Minutes 06-01-71MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL I~ETING HELD AT CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ TUESDAY, J~NE 1: 1971 AT 7:30 P. M. PRESENT: Porrest L. %~at!aae, F~yor Robert Effron, Vice ~4ayor l,'~s. Emily Jackson ~ Councilwoman John Archie ~ Councilman Harold Blanchette~ Councilman C. Q. Jones, Jr.~ City Manager Gene ~4oo~e~ City AttOrney l,~s. Tereesa Padgett~ City Clerk Mr. Wallace called the meeting to order at 7:35 P, M, The Invocation was given by Rev. Ralph Hughes: follov~d by the Flag Salute led by Councilman Archie. Introduction of Guests Floyd Van Deusen: Senior Citizens Shuffleboard Club Robert Beyrer~ Sterling Village Senior Citizens R. B. Vastine, Leisurevilte Homeo%~mers Association James O'~eara~ Chamber of Commerce Nr. Wallace recognized ~r. Hank Thompson .,R. eceipt of Election Results P~s. Mildred Hallier~ Clerk of the North Preoinct~ gave the following report: 589 machine votes: 1 absentee; Total of 590 61 - FOR 529 - AGAINST ~s. Jan l~ertz~ Clerk of the South Precinct~ gave the report from the South Precinct: 1500 machine votes ~ 22 absentee; Total of 1522 122 - FOR 1400 - AGAINST The total figures were read by i~s. Padgett~ indicating 2112 Votes cast - 183 FOR - 1929 AGA/dNST ~[rs. Jackson moved that the election returns be accepted ~ seconded by Mr. Blanohette. l~otion carried 5-0. MI/fdTES - Regular ]~{eeting~ ~ay 18~ 1971 ~4r. Archie called attention tO bottom of page 6 in regard to records - It was his intent that the City Attorney handle the situation at hand and work out the matter with the Board of At,Gives. -t- M]/~YdTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL M~ETING JIL~ 1:1971 .MINUTES, conrad. P~. Jones clarified page 4 ~ OLD B~SINESS. It may be misleading that notices v~re sent out to all residents, but they were not all notified. Mr. Arehie moved that the minutes be accepted as eorrected~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. ?_UBLIC A ~ UDIENCE Potiee Chief Noah Huddteston intmodueed Ernest Giordano~ President of Fraternal ~der of Police and Fraternal Order of Police Association. On behalf of the Fraternal Order of Police and Fraternal Order of Police Association Sgt. Giordano presented Mr, Jones with a plaque for Outstanding Co-Operation and Dedication to Law Er~orcement. John Ray~ Commercial -ManaGer of Florida Po%~r $ Light~ presented the City with a Franchise che~k in the amount of $101~904.17 - 14.7o/~ in- crease over last year. Hank Thompson reserved right to speak on Item A, Administrative R. B. Vastine reserved right to speak on Item 7D~ Old Business~ and Item 8B~ New Business. Mr. Jones stated that ~. Morrison, representing Caldos might want to speak on Item ID, ' Chamlie Boos stated that since the bond issue did not go through~ we still can do a gmeat deal for the community by asking the County to put in Seac~est Blvd. s~orm sewers like 2nd Avenue. It would not cost any more than enlarging of the pipes. Mayor Wallace stated that on file stating preference as taken under advisement. Effron and t~. Archie have put a lettem far as getting work done. It will be Mrs. Jackson stated that South 15th Avenue would be worth taking into consideration. Mr. Jones mequested that tv~ items be added to the Agenda: (1) utility relocation in connection with Overpass of 1-95; (2) one bill ~IDS Construction of approximately 600 ft, of Roadway (1~,~ 9thAve.) and ~PproximatelV 350 ft. of Roadwav (SE ist Ave.) After having gone out rom re-bid, the low bid received was from Hardrives $8~9tl.00~ 45 days. Mm. Jones recommended it be accepted. -2- M/N~TES REGULAR CITY COU/~CIL ~TI~]G~ T JUNE z~ 197i BIDS, cont'd. t~. Archie moved that the low bid of $8:91!.00 from Hardrives be ae- cepted~ seconded by~irs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. Cooling Tower - City Halt Air Conditioning System A bid of $1775 vss received: which is not responsive. A responsive bid of $2:782.50:30 days: was received from Advance Air Conditioning. Mr. Jones recommended that the bid from Advance Air Con- ditioning be accepted~ and funds made available from Unappropriated Surplus. Mr. Archie moved that the bid from Advance Air Conditioning be accepted~ and $2~782.50 be transferred from Hnappropriated Surplus~ seconded by ~ir. Blanche~te. Motion