackson. Motion car- ried 5-0. LEGAL 0rdinsmces - 2nd Reading - Public Hearing Proposed Ordinance No. 76-46 - RE: Amending Appendix A, Zoning Regulations, to Ad~ a New Section 1~..2, Entitled Conditional ~. Reed read proposed Ordinance No. 76-46 by caption only. Mayor DeLong asked if a~yone present wished to ~ w opea~ in favor of this specific ordinance and received no response. He then asked if anyone present wished to spes~ in opposition smd re- ceived no response. M~~. Zack moved the adoption of proposed Ordinemce No. 76-46 on second mud final reading, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows: Co~ucilman Harmening - Aye Comucilwoman Jackson - ~e Cotuucilnz~n Strnad - Aye Vice Mayor Zack ~e Ms,'or DeLong Aye Motion carried 5-0. -5- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ME~_.ING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1976 ~oposed Ordinance No. 76-47 - RE: Amending Section 6(D)(1) of Appendix A, Zoning Regulations Setting Forth Basis Upon Which Conditional Uses M~- Be Considered and Granted in the C-4 General Commercial District; Permitting New Boat Sales Agencies as a Conditional Use, Setting Forth Basis Upon Which Conditional Uses Will be Considered smd Granted in the C-3 Comm~uity Commercial District ~. Reed read proposed Ordinance ~o. 76-47 by caption only. Mayor DeLong asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor of this prooosed orm_nance ~ud received no response. He then asked if ~myone desired to spe~/~ in opposition and received Mr. Harmening moved the adootion of Ordin~uce No. 76-47 on second and final reading, s$conded by Mrs. Jackson. No dis- cussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows: Councilm~a Harmening - Councilwoman Jackson - Council.man Strnad - Aye Vice Mayor Zack - Mayor DeLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 76-48 - RE: Amending Section 25-t4 of Chaste_ 25 of the Codified Ordinances to Permit Tec~uical ~eview Board Waiver of ReQuirement of Sidewalk Installation ~,~. Reed read proposed O_mmn~uce No. 76-48 by caption only. ~yor DeLong asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor of this proposed ordinance and received no response. He then asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition and received no response. Mrs. Jackson moved the adootion of Ordinance w ~ .~o. 76-48 on second and final reading, seconded by M~. Zack. No discus- sion ~s. Padgett took a roll call vote as fol_ows. Councitmsm Harmening - Aye Councilwoman Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Vice I~or Zack - Aye MaG~or DeLong - Motion cs~ried 5-0. M~yor DeLong. announced a mo~_on=~ was in order to revert back to the regular order of business. ~. Ha_menzng' ~ ' so moved, seconded by M~s. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. -6- MINUTES - REGUI~-R CiTY COB~CIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, t976 PUBLIC 5~q!NG - 8 P. M. Proposed Ordinance No. 76-52 - Amending Section ~1.1(C) of Appendix A Zoning Regulatior~, (Being a Portion of Ordinance No. 76-19) Setting Forth Conditions Under Which a Single Family Residence and Custo~ry Accessory Bu~d~ngs ~y Be Erected on a Nonconformin$ Lot . Mm. Reed suggested cor~olidating this Public Hearing with Item VI Legal, the first reading of proposed Ordinance No. 76-52. He then read proposed Ordinance No. 76-52 by caption only. Mayor DeLong asked if anyone present wished to speak in favor of this proposed ordinance and received no response. He then asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition and received no response. ~.~. Strnad moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 76-52, seconded by Y~s. Jackson. No discussion. M~s. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening - ~ye Councilwoman Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Vice I~or Zack - Aye Mayor DeLong - ~Je Motion carried 5-0. Mayor DeLor~ annoy.cea a motion was in order to revert back to the reguls~ order of business. M~s. Jackson so moved, seconded by M~. Harmenir~. Motion carried 5-0° Reso_, ut!or~ Proposed Resolution No. 76-ZZ - RE: Authorizing Execution of Agreement to Participate in "Cooperative Dispatch Syste~? (~abled) Mayor DeLong questioned whether this should be removed from the table and ~. Reed advised that during the latter part ~ September~ there was a meeting held in Delray Beach, at which time representatives from Boca Raton and Delray Beach discussed the redrafting of the !nterlocal Agreement to Establish a Cooperative Dispatch Center of South Palm Beach County. At that meeting, several amendments to the draft were discussed and suggested. These amendments have been received and re- viewed and incorporated into the redrafted agreement. Yes- terday ~ud today, he attempted to find out from the Boca Raton City Attorney whether Boca Raton was satisfied with the revise~ Interlocal Agreement. He has discussed this with the -7- Mil~GTES - REGUL~_M CI~ COUNCIL ~EETI~NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1976 City Manager of Boca Raton, who will be in touch with Kohl. ~'L~. Kohl referred to Lt. Gardener being present and Lt. Gardener stated that he thought the attorneys had it straightened out. ~v~.