Minutes 06-04-74NI~JTES OF P~EGULA~R CITY COUNCIL ~EETING OF TP~ CITY OF B0~NTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT 0ITY HALL, TUESDAY, JU~ $, 197~. PRESENT Joe.DeLong, Nayer David Roberts, Vice Naycr Edward ~. Harmening, Councilman Forrest L. Wallace, Councilman Norman F. Str~ad, Councilman Frank Kohl, City Nanager Ernest Simon, City Attorney Tereesa Pa~gett, City Clerk ~ayor DeLong called the meeting to order at ?:30 P.N. The audience rose far the invocation given by Fire Chief Gene ~ight, followed by the Pledge o4 Allegiance led by Vice Nayor Davi~ Roberts. ~Announce~ent~ ~ayor DeLong rea~ letters of commendation from the Chief of the F~e DSpart~emt in Niami .an~ the Chief ef P~lice ef Niami, henermmg Fire Fmghter, Gene Kmght for his act of bravery in ress~img the driver of a crane that had brushed against a power lime~ ~ayor DeLong moted that the City of Beynten Beach had also expressed its appreciation to Fire Fighter Kight, adding that there would be ceremonies in his honor at the appropriate time~ He also asked that the letters be made a part of Fire Fighter Ei~ht's permament persoz~uel records, and that the City M~uager se~ a l~tter of ths~Ws .to beth Chiefs who had written. safer way of life, The current pres~nt of the J~y Cee's, Davi~ Z. ~i~ then presented the award to Lt. Gardner, who e.x.l~..essed a~preciation by aekn?wle4ging the efforts of the entire Peli~e Department, particularly Chief Hud4lesten. Nayor DeLong a~ded the thanks e~ the City for the.h~nor that Lt. Gardner has brought upon it. He also complimented the actioms of the Jay Ceo's for t~eir fine gesture in bestawing this award. Nayor DeLong then t~esented Youth in Jovermment Day Certificates in recognition of the students who participated in the program on ~ay 22~d. Student City Nanager, Wallace Whitaker, accepted and in turn presented a Notebook of' Essays de,teated to the City officials and employees by the 8th gra4e students of Boymten Beach Jr. High to the Nayor. Nayor DeLong read a Proclamation ~esi~ating Fraternal Week - June 8th to the Special Observance of Flag Day - June 14th, Regular Nge~n~ - ~ay 21, 1974 ~I~TES - REGULAR CI~l~ COUNCIL ~TING BOYNTON BEACH, FLA. JUNE 1974 Nr, W~llace moved tc accept the Ninutes of the Regular City Counez! ~eeting of May 21, 1974 as written, seconded by Mr. Harmenimg, No discussion~ Notion carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE ~ayor DeLoD~ asked those who wished to speak on items on the agenda to come forward and give their names te the City Clerk who would call them at the proper time. After the questions are put te Council, discussion will be limited ~o the members. Nayor DeLong asked to have Couneilmembers make am insertion on page 2 of the agenda u~der Item VI. OLD BUSINESS -- Tura~ Arrows - ConEress Avenue and New Boynton Read - 0Ouncil- man Wallace." ~r. Herbert Thomss, 172 N.W. 14th Avenue, presented a petition regarding the 9uality o.f the air around the h~mes in his area -- in the vicinity cf the sewer plant in the N.E. section. He com- plained ef the bad oders and abundance of flies which were creating a health hazard. ~i~yer.DeL?mg expressed sympathy and said he and ether members of Council v~site4 the area and were in complete agreement with ~. Herbert. He said the City ~anager is on top of the situation, the Censmlting E~gineer was present this evening ~u~ the City will do everything possible te eradicate the condition as soon as possible. ~r. George Russell of Russell & Axon said R&A an~ Cil~y personnel have been working at the plant this week. The odor was oause~ by several technical problems which are being worked on. He noted, .