Pollworkers 1, 11c1 8 /3(, L...YAQAderyn /tOGA-Q-4), t62-434,424d-oLk- _ 1 , palit_tz4LoaL.,L , t/cf_Did;i.t_ g 561-4.w'-oQ 7y 1 10Atvi 49e116trix_tota k w -- ,...;0E, 0#1,0 (XcLitle,,,t 2414:4 C561-q59 -4,9/1 olcozacl to e rilsn. corn 4441"t413) 5G1- t -- Lig `-// 9 :5 / r' SC E ll 0 334.5 4 ,c18 : a -/o, - 4s et 5404 - 89 1 - /6L/ 7 H naloervelleiotiQ COrne n., r , 01. KATI- 1 LEEN ti t4.12,Nel C. 5 Sc 7/'9 Sunny SOUTH- /VC 1 B 33434, Dom 11 - (__-.' A 4.14..e. Aoi_. co •YI f iliPt I - 7., - 1 ) ) . — . q, Ma-r I y t-i Geriner *)'( ' P7v*P H-E61 374-9144 - pr A 11 Be '334737 56. 76q- 8 L I M" lyn crik• %.Q y AtiVo . Ci2,r) b01,3 sf5 -- ,90-3q ' @ 1 pm 5 Rrailci N a. ielici iz,mcit) SP" 113.9. H 5 374/ /la ct,t c, -! 1._ zia_ :63 Li3 - 7 C 561 .3 74)- 03 3 _ 4wcxur j et.5 yra.t‘ . COAI DC)15: S • _. . . -- ) 1 I 1 • Au,. 3138 CA6tzt.4) "001.444, 846 jau.o4..4.4t_e12.., kocitzL. avtiL: f af i ,t:02A, 6Y 't d ` e„ /5 ?ti 7%- Q 6 31 @ SOF if.6-( iaLe:Le 34340 Peg3ys441A-hoo.eonA 4 1' 141844 d / ` /0 10 Pl-riN ARor4o'PP 1-1 541 736 e 60E 8.9a5 5hoc:a CReete- LN 1:453 - 7511 Theoctkatnar4WconicAsr cT /OB 5-3 4 /4 a Be_lly Ruelin 0141,btsiliAtt 544- Z7 crie,7 @ So Mao Ce4a.r Paint _Billet #*_10_3 -f 35q.57 Do 13; /a - 00- c 783'77 6(Alpoes ) c1/4- 1 ' 1 * C-6"11 '911 q7 YPC .7-12 so , e_t &70c 1-4.+T - J0,,ets 1)k., kilok7 cada.ina 1 CCM 1)013 2q2 "'/C / 5-6 qa& 7 -- r N . prps-r- PstAP ic 718 SOE 1 4901 RoLu CT twat-1-i iinc._e_kfirmu • e-om B ph N 66,1 73-2- 7 g 4 4- ..[ 101 Oc_e_cts) DR- 13B 13 2 (IA 42 0 I5T gLi e 5k1 38 cur 1 3Graq_31p corn Advs:so/R., oL, %/tvL 1361 L. PicA 0 Li a 79-558c, SoE: 35' E —14pT 'Labia _Dlay_ .31.#15 boB: 1-ag-47 +T ft7-iQ . ICjV1ai 1 cowl 1)13 (ATI ® 4 i4AA01..r) Nape 77 5 Vi oJe VeAcx i be" ca.1_713c4-1 334 Eiol LIO7 C - Op 1:24) 54408 k irc 8 B e cto I. cowl 1 168 L.Y.Lici_, tedL 3 3501 N. elivdt,: q . 1 ,44 . 6 to ‘ ft Pl/ / ), Yrk2,42 ‘TIAt t 5- - 73,5 - 3 54, So a 6,75° ,f ,, 4 , c . W5- cio-- /783 1 _A wer t r....) 4r.,_. i SSYSID C.64/ 4 i0tp - / 783 inas;lpflel i Inas; 09 4,0MCAST, ne..7 C.Ii• a-melt_ St(' A-70_1_14r * "AI -1 0 7 5' iR P ,11-1q.... 47 (--- i 14 '-' i ta3 ust a ree-41 VR.:jq IRY 5 OE BB s 3 bQeL. q 3 8 541-360-78811 CS n244 TO s GP A-7T. ner 1:46 QJ i /, J Acid& Goid etPticoLoP _ ii 644 731) - 6 t39 4 ) Be .5347a pop 6-45--09 ai6-,294-5106- alGoaLtz..90 hellsouTo• ner _14.5 1" a. cla_ci Yi6 3 54,1 7.5ta- /7/0 p SOE 1_124APAvcxro le - A 1 8 13 33q3 - PM 451c? 5 ___ajoletztriinskig rnywidu • co_fn ' 9 9(298 I°5@ eo /45 'I 3, .1 A-cluelinc__W•cvrze , i A 1 15191 - 709-9578c S oe a3 itariai.A__1>k. ! boB: 0 g -a-6 / 3 Bag/ _ L_wet A-___Tr. ,..- ails eadoe IA/A iqe- DR. 5I2 23g7 , (.).B: 5 - 7-1-_ai. ti (el _15,2L- ca.t.cfl AcritetuK@. bctisouxti• nci" 1 1 <enr11 — onifthe. 01 Au 54/ 3711- 6 1 e Al e A 5- .. i .5 0 Gr-e,... (lei t R, 11_1) 1 cku,v4,Acccti'ser be,iisooli.ner t )13 -5-1 li -__ 7 if.4 7 11 fitsz. 17,9% P r-ten -( 497 5 PaJtic_, II 11 - e 4- ° 68 al Oci.4_1114.41-e_au H 561 7 /3a-a .61 mak, .S2 hkcine,T4(@,), Leilzoteti C 374 _ s 4 .9 0 Ei ICY\ - TA tAlo VE- 11 .voc 14-73-3-6043 8 oe 33q7,2 DOI31 ) -1-1A 56,1- 844 7857 ebt qoe....corneci-sT. neT ; 1° is E4,,tal-C- CbL-611.1 15 736, 50E ae V,f; 414.00,./L ( Y A ntk. - 13 32 47(2,. boe 7--(9 - 3 7 szd_ _36 me Ptie-ccoPP 8 _atilICAZT. 14 5 6` 4 1 ° C) A‘ 1 EAcur 57a-oa_ag 4P1 sor 5 - R not" nc W B13 331-icu, Doe; 5-,27-qo 6-10 eloq Ph/ii55• eetkAR.@ y,°$tioo. corn 4 /a8 1 , 1, 16 p 6/- 369- 7E3(28 C? SOE c 1 leecc ES _93e/ Doe 1:9 - 36 c3b5 -7 31 - Ki-5cooK., bell-tru714 ct Pepul '2AR d 14/As5c1czavia.n 54 1 75 a - 4 q 1 YAR.Ap,„. 1_14 1 411611...3 Di NA) v isupiLe. COIViCA5T. ne-r $ AAA-. 3174 Atekic.cs- 3 ,3 5o N C e r ytes " .4) Usutie_: 4 40 VP., LAtokotsLcr.._ C (a 1°14id Sito Sun bil6C 1 72 E3EI 3241S (c) c.potchnlam-_Zq..54& yAhoo,LD_OB 10 i? 6 a lt, — 5R113___ COM /4t ij W04 4)‘40) 37 -7/33 So "to to Tr ,1T/N0 lAboty BB 03V7 Dee cl-av-sc2 C 54,i q 345 Pa_al th 1 -0003 7i 4 Ounasi____Sstunt Avc. 0 60 , y nroa 33f310 DtB 7 510i -age- 000 DeptiTy : 49 /4 3 I. l'IokroN BIZowN 4tx 51.17ga-0057 @ SOE 5,Q 03 EwRop#94 bk. 138 33 013 6 ' 7 '33 C Liqg -7c2q5-- 33 • 1962., 317(c, &-u /a414,t-L 4475 PlJt4t, RA-4/0A— - 1 - 0451 - • 62P-Ald /414-4L4tx-imict 4t icta' So. • H 574' 7 - 314c 1 , ;(3 L 1 1%te94--) 1 -2 33(13)7 C r.).ncir)eq rJe.115ourt4 'Rot- 37z -9,751 . . - ( 49 ,45 ,/°° Norma_i 64,1-73q-73Q8- i SOE 16 NE I _ iet1LC. 13C3 33q3fr DoB '19 S1,1- 1434- 0746" 11 /4-tec ira." @ to e __sourt+. ner. 1 be • - 0 Out,. 3178 ao-t l fi-i.e.,:ii..bo-L / tb a.A.k__ kusle_, GL II ef24.)t; 11 ... ,I so . exi , 4 1/ a 3 saitzLi...- atti, ! H- sti 137- 6 4 63 4>t5atix_kwit.4.0.," - FI- ___Z24-3(.. ikinurph@ !P;e-1)7"0“Ttk . fq eT _AC lb i 4, Zki" 6 5"3.4 748 (i) 4 h SeIMCL, Z1r11443en .., paii‘ 51- 7 Lk) -9 9 7 138 .__3SLI-37 l IC -- so - 5a3 -10 covii 1D013". 1 4 - 5 . .5 I 1 - 1_ A te... 3 16), c AS.k 4 _, 1.Do-aLe_Ax 7594 Alt:I& kt.c1.29. km4_, 80. Cta 7.3. ?8,Sei _thiRZeoug 1-A l'-e el lz- i i H/ 734:) A-, anymon .$2'/3 7 ci re,t..oeb er 1 yofrAto cow %6 li Al2.43A (6 19 ; ri.5 on c'ii. so 73 ( 4- So /5 So ccrtiekli C R,045S C -- * ___1063 Cell ?B 3 'OR'f' i Q-11- qo 514 ‘,I1A 0 (019 7 i I i 1 4 _ 11 1 'd- --- -- - I 1 I I 11 I : 11 I , . _ .. _. 31844 a(akaa., 7594 /cil letzicded ieoctiA, C .12..1L: qc76P A o So. et 9g Sci 7i LoorkE Cs'___ M.�1 73 L- 13‘7 Be 33q37 cireeri.e../Ahoo.cons 4 46' 9 i. 0 IC- 5 ciii-P3 15 soE7 I 71(0 /a - 771 t•t „, Lw Doi Is© arhi fl a/, hut ei Ja_ma5 Keejoal 5101- Q79,2'356 b &SOE &7 Siti‘AlSown4 Ave, 43(c 1)1* ( -4, --qt. c /5 eaii- Liig3 keern e hoo •CDer) 4•4_ q R t. 3188 1 (1_0,4A) L& /Jekere-E, 444 /Lk, koaziL Caw Lie, a /a6 4 9 fSe. taA So. Ci .4 A3 ditefL.v:' N-sti- 737- 0 z/63 Et7 66,,CLOiti _3.31/S 6 demurph@_be_llsou7 NeT C 561 Ycle pin I. NAx 31 H 56) 796-ovq7 EURo DR- - ApT Ii3cDpyron 34,37 DD8 5-J-3 n a. At-VIN LAr-Rku5 - .364 - AA:76 oE q 700 Y4 R-b Akm LA NE 1 ee S30367 C 5(01 - Q5q - oLP - 11 Iqu 1- e (bin boe .97 - LP/ AR ke el( AtiA' ' 54 9 1-- 736 -oo041 00 - 7(0 ! ShFyij0x1 PI. 131; 3 L/37 C: 645-709-002 Aclo.50k.' 7112.o 0 Ncig iC- a • aif a q7 3cq I , 55I E opip cici-A0L-@_CAR-041444cLirr 1 --- if 5 O b 24- 3190 cYcLite_ LOo-tbC e-. 7594 14-(141., 4 'lb/ex - So. • 839 //2JLI4L,4'ak4L c1A.. f4 _5=6,1 7a-42367 4 II 33‘137 idl 73a-a13-404 3, eV 4 , SCE I IfiltbestijaAc, 334340 c 541- ( 10?-78 r z_E3 /on @ ct.01. corn - 008: 1/74-4? Rialoef2-ro M Orem b g - 733-5442_9,_ SOC= 46 IcacLr /3& .33(1,?4, C 7/L-67g4 I fhycia&ch@ rtAfflogeno. com DO 0 a-74,a g sti a 1 MIA) M MMfaJ 1:71(49,0 (c, I - - 30E , a/i*e P4144 ,GATE Ls" BF3 23434, D013; /0I1 Arylnievera_31,a_hoftiaitu_a_pAL ►3 f ficuum_i 0 low e&J- � 5 U k U ' u s l NE cP► ► . 024 le J , _ - 5a 99 - .P :. H 56! 374- 9393 Aer-t&A,1444.. Zsi37 broui a,o coin 5101 9°I - 61/9 • a /a h/ if) A o. 4 .c. 73 a - 6 4 /30, So . 5117 E,.Utt • - a4..t i5f FL 33 V3 7 boa: 9 -a -i43e C -5'64- 601 -8/97 4A b I ; 3 0.a, H -5( 73a - 5a 1 0q 5OL 6,6o tEo -cc.7. , I- 3 3 4 /3 t�ot3 8 - a C - 641 - 74a -8,159 MO 5_ bel)sourts.N A la t 0 9►3 3. 6ultsil,.. fit. A _ i /4 6 - 73 - 5oa 3 @ so, e .. 66 NE '7 Q, -(.., 53/3 FL 33 'Doe: 0- 15 -L+a Konfvne. Jc& 3ma,11, cow), °Vac. 10 N. � _6- M 1701- 3404-115Z 50E 904 et. B FL 3 3 7 Doe -078 .C- 514 - 767 - 35a a, via /xi @ l : o0 5 ' * H- 50- 733-00 4_ So .53SitE / fraut-t-ea- r3 F� 33L17 Labe ; /a - a - 38 c-51,.1 - 7 6 , -Lk,g3 L esona rot; e u b@ CDIf c A5T, n"- 9 R tAt.,. 7178 itte_ate.A.) 32)14_.±Lit..) /901 N. AszAwctt, At. YytA- Aed 21 oO 4 40G, esfairuud H - -73 - 8J C E aoAtfLt.thera-) ztL aSgc2C. rioc., 19 LH e me-r C 76,a -6 4 6f12-A64-;. 1. vioncire H-514- 7 33 -51,88 c ra64 a_ /50 NE is Ave, SOE BP Ft 3346 - c-- 5 _61.5sis,_e_@yikL;1. cool I p fel Frarce,s_zoncn feein @so 1 CT. PrpT coI 01":3 02q.35 • F &ot belisotatt• oef boe: (-E-33 - 674 3 1 1.21 S(rlelsect.. EsTLve, t j7ol 6 67 So E 5q66 phaninicr Rd_ P / L Ag i FL i - Di - 4443 , *he keiLes-ristecile 6 itutii.ne) /14.41- 4 1 1 :8 !p it_ El-411, Appi ba_urn ,H 544 4,1 -36 c.&e 5 751' Ve kora, 1)R,_ B B 3 Q - r)( ' • , A...L II 11 Hut,. 7(78 90 Atoot. . ewe i t _ e: 1 u t ,, c?j , c , t , _ ii Ye' ,..... - r MCA, n ---- 1 nn 5' Ell e"? f-r&wwT� A N t II 5(0! - 73 a - 693 / P Sm . Cz 6"/ 57 l lon/A WAY -- Apr P 8 B 3. 137 DDS: ? -9 - 3 • 54# - 764 - 73$ I . 1Ien (9931 @ ystoo . cow a? / 4i @ qo � �I. _ rlc e, �i 1.- ihIS ' fF 5(0/ I lQ4I -O 97 rA� (s �D� V 1 6 7 Ue ne. i a,n A N poiutxo 1 ci- 3 3 t ie a_ ODE; // -la -�o C. 56,1 70,3 - S686 a-harlo- H vli 1 Ki as-__ @- Ayr, Wer 3 4 ash -io S y r . Q i Ani a_ dl i or 131 rdk_A+w,fq.Qi beitso Lint -n el- 'D .p al s@ 9 6m Ruben KAGi r 04- � s�� ��i- 75.7 -a94 la So. . ' - 7a_gi CA- TA.v,A _ 1)R D D sTu Fzr @e,pnic i • neT 1)4B '4 -/5- 31 II ll Q70 RA-ed.718o / at ? •11# (111 -4-44-antrieL L ' 907 eka.xt., 'IoN lb' 67E37 flui_b tirz. 1-1 66,1 -740-Osi-15 Te 33437 elec. •rylarr.1 0,61. con? C 5(c. 1-766 -9 4/e iv ■ wtS-i 'V,44 '1 / JA5&N 5 hApi P.-o 1 ' 0 e ; 7 - 3‘ a,8 5" (...! so- 5171 Eun_ L. - aft. i q 8 q.37 509 - 411- cto/. coo') 14, @ 3 t•it) Rfi Coh e,r1 / ,36 @ So. Ct 6 17 Es q P v&0tH re-A. - /47- 1b3 eo IsEmsced Ft- 3 ' 64 - 17 - °tie VasAt c;./Y) D08 4 1 1 tiyncti Ab prLAx svgl - 36q - 305 - q SOF cVl NE al Ave. 33ci_2-- -73 73 1, ref k el Iscariot. I €C1.) 9,1, Ai. C Fz 0 sr 6E-1E4?3) .14 .5 4.1 73 1 SoF. 7 7 7 SI j E Ap7 aot 3.; LIS 7 d not Lto5 otoa, s • coril boe c c i v p 0 1 . 5 ' E r4 K R T E I h - 5 1 - 751-2507 NE 1 CT - AFT( 'hi BB 33i Dos P . 718o At " . /30. Ce.rxta:Ltazz0 4 10 . T ite,.Azi, % qw4,,, Edna-, Green 6er3 - 51.1 3 epi-ofc.7_3_ So. ar ' 99 ,ti Tc., Apr# ID 3 BB 2 C sto( cant cool bOB: /1 @,) Floyd Zottenc+e n t, - 561 J‘`/ E. So et. a( NE I CT - • - W- 1 _ a 33436- C56,( .Q6 7- z497 Fliz P4)1 000: 0-18-3i/ ig c innl bok Kroancr_— Detour y 4 4111 H-5121- 30- (t0 &So. • . 833o Moakinteig. BB Z34.3.2. DOZ., 1 1 71801 ecuLe-6trAu):4_4) 0..$21.4_/t. _ 4a6 NW i. au.e, .4414..A.gtzst ictsw&t 4, hita o p30 689, _ezu.tiLtenailti audz__, H 541-740-3 PI S iakeLau 334/37 Ja 11 4 ' 1 elci@ 6 e-1156ari+.11_e_r c-5-, -7/4,-375 l ' 6 @ 7 , BAzitada... 13 fi. k i giN 1 '-- ielVtiell: _ • @ S 0 E qg 6 feta eitea___ biz_ 13E3 33(.173 DOB: 4 - 113-iis , - sia - 76q- 7543a PA 19 4 a, Goericii-sr• n c:r - 6.1 - 1A5 e c2p a. ocie-se lioi...r 1.7iNtfr 0.-541- At:a-7404o 8o5- iv a cr 1 14- B B 334( D013: to-. • - '18 . i - - 5 hol f 9 (Cle asourt-1- . (ler lo) I :oo 3 A Ick... _kin • /lc i -0-r;:t-/-41/1 i _ . 0S • ett6, q // NE 13 iqiec..____ 13 8 02 Li 35 DOB : i - 5 - 7 g ag 6' i en 4 ahmr I 0 Cold ali /2i 73a-t>715 ?, S , et 5 z_q_ V ecar,a,,,D_IL,Airt , _1 1 b 3343 7 DOB; a ola'al_B .1 .6 .5 11 11 _ _i:DeiourY: , 3 /3 1 00 ' 1-1 , • i 51.Le.-1 Rocit t5t.tex. 4,fr P e - cioti - (.967- 5 1 qo r t3AhliDoo Palm CI I _6 I rcenac fes PL 3 3 9'63 ll AA i le- c 0- t iE@W>l, CZni bo • 3 - 1 II II • a A � Ce.J l 3 /0 @ 9 ,y, M rc ke I le.. C, D,vts p .5 a 75- b379 Sod' /01 r 9 13 Placc C. B 13 3sq37 Doi3 R 7-14- s WI∎ Clne1tea Pt vis Wilt fe Q \i/4hoo, It t 1 I I r i • • - - - - - - - IN "m. Pue.. 7184 / WIA:44-icw)uA /3af_t4:4, 96Y ktPt.6-4u/da_ct_e_k fagix7t, 10 ' t.L.12, 1V-AixAits,A2 61tim" SOE II _518 7 F RopAt) - ApT 1`) ;11-6 11 TON Bcd•ICH 3 3 '67 11 e.iecsyncuz @o o') A A n 7 ° l. N _ 351- 16.13. (c_i) /5) '7 PrAl Pei I ECACH q • / 7 ~I,• P A.12,e,. 31ti0 Yale Q a /DO kezylp.01_, k0A, . 0..0-a-t.le- : 12044A,t kudd-cLe-k--- Y i 2 '" -t ' 9. 1.1,,,* (. : 7616' CA e..P ? y Bk*ss _ m WA y . /4 s P ► - 2, ,ict - -a3 ► Pill P '5onaor !;ve "nod r_ ,,0,,,/,,,,te,,,o, _ .. i , mp c246- .9 1 . ER,.,,,} GR..A _ clop stot - 58 So E 70 9 9 M 1 dd 1e.fluky b.1 _ ° : 2 43 -- _ - 'Doe 1-1.9- 7 _ i►ri a/ a b @ q8 a. Mii ► , stet to 6 e: 5 - 5G(- i' q- /(55 SOS` 'q teq 4 ch y W G 13 3! 4 43 - 7 Do E to 3-ff8 k 767 - 3 sa a a ia. 5 9") �, C ► yrt#�R J .xson ' h�l� - !-t:56 -966 -a156 y � @ SoE :- - _ i Rip ley W , c..5 8a7- 6,777 B e _:3z ia DoB; a -q -6a II • . _ __ . PfCcs',cT Aciv,,sok; 1 __ 34 q 3o - . t-■ / l i oL rt L I I Ile LA) slog- 728-078i Sow 114 5W 3 c i lad i c_s„or i 'er ay :4 • cool IV Go 6 4 1 A ux.,. 2 via 11 1 jat , C...124.4_6-4.64.4, / 11.).¢..4± , YA:1-44-4tizi'L-dOV1Atia-- okeitik._: cx&x.d.a,, LY,e..._tocoa ii i ad-17-5685' SOE. OP-re ea 33v34, C541 .P/7-5036 'RO L. ii nclaL. ele_e+Wood- , 1 41 . I 45 ) • t))64 *I 6 1, 3 t e p ha,nic b ladonn C- FA T I-1 56,1- (:,a8 ne•Iciew Ci• ,, •• v• • tfr # - g3latx._ • , ,, --) srcp 3 54G NeLk001 • • /0 • _4-3 - it 3 a fa5"t O t A Remus ErYi 1 i-t. -------)4. . PillAd- 50 8'7 - 1 1 , c - 7 Vc.r ( Why 55 tiaC Pala Li--/E-6. \ D - ....2 , -v(1.i.00sr(2,otin @ 1:thoo_qcoityl, , 1 „ a ete, - V 1415 ,1,.. 17,) 1 , 3 . ot)lare t s a _srel 4 3e. a I- 31.4-__:3741 '8 e 32 q.2 4, Doe 4-16 -qt. . 0 Id Kisco@mkb cool ,._ • - - sf St ALw- Ige-a-cit; • SoF Ot.ro-(1.44A* Cut- 6 44&,1_ H 541 Y 130- si.3 Ws .39 5- 8L47 VALDAlitiztuxon650..i1 • ezm %0 Jose 5 - 7416-n144 @ So. Ct, - G r cony AVI e re, 3.3q3 CDOE3: 574-8 g1- 3 'log • • e- aCi 1 ce.fn q Lou I's e Wkeete , jeafiAld+d 541- 732 - L7 7_3_ Sow Vta 'Dc edri &1r— Fr • 1 13 13 Doe F-8- s-jj,„ (4-Li)5 g q 36" 1 vslhe-e-lenQ._.yithoo• owl • DoP,.0 tiOGue_ 56 732 Q 5or ' 19 IA .5sqat, Doe: 8-a7-3e 5I (7g6-0 1)GA-it-14-0C4AE / Ot- rn s I 7 0 3(6,4 ed ea-v-e_. 661, / 00.4.6-o-L, 63 oTh.a..o-to./x.r 0 • led- • eLVtie-: 1 cl /S6 ' :30 1 1 ( 1839 fi 561 -73b- 6 34; 7 4 I — I _ dreweberi 4) yArloo• corn e 7.3,-, - 4,19 - .5 / 1 , Gene-BRoWt-1 41z,pavi• . A - 5 f :4 8 So , at6 . 1 G . 7 7 S.aum Pc t q gra-T N. . Ek8 ogitla (_-_,' (3 it 1) E.Sit3a.,44oLA c.414 1)08 0- - 61 E (am c /71 l'„.c. n hergric Pan'e - IBS - C So • Cr-46 • 79 76 M 15TAA - C--1 i &B ??1 _1)06 s_i_ Lip 5I I 350 - 675 / cc i Q.a.e) I. Com U/ Do Ao@ 10 3, logu A FA. r- k a r YPIICI"'" vt. .s. on 5 1 90-7•Li 1 so E L b, 74. 1 A Po R., Fore 5 r TR L x 13e 3 203C, b 0 e : 5 .. - 71L, -73 18 0 1/4 Trt • — I • 4t-1 Lt.) I ) (4 h. Jae-K. r-N1 G GER__ , : 4# - - 1 7 -Y 908 % s oc, 1 1 ( 89 6 5 pc n Gki) 1)12 - qZ7 st,/ 5047 6 Jack' 1 'N.i kofti- ._,_ck-z i • c 6 PI b•O 6 : (0 - - s it I____ PFCC T / CI VI re, r -- 0 (b I ‘A, l c kicoF. e. pi4 0% � - 49`l -93 It) SOF -. 7a Dc1 CoR50 L r4 _. _ I r al 3 S q_ _ DOB q- - Ski aai-775 C o FsKy6 3nftei-i I • Conn W1ak4 Akk, N- 5C f- 37'/ -9l61 5a� - s� - 705 -8 �8/ Be FL a3i/37 e --60.& (.004.LaAo 7308 8 -&o -34 marl r(eX 1a- boa .coon Jgo-L , uACIAD 5(o t - 3 l q - (2 3 11 U FL 3342 -7 vv aoB: 4 -9- /9a phi fi psOn 0/010 Q I % /e•cow) /0110 co A ah., 1-14: £QLticL - # 103. 37 5(37 SW - 374- 9q47- ti DOB - /at -3o -3.8 448 - 3so -MT b ►Aiarmp5t 1. com • 50 NE . 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LM • r►n eAQano f e zmcai ter n e ` • O : 7- a - _ 5,I • 73(., - 1 — ) sc., cgs -�o�q - c n v 15.1st, A kL L--. E • _l._N S it. 51s(e, Fto • ' - aa H+- -• - C5 _ .k• .1E: - ' 3 jel \ • • 7 Alt A ' / `y A �t , w 111 //J Do$ 9 -a 6 3 i CAM V 11111=16 Of 5 -1 -3 -' ./3 /4 u C • - (e. 0 2-t -k- h 1 .. at I Nlir • .. sla _ 1(O' B► f 60iha -ry J42. 1114 6 G 3 C.,t i 4 • B 33435' 3 boB a -at -bp rb 14 4 5b! 72-o7&9 C. 5(01 (85" -lag.? 1 1 4 i@.i 4. er@ 0.oI • co/i -314 9:3 O * `P# ' - 5 °E - 0 autkeax AAAA.Q.Jytw 1oo7lo Aktetw Pe 0* 13D 33E127 U D08 I! - `a -39 t , 5(,) 73 (o - o o4 (gq- 70 -00 40 S+at W© 121 ek_ =NSpeeTO /Z.. ,5e,1 ma. &er b i 11 45 - a 0041146a.. WA t 718 33437 . c4- 5W - 7ii0 -44 7 C- 59.2 - /D b a DOt3 4 -5 -85 SGI `IS@ y/A•hiso . co m G & l p m @, So . (� 7 e ice- %'? Sfa.r► 0 i WQiReer 1 €ro R Ck&r Io*_ G • 543 Veriselo,_, bk. AF A 1 • 13 8 32437 14 - 561 73g -0795 C- 5/91 -5a2- 7 I t©. l4 c /pm L. i n k (joJ loot 5. Ap_nd(ci Ave I l l : 5(a) - a 5a - 54,s, 3 tP08- of -ll / q-NyotIn +fi Lfl )ec r0 R -- er ( y � =� lw X745 AL en R. , e IR. �,\�( B 33437 �1 N ?37 - .2770 \/), a 50l - a5'E - .2776 D013 9- 17 -t'3 a / @ �(d soE 'au, 1 .1- .tls To R f -Ea.rr i e A I rvuo 757j CiPi; 1��2 $g 334 H 561 -3VR -7174 ag3 - 59c � 108 5 - (0 - 3(c. 0 16 (i 9:30- Se- s "4"txricl b Mxspecro[z. We4. #916 9 ANNA- RInrx _ _ S No \? /f- 54 ` - 338 - _LtGtst-,1 . C- 564 - 5 -a794 1103 -I - i9Lig Z4rula b = P;se.rinice_ 1114 e S ,� 1370 50 a7 P1 ` 4 14 - 513 33 4V.0 eS 73Q --gSCc)f lio l3 14,, a 4. 3 o So . L� S +.04M k WoRs V I:) Y iaK; bJLep , "' 0?),..d "0-'1 a.a Su) r3 WA _ 334a.(0 k'''' e.-- 10 '4 1 bola. 3 -493 -40 5101 73,2 -ea77 1lP Ci< (4..5-_- E4s - 5 70 '\O it mau C co #44 @ l: So � �crc.d� [� @ tl►rl @ S-tancils,, Wogxel& *Pit • i . • . f . . 13I3 33470- • 561 1ZS -- 00'3 - t`/ - . 5 1 8‘42-- - es - l — C boB 4- 10.-4ro =6+ qo P e onlegsr. leer . 4 @9,:30 @ Soa 6T WO OUICc.R.s -� _At i. 5a(0 (13 &on 6raok. be._ " , , — 33 7 bola 37 Sit - ?3S -,2 019 di g`s- S - oaaa ° fly l r @ 9:30@ The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 s c �1 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @ci.boynton- beach.fl.us www.boynton- beach.org MEMORANDUM TO: Zaneta Jackson FROM: Janet M. Prainito City Clerk DATE: March 13, 2014 SUBJECT: Payment for Standby "On -Call" Poll Workers Attached are 121s for payment of our standby "on- call" poll workers for the recent Municipal Election held on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. Because these workers did not work on Election Day, I do not have any back -up to attach to the 121 other than the spreadsheet I've created. However, they did attend the mandated Supervisor of Elections training and are entitled to be paid to "standby ". If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Attachment S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \Memo Transmitting 121s for Standby Workers.docx America's Gateway to the Gulfstream N N N O1 '7 LD V col r■ V O d - Oa N N N Ln LA m v N Lf1 co N Ln m V lD Ln N N Ln ri .-- r-1 L(1 Ql LO .-1 . L!1 1 Ln N 0 N LO LO N N 0 O N O 09 V N N Ln m N N CO A N m Ln m m m N N. r` r N r-1 .--1 .--1 ri 1-1 LO LO LO LO LD LD LP) Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln J J J J J J LL LL LL LL LL LL L t L L L L U U U 0 0 U cp cp co fa (0 N a) a) a) (1) a) a) m m m m m no C C c c C C O N 0 N O 0 0 0 C m C m C m C N C N C m T cr T Tr T V T c} >- ct T cr O m O m O m O M O M O m CO m m m 00 C O M C O M C O M CC 0 0 .Y N 0 cc 73 u 0 v o 0 E -Q N 0( 00 C 00 N r"1 4C) O 73 ~ V ) H L < ID cv . yo r--1 NN o V ✓ N C m LD N n L(7 r•-• .-i .-1 LD C a L cls L C1 co Q v C O N N L C CD CC N �O m < U L >- a) a) a) C a) Ln L E i a) co a) ro as as A E 7 3 a) CD CO 'CS m (.7 CO = CL Q Y 0 C Y lJ a) v U o • Q _ D O .0 O .0 O _ fl O 'O 'a o 75 N - O cv 'd N N C C 5 C Q C 2 C IZ C Q ca as - N .n as H CD H cO .n V1 In Q N Ln C N C In FORWARD CHECK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount $ 75.00 . TO: RHODA BEAME 7412 TONGA CT BOYNON BEACH FL 33437 FOR: Pay for performing the duty of Standby "on call" CLERK for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations - (Check is for training only @ $75) Requested By: Janet M. Prainito Date: March 13, 2014 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 001 1310 512 49 15 75.00 Div Head t in • ROLLL . 4.6) anet M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 75.00 FORWARD CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount $ 40.00 . TO: STEPHEN GEARTNER 5266 STONYBROOK DR BOYNON BEACH FL 33437 FOR: Pay for performing the duty of Standby "on call" PRECINCT ADVISOR for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations - (Check is for training only @ $40) Requested By: Janet M. Prainito Date: March 13, 2014 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 001 1310 512 49 15 40 00 ACaLKI-h) Div Head anet M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 40 00 FORWARD CHECKS INDIVIDUAL CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amoun' $ 40 00 . TO: CECIL ADDERLEY 6745 ALDEN RIDGE RD BOYNON BEACH FL 33437 FOR: Pay for performing the duty of Standby "on call" Inspectors for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations - (Check is for training only @ $40) Requested By: Janet M Prainito Date: March 12, 2014 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT » 001 1310 512 49 15 40 00 Div Head R-CL.0>U±Z) anet M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 40 00 FORWARD CHECKS INDIVIDUAL CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount $ 40 00 . TO: ANNA RIMA 1606 SW 19TH DR BOYNON BEACH FL 33426 FOR: Pay for performing the duty of Standby "on call" Inspectors for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations - (Check is for training only @ $40) Requested By: Janet M Prainito Date: March 13, 2014 Approvals FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 001 1310 512 49 15 40 00 Div Head W 1 J net M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 40 00 __ FORWARD CHECKS INDIVIDUAL CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please Issue a check in the amount $ 40 00 . TO: BERNICE HAYES 1370 SW 27TH PL BOYNON BEACH FL 33426 FOR : Pay for performing the duty of Standby "on call" Inspectors for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations - (Check is for training only @ $40) Requested By: Janet M Prainito Date: March 13, 2014 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 001 1310 512 49 15 40 00 Div Head 442:1.114 anet M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 40 00 FORWARD CHECK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount $ 40 00 . TO: JOSEPH BEAME 7412 TONGA CT BOYNON BEACH FL 33437 FOR: Pay for performing the duty of Standby "on call" Inspectors for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations - (Check is for training only @ $40) Requested By: Janet M Prainito Date: March 13, 2014 Approvals: _ FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT . 001 1310 512 49 15 40 00 Div Head Ack.:4:4I net M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 40 00 'J�Q 4 / - Prainito, Janet /-)1f2t_. 316 ,2 4A A From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 3 PM , To: IOC 'Pre i d 40 ,3 u.n0. Subject: Boynton l3each Municipal Election The City of Boynton Beach is anticipating a municipal election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If you are willing to work, I would like to assign you as the Precinct Clerk for Precinct 3168, Boynton Beach Fire Station #3, located at 3501 North Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please call me. I work from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. City Hall is closed on Friday. Please be advised that the training classes for Clerk are as follows: Wednesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 02/26/14 16700 Jog Road Tuesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 4, 2014 16700 Jog Road Monday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 02/24/14 240 S. Military Trail Saturday, Supervisor of Elections Office 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Friday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 7, 2014 240 S. Military Trail I thought I would give you the option of selecting a training time and location and you can select one that works for you. Please respond letting me know which date you have selected since I must inform the Supervisor of Elections Office. I would appreciate a response prior by Thursday of this week since I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks beginning on Friday. Thank you. 1 Prainito Janet I 3 1 7a 3176 t 317 743 f�s From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 3 31 PM To: Harvey Stein (harvsena @gmail com) Subject: Boynton Beach Municipal Election The City of Boynton Beach is anticipating a municipal election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. As you have agreed to work, I would like to assign you as the Precinct Clerk for Precincts 3172, 3176 and 3178, Boynton Beach Community High School, located at 4975 Park Ridge Blvd, Boynton Beach. