Minutes 07-02-74M!NUT~ OF REGULAR CITY COUNOIL ~ETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORID~, HELD AT CITY H_~DL, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1974, PRE~ENT Joe DeLong, ~ayer Davi~ ~Reberts, V.ice t'~ayor EdWard F. Ham~me~Ling, Councilman N~rman 1~'~ Strnad, Councilman ABSENT Forrest L. Wallace, Councilman Frsu~k Kc.hl, City ~ia~ager Ernest Simon, City.Attorney Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Nayor DeLeng called the meeting to order at 7:30 P;N, and s fo a ked the audience to rise r =ne ~nvecammon given by ErankEo~, 9ii~y2~nager, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Ceunci!man Edward F. Ham~menin~. Announcements Eayor DeLong a~_uounced that City Hall will be closed on July Sth and 5th for the 4th ef July Weekend. The ~yer announced that th?re would ~e a Fireworks display at sundown on Thursday evening, July~th, splonsoredby the Cit~~ ef Beynton Beach, Chamber of Commerce and the Town. of Esoaalapanat Pine (Beer Can) Island at the BOynton Inlet. Mayor DeLong then read into the record a !ether frem vacation- i~ Councilman Wallace,~ addressed to the City Council and Ci~yManager, dated June 27, 1974 as follows:: At,:an~- future meeting that has to d? wzth ~he . BOynto~Be~h~Delray ~eaeh sewer orojec~ o~ regional plant, i wia~hat this statement-be read into the record. I have a firm belief as indicated in my orevious statements, there must be a joint ownership of this project. !feel that all other situations may be worked ont that will be ~miable for' both Delray Beach, Boynton Beach and all satellite areas. in closing, I reiterate that a joint ownership is the enly way the City Of Boynton Beach c~u go." ~layor Dei~ng referred to.page 2 of the Agenda under OLD BUSi~SS!an~ asked that ~tem "B" be ch~n~ed to ~C", inserting Chair s Recommendat~.on to Co~ucil a new item "B" as follows: " ' ' Re: Regional Plant". Also on page 2 e£ the Agenda, he asked that after "Resolutions, item !" an insertion be made as fellows: ~0ther Legal - 1, Comments by Vice ~fayor Roberts". Mayor DeLoRg ~euuced that on Wednesday evening, July 3, 197~, there will b~ a joint meeting ef the Cmty Councils of - l- ~IINUTES ~ REGU~ CITY COUNCIL ~EETI~G J~JLY 2, 1974 BOTNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Boynton Bee. ch and Delr~y Beach relative to the Regional Wastewater Treatment ~ud Disposal Plant, held at 5:00 P.~. Del_ay Beach. ~I~JTES Regular Eeetir~ - J~ue 18, 1974 Nr. Strnad moved to adopt the ~llnutes of Ju~e 18, 1974 as subm~tted, seconded by ~.~ ~mening. No discussion. Notion carried 4~0, Special Neetin~ ~ June 24. 19~4 ~ ~.I?~.~me. ni~g m~ved te adept the Ninutes of J~mue 24, 1974 as suomSt~e~ seconded by ~. Roberts. No discussion. Notion earr~ed ~0~ PUBLIC A~3~IF~N CE Nayor D~eLong asked those in the audience wishing to spe~k about items en the Agenda to ~ive their names to the City O.~lerk, who would cal.1 them. at the appropriate time. He advised ~nat am~ter the questions are put to the ~o~erning body, there will be no discussion other than by Council. He then invited anyone in the audience to speak about items not on the Agenda. -~r. 0~ T. ~IcLean referred to the joint meetiD~ of Beynton and Delra.y regarding the regional plant held laSt Tuesday an~. he complimented Namer DeLong for the consideration he had gmven .~o every emp%oyee Of Beynten Beach before suggesting any action, mn contra~t ~o the statement m~de by the ~ayor of Delray. ~r. NcLean felt it would be ridiculous for Boynten to have to sell i~s effluen~ to Detray Beach and he suggested that for a pro- ject of this size and the growth uotenti~l of this area, there should be no consideration ~o any t~ype of ~rganization to handle the sewer system ether than a sewer authorit~y, made up of an elected gr.e?~ of people fr0.m .both Boy~ton and D. elray, The Nayor of each Cit~ sho~ld be official mem~bers of this authority with all the rights te act. He felt that satellite comm~nities, as customers, should net be part of this authority. ~ayor DeLong tha~d~ed ~Tr~ NcLean for his commen~s, adding that the ~hair has a deep feeling for every Cit~ employee because of his past experi~ence. ~. Strnad felt there should.be a correction to Nr. NcLean's statement about Bo~en selling its effl~e~t to Delray Beach W hmch was net th~ caSe -- Boynton would be paying for Delray's services to take the effluent. ~yor belong asked Nr. NeLean t~ rein at ~he me~tmn ~ he felt h~s reco ~ ~ . ~ ~ g ~end~mo~ would ce czese to ~, NcLe~'s sentiments. BIDS None~ I~I~GTES - REGD--~J~E CITY COUNCIL ~ETING JULV~ 2. 