O77-36ORDINANCE NO.7,7-~ ARTICLE I: TITLE~.AUTHORITY ABYD INTENT AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING PROCEDURESABID.STANDARDS FOR T~IEDEVELOPI4ENT ~ SUBDIVTSI,ON. OF REAL.ESTATE ABYD-FOR ~ SURVEYING AND. pLATTING THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR TITLE. AUTHORITY AA!D INTENT; PROVIDING FOR SHORT .TITLE~ P~OVID- ING FOR.JURISDICTION; PROVIDING FOR PURPOSE; PROVIDING FOR DEFIAIITIONS;:PRO%r/DING FORAPPLtCATI.ON OFORDIN_ANCE~ PROVIDING FOR ADMIBT~STRATION OF ORDIN~NCE; P~OVIDING FOR STAi~DD~RD PROCt~DLq~ES; PR0~-~DING FO~ I~EQUIRED IM_PROVE- F~ENTS; PROVIDING FOR DESIG~ ~EQII/~IT~S~ PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION ,OFREQUIRED tF~PRO~MENTS; PROVIDING 'FOR Di{EDGE, FILL.ABTD EXCAVATION; PROVIDING FOR PRE%r/OUSL¥ PROVIDINGF.OR VA/~IA~$CESAND Ei~CEPTTONS;~ PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES ABeD PROt~IBITIO~S; PROVIDING FOR LEGAL STATUS. WHEREAS, Article VIII of the. Constitution of the State of Florida vests municipal goverr~ments with port of self-gov~rnment as pro- vided bY general and special law; and WH~AS, 'the laws of Florida further vest municipalities with the power to~stablish, coordinate and enforce, business regulations, building{ housing and related technical codes and regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public and to perform other acts not inconsistent with laws which are in the common interes~ of the people of the county and to exercise all powers and privileges not specifically prohibited by law. 'That the following, ordinance be and the same is hereby enacted for the purpose of carryzng into effect the above stated purpose. - 1 - ARTICLE II:~ SHORT TITLE This ordinance shall be known as the Platting Regulations of City of Boynton Beach, ARTICLE iII:.~JURISDICTION Regulations set subdivisions of land, area~ ~f the City of Boynton Beach, "Subdivision and Florida." forth herein shall be applicable to all as defined herein, in the incorporated Florida. ARTICLE tV: PURPOSE The purpose of thisordinance is to establish procedures and standards for the development and subdivision ofreal .estate within the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, in an effort to, among other things, insure proper legal-description, identi- fication, monumentation and recording of real estate boundaries; aid in the coordination of'land development in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, in accordance with orderly physical patterns, discourage haphazard, premature, uneconomic or scattered land development; insure safe and convenient traffic control; encourage development of an economically stable and healthful com~.unity; insure adequate utilities; prevent periodic and seasonal flooding by providing protective flood control and drainage facilities; provide public open spaces for recreation; insure, land.subdivision with installation of adequate and necessary physical improvements; insure that the citizens and ARTICLE IV: PURPOSE (Continued) taxpayers of the City of Boynton Beach will not have to bear the costs resulting from haphazard subdivision of land a~d the lack of authority, to require installation by the develop~r of adequate and' necessary physical .improvements; insure to the .purchaser of land in a subdivision that necessary improvements of lasting quality have been installed. ARTICLE V: DEFINITIONS The following definitions are for the purpose of making clear and distinct the intentions of the language used in this ordinance, except where specific definitions are used within a specific article or section of this ordinance. For the purpose of such sections, the following.~.teEms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein when not inconsistent with the text. Words used in the present tense include the future tense, words in the plural number include the singular number and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is mandatory and the wol~ "may" is permissive. Abuttinq Property: . "Abutting property" is property that is immediately adjacent or contiguous to property that is subject to review under this ordinance or property that is located immediately across any road or public right of way from the property subject to review under this ordinance. - 3 ARTICLE V: DEFINITIONS (Continued). Access: '"Access" is the principal means of ingress and egress to a lot from'a publicly dedicated~right of way. Access Waterways: An "Access Waterway-" is a waterway which is developed or constructed in conjunction with the division of real estate for the purpose ~f providing access by water to lotswithin a subdivision. Alley: An "alleF" is a right of way which affords only a secondary means of access to property abutting thereon and is not intended or used for general traffic circulation. Applicant: ."Applicant" is th~ developer or his duly authorized representative who submits to the City Engineer's Office a plat and related plans for the purpose of obtaining approval thereof. .... Block: A "block" is a parcel of land entirely surrounded by streets, streams, railroad rights of way, parks or other public space or a combination thereof. Buildinq: The term "building" shall mean any structure constructed'or built' for the support, enclosure, shelter or protection of chattels, persons, animals or the like. The word "building" includes the word structure and shall include anything constructed or erected which requires permanent location on the ground or is attached to any- thing having a permanent location on the ground and shall include, but not be limited to, such structures as homes, - 4 hotels, motels, apartments; ~res, service stations, radio towers, billboards, dooling towers, tanks, smoke- stacks, grain elevators, windmills, siloes ~nd the 'l~ike. Such terms shall be construed as if followed by the phrase "or part thereof~" Comprehensive. Plan: "Comprehensive plan" shall mean the ~eneral development plan or land use as adopted by the City Council forthe City-of Boynto~ Beach. Cul-de-sac or Dead-end Street: The term "cul-de~sac" or "dead-end street" is a minor street~with only one outlet terminating at one end with a circular turn around. Current: The term "current" as used herein pertains to specifications, design standards and con~_~rgction details in effect or as may be chanqed from time to time or amended from time to time. The term "current" shall be applied to the time a plat or development plan is presented for acceptance or approval. Department of Transportation: The term "Department of Transportation't.shallinclude the term"State Standards" and as used herein shall refer to the Florida Sta%e Depart- ment-of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Developer: syndicate, Construction as currently adopted and in use. A "developer" is any individual, firm, association, co-partnership, corporation, trust or any other ARTICLE V: DEFINITIONS (Continued). legal entity commencing proceedings Under this ordinance to effect the subdivision of land in the City of .Boynton Beach. Inasmuch as the s~bdivision plat is merely a necessary means to the end of assuring a satisfactory u development under the terms of this ordinance, the term "developer" is intended to include the term "subdivider," even though-the persons involved an successive stages of the project may vary. Developer's Engineer: The term "developer's engineer" means a professional engineer registered in Florida, and engaged by the developer to plan and supervise the construction of the work required under this ordinance to effect subdivision~of land inthel~C~t~.3Boynton Beach. Easement or Servitude: An "easement" or "servitude" is an interest in land granted ~r limited use purpose, but which does not convey title to real property. Flood Control or Legal Positive Drainage: "Flood Control" or "legal positive drainage" shall mean the provision of a storm drainage system meeting the requirements of this ordinance, sufficient to prevent inundation result- ing from a three (3) year storm and which conveys storm waters to publicly dedicated and maintained drainage canals or natural water courses. The connection of the storm - 6 ARTICLE V: DEFINITIONS (Continued) drainage systemto the publi6~y dedicated and maintained drainage canal or natural water course shall mean a system approved by the agency having jurisdiction Over same, or an alternate proposal for a storm drainage.. system approved by the City Engineer. Inundation: "Inundation" shall mean water in motion or standing or ponded water of sufficient depth to damage property due to the mere presence of water or the deposit of silt or which may be a nuisance, hazard or health problem. .Investment Proper't¥: "Investment Property" is forthe purpose of this ordinance, real estate, the deed for which, when offered for sale, is retained by the seller, under contract with the buyer, for the term of Limited Access: "Limited access" zs a strip of land or high- way or freeway which does not permit access except at author- ized and controlled points. Lot: A "lot" is a portion of l~nd identified as a single unit in a sub~iviszon and intended for lease, transfer of ownership, use. or improvements orb a'combination thereof. The term "lot" includes the terms "plot", "parcel" or "tract" and shall consist of at least sufficient size to meet the minimum requirements of the Zoning Code as to use coverage and area. ARTICLE V: DEFINITIONS (Continued) Master Plan: A "master pta~" §hall be a drawing which shows the intended division and improvements of real property meeting the.requirements of this ordinance. Master StormWaterManaqementPIan:._!!Master Storm Water Management Plan"'refers to an engineering drgwing and a written report outlining the primary and secondary drainage and storm water treatment facilities needed for the proper development of a specific increment Of the incorporated .area of the City of Boynton Beach. Mobi~ Home Subdivision: The term "mobile home park" when used in this ordinance means a subdivision of land for the sale of lots intended for the placement of mobile homes and which meets the requirements ~of~_t~.~S~_ordinance and the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Code. Plat: The word 'plat" when used herein shall be deemed to mean~a map depicting the division or subdivision of land into lots, blocks, parcels, tracts, or other portions thereof, however the same may be designated, prepared in ~accordance with ~theprovisions of this Ordinance and those of any a~plicable law and/or local ordinance, which may be designated to be placed on the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Plat, Final: The "final plat" is record in the Office of Palm Beach County. a finished map of a subdivision accurately showing all legal requirements of the State Plat Law and the requirements of thi~ ordinance.. ARTICLE V: DEFINITIONS (continued) Plat, Preliminary: A "pre~i~fnar~ plat" the plat in sufficient form to readily compare with the master plan and construction plans. Plat~of Record: A "plat of record" is a plat which conforms to the requirements-of~ the-mpptica~te taws ~of is a copy of the plat the State of Florida and ordinances of the City,which has been accepted by the City Council and placed in the roads, similar Within the text of this ordinance, a property official records of Palm Beach County. Property Owners' Association: A "property owners' association" is a non-profitorganization recognized as such under the Laws of the State of Florida, operated under.recorded maintenance and ownership agreements through which each owner of a portion o~.~a,~subdivision, be it a lot, home, property or any other interest, is automatically a voting member, and each such member is automatically subject to a charge for a prorated share~of expenses, either direct or indirect, for maintaining common propgrties withinthe subdivision, such.as _parks, recreational~areas, common areas and other properties. considered to be a single entity As used in this ordinance the association" shall also be deemed owners' association is for property ownership. term "property owners' to include a homeowners' association, a condominium owners' association or a cooperative (apartment) owners' ~association, 9 - ARTICLE V: DEFINITIONS (C~ntinued) as defined in Chapter'711; ~or'~da Statutes, 1971, as amended, having a life tenure of not less than twenty~ . (20) years, as well as a third party having mn agreement with a condominium or cooperative association as permitted by Chapter711, Florida Statutes, as amende~. Public Utility: The term.'~public utility" as used herein means and includes every person, corporation, partnership .or ~association or other legal entity, %heir lessees, trustees or ~receivers now or 'hereafter, either owning, peratzng, managing or controlling a system or proposing construction of a system that is providing or proposes to provide water or sewer service, electricity, natural or manufactured gas, or 'any substance, telephone, telegraph Or cable TV service to the public for compensation. Riqht of Way: "Right ofiWay" is a strip of land dedicated or deeded to the perpetual use of the public. Rural Subdivisions: A "rural subd~v~szon Ks the division and devetopment-~of reat~estate~wher'eiu, the developer has elected to divide and develop the real estate for residential use, such as estates, ranchettes, etc., having a net land area of not less than 43,560 square feet and generally developed to establish a country atmosphere.. is 10 ARTICLE V: DEFINITIONS (Continued) Sewerage System~ Central: T~e term "central sewerage system" is a system for the collection and disposal of sewage,.in accordance with the approval of requisite State County, and City agencies, from multiple' family, commercial, industrial, institutional or other uses and shall include pipes, p~mps, tanks, treatment plants and other appurte- nances which comprise the system. Seweraqe System, Individual: An"individual sewerage system" is a system designated to serve one unit, comprised of pipes, tanks, and subsurface absorp~hion field, or other approved treatment device, for handling and disposing of sewaqe wastes. .Shall: The word "shall" is termed to be mandat~ory and the word "may" is termed to be permissive. .Siqht DistancE: "Sight distance" is the minimum extent of unobstructed vision in a horizontal and vertical plane. state Standards: the same meaning.. The term "State Standards" as the term "Department of shall carry Transportation" as. defined in this article. Street: The term "Street" is a strip of land designated for vehicula~ traffic which affords a principal means of access to a lot, or more than one dwelling unit when the strip of land exceeds 600 feet in length, whether it is designated as a street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, ttucoughway, boulevard, lane, place or however designated; excluding however alleys and expresswaysl road 11 - ARTICLE V: DEFINITIONS (Continued) Street~ Collector: A "collector street" is a street which carries traffi6 from local streets to'arterial streets and includes the principal entrance streets of as~bdivision or a development and the streets for circulation within such subdivisions ~r developments, and for purposes of this ordinance shall be considered a street of higher classification than a local street. Street, Cul-de-sac: The term "cul-de-sac" street shall carry the same meaning as the term "cul-de-sac" as defined in _this-article. Street, Expressway: An "expressway" shall be deemed to mean a street which is used only for the movement of vehicles providing for no vehicular or ~t~st~ian access to abutting property, except for street access by grade separation interchanges. Access to an expressway is not permitted except at authorized and controlled points. The acquisition of right of way for expressways includes the acquisition of access rights thereto. Street, Limited Access: The term"limited access street" shall carry the same meaning as the term "limited access" as defined in this article. Street, Local: A "local street" is a street designed and. maintained to provide access to abutting property. A local street is of limited continuity and not for through traffic. - 12 - ARTICLE V: DEFINTTIONS (Continued) Street~ Major Arterial: A "ma~or arterial street"..is a street of higher-classification than local streets andis used primaril~fo~-traffic traveling considerable~distance within or through ian.