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please call me. I work from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. City Hall is closed on Friday. Please be advised that the training classes for Clerk are as follows: Wednesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 02/26/14 16700 Jog Road Tuesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 4, 2014 16700 Jog Road Monday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 02/24/14 240 S. Military Trail Saturday, Supervisor of Elections Office 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Friday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 7, 2014 240 S. Military Trail I thought I would give you the option of selecting a training time and location and you can select one that works for you. Please respond letting me know which date you have selected since I must inform the Supervisor of Elections Office. I would appreciate a response prior by Thursday of this week since I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks beginning on Friday. Thank you. 1 Prainito, Janet A-I2-C- . 7 1 7 8 + vi., J From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 4 36 PM To: 'michelledaviswhite @yahoo com' Subject: Boynton Beach Municipal Election The City of Boynton Beach is anticipating a municipal election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If you are willing to work, I would like to assign you as the Precinct Clerk for Precinct 7178, Ezell Hester Community Center, located at 1901 South Seacrest Blvd., Boynton Beach. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please call me. I work from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. City Hall is closed on Friday. Please be advised that the training classes for Clerk are as follows: Wednesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 02/26/14 16700 Jog Road Tuesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 4, 2014 16700 Jog Road Monday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 02/24/14 240 S. Military Trail Saturday, Supervisor of Elections Office 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Friday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 7, 2014 240 S. Military Trail I thought I would give you the option of selecting a training time and location and you can select one that works for you. Please respond letting me know which date you have selected since I must inform the Supervisor of Elections Office. I would appreciate a response prior by Thursday of this week since I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks beginning on Friday. Thank you. 1 "atria:ex, )r_selscre...ec) Prainito, Janet & - Da /340± c.Q From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9 52 AM To: 'brozgoldl @aol com' Subject: Municipal Election - Boynton Beach The City of Boynton Beach is anticipating a municipal election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. Pursuant to our conversation, I would like to assign you as the Precinct Clerk for Precinct 4024, Harvey Oyer Boat Club Park, located at US #1 and 21 Avenue, Boynton Beach. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please call me. I work from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. City Hall is closed on Friday. Please be advised that the training classes for Clerk are as follows: Wednesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 02/26/14 16700 Jog Road Tuesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 4, 2014 16700 Jog Road Monday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 02/24/14 240 S. Military Trail Saturday, Supervisor of Elections Office 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Friday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 7, 2014 240 S. Military Trail I thought I would give you the option of selecting a training time and location and you can select one that works for you. Please respond letting me know which date you have selected since I must inform the Supervisor of Elections Office. I would appreciate a response prior by Thursday of this week, if possible, since I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks beginning on Friday. However, I will open all e-mails when I return to work. Thank you. 1 El FORWARD CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check Ln the amoun $ 5 00 . TO: DEANNA GREENBAUM 5147 EUROPA DRIVE BOYNON BEACH FL 33437 FOR: Additional pay for Inspector at March 11, 2014 Election who accompanied the Precinct Clerk to return the ballots to City Hall after the polls closed Requested By: Janet M Prainito Date: March 20, 2014 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 001 1310 512 49 15 150 00 Div Head / / i� ' J et M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 150 00 The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e-mail: prainitoj @ci.boynton- beach.fl.us www.boynton-beach.org MEMORANDUM TO: Tim Howard Finance Director FROM: Janet M. Prainito City Clerk DATE: March 20, 2014 SUBJECT: Additional Payment to Precinct Inspector This will confirm that Deanna Greenbaum worked as a Precinct Inspector at the March 11, 2014 General Election. She was paid for her duties in that capacity; however, she is entitled to an additional $5.00 for accompanying the Precinct Clerk back to City Hall after the polls closed. Unfortunately, I overlooked her when I prepared the original Form 121 for payment. I do not have any additional back -up to include with the request for payment. If there are any questions or concerns, please call me. PkJ S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING\Additional Payment for Deanna Greenbaum.docx America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 0 FORWARD CHECKS INDIVIDUAL CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amoun $ 1,160.00 . TO: SEE LIST OF CLERKS ATTACHED FOR: Pay for Clerks for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations (Individual checks are $290.00 which is $185 for the day & $75 for training + $5 for Election Night Return to City Hall + $25 extra for working dual precincts (4 Clerks) Requested By: JanetM Prainito Date: March 12, 2014 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 001 1310 512 49 15 1,160 00 Div Head fit' , . • r` J-net M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 1,160 00 L!l n m 1 m Lr - N 0 Ol kb lO m 0 N co N co co co U VI m N U1 ✓ �o �- r1 7 m 00 m 0 L.0 0 0 1 0 a m m a N N N A A A A l0 to 1f1 LEI u1 D LID N m m m m ✓ a a v m m m m m m m m J J J - LL LL LL LL L L -C .0 U U U U @ (0 (o (0 cl) N 01 0) CO CO CO CO C C CC O O 0 0 Y Y Y • C C C T T T O O 0 0 m 00 CO 00 Q 0 Z 0) 0 C co ro J p E LL N - O CO .Q O r0 0 < 2 w 01 m N N m 00 00 c-I 00 lD V 01 u1 L 0) (0 0 ) O -0 O 7 N 0) _ CO 0 C7 CO '0 T C C a) 0) O O _a E E Y Y Y Y 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 0 0 0 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. ,71 - 3(7 , I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. 'ignature �� f 7/ 7) Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk 3 1� `�(►" S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- CLERK.doc /� STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. -t' 3 1 2F' I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. UYM LLJ " 2t 2 t ,/ Signature �1 Der8Ce1414 A/RJR/ Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk Jmp S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - CLERK.doc fj) 'i‘'t°5-5) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. 5 /e-7, 3 /f 6.3/i?) I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. /. 1 - 7 - - - - —1. (- a SignatOre G-coR63)6 C6. -66,t Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk eily `iU V J l m P `1J S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH CLERK doc k STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. /rD Li I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. /7/ / • 7 , d o / Signature 4;1( LP, KRA (A /z Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk VY JmP S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- CLERK.doc o FORWARD CHECKS INDIVIDUAL CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount $ 265 00 . TO: VALORIA BROWN 30 CROSSINGS CIRCLE - APT A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 FOR : Pay for Clerk for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations (Individual check IS $265.00 which is $185 for the day & $75 for training + $5 for Election Night Return to City Hall (1 Clerk who was left off original list) Requested By: Janet M. Prainito Date: April 28, 2014 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT l / 001 1310 512 49 15 265.00 l� ►, Div Head J net M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 265.00 fir; ' ° ^ -1 v a-I ,r - I C CO 0 N Ln CO 0 00 C71 LD 01 L a U1 Ln a- I Ln L 1 Ln N Ql n 0l 6 'i 'Li N (0 a a m l.0 0 001 N n a-i ati ell N a1 d' ati a a-1 LO O (0 m ID Ln l0 LD LD in V1 Ln I - Ln 01 V1 1/1 V1 0 .0' 01 N V1 0 N a-I 01 m I Ln 01 b M O 00 a-I (D N N 01 CO a '-I N O A l0 m M Ln 01 m V a-i ai O N N Ln N tD m 01 a-1 m co 01 V m A O1 Co m m O o m m in V a-I m m M N m V CA a N N N m A N N. m N N TI el a1 ' ' e-i t-i ri 'i a--1 'i LD CD Lo to LO LD (0 (o (0 (0 VD N Ln in in Ln Ln L Ln Ln Ln L11 V1 ..--. CD N LD LD M ^ M h (0 l0 N. (0 N. Ln 01 01 0101CANCTICA Tr M (m M M CA CA M m Tr m 'CI' .:1' m M m m M M m M m N J LL LJL ...J u_ J J J J J J (D LL LL LL L.L. LL LL LL 6L. Vr L L L L L L L L L L L m u u u u u u u u u u u m (O co (6 (O CO CO CO CO N CO f6 LL m m 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (C C C C C C C C C C C C C O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to C C C c c C C c c c c c T T T >. T T T T T >. T O O O O O O O O O O O co m m m CO m m m m C0 m m In 0 T a E io E -) 3 a a L) E 0 Y > ' 0 . a a O a, a a a ) CG y C 9 CO +L+ (0 1- C C 0 ) CO c c0 7 a u CO E- 0 us CO .1 CO c O u E v a '_ o ul m -o a) ao E II 0 -0 T p (O _ O = cC O L N ` L iO c C C 3/1 X ' l6 n • in 5 0 Ln .1-,cc N U 2 7 7 m O U O U In N 0 CO 1-1 01 Lf1 C71 In (0 CY 01 M V1 0 N 0 N U 1 01 L (D - V1 (0 00 0 (D N a CO 0 N '-I l CO N I 01 (0 00 V1 ai (D M 0) u u ▪ T >" 0) co t v f0 4-, OD 8 -0 c0 cu L N m 3 2 L T 0 C c f0 q 0_ 0- U J cc 0 G J (;� CC W cu L C 0 u d 1n 5 O a) C C T ro a .0 - -- o v 2 s�= 0 o 3 0 v= 3 0 m u 1n m LL - L _V Y Y -V L Y Y Y Y a) 0) 0) 0) a) a) 0) a) CD v U U U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0) 0) 0) U Y Y a) ( H R ;CV f6 J L J 7 d o v O C V c .. 0 t. a) L a) ' a/ O O O .0 O N E a- E C : Z C 7 CL LL 11 V L.7) p p V 0) 07 m Z C..0 'at (D CO O N c I m m V V m a-1 a--1 , - ci m m m m STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. ° I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. / Signatu e Vi i aCB-'O(, n Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. •.. _ At—alt,;_c_to !, Ja -t M. Prainito, MMC • y Clerk imp S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - CLERK.doc FORWARD CHECKS INDIVIDUAL CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amoun $ 2,91500 . TO: SEE LIST OF CLERKS ATTACHED FOR: Pay for Clerks for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations (Individual checks are $265.00 which is $185 for the day & $75 for training + $5 for Election Night Return to City Hall (11 Clerks) Requested By: Janet M Prainito Date: March 12, 2014 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASICELE OBJ AMOUNT 001 1310 512 49 15 2,915 00 Div Head d� Janet M. Prainito 1 Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 2,915 00 l0 U1 VI N 00 m Lf1 m 1 A O) lO .-1 ci N lO a a M (.0 O1 V Ol N N. c-1 .-i %LI N III a .-1 .-i .-4 lO VD l0 M tO 111 LO l0 lO Lfl cc Lf) N. Lfl O1 L!1 Lf) Lfl a 01 N Lfl N N. ■••1 01 m N Lfl N m O 00 N l0 N N 01 00 a N 0 N l0 M M Lf1 Ol m a .-1 0 N N Lfl N l0 M a O1 .-1 M 01 Ct r\ O1 l0 M A a s O m m In a r-1 m m m r\ m a s t N . N N M N N N M N N .--1 . .- -I 'i .-i ,II .--I .1 ‘ ■--1 ,Li lO lO CO LO l0 (.0 LID l0 lO l0 lO Lfl Lfl cc) 111 Lf1 Lf1 Lf1 Lfl If1 Lfl U) l0 N M N m , .0 , ..0 t\ l0 N. m a a m M m M M N m M m a a < v v v m M �^ m ^1 Cr) m m ft) m N J J LO LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL L.L a L L t L L L _c L S L m U U U U U U U U U M J 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) LL 00 00 m m 00 CO m m m CO C C C C C C C C C C c O O O O O O O O O O 4-, c f c c c c c c c c c c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J m m 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 3 C 0 0 3 0 3 N C 0 ? E 3 cc a E ° E v a ) > U o 0 a, > Q a cc U u O` - co t u Q) C a+ -J C J3 O J Y fa L- C C 1 (6 N C m O C U J c ° c 3 U C 0) n <o U a 0 N H "O 0) E 0) >. o fa 0 � C N w In 0 .I-. C t U M 0 0 m O co U O 01 Lfl O) N N O1 l0 O) 00 U1 lO 10 a O) m Lfl 0 N 0 N 01 L11 lO > Lf) lO 00 N ID N a CO N .•1 .--1 CO N N 01 LO 00 If1 .-I (.0 0) U Y t C • C • Q) 00 p - LJ N 0) C co 0) co O O O O 0 c0 03 LL LL U J C 0 2 J w z W TS GU O Y ,_ .- - 0 - 0 C C 0 U 0 N 45 0 0) C rq N 0 0 Ql 6- U O ` m r c0 a O a) cc Q C O U LI LL i Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0 03 a) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) U U U U U U U U U U U E N i Y Y a) C N no 0 f0 J t J v, a O C U C c O c N O E CIJ N O O L r E S1 ✓> N a+ y C Z c 7 LL w U w O O V m aa lO CO 0 N M M a a c-1 N 1--1 .--1 M CO M M STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. � I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. f 4 \ 1/1^ Si nature //4 `J Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk jmp S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- CLERK.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. � . I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. Sr6ria Print 4Var�ie Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk )mp S•\CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- CLERK.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. 3/4° I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. c4 / Signature o.g gr /640 /C Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk imp S•\CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - CLERK.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. /,/ 1 Signature LID A CLE"E Tcc_A 7d Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk jmp S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - CLERK.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. L.- Signature Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk i mp S: \CC \W P \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - CLERK.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. v I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. ,,... a M Signature • /riR+Ri y n1 .)%ft Print flame Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk jmp S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - CLERK.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. 3 / 7 Y I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. a" Signature 4 ctia-eroie C er" C/1077 r Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk amp S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - CLERK.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. 1 7 1 6 1 .Z `t‘ I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. ? )-4-tt-'9--) Signa . tur 4-6--) cZn2i/3- Ae_67-GcV--h Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk jmp S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - CLERK.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PRECINCT NO. 7/ 7g I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. 77-4/ 4 Signature 1 l 1 o h e r2- r % fig G 4'2-- Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk imp S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - CLERK.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH / /ig3- PRECINCT NO. I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of Clerk at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. Signa re Print Name Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10 day of March, 2014. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk imp S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH -CLERK doc FORWARD CHECKS INDIVIDUAL CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount $ 410.00 . TO: SEE LIST OF PRECINCT ADVISORS ATTACHED FOR: Pay for Precinct Advisors for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations (Individual checks are $205.00 which is $165 for the day & $40 for training Requested By: Janet M. Prainito Date: March 12, 2014 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 001 1310 512 49 15 410.00 Div Head Ci 1 1:;x; J net M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 410.00 Citrus Cove 7049 Del 3164 Elementary PA Chicofsky Ulrike Corso Ln Delray Beach 561 - 499 -931t 1- 561 - 221 -7754 Beach High Sandpiper 3188 School PA Moncrief Carol Dr - Apt 4 Boynton Beal 561- 247 -0394 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 1 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully Prc v z c am - C ci - s o perform all of the duties of the office of INSIMIONOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. A e-n(97.3 L ( / K 70`fr PE - Cops () 1.n) (PRINT NAME) PE ie/gy / C ry (ADDRESS) CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) ,Imp S \CC \WP \FT FCTIONI\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # J I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of PRECINCT ADVISOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. / Li ( //V4 1 ,4 ' (PRINT NAME) 3 75 l / / Y4 Q DV, (ADDRESS) J CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. kaindL 6226Cyki Precinct Clerk Go to Collection Center on election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - PRECINCT ADVISOR.doc FORWARD CHECKS INDIVIDUAL CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount $ 2,520.00 . TO: SEE LIST OF PRECINCT ADVISORS ATTACHED FOR: Pay for Precinct Advisors for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations (Individual checks are $210.00 which is $165 for the day & $40 for training + $5 for taking cartridge to Fire Station #5 on Election Night) (12 Precinct Advisors) Requested By: Janet M. Prainito Date: March 12, 2014 ft crkt FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 001 1310 512 49 15 2,520.00 Div Head Janet M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 2,520.00 N ,--I e-I Ln CO M W N 01 N CO 00 ^ L N N d 00 ' N l0 00 CO co S.0 M N CO 1• A ■ e1 ei A O ci LO l0 LO l0 Lf1 l0 Ln L(1 Ln Ln c-I L(1 a-1 0 op LO L(1 co N. N N 0 00 LO O c-I 1/1 O O LA c-1 N l0 O N O 00 4 N Lf1 O N M A r- m m Ln V m m L(1 N N. M N N n N N A c-I ci A r{ ei i-1 ci ci lD lO l0 LO l0 lO l0 l0 LO L(1 L(1 In L(1 L(1 Ln L(1 L(1 Ln l0 111 LO 1/1 L(1 n m N L(1 M en m m m m N. N m V m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m J m J J J J J J LL J LL LL LL LL LL L.L. LL L LL L L L t L t L U U L) L) U U U U CO L co (0 (0 R CO (0 as U m a m m m m m m m C m C C C C C C C O >, 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 c ro c C C c c c c c T >.. >? ? T T T 0 m 0 m m m m m m m 0 Z = aJ Q Y O v C2 Q Q co N 0 - In LL -0 E Q a) S_ C m s m 0 y IV • co 7 l0 0 Z LLJ CO N Ln > u p Ln c-I Ln d' r-I CT N l0 c -1 0 l0 v ' m 0 e-I al M N. N .- 1 c-1 c-I l0 N Lr) al 00 N C > N O) co N > o N • co E y O C _C C co N N Y CO U C7 Q -, m W >. - 0) O 'L In -0 e Y _Q C NI -C a i >_ Q t = m CO O > • C (0 1- = a 2 In 00 In o d d a d a d a d d LO M M cr l0 N r- 00 00 N ri -. rI r-1 O e-1 c e--I e-i M m M M N. N N. M m STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of PRECINCT ADVISOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. V/YM/ ji 9r— 7!/P h /7 // ,/- V / (PRINT NAME) � YY d,/./ - (ADDR FAS ITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subsc- •: d and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. / // Precin Jerk Go to Collection Center on election night? Yes, No (IF ES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- PRECINCT ADVISOR.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # ( "Sq I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of PRECINCT ADVISOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. (e.- 4j,C1 ) ■ et20,A. (PRINT NAME) (ADDRESS) 7 J ' CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before s - this 11 day of March, 2014. iA \ are . �i. r r Precinct Clerk • Go to Collection Center on election night ?a No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- PRECINCT ADVISOR.doc 3/ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # �/ 1 / " - le 9 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of PRECINCT ADVISOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. . 7/4 (PRINT WHME) /l 5 ` G - (ADDRESS) PDyil7 i&e--11c / F4 33iz-.2_s STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. / -5 Precinct Clerk Go to Collection Center on election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - PRECINCT ADVISOR doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of PRECINCT ADVISOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. E_,- c ,v ne_v p•S'fr os (PRINT NAME) 1 11.: Lk 0- �e 1 6 N . pp (ADDRESS) f-� Q y ii Al c_.c_k i. Q r - 31, CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. 2C'a c, ii 1k •.-21 Precinct Clerk Go to Collection Center on election night? Yes ✓ No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - PRECINCT ADVISOR.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH r� Precinct # ° I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of PRECINCT ADVISOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. )141 A _ 72 (PRINT NAME) (/‘7d Soai/ 1 QW (ADDRESS) ,‘ 74, Q/ TY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 da y of March, 2014. Lam_.:.... Pr- cinct Clerk Go to Collection Center on election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) S. \CC\WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - PRECINCT ADVISOR.doc 14, STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 2/ 7 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of PRECINCT ADVISOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. l � SO HELP ME GOD. / c ° AP ■ r b , i ( A Ii r 'RINT NAME) ')(00L k( • " -SA i--- (ADDRESS) CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subsc and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precinct Clerk Go to Collection Center on election night? Yes 1 No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - PRECINCT ADVISOR.