Minutes 12-07-71MII~/TES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETI~IG HELD AT CITY HALL: BOYNTO~] BEACH~ FLORIDA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1971, AT 7:30 P. M. Forrest L. Wallace, Mayor Robemt B. EffrOn, Vice Mayor MI~. Emily M. ~acks°n~ Councilwoman John L. Archie, Councilman Harold Blanchette, Councilman Clarence Q. Jones~ J~., City Manage~ Mrs. Temeesa Padgett, City Clerk Gene Moo~e, City ~Atto~ney Mayor W~]lace called the meeting to order at 7:40 P. M. The Invocation was given by Rev. Douglas Smith~ followed by the Flag Sal- ute led by John Archie~ Councilman. Mayor Wallace intmoduced Robemt Johnson~ County Commissioner District ~3. He also introduced PL~yor Willis Pamks f~om Xuksakk/, New York. Mr. Jones introduced the new City Planner~ Robert Largent. Guests & Civic .Gmoup Representatives F. C. Van Deusen~ Senior Citizens Herman Forbas~ Ridgewood Hills Homeowners Association Albert Wehretl~ Boynton Isle: Lee Manors Association ~ernon Thompson~ P~ogmessive Men~s Club Gil Eckert: Hampshire GaTdens Dorian Trauger: Women's Club Charles Eschenburg~ Goifview Marbour R. B. Vastine, Leisureville ~aulaF~ore, American Legion Auxiliamy Bmuce CostanZo~ Gol~view HaTbour Proclamation - FHN IS CHRISTMAS ~NDER THE SHN Mayor Wallace proclaimed December 18 through December 23 as ~'BOYNTON FUN IS CHRISTMAS ~NDER THE SU~~ DAYS and u~ged all citizens to take part in the activities and festivities scheduled. MINUTES Regular Meeting - November 16:1971 Mr. E~fron stated that on Page 3 it should be Domothy Amateis~ rather than Doris. Also on Page 4 in the motion made by Mrs. Jackson the word should be ~paving~· Mr. Blanehette moved to accept the minutes o~ November 16 as corrected, seconded by Mr. A~ehie. Motion carried 5-0. Speeia! Meeting - November 23~ 1971 On Page 4 a~ter the Holiday Schedule ~ motion was omitted. The motion was made by Mrs. Jackson to have the ~i~st meeting of the City Council on the ~irst Monday in January~ seconded by Mr. Arehie. Carried 5-0. --1-- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETI/NG DECEMBER 7: 1971 MI~dTES - Special Meeting~ November 23, 1971: cont'd. Mr. Effron moved to accept the minutes of November 25 as corrected: see- opted by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. Special Meeting - December 2, 1971 Mr. Archie moved to accept the minutes of December 2 as written, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Arnold Stroshein~ 612 N. Federal: asked to speak on Item A Public Hearing, Parcel 2. Charles T. Button asked to speak on Item C Old Business. Vernon Thompson would like to add a request to sell Christmas Trees under Item A Administrative. Also Item A~ New Business. Charles Eschenburg asked to speak on Item C~ Old Business. PHs. Henry Green asked to speak on Parcel ~3, Public Hearing. Sheppard Broad asked to speak on Item C: Old Business. Frances F~y: Item C, Old Business John Stevens, 715 N. W. 4th St., asked to speak on Item B, Old Business. O. T. McLean, 906 S. Federal, played a tape that was recorded in his ser- vice station in regard to proposed shopping center on E~ Ocean Ave. Mr. Arehie asked Mr. McLean if he lives in Boynton. He stated that he lives in Lake Worth. Mr. Archie asked if he is a registered voter? He stated no. Mr. Snow asked to speak on Item C Old Business. William Miller: Item A New Business~ Thomas Canavan, Public Hearing Item A: and Legal Item ~1. Mrs. Mallon requested a picture she presented be placed in Lake Addition file. Mr. O'Meara asked to speck on Item D, Old Business. Mr. Joel Daves, Attorney for Milnor Cor~poration, requested the applicatioI be taken off the table and voted on: but if it cc~es to public discussion representatives of Milnor Corporation would like to s~)eak. ~IN~TES REGULAR CItY COLhNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 7~ 1971 PUBLIC A~tDiENCE, cont'd. Joe Sehroeder, 1052 S. W. 25th Ave, ~ asked to speak on Item C~ Old Business. Beril Kruger, 2563 S. W. loth Ct., asked to speak on Item C, Old Business. Tom Birch, 1330 S. W. 27th Ave., stated that he did not know if it is legal to do the tape that Mr. McLean did, but he wished he had taped Lawrence Welk. Receipt of Election Returns Mrs. Jan Wertz re~orted on the South Precinct and Mrs. Helen Brull reported on the No~th Precinct. Mrs. Padgett gave the total~ as per attached re- ports. Mr. Effron moved :that the election returns be accepted~ seconded by Archie. Motion carried 5-0. Mr: Archie moved that the highest candidates, Mrs. Emily M. Jackson and Mr. David Roberts~ be duly elected; seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARING Parcel St - Sec. 27, Twp. 45 S.