~ area not served by an ~expressway. A .majorarterialis.~of considerablecontinuity, Used primarily as a main traffic artery. A major arterial may also be a limited access traffic artery. A major arterial may also be a limited access street. Streets~ Marqinal Access: A "marginal.access street" is a street-Which is parallel and adjacent to an expressway, arterial street or limited access street or in the immedi- ate vicinity of such streets and which has its principal purpose of relieving such streets from local service of abutting property byproviding protection from conflicts with through traffic. A marginal access street may also be called a frontage street. Street, Minor: The term "minor street" shall carry the same meaning as the term "local street", as defined in this article. Street~ Minor~Arterial: A "minor arterial street!' is a street of~higher~classification than a local street and is ~sed for continuous travel, primarily as a main traffic artery, but is more intermittent than-a major arterial and carries more traffic for greater distances than a collector street. A minor arterial serves to carry traffic from collector streetsto expressways and majorart~rials. - 13 A~!~ICLE V: DEFINITIONS (Continued) Street, Private: A "private street" is any street"exist- ing prior to or a't the time of adoption of this ordinance which ,has not been dedicated for~public use-and.not-accepted forownership or'maintenance, by the City Council. After adoption of this ordinance, stree'ts controlled'by a property owners' association or condominium or cooperative association as defined by'Florida Law ~may be retained as private streets by said association as long as said association accepts the obligation for complete control and maintenance. Street, Public: A "public street" is any street designed to serve more than one property owner, and must be dedicated to the public and be accepted for ownership and maintenance by-the City, unless it is a private stre~w~gwed by the terms of this ordinance. .Subdivider: The term "subdivider" shall carry the same meaning as the term."developer" as defined in this article. Subdivision: "Subdivision" means the division of a parcel of land, whether improved or unimproved, into four ormore ~ontiquous.lots or-.parcels of land, designated byreference to the number o~ symbol of the lot or-parcel contained in the plat of such subdivision, for the purpose, whether ~mmediate or future, of transfer of ownership or, if th~ establishment of a new street is involved, any division of such parcel.. However, the division of land into parcels of more than five (5) acres not involving any change in street - 14 - ARTICLE V: DEFINITIONS (Continued) lines or public easements o~ whatsoever kind is not to be deemed a subdivisionwithin~the meaning of this ordinance. The term includesare-subdivision and, whenappropr±ate to the text, relates to the process of. subdividing or to the land subdivided. .The following shall be exempt and not subject to. the~provisions prescribed.by, this ordinance: (a) The division of lands into parcels of more than five (5) acres in area where the sub- division is not in conflict with ~ City thorough- fare plan and (1) where no street~or easement of access_ is planned to_~be dedicated and accented by ~he public and (2) where stre~ or easements of access are dedicated to a property owners' association or a condominium or cooperative association as defined by Florida Law. (b) The combination or recombination of portions of previously platted lots where no new parcels, or residual parcels, result in lots of less area, width or depth than the original lots of record. (c) The sale or exchange of parcels of land to or between adjoining property owners where such sale or exchange does. not create additional lots and does not reduce any lot to an area less than the z0~inq district in which the property ,is.~located ARTICLE V: (d) (e) DEFINITIONS (c0n%inu~d) permits, and no dedications or improvements. are required under this ordinance. Mobile home parks developed for rental purposes under a unity of title. Division of tracts or parcels of land where all parcels when divided abut a public street, and no dedication or improvements are required under this ordinance. Surface Waters: "Surface waters" are those which have been precipitated on the land or forced to the surface in springs, and which have then spread over the surface of the ground without being collected into a definite body or channel. They appear as puddles, sheet or. overland flow and rills and continue to be surface waters until trey disappear by infiltration or evaporation, or, until by overland orvaqrant flow, they reach well-defined watercourses or standing bodies of water such as lakes or seas. Surveyor: A "surveyor" is a land surveyor registered in Florida. Technical Review Board: The,'!Technical Review Board" or "TRB" is a board cohsisting of the 'foilowinq members, or their duly authorized representatives: The City Engineer, who sh~ll be chairman for subdivision items~ the Building Official, the Fire Chief, the Police Chief, the Director of Utilities, the Director of General Services , the R~creation Director and the City Planner. - 16 ARTICLE V: DEFINITIONS (Continue~) Traffic Control Devices: A "traffic control device" is any mechanism ~sed to.regulate traffic, such as pavement striping, signs;-etc., excluding however, for the purpose of this~ordinance, any mechanical or electrical device~ such ·as ~raffic lights. Water Sy'stem, Central: A "central water system" is the sup.ply of water.to serve more than one dwelling, commercial, industrial, institutional or other units and shallin¢lude the water source, pipes, pumps, tanks, treatment plantg and all other appurtenances to the system. Water System, Individual: An~"individual water system" is a water source and other appurtenances supplying water to only one dwelling, commercial, industrial, institutional or other units. Work: The term "work" shall indlude all required construction as shown onapproved plans and specifications for all facilities and features of any kind which are required, related to the process of subdivision of land under this ordinance. Zoninq Code: The term "zoning code" refers to the Zoning Code of the City of Boynton Beach, as adopted by the City Council. - 17 - ARTICLE VI: APPLICATION C~ ORDINAN~, SECTION I: REQUIRFd~ENTAND EXCEPTION OF PLATTING No person', firm, corporationor any other association shall create a subdivision of a tract of land anywhere in the incorpo- rated.area of the City of-Boynton Beach except in conformity with this ordinance. No subdivision shall be platted or recorded nor shall any building permit be issued unless such subdivision meets all the provisions of this ordinance and those of any appiicable Laws of the State of Florida, and has been approved in accordance with the requirements as herein set forth, 9xcept that the recording of the plat may not be required if: A. The land to be subdivided is to be divided into no more than three contiguous lots-and because: 1. unusual conditions are created by ownership or development of adjacent lands, or 2. the land concerned is isolated or remote in its relationship to other platted or improved lands, or 3. the improvements and dedications existing on the land are substantially in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance and if the waiving of the requirements for platting, as determined by the Planning_and Zoning Board and the City Engineer, would not conflict with the purpose and intent of this ordinance. 18 A~TI CLE VI: APPLICATION OF ORDINanCE (Continued) The resubdivision of land heretofore platted is of such unusual size and shape or is surrounded by such develop- ment or unusual conditions as may be determined by the Planning and Zoning Board, the City Planner, and the City Engineer to justify the wazving of the requirements for preparing a replat. SECTION II: EXCEPTION PRE-APPLICATION Pursuant to Paragraphs A and B above the developer shall submit a pre-application in the manner prescribed by this ordinance. The City Engineer, the City ~Planner and the Planning and Zoning Board shall review the pre-application and shall determine if in fact one of the foregoing conditions does exists, and, upon affirm- ative determination, shall delete the requirement for platting. ~CECTION III: EXEMPTION PRE-APPLICATION The developer shall submit a pre-application in the manner described by this ordinance and an Affidavit of Exemption. The City Engineer, the City Planner and the Planning and Zoning Board shall review the pre-application and Affidavit of Exemption and shall determine if they are in order, and upon such determination shall approve the Affidavit of Exemption. In the event the City Engineer and the PlanningandZoningBoard~approves the. Affidavit of Exemption, the developer shall be required to make available to the purchaser proof of the Affidavit of Exemption. 19 - ARTICLE VI: APPLICATION OF ORDINANCE (Continued) SECTION IV: REQUIREMENTS IN LIEU OF PLATTING If, pursuant'to t~is article, platting is not necessary, of platting a certified survey shall be submitted to Engineer's Office and the City Engineer shall to require deeded rights of way and easments, improvements required in connection with platting under this ordinance, including the posting of a performance and mainte- nance bond, as may be necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of this ordinance. in lieu City reserve the right reservations or - 20- ARTICLE VII: ADMINISTRATION OF ORDINANCE SECTION I: RESPONSIBILITY FOR COORDINATION AND E~/FORCEMENT OF PROVISIONS For the purpose of coordinating, enforcing and administrating this ordinance, the City Engineer shall be deemed the adminis- trative officer of this ordinance except, that for the pre-application plans the City Planner shall be responsible for the review and administration prior to presentation to the Planning and Zoning Board. SECTION II: TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD (TRB) The City Engineer will present all master plans~ const~uct~0~tans,-~ and preli~inar~ plats i~o th~-T~B for its review and comments before transmiss.ion to the City Planner for placing it on the agenda of the Planning and Zoning Board. All plans and p!a~swhen presented to the Plannzng and Zoning Board, Other tha~'~he p~e-applica~on plans~ ~all'~ave been signed by the appropriate member of the TRB SECTION III: ~.AIFORMATIOI~ ~ ADVICE OR RECOMMENDATIONS Information, advice or recommendations concerning the. pre-application, 0~her than procedural, shall not be given by individual members of the Planning and Zoning Board, but shall be rendered by the entire Board only at regular meetings. Procedural'information shall be rendered by the Administrator of this.ordinance or.his~duly authorized representative. Upon receiving the approval as prescribed in the "Standard Procedures" article for the pre-application and master plan from 21 ARTICLE VII: ADMINISTRATION OF ORDINANCE (Continued) the City Engineer, the developer's engineer and surveyor shall coordinate the preparation of the construction plans and pre- liminaryplat directly with the Office of the City Engineer. Upon approval of the commencement of work, the developer's engineer shall coordinate the construction of the required improvements directly with the Office of the City E~gineer as herein prescribed. - 22 ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES SECTION I: ZONTNG Prior to consideration of any proposed subdivision under the terms of this ordinance, the area to be subdivided must have the appropriate zoning required for the intended use. A resi- dential, multiple family, planned development, industrial or the like must be in the proper zoning district for such development. SECTION II: UNSUITABLE LAND Unless adequate methods of correction are formulated and approved in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, land which is determined to be Unsuitable for subdivis~n-~-~t6 poor soil quality, flooding for drainage or other features likely to be harmful to the health, safety and general welfare of future residents, shall not be subdivided. SECTION III: PRE-APPLICATION The purpose of the pre-application procedure is to allow the developer a~d~the- City Engineer, the'City Planner-~and Planning and-Zoning-Board the opportunity to consult informally prior to'the preparation of the master plan and formal-application to secure Review Board and City Engineer's approval of the division master plan. the Technical proposed sub- 23 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) A written pre-application shall be_submitted to the Office of the City Pt~nner .for placement on the agenda of the Planning contain the ~hd zoning ~ard.~_ The w~i~te~ application shall following: 1. Seven copies of a written statement generally describing the condition of the site and the proposed development of the entire subdivision. This statement shall include but is not necessarily limited to data on existing covenants, location of utility facilities, general soil characteristics and information describing the subd~s~ion proposal such as number of units, typical lot, public areas, anticipated~utility source and any other information considered pertinent. Sevencopies of a sketch plan including the follow- ing on a 24" x 36" sheet: a vicinity sketch showing the location of the land to be subdivided; approxi- mate acreage; natural features such as low or swampy areas, streams, lakes or canals; identification of adjacent lands; a brief description of the land to be subdivided; name, telephone number and address of the developer; date; northpoint; streets; general 24 ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) lot and block layout; layout of all adjoining streets; zoning classification of the tract and adjacent properties; location of existing improve- ments and any other significant A fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) the pre-application, to help defray processing the pre-application. features.'~ is required with the cost of Upon receipt of the statement, plan.and fee, the City Planner'S'Office Shall disperse copies to the' City Manager, ~echn~6a'l'Rev-~w Board Members,. the City Clerk .%q~,~f _required~ 'the 'Cit~ ~ s consulting Engineers. The City Planner_ wil!_thenadvise .... the developer., of the time and place of the Planning and Zoning Board meeting. After consultation with the City Engzneer and the Planning and Zoning Board, the developer may proceed with the preparation and formal application for approval of the master plan as required by this ordinance. SECTION-IV: MASTER PLAN A. S~en copies of the Master Plan of the proposed subdivision mus= be submitted to the City Engineer's Office for place- ment on the ~echhical Review Board-agenda. 25 ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) The Master Plan, Engineer, shall 1. The developer shall retain the services of an engineer or surveyor registered in Florida, to prepare the master.plan of the subdivision and shall employ a land planner, landscape architect, architect or other technical or professional services to assist in the physical lotting patterns and site plan. The Master Plan shall be coordinated with the major utility suppliers involved with providing services. when-submitted to the Office of the City contain,the following: Name of subdivision or identifying title which shall ~not--dnplicateor ctosely approximate the name of any other subdivision ln.~inc6rporated or unincorporate~ areas of Palm Beach County. A vicinity sketch showing the location of the tract in reference to other areas of the City or County. North arrow, graphic scale, scale and date, Name, address and telephone number-of the 'developer, along with the name and address of the engineer and surveyor responsible forthe plan, plat and'support- ing data. The location and names of adjacent subdivision, if any, and plat book and page reference. The tract boundary with bearings and distances along with a written description. - 26 - ARTICLE VIII: STA~/DARD PROCEDURES (Continued) 7. Topographical conditions on the tract including all the existing water courses, drainage ditches and bodies of water, marshes~ and other significant features. 