Minutes 03-11-74MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDk~ HELD IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM ON MONDAY, MARCH 1t, 1974 AT 8:30 A. M. PRESENT Joe DeLong~ Mayor David Rober~,s~ Vice Mayor Norman F. Strnad~ CounciLman Frank Kohl~ City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk The special meeting was called to order at 8:30 A. M. by Mayor DeLong. Vice Mayor Roberts moved vo reconsider the bids on the annual supply of 3/~~ water meters that was awarded Eo Badgem Meter Co. at the regu- lar meeting of Council on March 5, 1974. Motion seconded by CounciLman St~nad, and carried 2-0. Vice Mayor RoberTs moved to accept the City Manager,s recommendatiDn and award the annual bid on ~/4~ meters to the low b~dder - Gamon-CalmeE~Ind.~ Inc. at $29. B0 pem meter. Motion seconded by Couneilman Strna~ and carried ~-0. The City Manager presented the application of Lodge ~2~04~ Order of the Sons of Italy in America to solicit advertising from local merchants as a fund raising project for their proposed building. Councilman Strnad moved to approve subject application. Motion sec Dnded by Vice Mayor RoberTs: and carried 3-0. Mayor DeLong suggested that letters o£ apprehiation bessent to all pub- lic officials contacted by the City in re ard the installation of !traffic lmghts at the mntersection of N. Avenue and U~ S. ~1. Vice Mayor Roberts moved vo instruct the City Manager To send ou~ thank iyoUriedletters~_0, accordingly. MotiDn seconded by Councilman Strnad~ 5nd car- Meeting adjourned at 8:~5 A. M. ATTEST: By CITY OF BOYNToN BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor