Minutes 01-05-76MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~TING OF TP~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD IN CITY HALL, MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1976 PRESENT David Roberts, Mayer Joe DeLong~, Vice ~yor Edward F. Harme~i~Couacilman ~orman F. Strnad, COuncilman Emily M. Jackson, Couacilwoman Frank Kohl, City Manager Ernest Simon, Gity Attorney Tereesa Padgett, City Clark Mayor Roberts called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. He asked all to rise for the invocation given by ~. Frank Kohl, City Manager, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag ledby Coun¢~an Norman F. Strnad. Announcements · 'Mayor Roberts announced that Homestead Exemptions could be filed in the lobby of City Hall on February 5 and 6, 1976 ~rom 9:00 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Mayor Roberts announced that the Regular Meeting of the South Gentral Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board would be held at the Boynton Beach City Hall on Thursday, January 8, 1976 at 7 P. M. He added that they had gotten notice that a grant amou~ting to $7,789,450.00 would be forthcoming, but a study is require~ on the soli~ phase. The grant is ~contiu- gent o~ thi~ study. Mayor Robe~ts announged there would be a meeting of the Boynton Beach His~orical~ Socmety on.Wednesday, january 7, at ?~30 P.M. at the ~ Beach.C!v~c Center,, 128 East Ocea~ Avenue. He ad~ed t~tm'the Principal speaker ~ould be M~. Bernard~Thomas, the nationally noted a~ist. Mayor R~h~s then requested all thos~d~siring po speak about items o~e~Agenda to'~ome forward a~d give 'their ~ames to the City Glerk, so they could be~lled at'the appropriate time. MINUTES R~$ular City Coumcil Meetin$ - December 16~q97~ Mrs. Jacksom Feferre~ to Page 2 an~'~he~fr~ply ~to Mr. Strnad and the ~el~iag shoul~ ~"~aod~ pen~l~ ~s. JacksoB referre~ td P~ge~l-3, an~ the large~agraph coa- t~ning M~. ~ne~s Statement rega~i~ the Uni~d Boyntea ~vic Lea~e. She request.e~ tha~ it b~.a~d that the Unite~ Boynton Civic Le~ue ~ ~6t reco~e~dt'~. Jacksom in last ye~'s~electio~. ~ F~s. Jae~on referre~ to the~last page a~d~ ad~ise~ that she did not se~om~ the motion to a~J0ur~ b~ ~. Str~d ~d ~. H~me~ng did it at once. MINUTES - REGUL~ 'CITY COUNGIL MEETING BOY,TON BEACH, FLORIDA J~NUARY · 5, 1976 Mr. DeLong moved for the adoption of the Minutes of the Regu- lar Meeting of Tuesday, December 16, ]975, as corrected. Mr. Earmening se¢on4e~. Motio~ car~ie~ 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE NO~E BIDS NONE PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Roberts noted it was not yet 8 P. M. Mr. BeLong moved to dispe~se with the regular order of busimess, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Rea~ing - PUBLIC HEARING Proposed~ Ordinance N~. 75-40 - RE: T~ Provide for an Amended Estimate of Revenue & Expe~se~ for this Fiscal Year Mr. Simon read proposed Ordinance ~to. 75-40 on second reading · kY caption only. Mayor Roberts asked if anyone in the audience desired to speak for or against this proposed ordinance and received no response. Nfs. Jackso~ move~ for the adoption of Ordinance No. 75-40 on seco~4 reading. ,Mr. Ha~me~ing~ seconded the motion. No ~is- cussing. MrS. Padget% conducted a roll call vote as follows: Vice Mayor BeLong - Aye Councilmam Harmening - Aye Councilwoman Jackson - Aye CoUncilman Strnad - Aye Mayor Roberts - A~e Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 75-41 - RE: Eliminate Requirements of Public Referendum to Grant or Renew a Utility Franchise. ~r. Simonread proposed Ordinance No. 75-41 on second reading by caption only. Mayor Roberts asked if anyone ink, the audience desired to speak for or against this proposed Ordinance Ns. 75-41 and received no response. Mr. DeLong mgved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 75-41 on second and f~nal reading. M~. Harmening seconded the motion. -2- MI~TF~ - REGU~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON ~ BEACH, F~OR IDA JANUarY 5, 1976 No discussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows~ Vice Mayor DeLong - Aye Oouncilmam Harmening - A. ye Co~mcilwoman Jackson - Aye Councilm~u Strnad - Ay~ Mayor Roberts - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance Ns. 75-42 - RE: Real Property Purchased from or Sold to Another. Governmental Asency Mm~ Simon read proposed Ordinance No. 75-42 on second reading by caption only. MaYe~rRoberts asked if anyone in the audience desired to speak for or agains~ this proposed ordinance and received nb response. ~r. DeLong m~ved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 75-42 on secoEd and final reading. M~s. Jackson seconded the motion. No discussion. ~s. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as ot~ows. Vice M~yor DeLong - Aye Councilman Harmening - Aye Councilwoman Jackson Aye Councilma~ Strnad - Aye Mayor Roberts - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed~ Ordinance No. 75-43 - RE~ Retentie~ of Public Records Mr. Simon read proposed Ordinance No. 75-43 om second reading by caption only. Mayer Roberts asked if anyone in the audience desired to speak for or against proposed Ordinance No. 75-43 and received no response. Mrs. Jackson moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 75-43 on second and final reading. Mr. Harmening seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Roberts asked Mr. Simon for some clar- ification because hehas been asked how this mmght affect some of the City Departments who use large books and papers, such as the Finance Department. He thin~ theonly difference be- tween this ordin~uce and the state'~ is that they have desig- nated the City Clerk to be the custodian of the records. He referred to the Finance Department, under the direction of the accountants, having their records in their own vaults. -3- MINUTES - REGb~LAR CITY- COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1976 He thinks it should be clarified that there would be no danger in keeping these books in the ~aults instead of turning them over to the City Clerk. Mr. DeLong added that he would also like ~r. Simon to comment on how this affected the confiden- tial records of the Police Department~ Mr. Simon pointed out that the wor& "c~stodian" was the key word. The situation would met be altered with the books being in the vaults. They may be stored in various areas° The City Clerk is the custodian of all City records an~ exer- cises the~power of them. This also applies to the records of the Police Department. Mrs. Jackson asked if this was exactly the same s~ the State law, which has restrictions on police records such as cases u~der imvestigatio~ which are not open for public record. Mr. Simon agreed it was the same as the State Statute. Mayor Roberts ext~lained that he had not found any particular pro- blem, but brought this up to satisfy the various dep~tments who asked about it. Mrs. Padgett then conducted a roll call vote as follows: Vice Mayor DeLong - No Councilman Harmening - Aye Councilwomam Jackson Aye Co~u~cilman Strnad - No Mayor Roberts - Aye Motion carrie~ 3-2. Ordinances - 1st Readin~ Proposed Ordinance No. 76- RE: Rescind Ordinance Pertaining to Permit for Installation of TV Antennas ....... (TABLED) Mayor Roberts referred to this proposed ordinance being tabled and asked if they had any information. Mr. Simon replied it was delayed because Mr. Bushnell was ill. They have been completed no~ and will be delivered to Mr. Kohl's office in the morning. Mmyor Roberts announced they would leave this on the table. Resolutions NO~ OLD BUS~NESS Discuss Disposition of Alleged Election Violations - Newspaper A4 ............... Mayor David Roberts -4- MiETES - REGUI~&R CITY COUNCIL ~EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1976 Mayor Roberts referred to their previo?as discussion of this and advised that he had not received a reply. However, since it appears to be an election violation, he believes it should be turned over to the prosecutor. Mrs. Jackson agreed amd added that they should have it settled once and for all. Mrs. Jackson moved to instruct the City Manager to turn the proper papers over to the prosecutor for action. Mr. Harmening seconded the motion. Under discussion, ¥~yor Roberts remarked that he thinks it is incumbent upon the City Council to take action.. Mr. DeLong requested a roll call vote~ Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote ~on the motion as follows. Vice Mayor DeLomg Councilman Harmeming Councilwoman Jackson Councilman Strnad Mayor Roberts Motion carried 3-2. - No - Aye - Aye - No Aye, because it is up to the City Council to look into any violations. Authorization to Execute Change Order No. 4 on Wa~ewater Treat- ment Plant Upgrading & Expansion (Peab~dy-Peterson Co.) Mr. Kohl advised that it was for an estimated increase of $15,806.51. He then read the following letter dated Decem- ber 20, 1975, from Russell & Axon: ~Attached hereto please find 6 copies of Change Order No. 4 which has been prepared in this office and signed by Peabody-Petersen, the Contractor on this project. This Change Order is for an estimated increase of $15,806.5t which is itemized within the bo~y of the Change Order and shown as Items 27 through 38 inclusive. You will recall, early in 1975 we prepared Change Order No. 3 with an estimated increase of $127,674. At the time of negotiations with'the Contractor he requested an amount al- most double our estimate and we elected to go,on a time and material basis for most of the items contained therein. I am please~ to report that with more than 75% of this work com- plete, it appears that our est~ma~ted amount will be sufficient to cover the cost of the entire Char~ge Order. The description of the t2 items listed in this Change Order No. 4 are described following the item number and, for the most part, were provided at the request of the Utility Dep~tment, the Building Code or 'Occupational Safety Require- ments. All item~ have been reviewed by Mr. Cessna, Director of Utilities, and this office wi~ be glad to interpret any -5- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY BOYNTON ~EACH ~ FLORIDA COUNCIL ~ET INGS J~3~U~Y 5 , 1976 which is questionable. Most of the work represented by the items in this Change Order No~ 4 have, in fact, already been completed as they were of an emergency nature or of such a nature that there was no alternative. Upon approv~lby the Council, please obtain signatures in the spaces provided and return 4 cooies to this office for distribution." ~ Mr. DeLeng moved for the approval of Change Order Ne. 4, Waste~ater T~eatment Plant Upgrading & Expansion, 'City ef Boyntoh Be~6~~ Project 6858-~-4 III, M~. Strnad.sec~n~e~ the motion. NO discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ADprov~l of ResOlution 2-75 - RE: Directing Chief Executive Offic~ ofSo~ Regi~mal Board to make Expenditures to Conduct Business of the Boaz~ M~. Simon read Resolutio~ 2-75 in its entirety. _Mr. DeLong ~ove~ for adoption of Resolution 2-75, seconded by Nms.~jacks~ ~nd~ dis~mSsion, Mayor Roberts requested that the budge%~ ~ttashed~to the~resolution be made part of the record. ~s. Padgett took a roll call vote on the motion as £oll~ws: Vic~Mayor DeLong - Aye Ce~cilmanHarmening - Aye Co~cilwoman Jackson - Aye Cou~cilmamStrnad - Aye MaY.