Minutes 09-21-71MI~TES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH: PLORIDA: SEPTEMBER 21~ 1971 AT ,.50 P. M. PRESENT: Forrest L. Wallace: Mayor Mrs. Emily Jackson, Councilwoman John L. Archie: Councilman Harold Blanchette, Councilman C. Q, Jones ~ jr.· City Manager Gene Moore · City Attorney Mrs. Tereesa Padqett, City Clerk ABSENT: Robert B. Effron: Vice Mayor - Vacation Mayor Wallace called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:30 P. M. The Invocation was given by Rev. Boston W. Turner~ Retired¢ £ollowed by the Flag Salute led by Charles Frederick· Reemeation Director. Introduction of GuestS Robert Beyrer, United Boynton Civic League and Sterling Village Senior Citizens Paula Moo~e~ American Legion Auxiliary William J. Moore: National Association of Retired Federal Employees R. B. Vastine, Leisureville Git Eckert: Hampshire Gardens Albert Wehrell: Boynton Isle - Lee Manor Association Jim O'Meara: Chamber of Commerce MI~[UTES - Regular Meeting - Sept. 7, 1971 Mrs. Jackson moved that the minutes o~ September 7th be accepted as w~itten~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 4-0. Special Me_erring - Se_pt_re. 13, 1971 Mr. Arohie moved that the minutes of September iSth be accepted as written~ seconded by Mr. Blanehette. Motion carried 3-0. Wallace abstained ~ he was not present at the September 13th meeting. PUELIC AUDiENCE Robert Beyrer asked to speak on Item B OLD BMSZqESS Mrs. Padgett reserved the right ~or Dr. Astter to speak on Item C ADMINISTRATIVE Also Mr. Fam~khauser and Mr. Fiorentino asl~sd to speak on Item C ADMINISTRATIVE. -1- MII~Y~TES REGULAR CITY COU/NCIL ~ETING SEPTEMBER 21~ 1971 PUBLIC A~D~NCE~ c0nt~d. Mr. Jones requested that three items be added to the Agenda (t) Retirement of W. T. Welch (2) Appointment to the Board of Adjustment (5) Progress on Vocational High School Item B~ LEGAL is just for consideration and is not a prepared ordin- ance at this t~e. Mr. Archie stated that Mr. Effron requested that the item be tabled. BIDS - Awarding - One Air Compressor Mr. Jones reported that the low bid was from H. F. Mason Equipment in the amount of $4~834~ one week delivery. He recommended that the bid be accepted. Mr- Archie moved that the bid from H. F. Mason Equipment~ S4~834~ be accepted~ seconded by Mrs, Jackson. Motion carried 4-0. LEGAL Ordinance No. 71-28 - Amending Sec. 3-21(b) of the Code re distance requirements - Sale of Alcoholic Beverages - 2nd Reading Mr. Moore read Ord. 71-28. Mr- Archie moved that Ord. ~f71-28 be adopted on second and final reading~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 3-t. M~s. Jackson voted ~no=. Ordinance No. 71-29 - Granting Change in Zoning frcm R-1AA tc R-2 Old Dixie Highway - Trinity Council Building Assoc. - 2nd Reading Mr. Moore read Ord. 71-29. Mr. Hopkins stated that the Council should be made aware of the County Engineer's plans for establishing setbacks on certain highways. The Council did not feel this affects the zoning. Mr. Arehie moved that Ord. ~,:71-29 be adopted on second and final read- ing: seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 4-0. OLD BUSINESS Possibility of amending State Law ~o allow Palm Beach County to have optional tax assessing and~ or collections -(MPs, Jackson) Mr. Jones stated that the Senate is working on a bill to allow the municipalities to collect their own taxes. The present system causes a delay and is more costly ~o the City. -2- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COTdNCIL MEET/J~G SEPTEMBER 217 1971 C OLD BUSINESS, conrad, Comments by Mrs. rate JacY~son in regard to 1971/72 Budgets and 1971 millage ~rs. Jackson mequ~stedtthat this item be tabled until the Workshop