1974 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLIC HEARING None. LEGAL O.r~in~nces - 2nd Eea~iz~.q -. PUBLIC HE~I.N~ No~e. 0Rd~ees-i !st 74-16 = Plar~ned r~t Bevelopment ~ayor DeLo~g aske~ the Ceu~cilmembers to ~isear~ the cet~Y in their agen~ books amd refer te the replacement han~ed out this evening. ~. S. lmen began read~zng 0rd~n~uce Ne. 7%-t6 .above on first readi~, and due to ~ length,' ~m. Ko~ completed same. ~fgre t~.ae~n ~u t~s 0rd~anee, ~ayor ~LonE a~v~sed mna~ sac~ member ef ~he Cz~ Co~cil h~ b~~ ~iven a co~y of the Nznu~es of t~e Special Neeti~ of the ~~ ~ Z~ng Boar~ held ~n Sa~%y, J~e 29, !974L, during whioh a ~%mous vote ~f tho~e a~endi~ approve~ and ~s0:0~e~ed the of this ordinate. ~ K~lly ox the P~i~ ~ zon~g Bo~d conc~red. The N or ~d~d ie there w~e a o ' ' ' ..... : ~.. . - ~ ~ p rtze~ ~ ~he orGl~nce zae ~eu~zz ~-elt doubtful about, there ~utd be time beVore the seeen~ rea~ te o~tact ~h~ c ' ' -. ~ .~ ~ e ~ hzteet of this prosec~, ~. JaC~ B~r~tt, the Buildihg OfViei~ ~d ~so the C~z~ ef the Pl~ ~ Zonz~ Bo~, ~ ~ed Eos~er. ~s. Pzdgett adv~ed ~t ~. Vast~e wished te sDe~ en this item. After some discussion not~ ~ha~ ~h~ ~ no~ re,dz,_or pubic ~ea~, Co~eil ~ree~ to ~ive precedes B.' Vastzne of Leis~meville said last year he made an zn depth.study of e~ight PUD erainances and he Complimented the Plan~.ln~, and Zenz~.Bo~ ~d the Buildi~ 0ffici~ for th~s eve~ s presentatzon.~ He nord t~at ~y ~evelePmen~ coming in would ~ve to comply With the te~ of this or~i~ee, ad~ing ne.~ea~e~. ~e spo~e ~z~h ~ne nighest rega~ for this org~u- ~am~o~. ~. V~ine ~ked what fi~cial. ~enef~t the 0i~ of o~on get ou~ Oz this p~mcul~ ~evelepmen~. ~l~or the s~at~en~ s~b~tted wroth the pe~iti~ at of assess- ment when the ( per year in ad charges s~ud c added that needs them. will Be $5 million ~perso~aI acquaint- Beach is now ~INU~S ~ EEGUi.~R CITY COUNCIL ~TING JULY 2, 1974 BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA having with an insufficient PUD ordin~uce an~ complimented all those who worked on Boynten's PD~0 ordinance, particularly Jack Barrett, in doubling ~p as a building official and a pr ~fess ier~ul .plzaraer, ~g~r. Strnad moved for the adoption on first reading of Ordinance ~o: ?$~163 ~: H~rmeniD~ ?econded, Under discussion, Nr. oDerts eiarifzed ~he-~i~g of the LUi (Land Use Intensity) ra~.i~s which, apply te the internal deve!opmen? of this P~D ordinance. H~s concern was ~hat control the C~%~y has over stree~, spaces between single homes, set-backs, etc, Nayor DeLong said he is very much displeased with the present PUD being ¢onstr~cted in the City. He felt T~h~t the PD~ was net a Plann~ao and Zoning ordmnance, b~t a gumde or a elan for,the regiomaI use of the lar~, Rega~ing the Stree%s, they ~us.~ comp~ly with the s~r?~ts ~ setbacks the City has on the ogoks an~ wh.at will be with the revi~e~ Z~ing cede. He be- -.moved tne. Cm~-y was always mn a p?smtm~z~ b.efore the a~opt~on efa pl~t to s%ate exactly what {vilt a~d~wiI! net be accepted regardiD~ setbacks and streets. ~; Barrett concurred and adde~ ~ clarification that this PUD determines how much of the land is for commeraial use, recrea- tion, etc. It is difficult to interpret wiT~au.t t~JD's publica~ tion No. ?~which Elves the. full regulations. It leaves the f~2!l control of the development of an ar~a within the Planning an~ ZOning Board~s hands an~ ultimately City COuncil. Player DeLong noted that this PUD ordinance is very much the result of effo_~ts of the PlanniD~ and Zonir~ Board appointed in J.anuary,' i973, including Nfs. Huckle, Nessrs. ~tacketer, Vas~Lue~~ ~l!y~ Ko~tner,~ all of W~m d~Vote~' cbnsiderable time and devotion ~o this project. N~DeLen~ge~ V~r 3he ~.amber. Of Commerce;i~ out~tan~ing in perf~ce ~or the oene~ im and welfare of tee C~%~y and he hoped ~hat th~s year the members of ~he Planni~ and Zoning Beard would be honored. ~rs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening - Aye Vice N~yor Roberts - Aye Councitms~Strnad - Aye ~ayor DeLong - Aye Notion carried 4~0. ~oposed Ord~snce No. 74'17 - Re: Other Construction in Nr. mmon read the abeve proposed Ordinance No. 74-17 on ~zrst reading. -4- NINUTES ~'- REGD~E CITY COUNCIL ~ETINC~ JULY 2, 1974 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~. Str~ad felt this was long overdue and moved for the adop- ti~ of 0rdin~ce No~ 74~17 on first reading, l~~ Roberts econded, u~der ~sc~s~on~ ~r, H~men~ x~lt.~e were m~ goo~ ~s zn the ordnance, however, ~ it becomes law ~d is e~rc~ to the letter ef the :~w, it will c~e the price o~a great de~ of work goi~ on ~ t~ City to ~e~e~s e i~ e~i i .... ~Art c~ly ~e t~e l~zta ~p~se~ certain por2i~s o~ the ~rk de~erzbed, He viewed 2he erdi~nce with m~d eme2io~, but depending entirely on how it's forced in individual c~es. he fel~ it co~}d be ~workable if e z~ced r~dly in eve~ case. He was therefore reluet~t to vo2e for ~ ' nd said T~is is one of the ~er DeLeng agreed wroth I~. Strn~d a ' ~areas wnere.