~0r~R0berts - Aye Motion c~rried 5-0. At this time, 8.P.M., Mm. DeLong moved to return to the regu- lar order of bUSiness, ~ablic Hearing. F~. Strnad seconded the motion. Mo%ion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINuS - 8 P. M. Parcel #1 - Abandonment Request Rep~ - Mr. Frank W. Donovan . Applicant - City of Boynton Beach Mayer Roberts read the public notice as follows: Abandonment of a publicly dedicated right of way and easement grant more particularly described as: The North 90 feet of the West one-half (1/2) of the Northwest one-~uarter (~4) of Section 5, Township 46 South, Range 4~ East, Palm Beach County, Florida, -6- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1976 less the Hest 53 feet thereof, subject to existing right of way of Lake Worth Drainage District later~ canal #28. Applicant - City of Boynton Beach Mayor Roberts stated that he believed the Council had to approve this abandonment and then a resolution would be read. He asked if everything was in order and Mr. Kohl informed h±.m that this was held in abeyance because they did mot have a hearing by ~he Planning & Zoning Board at the last meetinE. M~yor.Rober~s asked if it had been approved and Mr. Kohl re- plied: yes. ~or Roberts asked if anyone desired to speak for or against thi~ particular item and received no response. Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the recommendation of the Plan- ming & Zoning Board and agree to the abandonment as desig- nated by the notice and legal description. Mx. Strnad seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Simon read Resolution No. 76-A in its entirety. Mr. DeLong moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 76-A, seconded by Mr. Strnad. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett con- ducted a roll call vote as follows: Vice Mayor DeLong - Aye Councilman Harmening - Aye Councilwoman Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye N~yor Roberts - ~ye Motion carried 5-0. P~rcel #2 Request.for Re-zoning from R~I.A~t8 R~3 Applicant: ~ ~ DaCa~ Representing Luther G., Sro and Ann E. Huddle and'Arden and Nancy Detert~ Owners Mayor Roberts read the public notice as follows: Lots 18, 19, 20 and 21, Block 7 L~ME ADDITION P~corded in Plat Book 11, Page 71 Palm B~ach County Records Address - 718-806 N. E. 7th Street Request - From R~A to R-3 Use To construct a small condominium building -7- MINUTES - P~GUI~R CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1976 ~pplic~ut - W. H. DaC~mera Representing Luther G., Sr. and Ann.E. Huddle & Arden and Nancy Detert, Owners Mayor Roberts noted that the Planning & ~oning Board denied this application, but added that it was opem for discussion. Mayor Roberts asked if anyone desired to speak for or against this application. Mr. Bill DaCamera stated his name and his address as 836 East Drive, Boyntom Beach. He informed the Council that he was here to speak om~ behalf of Dr. Huddle in favor of cha~g- ing the zoning from R-lA back to R-3. This property is lo- cated on the east side of N. E. 7th Street adjol~l~g the Harbor Hall Inlet Condominium. This property was purchased by Dr. Huddle ~u September, 1974, when it was zomed R-3. In Jammary, 1975, a~new masler z~ning plan was~ proposed changing these lots from R-3 te R'IA. He came to the first public He w~ a~vised that the before the fi~nal map was drawn. Then, 'ed the map objec- law. Th ~ked to see if ~ap ~ecame letter. He this in. their file and it would have to be looked into -records of it. Ee does mot know at the ~Ssi~lY it was t~rned over to the Planning & E~rtheF~ the m~ W~re[ad~ seco~di natly ai Ee presI fact th~ N~F. DaCamera continued that after looking into this matter ~hey were advised all they could do was submit a ~ request. T~ey had to wait several months until ~or~ e~pire~. They submitte~ an~ application an~ tse~itha~ thin,moratorium was extended. After the )~a~orium,~x~i~ed~,~ they applied again and were fi- ~sedto appear before the Planning & Zoning Board. ~ed~ the case requesting consideration, due to the ~.D~. Huddteis being seriously affected with this c~snge. ~e asked the Board why these four lots an~ only the~e fou~ lots were~to be re-zoned from R-3 to Rw-~A, but ot r~ceive a~j answer. He has lead,ed from other sources this waslimitiated by a City Councilmember living He suggests if Mrs. Jackson was this change about, he thinks she on this matter. Mr. Smoot, the C~ recommended that this property be In t972, the City ordered and re- Plan. This technical report , 1972, at a cost of approximately MiNUTES - REGULAR CITY CO~CIL MEETING ~ H BOYNTON B~AC , FLORIDA J~JARY 5, 1976 $30,000. He showed the plan to the audience. He continued and referred to the master plan set forth in this report recommending these lots for multi-family residential. He is a taxpayer in Boynton Beach and when they spend this kind of money, he would like to see it put to good use. Mr. DaCamera continued and referred to the area and stated he was sure most of the people were familiar with this area. He showed photographs to the Councilmembers showing the general condition of the area with tidal flood waters, debris, etc. He added that he took the~e pictures the day before yesterday. Almost all the property .along the east side is under water when tides are high, as is a good portiou of the street~ I~ fact, th~only pr~D~r~y uo~ subject t9 be~ under water is the property developed by Mr. Stroshein. ~ view of the con- dition of this la~d, the development o$ s~le family homes is not feasible. The only way to develop it is with tov~ ho~ses or ~ow-ri~e condomin%E~ms with developers building ade- qmate orotection from the tid~waterm~ A~Y ~eve~oDment on ~his l~ne will defiu~ely imp~e the area and increase the value of the surroun~ng property. ~. DaC~era then informed the Council that during the last £ew years, there have only been six real estate sales within 400 ft. of this property. The average price of a residential lo~ was less than $3,000. Oue was a home purchased by Mr. Chandler iu September, 1974. There is only ome other home in this area built 14 years ago. He then referred to how property values had increased in most areas. Mr. DaCamera then referred to ~he law requiring that people living within 400 feet Be notified of re-zoning applicatious and their objections should be taken into consideration. He referred to the Planning & Zoning Board meeting when Mr. Chandler brought in a petition signed by 50 people. Om checking this list, he found that only Mr. Chandler and one other person live within this 400 ft. area. He requests that the remaining 48 names should not be considered. He would like to present a petition with the signatures of an overwhelming majority of the proper~y owners within this area. He gave the petition to the Council. He stated again that the names listed on his petition live within 400 ft. and he can't understand why ~r. Chandler .pr~esented his peti- tion. He referred to Mr. Ghandler infor~gthe Planning & Zoning Board that he lived .next door and it was zoned R-lA. This is incorrect as it was zoned P~-3. Also, the plat shows his property is seven lots or 350 feet away from the property. He also rexe~red to Mr. Chandler stating it should be developed into condominiums all the way at a future date. To have development o£ an area, there must be a beginning. If the property is re-zoned R-3 and meets the requirements of the zoning laws of Boynton Beach, it will definitely be a begin- ning in the improvement ~f this area. -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1976 Mr. Stanley Weaver stated his name and his address as 322 S. W. 8th Avenue. He informed the Council that he owns Lets 16 a~d 17 immediately to the north of this pro~rty. He served on the Planr~L~g & Zoning~ Board for approximately 15 years. He is f~iliar with the problems of this area. The highest amd best use would be multi-family. Under the controls of the laws, he doesn't think auythi~g but good could come from it. The size of the lots involved are 50 ft. wide to ~80 to 300 ft. deep, They back up to~the water. TheH cannot fill in. He made a request and checked with the engineers in Tallahassee. The expense of filling these lots is treme~dous~ ~Also, it is hard to get good hard ~!ean fill~ The groU~dis f~ll of l~Ud crab hol~s. The land i~ mushy, bog~, e~c. The City &id build a sbre~t several yearm age an~e' property owners paid.for it. The street varies in the height of 18 to 20 inches. He paid for the street, as did every other property ember there. ~. Weaver also informed the Council that the City has not picked up a~y trash in this area. He received a letter from the City Manager threatening him with a law suit if he did ~ot clean, his property. He spent $250 cleaning his lot and asked the Health Inspector to put up sig~s stating Dumpir~~'. ~he signs were put up and the next day, trash was dumped on the sign~ N~. Weaver referred to many of the homes i~ this ~ingle family area b~ing in violation of the code having re~tal apartments in the rear an~ extending too far back in the rear. The apartments are on 7th Ave. and 10th ~ve. and set a pretty good criteria of what could come in there. M~. Weaver then informed the Council that his brother owns the next three lots to the north of him. He thi~2~s the eco- nomics of the situation will grant he and his brother to request the same re-zoning request. This re-zoning will improve the tax base and make the surrounding property more valuable. There were objections in the past from people living in the area to additional traffic, but this would also b~ true with single family homes. He then told about the entrance to this subdivision off of U. S. 1 a~ud pointed out tb~t it did not encourage single f~ly development. Ee added that there is an ample traffic flow pattern for this area. He thinks it would be much better to have a condomin- ium with a limited number of people with no children. As a property o~er next to this property, he does not object, but supports this request. M~. Fred Kostner stated his name and his address as 140 High Point Boulevard. He i~formed the Council that he has no in- terest i~ the land, but suggests that they consider what the -10- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA C OD~NC IL F~ET ING JANUARY 5, 1976 highest and best use of this land is. When he served as Chairman of the PlauBing & Zoning Board, this question was brought up when this was under consideration. At that time, Mr. Kelly, Vice Chairman of the Board, pointed out the value of this land on ~he waterway and he concurred with him that R-3 would be the best use for this la~d. He is an accredited appraiser and member of the National Association of Real Estate Appraisers. Usually his findir~s were listened to and accepted.. They must consider what is the highest and best use,-not at the present time but also in the ~future. The land ~a!ues maywarrant different types of zoning. Ee does~.'t Seewhere the cost of land would ~arrant single family homes on these parcels of land. He did find, as an appraiser, that more families would li~e to enjoy water front land a~d water front la~d is limited. Also, the he&ght is limited. They must not cons&der one or two individuals, but the City as a v~hole. He was not asked to testify, but could not help ~eaking on this matter. ~s. Jackson referred to her name being mentioned by Mr. DaCamera as initiating this. She referred to being a member of the Plan~ing & Zoning Board and taking a bus trip of this area. She asked if she initiated this zoning change? Mr. Kostner replied that this question was discussed pro and con by the members of the Board and after a lengthy discussion and meeting a number of evenings, at that time the Board agreed to let this area remain R-3 at the time he was Chairman of the Board. Mayor Roberts referred to the high water problem and questioned who would be responsible for correcting this? ~. Weaver informed him at high tide, the ~ots go 18 inches below sea leve~ in the fall and spring. The only thing that could be done is for the property owners to raise the lan~. Also, tides cover the top of the street and the street should be raised. Mr. DeLong asked if sea walls would hold back the tide water? Mrs. Jackson asked if she pressured the Planning & Zoning Board on this and Mr. Kostner replied that at the time he was Chairman of the Board, she did not pressure him. ~. Strnad continued that he didn't think it was their con- cern to worry about how the water would be stopped from com- ing on this land, but is the concern of the people developing. He has been in this area many times and it is a disgraceful looking place. He is in favor of keeping the density down, but thinks a larger density would improve this area. He doesn't thir~k it could be developed single family, as the expense would be tremendous. This would take a large cor- poration with a lot of money to develop it. M!