Minutes 01-02-73MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH: FLORIDA, JANUARY 2, 1973 AT 7:30 P. M. Mrs. Emily M.'Jackson~ Mayor Joe DeLong, Vice Mayor Porrest L. Wallace~ Councilman Edward F. Ha~mening~ Councilman David Robe~ts~ Councilman M~s. Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk Ernest Simon: City Attorney Mayor Jackson called the meeting to order at 7:35 P. M. The invocation was given by Col. Walte~Trauger~ Vice President: Palm Beach At!antic Co!lege~ fo!lo,;ed by the Flag Salute led by Joe DeLong, Vice Mayor. Introductions Mayor J~c/cson introduced the Mayor for 1972, Robert Effron~ and former Councilman Harold Blanchette~ Councilman of Ocean Ridge Godfrey Youngren~ O~ean R/dge ~eseareh Analyst Paul K/ng, and Mr. Raymond Knaus, Alderman from Briny B~eezes. She also introduced her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ¥~llanik and their children: Glenn, Bruce and Pamela. She also introduced her husband Walter. Mr. Roberts introduced his wife, Dorotl~y. Mr. Wallace introduced his wife, Kathy: end his mother Mrs. George Wallace. Mr. Ha~nening introduced his wife, Donna. Announcements Mrs. Jackson announced that Friday~ January 12th at 1:30 P. M. Boynton Beach will be the Host City for the Palm Beach County Municipal League and it will be opanto the public. Presentation of Plaques - Robert Effron, Mayor 1972 Mr. Effron stated that each year it is the former Mayor's privilege to present plaques to the members of Council wh° have served so faithfully. In appreciation he presented plaques to DavidRobe~ts, Councilman Haro!dBlanchette, Councilman John Archie, Councilman Emily M. Jackson, Vice Mayor 1972 1971-72 1960-65 ~ 1971-72 1972 (not present) Mayor Effron thanked everyone on the Council~ the department heads of the City and the employees for the fine job, andwiShed ~]] the best of luck in the coming year. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANLUtRY 2s 1975 Mayor Jackson presented a plaque ar~ gavel to Retiring Mayor Robert Effron. Mrs. Jackson introduced the new City Attorney~ Ernest Simon~ the new Judge, Monroe A. Coogler, Jr. and the City Prosecutor, Louis Casson. ~s. Jackson presented the members of Council and the City Clerk with an official card for 1975. .~Introduction of Guests and Representatives of Civic Organizatior~ Thomas Canavan~ appearing in behalf of Robert Beyrer, President of Sterling Village Senior Citizens end ~nited Boyr~on Civic League F. C. Van Deusen, President~ Senior Citizens Club R. B. Vastine~ County Development Board~ Vice President United Boynton Civic League and Presidant of Leisureville Community Corp. Git Eckert~ Hampshire Gardens, mamber of Ua~ited Boynton Civic League A33oert Wehrell~ Boynton Isle~Lee Manor A1 Bzw~Lner~ Treasurer, U~ted Boynton Civic League~ High Point Sec. III Jack Dunn, Boynton Beach Moose Lodge Fred Kostner, High Poirfc Sec. IV Andy Wittkop, Chamber of Comm~erce Frank Caz~0oll~ High Point IV A and D. irec~cor, BoyntGn Beach Civic League Harry LeFort, Village Royale and Unmted Boynton Beach Civic League George ~mpQl~ Director High Point III, United Boynton Beach Civic League Lil/ian Bond, High Point Sec. IV, LLnited Boynton Beach Civic League Comments by Council Members Mr. Wallace thanked all the people for going to the polls, and especially those who voted for him. While he was l~anning for office he made two or three statements of things he thought would help the City. Those were taking a new look at the organization plans and repeal the garbage and t~ash increase at the first workshop m~eting. He also stated he is interested in site plan approval and beautification committee. He would also like to continue looking into the Vo-Tech School: and a Civic Auditorium. He will do everything to help Boynton 9~ow in the right direction. Mr. Roberts thanked those who have helped him in the past year. After viewing some of the new construction it is his opinion that we should work on a new zoning ordinance and map. He urged everyone to work together and help Boynton go forward. Mr. Harmening t ~h~nked all the people for the fine turnout at this meeting and all the peopl~ who turned out at the polls, and those who elected him