8. Ail existing streets a~d alleys on or adjacent to the tract including ~ame, right of way width, street .or pavement width and established centerline elevation. Existing streets shall be dimensioned to the tract boundary. 9. All existing property lines, easements and rights of way, their purpose, and their effect on the property to be subdivided. 10. The location and right of way width~,-~llproposed streets, alleys, r~ghts of way, easements and their purpose along with the proposed layout of the lots and blocks. 11. The incorporation and compatible development of present and future streets as shown on.the Official City Map when such present or future streets are affected by the proposed subdivision. 12. Access points to collector and arterial streets show- ing their compliance to the access requirements established by this ordinance. - 27 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) 13. Ground elevations by contour line at intervals of not more than one foot based on ~.O.S. datum or as other- wise determined by the City Engineer. 14. All existing drainage district facilities and their ultimate right of way requirements as they affect the property to besubdivided. 15. Generalized statement of subsurface conditions on the property, location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil conditions and ground water depth. 16. Zoning classification of the tract. 17. Utilities such as telephone, power, water, sewer, gas, etc. on or adjacent to the tract-in~ng existing or proposed water treatment plants and sewerage treatment plants. The Master Plan shall contain a statement that all utilities are available and have been coordinated with all required utilities. 18. Sites proposed for parks, recreational areas, and schools. 19. The locations of all temporary structures or permanent structures having a temporary use.~ In addition, master plans or site plans showing permanent structures having a temporary use shall contain a statement outlining_ the temporary use. 28 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) 19. Continued .... Master plans or site plans showing temporary structures or permanent structures having a temporary use shall be reviewed by the City Building Official at least eighteen (18) months from the last approval date. Following approval of a master plan or site plan, such structures may be erected prior to plat recordation. All such permit~ and construction requirements of the Building Department, including but not limited to Chapters 5 and 5A of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances shall be satisfied. ~A ~ubdivision fha%generates 3000 vehicle single directional trips per day or 250 vehicle single directional trips in a one hour period must submit along with the master plan, a traffic impact analysis. The traffic impact analysis shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer _competent in Traffic Engine~rin~ and shall be-used to determine the number or'lanes and capacity of th~ street system proposed or affected by the development, and the phasing of improvements. A master storm water management plan outlining the primary and secondary drainage and storm water treatment facilities needed for the proper development of the subdivision, exclud- ing tertiary facilities, which are required on construction plans, shall be submitted along with the masterplan. The master storm water management plan shall consist of an - 29 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) engineering drawing and a Written report indicating the method of drainage, existing water elevations, recurring high water elevations, the proposed design water elevations, 100 year storm elevation, drainage structures, canals and ditches, the storm-water treatment methods, necessary percolation, detention and managementareas, and~any.other pertinent information pertaining to the control and manage- ment of storm and~qround water. In cases where modification or improvements are neither planned nor required for primary and secondary drainage facilities, this requirement may be accomplished by so indicating on the master plan. Upon filing~the.~Master-Pl~nwith Me Office of the City Engineer, the developer shall pay a fee of fifty dollars ($50~00). The fee is not reimbursable but is to help defray the cost of administering and processing the Master Plan. If more than one resubmittal of corrected or revised Master Plan is required by the Technical Review Board an additional $50.00 fee shall be charged for each resubmittal. Upon City Engineer's Office shall disperse of the Technical Review Board and the receipt of the Master Plan and required dat~, the copies to the members Palm Beach County School Plant Planning Department and advise the developer of the time and place of the Technical Review Board meeting. The meeting, oftheTechnical Review'Board shall beheld~within 14 days from the receipt of the Master Plan. - 30 ARTICLE VIII: H. STANDARD PROCEDURES~. (Continued) The Technical Review Board ~h~ll hold its meeting as required and shall review the Master Plan and required data with the developer. During consultation with the developer, the City Engineer shall inform the developer that the plan and data as submitted do or do not meet ordinance. 1. the provisions of this When the Technical Review Board finds that .the Master Plan and required data do not meet the provisions of this ordinance, it shall advise the developer at the time of the meeting what corrections or revisions are necessary to meet the provisions of this ordinance and shall, within seven (7) days, express the reasons in writing to the developer. Upon such~f~dings, the develOper shall make the corrections or revisions and resubmit the Master Plan and required date to the Office of the City Engineer for dispersement to the members of the Technical Review Board. The Technical Review Board shall reschedute the matter for review and inform the developer as to the time and date of the meeting. When the Technical Review Board finds that the Master Plsn and-required data meet the provisions of this ordinance, the Technical Review Board shall at the time sign the Master Plan indicating their approval and transmit the Maste~ Plan to the Planning and Zoning-Board. The Planning and Zoning Board will (subject to thei~ approval) then authorize the developer to proceed with the preparation of the con- struction plans and preliminary plat as required by this - 31 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Board shall express their actions in writing to the develope~ within seve~ (~) da~s and return to him a signed copy of the approved Master Plan.. _-~ SECTION V: CONSTRUCTION-PLANS~AND-P~IMI~NARY?LAT A. Upon approval of the m~ster plan by the Technical Review Board the developer shall have prepared and shall submit to the City Engineer's office within six (6) months two sets of construction plans and six (6) sets of the preliminary plat along with a nonreimbursable fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) payable to the City of Boynton Beach. The subdivision of a large tract may be developed in two ormore increments a~'~developer' may submit .construction plans anda preliminary-plat.for~approval to develop the subdivision in increments. The construction plans and preliminary plat shall coincide with the master plan or site plan as approved, and major deviation desired by the devetopermust be approved by the Technical Review Board by application from the developer .and'resubmittal~ Be CONSTRUCTION PLANS: 1. Construction plans shall be submitted for all the improvements required by this ordinance. The plans shall be under separate cover for each of t~e following -when-required: a. Paving, grading and drainage. - 32 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) b. Bridges c. Water and sewerage systems d. Street lighting, landscaping within public rights of way, parking areas. parks, recreational areas and Plans for street lights . shall~have the-approval-of, therequisite Utility authorities involved. 2. The plans shall be so complete that~from them a complete review and analysis can be'made without research of any outside data. The plans shall consist of and contain, but shall not be limited to: a. A cover sheet, including a vicinity sketch. b. Plan showing complete details in~d~ing water, sewer and storm~drainage-systemso c. In addition to a master storm water management plan, complete calculations used to design the storm water system shall be submitted. d. Typical sections and summary of quantities. e. Construction details showing compliance with City standards, or alternate by the City Engineer. f. Special profile sheets, if necessary, special or-unique situtations. g. Bench mark, based on N.O.S. datum. design as approved showing 33 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) h. Soil analysis, Sh0~in~ %h8 locations and results of test borings of the subsurface condition of the tract to be developed. Where non-pervious soils (commonly called hardpan) are encountered, the plans shall reflect a satisfactory design to cope with such conditions. If the soil analysis reflects that the area contains hard- pan or other non-pervious soils, the City Engineer shall require such additional design and construction as are necessary to assure proper drainage and development of the area. i. The plans shall contain the special conditions and specifications pertaining to note form on the,plans, such (1) Required compliance with the.~ub, di~ision zn as: this ordinance. (2) Where applicable, required compliance with State Standards as currently adopted and in use. (3) Minimum standards for materials. (4)-Test requirements for stabilization, base and backfill. (5) Source of water and sewer service. (6) Required installation of subsurface construction such as water lines, sewer lines, public utilities and storm drainage prior to compaction of sub- grade and roadway~constr~ction. - 34 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES IContinued) an engineer appointed A certified cost estimate developer's engineer and shall include the surveying and all required improvements. 3. a. Plans shall be prepared, certified and sealed by the developer's engineer. Two sets of plans for paving and drainage; bridges; water systems; sewerage systems; and street lighting ~(optional) having_the approval of Florida Power and Light; landscape,, parks, ~recreational areas and parking areas shall be submitted to the Office of the City Engineer for review and approval. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit (land development) the plans shall have all applicable approvals of all requisite governmental agencies having juris- diction which are affected by the development. b. Projects engineered by more than-~'~irm shall be coordinated by a single engineering firm or by the developer. 4. shall be prepared by the cost of PRELIMINARY PLAT: 1. Six (6) prints of the preliminary plat shall be submitted to the Office of the City Engineer along with the con- struction plans. The preliminary plat shall meet all the requirements of Section VT of this Article, mitred without restrictive minium documents, deeds or other except that it may be sub- convenant documents, condo- legal documents not ARTICLE VIII: related to the project. STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) survey or engineering design of the 3. The preliminary plat may be-submitted without signatures and seals. APPROVAL ~ OF CONSTRUCTION. PLASPS AND PRELIMINARY PLA~. The City Engineer's Office and the TRB shall review_tt~e_construction plans and the preliminary pl, at as to their conformity with this ordinance and within thirty (30) days from the date of the submittal of the plans and/or plat the City Engineer's Office shallJ-inform the developer's engineer that the plans and/or plat as submitted do or do not meet the provisions of this ordinance. 1. When' the City Engineer's Office finds that the construction plans and preliminary plat as submitted do not meet the provisions of this ordinance, the City Engineer shall advise the developer's engineer in writing and reference shall be made to the specific article, section and paragraph with which the plans and plat do not comply. Upon such findings,- the developer' s engineer shall~make the corrections or revisions as defined in the written statement and shall resubmit the construction plans and preliminary plat. 36 ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) am e When the City Engineer's Office and the TRB determines that construction plans and preliminary plat meet the pro- visions of this ordinance, it shall submit them to the Planning and Zoning Board for comments and recommendations. The Planning and Zoning Board will then give the con- struction plans andpreliminary_ plat,with their comments and recommendations, to the City-Manager for placement onthe agenda of the next meeting of the City Council. The City Council will approve or disapprove the con- struction plans and preliminary plat and will direct the City Engineer to so advise the developer of their decision. ~hen the City Council rules that the~ons~truction plans or the preliminary plat are not acceptable, the developer and/or the developer's engineer will consult with. the City Engineer to determine what changes are required. When the City Engineer receive~ the changes as requested he will resubmit the construction plans and preliminary plat to the City Manager for placement on the City Council agenda. When the City Council approves the construction plans and preliminary plat it shall direct the City Engineer to advise the developer's engineer and furnish a written statement of Technical Compliance and Surety Establish- ment~ Upon receipt of. Technical Compliance.the~developer's - 37 - the ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) Se engineer shall submit ~ having the Health De.partment~s submission of the final plat. Technical Compliance of the (6) Sets of construction plans, approval! at the time of construction plans and preliminary plat shall not constitute acceptance of the final plat, rather it shall be deemed an expression of acceptance of the layout submitted on the pre- liminary plat as a guide to the preparation of the final plat. Technical Compliance of the construction plans and pre- liminary plat shall not be construed as authority for filing the plat with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, nor as authorit~%~r~the sale of lots in reference thereto. Prior to completing the requirements of the Final Plat section of this article, building permits shall not be issued for any structure on a lot wherein the final plat has not been recorded in the manner prescribed, unless the recording Of the plat is not required by Article VT of this ordinance, or unless a master plan or site plan showing the structure and/or explaining its use has been approved by the Technical Review Board. - 38- ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Con~ued) SECTION VI: PREPARATION OF FINAL PLAT As the final stop in the roviow proceduros to obtain approval for a subdivision in the City of Boynton Beach, the dovolopor shall submit a final plat. Submission of a final plat to the City Enginoer and the posting of a Performance Bond in the amount of the total ostimatod cost of implementing the City approvod construction plans. Said Porformanco Bond shall be made payablo to the City of Boynton Beach. No improvomonts, including streets, drainago and the liko shall be accepted and maintainod by the City unless and until the final plat has boon approvod by the City Enginoer and the City Council and duly recordod by the C~ ~.