R94-54RESOLUTION NO. R94-.~-,¢' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CERTIFICATION REGARDING THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMPREHENSIVE GRANT PROGRAM; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has embarked on a housing program which provides modernization funding on a formula basis to housing authorities for the purpose of improwng the physical condition and upgrading the management and operation of existing public housing; and WHEREAS, th;s program is known as the Comprehensive Grant Program (CGP); and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton recommendation of staff, has determined it to be in the best intere and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to execute a c6 proposed housing program for the City of Boynton Beach in th government statement, attached hereto as Exhibit "A". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directe Certification, attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 3each, upon the ~t of the citizens rtification of the form of a local 3MMISSION OF to execute the Section 2, That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of April, 1994. CITY OF BOYN.~'ON BEACH, FLORIDA M or , ~ Mayor ATTEST: (Corporate Seal) Local Governmen[ ~.~. ~aepa~men~ ~t r~u~,ng ~ and U~an Development Statement o~ce et Public and indian Housing -ir Comprehen~ ve Grant Program (CGP) ~~ Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is esfimatod~ avera'3~e =C:~r response, including me ~rne for reviewing instr~ct~ot~, searching existing data sources, ga~efing and maintaining the data needed, end completing and reviewing the collec~on of information. Bend comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of informal/on, including suggestions tar reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer. Office of Information Polities and Systems U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. 20410-3600 end to the Office of Management end Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (2577-O157), Washington. D,C, 20503. Do not send this como eted form to either ef these addresses. As Chief Executive Officer of thc unit of general local government/Indian tribe :nownas City of Boynton Beach ~in which the [nameolPub~icHeusingAgency{PHA) cr IndianHous~ng AUthed~y0HA)) Palm Beach County Housing Authority [ certify to the following: 1. Thc PHA/tHA developed the Comprehensive Plan/Annual 3. Statement in consultation ~vith local government officials/Indian tribal officials and with residents of the devclopmentscovered by the Comprehensive Plan/Annual Statement, in accordance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Grant Program; 2a. For PHAs, the Comprehensive Plan/Annual Statement is consis- Ient with thc unit of general local government's assessment of its low-income housing needs (as evidenced by its Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) ander 24 CFR Part 91, if applicable), and that the unit of general local government will cooperate in providing resident programs and services; or The PHA's/IHA's proposed drug elimination activities are coor- dinated with and supportive ofloc~ drug elimination su'ategies and neighborhood improvement programs, if applicable. Uncler the Cooperation Agreement, the local/tribal government is pro- vidingpublic services and facilities of the same character and to the same extent to Public and Indian bousmg as are furnished to other dwellings and residents of the locality. Where additional on-duty police are being funded under the Comprehensive Grant Program, such police will only provide additional security and protective services over and above those for which the local/ tribal government is contractually obligated to provide under the Cooperation Agreement. 