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 77e0 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of PRECINCT ADVISOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. F t. tf (PRINT NAME)/ . (f (ADDRE ) . ��. / i j �C�,' am, `/ f�'t/ ,'CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed anti sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. P cinct Clerk Go to Collection Center on election night? Yes y ' No tae (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- PRECINCT ADVISOR.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # s i I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of PRECINCT ADVISOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. 0_, �� . ,7 CGS h k (PRINT NAME) c 75 i ID IJ',v (ADDRESS) FL 1� 2 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. , Precin Jerk a Go to Collection Center on election night? Yes V No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - PRECINCT ADVISOR.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # ,3 / 7, I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully Ffi perform all of the duties of the office of 11111114MR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. - - L (PRINT NAME) (ADDRESS) t v re) )/1) PZ- _3 9 7 � CITY, STATE & ZIP COdE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. i • / recin .1 Ierk 42 O * 1))3e.a2 Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) i mp S \CC \WP \FT FCFION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - INSPECTOR- revised doc FORWARD CHECKS INDIVIDUAL CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount 2.470.00 . TO: SEE LIST OF INSPECTORS ATTACHED FOR: Pay for Inspectors for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations (Individual checks are $185.00 which is $145 for the day & $40 for training + $5 for accompanying Clerk on Election Night) (13 Inspectors) Requested By: Janet M. Prainito Date: March 12, 2014 Approvals: _ FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 001 1310 512 49 15 2,470.00 Div Head ` . • PAc • Head ( -Jr.._ M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 2,470.00 tt it tt it (0 0) , - , • n • >> 3 7 7 7 F 5> >= 5 n VI N N to VI VI VI VI VI N N VI o 1 0 M y v - 0 17 - 0 10 a 10 10 v p (D CD (D (D (D CD (D (D (0 ft) (D fD n n n n n n n n n n n n r+ r* rr r+ r+ r. rt r+ - r+ pi. ( o O o O o O O O O O O O CI C CC n TO N 6 K G S r* = (D O O N c 3 0 3 c,-; m fD CT i O- 7- fD O d 7 fD 3 N a) ( 7 mo o 0 (u (0 3 7 `" O 7 ? O C 7 • O z n n K z 7C Or T S 3 a) = r+ 7, O n n m d -, ° 0 (0 cc) DJ O N °' CD -, (D (D N > I > Cr) > V r p > W NJ CO v u -° 1 -1 -+ 0 01 1 ° 01 o v1 ° LO z p Cr' V D w Z v 0 v, N -I m 3 0 V 7- D > K CO I- * 7 W (D (D 3 0 > v, Z O m c < D O r CO 2 OD CO 00 CO CO CO CO W a O < 0 0 O O O O O O < < -0 < < < < < < < < c 7 f0 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 < O < O C O O O 0 0 0 O O CO 7 O 3 X 3 7 7 7 3 7 3 3 N co A. co O co 00 00 CO CO CO CO W n (D S (D TI (D (D fD (D (D (D (D co 7 a) T a) T a) a) a) a a) 0) a) a) n n W n n n n n n n n - T 1 S 7' W 7" S 7 7" 7 3 S S (r T1 w T A T T T T T T W r A r 01 r- r r r r -n r A W 01 W N Cu W W Cu W W A A 0 A UJ A A A A A W W A V V V N U1 Ql tT 01 01 V V1 U1 V1 U1 V1 Vi V7 U1 U1 V1 U1 U1 V7 O1 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 1-> i-> N 1-+ I -+ F-■ N h-+ i-> F-+ F-‘ 1--+ F-+ W V V V 01 V V V W V W W W U1 W 0 W A W W W V W 01 01 V N N) A 03 -+ 01 V A A W A A A t.b 01 N O O O V V V7 01 W N U1 01 A Cu V 00 0 F-+ W V7 V V N A 1 - + W (D CO lD W W N I' V A U1 N w N 00 U1 V V W CO 01 Cu 1-> V1 N U1 V1 V1 U1 U1 V1 V1 U1 01 01 01 01 01 al 01 01 1-+ I� 1-> F-> I-> 1--+ F-+ 1-+ 6 Vl V W A V1 V W O � N W W O1 W O V 01 NI 00 V W W O 00 W 1--+ F-+ F-+ In 0 V A V1 LO LO F 00 V1 A W N W V N 01 N V1 V1 N W STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. grlifartiO )14 (C67 (PRINT NAME) S74.3 AQ� bk/1/0 f / (ADDRESS) Ate q; v CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 to day of March, 2014. )7",./A/e Prec"- Clerk Did ou return with Clerk on Election night? Yes L No Y 9 (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) 411\ ,imp S \CC \WP \FI FC ION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH nn Precinct # 3 L i v I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. (PRINT NAME) (ADDRES CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. 7 /57 y 2 Precinct Clerk Did ou return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No Y 9 (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) pip S \CC \WP \Fi FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- re,sed doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # / I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. At • , — + ■t I \ SE (PRINT NAME) S ��� t 3 / di/ (ADDRESS) 6 Il 3r7) rI ` 14? 33`424 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Preci ► �"� rk f " L Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes / No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) )mp S \CC \WP\ELECTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. 7 i t/ Z Z 1z / c - /t/ (PRINT NAME) 3 KeeLP,e, eet-d-et,4 79 2 -9 .2 (ADDRESS) L uv.,_77„1_ `1//- CITY, STATE & ZIP ZODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this ll day of March, 2014. SO 8 •recinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes 1, No (IF YES, CL' • K MUST INITIAL) jmp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revxsed.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH c � Precinct # LC?) I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. • 10 -4Qa•(i L 0a. 6 \(\ (PRINT NAME) (ADDRESS) P 554,E CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) ]mp cu S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 3'7 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. kit k •.. - Pik" i NAM E /SD ktg. (ADDRESS) ).) 3f TTY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. II � Precinct Cler Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes )C No (IE YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) imp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR - revased.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 3 /7 y I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. ER_ 1 \ c (PRINT NAME) 1 \' E ` \ie \ildy (ADDRESS) Oy &(/ ,f-54zeza CIT Y STATE & ZIP CODE Subs ' and sworn ty:e re me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precinct Clerk Did r night? v you return with Clerk on Election night. Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) )mp S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct #-.7 J 0 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. • (PRINT NAME) /7' g/9 (A; DRESS) , jj 3 4 / 07 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Pat Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes ' No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) ]ti=p S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 17I I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. I r� Chi 10 W x\Kins (PRINT NAME) (osyl vene.\-ic Or \ (ADDRESS) 1--\-\100 \uxo , F1 33 <4 (a Z. CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. 02,d Precinct Clerk Did ou return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No Y 9 (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) Amy S \CC \WP\ELECTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATI - I- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 7 / I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. �Lllr �� I /`�C —CCU —✓ _ a h��r � �� 7 r (PRINT NAME) 4 ale k'e Pr • (ADDRESS) //fl/'/ /&•A. / 3 ,61 /CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. i ygLi t . t Precinct C Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes �� No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) i mp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revisectdoc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # / u I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. r c'_h4/2-6 1 � (PRINT NAME X 7/ /( 4-ti AVE' )ate -/-k (ADDRESS) 2 Zde/21X , FL 53LiU) CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed,'nd sw7to befor9 me this 11 day of March, 2014. / , Precinct Verk i/t; Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes / No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) I mp S \CC \WP \FI FCIION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # cQ I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. f� ti rJ A 1v3 M ( (`mil (PINT NAME) s ? �� D e AP (ADDRESS) , STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. P inct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes f'r • No (I YE , CLERK MUST INITIAL) jmp S \CC \WP \FI FCfION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. 9 adrieL6 (PRINT NAME) (ADDRESS) D P /rte. Ac cAL / /ate CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscred - • -- sworn to befor me this 11 day of March, 2014. / di/ Precinct Clerk / /: " AP( ' Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) I mp S \CC \WP\F1 FCIION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised.doc a FORWARD CHECKS INDIVIDUAL CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount $ 8,510.00 . TO: SEE LIST OF INSPECTORS ATTACHED FOR: Pay for Inspectors for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations (Individual checks are $185.00 which is $145 for the day & $40 for training (46 Inspectors total) Requested By: Janet M. Prainito Date: March 12, 2014 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 001 1310 512 49 15 8,510.00 Div Head of , . • 'anet M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 8,510.00 N h M LO h a .--1 h 00 N h 0) .1 00 co Vl W ,--1 a Ol c O m M N cI MO N Q a 00 ei CI 00 m LD h V) c V1 0 a 00 N eI LD m O LO Q Ol o c1 00 O a V1 00 m vi h O h m N 01 N M a 0 O O Q i 00 h ei 00 h h Q N LD CO 0 h V1 Lt1 01 M N M 01 ei O 1-I a O 01 h LD , a M O LA V) h V1 O LO Q N O c-1 N V) ^ co M 0) LD 01 0 0 M N 00 N 00 VI . 0 01 01 Ln V) CO 01 N Vl 0 e-1 00 N. LD M h M 00 LO m h Ln N M 01 a M l M V 0 V) 1 a N V) 0) h ei c-I ,4 00 00 c-I e-1 ,Li ei ,Li ei Lf1 do V) .-i ei u ., m c-I ei r.-1 W .-i chi co LD LD LD a .--1 L0 LD 8.0 LD l0 LD ,--1 0 0 L0 l0 l0 LD lD LD LD V1 V) 1!1 N h Lfl L() V) V) V1 V) N 00 M V1 Vl e-1 ei V) V1 1 V) r1 Vl V) 0l ei O h M ,i CO LD ei N LO ci 00 a 0 0 01 0 a 00 m N. 0 N a N N Q LD 00 LA Q a LD 8/1 ci 8.(1 a Q 0 01 ei 03 00 00 N N O N LD V) 0 V) Ni CO ei h 01 h 00 ei ei CO V) V) .-1 01 M h V) 01 h m 00 O 0) in LD 0 LO Q a 01 m 0) a N. N N h CO 03 h 01 01 . 01 01 m O h O al Q O a L11 N Q LO a lD N a LD M O M 0) o LD N 01 Q LO N Ol o0 o N Q LO a m a h M N. 0 M m LD m a M LO a M M m h rn N LO 01 a 01 8.0 M LO m LO m h m 01 N V1 01 N. h h 0) h h h h M h V1 CO rn h N M h M h ell ei 1-L1 ei ei ei ri ei ci ei I.4 ei c-1 ei N c c c e c e-1 ei . ri c c-I ri LO LO LD C0 LD LO LO LO 8.0 LD LO LD LO LO LO LO LO LO LD LO LO L0 LD CD LO LO LD V) V) LO L!1 L!1 L!1 L(1 L() L/1 1!1 111 V1 V) U 1 V) V1 V) V) V1 V1 Ln ,r, V) V1 Ln V) LI) LO h N h LO LD M LID l0 N M LID h N h L0 N N LO LO LO h D L h L0 LO LD m m h M M N N h CO h m m h h N N CO CO CO M m CO CO Q Cr Q a a a m m a a M m a a a a a Q a a a a a Q a a s m m m m h m m m m m m m rn M m m m m m Cr) m m m m m Cr) m m m Cr) ('') M rn m M M m rn m m m m M m rn M m m m m m J J J J a J J L LJL J J LL LL J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J LL LL LL LL M LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL U LL U LL LL LL Ll. U LL LL LL t L t .0 J L L L L L L L L . L . L L L L L L L . L L . L U U U U LL UL/ U U U U U U 0 U U U U U U U U 0 U U U U U f0 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO (0 CO f0 (0 CO CO CO CO CO CO 00 CO (0 f0 (0 CO CO CO CO OJ O) O) O) t (1) O) N OJ O) N O) N O) 4) O1 0J O) 11 O) 01 0) O) 0) O) O) 01 O1 m CO CO m i m CO m CO CO CO m CO CO CO m m CO CO m CO CO m CO m CO m 00 C C C C O C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C O 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4-• Y Y Y C C C C O1 C C C C C C C C CC CC C C CC C C C C C C C 0 0 0 0 co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O O O 0 CO m CO CO J CO 0 CO CO CO m CO CO 0 m m m m on m m m m 0 CO 0 CO 0 M a O o ci vg - o Q > ¢ U ¢ a 0 a CO > J > 4) a cc U ¢ • y O O U 7 > CL) Y O (7 U ) N C a) J 0 J L so a o u_ 3 O. V > N CO L t` O C O — � r J H LR o al LO - a E U > o f0 4 _, .0 C "O > ei Y Y c O. 0 CO U y f 0 co iJ >` E >' a ca " (0 O ` O 0 4) 0 (0 10 >>. = H (0 N 0 > C f0 0 C Ur C (0 C L L L 0D C 3 0 a f0 C C r OJ C Ln C CO N 03 CL w N = 00 U G O) Ln N C G G Cl N > Ln 00 V) O > > O) L0 M V) 0 0 .--I 01 Cl L0 h 00 N 0 01 a 00 111 In V) 8/1 Ln o � o CO a N .1 0 0 .-1 01 c 2 01 h h h e-I 01 LO > L0 N 11 0 a a a o 0 0 - 00 N 00 0 h 01 0 0 •• 01 N 0 c-1 .-1 LD M N 00 M 01 ci eI h h 0 h V1 M in 00 ei LO a 01 h ci N LD h a ei 00 CO N 00 00 .-1 N h ci LO a ci Q N C 0 0 (O O C 2 (0 >' O) CO O C C C O) ut t N CU O) O1 In C l' CO CO N > OU r U j N f0 0 U V (0 N °J > 0 N _0 co m w Z 0- LU U 0 (7 w U' 2. C7 _ Q w 0- C a L -, ¢ m _ as C m 0 0 0 o v c 3 v ro CU E o ` o ( v v 0 C 3 c 0 N 2 3 L O f0 (` U O O,_ C = m O " c0 Y O OJ C i C (0 N N v ¢ x m v, Q O 3 Ln ¢ m Y x a� Y J O o L co w 2 C7 Ln LL o` o o `o o `o o `0 0` o o `0 0 0 `0 `o o` o` `0 `o o `o o `0 0 0 0 0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y U U U U U U U U U U 0 U U 0 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U O) O) Ol CU O) 0) O) 0) 0 O) CU O1 0) 01 4) Ol OJ N CU 0 01 O1 O) 0) O) 0) 0) 4) C1 Q 0. 0. C1 Q 0. O. O. 0. 0. 0. O. 0. 12 Q O. 0. O. O_ 0. 0. 0. 0_ O. C1 0. O. N VI IA VI IA N VI VI VI VI VI VI VI V) VI VI N VI VI VI VI N VI VI V1 VI VI VI C C C C 0 C C C C C c C C c C C C C C C C C C C C C C C STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. Z z o2 /S ' i4Z /e-' (PRINT NAME) ,5gg‘ ?,ee E2cLi? (ADDRESS) Z 6/1V7/9-/V7.1 1 . / CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. V L7 Precin Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No V 7-- (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) imp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - INSPECTOR- revised cloc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # /./ r/ I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. / (/ / „ S C� .Z 7 A 6— ir fi PRINT NAME) 6z /3 „ /9 -fi (ADDRESS) /3() C STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. i recuct er Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No ' (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) ) mp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \ OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. l (PRINT NAME) (ADDRESS) C l ,� 4 / ITY STATE , ST E &ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precinct err Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) imp S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ..: Precinct #-,-= ' I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. 5 . / b, iJ 1 u L g/Ajr L � b 1 c (PRINT NAME) (ADDRESS) CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precinct C Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) ,imp S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 3 I .3 g I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. EVELyN) lb'1R12.TI cJ (PRINT NAME) 170o HAT D2. (ADDRESS) L f W O Ie.Tt#, FL 33(4 (0 7 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precin Cie Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) i mp S \CC \WP\FI FCTIONI\Year 2014 \ OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 7 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. (PRINT NAME) zibl laPii / c7. ay 0 (ADDRESS) Z S6 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. ecinct Cle Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) I mp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR - revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct# 21188 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. r r PH.' LL LJ,� L L- (PRINT NAME) 90I dcc,RA) .�i2. (ADDRESS) CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. f _....; � ■ f1 ".. 'recinct Cl -rI Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) )mP S \CC \WP\ET FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATIH - INSPECTOR - revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1� Precinct # ���i I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. (PRINT NAME) 7 Qgq , (ADDRESS) CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. / rife Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) jmv S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH / Precinct # 3 ( T Q I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. V t ' t ;re- ( ii6/ I/ AC4i uY7 b 'Ie -7 (PRINT NAME) / /2i p / Af' (ADDRESS) (,51h SICid\-/ c CITY, STATE & IP CODE (-01.c) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. 2/1 Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) pip S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OAT1 INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 3/4' I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. (7 ))„.„4. , / , / 10L. G A- t L L O G v C (PRINT NAME) (ADDRESS) CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. 44 Cu? 5)J • recinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) imp S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. (WE daAAAI C 7 1 20CNt\) (PRINT NAME) 67? 77 S 74 O i7 7 (L/ (ADDRESS) TO) ( ia1v 7?c 7- 17 Z CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. a r - LA— ill. Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) i mp S \CC \WP\FT ECTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ( /‘it Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. %/n( /, it 7 (PRINT NAME) : 7 . 7, A s '',� (ADDRESS) ,Ao, n/ J & � icV 3� /j7 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. ( Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) JmP S \CC \WP \FT FCf ION\Year 2014 \ OATHS \OATH - INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # `3 / Io ii, I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. 46-4,1A wa -errs ifedis. rt(ik&1444e.f._;bk (PRINT NAME) 4-D 1 , D - ro rz sT - - rk. (ADDRESS) &/JfbAi iSE,c� J . 33 3 ITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. n ide-1/-7 62-j- , Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) imp S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I 61- I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. `. r 1 ■ (P' NT NAME) 111 t/ / -C.fn% D� (ADDRESS) • ) (1/ 4) BEI1 33'137 CITY, STATE & ZIP , CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. f Precinct Clerk Go to Collection Center on election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - PRECINCT ADVISOR.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 3 e I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. % LP (PRINT NAME) 57C , ( »,?p). C' c 4 (ADDRESS) CITY, STATE BLIP CO16E Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No f (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) i mp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OA HS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. 7 41-17 C Co i /)c�J J,. (PRIN NAME) 6 1/44 - rn f /o/ (ADDRESS) (Ao,C g7ie L - 313 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) ,imp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014\ OATHS \OATI - I- INSPECTOR - revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (� Precinct # 21415 Z) I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. , � 4 l/i) A� 1JL/ / (PRINT NAME) A 23 V4LAi &4 [✓ E (ADDRESS) &Y,V77A) PJe JiL . FL CITY, STATE & ZTP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. - fig Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) I mp S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doe STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH �( ii Precinct # V I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. ,;1 S LAR SPRIfF NAME) gd OE 6 0 (ADDS) a C14, STATE & ZIP CDE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. L— C -4 /1 l� 1/ Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No A (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) imp S \CC \WP \ ELECTION \ Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # (7/702 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. l 7 (PRINT NAME) <3' '1,), J --3 Hopi_ (ADDRESS) fi �- t t fL '- Y 7 2 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Pre f nct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) i mp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. / (PRINT NAME) 3 / x,14 -i ,4, U -My (ADDRESS) C ITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precin ' Cler Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST _ NmAL) i mp S \CC \WP \FT FCTIONI\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. c/() E 14 /le (PRINT NAME) e- COs 6 (P e (ADDRES ® TC 6 12 23 1 704 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. k.„ , - / � �i . Preci Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) pip S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - INSPECTOR- revised STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 3/7V I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. (PRINT NAME) J 2/ Y S'Lrp7rr.`` S.> 7+L / -e (AEDRESS) CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed an sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Pr inct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) pip S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \ OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. j f vyl� S N e i (PRINT NAME) 114 Y\ 00 (A) 0A-'( (ADDRESS) n cA P. L. , 5437 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. 9 11.. - L. Precinct Clerk d V' Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) jmp S \CC \WP\FT FCFION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 84 / I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. ���rr) (PRINT NAME) C9 iLSuh✓Ai 3J . -i (ADDRESS) a Cicira- 5 3 V 3 CITY, & ZIP CODE Subscribed1and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precinct CI, k Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) imp S \CC \WP\ELECTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH z Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. // / 1 � YwL�2 �u.s (PRINT NAME) ( ADDR E S ov✓ • ((-1 15/ CITY, STATE & ZIP COD Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 1 th day of March, 2014. d .. rl .._. 