Minutes 11-05-74~I~DYUTES OF ~ULAR CITY COUNCIL METING OF THE CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, p~T~ AT CITY P~LL, TD~ESDAY, NOVembER 5, 1974. PRES ~NT Joe DeLong, Mayor David Roberts, Vice Mayer Forrest L~ Wallace, Councilman Edward F. Harmen~_~, Councilman Norman F. Strnad, Councilman Frank Kohl, City ~anager Ernest Simon, City Attorney Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayer DeLeng called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and asked all to rise for the i~vccation given by Father Robert 'n Fagan of St. Vincent de Paul Semm ary, followed by the Pledge ef Allegiance led by James Nadigan, District ~3 Commander, VFW o An~o.uncements After recognizing various representatives of the VFW in the audience, Commander Nadigan introduced American ao~ Loyalty Day Chairmau, Carl Jacobsen. ~r. Jacobsen commented on the right to vote and the observance of Veteran's Day on November llth. He then presented two American flags to Mayor DeLo~ for City Hall and the Fire Station on behalf of VFW Post #5335 and District #3. Mayor DeLong expressed appreciation on behalf of the City, followed by some closing statements by Commander Nadig~u. Mayor DeLong then recognized two friends from Boca RetCh, past Commander and Mrs. Leu Ms~coni. Mayor DeLong announced that City Hall would be closed on Monday, November ll, 1974 in observance of Veteran's Day. The Mayor then announced the approval by the County Commission to transfer 55 acres of County land on the south end of the Cit~y limits, east of Congress Avenue, to the City of Boynton Beach after 8 years of ~uticipation and effort. Mayor DeLong credited Coancilman Wallace for bringing this land to the attention of City Council for which the City had sent a Resolu- tion to the County Co~ission back in 1966, requesting the land be deeded to Boynton Beach. The Mayor noted that he had been assigned to attempt negotiations and thanked Vice Eayor Roberts and other Co~ncilmembers for attendLug the Commission meeting which he felt aided in the final decision. Mr. Wallace thanked the Mayor for the recognition but felt t~is ef_or~ had been started before he came into the City and it was a joint effort by City Council. ~iI h~JT F~S ~egular Meeting - October I~ 1974 Mr. Wallace moved to adopt the Mimutes of October 15, submitted, seconded by ~r. Harmening. No discussion. carried 5-0. t974 as Motion r~I~T~S - REC~U-k&R CITY COUNCIL ~EETING NOVENBER 5, 1974 BOTNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ayor DeLong requested all those wishing to soeak about items on the Agenda to give their names a~d the itek ~mbers to Nfs. Padgett so they could be called at the appropriate time. PUBLIC AUDIENCE ~r, R~ B. Vastine, President of the United Boynton Civic League, a_unounced that the League would sponsor a Candidates' Night in City Hall Chambers, Friday, November 8, 1974 at 7:30 ?.~. He encouraged everyone to attend so they could meet the candidates r~u~ui~g for City Ceuncii. May.r DeLo~ stressed the importance of the people to take interest in their govern- ~ent. Nr. Nilton Fiske, 275 High Pcint Boulevard, commented about the crowded parking space at the beach and felt the area should be enlarged. Mayor DeLong explained that the City's beach was located i~ another municipality, Ocean Ridge, which has the sole authority to approve additional parking, The County bought the laud contiguous to the public Beach in Boynton to the north and wanted to buy a parcel of land for parking for $157,000, but 0caan Ridge would not approve it. The ~ayor said the only way the Ci~ could currently have amy parking there would be to build a loft to carry the vehicles. Fiske thought part of the picnic area could be used and the Council said definitely not. Y~ Wallace felt something was in the pro~ess