~ R. 43 East S. 139.99 feet of N. 204.99 feet of E. 125 feet of West 176.18 feet of NW~ of ~P~, City of Boynton Beach Address: 314 S. Federal Highway Request: C-1 to C-2 Applicant: George L~ Hoskin~ Jr. ~se: Furniture Sto~e with outside displays Thomas Canavan, Sterling Village~ stated that he objected to this down grading of the zoning to allow such an objectionable business to be placed adjoining the eondc~/nium complex. No one else appeemed in objection to the request. No one appeared in favor of the request. Mr. Archie moved that this request be tabled, seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. Parce!~ - East % of Lot iR and all of Lot 15, Block 1 Civic Center, an addition to the Town of Boynton Beach~ Recorded in Plat Book 12~ Page 68, Palm Beach County Reeords Address: 654 N. E. 6th Ave. Applicant: Patrick F. Mar~ellino Request: R-1Ato R-3 Use: Apartment Building (6 Apartments) -3-- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 7, 1971 C Parcel ~2, cont'd. Arnold StroShein stated that he is not objecting to the request, but would rather see it go R-3A, which would allow the 6 units. L~nder R~3 this use could not be enforced. He also pointed out that an easement would be necessary if the 6 units are put in to get a water line. Patrick Marcetlino stated tb~t he would be willing to accept R-3A~ and also would be willing to g~ant the easement. No one appeared against the request. Mr. Moore read Ordinance No. 7i-40~ granting change in zoning to R-3A. Mr. Archie moved that Ord. No. 71-40 be passed on first reading: seconded by M~. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. Parcel ~3 ~ The East 215' of Tracts 31, 32~ 33 and 34~ According to the S%fodivision of Sections 20 and 297 Twp. 45 S.~ R. 43 E.~ Boynton Beach, Florida Address: 711to and incl. 999 N. W. 10th St. Applicant: Vaino Nikki Request: R-1 to R-2 Use: Rental Apartments~ 6 - 2 story buildings No one appeared in favor of this request, Mrs. Henry A. Green, 902 N. W. 8th Avenue: represented residents in the area who are against the request. They have a quiet neighborhood~ and want it left that way~ they are against high density. Mr. Ef£ron moved that the request be denied~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. Request for Abandonment Abandonment of rights of way, more particularly described as: That Portion of N. W. 7th Ct. and N. W. 7th Ave. lying between Seacrest Blvd. and N. W. 1st St.~ Boynton Hills, as recorded in Plat Book 4~ Page 51 Palm Beach County Records Applicant: Leonard E. Smith Mr. Jones pointed out that the City Planner found that there is a reverter clause from 1925. Mr. Jones recommended that the item be tabled until the Applicant clarifies this. The City Attorney stated that it is not the Council's place to determine who has legal title to the property, but only to determine if the public has any interest in dedicated streets. Mr. Jones stated that if these streets are abandoned, over an acre of land belonging to the City. --4-- it would include F~NTdTES REGULAR CITY COU~NCIL MEETING DECEMBER 77 1971 Request for Abandonment~ conrad. The City Attorney stated that the City does not ov~a this land, it is only easements, and the developer intends to use this, and it would be put back on the tax roll. If a proper application for abandonment has been filed the Council should determine if there is any continued use of the streets. Mr. Effron stated that the streets are platted but are not existing streets The Planning & Zoning Board recommends approval