Minutes 03-05-74MINU~ES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYhTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. Present Joe DeLong, Mayor David Roberts, Vice May. or Forrest L. Wallace, Councilman Edward F. Harmening, Councilman Norman P. Strnad~ Councilman Frank Kohl~ City Manager Ernest G. Simom, City Attorney Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayor DeLong called the meeting to order at 7:50 P.M. He asked the audience to rise for the invocatiOn given by Chief Gene Wright of the PireDepa~tment, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance~ led by the Recreation Director, Charles Frederick. ~ounceraents Mayor DeLong congratulated and complimented Mrs. Prances Fry and the members of the Community Appearance Board for their wonderful l~nd- soaping plans in the City. He then ar~lounced, on behal~ of Paul Stertzman and the City Engineer, that there would be a public hea~ing of the Area Planning Board and the Department of Pollution Control at 1:50 P.M., Wednesday, Faarch 6~ 1974 at the Flood Control District Auditoriu~, 901Evernia Street: West PtamBeach: Florida. Ail those particularly concerned in the City Departments: as well as Mr. Startzman and Mayor DeLong would be present. Mayor DeLong then announced that the Miss Boynton Beach Beauty Pageant sponsored by the Jr. Women's Club, would be held at 8:00 P.M., Saturday, March 9, 1974 in the auditorium of the Boynton Beach Ele- mentary School~ E. Ocean Avenue. Mayor DeLongthen read a Proclamation in honor of the Order of DeMolay, a character building organization of young men from 13 to 21 years of age spOnsored by the Masonic bodies. In recognition of the 55th anniversary to be observed in1974by all the DeMolay members of the Seacrest Chapter~ Mayor DeLong pres/aimed March 17 to 24~ 1974 as International DeMolay Week and urged all citizens to join in saluting these young men. Regular Meeting - February 19~ 1974 Vice Mayor Robez~cs referred to page 5, paragraph 4, line 3 -- ~'sic~ should be changed to qsix*'. On page 14, paragraph 2, line ~, the last word should be '~cez~ified". Mayor DeLong injected that the letter ~c~ should be insel~ced in the word ~q)ecause~' in this same paragraph, line 4. - 1- C MINUTES OF REGLEAR CITY O0~NCIL MEETING OF T~E CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, T~ESDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. Mayor DeLong referred to the first page, last paragraph, 2nd line f~om the bottom -- the wo~d ~for~ should be changed to "by~ and after the word '~motion" add the Words "and ope/led~ for discuSsion. On page 20, 5th paragraph, ~rd l~ne, the word "not~ should be changed to ~now~. ~. Roberts moved that the M4nutes of February 19~ 1974 be adopted as corrected, seconded by Mr. Ha~men/ng. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE .M?yor DeLong asked those who wished to address the audience on any item not on the agenda to step forward. Those who wished to speak about items on the agenda were asked to give their names and the item numbers to the City Clerk: who would call upon them when each particu- lar item came Up for discussion. Mm. Kenneth King, 195 South Boulevard, came £o~ward to speak on the water shortage. He asked what long-range plans the City had to alleviate the water situation in the City due to its growing scarcity. Mayor DeLong and Mr. Kohl advised that the City was putting in new wells -- three were being wor~ed on now and there would be a total of 7. The City isp~esently working in conjunction with its consulting engineers: Russell & Axon, on this matter. Mr. King asked if the utilities being relocated at 1-95 in back of High Point were proceeding On schedule. He thought perhaps the relocation of these utilities might have something to do with the shortage. After some ~ther discussion, Fn~. Clark, City Engineer, advised that Russell ~ Axon will be advertising for three additional wells in the neXt week or so, end Mm. King was satisfied that the City was working on the problem. Mr. Kohl said if there is no rain soon, the City might have to place a curtailmer~c on all sprink//ng within the City. Mayor DeLong recognized. M~. Alvin R. Kurtz of the Order of DeMo!ay, who was now present with Richard L. Senff Iii, Master Counselor~ Sal M. Po!lefrone, Senior Counselor, am~ David S. Sneff, Jr. Counselor. Mayor DeLong made his presentation to them and the group posed for pictures. Returning to Public Audience, Mr. George Hoeeker, 812 S.W. 5th Avenue, Leisure.gille, presented a petition to Council regarding the absence of concrete sidewalks in his community. The petition was signed by a/most 700 people who were particularly intemested in safety. Mayor DeLong noted that the City did not presently have a sidew~Tk ordinance, howevem~ efforts.have been made to put a sidewalk in the a~ea, but ther~ was a question of funds. He asked the City's Building Official, Mr. Barrett, for enlightenment. 2 MINU~ES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE C-TTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CItY HALL, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. M~. Barrett said he has spoken to Mr. Cicione of Leisureville and the developers are reluctant to put in any permanent improvement aS there will be additional b~ilding on the propez~cy in question. They are t~ying at this time to put in a temporary sidewalk, consisting of a g~avel bed with an asphalt paved strip. There is a question of funds and because the City does not have a sidewalk oz~l~nance, the issue cannot be forced. N~..Hoecker complained of the difficulty the women residents have with themr g~ocez~ ca, ts and the~e Was further discussion during which it was expl~a~.ned that the temporazg sidewalk would be simila~ to a bike ~ath. and ~t would take p.~laps' 90 days before it would be completed ~ue To the present condxtions in construction. Mr. No, man Hand, 119 N. Seacrest Boulevard, stated that the reasoning Hgium~an to th.e newspapers about the need for a change of faces on the uma~ Relations Board was very poor. He felt he was not reappointed possibly because he was found iltv of a ~amblin~ ~h~c~ ~n8 ~l~hn,,~b e did not nO~ want tO sexye, felt that the teachers aD~ preachers who were a~pointed did not properly ~ep~esent the black secto~ of the community. Mr. Roberts said the gambling charge was mentioned to.him by a ~eporte~, but he didn't ~eel that it had anything to do with the situation. He noted there were five men on the Council who make appointments as seen fit and he added that there is always a certain percentage of tuz~nover on the boards. Mayor DeLong said the newspaper didn't carry exactly what .he had said either regarding this appointment. Discussion ensued regarding appoint- ments to the boards and M~. Wallace clarified that he and Mr. Roberts were assigned the job of compiling a list of suggested names which was presented to Council for its action in making the appointments to the boards. Mr. Wallace said he would like to make an addition to the agenda under LEGAL in regard to the Minutes of the Board of Adjustment of January 28, 1974 -- an application in the S.W. section as it relates to a relief from a 25 foot rear setback requirement. The applicant is Seligman Builders, Inc., 2629 S.W. 8th Street. He said he would ]%ke to have this matter completely clarified as far as the record is concerned inasmuch as the~e were petitions presented to the City by practically every resident in that a~ea. Mr~ Wallace said he had raised a question about this some time ago as to why it ~ent to the Board of Adjustment and at that time, it was sidetracked. Now it is presented to ~he Board of Adjustment and passed upon~ even on the basis of the petitions. He said he differed with a statement made by the builder that we a~e not setting a pattern for the area and said the few lots in that area will all need some type of variance if they are built upon due to 1-95 cutting off the rear of some of them. He said he would hate to see ~ohiS ?ome up again and would like to have a full discussion if the ~he~ unezl members agree. 'Mr. Roberts agreed that the~e were some p~oblem$ -5- ISUdT~S OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH: FLORIDA: HELD AT CITY HALL~ T~ESDAY~ MARCH 52 1974. and Council agreed to place this matter under LEGAL: Item D.-2, since it has come up before the Board of Adjustment. Mayor DeLong then noted that M~. Shepard was present with the Resolution providing for the iSSuance of $2,G50,000 water and sewer Revenue Bonds~ Series 1974, and said he would like to have him make this presentation after bhe Public Hearing at 8: 00 P.M. Mr. Wallace moved to suspend with the regular order of business now and go into Public Hea~ing~ followed by presentation of the Resolution for the Revenue Certificate, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No dispassion. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P.M. .