Minutes 06-03-75MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1975. PRESENT Joe DeLemg~ ~ice~Mayo~r Edward F. Harmening, Councilman NQrman F~ Strnad, Councilman Emily M. Jackson, Councilwoman ~SENT Ernest G. S~mo~, City Attorney Terees~ Padgett, City, Clerk FramkKohl, City Manager Robert Federspiel, Acting in Behalf of the City Attorney Callie Clanton, Deputy City Clerk Mayo~ Roberts called ~he meeting to order at .7:30 P.M. Me asked all to rise for the invecation given by Rev. Douglas Smith, 1st United Presbyterian Church, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance 'to the Flag, led by Vice Mayor DeLomg. The Mayor asked all those wishing, to speak about items om the Agenda to give their names to the Deputy City Clerk so they could be called at the appropriate time. MINUTES Re~alar City Council Mee~ - May 20~ 1975 Mrs. Jackson moved to adopt the Minutes of May 20, 1975 as written. Mr, Harmening seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Special Meeting - May 13, 1975 Mrs. Jackson referred to page 14, llth line down; change the word "north" to "in". Mr. Harmening moved for the adoption of the Minutes of the Special Meeting of May 13, 1975, seconde~ by Mrs. Jackson, as corrected. no discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Special Meetim~ - May 14, 1975 Mrs. Jackson referred to page 7, line 3; the words "did live" should 0 ~' ~' be changed t had lived... On page 8, paragraph 4, 4 lines up from the bottom; it should read, "He did not live there at that time..." On page 9, the 16th line from the bottom referrin'~ to Lindsley'Lumber; the phrase "... was built in 1969" should be changed to "... was zoned in t969." MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 3, 1975 Mr. DeLong did not have copies of the two Special Meetings of May 13th amd tdth and after some discussion, Mrs. Jackson moved to table the Minutes of May 14, 1975 to give everyone a chance to review thom. Mr. Harmeming seconded. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE The Mayor requested everyone to limit their comments to 3-5 minutes and avoid long speeches unless they wished to wait until after the regular order of business to speak further. Mrs. Ruth Bowers, 1813 $. Federal Highway, asked Council to dis- regard her earlier letter and she distributed a revised copy. She asked Co,moil to consider 10 foot setbacks on side streets, as the visibility is good bec~ase of 20 foot setbacks in the front. She said 10 foot setbacks would be good for all small pieces of property on corner lots. Mrs. Jackson suggested deferring Mrs. B~wers'-- remarks until the second reading of Proposed Ordinance No. 75-19 regarding Zoning which was on the agenda. Mr. Charles Johnson, 25 Colonial Club Drive, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee, Section 2, Colonial Club, sp~e on behalf of those who were opposed to the removal of swings (benches) which were recently installed in Jaycee Park between Hampshire Gardens Coop and the ~otonial Club Condominiums. It was felt they should be re-installed. He also complimented the department responsible for the upkeep of ~the park as a good j ob was done. Mr. Johnson said ~a~yone in the General Services DePartment who may have been reprimanded because of putting the swings in the park should not have been and he hoped the swings would be put back. Mrs. Gammetier of Hampshire Gardens seeonded~-all the comments of Mr. Johnson a~d wished to have the swings re-inskalled, especially for the older people. Mr. Strmad wished to know more information about this situation. The Mayor advised that a bulletin had been sent out and the matter should be brought up again after Council has an opportunity to review it. Mr. Strmad felt if something was done ~rrong, it should have eeme before Council before any further action was taken, such as removing the swings. Mr. DeL~ag wished to clarify that although he lives im Hampshire Gardens'., he ~as not responsible for any actions taken. This was done by the Assistant Superintendent or the Superintendent of the General Services Department. After some further co,-,,,ent between the Mayor and the Vice Mayor, Mr. Harmening moved to dispense with the regular order of business, MII~UTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BO!rNTON B~'~ CM, FLORIDA JD~]E ~, 1975 and move to LEGAL, Item C. Resolutions. Mrs. Jackson seconded. No discnssiOn. MOtion carried 5,0. LEGAL Resolutions,. 