to represent them~ He will tr~ his best to work with otheD members of Council, and would appreciate it if City employees would attempt to do this in their own way. Mr. DeLong thanked all who voted for him and these who did not, he will serve all the people. He thanked Bob Beyrer and members of the United Boynton Civic League, for without them he would not be here tonight. -2- MII~dTES REGULAR CItY COUNCIL MEETI~NG JANUARY 2, 1973 Mrs. Jackson ~ead ~_n az~icle w~itten for Oklahoma City which she sub- stituted for Boynton Beach City Council. Mayor Jackson asked if it ~ld be agreeable with Council members that it would be ultnecessary for anyone to identify the item on the Agenda that they wish to speak on during Public Audience. Council members agreed to this. Mr. Roberts stated it has been policy to limit each speaker during Pub- lie Audience to 5 minutes if possible. If someone wishes to speak longer they os/ldo so at the end of the meeting. MINU~ES - December 19, 1972 Mr. Effron asked that a cozTeetion be made on Page 2 after the 3rd para- 9maph. Mrs. Padgett stated that he would like to add that ~ayor Effron stated that he had never done this~. Mr. Roberts moved that the minutes of December 19 be approved as cor- rected, Mrs. Jackson handed the gavel to Mr. DeLong and seconded the motion. Motion carried 2-0. Mayor Jackson asked the City Clerk to get the three retiring members of Council to sign subject minutes as corrected. PUBLIC AUDIENCE F. C. Van Deusen congratulated the Mayor and new Council, and hopes they w'l~ll work in unity for the betterment of the City. He then stated the need for a floodlight at the no~th end of Senior Citizens Building. There was a lady muggedthe~e just last week. Something should be done. Mrs. Jackson stated that she heard about it, and She has asked that a telephone be installed inside the building. Mr. Van Deusen also asked about the traffic light at N. E. 22nd Avenue and Federal Highway. It has been approved but not installed. Mr. Van Deusen also mentioned that the speeding on N. E. 22nd Avenue is getting to be terrible. For awhile they patrolled itl since nobody is paying any attention to it now it is getting worse. Mm. Clark was asked to look into the traffic light and the speeding problem was turned ove~ to the Police Department. Rev. White asked what the reason is for appointing a judge~ attorney and prosecutor from outside the City~ Mrs. Jackson stated that many times people ~utside the City are very well quaiified. It is ha~dto find an'attorney with experience in F!oridamunieipal govez~mnent. -3- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANU3k~Y 27 1975 PUBLIC AUDIENCE: oont'd. Rev. White sta~ed that~ he hopes they will work for the betterment of the City. If he Were ~t newecmer to the City and the Council does not halve enough confidence in an attorney in the City he would not go to them for eounset. Mr, Roberts stated that he made quite a few attempts to find scme of th~se people locally. A 9~eat n~ny of them felt they were too b~sy to take On the position. _Th~s Canavan congratulated the Council members. He stated that have proven themselves and 2 have to be proven. With the screening t~hat was done he knows they will do a good job, and work in harmony for the good of the taxpayers. Vernon Thompson~ 208 N. E. 10th Avenue, stated that about a year and a h~l* ago he asked the Council to open N. Eo 8th Avenue. They did put a little shell rock and tar over it. He stated that N. E. 1st Street should be opened to 9th Avenue~ This is used mostly by City employees going to the City Barn. He is interested because his building is al- most complete~ and he does not want a dirt road running in front o£ it. Mr. DeLong stated that if the sewer situation can be settled there should be a phone call made to Jacksonville in reference to this agree- ment that has to be filed~ and it should be pob_nted out that we have a very good offer, and only 60 days to negotiate this award Mr. Thompson stated that this is only fort_he street, there is no sewer proposed in this area. Mrs. Jackson introduced her son and daughter-in-taw, Mr. and Mrs. Don Jackson, and her daugher-mn-law s mother Mrs. Lewis