10 Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No_ (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) pip S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct #1/ce I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. X 411,09 1/ ... -.... \ Age-9-v r AfkiA oe A - - 4ZESC/f/t (PRINT NAME) /o0 7' g m y tildab J4c (ADDRESS) N roA - /4el F 4 3 47 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. ACJIL Al ' Precinct Clerk 4 a Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) pnp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # / 9' I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. of • � yJV (PRINT NAME) (ADDRESS) s — / / / n 1 ms's / CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before e this 11 day of March, 2014. // --'' > - 1 Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) i mp S \CC \WP\ELECTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I / I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. , 4,1„,„=. ! /2,' ;'e clTO (1l (O2c (PRINT NAME) 2 / (14e e (ADDRESS) ()O7 w T o ti` 313‘ 1 3 ‘ CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed arjsworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. / - /C Precinct Cleyk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) PIP S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ''7 i Ij / Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. // /v) j► (///-7)-v . ri-a /,f+ , A ivwr A M E i'44 (PRINT NAME) i / 2- L, / A- I__ 1\1 C r E DL (ADDRESS) Ed v N ,i // /-/ /-- / 3 %3 6 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed r a r sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. A ti 2 t �/. .) Precinct CIe Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No t. (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) pip S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # Lie 9 Y I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. _ i FATS(1 — hc r rIcA (PRINT NAME) le;.-- 3 /J C - 2 , -/--k Akie (ADDRESS) CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. P e � ct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No 1 (IF YES, CLERK MUST I v AL) ,imp S \CC \WP \FT FCPION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATJ - INSPECTOR- reviseddoc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH / V Precinct # L /0 ?- I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. Jv1 L 4) i /77, 6 Sri r,.yep. (PRINT NAME) OV e k. //.2O-r-- G (ADDRESS) 72,2C - 3 ) 37 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. /-4-ti-e...) ( 1 Precinct Clerk �/,-(2.41 Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST IN AL) pip S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. (PRI NTT NAME) 470- /L /4dV (ADDRESS) Ee , --(2ZN/ 2 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. 4Air-tti recinct Clerk, Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No J (IF YES, CLERK MUST I • L) imp S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - INSPECTOR - revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # -7 1 L/ I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. Dz re C- L, r` L L i .fin- , 3 - (PRINT NAME) Ir)U LOk. /cg (ADDRESS) Ar7z)I 8LA Lit ) CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscri and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) JmP S \CC \WP \FT FCTION \Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR - revisecl clot STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # " 7S I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. f rPW es 2D eIt/5' T /4' (PRINT NAME) ai as ,sre_47 (ADDRESS) - 13" - f e ‘3,3f CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscr' d and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. 2,/ d/40:4-- Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) i mp S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 7/ 7 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. A i ■ _ tirAWA Mt% : a '- l' its' (PRINT NAME) l' l o Ln m(i)e) r F (ADDRESS) . - . CITY, STATE & Zh CODE Sub ' ed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. w ille4 / 1 / ez,,, recinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No o (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) ,imp S \CC \WP\ELECTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - INSPECTOR - revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 7/ 7Y I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. _Lir* ./ / Z‘, (PRI A ME) 3'/ / .b -- l lc U //' /---- (ADDRESS) 6 0 >7A/1;N 16z ;J 3 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribe and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. (// 4 fil di recinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No v� (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) i mp S \CC \WP \FI FCTION\Year 2014 \ OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 7 /� Precinct # l / ` " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. (4 FOJ1(1-177/i/ (PRINT NAME) /,/ / vv (ADDRESS) / O yi'v / me 4 3S) CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscr d and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. V /1/ (!6,,- Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No_4/_ (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) Imp S \CC \WP\FT FCTIONI\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. (PRINT NAME) 9 7 gy- l Q 7-7-1 t 2 . /cz3 (ADDRESS) 3 4— o ti� Al 6.5 Fri �N / ti . 3d/ 3 7 ITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscri • - • .nd sworn ► . -fore me this 11 day of March, 2014. • Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) imp S \CC \WP\ELECTIOV\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 2/ g I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. f t/r A /'.L (PRINT NAM .2/ q /4/C l.S (ADDRESS) 419- 7/0 4 /V Z3P! / % 4 3( CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed r•• sworn to bef. - me this 11 day of March, 2014. Pr in Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST IN AL) imp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. - (PRINT NAME) S, //s /r' &/ (ADDRESS) 4 ,Z J // CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribe. .-rid, sworn to bere me this 11 day of March, 2014. r° Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) i mp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. � I G ` » / 1 G(�t�7 e y k rteIt) (PRINT NAME) X61.0 /v -6i Lr /7 (ADDRESS) 743J4 /6,4-e , r� 3 3 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed ='dsworn to befo - e this 11 day of March, 2014. ,,/ Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) jmp S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # t / ko I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. t - 41( / a / - ' 6 --._ - i' MA ' / /3 Z -1 -- eC � �f . (PRINT NAME) / '7/6'7 / i 1 1- 7 # /n (ADDRESS) /3-x t)773,0 e J L. _. 5 STATE & ZIP CODE Subscri/1-s worn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. /"'/ , 4- / Precinct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) i mp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. / z y (PRINT NAME) 2-0 r✓e/ ' T �� �� 7 (ADDRESS) CITY, STATE STATE & ZIP COD Subscribe.: n • sworn to befor- me this 11 day of March, 2014. .4/ A Alr....ad,c/ P - an er Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) i mp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - INSPECTOR- revised doe STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. O C)-e 4A Ac11-6 s /-/0 ��- (PRINT NAME) S NE c Nc e_-L (ADDRESS) o ivti 33 MY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. D i) c Precinct erk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No X (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) PIP S \CC \WP \Fi FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. e ct. N, ( K -) (PRINT NAME) e_, (ADDRESS) dJ 71� �� ` �'� 4 3S Y STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. g et,' e-e...A442 Precin e rk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) imp S \CC \WP \FT FCTIOI\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- reviseadoc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. t it( / l< //: ( /) /t, 5 (PRINT NAME) 1(7/q &Y//) ( (ADDRESS) 14/4-fi / ac /Z C ITY, STATE & ZIP C ODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precinct CIe Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) pip S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \ OATHS \OA H- INSPECTOR- revised doc o FORWARD CHECKS INDIVIDUAL CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount $ 570.00 . TO: SEE LIST OF INSPECTORS ATTACHED FOR: Pay for Inspectors for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations (Individual checks are $190.00 which is $145 for the day & $40 for training + $5 for transporting the cartridge to Fire Station #5 on Election night (3 Inspectors) Requested By: Janet M. Prainito Date: March 12, 2014 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 001 1310 512 49 15 570.00 Div Head :'-.._-! fl Janet M. Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 570.00 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. Btrt-, 6€,4;h5-„,, (PRINT NAME) � �y l i J c7 LC 3 o �"rh er�� l��wSS L.� Ycli� (ADDRESS) o -4 cl y1 23 5‘3 6 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn t before me this 11 day of March, 2014. f/e ra Precinct Cleifk 44,1116 Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) imp S \CC \WP \FT FCITON\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct #3/ 4. ( I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. / / foge t cy4 IOSeN,6 /1/7 (PRINT NAME) 1 1 t Itivt11 -e f g ve (ADDRESS) 6 6Y7' F/ 7 937 CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. _ it•aoi) =retina Clerk 0 Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No. (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) ) mp S \CC \WP \FT FCT ION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH- INSPECTOR- revised doe STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 3 / 4 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of INSPECTOR at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. ,', / 0 de.n.c2_, an l L - -11)1W d_on rLQ (PRINT NAME) H imak 6ds Cyr (ADDRESS) 1:30L Pectck r 3.3ci_3( CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. y , ,x 7 y , Prec ct Clerk Did you return with Clerk on Election night? Yes No D (IF YES, CLERK MUST INITIAL) i mp S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-INSPECTOR- revised doc o FORWARD CHECKS INDIVIDUAL CHECKS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION Please issue a check in the amount $ 1,020.00 . TO: SEE LIST OF DEPUTIES ATTACHED FOR: Pay for Deputies for work on Election Day, March 11, 2014 in Polling Locations (Individual checks are $170.00 which is $140 for the day & $30 for training - Six (6) Deputies Requested By: Janet M. Prainito Date: March 12, 2014 Approvals: FUND DEPT BASIC ELE OBJ AMOUNT 091 001 1310 512 49 15 1,020.00 Div Head Jan . Prainito Finance Dept. Tim Howard City Manager Lori LaVerriere 1,020.00 00 Lf1 N L.0 Ch 00 Ni N ul ul N if) l0 4 N N 01 0 01 d c M 4 —1 0 0 N N 01 i c t -1 .g1 N Lf1 N LO 01 OO Tr O Ol O O to c-1 0 N r-I 00 N N N Ol M Lf1 cr Lf1 LO LD r\ N N M r i i �--I L) tip LD l0 LD Ln Lf1 ul L l Ln LO N N N M M I. 'I m m M M m 't m m m M dam' M m J J J LL L.L LL LL M L.L. C L L _C U U U U al m m m m 0) 0) i m cc cc U >, O O O O = C C C C 0) a) O O O O 0 m m m m 0 U ra N 0 E i c z L- 0 a O O (0 .P C 0 N (o a C ''- _a (0 - 0 0 (0 O L 4- O E � CO w CO 2 CO N ci m c1 0 .-1 N ul 0 M 0 M N N N M N ci Lf1 N 00 C O C .7 ' v O i 0) (0 C i j O C 00 =02cc0 2 c N • C C 1- 0) _ a, 3 a0 E °0 N O L m as - m CO N m Y Y O CC y 7 = = = = = a a a a a a 0) N 0) 0) 0) ✓ 0 0 0 0 0 0 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # ) ?' I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of DEPUTY at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. Gil { . (13 �t z �' tf ct' P dI e ( 17 :7 Vied e (PRINT NAME / (ADDRESS) a (v(1,-- 8e Fl 3c/ CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precinct le jmp S \CC \WP\ELECTION\Year 2014 \ OATHS \OATH-DEPUTY - revised doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # /7P I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of DEPUTY at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. �— vLt) S5 12 (PRINT NAME) (ADDRESS) .D15 tpi { c C 1 - 3 3V CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. Precinct Clerk pip S \CC \WP \FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-DEPUTY - revised.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 3 t 7 t I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of DEPUTY at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. ,f' 7a 5) ' J (PRINT NAME) 532 v 3- , 0c_. `,z - (ADDRESS) CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed an sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. el Precinct Clerk ,imp S \CC \WP \FI FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-DEPUTY - revise tdoc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # ""7 7 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of DEPUTY at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. ■ 0 u F 4, I% A (PRINT NAM ) 7v C4-12q—tu(A- 7)4 (ADDRESS) XL=.Yti7r-- Oeifc g r- --- CITY, STATE & ZIP COD 3 3 (( 72___-- Subscr nd sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. V TA/ Ate G Precinct Clerk jmp S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH-DEPUTY - revised.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # '7(so_ '2 l Y I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of DEPUTY at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. t ef2-4-4-fe /0? c (PRINT NAME) Y' y1) 1) 70, tc' (ADDRESS) / 3e 8 � 47 2 CITY, STATE & ZIP COD Subscribe. ' • orn t• b- [•r- e this 11 day of March, 2014. 41mAtia Precinct Clerk i mp S \CC \WP\FT FCTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - DEPUTY - revised.doc STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Precinct # 7(0c. I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the State of Florida Constitution and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach against all enemies, domestic or foreign; that I am entitled to hold the office under the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State of Florida and the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach; that I will faithfully perform all of the duties of the office of DEPUTY at the General Election, upon which I am about to enter; such General Election to be held on the 11 day of March, 2014 A.D., according to law; and that I will endeavor to prevent all fraud, deceit or abuse in conducting the same. SO HELP ME GOD. L4%z' ,+ .`d r /e 5.e.e'71e (PRINT NAME) 4 / ,G>.¢.GiZ ✓ �/. C (ADDRESS) CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of March, 2014. e Precinct erk imp S \CC \WP \FT ECTION\Year 2014 \OATHS \OATH - DEPUTY - revised.doc CD Y a z 0 r 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 z } z 0 0 0 Y u 'a U .i I� u 1.. I- i g V' . .. U CO .. A O VI 03 tC .3 O O m M In LO N LA M O L M 1. M '~ O COO co t0 L4 $.0 a' � CO CO LA r-1 N r+ C C a) C N N CO ) N n l0 N N N N N N N t0 .-� 00 •� N '7' M Q) N N LA N Ln LA .-� O O1 tr '7 N LP1 n O O LO O c N Tr M ,--1 • N n . n . M M r M M 1� O) �O ca s N ^M 2 M • M ^ M ^ M ^ ^ ^^ ^ a ., 1 .i 1.; Il ., ��� W L n LA L Ln v . Ln LA L Ln U t ..vac)" up u O 1 .. v .. v `. L L o • 0 c U ' Y c O o O O O Y • O O c 1B C c • V C ,4- .i6 7 • '' f� f a g U E U E E O E N c c co c N `,/,), Y .9 ru (n 0 _ N a) 2 a) $ c M X a) Y A .l N O O U O U 0 U U t lL U „i., U = d v c cb c o m o 0 .0 0 a) a c v ro (n {) m � G m • J J J J U 1- LL U O W �- 0 laul z JJ ^ ^ ^ 0 O ^ A 0 in .U... n u 2 01 M LA f� C C tD .T t0 . lO . N N 1� ti i � ti Q O O O ry L01 �l L!) O ry O O f� N V' I� V... U N d M O) N 0 l0 N l0 N N CO N Ol LO N t0 r ‘, 4 c � ^ N 1 01 LO N N u-) N In In Ln tp N N N 0 V W O M CO cr CO M 1- M M i+ O W a ao , N v c ® Ln N N n n . , In ...-1 n n n n (� U M ^M ^ M ^ m .. M ^ M ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 J r�l �� O ^ 1O T a u LO Le) t0 . 1 - LA • LA ko ,_. LO $.0 '.O L.-.0 LO v . Lf) Le-) v ccn Lc) o zZQ Z t L uJ Z ++ u a o 4 -v c c c c c c v �' if, w t A _A L c Y C 0 0 0 • 0 O C O co C ro .61 J , a 0 (n v) a a) a) a) = a) N J O J 0 • Z E a� • u 0 u — u u , � O = •C c c 0 o 0 0 0 o °) o E c E O co Om ✓ O U C g L J C 0 c , c c c N Z' g L F 0. F- o u. Z a) .. -ci o! o! > a) 611 3 b ¢ m m m m > m m > m P U1 O 8 0 ` a) 4 a) Ln a) a� p Q) a y }} Q J. L. O 2 O ) c c[ c Ft i52 ce N b r-� o O fl S J d .g Z ,J U '. U -e Y 01 i Z Ln Ln L z Q O c) oo a) r te ) O Z CO Z a a = a aS Z Z LLt Z M c O , [t co in 01 L Ln 01 O) Ln 01 O $ r..,, C) 2 M M l'' n Cr ? O) ON ti O E NI c LO r-f L L L c L N O O '-- M N Op# s M m m rn o) n ;; Z °�° Z L M# _.,en N M S t0 2 C O y N S CO I� C C C^ O1 Z � 7 *k • *k S 1. 4 * n N C CO CO 1 Cr k O *k O O *k 7 0 V �7 2 )a W 00 W u O U N cu E C oO UM C a . UM UM L M UM U O NL N inL (A . >M Y = $. N .. 7 u N L� 2 LO c N LO rn fa *k U *k LO *k ` 6 E V) r"4 (5 N C EM o .-, fo L -, 63 .. .-4 L E AE m— ° �' — — a *k c E -" Lu 0 •V c *k C 7 � �.+ > C$ C$ C$ o L $ C O c' U t U C 4 * L V N W d AS a N i �Q O 0 C O S `) O L a) O L U 2 O L U U U a d O y> O N d z L L U "' m Z LL � � L L. m N m � @ � � � $ S � m U (A m U Prainito, Janet From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 9:41 AM To: 'bea5268 @aol.com' Subject: Clerk Position - Standby Good morning Rhoda: This will confirm our telephone discussion that you will attend Clerk training at the Supervisor of Elections Office on Friday, March 7, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The Supervisor of Elections Office is located at 240 South Military Trail. You will be on standby and if a position becomes available, I will contact you. If you do not respond to my telephone call, or if you refuse an assignment, you will not be paid for the training. Please confirm receipt of this e-mail. Thank you. 1 Prainito, Janet From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 9.44 AM To: bea5268 @aol.com Subject: Inspector Position - Standby Good morning Mr. Beame: This will confirm my telephone conversation with your wife that you will attend Inspector training at the South County Civic Center on Thursday, March 6, 2014 from 9:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. The South County Civic Center is located at 16700 Jog Road in Delray Beach. You will be on standby and if a position becomes available, I will contact you. If you do not respond to my telephone call, or if you refuse an assignment, you will not be paid for the training. Please confirm receipt of this e -mail. Thank you. 1 W W'1 W W W W fD F- N N 1-- N 1 N n A 00 N O 03 � 0 . xt ■ n '1 ' 0 n I 0 < w .=, , m o , 8 N Z O j N I n1 D O n v, r 3 S O ' 0 A r r < D 1 p K -, l m cD (0 1 v n (0 r0 m 3 ET 1 (D n Q Z 1 3 1 N 3 (0 s O 1 3 3 I 0, 1 O w rD `C c ry, 3 7 < O1 . - - -_ - _. 1 . . . < 1 7 7 7 7 3 7 7 1 3 7 7 7 17 ' 3 1 3 7 3 7 3 17 7 V, V, n N v, N e•-, I V, of of n v, N v, n of in v, v, 1 V, n N v, N of n 0 a a a a a a I a 1a a a a a a 1 a a a a v a a a 'a a v, co co a CD (D (D 0 (D (D (D I (0 CD (D (0 rD rD 1 (0 ' rD N I rD (D n C n r) or D 0 n n D n n n I n n n n n n D 1 n 1 n n n I 1 D O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 10 O O 0 0 1 , 7 T m N O n c G 3 (D c- 5 2 I0 07 7, rn r - N in - m N O a D u r n r 2 C , S o f D p (D l Q .. Q .-' s N I. u .< cu w 1 c 0 n a a N I O ro 0, rD N c c r S* 3 3 co IS d S O N K . _ � a 3 N (D O' 0 3 N y o 11) < 7 1.071 11.0 I7 101 re", m 0 rD o co m 3 3 3 O d 3 N< 3 3 3 111 11 7 (D I 1 01 7 3 m C 0 ' 0 m '' m 1 0 1 x — r n K GM o r + c 7 Z n 0 Z < l (0 W T Z7 r 0 ) CD T O Cu O 0 O N O to FP. 3 n N d I n N • Iv K O G 1 N 7.,,. r . � * K =- .v 00 01 1 K d (0 m '^ 0 N a �_ O c s'1 C N O O S n 3 I N t 7 < 1 < n< (D n Z < S ' ro N 1 3 I 7 N N IZ I 3 1 O '0) iru 1 (0 f D 7 3 N AV V 1 N • W +_ -_ _ 1 - ___ - -__- F _ -_ _ _ ■ - ___ _ - _ _ _ _ -_ _ __ O N 0 CO F- < I-. O W N U1 A 01 O 1 F-' 0 01 O CO V 0 00 W Ul I- N O 00 N C0 0 V V A W CD d A n LO O 0 A lD A F+ O O �.. N U'1 A 00 00 A CO O NJ 00 l0 CO 01 O 01 0 A CO ' n l0 N 3 O a F+ 0 1 0 l /1 a n W W A 01 N I- -, K K p 1 2 v m G) 0 v, K v, rD s ' K r 3 n 73 2 n v, m M a v I c ' v, v, y _ 0 ' 0 G y I] 0 * 0 co G 0 < r tit W 7 7 N 0 X 0 a S O c c N , 7 0 N w O w < 1 0 5 w 1 Q Q n -:"<"` a Q w v im , = '7_, 0 a (D ' CA rD _ N o o1 0 1 < - m n 1 < w 1 I � < ° s n d �< ° v a � 3 y m D 9 d< 3 n Ip 0 n •-r• N n< <' n o o < m ' I c'F 1 m r D D m 3 , (0 m 3 0 a I� 0' a 1,0 CL < n. -I CD o DJ D 1 o v D co 00 W ' p co OO + W + W - 0 CO W CO 1 1 CO CO 00 CO CO , OD CO CO r CO W Cu 0 0 rD 0 0 0 O 0 0 d 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 < < < < < < < < < < < < -< < '< < < < A < < — < < < < < < 3 < 3 7 p1 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 7 7 3 7 3 3 1 3 3 3 7 0 7 3 y 3 1 7 3 7 3 7 "; ,ti ,< .y .' rt ,+ ,M .+ - rr .t ,* .� . r ,M C . ,� rr .. .. .r .y .Y O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O - O O �< O 0 O 0 O I 0 3 . 3 7 co 3 7 7 3 3 7 13 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 7 3 0 1 0 3 W 0 3 7 7 3 7 d N CO CO y CO W CO CO CO I W 1 00 CO CO 00 CO CO CO 07 CO CO ,� co co y CO 00 CO CO CO CO - 11 (D N 00) S N N 0 00) N' N N 1 00) 0 N 0 0 0) 00) 01 N S 0) d n 0) 0 ) 0 N d d '', d r N n n n 1 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n m n n l >- n w a S S T S S S S S S S T I S S S S S S 3' S S W n n n n n S S S S S 3 1 3" S T - n r T T T T T T - n TIT - n - n T T W I r r 1 W r r r r r r r r I r r r r T r T T A T T T T T m r T1 T 01 r I r r r W r r r r r NJ CU W W A W A A A A w W I w w w w W W W W W W W A w w W w W W A A A N NIW W A A'A'A A A A , A A A A A A i A A A A A A W W W 01 01 V ll, N N w I w N w 1, w W N N W W V W W W V W W 01 V I V 1 01 01 01 I Ol 01 01 01 U'1 01 0 1 01 V N 01 V V N 01 01 I l71 V7 (J1 f 141 V7 Ul lJl in lJl U7 V1 l.n U7 (.!1 Ix ' C11 U7 to to Ul to (.7l to U1 U U1 7 Ul I U7 I Ul 2 Cr, 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 0, 01 01 01 01 m I01 01 01 01 01 0) 01 01 01 01 O F- I- I- I-- I -, I-- I-- 1- I- I- I- F- I- I- F- I-- 1-- I- I- I-- F- I-- (- 1- I-- I- I- F-, I I- 3 W V A V V V V W W 00 01 N C0 W (n V N V' l0 W I V N V W W V Ol 1 in A (D 01 ' W CO W I Ud W A W 01 I N N A 01 01 CO W Lc, WI O 1 V I W V (0 V V U1 A F- W CD W CD 01 W W 0 1 01 j?. V 00 V 01 A A 00 Cu N 01 A 01 CD A A A N i-> I N CO v 0 0 ( D 01 V 01 O A 1 W 1 0 F- 61 N F- N 0 A CO W O 0 1 C V1' 0 A U1 CO CD IL O c o I-- U1 1 W W CD V I- N V V 01 01 F- N F- V V 00 V (D V (J ' 0 A F- A 00 01 N 7 - A N 01 I-- 1 V A A A ■-, I A 00 (11 U1 01 00 0 A I A 01 1 03 00 W F - , ' 01 0 A 0 V (D I- 01 O V N W A F- F. N CD In 01 U1 00 CD N F- W V 0 01 1 CO N 1-- Ur CD CO A U1 U1 !� V 1 _ (1 _- _ _ _" _ U1 ( _ _ V _ _ -_ N U1 V1 V1 Cn U1 (!1 (0' 01 01 W� ill Ul U 01 01 01 Cr, 01 01 01 01 01 F-■ A 01 01 Cr, 01 01 O) 0l rD N N LT N N I--■ N N 1 1 N I- I-- 1-- 1-- 00 00 F- N F- N 1-- N N V W 1-- 0 1 01 In de W 0 0 V 01 W W V W 01 A W V U1 00 A - 0 01 O N l0 (1 W l0 V1 1 1 V 0 CO V F. 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N p 0 01 01 N (41 01 W 0 I co ( LO W l0 VI N 00 l0 01 01 VI VI VI VI VI VI I-- V1 01 m 01 01 01 0 1 01 ((0 1--, I 1--, 1", F-+ H., V1 I-, (In 01 N I-+ al (n N 00 V '9 0 S ✓ lO N Vl F- V A 01 0 ■ ,, 01 O V o A l 0 M N 01 W I- W 1--• A l0 VI V1 0 V h+ V 1-- V 00 V1 N W 00 U.) 01 N v NJ (1) F, n 00 0 N n ev It n a 3 < r- 7 O es .r O n m ro 3 ro N • V, LA N 0 m m r rroo D m �—; r) C 0 0 0 0< 'c O o on O n A = a° a M u o = 3 ..7, • m 00 — CM x O d m 5 Q 3 N m K Z D O E co rn T F., 0 N Oct N S r+ m N C 0 0 ."' Cu N 000 Ol N N d m Z ro al CU 3 3 m o vi A A ( 0o 0 Ol > O N o N (0 0o O„ • V 01 U1 0 (11 N O. °ZZZ'_'(°(° 0 m m m W 07 n N 0 01 N _, 7.