carried 5-0. PHBLIC HEARING Consider request, for change in zoning Parcel ~1 - Lot 6: Block 6~ Meeks g Andrews Addn. Request: R-1 to R-2A Address: 115 N. E. llth Avenue Applicant: James H. Ellis To be used for Triplex Mr. Moore read Ordinance ~71-16. Mr. Arohie moved that the Ordinance be passed on firs~ reading~ with the ~equest that P~. Ellis apply to the Board o~ Adjustment for a variance before the next Council meeting~ seconded by ~s. JaoP~on. Mr. Ellis appeared with his plans. There were no objectors. ~e motion was carried 5-0. LEGAL Ordinances - 1st Reading Ord. ~%71-t3 - Speed Limit of Trains through the C,ity Mr. Jones reported that a meeting was held with the Railroad and were offered some options. Prepared to discuss in workshop meeting Friday afternoon~ 3:30 P. M. Ord. ~:71-15 - Amending Ordinance No. 71-14 (Emergency Ordinance) Ph~. Moore read Ord. ~71-i5. Mr. Effron moved that Ord. ~7t-15 be a- dopted on 1st reading~ as an emergeney Ordinance~ seconded by Mr. Btan- chette. Motion carried 5-0. -3- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~'~ETING JU~ 1~ 1971 ~EGAL~ cont~d. Resolutions ~r-~-~ - Re - Paving Portions of NE 7th St.~ NE 9th & NE 10th Aves Mr. Moore read Res. $71-U. Mr. Bianchette moved that Res. ~71-U be a- dopted~ seconded by i'.~. Archie. ~frs. Jackson asked if she voted on this subject could it be considered ~Conflict of Interest~ since she lived in the area. Mr. Moore answered ~No~. Motion carmied 5-0. Res. ~r"~7l-V - Re - Assessment~ Portions of NE 7th St., i~ 9th and ~ lOth Avenues Mr. Moore read Res. $7!-V. Hr. Archie moved that Res. {/71-V be adopted~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. Res. ~7~-W - ppomntlng Reereatmon Director Mr. Moore read Res. ~F71-W. t,~. Effron moved that Res. ~'~71-W be adopted~ seconded by Mr. Amehie. Motion carried 5-0. Consider authorization for City Attorney to defend City in Rohrbaugh and Reid cases ~. Archie moved that the City Attorney be instructed to defend the City in both cases~ seconded by Mr. E£fron. Motion carried 5-0. Report on Kahn and Susik cases Xahn case - Cour~ ruled that the City %~s correct in requi~ing sprinkler s ys tern. ~usik case - City has been directed to issue not involved in discretionary application of tension of utility system. building per, nit. Court is the City in regard to ex- Mr. Archie moved that the City Attorney be com~nded for h/s work~ sec- onded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. OLD BUS Ihq~ SS Review Plans for Standard Station - t\~ corner of Congress and SRS0d The original site plan was approved by this Council, but there was some question that the plan had been altered to some degree. The revised site plan has to be approved by Council. Mm. Same, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board, stated that there is some improvement over the original plan. There is much more landscape -4- MINUTES P~EGULAR CITY COU?~CIL ~ETING JUNE 1, 1971 OLD DUS~-YESS, conrad. shown on the revised plan. An entire landscape plan was subnitted. ?ne Planning and Zoning Board recommends that it be approved. Mr. Effron moved to accept the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board and approve the site plan for the Standard Station: seeonded by ~s. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. ~eport on Bus Service (On the table) ~. Archie moved that it be taken off the table~ seconded chette. Motioncarmied 5-0. by Mr. Blah- Mr. Jones reported that the County would provide inter-city bus service throughout the County. Each City has a different system. He recom- mended that this item be deleted from the Agenda for a period not to exceed 90 days~ and give the County time to get this off the ground. R : ~ ecommenc that the fmanchise to ~ir. Barnes be denied temporarily until plans become mome firm. f4rs. Jackson moved that the item be deleted at this time~ and deny the franohise to Mr. Barnes at this time, seconded by Mr. E~fron. Motion carried 5-0. ~e~uest for._, transfer of funds for cost of Special Election (On the tabln) Mr. At'hie moved that it be taken off the table, seconded by ~{r. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Jones reported thc the cost owed by the City. Mrs. Jackson thought that Russell g Axon was going to pay for the whole cost of the election except for the normal expenses of any election. Mr. Effron understood that Russell & Axon was to pay for the printing and mailing costs. Mr. ~\~altace also thought Russell g Axon was going to pay. Mr. Arehie moved the item be tabled, seconded by ~r. Effmon. carried 5-0. Motion ~equest of Ca_mos] ' to release bonds (On the table) Mr. Effron moved that it be taken off the table, seconded by Mrs. Jack- son. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Caldos was requested to post bonds on Sections IV & V - $150~669 and $175,956~ making a total of $326,625. -5- M~NtlTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL M~ETIN~ JUNE 19 1971 OLD BUSIneSS ~ cont~ d. SectiOn V has been completed. Section IV appears to have been completed but there is discrepancy ovem water bills. Mr. Arehie moved that the bond be re!eased~ seconded by ~s. Jacl~ono ~yor Wallace feels that the bond should not be released at this time. The motion carried 4-1. i'.~. Wallace voted ;'no',. The unpaid utility bills in Section IV amount to $2~79!.70. Mr. Effron movedthau~ these bills be co~lecteo] ~ through all means~ seconded by Jaclcson. Motion carried 5-0. R~e~uest of Fire Department for %~ainff_~g Amen The Fi~e Department must increase with the gmowth of the City~ and in- emease itsefrme~ency~ ' ' through extended train/n~. The Fire Dept. has requested that they be allocated a parcel of l~nd for tmaining purposes. The Goolsby tract has been suggested - about t/3 of the tract -(Kitely Ave. to Canal) The training area would include a water hydrant~ oil burning pit and a training tower: eventually a class room. Chief i4~right explained that the purpose of this is the insurance under- writers require training grounds.. This area would give suitable needs. The land would have to be rezoned for use as training ground. Should con,act the County Commission to f/nd out how they feel about it. Ail amens should be looked into administratively and a study made of all parcels in the City. Mr. Archie moved that the item be tabted~ seconded by Mr. Blanohe~te Motion ca~ried 5-0. · Counter-proposal regarding Skepard propert~ ~. Arohie moved to accept the recommendation of t/ce City Atto~ney~ sec- onded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Jones ~eported that tlnearonmtect~ ' has brought in the plans for the Police Comptex~ cost est/mated to be beL%,~een $240~000 and $300:000. NEW BUSINESS Request of Community Relations Committen The Community Relations Committee has requested that membership be in- creased from 7 to 9. Have had dm_~meulty with absentees. .¸7 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 1~ 1971 NEW BUSINESS, cont~d. Mm. Arehie moved that the membership of the Community Relations Commit- tee be increased to n/ne (9): seconded by ~ius. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. Review See. VII~ Palm Beach Leisureville for tentative approval ~i~. Vastine stated it was a pleasure to be at the?lara~zn~' and Zon/ng Board mee~ing~ and he is in ag~e~men~ wi=h th~ plans ~o~ ~he Re,cation area. Mr. Rossi presented the plat for approval. Mm. Wallace asked if the bridge site was shown-~ The bridge is not shown on the p/at~ but it will be made o£ conemete. Mr, Wallace asked about the recreation area. The recreation area will be built on two plats. It will be large enough to hold the members ~om a meeting. Mr. Sarno explained that if the land to the north is not acquired then the west half of the Recreation area will suffice. R!so~ if the project does not continue the bridge will lead nowhere~ so as not to dead end: the road will be brought back and looped. Mr. Sarno suggested they do not start construction on the Recreation area until they know they will acquire p~operty to the north. Mr. Arable moved that the City Attorney draw up an O~dinance for final approval of Section VII: Palm Beach Leisureville~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. Mrs. Jackson moved to give tentative app~ovat of Sections VIII~ IX: X, Drawing ~L2486-001~ seconded by ~. Archie. Mrs. Jackson amended the motion to include Section VII~ seconded by Mr. Archie. Motion carried 5-0. ADMINISTRATIVE Request for additional funds for Turnpi~ /nterchango Hank Thompson reported that the cost for the interchange has been oreased. The Chamber proposes to go ahead with events to raise addi- tional funds to meet this cost. Respectfully asks that the City give anothe~ $1138 to~.