~FFES - REGULAR CITY COUNC~ ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1976 Mx. Kostner referred to the Harbor Hall property and the plans being presented ts the Planning & Zonimg Board when he was Chairman. They rotund the plans ts be very attractive and an asset to the City. This clearly demonstrates what would be the best use for this area. Mayor Roberts remarked that he would hate to see the City get stuck with the cost of these improvements. Mr. Lawrence Chandler stated his name and hi~ address as 914 N. E. 7th Street. He first informed the Council that he was badly misquoted by Mr. DaCamera. This question has been debated on numerous sccasions before the Planning & Zoning Board and City Council. Each time, developers come in with pictures, but his wife and himself are the only ones in this area owning a home. Mr. Stroshein stated he was a resident, but he lives in the condominium and the other people own vacant lots. The property runs between the water and 7th Street. Tm. Chandler referred to the petition submitted and advised that it was not his petition. He added that from the names listed, he believes he only knows two people. The oet!tion was basically signed by people living along 7th, 8t~, 9th and loth Streets. They are the people who will catch the brunt of this condominium development. These developers do not live there. Ym. Chandler referred to the Planning & Zoning Board meeting when he stated ~he was not opposed to condominium development, but he is opposed to high density in a single family neighbor- hood. This is a single block. It would appear that Mr. Strnad's idea is what he was trying to express to the Plan- ning & Zoning Board. If this area is re-zoned, the whole area should be re-zoned, so it could be sold to a large cor- poration to improve the land. They should not take only these four lots out of 15 to 20 lots as this would be con- damning everysne in the neighborhood to living next door to a condominittm. He does not see why just these couple lots have to be zone~ condominium. This came up before and ap- parently it was considered and they decided a mist&ke was made and it was changed to R-lA. Every time one of these lots change hands, they apply for re-zoning for condominiums. They don't submit plans, but just want to increase the property value. In view of the economic situation, there is no market for a condominium in that area. All over the City and East Coast, there are condominiums going ~an~mrupt. Mr. Chandler then referred to the poor condition of the land. However, a condominium or multi-family housing is ~not neces- sarily the answer to correct this or the only answer. ~nyone build~ug a house will build a fairly expensive house if it is -12- '~ ~' ~ MINUTES - P~GUL~R CITY COUNCIL MEETING J~MU~RY 5, 1976 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA along the water. He thir~ Boynton Beach should retain a few places for residential along the water. It seems to him there are only two places for condominiums - one on the oceam or waterway and one out west with golf courses. He thinks at some future date, this entire block will be condominiums. Mr. Chandler then pointed out all the City must do - sewers are too high, roads too low, etc. He continued with stating that he thinks next year, Mr. Weaver or someone else will re- quest this for re-zoning. He believes everyone on the Plan- ning & Zoning Board was £~m~l±ar with the property. The way it is now, the entire strip of lots should a~d will probably Surn into condominimms at one time. To do it at the end of the street only, he just cannot conceive. ~. DeLong asked if he had any objections to taking the entire strip a~d Mr. Chandler replied that it eeemed a little strange to him that this t/4 mile stretch has condominiums at each end with single homes in the middle. Mr. DeLong asked if he had no objections if they would re-zone the whole strip at one t~e mhd ~. Chandler replied that he didn't ~elieve he would. He added that to do this, a developer with plenty of capital would probably have to be involved. He enjoys living there and even if it is zoned R-3 and the economic situation permits condominiums, he would have no objection to having Condominiums on both sides. M~. DeLong stated he thought it would be sen- sible to approach the situation and re-zone the entire strip. He should be compensated for living there in a single family home. It appears to him this whole strip will be re-zoned condominium. ~. Chandler agreed. Mr. Chandler continued that he had also visioned people with quite a bit of mo~ey who want to build the type of homes yom see along the intracoastal. They wouldn't have any difficulty getting the land ready. Right now, the economy does not lend itself to that person any~here~ Mr. DeLo~ asked if he thought that pe~tic~lar area would go to high priced homes and ~. Chandler replied that he paid $61,000 for his 25 year old house. It is on the water and it is valuable pro- p~r~y. He thi~_ks it could be re-zoned to anything they want. The intracoastat is wide there and it would be a desirable neighborhood if they permit it to be. With condominiums, they could be little shoddy four story condominiums like they have there now. He suggests that they consider that the Planning & Zoning Board upheld the position he is now advo- cating. He was impressed with the Board's work and know they have visited the area. Nr. Luther G. Huddle stated his name and that he was the owner of the property. First, he stated he ~isagreed with M~. Chandler. ~uybody in their right mind would not spend $60,000 to build a~house o~ that street with all the junk. -13- MINUTES - P~GUL~q CITY COUNCIL I~ETING JANUARY 5, 1976 BOYNTON BE~CH, FLORIDA If he saw that before purchasing his land, he womld not have bought the land. He told about his experience on a PIan~ing Co~m~esion in the north. Ee knows cendomini~mswill improve the area and the tax base. ~s. Jack, on asked the oresent Chairma~ of the Plannimg & Zoning Board if she ir~i~iated the zoning of this and ¥~. Kelly replied that he would be glad to answer her questions £rom his personal viewpoint. There has never been a person in his life who has pressured him on anything° Mrs. Jack~onreferred to being told several years ago by the former City Attorney that she represents the people in the City, as well as the people,%in that neighborhood. She asked if she should abstain from voting or not? ~he added that she does not live within 400 £t. Mr. Simon replied that he thought she was obliged to render a~ opimion unless she has a conflict of interest. Mayor Roberts pointed out that the Planning & Zoning Boar~ had gone into this Lu depth and as noted, also looked over the property. The minutes indicate they requested denial to the change of zoning by a 5-0 vote. He assumes all the research they have done was what they based their opinion On. ¥~s. Jackson referred to a letter from M~. Joseph T. Reese of Fort Lauderdale being in their mailboxes this evening. Mayor Roberts read the letter from Mr. Reese stating in his epinionthis re-zoni~ should be approved as requested. He added that he would assume that Mr. Reese does not live there ~ud M~ ~eaver informed him that he owas property there~ Mr. DeLong stated that he upholds the Planning & Zoning Board's recGmmendation. Mr. Harmening stated that when they discussed this during the recent re-zoning meeting, he wasn't particularly in favor of changing the zoning to R-lA, but he did not say too much on the subject. In listening to the various arguments pro and con tonight and being familiar with the ~rea, he thi~d~s the City. would actually benefit by granting this change. Anyone happening to drive through that area in the period of high water would get a rather poor impression of the City. Every- thing said abo~t the poor appear~uce is trme. Mr. Harmening moved to grant the request of the applicant to re-zone these Lots 18, 19, 20 and 2~, Block 7, Lake Addition from R-lA to R-3. ~. DeLong seconded the motion. Under discussion, M~s. Jackson referred £o this area coming up at least four different times and most of the n~mes on the peti- tion are not familiar to her; however, they are the people -14- Minutes of 1/20/76 Mih~TES - REGULAR CITY COUNCiL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1976 who live there. Do they zone for the people living in the City or the people owning vacant lots? Mr. Harmening re- ferred to the people spea~g before the Comncil and refer- ins to this being valuable property. In one sense it is, but to visualize this for single family homes in the price range of $100,000 to $150,000~ would be out of it on this property~ The proDerty immediately adjoi~ng to the west does not fulfill the requirements. You don't build expen- sive homes if the area i~ediately adjacent.is $35,000 homes. It certainly is not a bad ar~a, but not an area for $100,000, etc. homes. Mrs. Jackso~ stated her feet~ on zoning is the people in the area ars the people who should be con- sidered. Mr. DeLong requeste~ a roll ca~l vote, ~s. Padgett took a roll cal~ vote on the m0t~on as follows: Vice Mayor DeLong - Aye Councilman Harmening - Aye Councilwoman Jack, on - No Councilma~ Strmad - Aye Mayor Roberts - Aye Motion carried 4-1. Mr. Simon read Ordinance No. 76-1 in its entirety. M~. DeLong moved for adoption of Ordinamce No. 76-1 on first reading, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No ~iscussiono Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows: Vice Mayor DeLong - ~ye Councilman Harmening - Aye Councilwoma~ Jackson - No Councilman Strnad - Aye Mayor Roberts - Aye Motion carried 4-1. Parcel #3 - Request for Re-zoning from C-3 to C-4 Address: t123 S. E. 2nd Street Applicant: NolanE. ~illiams Representing Paul L. and Janet FolMom~ Owners ~ May o r Roberts read the public notice as follows: 3" Lots 32, 3 and South 20 ft. of Lot 34 CENTR~ P~ Recorded in Plat Book t2, Page 12 Palm Beach County Records Address 1123 S. E. 2nd Street Request From C-3 to C-4 Use Offices and Storage Applicant - Nolan E. ~illiams Represent~ug Paul L. & Janet Folsom, Owners -15- MINUTES - REGULAR CiTY COUNC~ M~TING BOYNTON EEACH, FLORIDA J~Y 5, 1976 Mayor Roberts asked if anyone desired to speak for or against this application. ~o NolanE. Williams stated his name and his address as 927 Mission Hill Road, Boynton Beach. He infermed the Council that he would like to build an office and warehouse as it exists on the rest of the lots. This is the only remaining lot. ~s. Jackson~ moved that Lots 32, 33 and South.20 ft. of Lot 34, Central Park, be granted a change from C-3 to C-4 a~ recommended by the Pl~ing & ~oning Board. Mr. Harmenlng seconded the motio~. No discussiom. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Simon rea~ Ordinance 76-2 in its entirety. M~. DeLong moved for adoption of Ordinance No. 76-2 on first reading, seconded by ~. Harmening. No discussion. M~s. ~adgett conducted a roll call vote as fol~ows. Vice Mayor DeLong - Aye Councilman Harmening - Aye Ceu~cil~ma~ Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Mayor Roberts - Aye Motion carried 5-0. LEGAL (Continued) Mr. Simon reminded the Council that they had asked him to prepare a resolution pertaining to ~. Howell's appointment as Building Official. He distributed copies of this resolu- tion to the members. Mr. Simon then read Resolution No. 76-B in its entire,ty. M~. DeLong moved for adoption of Resolution No. 76-B, seconded by F~s. Jackson. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows: Vice Mayor DeLong - Aye Councilman He~mening - Aye Councilwoman Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Mayor Roberts - Aye Motion carried 5-0, R~s. Jackson moved to revert back to the regular order of business, seconded by Mr. DeLeng. Motion carried 5-0. -16- MINUTES - REGUL~.R CITY COUNCIL- MEETING BOYNTON B~CH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1976 OLD BUSI~,~SS (Continued) Approval of Resolution 3-75 - RE: Directing Chief Executive Officer of So. ~egional Board to Execute Necessary Applica- tions and Permits to Expedite Construction and Operation of Plant Facilities Simon read Resolution 3-75 in its entirety. Mrs. Jackson moved for adoption of Resolution 3-75, seconded by Mr. Strmad? No d~scussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows. Vice Mayor DeLong - Aye Councilman Harmening - Aye Councilwoman Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Mayor Roberts - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Consider App,=cation for Certificate of Zoning Approval ~illa~er Pub Mayor Roberts noted that the application appeemed to be in order. ~. Kohl added that this location does comply with the zoning -ordinance. Mms. Jackson moved to grant the Villager Pub their request for a license, seconded by Mr. DeLong. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ~s. Jackson stated this aDDlication made her think of Ber- nard's Restaurant, which has never come before the City Council andthey are serving ~mink~. Mr. Kohl replied that he woul~ check this. ~ist of Payments for November 1975 Mrs. Jackson move~ that the list of payments for November be accepted am~ attached to the minutes. Mr. Harmening seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. 1975 Approval of B~l_s Mr. Kohl read the following bills for approval: .Palm Beach Junior Col~eEe ~egis~ratiOn Fee for '6 ~olice Officers Pay ~ro~ Police Education Fund 001-507 Ordinance 74'38, Section 2,~0, 1(b) 90.00 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY- COUNCIL M~TING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA J~nNUARY 5 · 1976 2. Municipal Code Corp. 1,149180 ~upplement #26 to Boynton Beach Code Ordinances Pay from budgeted funds O01-820-17 of 3. Florida East Coast Railway 1,950.00 Maintenance on railway crossings Pay from budgeted funds 001-885-53 Agreement signed 8/31/71 Lanier Business Products 4,500.00 CommunicatiOn Recording & Playback System Pay from budgeted funds 020~-813 Bid awarded 10/27/75 5. Keatts Trmcking Service 1,517.00 Street Improvements - Police Pistol Range & N. W. 22nd Ave. Pay from budgeted funds O01-854-90 Standing bid dated 2/12/74 6. Rowland Trucking. Eq. Inc. 1,127.80 ~27 Ejection cylinder for Packer ~ Pay from budgeted funds 00t-853-30 7. A!say-Pippin Corp. Est. ~ 77,337.12 Wells #t2~ 13 & 14 Pay from Utility General Fund 030 205 Contract dated 5/2/74 8. Kozich & Kozich~ !~c. Est. #5 4,950.00 Maintenance Facility Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Funds 020-830 Bid awarded 8/21/75 9. IsiahAndrews 72.00 Driver for Senior C~tizens Club - 2 weeks Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-880 Ordinance #73-15 passed 5/15/73 10. Cynthia Lewis 96.00 Assistant cook for Senior Citizens ~lub - 2 weeks Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing fund 020-880 Ordinance #73-15 passed 5/15/73 Mr. Kohl noted the bills described have been approved and verified by the department heads involved; checked ~ad ap- prove~ for p~-ment By the Finance Director; funds are avail- able in their respective budgets. Mr. Kohl recommends pay- ment of these bills. -18- MINUTES ~ REGU~ CITY COUNCIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA J~nNUARY 5, 1976 Mr. DeLong moved that the bills as presented ~ud recommende~ for payment be paid, seconded by Mr. Earmening. No discus- sion. Motion carried 5-0. PRESENTATIONS Presentation of Appreciation of Service Awards to Mayer, Vice ~ayor and Cit~ Council Members Mr. Kohl informed the City Council that it gave him a great honor to present theplaques that each Council Member~receives at the end of the terms. He requested Mayor Roberts and each of the members to st~ud in the front as he presented their plaque and also requested the audience to withhold their ap- plause until all were standing in front. He then read the statement on the plaque and presented a plaque to the ~yor, Vice Mayor and City Council Members. Farewell Remarks by ~yor David Robert~ Mayor Roberts stated that he has been given the privilege to say a couple words. He thinks it is proper to say a few words of than~. ~irst, to that Supreme Being who gave him the health and direction in his endeavors. To the members of the City Council who helped those endeavors. To the de~rtment heads and employees who were most cooperative and helpful. To the news media, who kept the .public informed. To his wife, Dorothy, who had to forego many pleasures that should come with retirement. The past four years consisted of periods of great contrasts - through a buildimg boom with accelerated growth to the mlow- down of the past few years. It was a period of progress and adjustments, especially in the area of water supply and sewage t~eatment facilities. Tonight, the grant is a reality. As Mayor this past year, despite a 6 ~o 8% inflation and an ailing economy, with a tremendous effort by the City Manager, they achieved a small reduction in tax millage, while main- ta~uing or improving services, increasing employees' wages and closing the fiscal year with over $200,000 surplus. It was a cooperative effort, as the record shows over 9~% of the Council voting was unanimous. According to the press, he is glad to know that Boynto~'s future has already been forecast by the incoming Mayor. If he ~ere not paying taxes, he, too, might be more enthusias- tic. Since most of us do pay taxes, he hopes the Council will use good judgment before fully implementing a 3 to 4 million dollar or more program. MINUTES - REGULAR CI~ COUNCIL .~ET~NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JACk'MY 5, 1976 TO conclude, it is a privilege to have been part of the his- tory o£ Boynton Beach. He extended good wishes to the new Council and to all, a peaceful and joyous New Year. He then announced there would be a short recess and thanked everyone. ADMINISTraTION OF OATHS OF OFFICE TO: A. Councilman Norman F. Strnad B. ¥ice Mayor Joseph F. Zack C. Mayor Jee DeLong Mrs. Padgett swore these men in individually a_nd each took his oath of office. Mayor DeLong called the meeting back to order at 9:45 P. M. NEW BUSINESS Remarks by Mayor Joe DeLon~ Mmyor DeLong requested that the following corded and read: statement be re- '~During my lifetime of public service, I have been ac- corded many honors and privileges highlighted by the following prominent activities: Serving as the Administrative Aide to the Mayor of the second_largest City in my native State of New Jersey; ~auy visits with New Jersey,s State and National L~gislators plus visits to the Governor,s mansion; an audience with a President of our Nation; invitations to attend the ~&nauguration and the following inauguration ball of three past Presidents of o~r nation; the signing of the deed, as Mayor of Boca Raton, conveying the land to the State Board of Control for the construction of the present Florida At- lantic University; negotiatimg the terms for the lease and purchase of the Bonner tract of land at the Boca Raton north beach thereby establishing a gateway for the eventual develop- ment of the beautiful Spanish River Park. Al! of these events, as rewarding and prominent as they appear to be are far over- shadowed by the honor that has been bestowed upon me this evening by the good people of Boynton Beach who selected and then elected me to be the Mayor of o~r City for the Bi-Cen- tennial year of 1976. This honor is greatly significant in the respect that there will only be one Bi, Centennial year~ and the history of the City will record that Joe DeLong was the Mmyor during the Bi-Centennial year. For this great honer, I shall be forever gra~ef~l to all those responsible and I shall never betray the trust and confidence they have placed in me. -20- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~MTING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANU~&RY 5, 1976 After assuming office as Vice Mayor in January of 1973, I conducted a survey ink, order to establish the cause of my belief tkat i was now residing i~ a very regressive City that was attempting to fu~ctio~ in a modern manner and fashion and using as a guide an outdated and outmoded City Charter adopted in 1947. Without the knowledge or assista~ce of any City Council members, I spent many days compiling a long overdue capital improvement program ascertaining the cost estimate of the entire program plus the source of revenue for the implementa- tion of same. This program ~as submitted for C~uncil approval just prior to the 1973/74 budget sessions a~d also included a recommendation for a reduction in the millage ~ate for the ensui~ fiscal year in excess of 2½ mills. This ~s the greatest expansion program of City facilities eYer~ success- fully attem~tedin the history of the City. I am pleased to relate that the City Council approved of this program and the citizens and employees of our City are now benefitting from the many new and adequate public facili- ties. Tonight, I once again submit for City Council approval an ambitious program which I refer to as a Community Development Program outlin~, as follows: 1. A review to upgrade the employee's pension system plan rewarding those who have spent the best years of their lives as public servants withan appropriate and liveable monetary return for their years of faithful and l~yal public service. 2. Instruct the City Manager to contact the City's Fiscal Agents to prepare the required fiscal data for the construction of the second floor on the present police head- quarters. 3. The City requires training in marksmanship for the members of the Police Department, It is reco~en~ed that the City defray the cost of the facilities for this training. 4. There ~e several departments still dwelling inthe past and are in need of upgrading. The City Manager is ac- quainted with this situation ~d must be instructed to update ~ud upgrade said departments. 5. I agree and trust the City Council is favorabk9 to a referendum eliminating primary elections. I would also sug- gest permitting the voters to decide if the election of the Mayor shouldbe ~udepe~dent. If approved by the voters, this would not become effectiv~ until the term of Vice Mayor Joe -21 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA' JA~JARY 5 , 1976 Zack terminates in January, 1978. The duties of the Mayor would remain unchanged except for some specific clarification. The ~uestion of the City's western boundary lines as well as the need for a City Auditorium should also be decided upon by the voters. 