Minutes 07-16-74MINUTES OF REGUV. AR CITY COUNCIL ~g~ETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CIT]~ HALL, TUESDAY, JULY 16, PRESENT Joe Mayer Mayer Edwar~ F, C,~eitmam Nerm~ F. , Ceumeilmam ABSENT Ferrest L. ~atlace, Ccuncilmam (eh vacation) Tereesa Pa~gett, City Clerk Mayer DeLcmg ealle~ the meeting te or, er at ?:30 P.M. He aske~ ~e ~ienee te rise for the imvocatien give~ by Father Carl Marrisom of St. Marks Catholic Church, followed By the Pledge ef Alleg~amoe le~ By Nr. Thomas Clark, City Engineer. Ar~e~mcemen~s Mayor DeLo~g rea~ a Proclamation ho~cring Mr. Gievammi Oalien~o ~er ~o~at~g ~is ~ime an~ artistic talent i~ the form ef an mll~stratiemamd mmralat the ~ew Library~ Tmes~ay, Jmly 16, 197~ was therefore ~esigma~e~ as Giovanni Calie~de Night, Mr. Caliende came ferwar~ am~ expresse~ appreeiatiom te the City a~d also his wife for her help in all his projects. Presentation. .., of ServiaeAwar~s tc Ci%7~Empleyees Mayer Chief III ~ente~ service awards to the fellowimg imdivi~mals: Fire Department - ' Scholar, Clerk , Fire Marshall, ~, PeliceB~artment Clayton, Report from Vice Mayor Bavi~ Roberts - Regional Pt~t me~ apl~reciatien an~ read a repcr~ em the Re~erts fellowing his July 9th visit .rotectmcm Agenc~ ~n At.la~.ta, Georgia with mties Liaisem Officer. Mayer on the same su~Jeet~ reports -__re attache~ hereto ~ ~e a p~t hereof. ~. St~tzm~,s request, m~ ~ ascer~amne~ ; a le~er ~e Mr. Jac~ .~v~ efthe EPA, Messrs. ~St~z~ had met the e~er~ ef ~is office - l- NINUTE~ - REGULAR CITY 00UNGIL ~ETING JULY 16, 197~ BOYNTON B~H, FLORIDA Nr. Startzmn~ for his said me wer~ - ware to try te Nr. Roberts said his report was ma~e up the day feltewimg the meeting so that all eoneerne~ would ~e imfe~e~.~ He ~a~ed ~etaile~ ~comn~ ~ we~. ~, Rob~ Bee~ who mes~ge across ~o w~ some ~e Doit2 ~. RoBer~ s~ges~e~ 2hat a ,s ition. O eumcil mos these Emily eels Were started. have been acccm- Un~ar ~iscmssien, this year a~d the . ~er a~.4 speeifz- whose administration DeLemg them there weul~ be a de~ieatiem ef the July 20, 1975 at ll~O0 A.~. NayarDeLemg aske~ these in the audiemee wishimg te speak about items on the Agenda tegive their mames to the City Clerk, who ~ ' woml~ call them at the ap~r prmate time. NINUTES Regmlar Neeti~ - July NIr;' Roberts referred te page 5, last paragraph, line $ and said it shemld be corrected te rea~ "... to eliminate sen~i~g out bills with water bills.~ 0m page ?, Nr,.Reberts sai~ there was am omissicm in paragraph 2, ii~ 8. He said he had spokem absut a~ether bill or diselesmre act for p~litieians a~ asked that a lime be inserted after referemee te ~r. Simem's drawLug up a ceuple ef er4i~amces "... em the mew ~iselesure act for politiciams, ceverimg those i~ office, etc. ..." Nr; Earmeming move~ to a~opt the Mimutes ef the Regular Neettn~ cf J~ly 2, 197~ as corrected, seeem~e~ by Mr, Strma~. No ~is-~ cmsszen. Metiom carried ~-0. Special Neetimg - July 8, 1~74 Nr. Roberts nete~ that the Minutes ~d beem revised te include several pa~.ag~.aphs on the reasons why the City wemt tc EPA. After clarifying that evaryeme ha~ read the revise~ Nimutes of the.Special.Neetimg ef July 8, 197~, Nr. Harmemimg mo~ for. their a~eptiem as writtem. Nr. Strmad seconded. No dzseusszem. Netiem earrie~ - 2 - ' " NINUTES - REG~z~R 0ITY COUNCIL NEETING JULY 16. 1975 BOYNT~N BEA~E. FLORIDA Nayor BeLong requested the additiem of item "B" u~der PUBLIC HEARING -- "Comsider Request ef Gulfstream Narzu~ (formerly item "F" m~er ADNINISTRATIVE om the Agemda). The Nayor also. requested. ~ additional, item om __~he Agenda m~der ~GAZ. Or~n~ees - F~$% Raad~ ~ "5. ~pesed ~r~i~ee - Re: ~e~g Section ~ ef Ci~ Ch.%er~. P~BLIC HEARING - 8: QQ P ~. Gulfstream Es%ares - Ka~, Cg~s~r~etiem, -Inc. Nr.2 Kohl s~vised that all re~mirem~mts have beem met regarding t]~is matter. All mill of Tramsportaticm ~ave ,jectie~s te e~emen~ ~ lines. T~e ~t~ 9. t9~ reee~en~e~ ~ Gmlfs~e~ er ~e re-pl~t ef ~me te ab~- of July -- first the aba~dommem~ of a portion ef the plat as wtth~Lrew his seeomd au~ ~r. Roberts withdrew his motion. Mr. Simem read Resolution No. ?