Minutes 04-06-71 ~fINU~ES OF REGULAR~CITY COUNCIL ~EETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON "BBACH~ FLORtDA~ TUESDAY: APRIL 6~ 1971 AT 7: PRESENT: ~ormest L. Waltace~ Ptayo~ Robert Effron~ Vice ~ayor. ~s. Emily Jackson,. Cotu%cllwoman john A~chie ~ Co~ei~an Harold B~nehe~e~ Counci~an C. Q. Jones, Jm., City Manager Gene Moore, City Attorney Mms, Te~eesa Padgett, City Clerk ,:~ayo~ Wallace called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. Invocation was given by Harold Hopk/ns~ Superintendent of Public followed by the Flag Salute led by Gene Wright, Fire Chief. i~troduction of Guests [ ~[~bert Bey~er~ United Boynton Civic League & Sterling Village Sm. Citi- ~:'~. B. Vastine~ P~esident~ Leisureville Homeowners Association [!~mes O~eara~ William ~4errill. Ail those attending the meeting from i~.~eisurev~lle were recognized. ~bert Wehretl~ Boynton Isle Lee ~nors Association [',~s. Dewey Sanders~ Boynton Junior Women's Club ~IN~TES ~Regular Meeting - March l6, 1971 Jackson stated that a mot~n was omitted ~rom Page 8. She moved to anothem appra~a! of the property~ mot~n died ~o~ lack of a sece~. Archie moved to accept the minutes as corrected~ seconded by~. i[~ffron· Mot~n ~r~ied 5-0. ~yor Wallace stated ~ the~e ~ an item on the Agenda on which you wish speak~ s~te ~at item during Public Audience. If you wish to speak an item that ~ not on the Agenda do so during Public Audienee. AUDIENCE B. Vastine asked to speak on item concerning Plat of Leisureville. genes requested that ~.~o items be placed on the Agenda under OTHER against the City for wa~em damage and the drainage issue. Ooun- appmoved of this mequest. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING APRIL 6: 1971 PUBLIC AUDIENCE, conrad. Albert Wehrell~ representinq the residents of Boynt~n Isles and Lee Manor presented Council with a petition of those interested in Flood In- surance~ and urged Council to consider this request. BIDS One (1) 5-point Hitch Backhoe The Cemetery Board recommended that funds be provided from the Cemetery Fund derived from rental of equipment. The low bid of $1~696 was re- ceived f~om Engineering Machinery Co.~ with delivery in 21 days. ~. Jones recommended that this bid be accepted. Mrs. Jackson moved to accept the bid of Engineeming Machinery Co. and $1:696 be authorized from the Cemetery Fund: seconded by Mr. Blanehette. Motion carried 5-0. LEGAL Ordinances - 1st Reading Ord..7~71-~~ ~ezoning Lot 9~ Block 7: Boynton Ridge from R-1 to R-2A John Gimbel request ~.ir. Moore read O~d. [~71-~.~'Mr. Archie moved that Ord. ~7t-5 be passed on first reading~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-2. Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Blanehette voted ~no~. Ord. ~71-6 - Granting conditional use fox construction of a ehureh~ Lots 156~ t57~ 158~ 159 and 1697 Block D~ Boynton Hilts: subject to approval of Board of Adjustment ~. Moore read Omd. %~71-6. Mr. Effron moved that Ord. ~:71-6 be passed on first reading: seconded by Mss. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. Resolutions No. 71-M - estimated cost~ constructing portions of SE 1st Ave. and N~ 9th Ave. (On the table) Mm. Archie moved that Res. ~71-M be taken off the table~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Moore read Res. ~71-M. Mr. Archie moved that Res. )?71-M be adopted: seconded by Mr. Btanehette. Motion married 5-0. -2- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~.~ETING APRIL 6~ 1971 Resolutions ~ conrad, No. 7i-O - Amending Res. ~?