provided all legal re- quirements are met. Mr. Archie moved that the request for abandonment be 9~anted~ seconded by Mr. Ef£ron. There was more discussion. Mr. Jones stated that thez~ is ~a parcel of City property in the middle of Mr. Smith's land. The City Attorney stated that this is no probtem~ the City could sell the property to Mr. Smith. The motion carried 3-2. Mr. Wallace and Mrs. Jackson voted ~no~. Mr. Moore read Resolution No. 71-TT granting abandonment. moved to adopt Res. No. 71-TT~ seconded by Mr. Blanehette. tied 3-2. M~. Wallace and Mrs. Jackson voted ~no~. Mr. Arehie Motion car- BIDS Law Enforcement Complex Council reviewed the bid tabulation. Mr. Arehie asked George Davis~ chitect~ about Alternate ~l and ~. Mr. Davis stated that Alternate refers to the original plan to allow an additional story to be added on later. Alternate ~ re, ers to the facade all the way around the building which originally was planned £or only two sides. Mr. Davis also stated that the facade is a very expensive material: and he might be able to find another suitable material. ~r. Archie moved to award the bid to M. J. Hemminger in the amount of 262,261.00~ eliminatingAlternate ~land~,and that the City Attorney be authorized to d~aw up the contract and the Mayor be authorized to sign it: seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. Awarding 14 Mobile Radios Vms. Jackson moved to table the item, seconded by Mr. Blanchetteo Motion carried 5-0. -5- MIhrdTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING DECEMBP~R 7~ 1971 ,? PUBLIC HEkRING~ cont' d. Receipt of Assessment Roll - Portions of SE !st Ave. and _MW 9th Ave. The City Attorney explained that this has previously been presented to Council; the purpose of the Public Hearing is to hear any persons af- fected by the assessment who have any objections. If there are no objec- tions an ordinanee should be adopted. No one appeared with objections to the Assessment Roi1. Mr. Moore read Ordinance No. 71-36. Mr. Btanchette moved to pass Ordin- ance No~ 71-36 on first reading~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. LEGAL Ordinance No. 71-37, Second Reading - Limiting Height of Buildings Thomas Canavan stated that the City has gone to an expense of having a company prepare a zoning map and accept this plan from Gerald Dake. Atso~ you are going to limit the height of buildings, without specifying the height. Mr. Effron stated that the Council has not accepted the zoning map. The Planning & Zoning Board has accepted the map: now the Council has to have a Public Hearing~ and either accept or reject this map. The City Attorney stated that the Ordinance does specify the height of the buildings. Mr. Moore read Ordinance No. 71-37. Mr. Are_hie moved that Ord. ~7i-37 be adopted on second and final reading~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 71,58, Second Reading - Creating Position of City Planner Mr. Moore read Ord. #71-38. Mr. Effron moved to adopt Ord. ~7t-38 on second and ~inal reading, Seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance 71,39, First Reading , Christine Allen Request, Change in Zonin~ Mr. Moore read Ord. ~71-39. Mrs. Jackson moved to pass Ord. ~7t-39 on 1st reading, seconded by Mr. Blanehette. Motion carried 5-0. Resolution No: 71-RR - Providing for issuance of $t, 000:000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds~ Series 1971 Mr. Moore read Res. ~71,ER by caption only. Mr. Archie moved that Res. ~71-RR be adopted~ seconded by Mr. Blanehette. Motion carried 5-0. -6- MIArdTES REC~]LAR CI~Y COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER T, 1971 LEGAL, cont~d. Resolution No. 71-SS - Establishing Non-Resident Fees at the Library Mr. Moo~e read Resolution No. 71-SS. Mr. Blanchette moved to adopt Res. ~71-SS~ secondedby ~. Arehte.' Motion carried 5-0. OLD BUSINESS Re~newal of Fire Contract with Briny Breezes The Fire Chief and the City Manager originally recommended $6,500 for this Fire Contract. Several Councilmen indicated that this was a little high. It is now recommended that $3,600 be the amount for