meeting. Mrs. Jackson moved that the item be stricken fmom the Agenda~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carmied 4-0. Mr, Beyrer, as President of the Senior Citizens and Boynton Civic League~ thanked ~s. Jackson fo~ her effomts on behalf of cutting the millage. NEW BUSINESS Receipt of resi~nation of Thomas Bowles, Electrical Board Mr, Archie moved that the resignation be accepted with regret, seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Arabic moved that Stephen Kochakien be appointed to the Board as recommended by Mr. Bowles ~ seconded by Mr. Btanchette. Motion carried 4-0. Proposed Ordinance re Pamental Responsibility for Minor Children Mrs. Jackson stated that this would be similar to the one that Lake Worth passed. This is not for any special group~ it is just to stop something before it starts. She feels that it is a good law and it would heir. Lt. Waters conveyed a message fmom Chief Huddleston) the Chief does not foresee any need for this ordinance~ but it might be a good thing to have. Mr. Are-hie moved that the item be tabled until Workshop~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Mayor Wallace stated that there is s trend in this direction~ in some areas it has been extremely beneficial~ and in others detrimental. Motion carried 4-0. ADMINISTRATIVE Appointment of Beach Beautification Committee Boynton is workin~ with Ocean Ridge to beautify the beach. Ocean Ridge has selected 5 delegates to serve on the Committee. The Casino is being painted and arrangements are being made to resurface both lower pa~king lots and repaint the lines on the upper parking tot. -3- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~iEET/NG SEPTEMBER 21~ 1971 ADMIN!STRAT~VE~ conrad. Beach Beautification Committee~ cont~d. Mayor Wa!lace's recommendations to the Committee are Mr. Joe }ielley~ Mrs. Harry Fry~ Mr. Ray Jara~ and one member of the Garden Club. Mrs. Jackson moved that Mayor Wallace~s recommendation be accepted, sec- onded by ~. Blanchette. Motion carried 4-0. Sewer Refund Agreement with Bethesda Hospital The reimbursement is not to e,,ceeo the maximtlm investment. ?ne amount to be refunded is $t~850. Mr. Archie moved that the refunding agreement with Bethesda Hospital be accepted~ seconded by M~s. Jackson. Motion carried ~-0. Re~Bpst to open S. E. 26th Avenue Mr. Fankhauser~ 2620 S. Seae~est~ stated that he is the only resident in the area. He asked why he should be penalized and forced to pay this for others~ financial benefit. Mr. Fiorentino has no objections to opening the street, but thinks Peninsular Properties should pu~ it through. Mr. Moore stated that the decision is whetheP to extend the road through or require Peninsular Properties to put in a cul-de-sac. Each pemson would be assessed according to frontage. Dr. Astler is the owner of a vacant lot on the SE corner of subject Right-of-Way. He stated %hat if it is to the advantage of the dev- eloper to carry the street through then they should share the expense. If they care to end it the City should decide whether this is the best interest of the City to have it a deadend or not. If it benefits the City then the City should pay the cost. Mms. Jackson moved to proceed with the cul-de-sac at the west end of S. E. 26th Avenue~ seconded by Mr, Blanohette. Motion carried 3-0. Mm. Archie abstained. Request of Plarming & Zoning Board for moratorium on zoning change,s Mr. Jones read the foa_owmng: '~r. E£fron is in Ohio this week~ bat called me Saturday morning and asked that I make a statement for him. The Vice Mayor has indicated that he is receptive to a moratorium on zoning changes but feels that those applications that are currently pending should be subjected to mandatory site ~!an approval ii the mora- torium is granted.