~. Reed replied that they were satisfied, but it would be senseless for Boynton Beach to adopt the agree- ment if they are not aware of Boca Raton and Delray Beach being in accord, Mr. Kohl advised that he talked to both today and they are in accord. Mayor DeLong requested that this be in writing and Mr. Kohl informed him t~at they were having a meetim~ next week. M~yor DeLong requeste~ that it remain on the table. Proposed Resolution No. 76~I!I - RE. Proposed Agreement Be- tween C~ty and James E. Wu_wth Relative Windmill Generators ~. Reed referred to the Council recently adopting a motion establishing a policy that he should read ordinances by cap- tion only and he would like to k~ow whether this applies to resolutions. He would like to ~uow whether the Council wsaats the resolutions prepared and presented to be read in their entirety or by caption only. Mr, Strnad moved to have the resolutions read by caption only, which is legal. M~. Zack seconded the motion. Mayor DeLong clarified that it had been moved and seconded to proceed with the policy which has more or less been adopted by this City Council to proceed with the reading of resolutions by caption only, the same as ordinances. No discussion. Motion carried 3-2 wit~ M~. Harmening and ~s. Jackson voting against. Mayor DeLong requested the City Attorney to please proceed with reading all future ordinances smd resolutions by cap- tion only until the end of the term of this adrministration. ~. Harmening referred to the preceding mo~ion only being directed to resolutions and in phrasir~ the motion, the Mayor named both. Mayor DeLong asked if the ~aker of the motion and the seconder of the motion were satisfied with the way the Chair ha~ phrased the motion and ~. Strnad replied: certainly and Mr. Zack agreed. Mayor DeLong arnaounced that the~motion would stand. ~. Reed then read his attached letter dated October 14, 1975, referring to proposed Resolution No. 76-ti! emd the proposed agreement between the City and James E. Wurth relative to windmill generators. Mayor DeLong announced a motion was in order to acce~t this communication and approve the recommenda- tions of these legal opinions and spread this communication upon the ~-inutes of this meeting. ~. Harmeni~ so moved, seconded by ~s. Jackson. Under discussion, 5~. Zack referred to Chapter I66 of the Florida Statutes and questioned where it grante~ relief and ~. Reed explained that Chapter 166 -8- MINU~S - REGUL~~ CITY COUNC~ ~ETiNG BO~-~TON B~AC~, ~OR~DA OCTOBER 19, t976 granted the City Council the discretion whether to gra~ut var- i~uces or delegate to the Board of Adjustment. M~. Zack questioned where this was s~ated and M~. Reed informed him it did not state this specifically, but this is their legal opinion. ~. Zack continue8 that he questioned this the last time. He does not question the experiment to conserve energy, but he does not thin2~ it is in the proper area. He conc~s with the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board and he referred to their lengthy discussion of this matter. He does not agree with grauting permission. Also, there is the m~i~ mum structure height for buildings of 45 ft. and this is going to 50 ft. M~s. Jack, on referred to amending the zoning ordins~ce and certain things that' can be granted such as a church steeple. She referred to this be~g more or less the same. ~. Howell referred to the legality of this paragraph being questioned, which was probably for something not mentioned and church steeples are mentioned. ~irs. Jackson stated that it must be approved by the City Council a~ud M~. Howell agreed that they required a recommendation from the Plannir~ & Zoning Boar~ and approval from the City Council. For further clarification, Mayor DeLong read bhe six items not permitte6 to be changed by ordinance, but must be by refer- endum. He then requested ~s. ?adgett to call the roll for a vote on the motion. ~¢~s. Ps. dgett took a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmeni~ - ~ve Councilwoman Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Vice Msyor Zack - No Mayor DeLong ~ye Motion carried 4-t. Mr. Reed then read proposed Resolution No. 76-IIi by caption only. ~. Harmening moved the adoption of Resolution No. ?6-iIZ, seconded by M~s. Jackson. Under discussion, M~s. Jackson referred to requesting the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement. M~. Harmenir~ agreed aud requested that his motion be amended to include authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement. M~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote as follows: Counci!ma_u Harmening - Aye Councilwoman Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad - ~ye Vice Mayor Zack - No Mayor DeLong - Aye Motion carried 4-1. -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1976 Other Discuss Proposed Ordinances: a. Topless in Public b. ldult Bookstores c. ~ssage Parlors d. Rock Concerts e. Motorcycle Races ~,h~. Kohl referred to this being discussed at the Council meeting of September 27, 1976. it was recommended that the Plar~ni~ and Zoning Board would be the appropriate body to consider the above proposed ordinances. This was forws~ded to the City Planner and he then read Mx. A~uunziato's attached memora~udum dated September 27, 1976. M~s. Jackson stated since she was the one asking the questions about these, she moves to strike these from the agenda and leave them up to the Police Department. ~s. Padgett advised that a gentleman had requested to speak. M~. Fred Kos~ne_~ ~ stated his name and his address as I40D High Point