$-BB im its entirety - re a portiem of the plat of Gulfstream moved for the a~optiom of Resolutiom ~s~ Pa~gett Councilman Harme~ing Aye Vice.er Roberts Aye Co~¢~l,m~Str~ad Aye Nay~er DeLeng Aye carried ~-0. -3- ~INUTES - REGUT,AR CIT~ CQUNCIL ~EETING JULY BOYNT~N Bw, ACK, FLORIDA Mr. Simon advised that for preliminary approval of re-plat ef certain lots i~ Gulfstream Estates, only a motion was neces- sary, as recommended by the Pl~.~img & Z~ning Beard at ~heir Jmly 9, 197~ meeting. Noting TJaat it was oat ef the order of ~msiness, Mayor DeLong asked if amyeae wished te speak in favor of er against this Resolution. Ne reply. Mr. Re~erts moved to aeeept the recommendation of the Pls~ing Ce~si~er Re~ues~ ef C-rolls.earn Nm~ina reas~ Shat 0oumeilmembers had the mecessary ¢orres- TJaem. The Pla~& Se~i~gBoard at their of Jnly recommended 0eum¢il's approval e at 2280 North Federal te ~heir recent restaurant fire. Mr. Kohl them of Gulfstream explaining the Mayer DeLeng asked if amyene in the audienee wished te speak in favor ef or in o~positie~ ~ thi~ request~ Ne reply. Mr. Strnad moved t~ recemmendatie~ of the Planaimg & Zoning Be.e.r.d seoeade~t~yNr. Harmening.~ No discussion. ~lr. S~.om rea~ .I~.Oposed 0rdima~ce No. 75-2e en first reading, amthe~zim§ eemditie~l mse ef the proper%7 in~=estiom. Nrj H~rmenimg moved for the adoption ef 0rdimaace Ne. ?~-20 o~ first readimg, seconded by Nr. Roberts. Ne disemssien. Mrs. Padge%-~ comdmeted a roll call vote as fellows: Ceuneilman Harmeni~g - Aye Vice Mayor Roberts - Aye Commeilman Str~ad - Aye Mayor DeLong - Aye Notiem earried ~-Q, LEGAL QFdimL.a~..ces -2md Rea~i~ - PUBLIC ~ARING Proposed O~imamoe No, 7~-15 - Re: Deelara~ion of Imten~ to A~me~ ~;ii~e,viewEavem Mr; Simon rea~ 0rdi~.~ce Ne, ?$-15 em secon~ reading Dy eaptien omly!. Mayer DeLemg asked if amyene im the audience wished to speak in favor ef or against this ordimamce. Ne replyf A wemam im the audien¢easked if the City i~temded te incorporate -4- NINUTES ~ REGULAR GITY CGUNCIL NF~TING JULY 1~, 1974 BOYNT~N BEACH, FLORIDA more is~d and it.wa~ explaine~ that this was a re%uest by Lake View Haven itself to become aamexe~. In response tea ~nestio~ about care of T~e rea~s in the am~exed area, Nm, Roberts felt ~a~ simee it was ~ fairly small ~e~elepment, the develcper woul~ ~e respe~sible for most ef ~/~e rea~s. Nr. S~rmad moved for the adoption of ©rdinamee Ne. 74-15 om seeon~ rea~Lag~ seconded by Hr. Hammenimg. No ~iscm~sie~. F~rs, Pa~gett eenduete~ a roll call vote as follows: Oomm¢ilman Harmening - Aye Vice NeVer Roberts - Aye Ce~¢ilman Strr~ - Aye Nayor ~eLo~g - Aye Notion carried ~-0. P~BLIC AUDIENOE Nr~ ~. T. NeLea~, 906 Se. Federal Highway, spoke abemt his surprise te see am artiete ~hieh ap~earsd in a newspaper cemcerni~g a warramt being issued f~r his arrest. He gave Ceumeilmembers a copy of a letter he had written and commemted at length about its contents. Nr, NeLeam had several c,mplai~ts a~e~t the Police Departmemt which he felt shemld be pmblie knowledge. Im his letter, ~. NcLean referre~ te au editorial im.the~Times Leader ~y Er~e Tmeker of ~e Police DeDar~memt, which is published through the efforts of the Beymtem Beach Nm. NcLeam then noted several instamces in which he felt he had received unsatisfactory service from the P$1ice Departmemt, a~img that he had registered all his complaints with the City Nanager, Hr~ Roberts asked if Nr. ~eLean's complaints ha~ beem registered imwriti~g, te which Hr. NcL~ answere~ nc, but his pre~emt letter had beem give~ to the City Manager i~ advance of this meeting. Nr$'~ R~ B. Vasti~e, President of the U~ited Beymten Civic League said the reference made te the Umited Beyntem Civic Leagme amd Times Leader was ~et ~ase~ en fact in any way. After some further comment by ~r. ~eLeam and Nayer DeLcng, Hr. Kekl advised t~ he received Nr. NeLea~'s compilers ~ he h~ alw~s ~ie~ te item ~hem ~m~. Hewers, ne ~me ~s ~ eem~el ev~ wha~ ~he Judge r~les in each case. It w~ cl~ified that ~he ~i~y N~ weml~ bring ~ cempla~s ~ece~s~ ~ the at~e~ie~ of Ce~eil. BIDS ~ne .