~' -4- i{ INUTE S REGUI~,R CITY COU/~CIL ~{EETLYG SEPTEMBER 21~ 1971 D. DMINISTRATIVE, cont~ d. Request of Planning & Zoning Board fOr moratorium on zoning changes, cont ~ d. Mrs. Jackson stated she was told by several people in regard to zoning to go ahead and apply for it because the zoning is going to be changed. Should be going by the plan that is in existence. Mayor Wallace suggested a moratorium on the entire Master Plan rather than on zoning changes. He read the attached statement. Mrs. Jackson moved to have a moratorium on the Master Plan as the Mayor suggested~ seconded by ti~. Arohie. More coF~ents and discussion by the Council members. Mr. Arehie agreed that adoption of the Master Plan should be put off until after the election - something this /mportant should no= be used as a political football. Motion carried 4-0. ~ayment of demolition charges re Police Complex Sit~ The bid of $3~290 was approved at the last Council meeting, but it is possible tb~t it will be completed before the bonds are completed. This would require a loan fm~m unappropriated surplus which would be repaid when the bonds are sold. Mr. A~chie moved to transfer $3~290 from Hnappropriated Surplus to the General Fund~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion earmied 4-0. Issuance of Approval Forms for Beverage Licenses Mrs. Padge~ explained that up until now the zoning approval form was signed by the Building Officialand forwarded to the Beverage Board: but before a license was issued the application came before Council for final approval. The question is - Does Council wish this form to be handled administra- tivety~ or come before Council for approval: since this is the only form of approval issued by the City under the new system~ Mayor Wallace stated that any recDes~ as far as beverage license should come before Council. Other members agreed this should come before Council for final approval. -5- M IMUTE S REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~iEETING SEPTEMBER 21, 1971 C ADMINISTRATIVE~ cont~d. List of Payments made in August hr~ Blanchette moved that the list of payments made in August be accepted~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 4-0. Approval of Bills One bill - amount $17516.80 - U. S. Concrete Pipe Co.~ for Water Depart- ment supplies }~. Blanehette moved tha~ the bill be paid~ seconded by Mr. Archie. Mo- tion carried 4-0. OTHER Board of Adjustment Mr. Robert Hueston has requested a leave of absence ~ile in the hos- pital. Mr. Blanehette moved to defer this item until Workshop~ seconded ~v Mr. Archie. Motion carried 4-0. Retirement of W. T. Welch On July 6~ 1970 Mr. Welch's retirement date was extended to September 18: i971~ and he has requested a 10 day extension to September 28th. Mr. Hopkins has approved same. Mrs. Jackson moved that the e~tension be granted~ seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 4-0. Vocational High School Mr. Jones reported on the Vocational School. than generous in their of~er~ and has a good located in the City. Boynton has been more chance of having it A D JO%kRNP~ NT Meeting adjourned at 8:35 P. M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ FLORIDA Forrest L. Wallace, Mayor MINUTEs oGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~'~ETING SEPTE~'~BR 21~ 1971 Attest: ~d L. Bla?fChette ~ Cou3iCmlman -7- P ~iE S S RELEASE The Plar~ing &Zcming Board is asking for a moratorium on all zcming ~zil the "~i~ster Plan" is adopted. However, it i~s a zom~ng plan, and not a m~'szer plan that he's been presented to the City. A m~ster plan ~shonld consider a sez