~71-E deleting Administrative Assistant from Ciass if led pos itions Moore read Res. 971-0. Mr. Blanchette moved that Res. ~[71-O be a- dopted: seconded by Mr, Archie. Motion carried 5-0. No. 71-P - Amending Civil Service Rules & Regulations Mr-. Moore read Res. %~:7t-P. Mr, E~fron moved that Res. ~'~7t-P be adopted: seconded by Mr. Archie. Motion carried 5-0, ~yor Wallace stated that a ing that a member be removed done by Council. letter was received from skip Craw~ord ask- for missing three meetings. This can not be Mayor Wallace pointed out that a recent employee who left the City re- ceived a settlement of 3 weeks salary. This employee did not feel it was a fair settlement. Every employee should have a fair hearing and should be given what is coming to him. Mr. Jones s~ated that the decision was his, and in a ease of this nature weeks pay v~s a fair settlement. Mayor Wallace asked that the City Employees take a look at the Civil Serv- ice Board re,clarions and if anyone feels they are not receiving a fai~ hearing~ please let Council know. ~p. 71-Q - Re abandonment request of John Andrasko~ Jr. Mr. Moore mead Res. ~7t-Q. Mrs. Jackson moved that Res. i~[71-Q be adopted~ seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Resolution - revenue sharin~ (On the table) Mrs. Jackson moved that it be taken off the tabte~ seconded by ~. Archie. Motion carried 5-0. PLus. Jackson moved that the proposed resolution be stricken from the Agenda until something further develops: seconded by Mr. Arc, hie. Motion carried 5-0, ~roposed Resolution - Supporting Lt. William Caliey Mr. Archie fee%s that it is a very emotional state~ and it is no5 the place of the City Council to impose his will on the City in the fo~m of a resolution. No one knows whether he is right or v~ong~ only what is read in the newspapers. Everyone %~ants to back the Lt., but do not feel that it is incumbent on this Council as a group. -$- M I/NUT_ES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING APRIL 6~ !97i ~ropos~a Resolution~ conrad,.. i,irs. Jackson agreed with Pk. Archie that it is an emotional state. War is War~ men are sent there to do a duty. Urged tb~t everybody at least write a letter to the President and let him know how you ~eel. Mayor Wallace stated that this County takes a young man and says: "We wan~ you-~ sends him overseas~ pu~s a gun in his hand~ and tells him to kilt: and they says don~t do it. If this Country doesn't stand behLnd hi~: something is wrong. Thomas M, 0~Boyle~ i002 SW 4th way took it on himsel~ to send a petition to the President supporting Lt. Ca!icy, The ~esponse of supporters of Lt. Caiiey was wonderful. OLD BUSINESS Receipt of Plat o£ Palm Beadn Leisureville~ Section 6 - Boynton West Development Corp, Mr, Enrico Rossi represented Boynton West Development~ and asked for approval of Section 6~ Palm Beach Leisureville, It is the understand- lng that Boynton West Development will develop as shown on the original plat. Mr. Arehie moved to approve Section 6 of Palm Beach Leisurevilte~ sub- ject to receipt o~ ordinance and bond, seconded by Mr. Effron. Motion carried 5-0. The Developers requested an area for temporary trailer storage. It would require a zoning change to store trailers on the property. Coun- cji did not wish to act on this matter at this time~ as it had not been brought up before. Mr. Vastine stated that it is quite a problem with boat and trailer storage. Not asking for zoning change~ just a temporary use of the land for storage of trailers. If at all possible would appreciate Council's consideration this evening. Action on this matter was deferred. ADMINISTRATIVE Rental o~ City Facilities - 1. Boynton Beach Historical Society 2. St. John Baptist Church A system o~ ~ees should be set up for any organization that uses the recreational faeilities. ~. Ef~ron stated that we will soon be hir- ing a new recreational director. When this director comes in we should review ~he entire recreational facilities. It would be an opportune time to completely go over and re~amp the enti~e ~ecreation department. MI~dTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL 5~ETING APRIL 6~ 1971 ADMINIST?