~he City has been rery regressmve and he felt thins ~e ef ord~in?uc? sh?~uld h~ve been on the books ye~ a~e. He felt sure that the Cmty Attorney did some research i~ prepa~ing this erdi~muce so that it would be upheld b~ the Court; ~s. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as foll.ws: C cu~ci~_~u Hs-~mening - No Vice ~L~yor Roberts - ~Aye C o~cilman Strnzd - Aye N~yo~ D eLong - Aye ~otion carried 3~I, !~r. H~mening opposed. Proposed 0rdin~nce No. 74-18 - Re: Amendment to 0rdir~nce 33'~38' of .... ~ the Zo~ir~ Cede I,]~;' Simon read proposed 0rdin~ece No, 74~18 above on first reading. ~; H~rmening moved to adopt Ordinance Ne. 74-18 on first reading, seconded by i~o~ Roberts. No discussion. ICes. Padgett conducted a roll call vote ~s follows: Councilman Haz~mening Vice ~ayor Roberts C ounci~an Strnad i~ayor DeLong motion carried ~ye Aye Aye Prgpgsed 0rd.mn~ce ~o. 74~19 - Re: Amendment to Ordinance No, ~3~3 (t~rm~ S~v~ces ~ud Facmtmtmes ~ ecs) ~A'Simon read proposed 0rdLu~ce_No. 74~19 on first readmng.~ ~. trn~d moved for the adoptmen of Oramnanoe No. 7~19 ~n fmr~t read~ secgnded by Er.~ Rsberts.for the p~pose of ~m~ a few questi.~. Under disc~szon, ~ Reo~ noted t~ th~rdmn~ce w~ ~a~ted. to el~mnate send~ out b~ ~he ~ter ~ct~He samd there was one sentence which had ca~ed some proble~ before reg~di~ the bumldm~ ~NU~2ES ~ REGU~AR OITY COb~CIL I~ETING JULY 2,' 1974 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA permit value of the improvement. Ee understood this correctly 't'ma apply on.I.y to new homes. Co~ucil ~gr. eed to h~ve this c.o~z~?rated into the ordinance immediately to avoid the same dzlfie~ st~.befer~. It ~s ne~ed t~ co~ercial ~ ~ bill~ were se~ ~t en the ad ~orem t~. Ci~ so. iCes were ~Trs~;' Pa~gett con~ucte~ a roll call ve2e a~ follows: C e~neilm~ Harmening ~-'- Aye Vice .~ayor Ro~erts ~ Aye Ceu~oilman S trnad - Aye Nayor DeLong - Aye H*tion carried Resoluti,~ns Proposed Eesoiutmon No. ?4~A - Re: Appointment of Finance DireCtor ., , . , ~ Simon,: re~. proposed. ~Resolu~ien No-. .~4-~ ap_~oint'n~m ~. Ke~eth L. ~mbs as Fm~ce D~eC~or, effective ~ay 13~ 1974. ~, H~e~ me~ed for the adoption of Resolution No. seco~e~ by ~ ~t~d~ No discussion. ~. Pa~ge~ conducted a roll e~l vo~e ~ ~otion Councilme~u Hmrmening - Aye Vice.or Roberts - Aye Co~ucilmanStrnad - Aye Namer DeLong Aye ~arried 4~0~ ~ther LeMal Comments~ ~Vice I~0r Rpber~s Nr; Roberts referred to the regular meeting tWo weeks ago dur~:wh~eh Co.nell dls~usse~ an etd!nonce for ~o~ ~- t_at~on and ree,~t. Shortly thereafter, ~r. ~ober~s received infarction on thee_taw passed by he ~ta~e iegmslature from ~s, ~nchester. Supervisor of Elections, as follows: Everyone 18 years of age prior to the nex~ prims~y or special pr~m~ry~: general ~ special general election, ~no is a citizen a~ pe~_r~uenm.resm~t of Florida and the County where he wmshes 'to register ~' the books are ~ow closed on the 4~th day before each State and local election and 30 days before each national e!eetien which is President and Vice President only* They remain closed for five days after election. He felt this was important information and appealed to the loe~l 2~/n37U~ - R~b~AR CITY COU~?CIL ~EETINE JD-~,Y 2, 1974 BOTNTON BEACH, FLORIDA publications to c~ that~otiee~ Recall has also been pass. e.d by ~he. Iegf~iature ~ along the !ines~ of the Charter Re~s~on~ .C.o~!~ work ~ i~ 9an ~e started by 250 electors or ~ o~f the; e£_ee=ers ~f a m.u.~.i¢ipali~y; whichever is the sma±_~e~' They become .a co,tree wRo w~uld instigate the There is a tzme element with submission· ~o tho County Super- visor of ~le~e~ ~ e~oh sz~e ~ ver~zed at a e~2 it is a but the Nr._Ee errs no~ that the lease on the ~ effmce doesnt ex~zre un~il i~8. He th~ sk~ Y~ ~ o~ zf one ~'~m ~he. ~o~?~d-e~:'s ~fffe~ respo~e to ~s prevzeus m~ ~ ~e ~u~ sen~ ~e~ci~embe~ copies? _~tr. Roberts als o e~ked aboutthe new Etate stat-~te in regard to noise .attribUted te trucks and m$~e~cyeles. He said he would be interested to ha~e that ad~i~on~ even if the Cit~ has to P~C~e a' coup!e~ef de~belhme~e~ ~eca~e of th~ probi'~ ~n ~h~ C~i~. ~:~ Si~on said the S~ law applies across the State'~~ ~,Iayor DeLong sai~ as.ajmember of the Executive Bear~ e£ the Co~n~ League of ~lunicipali~ies; a mee~ ~ ~l~ this m,~mng at A~lEtis ~ prov~i~ haVe ~0eeh made te reim~ b~e the emtz~ .