Minutes 02-13-73MINT1TE$ OF. SPECIAL ~MEETING 0F CITy COLbNCIL OF THE C~TY OF BOYNTON - BEACH~ HELD AT CITY 'HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, ~PLORIDA, FEBRUARY 15, 1973 PRESENT .M.a. yo~ Emily M. Jackson Vice M~yor~ Joe DeLor~3 Councilman David Roberts Councilman Edward P. Harmening Councilman Forrest L. W~llmce Mrs. Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk Harold Hopkins, Acting C.~y Manager Attorney Malcolm Anderson - Asso- ciate of E~nest G. Simon ~ayor Jackson opened the Special ~eeting of the Council at 7:55 P. M. The first item on. the Agenda is to discuss new site for the library. Discuss Site for New Library Mrs. Mark White, Vice Chairman of the Libramy Board, came forward since the Board Chairms_n was unable to be at the meeting because of illness. She stated since coming to this meeting she had bee~ presented with a memorandum from Mr. L~rgent re the new library site. The Librarian got this only this afternoon: end neithe~ she nor the Board has had any chance to really look it OVer. We are, however, familiar with Mr. Lam- gent's choices, and I must say directly and clearly that we do not ~ept any of th~. To begin w~th, reviewing ~1, which is known as the Rich property, the fo.ur parcels over the~e wo~ld front on 2nd Avenue - that would be the d~ainOff from 1-95 a~d wo~ld be one of the traffic spots in the City in a short time, and o_hildren on bikes could not cross the streets, and it would entail $150,000 worth of land. We have another suggestion wt~eh may not be popular. We feel the new l~bra~ should be placed ~the ~resent handb~ll cougar. We~have an_o. ld court also: a~d fr~m the standpoint of usage and the fact that the city owns it we think this is the most desirable spot. It would mean re- arrar~ng fr{xa the City taking do~a% the handball court, but from a point of view of use: for many years the new library wo%~ld b.e m~ch more ~s.ed than any handball cou~t in the City. Those who live. in Boynton Deacn have lived with th~ Ohoice of site for the Post Office, and we hope thai: mistake won't be perpetuated in the new librax~y site. M~ay. or J. ackson asked if the Li~ramy Board has been in any other City of thins size and type looking at other library buildings. Mr. Olds, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Boa.rd, stated yes, our Board has worked on this three o~ four different evenings, and we have come up with all sorts of plans end of course~ this thing of buying land, the City doesn't have that kim~ of money and we have our own land - the property on the Highway where the old police station was. They don't seem to like the Hig~.w. ay, ~an don't ~*ke the vmew mn the rear; the two properties here on either of the school property have also been discussed. This mentioned on 2nd and tst Streets has been discussed, money, quite a little bit. Then this _ Other propez~cy~ and '~here' s been ~eluotant to make a choice as the We ha~e worked hax~, but we since we felt the Library Board MINUTES S~L CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1973 Site of New Library, cont'd. Mayor Jackson asked is the~e anyone else? Mrs. Paula Moo~e stated she has a eop~ of the original Referendum to the people: and it ~ead that General Oblieation Bonds not exceed/Lng $250,000 be issued by the City of Boynton Beach for paying the cost and constr~etion, and ecf/ipment on the property presently owned by the City of Boynton Beach. If we only have $250,000 to build a building how can we pay $150, 000 fo~ land? We understood it was to be built on City property. Mayo~ Jackson asked is there anyone else on the Library BoaTd who would like to say something? Mrs, Ss~d~a Lautensehlauger stated - I would l~ke you to consider that the proposed hand~all cour~ would not have to come d~n. It is newly constructed. In studying this, the building could go between the hand- ball court a~d~the shuffleboard courts. There is a basketball cour~ started over Qn 5th~ This could be expanded and not involve the ex~ Dense of takih~ down the handball cou~t. Mayor Jack~s0n. stated ~he.did look up the deed on Pence Park. It is to be used ohly f~Or~ recreatzon. That is one piece of propel~y we could not use for the Library. Mr. Vastine: Vice Chai~nan of the Planning & Zoning Board: stated he would 1~ke to ~otlow up with what the lovely young lady stated - .whether or net the handball coumt comes down depends what the architectural plans sine: and the final decision would be made if the architect qud. res that the handball court should come down then it should come down. Mayor JackSon asked if anyone else would like to say something. Mr. Charles Prederick~ Recreation Director, just wanted to make a couple of comments on the handball courts, stating Pioneer Park was set for recreation facilities, it was put there because of the lighted facili- ties: and this is one of