Hanson. Maynard Wertz stated that he has a petition to be presented later in theevening.' Dick Pelbourgstated that he just bought a ham on Brookdale Drive in Boynton Isle, directly behind it is the canal. He bought this homewith the intent of putting his sailboat in the eanal~ but he has not been able to do so because of silting action that has taken place. The quirement for a sailboat is 5~'. This has occurred because of a 5~ culvert that drains Highway ~l. He asked who he should contact for the maintenance of this canal. Mrs. Jackson suggested that he contact To~ Clark~ City Engineer: for assistance. Albert Wehretl~ former member of the BeautificationBoard and new mem- ber of the Planning & Zoning Board: congratulated the Counei! for having establiShedtheSite Plan Review Board end CommunityAppearance Board at the 1st regular meeting. Iris much needed, and willhelp our Board do our work efficiently. MINUTES REGULAR CItY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 2~ 1973 P~BLIC AUDIENCE~ cont'd. Norman Hands~ 11i9 N. Seaerest~ stated that he was contacted by a Fun- :era! Director who said he asked for a Police eseo~t~ and the City would not furnish it~ He does not know what the policy is: but he did see a police eseor~ in the last couple of weeks. Mr. Wallace stated that it can be checked into, but there is a County Vehicle specifically for that purpose. l~r. Hands also inquired about holes left by cc~panies that put cables down at N. E. and N. W. llth and Seacrest. Mr. Hands then asked that someone check into the stray dogs getting into garbage bags. Mr. Hoag, N. E. 20th Ave., Village Royale, stated that in a private home in back of him he has put with the dog barking since back in September. He just got out of the hospital for open heart surgery. He took out a warrant on these people~ and it has been postponed until January as they have retained an attorney. He asked if there is anything he ean do about it. ~s. Jackson stated there have been many complaints on this. She stated that she would talk to the Chief o~ Police again about this, Fred Kostr~ stated that he has been observing the Beach area where we now have stickers for Boynton Beach residents. He has noticed a prob- lem when people that go to the beach find that they have to pay a fee there is no way for them to back out and they have to continue on and go out the regular exit. This means agg~2avated traffic, and there is no way of telling if they will take a free space. With a minimum cost they could make a turn around right near the entrance. He recommends this be looked into. The City Engineer stated there are plans for a 175' storage lane and 150' transition. Jackie Bolden, 220 N. E. 10th hve.~ stated that since there is no black representative on the Council there should be a black representative on each of the Boards. This Council is in a position to do this and could screen and draft qualified blacks to serve on the Boards. With Charter as it stands we would never have a black representative on this Council. We must press the issue to the highest, whatever the cost might be. We must live together and work as a teem. F~s. Jackson stated that there were blacks appointed to the Boards. With regard to the Chaz~cer, there is a Board that is working on the revision of it. -5- MINL~ES J~Y 2~ 1973 PI/BLIC NJDIENCE, eo,nt'd. Mr. DeLong stated that the result of the last election showed some indi- cation of the people's feeling - ~ecognition is starting to cc~e in your direction. A man from your con, unity came in fourth. Mr. Botden Stated that the fact that Rev. White was the ~4 man was just a token gift. Eze~l Hest~er, ll06 N. W. 1st St., stated that the United Boy.nt. on Civic Lea. l?gUe end,o~sed three people: Mr. White was a token of symbolism. Mm. Whi~e ~ee~ived from the United Boynton Civic League a ballot they had p. rSsnted~ ~M~.