6. The people who use the public beach are in need of and entitled to a First Aid Station and I sincerely believe it is incumbent upon the City te provide this facility, Our lifeguemds are now subjected to the inclement weather and are most certainly deserving of shelter. I recommend continued efforts on the part of a concerned City Council for the construction of a combimation First Aid Station and Ob. servat£on Tower. 7. I tr~st and recommend that this Administratisn does not overlook the acquisition of the 55 acres of County owned land at the City's southern city limits: 35 acres to be utilized for a public park and 20 acres for other municipal purposes in accordance with the plan submitted to and approved by the County ..Commission. If and when the Charter World Development is completely constructed, ~t will be economically advisable as well as traffic wi~e to construct a mini-City Hall and a General Service's Depot in that area, not on~7 to accommodate the Charter World residents, but those in Golf View Hazbor as well. 8. Further development of ~he City's boat launching ramp on the intracoastal waterway is a must. The City, under the present circumstances, is losing a vast amount of yearly revenue. Th~eis also Councilman Strnad's recommendation for the development of the City owned 2½ acres of land in the N.W. section on the Boynton Can~ that must be pursued. 9, The parking area at the public beach can be increased by at least 100 additional parking spaces by continuLug the northeast side of the lower level parking area in a northerly direction to the present entrance. This oarticular area is seldom if ever used for picnic purposes. There is also a definite need to black-top the entire beach parking area. 10. The City Hall Council meeting room is very much.in need of re-modeling. ~e c~u utilize some of the floor area for additional office space while at the same time providing the same capacity of attendance. 11. Due to the rash of traffic accidents occurring at $. E. 15th Avenue and U. S. #1, the City must vigorously pur- sue the installation of the traffic turning arrows at this intersection. Also the recommended and applied for installa- tion of traffic signal lights at N. E. 22nd Avenue and -22- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL -~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA j~U_~RY 5, 1976 Seacrest Boulevard, S. W. 6th Street and S. Wo 23rd Avenue; traffic lights at S. W. 18th Street and S. W. 15th Avenue, as well as So W. 15thand Congress Avenues are essential. 12. Serious thought must be given by the City Council to the employment of a Director of Commumity Development~ Among the duties of said director would be the filing of application for all federal grouts excepting water and sewer gr,.ts. Many cities in our area have greatly benefited from this source of feder~ aid, why not Boy,ton Beach? 13. The demolition of the unsightly, uninhabitable an~ ugly vacant houses and places of business in all sections of our City is an immediate m~st and long overdue. 14. A comprehensive review of the City's Code of Ordi- nances is strongly recommend eliminating those provision~ which have been declared invalid and/or those which have become obsolete with age. 15. This City administration and subsequent City admini- strations must pursue to completion the five year pla~uwhich ~ sponsored for the four-laning of Seacrest Boulevard includ- ing median strip, drainage, sidewalks, curbs, etc. The County Commission approved this plan and appropriated ~150,000~00 in this fiscal year~s budget toward the engineer- ~ng of this project. ~e must encourage and aid the youth of today to take an active and interested part in government on all levels as they are tomorrow,s leaders. In order to relieve the tax burden upon our local resi- dents which will increase due to the rise in cost of commodi- ties plus inflation, I suggest annexation in a westerly di- rection in order to broaden our tax base while at the same time assuring the City of a voice in the control of the development of this area and I also believe an attempt should be made to establish the south side of Hypoluxo Road as the City's permanent north City limits. The degree of westward expansion would be au item to be decided by the voters. ~e must support the efforts of our local Chamber of Commerce in attempting to prevail upon suit~ole business and industry to locate in our City. It is ~ sincere belief that the year of ~976 will be an outstanding year of accomplishments for our City and I have every reason to believe the voters in the last City election, in their infinite wisdom, elected the candidates who will prove beyond a doubt to be members of the working majority of a progressive City Council. -23- M_NUTES REGUL~ CiTY COUNCIL ~TING BOYNTON B-EACH, FLORIDA J.~JU~RY 5, 1976 I foresee no obstacles, determined or otherwise, that will forestall this administration in achieving its goal of progress and the continuance of the proper and fitting City image it so justly deserves, so with the blessing of the good Lord and the use of sold judgment and a realistic ap- ~oach by all members of the City Council, we shall prevail. We have done it before as proven by our successful capital improvement t~rogram and we cT do it again~ ~na~ks to one ~nd all for your attention amd k~d indulgence? ~ayor DeLong announced that ~hey had not divorced themselves from the City Manager and requested him to ~oia the Council. Remarks by Vice. M~yor Jose~hF. Za~k M~. Zack stated h~ was pleased and happy to have been elected to serv~ on the Boynton Beach City Council. It is a challenge, but he is prepared to serve. At all~times, he will endeavor to have ~u open mind for all the people in the City. Remarks by City Council Members Mr. Strnad first welcomed Vi~e Mayor Joseph.F. Zack and then congratulated l~yor DeLong to his new positmon. He state~ there was not much he could ~dd after Mayor DeLong's speech. It is with great pleasure a~n~ humility that he sits here knowing he has. had an overwhelmmng vote of confmdence, whmch indicates to him the direction in which they will proceed this year. He has received ~n-the-job training. He will continue to conduct himself in the manner to the office he was elected. Ee shall be ever on the alert for the needs of the City. He is sure the~ can accomplish many worth- while things. ~s. Jackson then read the following: "First I would like to who has been my partner for day U. S. A.! Those of us this Bicentennial year have. should base our conduct. Re~ who 200 years ago wrote the has operated= all these years life, just as we, on the They found themselves i~ as we will no dombt do. ! h men's example, and when weh _ · ml_ discuss the subject try or against. (Parenthepic alll have been many times when an convinced me that I was wron .ntroduce my husband, Walter, ~any years. NOW: Happy Birth- ~rving on the City Comncil in great heritage o~ which we ~ember that our Founding Fathers, uidelines on which our country were people of many walks of cil, are. disagreement on many s~bjects, ~pe we will follow these noble ~ve differences of opinions, we ~ng to bring out the ooints for I would like to say-that there ~ther member of the Council has and i have gladly cha~ged my MINUTES - REGUL~_M CITY COL~CIL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MEETING JANU~LqY 5, t976 mind.) If there is a difference of opinion when~the vote is tsd~en, we should all be mature enough to take defeat, and ac- cept the majority vote. Remember that is what o~tr form of government is all about. We should remember a phrase that has been used: That is, ~we can disagree without being dis- agreeable., We should remember that whe~ you get two people in a room there are bouRd to be differenees of opinions. With five people in policy making positions, that is even more true. This is America, with the ~ to disagre~ ~-~-it is normal to occasionally have differences of opi- nions, But this doesn't and shouldn't ma~e ms enemies. When we vote, we should each vote our own convictions - not because someone else voted that way, and always keep in mind that we are trying to do everything for the good of our City and keep personalities out of our decisi6ns. I would like to repeat some things ! said in my remarks at the first meet~ug of last year. · e have a City Manager form of government. The Council sets ~n~ policy and the City Manager carries it out. Each Council member has ~n equal vote. The City Manager and the department heads c~not effi- ciently operate unless we work as a team. Let us work as a whole Souncil, and not as individuals, and collectively s-~t the City Manager on his duties. Let us all refrain from giving orders to City personnel, and ms~e sure they understand that they have O~ boss - the City Manager. Let us not put them in the embarrassing position of feeling they have six bosses. Let us, as a Council, direct the City M~a- ger on any jobs we feel should be done, and let him handle the personnel of the City. One last thing. During the past two and a half years, since the Home Rule went into effect,changes have been made in our Charter ~ud Ordinances. Let us all study our black book, and any subject ~atter which should be changed because the Federal or State laws have overruled these subjects, should be put on the agenda for discussion and voted upon. But until such time as the changes are ~ made, let us remember tha~ the black book - Charter &nd Ordin~Gces - are what we have taken an oath to uphold. Let us pay tribute to all_hhe past Councils in the last 50 plus years since Boynton Beach became a municipality. Each y~ar has brought some good to this once small community. Of course they made some mist&kes, as we all do. But each year something good has been added. These east Councils have contributed their part, as we hope to do th~s year, and future Councils will do. -25- MINUTES P~GLrLAR CITY COUNC~ .W~E, TING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANU~P¥ 5 , 1976 Let us make our Bicentennial year one that in years to come, can be regarded with pride." M~yor DeLong stated before calling on M~. Harmening for his address, he w~uted to apologize and ask the wives of the dif- ferent Councilmen to stand up and take a bow. He requested ~rs. Zack, I~s. Strnad and his .wife to stand. Mr. Harmening stated he would like to convey his wife's apo- logies for not being here tonight, but she was not feeling too well. He continued that the previous speakers have covered all the water front. He pledges encee again to do his best to keep all interests of the people of Boyntom Beach uppermost in his mind. Mayor DeLong stated that before proceeding with the appoint- ments of City Officials, he had a very important communica- tion to read. He then read a letter from M~. John Do Wessel requesting that he not be considered for the appointment of Municipal Judge for t976 because of his pressing ls.w prac- tice. He submitted to the City Council his appreciation and co~ented on the high quality of law enforcement given by th ~ ~ ~ e Bgyn~on Beach ~olzce Department and cooperation from the M~n~czpat Court Clerk ~ud her deputies. Mrs. Jackson moved to accept this resignation and instruct the City Manager to forward the appropriate communication for past services rendered. M~. Zack seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Appointments of city officials ~L~yor DeLong announced that he was going to adopt the follow- ing policy. He will call upon the members of the Council to make their nominations and it will be in alphabetical order. in this way, they can keep account of what is going on. ~City Manager Mayor DeLong declared the no~uations to be open for the position of City Manager and the members made the following nominations: Councilman Harmening Councilwoman Jackson Councilman Strnad Vice ~4ayor Zack ~ay or DeLong - Frard~Kohl -.