2b. For IHAs, thc Comprehensive Plan/Annual Statement is consis- tent with the appropriate governing body's assessment of its Iow- income housing needs and that the appropriate govermng body will cooperate in providing resident programs and services; and Note: The Comprehensive Plan includes the Action Plan. Name et Chiet Execu~ve Officer; Signature et Chie~ ExectJt~ve O~cer and Dale: X Warning: HUDwillprasecutefalseclaJrnsandstatements. C(sr~fot~onmayresultincfimmaland/or civil penalties. (~:SU.S.C. 1001.1CJ10.1012:31 U.$.C. 3729.3802) 'u.s.c.~v~.nmem Peeling Off~e~ ~-- s~·~a~e~ Page 1 of 1 form HUD-52835 (2192) ret Handbook 7485.3 PALM BEACH COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 3432West4SthSt~eet- WestP~n~,Seach, Florida 33407, ~ PhoneMainOf~i~;~(407)684-2160 FaX (~07) SSa-0183 ~ARRY F. A~recutire Director March 21, 1994 ~. Scott Miller, City Manager ity of-B6~fi~0h'-B~d'h P.O. Box 310 Boynzon Heach, Florid~a 33425-0310 RE: Comprehensive Grant Program Dear Mr. Mill~er: Enc'lose'd,' please find copies of Forms HUD 52831, HUD 52832, HUD 52833, MUD 52834,:H,gD 52835, and HUD 52837. These forms have been comple%ed, wit.h the exception of Form HUD 52835 - Local ~overn~ent Statement, to refle~ the new rolling five-year base, Yea'rs three (3) t'hr'ough five (5.), the Annual Statement 'for year o~e (1) and ~wo (2) and tha new presumptive formula amount of $795,8~6.0'0. Please note that this amoun,t has been reduced from the $811,633.00 (last year's final formula amount used for expediting the planning process). AS stated in our letter dated February tl, 1994, the change was based U~on receiving formula notification from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development of our actual presumptive formula allocation. It should also further be noted that the presumptive~!f~mula amount is also subject to adjustments made to our formui'a share of the national allocation resulting from successful appeals, and reallocation of funds withheld from public housing authorities that have been designed as moderately troubled. The final formula amount should be announced in the near future. The rolling five ymar base and Annual Statements for years one (1) and two (2) covering fiscal years 1994 through 1998 reflest both the physical and management needs that have been identified on Forms ~UD 52832 and HUD 52833, and represent our annual submission for accessing Comprehensive Grant Program for fiscal year 1994. This submission and each subsequent annual submission requzres that thoss governments which represent the areas where the improvements amd modernization are to occur will provide a Local Government Statement, Form HUD 52835. continued... MAR 2 5 199. J. Scott Miller Mar~h 21, 1994 Page 2 After reviewing the enclosed forms, please return the executed Local Government Statement to us so that we may forward our annual submission tO the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development by March 31, 1994. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Barry F. Seaman Executive Director BFS/ca Enclosures Preliminary Estimaied Costs '~hysical and Management/ Operations Needs Comprehensive Grant Program (CGP) and Urt3an Development Office o, Pub,lc and ,ndia~ Hausing OMB ApprovaJi No. 257~'-0157 (Exp. Policies and Systems. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban 0evelopment, Was ~flingto~; D.C. 20410-3600 and to the Office of Management and BudgeL P~,~3 p~L]~ I~ACH C0Uh'fff ~0U~J. sG AIW~m~-TY 1992 1~0-01 - South FLS0-02 - BoEnton F[,80-.03 - FLSO-04 - Drexel[ FLSO-05 - Scatte_--e~ Sites 200 72 150 100 21 1,413,500 779,300. 