~owever, that the plant is presently being expamded. W~rk is ~eing done on the a~aerobie digesters which will cause the odor~ to continue. At this time he doesn't know hew to allevla~e i~. Regarding the insects, a cheek has been made and an exterminator has been contacted, but he felt n~thing could be done about this ¢o~ition. Discussion continued ~ring which Nay~r DeLom~ reiterated Oouneil,s concern to get some relief for the residents and ~. Russell explained that everything possible was ~eing ~one to work towards completion of this p_e~e¢~, .however, there was no known cure for the unpleasant *~ors, which vary from day to day. ~Nr. Wallace asked hew long the people wo~ld have to live with this condition and ~fter some conversation with an associate in the audience, ~r. Russell said it would be a matter of months. Disemssion ensued regarding the possible use of masking agents ~nd Nr, Russell said he's found in usim~ them LR the past, some people object te masking agents more than to the original] edor, but this would be the best that could be done. N~. Russell said the oentraeter has been instructed to move on the project with as much rapidity as possible, the masking agent is at the site NINUTES - REGU~ CI~ COUNCIL ~ETING JUNE BOYNT©N BEACH, FLA. and all R&A a~ City personnel are ~eing everything in their power te helo the situation. Nayer DeLong said several members of Council w~ll be at the site every day to cheek en the eon- ~rs. Judy DBerman, 2?0 N.W. 14thAvenue, asked if there were any plams for a totally larger sewer plant er a new e~e and if so, where amd when. Nayor DeLeng and Nr. Russell a~vised that a $1.600,00C addition was being put on at the present time en the same gremnds -- en vacant la~d ~med~y the City, The bi~ has already been let out and cen~ractors are en the je~. ~&r. Russell sai~ the rehabilita- tion work being done te the existing units is one ef the major causes Of the oder problems. He felt that the rehabilitation project would t~ke about lbo ~ays, with the ~r~mblesemeportien beimg i~ the next few months. ~r, Russell adde~ that the City pla~g for the Reg~u~_~ Treatment Plant which will eventually ass out the present facmlity~ a~d is a long distance aw~v. Nr, Jean D~erma~, 270 N.W, 14th Avenue, sai~ the present plant is dumping raw sewage outside its own plant into a fiei~ ~ was eamsing a ~ad situa~Ion. Discmssien ensued duriug which ~.D~ormam w~s advised that the sludge is being taken aw~y, however, Nr, D~erman disagreed. Nr. Russell said he was familiar with this and that it has net happened in the presence ~f R&A personnel. Nayer DeLeng sai~ he k~ew efa piece ~f e~uipment p~rehased by the Oit~- based em a recommendation of Russell & AXon, to be able ~e h~ml the sludge out. After further dis- cussi~.n~ Nr. Russ?ll said he seriously doubted that raw sewage was beimg dumpe~ z~ the sur~eundimg a~ea. Cheryl Bar, on, 1380 NoW. First Court, said she personally saw ~herehaDilmta~o~ .... w~rk which ~. Russell spoke about. He assu~ed everythim~ possible Herbert asked if anyOhing could Be done te overcome the problem with the flies. ~r. Russell said an exterminator had ~een eon~aete~ an~ he could ~ffer nosolution.' N~r DeLo~ ~d the problem we~l~ would not let t~ people Nr. John Olea~y, !6C South Boulevai~, spoke about the paper crisis a~d suggested that~ containers be placed around the City where people could deposit eld papers er aluminum cans, as aluminum is also scarce. He asked about ~he program wherein papers are at Atlantic High School and the City of Detray Beach f~u~n~she~ a truck to take them down to Pompano, ~, Kohl sai~ a program was s~arted Ln Boyn~on Beach last week with a t~uck oi~king up papers in the condeminiwm~ ~u~ a s~udy was bemng d~ te see if this would be feasible -3- MINUTES - REGULA~. CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 4, 1974 BOYNTON BEACH, thro-~ghsmt the City~ He aisc clarified that the City of Boy--tom Beach was previd~ing the ~z~ck that brought the papers to Riviera Beach aud not Delray, This matter was left in the hs~ds ef the ~it~y Ea~ager. Nr. Russell returned to the floor amd asked Council if it wcul~ be ~esired te have a report on the at.~empt te get the temporary operating permit worki~ once aga~ in light of the moratorium. After some discussion, Nayer ~eLong a~vised that this m~ter shoul~ ~e taken up with the City ~anager i~ written form. BIDS PUBLIO HEAP~NG None LEGAL Ord~n .aDces - 2nd..R~eading - PD~BLIO ..H~IN~ ~e~osed Or~iuance No. ~4-.1~.