R13-0991 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 eI RESOLUTION R13 -099 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE CITY'S STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP (SHIP) ANNUAL REPORT; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE CERTIFICATIONS TO ACCOMPANY THE REPORT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in accordance with Florida Statutes Chapter 420, dedicated revenues resulting from the William E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Act are distributed to various municipalities that are "entitled" communities to assist with affordable housing efforts; and WHEREAS, the City receives an allocation of funds which, pursuant to F.S. 420.9072 were created for the purpose of providing funds to counties and eligible municipalities as an incentive for the creation of local housing partnerships, to expand the production of and preserve affordable housing, to further the housing element of the local government comprehensive plan specific to affordable housing and to increase housing related employment; and WHEREAS, the Statute requires that each county or eligible municipality shall submit to the Florida Housing Finance Agency each year a report of its affordable housing programs and accomplishments through June.) th of each year; and WHEREAS, the report shall be certified as accurate and complete by the local government's chief elected official or his or her designee; and WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of staff, the City Commission deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to approve the City's State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Annual Report and authorize the \ \apps3 city cbb \auto\Data\ 185\ Items \177\2569\ 3405\ Reso_- _SHIP_Annual_Report_(2013) doc d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Mayor to execute the Certifications to accompany the report. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The foregoing "Whereas" clauses are true and correct and are hereby ratified and confirmed by the City Commission. Section 2. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby approves the City's State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Annual Report and authorizes the Mayor to execute the Certifications to accompany the report.. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17 day of September, 2013. ATTEST: Jan M. Prainito, MMC Clerk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA + or Je TaylK V ce;v — Wood T T , y Commis ioner David T. Nye ker (�`z .,/ • Co imissio — Mi ael M rtzpatrick Commissioner — Joe Casello 77\ 2569\ 3405\ Reso _- _SHIP_Annual_Report_(2013) doc 9 R2 -099 Form SHIP AR /2009 67- 37.008(3)(0, F A C Effective Date: 11/2009 Title: SHIP Annual Report Report Status: Unsubmitted Boynton Beach FY 2010/2011 Form 1 Page 1 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37 008(3)(Q, F.A C Effective Date 11/2009 SHIP Distribution Summary Homeownership I Purchase W/Rehab I2 Purchase W/O Rehab 13 Rehab $5,817.60 4 Emergency 10 New Construction Homeownership Totals: $5,817.60 Rentals Rental Totals: Subtotals: $5,817.60 1 Additional Use of Funds 1 6 , J1 wos W) yam 6 �" Administrative $.00 Homeownership Counseling j Admin From Program Income $360.00 l Admin From Disaster Funds ' Tc a - 40 - "M 0 X Total Revenue (Actual and/or Anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund Ak, IState Annual Distribution Program Income (Interest) $134.98 Program Income (Payments) $3,600.00 Recaptured Funds Disaster Funds Other Funds Carryover funds from previous year I $2,526.57 Total: $6,261.55 Carry Forward to Next Year: $83.95 NOTE: This carry forward amount will only be accurate when all revenue amounts and all expended, encumbered and unencumbered amounts have been added to Form I Page 2 Feffn SHIP AR/2009 67-37 008(3)(0, F.A.C. Effective Date- 11/2009 SHIP Funds Expended $5,817.60 13.38% (Public Moneys Expended $37,652.40 86.62% Private Funds Expended .00% Owner Contribution .00% Total Value of All Units $43,470.00 100.00% SHIP Program Compliance Summary - Home Ownership/Construction/Rehab Homeownership $5,817.60 $.00 #Error 65% Construction / Rehabilitation $5,817.60 $.00 #Error 75% Program Compliance - In Set-Asides Extremely Low Very Low $5,817.60 Low Moderate Totals: $5,817.60 Project Funding for Expended Funds Only Extremely Low Very Low $5,817.60 Low Moderate Totals: $5,817.60 Form 3 $.00 .00% $5,817.60 92.91% $.00 .00% $.00 .00% $.00 $.00 $5,817.60 92 91 % $.00 0 $5,817.60 1 $.00 0 $.00 0 1 $.00 0 $5,81760 1 Page 3 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(f), F.A C. Effective Date 1112009 Number of Households/Units Produced Totals: 1 I Characteristics/Age (Head of Household) Family Size Race (Head of Household) R Totals: Special Needs (Any Member of Household) Totals: I Special Target Groups for Funds Expended (i.e. teachers, nurses, law enforcement, fire fighters, etc.) Set Aside Y,...,c ... �= F,.a' � „ r .:" ; .,,,.a... ; y. 3p s "Kr" . � T' _ _� Form 4 Status of Incentive Strategies Incentive Strategy: The City of Boynton Beach Affordable Housing Incentive Plan Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identify local policy: Page 4 I Totals: I I Totals: I I Form SHIP AR /2009 67- 37.008(3)(0, F A C Effective Date 11/2009 (City of Boynton Beach Resolution R98 -068 Implementation Schedule (Date) I April 15,1998 Has the plan or strategy been implemented? If no, describe the steps that will be taken to implement the plan: I All strategies were implemented upon the adoption of the plan Status of Strategy - (is the strategy functioning as intended, i.e. are the time frames being met, etc.): The strategies are functioning as well as can be expected i Support Services Public schools within the City of Boynton Beach municipal city limits include four (4) elementary, one (1) middle and one (1) high school. One local elementary was demolished and rebuilt as an "Energy, Environment, and Engineering (E -3) Choice school (see attached article). Public transportation that services the City includes Palm Beach County's Tri -Rail train system that connects the County to both Broward & Dade Counties to the south. Riders may access the local county bus system at no charge. In partnership with the City of Boynton Beach and the Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), the Boynton Beach Faith -Based Community Development Corporation (CDC) & Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach County have developed Ocean Breeze West, a housing community of 21 single family homes built in the Heart of Boynton, the City's redevelopment target area. This affordable housing complex has benefitted from the use of Neighborhood Stabilization Program funding, which has paid for the development's infrastructure and partial construction of three (3) of the homes As of submission of this report, nine (9) of the properties have been completed and are occupied by very low, low, and moderate income households. The City of Boynton Beach is quite proud of the Seabourn Cove Community which has been recognized by the National Green Building Standard as the nation's largest green multi - family community. Sitting on 23 acres, electric vehicle charging stations are available at Seabourn Cove, sound and impact resistant windows were used in the construction of Seabourn Cove, a "green" townhouse and apartment complex on Federal Highway in Boynton Beach. The City continues to fund social service organizations through its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Local students receive guidance through Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA) in school mentoring programs with regards to dealing with bullying, peer pressure, and familial distractions. The Community Caring Center provides low income residents with mortgage & rental assistance, monetary help with utilities and prescriptions, access to clothing and their local food bank, help with on -line voucher & food stamp programs, and classes in