~onsider Abandonment of Easement _ Niche! Construction~ Inc After some discussion: M~. Kohl read his letter for the agenda in which he referred to the request from M~. John P. Niebel. He advised that the Public Hearing was advertised in the Boynton Beach News Journal on February 7th and 14th and he assured Council that all require- ments have been complied with add approval for this request was received f~om the department heads concerned: General Services~ Building and Engineering. Also, letters had been received from Southern Bell: Florida Pod;er g Light~ Florida Department of Transportation, Florida Public Utilities Company and Teleprompter Cable TV, none of whom had any Objections to the ~L~g of the easement. abandonment Mr. Kohl then read from the Minutes of the Planning & Zonin~ Board meeting of FebrUary 26, 1974 pertinent to this matter~ beginning with page 4~ paragraph 4 through page 62 paragraph 1. He then read the motion to recommend abandonment of the easement which carried 6-0 in favor. Mayor DeLong asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor Gf or against this abandonment. There was no reply. Ph2. Wallace moved that the ~ecommendation of the Planning & Zoning Board be denied: seconded by M~.Strnad. ~nder discussion: Mr. ROberts asked Mr. Wallace for some background information as to why this request should be turned down. Pi~. Wallace said he had questions written down about this idea from the beginning regarding why the reads were split and how the houses got to be there. He said he hadn't intended to make a motion, but he didn't hear any other¢ and this was the same type of thing he had quested be put on the agenda later on. Inasmuch as the houses have already been built, he questioned whether the Council miqht wish to g? the route of the legal ramifications. He felt th - ~ ' Sion that an h' . ere ~a~ an. ~npres- yt lng could be done in Boynton Beach. He said this was not the first time such a thing happened. MINU~ES OF REG~LLAR CItY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE C~TY OF BOY~fON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, T~ESDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. Mr. Robez~cs sha~ed Mr. Waltace's views as to why some of these tb/ngs happen and it was noted that the permit was granted by a man who was no longer with the City and that the permits were granted in keeping with the lots and it would do little good to oppose the abandonment. It was noted that in view of M~. Wallace's insel*cion on the agenda, perhaps this matte~ could be straightened out fo~ the future. Mr. Wallace asked if these lots were subdivided previously from their oz~iginat size. Mr. Bar~tt said the lots were too small to put a house on. The builder took 4 lots and made three out of them. To explain why the permit was granted~ Mr. Barrett said the su~v?y p~esented by the engineer for the Building Depaz~ment's consideration showed that this easemen~ ran back and around the house. It did not show an er~3ineer's seal and he felt that Mr. Niebel was corz~et in saying that the engineer was supposed to have seeured these easements and a change in easements~ but the surveys show the location of the house with the easement z%mnin~ around the house. It was clarified that it didn't say proposed easement, but existing easement. Disaussion ensued at length regarding the size of the lots and the desire of the builder to build a bigger house with the proper setback. Mr. Bar~ett felt the builder was asking for a variance because there was a corner lot in question and he said it was a complicated matter to determine where the setback line is.on certain corner lots. Mr. W~]l~ce wanted to know what size lot the builder used to build his last ho~se, but Mr. Barrett didn't know~ Discussion continued regarding the details of zoning as it pertains to cluster type housing. Mr. Barrett said there was nothing presently on the books ~bout cluster type housing. It is in the p~oposed zoning, providing that all requirements are met. After further discussion, Mr. DeLong asked if in the revision of the Zoning Code there would be an elimination of metes and bounds as he felt this is why some of these problems arose in the past. Mr. Barrett said he didn't think any zoning code would eliminate the use of anymetes and bounds description. Mr. Barrett said if there is an unplatted area and a man decides to build a house in the middle, the builder then goes by a metes and bounds description. Eeturning to the question: Mr. Harmen~ug said he found no fault with the way the matter was handled because he felt it followed all the prescribed zoning codes, and where it was not possible to meet the setback requirement, the Board of Adjustment granted this. However, afte.~, all this time and all these ~nspections, when you look at the house, here is the telephone pole easement running right through into i~. How could these people go out and inspect this and never suspect there was an existing easement, which there is. He felt Counei! should keep one thing in mind regarding abandonment of an easement. The property owner usually owns the easement and only grants access to - 5- C MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEET~-~G OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ HELD AT CITY HALL~ T~ESDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. public utilities~ etc.: to install, opemate and maintain a public utility. When there are no existing utilities in the easement~ the~e is no ~eason why the man cannot have his property back. There is a bi9 difference between easement and right of way. Mm. Wallace said he is not a~uing these particular poirfcs; there have been so many conflicts previously within the City and he felt they should be ironed out for the future. He felt it would be up to Council whether or not this particular abandonment is granted. ~. Ha~mening said he had no objection to the abandonment itself, but he questioned the contractor having been permitted by the Building Department to put a house on a piece of ground over an easement before it was abandoned. Mayor DeLong said we must know there has to be a lot of tightening up in various areas and this is one that calls for it. Mayor DeLo~ said he has not been very pleased with some of the results of some of the other decisions that have been made. It is understood that the Board of Adjustment is quasi-judicial and if someone is displeased with their decision~ there is recourse to the Cou~ts. in order to move along here now, we must remember that a house is built at the present time. If an erro~ has been made by the officials of the City or by anyone in the City~ the City is saddled with that error. It would appea~ that if this is denied: we are going to get into a legal entanglement. Mr. DeLong didn't feel that the building should be to~n down. Mr. W~3 ~ ace refer~ed to a multi-million dollar building that was to~n down in Daytona Beach because of a violation of the Code and ordinances. Mr. Roberts said the only reason he goes along with this is that the easement was apparently given to the City and the owner wants it back. He would be definitely in favor of it. Afterfurther discussion, Mr. Strnad said he thought this motion was made byMr. Wallace and seconded byhim in order to bring this matter up for discussion and make it apparent that recurrence of these situa- tions has to stop. Mayor DeLong requested a roll call vote and explained that the motion was to deny the recommendation of the Plannin9 g Zoning Board. Mrs. Padgett conducted the roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening Vice Mayor Roberts Councilman Strnad CounciimanWallace Mayor DeLong No No Yes Yes No The vote was 5-2. MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING CF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, T~ESDAY~ M~RCH 5, 1974. ~ ~n~v~ company~ seconded by Mr. H?me~i~g. Mr. Harmening said ne would ha=e to see another bad deal like this in the futu33e and Mr. Wallace noted that the~e would be a similar discussion under LEGAL, Item D-2. Mrs. Padgett conducted a roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening Yes Vice Mayor Roberts Yes Councilman Strnad Said it was not his intention to try to get this building tomn down - Yes Councilman Wallace Said inasmuch as he felt there were major violations - . No Mayor DeLong Yes Motion carried 4-1 -- abandonment of the easement is 9~anted. Resolution No. 75-G - Re: Abandonment of Utility Easement, Niebet Const. Mr. Simon read Resolution No. 74-G in its entirety. Mr. Harmening moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 74-G, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Mrs. Padgett conducted the roll call vo~e as foll~s: Councilman Harmening Aye Vice Mayor Roberts Aye Councilman St mad - Aye Councilman Wallace No Mayor DeLong Aye Motion carried 4-1 in favor of adoption. Resolution - Re: Proposed $2,0507000 Revenue Bood~ Fr~. Alfred C. Shepard, paz~cner in the fi~m of William R. Hough & Co. Came forward to speak in connection with this financing. He said the bond counsel, Freemen, Richardson, Watson, Slade, McCarthy working with the City Attorney, sent to the City a proposed Bond Resolution calling for the issuance of $2,050,000 worth of water and sewer revenue bonds For 1974. ~he sizing of the bond issue has been coordinated with the City's consulting engineers and sets the require- ments of the proposed cor~.t.r.uet.io..~.pro~gram which the City has. Mr. Shepard said he would reaG the ~m~le o~ the Resolution, after which he would summarize some of the principal terms, followed by comment by the City Attorney and City Manager. If the Resolution is adopted, the next sequence of events would be for the City Attorney to proceed with the validation process in the Circuit Court in Palm Beach County. Once the bonds are validated~ the next thing would be a bond sale. During the time of the validation process, Mr. Skepard said he would be working with the City Attorney, City Manager, engineers and Finance Department to develop an official Statement describing the MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT C/~Y HALL, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. bond issue in detail, the project to be constructed and general characteristics of the City of Boynton Beach. Mr. Shepard said he would be glad to answer any questions. He sug- gested two minor changes -- on pages 8 and 10 of the Resolution. He said bonds by their terms are redeemable prior to their date of maturity under certain conditions. On page 87 twelve lines down -- Section t!