~er the leoo th~ ~d~itienaI ex~p~io~ to be given to peoDle Over 6~ ~?een pF~d~d fgr ~h~ ye~, bu~re~s noth~ perm~en~ · ~z~, so at ~_~e ne~ meeting, the Exe~u~mve ~ee will a~viSe ~he ~ue' to preeeed ~d ~he ozt~es ~o not su~fer ~y losm. Th~ ~ also the adOPtion ef the Sta~ar~ BuildiD~ ~ B~ett sazd the Bum!dm~ filed 'bill before, legis~e for a ~d~ ~fe~ co~- ~NUT~ - RE~ULgR CITY COUNCIL NEETi~ JULY 2, 1974 BOYNTON BF~&CH, FLORIDA wide code~ Legislature did pass .that ~nd within 90 days, there will be a standard countT~wide code for adoption throughout the RECESS ~or De.Long calle~ for m recess at 9:00 P~. He recalled he meeting to order at 9:10 0tD BUS I~SS Civic League,' Vas ~ ~ itwas_ho~d that ~ ~here Wo93xl be a ~ ~e~lte ~revie~s resolved ~his problem te be £uture goo~ of theC'zgy~ ~e~ ~aYor B'oyn~en Beach was foeman view of his looked ~e gard to the 197~ a copy between Boynton and Delray, several proposals in which managemen~ and also joint out of the question ~s far as Delray Detray would go to Boynton, in of any crgs-uization is ,. read his ~ , plan with re- ar 'l~reatmen% Pl~ut, da%ed July l, hereto and made a part h~reofo ~ayor .D. eLong ee.m.m, end~d the effargs of Dlr~~ Sta~tzman who ~ave ~lsetf~shly of ~ ~ ~en t'i · : ~ . ~ . ~ a s~ pr~ect ~d samd ~ha~ there ~re_cer~n pre~!~e~ %ha% ~ve.~ be r~pe:ct~d ~ ~he Ci~'s ~ene or~'Lna~bes~ ~l~k~h ~h~ iS.the ~eF r~uest for pe~icy ~ it would be if?adbP~d b~the CiSy~C~it;~ ~here weul~ be others ~a~ weul~ ~%mVe %e be ~r~fte~ i~e ~y ~m~n~ er eo~ %ra~t which w0~ ~be. ~, mat~er fe~ ~he 9i%y ~ey %o h~e. He aske~ c~ene~ ~e ~c~D~ ~er reje~t his ~uidet~es ~ ~bmi~ted. ~4 mo~d that ~ ~e .$~m . - ~ ,.~ ..... ~r p ~orz~y an~ mt ~N~JTES ~ REGDT_~ CiTY COUNCIL ~ETING JGLY 2, 1974 BOTNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~is;' ~. Roberts didn't feel Delr~- would want te give up ~P~rgxi~ely.$9 mill.ion be~een the gove~ent gr~ · on,~ ca~s~ the !0eel ~pay~s ~o c~ the ~urden · ~e~ o~n pl~t~~ He felt ~ere eout~ be no ~e~otia~io~ - w~ou$ g~ ~t~e ~u~ Beaten has ~een dei~ ~! the gee .~s, ~aeuga it wo~ h~ve te be ~hecked over Iegalt . The ~dea of e~e~h~p ~d autherm~ ~ght ha~ te be ~iven ~ ~ut ~tes~.~here ms ~emet~ ~ml~ ~ wmtn teeth zz~ ne w~d~-~ m~e one zeta in Delr~,s diree%i~n, £~r~' H.armero~ug noted that the ~' BO~on~ He felt i~ visie~ eu~I~ed by wo~d ~ve ~o b~ absolute v~ ~ ' ~o ~ement, There $ Dositi0n ~o d~te they we~d be wi~i~ ~o b~ he-would to operational l¢%~irather choosing the in~vldu~l who.would be the plan~~ He a~d that Boyntoh ccnst-z~c~ion ab~~e andbey~nd the price t-u~ out to be, p~o- committee aS¸ e~ter of this to ~ ~UtIine must ~ before ~ore ~nd in D~lf the co~tract Discussion ensued as a.n? ~taygr D~ fe~.~hat bls rec~e~ioD~ were sou~, wnl~ ne was conceEeG. %or th? oene~lt o~ the audmence, ~r.~ Ha~me~ said r0rth~s re~monal oIan~ have at~eady be~n~awn uo an~ half by Bo~mton Beach w~ch,he felt helbod in est~bl~h~m~ I¥1ayer DeLong said Delr~yBeaeh was supposed to pay half of the cost cf the plans. They did have plans dra~n by ~he consu!tir~ engineers at the cost ~ .... of ,90,000.~ He umderstood they ~re going to get a Credit cn the half they're supposed to pay with Beynton Beach since the olsms are going to be discarded for the original plmnt they ~ere geico to build for $5 million -- therefore, the hard~hip will be _eli more by Boynten than Detray~ D~. Strnad said the record will show what }u%s sis_nd has been on this matter since the first meeting in bL~yo The reason he took -9- Ni~TES ~ RECUL~E CI~ COgt~CIL ~¢EET lNG JULY 2, 1974 BOTNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA this stand was to avoid jeooardizing the allotment ef the mi.llior.~.ef dollars for De~.ay and Boynton, which would cause a terrific tax b~den upon them, He *e!t if the Navor's cu~ent propgs.~I was worked out by the attorne~ and members of both counc~!s;' ~-t would suffice to satisfy all eeneerned. D~ayer DeL~nE sa~_d ~ Cou-uc~l approves, the second his oreoosaI would be submitted to Pein,- and ~,~, r~zterat?d h.~s m.otzon to ado. p? t~he prope?ed ~ls_ns as au _alter~.?t.~ve_.~n.t~eu o.f.t~h.e ~em~ ownership pla~u sought by this ~?une~±.Lu ~ae~r ~negoz~-a~i.on~..wzth Be!ray Beach, A£ter some the purpose of exp&aining his Undez. ~seuss~on,. .~' ~eb~r~s relearned. . ~ ~ question he prevze~ly ~eg~ Delay's aes~e te ~ve its He ~ked how ~hey co~ ~ ~ a ~ e~ ~'~ ~tii~ the vete~of De~v whe~ they c~u!d bu~ a r~ie~ for aoeut ~ ~en~ He fel2 ~x Beynt~n~ fe~ewe~ this~route the s~ .thing would ~psn ~o i~ citizens,~ resul~ ~. ~uoh ~ed ~ ra~e; ~ DeL0ng ~jected men~ ~ wo~ no~ eOf eot the ~ Valorem ~ p~ se~. ~u~ ~o ~ the plant ~ he di~'t ~ ~o ~eeo~ize ~h~ ~n~ on beh~f ef ~e people of Bo~ton~ Beaeh. N~Vor D~en~ s~d tDm~ was his objective, ~er some 0~ent about !ettLug Delsey m~ke that decision. ~¢~ Harmeni~g said if this '0ro~esal ~ ir~c~d ~ sett~'u~ a eo~ssion 0r ~ authori~,~l~e eo~l~,t see how it WoUl- ~ ~ ~y differen~ ~h~ ~e~t o~ership, in either e~e the two ~mn-c~zt~es ~o~d ~e ~he sewer Dl~t.. He added that. ~t%ere ~s no g~ee ~h~t the gr~ money will be forthcoming Mr, Roberts a~reed with t e E ' ~+ ~,~ ~ ~+ · - ~ h ayor Lu tha~ ~ ..... ~ .