- Re:... Litterin~ DLr. Simon rea~ proposed Ordinamee No. 74-13 on secon~ reading ~y caption oRly i~ re§ard to littering. ~ayor DeLong asked if anyone in the ~udience wished to speak in favor of or against this Ordinance. No reply. ~r. Harmening move~ for the adoption of Ordinance No. 74-13 on se¢omd reading, secende~ by ~. Roberts. ;Jn~er discussion, Nr. Wallace asked to qualify his vote by stating that he was sticking te his guns until the City has the means to carry this cut a~d set a fixed schedule when the trash can be sicked up ena specified basis, and he sai~ he would veto against it. ~$, Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows: Co~ncilms~u Harmeming - Aye Vice ~yor RoDerts Aye Councilman Strnad Aye Coum¢ilman ~allace No ~ayor DeLeng - Aye Notion carried 4-1, Nr~ Wallace opposed. Propose~ Ordins~ce No. 7~-14 - Re: Declaration of Intent to Annex (Th~ Nea~ows) Nr. Simon read proposed Ordinance No. 74-14 on second reading by captio~ only in regar~ tc annexation of ~he Meadows. Mayor DeLo~g asked if anyone in the audience wished te speak in favor ~f ,r against this Ordinance. No reply. -4 NI~TES - REGUI~R CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLA. J~NE 4, 1974 ~Lr. wailaec moved for the adoptio~of Ordinance Ne. ?~-t4 sn second reading, secended by ~r. Harmening. No discussion. Nrs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as fellows: Coun¢ilman Harmening - Aye Vice Mayer Roberts - Aye Ceuncilman Strnad - Aye Councilman Wallace - Aye Mayor DeLong - Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinances - 1st Reading None. R es olut ions Proposed Resolution, ~e. 74-Y - Re:., Communitry Action Council Nr. Simon read prcDosed Reselutien No. 7~-Y in its entirety. ~. Harmening moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 74-¥, seconded by Nr. Roberts. Nc discussion. ~frs. Pa~gett conducted a roll call vote as follews: C eu~cilman Harmening Aye Vice Mayor Roberts - Aye Couneilman Strnad - Aye Councilman Wallaee - Aye Mayor DeLang - Aye Notion carried 5-0. OTHER None OLD BUSINESS Discuss T,ouche Hess (TABT,ED) After some discussion, Nr. Roberts moved to have removed from the table, seconded by Nr. Wallace. Notion carried 5-0. this item No discussien. ~ir. Simon rea~ his memorandum to the City Nanager dated Nay 30, 1974 regarding his recommendations to pay Touche Ross & Co. additional compensation. Nr, Wallace asked the City Clerk if a~yone in the audience had asked te speak en this item and the reply was no. Mayor DeLong said the action taken this evening should also include provisions wherein a representative ef Touche Ross comes in and sits dewn with the Gity's Finance Director to clarify any areas Ln question. -5- NINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL M/~ETING ~NE ~, 197~ BOYNTON BEACH, FLA~ Discussion ensued among Council during which ~r, Wallace asked if it was the recommendation of the City Attorney that the Ci~.y p.ay. Touche Ross the additional $16,500 over and above themr i~ltial fee ef $15,0GO a~d the answer was yes. Hcwever, it should be recommended that the City ~&a~ager hold back full payment ~til there is an explanatory interview with Touche Ross and the Finance Director has an opportunity to ~sk ~uestions. Nr. Wallace felt that the matter shoul~ possibly be negotiated further and Mayor DeLong explained tha~ this was T~he purpose of the meeti~ be~wee~ the City Nanager, City At~crney and the ~ayor, all ef whom spent ee~iderable time with the present Finance Director. DeLong said he was ¢o~vince~ that what was a¢~ Touche Ross would, enrich the City and the F'nlanec and that it was un~mmously agree~ that the additional ,5~0 should be pai~. N~. Kohl said the Finance Director is an ~ffieer of the City m~der T~he direction of the City ~ianager, and even though he was told the City Nanager w~uld make the decisions, the Attorney advise~ that if the Finance Director ma~e the decisions, the City was responsible. Mr. Simo~ said the two questions at ha~d were if Touche Ross fulfilled their agreement in notifying the City efa substantial i~crease and the other is what is a proper figure. During the discussion, Na~or DeLong said he was very satisfied with the work done by TouChe Ross and even though it's a large amok_ut, after talking te the present Finenee Director, he