of being worked out between the Couu~y Commission and the City of 0ceauRidge regardiRE extra parking'. Nayor DeLong added that there was no justification to destroy arj part of the picnic area and 0ce~u Ridge will allow the County to provide 40 more parkim~ spaces at County expense north of the City Hall in Ocean Ridge. He said it's been learned that Ocean Ridge owns seme land to the west of that, along with the FInD and the County is making a bid to get the FI~D property. There was talk about ccnsolidati~ the ~e parcels which would make a very good parking area. The Hayor e~lained that this matter had to be taken step by step, particularly in dealing with 0cern Ridge where outsiders are ~wanted. ~r. Fiske reiterated his concern about havLug enough parking area and ~ayor DeLong noted that there were less than 300 soace~ and about 14,000 parking permitS out and the City was wtrking on this problem. ~. Roberts felt the City ~anager might work on revising the distribution of parkin~ decals and ~r. Kohl said this matter was beio~ handled. Er. Roberts noted there would soon be east-west bus service to enable more resi- dents to get to the beach and ~yor DeLong added his approval of this service. BIDS Six_ (~) 1975 Police, Cruise_~rs - 2 - C ~-~R~ REGULAR CiTY COUNCIL ~,~ETING N0¥~ 5, t97~ BoYNTON BEACH, PLoRIDA , ' on the above woro opened on Oo!ob~r S~li~. The Taouza~ ........ ~rom Hauser ~etors Comply of De~ay Boach i~ the · f 000.00~~ bid~ ~.100.O0 less ~e amo~.~ ~,~ ~+~ The total ~o~t of $27. ... ~- ...... ~ ~e ~-~u~, ..... ~ the delivery da~e ~o be within 60 ~o 90 days. Oo~~!~ember ~d before Them the Table, ion Sheet and Affidavit sm~ed by K; F, Ha~er, President of Ha~er ~otor Company, Palm Beach~i%D~ge,_~.~ w~m ~tteaInc' of West Palm Beach bid was ~%uaiified..The - ~ ~a ~e tot~ przee ~ ~ . - 'o ~nce~ee ~ .. 860- 5- P~. K hl . . ~ent Account 7 . .. e~re~ with ~he reco~e~d~t~o~ ox ~e Tau ~. Roberts seconded . · ~ ~ ~ er S r ~ 'cations ~ the past police cruisers. ~. Kohl the s~e spec,~fz ' ' said the pover ef the e~es ~s l~ered to 350-~69 ho. The Purch~g Agent, ~- S~li~U, s~id the specif~ca%ioD~ were reviewed with the p~!iee Chief ~d the engimes were con- ....... = ~e Ci~ ha~ previo~ly. ~r. Wallace s~' derably s~izer ~an~ ~? ~_~ ~ li~e~ -~ ~, not~ the . ~ ether bhe Ch~e~' approv. queSt_cried wh .~ ~ ~ ~t~dz~ uo to the we~ ~d te~ oble~ os cru~ ......... ' ~ Huddleston did si~ past pr . '~ ruise~. 5iayor DeLong verz_~ed they had to withstand, ~. Kohl sale Cheez his apprO~l of uhe _ ~ + s~on on ~-~ ~Aer~ w~u!d be s~zc ~ su~e~l speoifi- with L~. Di~ ~al~ace again use of these vehicles, ~, ' ~1 ~ ques%ioned the cations of the cru~.~s ~d ~essrs. Kohl end Sullivan stated - ~ ' ~ ~d the o~ change ~s in the size they were speczal venzoles ' ' n of the e~ine, kf~em some further ~mso~slo regard~g the merits of the sm~iier e~ne~ mo~ion c~ried 5-0, with reset-a- tions ~Y ~Ir, Wallace. ccess Road - South Teol~ica! E~ucation Oenter ~r. Kol~ s~id bids on the above were opened on Ootober 28, 1994 at 3:00 ?,~i, ~ the ~ffice of the purchasi~ Agent, ~, ~;Ii!iiam ~++e~ recon~ended acceptance of Sulli~n. The Tab~ation u~-~ - bid from HardriveS of Deiray in the ~ou~ of $26,892.90, job ~ ~ ' ~ s had bef~e them the be completed in 75 d~s. ~ouncmlmemoer W. Nutbrow~. of Tabulation ~hee~ ~. ~fidavit signed by Jo~ - o~ec~ have ' - - - budMet, bit. Kon~ conc~ Tab~ation Oo~t ~ ~ee. Mr. Wallace moved to accept the Ci~ M~ager's reco~endation above, seconded by Mr. Ha~en~g, ~r, Kohl noted that Don'S in checking with a Truckz~ did nat t~rn~$nsa bid bond and few big asphalt companze , ~ey sazd there was no way ~uy comoa~ could do the work for the price quoted. ~ayor DoLing noted that the bid would be awarded to the low bidder who eualifies, is H~drives ~otion c~r~ed 5-0. who in tb~s case · ~INUTES - P~GULAR CITY COUNCIL .