Minutes 01-30-73MINUTES OF SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BEACH, FLORIDA, T~ESDAY, JANUARY 30, 197~ AT 7:30 P. M. BOYNTON PRESENT: MrS. Emily M. Jackson, Mayor Joe DeLong, Vice May.or David Robex~s, Councilman Edward F. Harmenim~, Councilman ForreSt L. Wallace, Councilman Harold Hopkins, Acting City Manage~ Ernest G. Simon, City Attorney Mrs. Ca]l~e Cl~rdcon, Deputy City Mayor Jackson c~Nled the meeting to Order at 7:30 P. M. Mayor JackSon stated that notice of this meeting was given to news porters, and there are two l~are tonight to vouch for that, /even though nothing was printed in the newspapers. Notice of meeting was also an- nounced over Radio Station ~<AO on Mo~day, January 29th. F~yor Jackson stated that a chart was adopted last year. However, the Mayor stated they were fOrmally going back to the fo~m in the Charter, so we would have to adopt a new chart. Mr. Roberts stated he had a copy of a ~evised cha~t, copy attached, and if it complies with the Charter he would like to get something q. oing on it tonight. Mayor Jaakson reviewed the copy of the Chart with other members of Coun- cil. One =eeammendation was made by Mr. Roberts, stating that it should read :~unicipal Judge= instead of ~City Judge~'. Much discussion followed cencer~ing Parks & Recreation. Mr. Hopkins, Acting City Manager, stated that the Maintenance pa~t should be under Facilities or General Services. Mr. DeLong stated that all they cOuld do at this time was to stay with the provisions of the Charter, until a referendum is brought before the people. Further discussion resulted in decision to make a motion for acceptance. Motion was made by Mr. Harmening that this O~garutSational Chart, (which we have reviewed now) be adopted as the Official Organizational Chart of the City o~ Boynton Beach, with the exception that the title ~City J%idge~' be changed to ~Municipal Judge~: with an Emergency Ordinance to be d~awn up by the City Attorney for the nex~ ~egular Council meeting. Second ~y ~L~. DeLong. Motion ca,tied 5-0. C MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING J~,Y 50, 1975 I-A. PAY PLAN Mayor Jackson stated that we have had the B~own Plan, one worked out by the fo~mer City FaT~ager and ~r. Sullivan, and one dated August !4th - 3 P. ay Schedules with merit raises. We should decide just %Vnere we a~e gou%g on this, since there have been some jobs done away with on the Chart. ~. DeLong questioned ,Mr..Sullen,an rega. rding c~eation of positton~ of .s.upez~u.t.end3en_ ~ ts. New trot!es added without increased ~esponsibi~ities with no 3ob descriptions. M~. Sul]~v~n stated that the~e was a Resolu- tion passed adopting the Pay P/an and by O~dinance in the Budget. Much discussion followed. M~. Wallace suggested looking into the legality of this. Mr. DeLong moved tha~ these titles in quest-ion revert back to original titles of Supervisors. Seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. Discussion followed on pay rates and these titles in question to go back to the step they v~e ~. A.c~. ing City Manager Harold Hopkins suggested a study be made on this with the City AttOrney, and report back with recommendations. Motion wes made by M~. Roberts that a study be 'made of this particular issue with a view toward reducing the starting rate. Seconded by M~. DeLong. Motion eazTied 5-0. Mayor Jackson advised Mr. Sullivan to review budget and find out from Department Hsads which people a~e needed, ~uud bring review back to Council at the next regular Council meeting. Mr. Sullivan also asked Council for some ~uidetines on filling positions. II. SEWER CONTRAC~ Mr. Clark advised that the contract was made. He brought forward a bid schedule and set of plans and specifications. Mr. Hopkins advised that proceedings were as planned. We have signed RIiD agreement, and it has been mailed. Mr. Clark read bid figures. Totals of A, B and C Of Base Bid are as follows: Lauderdale Pipe Line Sexviees Belvedere Construction Co. Paul M. Howard Technical Co~p. $ 1~255,679.50 1~ 570,727.00 l, 648,281. 00 l, 876,347. O0 2,265, 696.05 -2- MINL~fES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JANUARy 50, 1975 II. SEWER CONTRACT, cont'd. Our ConsultSnig Eng/neers recon~ne~nded Alternate Bids be accepted. They are as follows: Lauderdale Pipe Line Services Belvedere Construction Co. Howard Technical Cor~. 2437 079.30 No Bid 609, 631. 00 865:947.00 249, 096.05 (Low bid) The only difference between Base bid and Alternate bid is /n the type of t/ft stations, in the amount of $12,000. We can get any kind of pumps with alternate base bid on the 1/f~ staq~ tions. Mr. DeLong questioned Mr. Clark about the performance bond. Is it goir~ to be the amount of the bid~ or going to be the completion of the job? Mr. Clark stated that the Performance Bond assures the City the job will be completed regardless of the amount of bid, even if they go bankrupt. Mayor Jackson stated that our engineers have reeon~ended the Alternate Bid. Mr. Clark said that Mr. Hopkins had eheeked~ and' we can get sev- eral pump types that have been used by the City in the past. Mr. DeLong suggested that M~. Clark, Mr. Hopkins and Consulting Engineers get to- gether on this for next meeting° Mayor Jackson instructed this item be struck from the Agenda for now - be ready for the next regular Council meeting on February 6~ 1975. 