of community goats and objectm~3~. These ,should be identified and serve as the ba~sis for a conm~u~i%y plan. It should aTso consider Residential, commercial, and industrial concen~ra- rictus, with potential for future development, inside City limits and in adjacent areas. --Major recreational uses, and other, significant public developments. --Aregs with major deficiencies in commtt~ity facilities and/or utilities. --Concentrations of blight in developed areas. --Major visual asset's and problems; natural and man-made. --Significant transportation characteristics. The previous hearings have been for "Re-zcming" and Re-zoning cmly. As the Plsmm~ng & Zoning has ~stated 1"We have worked for years ca this Master Plan." Yet in four or five public "Re-zoning" hearings yon the home owners have been heard, your request considered and entered into this ~%~aster Plan". Have you really been heard? I will ask for a moratorium on the "~E~ster Plan" until it has been e~aluated by au indepentdent agency, and that this agency develop at least two or more concept's as to what type City Boy,ton Beach should become, and that these ~/ concepts be presented to the citizens, for their choice. ~y~ PAYMENTS ffADE I~ AUGUST BY DATE 2, 1971 3, 1971 4, 1971 5, 1971 6, 1971 10, 1971 !1, !971 1~, 197! 16, 1971 17, 1971 19, 1971 20, 1971 23, 1971 24, 1971 25, 1971 26, 1971 27, 1971 30, 1971 3t, 1971 ............................... 12, 076.95 ............................... 4, 75 7. 03 ............................... 81 O. 98 ............................... 288.22 ............................... 55, ~96.83 ............... ............................... 74, l~7. 2 7 ............................... 345.92 ............................... 9, ............................... 3,38~.21 ............................... ............................... ............................... 99, 855. ............................... 15,996.~7 GENERAL FUND ...... _ ...... WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND .................... SEWER REKENUE FUND ..........--- WATER DEPOSITORS FU~D .... SE~¢ER ~ WATER DEPOSITORS FUffD ................ DEPOSITORS FUffD ......... SEWA GE ...... RETIREMENT__~RUST FUND -- ....... - -- UTILITY GENERAL FO?~ ....... FIREI~EN' g REL!MF & PE~-gION FUND SPEGIAL ASSESS~¥ENT FU~D ...................... I ~ SFUND ................................... PUBLIGITY FUND .... _ BOYi~TO~ B~ GH HENORIA L PARK .................. NUNIGIP~L SWI~INING POOL SIN£ING FUND ......... 223, 428.10 53, 9! 9. 07 48, 388.19 97.50 99I. 70 9, 10 536~ 72 90, 316. 72 20, 084.10 36.70 23, 076. 3, 9~ 10, 10,375.00 $'~'~5, 283. 65 AUG. 2, 1971 3, 197Z GEffERAL FUND 27179 C~TY OF B.B. 27180 FL~. Powma ~ Lr~HT Go. 27181 Gz~Y OF B.B. 27182 GrTY OF B.B. WATER SYSTEM REFEffUE FUND 15576 FLz. POWE~ ~ LzoHT Go. 15577 Gz~Y OF SE~ER REYENUE FUND 3739 FL~. Pow~ ~ £~o~ 37~0 G~Y oF B.B. Co. SEW~,R ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUi~D 1915 Gr~Y oF B.B. Acc'T ff~o~ DE~. Go~. 19~60zTY oF B..B. ACC'~ kIz~os D~. Gos~. RETiREHENT TRUST FUND 0727 REZ~.~ C~aRrmR 0728 OLTFE W~LL.~CE 0729 F~K Josmsox 0730 Woo~now E~s~Y 0731 E~o~ P~FF~ GENERAL FU~D 27183 Oz~Y OF B.B. W,~Tma Dmp~. 2 ?18~ GmNm Mo ohm 27186 Wmz~ MzcDowmz~ 27186 Bo~N~m 27187 Fazx, m B. Ezmoam Ja. 27189 ~'s. L~m I_~s. Go. 27190 B~. G~.-B~.S~. o~ FL~. Imc. 27191 T~ T~m~s Z~s. Go. 27192 A~c~ 27193 Gz~Y o~ B.B. W~ Dmm~. 39.6~ 6, 964.38 26. ~3 7, o7o. 2, 768. ~I 2, 779.66 1,712.4-2 18.20 1,730. 62 16. O0 ~,~ . 6'0 so 50.68 135.12 71. O0 4-4-. 51 73.02 374-. 23 24-. 27 59; ss_ 84-.10 2, 343~ 7~ 126 ~ O0 132~ O0 10. O0 10; O0 119. O0 337. 