332,900 299,250 7,068 10,822 8.867 3~.309 no ~ 2% no 3'% no 1% no no 0% Total Preliminary Estimated Hard Cost for Physical Needs Total Preliminary Estimated Cost for PHA -Wide Management/Operations Needs Total Preliminary Estimated Cost for PHA-W[de Nonclwelltng Structures and Equipment 4,154,850 254~000 63.825 Total Preliminary Estimated Cost for PHA-Wlde Admlnistratien $ 263,535 Total Preliminary EslJmated Cost for PHA-W!de Other Pagelol1 Grand Total of PHA Needs $ $ 4~751,210 ~orm HUD-52831 ret Handbook 7485.3 Physical Needs Assessment u,s. Department of Housing Compreh.e nsive Grant Program (CGP) and Urban Development Office of Public ano Indian Housing OMB At3pmvaJ No. 2577-0157 F .,u~.~ R.ep~ ng B~rden ~or ?iS cdilec~.'~n ~ mforma, ffon ~s ~dm. a~:l to =ye ,r-~e 252 ho~. rs,per r ~e~?se, ~,dud~ng ~e U~ ~r r~o~, sea~ing R~u~n ~ml~ {25~ 15~, W~h~ngmn. D.C. 2~. uo n~ send ~{s,~mo~t~ ~ ~ e~ of ~e~ ~2~ 9-~O80-002 Oeve~opment Type: Turnkey M,utuai Hel~ Sec~on 23. ~nd Rnanced Bo!mton Beach Family ~ D~md3ed/ Semi~Oe~=~e~ ~ Elderly ~ Row ~ 08/31/8~ Number 2 ~ 3 72 P~oject 002 - Boyntoa ~ Lead B~sed Pa/hr Y~ting Exterior Paintin~ La~ls Caping/Lr riga tion Applianc~ Electrica/ Roofing Driveway Replacement Plu~bin~ Vinyl Floo~ Re~ove ~ Cia.ss Doo~s lietal Lath & Stucco - Fasc/a & Soffit Interior Doors Interior Painting Completed Completed Completed New New Total Preliminary Estimated Hard Cost for Needed Physical Improvemants:- Per Unit Hard Cost: Hard Cost Exceed 90% of TDC (if Yes, attach viability analysis.) Yes [] $ $ NO [] 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 Development Has Long-Term Physical and Social Viability Date Assessment Prepared: Yes Source(s) ol~ lntorma~on: Phy3icaJ Needs Assessment u.s. Deparlment of Housing and Urban Development Con' prehenmve Grant Program (CGP) Office of Pubflc and Indlan Housing OMB ApprcwaJ No. 257'~--0 t 57 (Exp. Public Repor~ng aurden for th~s ~lec~on ot i,h f~-maao~ ~ ~at~ to ave~ 252 Ix~?~r res~..~., indudfng t~e, 4frae for re*deWing ir, s ~"uc~om seatc~ir exis~g da~' Sources, gaff!e~ng aha maJntaJniq~ .~ · data needed, a~d ca ,topis ~g ~[nd m.~ewmg He cetlect~op o t~forma~on. Seqd corr~ ems re~a~ ing ~Ls burd 08/31/84 Turnkey III MutlJat Held Secach 23. Bond Rnanced , Elderly Wa~k-Uo ~ E[evamr W~r~ ~ Num~? 2 2 1~ % 3 72 Total Preliminary Estimated Hard Cost for Needed Physical Impmvements:' Per Unit Ha'd Cost: t$ 779/~00 $ 10~822 Hard Cost Exceed 90% of TDC (If Yes. attach viability analysis.) Deve opment Has Long-Term Phydcal and Social Viability Yes I'-I No [] Yes [] No [] OateAssessmentPrspared: 05/11/92 & 02/23/94 Source(s) of lnforma~on: ~3zmaZ Zast:mctioa Tenant Comments ~ork O~ders Pa~e.2._cf_2_ Physical Needs Assessment u.s. DejSa~en{ ~f Housing and Urban Development Comprehensive Grant Program (CGP) Office of Public and Indian Housing OM8 ApproveJ NO. ~-0157 e~ng da~ s°ur~, ga~e~g ~d m~d~ng ~e dE~ n~'~d ~e~ng ~d ~l~ng~e ~l~O~ of~l~n S~nd ~mm~=~d~ng ~ bu~e es~aeor~o~er~al~a~al~o~aa~n ~dags~g~o~f~u~isburd~ ~Re~M~g~men~O~Offi~ Pe~eS~ms~ . U.S ~[ of Hau~ ~d U~ ~e~pman~ W~ng~n~ : ~ . D.C ~10-3~d~. .~eOffi~a_emem~ ~ R~N~n Pmj~t {25~15~, W~ng~n, D.C. 20~3. Do not send ~s ~mplet~ ~rm ~ e~er of ~e~ addt~. . ~ ~velopman~ Type: Renlal Turnkey III Mu~a! Hole Sec~on 23. ~and Financed Pi~DDECT 005 - 21 SEagle Fa~Lly ~ S~oke Detectors P~-t Exterior Pl~g ~ ~e ~t T~ . ~on ~ ~f ~t ~ At~c ~ ~ffit ~t ~la~t Total Prelimlna~ Esflmat~ H~ Co~ for Needed ~ys~ Impmva~nls: Per Unit Hard Cost;, Hard Cost Exceed 90% of TDC (if Yes, atlach viability analysts.) Development Has Long-Term Physical and Social Viability Co~plete~ Delete C~glete~ C.o~9lete~ Co~Dlete~ 30/9O 0 1 56 3 ~ 4 2 5 5+ Yes [] NO [] Number. -O- % 0 21 Urgency at Need ( 2 2 2 Yes [] No [] Date Assessment Prepared: Source(s) of In toi'mal~on: Page 1 of 2 Phys!cal Nee(Is Assessment andU'=' UrbanUepanmamDevelopmentel Housing Comprehensive Grant Program (CGP) "'~ Office of Public and Indian Housing ~ r OMSAppmvai ~,o. 2577.