(.33(..0 n a �, = E D D -( p m m 7 m ro ro o a - ✓ a o ro n 3 > Q. CD CO CO CO 0 0 CO n < < < < i o < < .< O 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 e--0. 0 0 = 1 rt. 0 N O 7 0 0 Cl 0 7 03 CO 0 CO 0 0 0 0) Cu 01 01 T Cu Cu N rn rl r1 n r- r ( 7" S S S W S S T m T - n W T m - r r r A r r W W W W 01 W W W W W W W W W W W W W V W V V1 (J, (n W V U1 (!1 U1 U1 2 CO al al 01 0 F- 1-1 F.+ 1-s 3 N V V V m O� N V O - 0 00 01 W 0 O U1 al NJ A N V 00 U1 U1 U1 F-) U1 U1 N U1 U1 r, Cr) 01 01 01 c m ' -' o '_' '_' o '' _ '_' 1 N U7 Q l N A V V V (0 CO A N S U1 W (0 V 0 O Ol 0 ■ O U) V V V V N to co A al U1 W m V 1- ' 00 01 00 V U3 V N O W N U1 N N V m F-� n 00 7 n O 7 fl c O � C 7 CO Ol 1 2 7 (D (D H CD .. 7r O O fD r � d Z z (D of 3 W T — N Z (� DI 3 > cn CO O, Z V fD m (D � O v G m D Z p CO f1 (D O v 3 O W 3 d p rta N T el) T n r W T W W A A W v, _ 1-■ O VI A 1-> O lD O 0 A W VI (D �+ A 01 N N O o 9) O V fD CI I✓ The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 ` (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 - E -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 26, 2014 LINDA FLEETWOOD 2549 SW CRANBROOK PL BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Linda: Enclosed for your use and information is a copy of the Poll Worker List for your Precinct # 3142. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH tit � . Ph.0,4 Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk Enclosure S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \Transmittal of Poll Worker List to Linda Fleetwood - 3142.docx America's Gateway to the Gulfstream � I i f I V I 0 c 0. 2 U I I I tnI0� { 1Ir+ O c' r �NI N • N lf�'Op M Ela O t .D , SI in In AD A0 W !l0 M M N V ct; et l m m ,m m I m M I M J J J ;J LL LL LL LL D.JUJU V I U dIm m Im m °10 0 0 c cic c • T I 0 y 0 Vjm 0 0 ro O (m U o 1.-4 0 it/7 12 lei z ,� .° t c d o � 3 z I CI 0 c a %10 civic co Z+ I= n W 3ILLo! , C �L 0 1 1 Fr , t , N I I 0 0 7 G 7 a s o f t i$ t I rv r C "' at M I I The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail: prainitoj@bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org January 13, 2014 GLORIA BROZGOLD 5229 BRISATA CIRCLE — APT A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Re: POLL WORKERS FOR MARCH 11, 2014 GENERAL ELECTION Dear Gloria: Attached is a list of the Inspectors who have been scheduled to work with you at Harvey Oyer, Jr. Boat Club Park on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 during the City of Boynton Beach General Election. All of the people listed have been scheduled for training. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ,.(-'4(.4k,t,t, 'Yr Ptux"...t.to Janet M. Prainito, MMC 113 City Clerk Attachment S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \4024 - Transmittal of List of Inspectors to Clerk docx Catch a Wave, Catch a Fish, Catch Your Breath - Breeze Into Boynton Beach America's Gateway to the Gulfstream c E a .6 O cn co �� y + J U V O E 0.4 O � , Q E W tn • ( o - o a) Z m 01 4- Ln 00 LT) N - - Q C T tip CO In co Ln .--I M C) d 0. i N r1.1 N N ' M M N M O M ,O M �O O M O a b l0 N N n M N n N q) CO . �0 �0 1/4.1/4s3 0 � �0 t0 t0 t0 tD W Lr) Ln Ln In in In Ln Lf) Ln et, u O Film O NI i nie Q o' 0 W Cl- M M M - W Ni Z Cr Cr lJ CIE 0 CO I. a co M Q M W M 0 M M F- 0 O > Ln u) W �Q = Q F a Ja zQ N Z m Z 110•4 re < m =m N m 7- m < in V n Oz z z � z � z t poo Ln M V z W � 0 <5 5z O , ce Ce W O y- 7- 7- 0. ;., I'm - 0 mom° com o O Iml w >- —I - N z LI.1 W z z E z Ck Q Q W Z 0 Q Z Z 5.4 L ° Q Q U..1 Z 1--. Z Y ce = I— w z a Iii 0 Lli Ce 0 J imi H 0 N Wro a 1 o 6 Z m ce I— m w W Q w U) m O Y H I- Q — N u JI =\!11 a Palm Beach County OF PA =,= 4 - =- 240 SOUTH MILITARY TRAIL WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33415 POST OFFICE BOX 22309 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33416 SUSAN BUCHER Supervisor of Elections TELEPHONE: (561) 656 -6200 FAX NUMBER: (581) 656 -6287 WEBSITE: www.pbcelections org PALM BEACH COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS POLL WORKER PAY SCHEDULE - 2014 ELECTION CYCLE TITLE RATE OF PAY MILEAGE MISCELLANEOUS Clerk $ 185.00 /Day $ 25.00 /Precinct/Election for: + 75.00* *Dual Precincts(50 or more RV's) + 5 00* None $ 75.00 /Class Pay* $ 5.00 /Election Night Return $ 265.00 Inspector $ 145.00 /Day $ 40 00 /Class Pay* + 40.00* $ 5.00 /Initial Election Night Drop off No $ 5.00 /Accompanying Clerk $ 185.00 Deputy $ 140 00 /Day $ 30.00 /Class Pay* + 30.00* None $ 170.00 Field Reps $ 140.00 /Day $ 30.00 /Class Pay* + 30.00* .55 5¢ /mile $ 170.00 "On Call" $ 75 00 No $ 75.00 /Class Pay Clerk "On Call" $ 40.00 No $ 40.00 /Class Pay Inspector "On Call" $ 30 00 None $ 30.00 /Class Pay Deputy /Field Rep f *In Addition To Rate of Pay Per Day 1 \share \poll workers \clv eym share \pw pay sched 2014 no pa docx PR- ( 5 -i- Ln v 46 O z LA 0) no C co s u Pin 0 4 Q a a a 0 < a 0 0 0 0 Q< Q < Q Q dc a Q Q Q Q a Q Q a 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mo ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 co o .. 0 00 06 0 o m 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 o m, m u ri d1 ai g .:-i r-i ri in g ri Cr; ai ai ai Cr; ai ai ai at ci Cr; Cr; ai ai g ai ai cu ,-1 # .or l Cr v dr Cr a et Ct a et et et et C l et et et Cr , i et ri ,-I ri ri ri r-I ri ri r1 ri ri ri ri r - 1 % - 1 ri ri ri 1 - 1 T-1 ri d r-1 +a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co N N N N N N , N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N H .4 P# u1 00 Cr 00 a .4 0 , -I l0 00 , 1 1/1 l0 V) ri Ln 00 ri LIl 0 00 LID r-I N \ ' , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ M \ \ \ M \ \ C11 \ \ \ \ ', \ 6 3 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N m N N N U C 0 r a 4-' 4- >. i a u C c c C C C C ,. 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O }, C N C C V_ C N -0 C N ate+ $i !iJH O 00 in w O Q Z = -r 7 00 '�' . - OA O s_ -a ID m a v c "' 0) a`1 - p co v v v c c E c E � , v a1 C c C o -p _0 to E N N (6 00 ` " ° N LI Y •`-° > E v w N v t CO N O E O i- N a te •, (0 • • - O i v +- ' i 01 O i C L C a_•+ N (tu co Q m C7 Y v) F— U N w 00 Y C7 Y N U C7 O 2 Y U 0 0 0 g t I * 0 m 0 o ai a; Cr; rii ,i4 a; a• .cr cr ct ot , It 't ,-I r-I r-i o CD 0 g J & o rsi N N ....... „ ...., ......, o Tr k LI c1oi . o , ,, N C•1 ....... s..... \ en eg r'.1 C4 N r`J I 11 uj Lu Lu Lu 0 00 Si t 4 5 49 V) v) (A — N 00 00 00 1 -1 - e-I N. NN a) r, m L.r) Lc LO .„.... ...„.. ....... , , 0 , , . co _c _c , `, -I _0 _ u >" l' g u . 2 cr_l ....3 a) 5 ,....: , co cu 2 co _ 1 . cn The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : pralnitoj @bbfl.us ,f www.boynton - beach.org January 8, 2014 a nAl4 PATRICK WALSH 2981 SOMERSET ROAD LANTANA FL 33462 Dear Mr. Walsh: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT #3136 FREEDOM SHORES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3400 HYPOLUXO ROAD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH •et M. Prainito, MMC ity Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2014 FROM 10:00 A.M. UNTIL 4:00 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \3136 - Patrick Walsh.doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org February 11, 2014 KATHLEEN HURNEY 714 SUNNY SOUTH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Hurney: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Precinct Advisor at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3136 FREEDOM SHORES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3400 HYPOLUXO ROAD *Please note the change in your appointed location from Boat Club Park to Freedom Shores Elementary If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH net M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 27, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a Citv of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \PRECINCT ADVISORS \3136 - Kathleen Hurney.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 .:, ` C (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 r e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 4, 2014 RITA LIPKIN 9084 PADOVA DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33472 Dear Ms. Lipkin: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3136 FREEDOM SHORES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3400 HYPOLUXO ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a Citv of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S•\CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3136 - Rita Lipkin doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office _ , 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us co "+ www.boynton- beach.org February 4, 2014 r>. N - RITA LIPKIN 82 SANDPIPER WAY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Lipkin: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3136 FREEDOM SHORES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3400 HYPOLUXO ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3136 - Rita Lipkin.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 4, 2014 FRANCINE WEITZMAN 5163 EUROPA DR - APT P BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Weitzman: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3136 FREEDOM SHORES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3400 HYPOLUXO ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3136 - Francine Weitzman.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office '?'''.' Ccr. 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD l BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 4, 2014 MARLYN GERBER 5243 EUROPA DR - APT A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Gerber: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3136 FREEDOM SHORES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. 3400 HYPOLUXO ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH r Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3136 - Marlyn Gerber doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 { (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach,org February 4, 2014 RITA LIPKIN 82 SANDPIPER WAY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Lipkin: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3136 FREEDOM SHORES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3400 HYPOLUXO ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH \ PI . �rtct ufc.c o Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S' \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3136 - Rita Lipkin.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 , S (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 4, 2014 LUZ BES 3886 PROVIDENCE ROAD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Bes: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3136 FREEDOM SHORES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3400 HYPOLUXO ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - "II). PpL Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3136 - Luz Bes doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : prainitoj ©bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org January 8, 2014 Al§ PEGGY SPIER CITRUS PARK CIR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Spier: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT #3138 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2 :30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH w et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2014 FROM 10:00 A.M. UNTIL 4:00 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S• \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \3138 - Peggy Spier doc The City of Boynton Beach Ccr. City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 12, 2014 BETTINA L PICAZIO 235 VIA D'ESTE - APT 1606 DELRAY BEACH FL 33445 Dear Ms. Picazio: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Precinct Advisor at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3138 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH `mil. r J net M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON MARCH 8, 201.4 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC\WP\ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \PRECINCT ADVISORS \3138 - Bettina Picazio.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj@bbfl.us www. boynton- beach.org February 12, 2014 NICOLE N. MARTIN 4901 ROXBURY CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Martin: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3138 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S•\CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3138 - Nicole Martin.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 \ (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach February 4, 2014 EVELYN MARTIN 6700 HATTERAS DR LAKE WORTH FL 33467 Dear Ms. Martin: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3138 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 3 x,"„t. W) . a a x i . . , . , - „to Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S•\CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3138 - Evelyn Martin doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office ` '' 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD �`" BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org February 5, 2014 BETSY RUDIN 10110 CEDAR POINT BLVD #103 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Rudin: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3138 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S•\CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3138 - Betsy Rudin.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office C 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj ©bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 4, 2014 PHYLLIS WALL 901 OCEAN DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 Dear Ms. Wall: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3138 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ( 9a,,,,.t.„ "ne) . PA..0.4,4_tho Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 21, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S : \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3138 - Phyllis Wall.doc America 's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach (cr. City Clerk's Office ri 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj ©bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 4, 2014 MARTIN ARONOFF 8825 SHOAL CREEK LANE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33472 Dear Mr. Aronoff: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3138 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH • 3 x.,,x, . aA.a..Ai o Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 20, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY, NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3138 - Martin Aronoff doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 1 - 1 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoi@bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 26, 2014 HAROLD BLANE 13775 VIALE VENEZIA DELRAY BEACH FL 33446 Dear Mr. Blane: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Deputy at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3138 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \DEPUTIES \3138 - Harold Blane.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office r � - � ' 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD f BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 - FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org March 3, 2014 ROBERT RUDDICK 7695 CHERRY BLOSSOM WAY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Mr. Ruddick: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT #3140 BOYNTON LAKES NORTH CLUBHOUSE 100 REDFORD DRIVE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1114 le '' 44' Janet M. Prainit' 'M City Clerk S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \3140 - Robert Ruddick.doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : prainitoj ©bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org January 8, 2014 JAN U.f ?4�1 CAROL OSBORNE' 1660 RENAISSANCE COMMONS BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 Dear Ms. Osborne: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT #3140 BOYNTON LAKES NORTH CLUBHOUSE 100 REDFORD DRIVE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH net M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 2014 FROM 900 A.M. UNTIL 3:00 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \3140 - Carol Osborne doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD r BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 12, 2014 LILLIAN MAYHEW 114 SW 3 CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Ms. Mayhew: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Precinct Advisor at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3140 BOYNTON LAKES NORTH 100 REDFORD DRIVE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1,„ 0 . PhL1.v .o Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON MARCH 6, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \PRECINCT ADVISORS \3140 - Lillian Mayhew doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office , C1:( 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: pramitoi@bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 5, 2014 CYNTHIA JACKSON MICHELET 1 RIPLEY WAY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 Dear Ms. Michelet: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3140 BOYNTON LAKES NORTH CLUBHOUSE 100 REDFORD DRIVE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH :9",..,,, \--tr) . , dr,...a.,...4.A..a. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S• \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3140 - Cynthia Jackson Michelet.doc America 's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach ( c r. City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prarnitoj ©bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 5, 2014 ERICA GRAJALES 7099 MIDDLEBURY DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Grajales: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3140 BOYNTON LAKES NORTH CLUBHOUSE 100 REDFORD DRIVE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ( Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3138 - Betsy Rudin.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 5, 2014 AUGUSTIN FLOREZOL 32 MISTY MEADOW DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Mr. Florezol: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3140 BOYNTON LAKES NORTH CLUBHOUSE 100 REDFORD DRIVE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH `17). � it c �fia Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a Citv of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3140 - Augustin Florezol.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office r 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 - ‘. ` FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org January 8, 2014 r 1i V LINDA FLEETWOOD 2549 SW CRANBROOK PLACE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Fleetwood: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT #3142 BOYNTON LAKES CLUBHOUSE 1 WESTMINSTER LANE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH NT /I) et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 2014 FROM 900 A.M. UNTIL 3:00 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S• \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \3142 - Linda Fleetwood doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 12, 2014 STEPHANIE DIEDONNE 1204 MEADOWS CIR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Diedonne: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector* at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3142 BOYNTON LAKES CLUBHOUSE 1 WESTMINSTER LANE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH '171 _ f Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 27, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. *Please note that you are taking a training class as a Precinct Advisor, but at the present time you are assigned to work as an Inspector. I will notify you if you are needed as a Precinct Advisor. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S•\CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \PRECINCT ADVISORS \3142 - Stephanie Diedonne.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office Ccy 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj ©bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 12, 2014 REMUS EMILE 7 VERWOOD WAY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 Dear Mr. Emile: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3142 BOYNTON LAKES CLUBHOUSE 1 WESTMINSTER LANE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH > i7 A..r. `rn . P"-xx.. Gto Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 2:00 P.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3142 - Remus Emile doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD � BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 \ (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org February 12, 2014 DOROTHY CHRISTENSEN 2390 SW 13 WAY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 Dear Ms. Christensen: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3142 BOYNTON LAKES CLUBHOUSE 1 WESTMINSTER LANE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 2 ---t. "i7) . 13- 0.. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. 5 \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3142 - Dorothy Chnstensen doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach i _ ,?0,....:.:,., City Clerk's Office (cr.. 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org January 8, 2014 VALORIA BROWN - , 30 CROSSINGS CIR - APT A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Ms. Brown: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT #3146 NEWPORT PLACE 4735 NW 7" COURT If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ■• - t in. PAik.6,4_41.0 W et M. Prainito, MMC ity Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 2014 FROM 900 A.M. UNTIL 3:00 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \3146 - Valoria Brown doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD Cc BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 12, 2014 JOSEPH ROSENBLATT 7146 GRANVILLE AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Mr. Rosenblatt: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3146 NEWPORT PLACE 4735 NW 7 COURT If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3146 - Joseph Rosenblatt doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj ©bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 12, 2014 LOUISE WHEELEN 3 VIA DE CASAS SUR - APT 102 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 Dear Ms. Wheelen: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3146 NEWPORT PLACE 4735 NW 7 COURT If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH `M '1.._t-o Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 2:00 P.