73 106. ~0 1 75.68 37; 60 $12, 076.95 3, 1971 1971 5, 1971 1971 27194 SO~rT~En~ Bm~,L TELmP~ONE 27195 G.A. TsompsoN WATER SYSTEJ~ REyENUE FUND 13578 Wm~TT If~¢DowmL~ 13579 MF~'S. LzFm INs. Go. SEWER REYENUE FUND $741 HF~ 's LzFE INs. Go. 3742 GZT~ of B.B. W~Tm~ DEPT. PUBLIOITY FUND 502 ~. £OYNTON B. GN~m~ oF Oo~m. GENERA L FU}ID 27196 Jo~N 27197 P~T~ZCZ~ 27198 W~,~ H~r~ 27199 B.B. F~ 27200 H~s~ GENERAL FUND 27202 N.~ T~ONWZDE INsua~Ncm 27203 B.B. PoLzcm DmPT. 2720~ B.B. Po~cE DmmT. GEN£R&L FUND 2720~ Oz~:r OF B.B. 27206 OzzY oF B.B. PoLzcm RmTzam. F. 27207 Oz~ o~ B.B. Fz~m~mm's R~P F. 27209 BOYN~ON 27210 G.J, OusLEY 27211 Boomm~ Noa~s W~TER SISTE]] REYENUE FUND 13-580 Or~Y o~ B.B. 268.05 77.65 4,143.40 24.00 38.04 7. 83 267. 76 300.00 302. O0 10. O0 20. O0 435.04 27. 34 16. 60 810.98 128.22 80.00 , 80.00 288.22 1 O, 887~ 91 303~ 54 151~ 37 - 263~ 89 1,4AB. O0 $; O0 5~ O0 13, 044.71 £~ 083~ 69 2, 085.89 $4, ?~7.03 $288.22 6, 1971 10, 1971 . 11.1971 SEWER REVENUE FUND 3743 GzTr oF B.B. GENERAL FUND 27212 RosE~T 27213 27215 27216 Rosmz~T 27217 WATER SYSTEH RETE~rUE FUND 13581 ~l~LE~r INs~aa~r¢z ASENCY 13582 HO~ZN G~.~az~rT~ f~. Go. SEWER REKENUE FUND 3745 Gr~Y OF UTILITY GENERAL FUND 264 R~ssEz, z, (~ ~xo~ PU£LIGITY FUND 503 G~. Bo~mTo~ £m~e~ G. om Oo~mm~cm I ~ S FUND .. 504 Gz~,~sm H,~.~.~T~- B~i~m, N.~. GENERAL FU]~D 27218 27219 2 7220 27221 2 7222 2 7223 27224 2 7226 27227 BEST'ELECTRIC~ INC. Coua~ REcoams, INC. E. aozs~ Pz~ma Go. 1,561~ 75 1,561.7~ 164. O0 6. O0 38, 937. O0 99 7. 46 10~ O0 ?0~ O0 7, 8~8~ O0 ~ ~06; 04 8, 364.04 4, 428; O0 .7 · 39; 50 4, 467. 50 3_23.06 3 3, 2~ 156~ 40 2, 156, 46 1~ 37 5~ 25 10 ~ 00 137;90 42~ O0 110~ O0 146~ 55 GO. O0 6.79 14.15 51~10 $16, 690, 19 $55,496.83 AUG. 27228 E~mL ts 399.35 27229 FAo-ao?, I~c. 1.5.85 27250 FL,~. Par~r~ Oo~zm,~wx, l~6. 70 27231 Fa~x~o~sm E~mc~a~c Go. 70.88 27232 R.L. Ga~oNs ~rN~N~ 44.90 27233 GUAF S~am~ L~mma Go. 90.19 27235 G~Y~o~m Bao~mmas INc. 15. ?~ 27236 fsE P~A~ HE, cz Pos~-T~mms 10.00 2 723 ? Mza Y O~ ~ms 10. O0 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FU~¥D 13583 O.f. 8ewLms E~sc~azc Co. 456.70 13584 B~ sc,~Y~tE G~m~z ¢~ L~eo~ ~oa~zs 23. 8~ 13~85 A~s~r~ O~s~ I~o~ PrPE Go. !~9.82 13~86 O~a~r~ Sczm~T~u Go. 3.35 155~ ~ULF STRE~H LU~BEa Go. 28.72 767. 9~ SE[~R REYE2~UE FUND 37~G Joztm B. DummLm 5.~5 3747 A~L~E$ OzLoarmm ~ Omm~. Pao~c~s ~05.00 $748 Co~so~z~mD R~sm~ac~ Ooa~oa~zo~ 67.95 3749 Tsm Dmcoa~r~e ~ W~z~cor~nrxs S~DrO t7.30 3750 Gz~Y o~ B.B. Acc'~ Do~Lzs GANDY 5.05 .12, 1971 GENERAL FUND 27238 Hoxsrzs S~:or S~oaE 36~00 27239 IBH CoaPosArrom 469,03 27240 IBM copoa~o.~ 37. 78 272~2 Jo~ms' E~r~m~ Oo~r 55.00 27243 Km~r f~zc~o~ Go. 17. 65 2724~ H~LsEY ~ g~r~F~S INc. 110.64 27245 BOY_~T~N GUN ~ COr~V SHop 133~ 70 27246 KmTcz-A~ Oo~x~r 9~65 27248 f~vm~Ea Nmr~ PaoD~c~s 26.30 27249 La,~r~a B~srx~ss Pno~uc~s 72~00 2?250 LLOr~s o~ BoY~oN Bm~cs, INc. 87;25 27251 W~r~ ~cDowmL~ 18. O0 27253 Nz~'L Fr~s Pao~Ec~ ~Ssoc. 240.57 27254 AaC~mE TazTEL, INc. 4. O0 $2, 702.52 12, 1971 1971 27265 M.D. S~o~m £50.00 27256 D~LE Dwre~ Sr~z~m~ 250.00 27257 Bm~Y Sm.~zm $4.00 27259 H~'mY E. Or~, FR., I~c 2~5.~!0 WATER SYSTEi~ RE~EtVUE FUND .~ 590 Hozo~ Sm~¢rcz, t~¢c. Go~.~. Ass~. Ii¥c. 7~00' 1 O1.42 108.42 SEWER REVENUE FUND 3761 G~,x $~_~m~ L~m~ ao. 12;87 3752 E~mc~-T~o~cs, I~c. 51.39 3753 Go~s Oo~po~o_~ 12.0~ 3754 H~z~ 37~ I~ M~ow ~ENERAL FU~D 27260 Fn~zrmn N~rn~rr 1~. O0 27261 W.P.B. Po~rem Ac~nm~Y 1~0.00 27262 U.S. ~os~s~m~ 43.55 2?263 G~m~ ~w B~mr~ 2~00 2726~ Or~Y o~ B.B. P~o~ F~ i9,305~16 27265 Gr~Y OF B.B. Po~rc~ Rm~ra~. F. 266. 70 27266 O~r o~ B.B. F~m~m~s R~ F. ~!.5~ 27268 BoYN~oN O~TY F~. 