~ Provisions for Redemption -- Mr. Shepard said under his firm's belief that the City does not need a provision for redemption quite as onerous as this which the attorneys have drawn. The City's bonds should be z~_deemable at 10D% or a premium of ~7~ instead of 4%. Next to the last line: first paragraph -- the percentum should be eb~_nged to ~. It should also be changed 4 lines above that in order to ~ke it less exDensive to the City -- change the tezca ~6 months'~ to '~1 year period~. The City has the z~ight of prio~ redemption with which it wilt have an easier time for refinancing going with ~%. The same changes should be made on page 10, middle paragraph -- where it says 4%7 Change to 35 and change '~6 month period~ to ~one yea~ period". Mr4 Shepard said these were the only changes he had in the Bond Resolu- tion. Mr. Shepard then read the title of Resolution No. 74-H -- A Resolution Supplementing a Resolution Entitled: "A Resolution Providing for the Acquisition and Construction of Extensions~ Additions~ and /mprovaments to the Se~er System of the Combined Water and Sewer System of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; Providing for the Issuance of $6~ 000,000 Refunding and Improvement ~evenue Bonds of Such City to Provide for the Refunding of Certain .O~standing Revenue Obligations of the City and to Pay the Cost of Su¢~ Extensions: Additions and Improvements; P~oviding for the Rights 6f the Holders of Such Bonds~ and P~oviding for the Payment Thereof; and Making Certain Other Covenants and ~g~eaments in Connection with the Issuance and Sale of Such Bonds ~" and P~oviding for the Issuance of Not Exceeding $2~ 050,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds~ Series 1974, of Such City. Having read the title for the record, Mr. Shepard said he would like to highlight the proposed bond issue. They would be 1974 series ar~ would be of e~aal lien, with $6, 000,000 bonds which were issued in June, 1964 and of the $1 mill~on issued in 1969:$200~000 have been retired. The proposed bonds of 1974 would mature beginning in 1976 in the amount of $75,000 for 1976 and 1977 and then the yea~ 1978 through 1996, they would mature in the amount of $100:000 per yea~. The bond resolution restates the covenants the City has already made with other bonds: namely that the City will run this water and sewer system in a businesslike manner; the~e will be no free service given; there will be equal rates for equal classifications of customers and a wide variety of standard covenants in a bond reeolution. It is also provided that the City ~ill charge rates to pay all operating costs end an amount to equal 1~5% of t~e amount of tr~innipal and interest due in each year ~hich would give a maz~in of 25% which is noz~lly used for further eXtensions and improvements to the system. The bond resolution contin- ues the City's rights to issue more bonds~-from time to time on the - 8- MINU~ES OF REGULAR CItY CO~NCiL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ HELD AT CITY HALL~ TUESDAY~ MARCH 5: 1974. basis of a record of earnings which will enable the City to run a utility system on a businesslike basis. He said he would be happy to answer any questions Council may have and felt it would be in order to enteDtain a motion for the adoption of the Bond Resolution. I~ayor DeLong verified with Mr. Shepard that the bonding attorneys drafted this Resolution and it is agreeable to make the minor changes as described. The bonding attorneys would then receive a certified copy of what Council adopts tonight, Mr. Simon said he had read the Resolution and he found it proper as to fo~m and satisfaeto~ in his own judgment with or without the changes as proposed. He then ~ead half of Resolution No. 74-H under the caption already ~ead~ Mr. Shepa~d ~ead the second half of the Resolu- tion. Upon completion of the lengtbyreading, Mayor DeLong noted that this is not an ordinary Resolution and he felt it would be in order to accept ,a .mot~i~on. a~i~g-e~-re~-~he-t%es~enr qra~. ti~ng~au~th~ori~t~ to proeeeG ~o ilOa~ a revenue eerEli1care issue in ERe ardOLR1E O± ~z,uou,ouu. Mr. Wallace moved to adopt Bonding Resolution No. 74-H to ~loat a revenue certificate issue in the amount of $2~ 050:000. Mr. Harmening seconded. No discussion, Mrs. Padgett conducted the roll call vote as follows: Mr. Harmening - Aye Vice Mayor Roberts Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Councilman Wallace - Aye Mayor DeLong Aye Motion carried 5-0 in favor of adoption of subject Resolution. Mr. Harmening then moved to revert to the regular order of business, seconded byMr. Wallace. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. BIDS Sprinkler Systems - Forest Hills & Rolling Green Pa~ks Mr. Kohl referred to the material for the agenda before Council. His letter noted that there were six bids to be awarded. Council was assured that all pertinent information regarding the bids, i.e. bid proposal, ~ffidavit, p~oof of advertising, specifications, etc., had been received and found to be in order. The information is in his office if Council cares to review it. He also had the information with him at tonight's meeting. In the interest of conserving paper, Mr. Kohl thought it best to just submit the Tabulation Sheet with his recommendation, since the paper shortage is critical. Mr. Kohl stated that the Tabulation Committee recommends acceptance of the low bid as well as the ~lone 'bid''~ from Raindrops Sprinklers, Inc. - 9- MIN-dTES 0P REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL~ TUESDAY: MARCH 5, 1974. This is to be the base bid only: Forest Hill Park Rolling Green Park $3~D67.29 2,609.32 TOTAL BID PRICE $5~ 976.61 Funds are available from the Working Capital Improvement Fund. The City has the 5~% bid bond in the amount of $298.84. Mr. Kohl concurred with the Tabulation Committee's recommendation. Mr. Kohl also asked Council to approve an alternate for wells in Forest H~]l and Rolling Green Pa~ks, each in the amount of $1,585.00 for a total of $3,170.00. The reason is that water is at a crucial point and it is advisable not to ~un on~egula~ City water. M~. Wallace moved to accept the recommendations of the City Manager, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Mayor DeLong clarified that the te~m ~'Working Capital ImprovementPund~ should be changed to '~perating Capital Improvement Fund~'. Motion carried 5-0. Installation of Vinyl Asbestos Tile - Wilson 'Center. Mr. Kohl noted that there was one change -- in the amount of 48¢ per square foot for the low bidder. His letter for the a~enda stated that the Tabulation Committee recommends acceptance of low bidder~ Atlantic Avenue Ca,pets, inc. in the amount of 48¢ pe~ square foot. Funds are available in Capital Improvement Fund and Revenue Sharing. Mr. Kohl concurred with this ~ecommendation. He then read the other bids as follows: A~t Cobb Flooring - 62¢ per square foot installed; C. C. Cook & Co. had no amount per sq. foot. M~. Kohl said the reason for this is that the new part of the Wilson Recreation Center was the only paz~C asked for in the bid. He said the three companies will not change their bids per square foot and he would l~ke to cove~ the old part as well as the new and 48¢ per square foot is the unit price. Mayor DeLon9 said it was good judgment on the City Manager's parc and it wouldu't be right to let the old part remain as is. Mr. Wallace moved to accept the City Manager's ~ecommendations seconded by Mr. Strnad. No discussion. Motion ea~ried 5-0. Annual Bid for Cast Iron, Asbestos Cement and P.V.C. Pipes Mr. Kohl referred to his letter for the agenda which stated that the Tabulation Committee recommends acceptance of low bids as per the attached Tabulation Sheet, with the exception of the P.V.C. Pipe. The CitTy is accepting this bid becauSe of the C.t.O.D. (cast iron outside dimension as mechanical joint fittings can be used). Funds for this annual bid have been budgeted in Account No. 6150 (Water - 10 - MINI~ES OF REGILLAR CITY CO~hNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALT., T~ES~A¥, MARCH 5, 1974. Distribution). M~. Kohl .soncuzTed with the Tabulation Committee's ~ecommendation and added that this has been approved by everyone concerned. Mr. Wallace moved to accept the City Menager's recommendation, seconded by M~. Roberts. No discussion. Motion csmried 5-0. Mm. Wallace suggested for expediancy, since the next three items were for annual bids, they be tel~en at one t/me and if there were any questions~ they could be taken up in the City Manager's Office. M~. Kohl said he had all the specifications and ir~olwm~cion fo~ anyone to see. Annual Bid for ChlozW_ne Mr. Kohl's letter for the agenda stated that the Tabulation Committee ~ec~ds acceptance of the sole bid from Allied Chlorine and Chemical Products Co. w/th prices indicated on the tab sheet. Funds have been allocated in the Water Plant, Sewer Plant and Wilson Pool Budgets. Mr. Kohl concuz~ed with the reco~nendation of the Tabulating Committee. P~ices were $169.00/ton; $8.45 c.' $22.45 (150th) $14.95 c.