~EETiNG NO%~_¢~ER 5, 1974 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA one ~, raotg,~ Mowe_ r Bids en the above were opened on October 25, 1974 at 4:00 i~ the office of the ~cnaSzno Age.t, Nr. William Sulliv~. The Tsb~&tian Co~ittee reco~ends aeceDt~ce of bid from z~ %ne ~m~ of ~3,653,72 with the deliver- dste to be wit~ 3 days. Ceuncilm~m~e~ h~ before ~e~ co~ies of the Tabulation Sheet ~ Affi~a¢it signe8 by Chiles W. Smith, Vice President of Trail Ford Tractor Compaq, F~ds ~e a~il~b~e in Account 851-79. - Ko~ conceded with the reco~en~tzens o_ the Ts~atien Cem- mit~ee~ _~ar. Harmening moved to accept the City Nanager's recemmendmtion a,~eve, seconded by I~. Nallace, Ne discussion. Motion carried ~'-orone ! 4 ~2¢ Generate~ f-or Ware?Water PlantPlant ~. Kohl asked to have this item deleted from the Agenda as the Ci'~- now has access to ~nother 45 ~¢ Eenerator. He noted C_ty 2us~ bought*:ene a few the bid was~$15fO00.O0 and the months age zor ~r, Harmening moved to acceot the City ~;ar~ger's above, seconded by Mr. Wallace. No discussion. rec~mm~endation ~otion carried Hand R~ii and GratiS_ for Sewer The above bid was opened in the Office of the Purchasing Agent on October 25, 1974. Councilmembers had before them copies of the Tabulation Sheet and. the Affidavit from Reich ~etals, Inc. ~tr, KoD~ said he received a verbal recommendation from Peabody-Peterson to negotiate a change order amd he therefore recommended acceptance of the bid from Reich letals, Inc. for $9,867,00 with the time for completion of 60 days. ~;(r, Strnad moved to accept the City .~¢~uager's recommendation above, seconded by ~r. Roberts; Under discussion, Mr. ?L~rmening asked how much higher ~zas the char, ge order submitted by Peabody- Peterson and ~. Kohl said $2,000.00 higher, ~. Kohl said the Cit~y ca~u buy this the same way similar to the change order. R&A drew up the plam~ and the City can purchase this out of the $2,050.,000 bond issue. ~,'iotion carried 5-0. ~5~G - 8:00 PUBLIC ~a~.z u ~o~e~ Ordinances - 2nd Readin~ - PUBLIC ~one, -4 ~!~T~ - REG%~AR CITY COUNCIL ~5~iETtNG NO~-~z~F~R 5, 1974 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 0rd'~ances - !st Rea~din~ Proposed 0rdi~ance No. 74-38 - Re~ Assessment for Law E~orce- me~t Education ~ ~ ~. Simon read the above 0rdin~ on f~st read~ in its entree, ~.' H~eni~ moved for the ~doption ~f 0rdin~nce Nc. 7~-~8 on f~st readi~, seconded by ~. Roberts, Under disc~sicn, Nr. Wallace verified with ~, Eohl that this w~utd cost approx~e~ $~,500.00 te $~,000,00 p~r ye~, F~ ~al~ce s~id he h~d ne misg~v~s ~bout ~Ud~$nt oZ the ~oii~e Chief, but he nete~ this 0rd~ce gi+eS him sole p~se ~d it must come back befo~e Council for approval. B~e8 ~n p~t experi~ees, ~. W~lace fel~ a f~ther base should Be set up as ~o e~etly how these f~ds ~y or may not be e:~e~ed. ~yor D~OD~ verified with ~. S~n that this 0rdi~znce ~ ~afted in the o~ way p~sible -- ~ compli~ce with Section 2~.105 of ~e Flori~ Sta~tes. ~. Simon said the key ~o~s were the last s~ ~ the s~ta~te, ~... when m~thorized in accordance with la~~' (Se~ctien "b"). He added t~t the Attorney General has ~endere~ ~ n~ber ~f opinie~ reg~d~ug what e~n be used for p~poses of e~uc~tion. There ~e thos~ ~idsl~nes ~ controls. ~ayor DeL~ said he is ~ gumde~ ~ th jud~ent of 'tko Om~Attorney ~d Simon said~the N~utes should reflect t~a%~ese deliberations are ~der c0~i~Sration of ~his D~tic~ point because ~timate!y, the intent ef Co~cil woul~ be reflected Lu the ~_utes -- ~md the intent pertains to those controlled guidelines. I~rso Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows Councilman Harmening - Aye Vice ~ayor Roberts - Aye C o%uucilman S tr'~d - Aye C o~m~cilman Wallace - Aye ~iayo~ D eLong - Aye ~otion carried 5-0. Res~ o!utions Proposed Resolution No. 74-LL - Re: Objecting to Reduction pf Federal~Ru~ds f~or Sewera e~struction ~r~tS 5~r. Simon read the above resolution in its entire~~. ~, Roberts moved for the adoption of Resolution So. 74-LL~ seconded by ~Ir. Harmening, No discussion. ~s. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening Aye Vice }~!ayor Roberts - Aye Councilman S tz~nad - Aye Councilman Wallace - Aye ~vor DeLong - Aye carried 5-0. - 5 - ~I~J'~S - REG%~L~R CI~ COUNCIL ~E~TING B0_~0i~ BEACH, F,,0RIDA N0~-~iBER 5, 1974 Other None, OLD BL~S INESS .Consider Purchase of One (1) Packer. ~r. Kohl reminded Council of discussion about this matter at the Council meeting of October 15th. Two packers had been purchased under an emergency and in accordance with instructions of the CiTy Attorney, the third packer could be bought upon approval at tonight's meeting, ~r. Roberts clarified with Y~. Kohl that the money D~d been set aside for this item, In view of the emergency situation that still exists and upon the advice of the City Attorney, I~. St~nad moved to accept the recommendation of the Ci~y ~anager and purchase the third packer. ~,~. Harmening seconded. ·Y~. Kohl clarified that the City went out for bid of three tru. cks. ~he City could not get the trucks from International due to a strike. Rowland Truck Compamy of Niaz~i, whew as a%~rded the bid fer the Internatienal trucks can supply three Ford trucks with approximately the same specifications asked for in the Internationals -- two trucks were p~ehased and this is approval £o~ the third one. in view of the emergency, ~s. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follew~: Councilman Ha~mening Vice Nayor Roberts Councilman Strnad Councilman ~allace Nayor DeLong Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye .~otion carried 5-0. Rece~.ot of. Nomina~t.i~ Petition ~. Ko~ referred to the Certification of Petitions before Court&il which was received in his office on November 4, 1974. All nominees have sworn under oath that they are duly qualified to hold office, ar~ l) Filed nominating petition containing ~{ signatures which have been certified by the CounTy office~ Paid ~10.~0 Filing Fee~ 3) Been certified by Jackie Winchester, Suoervisor of Elections, Palm Beach County as registered voters in the City of Boynton Beach. ~k~. Kohl then read the list of names certified by Jackie Winchester as follows: Chantal O. P!eva Joe DeLong Robert F, Griffith III Edward F. Harmening Emily E. Jackson -6- ~mi\~J-~ES - REGU~ CITY CODT~C!L ~TIEG NOVE~BER .~, 1974 BOYNTON B.~ACH, -~0EiDA Re, eib% of Nominatin~ ?etition Richard D. Lambert O. T. HcLean (Oswald Trimble) Dennis ~cNamara Sidney Schwartz Nr. Roberts questioned which would be the correct listing for Ch~utal C, Pleva, as elsewhere this party is listed under the ~ame ~Cr~aton~-~~. He felt no one should run ~rader two names and it also would chan~e the alphabetical order of the candidates. Hayer DeLong said he had no o~jecticn to the order of the listing as it steed, He felt the City Clerk should be requested to clarify this matter with the Supervisor of Electi6ns. ~rs, Padgett said "Cr~Don" ~ is the candidate's married name and she believed that was the name used on the certification, aitho~gh she is registered under the maiden name of "Pleva~. Hayer DeLong felt this was a political maneuver ~d Mr. Rsberts asked for a legal interpretation of how many names could be put on the ballot smdhhow they should be listed, After some further discussion about the way this matter should be handled, ~s. P~dgett sa~d she spoke tod~y to the Deputy Supervisor of Elections who suggested a determination be made at this evening's meeting with legal advice. F~p!aining that he would have to do more research on this, Simon said he recalled that the candidates were to be listed with