~F~ank Kohl Frank Kohl - *Frank Kohl ~FrankKohl ~s. Jackson moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by ~Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0. -26- MI~JTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL EET!NG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1 976 Mr. Kohl thanked the Mayor, City Council members and friends in Boynton Beach. He added that he was trying to obey the Protocol rule by sitting in the audience. City Attorney Mayor DeLong declared the nominations to be open for the position of City Attorney and the members made the follow- ing nominations: Mr. Harmening nominated the existing City Attorney, Mr. Ernest Simon. Mrs. Jackson nominated F~. Ernest Simon. ~. Strnad proposed the name of the firm of Reed and Smodish. M~s. Jack, on asked if he was including the retainer agreement? Mayor DeLong stated he believed it would be pro- per to name Mr. Reed and he, in turn, would request his part- ner to be named Assistant City Attorney. Mr. Zac~ nominated M~. Robert Reed. Mayor DeLong nominated M~. Robert Reed. ~s. Jackson moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Mr. Zacko Motion carried 5-0. N~s. Jackson stated she would be very hesitant to sign a retainer agreer~nt with any attorney. She noted that the amount of $26,250 was stated plus additional pay for other services. They have had Mr. Simon for three years. He is now making $27,500 and she feels very definitely that they have something they should hold onto. ~s. Jackson referred back to 1973 and read the letter sent to M~. Simon at the time he was appointed outlining the re- quests for certain services. She then pointed out that M~. Reed was asking them to violate their Charter. Mrs. Jackson then started reading the report submitted by M~. Simon out- lining how he has put in a great many hours. She noted that he has represented the City in 16 law suits, 5 concluded and ~I still pending. ¥~. Strnad remarked that he thought this was quite a lengthy thing to be reading through, Mayor DeLong stated that he partially agrees, b~t he doesn't have the reputation to cut people off and woald like Mrs. Jackson to proceed. N~so Jackson continued reading the report and pointed out that this was s~l done for the sum of $27,500. N~s. Jackson then asked if they were getting somebody who is experienced? She added that they must also consider the -27- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANU~RY 5, 1976 taxpayers' money. Mayor DeLong replied that h~ would say they are looking at the taxpayers' mo~ey and will be get- ting somebody experienced. He added that Mr. Reed's con- tract was similar te Mr. Simon's. Mrs. Jackson pointed out that Mr. Reed's contract was for nine months. The retainer agreement violates their ordinance. She questioned the possibility of the Council deciding they didn't want Reed and he has appointed Ns. Smodish. Mayor DeLong replied that M~. Reed wouldn't be appointing, but the City Council has jurisdiction. He asked her to be patient aud wait for the motion. Ee pointed out that she was Just rehashing things with reading the report, which is information they already have. Mr. Harmening referred to the appointment of M~. Reed ~nd stated he presumed it would be on the basis of the retainer submitted. He takes exception to the retainer submitted. The retainer is in violation of the Charter. The Charter states the City Attorney should serve at the Dleasure of the City Council. The retainer agreement is ~ot at the pleasure of the City Council. If they sign this agreement, M~. Reed is entitled to the money and the taxpayers wilt be stuck for it. He pointed out there was no reference to Section 58 of the Charter in this retainer agreement. Why are they cha~ging the duties as set forth? This is an abridgment, if not a violation. The duties 8~e set out in the Gharter. ~hy do they call this a retainer? If any- thing, if they want an agreement with this man, it should not be called a retainer agreement, but &u employment agreement. A retainer is m~ch different than an employ- ment agreement. For the past three years, they have had an attorney who has served on a firs~ priority basis without a retainer. Actually, they have nad the services of two attorneys ontHe same basis. In this retainer agreement, it sets up the position of ~_n Assistant City Attorney. At the present time, they db not have this position in the books. Mayor DeLong informed him that this could be put on the books. M~. Harmening continued that if they ac- cepted this agreement drawn by a member of the Florida Bar, he is asking'th~m not to create the position of an Assis- tant City A~orney, but is asking them to let him appoint an Ass~Lstan~ Cit~ Attorney. ~yor DeLong replied that the motion wouldnot be that way~ M~. Harmening pointed out that it was stated this way in the retainer. Mr. Harmenimg referred to Article 3 of this agreement, which is very important, since it deals with compensation. The drafter of this article s~ated if he decides to quit, he will,give the~City a p~o-ration of $20,000. What hap- pens if they decide to fire him? The compensation is the same as ~h~the~ pay right now for two City Attorneys on a firstP~z~n~as~s. He can give us two when two are re- quired. Also, in the past, either City Attorney agree~ Minutes of 1/20/76 -28- MINUTES - REGUI~R CITY CODICIL MEETING BOY,TON B~ACn, FLORIDA JANUarY 5, 1976 to handle all City business without additional compensation. He has handled all business and they have not been asked for special compensation~ He the~ referred to the last article - Termination - which is clearly in violation and contrary to Section 57 of the Charter. ~ Robert Reed appeared before the Council and informed them that his purpose here tonight was to explain some comments in reference to the r~tainer agreement. In respect ~to~he termi- nology Of whether i~ is called a retai~er or an employment agreement, when the City Council hires a~ attorney~ they hire him as an independent contractor rather th~ ~n an employee basis. Mr. Reed then referred to Mr. Harmenir~ indicating that if the Gity Council were to execute the retainer agreement, they would have to pay $26,250 to the City Attorney irre- spective of what happens in the future. It does not provide this, but the City Council can decide to disassociate itself with him and his~partner and the payment of the retainer would only ~e paid until the services are terminated. Just as h~ and his partner can g±v~ notice with thirty days written notice~ the ~ity has the same privilege. M~. Rsed continued that in addition, they di~ not specifi- cally site Section 57 of Article 4 with respect to the duties of the City Attorney, but think the re~ainer agreement spells out the identical duties of this section. They are agreeing to perform each and every one of the duties spelled out in the Charter. M~. Reed added that he wasshocked to discover that this City never had a retainer agreement with any of its past City Attorneys. He thinks the letter Mrs. Jackson read previously to Mr. Simon was the closest thing this City had with a City Attorney in the past. His whole purpose in preparing the retainer agreement was merely to set a general framework within which the City Council could empley or retain its City ~ttorney. Also, he thi~_ks the City Attor- ney, ~uder this agreement, would be serving at the pleasure of the City Council, ~ut is merely asking for thirty day written notice before services are terminated. Mr. Reed then referred to the special compensation indi- cated. The agreement gives a direct quotation of Section f~ Additional compensation is~made as the Council sees . It is a matter for the City Council to decide. Mr. Harmening pointed out that he had the option to bill the City and Mr. Reed replied that the City could override it and decide not to pay. Mr. Harmening stated that he would take the City to court and ~. Reed replied: absolutely not. -29- Mi~b~TES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JA~JARY 5, 1976 M~. Reed continued that the agreement states as the Council sees fit, he shall be paid for special compensation. While M~r. Simon may have been providing the City with two attorneys, he thir~ks under this retainer agreement they are being pro- vided the same thing. The City Attorney would he working for the same amount as in the budget. In addition, the &ssists~ut should be authorized to represent the City in mat- ters when the City Attorney cannot represent the City. The Assistant City Attorney, who will be aDpointed by the City Council, will serve without additienal~renumeration. Both will serve for the same amount. This has never been in writ- lng in the past. He thi~s it is more appropriate for the City to have an agreement of this sort. An agreement along these lines is long needed. Mr. Harmenimg stated he was not wedded to this agreement and cannot see how they could hire an attorney who drew this agreement. He asked if Mr. Reed went into court with this agreement one day after the City fired him and went into court with a similar employment agreement, which could he collect on? Mr. Reed replied that the only difference is the fact that in a retainer agreement, you have a person en- gaging the service of an individual contractor. In an em- ployment agreement, yon are employing the person as sa em- ployee and you~are obligated to make F.I.C.A., Social Secur- ity payments, etc. He doesn't thir~k there is one iota of difference between agreements in collecting. Mr. Harmening remarked that it somewhat clouds the issue, but this was a definition of sorts. Mrs. Jackson questioned the reference to additional pay for special and unusual services and Mr. Reed informed her that when he prepared this agreement, he had no particular ser- vices in mind. He reviewed Sections 57 to 60 in the Che~ter and tried to include this in the agreement in regards to re- tention of the City Attorney. He is not prepared to say what servicss would be special or unusual. He gave an example of an appellate case requiring their removal from the area for a certain time. However, whether the City Council agrees with him and whether he is entitled to compensation is another matter. The City Council has the decision to make. ~. Zack read the resume submitted by Robert B. Reed, Jr. for the information of the audience. Mayor DeLong then requested the law partner of ~. Reed to stand up and come forward. He then requested M~. Zack to read the resume submitted by Michael Smodish. Mayor DeLong then thanked the gentlemen and asked them to be seated. Mr. Zack made a motion to employ Mr. Reed as their City Attorney and to have the agreement executed.by the proper City Official. Mr. Strnad seconded. Mr. Harmening ques- tioned the execution of this agreement and there was some -30- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETLNG BOYNTON ~.ACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 5, 1976 discussion regarding this. ~s. Padgett then took a roll call vote on this motion as follows: Councilman Harmening - No Councilwoman Jackson - No Councilman Strnad - Yes Vice Mayor Zack - Yes Mayor DeLong - Yes Motion carried 3-2. Mr. Reed said that he really looks forward to working for this Council and earning their respect in the future. Mayor DeLo~ replied that he knows he will do that. Nm. Zack made a motion that Mr. ~,~chael Smodish be appointed Assistant City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Strnad. Under dis- cussion, ~. H~mening questioned if it. would~be bet~e~ pro- cedure to create the.position before making the appo~n men and Mr. Ree~ ~eplied that he thinks they are doing both actions in the motion. Mayor ~eLong stated if he so de- si~ed, he could bring in a resolution to re-affirm it. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call Vote as follows: Councilman Harmening - Yes, on the advice of the City Attorney Councilwoman Jackson - Yes Councilman Str~ad - Yes Vice Mayor Zack Yes Mayor DeLong - Yes Motion carried 5-0. Municipal Judge Mayor DeLong declared the nominations to he open for the position of Municips_l Judge and the members made the follow- ing nominations: ~. Harmening stated he had no nominations at this time. · M~s. Jackson nominated ~. Serge Pizzi aud added that she did'not know Nm. Wessel was resigning. Mr. Pizzi replied that he was not interested and thanked M~s. Jackson. Mr. Strnad nominated M~. Sidney Schwartz. Mr. Zack nominated ~M. sidney Schwartz. Mayor DeLong nominated Mr. Sidney Schwartz. ~s. Jackson remarked that she heazdthat Mr. Strnad was re- lated to Mr. Schwartz. Mr. Strnad replied that this was ridiculous and that neither he nor his wife were related to Mr. Schwartz. -3t- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANU~RY 5, 1976 Mr. Strnad read the resume submitted by P~ofo Sidney Schwartz. Mr. Eack made a motion to close the nominations, seconded by Mr. Strnad. Motion carried 5-0. ¥~. Strnad made a motion to appoint Prof~ Sidney Schwartz as Municipal Judge, seconded by Mr. Eack. Under discussion, Mr. Harmen~ng asked when Prof. Schwartz was admitted to the Flor- ida Bar and Mrs~ Jackson replied on October 3, 1975~ N~. Strnad remarked that it had no bearing and Mr. Harmening replied itwas a matter of interest. Mrs. Padgett then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows: Co~cilmanHarmening Councilwoma~Jackson Councilman Strnad Vise Mayor Zack Mayor DeLong - Aye, since there are no other nomimations. - Aye - Aye - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Mayor DeLong requested Prof~ Schwartz to step forward. Jac¥~on stated that out of curiosity, she would like to k~ow when the letter was receivsd from Mr. Wessel. Mayor DeLong replied that she had a copy and the time was noted. Mr. Strnad noted it was January 5 and ¥~s. Jackson remarked that it was rather short notice. Mayor DeLong stated that they got the notice and that is what counts. P~af. Schwartz stated he was deeply indebted to the Council for the confidence they he~¢e invested in him by choosing him for their Municipa~ Court Judge. He will do everything to serve in a judicial and right way for the benefit of the City. Judge Ad Litem Mayor DeLong declared the nominations to be oDen/'for the position of Judge Ad Litem and the members made the follow- ing nominations~ Mr. Harmening nominated the present existing judge, Mr. Serge Pizzi. M~s~ Jackson nomina~ ted ~. Serge Pizzi. Mr. 8trnad nominated M~. Serge Pizzi. M~. Zack nominated Mr. Serge Pizzi. Mayor DeLong nominated M~. Serge Pi~zi. -32- MINUTES - REGULAR CIT~ BOYNTON BEAC~W_, FLORIDA COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 5, t 976 Mr. HarmeninE moved to close the nominations, seconded by Mr. Zack. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Strnad moved to have Judge Pizzi re-instated as their Judge Ad Litem, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett took a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening - Aye Councilwoman Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Vice Mayor Zack ~ Aye M~yor DeLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Mayor DeLong prevailed upon the rest of the members of the Council that they must get a different system in the swear- ing in of these officials. He thinks it is time they get organized and move forward. If they are going to have swear- ing in ceremonies, they should have sweeping in ceremonies. As soon as they take care of the appointment of the City Officials, they should adjourn until tomorrow evening. Mrs. Jacksom remarked that she thought they should adopt their rules of order tonighti City Prosecutor Mayor DeLong declared the nominations to be open for the position of City Prosecutor and the~members m~de the follow- ing nominations: Mr. Harmening passed. Mrs. Jackson nominated the present City Prosecutor, Mm. Pnrd~.. ~. Strnad nominated Mr. David Centola. Mr. Zack nominated N~. David Centola. Mayor DeLong nominated Mr. David Centola. ~. Harmening moved to close the nominations, seconded by Mr. Zack. Motion carried 5-0. M~. Zack moved tor, seconded by Mx. Harmening. No discussion. took a roll call vote as follows: to appoint Mr. David Centola as City Prosecu- Mrs. Padgett -33- Councilman Harmening Aye Counci!womanJackson - Aye Comncilman Strnad - Aye Vice Mayor Zack Aye Mayor DeLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES - REGULAR CiTY COUNCIL .MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JA~JARY 5, 1 976 Assist~ut City Prosecutor and Public Defender Mrs. Jackson referred to M~. Jay Reynolds presently being the Public Defender. Mayor DeLong stated he would like to shop aroumd the City and N~s. Jackson agreed that they didn't need them right away. M~r. Earmening moved to table the appointments of the Assistant City ~osecutor and Public Defender, seconded by Mrs. Jacksom. Ne discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Adopt Rules of Order and Designate Parliamentarian Mrs. Jackson referred to using Roberts Rules of Order as revised and modified~ M~yor DeLong advised on the adoption that they clarify that Roberts Rules of Order shall be ad- hered to whenever practical. The Rules were not drafted ~or a city, hut for large legislative groups such as the State House of Representatives, Congress of ~. S., etc. He ex- plained how they frowned upon some points, which are neces- sary for local points of order. $~ny time they have a small group, he thinks they can qualify their vote, but not go into an open discussion. ~s. Jackso~ clarified that she meant the revise~ and modifie~ Rules. Mayor DeLong replied that he has the revised copy and it is still patterened after large legislative bodies. He thinks it should be adhered to whenever practical. Mrs. Jackson made a motion to adopt Roberts Rules of Order as modified and designate the City Attorney as Parliamentarian. Mr. Harmening seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0~ Appointment of Boards and Committees Mayor DeLong suggested delaying these Board appointments. M~. Ra~mening moved to lay the appointments to the Boards and Co~$ttees on the table, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. No dis- cussion. Motion carried 5~0. Proposed Resolution 76-C - RE: Authorized Bank Signatures for ~976 Mm. Reed read Resolution 76-C in its entirety. M~. Harmening moved for adoption of Resolution 76-C, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll call Vote as follows: Councilman Harmening - Aye Councilwoman Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Vice Mayor Zack - ~ve M~yor DeLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. -34- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY CO~C!L BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA MEETING JANUARY 5, 1976 .~MIN ISTRATIVE Consider Approval of Preliminary Site Plan - Lake Worth Mariner Village Subdivision Consider Request of Image Homes to Construct Sales Models Consider Conversion of a Portion of Golden Sands Motel to Condominiums ~ayor DeLeng referred to the GoldenSands Motel pla~ amd n~orm~d the CoUncil that the T.R.B. reviewed this plan at 10 A.M. thismor~ing and the C.A.B. is discussing this at 7:30 P.M. this evening. He doesn't understand how they can have this item before them when!It has to clear two other meetingm. A mam in the audience informed him that it had cleared these two Boards. Mm~yor DeLong replied that they must havebthe minutes stating this a~d go through chan- nels. Mrs. Jackson asked if all three were ink, the same position and Mayor DeLong replied that he believed the other two had been approved by the Planning & Zoning Bos~d. Mr. Kohl advised them that this was correct. Mrs. Jackson asked if they had been reviewed by the C.A.B.? Mayor DeLong continued that there was a comtention of what requirements to meet. M~. Kelly informed him that he thought the Planning & Zoning Board minutes would clear this. Mayor DeLong noted that they stated it should follow the lines of density of R-3. Mr. Kelly recommended tabling this, so the air could be cleared. MmJor DeLong remarked that there was a lot of difference of opinioa in the minutes. F~. Kelly advised that Mr. Smoot feels the requirements of C-3 should be applied. He would recommend, in all fairness to the applicant and Council, it should be tabled. .Mrs. Pad,err informed them that a ma~ did reqnest to speak in reference to the Lake Worth Mariner Vil- lage Subdivision. Mr. Kelly said he thought this should be studied further. Mrs. Jackson asked if these had been adver- tised for a hearing tonight and Mr. Kohl replied that they had just been heard by the Planning & Zoning Board. Jackson moved to table ~t~aese three items to the next regular meeting. Mm. Strna~ seconded the motion. No dis cussion. Motion carried 5-0. OT~R Mayor DeLong annoUnced at this time, the Chair was going to call fsr several motions. First, he read Paragraph 5, Sub- Paragraph C, of the revised Roberts Rules of Order pertain- ing to the rescinding of motions. MINUTES - REGb~L~R CiTY COUNCIL I~ETING J~NUARY 5, 1976 BOYh~TON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor DeLong then announced at this time, the Chair will entertain a motion to rescind Ordinance 75-43 regarding the central~ file. M~. Strnad moved to rescind Ordinance No. 75-43, seconded by M~. Zack. Under discussion, M~s. Jackson stated they were going against State law. Mayor DeLong disagreed and stated they were going according to Roberts Rules of Order. N~s. Jackson referred to the State law e~d they were just putting it on their books. Mayor DeLong informed her that they were going to adhere to the State law i~ so far as specified by the Bureau of ~rchives. Mrs. Padgett then conducted a roll call vote as follows: Co~ucilma~ Harmening - No - To clarify, Councilwoman Jackson No Councilman Strnad - Yes Vice Mayor Zack - Yes Mayor DeLong - Yes since he voted for this ordinance previ- ously, he thinks it would be extremely inconsistent to.vote for this motion. Motion carried 3-2. Mayor DeLong a~nounced that a motion would be in order to rescind the previous motion made regarding the alleged elec- tion violations being turned over to a prosecutor. Mr. Zack moved that the City Prosecutor will not be notified about any election violations and the State Attorney and Secre- tary of State will be notified of the action of this Council. Ths appropriate ~apers shall be forwarded to all agencies contacted that the new City Council, by a 3-2 vote, does not see proof for any investigation. If these people want to settle a feud, !et them use their own money and not the taxpayers. ~. 