~ 48 hours delivery; plaice subject to review on a quarterly basis. Annual Bid for Water Meters M~. Kohl's letter for the agenda stated that the Tabulation Committee recommends tow bids as checked off on the Tab Sheet, at prices indicated: Gamon-Ca/met Ind., Inc., 5/8 x 5/4 - $29.60, delivery 30 days 1-1Dz g 2'~ tO Neptune Meter Co. - 1~t $64.68~ lB" $121.28; 29' $182.28 - delivery 50-45 days (See motion and discussion below) Funds have been budgeted in Water Distribution Account No. 6150/582. Mr. Kohl concuzTed with the Tabulation Committee's recommendation. Mr. We3_lace moved to accept the City Manager's recommendations in referenc~ to the three annual bids -- Chlorine, Water Meters~ Pipe Fittings & Other Accessories (see bel~;). Motion was seconded byMr. Roberts. U~der discussion: in view of the plans to have a meter repair shop, Mr. Ha~mening questioned the advisability of changing over to another type water meter than what the City is presently using. After some comment by the PurchasingAgent, Bill Sullivan, it was felt that standaz~/zation /n this area might be worth the difference in p~ice. Discussion ensued du~ing whichMr. Clark noted that the Badger Meters would be prefe/~ed because they a~e easier to read and it was stated that the bids were accepted based on the fact that they were the lowest prices. A~terfurther discussion, Mr. Wallace withdrewhis motion and Mr. Robemts withdrew his second. Mr. Wallace then moved to accept the City Manager's 1t- MINI~ES OF REGULAR ClTY COUNCIL NMMTING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, T~ESDAY~ MARCH 5, 1974. recommendation on the annual bid for chlorine and the annual bid for Pipe Fittings and othe~ accessories as well as the substituted annual bid for water meters fz~om Badge~ F~ter Company on the 5/8 x 3/4 items~ Mr. Harmening seconded. Mr. Ha~mening clarified that the low bid was $29.60 each from Gamon-Ca/met ind., I~. and the Badge~ Meter'bid was $51. 57 each. After some fuz~he~ discussion clarifying the full intent of the motion, the motion eaz~ied 5-0. Annual Bid for PiDe Fittings and Othe~ Accessories Mr. Kohl's l~tter fo~ the agenda stated that the Tabulation Co~dttee ~eeommends acceptance of bids as checked on the Tabulation Sheets on file 'in the City Manager's office, ~]1 o~ which ax~ low bids. Funds are budgeted in Water Distribution Account ~o. 6150. M~. Kokl concuz~ed with the Tabulation Committee's ~ecommendation. See motion acceptance above. Wastewater Treatment Plant Mr. Kohl asked to delay this item until Mr. -K]~uek of Russell & Axon arrived at approximately 10:00 P.M~ Mr. Wallace moved to proceed to the next item on the agenda, seconded by Mr. Haztnening. No discussion. Motion ca~ied 5-0. LEGAL Proposed Ordinances - 2nd Reading - Public Hearinq Proposed Ordinance No. 74-5 - Re: Pertainin~ to Early Retirement Mr. Simon read Ordinance No. 74-5 on second reading by caption only -- An Ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach, Plo~ida, Amending Section 21-50 of Chapter ~1 of the Codified Oz~tinances of Said City Pe~tair~g to the Employees' Pension Plan by Changing the Early Retirement Age frem 60 Years to 55 Yea~s, etc. Mr. Roberts moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 74- 5 on second reading, seconded by Mr. Ha~g. Mayor DeLong asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor or against this oz~ance. There was no reply~ No discussion among Council. Mrs. Padgett conducted the ~oll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening Vice Mayor Roberts Councilman Strnad Councilman Wallace Mayor DeLong Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion carried 5-0. MINU~ES 0F REC~dLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, T~ESDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. Proposed Ordinance No. 74-4 - Re: Requiring $100.00 Clean-Up Bond Mr. Simon read O~dinance No. 74-4 on second reading by caption only -- An Ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Amending Chapte~ 5 of the Codified Ordinances of Said City by Adding Section 5-4 to Require a $100.00 Clean-Up Bond P~ior to the Issuance of a Building Permit, etc. Mayor DeLong asked if anyone wished to speak in favor or against this ordinance. No reply. After some discussion claz~fying that the ordinance specified that 5uilders were to clean up as they went along, M~ Wallace moved to adopt Ordinance No. 74-4 on second reading, seconded by M~. Roberts. Mrs. Padgett conducted the roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening Vice Mayor Roberts ~ouncilman Strnad Councilman Wallace Mayor DeLong Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance No. 74-5 - Re: Total & Permanent Disability Mr. Simon read Ordinance No. 74-5 on second reading by caption only -- An Ordinance of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Amending Sections 21-25 and 21-55 of Chapter 21 of the Codified Ordinances of Said City Pertaining to the Municipal Employees' Pension Plan, Providinq for the Vesting of Pension Credit in the Event of Total and Permanent Disability, etc. Mayor DeLong asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor or against this ordinance. No reply° Mr. Wallace moved to adopt Ordinance No. 74-S on second reading, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Mrs. Padgett conducted the roll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening Vice Mayor Roberts Councilman St~nad Councilman Wallace Mayor DeLong Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion carried 5-0. Ordinances - 1st Read~uq None. MINL~ES OF REGULAR CITY COtLMCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOY~ON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ HELD AT City HALL~ T~ESDAY~ MARCH 5~ 1974. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. 74-I - Re: Amendment to Civil Sez~ice Rules Mr. Simon read Resolution No. 74-I in its entirety - A Resolution of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida~ Amending Section 1SA of Rule VTTI of the Rules and Regulations of Civil Service by Changing the Minimum and Maximum Age Requirements and Other Qualifications for Pi~efighters. Mr. Harmenin~ moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 74-I, seconded by Mr. Robelwcs. No discussion. Fi~s. Padgett conducted the ~oll call vote as follows: Councilman Harmening Vice Mayor Roberts Councilman Strnad Councilman Wallace Mayor DeLong Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion taxied 5-0. P~oposed Resolution No. 74-J - Re: Four Laning Seacrest (Five Year Plan) Mr. Simon read Resotution No. 74-J in its entirety - A Resolution of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Recommending to the Board of County Commissioners Of PatmBeaeh County a Five-Year Plan for the Fou~ Laning and General Improvement of Seaerest Boulevard in its Entirety Throughout Said City. Mr. Harmening moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 74-J, seconded by M~. Wallace. ~nde~ diseussien, Mr. Strnad asked if this improvement will include p~ope~ drainage on Seaerest by the County or w~ ]% the City have to take care of it? Mr. DeLong said this is something that willhave to be taken up at a meeting, between this Council, Mr. Warren~ the County Commissioner -- or possibly the entire County Commission. He said the project has to get started but he believed that the drainage will fall back on the City as it has in the past. Mr. Wallace said in the past this has happened in the 10th Avenue section. These things would be opened up for negotiations between the City and the Co%city. If this is the direction the City wants to go, it has to be negotiated. Mrs. Padgett conducted the roll call vote as follows: Councilman Ha~menin~ - Aye Vice Mayor Roberts - Aye Councilman Strnad - Aye Councilman Wa/lace - Aye Mayor DeLong Aye Motion ca~ried 5-0. 14_ MINL~ES OF REG%LLAR CItY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE C~PY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, T~ESDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. Other Legal Opinion - Re: F~ont Foot Assessments for Sanitary Sewers - N.E, 7th Avenue Mr. Kohl said he would be getting together with the City Attorney and asked that this ite~n be tabled. M~ Wallace moved to table this item, seconded by Mr. Robe~cs. No discussion. Motion ca~z~ied 5-0. Board of Adjustment - (M~. Wallace) Mr. Wallace ~wafez~ed to actions taken by the Board of Adjustmed~t on January 28, 1974. He said this item had been before Council previously and he wished to brin~ Council up to date on some infoxtnation. Several years ~ago the City passed a resolution that was i~ conjunction with any construction that was in the right of way of I-95. Even though this was not in the area of 1-95, there was a memo issued by the Cm~.ty Manager in which attentio, n was called for on lots and sections within this area. This home in question at one time was below the square this went it Board of petitions taken. The walls were already up ... and once again, of Adjustment. Mr. Wallace said he thought & Zoning; it was brought back to the who acted upon it. Even though there are on adjoinin~ p~operty, action was still Mr. Wallace said he would also like it clarified by Mr. Barrett whether or not the square ~ootage /n R1AA was brought up from l, 500 to l, 800 squsme feet. He understood this evening that it was turned down and asked to have the re?rd researched. Mr. Wallace said he didn't know what the legal ramifzcations the City might get into would be -- where the City goes into legal action to stop this, etc. -- but here is one of the abuses Council talked about earlier this evening. Mr. Wallace said he was concerned because in the presentation it says the City is not setting a pattern fo~ the area -- there are only a few lots loft in the area. He said he knew of~gm~§ by 1-95 which he described, with a third lot that would be d~e~ed by the amount of square footage to be taken off it. He said if this is adhered to, the City is going right back to these other things. He said he had no objection to th.e following of p~otocol if these things sine noted iu the plans end /~ the Planning &.Zoning Board agrees to these things going to the Board of Adjustment. He' felt the City should follow protocol so that it avoids getting into similar