~rd the feasibility study. The ~uestion was asked by Mrs. Jackson if there was any gUarantee that the cost would not go up again? -7- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~IEETING JUt~ t~ 1971 A D~flNISTP~ TIVE, cont' ~,~. Mr. Thompson Stated that it is a firm bid, and it is in the contract. Mr. A~ehie moved that $1500 be given from Unappropriated Sumplus and this is the final Offer: seconded by ~. Btanchette. Motion carried 5-0. ~pplication for Permit to Solicit - United Fund rom Youth, inc. The application did not include how much money for administmative ex- pense and how much is actual charity. ~ir. Ef~ron moved that the request be denied and mecommend they contact United Fund to see if they can Participate: seconded by Mrs. Jackson. Motion camried 5-0. Discuss recreation activities It was suggested that the new Recreation Director be contacted to take a look around the City before the meetin~ Friday so that he will be raml_mar with the areas. A particular problem concerns the possible double sessions in the schools this fall. The possibility of leasing land from the County fo~ recreation areas was suggested. Mayor Wallace ~equested that the painting of the Civic Center be com- pleted. Request of Fire Department - Re Firemen~s Pension Fun~l Mr. Archie moved that request be granted and word be sent to Palm Beae2] County delegation opposing House Bill {~:1867, seconded by Mr. Blanchette. Motion carried 5-0. [ederal Grant t~. Jones reported that since the drainage referendum failed some ac- tion must be taken on Federal Grant. ~ Federal funds are more frequently available at the end of the fiscal yea~ (June 30th). Recommend that Russell & Axon be directed to withdraw our informal request and re-submit a formal request for assistance for a sanitary sewer system. Mr. Archie moved to proceed with application for assistance for a sani- tary sewer system, seconded by Mm. E~fmon. Motion carried 5-0. -8- Mll~UTES REGULAR CITY COL~{CIL ~'~ETING JUNE 1~ 197! ~DMINISTRATIVE, cont'd. Relocation of Utilities - i-95 Overpass 1~. Jones suggested that the contract for the relocation of utilities in 1-95 Overpass be held-over un~il the Fmiday afternoon meeting. It was suggested that a record be kept of the workshop meetings. Mrs. Jackson moved that workshop meetings be meoorded~ seconded by[,~. Blan- ehetteo Motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills There was some question on the bill from Russell & Axon - $3353.10. ~. Arehie moved that payment be defermed~ seconded by Mr. Ef£mon. Motion carried 5-0. ~. Archie moved that payment to Overland Construction be deferred~ sec- onded by 6~s. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. ~DJOURN~NT Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P. M. Attest: City C!e~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORID~ Forrest L. Wallace, P~yor · RoDert B. EZZron~ ~/~i~Ce Mayor il L Jae Cou cilwoman' Jo]~ L. Archie~ Counc'~Lman old L. Bl~n~hette, Councilman -9- STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) SS CIT¥OE BOYNTON BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR ANZ CO~WCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We, the undersigned Clerk and InspecTors of the Special Bond Elec- tion held on the 1st day of June, 1971, A. D.~ for the purpose of deter- mining ~hether the City of Boynron Beach, Florida shall issue~ not exceed- ing Two Million Six Hundred Thousand g no 100 ($2,60C~000.00) Dollars general obligation bonds of said City: bearing interest at a rate not exceeding six (6%) percent per annum from date of issuance, and maturing not later ~han 20 years fmom date of issuan0e thereof, for the purpose of financin~ the cost of consn~uction of a major storm drainage system in said Ci~: and to levy ad valorem taxes on all taxable property in the City without limit as to rate and amounn: for the payment of the princi- pal.;®f and interest on said bonds, all as provided for in Ordinance No. 71-10, adopted by the City Coozadil of the City Df Boynton Beach~ Florida on the 16th day o~ April, 1971~ do hereby certify that at such Special Bond Election the total votes cast at the South Pmecinct were: Machines Absentee Total of which FOR AGAINST And we~ such turn ~o you of the clare the above and foregoing to be the result of the Speci~al Bond tion[~~ ~ :~in the South Precinct.