Minutes 03-09-72MIb~TES OF SPECIAL CiTY COUNCIL F~ETING HET_D AT CITY HALL, BOY-NTON BEACH, FLOKIDA~ ~2~KCH 9~ 19723 AT 2:00 P. M. PRESENT: t~obert Effron, Mayo~ Mrs. Emily Jackson~ Vice Mayor JoP~ Arehie~ Councilman Harold Blanchette~ Councilman David ~oberts~ Councilman ~s.' Tereesa Padgett~ City Clez~ and Acting City Mana_~er Mayor Effron called the meeting to order at 2:00 P. M. Proposed Change Orders - Police C~plex George Davis reviewed the attached change order with the City Council. Total net reduction to the contract is $6~502.00. P~. Archie moved to approve the change order~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. Theme are two or three items not covered in the general contract. Chief Huddleston would like a paging system~ underground gasoline tank~.~enl~ geney generator and water heater on manufacture~ gas~ and carpet which would be more expensive than tile. Mayor Effron considemed some of these items as furnishings. Some of these features could be expended out of the fund for furnishings. It is possible that City crews could do some of the work. This would save the City money. This can be discussed at the regular meeting: but would probably not need any ae.!on. MOney will be returned to unappropriated surplus fz~m the sale of bonds. .Judge Tomberg:s Re~aest A copy of a letter from Joseph Tomberg~ dated March 7, !972~ was given to each member of Council. Mayor Effron read the letter. Judge Tomberg requests that the City under, rite his defense where he is being sued by O. T. MeLean~ while acting in the capacity of Mu_nfcipalJudge. Mrs. Jackson asked if this ~efers to the Probable Cause hearing? if so, under the state laws he did not have any ~urmsdlctmon. Mr. Archie stated that he was performing the duty of City Judge~ and the judge should be taken acre of by all means. Mrs. Jackson again stated that he did not have' jurisdiction~ therefore~ he was not acting as Municipal Judge. Mr. Arch!e then asked Chief HuddleSton if he has been threatened by cer- tain parties to be sued? -t- ~UdTES SPEC~.L Cf_ZY COILNCIL ~ETING MARCH 9~ 1972. _qudge Tom~erg~s Request~ cont:d. CT, ief Huddleston stated ~'yes~ and that he certainly hopes that the City would support him~ as he was doing his job. Fins. Jae_kson thought Coun~l members should also be covered. Mr. Archie stated not as a Council member, we mun for office~ we are not an employee~ but the Chief is~ and the Judge is, so they should be pro7 teated by the City. Roberts asked if anything in the books p~oteots a Cotuaeilmember fr~m he,dig sued? The Mayor stat~ ~no~': you are an elected official. Mr. Arabia moved to grant Judge Tomberg~s request~ seconded by M~. Blan- chette. Discussion followed. Mm. Roberts asked if this wasn't a little premature? If this is appealed to the Circuit Court~ and the Court upholds the action then there woutdn~t be any suit available. The Mayor answema~ that it is not premature. The complaint has been served~ and it has to be answered within 20 days. Motion carried 3-2. Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Roberts voted ~:no'~. Extension of S. E. 2n~ Avenue Mr. Sullivan stated that the estimated aos~ for eXtension ~rf S, E. 2nd Avenue is $6~850. Also a $200 insurance policy would have to be taken out because of the nearness to the realroad tracks. Mr. Moore feels we eau include this in the bid that was awarded for N. W. 5th St, Mr. Sullivan would ]~ke Council's approval on this. Mayor Effron stated that this should be advertised for bid separately. Mr. Archie moved to go out for bid~ as we have always done; seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 2:29 P. M. CiTY OF BOYNTCN BEACH, FLOR/~A MI~dTES ~PECIAL CITY ~OUNC~ MEETING ~ 9, 1972 David ~obe~t$, Councmlman Attest City C~ AJA FORM TO FOR FOR OWNER O$ DER OWNER'S CORY Jf thTs order is satisfactory, the owner requested to Rle~se sign and return Contrac- tor's and Arch[tott's copies to the Arch[tect. N. J. Hemminger~ Inc., ARCHITECT'S JOB No. iSSUED DATE ~rch 9, ~72 AMOUNT ~MJ~us) $ CONTRACYO~ City of Bejaton Beach: Florida Contractor