felt ~.he City h~ been enri?hed. ~r. Roberts said although the c~rcumstances u~der which Touche Ross received authority were questionable, they di~ conduct a f~ull audit an~ p~ the City on a sound basis. It was clarified that Touche Ross would submit a full and complete report on all areas ~nder s%n~dy and the City would be kept en even keel in the future, On the basis of what has been stated and so that the motion in- eludes previsions for the same City representatives, inclu~in§ the OityNamager a~ Finance Director, to sit down with Touche Ross for further clarification before this amount is paid, Wallace moved tc follow the recommendations of the City Attorney and City Nanager and pay the additional compensation in the amount of ~16,5~0. Nr. R~berts seconded. No discussion. Notion carried Consider Installation of Traffic Signalization at S~ ~3rd~ven~e~ .,, Reference was made te the correspondence before Council i~which ~enater Ph'.~. Lewis advised that according to,the Departmen~ ef ~portat~on, there are no State funds available for prosects ef thistype. If this project is dcne by the County, wherein they Will install the signa~f~h~ City will then have to reimburse them on a time a~ material contract at half the cost. Council ha~ agreed te contact the ~ou~ty Com~ssioner, Gecrge warren, on this. The City is ready te go and there are enough funds in the Oenti~ency Fund tc proceed with the installaticn of these lights. NI~WJTES - RE~UI~.AR CITY COUNCIL ~EETING JUNE ~, 1974 BOYNTON BEACH, FLA. ~r, Wallace moved to accept the City Manager's recommendation insofar as the installation of the traffic lights at U,S. 1 and So. 23rd Avenue, with the funds te come from the Contingency Fund. ~. Earmenimg seconded. Under discussion, Mr. Roberts asked that it be clarified that the City isn't getting a half price en this, but by using this method, it will be eno half, The City N~ger will contact Commissioner Warren en this. ~,~etion carried 5-0. T_u~.-nir~ Arrows - C.ongress Avenue and New Be~ynte.n. Road (Cc!mn. Wallace Nr. Wallace said he travelled this route every day and the traffic is sometimes backed u.p ~n Congress for a mile amd a half north and south. In eheck~ng with Commissioner Warren, ~Iayor DeLong had learned that these turning arrows would be a City project ma~a~ the~Ceunty En.g. ineer determined that it would cost approxi- ely $2,000 to install them. He felt this money would be well spent, especially in regar~ to safety. It was noted that funds were available in the Capital Improvement ~udget. Nr. Wallace moved to instruct the City N~nager te contact County CommissiOner Warren regarding the turning arrows on Congress AVenue and New B. eynton Read with the funds to defray same comin~ from th..e 0peratin~ Capital Imprev.ement fund. Mr. Roberts seconded. Under discussion, Ma~er DeLeng said he viewed the situation described by Nr. Wallace and he agreed wholeheartedly. ~etion carried 5-0. ~r. Roberts asked why in most cases where ~raffic signals are i~alled, these arrows are omitted. Mayor DeLong felt they were inadvertently not considered at the time the installations were made a~d he felt that in areas of particularly heavy traffic, there should be 'both ~urning arrows and allowances for turning l~nes, especially when Seacrest Boulevard is redone. In the interest of safety, Nrc Wallace suggested te Mr. Vastine of Leisureville that~a notice be put up regarding the bicycle .path from the shopping center, where six cars that he knew of · n one eveninE turned off Leisureville Road onto the bike path t~ get to the shopping center and this is very dangerous. There was some further comment acknowledging that the City was getting quite a bit of help from the County which was appreciated, NEW BUSINESS C.ens~der Request ef Land Ho.