~ATIVE ~ conr' d. Rental of City Pacilities~ conrad. Co~ncii had previougly voted not to waive the ~ee because of the jani- toriai services that were necessary. M~. Erfron~ moved that on these two requests the fee be waived~ but the cleanup be done by ~he omganizations, or they would be expected to pay a fee for cteanup~ seconded by Mr. Archie. ~iotion carried 5-0. ~EW BUSINESS Receipt o£ Plat - M~. Weaver apologiz which would be call proval of Public Wc Mr. Archie moved th Park~ Addition ~1, ADM~YISTP~TIVE~ 9o1 synton Industrial Park~ Addition $1.- Stanley Weave~ ed for being late. It would be adding another street sd West Industrial Ave. Evemything meets with ap- uks and Water Department. at tentative approval be given on Boynton Indus trial seconded by Mr, Effron- Motion carried 5-0. t~d. Request for t~ansfe of Beer & Wine license ~ 1101 N. Railroad Avenue - from Josephine Razz to 14attie Lou Habersham _ ~r. Archle moved that request be granted~ secondee~ by Mr. Effron. 1.iotion carried 5-0-- Consider new pay p~an for non-classified employees Mr. Jones recommen¢ Consider sewer ins~ The City Manager r~ and Seacrest~ east install one large ] will advance~ inte~ Mr. Tare to be has been refunded contra ct. ed that this item be deferred for additional study. allation on S. Federal Highway commended bringing in ~orce main from S. 23rd Ave. on 23rd to Federal, south to Sun Wah Restaurant~ irt station. Total cost of S97~320.00. lzn~. Tare est free~ $61~281.00. City will invest $36~059.00. .bursed at a rate of S150.00 per unit until $43~081.00 (5 year limit). The City Attorney is to prepare Mr. Effron moved to approve financing and allow City to start installa- tion as soon as possible, seconded by Mr. Blanohette. Motion carried 4-0. Mr. Arabic abstained. -5- MINUTES ~GUlAR CITY COUNCIL P~.ETtNG APRIL 6, 1971 ADM_INISTRAT!VE~ Cont'd. Determine financing of Municipal Complex M~s. Jacl~son suggested getting another appraisal of these properties. ~' ~'~OU d Mr. Arehie as~,ed what _ it accomplish when we have had two reput- able appraisals. Mm. Effron moved to transfer $70~452.49 from Unappropriated Surplus ~o General Fund to purchase the Boedecke~ and Przybys parcels~ make $11~O00 payment on La Croiz parcet~ set aside $35~450 for purchase of Shepard parcei~ and pay Mr. Boos $565.00 appraisal fee~ seconded by Mr. Archie. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. Wallace stated that it ~ouid take a long time £or this project~ and hopes that the next Council will follow through~ or this plan is no good. Mr. Effron stated that the longer %.3e wait the higher the prices of this property would get. By buying the property now~ we are getting it at a lower price than it would be at a la~er time. It was suggested that the land in a~ea of Forest Hills owned by the _~ase~ ro~ a recreational a~ea. It was turned over to the County be ]~ ' '~ ~ City Manager ~o research. Consider appointment of Golf Committee Mr. Jones asked that this be put on the Agenda~ each Council is sup- posed to appoint it's Committee; and it was not meappointed as such. ~. Effron moved that the 1970 Golf Committee be reappointed ~ seconded by Mr. Btanchette. Motion carried 5-0. Approval of Bills Rubin Construction Co. Overland Construction Co.~ Inc. Palm Beach Dodge Benz Chevrolet $ 2~856.00 57~615.96 2~854.48 !7~737.58 Jackson moved that the bills be paid~ seconded by Mr. Effron. ~'~otion carPied 5-0. OTHER, Claim against the City fo~ watem dam.ag.e A claim was presented to the City by a ~esident. ~ile paving a street the water main b~oke and water damage was done to thei~ home. The Cit~, estimated damage was $500. Claim was filed for $2~900 damage. -6- MI~TES P~EGULAR CITY COUNCIL I~EETING APRIL $: 197i OTHE,R: cont'd. Claim aqainst the, City fo~ water. ,damage, cork. Mr. Archie moved to have this turned over to the City Attorney for settlement~ and then we turn to our insurance cammier in at~empt to recoup for the loss~ seconded by Mr. Btanchette. Motion earmied 5-0, Pending Dmai~ag9 Issue ~, Effron moved to proceed with the emergency ordinance calling for special election and applications be sent to H. U. D.