(1~. Hose Dryer for F_ire Department Nr~ Kohl sai~ the Tabulatio~ G~mmittee recommende~ acceptance the low bid from W. 9. howling Cu, in the amommt ¢f d $1~,~OO.O0 has bee~ ~m~geted in Aeeomnt Ne. 3200-514.~8. -- ~ -- NINniES ~ REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~EETING J~LY 16, 1975 BOYNT~N BEACH, FIDRIDA The Tabmlatien sheet an4 Affidavit from W. was ~efere ~eumeil ~n4 ~1 ~her re~ui~ts ~ve been met. ~. Ke~ with the reee~a~ie~ ef .the T~b~ati~n ~her bi~s reeeive~ ~ felle~: Bise~e ~e E~ -$1,595.00~ B~ ~e E~. Ne Bi~ Jack 0~eke - 1,58G,'~ Eas~ Oezst F~e E~, - ef Harmeni~g moves to accept the 0i%y Nanager's recommendation awar~ ~he !ow bi4 te ~. Q. Dewliag Ge. i~ the amount Er. Strnad secende4. Ne ~iscussion. Notion I~GAL ~d~i~ees - ls~ Rea~inM Proposed Or~inamee Ne. 75-21 - Re: Amending Section 25 an4 25 ef the.. Charter - Enac._tme~t .of.. O.r~es ~ Resolutions NmJ~ Si.men rea~ pr?posed 9r~ima~¢e Ne. 75-21 in i~s entirety. Refer. rang to Se~tie~ 25&~ ~yer DeLe~ ~uestieme~ w~ w~ me~t by 2/3 ef ~he Ceuneml's m~be~hip, ~. H~eni~ fel~ 2/3 ef five was fo~. n~er ef memO,s at~ a p~tzeul~ mee~. N~or D~e~ betieve~ State ~w sai~ a ~uor~ efa Oe~cil ~ act. Therefore, a ~er~ weul4 be 3, a ~eri~ of which we~4 be ~. In emergency er~mm~$s, he ~elie~ Sta~e ~w required a veto ef fe~ members ~ he wished tu have this ci~ifie4, Hr, Roberts read from Ttae New Home Rule Law - Section 166.8~1 smd discussion ensmed as the the in~erpretati~n ef ~jerity. ~. S~m nete~ ~ha~ ~he l~e ~ei~ ~e~ ~ this ~en~men~ e~mes ~eetly from ~he New Home Rule Law. He felt ~terpretatien ~f ~is ~ we~l~ ~ve ~e ~e pmt te the test of the Oe~, she~4 a ~ues~i~m ~ise. He mdaed ~hat ~his Ce~eil e~ e~ct ~ Or~i~ee m~re str~ent th~n the Sta~e Sta~te. Nr~ Hm~meni~g asked whether three cf fo~rmembers Dresent woml~ be a majority in ~ Simon's opinion. Nr. Simon said ~he ADDellate ~eur~ ~ries te be~weem members an~ membership, If it said members, ef five weul~ be re~mire~ at all times~ N~; Roberts asked if this conflicted wi~h the Oeumeil's dete_~mina- tien te whether or not am emergency exists. ~yerDeLeng sai~ . . .i~.eo.r~.erates ever~ action ta~e~ by the 0eu~ci! -- there · s no ~s~i~c~ic~. Referrmng te Section 2~, Er. Re~erts ~uesti=ned the term ~f 10 days s=ud wan~e~ ~o be smre there was ne eo~flietien~ Fm. Simon said ~he 18-4ay peri~4 is s car~ryever from the l~revious ~arter. He attempted te stay as close tc -6- NINUTES - REGULAR OITY COUNCIL NEETING JULY 16, 1974 BOTNTON BEACH, FLORIDA The Charter as possible a~d still use the ia~guage ef the Home Rule Law ~md he explained T&at there was me conflict. · r. Harmemi~g moved for the adoption o£ 0r~ina~ce No. 74-21 on £~_r~t ea~l~g, se~o~ted by Nr. Roberts. Ne discussion. Padget~ eomducted a roll east vote ~ follows: Coumeilmam Earmening - Aye Vice Nayor Roberts - Aye Commcilms~ Strr~d - Aye ~ayer DeLe~g - Aye Netiem carried g-~. Proposed 0rdi~¢e No. 74-2£ - Re: Ame~img Seeti~ 8~ of the Charter ~ ~gi~a~cs ...... ~ ~. Simom rea~ proposed Ordinance No. ?$-22 i~ its entirety on first readimg. Nr. Em~me~mg moved for the adoption of ©rdimmace Ne. ?4-22 em first seconded ~y Nr. Strnad. Ne discussion. Nfs. Padgct~ ~ roll call vote as fellows: Co~acilman Harmeming - Aye Vice ~yor Roberts - Aye Coumcilmau Str~ad - Aye Nayer DeL~ng - Aye Notion carried4-0. Proposed Or, imasco No. 74- - Re: Amending Section 145 and o~he Chart.er~u Re~l.