0~. UN~ON ~, 712,00 27269 Fr~sz B~ ~ f~s~ ~8-73~ 71 28,!08.!3 SYSTEM REVENU~ FUND WA TER 13592 SEWER REVENUE FUND 3756 H~w~r~s 3757 O~rr 3759 Gr~r SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1917 Gr~r o~ B,B. Ae¢'~ ~m~ 150. O0 165~ O0 20~ O0 486; ~ $2,4 91. ~2 $33,461. OS 16, 1 7, 18, 1971 1971 19 71 GENERAL FUND 27277 OITY OF B.B. PretTY WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 15594 U.S. mos~zsTsa SEWER REVENUE FUND S~NKo FIREMEN'S RELIEF ~ PENSION FUND 505 E.E. GENERAL FUND 27272 K~Tn~Y~ PE~So~ 27275 CI~Y OF B.B. 27274 HmaTz SYSTEnS I~c. WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 1~95 O~Y OF B.E. P~TT¥ SEWER REVENUE FUND $?Gl OrTr OF E,E. GENERAL FUND 27275 27276 27278 27279 2 7280 27281 27282 27285 27284 27285 27286 27287 22. 73 ~'~. 73 22, 224. 72 350. O0 22, 5 74.72 31,392.12 177. 70 $1,569.82 20,000~00 20,000.00 46.92 !81.00 10.00 28. ~6 41.58 7. O0 28.96 2~.96 $345.92 3'om SNOw LAWF,.~OWE~ Smar'zam 24.65 S~rn's RzDz~o~ SEa.rcm 24.00 Szz~ 's, Rowr~cz ~ Go. 23.96 RV~ZN Go~s~c~ro~ Co. 1 73.51 RoDs ~ Gums OF DmLazr. INc. 273.33 Roeo Oza Wzss 11.50 ROrEn~S SEmite Tz~m ~ Smwza SEn~. 30.00 Rmc~m~ro~ S~m~rms Go. 80. O0 P~mY-BOWmS I~e. ~0. O0 Pzc~s GmEm~CzS Co. 237.40 $74. 167. 27 18, 19, 1971 1971 27288 R~ssm~ 27289 Tmm 27290 Rt¢~ Mo~o~s INc. 27291NmLSON's UTILITY GENERAL FUND 265 R~SSELL ~ AXON GENERAL FUND 27292 N~ 27295 As~ow fr~eo~m Go. 27294 ls~ow KrL~o~ Go. 27295 A~. ~ Go~. ~ H~., I~c. 27296 ~o~ L~ H~s~ 27297 So. P~z~ 27298 P~ 27299 RowL~ms T~. ~., Imc. 27500 E~Ez ' s 27301 Join F. Dm~mr~s H~a~w~nm Co. 27302 Wz~m~s Oz~s LoR~ 27~0~ Jo~ B. 2730~ ~wr~ WA TER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 13597 U.S. 13598 H~s. D.R. 13599 Wm. 15600 N~E 13601 F~m~ A. I~Nocz~ 13602 Bm~N~a~ K~ s~ma 13603 Rrc~ H~ssom~ SEWER REYENUE FUND 5762 W~. E. Dow~m 576~ Bm~m 3765 Rrcm~ns M~sso~m W~TER DEPOSITORS FUND 8884 Or?r oF B.B. A¢8'~, M~s. D.R. BotrzmN 8885 Crux OF B.~, ~ce'~, Mo~nrs H~so~ 8886 OITY OF B,B. 2cc'~, W~. S~zz~N 8887 Cz~Y OF B,~. ~c¢'~. N~¢~E W~CE $, 732.58 72.15 141.15 56.64 '5,168. ~i ~, ~14.89 4, 4t4.89 16. O0 793. O0 524. O0 !, 462. O0 80. O0 95.38 31. O0 62. B4 72.40 55. O0 10. O0 20. O0 28.70 !0.00 .69 5.20 5.84 .24 .90 !.84 22.71 8.88 9.4-0 ~. 70 9.~0 7.50 7. 50 7. 50 7. 50 ~-~. O0 $9, 583. $0 19, 1971 20, 197I SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1918 Gr~x oF B.B. A¢c'T ~¥.E. DoYLm 1919 Or~Y oF B.£. Acc'~ FaEo A. I~NOCENTZ 1921 03~ OF B.B. Acc'~ R. M~ssoNm 1922 gm~Y OF B.B. AC¢'T W. HzcPmmasoN GENER2]= FUND 27305 G.J. O~sLmY 27306 BOOKER NO.PUS 27507 B.B. P~L~es DE~. 27309 2~1~ Cr~Y oF B.B. F~RE~EN'S B~P F. 27~1~ E.B. Rm~r~m. Ta. F. 27515 BoY~om O~Y FE~. O~. U. 7517 $~c~'s 27~18 E.F. YzALe~ B~s. Hzem., INc. WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 1360~ Wm. J. Oom~mY, JR. 13605 CzrY o~ B.B. PAYaO~ 13606 J~em 1~G08 H~ms Br Lmom 13609 S~ow Co~s~a~CTmOm, l$GlO W~sco Dm~m~O~m~mNT 166I~ Homms BY LEoN 18G1G Bomma~ 1361 ? P~ ~p Z~maM~x INC. SEWER ~ WiTER DEPOSIT FUND 1923 1924 1925 GrTY 1926 Or~ 17. 60 1G. 90 16. 90 16. 90 7.50 5. O0 5. O0 32. O0 1,850. O0 $6, 975.00 27. ~0 1!, 158.57 250* 52 172.85 305. 52 l, 198. O0 252. O0 175.70 50. O0 14. O0 2~. 95 52, 4. 79.11 5.20 2,175.28 4. 24- 7.?6 7. 65 3.50 4.24 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 3. 20 4.24- 2, 234-.'11 7.50 7. 50 1 7.60 15.50 20, 23, 1971 1971 1927 1928 1929 !930 1932 1933 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 194-0 1941 1942 1943 1945 194-6 CITY OF Crt Y OF CITY OF CITY OF CITY OF HOYNTON CITY OF B.B. B,B. B.B. B.IJ. Acc'T J.L. R¢sszL~ 15.50 Acc 'T HOO~'EaS AUTO SEar'xcEl 7. 50 ACC'T M~ai~s C~ssom 7. 50 Acc'~ J~cm Pooa~z¢¢~ 7. 50 Acc'~ PEaFEC~ A~¢za~¢~ 15.50 B,B, Acc'~ G~T BaaNs 25,00 B,B. Acc'T SNow OOmSTa, 15, O0 B.B. ~¢c'~ WESCO Dmwm~Or. 7. 50 W. Dm~m~om. C~ap. 7. 