~ seconded by Mr. Archie. ~4otion ca,tied 5-0, % DJOURN~NT l,~eetin~ adjourned at 9:20 P. M, Attest: CITY OF BOYNTON BEA~, FLORIDA Forrest L, %~allace~ i~yor Robert B, Eff~on: ~i~e Ma~or City Clerk -7i 2, 3, 5~ 8, !I, 12, !5, 16, 18, 19, 22, 25, 24, 26, 29, $0, P.4LYENTS MADE IN HAROH BY DATE 1971 .................................. 1971 .................................. 1971 .................................. 1971 .................................. i971 .................................. 1971 .................................. 1971 .................................. i971 .................................. 1971 .................................. 1971 .................................. 1971 .................................. 1,971 .................................. 1971 .................................. 1971 .................................. 1971 .................................. 1971 .................................. 197! .................................. 1971 .................................. 197! .................................. 1971 .................................. 1971 .................................. 1971 .................................. 1971 .................................. $, 918.53 1 ~,, 408~ o 7 2, 749. l 5 1,592.21 16, 507. 48 183.57 1,135.9t $, 923. 71 2, 1 $6.43 $3, 021. OB 72, 303.04 153, 5 71.92 55, 99~. 72 ~1,026.10 ~72.1~ 2, 204.6~ 30, 282.2~ ~?. O0 1i, 419.66 1,510.16 $462, 030.31 GENERnL FUi~ID ................................... WATER SYSTEH RETE~¥UE FU~;D ....................... P~TER DEPOSITORS FU~¥D ........................... SEWER ~{D WATER DEPOSIT FU~%~ .................... ~EWER BEVE17UE FUIID ............................... RETIRENE_~IT TRUST FUND ........................... FIRE!fEN'S RELIEF ~ PE;~SIO~¥ FrjlcD ................. POLICE RETiRENEDIT FUND .......................... PUBLICITY FUI{D .................................. I ~ S FUND ...................................... UTILITY GE~tERAL FUND ............................ NO~%~ICIPAL S[,/Ii~ING POOL BOND SLYKING FUIVD ....... BOYNTON BE2 GH NEkr. DRIAL PARK ..................... GITIG C.EiVTER BO~VD FUND .......................... 315, 455.67 61,244. i3 240. O0 t, 099.20 $8, 718.58 452.80 84. I0 1,172.29 16, 920.76 9, 000. O0 508.78 9, 000. O0 8, 120. O0 14. O0 $~62,030.31 --~a. 1, !971 P~{YIfE]iTS HADE IN ffARGL,1971 GEI{ERAL FUND 25892 Oily OF 26893 GENE HOOaZ 25894 W~ ~¢ 26896 ExE¢. ~F tNC. W~4TER SYSTE~ 15065 15064 W~I~T ~3065 S~ew 13066 ~069 1~070 1~071 INC. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8774 CITY OF ~.~. 8775 FaEI~ 8776 CITY OF S~WER ~ WATER D~OSIT FU~D 1604 O~Y o~ B.B. ~60~ C~rY o~ £.B. ~606 C~Y o~ B.B. 1607 Cr~r o~ £.£. 348.75 ! 25. O0 182. O0 2. O0 61. O0 140.98 Z, S04. 73 450. O0 24. O0 9.44 5.20 20.30 .96 3.84 4.49 .~. 80 7.50 7.50 7.~0 22.~0 4. O0 2.34 6, 34 15. O0 15.50 15. ~0 17.60 '" ss. 60 RETIREi'fE];T ~ RUST FUND 0692 RENI CA~aIEa 50.58 0693 Fa~ J os_~so~' 7t. O0 0694 OLr~E ~LLICE ~35.12 0696 Woomaow Eu~s~Y ~.51 0696 E~E~z~oa P~FZa 73.02 ~.1, 1971 FIREHEN'S RELIEF ~ PENSION FUA~D 450 Jom~ ?~Tm 461H~onm HE~m~ 59.83 24-.27 84.1 d $$, 91~, 65 1971 GENERAL FUND 25898 BO~TS~ ~o S~nY, I~¢. 4-41.6~ 25899 Go~ss~o~E~ o~ Ho~o~ 7~a~s 12.50 25900 W~ D~. 1,066. 76 25901 F~o~ Powm~ ~ L~.~'~ Go. 6,236.24 2~902 T~om~s Fmm~mY ~0. O0 25905 Go~-~ss~e~ o~ Mo~e~ 7~m~c~s .~0 2~90~ r~e~s I~c. o~ Fn~. 114.38 2590~ BEs~ E~Ee~rc, Imc. 1~5.00 25907 R.F. S~ELmY~s 28. O0 8, 060.2& WATER SYSTEH REVENUE FUND 13072 SNow C~s~_~¢~ro~ 0o. 8.84 1307~ ~o~ W. H~s ~2.70 15076 F~o~ PowE~ ~ L~ Co. 2, 69~. 58 13077 T~e~I~s I~c. OF F~. 38. 61 13078 S~eE~, I~e. ~. 72 1~079 F~NK ESCNWEILE~ 2.20 l~080 Gs~S T~O~SO~ !. 72 13082 H~S. B~a~ U~nz~woo~ 1.20 1~083 W. P. Gm~r 3.20 13085 T~o~s ~TE-¢~¢L¢E 7. 32 1~08~ PETER ~M ~. 7~ SEWER RETE~UE FUND 34-53 S/S~. W~. D. Ez~oy 2.95 34-54- Wz~s DErT. ~05~ ~6 3~55 F~o~D.