~s forth- oommng, ~t wo~ .t be ~ton. $ f~ul2 bec~v~e ~n~ Ci~ ~s gong all out te come to a compromise ~reement~~ Ho~m0n carr_,ed 4 0, (H~-o~ DeLoDg gave eepies of his proposal to members of the press,') Co ,er ~r tmmuary rov~l fop Palmla~d Development Oh~ter !~. Kohl requested ~. B~re~t, the B~i~ on thzs sub~ec~. ~. B~tt sam~ Pa~ is no~ goi~ ~der a subdivision o~zn~ce, out p~t of prel~aa~ ~reemen~s t._at th$y fzle section by sec~zon ~ this is what they a~temoting te c~D!y with now-- they ~e f~'~ ' Sectio~ l, l? a~ 18. Section I would have 3 Four-plexes on i%. Sec~o~+' 17 ~ud !8 have t~ tennis ~d golf club,~ the golf ~t ho~e an~ the~~ ~tenance build,g, They ~e prelimin~y approv~ prior to fili~;* MINUTES ~ REGULAR CITY_ COD~.~CIL ~ETING ~-JLY 2, 1974 B0~q~TOI~? BEACH, FLORIDA As eno who instigated a suit against them, ~; Roberts said "ce ~ ' ' ~,.'~ · h Clty haS .received a le~e~ ~rom ~he ~to~ey ~d he ~ed ~hat the stat~ of ch~gim~ the s~reets ~ ~ over ~_ the Dunes; ~iay~r ~e~e~ ~d if this ~ tak~ into consideration ~d if there ~s ~ co~liction. ~k. Barrett rec~led the letzer and said the e~e made does net alter the e~trance and exits it change~ the ~t~l p~tt~n ef ~he remus, He said Del~y Dune~ had ~ objection te the cennec~i~ ~ C~ce~ut ~rove ~hich c~mes i~ atexac~y'-~ 2he s~e place ~ before;' in view of the fact ~hat there was an obje¢~-' who hs~ ~ wz~h the th~ have a let~r t~hi~ in order te of protest; ~Lr; not interfere with regardless of and tat-Lug N~,.Roberts moved t~ table this item ef eonsider~ the ore- S~otiens ~.; ~ and t8" ~wai2i a l~tter ~ta~i ~ t ~. ~. ~ .. , ~ ~ ~ ~ here are no I~o~; Ret~est e~ ~ffs~e~ ~ho~in~ l~l! (B~,~ Reber~ K~p~ ~. Kc~ re~erred to 9erresp~ndence bezore Cereal from ~. K~Dp w~ch inoludes h~s letter to the Ci~ ce~ of ~terim Se~e Trea~en~ P~t Agreements copy of corres~ndence f~ the Fleo~. Cen~r?l District reg~d~, this pr9 j eot~ ~d memoranda rese~en~g t~s pr~ct from the Czty~s Buzldi~ 0ffici~ ~d 05~ ~gineer; ~f~;~ Kohl conct~re~ with his Department Heads~ recoEenda~io~ ~d requested that the Inter~ Sew~'e TFea~ent Pl~t Agreement be executed by the Ci~ so that KiDD ~y proceed 9ith ~ project,~ subject to appro~l of ~l Reg~ate~ Agencies. ~, Stud me,ed to accept ~e recommendation of the City E~ger abeye$ ~econded by Roberts~ No discussion. No~ion carried 4~0; - 11 - ~IN~T~ ~'~ ~L~G~ CITY COb~CIL ~ETINC JULY 2, !974 BOYNT~N BEACH, FLORIDA ~aseques? Approval for Additional Laboratory Technieisa% te~te~ Tr, e~m~nt pl._ut ~ ~ ......... at Tec~m~et~ for the ~fello~ re~e~: l) Addi~i~ Z4 ho~ ~ed at t~ee !o~tiens te m~f~or s~ Luere~e the testinE work lo~d sf~a{v{~+~. ,em ~ ~he pla~ requ~es cont~uous flo~ c~ be prec~se~ adjured be~een the 3) In ~he ne~ xut~ the Ci~ will be re~ er t~re- He sazd mw s extremely -~a%like that ~he Cz wi be . ~ . . .. lY t.y ll able to secure a ~ ef ~h~s e~iber Rrier te ge~g ~to the new x~nSs.weuld ~e.a~llab!e e~t of 6tO0~ilO (Sewer & Diviszen Sa~ries)~ 'e re' ueste~ a ~' n~=~ the a~ve~is~ of this position;~ D~.r,, Strna~ mgvg~d te gr~ant the request of the City ~nager above, Applicatie~ ~or Permit to So!ici~ ~ National Cystic ~W'zbroszs- of $~Ut, h Flor~m~m a~d ~bez~ ~ssecm~tien o~ Fl~rmda ~ Inc, , ~ 5~.r, Kohl s~aid ~he purpose of the Nations_l Cystic Fribrosis Research Po~undati?n, Znc, ~u. Corat Gables wishes to ~ise m~ey Ior ~he ~o~ organization which s~pports rose.ch, c~e~~ teaohi~ ~d ~ cente~ t~oughout the c.o~t~ to combat this ~d ether l~ d~ng' dise~es ~ chm~en.'~ The Barbers Association ef Florida~ inc. is located at 401 N~ Seacrest Beu!evard ~ud they wishto solicit a~s in their -oroch~e. Both applications meet ~iI requirements~ and Kohl requested appreval~ ~-r, Ha~n~inE.~gv~e~.to grant ap_uroval.f.er the applications presenme~ oy ~e ui~y ~&gmager for s. olzoz.tation in Boynton Beach; ~; Strn~d seco.~ded~ Ho ~isCussion. Notion ca~ried Cert~fzcates . · ~ohl referred to copies ef Cremation +' ' Cer~zf~cates before Co~%c~z from ~org~ Duaranty Trust Company ~nd letters from First Bank and Trust COmpany of BoCa Eaton for ~etail. Roberts.~. moved to accept, the~ notification_ _ of -~~=~=+;~ of ~endCsrt~zcate? to b? placed 9n file, seconded by Erl narmenzng~ No dzscussz~n. ~otion carried 4-0. - 12 - ~X_~M3TES ~ P~EGUIAR CITY COUNCIL ~3~ETING JULY 2, 1974 BOYNTON BF~&~q, FLORIDA Request Transfer of Funds and Approval --~ Emergency Purchase zed -- R_~e~l~cemer~ .of Pum~ P~rts ' ~ ~% Kg~ref~red ? his lotto_ for the agenda regardLug Well ~2,~ s.~atzng that J'~ p~. Ca~roI1 has prepose~ to replace badly worn i~e!lor?la~es; sh~f.