nutrition and healthy eating & cooking. The City's Recreation & Parks department annually provides summer camp scholarships for the children of low income residents through the CDBG program. Using both limited SHIP & CDBG funding, the City continues is single family housing rehab program, assisting up to 10 homeowners annually with much needed home repairs. Other Accomplishments I information to follow Availability for Public Inspection and Comments I The Annual Report will be advertised in the Palm Beach Post newspaper and posted on the City's website ; Default and Foreclosure Mortgage Foreclosures A. Very low income households in foreclosure B. Low income households in foreclosure: C. Moderate households in foreclosure Page 5 Form SHIP AR /2009 67 -37 006(3)(f), F A C Effective Date 1112009 i Mortgage Defaults A. Very low income households in default: 1 B. Low income households in default: 5 C. Moderate households in default: 1 I Welfare to Work Programs �N/A i Strategies and Production Costs 1 "�1•try7! -" Rehab I $5,817.60 Expended Funds Total Unit Count. 1 Total Expended Amount: $5,818.00 • P } kaS �`. u0. ��.. .� ! i. . . \ .� 't V i. Z.ai Nk� _ _ E.c a�a" Rehab 'Wanda George 170 N.W. 28 Avenue,Boynton Beach }33435 ( $5,817.60 Administrative Expenditures j IN/A Sub Recipients and Consultants Program Income Pro'�air �y Loan Repayment: $3,600.00 Refinance. Foreclosure: (Sale of Property: I (Interest Earned: I $134,98 Other O: Total: $3,734.98 Explanation of Recaptured funds Page 6 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3)(0, F.A.0 Effective Date 1112009 Total: $.00 Boynton Beach 2010 Closeout Page 7 Form SHIP AR/2009 67- 37.008(3)(p, F.A.0 Effective Date 1112009 Title: SHIP Annual Report Report Status: Unsubmitted Boynton Beach FY 2011/2012 Form 1 Page 1 Form SHIP AR12009 67-37 008(3)(0, F.A.C. Effective Date 1112009 SHIP Distribution Summary Homeownership 1 Purchase w/Rehab 2 Purchase w/o Rehab I 4 Emergency I 10 Construction 13 (Rehab 1 $16,282.00 Homeownership Totals: $16,282.00 Rentals Rental Totals: I I I $33,877.82 $33,877.82 Subtotals: $16,282.00 1 $33,877.82 1 Additional Use of Funds la 40 jAdministrative $5,541.80 Homeownership Counseling Admin From Program Income $22.18 Admin From Disaster Funds To tals:... Total Revenue (Actual and/or Anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund State Annual Distribution $55.418.00 Program income (interest) $221.85 j Program Income (Payments) Recaptured Funds Disaster Funds Other Funds Carryover funds from previous year $83.95 Total: $55,723.80 Carry Forward to Next Year: $.00 NOTE. This carry forward amount will only be accurate when all revenue amounts and all expended, encumbered and unencumbered amounts have been added to Form I Page 2 Form SHIP AR12009 67-37 008(3)(1), F-A.C. Effective Date: 11/2009 Form 2 Rental Unit Information Recap of Funding Sources for Units Produced ("Leveraging") no 0 1,tlrl .4 SHIP Funds Expended $16,282.00 49.04% Public Moneys Expended $16,920.00 50.96% l Private Funds Expended .00% Owner Contribution .00% Total Value of All Units I $33,202.00 100.00% SHIP Program Compliance Summary - Home Ownership/Construction/Rehab 7 1 1 0491- M - Mt 1 " - Homeownership $60,088.71 $55,418.00 90.38% 65% Construction / Rehabilitation $50,088.71 $55,418.00 90.38% 75% Program Compliance - Income Set-Asides Very Low $16,282.00 $33,877.82 Low Moderate Totals: $16,282.00 $33,877.82 Project Funding for Expended Funds Only $50,159.82 90.02% $.00 .00% $.00 .00% $.00 $50,159.82 90.02% Very Low $16,282.00 1 $16,282.00 1 Low $.00 0 Moderate I I $00 0 Totals: $16,282.00 1 $.00 0 $16,282.00 1 Form 3 Page 3 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37.008(3)(0, FAC Effective Date 1112009 Number of Households/Units Produced Rehab Totals: Characteristics/Age (Head of Household) Rehab Family Size Rehab Race (Head of Household) Totals: Special Needs (Any Member of Household) I Ri Form 4 I I Page 4 Totals: 1 Totals: i I Expended Funds $16,282.00 Farm SHIP AR12009 67 -37 008(3)(0, F.A.0 Effective Date 11/2009 Boynton Beach 2011 Interim -1 Page 5 Form SHIP AR /2009 87- 37.008(3)(1}, F A C. Effective Date 11/2009 Title: SHIP Annual Report Report Status: Unsubmitted Boynton Beach FY 2012/2013 Form 1 Page 1 Form SHIP AR12009 67- 37.008(3)(0, F.A.C. Effective Date 11!2009 SHIP Distri Hom .