the names that best represent them. He felt the name ~'Chantal ~Leva Or~ would best represent this ~ndividuat. Haygr cng noted the? everyone must vote according to the way hzs o~ her name is szgne~ on the registration card: There was considerable discussion during which ~. Roberts moved to notifythe Supervisor of Elections that the candidate in question is registered and certified as Chantal C, Pleva (not ~aioh) . and to determine which name she is to ru.n u~der -- a~ter which (witn' one name in parenthesis) it should be placed on the ballet correctly in order to establish the proper spot. ~, Wallace seconded and then withdrew his second. After further discussion, Nr, Wallace moved to instruct the City Clerk to contact Hrs. Jackie Winchester, Supervisor of Elections, requesting that the name of Chantal C. Plev~ be listed on the ballot in alphabetical order in accordance with the wsv the Supe~c~isor certified her as a registered voter. ~, Stz~nad seconded, ~otion carried ~. Kohl then read the letter of November !, 1974 from ~rs. Jackie Winchester, Supervisor of Elections, Palm Beach County, to ~s. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk, certifyiD~ the candidates listed above as registered voters in the City of Boj~ton Beach. ~. Roberts moved to accept the certification by Jack-is Winchester of those above n~ed c~dldates as registered voters in the or~mar, v Ci~ of Boynton Beach, seconded ~y ~. %~allace -- f~r the upcdm~/ ~c~on on November 19, 1974. No mmscussion, ~o~zon C~rmed 5-0. _ ? _ ~!INUTES P~UI~R CITY~ COUNCIL ~EET_NG NOVE~ER 5, 1974 BOTNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Proclamation of Primary & General Elections for 3 Cou]acil ~;Iemb, ers ~ayor DeLo~ read the above Proc±ama~on deszg~.atzng the date of the Pri~ Election to be November 19, 197~ ~d the Generaz Election to be December 3, 1974, with the voting hou~ to be be~een ~:00 A,~%, ~ud 7:00 P.~. on said dates. The pol!i~ places were also deszo~ted therein. Consider kpooin~ent o~ Election ~pards ~. Ko~ referrer Co~cil to the listio~ of 57 perSo~ who have asked to serve on the Election Board, ~ presented by the City Olerk, which w~ before them, It is reco~endad t~t the entire list be approved se that a couple of extras wo~d be available in case of someone's inabili~ te serve at the last minute, There are l0 precincts this year and the Ci~ Clerk reco~ends us~ l0 Clerks and 45 Inspectors. ~, Ko~ concorde. ~.~ Strnad moved to accept the reco~end~tions of the City Clerk with ~e concurrence ef ~e Ci~ ~I~er above, ~. Harmening seconded. Under discussion, Y~, Roberts asked if l~rs, Padgett had ~terviewed and talked to each pers~ r~quest~g to serve. ~s, ~adgett said she had se~ meet of them, but sene had left their n~es when she was n~t a~ilabie. ~. Roberts was concerned go~t their competence ~d l~s, Padgett said most of them have ~d tra~ng and ~ Kohl said ~he Cler~ were ~l competent. ~otmon c~ried 4-1 with ~, W~lace abstaining as his wife's name was on the list. Receipt of Status Report from Department of Transportation - ....... Since this was Eiectien Dap- and ~eopte were a_nEious to watch the returnS, ~&r. Wallace suggested postponing readir~z this material until another meeting, adding that it would be i_u the Central File for those interested. ~r. Wallace then moved te place this item on the table, seconded by ~r. Harmentng, No discussion. ~otion carried ~-0. ~~ ards & Conm-~.i~ttee, s, (Vice D~a-or Roberts' In order to avoid misunderstanding or feelings that there was ~uy discrimination in reg_ard to making appointments to Boards and Committees, ~n2. Eeb~rts~said anyone Wishing to sez~ce should w~e it know~_ to the City Clerk ~ud submit a brief resume. He asked _~Ir, Kohl to speak to representatives of the newspapers so they could publish this information, Consider C~a .e Order No. 1 - Re:___¥~e_I.