~ , .... _ Court. A. Upon filing application for final plat approval, the developer shall pay a fee of $150.00 to help defray the cost of processing the final plat. In addition to the processing fee, the developer shall pay a fee of 1% of the estimated cost of construction of those improvements required by this ordinanceS'%8 defray the cost of admini- stration of the subdivision. -- ~ - 39 ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDUP~ES (Continued) Within six (6) months from the date of the written tech- nical compliance of the construction plans and .preliminary plat, the final plat shall be prepared and submitted to the Office of the City Engineer. final plat within six (6) months cation under the Constrnction section of this article. The final plat shall conform to the Failure to submit the shall require reappli- Plans and 'Preliminary Plat approved master plan or site plan and shall constitute only that portion of the master plan or site plan which the developer proposes to develop within twenty~one (21) months. The final plat shall be drawn or printed on 24 inch x 36 inch linen, chronoftex, mylar or or,. ~.~pproved material. The final plat shall be prepared by a land surveyor currently registered in the State of Florida and is to be clearly and legibly drawn with black permanent drawing ink or veritype process to a scale of not smaller than I inch = 100 feet, or as otherwise determined by the,~ity Engineer. The final platshall-be prepared in-accordance with~the provisions of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, as amended, and shall conform to the following requirements: 1. NAME OF SUBDIVISION. The Plat shall have a title or name acceptable to the City. When the plat is a new subdivision, the name of thelsubdivisionshat~.notdupticate-.nor~be - 40 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) phonetically similar to the name of any existing subdivision. When the plat is an addition to a recorded subdivlsion, it shall carry the same name as the existing subdivision. 2. TITLE ~he platshall have a title printed in bold legible letters containing the name of the subdivision; the name of the City, County and State; the section, township and range as applicable and if the plat is a replat, amendment or addition to an existing subdivision, it shall include the words "section, unit, replat, amendment, etc." 3. DESCRIPTION There shall be lettered or printed upon-the, plat a full and detailed boundary description of the land embraced in the plat. The description shall~show the section, township and range in which the lands are situated and must be so complete that from it without reference to the map the starting point can be determined and the boundaries run. INDEX If more than one sheet is required for the map, the platshall contain anindex sheet on.Page 1, showing %he entire subdivision on the sheet indexing the area shown on each succeeding sheet and each sheet shall - 41 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) contain an index delineating that portion of the subdivision shown on that sheet in relation to the entire subdivision. When more than one sheet must be used to accurately portray the lands subdivided, each sheet must show the particular number of that sheet and the total number of sheets included, as well as clearly labeled match SURVEY DATA. The final plat shall show the with central angles, radii, and Sufficient survey data shall be the boundary of each lot, block, lines on each sheet. length Of all arcs together points of curvature. sh~n to positively describe right of way, easement and all other areas shown on the plat and all areas shall be within the-boundary of the plat as shown in the description. The survey data contained on the plat shall also include: a. The scale, both stated and graphically illustrated on each sheet. b. A prominent "north arrow" shall be drawn on every sheet included showing any portion of the lands subdivided. The bearing or. azimuth~reference shall be clearly stated on the face of the plat in the notes or legend. c. The point of beginning shall be boldly shown toge'ther with the letters P.O.B. in bold letters. d. All intersecting street right of way lines shall be joined by the long chord of a minimum radius of 25 feet and all dimensions shall be shown. e. All adjoining property shall be identified by a sub- - 42 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) division title, plat book and page or if unplatted, the land shall be so designated. f. Permanent reference monuments shall be shown in the manner prescribed by Chapter177, Florida Statutes, as amended, and shall be installed prior to submission of the final plat. g. There shall be reserved on each sheet of the plat a 3 inch by 5 inch space in the upper right hand corner to be used by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for recording information and each sheet shall reserve three (3) inches on the left margin and a half (1/2) inch margin on all remaining sides. h. The'map"shall~mathemati~alty close within .01 feet and shall be accurately tied to all Township, Range and Section lines occurring within the sub- division by distance and bearing. In addition, the initial point in the description shall be accurately tied to the nearest quarter section corner or section~corner or governm?nt~corner. The cover sheet or first page of the plat shall show a vicinlty ~ketch, showing the subdivision's location in reference to other areas of the City. LOT AND BLOCK IDENTIFICATION Each lot and block shall be numbered or lettered. Ail lots shall be numbered or lettered by progressive n~unbers or letters individually throughout the subdivision or - 43 - ARTICLE VIII:.. STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) Be progressively numbered or lettered in each block. Blocks in each incremental plat shall be numbered or lettered consecutively throughout a subdivision. STREET NAMES The plat shall contain the name of each street shown on the plat. Proposed streets which are in alignment with other existing and named streets shall bear the same name of the existing street. In no case, except as indicated in the preceding sentence, shall the name of the proposed street, excluding a numerical system, duplicate or be phonetically similar to existing street names, regardless of the use of the suffix street, avenue, boulevard, drive, p~, court, etc. NOT INCLUDED PARCELS Not included or excepted parcels must be marked "not a part of this plat." Where a not included parcel is completely surrounded by areas included within the plat, sufficient easements or rights of way to provide necessary~ access, utilities, and drainage to the not included parcel shall be provided. No strip or parcel of land shall' be reserved by the owner unless the same is sufficient in size and area to be of some particular use or s~rvice. The intended use of all reserved areas shall be shown on the plat in note form on the cover sheet. - 44 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) 9. RIGHTS OF WAY AND EASF/~ENTS Ail right of way and easement widths and' dimensions shall, be shown on the plat. The plat shall contain a statement that no buildings shall be placed~on ease- ments. I0. RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIVE CO~NANTS Restrictions pertaining to the type and use of water supply; type and use of sanitary facilities; use and benefits of water areas, canals and other open spaces; odd-shaped and substandard parcels; restrictions con- trolling building lines; establishment and maintenance of buffer strips and walls; and restrictions of similar nature shall require the establishment of restrictive covenants.and such covenants shall'be'noted on the plat. Documents pertaining'~to restrictive covenants shall be submitted with the final plat. I1. Land located within the municipal limits of the city, which includes any private lakes, canals or other types of waterways shall be included on the original plat and a formal acceptance by thesubdivider, his grantees and assigns, of the responsibility for maintenance ~said private lakes, canals or other waterways, and, further, .the-duty, at their expense, of keeping same free of weeds, hyacinths, cloggage or other debris or noxious material. - 45 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) 12. PRIVATE STREETS AND RELATED FACILITIES Ail streets and their related facilities ~esigned to serve more than one property owner shall be dedicated to the public use; however, private streets shall be permitted within property under single ownership, s~ch as a property owners' association. Where private streets are permitted, ownership and maintenance association documents shall be submitted with the final plat and the dedication contained on the plat shall clearly dedicatethe roads and maintenance responsibility to the association without recourse to the City or any other public agency. The rights of way and related facilities shall be identified as tra~'.~r, oad pur- poses under specific ownership. 13. CERTIFICATIONS ANDAPPROVALS The plat shall contain on the face or first page the following certifications and approvals, acknowledged as required by law, all being in the form set forth in the appendix to-this ordinance. a. Dedications. The purpose of all reserved areas shown on the plat shall be defined in the dedication on the plat. All areas reserved for use by the residents of the subdivision shall be so dedicated and all areas reserved for public use, such as parks, rights of way for roads, streets~or alleys,however the same may be designated; easements for utilities, -46 ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) rights of ~ay and easements for drainage purposes and any o~her area, hcwever designated, shall be dedicated by the owner of the land ~t the time the plat is recorded. b~ Mortqaqee's Consent~and Approval All mortgages along with the Mortgagee's Consent and Approval of the. dedication shall be required on all plats where mortgages encumber the land to be platted. The signature(s) of the mortgagee or mortgagees, as the case may be, must be witnessed and the execution must be acknowledged in the same manner as mortgages are required to be witnessed and acknowledged. In case the mortgagee is a corporation, the consent and approval shall be signed in behalf Of the corporation by the president orvide president and the secretary or an assistant secretary, respectively, by and with the authority of the Board of Directors. c. Certification of Surveyor. The plat shall contain the signature, registration number and official seal of the land surveyor, certifying that the plat is __a-true..~and. correct..representation of the land surveyed under his responsible direction and super- vision and that the survey data compiled and shown on - the plat complies with all of the requirements of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, as amended, and this - 47 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) ordinance. permanent reference monuments, set in compliance with Chapter as amended, and this ordinance, The certification shall also state that "P.RoM.," have been 177,Florida Statutes, and the P.C.P.'s will be set under the direction and supervision of the surveyor within one year from the date the plat was recorded. When plats are recorded and improve- ments are to be accomplished under surety posted as provided for by this ordinance, the Required Improve- ments and surety shall include P.C.P.'s. City Approval. .The plat shall contain the approval and signature block and date for th~iJ~a~or and the City Engineer and the acknowledgment and signature block of the City Clerk. County Approval. The plat, when required by th~ Cit~ Council (see Section VItB), shall also contain the da~e,.of approval .of the Board of County Commissioners, the smgnature.block of the Chairman of the' Board, the siqnature~ block of_the County Engineer, and the acknowledgment and signature block of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. - 48 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDUP~ES (Continued) f. Certification of Ti{~. ~ title certificate shall be contained on the faee or first page of the plat. The title certificate shall state: (1) as described and apparent persons or organizations executing t~e dedication; (2) that all .taxes have been paid on said !ands as required by Section 197.051~ F19rid~ S~t~teSl~ --~ as amended; and, (3) all morEgages on the land and indicate their official record book and page number. The title certification must be an opinion of an attorney-at-law licensed in Florida, or the certification of an abst~actor ~title insurance company licensed in Florida. g. Instrument Prepared By. The name and address of the natural person who prepared the plat shall be con- tained on the plat as required by Chapter 695.24, Florida Statutes, as amended. The name and address Sh&ll be in Statement form consisting of the words, "This instrument was prepared by (name) (address) . - that the lands and shown on the plat are in the name, record title is held by the person, 49 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCED~0~inued) 14. MOBILE ~O~E P~/{ SUBDIVISIONS Areas to be subdivided for the purpose 9f a subdivision shall be in the properzone for such development and priorto the submittal of the final plat and supporting data, shall have the approval of the final zoning authority and shall meet all of the requirements of the Zoning Code. The dedi- cation on the plat of a mobile home subdivision shall include the following additional provisions or wording equal hereto: "Said owner(s) hereby dedicate(s) the lots shown on the plat exclusively for mobile home or trailer parking and use inci- dental thereto, except as to the lo~ndicated for other purposes on the plat and mobile home or trailer parking is prohibited elsewhere than on the indicated lots. ~reas indicated as parks or play- grounds are dedicated for the use of the owners of the lots shown~on this plat." Mobile home sub- division plats shall conform to all the requirements of this ordinance, the requirements of the City of Boynton-Beach Zoning Code and shall comply with the requirments of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, as amended. mobile home 5O ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) o annually, during the process of construction and upon request by the developer, the City Engineer may recommend to the City Council, for theirapproval, reduction in the dollar amount of the bond on the basis of work completed, provided, however, sufficient funds shall '~-remain't°'c°mplet~the~Required'Improvements.-'The ~ity, after sixty (60) dayW written notice to the developer, shall call on the bond to insure satisfactory completion of the Required Improvements in the event of default by the developer, or failure of the developer to complete such improvements within the time required by this ordinance. A check payable to the City ofBoynto~a~.for~ ~ -~ · ..... ~-$15~.00' ~ - plus 1% of all.Required Improvements. A copy of the condominium documents, if the development is a condominium. The condominium documents shall indicate the maintenance responsibility for street lighting. The condominium documents shall provide for the formation of a special taxing district to assume maintenance responsibility for street lighting system in the event of the dissolution of the condominium association. Supplementary material designated by the office of the City ~ngineer, i.e.~, deeds, ,easements, .etc., when .access, - 52 ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (Continued) 15. EXISTING 0RRECORDED STREETS. The plat shall show the name, location and width of all existing or recorded streets intersectin~ or contiguous to the boundary of the plat, accurately tied to the boundary of the plat, by.bearings .and distances. E. Ail Plats for Planned Unit Developments shall contain "PUD" within the title. SECTION VII: SUBMISSION OF FINAL PLAT A. Upon completion of the foregoing requirments, the final plat shall, be submitted to the Office of the City Engineer and be accompanied by the following: t. Six (6) sets of the construction pla e~h~f~.o~ .~_~.~ Technical Compliance and having Health Department approval. 