~ Watlace's name was crossed out and it left DeLong, Harmen- ing and WhiCe. They would probably deny this, but Mr. Whit? has the letteD. We hear a lot about qualifications. He is not against Mr~ Hal~nening, but never saw himat a Council meeting until just before he was elected. We should do things above-board and work for everybody~ not just for a few~ let's not be a seoond St. Petersbttrg. Mr. Hester then asked each member of Council to give their address. Af- ter each member gave their address, Mm. Hester stated that ever~ member of the Council lives south of 9th Avenue North. There is no represen- tation from the no~th. He suggested getting the Charter changed so that there is fair representation. O. T. McLean stated that only a few persons knew the special meeting was called on Monday. He also stated that one of the finest men he has eve~ known was available for Judge, and he expected to be interviewed. Mr. McLean ~urther stated that Mr. Vast/ne made the statement that Leisurev4]le contributes $200~000 in taxes to the City of Boynton Beach. He was amazed because he thought it should be much higher. As of Dec. 51~ 1972 his service station has contributed $60~ 000 in taxes on gaso- line alone, and the Tax Dept. Ln Ta]]ahassee has told him $40~000 of this comes directly back to the City of Boynton Beach. Service stations are the biggest business as far as taxes are concerned in Boynton Beach. Mr. McLean then ~equested that he be able to send employees of his ser- vice station ~o the Police Station to be fingerprinted and run a crime check. He is willing to pay a fee for this and it will benefit everyone. BIDS Tractor with Mower Mrs. Jackson stated that only one bid was received~ and she feels we should have competitive bidding. M~. Carden~ Direeto~ of General Services requested that this bid not be awarded. He did not know this was being bid on, and would ]~ke to see if it is what the City wants. Frn. Wallace moved to table the awarding of the bid, seconded by Mr. Roberts. -6- REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 2~ 1975 BiDS~ cont ~d. Mr. Sullivan stated that the reason only one bid was received is because two of the firms only handle, diesel, mowers, and Sm~tty's did not bid be- cause of a death in the family. Mo%iOn eaz~ied 5-0. One Mobile Hydraulic Cleaner Mr. Wallace moved that the bid be awarded in accordance with the recom- mendation of the Tabulating Committee compo.ed of Dick Ca~den~ Bob Fe~itz and Bill Sullivan, to H. F. MasOn in the amount of $!, 816.00~ sec- onded by Mr. DeLong. Mr. DeLonq ~equested~ that the motion be amended that these recommenda- tions that are sullied be spread upon the minutes for future reference. Motion seconded by Mr. Roberts. Mr. WallaCe s~ted t~t you pick these people to be on the Tabulation Committee and th~s seems you want to question the honesty and integrity of those .~pio~ees. The reason we went to this method in the past is so the e~perts can make the recommendations on the bids. The bids are kept in Central File. M~. DeLong Stated that this would not question the integrity~ it only shows that we are adopting what they recommend. Motion on amendment caz~ied 3-2. Mr. Wallace and Mr. Harmening voted Original motion to award the bid carried ~-1. Mr. Wallace voted OLD BUSINESS ~£oposed Ordinance - Establishing Site Plan Review Board Mr. Wallace suggested that the Ordinance be considered as an emergency ordinance. Mr. Simon cautioned the Council against considering this as an emergency ordinance. Mr. DeLong moved that the Ordinance be placed on first reading, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Simon read Ordinance No. 75-1. Mr. DeLong moved that Ord. ~73-1 be passed on first reading: seconded by Mr. Robez~cs. Mr. Wallace asked for clarification~ if a Site Plan Review Board is set up separate as far as the Planning & Zoning Board which essentially does the same thing - would it not be better to say a Site Plan Approval Or- dinance is hereby created and refer to the Planning & Zoning Board? He also suggested that the 10 days be changed to 30 days or be left out completely. _7_ MI~GTES REGuLA~ C!