Blvd., North, and added that he was the Vice Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Board. He stated that he was orea~ly~ ~ concerned when this was refsrred to the Plannihg & Zoning Board and should never have come before the ~anning & Zoning Board. It is strictly a ~t of~mer~lity. ~yor De~ong replied that he believed ~anning Director had handled the situation satisfactorily and M~. Eostner agreed. Mr. Harmening then seconded the motion. Under discussion, ~¢~. Zack stated that he feels according to the Pl~nner,~ adult bookstores needs some review. ~s. Jack~on replied that she thought it would be up to the legal d ~ .epa~oment. M~yor DeLorg added that if there is ~y great amount of this particular pornograp~ tsd~ing place, he thinks the Police Department should make a recommendatio~ to the City Council. He then noted that Deputy Chief Hamilton was nresent in the audience and asked if there was any Droblem~an~ he replied: no. Motion carried 5-0. OLD BUS I_~ESS None N~,r~ BUS I~SS Consider Appointments of Clerks & inspectors for Elections - Councilman Norman F. Strnad M_-~. Strnad referred to not having been following the City Char~er as far as t~e~ appointment of clerks, mnspectors' and -10- MINUTES - REGUI~R CITY CO~C~ ~EETtNG BOTNTON BEn. CH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, ~976 po~l workers. He referred to Section t43, Page 72 ~_ud 73, and submitted a list of names for consideration as poll workers and clerks. ~. Reed raised a point of clarification and stated that 15 was his understanding that since the City has consolidated with the Co~unty elections and there is apparently a State Statute which may supersede this section of the Charter whereby the Coumty Supervisor of Elections and County Commis- sion appoints clerks. There was discussion and it was clari- fied that this was not the case with City elections. M~r. Strnad continued that if the Colucil does not.appoint them, then the Mayor takes the option, and if he doesn't, the City Clerk does. Mrs. Jackson asked if the people on the list were trained and ~. Strnad replied that he did not know, but he thinks everyone must have some training before serving on the polls and l~s. Winchester has a school to train people. M~s. Jackson replied that this training was not for the City and M=TM. Strnad informed her that Mrs. Winchester would be here next Thursday at 2:00 P. M. Mayor DeLong referred to the list submitted not having any adresses and stated that in order to notify them, addresses were needed. ~s. Jackson asked if this was the same number which served for the general election and ~. Strnad replied: yes. ~Ms. Padgett then informed them that she has made a list since the last election of people coming in asking to serve. There is a list of 88 people who have asked during the year to serve and this is forwarded to the Council each year. Mayor DeLong asked if this was in accordance with the Char- ter and ~s. Padgett replied that the appointments were made by the Council and usually were made from this list. She has not presented the list as they do not know if they need a primary yet. The list is available for people expressing their wishes to work on the oolls. Mr. Strnad stated that the pesple on his list ha~ze ~lso expressed this desire. He would also venture to say that 7~ of the people on the list have already served on the polls. Mayor DeLong clari- fied that he was presenting this list in compliance with the Charter and he ws~ entitled to ~e a motion. He added that if it was approved, he must immediately supply the addresses of the people recommended, t~s. Jackson referred to there not being any great hurry and suggested possibly having this list compared to M~s. Padgett's list. ~jor DeLong replied that it did not make any difference and if Councilman Strnad or any member of the Council desires to submit a t_s~,~ ~ t~ney ?~s. Jackson moved that each member of the Council make a list ~ad turn it over, but hold it down to the number needed. MINUTES- P3]G%rLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOY~TON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1976 Mr. gtrnad stated that they needed a few alternates and ad- vised that he counted the number of workers on the previous election and his list is very close with a few additiohs. Mx. Zack asked if Mrs. Padgett made the selections and ~s. Jackson replied: no, she gives the list to the Council. Mr. Zack remarked that itacould be the list submitted by ~. Strnad. Mms. Jackson moved again to'each bring in a list for comparison sad added that she thought they should all have a choice instead of one person picking everybody. M~yor DeLong stated that he recommended to M~r. Strnad to make a motion to adopt his list, but it is strictly under- stood that addresses must be supplied. The Chair will ac- cept her motion also. Mms. Jackson clarified that her motion was that each member of the Council that has some choices they feel should be on the list should bring them in. Mr. Harmening then seconded the motion. Under discussion, Jackson stated there were some names on Mr. Strnad's list not included, who are experienced clerk~ and she thinks it is necessary to have experienced people. They should try to do what is best for the City all the way through. Mm. Strnad stated that time was of the essence and this is why he presented his list. If any other Council member was in- terested, he thinks they should have done this. Mayor DeLong questioned whether there was any specific reason and Strnad replied that he understood ~$s. Winchester was going to be here this week to train people. Mayor DeLong then re- quested a roll call vote on the motion and ~k~s. Padgett took it as follows: Councilman Harmening - No Councilwoman Jackson - Yes Councilm~u Strnad - No Vice Mayor Zack - No M~or DeLong - No Motion defeated 4-~. M~. Harmening moved to table this until the next meeting when they can have a list w~th names and addresses and be able to compare wit~ the list from last year. l~s. Jackson seconded the motion. No discussion. M~s. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening - Aye Councilwoman Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad - No Vice Mayor Zack No Mayor DeLong - No Mormon. defeate~ 3-2. -12- MINUTES - ~GULAR CITY CO~CIL M~ETING BOYNTON BE~CH, FLOR~A OCTOBER 1 9, 1 976 ~yor DeLong entertained a motion for the list as presented by ~. Strnad. !~. £trnad moved to accept the list he pro- posed for election workers, inspectors and clerks. Mr. Zack seconded the motion. ~myor DeLong clarified that it had been moved and seconded to adopt the list presented by Mro Strnad for election workers, inspectors and clerks for the prima~y election and addresses certainly shall be supplied and if possible, phone numbers of the names submitted. No discus- sion. ~s. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening - No Co~ucilwoman Jackson - No Councilman Strnad - Aye Vice M~yor Zack - .&ye Mayor DeLong - Aye Motion carried 3-2. ADMINISTRATIVE Consider Request of the Ranch House M~. Kohl informed the Co~ucil that the Planning & Zoning Board at their October 12, 1976, meeting unanimously recommended that the above addition be approved as submitted. The motion to approve was made by ~k~. Lambert and seconded by ~. ~inter. The vote was 5-0. He has the plans if they care to review them. ~. Harmening moved to accept the recommendation of the Plan- ning & Zoning Board a~ud approve the Ranch House request for the addition. M~. Zack seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion cs~ried 5-0. Consider ~Quest of Gantleman Jim's Restaurant M~. Kohl informed the Council that a request was made by ~. Soloman of Gentle~n Jim's to alter the facade and construct a covered walkway. The Planning & Zoning Board at their meet- ing of October 12, 1976, unanimously recommended the proposed changes be approved as presented~ M~. Harmening moved to grant the recommendation, seco~.ed~ ~ by M~s. Jackson. M~yor DeLong clarmxme~ that it had been mo~ed ~ud seconded to grant the request from Gentleman Jim's to alter the facade and construct a covered wal~v~y as approved by tn~ ~l~u~nin~ & Zoning Board. NoTM ' - - ~ c~scusslon. Motion car- ried 5-0. ~r. Kohl then informed the Council that in addition, the Planning & Zoning Board recommended that the City Council take ste-os_ ~o investigate the traffic nrool~ms~ = at thms' loca- tion (South 23rd Avenue ~ad U. S. #1).- Further, they -13- MINUTES - REGUL~R CITY CO%~CIL ~ETING BOY~Y~ON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1976 recommended that Ms, Soloman share equally in any costs the City may incur to rectify the traffi6 problem. Ms. Soloman agreed to this stipulation. Mr. Kohl added that he received a letter from the County advising that it will cost $~,000 plus to get this light in operation. Mayor DeLong asked if it was the feeling of the City origin- ally that this businessman should pay this expense and Kohl replied that he asked D.O.T. and they stated they would not. Mayor DeLor~g remarked that it is a hazssdous situation which may be well for the City to invest that kind of money to eliminate possible death or permanent injury. M~s. Jackson asked if there was any wmy the easz side of the light could be uncovered to have the same light shown and Ms. Kohl informed her this is what the estimate referred to as they must put in a trio signal. M-~. Zack stated he feels personally that the light i§ for the benefit of Gentleman Jim's and third<s it should be their responsibility. Msyor DeLong clarified that the only time the City would be .inter- ested i~ if the businessman defrays the expense of the light. Mayor DeLong anno,~ced a motion was in order with regards to the traffic light at Gentleman Jim's that the City will be interested and involved when the businessman agrees to defray the entire expense of the light. Mm. Zack so moved, seconded by Mss. Jackson. Under disc~mssion, M~s. Jackson stated she felt it would be setting a precedent and Mayor DeLong agreed and referred to the Century Bank paying for the cost of the traffic light themselves. ~. Strnad stated he was curious why the Plannir~ & Zoning Board took a sts_ud on this at all. He feels it is not within their jurisdiction. With their recommendaHion to share the costs, he does not think it has anything to do with the Planning & Zoning Board. Ms~vor DeLong referred to things being channeled in certain direc- tions in the past, but explained how the situation was dif- ferent today. ~s. Harmening referred totthe traffic coming out of 23rd ~venue and how this tripped the light and he suggested getting aorice for merely installing an east face ~ithout. a trip signal. ~ayor DeLong stated that this sugges- ~ ~ in ' t_o~ was not llne with the motion. The ' ~ · ~O~on can be voted up or down. This is a dsaagerous and hazardous location. It is a bad situation. However, there is the old question of whether they a_~e going to have a double set of standards. Is the City going to be out in the business with the businessman to snare the costs of-lights? Mr. Hs~mening replied that he wasn't suggesting at all that the City should pick up the tab or half of it, but suggesting if it is voted down, they could continue to explore the problem on a least cost basis. Mayor DeLong stated that after the moti'on was voted upon, the City Manager could offer an alternate pl~. ~s. Jackson added that this light took from January 5, 197~, until last year to get and she doesn,v think they should fool around with it. Motion carried 5-0. -14- MINU~S - REGU~_R CITY CO~CIL MEETING BOt~NTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1976 Mm. Kohl then read the mutter from the County wztn tne!r recommendation and estimate. M~yor DeLong suggested that Gentleman Jim's take care of this. Consider Zoning Approvals Pizza Hut~ 2011 South ~edera_ Highway Ym~. Kohl read the application submitted. M~s. Jackson moved to grant the Pizza Hut request, seconded by }~. Harmening. No d~scuss_on. Motion carried 5-0. The 400 C!ub~ 400 N. E. 2nd Avenue ~. Kohl advised this was a transfer and read the application. M~. Harmening moved to grant the request of The 400 Club for a beverage license. Mms. Jackson seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ~cotch N' Sirloin~ 60t South Federal Highway Mr. Kohl advised this was a transfer and read the application. ~s. Jackson rema_~med that they already sell beer, wine and liquor and ~. Kohl informed her that this is a trans_ere of ownership. ~s. Jackson moved to grant the request of Scotch N' Sirloin, seconded by Mr. Zack. Under discussion, M_~. Kohl stated that the location does comply, but the checkmark dehoting app~al~did2 not copy~ Motion carried 5-0. Cavalier C!ub~ 4t4 N. ~. loth Avenue Mr. Kohl referred to the City Council at their meeting of September 17, 1976, deleting this from the ~genda and directed him to communicate with the Liquor Board explaining the situ- ation to them. He did write to the Beverage Commission on September t4,~976, with a copy to M~. Vernon Thompson, who was pursuing the matter. To date they have received no re- sponse. He then called Agent Merritt inquiring about the delay. M_-~. Merritt advised me that the Beverage Department had no control over the City zoning laws, that this matter was strictly up to Council to make a determination. He must point out if they approve the zoning, they are violating the zoning ordinance in this particule~ request. M_~s. Jackson moved to deny the request of the Cavalier Club, because.~h~~ey don't ~ ~ ~ · ~a~ to violate their own zonmng ordinance. ~{r. Zack seconded the motion. No d_~scuosmon. Motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills M~~. Kohl read the following bills for approval: MINUTES - REGUL~ CiT~- COb~CIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1976 10. Allied Chlorine Chlorine Pay from Accounts Payable 030-300~01 $ 1,380.00 Howard Harrill Decoratin~ Co. Christmas decorations Pay from Accounts Payable 060-300 Longview Lime Hydrate lime Pay from Accounts Payable 030-300o01 Congress Community Middle School Contract between City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County School Board for community school Pay from budgeted funds 001-875.39 Council approved 9/7/76 Gersch & Bramuchi Water Distribution Building & Warehouse Pay from Atlantic National Ba~d~ t975~Series Contract dated 7/26/76 Pi~e-Rite Utilities Ltd.~ Inc. Est. #1 Lift Station ~t9 Pay from Utility General Fund O30-2t5 Contract dated 9/9/76 Islah Andrews Driver for Senior Citizens Club - I week Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-880 Ordinance #73-~5, passed 5/15/73 Willie Ruth McGrady Server for Senior Citizens Club - 1 week Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-880 Ordinance~#73-15, _~assed 5/15/73 I B M Cor~. Computer Rental for October Pay from budgeted f~muds 001-890.38 Bid accepted 9/30/75 State of Florida, Bureau of Unemployment Compensation Second and third quarters for Robert Love Pay from Accounts Payable 030-300.0t Allen Insurance Agency Comprehensive General Liability ~y from budgeted funds 00t-$85.30 oo -8 o.3o Co~ucil approved 9/30/76 $39,991.34 $t9~995o66 1,197.99 t,728.00 4,000.00 27,597.60 19,368.00 45.00 48.00 2,967.00 1,092.96 59,987.00 MII~UTES - REGULAR Ct~ COUNCIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEECH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 19, 1976 ,Allen Insurance AEency ~omo~_na~ion Auto Policy Deposit premium and first installment Subject to transfer - Pay from: 001-885.30 $12,211.34 030-830.30 $ 6,~05.66 Council approved 9/30/76 78,317.00 13. S~aga~e o~ Gulfstream Development Reimbursement for overcharge on sewer service due to incorrect _lxture count. 