75-GG - Re: Relocation of City Owned 804 - Palm Beach C~unty from Congress Proposed ResolutionNo. Utilities for State Rd. Avenue to 1-95 Mr. Federspiel read the above Resolution in its entirety. Fir. DeLong moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 75-GG, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. ~o discussion. Mrs. Clanton called the roll as follows: Vice Mayor DeLong - Aye Councilman Harmening - Aye Councilwoman Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Mayor Roberts - Aye M~/~ncarried 5-0. Other Consider Lease Agreement between Palm Beach County School Board and the Gi~f - Re: City O~ned Property - Corner of N.E. 1st Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. Mr. Federspiel advised that the Resolution was ready but the Lease Agreement had to be altered. He then read Resolution No. 75-HH re the above in its entirety. Mr. Harmening moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 75-HH, seconded by Mrs. Jackson, who said she hoped the school board remembers this when the City is ready to get an elementary school. No discussion. Mrs. Clanton called the roll as follows: Vice Mayor DeLong -- Aye Councilman Harmening - Aye Councilwoman Jackson - Aye Councilman Strnad ~ Aye Mayor Roberts - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Mrs. Jackson moved to revert to the regular order of business. Harmening seconded. No discussion.._ Motion carried 5-0. -- 3 -- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY CODNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 5, 1975 PUBLIC HEARING - 8 P.M. (TABLED) Re: Applicant Ann L. Siarto, 170 N.E. 27th Court, Conditional Use to AllOW Child Care Center Mrs. Jackson moved to remove this i-t~=m from the table, seconded by Mr. Marmeming. Motion carried 5-0. The Mayor asked if Mrs. Siarto or anyone was present to speak infavo~ of thms' item. No reply. He then asked if anyone wished to speak against this request. Mr. Ken Francis, 350 N.E. 27th Avenue, was concerned that there might be re-zoning involved in this case and it was explained that there was only a reef/est for conditional use, not re-zoning. Mr. Francis was also concerned about the Close proximity of other houses in the neighborhood and the possibility of the children wan4ering off or bet chased by dogs. Mrs. Judy Francis, 350 N.E. 27th Avenue, spoke against this request due to the noise 6f the children and how it would effect her and the elderly people in the neighborhood. Mr. Irving Keil, 201 N.E. 27th Avenue, said he lived in back of the house where the proposed child care center would be and he spoke against the request in view of the noise that would be created, dogs in the neighborhood and an un-fenced area at the site. Mr. Kohl read a letter he received from two elderly ladies in the neighborhood who were in opposition to the center in view of the noise (the signature was illegible). Mrs. Jackson noted that this request was turned down by the Planning & Zoning Board because Mrs. Siarto did not have the 7,500 feet which was necessary but only had 6,180 square feet. Mrs. Jackson therefore moved to accept the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board and deny this request. Mr. Harmening seconded. Under discussion, Mr. DeLong questioned the procedure being followed and after some clarification by Mr. Kelly, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Board, it was determined that Mrs. Siarto would not be in conformance with either the old or new Ordinance and this matter could be handled by simple motion. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Ordinance No. 75-39 - Re: ~Amend_ing Chapter 31, Entitled Zoning of the Codified Ordi~anc~ of said uity MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 3,=1975 Mrs. Jackson raised some questions before the second reading regarding whether there could be changes such~as the addition said if this was done, Council would be prohibiting use unless approval was giveh. Regarding.C-2 zone and setFaek~ (page 27), Mrs. Jackson snggested 10 foot s~s~tbacks instead of 20 foot setbacks ou the side yards. It was'decided to take these make amemdmemts to~.the as necessary. Mr. Harold ~. jewel, Jr., 3213 Drive, referred to page 28, Note "C" u~er Section 6 for Mr. DeL~ng requested that Mr. ;~answer provisions. Mr. a 20 foot setback iS requlre~.~to: ~g~n ~th,~ reduced by ~5 feet b~t:~ca~aly he redun~d ~0 ~,~o~ l0 feet. When asked if she wished to speak, Mrs. Bowers said she had made her statement earlier. Mr. Tony Malotke, 1380 S.W. 28th Avenue, requested Council's reconsideration of the zoning at 23rd and Congress as he was in favor og a shopping center being put in and the area being zoned C-2 as the attorney for Milnor Corporation, Mr. Crenshaw, later presented. Mr. Wayne Upton stated he felt the same as Mr. Malotke above. Mr. Packard, 1311 S.W. 25th Avenue, also spoke in favor of re- zoning the area of 23rd and Cangress and proceeding with the shopping center. He felt it would enhance the village and people of Golf View Harbor as well. He asked if the Councilmembers would consider investing their own money in a home themselves on the property in question and the Mayor said he might get five different answers. Mayor Roberts suggested reading the Ordinance at this time. Mr. Federspiel read proposed Ordinance No. 75-19 ~n second reading by caption only. The Public Hearing continued. Mr. Philip Crenshaw, attorney, spoke on behalf of Milnor Corporation regarding this Ordinance and requcsted an amendment to rezone the area of Congress and 23rd Avenue C-2 C~-,,~ercial. Mr. Crenshaw referred to a petition that was mmde by Milmor Corporation of people most effected by the zoning, which he presemte~ to Council. He then proceeded to present to Council the proposed-plans of Milnor Corporation should the zoning be changed to C-2, in the form of a conceptual drawing. Mr. Harmening said this was a Zoning ~.rdinance and not a site plan review Min. and ~lso that the pictures look nice, b~t any one of a milliDn othem type ~/17/7 5 - MINUTES - REGULAR CIT~ CO~3NCIL MEETING JUNE 3, 1975 BO~/NTON BEACH, FLORIDA things could be built on this same site under the zoning that was requested. ~fter speaking at length about the proposal of Milner Corporation, Mr. Crenshaw sought Coumcil's reconsideration, Council discussed the petitions received for and against the zoning o~ this area and the feeling was that the majority was against C-2 zoning. Mr. DeLong felt that Mr. Milner could consult a court of proper jurisdiction if he did not ~ish to go along with the City's declsion. Min. 6/17/75 Before voting, Mr. Barrett called C~ancil's attention t~-an error~ on the zoning map where a line was left out separating R-2 amd R-3 zoning, from 18th Avenue s~ath to 23rd, west of the tracks near U.S. 1. After the Mayor awned if anyone else wished to speak on the zoning presented, Mrs. Jackson moved to adopt OrdiD--ce No. on second and final reading. Mr. DeLong seconded. Mrs. Clanton called the roll as follo~s: Vice Mayor DeLong councilman Harmening Councilwoman Jackson Councilman Strnad Mayor Roberts Motion carried 5-0. Ordinances - tst Reading Proposed Ordinance No. 75- Minors (~BLED) _ Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye 75-19 No discussion. Re: Parental Responsibility for Stem left on table. Resolutions (C.o~t.'..d..).' ~Proposed Resolution No. 75-II - Re: Declarin~ Moratorium re Receipt ~ kezoning Applications It was noted this item was not on the Agenda. Before proceeding, Mayor Roberts called a brief recess at 8:42 P.M. The Mayor catled the meeting to order at 8:47 P.M. Mr. Federspiel read Resolution No. 75-I~ in its entirety. Mr. DeLong moved to adopt Resolution No. 75-ii, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Under discussion it was clarified this would be effective for~9~days from June 13th. Mrs. Clanton called the roll as follows: Vice Mayor DeLong ~- Aye Councilman Harmening - Aye MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 3, 1975 Resolutio~ No. 75-II (tout'd) Councilwoman Ja~som - Aye Cou~cil~an Strmad - Aye Mayor Roberts - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Council returned to discussion of Proposed Ordinance - Re: Parental Responsibility for Minors which was left-on the table. Mr. DeLong noted that the State Legislature is enacting a law on this subject and it was decided to leave it on the table or strike it at the next meeting if the Ordinance is not ready. OLD BUSINESS Discuss Acquisition of Boymton Beach Elementary School Property (Mayor Roberts) . The Mayor asked for Council's consideration in sending a Resolution that ~e property in questiom be eventually turned over to the City of Boymtom Beach. The two schoo~will be vacated within a year and a half to two years and in view of the money the City has spent for-the school system amd putting in sewer end water,getting a right-of-way, etc. the Mayor felt the school system would be receptive to the City's wishes. M~. DeLongmoved that the proper Resolution be drafted for the next meeting so that theCitymay acquire the school property on Ocean ~ne~. Mr. Harmening seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Final Approval of Parcels H & I (Lake Roma) - Leisureville 10th Section Mr. Kohl advised that the Planning & Zoning Board at their meeting of May 13, 1975 recommended final approval to the City Council on the above. This is a replat from multiple family to simgle fmm~lyuse~ Gouncilmembers had before them an excerpt from the Minutes of February 11, 1975 Planning & Zoning Board wherein pre- l~minary approval was given and also an excerpt from the minutes of May 13, 1975 wherein they recommend the final approval. Mrs. Jackson moved to grant final appreval~o~ Parcels H and I above. There was some discussion regarding whether or not Council had given 'preliminary approval and Council was confused on this point. Mr. Barrett suggested delaying action until this was clarified and Mrs. Jackson moved to table this-~itam, seconded byMr. Hamening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ~ES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETII~G BO!~TON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 3, 1975 Consider Request of Mr. License (TARLED) Sherwood A. Jones - Application for Mr. Harmening moved to take this item from the t-able, seconded by Mrs. Jackson~ To discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Fir. Fred Hoff, 200 E. Ocean Avenue, came forward to speak on behalf of Mr. Jones who was out of town. He stated that all the requirements have been complied with in accord~ance with the City of Bo~nton Beach ~egarding their business establishment and he asked for Council's c~nsideration. MrS. Jackson noted the previous reference made to Mr. Jones' DWT charge and asked if this W~Uld prevent s~meone from going into business. Mr. Federspiel said this would .not into business, Mr. DeLomg clarified that he had only of Mr. Jones solely for that ~ir. Jones doesn'tldr~nk years. In view of Mr. Simon's comments.at the could p~t restrictions on the Mrs. Jackson moved thatMr, license.beg ranted. Mr. sec Roberts noted there were other used expressed actions or conduct of an ¢ depicted out and this 3hould on point, Mrs. ~n the City in ~ew of zs gradually being Council used car lot Mayor the he phased such Council encouraged question Fir. Federspiel read ~ portion of the Charter dealing with Licenses, Section 15-17.1, Sub-section C, dealing with used car lots, indicating that City Council may impose certain restrictions as deemed necessary. Mr. Hoff stated that all requirements have been compliedwith. He added that Mr. Jones is willing to give up his existing license for storage of 35 cars and Z0 mobile homes in lieu of permission for 35 used cars. Mr. Barrett concurred that all requirements of the Fire and Building Bepartmeu~ have been complied with in accordance.with safety and the Code. There was some further discussion wherein Mr. DeLong felt there was a laxlt~ re~arding~ %nsp.ec. tion wherein a:[~sto~age license was issued and then thmrty or so ~lolations weref°und. Mr. Harmenmng asked if repairs~ere going t~ be done on the pre~isesand Mr. Hoff said no, they %~mu!d be farmed out. .It was =larified that.if approved, this matter would go before the C~mm~mitY Appearance