situations again. He was surprised this hasn't been in Court. He said he would hate to see this go through as it is. Mr. Roberts asked if the item in question was where a building permit was issued and turned down at that time as the square footage was insufficient for R1AA. Mr. Wallace said a building pez~it was issued - 15 MINUTES OF REC~dLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, TL~SDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. and the square footage was not sufficient for the type of house in R/AA and there was one ez~z~r. Then it was to go before the Board of ~A~d~ustment. Discussion ensued about what had taken place in regard to this situation. M~. Harmenin9 thought there was a request for a vamiance to get a setback to er~la~ge the size of the house to meet the zoning ~equiz~-=ments. The lot was not large enough to build a house that would meet zoning qui~ements without a 2.2 variance in the setback. That is what the Board of Adjustment ~anted at its last meeting. Mayor DeLong recognized a gentleman from the audience. He identified himself as M~. Simon Ryder, 2579 S.W. 15th Avenue and said he was an alternate member on the Board of Adjustment. He asked if the area in question was south of 23~d Avenue -- a ~ear setback -- and it was clarified that it was S.W. 8th Street. He said he didn't get an opportunity to vote on.the item in question and he felt the Board of Adjustment was faced with something aS to how this Board and the Plaruning g Zoning Board will operate in the future. He noted the members of both b0az~ls are volunteers. There is a setup whereby the. Building Official or a representative appea~s at the Board of AdjuStment ~d Bluing .& Zon~g Board meet~qs. What is necessary also is that he have a file in eae/~ case indicating the important infoz~nation that the members of the Boards should have before they act o Mr. t~yder'assumed the Building Department has information when streets are laid out and easements are required. If there is a matter that bears on a City easement~ it should be on file prior to the hea~ing of the Board of Adjustment and the representatives of the Board should be notified before so they can caz~y on. M~. Ryder said he goes out and looks at the site whether or not he has the opportur~by to vote. For the last meeting, he looked for the Building Official's file and got the info~mation. He felt the Board doesn't get enough material in advance of the meetings, and there should be enough copies given out beforehand. He noted that the meetings have been starting at 5:00 P.M. but the next one after the meeting of March llth would begin at 7:00 P.M. He felt that the alternates should be able to take pa~t in the discussion short of voting. Ke~arding the matter in question, Mr. Ryder said he sat in the audience at the time of discussion and it seemed people were concerned about a possible down 9~ading of ~h.e huildir~. Most of the objections were withdrawn when one of' the objectors said if the carport is enclosed to make a ga~age: it would be okay. It apparently convinced the Board there were no serious objections. He felt although, he was new~ the Building Department sh. ould get. the. necessary information out -- as he had no idea this was in the vicinity of the 1-95 right of way. Mayor DeLong said it appea~ed to him there has been a definite lack of coordination and Mr. Ryde~ said he felt the Buildin~ Department was shorthanded. He noted that there were two occasions at tonight's meeting where the City was ~ning into snafue with these Boards. - 16 - MINU~ES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALLs TUESDAY~ MARCH 5~ 1974. He felt they were not given enough information in advance and that the Buildin~ Official o~ b_is I~p~esentative should set up a file of what is necesssmy to resea~ch~ ~egar~g setbacks, etc. Someone should cover that in the Bu/lding Department. He felt the members of the Boards could not be relied upon to know this infoI~nation. There should be someone /n the City who would bring these item~ to light when the matters ecvm~ up. He felt this was the problem. Mm. Robemts asked if a building permit had been issued and he was advised t~at it had been. Mayor DeLong asked if there was a way the Boards could work in better coo~xlination with one another so that each knew what was going on and were aware of the operation of each other. Discussion ensued at length about this situation, Mr. Ryder spoke of situations in New York City end Mr. Roberts questioned whether or not the Board knew this n~atter had been rejected the first time, and how did they g~ant the variance the second t/me, unless they made quite a lot of allowance in g~anting the setbacks. Mr. Harmening said the first perm/t was issued in ezTor -- the house was only about 12100 square feet and the applicant went befoDe the Board of Adjustment at which time it was rejected. The second time it came up was on a different matter -- a variance in the setback. Mayor DeLong spok~ about a case involving Lehigh where action was taken before going before the Planning g Zoning Board. Mr. Wallace asked Mr. Barrett when the change took place as far as square fOOtage and Mr. Barrett said it was still the same as in the last year or two. The Planning & Zoning Board did come up with some other recommendations and voted down the l, 800 Square footage and voted to stay with the 1;500 square footage. Discussion .ensued as to whether Council had also voted to stay with the 1,500 square footage end the question was raised as to the direction the City.should follow now and whether or not an injunction should he filed until the matter is clarified. There was also question as to whether the variance should he allowed to go through. Mr. Barrett said when the builder first came before the Board, he was asking for exception for the square footage and the Board denied this. The building was redesigned and brought up to the square footage and it was decided to ~nclose the garage. In makin~ the house lar~er, the builder encroached on the rear setback. He complies legally with the requirement of the zone, the square footage and the only thing he couldn't comply with was the rear setback. Mr. Barrett said this .particular house is not affected by 1-95. Mr. Wallace said he was concerned with the number of people who signed a petition -- it makes no d3-fference as to the design of the home. That should not have any bearing on what the Board decides. MINI~ES OF RE~dLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOY~TON BEACH~ FLORIDA, MELD AT CItY HALL: T~ESDAY: MARCH 5, 1974. After further discussion, it was noted that the house now contained 1:560 square feet and the petition was withdrawn. The only thing that did not comply was the rear setback which borders on a City park. ~. Ba~ett said this matter would not go before the Planning g Zoning Boa~d in any event. It goes be2~ore the Boa~d of Adjustment by procedure. He exp. lained that single family housing doesn't go before the Planning & Zoning Boa~d &- onl~ the buiiding of a t~iplex - up: which has to meet !on.~ng. Mr. B~rrett said he pl?e~ed a stop orde~ on the house when learned, originally that it did ~o~ meet the square footage. This en required the builder to appeal Mr. Barrett's decision to stop the .wo~.~k: The B0a~d of Adjustmen~ denied the appeal and advised the ~lder to redesign-the house. The rear setback was granted so evezs;- ~ n~ng meets requirements. Mr. Wallace asked if it would be in order to ask for a change by having an ordinance drafted so that everyth, ing in R~AA zoning should equal 1,800 square feet. Mr. Harmening said he would like to see this also. Discussion ensued as to how the existing problems could be alleviated. M~. Wallace felt an immediate ordinance should be put into effect until the new zoning regulations were adopted. It was clarified by the City Attorney that a Zoning Ordinance could not be adopted on an emergency basis. Mr. Barrett said a new zoning category was created -- R/AAA which has i~ereased the square footage. M~. Roberts said this matter came up three years ago with regard to a new zoning ordinance, and there was objection to the 1:800 square footage~ resulting in a turn down by the Council. He stated that before this change could be put in the ordinance, there would still have to be a public hearing. Mr. Wallace asked how far away the City actually was from the new z. oning regulations and Mr. Barrett said it is currently being typed //% final form for presentation to Council and the City Attorney. Mr. Wallace said he would withdraw his recommendation regarding the ordinance and discussion ensued about details of the new zoning etas sifieations. Mr. Wallaee asked about the p~ocedure followed if a lot is near t-95 and Mr. Barrett said the builder would apply to him for a peri, it, at which time it would be determined if I-.95 takes a portion of it and if there is sufficient square footage to build a house~ the builder can do so. First: however, he must go to the Department of Transportation so they can indicate on his survey what portion they are taking. Mr. Wallace asked if DOT ~ill work with the City until the matter is clarified and Mr. Barrett said they have come to hi~ with a new ~Uet, rvey asking if the lot is damaged. Mr. Barrett would have to ez~aine whether om not a lot was adequate for building. If it was adequate: only partial damages would have to be paid. If the lot is not adequate: DOT would pay full price. MINUTES OF RECJdLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FIDRIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, TUESDAY~ MJL~CH 5~ 1974. Mr. Harmening asked about the status of the zoning map. Mr. Barrett said the