2. Surety Bond. The developer shall furnish the City a surety or performance bond obtained from a company having a Best's rating of AAA, guaranteeing that within the time required by this ordinance, all work required will be completed~in futl--accordancs with-the plat and all con- ditions attached thereto, copies of which shall be attached to and constitute a part of the bonded agreement. Said bond shall be in an amount equal to' 100% of the total cost of surveying and construction for t~e installation and-completion of all required ~mprovements including sidewalks. Semi- 51 - ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES (ContinUed) drainage, or utility servicer ~annot be accomplished throughplatted rights or way deeds or easements to accomplish access, drainage or utility service. B. The City Engineer shall_examine the final plat as to its com- pliance with the Constitntion and statutes of the State of Florida and t2ae ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach andshalI in writing, within thirty (30) days, report his finding, recom- mendations or approval to the developer. Such action shall be specified in writing and a reference shall be made to the specific article, section and paragraph with which the final plat does not comply, if deficiencies exist, they shall be corrected by the developer-upon written notice. If the final plat meets the provisions of this. ordinance, complies with the Constitution of the Statutes of' the ~State of Florida and the ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, the City Engineer shall submit the final plat and its accompanied documents to the City Planner and thence to the City Manager for placeme_nt on the City Council agenda for approval. The City Council may after their approval also require County approval prior to SECTION VIII: FINAL PLAT RECORDING REQUIREMENTS The final plat, signed by the Mayor, edged by the City Clerk. Beach County required) recording. the City Engineer and acknowt- City Clerk, shall be returned to the developer by the The developer will then present the plat to the Palm Cl~k (or C6unty Engineer if county~ 9pproval is to complete the formal recording process. ARTICLE VIII: STANDARD PROCEDURES~(Continued) SECTION IX: LAND DEVELOPMENT PERMIT A Land Development Permit shall be required prior to commence- ment of constructio~ of Required Improvements. The Land Development Permit shall be issued by the City Engineer in conjunction withapproval of and agreement for eonstr~Ction of Required Improvements, and the formal approval of the final plat by the City Council. - 54 ARTICLE IX: REQUIRED IMPROVEmeNTS The following tangible improvements are required in con- junction with the development of a subdivision within the incorpo- rated area of the City of Bolrnton Beach. The Required Improve- ment shall not commence until a Land Development Permit has been issued by the CityEngineer. SECTION.I: ALLEYS Alleys are required along rear lot lines of commercial subdivisions and are permitted in industrial subdivisions. SECTION II: BRIDGES AND CULVERTS Where lakes, streams, waterways or channels, be provided as necessary to facilitate a subdivision is traversed or develops canals, bridges or culverts the proposed street water courses, shall system. The bridge or'culvert requirement is subject to the agency havin~ jurisdiction over above enumerated facilities or as required by the proposed street layoutb~ the development in conjunction with a proposed waterway. SECTION III: BUFFER AREAS (SCREENING) Subdivisions shall-be-buffered-for the protection of residential properties with a chain link fence, five (5) foot high masonry wall or landscaped or some other equivalent buffer which shall also 55 - ARTICLE IX: REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) be at least five (5) feet in height when necessary to separate residential developments from commercial and industrial develop- ments, except where such developments are separated by a golf course or other equivalent barriers. Residential developments shall be buffered and protected from adjacent expressways; arterialsand railroad rights.of way~,with a.five .(5) foot limited access easement,which shall be shown and designated on the plat, except where access is p~ovided by means of a marginal access road orwhere such ~xpr~ssway, arterial Or railroad right of way abuts a golf course. In the alternative, a five decorative masonry wall or landscaped chain other equivalent buffer which shall also be high, may be feet wide. (5) foot high link fence or some at least five (5) feet provided in a limited access e~ment up to five (5)i/ SECTION IV: CLEARING - GRADING - FILLING The subdivision shall be graded and where necessary filled to comply with the drainage design Prescribed in the Design Requirements article of this ordinance. Developers shall be required to clear,all-rights,of way and~to make all'grades, for streets, alleys, lots and other areas, compatible for drainage as prescribed in the drainage design. The type of fill within the rights of way shall be satisfactory to and meet with the - '- approval of the City Engineer, who shall require soil tests of the backfill and the underlying material at the cost of the 56 - ARTICLE IX: .REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS. (Continued) developer to certify the type of material and method of placement. In the interest of the preservation of existing trees and other natural beauty, the City Engineer may vary the requirements of this section where aesthetic and environmental conditions will be enhanced but will not affect proper draina~e~of the area. SECTION V: DRAINAGE A. DRAINAGE° An adequate drainage system, including necessary ditches, canals, swales, percolation areas, detention ponds, storm sewers, drain inlets, manholes, headwalls, endwalls, culverts, purtenances shall be required bridges and other ap- in all subdivisions for the drainage of Storm and ground water. The dr~nage system shall also provide fo~ protection from surfsce waters affecting the subdivision. B. STORM WATER TREATMENT. Storm water treatment facilities shall be required in the subdivision to control storm water by providing for on-site percolation and/or detention ~ or any other a~propriate treatment technique- for storm~water. SECTION VI: FIRE PP/DRANTS Fire hydrants shall be provided in all resmdential, commercial and industrial subdivisions in the manner prescribed in this ordinance. When annual fire hydrant fees are to be levied according to ordinances a'special~ association for payment of said fees will be required. - 57 ARTICLE IX: REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) SECTION VII: MONUMENTS Monuments shall be set as prescribed by Chapter 177, Elorida Statutes, as - amended. - 58 '~ -"~RTICLE IX: REQUIP~ED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) SECTION VIII: PARKS AND RECREATIONAL AREAS A. REGIONAL OR METROPOLITAN PARKS A_ND PRESERVATION/CONSERUATION AREAs Where a_planned-regional or. metropolitan park.or preservatioh/ conservation area is shown on the City's or County's Compre- hensive Land Use Plan or other official map o~ plan of said planned area, the developer shall be required to reserve such area for a period not to exceed two years during which time the City or County shall either acquire the property or re- lease the reservation. Such time period shall commence with an official inquiry to the City Council by a developer or pro- perty owner proposing development of such area. RECREATIONAL AREAS 1. Purpose. This Section Se is enacted to insure that future land development within the city provides land for park or recreational purposes in accordance with the Open Space and Recreation Master Plan a~ adopted by the City of Boynton Beach. Requirements. As a condition of final p~at approval, the subdivider shall agree in writing the d~dication of land, pay a fee in lieu thereof, or both, at the option of the City, for park or-recreational purposes at the time and according to the atandards and formula in this ordinance. General Standard. It is hereby found and determined that the public interest, convenience, health, welfare and safety require that six (6) acres of property for each - 59- ARTICLE IX: REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) one thousand (1,000) persons be devoted for neighborhood park and recreational purposes. e Formula for Dedication of Land. To determine park and recreatibnaI land for residential subdivisions to be de- dicated in accordance with the ge~eralstandard of six (6) acres per 1,000 persons, the following formula shall be used: Average number of persons/ dwelling unit ~ ExamPle for single family dwelling unit: The Dwelling Type Single family Duplex Multi-family following table is to be followed: Park Land Dedication Table Average Houses hold size/D.U. 3.0 3.0 2.5 1,000 population park acreagestand. ard 3 ~ 1000 = 0.018 ~ acre/un~ Average Acreage Requirement/D.U. 0.0180 0.0180 0.0150 For land zoned multi-family, shall be applied as related to the maximum number of dwell- ing units permitted by the Eoning classification of the pro- perty. the park land dedication formula 5. Formula for Fees in Lieu of Land Dedication. A. General Formula. 1. If it is determined that no park or recreation fac- ility is to be located in whole or part withingthe .... p~oposed rsubdivision~ to serve theimmediate and furture needs of the residents of the subdivisi6n, - 60- ARTICLE IX: REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) the subdivider shall, in lieu of dedicating land, pay a fee equal to the value of the land acreage determined by the formula hereih, and in an amount determined in accordance with the provisions as set out above, such fee to be used by the City for acquisition or development of park and recreational land which will serve the residents of the area being subdivided. Use of Money. The mones; collected hereunder shall be paid to 'the City ofBoynton Beach~ Said money shall be placed in a trust f~nd which shall be k~0wn as the Reserve for Parks and Recreational Facilities. Monies within this reserve account.shall be used and ex- pended solely for the acquisition, improvement, expansion or implementation of parks and recreational facilities of the City of Boynton Beach, Said monies, as they relate to fees paid for any given subdivision, shall be used first for the purpose of providing park or recreational facilities reasonably related to serving said subdivision by way of the purchase of necessary land, or, if the City Council deems that there is sufficient land available for that said subdivision, then secondly said monies shall be used for improving said land for park and recreation- al purposes or if both adequateland and'improvements exist in the area, the said monies may be spent to acquire or improve park and recreational facilities - 61 - ARTICLE IX: REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) needed in the City. C. Criteria For Requiring both Dedication and Fee. The subdivider shall both dedicate land and pay a fee in lieu thereof in accordance with the following formula: (a) ~en only a portion of the land calculated by the formula.for park andrecreational use is to be. dedicated, such portion shall be dedicated for local park purposes and a fee cDmputed pursuant to the provisions set out above shall be paid for any ad- ditional land that would have been required to be dedicated~pursuant to the said above provisions. (b) When sufficient park and recreational land in the vicinity has already been acquired by the City and only a smallportion' o ' ............ ~-"~'~:~ subdivision to complete the site, such remaining portion shall be dedicated and a fee computed pur- suant to the formula provided above shall be paid in an amount equal to the value of the land ~hich would otherwise bare been required to be dedicated pursuant to said above provision, such fees to be used for the improvement of the existing park and recreational facility or for the improvement of other local parks and recreational facilities in the area serving the subdivision. D. Amount of Fee in Lieu of Land Dedication. Where a fee is required to be paid in lieu of land dedication, the amoun~ of such fee shall be based 62 - ARTICLE IX: REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) upon the fair market value of the amount of land which would otherwise be required to be dedicated pursuant to the formula prescribed in No. 4 above. The fee shall be paid pursuant to the provisions continued in this ordinance. At the time of filing of preliminary plat subdivision map for approval, the Planning and Zoning Board shall, in those cases 'where a fee in lieu of dedication is required either in whole or in part, determine the fair market value of the land in the proposed subdivision, and this determination shall be used in calculating the fee to be paid. If a subdivider objects to the fair market value determination, he may at his own expense, obtain an appraisal of the property by a qualified real estate appraiser approved by the City, which appraisal of fair market value may be accepted by the City Council, if found reasonable. Alter- natively, the City and the subdivider, may-agree as to the fair market ~alue Determination of Land or Fe~. The City Council shall de~ermine whether it accepts land dedication or elects to require payment of a fee in lieu thereof by consideration of the follow- lng: (a) Topography, land in the (b) Size and. shape of the subdivision available for dedication; (c) The feasibility ofdedication; geology, access and location of subdivision available for dedication; and land - 63 - ARTICLE IX: REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) (d) Availabili~ay~f previously acquired park property; (e) .In conformance with the recreation land use p~an. F.-Credit for-Private Open Space. Where private openspace for park and recreational - purposes.is-provided ina proposed subdivision and such space is to be-privately owned and maintained by the future resid~s of the subdivision, partial credit, not to exceed-fifty (50%) per cent, may be given against the requirement of land dedication or payment of fees in lieu thereof if the City Council finds it is in the public interest to no so and that all of the.following standards are met: (a) The yards, court areas~%D~n~'~'~t~e~ open areas required to be maintained by the zoning and building ordinances and regulations shall not be -cluded in the computation of such private open space; (b) That the private ownership and maintenance of the open space is adequately provided for by record- ed written agreement, conveyance, or restrictions; and (C) That the use of the private open space is re- stricted for park and recreational purposes by re- corded covenant, which runs with the land in favor of the future owners of property and which cannot be defeated or eliminated without the consent of the City or its successor; and (d) That the proposed private open space is in- and ARTICLE IX: REQUIRED i~R0~ (Continued) reasonably adaptable for use for park and al ~urposes, taking into consideration such as size, shapei topography, geology, acoess, locations; and (e) That facilities proposed for the open space are in substantial accordance with the provisions of the Open Space and Recreation Master Plan; and (f) That the open space for which credit is given provides a minimum of five (5) of the local park basic requirements listed below, or a combination of Such and other recreational improvements that will meet the specific recreation park needs of the future residents of the area: Minimum Acreage 1. Children's play apparatus .50 area 2. Landscape park-like and .50 quiet areas Family picnic areas .25 Game court Area .25 e 4. 5. 6. Turf playfield Swim pool (42' x 75' with adjacent deck) & lawn areas Recreation Center Building e 1.00 .25 .15 the City Council Before credit is given, recreation- factors and shall ~ake written findings Ghat the above standards are met. Procedure. As a condition of preliminary plat approval the subdivider shall agree in writing to dedicate land, pay a fee in lieu thereof, or both, at the option of the City, for park or recreational purposes at - 65 - ARTICLE IX: REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) the time and according to the standards and formula in this ordinance after a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Board has gone forward to City Council. At the time of approval of the subdivision preliminary plat, the City Council shall determine pursuant to Section E hereof the land to be dedicated and/or fees to be paid by the subdivider. At the time of the filing of the subdivision final plat, the subdivider shall dedicate the land, pay the fees as previously determined bY the City Council, or furnish a bond in the amount of 110% of the fees which shall become a lien upon the pro- perty and shall be paid upo~is~uance of the first certificate of occupancy of the transfer of titl& to any parcel or unit ~f the land or improvements thereto. Commencement of Development. At the time of approval of the final subdivision plat, the City Conncil shall specify when develop- ment of the park or recreational facilities shall be commenced. Non-residential Subdivisions. The provisions of th~s Section shall not apply to non-residential subdivisions. 