~s 12__~_~_ :~d 14 ~¢_r, Koh% read a letter from ~,.r. Swan of Russell & Axon dated October ll, 1974 regarding the above, r_o~ec~ No, 6858'6 and requesting approval, ~r, Kohl concttrred. -- 8 -- I~INU_~ P~L~R CITY COUNCIL ~ETING N0%rE~ER 5, 1974 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mr. Wallace moved to accept the City Hanager's recommendation regarding the above Change Order. Y~. Harmening seconded. No discussion. Notion carried 5-0. ~ir. Wallace suggested acting upon the next three items col- lectively if they were all in order. Consider RequeSt of ~. Paul Startzman - Re: Transfer of Two (2) Oemeter¥. Lots }Lr~ K?~l r.eferred ?e N~r. Startzman's reques.t ef September 27, 1974 im whmch he wmshes to transfer ownershmp of Lots $8 and 39, Block F, ef Boynton Beach Hemorial Park, to Harry and ~eu~se LeFort. The Cemetery Board recommends that this request be gr~uted · Consider Re,most of Hrs. Durrett - Re: ,Refund on Cemete~ Lets Hr. Kohl referred '~o a request before Council from Hrs. Durrett for a refund on Cemete~- Lots 194 and 195. He recommended Hrs. Durrett be given this refund sub,eot to the approval of the Cemetery Bo~_~d. Bern_ce Allan Re: Refund of Partial Consider Request of Mrs. ~ - Ps~yment..on Cemetery.. Lot~ · .~ ~Ar. Kehl read ~rs. Allen's letter to him of October 24, 1974 requesting refund ef partial pa~ent for Cemetery Lot t2B in the amo~nt of $50.00. This has been approved by the Cemetery Board and Hr. Kohl recommended grantLng the refund. N~. Kohl recommended approval of the above three requests which hay6 all been approved by the Cemetery Board. Hr, Roberts moved to accept the City ~L~nager's recommendatiom concernio~ ~r. Startzman, ~Irs. Du~ett and l~rs. Allan$ seconded by~r. Wallace. ~r. HarmeniDg noted it was customary on a refund to repay all but 20% and this was included in the motion. Motion carried 5-0. qonsider New Liq~9r Liege. rise Application for Ristorante Paotetti ~Lr. Kohl referred to the application from Pao, Inc. regarding the ~oeve. He noted that this restaurant was formerly Luigi's Restaurant and that it does comply with the local zoning regulations for the s~le of alcoholic beverages. It was noted there would be violin music instead of the organ. It was then clarified there was no difference in the old ~ype of license and the new one. ~?myor DeLoD~ noted the City has no jurisdiction over this but it is a courtesy for the City to have a voice in thatLit complies with the zoniD~. Hr. Wallace moved to notify the authorities that the City has no objection to grantiD~ the license for Ristor~nte Paoletti. Hr. Harmening seconded. No discussion. Eotion carried 5-0. -9- ~_NUTES - EEGU~LAR CITY COUNCIL '~ETING NOVE~BER 5, 1974 BOYNTON BF~kCH, FLORIDA D is cuss _Thar!k~ s~ivin,~ Hoii,daTf Nr. Kohl noted that last year the employees received the Frid~v ~fter Thanksgiv~-ug as a holiday ~ud he recemmend~ed f~llowlng this procedure ~aln. ~, Wallace moved to xollsw the City I~anager's recommendation, s.econded by ~r. Harmeni~, Ne discussion, other than Nr. Harmen~ng'$ co~ent that the Comn~y employees were also having a four dan holmday. Notion carried 5-0 · Consider Appointments to Beards & Committees: a, Regular ~ember - Beard cf Adjustment~ b. Regular Member - Plaguing In vieweof the upcoming Thar~giving and Christmas holidays, ~. Wallace moved to delete the ~oove appointments until the first me~tiug ef the new year, seconded by Nr. Harmening. Also included in the motion was te ~ld in abeyance any action on the adoption of the revision ef the Planui~g & Zoning and Zoning map. Nr, Roberts asked if this meant there shouldn't be any hearings whatsoever until after the first ef the year. I~r. ~allace noted there would be a great many people away on vacations and this would