~di~ Corporation Correspondence was before Council regarding this matter with explanation from ~, Kohl that Land Holding Corporation ~repcses te close off four reads with their re-plat in the County. ~. Kohl foresaw no problems with the Land Holding Corporation's proposal and felt if the City should apply for abandonment of rea~s in this area, it would seem that the application for the City's abandonment would receive favorable consideration. -7- NINUTES - ~qEGUT, AR. CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUDPE 1~, 1974 BOYNTON WBEACH, FLA. Nayor DeLong clarified that all Co~ucilmembers had reviewed the plans a~d it was the unanimous feelimg that the City should join La~d Holding Corporation in the abandonment a~d also have these streets abamdened by the City's property se that the blocks owned by the City will then be ia eno parcel. Mr. Kohl then read a letter addressed te him dated April 5, 1974 from Mr, Dana C. Ferrell e£ the law firm Byrd, Belling & White, representing Land Helding. Oe.rpc.ratien in regar~ to the vacation ef plat. ~ayer DeLc~ sa~d ~t is the ecmsemsus of opinion among the Ceu~citmembers that the City petitie~ te have this abandonment take ~ City owned lets te Nichols Boulevard, he Attorney hew this should be haudled. Mr. he would like te leek imte the 'matter further. Council began ~isemmsi~ various aspects ef the la~d involved a~d Mr. Wallace asked if the purpose ef ~is abandonment was te be mere accommodating to fut~bre develepmemt~ A representative ef the Land Holding Corporation, Nr. Wagense~ler *f Pempm~e Beach, explained tha~ he wished te have the Eeynten Cit~y Council issue a letter of approval im order te proceed with their petition te the County which they have already prepared. He then shewed Council maps ef the area 'and explained the locations ef the parcels in questi~, em which was planned a residential home development. He asked Council for a letter ef approval sines the Oity owned the contiguous la~n~. He w~s also concerned about the time element ~eeause ef the mnterest money being paid e~ leans. Mayer DeLemg felt the City would go along with the letter ef approval, hut he ws~ted this ts work cut for the City's advantage also. M~. Roberts clarified with Nr. Wage~se~ler that the County requires replatting ena 5G-feet ~ight-ef-way. N~. Wal!aee moved to instruct the City Attorney to petition for the abandonment cf those reads r'~ght te Nichols Boulevard that have been mo designated, seconded by Mr, ~tr~ad. It was clarified that ~r. Kohl had all the necessary information. A gentleman in the audience (later identified te be Rev. Sm~ei~er) came forward and said he would like tc have some other rea~s in the area abandoned and discussion e~sued at length elarifyi~ this matter among Ceuu¢il. Rev. Seh-ueider was advised that he could file his own petition. Notion ca~ried 5-0. ~bD~INISTP~ATIVE Ce~ider Regue.st e.f. 0ceam Ridge Nr. Wallace moved to delete this item .from the agenda, seconded by ~r. Harmening. Ne discussion. Not,on carried C~nsider. Well .Construction. at Boy,ten .... Beach Nemor~t Cemeter~ Nr. ~Kohl advmsed tha2 the Gemetery Board has requested a well be cemsmru¢$ed at the Cmty's Nunieipal Cemetery and asked that this request be expedited as they are in u!~gent need ef the well due to the water shortage. Mr. Kohl concurred with their recommendation -8- NI~TES - REGULAR CITY GOUNaIL ~EETING JUNE 4, 1974 B©YNTON BEAOH, FLA. and asked approval be granted to proceed immediately on this request, Funds are available in the Cemetery Fund. Nr. Wallace moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager tc proceed immediately i w th the construction of the well Notion carried 5-0, RevertLng to the request of Oeean Ridge, Nayor DeLong suggested as a matter of that a letter he sent by the City Manager ~o ~e To~ . the ~oe~s of con~uetimg some mn depth s~m~ies rela~i~ ~h~e an~ at ~ the Oi~ is mot in Ie~ter W~ ~m~ fet~ the ~ ~e. After ~ome ~ Consider Refun~ ~m Eemete~ Let ~ ~!l~re~ C., ~ E1~ F. G~abr~ ~r. Ke~ advise~ that request for a ref~d , ~ the ~d N~. Ke~ therefore rez~d be G~Dr~ts i~ the ameu~ ~ Reb~rts~ moved te aecep~ the City N~er's r~*u~d .200.00 from ~he Cemetery F~ to Nil~e~ C. ~d El~a F. G~ra~u~ ~. H~men~g seconded. Ne discussion, C~ensider Purchase of Nuek for proposed .Lit~le Le~e P,ar~ ~V~r. Kohl advised that the City has an oppertmni~y to purchase a large quantity ef muck well below normal price, The development of the 15t2 Avenme Park for Little League fields will require 1,%00 yards of muck. Nermal price for this quanti~y v~uld be approximately $6,000.00. P~chase r' ' ' ' - ~. ;. ~ _ p ~ee lnclmd~ng ~aulzng from an available ~0w~i~ec?