~Y COU~NCIL ~MEETING JA~FJARY 2, 1975 Proposed Ordinance - No. 75-1 - Site Plan Review Board M~. RobeDts suggested that the AtTorney review and make his reecmmenda- tions 1. Mr. DeLong stated that any discussion on a proposed ordinance should be done at a ~orkshop meeting prior to coming to a regular meeting. He ~lso asked who sponsored this Ordinance? Wallace stated that the first draft was available 5 or 6 months ago. you had been interested you would have bean aware of this. This Glnanee was available to you before this meeting several weeks ago. Mr. DeLong stated that he has been busy serving on two worthwhile Boards in the City° The average citizen is not apprised of the ordinances. l~mm Largent stated that the Site Plan Revie~ Board is a very technical board and consists of City employees. Developers bring in their plans in the preliminary stage to be reviewed by the Board. We have the exper- tise of the City personnet~ engineer, police chief, fire chief and so on. If there is any need~ we go over the development twice om mo~e, so that ~,~e may have better developmant. We have been doing this unoffi- cialiy for several months, the Ordinance will make it official. Albe~t Wehrell stated that the Pt~uning & Zoning Board should have the right to attend these staff meetings. He too felt this should be a Planning g Zoning Board function. Mr. Vastine suggested dropping the word ~Board~ f~om the Ordinance, and make it a technical committee of depalVcment heads, and have themwork with the Planning & Zoning Board° Mr. Roberts suggested holding this Ordinance over for further study. Mr. Wallace urqed that we endeavor to pass on first reading this even- ing. As long as the amendmants are made this evening it can be consid- ered on first reading. Mr. Simon pointed out that if the Ordinance is passed on first reading, then altered: it would have to come back for first reading again, so any changes should bemade at this time. Mr. Wallace moved to smend the Ordinance to state that a Technical Com- mittee is hereby created for Site Plan Approval: and also change the t0 days to 50 days: and moved that the Ordinance be adopted as amended$ seconded by Mro DeLong. Motion carried 5-0. ~. Sturges asked how many members would be on this Technical Con~nittee and hew many must be present to have a quorum. The answer was that there would have to be a representative of each department present. Oriqinat motion to pass Ord. tied 5-0~ ~73-1 with amendments on first reading car- S MINUTES REGU3~AR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 2~ 1975 Proposed Ordinance No. 75-29 First Reading - Creating a Community Appearance Board Mr. Simc~ read Ord. No. 73-2. Nh2. Wallace moved that Ord. No. 752 be passed on first reading~ seconded by Mr~ Harmening. Mr. DeLong questioned the membership requirement of registered or re- tired architect. If there were none avaitable~ the Board would be out of business. Possibly it should state ~'whenever available~. Mr. Wallace suggested it be amended to allow for one member to be a reg- istered o~ retired Architect, and one member would be a registered or retired Landscape Designer. Mrs. Fry stated that there is a registered Landscape Architect in the area~ and he may soon retire~ that is why it was included in the Ordin- ance. She suggested stating a registered or retired Landscape Archi- tect and/or Landscape Designer. Mr. Simon stated that if the preference is stated in the Ordiuance~ then it is up to the Council to consider: otherwise you are going to have to prove they were or were not available. Mr. Wallace referred to Sec. 10 where it states the City Planner sb~ll implement this Ord53aance. He suggested that this be stricken from the Ordinance. Mr. Hester asked i~ this Ordinance tells a person what type of tree to plant and where to plant it. Mrs. Jackson stated that this is not for single family homes or duplexes. Mr. Wallace stated that this puts restrictions, so that when a developer tells us what is going to be done~ then we have something to hold them to it~ Motion to adopt Ord. ~7~-2 as amended aazTied 5-0. Proposed Ordinance - Approval of Plats of Mango Heights and Mango Heights !st Addition Mrs. Padgett stated that the bond and necessary papers have not been received. Mr. Wallace moved to table this item~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Ordinance - Approval of Plat, Leisureville~ See. IX Mr. Simon read Ord. No. 7~-3. Mr. Wallace moved to pass Ord. ~73~3 on first reading en contingency that the bond has been posted and all re- quirements met, seconded by Mr. Roberts. Motion