~ PowE~ ~ Lz~ Co. 806.36 3456 Fa~NK .ESC~W~E.~ 8. O0 3457 GEa~L~ T~OS~SO~ 2.00 3458 Jo~ Ka~z.~, A~Y. ~.3~ 3~59 H~s. B~a~ UmD~awoo~ .30 1, ~9.52 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8 778 H~a ~ om H~a~s 1 ~. O0 8779 H~ tN~ R~c~n~s 7.50 8780 ~ P. NzwcO~B 7. 50 8782 7~s A~r_a 7. 50 878¢ W.P. O~m~Y 7. ~0 878~ Tmo~s J. WE~mr~E WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8786 FLzp's ~o~ozzvz R. 3, 1971 7. 50 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUlleD 1608 $~row Ce~rs~c~ro~ 15.00 1609 WzL~z~ O. Wr~so~ 17.60 1610 S¢~. Wm. D. E~o~ 1~,~0 !61! Pre A P~c, I~c. 16.~0 1612 S~Eu, I~c. ?'7. 50 1613 Yz~rmz~ Rosm~s !~.50 161.6 GE~ T~o~so~ 15. ~0 1616 V~m Am~z~ ~. 70 161 7 ~ D~. 0o_~. 7. 50 1618 O~s ~o~s 7. 50 1619 J~ss G. Gos~ 15.~0 1620 ~o~ DE~. Oe.~p. h 5~ 1621 B~ U~E.~WOO~ ~6.90 1622 Yo~s ~ W~naz~ 7.50 2~2. 20 GEffERAL FUND 25908 Sz~ rm T~m~s~m~ 1,919. O0 25909 O~rs~o~¥ 2~r~o T~ 19.00 259~0 r~o~r~ 2~rrc UNrVE~Sr~Y 30. O0 25911 Zosrmg B~LE~Z~ 17.00 25912 R. R. BowsEs Go. 12.00 2~91~ Is~zs~ro~ Or~Y H~zs ~ss~. 11.50 25914 2"~ Or~Y ~. Ass~. ~.00 WJ~TER SYST~%¥ RET~UE FUND 15090 F~¢~ H~zz~ 13091 Kz~eN Gomss, J~. 3.20 15092 Es~E o~ ~y A~ Rrcs~s ~.50 13093 H~a~Y L. 13095 CSESrE~ L~s.~Y 5.20 1~096 O~LES Ho~zs 2.6~ 13097 W. L. G~¢ac.~ 5.20 1~098 Jomv J. O~rmr 5.20 1309.9 ~o~.~ ~ZS~E .20 SEWER RE~E.~rUE FUI{D 3461 F~v~ M~zz~ 10. !0 3462 GOlC.¥ELiS DEF~OE~T G. 50 3463 T~Y L. B~ur~ 4.00 3465 ~ L. Ou~cu ~t2, ~08,.57 ~ 8. O0 $¥66 GEe~Z S~E~¢~ 5, 05 HAP. Si 19~t WATER DEPOSITORS FUND (GENT.) 8788 Y~R~o~ GemDs, JR. 8790 G. T. BowLEs 8791 R. HOFF~ZN $~WER ~ W~TER DEPO$ITFUi~D 1625 1627 1628 1660 165~ 1656 1637 1638 1839 POLIGE RETIREHENT FUND 0670 J~mms H. ST~ZDLEY 1971GENERAL FUND 25915 25916 25917 25918 25919 25920 25921 25922 25923 2592~ OTTY OF BOYNTON BEZcm/PETTY fmm B~EER ~ T~YLOR Co. BOr~TO~ BEAC~ CITY £IB~ARY/PETT~OZSm INTERNAT ~ A ~USINESS /~AC~NES, OORP. CITY OF ~OY~TO~ ~EAcH/PETTY CASS WATER 13100 15101 SYSTEM REYE~.UE FUND F~m~io~rsm .ELEc. SvmpL Y, I~c. OrTY o~ BoY~mN B~c~/PETTY SEWER 3467 R£YENUE FUND O~TY OF BOYNTON ~a. 5, 1971 GENERAL FUND 25925 G~TY oF BOY~TO~ BEA¢~/P~YROL~ Fu~olO, 25926 C~TY OF B.B./PoL[¢~ RET. FuN~ 25927 CITY OF B.E/F~RE~EN's R~L.~ PENs~o~ 259~ ~OYNTON ~EACH RETIREMENT TRUST 25930 G. J. Ous~zY ?. 50 7.50 7.50 7. 50 17.60 17.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 1 7.60 15.50 15.50 16.20 1 7.60 462.12 462.12 $9. 91 691.28 79.17 98. $7 1 79.21 10.52 l~9.15 56.76 108.88 70.35 1, 4~3. 58 87. 90 6. 25 14. 48 14.48 855° 150, 25 15100 $2, 7~9. 15 $1,592.21 2595~BooEm~ No~F¢s 25952 ELLIS McA~oY 25953 BoYNTO~ Bm~C~ POLICE WATER S~J~TEM REVENUE FUi~D 13103 OrrY OF BOYNTON Bm~c~/PAYaOLL SEWER REVENUE FUND 3473 GI~Y OF BoY~¢~o~ 10. O0 5, O0 80, O0 ..... 2~ 1 74. 52 2, 1 74, ~2 ' '~'. 239~ 53 9.1971 POLIGE RETIRE?tENT FUND 067~ Jos~ D. GENERAL FUND 25934 G~ ST~n L~ 25955 G~L~ ST~z~ L~sa~ Co, GENERAL FUh~D 25956 O~TY o? B.B. 25957 ~x~cz~s L;~ I~s. 0o. 25958 B~. C~oss-B~. SHZE~ OF F~. I~c. 25959 THE f~n~s INS. Co. 259¢~ SoCrmE~ B~ TELE. WA TER 13104 13105 Co o SEWER RETENUE FUND ~4~. ~0, 1971 GE-~ERAL FUND 26943 Ro~zL~ 259&~ 2~94~ 259~6 25947 25953 ~HERESI L~J~EL DONrS £I~ESTONE 482.49 482, 49 155, 62 27~ 9~ 183.5 5.00 266.17 115.60 156.64 ~0~60 59,00 469;$5 11.07 8, 80 6.4-8 10. O0 10. O0 ~. O0 18. 75 1. 405.78 15. O0 ~22.95 t5. O0 15. O0 $16, 507. $183.57 $1,135.91 11, 1971 13106 R, 15107 Do~'s 13108 T_~o~pso~ SEWER R~,VENU~ FOkYD 3469 N.J. HE~r~s~, I~c. 3470 Tso~so~ d~ _~i~w~D G~E~. Go. PU£LIOITY FO?{D 452 Gzosm-Bssc~s E~¥rm~., Isc. WA TEB D~-PObI_ ORS FU~VD 8792 R.J. 97. 7~ !, 218. t8 ! 00. O0 560. O0 660. O0 122. 55 7..50 7.$0 GEi~R2L FU~D 25950 L~. Wr~Lr~ [~h~rnzom 92.00 25951 l~s. P~C'L Joz;~s !~5,00 25952 B.B. ~o~rcE DEpt. 6~.00 25955 U.S. ~osr~sr~ ~0.00 25956 Wrs~ A~B~EY 102.00 25957 Cs L~ro~ Gos.