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3146 - Louise Wheelen doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mall: prainitoj@bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 12, 2014 DOROTHY HOGUE 2196 SW 13 AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 Dear Ms. Hogue: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3146 NEWPORT PLACE 4735 NW 7 COURT If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ti `fr) . Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON MARCH 10, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3146 - Louise Wheelen doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org January 8, 2014 t\ ( 21\4 DORIS WEBER 9839 HARBOUR LAKE CIR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Weber: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT #3164 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (in . et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 930 A.M. AT THE SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \3164 - Doris Weber.doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD c BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 5, 2014 ELAINE EISENBERGER 7278 MISTRALL CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Eisenberger: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3164 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH `I'Y} . aax.K.c,o c ?" - L t- Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 21, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S•\CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3164 - Elaine Eisenberger.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 S (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org February 5, 2014 GLORIA FARQUHARSON 4072 MANOR FOREST TRL BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Farquharson: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3164 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH _ `fY . rr � �a....x.c Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 20, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PAM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3164 - Gloria Farquharson.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 12, 2014 ULRIKE CHICOFSKY 7049 DEL CORSO LN DELRAY BEACH FL 33446 Dear Ms. Chicofsky: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Precinct Advisor at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3164 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH • / c.---'?3,/,, L t, 1 t 1 Ptua , �.t0 Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 1:30 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \PRECINCT ADVISORS \3164 - Ulrike Chicofsky.doc America 's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office r( 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 \Ir (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: pramitoi©bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 5, 2014 MICHAEL MC FARLANE 6435 BELLA CIR - APT 202 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Mr. McFarlane: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3164 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH „ h1. FJ .c .j. M{�J Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3164 - Michael McFarlane.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD C BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 5, 2014 JACK INGBER 11189 ASPEN GLEN DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Mr. Ingber: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3164 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3164 - Jack Ingber doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach (c City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 5, 2014 GENE BROWN 6977 SOUTHPORT DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33472 Dear Mr. Brown: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 • a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3164 CITRUS COVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8400 LAWRENCE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 9 `f Y1 . PIh o Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 21, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a Citv of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S•\CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3164 - Gene Brown doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD (' BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 t '` (561) 742 -6060 `� FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org January 8, 2014 }�� MARILYN DI MASI 675 SUNNY SOUTH AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. DiMasi: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT #3168 BOYNTON BEACH FIRE STATION #3 3501 NORTH CONGRESS AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH al- . a O F t M. Prainito, MMC .. City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE AT 240 S MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Bovnton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \3164 - Doris Weber.doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 11, 2014 CARMEN STRATOS 10316 GREEN TRAIL DR N BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Stratos: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Precinct Advisor at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3168 BOYNTON BEACH FIRE STATION #3 3501 N. CONGRESS AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH A ra Vin • Pfrunjit) f et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 27, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \PRECINCT ADVISORS \3168 - Carmen Strator doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E r BOYNTON BOYNTON BEACH FL BEACH 33435 BLVD (561) 742 -6060 /,- FAX (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 1, 2014 JACK GOULD 8199 MOORING CIR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33472 Dear Mr. Gould: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3168 BOYNTON BEACH FIRE STATION #3 3501 N. CONGRESS AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH , 'fn . Fk.a...,. o Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S' \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3168 - Jack Gould.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 1, 2014 JACQUELINE WATSON 23 VALENCIA DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Watson: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3168 BOYNTON BEACH FIRE STATION #3 3501 N. CONGRESS AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . �i.Utu+c coo Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3168 - Jacqueline Watson doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 1, 2014 KENT MONROE 10959 GREENTRAIL DR S BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Mr. Monroe: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3168 BOYNTON BEACH FIRE STATION #3 3501 N. CONGRESS AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 21, 2014 AT 2:00 P.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3168 - Kent Monroe doc America 's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office BNTON ' 100 BOYN TON BEACH FL BEACH 33435 BLVD (56 OY 1) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mall: pralnitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 12, 2014 GLADYS GOLDSMITH 9664 PAVAROTTI TER - APT 104 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 . Dear Ms. Goldsmith: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3168 BOYNTON BEACH FIRE STATION #3 3501 N. CONGRESS AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH '11) . Prka ,-.K.c -o Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3168 - Gladys Goldsmith.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mall: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 12, 2014 ARLENE SKLAR 8268 WATERLINE DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33472 Dear Ms. Sklar: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3168 BOYNTON BEACH FIRE STATION #3 3501 N. CONGRESS AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 'm . Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. 5 \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \PJLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3168 - Arlene Sklar.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org 8, 2014 BURDGE DIAMOND 6829 CASTLEMAINE AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Mr. Diamond: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCTS #3172 & 3176 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P iurA_ Liy - w t ‘ et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER AT 16700 JOG ROAD. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \3172 & 3176 - Burdge Diamond.doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 c FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 11, 2014 ESTELLE ARONOFF 8825 SHOAL CREEK LANE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33472 Dear Ms. Aronoff: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3172 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH _ `171_ {wit =. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 20, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3172 - Estelle Aronoff.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office , \\ 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 11, 2014 KEEGAN GABRIEL 3212 MAHOGANY DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Gabriel: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Precinct Advisor at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3172 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P Ja , et M. Prainito, MMC ity Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 27, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \PRECINCT ADVISORS \3172 - Keegan Gabrieldoc.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office c 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 f . (561) 742 -6060 r1 "• t \. f FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org February 1, 2014 DAVID WASSERMAN 4751 YARDARM LN BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Mr. Wasserman We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Deputy at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3172 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH _C '171 J Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S•\CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \DEPUTIES \3172 - David Wasserman doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD ` BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: pramitoj @bbfl.us www. boynton- beach.org February 11, 2014 CORINNE KANTER 2905 S GREENLEAF CIR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 Dear Ms. Kanter: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3172 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH "M. Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3172 - Corinne Kanter.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD f ' BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 11, 2014 PHYLLIS BEHAR 1315 RENAISSANCE WAY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 Dear Ms. Behar: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3172 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . { o Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3172 - Phyllis Behar.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 �t (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 ‘ E -mail : prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org 0` �Q� January 8, 2014 MICHAEL CLARK 7689 SANTEE TERRACE LAKE WORTH FL 33467 Dear Mr. Clark: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT 3174 BOYNTON BEACH FIRE STATION #3 3501 NORTH CONGRESS AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON � n � BEACH -� /' • Plirt et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER AT 16700 JOG ROAD. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. 5 \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \3174 - Michael Clark doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD f_ BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 - e-mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 1, 2014 MORTON BROWN 5203 EUROPA DR #D BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Mr. Brown We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Deputy at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3174 BOYNTON BEACH FIRE STATION #3 3501 NORTH CONGRESS AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH "tn . Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 27, 2014 AT 3:00 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALMBEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \DEPUTIES \7180 - Morton Brown doc: America 's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 4 . 100 E BOYNTON BOYN TON BEACH FL BEACH 33435 BLVD r (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 1, 2014 PAUL HURNEY 714 SUNNY SOUTH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Mr. Hurney: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3174 FIRE STATION #3 3501 N. CONGRESS AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) ,-71,,,,„, z , h1 . PhA...,.,:,±O Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 20, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3184 - Paul Hurney doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach • City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 , (561) 742 -6060 �a- FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: pramitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org February 1, 2014 WERNER WOLF 7163 TRENTINO WAY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33472 Dear Mr. Wolf: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3174 FIRE STATION #3 3501 N. CONGRESS AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH `PI . �h -�► .�0 Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3184 - Werner Wolf doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 ` FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 13, 2014 NORMA PINDER 150 NE 18 AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Ms. Pinder: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3176 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3176 - Norma Pinder.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e-mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 12, 2014 JOSEPH POPOLIZIO 815 SUNGLOW ST BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Mr. Popolizio: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3176 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) . P -o Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3176 - Joseph Popolizio.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561)- FAX: (561) 742 -6 6060 090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org February 12, 2014 SHIRLEY BACH 10203 MANGROVE DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Bach: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3178 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH := 93.„,,_z_ h1 . cto Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 2:00 P.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3178 - Shirley Bach.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD { l BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 12, 2014 SELMA STERNBERG 11452 SAMOA WA BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Sternberg: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3178 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH • j b_„„„t. . Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3178 - Selma Sternberg doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 , FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : prarnitoj ©bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org � January 8, 2014 GEORGE WEBER 9839 HARBOUR LAKE CIRCLE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Mr. Weber: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCTS 3182 & 3184 & 3190 LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 7592 HIGH RIDGE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH W et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER AT 16700 JOG ROAD. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \3182, 3184 & 3190 - George Weber doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office ( � c 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD r BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoi @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 12, 2014 BARBARA ROBINSON 15 SOUTHERN CROSS CIR #108 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Robinson: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3182 LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 7592 HIGH RIDGE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH tY) a Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3182 - Barbara Robinson.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 1 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: pramitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 1, 2014 JAMES KEEGAN 674 SUNNY SOUTH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Mr. Keegan: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3184 LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 7592 HIGH RIDGE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH '1T} . Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 21, 2014 AT 2:00 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3184 - James Keegan doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office (c.._ 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 ` (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 1, 2014 RICHARD OYER 1716 12 AVE N LAKE WORTH FL 33460 Dear Mr. Oyer: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3184 LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 7592 HIGH RIDGE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH c t_ _t '7'n . Ff o Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 a.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3184 - Richard Oyer doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 � (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org January 8, 2014 DEBORAH MURPHY ' 4123 ARDISIA PATH BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Murphy: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT 3178 & 3188 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ,q Lin . + l D l et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER AT 16700 30G ROAD. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \3178 & 3188 - Deborah Murphy doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 \ FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj@bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 4, 2014 PENELOPE WILLIAMS 3650 E SANDPIPER DR - APT #5 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Williams: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3188 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH r 1C� - (.191 l Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3188 - Penelope Williams.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office l 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 12, 2014 CAROL MONCRIEF 3551 E SANDPIPER DR - APT 4 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Moncrief: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Precinct Advisor at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3188 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 1:30 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \PRECINCT ADVISORS \3188 - Carol Moncrief.doc America 's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach 1 City Clerk's Office S.. 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD B OYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 12, 2014 GAIL WADAS 201 SW 13 ST BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 Dear Ms. Wadas: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3188 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH , 9a, t ,,,t, 'fn. 1 Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3188 - Gail Wadas.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 4, 2014 ALVIN LAZARUS 4700 YARDARM LANE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Mr. Lazarus: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3188 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3188 - Alvin Lazarus doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office cc. 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 4, 2014 MAXINE STEIN 5196 EUROPA DR - APT A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Stein: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m, to the following location: PRECINCT #3188 BOYNTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL 4975 PARK RIDGE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1 .1.2 / /) _ r hAa ,c.to Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT THE SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S• \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3188 - Maxine Stein.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office rf 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD r . BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 \ FAX: (561) 742-6090 e-mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org February 1, 2014 MARYANN AMMERALL 8128 PALM GATE DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Ammerall: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3190 LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 7592 HIGH RIDGE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 21, 2014 AT 2:00 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3190 - Maryann Ammerall.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 3, 2014 ROBERTO MORENO 251 MEGA CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Mr. Moreno: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3190 LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 7592 HIGH RIDGE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 4 � ?. �h44 Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3190 - Roberto Moreno doc America 's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 3, 2014 IRIS LAZARUS 4700 YARDAM LANE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33436 Dear Ms. Lazarus: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #3190 LAKE WORTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 7592 HIGH RIDGE ROAD If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ,2ti. ' . 