Board land follow MINUTES - REGULAR CIT~ COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 3, 1975 the normal procedure. whichMrs. Clariten conducted as follows: Mr. DeLong requested a roll call vote Vice Mayor DeLong Councilman Harmening Councilwoman Jackson Councilm~n Strnad Mayor Roberts Motion carried 3-2 agaLnst. Consider Recommendation - Re: NO No Yes 1~o Yes Police Dept. (Vice Mayor DeLonK) In view of overcrowding in the~, Police Department and provisions that were made for a second story, Mr. DeLong wished to project ahead and he moved to have the City Manager consult with the C~ief off!ice to come up with a cost estimate as to what the He should also work in con~mction with DeLong wished to have Mr. Kohl report on the financing of this project and determine from the fiscal Agents whether or not the Citer can refund the outstanding revenue certificate issue that has bean granted for that building. He felt once the moratorium was lifted regarding ~ewer and water, there would be a building boom in the City and he wished to have the City Manager proceed as soon as possible. Mr. Strnad seconded for discussion purposes and asked for consideration regarding the addition of an emergency bay in the building for someone to check over the Police cars when they come in at night'~ Mr. DeLong felt s~ch a recommendation might be made as a result of the study te be made by .the City Manager and Police Chief. Motion carried 5-0. Plan for Additional Parking at Public Beach - Vice Mayor DeLong approx~mmtely Hr. DeLong presented plsn whereby the City may acquire/208 additional parking spac~ without disturbing anything at the beach and he hoped Council might pursue his idea. He felt it was necessary for the. County to cooperate and that the City has every right to seek aid from the C~anty Commission in view of the fact that it is the third largest City in the County and a $50 million general obligation bond was floated for beache~ parks and beach renovations. He said a lot of ad valorem taxes frem Boynton Beach would help to retire the issue and he felt his plan would be a reasonable request. Mr. DeLong then presented his ideas in detail with illustrations on the blackboard .and he asked Council to allow him to meet with Mr. Bill Flushing to review his plan and alternate plan, have a Reso- lution prepared to be sent to the County. -9- MINU~S - REGb-LAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 3, 1975 Mrs. Jackson moved to follow Hr. DeLong's recon~aendation to meet with ~r. Flushing end have a Resolution sent to the Go~mty. Mr. Harmenin~ seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Discuss New System for ParkinE Permits at ~unieipal Beach - Council- man Strn&d. Fir. Strnad felt the City was overdue in getting a revised system for the beach parking permits. He s~ggested changing the colors .On the .e~.~¢h permit, ~.th.n tlees be.l~g sent out to all those mn the City.. An~?~~ w~hing to obtain a new permit would have to show proper id~tification as to place of residence, etc. It was felt there were close to 9,0OOpermits out. Hrs. Jackson noted that Mr. Kohl was work/n~ onthis matter with ~%r. Fredericks, the Recreation Direutor. Mr. he had plamned to present his study to at stipulation about Mayor Roberts ~ ~e ~ of Le~sla~re the p~= ~ ~r~e. Mr. was a p~ssibili~ for t~s, State ~s not at .~ter $~e c~t of the preset syst~, ~t~. a mew ~1~ for the s~er at the ~t meet~g. Report on Availability of Funds for Proposed Mausoleum Mr. Kohl advised that he consulted the City Attorney end Finance Director concerning this matter. He stated that the money in the General Fund c~nnot be 10ened-because at the end of the year en excess in surplus is not allowed. There is a sum of $245,000 available in~mappropriated funds in the Capital Improvement F.u~_dwhichF!r. iKohl~as hop~ to us~ on other projects. The Czty Attorg~ey had advised that the City caunot l~d money to enother Fumd, atthsugh be transferred within the City's accounts. It the CemeteryBoard was asking for $250,000 ~dtheir of Deposit might be used as collateral~ Mrs. Jackson moved to strike this item ~take it up at b~et t~c. Mr. Harmening No diSCussion. Motion carried 