50 B.B. Acc'~ J,S, fozmao~ 15,50 B,B, Aee'T Homrs rY Lmom 7,50 B, B. Ace'~ ~m~xno L~z~m 15, 5~ B,B. Aec'~ R, W~msom 16, 90 Wmsco Dm~'mLom. Goam. 22.50 WESCO DETELOp. COat:. $0. O0 ssU. SEWER REYENUE FUND 3766 3767 GITY o~' B.B. P~Y~oL~. F~N~ 1.~86.08 5768 PmaFmc~ A~az~ 2.50 3770 ~¢E~O Lz~s~ 8.00 6771 HEmSZ S. O~zr, J~. 10.!0 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8889 H~s. 8890 Czar OF B.B. Acc'~ GENERAL FUI~ SEWER REYENUE FUND 37?4 JO~rN B. DUNIf~E 1,529.43 7,50 7. 50 7; 50 7. 50 10. O0 10. O0 356,605,35 7. 45 ~ .917,45 24. 25, 1971 1971 GElfERAL FUND 27322 CrTY OF B.B. PETTY CASH 70.51 27323 C~TY OF B.B. PETTY GASH 98.15 27324 GzTY OF B.B. PETTY 27525 G~m o~ B.B. Pm~z CAss 12.39 27326 L~K~ Wo~ Bo~ A~cY ~ 7.00 27327 S~S~ Ga~I~Y 10.00 27328 Bmz~azom G~ms 10.00 27329 Bn. ~. Bn. Sm. oF FLA. I~c. 27330 B~. G~. B~. Ss. o~ FL~. Imc. 32?.04 27331 YoY~a LXF~ INS~NCm gO. 173.20 273~5 go~mm~ BE~ TmLmpmo~m Go. 59. O0 27338 BOY~oN A~o S~Y, INc. 460.61 ~, 540. 02 WATER 13618 13619 13620 13621 13622 13623 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND So~mm~ Bm~ Tm~mpmomm 0o. 3776 B~.Gn.B~.S~. o~ F~. I~c. 3777 BoY~oN A~TO S~p~Y, INc. GENERAL FUND 27339 D/~mmLm 27340 R~,mw~Y 273~2 F~o~m~ Powma ~ L~s~ Co. WA TER 13696 13624 13625 13626 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND Soul.maN MmTma ~ Supm. Go., INc. Jo~~ 4.50 16.60 303~ 17 8.65 8.80 42.06 1.54 170.87 ~7.64 5. O0 ?8, 34 879, 26 2 036.57 2, 999.1 ? 283.50 11.55 .64 1,595.42 $5, 143.85 25, 1971 13627 CITY OF B.~. WATER DEP~'. 13629 StaiRs. ROE§UCK ~ND Co. 13631 Gemco 1~633 B & H S~ES 13636 PENr_~s~a PRo.maxims 13637 Bo~ G. 13638 F~ 15639 F~oa~m~ Powma ~ L~em~ Go. 13640 J~ES C. 136~1 Es~sma SEWER REYENUE FUND 3778 Jom¥ 3779 F~m~mO¢SE 3780 R.S. 67si ~T'~ Lr~m Assoc. $?~2 CURTTN ~CIENTIFIC 5787 Fa~Nm WATER DEPOSITORS FUND B893 CITY OF B.B. ~cc'~ WimTERS REST. SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1947 C~Ty OF B.B. ACc' J. MCAmAmS 1948 CITY OF 1949 CITY OF 1950 1951 1952 C~TY OF 1955 Czar OF 1954 Czar OF B.B. 1955 C~x OF B.B. 1956 CZTY OF B.B, 1967 Gz~Y OF 1958 City OF 1959 CItY OF !960 CITY oF B.B. 1961 Czar OF 1962 G~rY oF B.B. B.B. ACC'T H. Gomz~Lms B.B. A¢¢'T Lra~I BERmSTErm B.B. ,4CC 'T OAmPSmL~, CO~STR. ROSZmR ACC rT ~ElC~WETN ~r~4TSON ACC ~T DELl~IA ' OOArSTR. ~4 Bo~ ,s P~am Sma~. S~. ~CC '~ ~RANK C~L~BRO ~CC~T WH ~ILSON ~CC'T ESTHER If~CHILL~N $$. 92 69.94 10.67 767.40 8.47 92. O0 12. 70 5.49 1.92 4.24 7.50 187. 59 2. 78 1.84 3, 095.57 10.00 82.06 68.60 4.50 22.00 649.90 690.13 !.50 6.60 7.55 1,~42.64 _115. O0 15.00 23.50 1 7; ¢0 15. O0 7.50 7.50 15; O0 17.60 25. O0 17.60 21 .~ 50 15.50 1 7.60 1 7.60 7.50 17. G0 7.50 $7. 9O3.48 197! GENERAL FUND 27343 B.B. Po~,rcE 27544 FIRS~ B~N~: & 27346 R~ssE~L ~ 27347 P~sLI¢ PErSONnEL 2SOOt. 27352 RECaE~TrOm S~P~. 27556 H~o 's 27357 F~r~o Or~ 27~58 ~o~ss 27~0 Um~z~s~z OF Hr~r P~Ess 27365 gULF OIL PRODUCTS 27567 VE~ S~EE~ S¢~SHr~E S~ES 27368 S~ P¢~srssr~¢ Cot., I~¢. ~7369 J~MES THOMAS 7370 Howza~ P. 27~7i F~o~ I~¢s~arES 27375 ArDS To fazF~rc 27375 ROWLAND TaUCK E~rP~EN~ INC. 27376 SCOBEE-CO~BS FUN~RZL HO~E 27379 L~ UNYFO~HS. INC. 273~2 R~¢~ ao~s~c~ro~ 27383 F~A~K~OVSE ELECT. 27386 GEm. GHC T~. S~LES ~ SE~¢., 27387 Roms ~ G~s OF DELSEY, Imc. 27388 E~EL He~ Co~rc~ INC. INC. 96. O0 18.75 1. O0 919.27 100. O0 3OB. 49 59.40 76.20 454. O0 104, 25 40, 93 I2.70 65 7. O0 524.45 55.80 184.60 413.38 6.13 23.10 160. O0 36. 75 84. O0 1 7.52 26. $5 44.66 15.90 250. O0 90. O0 10. O~ 56.54 7. O0 22.50 12. O0 9. O0 336.02 4~. 25 111.95 19.75 70. O0 75.13 19.52 198.70 10~. 65 7. 80 t10. 