~ and ~mp~.!lor bowl for subject well for a t~t~ o~ $£;'200;~00~' including ~sta~ion ch~e ~e~ $600,D0. ~ Kohl reco~ended Shi s oropes~ be aeespted, sznc~ kt is reasonable in cost ~d S~ce C~re~l h~ ~one p~evieus ~ork en th~ We~. if t~s reques~ %s approved,~ .f~ wzll be~e a~az~b!e for %ra~er from 6laVabO te 6Z2~-282 ~d t~s emerg~ey p~e~e,~ ~"~' KeeL a~de.d ~t the shaft ~rok~e on well #3 also ~d the c~mplete.rep~ir e~t ~U~ be 9 ef which $800,00 ~ pu~ ~he p~o ~ they ~e wor~ ~n ~S ~11, ~d ~51s ~ ~ready ~een a~l~ated~~ it ~s c~ifisd tha~ the ~Zer o:f f~S w~ w~th~ ~he ~er ~d sewer sySt~ ~. Harmening moved to accept the C_ty Nanager'S reeommendatio~ for repiacin~ the pump parts above and ap~ove the transfer of funds;~ ~r~i Roberts see~ed. Ne discussion. -.~otien carried 4~0. ApproVal o~ Bills Kohl read the following bills for approval: R,a',zA,~r~e~ $~r ~le?s P~y from Reven~ae Sharing Sprinklers at Roiling Green Park 4,244.32 Newto~ Seat~ Ce. a-.inv. #86'53 Pay from Capztal Improvememt 'b Furniture for new lz rary. 4,240,52 Kee~ Cor:oor~tion -- inv. ~591o5 Pay frombu~eted xunds -- 6220-274 p . az~s for Kwik ~hek Lift Station 4. PalmBeach Dodge. ~- Inv~~ #2690 'Pay frem budgeted fund's ~ 2400-512.02 3/$ T~n Tow Truck 3,t09.72 5. Le.e A, Walker Librar~ - Pro~. No, 73~6~App!.~ $2~,514.2o 39,219.54 Fire Sta.~Proj. No. 73~6~6~ Appl.!O !4~05.34 Tot~ai $39,219.55 P~y from Capital Improvement Fund F~D~! payment on 'Fire Station subject to release of lien. ~;~. Kohl read a letter from Coilingsworth, Nielsen an~ S~g- meister advising that the CitY is released from any l~ab~l~ty - 13 r~!INUTa~ ~ REGDT,AR CI~ COUNCIL t~ETING JDLY 2, 1974 BOYNTON B~Cn, WLORIDA Aopr~a~ of Bml~ (Cent d) conce_nz~ disputes en thzs matter oetu~een I~ir, Walker s~d his smboentraet0rs.. . . on th~s prejec~,. T~e_. s~e~ bend ~iveno to__ the Cz_~V~ sf Bo~u~ten Beach on ~hzs project continues to re~ain in fu±l force a~t effect ~ttil the project is Satisfactorily p-stud, 8, ~ssei! & A~on Est-, ~5; Job~ 68~8-8~ii&CP Pay from Atlantic National Bar~ sO~ns~ul_tSng E~ineering ar~ inspection of ewer ±mnes ~ Re: LaUdez~ale Ce~s~z~A0~ion Co. Eussell&~.enEst. #2~ Jo~ 68~9~ Pay from 6300;298 Uporadm~g Existing Wastewater Treatment Pay from D~exel deposit2 $ 1,993.18 1,858.78 1,2~5.78 9; Utili~Eeloc~ti0n I~95 ~ Pay from U~ili~~ general Reimbursable fr~m D.0.T.~ !,64t~69 12,'175.54 28,448.82 13. Pn~l!~stresmiOonS~ruu~o~ ESt,¢ #3 Pro~,? 6868-3i~8~ 60,332°85 pa~.- from Utility Gene~a~ F~_ud ~ ~ - - Rezmbursable from ~;~ Keh~ said he,s written a letter te D.O.T;~ for reimbursable funds~ re~uesting~253f92~;'l~as ef today. The bills dessribed have been appreve~ and verified by the deDaz~ent heads involved; checked ~ud.appreved for pa~ment by the Finance Director~ funds are avazl~%!e Lu therespective budgets a~d I~r, Kohl recommended payment. E~or DeLong verified with ~r~ Kohl t~t he did check out the bi~s from R&A ~-ud NrJ Keh~lSmid they were in order. ~&rj Roberts asked if the mess wasbemng' cleaned up at the re- loca~mon o~ utmlmtmes sm~e befsre pay~en~ and ~er DeLong sai ~ he wished ~o have a letter of approval from the inspector ~olicv w~-b~~-~'~ ~?~F D?Lg~g aske~ for assur~oe t~at the ~ ~ ~ ~z~we~ ~p spread all recommendatmons upon ~he Ninutes and ~j Ko~ said'this was bein~ done. - ~. Strn~d ~sked if the $14,!?05.34 constitutes final pa~men~ for ~I~COT~ ~ REGULAR ~ITY COUNCIL t~ETiNG JD~LY 2, 1974 B0~-NT0~ BE~CH, FLORLIO~~ the fire station to Lee A; Walker and if any deficiencies or ~rregularmtles will be covered. ~. K0hl said this will cover all the sub'contractors who have not been Dasd an~ the Derfermance bond w.i~l, eover .an~-thi~ a~di~io~. This was zpDroved'my the Building 0ffic~aI. ~ayor D. eL.ong felt ~h.e policy should be adopted whereby when s~y b~ld~s~ are finished, a~d p~ss final i~s?ectien,' the Ci~ CeuncmI ~eheuld be advised ~n wr~_t~ng so there m~y be _ ~ p ~c~ ~e Tecg~en~a~mon of the Bu~l~mng Offmcmal, ~ressn~-; ~me u~o~ ms issue~, ~he ~bui~g is eceupie~ ~d $h$ City ~ ~ne v~FifiCmti~ i~ ~it~ ~t spee~f~e~tions ~re m~ N~2 Ke~ smi~,he.~d a ~e~em ~m~ss~d to the B~ger f~m the Buml~i~ Offic~ ~ the abeve ]&r. Roberts moved that o~ st~ucti°n;~ before a le~e~.'Shoul~ b? sUbmitted'to official ~eri~yi~ that every%h~ng ~e~ond~,~ Under public recent con- Building Code s~ advise Gouneil on m' d~y te d~ the He ~f the ~ayor ~D~.Long s. al~ ~here .is .go~ '~o ~e a~new deal" reg~d~ ~ the co~truc~en of public ou~i~s~~ H~-~] ~ ~+ ~ be~ere .~y Lnvi~atie~ f~ b~ds ~ ............ ~ ~ ~ ~ge ~0~% 0nly 0ft~e p~s bu~ b~ ~ ~yor t~on have the · ime fel~ ~he After further dis'cussion with Ittr~~ HarmenLn~. ~[avo~ r)aT, a~ ~a ~he ite~ ~eked ~uD. from.