5-0. MEW BUS1/{ESS Request Palm Beach County to--Designate "Turn-Around~ Area in Oceen Ridge for P.B. C~unty Buses - Councilwomen J&ckson M_rs. Jackson referred to a letter from Jack Cl.eary in.regard to a meeting of the Palm Beach County Transportatmon Admisor~Board wherein a ,rerouting of buses was discussed for Boynton Beach. !e - M~S - REGULAR CITY ¢O~CIL MEETING BOSTON BEACH; FLORIDA ~ 3, 1975 At that time a motionwas made to delay aetion until a presenta- ti~nwas-madeto Boymt~nBeach City Council where a study ofthe Change and a reco,-;gemdationmight be made. Mrs. Jackson noted fr~mread~gt~e newspaper ~r. therehas been tr~Ublewith emptyand she suggested nsing by the Lift Line which was discontinued. some already put the Jackson said that they run almost · such as those used She thought a letter or There was Linc . B0ynton the a ' turning L~ift · alOtted. Harme~ing commented ~a the S.tat~s of an east-west feeder line. noted there ~as of year. After:some further discussion, Mrs. Jackson m~ved tO ~ave a Reso- Iution drawn up, asking the c~tY'c~Ssi°n~rs tO wOrk out some method whereby the City can have the buses turn around imOcean Ridge~ She notedwhen the bus route was in effect, did not even go there when they ~ seconded, Discussion walking te and from the smaller buses to s~me buses Harmening people Consider Recommending to D.O.T. in the of Beach Sign ~s. Jackson noted that people the beach. Cars stop at th~ a slight bend in the road where she to let people know there's to have the City Manager and ask that some kind of the road near is ;ested a sign be placed ~on moved the :area. Mr. DeLong clarified that the procedureshould be for' the request to go to Ocean Ridge because it's in Also, he felt there should not be a ~'Slo~ ~ as t~affic should - 11 - ~TES - REGUIAR CI~i'Y CO~CIL MEET]/~G BOY~TOI~ BEACH~ FLORIDA JUNE 3, 1975 be kept moving with motorists looking out for the pedestrians, especially since there are no side~alks, and vice versa. Mrs. Jackson moved to have the City Manager contact Ocean Ridge's. Fm~ger -.~n_ this matter, at least until the bus situation is worked ~t. ~r. DeLong said s~me sort of bike path might be suggested. M~. ~arme~ing seconded. No further discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Request Approval to Increase Rates at City Landfil.1. Due to the anticipated increased cost of operating the Ci~s Land- fill, I(r. Kohl strongly recommended that the charges be increased from $.50 per yard to $.75 per yard for the remainder of this fiscal year. O~e of the reasons behind this increase is the County going from a $.30 to a $.60 per yard rate increase. If they do, it could possibly encourage County Sanitation Company to use the City's landfill more than they do at present, resulting in higher volumes for the City to dispose of. An increase wonld deter them rather than increase the City's income. Another reason for request- ing this increase is that ~the City must c~mply with the new State law ~erein pr~visi~ns .are req~Li~ed for a shower room, rest room, etc.- Mr. Kohl requested Council's concurrence with the above recu~enda- tier. Mr. BeLong moved to accept the City Manager's recommendation above with the appropriate instrument to be drafted if necessary. Mr. Harmening seconded. It was clarified that this matter ~ould come up again at budget time. Mr. Kohl noted this was in ~oncurrenee with the General Services Director. Motion carried 5-0. ADMINISTRATIVE Consider Reco.~tion of Bo~nton Beach Association of Fire Fighters I~r. Kohl noted the list of Fire Department members authorizing Local 1891 as their collective bargaining agent ~hich was before - Council. He said t~hey have submitted to him the necessary require- ments from the !~ablic Employees Relations Commission (PERC) and everything is in order. Mr. Kohl reco~ended that the City Council ~e¢ognize the Boynton Beach Association of Fire Fighters of the International Association of Fire Fighters, L~cal 1891, as bargaining agents. Mr. DeLong moved to approve the City Manager's recommendation above. Mr. Strnad seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. MINUTES - R~ GI~f COUNCIL ~EETING BOI~TON BE~M, FLORIDA ~ 3, 1975 Status Report on 2.6Million Dollar Water & Sewer Bond Sale Presented b7 Mr. Alfred G.. Shepard of Hough & Mrs. Jackson requeste4 that Mr. Shepard read his recent letter to the City re~arding this matter so it could be made a part of the record (see attached). Er. Shepard advised that his Company has prepared a proposal for the purchase of the recently validated $2.6millionWaterand Se~r Revenue Bonds, Series 1975, City of Boynt~a Beach. ~r. Sb~pard reperted ~nthe back,round of work that was done, not~a.g that the B~ads were n~M(~dy~s rated ~'A". This rating was due greatly the City, a!~mgwith general admim.'istratiou of Russell &Axon, Director, which was approved visability ~f purchasing the proposal to m~mhers of reviewed the proposal in the recant andit that was done on ~Finanee Department, the efforts ok Mr. Hallman City, and ~ : of a $6.5millionauthorizatien Mr. Sheparddiscussed the ad- i~suramce an~he passed copies of for their pezvasal. He then Mr. DeLong moved to accept the proposal as presented, with the Mayor being instructed to execute same and instructions to the City Attorney to draft the appropriate Resolntion to bring about closing. Firs. Jackson seconded, it was clai~ified that Mr. Simon has reviewed the proposal. ~tiou carried 5-0. The Resolution is to be dra~n for the next meeting. ~uest of Joseph Ferrara for a Special License Fir. Kohl referred Council to correspondence on this matter which was before them. He said the City now has pastureland of great magnitude %~_thin its limits and he requested legal oPimion~on-this application from the City Attorney and ~irection from the City Gouncil, He also referred to Section 4-14, ~'Keeping of livestock a~d poultry in city; livestock ru~ning at large; impounding" for Council's per, scl in assisting in making a decision on this matter. Mr. DeLong felt the Ordinance was plain enough and he moved to reject the application. Mrs. Jackson seconded based on Secti~ 4-t4. }frs. Jackson noted that in the 1950's and 1960's many people who raised chickens, etc. were made to get rid of them and it wouldn't be feir now to allow anyone new to be granted permission. ~otion carried 5-0. MINUTES - REGULAR CIT~ COUNCIL BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 3, 1975 ~_onsider APPlication for Beer and W~e License - P.A.P. Enterprises Mr. Kohl noted~he application for the above license was before Council for off-prmmCse consumption in c~njunction ~ith an exi~ti~_g Pic-A-Pak convenience stere. The location meets all zon/ng re- quirements and he requested Council's approval. F~s. Jackson moved to approve the above a~ti~atio~for',' ' ' license, seconded by Mro ~eLomgo No discussion. Mot~°m carried 5-0. Qity ManaKer's Status Report Mr. Kohl presented a copy of his Status Report to Council. Mr. DeLong moved to spread the City Manager's Status Report upon the record, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. (See attached.) ~pproval of Bills Kohl read the following bills for approval: .Davis Meter & Supply Corporation Stops Pay from budgeted funds 030-811.20 $ 1,009.00 Assistant cook for Senior Citizens CI~-b Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing 020-800 48.00 IsiahAndrews Driver for Senior Citizens Club Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing 020-800 45.00 Kelly Tractor Repairs to landfill dozer - Pay fr~mbudgeted funds 001-853.30 3,038.89 B.oard of C~ty C~waissioners Installation of Traffic Signal ab-S.E. 23rd Avenue Pay from Contingency Account 001-885.18 9,070.88 Maxson Well Drilling Well and pump at cemetery Pay from Boynton Beach Memorial Park 050-830 8,20I'.45 FEiNUTES - REGUIAR CITT COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 3, 1975 The bills described have been approved and verified by ~he depart- ment heads involved; checkedand approved for payment by the F*nm~ce Department; funds are available in their respective budgets. Mr. Kohl recommended payment of these bills. Mr. Harmening meved to pay the bills, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. M_rs. Jackson neted that ~tem ~6 for the Board ef County Commissioners was to pay fur the installation of the traffic siwnml at S.E. 23rd Avenue. No further