70 230. O0 6_,212.14 AUG. 26, 1971 WATERSYSTEH RE}~ENUE FUND 13642 F~m~ W. 13643 Se. FLA. Pz~rs ~ S~. I~c. 5.20 129.40 258,50 2.20 28.00 .64 428.04 SEWER REYENUE FUND 3788 Go~eo INc. 3789 B~owA~m P~p ~ S~pp. Go., I~c. 3790 Mo~ 3791 3792 Smw~ H~w~ Go., 379~ Wr~s~, Imc. 5794 Z~ N~e. Go. ~795 P~e~o 3796 ~cO G~mn~c~s, I~c. 379? S L. JohNsoN 379~8 Prc~ Gsmmrc~ 0o. 3799 Jm~m R. 51 7. O0 13.44 166.60 3. O0 39.70 11t.30 16£. O0 7~ 95 137. 50 8. O0 45. O0 8. O0 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8894 Gr~z oF B.B. ~cc'~ F~mm 889~ G~TY OF B.B. Ace's. H. W. PmmNZNeVO~ 7.50 T~ms~ma(ms~z~m) 7.50 t5.00 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1963 E~s~E S. HmN~s¢mxm 1964 Fz~s~ BANm A~ T~s~ oF BoY~oN 1966 £z~s~ ~A~ ~ T~s~ o~ ~aXN~ON 1966 Gzrr o~ B.E. 1967 Gz~r oF B.B. 1968 OzzY o~ B.B. 1969 G~Y oF B.B. 197~ Gr~Y oF B.B. 1971Gi~ oF B.B. 1972 GZ~¥ OF B.B. 1973 G~Y oF B.B. 1974 G~¥ 197~ GrTr OF B.~. 1976' GITY ~ B.B. 1977 Gr~ or B.B. ACC'T ~W ~ONSTaUCTTON Acc'~ C~a~ms Ho~ms ~cc '~ Om~anms Ho~ms Ace'~ H~ao~ Lmm ~CC~T ~RTETTE ~UILDERS Aec '~ S.L. Jom~so~ ~c~ ~ ~--~D6~ P~so~s ACC'T E~ T~Loa I 7.~0 33~ O0 15; O0 7~ 60 15~ O0 7; 50 15; 50 7, 50 15~ 50 15;50 15~50 7~ 50 15.50 26, 27, 197~ 1971 SEAtA gE DEPOSIT FUND 359 Famm PENm~N~ON BOYNTOlt BEAGH MEMORIAL 509 Ga. BoYN.ZoN Bm~cs O. oF G. GE~WRAL FUND 27389 27390 Rm~Kx~ 27~91 Xm~ox ~7~92 Wmmms 2739~ ~. E. W~x~, J~., M.D. 2759~ T~. L~w~ Nowmn S~ms 2739? P~Lm Hmzcm Posz T~ms 27698 2 7399 Spear's H~ 27~00 A~opaom[~crs, INc. 27401 C~Y o~ B.B. Pzrao~L Fv~ 27403 g~rY oe B.B. F~az~N's R~P F. 27404 ~.B. Rm~ram~ T~. F. 27~05 BoYN~oz~ Or~Y Fmc. Ga. U~roN 27~06 F~as~ BzN~ ~ Tns~ 27407 C.J. O~s~mY 27~08 EsLrs 27~09 Cm~Y o~ B.B. Pm~Y WATER SYSTEH REYENUE FUND 13649 Baooms Paom. Om F~z. INc. 136~1 2uTepaoDuc~s, INc. SEWER RE~;ENUE FUND ~800 GULF OTL Goapoa~T~oN 5801 Wzta,,~¢~ ~ frmn~ 3802 F~e~-M~c~, I~c. IN C. 9.!0 9.1~ 78.8~ 7~. 82 744.82 225.30 27.15 182.55 8. O0 1~8. O0 83. i1 1 79.21 $?. ~0 5.72 50. ~6 12,37 2~, 65 7. O0 250. 58 ~7. 95 663.67 1,631,00 6, 10~12 5. O0 5~ O0 22.63 34, 637. 35 590. O0 3. O0 23.88 383.91 00~ ~9 48.95 100.10 14. t5 64.26 955.5O 1971 1971 3804 H,~LSEY 8805 ,~zoPaom~o~s, I~c. 3806 GzTY om B.B. 3807 Jo~r~ $. 6. t5 9.06 1,603.64 $.54 s49. s5 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1978 Gz~Y om B,B, Ace'~ J.S.£z~ 1979 15.50 I5, ~0 WA TER DEPOSITORS FUND ,7.50 7.50 RETIREHENT TRUST FUND 0732 D,~mmY O. $.62.49 162.49 PUB£IGITY FUND 510 S~o~s' 7. 85 I ~ S FUND 23, 500. O0 23, 500. O0 ;IUNIGIP~ SWIHHING POOL SINi£ING FUlfD 512 O~,~s~ H,~m~TTEN B~mc, ~.~. GENERAL FUND 27410 PA~ 27411 Or~Y oF B.B. W~m~ RmF. F. 27~12 G~Y oF B.B. SpEc. Assess. F. 27413 Gr~Y OF B.B. I 27~14 CZTY OF B.B. ~Y~Nrcrm~ S.P. Sr~_~.F. 27415 Or~Y OF B.B.B.B. 27416 G~Y OF 27~17 GI~Y o~ B.B. GI~rc C. BO~D S.F. 27418 OI~Y OF B.B. RE~n~E. fa. F. 10. 375. O0 1 O, 3 75. O0 26. O0 2, 91 7, O0 3, 677. 24 604, 04 1,792.09 4, 926.20 442.59 66.62 21.22 SEWER REFENU~ FO?ID 3808 Jomm B. D~N~:~ l .So 14.60 $74, 571.83 30, 1971 31, 1971 SPECIAL A$$E$S~¥ENT FUNDS 513 CRT:' OF B.B. Gm~m~.~L F~.~ 36, 70 36.7d PUBLICITY FUND ~I4 O~Y oF B.B. UTILITY GENER2L FUND 266 Cr~Y or B.B. Gm~m~L F~m 8~,, O00, O0 85, O00~ O0 $99,83~.80 GENERAL FUND 27419 H~o~m Hopm~s 27420 Jo~n~m H~sm 27~21P~¢~m Gmmm~¢~ Go. 27422 ~L~EN G~c~L Co. 27426 B.B. F~E Dmm~. 274~4 F~. E. Oo~$~ BF. Co~,D~. 27427 CO~E.~Cr~L 27432 Rcss~L~ ~ Axo~ 27433 GE~E HOOaE 27434 FLZ. E. Cozs~ ~. 49.00 50.00 4t.05 134,00 60.00 581.75 519.47 25.84 3¢.53 350.00 207.~2 2,053.04 WATER SYSTEI~ Rs?ENUE FUND 13653 NEPTUNE METE~ Co. 3,340. O0 15656 C~zsm Nz~s~ B~m ff.A. 24.66- 3, 364, 66 UTILITY GENERAL FUND 267 R¢SSELL ~ AmOur 152, 39 I ~ S FUND 515 Gm. sm 2/ZNSZ~,~.~¢ B~¢x, N.~.. 1,15 1.15 PUBLICITY FUND 516 GR. B.B. Om.~msm~ OF CO~iHE~CE 425.23 BO YNTON B]?gCH i~IEklORIAL PARK 520 Fr~s~ Fm~m~.~ S~. ~ Lo~ os D.Bm~c~IO~O00. O0 10, 000. O0 $15,996.4 ?