~the p~ch c~ ~er~ ;~ia~i~ to ~ees or ~i~ ~hat ~ ~he fut~' ~ buiidi~ m~t b~ ~s perf~$tly eo~er~ed and reco~end~ t~t 'the Ci&z Coune{1 ~m~ Harmen~ moved to o the bmils ~s · .~ . . ~. .~ay. =eeemm~uded by the ~.~e~gsr~znauce Dlrectgr, seconded:by ~, Roberts. ~o ~scuss~on. Ko,ion c-arri~d 4'~0. OT'~PER 15' ~I Tm . ~GULAR CITY COUNC-~ ~_~ETLMG J~JL_Y 2, 1974 BOYNTON WBE&CH, FLORIDA AD JOUR!~.~NT -- ~ . ~ove~ to d~o~_~n, seconded by ~r~~ Harmenmng, ~eetinE a~jo~ a~ I0:~5 P~N~~ CI~ OF BOYNTON BESmirCH, FLORIDA Vice i~yor .~/ C e~n~cilman / C curie iiY~ ATTEST C curie-, lman ~Ci~y Cler~ C 'I'Y of BOYNTON BEACH office of the Ma:~or July 1, 1974 To the Members of the Boynton Beach City Council Gentlemen: In a sincere effort to draw to an amics~le conclusion and to eliminate what now appears to be an impasse relative to the recommended Regional Waste Water Treatment and ~isposal Facility, I submit for approval of the Council the here-in-after proposed terms as an alternative in lieu of the joint oarnershlp plan sought by members of this Council. To avoid any possible misunderstanding as to the intent will spell out exactly in language the ordinary layman can under- stand what is meant. I do not believe our citizens expect or will they lightly accept their Mayor or Council members permitting tP~mselves to be stampeded into any agreement which may prove later to be ~sadvan- tageous. Each member of this Council must be thoroughly alerted to the fact this anticipated sewer treatment merger with Delray Beach is very serious business which will have a dec/ded and lasting effect upon the residents and publicofficials of tomorrow. Therefore, we must be absolutely certain our actions in this matter will not create major problems now or in the future due to this Council's negligence. lack of foresigh_~,_.fo~itu_d We can ill afford to later be accused of executing what could be considered a "sweetheart" contract for the City of De]ray BeacA. Members of Boynton Beach City Council July 1, 1974 Page The provisions of the alternative plan are as follows: 1. Ownership and operation of the regional plant shall be vested in the City of Delray Beach in exchange for the right of joint management as herein outlined. 2. A Board, Committee or Commission shall be created (to be appropriately named by agreement) which shall ~e empowered to set service charge rates (patterned somewhat after the State Pu3~tic Utilities Commission). 3. The Board shall consist of three (3) mem3oers of the Bolraton Beach City Council, three~(3) members of the Delray Beac~C~tlr Council and one (1) member from the satellite cities who shall agree among themselges who,will receive the first appointment and to adopt a rotation system for future appointments in order that each City w(]1 receive ~heir turn of board membership. guara-~ ~ ~T~e Bg~rd s~all be 9h~rged with the regulation of a n~e~ a&±ocaulon o~ a sufficient amount of daily fI~of sewerage discharge into the regional plant from each and every Clt~invol~ed accommodating the cltmes present and future requirements. 5. The Board shall be charged with the responsibility of projecting for increased plant capacity necessitated ~y ~rowth or any other reason and shall be authorized to plan in conjunction with the consulting engineers. 6. If the City o~e~ayBeach decides to a~r~gatea_~ ...... existing agreement and/or contract with the City of Boynto~ Beach~ the City of Delray Beach shall reimburse in full the City of Boynton Beach for all legitimate costs defrayed by the City of Boynton Beach due to this consolidation. Excepting, however the creatior: of a County wide waste water treatment and disposal syst~nder the j~risdiction of another governmental agency. The satellite cities in the Boynton Beach service area shall likewise be reimbursed. 7. Each and every CJ-ty shalL_retai~_~lXl_ exlstingvestedr- rights in their individual sewerage treatment systems° I believe the terms as submitted are just and equitable for all concerned. JD:rf Sincerely yours, AGENDA July 2, 1974 IX. ADMINISTRATIVE D. Cremation of Bond Certificates Attached hereto is Cremation Certificates Trust Company and letters from First Bank of Boca Raton for detail. from ~o~qan Guara~t~ and Trust Compan~ City Manager FK:dd Attachments: 5 pages TO: budgeted DocUments~ detailed cost estff~tes~ --'-':"[ -- ':- ' - 'L . -, item NumL~er - " Acticm - - CE'RTl FtC~ATE CORPORATE TRUST DE PT. Morgan Guaranty Trust Company OF NEW YORK 23 Hail Steer, New Y~10015 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT WE HAVE THIS DAY CREMATED THE FOLLOWING SECURITIES DESCRIBED ~/E~ 9F OBLm~OR= City of Boymton Beach, Florida DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: 4% Wate~ & 8ewer Revenue Bonds Issue of 1961 Series A [] B E LOW [] PER ATTACHED SCHEDULES NUMBER OF BONDS 810 PR NC PAL AMOUNT $ 810,000.00 ~.JOUPON NUMBER BOND NUMBER BOND MATURITY NUMBER OF BONDS BOND VALUE TOTAL N.C.A, 101/120 20. 