carried 5-0. --'9-- REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANILARY 2, 1975 RECESS Proposed Resolution - Revenue Sharing Mr. Wallace moved to table this item~ seconded by Mr. Roberts. carried 5-0. Motion Determine Site for Proposed Library M~. DeLong suggested that we set up a meeting to discuss this site and request the City Eng-i_ueer to supply members with maps of land owned by the City, ahd how large each pareet is end invite the Library Board to this me~ting. Mr. Roberts moved to strike this f~om the Agenda at this time and have this informaticm provided~ and set up a meeting at a future date~ sec- onded by Mr. Wallace. Motion carried 5-0. Sanitary Sewer Extension (On the Table) Mrs. Jackson read a portion of the letter frcm the Department of Housing and Urban Development, dated December 22, 1972~ and emphasized the fol- lowing paragraph: ~This is to advise that your application for a Water and Sewer Facilities Grant to assist in financing construction of the above described project has been approved in the amount of $2567000. A Grant Agreement is being prepared and will be forwarded to you soon~ The City should not enter into any contracts for the propos'ed project prior to execution of a Grant Agreement.~ Mr. Thompson stated that about 5 months ago the City agreed to spend the One Million Dollars for sewer service to people who were witb/n a reason- able distance of sewer lines~ Money was put in the budget~ $50~000. His building is within 5 weeks of being complete and he does not have anysewer yet. Mrs. Jackson stated that what we are discussing is not the same thing. Mr. Thompson stated that he still does not have sewer~ and $50,000 was budgeted for people within reasonable distance. He is only 1 block from a sewer line. Mr. Clark stated that he believes the area Mr~ Thompson is speaking of is included in the grant project. Mr. Thompson stated that this does not have anything to do with the Fed- eral grant project. Mr. Wallace suggested that Mr. Clark verify as ~o whether or not what Mr. Thompson is talking about is included in the Federal package by tomorrow. M~TES RE~dLAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING J~Y 2~ 1975 Sanitary Sewer EXtension~ eont'd. Vice Mayor DeLong felt the City was remiss in issuing a Building Permit if they were unable to fu-~sh sewer. Mr. Effron pointed out that if any changes a~e made on the sewer project you could lOSe the entire Pede~al grant, Mr. Thompson stated that this should not have ~een par~ of it, and he referred to the minutes of October D: 1972. Fir. DeLong suggested calling Jacksonville, and telling them we have bids to be negotiated within 60 days. Mr. Wallace stated that we should find out if this is included in the projsct~ ~hen contact Jacksonville as to when we can find out something. Council agreed to wait until they hear from Jacksonville one way or the other. Maynard Wertz presented a petition with 212 signatures to Council~ in reg83~d to the 2 acre t~act lying south of Old Boynton Road~ between HoadleyRoad and Velaire Drive on which a building permit had been is- sued for three 20-unit buildings. Mr. Wallace moved that all pertinent information he given to Mr. Simon regarding this petition: and table it for the Special Meeting. Mr, Roberts suggested that the Building Permit be held until the legali- ties are cleared up. M~. Barrett then stated that the Building Permit has already been issued. They have agreed to put the sewe~ in at their expense if it is not in- eluded in the project. If the Council desires he will send a certified letter out in the mo~n~g. Mr. Wallace restated his motion to table this matter until it is reviewed in full by the Attorney and to directMr. Barrett to send a certified letter to the developer to hold up until this matter can be clarified~ seconded by Mr. Harmening. Discussion followed in which Mr. Wertz Stated that construction had not started and ~. WilSon informed COuncil that he had been in touch ~ith the Health Department, and found that it had been issued out of the Delray office. Motion carried 5-0. Ocean Ridge Sewer Agreement (On the Table) Mr. DeLong moved to have this item referred to the Workshop meeting~ seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion caz~ied 5-0. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COU/~CIL MEETING J~Y 2~. !973 Request of Tom Clark - Scrivener's Error Mr. Clark stated that Mr. Owens is present, and this is a mistake made on the legal description - in the Drexel Agreement. A document must be signed by the City to make it legal. ~ne document has to be subject to Mr~ $imonTs approval. Council turned this over to Mr. Simon to check, and it could then be executed if e~eryth/ng is in order. APPROVAL OF BILLS Mr2 Wallace moved to have funds transferred to pay Mr. Simon, seconded by Mr. Harmening. Motion carried 5-0. NEW BUSINESS Discuss Agenda Format and Procedure Mr. DeLong moved to de, er this until the Workshop meeting, seconded by Mr. Wallace. Motion carried 5-0. Appointment of Boards and Co.~mittees Mrs. Padgett read members of Boards and Committees that were appointed at the Special Meeting on January 1st. Electrical Board Mr. Wallace stated that William Barton, Jr., recommended by ~. Hester~ is a Master Electrician. Mr. Wallace then moved that the Electrical Board remain the same with the addition of Wil~SamBarton, Jr. as an Alternate. Judge ad !item Mr. Roberts moved to appoint Serge Pizzi and John A. Wessel as Judges ad litem, seconded by Mr. Wallace. Motion tattled 5-0. Request of Charles N. Boos and Ronald Linkous Mr. Boos requested that 170' of road, an extension of N. E. 1st Avenue between 3rd and 2nd be put in at an approximate cost of $2,075 on an assessment basis as adjoining property owners w/il receive benefit° Mr. Roberts moved to bring this up at the Workshop meeting, seconded by Mr. DeLong. Mm. Wallace asked that Mrs. Padgett check on the procedure, and guide- lines as to how this is done~ and have the information at the Workshop meeting. Motion carried 5-0. -12- MI~ES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING JANUD/~Y R: 1973 ~equest o~ Richard Camden Mm. Camden requested that he be allowed to rent a machine that is neces- sary fO~ Iand fill. Mr. DeLong moved that the request be 9~anted, seconded by Mm. Wallace. Motion eamried 5-0. Proposed ResOlution 73-A - Bank Signatures Mm. Simon mead Resolution No. 73-A. Mm. DeLong moved to adopt Resolu- tion 73-A~ seconded by Mr. Wallace. Motion earried 5-0. Traffic Control Agreement Mm. Clark stated that he is sure we can go With this agreement~ they just want to be sure we are willing to take care of maintenance cost if they take care of installation. Mrs. Padgett suggested that Mr. Simon he ~iven an opportunity to look ovem the agreement. Mm. DeLong moves to approve the agreement, subject to Mr. Simon's ap- proval, seconded by Mr. Wal.lace. Motion carried 5-0. Discuss Central File Mrs. Jackson stated that everything that comes through should be kept in Centmal File. Mr. DeLong moved that the policy be adopted~ seconded by Mr. Wallace. Motion carried 5-0. Set Date for Special Meeting Mm. DeLong suggested that the Planning & Zoning Board work on bminging the zoning ordinanee up tod ate as lam as building heights~ setbacks and width of streets. He also suggested that in the future on plans for shopping centers a tmaffic flow report be given, as we have some terrific conditions in existing shopping eenters. The Workshop and Special Meeting was set for Tuesday~ January 9, 1973, at 7:30 P. M. Mr. Roberts asked if we have advertised for a City Manage~. Mrs. Padgett replied that an ad has been placed in the MI1NICIPALRECORD and more de- tails are needed as to what the Council has in mind before other ads can be placed. Mr. Roberts also mentioned advez*cising for a Building Offieial. MINU~ES REGULAK CITY COUNCIL MEETING J~2~dARY 2~ 1973 OTE~R Mm. A~tz stated that a ~tte~ of technieatity~ the Thursday Day of Mourn- ing fora P~esident Truman should be in the minutes as an approved paid holiday. ~. DeLonq moved that Thu~sday~ Deeembe~ 28~ 1972 be deetared a paid holiday~ seconded by M~. Wallace. Motion ca~ied 5-0. ADJO~PdqMENT M~. Wallace moved to adjourn~ seconded by M~. Roberts. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P. M. CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA David Roberts: ATTEST -14-