8trnad seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mrs. Jackson referred to Mayor DeLong being one of'the people requesting this investigation. Mayor DeLong disagreed and stated he called it to their attention that there was a vio- lation on the part of a candidate and backers. He instructed her to read his letter thoroughly. Mr. Harme~ing stated that ~yor DeLong suggested that the City Attorney clarify this and Mayor DeLong disagreed. ~s. Padgett then conducted a ro~l call vote as follows: Councilman H~mening - No Councilwoman Jackson - No Councilman Str~ad - Yes Vice Mayor Zack - Yes Mayor DeLong - Yes Motion cmrried 3-2. -36- M~UTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING BOY~TON BEACH, FLOR~A JANU_~Y 5, 1976 Mmyor DeLong suggested setting a time for the meeting to ap- po~ut the Board members. After discussion, it was agreed to meet tomorrow, January 6, at 5:00 P. M. ADJOURk~MENT Mr. Strnad made a motion to adjourn, seconded by M~s. Jackson. Motion Carried 5-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 11:20 P. M. CITY O~F BOYNTON BEn, CH, FLORIDA ~~' ~or / Vice Mmyor ATTEST.- ' /~mty Clerk Susan Kruse, (4 Tapes) Recording Secretary -37- CITY OF BO~qTON BEACH Schedule of Payments ' Ail Funds For-the Month of .November , 1975 Prepared by: Department of Finance ACCT. ~0.0I 5 0.~'~00 .~ 20.00' GEiN-ERA L JOT31~AL VENDOR FLA. POt~ER LIGHT FLA, PO~ER LI,~MT .... 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RE~N~ PENSION - . FIRE'NS PENSt~ FU~D - F'IRE~NS PENSION F~D- FIRST Bi~ TRUST - ~ITED ~AY P.B. CO.P~IC[ B.B.FIRE FIGHT ASSO0 .... - VAN OEG[J~JOHTE 7353 '- I 00.00 '~'~1'~"'~I~ EXPEzND ITUI~S ACCT. DATE I CI-iE~ 85,41 53.69 ~5 i .12 65.12 66.12 ]70.12 2Z .~ 21 ,~Z4 21.56 21,46 OF~B,I CASH OASH :ROEPT. CEPTo FER DF. PT, .... Z~.!8.J ' pT,...' .... 3'15 ~TY CASH 575 "Y OASH , OASH ,i.L: .;, - - CASH PO~ER 'K.I'~ 60.13 ~':1 "' ' :'-'- ..... ~:; 'LA, PO~E~ ~1~1 ·' " 65.13 ~53 POWER LtGI : .:~ .,:..: .,.;. :., : . 389 · ~8'~I3 .... 70 ~3- .~3 25 ..... 80 ~ BELL 60 ~9{ ~INOSLEY LU~E ~ o .2g~ ~6~ ~[ EXXON 75 ~0 ~V :.: BAS l L 00.19 ~V KRUSE: ACCT. NO. ,46 5 ~2~ 60.12 63,85 DATE NO. V~NDOR A~.~OU'~T~ SENT INEL M* 'HERN BLD~.t 2,60 66.97 D 3 ,~0 10 12,96 5 0 ~0 1 ~-~0 7 5:40 21:~0 ~9 ! 2 4 ROEBUOK GR ,B. ,B- AUtO PARTS ,B, AUTO ,8, A~O PA~T~ ,e. A~o 7 AR~RU~TER TY GAl RAYMOND: · GASH R 8~ 34 ~0 80 ~& . 10,oo ', : 3 o ,o0 3o,0o 8 5 ~.&l i 22 2 2 ,D6 '415 t 1 ~62 2 2 ~30 ¥%5 NOV ~I5 1,1 31 ) ]. GAL~LO~IAY ql5 1,1 38,0 NOV hR5 t. 1 ANI. ,: F L. USH 1NG - S ! ~vBOL IOK tRAYBA~R :' ELEOTR GRIFF ITt ' GRIFFIT~ 17 8.07 < I 01,011 . 9 20 7 09,22 8.00 8.00 : . 8.00 ·: 8 ::. 8.00 18.00 ~ 8 7.7g ACCT. DATE NO. 5.02' 12169 13 .09 154~B0 ! 5 2,61 5 4 ,~6 0.29 60 ~29 51.2g 5 3,29 2.9 L5.3 .,-*~O. 5,39., 5%51 30 5 0 ~22 5151 8 0.24 8 0.24 5151 5151 2 1.29 5 1 1 .~6 1 1 =~1 70 00 70.0C' ~ --7-0-,00.-- ~:-- 7 0,0C'i' % 7 0.0( 7 0.0( 30.00 ~OV 5 25.00 7 0.00 B 7 0.0C~ I 00 ;10 · 01.10 ·~.Q..~....~---5-~% ~ 2 1 ,-56 1.1 ~ 22;-56 NOV 1 2 ~0 VEATDOR I ~O~T ~LEDAY, AND'( 'OBDS TRAVEL PETTY CASH AUTO ~OYNTON AUTO AUT 0 S ON ROOUOTS ROOUO.TS TRiO ARTS &~ CRAFTS --P -UBt-t AND ~ O TAYLOR SCR I B NER KOZiCH & KOZtCH RESEARCH 'TY OASH '..CASH. ........ TY CASH CASH .~....: 4.3.7 0 6 ~ .60 ~ .00 2.7[ 2 52.t2 '~ ] 7.00 6,00 28.09 .::.: ..... 1 lO.OO · : 20.00 8 0.00 12 7 2 2 0 9.09 18.06 13,909..40 56.06 & .60 ......... 1..&3.j _ACCT. i DATE CI-!ECI~ i VEATOOR BIO. I 5:O. :I 1t~46 , 5 0 ,V1 6 ~bl 75,70 Z9 & 3 J 60.68 2.9 64 ,t 6 0 ,g7 Z9 60,39 P,0¥%O'F~,,] 2.9 QRIFF GRIFF !~F.F. 51,79 ~ ' )OYN7 51,79 NOV 6Z$1 :'LORIDA 75,69 ~1%~ 2,~..~-_.~_ '~-~':8-7 : OX, V AL LEY O0.10 10 ~0 PART'. 10,~6 ~.15 ~.B. AUTO PART 11,56 a15 .B. AUTO PART: 21 ,&l ~ %UTO PART: 22~0 ~15 1.1 .B, AUTO PART', 22=~1 B~% 1. -. [,B. AUTO PART ~_ ,B, AUTO PART~ O0.h6 ~SEY 02~6 ALSEY GEIFFITN 3 2.00 6~5 OF ~0.00 ~5 OX VALLEY 70.00 28~.0[ AKER AND TAYL( ~O-.~; .... [EVER-'8~RDE-T'T ' 0UY~IA SPORT B&OOK RESTAU~i O~E AN STATE Of FLA 360,52, 2.9 Z975.0 2.9 76.0 2.987,0 Z9 88.0 Zg 90',0 8 5 ; 7 5 ;75,q0 7 5,39 7 5,70 50.28 5 1.28 R ICE .15 I80.70 1 89.00 OAR WASH :IOYNTON GUN,, I DIXIE TA iGK SMITH IOYNTON AUTO a .ASS T-Y"GF'"B'~ ~ ............................... ~TATEW 1 DE P lOT JRE~SERV 25.82 : 5 1.61 1 2 8 8 0,46 22,62 O1 .t0 01.24 'U0'~28' 11:28 10 :-56 ' 2 2 ;50 21 2 2 :,50 12 20,~4 2 1 ,~4 21 20:50 12:20 ~ O1.17 ~ . 10 ~56 21 22 ~1 2 2 ~1 2 2 ,~2 1.170 NOV 1Qt% t, 1 TT MAG DO~EI " ITT MAC DO~E ITT MAO OF FLA - 'IRE EQUIP S tlSCAYNE FIRE QUIP : ' ;OYNTON GLASS IGARO NIA , - tlRQtNIA STARTZ A~Efl I O~%N ! NST. WHITT MAG LI.,;: ALLSTATE WALLACE WEST I NGH OUSE .EOTR 10 BYRDES E ,AFETY [ JIP :-' PAY ~ PAY 1 MOTORS {OWARD PU~. ~' ~"?'~'- ' "- TIRE HALSEY G ATLANT i C O0 - JO ~RE O0 - - "10 ANTI 0 : O0 - ANTIC O0 ' HA~ I ~ .00 ' ' 6 D .00 ~;~;%~.' 20 .00 -- .... '; 20.00 · 30 ~b gO ACCT. NO. DATE ! CI-IEc~ NO. HAE )~8 7 359 7O 8 70 8 7 0.00 ,64 16 3.56 0,2 59 OUIS PAY TI PAY ~ 80.00 1,3 1l- ~ 380:24 BLAIR 380,24 0 .19 . GU I DO ~..5..0. ~.6. 8 5,37 7 5 ,~g 7 5,80 8 o 8 0.00 10 ,-56 '2'2',~-~" 01 .t0 2 ! ,62 22,62 0.0g 50.q6 1.69 -~ :~-~--. 1.39 5.40 5.00 :'N. ! SCHOOL E 0,276 J ADVANCE AIR 4 5 J 0YNTH I A ~,6, :...: IStAH ANDRE~S V~ESO0 L! RTZ ~FG, 00 :TTY CASH ............ P_ L..O. AS~ ........... Pi CASH :TTY CASH :t:~ LO - DUN~LEBEt iITI 4 90.00 5 75.54 ~ I&2.91 I '.- .~ ~ I D.4 5,50 8.70 , - ..- .. %0 00.00: ' ' ' "~'-.8~ : - "3'3: '7'~L~", : . ' .::'..25.00 , 2 16.16 :I 5.00 - - '.'; ~:'.g 4 '~ '- --6.60 'L '~1 0~0 ' -' 30.00 ACCT. DATE i CDiECK NO. I ~ NO. 297.00 1.10 ¥%%%5. - ] !o 0~.0..01- 2 9. ~ ,GO 335.00 337,00 - S( 2 1.30 ' :'",B~5 .. I 2.56 "t%% . 1 1.49 ! .49 2.46 h00 5.40 · 5:~0 ...... 5.40 0.24 5.85 5.]t6 5.2 g ~.51 g6~0 197~0 197~0 198~0'- 345,00 5.6:1: - 3.29 '~ ')'~b i 55.00 3.~0 - 0.29 9't5~ 1 0,70 9~5 t o. VEN-DOR } AMOUNT X£ PE ..C VA AR~RU STER LIlY GENERAL HAL SECURITY Il LY ANDREWS AO ELECRTRI [E, GIBSON. · :GRUMMOMS"'~ CHAI CORP .POSTMASTER RADIATO~ ROEBUCK GR t,F-FI.TH--- G~IFFi TH' FFI TH GRIFFITH GOOEREY- 'Y. CASH' CASH CASH 'Y CASH CASH ~UTO P~TS AUTO P~TS AUTO PARTS' J 3 0o00 .t7JO .oo z 5.0;0 630.60 7 8 135.00 82 B,O0 128.70 .. 650.00 38 b,OO ..~ ~0.00 ~0.00 5,08 ~ ,90 I 0~0 i ACCT. i DATE CStECI( t _~O. ~ NO. !.29 1 u. i5 ~.OO .2 g AU {UDUCI5 3.30 ~.29 4.30 ~PRODUCTS :'RODUOT 5 OOUOT S L6 9 - ).1:8 ).29 ) ~2'6 ).29 ' .68 5.3 8 ' .22 ~0 .2:5 ~.56 ' - ~..6. ~,- ....... · .2 g ;5 9.00 9-t5 ~o, 5,00 6.00 975 9-t5 0 0.00 g]5 I,'. 0 1.00 915 , L: L 0 3.00 1,: 0 $.00 ~ 'Lb 0 5,00. 315 1.~ fROPH IE Al:FI C AUTO CAMERA LEY DAVIDSON tSTk4ASTER ~S PUMP BENEFIT AUTO P/~T8 AUTO PARTS AUTO PARTS AUTO PARTS /~JTO P ARTS TO P/~T$ ~U.TQ..P~RIS. .E~EO1 22~0-1 22D6 70.00 ,B,i~ AUTO ; B ~!:;-AUTO ' PARTS ,.B IODOC,D! ,ST .CENTER I. TY....BOOKS-.-t: ,CMILLAN PUBLI lAY. AND C PUBL I AND TAYLO PALM BEACH ODF ASPLLiNDH SERV I TRUCK G NS STORE : :--:: .: SERV SU~ PL.Y., ;:.* AMOU'~'T 1.95' 9.89' 1,26 '-3 .~ ,00 :::~:-=,~ 2.00 ' - .~ 6.00 21 5 ~.0( .'7'6 ;-.: 2,29 -- I~.75 0.78 ~.16' 5.5h ,4~-~,~-!. ....... 7.00 ......... -7~8-9-- 13.56 8.15 3 08 ...... :-*---9-;~7- h..00 ~ O9.06 .1.8 70 25,00 7 3.78 0.3 :29 ,29 ;29 ,50,29 20.15 5 I 50 ;ql · 12 1 1 ,~39 , 21,39., 1 ! ,50 , 22,64 22 2 !- 69,00 20 ~20 20 ,-20 ~0 NOVt'~% 20 20 20 ~20 20 :~0 2 0.20 20120 3 20 ~0 20 :-20 2 0 ;-20 2 0 ~20 .2.0.~.0.. 2 0 20 20 ~20 2 0 ~20 2 0 ~20 2 0.20 2 0 N0¥2% T-'d O.q 09, 0,427 NOV2.1.1 0,428 ~OV 2 ~ }51 VENDOR I AMOUNT ALLEN IN -"' OL.$ O~ AIR :)ITIO UAT. J_ .C[S..: ......... .$..0 0_.0 .. . . 1 iORE:TE - 36..3S 'NTON BRAKE, -. - ' '-15.00 ' - '. L~3J.O 'i( . AUTO - · OHAFT .... , 34.00 " '.. 'i .oo ~4 29.00 RE ~q N POLL~ STORE I 3 O .00 tAR~N :"-' 30 ~0~ ..-: .- 30.00 ........ 30.00 30.00 ' ' 30.~0 '-- ' -:' 25.00 "" ;:' "~5'.~ ? 25,00~ ~ -.- ~ .... 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'--t~ ...... : ........................ ~'~' on'o. "0V~}510~65,0): I~LET/ JOTHANN :-' ~ . ' ,' ' _ . '.'. ~.~ ~ ~ """~{151n~67,0)" ' ' JERRY KUBAOEK ' ' '~- · - ~'~; - :' , ~54,54 ~ttOVt%t51~477.O)". ' ~IER~ TIRES · ~ IOE~HINE5 GO - . · 18.73' ~ ' ~ 5329 NOV2~glO,~8!.O~ .LOYDS OF B-B, . -,--:='~. 60,29 '}~V~3510.~81,0 ' xLOYD~ OF B,B, -' - - _;'. ": -- '' 39,00: .5.~.~5... ~VZ~.V~O, 4.S4~~) =. .. ~RIFFIN EQU.IP...: :.._ ':: : ~ g29,60 55.29 ~y'Z~51~85,0~) -' I?WL~D TRUCK ~'~UIP '- I~51 30 ,~t~5!0489,0) ' ' :ARL ~ALLACE FIIRD '.~:':j::;F = . =-.~O,~b' .o0 ,8.5' 'V~NDOR ' :"4 "= ' ~RANA~ VALVE ~ITT SIAH ANDREWS '- 8 62,87 8 6 0,39 8 6 0,-25 7 5 7 0 .,-38 .7.5..t5. 8 50 8 20 ~0 12,59 75,40 75 75 :~C 37 5,40 ~ 7 5.70 36 0.97 3 5 2.69 12.,69. ! 2,51 6 0.66 5 1.64 ~"~1,~ 12.51 75,46 L 3 4.62 ' 13.69 20 .'20 , 5,69 .5.,~.,9,7. ,5 3,84 1,~ 6 5 L-0~4-9-9-; 02. 03. 3~ .cci $1 LENT- At~Rt GAN AUTO XEROX. OOflP. ,. TR'/'; ',BOL~ TY, tN' ~ON dR* H IORP ' :. R-,,-I...--- G-RU~MONS- R. ~. GRUMMONS JA~S BROWN :ti: HOUSE B BEAOH %.:] ..... GRAYB Afl A~E RE~D BR~N~ -- BAS-i ~-----, OOA O0~A ~TTS BUS l [LLEN CHEMIVAL SER 00 .... BERNAL ' '" I ;RI M~tlNS 00 FSTREAM CASH- GASH '" ETTY GASH ,-8~---.OOUNTy--t A INO ~AMAR UN IFORM~ AS$O0 -, MACHINES ' "R· E~ . ',~,:-'~ f A~MOUNT '1 O8.00 - 6 4 8.00 ...... .1- 90uO0-- - '' :' 24.85 8 75.00 " 4 21.00 81 5 22 ........... ---.~: ...... . .:: - ... 3.11 '-':": ...... ~ ....... r'"~'~'~':~'-:' ~ ~E~rDOR t ~zw~OUNT .15 i I ~30 01 01 ;24 O1.10 O0 10.27 20.51 2 2.29 1.2 ~ ..2..2.,2~. :.L2.2/~., L227. 60 7 0.0( -~g,~V2tCt% 62 0.52 )¥25'1% 1 O.3g 0.39 5.39 1 54 5.39 A'25 ];, 1 0.30 I ),54 4.0( .0.~9-.:. 2.59 ~ 0.4~ 0.46 0.26 ~ 4 5.~6 1 547.00 o .~ '5~'~'~ 2.51 V2515 1 3.27 V7515 I 54 g.OC 5.59 5270' .... H OSTU.k~$ BY FA1 :' SPORT ! 40P" 18ERGL. ASC3 "ROX OORP '- OF FLA STARTZMAN 1500 ~TREAM L Ut, zB CASH P[TTY ;OASH;: PETTY OASH 8 ANO H ,~ALES CAE DMON Ol~JB LEDAY AND H, ~* . W 1LSON OORC~R MiR. IN3. iCTAPHONE CORP, ~ANE..EXTERMI-NA :l.bl] "ANE EXTERMt NA EXTEl{Mi NA ANE EXTERM! NA ~ANE EXTERMt N~ OL.ET ELEOTR! ELEOTRI ,SEY GRIFF1TH OR I FFI ~ GRi FF ITH ~LSEY GR!FFITH IONAL LINEN TI ONAL LINEN IONAL LINEN ,TIONAL LINEN · 20.00 2 09,10 6 4 30,00 72~0 1,0~ 25,0o 3.00 ' 2 28 - 14 35 &9.84 13 29 9 ~ 2.00 89 ~9 14.00 - 23.00 ~.00 23.23 I 2.56 17 6.39 8.00 3.20 ..... 1.8t7~ 5.40 :~ ' '~3~ 5,39 '~:r 5.54 9 3.53 '3.29 4.30 0.29 4,55 - o .'$ & ';-: 162 - 0.46 0.17 ~..4A ..... 0 .q 6 - 3.30 3.30 . ,~ ~ Z 0 1.69 .5,~0.--.-,' %6 2 5.62 ).11 5.11 6.11 0.39 0.29 ) 1 2.46 ' 3 0,8 2.62 ; 3 O; .2.62 __ ~.8. L O..O0 ..... k 0.8 0.00 DATE 1 V25-h I 5'V> 1 5t'> ! I CHECK NO. .558~0 558,0Q 57I~0 572~0 ~77.0C 7.0~. ..B VENDOR IOHARD VERZ AAL AUTO SUI )YNTON )YNTON AUTO ELll AUTO RE EqU PLY I~ILLlt TREE I NJE IP, CODE 31LLAO ERII~ LABORATOR 1 I ONAL- WELD ' 10NAL WELO l NG N BELL r. RN BELL N_...BE;.L...L.L .... ~RN BELL BELL_ fHEflN BF.,LL . 'HE. fiN: BELL .. ~. HJAX: ? ': -" :; OtHE~ROLET IAYBAB ELECTRI( BELL )UTHERN BEb- BEACH .OFF! M MFG. CO. IAH..ANDRE~S ..... NTHIA LEWIS _ 2 4.00 , :_-. ,.' 6.25 55_55 102J~ '~ 57.~0 ~ 7 gDO 2 t.2~ 2~ ~5239 78.05 4 104.~5-- -! 62. 0 i: 91.0B i 20,50 : -38-~ .5 6J 0 75~0 O0.10 00-.!0 O0.10 ~OV2.a953 O0 .t0 20.10 30.10 75;t0 10.10 70 .I0 70.10 70.10 ) 7 1.10 51.12 HARMENI {MAN STRNAD LY JACKSON 0.3 lq KOHL: 0.3 15 {REN BUSHNEL AIIKEN. 0.3 .. 5.12 0.5 t~5 89, 80.12 13.13 50.15 60.13 66.13 75.13 7 0.13 ~ 0,47 l.lZ,~l__ 7 5 ~56 7 5 ,~6 0,6 05 0.6 06 0.~ ll 0,6 12 ~V'Z6'(51 0.6 13 ~ 75 ~40 ~40 s 3,3o t 3,29 13.69 12:31 )-5' I';69" OTT LATHAU FE OEPTi"::'-' DEPT~ 2' DEPT.: DF_PT, .ORtDA POWER IDA POWER" POWER DA. POWER .ORIDA POWER S,'POST OFF1 IRST iT,.OORP ,TEST OORP GARRIGA RAYMOND ARROE~ ~ICH MOTORS ]ICH MOTORS_ :'LAGCRAFT I NC ',tAT I ONAL LABOt~ :HNKER MATE ] OYN TI~?"P U~"5 O0 1 25 .:1 25,00 IGHT'" " . 1 2~.'75 12~1 80.2~ 8 0.2~, 1 ~ 80 1 l 1 22.1~ ~0 11 01.10 00,28 1 ! ,28 ~ 20,28 2 ~ ,28 7 0.00 7 0.0C 8 0.00 jDATE ! NO. O,6 20 0.6 20 0.6, 20 0.6 20 0,6 22 .( ~2 1,2 1,2~7, 1,2 1,2 ~7, ~11TT MAO VtHI TT NAT t ORAL OASH ~Y PAY TIF UME:R$ DAY PO~ER ;:*'AND':R~ IITT ON B 1. i.NE PAY T I RES BRAKE MACH t NE :10.00 lO :': ' ': . 2'5 ................ ...... ..~, ..... ii:'' 70,00 ,:::~ ::'i:-' · --: -, 7. .58.00- ' ,470,00 ,78 .68 20 .CO .:: . ::- :50.00 13 v ':.:-.'~ii't) 02 ,~3 : 67,98 30