1,000 ~ 20,000,00 22/77 201/275 12/1/72~6/i/200( ]~$ 1~000 75,000.00 ' 301/325 '! 25 1,000 25,000. OO '* 381/480 " 100 1~000 100~O00,00 ~ =~ -~ 541/684 " 144 1,000 144,000,00 ' 700 ~ 1 1,000 1,000,00 " 751/900 " 150 1,000 150,000 ~ 00 ' 1!36/!185j " 50 1,000 50,000,,00 ,j .... ~ 1501/1745 " ..... ~ ~ .. 245 1 ~ 000 245 ~ 000, O0 CJ:'RTI FI C.'AT ~ CORPORATE TRUST DE PT. Morgan Guaranty TrUst C6mpany oj= NEW YORK 2s N...,, Yo,k OiE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT WE HAVE THIS DAY CREMATED THE FOLLOWING SECURITIES DESCRIBED NAME OF OBLIGORs DESCR]PT!ON OF ISSUE: [] PER ATTACHED SCHEDULES City of Bpymten Beach, Florida 4 I/4% Water & Se~er Revenue Bends ~Ssue of 1961 Series B i ~TED NUMBER OF BONDS PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $ 322 322,000.00 COUPON NUMBER BOND NUMBER BOND MATURITY NUMBER OF BONDS BOND VALUE TOTAL N,C.A. 161/180. 20. %,000 $ 20,000,00 22&23 181/200, u 12/I/72-6/1/~ 20 1,OOO 20,000,00 22/77 220 1211172-6111200( i 1:,000 1,000.00 " 236/290 " 55 1,000 55,000.00 ~' 304/343 " 40 1,000 t 40,000,00 " ~9~ " 6 1,000 6,000, 00 '~~-..,6/390 " 5 i~000. -5,000~00 '~ 396/4~0 '~ 5 I,OO0 5,000~00 ~ 471/570 " 100 tiOO0 !00,000~00 h 971/975 ~' 5 i~OQ0 5~000,80 ~' 1001/1050j " 50 l!; 00D 50,000, OD " 1211/1225 i " 3I~ ~,0~0 15~000,00 CREMAT ON CERTIFICATE Morgan G~u~ranty Trust Co~_~, OF NEW YORK 23 Wall Street~ New York, N.'Y. '1C~015 CORPORATE TRUST DEPT. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT WE HAVE TH S DAY CREMATED THE FOLLOWING SECURITIES DESCRIBED ~ BELOW [] PERATTACHEDSCHEDULES NAME OF OBLIGOR: City ef BoT~tom Beach, Fla, ,P[SCRIPT ON OF ISSUE: Water & Sewe~ Rev Bds Issue of 1961, Series B Dated 12/1/61 NUMBER OF COUPONS 1,340 FACE VALUE $ 26,850.00 ' COUPON NUMBER COUPON DUE DATE NUMBER OF COUPONS COUPON VALUE TOTAL 21 6/!/~2 1,300 20.00 $ 26,000.00 21 6/1/72 40 21,25 - 850,00 !, THE ABOVE COUPONS WERE PA~D DURING THE PERIOD Jume 1973/November 1972 BY: ~{ORC-A~N GUARA/~TY TRUST C~AI~'Y OF NEW YORK DATED CREM'ATION' CORPORATE TRUST DEPT. CERTIFICATE Morgan C,-~a~r~t~Trust Comp_a_n;y OF NEW YORK 23 Wall Street, Ne~w ¥~%, ~d. y. 1~0015 THIS S TO CERTIFY THAT WE HAVE THIS DAY CREMATED THE FOLLOWING SECURITIES DESCRIBED [] BELOW ~ [] PER ATTACHED SCHEDULES NAME OF OBLIGOR: City ef Bo~aton Beach, Fla, Water & Sewer Rev. Bds ~ssue of 1961 ~SCRIPTION OF ISSUE: Series A Date~ 12/1/61 NUMBER OF COUPONS 1,647 i--- COUPON NUMBER COUPON DUE DATE NUMBER OF COUPONS 21 21 FACE VALUE $ 6/1172 6/I/72 1,547 100 31,779,75 COUPON VALUE TOTAL 19.25 20.00 29,779.75 2,000.00 THE ABOVE COUPONS WERE PAID DURING THE PERIDD June 1972/November 1972 BY: THE ~fORGAN GUARAI~TY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK ~/~'~/~ ~ AUTH ~D SlGNA TU R~. Firfit Bank and Trust Compaq;..,f E,.._a Raton, N.A. .Tu~e 10, 1974 Mr. Ken Kribs City of Boyn~on Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Mr. Kr[bs, I'am enclosing 46 coupons on City of Boynton Beach Bonds that where clipped and paid this month, June i, 1974 . Also enclosed are 40M- City of Boynton Beach Police ~ldg. 1Rev. Bonds due June 1, 1974 . Bond Numbers 15 thru Z2 @ 5iVi each. Please have these bonds and coupons destroyed. Thank You. Sincerely, PLEASE FURNISH S~V[C~(S) IIqD~C~ED BY CHECKED BLOCK,S} ~ Show add~ess A ~tobet~veraddresseeOHLY ~ where delivered ~. . ~ , ttton's Secretary First Bank and Trust Compa,,. Jf Coca Raton, N.A. ~¢Ir. /ohn ~'lynn , Sr. City of Boynton Beach P, O. Box 310 Boynton Beack, Florida 33435 Dear Mr. Flynn, I'am enclosing 46 coupons on City of Boynton Beach Bonds that where clipped and paid tiuis month. Please destroy them as you had mention to me when I had called you in July . Thank You, Very truly yours, }Y_amie DaCamara Mr. Hatton's Secretary POST OFFICE BOX B. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 334-32 PN',ONE 305/395-4420 ~ ,'FirBl Bank and Trust Corapany of Boca Raton, N.A. E. BUDD LAUGHLIN Mr. John Flynn Sr. City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear }Vir. Fly nn, I am enclosing the BS~%f City of Boynton Beach l~olice Bldg. Rev. bonds, due June 1, 1973- Nun~bers: 8 through 14 @ 5M Each. If you ~vill note, I have stamped over the ar~ouu~ and signature of each bond. Thank You. Very truly yours, .- "RECEIPT FOP, CERTIF,~ED ,~¢IAlL:--3O,c (plus postagt-t City of Boynton Beach ~. O. Box 310 _. Boynton Beach. Florida 3343~' Mam[e DaGamara Mr. Laughlins Secretary 'ed a~ of the coupoms that ~ds. Please inform me of POST OFFICE BOX E~. OOCA RATON FLOP~DA 33432 PHONE ~05/395-44~'0