��'.' �.. ^: n,j�Ms , t:'+?��, �;...�_�.; a,� �. r. F`v,l'�"",1i�w wt 4 ��;�Fh"o ,.,".` %W �w`? "� "•����1liiRz `n #_,. ,..r��i . °, ..�r�i.`$..�i•: 1 Purchase w /Rehab I 2 Purchase w/o Rehab f 3 Rehab $23,535.44 1 $5225 1 '6 Emergency 10 New Construction i Homeownership Totals: $23,535.44 t $52.25 1 Rentals •.3 . iio�ed �'- . ., s•n.. �"Z' �Y ` yid � a'C4: �s ir' . Rental Totals: Subtotals: $23,535.44 q $52.25 Additional Use of Funds ��ar •i;q.' „Sa,.y '+}. ; �a r..c7!kf'Y4 tPN� ��.tl � �' ^ta „' ' ua�p'' O 4044 .�., '• F; .Y'1'f� 1 ; �'i 'k�4 '�� I • . e �.•t .. N i N if . ..r Administrative I $2,673.10 Homeownership Counseling i Admin From Program Income - $52.25 I Admin From Disaster Funds G' «yc .. _ t��{yS t�7. Tota �` j ai. "tt'�'�'y.,- :149jFW' 0 , 7 _ �H < <w. + i:'E.:3.. :'r'. ':. f,� .. .. .. f't ,.,.._.,w a. � . i _ . .... :.�.d#..f,�A"i.�af'., "'' -- 1 -7 Total Revenue (Actual and/or Anticipated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund `. , ,�,, •' ^Sad sr ' °.� .r�,,.x.�,� ,� • �., , ' State Annual Distribution $26,731.00 (Program Income (Interest) - $572.46 Program Income (Payments) Recaptured Funds I Disaster Funds I Other Funds Carryover funds from previous year $.00 Total: $26,208.54 * Carry Forward to Next Year: $.00 NOTE: This carry forward amount will only be accurate when all revenue amounts and all expended, encumbered and unencumbered amounts have been added to Form 1 Page 2 Form SHIP AR/2009 67-37 008(3)(1), F.A.G. Effective Date, 11/2009 Form 2 Rental Unit Information V T' W A Recap of Funding Sources for Units Produced ("Leveraging") SHIP Funds Expended Public Moneys Expended NaN Private Funds Expended NaN Owner Contribution NaN Total Value of All Units $.001 NaN SHIP Program Compliance Summary - Home Ownership/Construction/Rehab 2 ��f �,r f 7" } ,' w `. ..•-• # ,r.� � M1 � `Y ;,. ..x = i l Y `Sr.f 4� T;: A;Qi _ak Homeownership $23,535.44 $26,731.00 88.05% 65% Construction / Rehabilitation $23,535.44 $26,731.00 88.05% 75% Program Compliance - Income Set-Asides Very Low $23,535.44 Low Moderate Totals: $.00 $23,535.44 Project Funding for Expended Funds Only Extremely Low Very Low Low Moderate Totals: $.00 0 Form 3 $52.25 $23,587.691 $.00 $.00 $23,587.69 .00% 90.00% .00% .00% 90.00% Page 3 $.00 0 $.00 0 $.00 0 $.00 01 Extremely Low Very Low $23,535.44 Low Moderate Totals: $.00 $23,535.44 Project Funding for Expended Funds Only Extremely Low Very Low Low Moderate Totals: $.00 0 Form 3 $52.25 $23,587.691 $.00 $.00 $23,587.69 .00% 90.00% .00% .00% 90.00% Page 3 $.00 0 $.00 0 $.00 0 $.00 01 Form SHIP AR /2009 67- 37.008(3)(0, F A.0 Effective Date 11/2009 Number of Households /Units Produced Reh Characteristics /Age (Head of Household) �F Family Size Rehab Race (Head of Household) N 1. Rehab Boya Totals: Special Needs (Any Member of Household) 0 0 Special Target Groups for Funds Expended (i.e. teachers, nurses, law enforcement, fire fighters, etc.) Set Aside Form 4 Page 4 Totals: 0 Totals: 0 Totals: 0 Totals: 0 Form SHIP AR /2009 67- 37.008(3)(1 , F.A.G. Effective Date. 1112009 Expended Funds Boynton Beach 2012 Interim -2 Page 5 Annual Report Certification for State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program On Behalf of the City Of Boynton Beach, I hereby certify that the annual reporting information submitted electronically to Florida Housing Finance Corporation for fiscal years 2010/2011, 2011/2012. and 2012/2013 is true and accurate. Name of Staff Member responsible for submitting annual report: Octavia S. Sherrod WITNESS SIGNATURE DATE CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIAL OR DESIGNEE DATE GERALo TAYLOR, MAYOR WITNESS PRINTED NAME DATE (TYPE) NAME & TITLE DATE WITNESS SIGNATURE DATE