~Proeedures ~A Simon said he h~d prepared this Ordinance, however, he re- quested Oeu~cil to hold up on i~s passage. The S~ate Statute recentty adopted i~ the last session sets up recall provisiems that are applicable to all mmmicipalities. The State Statute repeals amy previsions cf the City Charter i~ comf!ict with the State Statate. Therefore, whatever is in the City Charter at presen~ T~at is consistent with and mot i~ conflict with the State Statute is the s.a~.e a? a~d mee~s the language of the present Statute. Amythlng i~ co~flict with the State Statute is amtomatic~ly repealed, If the City repealed what it has mow, the State Statute would control it smyhew. However, if the State Statute meets with muy litigation constitutionally or on some $~her grounds and is reduced i~ some way or in total, then the City would have no recall law on its books. Nr. Simon reoommamded the ~ity does met repeal its law and to leave it o~ the books in the event the S~te Statute meets with any problems. ~iayer DeLong clarified eve~ though the City has provisie~s on its books that are not felt to be definitive enough, it should r~main as is, with the ~ity reverti~ to the State Statute. If someone wished to get a recall movement going, the 0ity Olerk would ne~d a copy of the State Sta~te to guide in the proeedureo Nr. Simom concurred, -- ? NIN~TES ~ ~G~LAR CITY CQUNCIL ~TIN~ JULY 16, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Earmenm~.g felt.the 0.mty Attermey s advice was very geed and meve~ %e s~rike thzs 0r4zna~ee from the Agem~a upe~ N~. Sim~'s re~em~ie~. ~. Str~a~ seee~e~. Um~ ~iscmssi~, ~. ~e~ee w~ke~ em le~ ~e, Ee w~ in fav~ ef ~he S~te S~a~te ~ felt ?~ the gi~'$ presemt e~i~ee ~n recall was ~ther ~werkm~le. esteems s~e~l~ sme~essf~ly.eh~e~ga ~he S~ate Starts, the Ci~' W~I~ ~e~ ~e %e%~ wz%hou% a ree~l ~ with New Eeme ~ ~e Ci~ ims%itm%e a mew ,- Amemdi~g See~iem 1~2 ef its eussie~~ read em firs2 I~Ire, Ne. ?~-23 om first reading im fer %ha adeptiem ef Gr~ina~ee y N~, Earmemm~g~ Ne dis- a tell call vets as fellows: ~ouncitmam Earmemi~o* - Aye Vice N~or Rebert~ - Aye Cc~¢ilm~u Slm~na~ - Aye Nayer DeLe~g - Aye Prepese~ ~r~inauee Ne~~ ?~-25 - Re: Amending Seetism 65 ef City ~ De~e~ a~vise~ Ceun$il t~t the request fer ~s Or~im~ce ~ ~ue me the fae~ ~hat m~ was ~t pessible p~form certain prejee~ ~ ~ a ee~e~u~ee, the Ci~ w~ tie~ up, p~tieul~!y e~ jeDs umber $5,~0. Therefere, several pr~jee~ h~ ~e ~e ~e ena cest plus b~is. ~yer DeLo~ felt thms ~n~me~t weul~ ~e ~he solutiem ~e ~he Ci~'s ~ile~. ~. Siam read pre~ose~ ~i~ee No. 7~-2~ i~s emt~e~ ~ S~ meve~ fer the adeDtien ef Sr~in~ee 7~2~ e~ f~s% r~di~, seee~e~ by ~ Re~er~. U~er ~scussie~, ~. S~r~ felt the Ci~ was gem~ in the righ~ ~eetien because ef the ~er~se~ ees~ ef eve~ng s~ce this O~ee was rnte effect. ~. ~m~g agree~ wi~ ~. gmvss a gee~ e~ple ef hew the value ef ~he ~ellar is being ecmated. N~~ Padge~ cemducte~ a tell call vete as fell~: Oe~cih~ H~e~i~ - ~e Vice N~or Reber~s - Aye Oe~cilm~ S~rma~ - Aye N~er DeLe~g - Aye carried .R es elutiens Nome, - 8- NINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNGILNEETING JULT 16, 1974 BOYNTON BEACE, ~LORIDA Other the Gity are~~ Nayer DeLeng out of five Regarding the Nitrates of the Board of Adjust-ment, N~%yor DeLemg felt the ~%~er in whieh the motioms were hamdled was somewhat een~sim~, He meted ~hat the Be~ud ef Adjustment operates ~er ~ ~ ~isemss~g this ~t~ wi~h e~h~ m~ ce~et~e~ t~t i~ wemld ~e a~v~a~te e~et ~ memB~s ef the B~, ~ve emtl~g.