66 - ARTICLE IX: REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Con%inued) SECTION IX: PERMANENT CONTROL~POINTS "P.C.P's" Permanent Cont~ot Poin%s "P.C.P's" sha!! be provided in accordance with Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, as amended. The Required Improvements shall incorporate placemenb of Permanent Control Points "P.C.P.'s" and the surveyor's certifi- cates shall indicate that Permanent Control Points will be set within one year from the date of recording of the plat under surety posted within the City for the Required Improvements. SECTION X: SANITARY SEWAGE. Complete sewage collection system shall be provided for-all sub- divisions in accordance with-requisite State and City Regulations. Sewage transmission facilities shall be provided by the developer to an approved operating City collection or transmission system. The City Utility Director shall approve all connection to City existing~collection and-transmissionsystems.~ The Surety Bond Article VIII, Section VII A-2 shall include the estimated cost of the subdivision sewage collection ~3stem and the estimated cost of sewage transmission system to an approved connection to ...... the City sewage system. ARTICLE IX: REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) SECTION/fi: SIDEWALKS Sidewalks shall be oonstructed on both sides of all local and eollector~ streets, and on one Side-of the marginal access streets in all areas. They m~y be constructed concurrent with building construction, if such building construction occurs w~thin a five year period from the date of the City Council Resolution declaring final acceptance of the subdivision. All sidewalks shall be completed within a six year period from the date of said final acceptance of the subdivision. When building construction occurs after the sidewalks are completed, the proposed~ driveway area of the sidewalk shall be removed by saw cut by the builder and replaced as required by Article X, Section X, paragraph T of this ordinance. A required sidewalk may be waived by the Technical Review Board when adequate pedestrian circulation is provided by bicycle/ pedestrian paths, The control, jurisdiction and maintenance obli- gation of bicycle/pedestrian paths not located within the road right of way shall be placed ina property owners' association, as defined by the State Law or an improvement district. Bicycle/p~destri~n - paths shall be constructed concurrently with other Required Improvements. A dual system consisting of sidewalks within the road right of ARTICLE IX: REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) way and bicycle/pedestrian paths outside of the road right of way may be required to provide adequate pedestrian circulation. The paths shall be constructed concurrently with ot~er Required Improve- m~nts and shall also be guaranteed by the posting of surety as described in~A~ticle VIII, ~Section VII, paragraph A-2. The amount of that portion of the Subdivision Performance for the uncompleted sidewalks shall be calculated by using the current sidewalk construction cost and an inflationary precentage through the above six year period as determ4ne~.~by the City Finance Director. SECTION XII: STREETS All streets and related facilities required to serve the proposed subdivision shall be constructed by the'developer. The con- struction shall consist, but not be limited to, street grad- ing, base preparation and surface course along with drainage as required under this article. SECTION k-III: STREET MARKERS Street markers shall be provided at each intersection in the type, size and~ location required by current City Standards. Street name signs shall carry the street name approved on the subdivision plat. SECTION XIV: STREET LIGHTING Street lighting may be installed. A contract would then be negotiated between the developer-and the franchised utility.for Bond retained ARTICLE IX:. REQUIRED I " ~ ~ ~ ' MP ROVEME~T $~ ~ (~Cen%~i ~u e d ) the OWnership, operation and maintenance of the system. The developer shall place deed restrictions coveri, ng the property to be developed which state that owners of the property-within the subdivision are subject to assessment by a property owners' association for the cost of maintenance and operation of such street lights, upon ~completion.of the development, the street lights shall be owned, operated, and maintained by a property owners' association and/or the franchised utility. SECTION k~Y: CENTRAL WATER SYSTEM A complete water distribution system shall be provided for all subdivisions. Water transmission mains shall be provided by the developer to an approved operating City water system. The City Utility Director shall approve all new connections to the existing City water system. The Surety Bond - Article VIII, Section VII A-2 shall include the estimated cost of the proposed water distribution system and the estimated cost of any~-required.~transmission mains to an existing City water system. SECTION XVI: TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES The developer shall install traffic control device~, including but notlimited to ~traffic .lights0 on-roads within and-interfacing with the subdivision. A traffic impact analysis meeting the approval of the City Enqineershall determine the traffic lighti requirements. - 70 ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIRE~ The design of the subdivision Required Improvements shall be in accordance with acceptable engineering principles. De- sign'data, such as calculations and analyses shall be submitted along with the development plans covering important features affecting design and important features of construction. Such calculations and analyses shall include, but not be limited to high water, d~ainage facilities~of all kinds, subsurface soil data, alternate pavement and subgrade types, and radii at intersec- tions when minimum standards of the AmericanAssociation of State Highway and Transportation Officials are inadequate. Should the.developeretect-to p~ovide~improvements in excess of the minimum requirements, such improvements shall be considered on an individual basis. The design of Required im- provements shall be accomplished in such a manner that they shall be equal to or exceed current City Standards and the following: SECTIOb; I: ACCESS Points of access to lots developed within ~ subdivision shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from intersecting right of way lines on local streets and 180 feet from intersecting right of way lines on all other streets of higher classification as defined in this ordinance. However, access to townhouse - 71 ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS IContinued) clusters may be via parkihg .lots and/or driveways designated on the plat as access or parking tracts providing the length of said access does not exceed 600 feet. The subdivision shall be designed to accomplish access to the tots by the use of local streets. Local street connections to collector streets shall be a minimumof, 660 feet apart and 'collector street con- nections to'arterial streets shall be a minimum of 1320 feet apart. Where access is desired along collector or arterial streets, it_~shall be provided by means of a marginal access road. The first point of access to the marginal access road from collector and arterial streets shall be a-minimum of 330 feet from intersecting right of way lines with intermittent points at median opening locations, being a mirrim~m of 660 feet from intersecting right of way.lines,-unless otherwise-approved by the City Engineer. Access spacings of lesser lengths may be granted if requested by the developer and if deemed advisable by the Technical Review Board. Where double frontage lots are created adjacent to a collector or arterial street, they shall front on a local street and-the rear of the lot shall 'be the side which abuts the collector or arterial street. In such cases, the lot shall be buffered as required by this ordinance. - 72 - ARTICLE X: DESIG~ REQUIREMENTS (Continued} SECTION II: ALLEYS Alleys shall be paved 18 feet wide in a minimum 20 foot right of way for commercial and industrial use and shall have ap- propriate radii for the use intended. Alleys shall have inverted crowns with-3/8 inch per foot-t~aversed slope. ~he alley . grade shall not exceed 5% or be less than wise approved~by the City Engineer. Alley sharp changes in are prohibited. .30% unless other- intersections and alignment shall be avoided and dead end alleys SECTION III: BLOCKS The length, width, and shape of blocks shall be determined with due regard to: A. Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the type'of use contemplated. Zoning requirements as to lot size and dimensions. Need for convenient_access~.circulation~ control and safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Limitations and opportunities of topography. 1. Block lengths shall not exceed 1320 feet between intersecting streets except where special topo- graphical conditions exist. Greater lengths may be approved by the City Engineer. 73 Be De ARTICLE X: DESIG~ REQUIREMENTS (Continued) 2. In blocks 900 feet in length or over, crosswalks between streets not less than 8 feet wide may be re~aired where deemed essential to provide cir- culation or access to schools, playgrounds, shop- ping 6enter, transportation and other community facilities. SECTION IV: BRIDGES Bridges shall be designed in general accord with the current Department of Transportation practices and shall include planning for utility installation. They shall be reinforced c~n- crete,~ howe~er, other tow-maintenance materials may be used upon request and approval, having a clear roadway width between curbs 2 feet in excess of the pavement width zn each direction and shall provide 4 foot wid~ sidewalks on each side. All bridge structures shall be designed for H-20-S16-44 loading, incorporating adequate erosion protection. SECTION V: A. DRAINAGE - Ail subdivisions shall have comprehensive storm drainage facilities which convey storm waters through easements to drainage canals or natural water courses. The design da~a of ~he drainage system shall be submitted along with the construction plans in a report form prepared by the developer's engineer indicating 74 - ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) the method of control of storm and ground water, including the method of drainage, existing water elevations, recurringhigh water elevations, proposed design water elevations., drainage structures, canals, ditches and any other pertinent information pertaining to the system. The drainage system Shall be designed using acceptable engineering principles with.considera- tion being given to the protection of all future buildings from a one in ona hundred year storm. In addition, the system shall provide for the necessary maintenance of ground'water levels~to prevent over-drainage' for the intended land use. The storm sewers shall be designed for rainstorms of maximum intensity predicted for the Palm Beach County area at three-year intervals accord- ing to current Department of Transportation charts and data. The system shall provide for drainage of lots, streets, roads and .other public areas including surface waters which drain into or through the property. The design for drainage of the subdivision must be adequate to provide for surface ~aterdrainage of adjacent con- tributory areas. Where additional ditches and canals are required to acconm~date contributory surface waters, right of-way shall be provided for future needs; how- ever, the developer may be permitted to excavate or - 75- ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQI//REMENTS (Continued) open sufficient capacity to provide for existing drainage needs whenever the developed or undevelopgd status of adjacent areas so warrants, as determined by the City Engineer. The runoff coefficients used in the de- sign ofthe subdivision shall be those applicable after complete development has occurz~_.~andshall be cal- culated on sample areas of each type of ultimate use. The drainage system shall be designed for long life, low -maintenance cost and ease of maintenance by normal maintenance methods. The minimum pipe used within a storm sewer system shall be 15 inches in diameter. Distance between terminating or intermediate struc- tures shall not exceed those required b~State Stand- ards for the construction of maintenance inlets or man- holes. Minimum grades for swale sections shall be 0.003 foot per foot. The storm sewer systems shall be so designed that the elevation of the hydraulic gradient is never higher than the grate elevatbn oK any inlet in the system. The-pipe- shalt-be~ sloped and structures chan- neled to develop sufficient scouring to minimize sedi- ment. The pipe used in the system shall be reinforced concrete or metal meeting AS~!~. AASHTO and current Department of Transportation specifications. Concrete pipe shall have gasket joints,meeting the requirements of AASHTO. When~metat pipe is~usedbeneath-~the 76 - ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) Be pavement or parallel within be designed to provide a joint free installation or, joint free installations are not feasible, shall be the right of way, it shall where jointed with a 12-inch wide band having a mastic or neoprene gasket providing a water-tight joint. Other jointing tech- niques meeting ~or exceeding these requirements may be used upon submittal to and approval by the City Engineer. Drainage pipe shall be fitted with headwatls, endwalls, inlets and other appropriate terminating and intermediate structures. Structure design shall meet or exceed City standards. STORM WATER TREATMENT - Rainfall runoff, sur- face and ground waters shall be manacle'in subdivi- sions to minimize degradation of water quality, nutri- ents, turbidity, debris and other harmf~ll substmnces, and maximize percolation and detention to promote the re-use of this resource. Storm water treatment facilities shall be designed, sized and performance evaluated to accommodate as a minimum requirement a three year storm. Runoff from roads, parking lots, roofs and other impervious surfaces should be directed over a~eas where percolation into the soil can be accomplished prior to introduction into any storm sewer or other receiving facilities. Pervious areas should be covered with vegetation requiring periedic"cutting-and'removal. -77 - ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) The maximum recommended r~6ff flow distance over impervious surfaces before being diverted to percola- tion areas should be 50 feet, however, excluding build- ing roofs, sports fields, roadway gutters and storm sewers. Runoff which must be carried directly into the-closed storm sewer system without previously crossing~per- colation areas should be discharged to percolation areas prior to conveyance to on-Site bodies of water, or off-site receiving waters in order to promote deten- tion, disposition.of silt and other particulates and ,the removal of nutrients or other,undesirable-constituents in the water prior to discharge from t~'~subdivision. Water storage and detention capabilities of on-site bodies of water shall be governed by the discharge limi- tations of the requisite drainage district. Temporary ponding is allowable in areas specifically designed.,with,~ighpercolation ~rates so that~ ponding does not last more than 8 hours. Swales may be used in lieu Of storm sewers to, convey and collect surface waters. Minimum swale grade shall b~ .,.0g3_foot-per-foot~and~maximum swale grade shall be limited to that grade which will produce water veloci- ties below the threshold of erosion. The side slopes on ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ~(Continued) swale sections shall not be steeper than 4:1 and the swale may occupy all of a water management tract. Ail major treatment facilities such as swales, lakes, canals, and other detention areas used for storm water management prior to discharge from development shall be placed in' water management tracts shown on the plat and dedicated to the entity responsible for their maintenance. All water management tracts shall in- clude where necessary, a 20 foot maintenance berm,- with a side slope not steeper than 8:1. Alternate treatment methods of facilitY"which in the opinion of.the.