2,519.80 14. ~llen Insurance Agency Workmen~s Compensation Pay from budgeted funds subject to transfer O01-885.20 $76,26~.00 030-830.20 $38,134.O0 Council apDroved 70/15/76 7~4,402.00 ~@. Kohl stated that the bills described have been approved and verified by the deps~tment heads involved; checked and approved for payment by the Finance Director; funds s~e avail- able in their respective budgets. He recommends payment of these bills. ~. Harmening moved to pay the bills as submitted, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. OT~ Letter from SCRWTD Board ~. Kohl read the attached letter dated October 1~ from Mr. Canon regarding the actions taken at the last regular meet- lng of the SCRWTD Board. Mayor DeLong announced a motion was in order to ratify the actions of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Dis~oosal Board at their last regular meeting of October ~4, ~975, as outlined in the~co~n~uaication dated October 15 from Mr. Anthon~ J. Canon, Chief Executive Officer. M_r. Strnad so moved. M~s. Jackson seconded the motion and suggested that the letter be spread upon the minutes. Motion carried 5-0. - A,~e OD~h~i~ T ha_men.rig made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. S,r~.ad. Motion 6arried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:00 P. M. -17- MIX-UTES - REG%~AR CITY COUNCIL ~ETiNG BOY~ON BELCH, FLORIDA OCTOBER t9, 1976 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA BY~~ ~' ~ Mayor Mayor Member ATteST: C~cil ~ember Coup! Member~ ~'~, City C_er~ ~ecording Secretary (Two Tapes ) -18- Cll'Y of BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Oclober 14, 1976 F~ank Kohl. City Manager Proposed Resolution No. 76-III Proposed Agreement between City and James E. Wurth re[alive windmill generators Frank: you wi[[recall, the Council, at its 9/21/76 meeling, passed a 1V~otion to permit fifty foot (50') wind-powered electrical generators to remain for a one- subject to my researching the legality of %he Council's action and prepar- the necessary instruments to effectuate the intention expressed by the _%/Iolion. dingIy, be advised fhat we have investigated the authority of the Council to grant relief from the structural height [imitations set forth in the City's code, and find thai since the adoption of Chapter 166 of the Florida Statutes the City "municipal-home rule powers", ii is within the discretion of the Coun- exercise the power to grant such relief. h~ve, therefore, prepared %he attached proposed Resoiution No. 76-III which, if ~d, would authorize the City to enter into the enclosed Agreement with Mr. Wur%h the conditions upon which the windmill generators may continue to be operated In addition, since both members of the Planning and Zoning Board and had expressed concern over %he safely of these generators, I have obtained Wurth and enclose herewith a copy of the Certificate of Insurance providing ?ehensive persona[ liability with regard !o the generators as required under Para- #4 of %he--aforesaid-Agreement. 2[usion, t would suggest that lhe Council, al its 10/19/76 meeling, consider of the proposed Resolution directing lhe Mayor and City Clerk lo execute the Agreement. Frank Kohl, City Manager October 14, 1976 ~Page 2 Please note %hat %he Agreement has been executed by Mr. Wurth who has reviewed same and finds it to be satisfactory. Sincerely, - . ~,'\ ~ / ROBERT B. REED RBR/jo ~Encls. ~P. S. You will also recall at the 10/5/76 meeting, the Counci[ granted approval to St. . w's Corp. relative %heir development of condominium units subject to my determin- !'ing %he validity of the Council's .approval of tha%~firm's_ inient to add a decorative railing ~on %he roof of each building which would exiend one foot above %he forty-five fooi struc- tural height limits set forth in the zoning code. Based on our research 'and the conc[u- we have reached discussed above, it is my opinion that %he Council's Motion to ~authorize St. Andrew's developrnent permitting said structural height relief is legally authorized without the requirement of further action or docurnentaiion. MEMORANDUM City Planner September 27, 1976 _TQp~ less in Public Adi~lt Bookstores Massage Parlors Rock ConcertS Motorcycle Races I have reviewed the materials submitted with your memorandum dated September 22, 1976 concerning the above mentioned sub- jects, and I tbJ3~ that further clarification is necessary with regard to these items and how they relate to the City Zoning Ordinance. In order to simplify this discussion, will take each'item separately. Massage~Partors - The C-2 zone lists, as a permitted use, Personal service Establishments. Massage p~rlors may be loosely construed to be personal ser~.ic.e es .t~blist/ments, th.us a permitted use. Owing to the pyramiding nature of oar Zooang Code, t_he C-3 and C-4 zones would also allcyw nmssage parlors. Lawful r~ssage parlors ere presently r _e~ulate~. licensing of the r~.ss, eur or. .masse.~us.e~..~.ne~se~ have r~ceived specific tralrL1/lg 331 ~he ilelG qualify for an occupa~ tional license. Also, the zoning, building, snd faci ~l~ties would be inspected by the Building Department at the time of lice~nsing. If an inmoral act were to occur at a massage parlor, Chapter 17- Offenses, Section 35, Prostitution generally would permit the City to take action through the P~lice Department and the City Court System. Adult Bookstores - The C-2 zone permits tobacco and news shops and similar uses. Therefore, bookstores would also be permitted in the 'C-2~ C-3, and C-4 zones. The designation "adult" is nearty-impos,s, ib!e to r~gulate owing to what is to be cop~trued as an "adult bookstore. Before-we attempt to zone adult book- stores ~in or out, ! suggest we receive legal and judicial input into a reasonable and enforceable definition of "adult bookstores." Cuz~en~ly,~ Chapter 