~n~Y 2. O0 W~TER SYSTYN RE~E}{UE FUND 13109 mspm~t~ P~Yrz~s Go. ~7.22 13110 GLrrTO~~ Gom?nzY 2.30 131 ! ! N~on D~ 7E~, OP~E~r 20.23 SEWER ~ W/,TER D~?OSIT t631 OzTY oF B.B. 50.00 16~2 S~Y~o B~os. I~zc. t~.00 !6~0 S~co~s~ R~Y 7.50 ~:&TER DEPOSITORS FU~_~ID 8793 J~zs p. HEnsEnz 3471 ~.sUS~ FUi%~D 0697 ~,~ z~,~Z F~rsON 7.50 7.50 ~. 70 ~.70 73.38 75. $3,923.71 .15,1971 14. O0 14. O0 GENERAL FUND 25958 ltz~.To~z E. ~mss~,~ 5.00 25959 B.B. £rnz Dmpr. $00.00 25960 G~rr o~ B.B. 70.69 25961 Ethos Na~or 10. O0 2~962 2~963 Gxrr o~ B.B. 19,931.39 25965 25966 B. 2596? BO~ON G~x Fmc. G~. U~o_~ 1,377.00 25968 Fr~$~ 25969 F~m E~s~s~ 48.76 259?0 So~?_~m.~ P~pmn Go. !42. 25971 B~ow~ P~ ~ Su~psr Go. 9.32 WATER SYSTEH R~ffUE FU~ID 13112 SEWER ~ ~, ,=~ ~ FUND 3472 B~'r o~ B.B. 040.90 236.21 277. 11 258.91 258.91 GENERAL FUND 25972 G~ o~ B.B. 10.00 25973 GrrY o~ B.B. 2~.72 2597~ Cr~r OF B.B. 74.51 2597~ C~r oF B.B. 97.67 2~976 G~r o~ B.B. 25978 2~cm 2~ Go~v~.~H~rr~¢,I~c. 27~25 25979 J.W.A~D.¢nso~v Go. 31.2~ 25980 :~s Sor~ & PE~ 56.25 25981 2ssE~ G~E~src~s Go. 68.50 25982 2rs~s P~r ~ Sots, I~c, 56~5 25983 2~znrc~:~ P~ssrc Wonts 2ss~. 8~ O0 25984 Assnow-KrL~o~E Go, 887.00 2598~ A~oR~sm~c~s, Iwc. 1 78.67 25986 A~os~s, I,va. 70. O0 2~987 BEseem REs~ ~ 68.61 $2, I56.43 $55, 021.08 n. I~, 1971 25988 BE~cz C~r~no~E~r, I¢7c. 25989 BEsz ELzc~rc, I,vc. 25990 Tam B~osso~ 25991 Bo-sm~ P~rm~r~ Go. 25992 Bowm~v 25993 Bor.w?o:~ G~ss Smn~rcm, I~c. 25995 Bunno~s 25998 G~Y 25999 G~r~s 26000 Oo_~not Sp~c~A~rs~s Go. 26001 Go~r 26002 D~c~p~o~ 26003 E. Go~s~ Fr~z E~p. 2600~ E. Go~s~ 26005 EKG Ass. 26006 E~esL's 26007 D~L~Y 26008 BOY~roN 2~o S~pps~, Igc. 26009 E~r~snr~s N~cs. Co., I~c. 26010 FA~nc~rL~ Pno~crs Gon~. 26011 ,Fr~ E~rp. S~s~s ~ S~v. 26012 G~An~A 26013 S~an~sr P~r~os. Go., I~c. 26014 G~s~ S~ns~ L~s~,~ Go. 26915 H~s~r ~ Gnr~r~, I~c. S~PPo WilTER SYSTEN RE?EArUE FUIYD 131!4 Oz~rr OF B.B. 13t15 B.& H. S~sms, t~. 15116 B~ooms P~o~. om Fsi., I~c. '13117 B~ow~n~ P~ & S~p~x Go. 13118 Brn~ 's E~Ec~. Nm. Smn~. 13119 J.P. 13120 J~c~ GOOSE & Go., I~c. 13121 13122 BoY~o,v Auto SuPR., I~c. 13123~ H~c~ 13124 BhssEY ~ G_~rF~rzm, Iz~c. ,~,.,m~ac¢ REFEI{UE FUArD 3474 ~75 3477 14-. 22 16. O0 21.20 71. O0 2,3£. 70 17.27 298.02 32. O0 162. O0 45. O0 25~0 6.50 104.1 7 !20. O0 58.42 86. O0 113.30 10. O0 348.60 37.67 224.43 54. ~6 66.75 41. O0 6.50 124.13 32.98 218.42 8.05 265.76 1 74.00 1,99.23 117.59 30. O0 299. O0 51.86 ~2.:67 4o .~ ~..~5 8.78 1 79. 70 9.40 26. 75 1.47 226. ! 0 ¢5. 715. ?~ ~. 16, 197t GEN~L FUND 26016 ?-~c~ Wz~,oc~ 260t ? L_~wso~'s 26018 L~cz~ro~ E~-z~as, I~C. 26019 HETAL ~O~¢C~$ OF Pz~ Bc~.,I~c. 26020 R. E. ~Z~E~ 26022 A~ 26026 Hs~Y's 26027 H~c~r ~ 2ssoer~s, I~c. 26029 IBH 26030 J~a~'s 26032 Jo~Y's T~s~s~ss~o~ 26033 K~z~.~s E~c. 26034 K~Lt~Y's 26036 W~ 26038 ~ F~ P~o~sc~o~ 26039 ~¢EnSOm'S 26040 Oxm~e~ E~Lomx~ Go. 26043 P~L~ 9E~C~ OFFrCm S~PLY 26046 P~LsE~ P~rc~o~s 26046 PI?mEx-BowEs, Imc. 26047 PoLmcm 26048 PE~S~.~ S~pp~Y 26051 Poarma 26052 J.H. R~s?o~, H. D. 26053 Rrcm ~?~s., I~c. 260.54 Roso G~ ~/~s~ 260.5~ RosE~ J~s, Co. 26056 Row~-n T~c~ 26057 R. S. Ro~mo, 26058 RowLocks Tnvc~ E~rPHzm~, Imc. 26059 R~sIm Oomsz~c~ro~ Go. 26060 S~ 26061 S~cRzsr PEz~oLE~ Go., I~c. 26062 F~. 26063 SEARS 26066 Sodom 26067 Sour~ imLA. P~RTS ~ S~p~LY, Imc. 26068 S~mHE.~s 5. OO ~$. O0 94. O0 21. O0 24. O0 I$. ~0 135.30 t 06.26 966. O0 154.91 82.80 65. $0 ~. 68 468. O0 107.02 1 $2. O0 110. O0 13.92 43. ~0 ~¥. O0 218. O0 $0. O0 1!7.92 48. O0 5.76 8.67 662. 09 29.04 8.75 68. O0 434. O0 35.40 138. !0 19. $0 18~5.37 4~. O0 280. 76 14. O0 36.18 940. O0 25. O0 ,63.90 1,471.62 12~. O0 75.79 BO0. O0 76. 6~ 19.76 9. O0 137.62 112. 06 26065 D.H. S~z~s ~ Ass., I~¢. 995.00 26069 S~.¥ ~o~mczzTm E~uzp. Go. 23.25 26070 S~s~zr~ 0~. ~cs., i~c. 35.40 26071 f{Oa~ZN Saasza 32.28 26072 I{~. K~L .TE~P~E 20.55 26073 Ta~rL Foa~ TRzc~o~ Co. 64.17 26074 f~z~ L~w~ HowEa S~s ~ Sz~. 