the reasons for its selection point. The hand- ball and basketball courts get used as much as the Library. I just went by there, and there were 90 kids out the~e, some nights there will be 100 kids there. So you are making decisions, and I am just making c~,~endations, and please keep this in m/nd - if your decision is to take down $12,000 to $13,000 worth of facilities, and the replaeament cost may be much more, that you will make some arrangement for reloca- tion of these facilities° It was stated children and adults both use these handball courts. Mr. DeLong asked if he could say something on this particula~ item: that as a member of the Chamber of Commerce Development Committee he has made a complete independent study~ of the whole area insofar as the entire complex is concerned, The most logical place for the Library would be S. E. Rnd Ave, and 8. E. 1st Ave., with no egress or ingress from Sea- . crest Blvd. S. E. Rnd Avenue and S. E. 1st Avenue should be open~ don't --2-- MINUTES SPECIAL C~TY COU/~CIL MEETING FEBRUARY 15~ 1975 Librar~ Site~ cont'd. l~t it go all the way through, where you have the p~esent library going in from Seae~est~ and the back of the library would be for parking. We would close off the south side of the library coming in from Seaerest. This would be a good pattern for traffic flow. Although I have little knowledge o~ construction~ from a ourso, x~ observation the present build- in.g is S.ound. It would make another slte for other depaz~ents: perhaps City Engineer, Building Dep&z~mer~c for a number of years in the future without egress or ingress frc~ Seaerest Blvd. This has been gone over for a period Of 14 or 15 months. Mayor Jackson noted that Mrs. Kirton wanted to say something. Mrs. preciate ~ committee buildings ~ torn down~ over it a in the less people who on 2nd that we I have main of a lot of ties to give us of the Libraz~y Board: stated - I can certainly ap- ou~ Vice Mayor and I happen to se~e on the Mr. DeLong~ and we did spend.a lot o~.Jime in those old in that old messy jail~ and in the f!_ehouse. It was practical to do other~e. We want why the handball court was put there see why it can't be moved, and put in a ~. Pence Park. I think there are many don't want their Ghitdren g.oing · thoroughfare.' I am astonished that as first choice. there is plenty makes facili- Wallace stated - you have not.~ired a~. architect yet, is that cor- rect? Why not, when the a~Oh~.'.~c~ q~s in: in other words we could agree with the area on H. S', ~t ~.~ the propel*cy being split or take a good look at other areas Ocean Avenue and and perhaps is some then as far as You canwt same expense some for area~ and ~ both lity is conoerned~ Start with ~ look at this complete area ~ the f~llest. There architect to look at, and he oould is. I am betwixt and between the cost having been put into it. and chs~: and go through the just for this one particu- Vioe Mayor mentioned~ using ~.epa~ents and look over all the it out with the architect. ,~.r. Roberts stated he did mistakes, and mentioned if it in that area familiar with area. As to why it was. I definitely would be in favor i~ necessa~y~ for having better was in favor want to neeessaz~ to suffer for past handball courts not being the whole be answered. away with it~ sister cities He stated he -5- MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEET/~NG PEBRLULRY 1D~ 1975 Library Site, cont ~ d. Mayor Jackson noticed Firs. Virginia Farace wanted to say something. Mrs. Parace reminded the Council again that the official ballot and resolution stated the library has to be built on City-owned property. I am fully recommending that it be placed in the area south of the library. Mr. Harmening stated he liked the location the Board reccmmended~ and stated we could perhaps build another handball cou~t if Mr. Frederick seems to think it is worthwhile. I kind o~ go along with Mr. Wallaee~ the architect should go over one or two sites before we pin it down absolutely finally, and see what he comes up with. Mr. DeLong stated he did not think this comes within the pttm~iew of an ~rchiteet on the building site, it's up to the City Planning S Zoning o.ard~ a~_d this is the arguing body here. If we don't ]~ke what they se_,eet then we select from those recommended. I don't think this comes within the realm of an architect's assignment. We've built a lot of public buildings, and we don't let an az~hitect tell us where they go. Mr. WehreIl~ Planning & Zoning Board, stated he agreed with F~. DeLong. He believed they were more capable of selecting the site than the chiteet. Mr. DeLong said he was interested in ~elocating the handball court. We can't be interested in one thing, we have to be interested in all things. Let's provide for everyone~ and try to attempt to make people happy. Mr. Vastine stated that the referendum on Bond Issue