zoning map is ready~ however, there might be some slight changes in it. The zoning tool which is the most impoz~cant thing ~n which the Council may have some changes to make, is prepared right along with the map to be presented to Council first so ther~ is time to study it. The zoning tool is not going to affect the map. The map can be changed to suit the zoning tool~ but the zoning tool cannot be changed to suit the map. Discussion ensued regarding an overlay and Mr. Barrett said he didn't have the staff to prepare this. Mr. Kohl advised that arrangements would be made to get the overlay. Mr. Wallace said at the time this was .r~qu~ested~ it was noted that someone on the County staff could be hired On an hourly basis to get this dor~ o After further discussion, it was determined that there would be no action or changes made at this evening's meeting. Mr. Ha~menir~moved to revert back to the regular order of business, seconded by Mr. Wallace. No discussion, It was noted that Council would~eturn to the item about'the Wastewater Treatment Plant as Mr. Ktinek of Russell & Axon was in the audience. Motion carried 5-0. BIDS (Cont'd) Wastewater Treatment Plant Mr. John Kl~nck~ representing the City's consulting engineers, Russell $ Axon, came forward. He said that bids were opened last Thursday for the Wastewater Treatment Plant and 4 bids were received. Tabula- tion and recommendations have just been submitted to the City Manager. Mr. Klinck then read the recommendations regarding the bids received on Thursday, February 28~ 1974 for the construction of the expansion and upgrading of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant. All bids were found to be in order and R&A recommended acceptance by City Council of the low bid of Peabody-Petersen Company~ 1930 Silver Star Road~ P.O. Box 7954, Orlando, Florida 52804 for their alternate bid of $1, 637~200 and 480 calendar days for con,Diction. The alternate bid concerns mechanical equipment in lieu of that specified in the base bid. The case of Peabody-Petersen Company applies only to supplying Fairbanks~ Morse effluent pumps, motors and controls in lieu of Allis Chalmers equipment and a Cun~nins Diesel Generator Set in lieu of an Onan~ each of which will be reviewed upon submission of required data to verify that they are in fact equal at a savings to the City of $11,000 under the base bid of Mr. Klinek said the specifications as usual are set up using a particular manufacturer's equipment as a guide end it is also stated ~or equal:' which means equal performance~ capability, efficiency, etc.~ so that after this contract is awarded, the contractor has to submit shop drawings which a~e subject to a complete review and approval. MINU~ES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ HELD AT CITY HALL, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. Mayom DeLon9 asked if the City E~neer had reviewed this and Clark said he was present when the bids were opened. He said is counted on to evaluate the bids and make recommendations. Mayor DeLon~ felt the City Engineer should sit in when the evaluations a~e made and Mr. Clark noted that Mr. Klinck's recommendation was just presented to the City Manager so he had not made any indeper~ent study as of this time. Mr. Wa!lace asked Mr. Clark if he was given time to study the recom- mendation~ did he feel the~e should be any recOmmendations that would be diff~erent and Mr. Clark said his only concern would be with the tim~ of completion. He didntt know whether the City would ever get caught up with the demand fo~ wastewater disposal~ and he added that he was not acquainted With this contractor. He said no~mally the City would check with the other munieipalities =o see i~ th~ would recommend this contractor and he assumed that Mr. Klin~k had done so and would be ready to offer Statements concerning this company. Mr. Wallace asked if $80 days was in proportion to the requi~ed time and Mr. Klinck said in view of the supply problems, he would not want to evaluate this. He said R&A just received a notice from one of the big valve companies that they are withdrawing their price surcharge supplement issued in- Janu~ which stated 2% would be added to their then existing catalog which was revised a month before and the surcharge was now increased to 4%. They had ~lso withdrawn prices from certain listings. He said it was impossible to get fi~m bid prices on equip- ment today other than the price which is effective on the day of d~very. He felt where time and pri~e was concerned, it was a 9~ay area on all contracts. Concerning the Peabody-Petersen Company~ Mr. Klinek said he had a ~.ery extensively prepared brochure 3_isting what work they have done nroughout Florida and the Country. In 1972 they did a $400~ 000 sewage treatment plant modification in Weet Palm Beach. Mr. Klinck said he had checked with Mr. Simmons, P.~.Di~ector of West Palm Beach end he said this firm performed better than the average contractor today and had no hesitation about them. Mr. Klinck added that they are on a project in Sebring, Florida in conjunction with R&A -- a $1 million contract which at this time is around 60-70% complete and he recommended them highly. He added that the money is in the listed proceeds of the $2,050,000 bond issue which was passed earlier this evening by Council. Mr. Wallace referred to Mr. DeLong's earlier question about reviewing Mr. Klinck's recommendation by the City Engineer, with the acceptance based on the latter's recommendation through the City Manager. Mayor DeLong agreed that this was the CoxTect procedure to follow and dis- cussion ensued during which Mr. Clark said there were revised pd~ns a~d there may be some change orders ir~olving things later on as they - 2O MINGTES OF REGULAR CItY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ HELD AT CITY HALL, T~ESDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. ~om? u.p: Th~ ?e plans did not include some housing or laboratory acttities which may come up with a separate contract and h.e believed R&A has been authoz~_zed to provide plaD~ for a separate facility under a separate co~tract. Mr. Harmening said he didn't ~ecall Russell & Axon being authorized to ~e a Separate facility and Mr. Clark felt the City authorized additional 1.~oratory fac~]ities. Fn~. ~hl said they have been given no authoF~ation, but had been asked to study the matter with a P~esentatlOn to 'be made to the City. No con~ract has been made. Mr. Harmening said bef? the bid is awarded, the City does not have the money in hand and.it seemed to him that there should be an expression from the City Attorney as to ~hether the City should hold up until it gets a little further along with the bond validation. S~ce the City didn't have the exact funds in hand, he asked if there might be some ramifications as far as .a.~arding the contract, without ~a?.tually having the money budgeted. After further discussion on this point~ Mr. Wallace noted ~hat ,the C.~ty had committed itself to the bond issue and this was the direction it wished t0 follow. ~ Mr. Simon. noted that the City has decided to pursue a project and the bond validation is the means to finance it; it is not the only source of financing but the desired metl lod of financing. The project is not going to ride or fall based on It was clarified that the fact that the budgeted for this partieula~ purpose Mr. Klinck said this $~ mi]]~on which h the Revenue Fund f~om the General Fund %e validation of these bonds. money was not actually kld not cause a problem. ls been made available to )lus the other $~milt~on set aside as previously mentioned won't be hit by the normal cash flow on this contract for quite a few m~nths. There is quite a lot of ordering to be done and the first bi~ thing that will have to be paid for will be the interim plant expansion so that part of the other plant can be shut off for repair. He f$1t there would be plenty of time to look for alternate sources if necessary. Mr. Harmening recalled that he had been the one to suggest transferringthe $500,000 initially and he just wanted to be sure the~e were no legal problems~ A~xonter some further.discussion, Mr. Wallace moved to accept Russell & 's reeoEmendations and award the cont-~act for the addition to the present sewer plant to Peabody-Petersen Company based on their alternate hid ~ the amount of $1,657,200 with a ~80 day completion time, contingent uPon the study by the City E~gineer and clarification by the City Manager. Mr. Harmening seconded. Under discussion, Mr. H~z~a~ing.asked that the contractGr he $~vised by the enqineers that the City is very much interested in acqulrin~ this facility, to he completed in the least time possible. Mo~ion carried 5-0. Mr. Harmeningmoved to continue with the regular o~der of business, seconded by Mr. Walk-ce. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. - 21 - MINUTES OF REGULAR C~TrY COU~2IL MEETING OF THE CItY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CItY HALL, T~ESDAY~ MARCH 5~ 1974. OLD BUSINESS Sanitary Sewer Replacement - E. Ocean Ave. Between Seacrest Blvd~ and .N.E. 1st Street (TABLED) Mr. Kohl requested that this item remain on the table~ Fr~. Swan of R&A is.Still w.o~_~ on a compromise with Laude~dale Construction and he th. ? to .et them to oome a oo d. Mr. ×ohl aid he would cayuse ~ouneil about this at a ~ater date. .COsts fo~ Pex~imeter Pipe ~ Wilson Center (TABLED) Fi~. Roberts moved to take this item off the table, seconded by Fn~. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Kohl r~fe~ed to his letter for .the agenda in which he stated that at the Council meeting of February 5, 1974, Council diz~cted him ~o ne~otiat, e fo~ bids o~. this project sinoe no bids had been received. e ~ererred to info, marmon before Council regarding negotiated price ~.o_m Rule Pool for .subject work in the maximum amount of $16~ 500. aoh± recommended this contract be a~arded on a time and material basis with an estimated completion time of 45 days. Funds have been budgeted in the amount of $20,000 for this project. Mayor DeLong asked if this met the requirements of what had to be done and Mr. Kohl. said . according to the eng~'neers , yes. It was clarified that the Czty Engineer's approval would be forthcoming. Mr. Simon said he had.seen this and the only thing he was concerned about was that this was not a binder, but it would ultimately be ~ccepted as a proposal so it was ~.l] right. Mayor belong asked if all bhe proposals Rule Pool is to work on were m'temized' and Mr. Kohl said this would all be in o~der for the contractor and Council. Mr. Roberts moved to accept the City Manager's recommendation on the Wilson Center P~oject to be reviewed by the City Enginee~ with copy of his comments to go to the Couneilo Mr. Ha~menin~ seconded. Under discussion, M~. Wallace said he would like to bring several points to Council's attention~ for thought about what might eeme up in the future. He said the City went through the same process as far as the sw~u~ng pool is conce~ned almost three years ago at which time the City expended approximately $20, 000. He believed the City probably expended approximately $50,00D or more over the past several years as far as keeping this pool up to date as far as use is concerned. He spoke about the possibility of an Olympic sized pool to be built in conjunction with Atlantic High School in the Delray a~ea with an .~a~r..eement between the County, the City and various municipalities that this would get off the 9~ound if the cities would agree to $20, 000. Then the County would come up %~ith matching funds, etc. He said he had brought this to Mr. Koht~s attention pDeviously and felt Council should ~ve serious thought as to what direction the City is going to _ 22 _ MINU~ES OP REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: HELD AT CITY HALL~ TL~qDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. follow as far as participation in outside and in-house projects along these particular /ines. He said he did oppose the idea of giving the 820, 000 to the pool outside the realm of the City on the basis of what the City has put into Wilson Pool itsel~ to kmep it usable. He said he wanted to brir~g these facts to Council's attention because they would require Council's action somewha~e in the immediate future. Motion carried 5-0. Costs .for Paving $ Drainage - N.E. 7th Street (TABLED). After some discussion, it was decided to leave this item on the table. Complete Appointments to Boards & Committees (TABLED) This item was left on the table. NEW BUSINESS Consider Procedures for Engineering Pees (Vice Mayor David Robert. s~ Mr. Roberts said while this item is on the agenda, he didn't have all the figures. However, he noted the City was running into some pretty heavy fees from the consulting engineers and at one time he believed that Council had asked for a breakdown on how the payments were made. He questioned the status of the repor~ on how these charges were broken down and asked Mr. Kohl if he could perhaps get this information together. Mr. Roberts moved to table this question: seconded by Mr. Wallace. No discussion. Motion cazn2ied 5-0. Consider Appointment of Fiscal Agent A~ter some discussion and in coordination with the MayorVs suggestion, Mr. Wallace moved that William R. Hough & Company of Orlar~o, Florida, be appointed as the fiscal agents for the City, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Mayor DeLong noted that this Company's p~oposals would be sent to the City. Mr. Kohl said the agreement had been signed and approved at the last meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance - Re Proposed Annexation Procedures Mr. Kohl said since the Planning $ Zoning Board has recommended the above o~dinanae, he asked i~ Council would agree to have the Attorney draw this up for the next meeting. Mr. Wallace moved to b~ve the City Attorney draft the appropriate annexation ordinance upon the recommendation of the Building Official and the City Manager in conjunction with the Planning & Zoning Board, seconded by Mr. Harmening. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. MINU~ES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ MELD AT CITY HALL, T~ESDAY, MARCH 5~ 1974. ..Consider l~ecommer~ation R~: Judge Ad Litem Mr. Kohl ~e~erred to his letter for the agenda which stated that it came to his attention that Judge Pizzi spends a number of hours on hea~ing P~obable Causes of an emergency nature at the Police Station wherein he is called upon at all hours of the day and night in order to do so. He re~erred to a list before Council listing the number of times Judge Pizzi was cml]ed out from July, 1973 to December, 1973. He also had a copy of the salary paid to Judge Pizzi from May, 1973 to January: 1974 and he felt that an increase is indicated at this time. M_~. Kohl ~ecommended Judge Pizzi's salary be increased to $200.00 per month and Judge Jack Wessel concurs. Also Judge Pizzi agreed that this would be fair and equitable. Mr. Kohl requested approval and concurrence of this request from Council. Mayo~ DeLong requested that Mm. Kohl read the following letter into the reco~d which was addressed to the City PL~nager from Sharon Randolph, Clerk of the Municipal Court: ~TIn the period of time from July to December of 1973, Judge Pizzi has been called to the Police StatiOn after hours to hear probable cause o~ emergency nature the following times: July 28, 1973 September 12, 1973 September 30, 1973 Octobe~ 1, 1973 October 24, 1973 October 28, 1975 Novembe~ 3, 1973 November 23, 1973 November 243 1973 November 25~ 1973 December 1, 1973 Judge Pizzi has also been called in to give arraignment or bond hearings in cases where the 24 hour l'~it on holding a defendant is ~eached before we have a scheduled eou~t time. Upon your request we have instituted a system of precise record keeping on the number of times he is called out; however, we can only give you an estimate for last year of a minimum of two times per week. This would amount to approximately 54 times during the period of July to December, 1975. ,~ Mr. Wallace moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager ~elative to Judge Ad Litem Pizzi, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Under discussion~ Mr~ Harmenin~ asked where the funds would be taken from and Mr. Kohl said funds were available and if he runs sho~t~ he will MIA~JTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: HELD AT CITY HALL, ~wdESDAY, MARCH 5, 1974~ bring the matter to Council. No transfer of funds has been necessary. Motion Carried 5-0. .Study Work Loads of Departments (Councilman Wallace) M~. Wallace said this ite~ can be deleted from the agenda inasmuch as the City Manager has been working in this area and recommendations have been coming to Council. He felt as long as this continues: he felt there was no point in discussing the matter now. Mr. Wallace then moved to delete this item from the agenda, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. .Request for Additional Employee - Sewer Plant Mr. Kohl referred to his letter for the agenda in which request was made for the hiring of one additional laborer for the sewer plant inasmuch as the sludge removal has doubled since the City started its Sewerage Plant Expansion. He said the City maintained 9,000 P.P.M. S.S. and is now maintaining 4,000 P.P.M. - S.S. which requires 22 drying beds in operation. Salary to the end of this fiscal year will be approximately $3, 600.00 and can be charged to Account No. 6220- 514.29 which was budgeted for any additional expenses pertaining to the City's expansion prouram. He requested Counci!~s approval. Mr. Harmening moved to grant the request of the City Manager for an additional employee at the sewer plant: seconded by Mr. Wallace. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Cremation of Bond Certificates Mr. Roberts moved that the City receive and artach to the Minutes of this meeting the Dest~uctienCertifieates from Chase Manhattan Bank as lo,yarded by John Flynn. Mr. Wallace seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. ~onsiderRequest of Personnel Director - Re: P. Kohl, City Mr. Wallace suggested that protocol be followed regarding previous reconwnendations of City Council that the City Manager be granted the $1, 000.00 increase as budgeted, effective March 17 1974, seconded by Mr. Roberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Consider Appointment of Acting Finance Director_ Mr. Kohl recommended the appointment of Mrs. Betty Law as actin9 Finance Director until another Finance Director can be hired. It was noted that Mrs. Law agreed to take over this function. Mr~ Harmening moved to approve the City Manager's recommendation, seconded by Mr. Wallace. Mr. Roberts questioned the $50.00 per week additional salary and said he would ~ to substitute $30.00 in view of reviewing various salamies. Mr. ~ohl noted that this -25 MINU~ES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~P=ETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BE~CH~ FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, T~ESDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. procedure started two years ago and Mrs. Law had received $30.00 at that time. M~. Wallace noted that this was a rather nerve-wracking position and Mrs. Law did not want the position in the past bec~ase of alt the problems that went