~City-Engineerareequal or ~su.periorto the above requirements may 'be approved. Application for such approvals shall be accompanied by written data, calculations and analyses which show, by accept- ed engineering principles, that the alternate treatment methods or facilities are equal or superior to those specified. SECTION ~I: EASEMENTS A. UTILITS~~ EASEMENTS - Utility easements 12feetwide shall be provided-where necessaryto accommodate all required utilities across lots and where possible shall 79 - be ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) centered on lot lines with convenient access for main- tenance. Where possible, utility easements 10 feet wide should be provided for underground utilities across that portion of the lot adjacent to a street. Additional utility easements may be required by the City when, in the opinion of the City Engineer, such easements are necessary for continuity of utility service between de- velopments and where necessary for maintenance and service. Utility easements and drainage easements shall not be combined. Where crossings occur, drainage easements shall take precedent. DRAINAGE EASEMENTS -Drainage easements shall be provided where necessary at ~ width adequate to ac- commodate the drainage facilities. A minimum of 12 feet shall be provided for underground storm drainage installations and where canals or ditches are permitted, the width shall be__adequate to~accommodatedra~nage facilities plus 20 feet on one side for maintenance pur- ~.~oses~ however,.the width-~shalt not exceed 60 feet. Where the width of canals or ditches exceeds 60 feet in order to accommodate adequate drainage facilities, the ditch or canal shall be acceptable t6 and placed Under the control of the drainage district having jurisdiction in the area. Drainage easements shall be provided to - 80 - ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) facilitate surface waters from contributory areas. When a subdivision is traversed by or develops canals, water courses, lakes, streams, drainage ways or channels, .there.. shall be~.provided'adrainage~eas~mentor right of way conforming substantially with the lines of such ~ater course and of such further width or construction or both as will be adequate for the purpose.- SECTION VII: LOTS- All lots shall have frontage on a street or have permanent private access to a street which has a minimum.right of way of 50 feet.. All lots shall have the area, frontage width'and depth required by the prevailing or approved use zone wherein said lots are located. When a subdivision is proposed under land with existing structures that are pro- posed.to be retained, lots are to be designed so as not to cause said existing structures to become non-conforming with respect to building area or lot size. When lots are platted abutting a collector or arterial street, access shall'be timit~d to local streets or marginal access roads. No access from individual lots shall be permitted directly to collector of arteri- al streets. Double frontage lots or through lots shall be .avoid- ed except where essential to provide separation of residential development from traffic arteries or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography or'orientation.''~Where-double ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) frontage lots are developed they shall be buffered as required by this ordinance. corner lob lines long chord of a 25 deemed necessary. at intersecting right of way lines shall be foot radius or of a greater radius where The corner~lots shall be designed to fa- cilitate a safe intersection with respect to a sight distance, a~d a restriction shall be-placed~on the lot and defined od the plat prohibiting construction or plantings over3 feet high within the sight plan established in the design of the lot or adjacent street, based on the crown elevation of the street. the SECTION VIII: SEAWALLS,~ULKHEADS, PIERS~AND DOCKS Seawalls, bulkheads, piers and docks installed along access waterways shall be installed under permit issued by the Boynton Beach Building Department. Seawalls and bulkheads shall be con- structed with the water side face being on the property line. SECTION IX: SOILS The plan will show the location and results of test borings of the subsurface condition of the tract to be developed. When non-pervious soils (hardpan or other non-pervious soils) or unstable soils (peat, muck, ~etc.)~are enconntered~the plan - 82 - ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) shall reflect a satisfactory design to cope with such condi- tions. If the soil analysis reflects that the area contains hard- pan or other non-perviou~soils or contains peat, muck or other~unstable~ materials, the City Engineer shall reqUire such additional design and construction as are necessary to assure proper drainage and development of the area. Test locations shall be mutually determined by the developer's engineer and the City Engineer and shall be recorded as to location and result on the construction plans. SECTION X: STR~RTS The proposed subdivision street layout sha~!_~coordinated with the street-system of-the surrounding area and con- sideration shall .be given to existing and planned streets, relation to topographical conditions, to public convenience, safety and their appropriate relation to the proposed use of the land to be served by such streets. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall provide for the continuation of existing streets in adjoining areas not subdivided, the arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall provide for the proper projection of streets. When a new subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land, then the new street, where nec- essary, shall be carried to the boundary of the tract proposed ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) to be subdivided to promote reasonable development of adjacent lands and provide continuity of street systems. Local streets, when extended to the boundary of the tract, shall be designed in a manner that w~lt.~iscourage through traffic. The new subdivision shall provide for the incorpora- tion and .compatible development of presentand-future streets as shown on the Official Map adopted by the ~ity Council under the Thoroughfare Plan, when such present or future streets are affected by the proposed subdivision. A. TRAFFIC ANALYSIS -~A subdivision that will generate 3,000 one-directional vehicle trips p or day or 250 one- directional vehicle trips in a one-hour period must sub- mit along~with the Master Plan a Traff~pac~Analy- sis. The Traffic Impact~Analysis Shall.~be prepared bY a Professional Engineer and shall be used to determine the number of lanes, capacity of street systems pro- posed or effected by the development, and the phasing of improvements. When a subdivision will not generate sufficient one-dire~ctional~vehicle tripsper day to war~ rant a Traffic Impact Analysis, an intersection analysis must 'be submitted along with the Master Plan. ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Contihued) STREET RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH - street minimum right of way Ce width shall be as Street T~pe Expressway MajorArterial Arterial *Collector *Local with Mountable Curb *Local with Swales-_ Marginal Access follows: Right of Way Width 300 feet 200 feet 120 feet 80 feet 50 feet 60 feet 40 feet *The right of way width may be reduced by eight (8) if the provisions of Article IX, Section XI STREET PAVEMENT WIDTHS - Street pavement as follows: Street Type Expressway Major Arterial Arterial Collector ,Paving Width in Feet Local Marginal Access feet are met. shall be 4 or more 12 foot lanes with median 4 or more 12 foot lanes with turning lanes and median 4 12 foot lanes with turning lanes and, when required, me'dian 2 or more 12 foot lanes with turning lanes, median optional 2 11 foot lanes 20 to 34 feet of pavement - 85 - ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) DEAD-END STREETS - Dead-end streets shall be prohibited except~h~n ~esigned as a cul-de-sac. Such streets shall not exceed 1320 f~et in length except where natural geographic barriers exist necessitating a greater length and shall be provided at the closed end with a circular dedicated or private right o~ way with a diameter of not less than 100 feet at the property line and not~less .than 80 feet at the edge~of=pavement or Curb line. If a~. dead-end street is of a temporary nature, an adequate turn around within the proposed right of way may be required. CONSTRUCTION IN MUCK OR CLAY~AREAS -.W~~ts or alleys are to be .constructed in muck area, the muck or peat shall be completely removed from the centerline 10 feet.beyond the edge of pavement on each side. When gumbo or other plastic clays are encountered, they shall be removed within the roadway area 1 foot below the sub~ grade extending horizontally.to the outside edge of the ___ shoulder area. The design of streets proposed in excessive muck areas shall be considered on an individual basis. MATERIALS - Streets shallinclude a subgrade, base and wearing surface in accordance with current City Standards. Local streets shall be paved with 1~ inches of Type II asphaltic~concrete ~surface course on an~acceptable base - 86 - ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) with a stabilized subgrade producing a 50 lb. Florida bearing value. All other streets of highe~ classification shall be paved with i-3/4 inches of Type II asphaltic concrete surface course on an acceptable base with a stabilized subgrade pr6ducing a 75 lb.. Florida bearing value. Ac- ~ceptablebase~ materialshalt,belimerock or approved ,local shell having an 8 inch compacted thickness or the equivalent of sand asphalt plant mix meeting State Standards~ Analternate Of Type~ asphaltic concrete, may be used and shall be 1~ inches thick on local streets and 1½ inches thickon all streets of higher classification. ALTERNATE ~/PES OF PAVEMENT, BASE AND SUBGRADE - Alternate types of pavement, base and subgrade~ of the City Enginser, are equal or superior to those specified may be approved. Application for such approval shall be accompanied bywritten data, calculations and analyses which show, by accepted engineering principles, that the alternate types are equal or superior to those specified. STABILIZED SHOULDERS - Stabilized shoulders 8 feet wide shall be provided for distress lanes unless paved lanes are provided. The shoulder shall consist of a 6 inch layer of soil having a m/nimum of 50 p.s.i. Florida bear- ing value for local streets and 75 p.s.i, for streets of higher-classification.~ Where sod is desired, it shall - 87 ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUtREMENTS (Continued) be installed prior to acceptance of the subdivision or 6 inches of stabilization may be left 2 inQhes below finished grade. No time extensions will be granted on the basis of incomplete stabilized shoulders~ I. STREET GRADES - Street grades shall be determined in relation-tothedrainageinstatlations for the.subdivi- sion. Street ~rades shall not exceed 2~unless ade- quate protection for erosion is provided or be less than .30% for swale sections or .20% for guttered sections unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Road grades shall be shown on the development plans by the direction, percent of fall and with a centerline lineal distance between control point ~ J. SWALE AND SWALE GRADES - Swales within the right of way shall not exceed those shown in the current City Standards. Runoff may be accumulated and carried in the swales or guttered locations in the right o~ way ~lon9 streets in accordance with the maximum flood lines shown in the current City Standards. Water in excess of these quantities shall not be carried in the street swale or gutter in the right of way, but shall instead be diverted therefrom and carried away in storm facilities. K. STREET JOGS PROHIBITED - Loca!_street jo~s with center- line offsets of less than 125 feet are prohibited. - 88 - ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) L. MARGINAL ACCESS STREETS - Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing limited access highway, freewayor arterial street, if access is desired adjoining property Other than street connections, a marginal access street to afford separation of through and local traffic shall be required. M. LOCAL STREETS - Local streets shall be so iaid out that their use by through traffic shall be discouraged. N. RAILROADS ON OR ABUTTING SUBDIVISIONS When a subdivision borders on or contains a railroad right of way, a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such right of way may be r~ired at a dis- tance suitable for appropriate use of the intervening land for park purposes in residential districts or for commercial or for industrial purposes in ~ppropria~ districts, O. HALF STREETS - Half or'partial streets shall not be permitted except where essential to the reasonable -.subdivision of a tr.act i~,conformance with the Tho- roughfare Plan, these ~egulations and where, in addi- tion, satisfactory assurance for dedication of the re~ maining part of~t~e~streetis provided. Whenever a tract to be subdivided borders on an existinq half of partial street, the other part of the street may be required to be dedicated and constructed withinsuch, tract. posed'subdivision that adjoins or includes an A pro- existing ARTICLE X: DESIGN P~QUI REMENTS (Continued) street which does not conform to the minimum right of way requirements of these regulations shall provide for the dedication-of additional right of way along either one or both sides of said street so that the minimum right of way requirements of these regulations can be established. P. LIMITED ACCESS STRIPS -- Limited access strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited except where their ~ 'controlis placed ~with the City. Q. STREET NAMES - Proposed streets which are in align- ment with other existing and named streets shall bear the same ~ame of the existing street. All street names shall have a suffix and in no case, except as indicated in the preceding sentence, shall the name of the proposed street duplicate or be phonetically similar to existing street names regardless of the use of the suffix street, avenue, boulevard, drive, place, court, etc. R. ALIGNMENT, TANGENT, DEFLECTION, RADII Streets sha'll be ~laid out- to in-terseet as nea~ly asl. possible .at right angles. Multiple intersections involving the junc- tion of more than two streets shall be prohibited. The point of curvature of any local, street shall not be closer than 100 feet from any intersection. All inter- ~ sections shall be designed to provide adequate stopping and sight distance in accordance with the current edi- tion of A.A.S.H.T.O. Standards. When the centerline of - ~90 - ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) a local street deflects by more than 10°, it shall be curved with a radius adequate to assure sa~e sight dis- tance and driver comfort. Property lines at s-~reet inter- sections shall be the long chord of a 25 foot or greater radius and street pavement radii shall be a minimum of 30 feet and designed to facilitate the intended use. STREET.MARKERS - One street marker of'standard design as prescribed by current City Standards shall be provided at each intersection. A street sign shall be placed at a point' 8 feet from the edge of pavement on a radial line that bisects the intersection radius curve. SIDEWALKS - Sidewalks shall be four (4) feet wide within local streets and five (5) feet wide within· all other streets. They shall be constructed of concrete having a compressive strength of 2500 Pounds Per Square Inch at twenty~eight (28) areas, thickness days. In driveways and commercial shall be six (6) inches with reinforce- ment by six inch by six inch ten-gauge wire mesh. In other areas, thickness shall be four (4) The cross slope shall be one-quarter inch per foot. shall be placed one foot from the right of way line unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. inches. The sidewalks - 91 ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Conti~ned) SECTION XI: STREET LI 6~ITING Street lights, if provided by the_developer, all local and collector streets, at each intersection, at the end eul-de-s'acs, and whe~ever,-in~the_ opinion 0~ the City_Engineer, a dangerous condition is created by sharp curves or_irregular%~ies in street alignment. Between intersections, street_lights shall be installed and maybe engineered for security purposes only. Street lights shall be wired for underground service except where aerial service is permitted by Section XIII of this Article. shall be iRs%ailed on of SECTION XIt: BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN PATHS Bicycle/pedestrian paths shall be eight (8) feet wide. ..... way and commercial areas-,~-the surface, requirements of Article X, Section X, met. In other areas, one inch four inch thick compacted base rock.or shell shall be.used..