-0157 (Exp 6/3~: · 252 hours per res~,, b'~duding Re lime for reviewing inst~c~o~s, satori:fin and reviewing t~e c~lle~lion of Intorrneffon. Send c=mm~nm reg~ding ~tis burda Water Saver Wa/er Closet Bath Yam/ties K~tc~ Cah~nef~s 3 4 5 Vaca~ Num~ %0 Total Preliminary Estimated Hard Cost for Needed Physical Improvements: Per Unit Hard Cost: Hard Cost Exceed 90% of TDC (If Yes, atlach viability analysis.) $ 14,250 Yesr-I No[[] Development Has Long-Term Physical and Social Viability Date AssessmentPrepared: 05/11/92 & 02/23/94 $~.Jroa($) o! Inlo~malJon: Annual Inspections Work Orders Yes I~l I No E] page 2 of 2 Boynton Beach P.O. Box310 Boy, ton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 city Ho~.. (407~ ~7s-6000 FAX: (407) 375.6090 April 8, 1994 Barry Seaman, Executive Director 3432 W. 45th Street West Palm Beach, FL Re: City of Boynton Beach/Palm Beach County Housing Authority Comprehensive Grant Program Dear ~r.~ Herewith I hand you the duly executed Local Government Statement, which was approved by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach at their April 5, 1994 meeting. Very truly yours, J. Scott Miller City Manager JSM/ral Enc. Hand Delivered America's Gateway to the Gulfstream ~ [ sad Urban DeveJopmen! ,, ~;;~rehensive Grant Program (COP} --- ~'~' - OMB A~val No. 25~ 51(~p. ~' ~ny o~r a~l d ~s m ~u~ Gl m~orma~on, ~u~ ? d ~ms. U.S. D~r~.en,o~using and Ur~ ~ve~pm~ Was~ng,on. ~i~ (~5~15~. W~m~, ~.C. 20~3. ~ not se~ As Ch icf Exeeutivc O£ficcr of thc unit of gcncmJ local govcmmenl/lndian trib~ known a~ City of Boynton Beach in which the [~r~.o; Palm Beach County Housing Authori_K_~_y. I ccrdfy to tho following: operates, Thc PHA~HA developed the Comprehensive Plan/Annual S ta tement in consullation with local government officials/Indian tubal officials and with residents o£thc devclopmentscovered by [he Comprehensivc Plan/Annual S~tement, in accordance with · ¢ requkcmcnts of the Comprehensive Grant Program; For PHAs, thc Comprehensive Plan/Annua] Statement isconms. tcn~ with the unit of general local government's assessment of its low-income housing ne~ds (as evidenced by its Comprehensive P;ousing Affordability Strategy (CH,AS) under 24 CFR Part 91, if applicable), and that thc unit of general local government will cooperate in providing resident programs and set'vices; or 2b. For ~HAS; thcComprchcnsJvc Plan/Annual Statement is consis. !ca [ with thc appropria[c governing body's assessment of its Iow. income housing needs and that the appropriate governing body wi!! cooperate in providing resident programs and services; and 3. The PHA's/IHA's proposed drug elimination activities are coor. dinated with and supportive oflocat drag elimination strategies and neighborhood improvementprograms, if applicable. Under the Cooperation Agreement, the local/tribal government is pro- viding public services and facilities of the same character and to the same extent to Public and [ndian housing as are furnished to other dwellings and residents of the locality. Where add/tional on-duty police are ~ing funded under the Comprehensive Grant Program, such police will only provide additional security and protective services over and above those for which the local/ ~bal government is contractually obligated to provide under the Cooperation Agreement. A~PROVED AS TO FORM:' Lynne Matson, Vice Mayor City of Boynton Beach