along with it. He felt that since she didn't have a great deal of choice according to Council's action this evening, he felt it should be made worth while. After further discussion, Council a~rived at a compromise of $40.00, Mr. Wallace then moved that F~s. Law be appointed as acting Finance Director with a~ a~ditional $40.00 pe~ week in salary. MT. Stoned seconded. No fu~tt~er discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Mm. Roberts said in regard to the Finance Director, he noted that there was some disagreement about the action taken- by the City Fzanager in let~fng.M~. Ftynn gO. Mr. Roberts said he was not suz~prised that his sea, ices were terminated and in order that the City Manager be upheld one way or another: Mr. Roberts referred to Section 2-26 of the Code, Paragraph B - Hiring or Firing with approval of the City Council, and said he would like to go on record as supporting the action taken by the City Manager in r~gard to the Finance Director. Mr. Roberts made this vote of support in the form of a motion, seconded by Mr. Wallace. Under discussion, Mayor DeLong asked that the follow/ng be inserted into the record: ~'Civil Service Rules and Regulations Rule III: Page 3 - Organization for Personnel Administration, Section 2 ~ City Manager, Paragraph d -- The City Manager shall appoint: promote~ transfer or remove, demote~ suspend or discipline all department heads~ off~icers and employees subject to the provisions of these rules and provisions of the Charter, excepting those in the exempt se~vioe. (The Exempt se~ice is the Judge, the City Attorney, etc. -- professionals. ) Rule X - Appointments~ page 19 At any time during the probationary per/od, the City Manager may remove an employee whose performance does not meet the required work standards provided that he shall notify the employee and the Personnel Director of the reasons for such action. ~ Mayor DeLong said he believed the above was complied with and he requested that this be made a part of the record. No other discussion. Motion cal~mied 5-0. Consider Personnel Changes - City Manager's 0ffic~ Mr. Kohl requested approval to hire an additional secretary I for his department in the amount of $3,600.00 to cover salary for the remainder of this fiscalyear -- transfer to account No. 1200/100 from the Contingency Fund. Mr. Wallace moved to approve the City - 26 MINL~ES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL~ T~ESDAY: MARCH 5~ 1974. Manager's request for an additional employee in the City Manager's office, seconded Dy Mr. Strnad. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. M~. Kohl requested Council to delete the rest of the iD~ol~mation on the page before them regarding this item. Consider Application to Solicit - Boynton Beach Moose Lodge ~1R57 Mr. Kohl said everything was in order on this applicatiOn for permit and said they were going to sell circus tickets inside and outside of different buildings. No insurance coverage was necessary at this time. Mr. Wallace moved to grant the application for permit to solicit by the Boynton Beach~oose Lodge ~1257: seconded by Mr. RDberts. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills Mr. Kohl read the following list of bills for approval: Rowland T~uck Equipment, Inc. - Inv. ~15969 of 2/21/74 1-1973 International Harvester Truck with Heil Mark III Collectomatic garbage packer. Pay from Operating Capital Improvement Fund - 5900-518 $19, 796. O0 Lee Walker New Library work in progress. S. Fire Station work in progress. Pay from Operating Capital Imp. Fund - and 5900-518.02 5900-518.01 65,000.00 McLaren Construction Co. Last Billing for work on The Dog Pound Total $2,948.92 Less 10~ 294.89 Pay from Fed. Rev. Sh~ring Funds - 121-212.00 2~ 654,, Touche Ross g Co. C.P.A.~s 5th Progress Billing Pay from 1500-298.01 2~500.00 Allen Insurance Agency Re: Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. Past e×perienee factor. Policy ~AWC 6-13-79 Am. Fire WC 4-56-98 Am. Fire $9,957.00 3~074.00 13:031.00 Pay from 5600-451. - 27- MINL~ES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, T~ESDAY, MARCH 5, 1974. .~.ederal Copper & Aluminum Co., Inv. ~1501~9 of 2/11/74 ater Plant Supplies Pay from 6130-598 $ 1, 54~. 06 Lauderdale Const. ~nvoice ~lt--Feb. 1 to Feb. 28, Sewer System Expansion Pay from Atlantic National Bank 1971-5.7% - Bond Funds 1974 52,506.90 1.Russell & Axon ~ Inv. ~1 Job ~7460-I-II Regional WaSte Ware~ Treatmen% Facilities Pay from U~ility~ Gen. Funds 47,217.62 Googe & GorumConstr.~ Inc. - Inv. ~5~3 of 2/25/74 Fo~ Deee!eDation, Lane o~5th Ave. ~ U.'S. l a~ld S.E. 25rdAve. & UiS. 1 for balance due Pay from 2500-520 2~800.00 Re Googe & GoorumConstruction, Mr. Kohl said there was a balance of $3,000 but he was withholding $200.00 for the work done by the City crews. The bills described have been approved and verified by the department heads involved; checked and approved for payment by the FSnlance Dimector~ funds are available in their respective budgets. Mr. Kohl recommended payment of these bills. Mr. Wallace moved to pay the bills as itemized and recommended for payment by the City Manage~ with the endorsement of the Finance Director. M~. Harmening seconded. ~der discussion, Mayo~ DeLong asked if Allan Insurance was held over ~rom the last meeting and it was clarified that it should now be paid. Motion carried 5-0. None. Mr. Wallace moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 11:02 P.M. MINlrZES OF REGOI2LR CITY COONCIL MEETING OF THE C~i~ OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CItY HALL, TOESDAY, ~%RCH 5, i974. ATTEST: Clerk CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA By Vice Mayor / Co~jX/n~n Councilman 29- --,~-'~-'~,.~ ~111_~ THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK. N.A. ~?~ ~ ~ ~ -~ 6 03410 TH,S IS TO C~IFY~. THAT W~ HAVE THiS DAY DEST~OMED THE FOLLOWIN~ S~CURITIEA D~SC~I~ED~ 5P~EATTA~ME~B~ED,'~' '~L~'N~ ',NAme OF OSUlSOR: City of BoYaton ]3eax~A~, j~!orid~ Refunding ~ud Ym~rovement Revenue Bond D~ted June 1, 1964 ~ 204,362.50 I BOND MATURITY NUMBER OF BONDS BOND OR 16 I 6/!/72 gl 87,-50 l 7,O87.50 :],6~ 93,75 15 L~?5 -oo 156 9~.87 17 12/1/72 81 87.50 7,087,50 162 93.75 15,~7.50 ' 156 96, ~ !5 ~ ~3.28 ~ 635 i~.~ 63~.00 ~ 1,034 DATE DESTRUCTION ]ERTIF[EATE THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. · NEW YORK PLAZA NEW YORK N. Y. I00 5 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT WE F &VE THIS DAY DESTROYED THE FOLLOWING SECURIT ES DESCRIBED NAME OF OBLIGOR: City O£ Bo3rnton Be~h, Florid~ $ 03317 ] BELOW ] PER ATTACHED SCHEDULES NUMBERED, DESCRIPTION Of ISSUE: 2~uniciDml CiVic Cen%e~ :BUila4~ Bond D~te~ Dec~ber 10~ 1961 NUMBER oP couPoMs l~0 --ACE AMOUNT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT TOTAL 2,~50.00 5,000.00 7,450o00 21 22 BOND NUMBER BOND MATURITY OR COUPON DUE DATE NUMBER OF BONDS Or COUPONS 65 BOND OR COUPON VALUE 17.50 TOTAL 1,312.50 1,137.50 5,000.00 DESTRUCTION CERTIFICATE THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT WE HAVE THIS DAY DESTROYED THE FOLLOWING SECURITIES 2ESCRIBED NAME OF OBLIGOR: 03316 W~ter Revem~ue Bo~.a ~t~ ~/~-/5o NUMBER Of COUPONS ~{~ FACE AMOUNT $ 3,500'00 4~ BOND MATURITY OR COUPON DUE DATE NUMBE~ OF BONDS BOND OR OR COUPONS COUPON VALUE TOTAL 76 1,900.00 1,600.O0 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT WE HAVE THIS DAy DESTROYED TRE FOLLOWING SECURITIES DESCRIBED 'NAME OF OBLIGOR: (~"~¢,'~;" of ~v'~O:ii~ ,Be~,~lg.~ Florili~.~ OHASEMANHAttAN BANK, N.A. 6 03310 Bo~ Dated t, 197t NUMBER OF COUPDNS NUMBER OF BONDS ~*OE AMO.~NTS 59,600°00 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $. UMBER 1 BOND MATURITY OR COUPON DUE DATE { 6/1/72 TOTAL $ 59,600~00 NUMBER OF BONBS OR COUPONS BOND OR COUPON VALUB 145.00 150.00 45 145.00 5o !46.25 20 150.00 85 i52.50 2OO TOTAL 6,525.00 7,312.50 3,000.00 ~.~o 6,525.00 7,312.50 3,000.00 ~,~:~oo.oo V THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. City of Boymton Be~ch, Florida ~ter a~d Sewer Revenue Bonds Da~ed December 1, 1971 6 0386i6 2OO 29,800.00 BOND NUMBER The above NUMBER OF BONDS OR COUPONS 45 5O 2O _ 85 2OO 29,800.00 BOND OR COUPON VALUE TOTAL 145.00 6,525o00 146.25 7,312.50 150.00 152.50 12,962o50 29,8O0.OO pons were paid ring the period June t, 1973 [2.~u June 26, 1973 · "lAME Of OBLIGOR: Cl~y of BOynton Be oh~.Flerld& THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. O 03870 ~unieil~l Civic ¢enter Building Bond~ Series 1981 Dated: December 10, 1961 OUPON 22 23 80 FACE AMOUNT $ l, 400.00 PRINCIPA_ AMOUNT S TOTAL $ The above co~ 1973 ~/~2 6~o~3 OhS were P~id d~ NUMBER OF BONDS OR ~OUPONE 15 the period BOND OR COUPON VALUE TOTAL l? o 50 262.50 17.50 1,1~7o50 M&reh 22, 1973 through June 1 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT WE HAVE THIS BAy DESTROYED THE FOb-LOWING SECURITIES DESC~ BED City of Boyn~on Be~ch, Florid& Reigning and improvement Bo~ds D~ted Ju~e l, 1964 THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. 6 03865 HUMBER OF COUPONS 1,054 FACE AMOUNT PRINCIPA_ AMC JNT TOTA _ 102,835,97 90,000,00 192,835.97 BOND NUMBER BONO MATURITY OR COUPON DUE CATE 6/i/73 t21/38 6/Z/73 The above COUl~ns and bonds w~ August 17, t9~3 3 2 I0 7 22 8O 637 1~o32 18 · e paid during t~ BOND OR COUPON VALUE 87 °50 9B,75 96.88 I00 o00 87.50 93.75 96.87 10OOO0 TOTA_ 202.50 18'7.50 968.80 14,906.25 15,~.72 . 100~71%;97 5,000.00 903000°00 period of January2B, 1973 thru City of Boy, ton Beach, Florida ~¢ater Revenue Bonds Dated December l. 1950 FACE AMOUNT $ 1,60~.00 P~I~CIPAL AMOUNT $ ~'~1%OUPON The Above June 8, 1973 6/!/73 6/1/73 pons & bonds ~e~ TOTA_$ NUMBER OF ~ONDS OR COUPONS 6~ 13,600.00 25.00 TOTAL 12 l~id during the 1,000o00 ~eriod o£ June 1,600o00 12~000.00 1973 thru