~2,~.~? ~t thl? tqme, thus ~aving the City pm£ec en the same loeatmen cf eno of the proposed ball fields, which the City plans rebuild. As the 15th Avenue Park Development is a high cost prosect,' such arrangements as ~hese should be taken advantage of to r~uce the total cost of the developments. 2~. Frederick submitted theahove proposal to ~ Keh~and th? Clty~m~uager therefore recommended ~urchasinE ~s muem at th ' ~ - ~ ............. ~!s~very~ow price, from the Centmngency Fund, ~f ~pp~v~ Dy ~l~y ~OUnCl£. Nr. Kohl also requested a transfer of * _unds ~rom the Contingency Fund to Recreation Department (410~/275) in ~me amount cf $2~400.00. Nr. Wallace moved to accept the City Nanager's recommendation te purchase the muck for the Little League parks ~ud approve the transfer ef funds from Contingency te Recreation Department in the amount of $2,400.00, Nr. Strnad seconded. No discussion. Ntt'~TES - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL NEETiNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLA. JU~ 4, 197# ~etien carried 5-0. It was clarified that muck is normally used on these parks, not Georgia clay er other substances. Es~ablishi~ New Position_ - Accountant Nr, KehI read his letter addressed to Council requesting the establishment efa new pssiticn, Aceeuntaut. He was advise~ by Tomche Ross that the Oity had not been following good accounting procedures for years and in view of the Cit~y's growth, it h~s a large, complex Finance Depar~memto Nr, Kohl therefore recommended h~ring am aeeountaut ~e work with ~he ~i~amce Director and assist him in handli~ the ~etails amd bookkeeping work which is a ~reme~d~us workload. The length cf time Tomche Ross needed to their audi~ was attributed te ~he fact that they had te services which sheutd have been accomplished by the ~e did not wa~t this te be take~ as criticism ef in the F~namee Department as ~r. Kohl considered' very hard working mud willing to lear~, have never been ~aught updated pre- these fmn~s. He asked for Ceun¢il,s approval ef this Roberts clarified wi~h Nr. Kohl that this was the recommendation ~, .a~ She City neede~ e~?. He added that he un~erstoe~ if '~it~y had an accountant mn the Finam~e Departmemt all along, what Touche Ross had been doing would not have been neeessary. ~r. R~erts noted that the mew Finance Director was a CPA and where bet~veen $10,0~ an~ $13,000, depending upon the qualifica- tions of the applicant. It woul~ be advertise~ ~salary o~en-. A reSOlUtion woul~ have to be drawn establishing this position. ~. Wallace moved that the City Eanager be authorized to establish the ~ew position of Accountant. seconded by Mr. N~rmening. No discussion. Notion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills It was decided before the bills were read, Council woul~ discuss ?~.~ questions., a~d ~r DeLo~g asked for explanations om the bills received from RUssell & Axon. ~. Ko~i sai~ No. 8 was for engineering services for the infiltra- tien~ No. ~ was for engineering services en wells Ne. 12, 13 and and this is net a complete payment -- there is a certain percentage 10- ~t~T~_~- R~EGUL~R CiTY COUNCIL ~5~ETING BOTNTON BEACH, FLA. received on engineering. The charge for engineering services en infiltration is for 87 hours and en Item Ne, 9 (engineering services for the wellS), it is for the desig~ fee times along with how much work has been done te date, It was clarified that the Ci+~v Engineer has okayed each ~ne of the bills, along with the Eins~uce Director. Nr, Kohl continued that Item No. 10 is te be Daid from Drexel; Ne. ll is engimeering services on the wastewater treatment pla~t. Nr, We]~e asked if there was m_wy way to compare charges with e~her a~ ~hat he ha~, e~ente~ wi~h~ · he f~r t8 men~ ~he ef per ~ for eve~ ~y Ee fet~ t~s w~ a le~ ~e P~ for something ~e se~ ~erializ~. ~, Kohl said ~here was a new State law that ~e ~i~ S~ go cut fief b~ ~ ee~$~i~ N~er DeLemg felt E the asr e~ ~ a . ~ P Y h~f, the Ci~ ~s paid R~ i~ exeess ef $~ ~llien in