the contract, this is double what they are paying now. Mrs. Jackson moved that this recommendation be accepted~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. Request of Leonard E. Smith for change in zoning (On the table) Mrs. Jackson moved to take this item off the table: seconded by Mr. Archie~ Motion carried 5-0. John Stevens was concerned with the two lots that were to be excluded. He heard that they had been removed~ but it has not been in writing. He was told that the two lots have been removed from the request. Mr, Moore read Ord. No. 71-41, g~anting this zoning change. Mrs. Jackson moved that Ord. ~71-41 be passed on 1st reading, seconded by Mr. Blan- chette. Motion carried 5-0. RECESS Mayor Wallace conveyed a message from Chief Huddleston expressing thanks for the Police Complex. Request of Mi!nor Corp. for change in Zoning and Abandor~ent of Rights of Way (On the table) F~s. Jackson moved that this be taken off the table, seconded by Mr. Blanohette. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Az~hie abstained. Mayor Wallace stated that the letters received in reference to this mat- ter will be placed on file. Mrs. JacP~on stated that this is spot zoning and many people are against it, and moved to deny the request, seconded by Mayor Wa~taee. The vote was 2-2-1. Mr. Effron and Mr. Blanchette voted ~'no~. Mr. Archie ab- stained. -7- MINUTES REC~/LAR CITY COUNCIL MEET//NG DECEMBER 7, 1971 Request of Milnor Corp.~ cont'd. Mr. Effron stated that one of the hardest jobs of the Council is ~__.on~sider- lng rezoning. The only way to look at a zoning request is to do h~ework and look at the area and go over recommendations of the Plann/ng & Zon~g Board. He further stated that he spent days out of a busy schedule researcl ing and analyzing this entire matter. He has seen plans and relocation of streets. As of right now he stated he has not heard one single con- structive reason why this request should not be gmanted. The people that have been opposin~ this request are approximately 1800 feet in distance fro? the proposed ~ezoning~ some as far as 2500 feet. He has heard eom- plaints about density~ but in his opinion the density is low~ so that is no problem. Me also does not see how t his would cause dec,eased value. Mr. Effron moved that the request b~ granted: seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Vote was 2-2-1. Mayor Wallace and Mrs. Jackson voted "no~r. Mr, Archle absta/ned. As to where this leaves the developer, the City Attorney stated that this does not give the relief that he asked for. He was not ~g~ante~ h~~ qugst~ ngr w~s he turned down.~~*~~~ ~s. Ja~son m~ed to deny the aba~o~ent ~quest~ seconded by Mayor Wal- lace. Vote was 2-2-1. Mr. Effron and Mr. Blanchette voted '~no Arkie abstained. Mr. Effron moved to ~£ant the abandonment request~ seconded by Mr. Blan- ehette. Vote was 2-2-1. Mayor Wallace and Mrs. Jackson voted 'mo~'. Mr. Archie abstained. Proposed Sign Ordinance Mr. Archie moved to table this item, seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. Receipt of Pret/minary Plat of Mango Heights (On the table) This item remained on the table. Robert Johnson, County Con~nissioner~ District Mr. Wa3~lace turned his seat over to Mr. Johnson to answer any questions. Mrs. Jackson asked Mr. Johnson about the position of beach property. She stated that we would like to have the property that is left for the beach. Mr. Johnson explained that the beach acquisition has been turned over to George Warren. Most of the negotiation is done by the LegatDepartment. He stated that he would find out from Mr. Warren what the status of the beach area for Boynton is. Mr. Johnson asked what the preference is for beach area? -8- REGULAR CITY CO[~NCIL ~ETING DECEV~ER 7, 1971 Robez~ Johnson, County Ccmmissioner~ District ~5, con~'d. Mr. Effron stated that originally there were two parcels adjacent to the present beach, one 200 feet andanOther 500 feet. The 200 foot parcel was sold. Now the preference is to get the 300 feet adjacent to the present beach. Mr. Johnson said he would place this on the