1 Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \3190 - Iris Lazarus doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 = l ` FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org January 8, 2014 BROZGOLD 5229 BRISATA CIRCLE - APT A BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Brozgold: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT 4024 HARVEY OYER, JR. BOAT CLUB PARK US #1 & NE 21 AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH /(1 ' - et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \4024 - Gloria Brozgold.doc The City of Boynton Beach , City Clerk's Office Cci,._. 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 61) (50 (561) -6 742 60 -6090 FAX: e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org AN 1 4 20m January 13, 2014 DEANNA GREENBAUM APT Q 5147 EUROPA DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Greenbaum: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m, on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT #4024 HARVEY OYER, JR. BOAT CLUB PARK US HWY #1 & 26 AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON MONDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2014 FROM 1:00 P.M. UNTIL 5:00 P.M. AT THE SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG RD., DELRAY BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S•\CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \4024 - Deanna Greenbaum.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us 3A 1 4 z www.boynton-beach.org January 13, 2014 MILTON STERNBERG 9694 CHERRY BLOSSOM CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Mr. Sternberg: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT #4024 HARVEY OYER, JR. BOAT CLUB PARK US HWY #1 & 26 AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH A oadvt.io et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2014 10:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND YOUR TRAINING CLASS. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. 5. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \4024 - Milton Sternberg.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj ©bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org January 13, 2014 SAN l 2014 GENEVIEVE MORRIS 660 SOUTH ROAD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Ms. Morris: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT #4024 HARVEY OYER, JR. BOAT CLUB PARK US HWY #1 & 26 AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH VT) net M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FRIDAY FEBRUARY 21, 2014 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND YOUR TRAINING CLASS. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \4024 - Genevieve Morris doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 = (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org January 13, 2014 JAN 14 201 LEONARD TAUB 8345 SICILIANO STREET BOYNTON BEACH FL 33472 Dear Mr. Taub: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT #4024 HARVEY OYER, JR. BOAT CLUB PARK US HWY #1 & 26 AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT THE SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG RD., DELRAY BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \4024 - Leonard Taub.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org January 13, 2014 `* 2V+ JANET KOSATKA 653 NE 7 AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Ms. Kosatka: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT #4024 HARVEY OYER, 7R. BOAT CLUB PARK US HWY #1 & 26 AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG RD., DELRAY BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \4024 - Janet Kosatka.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD . BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 `` (561) 742 -6060 l FAX: (561) 742 -6090 t' E -mail : prainitoj ©bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org January 8, 2014 I ` ROBERT CLINGER 1406 OXFORD LANE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33426 Dear Mr. Clinger: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT 7178 EZELL HESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 1901 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH VI) . P A10 a M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S• \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \7178 - Robert Clinger,doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office c x 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org February 11, 2014 ANITA BYRD 2604 NE 3 STREET BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Ms. Byrd: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed td, serve as a Precinct Advisor at the polls for the upcoming General Election oii'Tuesday, March 1 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7178 EZELL HESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 1901 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH • .1 Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 27, 2014 AT 1,30 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \PRECINCT ADVISORS \7178 - Anita Byrd doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 ' - (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e-mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org February 11, 2014 ANITA BYRD 2604 NE 3 STREET BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Ms. Byrd: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7178 EZELL HESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 1901 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH s' , ackex.:41:410 f r et et M. Prainito, MMC ity Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7178 - Anita Byrd.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office rr 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 3, 2014 FRANCES ZONENSTEIN 2620 NE 1 CT - UNIT 201 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Mr. Zonenstein: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7178 EZELL HESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 1901 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH v/n. P/touj net M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S• \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7178 - Frances Zonenstein.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e - mail: prainitoj ©bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 3, 2014 ELLEN FRUCTMAN 5157 FLORIA WAY - APT P BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms.Fructman: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7178 EZELL HESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 1901 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH .. `In P , Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7178 - Ellen Fructman,doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e-mail: pralnito) ©bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 4, 2014 CHARLOTTE WILKINS 6567 VENETIAN DRIVE HYPOLUXO FL 33462 Dear Ms. Wilkins: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7178 EZELL HESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 1901 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Yn PA-a-u et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 21, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7178 - Charlotte Wilkins doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach r City Clerk's Office �" 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 + (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 4, 2014 RHODA BEAME 7412 TONGA CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Beame: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7178 EZELL HESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 1901 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH anet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7178 - Charlotte Wilkins.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www. boynton- beach . org February 3, 2014 DIONDRE WILLIAMS 150 NE 18 AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Ms. Williams: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7178 EZELL HESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 1901 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 4 _ �fl . f JL,CA.L/�tl�-0 Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 2:00 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 SOUTH MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7178 - Diondre Williams doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 11, 2014 SHELSEA ESTIVERNE 5966 TRIPHAMMER RD LAKE WORTH FL 33463 Dear Ms. Estiverne: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7178 EZELL HESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 1901 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH <_z . Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 21, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 SOUTH MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7178 - Shelsea Estiverne doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boy Alton Beach City Clerk's Office : ‘?.°- 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 \ c r (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 5, 2014 ETTA APPELBAUM 5475 VERONA DR - APT F BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Appelbaum: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7178 EZELL HESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 1901 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH V)] Pa et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SO. COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7178 - Etta Appelbaum.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org February 3, 2014 RUBEN KAGAN 7241 CATANIA DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33472 Dear Mr. Kagan: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6 :00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7178 EZELL HESTER COMMUNITY CENTER 1901 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S•\CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \DEPUTIES \7178 - Ruben Kagan.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : prainitoj ©bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org January 8, 2014 °>e` \� 7 BILL KRAMER 5187 EUROPA DR - APT N BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Mr. Kramer: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCTS 7180 & 7184 ST. 3OHN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 900 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH La) . P et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. 5 \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \7180 - Bill Kramer.doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 k (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 11, 2014 JASON SHAPIRO 5171 EUROPA DR - APT H BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Mr. Shapiro: • We are pleased to advise that you have been appojj ed `'t as , Advisor at the polls for the upcoming General ion or %`, esday, ,,la rch 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it wd • Ybe held oYi."�7arch 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following locat 'or •, F �` PRECINC 2 "`'* 7180 :,, ; -A ST. JOHN MISSIO YTIST C R 1 % 900 N SE /- ORE S ; :VD. ���' `''� ' If, for any reason, you are unab} 6 ;rve, pleasef iotify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -606, ar `w -6061. -` Very truly yours, f% CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH , " / l ;:;," .:_.-i::,., „.._,.. , ..., ,, ... .., anet M. Prai MMC City Clerk: YOU ARE SCKDUL `r ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 26, 2014,AT 1:30 ° . AP TE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAILS ,;DIVEST PALh'l,, BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEN :I I:MININ# , YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \PRECINCT ADVISORS \7180 - Jason Shapiro.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 3, 2014 JASON SHAPIRO 5171 EUROPA DR - APT H BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Mr. Shapiro: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7180 ST. JOHN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 900 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S• \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7180 - Jason Shapiro.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 3, 2014 FLOYD ZONENSTEIN 2620 NE 1 CT - UNIT 201 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Mr. Zonenstein: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7180 ST. JOHN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 900 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH , Yn • PA. •net M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S• \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7180 - Floyd Zonenstein doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office Cc 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 -, e -mail: pramitoi©bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 3, 2014 LAURY GROSS 9777 SILLS DR E - APT 201 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Gross: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7180 ST. JOHN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 900 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 1 1 • iciA,f`l,t, et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7180 - Laury Gross doc America 's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 11, 2014 HATTIE LYNCH 219 NE 21 AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Ms. Lynch: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7180 ST. JOHN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 900 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH dr et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7180 - Hattie Lynch.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach srr. City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e-mail: prainitoj©bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 3, 2014 EVELYN KARTEN 2620 NE 1 CT - APT 411 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Ms. Karten: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7180 ST. JOHN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 900 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Pte, net M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT THE SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7180 - Evelyn Karten doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 ,' FAX: (561) 742-6090 e-mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 3, 2014 SANDRA COHEN 9784 PAVAROTTI TER - APT 103 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Cohen: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7180 ST. JOHN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 900 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON MARCH 6, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC\WP\ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7180 - Sandra Cohen.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 c FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj©bbfi.us www.boynton-beach.org February 3, 2014 EDNA GREENBERG 9916 PAVAROTTI TER - APT 103 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Greenberg: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7180 ST. JOHN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 900 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON MARCH 6, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH, FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7180 - Edna Greenberg.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD .'• BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj@bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 3, 2014 DONALD KRAMER 8330 MOORING CIRCLE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33472 Dear Mr. Kramer: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Deputy at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7180 ST. JOHN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 900 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 9:00 A.M. AT THE SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \DEPUTIES \7180 - Donald Kramer doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD #; BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 ;; (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 E -mail : prainitoj©bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org g) �k January 8, 2014 ;j' W y s ELAYNE DIAMOND 6829 CASTLEMAINE AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Mrs. Diamond: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Clerk at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it will be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 to the following location: PRECINCT 7182 CAROLYN SIMS CENTER 225 NW 12 AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. On March 10, 2014 at 2:30 P.M., a Clerk's meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of City Hall. There will be a short briefing and you will pick up your supplies and take your oath at that time. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PACLAjiLt et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER AT 16700 JOG ROAD. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND THE TRAINING SESSION, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON MARCH 11, 2014. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \7182 - Elayne Diamond doc The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD , BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj@bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 11, 2014 BRENDA DASHKIN 9959 BLUEFIELD DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33473 Dear Ms. Dashkin: ''' We are pleased to advise that you have been appoi„ ,ed t' , „,Serve as ; recinct Advisor at the polls for the upcoming General E ' 1on or`�``Tuesday, rch 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it wo •''be held on ni`March „'2S, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following locaion ; `' f PRECIN,. 7182 ' .`, CAROLYN =- „' S NTER "`�� .:.' ./ f . . 225 NW fi AIi�.JE ,`:; , /� f rve please for any reason, you are unab�+�, ;��e p F y this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742-60,a2-6061. °`' ` Very truly yours, --' <, . CITY OF BOYNTON BE `'''. O ' Lr, ie ,19.,..4.4.-tiz, 0 .: „,::k et et M. Prairiito, MMC City Clerk , . ,,,, YOU ARE SCHEp,ULEb ; TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON MARCH 6, 2014 AT ;40 A.M. 'AT., TH4 :- SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL VEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEN TRAINING; YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \PRECINCT ADVISORS \7182 - Brenda Dashkin doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl,us www.boynton - beach.org February 6, 2014 BRENDA DASHKIN 9959 BLUEFIELD DR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33473 Dear Ms. Dashkin: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7182 CAROLYN SIMS CENTER 225 NW 12 AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON TON BEACH • net M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S• \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7182 - Brenda Dashkin.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD { BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 ■ FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton- beach.org February 3, 2014 ODESSA HOLT 805 NE 2 CT BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Ms. Holt: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7182 CAROLYN SIMS CENTER 225 NW 12 AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH A o , i PkaittAlo M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 25, 2014 AT 2:00 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7182 - Odessa Holt doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainito)©bbf.us www.boynton- beach.org February 3, 2014 ANGELA KING 416 NE 13 AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Ms. King: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7182 CAROLYN SIMS CENTER 225 NW 12 AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH fl O±D net M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7182 - Angela King doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office s 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 13, 2014 MICHELLE C DAVIS 10119 BOYNTON PLACE CIR BOYNTON BEACH FL 33437 Dear Ms. Davis: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7182 CAROLYN SIMS CENTER 225 NW 12 AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH • I. V I • PAitux4 P et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON MARCH 10, 2014 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S. \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7182 - Michelle Davis.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 (561) 742-6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 3, 2014 NOSTAGLIA CIE 507 NW 13 AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Ms. Cue: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7182 CAROLYN SIMS CENTER 225 NW 12 AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH L in • PJ et M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 1:00 P.M. AT SOUTH COUNTY CIVIC CENTER, 16700 JOG ROAD, DELRAY BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7182 - Nostaglia Cue.doc America 's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD i BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 - t '� (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742-6090 e -mail: prainitoj @bbfl.us www.boynton - beach.org February 11, 2014 MICHAEL GREEN C/O ANITA BYRD 2604 NE 3 STREET BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 Dear Mr. Green: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as an Inspector at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run- off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7184 ST. JOHN MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 900 NORTH SEACREST BLVD. If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH W) • n net M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 24, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OFFICE, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S: \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \INSPECTORS \7184 - Michael Green.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream The City of Boynton Beach City Clerk's Office Cc_ 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BLVD BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 ' (561) 742 -6060 FAX: (561) 742 -6090 e -mail: pramitoj@bbfl.us www.boynton-beach.org February 3, 2014 MIGUEL RODRIGUEZ 4201 BAMBOO PALM CT GREENACRES FL 33463 Dear Mr. Rodriguez: We are pleased to advise that you have been appointed to serve as a Deputy at the polls for the upcoming General Election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on March 25, 2014. Please report at 6:00 a.m. to the following location: PRECINCT #7182 CAROLYN SIMS CENTER 225 NW 12 AVENUE If, for any reason, you are unable to serve, please notify this office immediately. The telephone numbers are 742 -6060 and 742 -6061. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C_ - D,,,. ,_t, 'hi . Pt(.cA a.,..,,to Janet M. Prainito, MMC City Clerk YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO ATTEND POLLWORKER TRAINING ON FEBRUARY 28, 2014 AT 2:00 P.M. AT THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS, 240 S. MILITARY TRAIL, WEST PALM BEACH FL. PLEASE BRING A SNACK. IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND TRAINING, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK ON ELECTION DAY. NOTE: If you are a City of Boynton Beach resident who will be working outside of your precinct, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at (561) 656 -6200 to obtain an absentee ballot. S• \CC \WP \ELECTION \Year 2014 \POLL WORKERS TRAINING \DEPUTIES \7182 - Miguel Rodriguez.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream al 0 O Z Vl N 04 t0 E 22 N o o d a a d o a o a a d a a a o o a a n o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m o • 0 0 0 o m o m o m m m m m m o m o m o ai a1 m '-1 c ai m m m ai ai .-i ai ,--1 al ai Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr .7 V Cr v y ,-1 c-1 .1 e-1 1--1 c c 4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N N \ \\ N N N \ N N N N N N N \ N N \ ■ ■ m m m \ \ \ m \ \ \ \ \ \ ■ M ■ \ m • N N N N N N N N N N N N N N U 0 CO > > T > > o u C C C C C C C C C C C 0 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 O O O O O O O O 0 O O • w w w w U w U U U U U U U U w U w O U fl . o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U en N N N N N ) cn N N N V1 N N N Le) N N N N 0) .0 E 2 N CO f0 0 0 O N d 0 0 0 U U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U U (J U U 0) a E 3 Z 0 c 'u l0 m O N l0 Lo l 0 00 N N N. CO 00 00 Cr CO 0 Cr N 0 N 00 Cr y M M � V V lD D ,1 n n.4 00 W fT 00 N n W W m m m m m m 01 m m m n m m m m O N N 1. 1" r-I CL M M M M m M m m M M M M M M M � N N n f� v a • ).0 1� m 00 Ln 03 rn m m LO a) m m m.7 rn .�+ al n 0 a la V 7 a1 al 0 N.7 N a' m M N al .7 LO N \ fT a D 0 Q-1 .�-I e�-1 N , 4 \ a1 .-1 al al ,y ,--1 \ \ ■ ,--1 ■ \ \ \ \ ■ \ ■ N \ ,--1 \ ,--1 t ,-1 \ \ N Lf1 m N e1 e N \ e-I N N .-4 Lfl .--1 ,--I ,--1 N M CO N m\ N M N m • O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -c?) \ \ 0 N \ \ \ \ L A \ 00 .-1 N N N N 00 lit 0 ,� T n n n a) E L L co CO 0) 0) a f0 a) 0) (0 a) Q1 2 U > t N ? 00 <0 OD 'O 0 0 0 `0 CO d 0D0 -o O _ _ v 2 O O O O — T • i 0 0 f6 C f0 0 7 7 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) O — ii a U Z> 0 e fn on 0 (. C7 0 C7 CD 5 03 w 03 ✓ - td O C v) O O L t O 0) O 0) Z o 3 E E 0 n - EL m m n To v v o 0.) .e (0 0 m 3 v a) a) o C (0 ((0 3 V O L� fn 5 D U 0 2 2 00 U Y 0 Y Prainito, Janet To: Cindy Lugo (Cindy @pbcelections org) Subject: Training Hi Cindy: I've added some Inspectors to the training schedule so I am keeping you updated. I will be showing the Inspectors highlighted in yellow, and I will show the new Standby Clerks I schedule with aqua and will in the "Position" column, I will indicate SC (meaning Standby Clerk). I will do the same for standby inspectors by indicating SI in the position column. If this is troublesome, please let me know. 1 a) i~ 0 z N a) 00 C f0 L 0 o O Q a<< o < o Q Q Q Q¢< o a Q Q o a Q a o Q Q Q 0000000000000000000000000000 rn 0 0 0 0 o m 0 m 0 m m m m m m 0 0 0 m 0 0 m O 0 0 m o U ri , i Cr; Ol 01 Ol r-1 Ol e-i 01 Q1 01 Cr; 01 01 ,-1 , i Q1 Q1 ci , i Cr; N ,.1 01 01 Cr; aJ ri r-I r-I rI r-1 ri r-1 r-I r-1 r-I ri rI a-I c-1 e-I c-I ei 1 r1 I rl e-I e-i c ri a-•I .--I - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RS N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 Cr r -I r -I r L.0 et LOO ch LID LOO LOO l LO 1.0 1.0 Tr Cr r r O Tr Tr is) Cr L 1 t ds- H N N \ \ \ N N N \ N N N N N N N N N N N N \ N N N N \ VI \ \ Cr) M Cr) \ \ \ Cr) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ M \ \ \ \ M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 c _O �' >. > A >. >. >. - ›- >- >. >- T ? T T co �+ ++ .1 ++ F+ i+ +. ++ 4-+ +, �+ 4 4 - + 4 - ' 4-- U C C C C C C C C C C c c c c c J O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 0 0 U U 0 0 00 . w w w w w w 1.1.1 w w w w w CIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L o 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 H E U Z c O 7) 0 0 U u U u 0 u 0 0 0 0 u u u u U 0 u u u 0 ,., U CD C . 1-, = LO CO O N lO Cr 00 N d' lD CO N rt 00 O Cr d Cr Cr Tr et 00 CO O O N Cr i 3 r M - I r -I - I r -I - I � r .x-1 r-1 . r v-1 r-1 r 0O r 1 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 1 rr 1 r r1 0 � 0 r r 1 0 l 0 Q. N N N et l0 N M 00 Ln 00 01 01 01 01 01 M m m N 00 et 01 a 0) Ol N of 111 lO et O N et N Ln m en Ln M Ol co dt er Ol m et r-1 lO lD N lO c0 \ et t.0 Oi 01 Ol et Ol Ol Ol 01 01 01 01 01 r-1 M 01 01 ,..4 Ol 0o M m 01 m Ol 01 ri r-1 r-I Ol r-I r-I r-I r-I ri ri r-1 r-1 \ Ol I-1 r-1 \ ri r-I 01 Ol Ol r-1 Ol .0 Ol ri ri \ \ \ ri \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N ri \ \ ri \ \ ,, ri \ r ri 1 S ,....1 \ \ N. Ln M \ dr d' N r-I ri N r-1 v-1 \ o-, D O> N N 111 \ \ \ O \ i\ ri et N N ri Lf1 ri ri r - 1 N Cr) Cr) N m\ N N N \\ N %i M M N m O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N \ \ N N \ \ \ \ \ m c-1 00 • M r-I tf1 00 e-I N N N I.f1 00 00 l)1 00 a—I 'en 00 \ 00 r-I ri 01 Ol t\ r N f-: a) E t L -cs cu (6 c a) a) a) (a a) a) (0 0) j 4- Z • L t O o:5 L H •L L "6 O 0 0 0 LO • (C c v }J O C N C C H {., OA L L L u L sa O O_o O co C ±' C O >. L (v a) co C co 0 c � _ c = a) a) a) a) a) O a) a) C O p O = L^ co = LL d 0_ u J > 0 G m G m 0 C7 0 0 0 0 Ur 19 G J OC 0 m w m a) - E E p = a tif "0 _ f0 C 3 O c s' ' O O L L L _C L p - O N . Q 4J E L a) O O a) Z -c Vf (^ '- O 3 i E EL -0 -0 E .Q tr. . L t'0 E - 0 00 . E . a E E (o -0 a 0 a) .e (o co (o = a) a) = a) O v o N a) c — ( 0 (0 co (a 3 c� O cc_ 0 0 0 0 2 2 oo 6 2 Y ti.) H U§ Y N D Prainito, Janet LY,AJU-41-0-nlAiLOA.12.4) ...k2fyn . 3 1 3 Co �Z��u.e.k, L1✓�-� From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1 04 PM To: A W (moosedoggie @msn com) Subject: Clerk Training for Election The City of Boynton Beach is anticipating a municipal election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. Pursuant to our conversation, you have been assigned as the Precinct Clerk for Precinct 3136, Freedom Shores Elementary School, located at 3400 Hypoluxo Road, Boynton Beach. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please be advised that the training classes for Clerk are as follows: Wednesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 02/26/14 16700 Jog Road Tuesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 4, 2014 16700 Jog Road Monday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 02/24/14 240 S. Military Trail Saturday, Supervisor of Elections Office 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Friday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 7, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Since I am not sure what time would work for you since you go to work in the p.m., I thought I would give you the options and you can select one that works for you. Please respond letting me know which date you have selected since I must inform the Supervisor of Elections Office. I would appreciate a response prior by Thursday of this week since I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks beginning on Friday. Thank you for your cooperation and for your willingness to serve the City of Boynton Beach. Janet Prainito, City Clerk City Clerk's Office City of Boynton Beach \ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. 1 Boynton Beach, Flonda 33435 o: 561- 742 -6061 1 f: 561 - 742 -6090 PraimtoJ®bbfl.us 1 www.boynton- beach.org Like us on Facebook twitter America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Please be advised that Flonda has a broad public records luw a no all or espondence to me via email may be subject to disclosure Under Flonda records law, email addresses are public records There lre your me r n and your e-mail address may be subject to public disclosure 1 Prainito, Janet Atzt, 3 do X '°" From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1 16 PM To: dreweber1 @yahoo com 0 Subject: Boynton Beach Municipal Election The City of Boynton Beach is anticipating a municipal election on Tuesday, March 1_'L, 2014. If you are willing to work, I would like to assign you as the Precinct Clerk for Precinct 3164, Citrus Cove Elementary School, located at 8400 Lawrence Road, Boynton Beach. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please call me. Please be advised that the training classes for Clerk are as follows: Wednesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 02/26/14 16700 Jog Road _ Tuesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 4, 2014 16700 Jog Road _ Monday, Supervisor of Elections Office 1000 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 02/24/14 240 S. Military Trail _ Saturday, Supervisor of Elections Office 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2014 240 S. Military Trail _ Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10,00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 240 S. Military Trail _ Friday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10;00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 7, 2014 240 S. Military Trail I thought I would give you the option of selecting a training time and location and you can select one that works for you. Please respond letting me know which date you have selected since I must inform the Supervisor of Elections Office. I would appreciate a response prior by Thursday of this week since I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks beginning on Friday. Thank you. ,- Janet Prainito, City Clerk City Clerk's Office City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. 1 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 0: 561- 742 -6061 1 f: 561 742 - 6090 PrainitoJ @bbfl.us 1 www.boynton- beach.org 1. Like us an Facebook © twitter America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Please be advised that Honda has a broad public records law and all correspondence to me via email may be subject to disclosure Under Florida records law, email addresses are public records Therefore your e -mart onmunication and your e-mail address may be subject to public disclosure 1 Prainito, Janet From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 5 11 PM To: ELECSMART @aol com D.V...... Subject: Municipal Election The City of Boynton Beach is anticipating a municipal election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If you are willing to work, I would like to assign you as the Precinct Clerk for Precincts 7180 & 7184, St. John Missionary Baptist Church, located at 900 North Seacrest Blvd., Boynton Beach. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please call me. I work from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. City Hall is closed on Friday. Please be advised that the training classes for Clerk are as follows: Wednesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 02/26/14 16700 Jog Road Tuesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 4, 2014 16700 Jog Road Monday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 02/24/14 240 S. Military Trail Saturday, Supervisor of Elections Office 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Friday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 7, 2014 240 S. Military Trail I thought I would give you the option of selecting a training time and location and you can select one that works for you. Please respond letting me know which date you have selected since I must inform the Supervisor of Elections Office. I would appreciate a response prior by Thursday of this week since I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks beginning on Friday. Thank you. h 10 1 Prainito, Janet From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 5 27 PM CD) To: 'valonabrown @gmail com' Subject: Boynton Beach Municipal Election The City of Boynton Beach is anticipating a municipal election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If you are willing to work, I would like to assign you as the Precinct Clerk for Precinct 3146, Newport Place, located at 4735 NW 7 Court, Boynton Beach. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please call me. I work from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. City Hall is closed on Friday. Please be advised that the training classes for Clerk are as follows: Wednesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 02/26/14 16700 Jog Road Tuesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 4, 2014 16700 Jog Road Monday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 02/24/14 240 S. Military Trail Saturday, Supervisor of Elections Office 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Friday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 7, 2014 240 S. Military Trail I thought I would give you the option of selecting a training time and location and you can select one that works for you. Please respond letting me know which date you have selected since I must inform the Supervisor of Elections Office. I would appreciate a response prior by Thursday of this week since I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks beginning on Friday. Thank you. 1 Prainito, Janet From: Michael Clark < mrkeclark @prodigy net> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 4 38 PM To: Prainito, Janet Subject: RE Boynton Beach Municipal Election Please schedule me for the training on Tuesday, March 4 \ g Y Thanks, 50 ellijjj))6 Michael Michael Clark 7629 Santee Terrace �r a Lake Worth, FL 33467 7 1' (H): (561) 439 -2707 a (C): (561) 436 -0953 mrkeclark @prodigy.net From: Prainito, Janet [mailto:PrainitoJ©bbfl.us] Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 3:50 PM To: 'mikeclark @prodigy.net Subject: Boynton Beach Municipal Election The City of Boynton Beach is anticipating a municipal election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If you are willing to work, I would like to assign you as the Precinct Clerk for Precinct 3174, Boynton Beach Fire Station #3, located at 3501 North Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please call me. I work from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. City Hall is closed on Friday. Please be advised that the training classes for Clerk are as follows: Wednesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 02/26/14 16700 Jog Road Tuesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 4, 2014 16700 Jog Road Monday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 02/24/14 240 S. Military Trail Saturday, Supervisor of Elections Office 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Friday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 7, 2014 240 S. Military Trail I thought I would give you the option of selecting a training time and location and you can select one that works for you. Please respond letting me know which date you have selected since I must inform the Supervisor of Elections 1 Office. I would appreciate a response prior by Thursday of this week since I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks beginning on Friday. Thank you. Janet Prainito, City Clerk City Clerk's Office City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. 1 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 o: 561 - 742 -6061 1 f: 561 - 742 -6090 �,� PraimtoJC�bbfl us www.boynton-beach.org 4 4 E America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Please be advised that Florida has a broad public records law ana all cor to me via email may be subject to disclosure Under Honda records law, email addresses are public records Therefore your e -mail communication and your e -mail address may be subject to public disclosure 2 Prainito, Janet � • 3 174 From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 3 50 PM To: 'mikeclark @prodigy net' Subject: Boynton Beach Municipal Election The City of Boynton Beach is anticipating a municipal election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. If you are willing to work, I would like to assign you as the Precinct Clerk for Precinct 3174, Boynton Beach Fire Station #3, located at 3501 North Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please call me. I work from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. City Hall is closed on Friday. Please be advised that the training classes for Clerk are as follows: Wednesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 02/26/14 16700 Jog Road Tuesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 4, 2014 16700 Jog Road Monday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 02/24/14 240 S. Military Trail Saturday, Supervisor of Elections Office 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Friday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m March 7, 2014 240 S. Military Trail I thought I would give you the option of selecting a training time and location and you can select one that works for you. Please respond letting me know which date you have selected since I must inform the Supervisor of Elections Office. I would appreciate a response prior by Thursday of this week since I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks beginning on Friday. Thank you. 1 Prainito, Janet From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 5 13 PM To: BHDNEGD @bellsouth net Subject: Municipal Election - Boynton Beach Elavne: The City of Boynton Beach is anticipating a municipal election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. Pursuant to our telephone conversation, you have been assigned to serve as the Precinct Clerk for Precinct 7182, Carolyn Sims Center, located at 225 NW 12 Avenue, Boynton Beach. Burdge: You have been assigned to serve as Precinct Clerk for Precincts 3172 and 3176, Boynton Beach Community High School, located at 4975 Park Ridge Blvd., Boynton Beach. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please call me. I work from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. City Hall is closed on Friday. Please be advised that the training classes for Clerk are as follows: Wednesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 02/26/14 16700 Jog Road Tuesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 4, 2014 16700 Jog Road Monday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 02/24/14 240 S. Military Trail Saturday, Supervisor of Elections Office 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Friday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 7, 2014 240 S. Military Trail I thought I would give you the option of selecting a training time and location and you can select one that works for you. Please respond letting me know which date and location you have selected since I must inform the Supervisor of Elections Office. I would appreciate a response prior by Thursday of this week since I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks beginning on Friday. Thank you. 1 Prainito, Janet From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 4 22 PM To: 'dcmurph @bellsouth net Subject: Municipal Election - Boynton Beach The City of Boynton Beach is anticipating a municipal election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. Pursuant to our telephone conversation, I would like to assign you as the Precinct Clerk for Precinct 3188, Boynton Beach Community High School, located at 4975 Park Ridge Road, Boynton Beach. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please call me. I work from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. City Hall is closed on Friday. Please be advised that the training classes for Clerk are as follows: Wednesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 02/26/14 16700 Jog Road Tuesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 4, 2014 16700 Jog Road Monday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 02/24/14 240 S. Military Trail Saturday, Supervisor of Elections Office 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Friday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 7, 2014 240 S. Military Trail I thought I would give you the option of selecting a training time and location and you can select one that works for you. Please respond letting me know which date and location you have selected since I must inform the Supervisor of Elections Office. I would appreciate a response prior by Thursday of this week since I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks beginning on Friday. Thank you. 04 s 1 Prainito, Janet From: Prainito, Janet Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 3 41 PM To: 'marilyndimasi @comcast net Subject: FW Municipal Election - Boynton Beach Sorry, I origir< Ily made a typo in your e -mail address From: Praini :o, Janet Sent: Wedneday, December 11, 2013 3:40 PM To: 'marilyncimaso @comcast.net Subject: Muricipal Election - Boynton Beach The City of Boynton Beach is anticipating a municipal election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. Pursuant to our telephone conversation, I would like to assign you as the Precinct Clerk for Precinct 3168, Boynton Beach Fire Station #3, located at 3501 North Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach. If a run -off election is necessary, it would be held on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Please call me. I work from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. City Hall is closed on Friday. Please be advised that the training classes for Clerk are as follows: Wednesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 02/26/14 16700 Jog Road Tuesday, South County Civic Center 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. March 4, 2014 16700 Jog Road Monday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 02/24/14 240 S. Military Trail Saturday, Supervisor of Elections Office 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. March 1, 2014 240 5. Military Trail Tuesday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 4, 2014 240 S. Military Trail Friday, Supervisor of Elections Office 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. March 7, 2014 240 S. Military Trail I thought I w)a.ild give you the option of selecting a training time and location and you can select one that works for you. Please . espond letting me know which date and location you have selected since I must inform the Supervisor of Elections Off ce. I would appreciate a response prior by Thursday of this week since I will be out of the office for a couple of weeks beginning on Friday. Thank you. Janet Prainito, City Clerk l''' City Clerk's Office City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. 1 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 o: 561 - 742 -6061 1 f: 561 - 742 -6090 P's\ PrainitoJ®bbfl.us 1 www.boynton- beach.org \P‘ 1