~2 ~he~ ~owers ~ ~et~tien mmst ~e By f~ ~e felt t~2 ~e~ ~i~ ~ if e~y fe~ memB~s ever~e~ wi~homt i~voive~ 'i~ a ~imom if hew-as reeemtly . mse -- aste whether the Beard He ha~l sm i~ea the farther as the 1~5~ e~ least ~here should to +~le operation mmst they an answer felt the tw~ em tha-~ he had been aSked was whether or net grams' the varia~oe. Nayo= DeLo~g a variance or wan~ te give research. Nr~ Roberts some ~sc~siem~ it was ~he ~tt~ present~ ~Ke~e~%~ set up a meet~ be- o~A~jms~em~[. N~er DeLe~ ~ke~ wi~ Se~e gee~e~tes for the ' NINniES ~ REGL~AR CITY COVN~IL NE~:TING JULY 16, 197~ Bear~ e£ Adjms~memt. Nr~~ Str~a~ suggeste~ gettlm~ a resume e~ al~ mD~ei~tees a~ Nayer DeLe~ agree~, The resmme wemI~ ~e re~ at the time T~e a~Dem~ee s ~me was $~mitte~. for Palmlm~d (Charter WerI~) It was ~eei~ed that this item we~l~ remai~ e~ the taDle. NE~ BUSI~EEE Nr~~ Keel ~e~aeil frem Nro R. Ime. which regar~i~§ wi~h him ~his with Pla~t, a~ the Buil~ ~he~Be Taylor's if a mere substantial arrangement ef credit te whieh Nr. perferma~ee Ott~ DeLe~g said NrJ Rieha~ letter ef tet-~er ef te cover His ;he Cem!~m~y ia ~mestiem came ferwar~ ~e~s is mer~ proee4~e im t~tt~ ef ~e~i~ is ~ee~ Dy eh i~ this ~s~ee weul~ Be a loe~ he weul~ s~p~ take the ~ ~ fee ~ ~ ever the ef ~e~i~ te ~he Be~gce~y, ~i~ a him ef t~s me~he~ te byp~s ~he Oi~ the s~e seelig. wemld save memey. He asked ~ith klm the asDect wherein e£ the irreveeaDle ~e, because it was ~eing weul~ Be mere tha~ suffieie~t sai~ since ~he tea~ has Bee~ am~ ~aere is a great deal of to eom- efa few dollars. of for be~d. Nr. Hsrmemi~g that a letter ef credit is protect the ~e~t imterests ~er~erma~ee ~omd weul~ be a NI3PJTES -REGULAR CITY COUNCIL '~ETING JULY BOTNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~.~ Harme~i~ mev~d te grant the request ef Taylor-Nade Enter- Prises~~ lac. ce~i~e~t ~on ~he p~g of ~he ne~ess~ im exm tenee~ ~et iom earrie~ $-~. of Res! ~Nr. Lere~ Blaeketer, RegalarNem~er Eehl read ~. Blaeketer's letter of resig~atie~ date~ July 197~i Nm~ Earme~i~g mev~ to accep~ ~he resi~ie~ of Btaeketer ~h re~e~ ~ se~4 a letter ef appreeia~ien ~e him. St~a~ seeom~, Und~ ~isc~sie~. ~er DeLe~ $~ he a~y s~ a eomm~ieatiom to N~. B~eketer beeamse ef the work ~i Blaeketer ~ perfex4 f~r Boym?~Beaeh~ ~lt i~ weml~ ~e i~ or4~ te sem~ ~other ~e~ 4me to ~l ~ eff~ ~hat ~. Blaeket~ ~evo~o wor~ out I~ view of the vacamey e~ the Pla~niug & Zo '~r'~g Bear~, ~. ~n~g s~ he we~ like ~e su~ ~he m~e ef ~. Derle Bailey~~ h ~v~, ~ ~i~ me~ have a res~e~~ He felt ~. Bailey we~l~ ~e ~p~ ~te smDmit eme. N~er DeLe~ also ~ ~ ~ a res~-~ ~. Je~ I~~ Eegers~ D~ ~isc~siem, it was s~ges~e~ ~he ma~er be ~able~ ~ ~. Rebuts pei~ ~u~ a~itie~ peeple ~re r~ea for ~he Be~ ef A~j~men~, se ~e~h me~ were mee~eS. ~or DeLeng sai~ he ~s ge~ to ~e v~ p~tie~ abeu~ appei~e~ts. He ~ ~ene s~e s~y~ ~. R~g~ ~ h~ fel~ he would ~e ide~ for ~he Pi~ & Z~ning Be~R~~ ADNiNiSTRATIVE ,Cigna, ider ,S.,ewer Rate M~r~' Kohl read a letter from Joe C. Swa~, ~ngmneermmg~ ' ' Nanager ef Russell & &xen; the City's eensmlti~g e~gineers, ~a%ed Ju~e 18; 197~ in regard te maintaining p~ 92-580 Grant Eligibility, City cf Boymto~ Beach (Projee2 6858 ll). Mr; Kohl then rea~ his !ether for the agenda in which he state~ he hs~ a meetimg o~ J~bly3, 197~ with~ir. George Russell. who e~l~ne4 She ~e~ls ef the proposed ~er eh~ge rate s~dy ~ subsequen~ erd~nee will 5e $17,800, whie~h~i~qe~7"~ref~da~te - ll ' ~I~M~TES- REGULAR CITY COUNCIL NRETING' JULY 16, 1~?~ BOYNTON BEACH, PLORIDA Nr;~ R~sseli indicate~ that should the $t?,000 not be 75% refundable,~ he would me~ bill the Oi~ ef Beyntem Beach. Ke~ a~vise~ ~' Russell ~t ~er ~e ce~i~ie~, wi~ · he ap~e~ ef Oe~cii;~ ~he ~i~ wi~ authorize Russell & Axe~ ~e preeee~ wi~h the s~ Ra~e e~,s He adv~e~ genii the if ~here were ~ qmes~ie~ N~er DeLe~ as~erta~e4 ~a~ ~he ge~es~enee ~ef~e C,~il w~ self- ~ Ee~ ~ete~ ~t ~s mat~er was ~dle~ ~e Work er Nr. Harmemt~g moved with seconded~ No dis; carriea rec omme~L~tioR, Nr. Strma4 Based en sm exteasio~ ef the umit prices ~uoted iR Russell & Ax~R's letter; the s~bjeet eha~ge or~er (propese~ as a lump sum of $8;~8~) wsuId ~e as follews: (see proposed change order for item ~escrip~iem) ~ (b) ?3e.' @ ,.0o~ ~,92e.oo (e) 8~8' @ 3;59 3,038.00 (4) Relocate existimg gate = 1~-t99,50 (oest Rot itemized iR letter) Item (4) above was toe much in F~. Kohl's opiniom, although