'l ' III. Dates for Interviewing Budding Official and City Manager Mr. Wallace suggested that each member of Council go over the applica- tions~ making notations. Mr. Roberts suggested doing the same for Building Offieial~ and Mr. Sullivan is to make copies. The Mayor asked that copies be made for Councilmen, and leave in City Clerk'~ for Councilmen to take home to read and initial for meeting on Saturday to review applications. Plan tentatively to meet between 1:50 and 2:15 Saturday afternoon for interviews. JOB DESCRIPTIONS - SECRETARY Mr. Sullivan reported that he looked into the job description of Secre- tary in comparison with other cities. Boynton Beaoh has the following schedule - Secretary I $494.00 per month Secretary II 5~0.00 ~ ~ Secretary to City Manager 572.00 ~ ~ MIRR/TES SPECIAL CITY COtLNCIL MEETING JANUARY 30~ 1973 Our rates are competitive ~o go up to Secretary V. Most l~trat~ve Secretazs;. worth is higher; they ~ the same as AdndaY- Mr, Roberts made a motion that We adopt the Secretary 1~ 2 and 5 (pay scale to be determined on a ccmparative basis). Seconded by Mr. Har- mening. Mr. Wallace questioned Mr. Sullivan if this was his ~eccmmendation. Sullivan answered he did reec~m~nd Admmnl~t~atlve Secretary. The pay scales should remain the same. ~Q~iDn carried 4-1. Mr. Wallace voted ~'no~. Sullivan asked Council if they were going to adopt these job de- ~cr~ptzons. Motion made by Mr. DeLong and seconded by Mr. Harmening that job de- scription for Secretary 5 be accepted as presented by Personnel Direc- tor. Motion carried 4-1; Mr. Wallace voted OTHER - Sands Point - Drexel P~ope~ties E~nest G. Simon~ City Attorney~ stated he had met with the Attorney for Sands Point on the Assignment that Council had wanted him to review. At his request they have changed the Assignment~ and in its amended form they have executed it. It now meets with Mr. Simon's approval, as amended in its present fo~. This will have to be attested by the City C!erk. Mr. Simon explained the ~ffnendment to Council. Motion made by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr. Roberts that the Contract Agreement be accepted with the deletion. Motion carried 5-0. Milnor Corp. - Golfview Harbour - Lawsuit Mr~ Simon asked Council what action they wished to take on the case~ as he has to report to the Court within 50 days from the Original Order~ which was January 2nd. He said Council has two choices !. Appeat~ or 2. Reconsider possible rezoning of the property City Attorney and City Planner have met with the President of Mi!nor CorporatiOn ~or possible settlement, but did not have much success. Milnor would agree to rezonir~ as long as they could construct exactly what they wanted to originally. Mr. Simon believed that the Court would not accept anything less than a total multi-~amily classification. He did feel the better chance was to appeal. He gave a ~ough estimate to appeal the case to be $3~000 - $4~000. -4- MIAWdTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANLL%RY 30~ 1973 Mi/nor Corp. - Golfview Harbour - Lawsuit~ eont:d. After lengthy discussion motion made by irk'. Harmening~ seconded by Mr. DeLong that we direct the City Attorney to file a Notice of Appeal. Motion carried 5-0. Library Mayor Jackson instructed Mm. Largent to get list of all City-owned property~ and the size of it before meeting with the Library Board. Approval of Bills Be!evedere Corporation Tom Clark, City Engineer, recommended that $17,359.11 be paid from en- cumbered funds~ and the balance of ~.~l~ be retained. (N. W. 5rd St.) Invoice authorized by City Manager to come out of original contract for resurfaeing - $1~741.55 in fu!l (410 ft. to N. W. 2nd Ave°) Invoice - $7,694.36~ pa~tia! payment - Storm sewers on N. W. 4th St. Motion made by Mr. DeLong and seconded by Mr. Ha~mening to pay bills: less retainers, as recc~mmended by City Manager and City Engineer. Motion carried 5-0. A1 Bigelow - Patmland Development Re - Letter to Mr. Simon regarding Permit. - Would like to know whether or not permit was refused. The City Attorney will be glad to respond in w~iting i~ the Council so wishes. Re - Moratorium A gentleman f~om the audience (no name given) Stated that he had a tape from the last Council meeting and was concerned about lack of sewer facilities and/or he is trying to find out where the City stands in re- lation to sewer capacity at the present time. Water Main - S. E. 3rd Street There was discussion on this. The City Attorney is to render opinion~ The City Attorney~ City Manager and City Engineer a~e to get together administratively~ an~ bring some recc~nendation back to Council. -5- MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING J~ 50~ 1975 ADJOURNME~ The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P. M. by Mayo~ Emily JackSon~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FL~A ATTEST City ~erk -6- David Robez~cs, Counc~!man wa F. Harmening~ Coun~ Forrest L. Wallace~ CounciTlman