Agenda for their next meeting. Vernon Thcmpson asked Mr. Johnson about paving of N. E. 10th Avenue. There has been a lot of discussion about this. The County would not p~ve the road until the City took care of the drainage. Mr. Johnson stated that Mr. Warm-eh had said the City had taken care of the drainage. Mr. Thompson stated that the drainage is not cc~aplete and they have waited long enough on this. Mr. Jones stated that the western line is not complete, but will be by the time the paving gets to that point. This will not interfere with the pav- ing at all. Mr. Johnson then stated that the paving is being done by contract and that it might be delayed because of the contract. He will get a letter to the City Manager on the status of the paving. M~. Blanchette stated that several years ago there was thought to widening Seacrest Blvd. south to 15th Avenue. He asked if anything mo~e has been done on this? Mr. Johnson said he would find out the status, but it is not in the budget for this year. Mr. Archie commended Mr. Johnson for coming down, and spending some time with the Council. ~eceipt of Petition to Pave Portion of N. W. 5th Street This was turned over to the Engineering Department. ADmiNISTRATIVE Requests to Solicit: 1. Boynton Beach Lions Club 2. Boynton Beach Soroptimist Club Pa/mGtades Girl Scout Council: Inc. 4. Palm Beach County Chapter - National Foundation, March of Dimes 5o Also added was the Cavalier Club - to sell Christmas Trees Mr. Arabic moved to grant these requests, and the Cavalier Club file the necessary application with the City Clerk, seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. -9- MIiXUdTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL PiEETING DECEMBER 7~ 1971 ADMINISTRATIVE: cont ~ d. Proposed Changes in Civil Service Rules and Regalations M~. Archie moved to table this request~ seconded by Mr. Bt~unchette. Motion carried 5-0. Request for Certificate of Zoning App~oval~ Smokey~s Wha~f~ 759 E. Ocean Awe The Building Department approved the zonin9. Mrs. Jackson moved that the request be ~ranted~ seconded by Mr. B!an- chette. Motion carried 3-0. Mr. Effron and Mr. A~ehie abstained. Licensing Policy for Out-of-Town Businesses Mrs. Jackson moved to table this item= seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. Receipt of List of Payments Made in October Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the List of Payments made in October, sec- onded by Mr. Arohie. Motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills Neptune Meter Company $ 5,406.08 Arehie moved to pay the bill, seconded by Meeting adjourned at I0:00 P. M. Motion carried CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA Forrest L. Wallace, Mayor Robert B. Effron~V~ce May6r -10- MINUTES REGU~ CITY COtLNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 7, 1971 Attest: r~l¢ L? Bla~fV~ Councitm~n City Clerk -ti- STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) SS CITY OF BOYETON BEACt~ ) TO THE ~{ONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMAN OF THE CIT]f OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA We, the undersigned Clerks of the General Election held on the 7th day of December,,~1971. A. D.~ for the purpose of electinf vwo (2) candidates £or Council. do hereby ~ertify that at such General Election the results were as follows: CANDIDATES North South TOTAL Emily ~. Jackson 6~ ~ / ~ Joseph T. Kelly ~f~ ~ /~ R. ABSENTEE BALLOT SPOILED BALLOTS TOTAL VOTES CAST f~lerk~ South PrecinCt Clerk~ North Precinct Sworn zo and subscribed before me this f ~ ~day of December. 1991. Tereesa Padge~tt~ity Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) SS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLEMAYOR AND COUN6ILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA We~ the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the General Election held on the 7th day of December. 19717 A. D.