AlpROVED As To FORM; WITNESS PRINTED NAME DATE CITY ATTORNEY M ATTEST (SEAL) SIGNATURE DATE 420.9075(10) Each county or eligible municipality shall submit to the corporation by September 15 of each year a report of its affordable housing programs and accomplishments through June 30 immediately preceding submittal of the report. The report shall be certified as accurate and complete by the local government's chief elected official or his or her designee. October 2012 Certification for Regulatory Reform Implementation State Housing initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program On Behalf of the Citv Of Bovnton Beach, I hereby certify that the following information is true and accurate as of the date of this submission for the following fiscal years: 2010/2011, 2011/2012, and 2012/13 1) Permits as defined in s.163.3164 (15) and (16) for affordable housing projects are expedited to a greater degree than other projects; and 2) There is an ongoing process for review of local policies, ordinances, regulations, and plan provisions that increase the cost of housing prior to their adoption. 3) The cumulative cost per newly constructed housing per housing unit, from the these actions is estimated to be $ 0.00 . 4) The cumulative cost per rehabilitated housing per housing unit, from these actions is estimated to be $ 0.00 . WITNESS SIGNATURE DATE CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIAL OR DESIGNEE GERALD TAYLOR, MAYOR WITNESS PRINTED NAME DATE (TYPE) NAME & TITLE WITNESS SIGNATURE DATE WITNESS PRINTED NAME DATE OR ATTEST (SEAL) SIGNATURE DATE DATE DATE 163.3164(15) of the Florida Statutes: "Development order" means any order granting, denying, or granting with conditions an application for a development permit. 163.3164(16) of the Florida Statutes: "Development permit" includes any building permit, zoning permit, subdivision approval, rezoning, certification, special exemption, variance, or any other official action of local government having the effect of permitting the development of land. October 2012 Annual Report Certification for • - T - . AM17L • -1 [Tri On Behalf of the i�ty Of Bovnton Beach, I hereby certify that the annual reporting information submitte electronically to Florida Housing Finance Corporation for fiscal years 2010/2011, 2011/2012, and 20 1 Zl Name of Staff Member responsible for submitting annual report: Octavia S. Sherrod M DATE WITNESS SIGNATURE DAT WITNESS PRINTED NAME DAM OR ATTEST (SEAL) (3tATUIRE DATE CITY A77ORNE V 420.9075(10) Each county or eligible municipality shall submit to the corporation by September 15 of each year a report • its affordable housing programs and accomplishments through June 30 immediately preceding submittal ► the report. The report shall • certified as accurate and complete • the local government's chief elected official or his or her designee. 107-IT-TITIMN ;J 11 11 11��I 1111 l �� I III �I 111111�q I I .' I 1) Permits as defined in s.163.3164 (15) and (16) for affordable housing projects are expedited to a greater degree than other projects; and 2) There is an ongoing process for review of local policies, ordinances, regulations, and plan provisions that increase the cost of housing prior to their adoption. 3) The cumulative cost per newly constructed housing per housing unit, from the these actions is estimated to be $0.00. 4) The cumulative cost per rehabilitated housing per housing unit, from these actions is estimated to • $2.00. WITNESS SIGNATURE WITNESS SIGNATURE MR Mill OR L M - PIL4a 10-1—/l A �GNATURE DATE 'A Ci Afforney 163.3164(15) of the Florida Statutes: "Development order" means any order grantin& denying, or grantinti with conditions an application for a development permit. 163.3164(16) • the Florida Statutes: "Development permit" includes any building permit, zoning permit, subdivision approval, rezoning, certification, special exemption, variance, • any other official action • local government having the effect of permitting the development of land. pxno -T--TVT#W'J