~/~ C~ rk In~/~. ctor / ~' Inspecto~ ~ pe cto~ // Inspector ~ Inspe cto~: Inspe c~o~ InspectoP 21erk and Inspectors, do make the foregoing as our re- results of such Special Bond Election and we do de- Elec- Inspector STATE OF FhORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH ) ) SS ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: We, the undersigned Clerk and InspecTors of the Special Bond Elec- tion held on the tst day of June, 1971: A. D.: for the purpose of deter- mining whether the City of Boynton Beach: ~lorids shall issue not exceed- ing Two Million Six Hundred Thousand & no/100 ($2~600~000.00) Dollars general obligation bonds of said 2ity~ bearing interest at a rate no~ exceeding six (6%) percent per annum from date of issuance, and maturing not later than 20 years from date of issuance thereof: for the purpose o~ financing the cost Df construction of a major storm drainage system in said 2ity~ and to levy ad valorem taxes on ail taxable property in the City without limit as t¢ rate and amount, for the payment of the princi- pal of and interest on said bonds, all as provided for in Ordinance No. 71-10, adopted by the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach: Florida on the 16th day of April, 1971, do hereby certify that at such Special Bond Election the total votes cast at the North Precinct were: Machines Absentee Total of which FOR ~ ] ~AGAINST And we, such Clerk and Inspectors, do make the foregoing as our re- Turn to you of the results of such Special Bond Elention and we do de- clare the above 5nd foregoing to be the result of the Special Bond Elec- tion in the North Precinct. Clerk [ns p e crc InspecTor Irfspe ctor InspecTor Inspector STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BE~SH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) ) ss ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerks of the Special Bond Election held on the 1st day of June, 1971~ A. D.~ for the purpose of determining whether the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida shall issue not exceeding Two Million Six Hundred Thousand $ no/100 ($2~600~000.0C) Dollars general obligation bonds of said City, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding six (6%) percent per annum from date of issuance~ and maturing not later than 20 years from date of issuance thereof, for the purpose of financing the eost of construction of a major storm drainage system in said City~ and to levy ad valorem taxes on alt taxable property in the City without limit as to rate and amount, for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds~ all as provided for in Ordinance No. 71-107 adopted by the City louncil of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida ~ on the 16th day of April~ 19Yl, do hereby certify that a~ such Special Bond ~lection the results were as follows: North South TOTAL FOR AGAINST ABSENTEE BALLOTS 2SBOtLED~ALLOTS TOTAL VOTES CAST C~rk~ South Precinct Clerk, North Precinct SWORN this Eo and subscribed before me /~ day of June~ 1971. Tereesa Padgett~ .~/ty Clerk 5, 1971 1~, 1971 ~7, 1971 20, 1~71 2~ 1971 25, I971 26, 1971 27~ I~971 28~ 1~971 PAYMENTS MADE IN MA! BY DATE 6, 655.58 3, 672.41 4, 018. 67 135. 79 57,513.23 53, ~95.~8~ 152.98 ~ ~ ................................ 24, 991. ................................ ................................ 436. 67 ................................ 705.68 29,196. 88 6, ~84.15 25,869.79 325, 880* 21 ~ENERAL FUND ............................... 139,092. 70 W~TER SYSTE~!f REYEIFUE FUND .................. 53,297.72 SEWER REYENUE FUND ......................... 38,554.29 WA TER DEPOSITORS FUND ...................... 200. O0 SEWER & WATER DEPOSITORS FUND .............. 788. G0 RETIREMENT TRUST FUND ...................... 55,547. i8 UTILITY GENERAL FUND ~--,-~ .................. 35,135.00 POLIGE RETIREMENT FUND ..................... 701. OG FfBEtTEN'S RELIEF ~ PENSION FUND ............ 84. I0 PUBLIGITY FUND ............................. G52. G? BOYNTON BEAGH MEMORIAL PARK ................ 1, ??4.40 I & S FUND ................................. 