~ for the purpose of electing t~o (2) candidates f6r Cou~cil~ do hereby certify that at such General Election~ the total votes cast az the North Precincv were: of which: Emily M. Jackson Joseph T. Kelly Jack R. Kujala David Roberts Spoiled Ballots ~ /o~_Machines // Absentee 10~ Total received ~4/L~--~i- votes received ~S-~ votes received ~8/ ~--~ votes received ~-~-~ votes And we~ such Clerk and Inspectors~ do make the foregoing as our rezurn to you of the results of such G~neral Election and we do declare the above and foregoing to be the result of the General Election in the North Precinct. Olerk Inspector~ I~spec~/~r Inspecnor Inspecvor Deputy ~/ Ins}~tor Inspector Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) SS CITY OF B0~0N BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA We~ the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the General Election held on the 7th day of December~ 1971. A. D.~ for the purpose of electing two candidates for Council~ do hereby certify that at such General Election~ the total roves casz at the South Precinct ~ere: of which: Emily M. Jackson Joseph T. ~elly Jack R, Kujala David RoberTs Spoiled Ballots ~ Machines Absentee Total receivsd c~O/ roves received ~ vo~es received ~/~ votes received / ~ votes _~ad ~e~ such Clerk and Inspectors~ do make the fo~esoing as our return to you of the results of such General Election and we do declare the above and foregoing vo be the result of the General Election in the South Precinct. InspectOr Inspeczor ~ beputy Ins p}~or Inspecto~ PAYHENTS fIADE IN OGTOBER BY DATE 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 t971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 .............................. 1, G90. 04 .............................. 2.00 .............................. 757.4£ .............................. t, 271.35 .............................. 916. 86 .............................. 28, 143. $4 .............................. 650. $5 .............................. 671.49 .............................. 296. $0 .............................. 95,010.$1 .............................. 745.85 .............................. 335. 27 .............................. 43, 307. 31 .............................. $05. £G 1971 ........................ - -- --- 29, 221. 1971 ......................... - --- - 9, 277. 74 1971 ...... !,971 .......................... -- - - 277, 792. 69 WATER SYSTEM BEYENUE FUND .................... SEWER BEYENUE FUND .... W~TER DEPOSITORS FUND ........................ SEWER ~, W~TER DEPOSITORS FUND ................ SEWAGE DEPOSITORS FUND ....................... RETIREMENT TRUST FUND ........................ FIRE~EN'S RELIEF ~ PENSION FUND .............. FUND ................................. 145, 005.86 39, 101.1 ? 21,468.2~ 172.50 975.50 1~. 0~ 70, 971.36 84.10 "2 77, 792.69 OCT. CT, 1971 1971 1971 1971 GENERAL FUND 27759 C.J. OUSLEr 27760 Be OKER 27761 U.S, POS~mZSTE~ 27762 W~TT 2f~cDowELL WA TER 15773 13774 SYSTEH REVENUE FUND Wmr~T ~¥.~eDowELr, RETIRE~E~T TRUST F'U~D 0739 R~z Gz~.ar~n¢ 0740 OLrcm Wz~,ZCE 0741 F~N~ JOHNSON 07¢2 Wood.ow E~szY 07~3 E~E~NO~ P=F~S~ FIREMEN'S RELIEF ~ PENSiO~ 524 JOXN r=~m 525 BidRoLm HEa~IN~ GENERAL FUND 27765 B~ OFmaTON'S GENERAL FUND 27764 GENE L~mmNcm Reosm FUND T FENCE WATER SYSTEM REFENUE FUND 15775 U.S. POsTN~STEi~ RETIREHENT TRUST FUND GENERAL FUND 27767 B~. G~.-Bz. S~. oe F~z. INC. 2776~ T~zr'm~m~s I~r~Ua~NCm 27769 ALL~ ~Yq~rsT 2?7?0 G.J. O~s~mv 2777~ Assee. Go~ CO. 10. O0 10. O0 45~. O0 6~2. O0 4-50. O0 24. O0 474. O0 50.58 155.12 71.00 ~4.51 73.02 155.71 529.94 59.83 24.27 8~.10 $i,69~.04 2. O0 $2.00 15. O0 281 ,, ~0%~ 20.00 441.42 $757.42 92.50 174.96 250. O0 5. O0 5. O0 59.60 5¢-. 56 OCT. 1971 27774 GENE NOORE 27775 P.B. CO¢~er 27799 CrTY OF B.B. PETTY WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 13777 J.A.S. t377~ O~ms E. 15779 Lmo~ 157~ Mas. 15781 HomEs ~r Lmo~ I 37~2 CrLaa~SS SE~*E~ BEYENUE FUND 3893 Gm~ms E. RHeDEN 3895 H~ZS. FAYE HA~n 3896 Cm,~LES BCaC~Z WA ?ER DEPOSITORS FUND ~914 Or~r OF Bo ~. ACC 'T Jo T~rlSeJ{ SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 2~0~ Or~y o~ B.B. Ace'T J.A.S. B~IL~E~S 2007 200~ 2009 2010 CrTr OF B.B. A¢¢'T Nomms ~r LEoN Romm~ P. Sm~mas Cr~r OF B.B. Ac¢'~ G. B~ac~ 1971 GENERAL FU~'D 27776 27777 EL~rs MCAaor 27778 Fras~ _27739 JosmR~ 150.00 300.00 11.07 i,082.49 2.42 ~.72 I. G4 ~. 