17-Offenses, Section 30.1 Obscene Materials- Distribution would prohibit the sale of ~_ndecent literature wit_bin the Ci~y~ ~ldmits. Continued proper ~enforcema~nt-of -this law would alleviate the need to alter zoning in this matter. lC. t~ck Concerts and Motorcycle Race Tracks - Rock concerts and motor- cycle race tracks, where the use is CoD~ucted outdoors, are not a permitted use in any zone in the City of Boynton Beach. Conducting either of these uses indoors on a nmjor scale is very unlikely at this %ime in Boynton Beach, owing to the lack of sizable facilities. One possible exception to this could be a school dance. Any n~{ facility proposed and designed specifically for major recreational uses would be limited in location to the C-3 and C-4 zones. /-n addition, the applicant would be required to submit development plans before any permits could be issued. Presently, instances of abuse may be regulated by enforcing Chapter 17 - Offenses, Section 22.2, Loud and Unnecessary Noise Prohibited. Topless in Public - R~is topic is not alluded to in the Zoning Code, and in my opinion, it should be regulated by the Police, not the Zoning IDspechor. Chapter 17 - Offenses, Section 35, Prostituhion generally prohibits any person from c~u~tting a l~d act. If the language in ~_is Section is not clear enough or needs updating, I suggest that the City Attorney and Police Chief collaborate %o strengthen this Section of the Code. Therefore, I am uncertain as to why ~hese items should be presented to the-Planning and Zoning Board; unless there is a need to make these uses permitted in a special zone. Most of ~hese items are regulated through the Police Department and not through Zoning. Please advise. Ca,hen S. Annunziato City Planner SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATE -,. · · October 15 1976 TO: Frank Koh!~ City Manager of Boynton Beach V~,..,~ .~ J. Eldon Marlott, City Manager of Delray Beach Dear Sir's: In accordance with the requirements of the Interlocat Agreement, certain actions of the SCRWTD Board are required to be APPROVED by a majority vote of each City Council. Therfore would you place before your next City Council meeting the following actions taken by the SCRWTD .Board at their October 14,1976 meeting for APPROVEL of your Council: Voted that "the Contract signing between the Board and Intercounty Construction Co. and the Paul N. Howard Co. be approved and the C.E.O. authorized to provide proper notification to the Contractor's for the Plant and Pipe Line Construction to procced when papers are in order". Voted to "authorize expenditures for the Community Appearance Board requirements (excepting plantings on south side) as can be worked out between C.A.B. and the C.E.O. and including the fountain that was 'already declared by E.P.A. as ineligable for Grant payments". Voted to '~dopt Fiscal Year 76-77 budget" (attached). Respectfully submitted, Anthony ~ ~ Canon C. E. O. SCRWTDB cc: SCRWTDB · ~ TO: SOUTH CENTF~AL REGIONAL.~ WASTEWATER TREATF~ENT ~ND DISPOSAL BOARD RE: SCRWTD BOARD 1976-1977 Fiscal Year Budget As provided by the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and City of Delray Beach, HEREWITH, re- spectfully submitted is'the Operational Budget reco~nended for considerati6n by the South Central.Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board for ADOPTION for the 1976 - 1977 Fiscal Year beginning on October 1, 1976 and ending on September 30t 1977. SU~LULARY BUDGET Personnel SerVices Contracturat Services Commodities Capital Outlay~ Construction Contractural Services BUDGET TOTAL CONTINGENCY FUND TOTAL * Figures shown not bills when prepared ACS'UAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED 1974-75 1975-76 1976 - 77 - 0 - **$16~845.82 $31,644.00 *$3,440~98 16,841.70 26,080.00 - 0 - 299.09 500.00 0 - 3,963.38 1,000.00 0 - 0 - i0,000.00 3~440.98 $46r559.02 $50,000.00 37~949.99 9~754~22 $47,704.21 .~69~224.00 530.00 $69~754.00 same as in 75-76 FY Budget due to unknown Respectfully ~ubmitted By; Approved & Adopted by 'the SCRWTD Board ** Figure does not include one day (Payroll closed as of 9-29-76) Contingency Fund includes all monies available to SCRWTDB including interest~ Anthony J. ~ 6~Chief Exec. Of~. on: October 14, 1976 INDEX AUDITORS ' REPORT BALANCE StrEET STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES AND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS · PAGE I 2 3 Members of the Board South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board Delray Beach, Florida We have examined the balance sheet of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board as of September 30, 1975 and the related statements of revdnues~ expenditures and changes in fund balance for the five month period then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepter auditing standards and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances° The accompanying statement of revenues and expenditures for the five month period ended September-30, 1975 does not include a comparison with a formal budget as required by generally accepted accounting principles. In our opinion,' except for the omission of the information mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly the financial position of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board at September 30~ 1976 and the results of its operations for the five month