32.02 OIYIC CENTER BOND SIN£IN~ FUND ............. ?.25 MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL BOND FUND .......... ?.25 ~I~r 3, t971 G~ER2L FU~D 26446 Fzam Eg¢Ip. S~Lms ~ S~a~. 26447 Frnms~o~m 26448 FL~. ~. F~ 26450 26461 G~o~s p~. 26454 G~L~ S~. L~E~ Co. 264~7 H~aDa~z$, INc. 26~9 Hoxi~ 's 26460 J~c~ 's C~Yza~ Czar. 26463 ~cC~ 2ssoc. 26~6 C~zY OF 26~87 GE~E HOO~E 26~88 Wsr~ H~cDowm~ 26~05 O~?Y WATER S~$TEH RE?ENUE FUi~D 15287~FR~.~m~o~s~ E~Ec~. 15295 Wm~ H~cDowmL~ 13296 H~e. Lrxm I~s. Go. SEWER REKENU£ FUh~D 3~70 MA~u~. LrFE Ims. 3~71 CrTY OF B.~. CO o R£TI~EHENT TRUST FUI{D 0706 0~ W~e~ 0707 Fa~ Jos~so~- 0708 WooDaow e¢rs~ 190.10 t 23.20 36.25 7.80 1 t. O0 130. $0 80; 82 71.09 $96. O0 50. 40 18~ O0 I$1.9~ 47.75 129. ~2 2, 345. 76 125. O0 132. O0 $~. 1! $I$. ~0 80. O0 3. 25 60~ ~ 7~ 78. 19 24. O0 9.72 6.4-8 393. 08 50.58 135.12 71. O0 44.51 73.02 3,1971 4,1971 FrO.~E~,~ RELIEF ~ PENSION 475 H~o~ HE~e ~76 Jo~ GENERAL F$U~D 2646¥ Tsm Hz~mm HE~Lm 26466 26~67 ~ozo~oL~, Imc. 26~68 NELso~ 's 26470 N~'L. Lr~mm Sm~ICE 26~74 P~L~ 26~75 PE~mS~ ~mm. Go. 26~ 7 7 26~78 Rre~ HoTels, I~¢. 26480 Ros~ C~ W~s~ Co~s F~x~A~ HO~E ~ ' s Sm~. 26~9l~'~ S. F~a. Pza~s~ S=~r., I~c. 26~7 E. W~mmmw HD. 2~0 Base,mss M~c,r~ms. I~c. 26~ Crry ~F B.B. SEWER REYENUE FUND $567 Ocm~m 5572. GrTY OF B.B. 24.27 59.83 8~. 10 70.50 i0.62 20. 95 74I, O0 100. 90 10.75 1 7.69 30. 58 88. $0 57.3I 75. 97 2 0~ O0 2~. O0 94~ . rio 101.$0 11.2.5 105.05 62,00 ill. ~ fi 51%94- 27. O0 75.~ 52 7I~ O0 10. O0 222.75 18. O0 I O. O0 2, 7~$. 18. $5 2.66 $6, 6~0. 58 1971 1971 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 15290 Pm~Ims~L~ S~pp. 15297 Ox~Y o~ B.B. S=PP. BOYNTON BEACH MEMORIAL PARK ~ENERAL FUND 26510 F~ms~omx 26511 26512 P.B ~ Orrrcm Sap~. Go. 26516 Wz~som ~ Too~ms Go. 26~17 Bmv~r Smz~m 26~8 B.B. Fz~m Drp~. 26519 A~zm I~s. A~m~cY WATER 1~298 15299 1~$00 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND SEWER REVENUE FUND 5575 Pxe~m I ~ S FUND CIVIC OE~TER BOYtD SINKING FUND MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL BOND FUND ~79 Crease h'a~mz~'.~ BasK. 6.15 6.17 80. O0 709,29 829. ~5 78 ~ ~0 21.69 7i$~2~_ 7~. 4-6 70 ~ O0 70, O0 7.25 7.2~. 7.25 672. $4-, 018.67 1971 GENF. RA$. FUND 26520 i'~ Baxma & TAYLOR 26521 Ro~ma~ B. Pmcx 26522 Rm~'. A.O.E~'aNs 1971 GENERAL FUND 26524 B,B. PoLIcm DrmT. 26526 ELLrS McAaor 26525 C.J. OusLmx OF B.B. 20529 ~r om 205~1 B.B. Rm~mgm. FED. Ch. UNION SEWER REVENUE FUND $5?4 OrTr oF B.B. WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND I$$01 C~r OF B.B. RETIREMENT f£UST FU~{D 0710 ts~ FreD. Sz~. & LozN OF L.W. 0711 PmOrLES FreD. Sa~. ~ LozN Assoc. PUBLICITY FUND 10, 1971 GEIFERAL FUND 26534 Gr~Y OF B.B. 26555 O~r OF B.B. 26536 F~hm E~ezNmm~ 265~? FL~. AssN. of Or,fL Sma~rcm SEWER REYENUE FUND 35 76 Hommz ~ Y Lmo~ $57? D~'~r L~Dm.~i~. Js. $578 Rm~.& 105.79 15. O0 15~ 00 1 $5, ?9 69. O0 5~ O0 5. O0 156~ O0 19, 745~ 52 259. 94- 151 ~ 57 58 7. 86 1,594.00 29~ 88 22, 58;5. 77 , ,1~ 371.12 1,371/i2 , 3, 25 7. 3~ 3, 25 7. 34 ~, 001. O0 l O. 000. O0 30, 001. O0 $00.00 43.93 19.64 8. O0 15.00 8. O0 5.05 8, O0 $0, 520. 4-4 30, 541.49 35. 79 $5~513.25 10,1.971 r 11, 1971 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 1330£ BaoomaZeK ~ Bamm~ 13303 Aa~m~a O~o~xa 1330~ Homms eY Lmom 1~6 Ho~ms ~ Lmo~ 13506 D~v~ L~m~za, Ja. 13507 ~. ~ I~ ~ SzN~. SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1725~ITY OF B.B. ~e¢'T OF 0. AUSTrN 1726 CrTr OF B.B. A¢¢'T OF D.L~NDF,~a, Ja. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8830 0I~ om B.B. GENERAL FUND 26539 J~Es HENaY WA 13308 13309 13311 SYSTEH BEYENUE FUND W~TEB DEPO$IT08S FUND 8831 ar~r OF 8 m. 8832 U'X~'OF 8~B. 8833 Or~r oF B.8. SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1727 OrTY OF B.B. 1750 ELE~ZER W, SmXTH 1731Joz~ Cz~sa~, Ja. 1732 Dou A~sm~z~o 95.00 3.00 £.30 1.72 22.267.92 7. 50 15.50 ~0.00 $53,095.80 40. O0 2. O0 2. 20 8.20 ~.20 2.78 7.50 7,50 15.00 30.00 7.50 ~50 15.50 15.~0 GENERAL FUND 26541 26542 JAmms 26545 'O~Y 265~6 A=~o~ao~=czs, I~c. WATER SYSTEff REI~ENUE FUND 13313 OI~ er B.B. 13518 £ENDALL ffomsTa. SEWER REYENUE FUND ~SaO. OI~x om B.B. 3585 AL~z O~s~A~ Tooter WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8834CITy OF B.B. 8835 Oily or B, iL SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1733 1 734 OITY OF B.B. 1735 O~'y~ om B.B. 1736 £~oYr 1737 ffrr~ or B.B. 1758 Cz~r OF B.B. 17~9 C~Y ~ B.B. 17~0 C~zY or B.B. 66. ~8 7.50 64.95 6.83 676.45 15, 62 lO, so 80~ O0 1.44 2.64 5.20 5.20 20 5, 20 1 O, 885; 70 2.25 110.00 8, O0 8~ O0 I0. t0 12, 90 151.25 7. 