shall pay engineer ~or staking-ou$: Contractor shall pay for four tS) concrete tests, as ordered by the architect: T~E AMOUNT OF THE CONTRACT WILL BE (iNCREASED) (DECREASED) IN THE SUM OF: YOU~ PROPOSAL FOR MAKING THE FOLLOWING CHANGES HAS BEEN ACCEPTED: 1. Asphalt paving shall be 1" thickness, plant mix asphalt, DOT specifica- tion, in lieu of ~ specifiedZ DEDUCT $ ~00.00 2. Asphalt roofing medium shall be used instead ef specified pitch, with galvanized flashing: DEDUCT $ 2,000.00 3~ Use paint grade solid core wood doors, with wood jambs, zn place of hollow metal doors in non-security areas. AS1 exterior doors shall remain as metal, w~th metal frames, as specified. Use 22-guage metal studs in n~n-security areas; 18-gauge metal studs shall be installed on both sides of corridor, security areas, and other areas designated by the architect; . DEDNCT: ~ 1,500.00 $. Use locallyG~ade security wind~ws and screens, with plexiglas~glazing, ~od$1 as approved by ~he Chief o~ Police and the architect, zllewanc~: ~5,000.00. Uost cf approved window: $2,330.00: SEDUCT: ~ 2,670.00 5. Refund cost of building permit: DEDUCT: , ?99.OO ~. Finish Hardware Allowance: $5,200.00. Cost of approved hardware- $4,700.00. D - 7. F ~ EDUCT. $ ~00.00 ac~de material shall be as made by Johns~WL~nville, in $g~z%8~ panels, and known as ~Splitwood Feature Panels,~ cream color, installed in ac- cordance with detail approved by the architect. Install arondd buil- ding fascia, except for the salLy-port, generator room, meter room, and dog kennel, which shall have fascias as shown on drawings. Allowance: ~6,~2.00. Cost of above: $7,276.00 ADD: $ 794.00 8. Contractor shall leave at least one cell at existing jail for police rise. This will require contractor to duplicate some work. ADD: ~ ~08.00 9. Change #15 doer (room 1~8 to 1~9) to a #~ door. ADD: 10. ~ lO0.OO 11. ~DD: ~ 75.00 ADD: ~ 100.00 WITH (INCREASE) (DECREASE) (NO CHANGE) ~N THE CONTRACT TIME OF (continued on page 2) DOLLARS ($. DAYS DATE · A[A CHANGE OWNER'S COPY If this order is sat[sfactory, the owner requested to please sign and retur~ Contrac- tor's =nd Architect's cop]es to the Architect. ARCHITECT'S JOB No. iSSUED DATE AMOUNT [Plus or Minus) $ 19 TO CONTRACTOR FOR_ iN CONNECTION WiTH FOR OWNER YOUR-PROPOSAL FOR MAKING THE FOLLOWING CHANGES HAS BEEN ACCEPTED: 12. Leave 8'x16u block space at north-east corner of main facing east, about 60u high, for ~sonic corner-stone be furn_shed and installed by others. building, which shall NO CHARGE. ~3. ~4. All concrete ha~nch beams shall be 3~", NO CHARGE. Electrical changes: (a) Emergency generator transfer switch shall be ~00 amp., as specified. ~anufactured gas-fired; tank and install- ation of tank and piping to building by gas company. (b) Revise switch gear as shown by sketch approved by the architect. Jail heating elements shall be removed from the emergency load. (c) Increase (except f~r pa~ 'phone~ ½-) size of all 'phone conduits from ½', to 3/$". ~our ~- condmits at complaint desk shall be ome 2". Id) Telephone outlet in Chief's office shall ~e recessed, flush ~rlth ~loor slab, as located by the architect. (e) ~r~vide E~T to these locations: communications center console; tape recorder, and tele- type machine; all originating in telephone room. (f) Route two 2u PVC conduits for 'phone company mss to south proper~y line, instead of north property.line. (g) Provide separate 20 amp CB in panel for duplex omtlet for use of 'phone company. (h) Omit conduit for low- voltage paging system wire (i) Typical recessed 2~~ x ¢8, fluores- cent fixtures shall be as made by Nidwest Chandelier Company, their model 2 GP-AX-~40, acrylic finish and acrylic lens. (j) Omit four (~) battery-powered, portable emergency lighting ~mits. All elec- tric chmnges above: NO CHARGE TOTAL DEDUCzIO~~ ~ ~ ~ 7,8?9.00 ~0 CONTRACT .$ 1,377.00 ~ ~,502.0~ THE AMOUNT OF THE CONTRACT WILL BE ~ (DECREASED) iN THE SUM OF: ~ix Thous~LFJ~drad mwo ~nd On/!on ..... -~/-//~DOL[ARS ($ ~,507:00 W~TH ~~(NO CHANGE) ~N THE CONTRACT TIME O DAYS DATfi 19~ B~ ~eo~e n. ~ (page 2 of 2 pages}