discussion. Motion carried 5-0. AD JOlT Mrs. Jackson moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Mr. DeLong complimented the efforts of the Deputy City Clerk, Mrs. Clanten and the company from whomthe new recording equipment used tonight was-purchased, as they were very ac¢cmmnodating. Metion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. ATTEST CITT OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Couneilm~er ~Q ~ fi/ Councxlm~mber Councilmemb er AGENDA June 3, 1975 CITY e apt MANAGER'SJSTATUS REPORT: TREE INOCULATIONS: Ail trees in the ~. E., N. W. and S. E. sections of the city are completed. W~n~arted on Ocean Avenue heading south on the S. Wo section of'th~ ~C~ty,' exact location at the present time is S. W. 4th Avenue. The remaining developments for the inoculations are Golfview Earbour, Chapel~ill and Leisureville. N. E. 22nd AVENUE '~PARK-ISLAND": Sod coming in today will complete this segment of th~s project. Shrubbery being delivered on Wednesday and entire project should be completed by Friday~ June 6th. FORK/ISLAND - S. W. 6th Street & 25th Avenue: Ail asphalt has been removed, as of June 2nd. We have a few loads of c3aan fill in position right now but additional fill is needed, and will be delivered wi~in the next 24 hours. The entire project should be completed by Friday, June 6th. WELL AT CEMETERY: Well at the Boynton Beach Memorial Park is completed and we are now in operation with our own well at the cemetery. PAVING OF S. W. 15th AVENUE: Word was received here today (June 3rd) that the County Commissioners at their meeting this date, agreed to pave a 2 lane road on S. W. 15th Avenue from Congress Avenue to 1-95 with the stipulation.that the City wii1 be responsible for 4-1aning ~his road when the need arises at a future date. F'rank Kohl, City Manager · illiam 1t. l'lo & go. May 23, 1975 Honorable Mayor and l~rs of the City'Council City of Boynton Beach Boy. on Beach, Florida RE: City of Beynton tA~ch - $2,600. 000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds Series 1975 As you may know by now. our team of Perry Cessna and Mitt Hallman was successD21 in getting Moody's to reccrnsider the rating on the Boynton Beach Water and Sewer Reven~e Bonds. The Bonds are ra~d "A" by Moody's. In this day of high costs of everything, including money, this is a :cee step forward for the City of Boynton Beach. You will be interested to know that as a part of our presentation which we gave to Meody's rating committee we, aside from emphasis on the water and sewer system, also emphasize~ ~he general City Hall attitude and posture of the City Council and, p~articularly, we were very proud to discuss the~ recent history and the improving sit~.zation. They seemed impressed, also, about what we had to say about the protection of the public interest and people-will-be-served atti- tude which° I believe, ~Ir. Frank Kob/ emanates, Rating people are concerned about the total value citizens receive, primarily because in a community where you have reasonably happy citizens beiieving their city is working for them on such th~ngs as parks ~ recreation, good plannirtg and zoning, and above all, the high standard of integrity which the City of Boynton Beach ttn:ough its City Manager reflects, is most important. I think it is also important to reco~n~z~ that Mr · Paul Startzman has contributed ~reatly to the successful quest for the Moody's "A" rating on the City's water and sewer revenue bonds. As you know, he has spent many hours on the utilities system and what we were able to relate to the rating agency regarding his activities, expertise, and concern impressed them quite a bit, I am sure. MUNICIPAL BONDS MUNICIPAL FINANCE CONSULTATION"" Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Bosmton Beach May 23, 1975 Page 2 Working with Mr. Kohl. we have now set June 3, 1975 for a regular cotmcil meeting presentation of the pur~Imse proposal for the bonds. I look forward to seeing you and all the Council on t~hat date. $incerely~ william R. Hough & Co o Alfred C. Shepard Partner ACS :mq cc: Fraauk Kohl, City Manager Milt Hallman, Russell & Axon Consulting Engi~n~ eers PezzyCessna, D~ector of Utilities