50 ?. 50 7~ 50 7. 50 7. 50 15,50 15.50 15.50 17.60 20.40 ' 15, 1971 UTILITi~ GENERAL FUND 259 R~ssmL,. ~ Axon I ~ $ F UNB GENERAL FUi~D Bz-~ma~ F~am Hosm O. ?.Bowfins ~ULF OIL ~ZFFITH f~m F~. ?r~ms-U~ro~ L~oYos oF B,B., I~c. 26549 26550 26551 26552 26~55 26554 2655,6 26~5~ 26558 26~59 26560 26561 26565 26564 2656 7 26~70 26fi?1 OL Y~P I~A OFFICE Sm. Smom, INc. ~UPPLY INC. 155. O0 2~.80 24.80 147.67 $5. 71 440. O0 5~0o O0 75. O0 86, 95 129. ~50 44. 4 ? 54--5.70 865. O0 21.10 15. O0 78 ~,08 156. O0 fi~ 55 I5,00 7. 80 ~6, 79 108~,76 ?~00 2I.. ~0 $12, 209.78 SEWER REVENUE FUND $586 5587 G~oa 5588 F~x~ J. ~mssma 5589 So~vm L~D INstR. 8. O0 45. O0 196.25 20. O0 14,1971 WATER SYSTEM BE~'ENUE FUND 13324 R~LmR 13325 J. 13326 Gm~s~m Km~SLm 13328 SEWm~L 13329 S~a P~s~ rsmrm¢ Co. 13330 W~¢m ~ ?rm~. i~¢. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8836 Gr~r oF B.B. SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSI¢ FUND ~'?¢10r~r oF B.B. GENERAL FUND 26575P. B. Pos~-Trmms 26576 Rmcam~TroN 26577 Rrc~ MOTORS, 26878 RrO~EWZr PL~r~, I~¢. 265 79 Sm~ A 26880 TR. I~wm Howm~ S~ms 26881 fmm TRX~E ~. 26582 TR. E~rmmm~T Co. 26583 Wmm~s ~ PrLcmmR 2658~ B~ow~a~ P~ ~ S~p~y Co. 26585 FIRESTONE 26886 $. FA~ P~s 26887 Oryx oF B.B. 26588 Gr~r oF 2658~ Orvx oF B.B. 26~90 Gr~¥ oF B.R. 26591B.B. RETIREMENT T~o F~ND ~6~2 ~OYNTON OITY FEn. Ca. UNION 26593 FrRST BzN~ & 26594 E~zs HcARoY 26595 BOOKER NORFUS 26596 Umr~m~ ST~ms 26597 L~. GmoR~m D~ms $fi. O0 233~, 08 11.1~ 58. 80 9 7.25 ?. 50 7. 50 1~.50 ~ $6,921.87 22.97 60.00 71.54 105.00 165.00 25.60 2~ O0 8~.00 9.00 32.75 720.61 32~00 BO. O0 11,~87;35 238;~1 152.60 331.08 1,169. O0 5, 790. I4 10. O0 10.00 ~5.00 120.00 '20,789.08 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 13331 B~ow,~ P~ ~ $~m~ Go. 13332 Fr~ms~o~m 13333 S. F~. P~s ~ S~m~r I~c. 15337 ~ 1~338 F. ~.~ 13339 13340 SEWER REVENUE FUND 3690 P~u~ Er'ams 3591 Cz'~Y OF $. B. 3592 F.G. N~NN~ 3593 MoNism Dov~s SEWER AND WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1742 Cr~Y OF 8oBo ACC'T 1745 Om~a~ms D. J~rsom 17~ Gr~ o~ B.B. Acc'~ G~s Rosrma 1746 Gr~Y o~ B.8. ~cc'~ ~YO~OE 17~8 C~Y Oe B.B. Acc'~ Pz=~ 1750 Grvx OF B.B. Ace'~ N~oa Dmz. Goam. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8837 LYNETTE Fo=~mS ~838 WM. NUBPWY 8839 Gr~ o~ 8. B. Acc'~ GuS E. RENDELL GENERAL FUND 26598 U.S. 26600 26601 gm~m Moeam, 26602 G~LF Or~ Co~m. 266~3-~R.L. Ga¢~o~s Pa. 111.41 22.57 39. 09 ~.20 2,135.72 2. O0 2.64 5, 20 fi. 20 2. 20 2, ~1.23 10.10 1, G 73~ 52 8.00 8. O0 8. O0 1, 707.62 17.60 15.50 15.00 I5.50 15.50 15.60 15.50 15.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15. O0 200. O0 1,734.49 10, 856. 02 17.52 111.'05 113.93 140. O0 333. 70 $24. 991. O0 M~ Y 1971 26609 26610 T~opz~As INc. OF F~. WATER SYSTEM'REYENUE F~D 133~I GmAs. 133~2 Cmos. HoLmms 133~ Fz~¢x~ J. 1~3~G Lo~sm Mc 13568 SNow TELE~ 16350 $o~T~m~m BELL ?ELm. 133510zvY ox B.B. SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND I~51 Cz~Y o~ B.B. I752 Ox~Y OF B.B. 1753 gI~Y om B.B. 1755 OZTY OF B.B. 1756 Cz~Y OF B.B. ACC ~T C, ~OSIEI~ Aec'~ E. H~.Lm ~CC ~T SNOW OONSTR. Acc'~ S~ow Co~s~a. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 88~0 Cr~Y OF B.B. Ac¢'r 8~1 CITY OF B.B. Acc'~ SEWER REVENUE FUND 3596 Enmo~m NA~Lm 3596 G~AF OZL Ooam. POLICE RETIREMENT FUND 0675 Tx;~o~my D. 0676 DANIEL G~rgEBAL FUND 26611 SANmr MZ~LEa 26612 G~S Maa~ ~75.70 59. O0 6~3. 72 17.16 ~.2~ 2. 90 5.20 11. 7~ tl ?. 36 5.20 12.70 12. 70 8. 80 2,75 7.50 7.50 15.50 15.00 15. O0 15. O0 15.00 7.50 22.50 8~ O0 55.96 27.7~ ~ $15.1 70. 98 51. O0 I?.00 HAY 18, 1971 ' 19, 1971 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 13352 U. S, Pos~m,~s~m~ PUBLICITY FUND 483 Hrss B.B. P,~E,~NT GENERAL FUND 26613 O,~mz~or. Lm,~srm~ Coam, 2661~ Im~m~m~ '~ Assm. 2GGl ? O~cO~ 26618 K~r 26619 ffzao~ Ym 26620 ~r~o~ Iys. WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 15555 Rzm Low~rms 13356 Sxa~m P~zzr 13358 BoY~Om A~TO S~mm., 13359 H~o~ Ochre, INC. SEWER REYENUE FUND 3597Jo~ 3598 Sma~x Przzr 3599 Nz~csm~ ~600 BOYNTON AUTO SUPp., INC o WATER DKPOSITORS FUND 8842 Czar OF B.B. lec'v J. 0843 CrvY OF B.8. Aecr~ B. 8844 Cruz OF B.B. Ac¢'~ O. 10. O0 358.6? 