fees ~ Nr. Kohl referred te I~em 15 re Lau~erdale Gentracting a~ said although there is a certain amo~ already being held back, he weald like ~e withholds?payment because he's been getting letters from various people that their bills have not ~een paid. ~yor DeLong sai~ he a~d Vice ~ayor Roberts weal~n't sign any m~re checks until the lien si~ation is s~uared away. Discussion ensued about the effect ef the performance bond on the various it was clarified that this has nothing to ~o it is put into effect if they default on the work. ~ayor DeLong referred to I~em No. 13 and it was clarified that t~e fun~s would be taken from the Utility General Fu~d and the City has already received $250,000, Regarding I~em No. 14, although it woul~ be reimbursable from HUD, the money would initially be taken from the revenue certificates. ~r. Kohl wishe~ to add to the list of bills for approval, R&R Tile in th~ amount ef $3,?00,00 as they are a small concern an~ ~i~ a good job in the rest teems of the Civic 0enter. The list of bills te be pai~ is as follows: Neptune Water.,Neter Co. Inv, ~0.~m14252 - $1,293.60 $ 3,234.00 Inv. ~08-15311 - 1,940.4© $3',~3~.00 Pe~ from budgeted funds 6130-582 2. FriEid Fk~id_Coo Pay from cemetery funds 3. Crane Bros. Notors Pay from budgeted funds -- 3100-312 4, Keliy Tractor Co. Pay from bu-dge%ed funds -- $60~-~66 ~ 1,5~7.00 3,306.89 7,890.75 ll- NINUTES - REGULAR CITY COUNGiL ~EETING BOYNTON BEACH, JUNE 4, 1974 ~.pprov~l o.f Bills (Cent'd) 5. Dave Smith 0o,~.. Ino. Pa~ ~rom ~mdgeted f~s -- 2500-5~4 & 526 P'ay from budgeted f~s ~ ~100-274 & 598.0l 7, ~S~om ~mb~ees of Fla. P~ from bu~geted~n~s -- 3200-512 8, R~s~e~ & ~en Est, ~2 & ~3 6858-11-0P Pay from 6300-2~ -' ~. Russell & ~o~ Est, ~3. 6858-6-0P P~ f~om 6130-581 l, 250 ll, 879 9,288.82 10. Ru,.ssell & Axon Est. #3 6858-1-~ ~CP P~y from Drexel ..... 2,242 o 23 ll. RuSsell & Axon Est. ~l 68~8-4-0P Pay from 6300-298 1,o73.71 12. 13. 14. Lee A. ~alker Fire Station #9 ............ $ 1,884.60 Librmry~ ................. ~3~,~33.30 Inmslt~.~oo Est. #3 Relocation of 1-95-- Pay--Reimbursable from D.0oT. ~au.d.er~al? Con~ra.ct~ng Corp. Sanitary Sewer Extensiohs Est, Reimlm~able fr~mHUD 32,833.30 87,911.62 21,960.85 15, R&R Tile T~--~t rooms Civic Center 3,700.00 The bmt_s described have been approved and verifie~ by the ~epar%mentw. hea~s invotved~ eheoked mud approved for payment by the ~ mn~nce Directorl funds are available in their respective bu~ge~s. Nr. Kohl recommended payment. Nr. Roberts moved to pay the bills, including R&R Tile in the amount of ~,?00.00, excluding Item 14. Nr. Wallace seoon~edo Ne discussion. Eotion carried 5-0° OTHER ~. Roberts consulted with the City Eanager on some work done by Gulfstream Construction in regard to 1-95 as to whether it has been completed ~u~ paid, a~d it was decided to ~iscuss this in the City Nanager's office. - 12 - NiN~JTES - REGULAR OtTY COUNCIL ~EETiNG BOYNTON ~EACH, FLA. ~NE 4, 1974 Nr. R. B;~ Vastine, 132 Leisureville Boutevsrd, representing Leisureville te the degree of beLng its past Senior President ef the Corporation, said what he was about te say was a matter ef protocol and policy which was instituted in 1970 am~ he Bid not want te make reference tc amy personalities. He said the policy was still in effect~ but there are some people who forget the fact that Leisureville is a corporate strusture with a Beard ef Directors. There have bean some instamces recently wherein certain individmals have taken the liberty of speaking te City officials a~_d Councilmen about public oreblems that should ge through the Board ef Directors te th~ City Nanager and City Council. At this t~e, ~T~here are ~ ~wc people who can speak with authority ,- Nr. Joe Zac~ ef the Board of Directors aud J~e Ambridge, General Na~agero He said this policy has net been cha~ed~ Nmyor belong asked that a ec~m~micatiom be sent te the C~tyNanager in writing tc this exten~, ~ud ~, Vastine said he would see that this is done. ADJOUR~T Wallace moved to adjourn, seconded by ~Ir. Roberts. Notion earr_ed 5-~ Neeting a~jc~rned at 9:2~ CI~ OF BOTNTON BEACH. FLORIDA Vice ~ayor - · ' ~6~unc~lm~u ATTEST: City Clerk 13-