very specifically stated to be on City-ovnaed land. You have no other alternative~ You have only ~ sites. I think the Council should decide the location and have the architect dmaw up plans. Mayor Jaek~on asked how much the handball court cost. Mr. Clark Stated around $6,000 plus for the structure. Acting City Manager Harold Hopkins said if Council did decide to locate the handball court~ it could become part o~ the cost of the li- braz~. Mr. DeLong felt that mistakes made in the past have to be accepted~ and he still favored relocation of handball court. Mr. Wallace was against using any o~ the Library money for anything else other than the LSJorary~ since the people voted for the Bond Issue. He fel~ there should be e_n over-all view of the area for future facilities to try to prevent any more mistakes. Mr. Roberts stated he would like to hold off on any action until next Tuesday's meeting, as he would like to examine the area. -4- MINUTES SPEC/AL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 133 1973 Library Site~ oont'd. Mrs. Kirton said they had worked very hard on this~ got the Bond Issue through~ and thought they had waited long enough. She believed they should take a vote on it tonight: get an architect, and get started. Mr. Roberts said he was a strong supporter of the Library, but in order to make a decent decision: and since he just received the plan: he would like to talk to the Planner and study it. Mr. Roberts moved to table this until next meeting~ February 20th$ sec- onded by Mr. Harmening. Carried 5-0. Discuss Revenue Sharing Requests Mayor Jackson stated that Mr. Murr asked to have this tabled until the next cheek was received. Mrs. Coston~ Director of Child Care Center~ came forward and read her request to Council. It was given to City Clerk~ Mrs. Padgett~ for Revenue Sharing file. Resolution No. 73-I - Awarding Sewer Contract Resolution No. 73-I was read by Attorney Malcolm Anderson. Mr. DeLong moved that Res. ~73-I be adopted, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Carried 5-0. Charles Frederick - Request for Revolving Account Mr. Frederick stated that he needed $9~000 fort his account to get back into operation, F~. DeLong moved for Acting City Manager Harold Hopkins to see that available funds be transferred for this aceount~ seconded by Mr. Wallace. Carried 5-0. Consider Recommendation of Planning & Zoning Board Mr. O!ds~ Chairman of Planning & Zoning Board, read the minutes of their last meeting, which was a Special Meeting: after they adjourned ~rom their Workshop. This action taken by the Board was to help control the density of the City and it was to cover the entire City. Fir. Wallace made motion to turn this over to the City Attorney to be ~de into an Ordinanee~ and take it up at the next Council meeting, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Carried 5-0. Consider Request for Changeorder on Cemetery Building Acting City Manager Harold Hopkins stated to Council that Architect George Uavis had recommended to Mr. Hurford: Chairman of the Cemetery Board, and Mr. Hurford in turn has recommended a changeorder of $440.70 be permitted by Council to allow minor alterations to alt~N the building to house lawn mowers~ etc.~ to meet Fire Department requirements per- taining to gasol~n.e. -5- MINU~ES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETLNG FEBRUARY 13~ 1975 Cemetery Building, cont'd. Mr. Wallace moved to file the recommendation with Acting City ~unager and allow the changeo~der of $440.70 be 9~anted, seconded by Mr. DeLong. Carried 5-0. Consider Appointment to Employee Pension Board Mayor Jackson stated that Mr. Howell said he did not have the time to serve. M~. Alex Hogg did indieate that he would go ba~ on the Board. Mr. Wallace moved that Mr. Hogg be placed back on the Employee Pension Boa~d~ seconded by Mr. Harmening. Ca, tied 5-0. Mr. Largent~ in defending himself, made some comments concerning the library site, and recreation facilities. Mr. Wallace also commented on the subject. Mr. DeLongmade motion that the job title of Superintendent existing within the Department of Public Works, Utilities & Parks and created by the adoption of the present City budget is hereby abolished. The employees filling said positions shall revert to their former job title of Supervisor~ excepting the Building Maintenance Supervisor, who shall revert to job title of Custodian III, as recommended by the Personnel Director in memo of February 6, 1973. The City Attorney is hereby instructed to prepare the necessary Emergency Ordinance amending the Emergency Ordinance adopting the present City budget, including all changes of job titles made by this City Council of 1973~ which shall be reflected inthe present City budget, seconded by Mr. Harmen- ing. Carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH: FLORIDA ATTEST: Cit-F/~ le~k -6-