325.89 26075 Commission,s o~ ~r.a. 7E~c~s 3.50 26076 TmsEE D Ge., Imc. 98.00 26077 ~e~ ~ Jo~$o~, Lye. 24.95 26079 U.S. ~¥zws & Wo~s REposr 10.50 26080 F~D~ I~n. 122. ~0 26082 WEE~S ~ P~LCmEa 26. O0 WATER SYSTEH REKE~$UE FUND 13125 Dz~'~s ffm~E_a Go. 630.20 13126 PEmrms~5~s S~ppbE Go. 72.50 13127 Pzc~m O~Em~cz5 Go. 35.00 13128 ~o~a~ H~E~ ~ S~Rp., Go. 3~2.96 13130 So~s L~D I~s~a. Goa~. 35.00 I313! R.mF.~I~Ps. REF. Board Sr~z. F~D 29,621.77 13132 Su~Ess ELEct., I~c. 10. O0 13133 WZLL~CE ~ TIEaNzN 191. 78 31,387. 51 SEWER REVENUE FUND 3479 Gomsoz, zm. REs. Goap. 67.95 34-80 [~L HF~. Co. 26~. 25 3481 Pon~ Pzn~*T Go. :~78.12 $482 Sz~o~m Po~. E~. Oo~. 216.56 ~4~4 T~smzsm'$ Sz~. Smsa. 105.00 29, 929, 79 UTILITY GE~¥ER2L FUi~D 254- L,~mm Wosr~z Ds. D~s?. PUBLIGITY F~kYD 4-55 Spoa.2 's Hz ~z~v 4.56 G~s~o.~'$ t~. Co 1 O0. O0 20. 26 I2!~5 ~72, 303.04. .~. 18, 197i G~¥ERAL FUND 26083 WOL~E~r~S SPOORS S~pp. 26084 EXE~ox Oo~p. 2608.5 JoH~ B. 26086 Z~ H~. Go. 26087 ~. ~ ~ ~. Go. £EWER REVENUE FU~D zmp Hm~. Go. BOYNTON BEAGH H~.~ERIAL PARK G~.~ERAL FUND 26088i~,~s, Ro~,~, F~r~ro~ P.A. 26089 F~sw B ~ ~ r~sr 26097 G~ L~s~ 26099 Bo~o~ B. POL~C~ 26100 ~ I~S. 26101 ~. ~r~e ~ 26102 Gzoae~ J~ 26103 BErTY SE~E 26104 D~. o~ T~s. 2610.5 R~ss~L~ ~ Axo~ ~7ATER 13135 13136 13145 13146 SEWER REVENUE 3489 Fzz. E. Go~s~ R~w~Y Go. 3494 F~,~ 349-5 L~E BE~E PUBL~ ~ITY F&gID 458 A~m~Tm P. T~'xa 5~8.12 213.43 7.45 95.00 16.98 "920.98 34.00 $~. O0 120. O0 10.00 18.75, 3~6.02 BO. O0 286. O0 69.5.70 157. 00 30. O0 144, 651. ~ __ 1,.5gl,88 147, ~6.74 177.70 3,082.6~ 2,004.00 2,00 41,80 159.50 203.30 29.03 29.03 $1,074.98 $153, ~ 71.92 , i971 GENERAL FUffD 26090 26091 26092 Or~ oF B.B. 26093 B.B. RmT~nm. Tn. F~m 26095 Nns. J~r~ S~ss 26098 Gr~x 26106 N~s. Uns~ 26107 Gi~Y OF 26108 q~rY 26109 G~Y 26110 Gz~Y oF B.B. 26113 GIrY OF 26!1~ ED CL~ON 26115 C.J.O~s~r 26116 ELLIS He 26117 Gr~x OF 26118 L~ Don~ 26119 Tno~r~s i~¢. OF 1313~ 13137 13138 13139 SYSTE~ REVENUE FUND Cr~x oF B.B. ~EPTUNE ~ETER Co. fnopr¢~s Imc. OF WITER DEPOSITORS FUND 8794 Fa~ K~LL~LE~ SEWER REVENUE FU~ID 3487 Jo~rN ~{rEBLE $488 Orrr OF B.B. GENER2L FUi~D 26120 Cruz OF B.~. I ~ S FgND MUNICIPAL SWINNING POOL 10, 773.~1 226. 75 150.60 295.25 t, 071. O0 18.63 296. 8 ? 46. ~0 8, 639. ~0 9, 013.59 1,697. 50 1~7.50 78.28 13, 622~ 15 197.57 !, 188o O0 15, O0 15. O0 ~77. O0 i0. O0 48, 095.5~ 2, 0 71. ~6 ~, ~08.80 ~0. 48 ~0. i0 6~ 530. 8~ 7.50 7.50 100.00 I~257. B~ 1j357.8~ 9.20 9.20 9,000.00 ,ooo. oo 000. O0 ~;000.00 55, 991.72 I~.~;22, ~97~ BO .... ¥~v~ONT B~2GH~. rlEHORIAL P2RK 4-61 Frns~ Bz~¢a' ~ T_~sr PUBLICITY FUND 462 Bor.~zog B. SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1641 Ro~m~ GENERAL FUND 26121F~. Im~ N~. Drop. W&.~ER SYSTEH REVENUE FO~¥D 13140 S~ow OoNsr. 13141A~ P~ N~wco~r 15142 O~$~s Ho~s 13143 Jz~Ks t31~7 t3!~ BosE~ COOK SEWER REKENUE FUND 3490 AL~ P. $~9~ BO~E~ COOK W2TER ~ SEWER DEPOSIT 1642 GrrY oF B.B. 1643 O~r o? B.B. 1644 O~Y o~ B.B. t645 G~ 0~ B.B. 1646 Cr~Y cE B.B. 1647 C~rr o~ B.B. POLIOE RETIRE~¥ENT FU~VD 06?2 D~mm~' O.4.~fp 8_~000. ~ , 000. 17, 000. 15, 000. O0 O0 O0 O0 16.90 16.90 5. O0 3.26 4.06 4,41 12.50 1.~ 1.94 1.14 8.72 t0.10 9.59 29.55 7.~0 15.50 17.60 1 7.60 7.50 17.60 ~3.30 221.6~ $41,026.10 2¥,197~ q£k~YR~IL FUND £6122 C~F Or~, 26123 G~Y ~ B.B. 26~24 Gx~ OF B.B. 26125 A~v. ~ GoN~. ~ H~r., I~e. 26126 &~L~ H~Y N~s~Y, I~. 26127 2~zo P~om~c~s, Imc. 26128 BE~CO_W REsz. 26129 Bz~mE Ex~E~m. Go., 26130 B~zz OmEF., Iwc. 26131 Bo~ OF Os~.~Y 26132 Bor.~o~e 2~e S~p~., I~c. 2613~ BsY~rS~ GL~ss SE~7., I~e. 26156 Eo 261~7 Drxr~ F~r~ 2~1~0 GEo. ~. Fo~z~z~ Go., 2~1~ G~r~o~m B~os., I~c. 26i~5 Gn. O~ooo~s P~. 26150 l~.~g~s ;{uns~ar& L~D. Go., 26151 HzT~ Pao, OF PAL~ BEzcm, 26152 ~ir,~E S~ErY 2p~. Go., 26155 Ta~. I~s. 26158 Sr~x S~s~s ~ 26160 T~cK~n & Jomvso~, 26165 J~cr's G~. C~N~. 26166 NCLE~n~:~D Boor & 2o16~,,; TSE Nrssrg, Lr~K 26168 R. E. R~sonm, N.D. 26189 Rrcm No,ohs, Imc. INC. INC. I, 694.-78 20. O0 126.80 4 70.25 390. O0 22.55 155.75 ~8. O0 I$,~0 60. O0 $4.65 22.23 59. O0 1,185.15 526. 