alleviate many problems for the new Council. ~r. Roberts suggested setting a tentative date aud Nayor DeLong said this could be done at the next meeting. ~onsider AoOo!ntment to Bi-~qenteomial Committee - Cha,irman ~. Kohl read a letter of resignation from Nrs, Emily Jackson who was stepping down from her pest on the Pla~ing & Zoning Beard and also from her Chairmar~hip ef the Bi-Cer~en~ial Committee in view of her c~adidacy for City Council, effectivo i~ediately, ~&r, Wallace moved to accept this resignation with'the customary recognition for services performed. Nr. Roberts seconded, No discussion. ~otion carried 5-0, Nr. H~rmeniD~ nominated as Chairman of the Bi-Centennial Committee, Nr, Jim 0'Neara who is presently Vice-Chairman. ~. Strnad seconded. Nr. Wallace moved that nominations be closed. Notion carried 5-0. ~r, Wallace~en moved to have the City Clerk cast one ballot for the unanimous appointment of Jim O'Neara as Chairman of the Bi-Centennial Commi~ee, seconded by ~. Harmening, No discussion. Notion carried 5-0. Applications for Permit to Solicit: a. Leaguo of Yomen Voters of So, Palm Beach Cou_nty; b, Naroh of Dimes - Palm Beach County Oh~pter~ ,c. Unite~ Ce~ebral~a%,~y __ ~. ~, Eoh~ said all the above were worthy organizations and he recommended approval of all three applications. ~. Wallace moved to accept the City ~anager's recommendation, seconded by ~. Harmeningo No discussion. ~otion carried 5-0. l0 I~INUTES - REGULAR CITY_ C00~CIL ~ETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVF~LSER 5, 1974 Aoorovai of B ills Rowland Truck 2 Garbage Packers Pay -from 0pera~-~ Capital imp, Punds 021-500 2. Ai~-Pi sin Co~. Est. #2 Raw Water Wells ~12, #13, ~14 Pay from budgeted funds. 3~ Senior~Citizems Friendsh~o Club e~enue F~nds '020-800.00 4. ~allaway, Car~entsr~, N~&~ ~ ~rsfessienal services for fisca± audit Pay from 830-39 and 902-39 Generator Pay from 6220-514.29 - Accts. Payable 1973-74 A~!enins~ur~ance ~ e~c.: ~isc, Articles Floater - Risk PaY from 885-36 7. Russ~il &,Axon 6858-i3A & CP Pay from Utility General Fund Re-imbursable from DOT Ru~seli & Axon 685~r15-11 inv. #3 Water ~aci!ities & Water Treatment Plant Exp. Pay from Utility General Fund To be recovered from next Bond Issue 9. Russell & Axgn ~8~87 ~±I & CP Inv. ~o. ~ ~r-~dingEx~st~ngWas~ewater Treatmen~ Pay from 1974 Water & Sewer Rev, Bond Funds 10, Russell & Axon 68~8-17-1% Inv. ~1 ~aw Water Nain Construction Plans Pay from Utility General Fund To be recovered from next Bond Issue ll, Russell & Axon 6858-~-0P Inv. ~1~ Revised ~%--~2~500 Grant Application Pay from 901-39 12. Portable radio units - L~,&A Grant PsC~ from E~cumbered Funds 13. Russell & Axon 68~-Sm-III & CP Sanitaz~y Sewer Extensions CRnstruction Pay from Utilit~ General ll- 41,3%8.00 10,412.59 560,00 4,8 8.35 5,035,00 1,230.00 1,362.45 3,200.00 4,056.49 6,656.?3 1,226.10 7,399.00 3,054.53 ~tIhrJTES - REGHLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVE~~B~R 5, 1974 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 14, Peabody Peterscn Est. #5 $14o,59o.40 ~pgradingExisti~ Wastewater ~reatment Fac, Pay from 1974 Wa~er & Sewer Rev, Bend Funds Approx, 33% complete now. The bills described have be~napprov~ and verified by the department heads involved; checked and approved for payment by the Finance Director; funds are available in their respective budgets and ~r. Kohl recommended payment. ~. Wallace moved to pay ~h bills as recommended by the City ~aEer, secen~ed by Nr~ Harmen~_ng. After some comment about the Russell & Axon bil~s, motion carried 5-0. OTHER None. ~D JOUR~X~E NT Nr. Wallace moved to ad~ourn, seconded by Nr. Harmening. Notion carried 5-0, ~eeting adjourned at 9:10 P.N. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FI~RIDA Vice ~ayor ouncilman' ATTEST: ~ City Cler~ Councilman