20 21.7G 2. O0 6. O0 10.10 2.00 2.,70 22. ~0 7, 50 7.50 1~.50 7.~0 1~.30 7.50 7.50 1~.50 5. O0 5. O0 18.7~ 10.55 15. ~ I5~.00 Gg. 30 $1,271. $5 OCT. 7, 1971 1971 WATER SYS~ REVENUE FUND 15785 EL~ma E. ~Ysma~ 13784 GoLF~,zmw Dm~r. Oe~m. 137~6 R~m~T ~. W~mma 16 7~7 J~m Pmm~ SEWER REVENUE FUND 3897 Er. mca E. 5598 Ro~mae 3899 J~cm sgoiMas. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8916 CITY OF B, B. ACC 'T. 8917 J. STANLEY Deem' J.G. B~ra~mn zm 5.20 7.44 12.70 2.20 6. G4 15.4~ fiS~. O0 $. 20 G~! ~ 66 10. I0 6.60 5.50 9.40 7.50 7.50 15. O0 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUi~D 2011 Emma 2013 Cr~r OF B.B. 2¢e'T GOLFFIEW Dm¢.Ooam. 15.00 201~ Grey OF B.B. Acc'e B~ Z~m~m~s 7.~0 201~ Ozer Ge B.B. ~ce'e gO~rZEW DEr. ~o~. 15.00 2017 GZe~ OF 2018 g~er OF B,B. ~ec'e B.E.W~z~ 17.~0 2019 a~er OF B.B. ~ee'e J. P~L~n 17.~0 2020 Czer OF B.B. ~cc'e HO~ES ~r Leo~ 7.50 2021 Gzer o~ B.B. ~ce'e H~s. H~az~ 16.90 152. 70 GENERAL FUND 27782 CrTx OF B.B. PAYROLL F~TNB 2778~ Crer o~' B.B. Po~rcE RETrtCEHENe F. 2778~ Cr~r OF B.B. F~E~mn's BSP F. 2778~ B.B. Rm~raE~m~ Ta. F. ~778G BOYNTON CITY FEm. GR. g. 20, G12.21 270.67 159.70 622.06 I~ 772. O0 25, ~36. G¢[ OCT. ~, 1971 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 13791 Cr~Y OF B.B. P~YaozL F. 12, 1971 SEWER REVEk-UE FUND 6902 Oz~Y ~ B.B. P~Y~eLL SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 2022 O~m~Enn Oomsza. Ge. 3. 324. 3, 32~. 1~ $7~. 3~ 1, $74. $0 7.5~ GENERAL FUND 277~9 Romm~ B. E~e~oN GS. 7~ 27790 H~e~m B~¢mm~m 68. 7~ 27791 JO~N L. Aac~rm 93. 7~ 27792 Gz~m M~oam 93. 75 27794 G~aaY W~N~a 1~.0~ 2779~ R~ssm~ T. O~Y~O~ 10.00 2779G R~p~ Pm~asoN 7. O0 2?797 H~a~w J. Sem~ G. O0 W_4TER SL~Ei~ REYENUE FUND 13793 Wr~,Lr~ Y~ms 5.20 13796 S~ow Oo~s~a~c~o~ Go. !0.!4 I~797 13 ?98 Josm~_~ 13800 Rosm~ D. IFmY 1. 1~801 13802 R~Y B. W~.~ER DEPOSITORS ?JND 8918 Ox~Y SF B.B. A¢c'~ H~z~ R~c~mwsm~ 7.50 ~919 OITY OF B.B. Acc'~ E. ~'~ma, J~. 7.50 8920 O~Y OF B.B. ACC'T Oo~w~z~ ~ Ep~ 7.50 22. ~ SEWER REYENUE FUND 3903 C~cm P~aNxL~ 6.60 390~ Gmo~m T. Fmrex II 3906 Josm~s Ro~s~z ~. O0 $907 Rz~am B~m~ 1, 5~ 3908 B~Y G. Frsmm~ ~.~5 143. Ocr. 12, 1971 1971 1~, 1971 15, 1971 SEWER · WATER DEPOSIT FUND 2023 Grrr OF B.B. Acc'~ W~. YA~mS 202~ GzTY OF BoB. A¢¢'~ Amla-~E ~~ 2026 Jo~m T. FrELEa 2027 C~ eF B.B. ~C¢~ ONUCK P~RNELL 2030 C~TY OF B.B. ~¢c'~ M~am Bm~c~ 2~31 G~z oF B.B. ~ee'T B~ D. IFEY 20~2 OITz o~B.B. ~ee'~ Gl Ezazez 2033 Gz~z oR B.B. ~ee~ B. B~z~a 20~ Gz~Y oF B.B. 2ec~ R.g. Fzsm~a 203~ G~z OF B.B. ~c¢'~ fmo~s FOLEy, GENERAL FUND 27800 Or~'Y OF B.B. Pmz~zr CASH WATER SYSTEH REFENUE FUND 1380~ U. S. Posz~zs~m~ WA_ ~R DEPOSITORS FUND 89~!~ O~Y~ o~' B.B; ~A¢¢r~" 8922 Cr~Y o~ B.B. Aec 'T J. RmrNo~$ SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 2036 G~z OF B.B. ACC'T B.A. Ho¢cK 2~37 JOSEPH HOWmL~ 2038 ~SE~ NzC~o~S, J~. 2059 Or~r 2040 O~r OF B.B. GENERAL FUND 27892 Da:F~r Bosom 27B0~ Dm~oa~ LAw OFFZCEt~$ GENERAL FUND 278~5 Cr~,Y ~F B.B. P~Y~ 7.5~ 18. $0 15. O0 17.6~ 1 7.69 15.5~ 7,50 7, ~ 16.2~ 15, ~0 37.25 3.8~ ~2. O0 ~.2~ 5.2~ ~-66.2~' 7. ~0 7, ~0 15. O0 15.50 7.50 15. OO 7.50 7.50 156.00 2~'00 107.50 7.80 11,6~6.92 $6 71.49 $296.$~ 15, 19, 197I 1971 1971 27806 CrTY oF B.R. Pogrom RmT~am. F. 2780? G~Tr o~ B.B. F~am~mN's R&P F. 27808 B.B. B~am~m~T r~. F. 27811 U.S. 27812 NoAz~ E. 27815 LT. 27814 L~. ~. WA TER 15807 10~08 13809 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 2~10rTr oF B.B. A¢¢'~ J. RETIREHENT TRHST FUND 0?46 B.B. Fras~ NAT'L BZNX SEWER REYENUE FUND 3909 OrTr OF B.B. P~r~o~n F~m $9!1Wz~m~ & Po~. Co~ma. OmEa. GENER~£ FUND 2 7820 27821 2 7822 2 7825 Hz~onm R. Hop~rms WATER SYSTEH REYENUE FUND 15810 6k~prTAL Lmzsr~o Coa~. GENERAL ~FUND 27824 RommaT W. Jo~ms $4~1,89 1,$72.00 6, 056.20 43. 20~. O0 150. O0 150. O0 150. O0 1~0. O0 150. O0 20, 991.41 2,458.11 19.50 A. i2.00 2,489.61 25.0_ 0 25.00 70.000.00 70,000.00 1,4~G. 29 18.00 1, 4.29 $95, O10. $1 10.60 17.50 336.02 109.21 20. O0 487. 35 258.~0 5!.