75 22.60 1 ! ~:70 566.10 i0. O0 1 7.00 $7. O0 105.08 &fi, 50 14.23 t3.50 61.65 98.50 32.15 187. 75 54. O0 351. O0 t0. O0 14. O0 1 73.64 168.87 220..50 11, 74 82. 50 124.54 65, O0 46 80 52. 91 100. O0 178. 50 18, O0 17.00 20. O0 240.90 7, 931.75 1971 W2TER SYSTEN REVENUE FU#D 13149 BZLL 13150 Jom 131~1 E. 131~4 G~ Or~ Oo~. 13156 Josmpm KE~mS, J~. 13157 So~Hmn~ 13158 S~Epm~ E. Fos~E~ 131~9 R_~r Boso 1~160 CO. SEWER ~ W~TER DEPOSIT FUffD 1648 GrTY oF B.B. 1649 OrTr OF B.B. !6~0 Grrz o~ B,B. 1651 Or~Y oF B.B. 16~2 Gr~Y o~ B.B. 16~$ 16~5 165 7 SEWER REYENUE FUND 3496 3497 BrL~, 3498 G~ Oz~ Oo~p. 3~89 H~Y i~. 3~01 R~Y Boso 3~02 H.D, WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8795 O~Tr oF B.B. 87~6 CiTY oF B.B. PUBLICITY FUND 463 Nrss B,B. ¥6~ COLLr~iS ~65 GtrLF Szam~ L~r~BEa Go, C. RAY BOSE ~TEPI~IEN FO s TEl~ 2.20 2, 20 4.72 12, 70 58. I$ 3, 20 14.95 4, 50 2, 04 2.72 t5.50 17.60 15.50 33. B0 7.50 15.50 1~.50 15.50 15.50 15.50 167.40 5.20 2. O0 63.78 t8.80 .58 6. O0 4. O0 98.36 7..50 7. 50 7. 50 7.50 369.68 50. O0 138, 29 $8, 93¥, 33 G~¥ER~4L FU,~fD 26170 DO~sLE~-Y ~ Go., Iz~c. 120.00 26i 7! N~'~. L~ S~a~. 36. 64 26172 R~'sr~ Ge~s~. Go. 380.00 26t 73 ~to~ S~ 33.29 26174 fa~r~ Fea~ Ta~c~e~ Go. 248.~5 26175 Tar~Lz GZD~ N~aszaY 60. O0 261 76 ~s~x Co~. 160.33 26177 RowLanD fa. Eg~., I~vc. 997.50 2, 036.21 WATER SYSTEIfRETEI~UE FUNrD !3!~1 $'z~.~ P. JzwEm~, Ja. 2.39 13162 F~ 2. K~ 5.20 13163 O~s Rosr~ 5.20 13165 26.63 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND i659 CzTY o~ B.£. 1660 GrrY o? B.B. 1661 Orrr oF B.B. 1662 OrzY o~ B.B. SEWER REt~E:~{r]E FrJA~D 3~03 Es~ms.~ 7~-~ DER B~c~r ! 5. O0 7.50 17.60 ,1 7.60 65.20 6.50 !0.10 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8800 q~ o~ B.B. 88010~ o~ B.B. 8802 O~ry OF B.B. 8803 qz~r o~ PU£LIGITY FU~ID 7.50 7. 50 7.50 7. 50 30. O0 $0. O0 30. O0 $2, 20~. 64 ~¥~o 26, 1971 GE½IERAL FUND 261 78 J-~c~: Bznnmr~ 26179 B.B. POLICE 26180 GI~Y OF 26181 Gr~Y o? 26182 Grrr o~ 26183 B.B. nEz.rnE. Tn. F~rm 26184 Bor~o~' OrrY F~D. GR. 26185 G.J.O~sLE~ 26186 Boozz~ T. 26187 B~-~z~ ~ T~Lo~ 26190 Br~L ~k'~TER SYSTE)i REVE~UE FU~D 13178 PEmrms~ P~op. 13179 S~zow Go~s~. 13180 O~'~s Ros~ t~!~3 PE~r~S~L~ PROp. 13182 13186 O~.v S. Goo~ III SEWER RETENUE 3510 G~ o~ B.B. 3511P~ 3512 Omni,Es E. REY~onms SEWER ~ W2TER DEPOSIT FUND 1663 1664 Gr~r oF ~.B. !66~ G!TY OF 1666 16~7 1668 OIrY o~ B.B. 1669 G~rY oF B.B. 1671 Orr? o? E.B. 1672 B~cE T~o~som W2TER ~EPOSiTORS 880~ 080o 13.~7 6~. O0 2~2.1 t 1 ~0.60 561. ~5 !, ~02. O0 $. O0 ~. O0 166..56 500. O0 150. O0 25, 6 70. 75 12.22 3.84 1. 76 3, 198. ~ 3.20 .34 ~ 20 3,229.89 ._, ~,35. ~0 4. O0 ~. 70 1,2~4.20 7.50 7.50 15.00 1~.00 7.50 15.00 15.~0 7.50 t6.90 15.00 122.~0 7.~0 7. ~0 15.00 $30, .~8~. 2~ 29,197t A7ATER SYSTE_~/ RE?ENO~ FU~;D 13167 S~L7~¥o B_~os. I~c. 13!6~ Do~D B~ow~ 13169 L.J. S-~E~FFE~ S~'~,~ REVEXUE FU}iD 3506 L.J. S~me~m~ SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT 1673 !67~ Oz~Y o? FU~¥D ~TER DEPOSITORS FUND 8806 GZ~Y o~ B.B. 30, t 9 71 G£~ERAL FU/¢D 26193 F~o Powm~ ~ L~.~r Go. 2619¥ So ~-rHm~ BE~,~ TE~. 26195 ~VAT~L~ SYST~7~ RETE~{UE FUND 13170 R~s E. 13! 71 13172 F~. PowE~ ~ Lrs~ Go. 13173 So~zs~ BEL~ TEnE. SEWER RE[;ENUE FU?~D $607 H~o~m HE~zos 3508 FL~. Pows~ ~ L~esz 3~09 G~Y oe B.B. WATER DEPOSIT FU?ID WATER DEPOSITORS FO?{D 8807 C~r om 2.30 .26 2. O0 4. O0 15. ~0 15.50 7.50 66.$7 156.00 5,~58.71 684.05 666.30 ~31.65 I0.11 1.24 2, ~1, ~5 2.50 '2', ~45. $0 10~ 80 751.55 367.08 1, i09.4~ 18.30 15. O0 !5. O0 2~7. O0 $11,419.66 N~.~:' ~1, 1971 G~.~ERAL FUIffD 26i 96 ~m~. £~¢~ F~zcD 26197 Bo~.~o~ B~c~ Fr~ D~r. 26199 D~r~crr~ R~ Tno~r~ 3. O0 849.65 122. O0 9 74.65 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1676 Or'~Y 1677 Oryx o~ B.B. 1678 Orzr o~ B.B. SEWER ~u~, FUND UTILITY GE~IERAL FUiVD 256 ~r~ss~r.~ & 2x0:¥ POLICE R~_.TIR~n~N FUND RETIRENENT TRUST FUffD 0705 Ross S~romn 4.72 8.14 1!. 6~ 56.64 15.50 7.50 15. O0 16.90 54.90 ~. O0 ¥. O0 ~08. 78 ~05. 78 6. O0 5.19 5.19 $1,510.16