period then ended in confoznnity with generally accepted accountSng principles° October 8, 1976 SOU~H CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTE57ATER TREATb~NT AND DISPOSAL BOARD BAI~NCE SHEET SEPTEFiBER 30, 1975 ASSETS Cash U. S. Treasury Bills - Note 2 TOTAL ASSETS $ 18,996 29~53I LIABILI%IES AND FUND BALANCE Accounts Payable Fund Balance (Page 2) TOTAL LIABILITIES AN~ FUND BALANCE $ 1,968 · 46~559 48.527 The accompanying motes are an integral part of these financial~ statements. Page I SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WAS~EWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES AND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE FIVE MONTH PERIOD ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1975 :] Contributions by ~articipating Municipalities Expenditures Advertising Employment Expense Insurance - Bond Professional Services Excess of Revenues over Expenditures Fund Balance - May 1, 1975 Fund Balance - September 30., 1975 275 223 975 1:968 $ 50,000 3~44~ 46,559 $ 46.55~ The accompanyiqg notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Page NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMEI~fS NOTE 1 - The Board uses the modified accrual basi~ of accounting. Under this method, revenues are recorded when actually received in cash, except certain revenues which are susceptible to. accrual, and expenditures are recorded at the time liabilities arb incurred'° NOTE 2 - U. S. Treasury Bills are stated at cost which approximates fair market value as of September 30,. 1975. Page INDEX AUDITORS' REPORT BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES AND ANALYSIS OF CttANGES IN FUND BALANCE SCHEDb-LE OF EXPENDITURES : ESTIMATED, AND ACTUAL NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEb~NTS PAGE 1 2 3 4 Members of the Board South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board Delray Beach, Florida We have examined the balance sheet of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board as of September 30, 1976~ and the related statements of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balance for the year them ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly included .such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion the aforementioned financ%al statements present fairly the financial position of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board at September 30~ 1976, and the results of operations for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. October 8, 1976 SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMEL~C AND DISPOSAL BOARD BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 ASSETS Cash - Note 2 Certificate of Deposit (at cost) - Note 3 Due from Participating Municipalities - Note 4 Prepaid Rent Total Current Assets Fixed Assets TOTAL ASSETS $ 13~582 30,000 30,000 140 73~722 3~96~ $ 77~6~ LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Total Current Liabilities Investment in Fixed Assets Fund Balance (Page 2) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUNI) BALANCE 1,578 2~250 3,828 3~963 69,894 77~685 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Page 1 SOUTH CER~RAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT A~D DISPOSAL BOARD STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXFENDITURES AND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 Revenues - Note 1 Contributions by Participating Municipalities Interest Earned Total Revenues Expenditures - (Page 3) - Note 1 Excess of Revenues over Expenditures Fund Batancm - September 30, 1975 Fund Balance - September 30, 1976 $ 60~000 t,14~ 61,145 37.81Q 23~335 46~559 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Page 2 SOUTH CEI~fRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES - ESTIFLATED AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ERrDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 'PERSONNEL Salary - Chief Executive Officer Wages - Secretary Wage Adjustment COi~TRACTUAL SERVICES Professional Services Advertising Postage Travel and Expense Automobile Allowance Membership Dues Repairs - Equipment Telephone Office Rent Contract Work Not Specified CO~iODITtES Office Supplies CAPITAL OUTLAY CONTINGENCY ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES {OVER) ACTUAL UNDER EXPENDITURES ESTIMATED TOTAL 14,710 6~065 225 $ 16,846 $(2,t36) 6,065 225 21,000 16,846 4,154 10,000 ~,107 4,893 6O0 97 503 100 157 ( 57] 2,000 1,880 120 1,700 1,673 27 200 35 165 100 10 90 1,400 1,262 138 1,500 1,400 100 3,200 20~800 898 2~30~ 12~519 8~28% 572 228 8O0 4,000 37963 3~ 2,757 3~910 ( 1,157 49.357 $ 37~810 $ 11,54~ The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMEN~fS NOTE 1 - The Board uses the modified .accrual basis of accounting. Under this metho~ revenues are recorded when actually received in cash, except certain revenues which are susceptible to accrual, And expenditures are recorded the time liabilities are incurred° NOTE-2 - Cash consists of the following: Century Bank of Boynton Beach First Bank Delray Beach Total $ 7~197 67385 $ 13~582 NOTE 3 - Certificate of Deposit in the amount of $30~000 is on the First Bank Delray Beach, due March 29, 1977 at an annual rate of interest of 5-1/2%. NOTE 4 - On October 1, Delray Beach, Deposit. 1976, an amount of $302000 was received from the City of Florida. These funds were invested in Certificates of