~0 27~27 Gz~r o~ B.B. P~Y O~ss 24.07 20, 1971 WATER SYSTEH REYENUE FUND 13811 WESCO DEV. CoaP. $.10 3.10 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 204£ OzTY o~ B.B. Ace'T WEsco DEr. Coam. 7.50 ~043 WESCO D~r. ~o~. 7.~0 20~ W~s¢o DEr. ~oa$. 7. ~0 20~5 O~Y o~ B.B. Aee'~ ~00 GL~ DEs BA~z 15.00 BO~G O~r o~ B.B. Ace'e D. Wz~o~ 17. GO GENERAL FUND ~7~$0 H. A. P~n~ 51.00 R7831 Bz. O~.-B~. SH. OF FLA. Imc. ~,557.~7 27~35 N~ro~wr~ I~su~N~ Go. 1,115.00 $9, ~3. ~ WATE_R g~ii~EN REFENUE FUND 15733 Do~ PARSONS 13734 H~aoL~ ~' HAaT BA. C~.-B~,. Sm. oF F~z. I~e. Dins B~z/DBA 400 C~ fm~ J. DAFIB ~'iNTON 13735 13736 13737 15738 13 739 13740 INC. SEWER REYE.'NUE FUND 3087 Dzrr~ Yr~o~ 3888 Oryx OF B.B. Pm~r O~s~ 2.50 5.20 2, 131. ~ 281.12 10. 94 3.04 4.72 , 21.76, 2, 460.84 1,064.66 148.82 10.10 33.95 1,257.53 $333.27 OCT. 20, 21, ~971 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8925 8926 8927 8928 Aee'~ H. Ace '~ F. Acc '~. GE~ERAL FUND 27857 B.B. Peewee 13741 137~2 !$ 745 13744 1374-5 SEWER REYENUE FUND 9Famm) WA TER DEPOSITORS FUND 8929 Oz~x OF B.B. Acc'v SE~IER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 2047 0~ 2048 Or~Y 2049 C~TY OF B.B. Acc'~ Rmm~ Go~s~a. 20~0 G~Y o~ B.~. Acc'T Rm~ Go~s~a. 2~1 O~Y SF B.B. ~cc'~ "~. E. 2052 G~Y o~ B.B. ~ee'~ G~zwm~ Go~s~. 2~5~ Gr~Y ~F B.B. 2056 G~s~z~s F. Rowe 2057 Oz~Y 7. ~ ?.~0 7. 5~ 7. ~0 12. 70 ~.20 4.?2 4.20 15. $0 7. 50 7.~0 7.~0 7. ~0 7~ 50 17.60 17.60 1 7.60 1~. 50 15.50 $305.26 22, 1971 26, 27, GENERTL FUND 27838 CL~aENCE ~o JONES 27841 CrTY OF B.B. POLICE RETIRE. 27842 CITY OF ]~.Bo Fra~EN'S R&P F. 2784~ BOYNT~ C~Y F~. Ca. U. 278~4 ~. B. RE~ra~ Ta. F. 2 784~ G.J. WAFER SYSTEH REYENUE FUND 15746 CITY eF B.B. P~YaeLL F. SEWER REVENUE FUND 3915 CITY OF B.B. P~YaOLL 1971 GENERTL FUND 27847 Se. BELL TELE. 27848 30. ~EL~ TEL. 27849 So. BELL TELE 27850 G~TY OF B.~ WZTES Drm~. 27851R~em ~eTe~, INc. WtTER SYSTEHREYENUE FUND 13747 So. BELL TELS. 15749 So. BELL fEtE. 1575~ GITZ OF B.~. W~TE~ DE~T. SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND $60 ReSERT B. SmZCKLEY, J~. 1971 W~TER SYSTEN REYENUE FUND 15751 REF. 1~752 F~S~ F~ S~. ~ Lo~ OF L.W. 1375~ J~mES C. 13755 DmwrT C. SCHrEC~ 1~756 PmmImS¢5Z~ PSePE~TXES 1~757 Syow CemsT~. 15759 H~sozr 105.95 279.60 152.05 i, 659~ $5 5. ~ , ,5, 586.9~ 1, ~93.,4-9 507.65 129.4.0 59. O0 498.7~ 8~ ~20.~4-1 9, 215.20 8.1~ 8.80 38.64 7. O0 22, 125.1 ~ 400. O0 7.76 5.20 5.20 10.40 12.70 3.20 22, 5 75.85 $29, 221 · 02 $9, 277. 74 OcT. 27, 1971 1971 SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 2058 OrTr 2059 Or~Y om B.B. ~CC'T J.G. ~0~ C~TY OF B.B. ACC'~ D.C. Scs~c~ 20G1 Cr~ OF B.B. AeC'~ ~rNS~ Pao~. 2~G2 Cr~ OF 2064 Cr~r OF B.B. 2065 2066 Cr~r OF B.B. ~c¢'~ YA~ESSA ~EWTON 2~7 CZar eF B.B. ~c¢'~ SEWER REVENUE FUND 3915 L~CZL~E TY~m $917 D~wr~ O. ~CHrECK 3918 DENNZS O. 3919 HZaO~e WA TER DEPOSITORS FUND 8930 CrTY ~F £.B. AeC'T Wn.E. ~L YNN GENERAL FUND 278.52 Y~LL~ B~Sr~ESS H~C~¢Z~VES 27855 C.J. OcrsLzr 27861 H~ao~ Hop~s WA T ER 157~0 157~1 13762 15 765 SYSTE~¥ REVENUE FUND RoSrEa Co~s~s. SEWER REVENUE FUND 3920 W~. J. $921 D.L. SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND 17.60 15.50 17. GO 15. O0 7.~ 1 7.60 15.50 16.50 13, 77~. 50 6.60 5. O0 10.!0 1.60 fi. 05 l 3, 804.9~ 7. 50 7.50 151.25 5. O0 89.2~ 2~5.45 2.20 3.20 7. ~0 5.20 18.00 ~. O0 2.60 6. s5 7. O0 7. O0 $36,538.55 OC~. 28, 1971 T. 29, 1971 SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 2068 Gr~Y oF B.B. Acc'~ ALYzcm Tme~zmsoN 2069 Or~Y oF B.B. Acc'~ JE~m~T~ B~nn~m 2070 Gz~Y OF B.B. Acc'T W~. LLOYO (ES~) 2072 O~ OF B.B. ~ae'T O~'s E~o~ 2073 a~Y o~ B,B. Aee'T D.L.W~Ea 207& GZT~ O~ B.B. ACe'~ ROSrE~ GO~S~. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 89.52 O~Y OF B,B, Aee'~ Fa~NCZS HmNSLE¥ 8933 gz~r OF B.B. Acc'~ Gaa~ Eza~z~z~ 7.50 7.50 15.50 8. O0 i5.50 25.10 7.~0 7, 50 7. $0 7.50 7.~0 NENERAL FUND 27862 CzTz OF B.B. PAYROLL FUND 15,~02.59 2786~ CITY OF B.B. F~REMEN'S R&P F. 159.70 27865 B.B. Rz~raE~zN~ TR. F. 3~1.76 27866 EoYN~ON ~7867 F~as~ ~ ~ Ta~s~ 6,315.96 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND SEWER REVENUE FUND 5924 $925 Famo 2, 545, 29 1,563, 76 250, O0 1, 815.7~$28. 280. 90