other u~t prices are reasemable, Nr. Kohl felt the Ci~ crews ear 4o this work f~r a let less money tha~ the propose4 prices as indicated i~ the chsm~o 9rders. The City ca~ purchase ali of the new materials me~mired (the temporary ~. farm field fence cam be salvaged whem not needed) for an estimated $2,200.00. By using City forces for this work, a savings ca~ ~e realize~ assuming that the mem a~d e~uipme~t ca, be spare~ from ether duties;' ~Sr. Kohl ~elieve~ with truck a~d other e~uipment, two me~ ooul4 all ef this work iR less ths~ two weeks ef stea~y werkz~g ho~r days), The 730' of farm field fence will Rot ~e Reeded if D~.T; Builds the fence withi~the ne~few months~ The City has been advise~ that the ~on~racter has already authorize4 a fence eo~tractor to ~do this section.- The fence item was in the bi~ te remove a~d replace a portion of the fence. ~lr. Kohl sai~ he will discuss - 12 Ni~TES ~ REGUI~R CITY C0~NCIL ~EETING JULY 16, 197~ BOTNTON BEACH, FLORIDA this with Russell & Axon and ask for a credit regar~img this item since with Cemnczl s approval the City will be doing this with i~s ewm work forces. ~Lr. Roberts felt under the ciremmsT~mees, it woml4 be foolish ~et ~e renew the reee~e~iens ef the ~i~ ~ ~beve ~ he meve~ te ~ceept s~e. ~i~ H~me~ sece~e~. Ne ~- c~ssie~ Netio~ c~rie~ ~-0. C_en~id.er~ Appointments to Bear~ Eayer DeLemg read the resume ef his ree~ Jekn io R~ge.s. ?l~ Emllerest felt ~,~ R~ge~ we~ be a · Nm. Florida. He & Z ~aing · .repeated his motion above amd Nr. Re~erts seconded. N, dise~ssiem. Notion earrie~ ~0A' Nayer DeLong thamke~ Deuncil ~u~ particularly Nr. E~rmeming," simee he also ~d a candidate for this Bear~. 0me (t) Alternate to.C.ommunit~7 Ap~earamee Bear~ ~. Strmad sai~ he had received ~ request from the Chairmsn ef the C.AABj,~ but he wishe~ to wait until the me~t meeting te make the recommendation se he could obtain a resume. Consider Application for Certificate of Public Oemvenienee an~ ~rov~ae p~o±~e ~rans~ertat~en e~ one vehicle in Village Reyaie. If 0ouneii approved that such a facility was needed, N~. Krivit weul~ have te provide ~he City with liability insmr~uee, secmre a permit ~ meet ether requirements. Discussion ensue~ as te whether this matter was being ~led in ae¢~rdmnee with the 0rdinanee. Nr. Eebert~ moved te accept the application to ~e processed and re~rned te City Ceum¢il for fimal decision. Discussion resumed om the previsions ef the 0rdimamce and Nr. Simon sai~ t~e applica- tion complies with Section 2?-3which ~ . . Fe~uires that eertai~ in- formation Be submztte~ on the applme~tzen, with ~he prevision ef a~ditiem of such further information as Ci~ Commeil may require. Nr,' Simem sai~ the City Coumcilmust first ~etermine if ~here is a meed for this service an~ se¢onaly whether this applicant is fit&~ willing au~ able -- and Council may request additional informatiem if ~esired. it was clarified ~hat the Ordinance Lu question c~mcer~e~ taxicabs, but it was not immediately clear - 13 - ~tiNUTES - REG¥I~AR CITY 00UNGIL ~EETING JULY 16, 1975 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA what ~. Krivit w~s re~mestimg. Nr, Roberts thought it might Be a small Bus, similar to those used in other con~eminimms. After f~rther ~iseussie~, Nr~ Rebe~ts meve~ to turn T~mis matter Ever te the Oily ~.r~$er f~ ~her ~st~atie~ before r~h~ b~k te Council for f~ action. ~. H~me~ F~ Ke~ sam~ ge ~euEh ~e Gi~ Cl~k ~ef~e ~ this. V~. St~ ~ke~ if ~s service w~ · e ~he ~ t~t is ~e~ rased mew, er will ~he,~her e~e ~e ~msee~e~ N~r ~ ~e~ ~ve te ~ c~ifie~ Cemmeit weml~ ~ve ~. Neti~m carrie4 ~8. for Permit to Solicit - Boyntem-Paincia~a Nr. Kohl mete~ that the officer in charge of fmm~ raisimg for this was Nr. Eimg, m~ the r~ues~ ~ for tes f~r feetba~ supplies en ~he ee~er ef Seaerest ~v~e ~d ~. Roberts ~mestiome~ w~ a ~es~ P~Bea~h group was seliei~i~ in Beynte~. s~ ~e Reereatie~ De~e~t mev~ ~ of this ~. I~ Harmemi~gmeved te accept the Gi~yNa~ger's reeomme~atio~ se~nde~ Nr~ St~. ~m~er ~e~sien, ~re te Be s~e~ ~ Gi~ Glerk ~la~e~ i~ w~ ~et re~mire~ e~ the form. Re~er~ s~gges~revis~ ~he f~m. ~. Ke~ ~ree~ t~t the f~ were emt ef~te ~ ree~e~ he eh~e ~e mDpliea~iens ~e ~clude mere i~er~tien~ ~. Pm~get~ a~vise~ that ~e t~ ~irectly from the O~im~e~. NrJ Roberts meve~ te i~s~r~¢t the City Na~ager to get up te date appli~atiems wherever meeemsary ar~ if re~mire~, the ~r~inamce will be eha~ge~ accordingly by the Ci~yAttermey. secem~e~j Ne ~iscmssism. Notion carried ~re~al ef Bills ~Ir. K~hl rea~ the following bills for ~ppreva!: Beach Wastewater · reatm~emt & Disposal ~ aa~lmtmes Pay -.rem Utmlmt~y General Jim E~war~ , Nmeh fsr ~ittle League P~y from Bu4geted Fu~s 1,!36.0~) 3~ Emergency 1,327.20 NINUT~ "~ REGDT~AR CITY ~m0UNOIL NEEDING JUicY ~, 197~ BOYNTSN BEACH, FLORIDA A~.~reval.. ~f ~lls (Cont'~~) Pay Fu~d Pay from U~ili~y GemeraI Fund Facilities 121,423.50 13,5~.65 - ~ Pay ~rom Utzl~t~y Gemera! - Reimbursable from D.O.T. The bills dese~ibe~ have beem approved and verifie~ By the de- hea~s ~v~lved~ checked amd appreve~ for pa~rment by f~n~s are available im their respective Bm~gets~~ Mr? KehI recommended payment of these Bills.- Item Ne. 6, ~. aske~ hew much of the was material fet~ Peabody Petersem aceem~_msh thzs mmch the last tom days, Nr. af~th~ ~rea~e~ ef the Dill a~ explaim~ that R~-se~& Axe~ e~g~eer~ ~i~E~ine~ i~ec~e~ this ~Lr, Harmening sai~ his ~uestion was answere~ satisfactorily and moved to Day the bills as reeemmem~e~ by the OityNanagerand approved ~y the Finance Director. Nr. Strnad sete~e~. No ~iseussiem. Notion earried 4~G. ~layor DeLemg said he was very s~rprised tha~ there was ever ~*~ ~e~h of work dome at the plant and ~ H~en~ said tha~ w~ w~ he ~ue~iene~ i~, ~. Joe Ew~ ef Eusse~ & ~en e~e fe~ ~ sai~ he ~a si~ the es~a~e ~uestien, givi~ his appre~l as e~er for R~sell & ~n. ~. Swan sai~ ~ere was ne ~a~ for ~t~i~ stere~. Th~ bill is f~r work ~erfe~e~ by ~e pr~e een~cter~~ Peabuay Pe~ersen, or ~heir sub- ce~aetor ~ the work dome ~ Te~e -- ~he sludge hauli~, etc., ~ ~I Luelmde~ th~e~, ~er DeLe~ ne~e~ that the ha~i~ ~ bee~ gei~ e~ for serial wee~ ~ there ~e ~e cr~s em the si~e. ~? Sw~me~ed ~ha~ ~e Dill ~a~ been rejee~e~ for the mee~ t~e wee~ ~$,~ s~ back ~ revise~ ~ C~cil w~ sa~isfie~ ~ha~ ~he D~ w~ ~lt mp ~me te the work ~ene by In ?swer tc.~ayer DeL~ng's ~mestion abou~ the sl~ge be~s en the sem~.e~ whmeh s~eme~ ~e be caved in~ ~! S~an said there ~ould be builaing there~~ an~ work would be eemt~nming. - 15 - J~ 16, ADJOURN~NT Nr. Rebertm meved te adjeurn,' seceded ~y Nr~~ Earmemimg. arrie~ ~,$~ Neeti~ a~jo~r~ed at 10:~2 P~. CITY OF B0¥NTSN BEACH, F L0R IDA ~ay or ~ ~ ~ayer - ~ C ~un¢ ~lman ATTEST: Ce~ncit~an I6- July 10, 1974 TO: FROM: RE: Honorable ~ayor & City Council Members Mr. Frank ~ohl~ City Manager Mr. Paul ~ Startzman ~on. Erne~tG. Simon, City Attorney To~ of Ocean Ridge Town of Vice Mayor David Roberts Meeting t~ween Vice Mayor Roberts, Paul H. Startzman, George Collins & Doug McCurry, Project Managers for Florida at Envirornuental Protection Agency in Atlanta, Georgia, on July 9, 1974. After action taken at a special meeting, this conference took place with the United States Environmental Protection Agency ~fter our City Manager failed to receive any response from the Department of Pollution Control to detez/nine Boynton's position in connection with the sewer grant. This was explained to E.P.A. as well as our problems in reaching an agreement with the City of Delray Beach. In ~eubstance, the following~items evolved: Ail applications were still with the D.P.C. (~elray/Boynton joint application). As of that day it was not yet received by E.P.A. According to E~P_A_~ any joint application and grant on a regional basis is for regional use and not for the benefit of one of the