336.02 6.50 I0. O0 25. O0 40. O0 51.62 21. O0 21. O0 i81.86 40.60 24-2. 46 9 ?G, -~ 258.50 5.20 2.20 5.20 3.20 12.96 :~. 42 8. O0 4. O0 18. 78 Lowomms 7. 80 B~z I5.00 $o'- oo $436.67 HzY 19,1971 21,1971 SEWER & W,%TER DEPOSIT FUND 1 ?~? Jo~ 1759 1760 G~Y oF B.B. 1761 GrTY 1762 ~z~Y 176~ C~Y o~ 18.30 ~cc'~ J. WrL~ra~s 15.50 ~c='~ S. P~zza 15.50 Ace'~ j. F~m~m I5.00 Acc '~ Ha~o~ Go~p. 1~. O0 GEh~ERAL FUND 26626 £~ Boom Go. $6626 ~s. ff~o~ Bowm~s 26627 M~s. Bosm~ Co. ~ENERAL FUND 2665~ B.B.Po~rcm Dmmz. 26636 Hza rm Ewrm~ $G6~G O.J. O~sLxY 26687 E~rs Hc~aor 26638 BOOmES T. NO~FaS 266~9 B~. O~. B~. Sm. or FLa. Imc. 266~1 C~r oe B.B. 266~ B.B. RmTXSEmE~T TS. 13360 13361 13362 C~r ox Syow Go~s~a. Go. SE~R REYENUE FUND 3GO1B~ff~.B~.Sm. oF 3602 ffr~r ox B.B. INC o 190, 71 28.97 1.00 1. O0 1. O0 2~0. O0 31~ O0 IOG. O0 1 06. O0 70~ 68 8O. O0 80. O0 I0. O0 30. O0 20. O0 15. O0 2,, 3~3.63 18,973.76 226. 4.5 152.60 56~~. 11 · 1,589. O0 24, 080, 55 275.59 3,383.78 I0.~0 3,669.77 1~0.~6 1,250.~0 1,390.9-~ $1,439.16 $ 705.68 £1,1971 25, 1971 SEWER & WAFER DEPOSIT FUND 1764 1765 Cz~Y 1766 Cz~,Y 1767 Czar OF B.B. GENERAL FUND 266~7 Cx~r OF B.B. ret oF B.B. oF B.B. ~ZNEEi~IN~ MACH. Co., INC. WAFER SYSTEt~ REFENUE FUND 13363 CrTr OF B.B. 13364 AeLz~er¢ Na~'r. Bzmc OF W.P.B. SEWER REYEM]E FUND 3603 ~xvr oF B.B. RETIREHENT TRUST FUND 07.2 W~LVEa MArSEm BOYNTON BEACH MEMORIAL PARK ~84 EY~zmmmszx~ M.~Cm. Co.. I~¢. gENERAL FUND 96651 Jz~ms B. H~ZE~ B6653 ~o. Rmzssm~¢m~ 6655 TsE T~zrm~mas I~s. Co. INC. WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 13365 Jo~NFAuLKNE~ i3366E. W.B~mE~ 13369 J~mms H. Bz~zm 15.00 7.50 15.50 'l?.GO 54.93 37.13 99~62 19.50 28~50 ~,738.68 19.10 225. O0 2 .1o 3.43 3. ~3 .1.94 l. 94 1~696.00 1,696.00 88.00 2.00 2.00 327,0~ ..173.6~ 592.68 4.72 4.50 2.30 5.20 $29,196. 88 $6, 684~. 15 NaY 25, 1971 26, 1971 SEWER REVENUE FUND $604 Jacm E. Ga~vma $605 Jom~ FZ=Lm~EW 3606 E. W. BaEma $609 J~s H. B~a~ 100. O0 8. O0 10.10 2.00 4. O0 5.05 129.13 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7.50 SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1768 C~r OF B.B. Ae¢'~ £.E. Fa,~zc¢zs Ja. 1769 Cr2r 1770 Gr~r i771 Czar o~ B.B. 1772 Or~r or B.B. ~cc'~ ~T~ay~rc Urea Paor. 1775 D~. 177~ Cr~r 1775 C~r RETIREMENT TRUST FU]~ 0715 Pmom~,ms Fro. S,a~'r~s ~ Lozz¢ 0714 ls~ Fxo. Sa~'. ~ ~.oa~ om W.P.B. GENERAL FUND 26656 F~a. Powma 26657W. T. 26658 CO. WATER S!fgl~EM' REYENUE' FUND 15570 Fz,,~. 13571 U.S. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8846 Or~r oF B.B. A¢¢'~ G. Hamsmc~:m~ SEWER REYENUE FUND SGlO FLa. Powms & 15.50 I5.50 17.60 15.50 7. 50 17. 60 15.50 60 122. $0 lO, oo 15.000. O0 6,445.65 $$.88 18.,75 '6,496.28 2, 715~13 3, 165. I3 7. 50 $25, 869. 79 M~Y 2G~ 1971 £8,1971 UTILITY GENERAL FUND 260 Czar OF POLICE RETIREMENT FUND 0677 RoY McCoN~m~, GENERAL FUND 2GGGO ALrCE Nmwm~ 26GG1 S~x 26GG2 Tree B~mm~ ~ T~Y~oa Go. 266G~ a~Y ~m B.B. Po~zcm INC. WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 1337~ B~ao¢~s Ooam. 16675 Co~m~ezz~ E~m¢~. Co. IN C o RETIREMENT TRUST FUND GENERAL FUND ~G669 ~.J.O~s~mY 26670 B~omm~ NOaF~S 2GG71E~s ~¢~o~ 26672 2GG75 26675 26676 2667? 26678 26679 26680 26681 ..$5,000, O0 "$5, 000. O0 .615.$6_ 615. $6 Zl OO 268, 63 64.00 7I. O0 57~0 7.50 9~ 34 O0 590 O0 16.87 946. 68 1 ?0, O1 170, O1 10. O0 ~ $~ O0 5, O0 2go O0 85~ 52 21,05 152, O0 14,806, 89 2~-8, 51 160. 25 298~ 6 ? 1,203, 69 5, 702.43 $;45, 928. $2.333.83 26682 DorBs 26685 E. COAST ParER CO. 26684 E~g~EL 'S 26685 Fr~E O~ZEF 'S ASS 26686 26687 F~. 26688 ~o. W. Fow~$~ Co., INc. 2668~ Fa~NK~o¢s~ E~E~. I15. $0 7, 03 70.10 18. O0 108. 74 50. 15 £15.07 46. 66 89. 74 15576 15377 15578 SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 13379 Fx~msTo~r 13382 ,qrN~r ¢. POrE 169. O0 200, 28 2, 528. 22 7.20 6G. 31 5.20 1.84 2.72 1.28 6, 06 23,95 3, 012. 06 SEWER REYENUE FUND $611 T~omAs DAvY 3612 Cz~Y OF B.B. PAYROLL 3613 Hr~r F. POrE 361~ J. Os~a~ rN~ 202.50 1,562. 55 10.10 5, 05 2..95 1,762. 95 1776 Grer OF 1777 ffZTY OF B.B. 1778 CrTr OF B.B. 1779 gxer or B,B. 1780 CiTY OF B.B. 1781 178~ Cr~Y OF B.B. WATER DEPOSIT FUND ~CC~T ROBERT ~RADLEY Ace's' HEmar F. Por~ ~CC'T HOWARD ~cc'~ GEN. ~CC'T J. OSTEaAIND 7.50 17.60 7.50 25. O0 l 7.60 8. O0 7.50 90. 70 $28. 747.92