joint applicants, regardless of name appearmng on grant. No grant by E.P.A. would be forthcoming until parties come to some agreement, be it an authority, contract or any other method. Once an agreement is approved~ money is available for 1975-1976 (2 years). E.P.A. has promised to write D.P.C., or otherwise notify parties involved re~arding the abo~e to help clarify the situation, copies to be sent to Detray Beach and Boynton Beach. Our problem has no bearing on the Pinellas County controversy, and the outcome of grants is unsettled as of this moment. EONFERENCE REPORT WITH EPA July C~ferees: .......... Bos~n~on Be~ch-- ~r. DavKa Roberts, Vice Mayor ........... ~r~-Paul-'Hj-St~rtz~an¥-ReEi~rnal ~. Facility Liason Officer EPA---~ George Collins, Project Mgr. ~lorida I¢,-r, Doug McCurry~ Chief, N. American Abatement Branch. Our arriw~-I was "out of the blue" as no telegram of phone calls.from ~oynton Beach had been received. We were i~formed that~r. Jack Raven, Regional Admin- inistratorv~s in another meeting. (not related to the gran~problem) in another building. Explaining, in general, our desiredconference subject, the two representative? of EPA appeared shortl~and the meeting was on ~n ~r. Ravan's office. Vice A~y~rRoberts outlined and developed the problem in breadth£or EPA's information. Early i~he discussion, it ~as agreed the Boynton Be~ch-I~!ray Beach problem is seperate andhas no direct ~aring on the EPA-DPC'controversy. The Epk-DPOsub~ect was dismissed from further ~iscussion with a f~]_l statement of the effect on'Boynton Be%ch should%~ grant be delayed because of priority change.. ~hey were,appraised that we were in construction of ah ~ddi~ionto our plant of-1.5 mgd at 'a cost of s!ightlyover two million dollars., which we deemed to be evidence of our good faith and'willingness to cooperate and collaborate in our national effort to upA~ade the environment. We were i~formed that the ultimateoutcome of the grant D~as not been settled in any manner. Reco~._mendations for grant (Boynton-De!ray joint app!i~ation has not yet been received by EPA from DPC~ (continued on next page) Page (Tikes remo~es~ 9f this moment~ the m~tter of 'adeq'.u~te authori%uy~discussedunder II-A-4 of.my re~Do,z~. read into~he record at Council meeting 7/8/74.) .... - 8.==-EPA statea.:~hat=-i~applic~tion~is._~oint~_the-grant ...... will ~ot-be. reieased in the the n~e of one of the ~int a~ul~cants, ~oca3_n~a~ement ~greement is mandatory before grant witIapprovedbyEPA - - 10~u.Since Del~ra~yBeaeh-Boynton Beach application is ' ~oin~ the only time when EPA will step in is if no I~k~z~oement agreement uanbe re~ched. Eoney is~.tab!e after approval for two years, (On cuxTen~ apptication't~n~ough FY!9?5 and FY19?6) EPA is ~i%~_m~ DPC spelti~ out ~q~rements to - -. - ~ the p~es for a jo_hr a~ement for ~gement as stated a~. Copies ~ll be su~ed to all ~ies ~ed. 'EPA h~s~y ass~ed ~ they cl~ri~he situation t~o~h DPC. . .~e c~d t~t ~, Co~i~ EPA Willi~' ' ' B!~ck~ C~d Eideness~ Det~y E~ee~ their state~ntsto 15T-~~ ~o a question of lo~ feel~ these ~m~ in o~.a~a] we su~tted copies of -~ny~~pp~s~ each p~rly ident~fied~ ~de~~h the EPA-DPC controve~y mhd e~tair~ ~opius ~mnces to the Bo~on~ch-De!~y Beach ~n~~ont~ve~y. ~1 were copied by EPA. ' ' The ~ee~with EPA ~s deemed to ~ hig~y pro- ductive~ Btatements of Del~ Beach~yor Schiefely were shiner to be in ha~ony with the facts as ~xpressedbyEPA, (continued on Page- 3) Page 3. It is ~ongly 'recommended that a sincere lett-er of ap~eci~J~on be fowarded to ~r. Jaok Rav~ EPA~ expre~ regret 0n not meeti~ him personally but co~ve~ o~ ~pprec~on ~ ~t~tude to h~s exp~s and fo~hright ~er ~ which o~ pro~ ~e~ h~dled. the ~c~o%~i~C epilogue to our visit-; ~ the Boynton ~ Beach ~aleg~m was delivered at ii=45 A.~,I. in the lo~ of ~r. Ravan's suite as we were about to ~ep~ ~ter the conference. Eespectfully submitted