-.When bicycle/pedestrian paths are not located within road rights of way, the base shall ex- tend six inches from each side of the surface and muck shall be completely removed below the base. Three-quarter inch thick Type I asphaltic concrete.may also be used. The cross slope shall be one-quarter inch per foot. - 92 -' In drive baseand sub~ra~e . Paragraph F shall be Type II asphaltic concrete on a of locally approved lime- ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS SECTION /fill: UTI Lt TI E S Utilities, phone and to street (Continued) incl~uding franchised utilities, power and liqht,tele- telegraph, water, sewer, cable television, wiring lights and gas shall be installed underground. This section shall apply to all cables, conduits orwires forming parts of an electrical distribution system including service lines to individual properties and main distribution feeder electrical lines delivering power to local distribution systems, provided that it shall not ~ply to wires, conduits or asso= ciated apparatus and supporting structures whose exclusive function is a transmission or distribution of electrical energy between subdivisions, generating stations, ~b~stations and transmission lines of other utility.systems, or perimeter lines located adjacent to the subdivision. Appurtenances such as transformer boxes, pedestal mounted terminal boxes, meter cabinets, service terminals, telephone splice closures, pedestal type telephone terminals or other similar "on the ground" facilities normally used with and as a part of the underground distribution system may be placed above ground, but shall be located so as not to constitute a traffic hazard. Easements shall be coordinated with requisite utility authorities andshatl-beprovided-as prescribed~by this ordi- nance for the installation of underground utilities.gr re%ocatT_' ing existing facilities in conformance with the respective - 93 - ground installations with each of the persons, rations furnishing utility service involved. A~TICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) utility authority's rules and regulations. Underground utili- ties are not required in subdivisions of less than,2t lots, The City'Engineermay waive the requirement for underground instal- lation if the service to the adjacent area is overhead and it does not appear that further development inadjacent areas with underground utilities is-possible. Any,new service which is allowed by the waiver hereinto be supplied by overhead utilities shall be connected to a service panel that is convertible for underground utility service at a future date. The developer shall make necessary cost and other arrangements for such under- firms or corpo- Utilities shall be constructed in easements as prescribed b~is ordinance. SECTION XIV: UTILITY INSTALLATION -- Afte~ th~subgrade-for a~s~r&~t has been completed, the re- mainder of the street right of way has been graded and before anymaterial is applied,~all-~nderground work_for the_ water mains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, gas mains, tele- phone, electrical..power conduits and appurtenances and any other utility shall be installed completely through the width of the street to the sidewalk area or provisions made so that the roadway or right of way will not be disturbed for utility So installed for the be properly capped installation. Ail underground improvements purpose of future service connections shall land backfitled. -~-94 - ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) SECTION XV: MEDIAN STRIPSAND ENTRANCEWAYS A. MEDIAN STRIPS --~edian strips which are part of a' dedicated or deededright of way may not be utilized for any purpose other than by the City or a public utility. If a~developer desires._~to~beautify a.median strip in a . .... subdivision he may do so by placing grass and shrubs of small root structure within the median strip under per- mit issued by the City Engineer and the Community Appearance Board after submission and approval of landscapingplans. _ID addition to th~ abQye, adequate irriqation systems shall be provided by the Developer. B. SUBDMSION ENTRANCEWAYS -- Subdlvlsion"~franceways consisting of walls, fences, gates, rock piles or the like are not permitted within the median stripor other areas in a dedicated or deeded right of way. Deco- rative entranceways must be constructed upon plots of land adjacent to a right of way in compliance with the Zoning, Building and Sign Codes and placed so as not to.constitute a.traffic hazard.~.~A guardhouse located so as not to create a traffic hazard, may be constructed at the entrance to a development having private streets. - 95 - ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) SECTI ON XVI: FIRE HYDRANTS A. RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS -- In one and two story subdivisions with not more than l0 ~elling units per acre, fire hydrants shall be spaced no greater than 500 feet apart~and~not more~than· 300 feet to ,the-center of any lot in the subdivision and shall be connected to mains no less than 6 inches in diameter. The system Shall provide capacity for fire flow of at least 500 gal- lons per minute in ~ddition to maximum day domestic requirements at-residual pressures of not less than 20 lbs. per square inch. MULTIPLE ?AMILY DEVELOPMENTS OF OVER 10 DwELLING UNITS PER ACRE, COMS~RCIAL, INSTITUTIONAL, INDUSTRIAL OK OTHER HIgH .DAYTIME OR NIGHTTIME POPULATION DENSITY DEVELOPMENTS -- In these areas fire hydrants shall be spaced no greater than 300 feet apart and the remotest part of any structure shall not be more than 200 feet from the hydrant and shall be connected to mains no less than 6 inches in diameter. In addition to.domestic r~quirementsat~residual pressures of not less than 20 lbs. per squake inch, least 1500 gallons per minute shall be mum standard. fire flow of at provided as a mimi- - 96 ARTICLE X: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (Continued) SECTION XVII: TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES The design of traffic control devices shall be in accordance with the Manual.for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. SECTION XVIII: MONUMENTS The Design of Permanent Reference Monuments, "R.R.M.s" "P C s" and Permanent Control Points, . .P. shall be as pre- scribed by Chapter 177, Florida Statutes~ as amended. W~re such monuments occurwithin street pavement areas, shall be installed in a typical water valve cover, in the current City Standards. to the location of "P.R.M.s" shall be indicated in note on the plat, such as underground installations, etc. SECTION XIX:' COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISIONS Commercial and industrial subdivisions shall comply with all of the requirements of this ordinance, except that all local -streets shall-bet designed according to the collector street they as prescribed All information pertaining form typical section contained in the current City standardsl - 97 - ARTICLE XI: CONSTRUCTION OF REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS SECTION I: CONSTRUCTION METHODS -Constr~c-t~en methods shall be those prescribed in the current Department of Tr~nsportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. SECTION II: ADMINISTRATION OF CONSTRUCTION After approval of ,the. final pla~ and_ supplementary materi~L_.a developer may construct the Required Improvements sub- ject to obtaining all required permits. The City Engineer shall be notified in advance of the date of commencement of such construction. __Const.ruction ,shall .be performed under the surveillance of, and shall at all times be subject to, review by-the City. Engineer; however, this in no way shall relieve the developer and his engineer of the responsibility for close ...... - fi~t~coordinat-ion ~nd final compliance with the approved plans, specifications and the requirements of this ordinance. The developer shall employ a Florida registered engineer for complete administration of the construction of the Required Improvements. ~The.~developer-shal~requireprogress reports and final certification of the construction of the Required Improvements from such engineer be filed with the City Engineer. The City Engineer or his duly authorized repre- sentativ~ shmtl have the~ht-to enter upon the property f6r - 98 - ARTICLE XI: CONSTRUCTION OF REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) the purpose of reviewing the constructionof Required Im- provements during the progress of such constm-uction. The developer's engineer shalI submit construction progress re- ports, at points of progress prescribed by the City Engi, neer. The developer's engineer shall coordinate joint reviews of theconstruction wish the City Enginesr. The City Engineer shall have the-authority to stop work upon fail~re of the developer.or his engineer to coordinate the construction of the Required Improvements. as prescribed by this ordinance. SECTION III: MEASUREMENTS AND TESTS During constructions,- the developer's engineer shall make such measurements, field tests and laboratory tests or cause them to be made to certify that the work and materials con- form with the approved development plans and the provi- sions- of this-ordinance. The~City Engineer may require, his descretion, tests and measurements which he deems at necessary. SECTION IV: COMPLETION CERTIFICATE The Required Improvements shall not be considered com- plete until a completion certificate along with the final project records have been furnished to, reviewed and ap- proved by the City Engineer. ~The' certificate shall be~by ARTICLe. XI: CONSTRUCTION OF REQUIRED I/4~ROVEMENTS (Continued) the developer's engineer stating that the Required Improve- ments were installed under his reponsible direction and that the improvements conform with the approved construction plans and this ordinance. The developer's engineer shall also furnish a copy o£~_eac~ of the. construction plans ona high quality, time stable reproducible maberial acceptable to the City Engineer, showing the original design in comparison to the actual finished work'a~d a copy of the measurements, tests and reports made on the work and material during the progress of the-construction. -SECTION V: TIME EXTENSIONS -u'~ All Required Improvements shallbe~completed within twenty- one (21) months from the date of. issuance of the Land Develop- m~nt Permit. Time extensions may be granted by. the City Council upon the recommendation of the City Engineer. The developer shall present a written request for extension to the Office of ' ~-the--City Engineer.-- Each time extension shall not exceed one year. ARTICLE XII: ACCEPTANCE AND MAINTENANCE OF REQUIRED EMPROVEMENTS SECTION I: WORKMANSHIP A~D MATERIAL AGR~RMENT 'The developer shall execute an agreement ~cruaranteeing the Required Improvements against defect in workmanshipand material for one year after acceptance of such improvements by the City Council. Said agreement shall be submitted to the City Engineer. along ~ith~ the co~pIetion certificate and project. records. Upon the City Engineer's recommendation the City. may require a cash bond or other acceptable surety in an amount to be determined by the City Engineer in addition to the agreement. SECTION II: ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATIO~ND MAINTENANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS The dedication of public space, parks, rights of way, ease- ments or the like on the plat shall not C~{itute an accept- ance of the-dedication by the City.-The-acceptance of the dedication shall be indicated by a resolution of the City Council adopted at such time as all Improvements meet or- exceed the Standards set forth by this ordinance. The City Engineer upon satisfactory completion and receipt of the agree- ment shall certify that the developer has complied with all of the provisions of this ordinance and shall recommend to the City Council the acceptance of the dedications and, when applicable, the maintenance of the Required Improvements. ~Upon-such reconunendations the City Council, by resolution, shall approve the subdivision, the dedications on the plat and the mmintenanceresponsibilities_of the~required improvements. 101 - ARTICLE XII: ACCEPTANCE AND MAIN~CE .OF REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) SECTION III: CI~/ COMPLETION OF REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS Whe~ a plat has been recorded and the developer fails to complete the Required Improvements as required by this ordinances-the City Council shall complet~the. Required Improvements under the guarantees provided'by th~ developer. In such case, the City Council shall direct the City Engineer to call upon the guarantees to secure satisfactory completion of the Required Improvements. Notice of said call shall be deemed upon posting via CertifiedMail. Upon the completion the City Engineer shall report to the Council of such action, and the Council shall accept by resoluti~e~.~d~dications and maintenance responsibility as indicated on the plat. In such cases, the remaining guarantees posted by the developer shall be retained for a period of one year after completion in lieu of the agreement. Any defects occurring during this period shall be repaired using funds remaining in the quarantee. 102 ARTICLE XIII: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS PlaD~ed Unit Developments as defined Planned Industrial Developments of this Code of Ordinances Book in Chapter'31 and as defined in Appendix A shall comply with the ~q~iremen~,~f~this oz~inanceafter~approval of the~ master plan as required by Chapter 31 and AppendixA. Lot sizes, setbacks and other features preservingopen spaces of scenic and useful value for common enjoyment established in Chapter .31 for Planned Unit Development and in Appendix A for Planned Industrial Development takes precedence over this ordinance in cases of specific conflict. Planned Unit Developments a~Planned Indus- trial Developments shall otherwise comply with all sections of this ordinance, with the exception of the master plan section; however, prior to applying the Construction Plan and Preliminary Plat Section to a Planned Uni~' Develops__ ment and_Planned~Industrial Development, a master plan approved a.s~p~e~cribe~_by__ChaPter 31 and Appendix A~must be submitted to the Office of the City Planner. 103 - ARTICLE XIV: DREDGE~ FILL'AND EXCAVATION. SECTION I: SCOPE When a developerdesig~s a subdivision with waterfront property adjacent to existing or proposed canals, water courses, lakes, streams, drainage ways or channels, such subdivision shall comply and confoz~ to the requirements of this article. ~ SECTION II: EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS OF WAY Where a proposed subdivision is adjacent to existing or proposed canals, water courses, lakes, streams, drainage ways or channels, there shall be provided a storm water easement or a drainage right of way confornu~n~, S~tantially with the lines of such water course and such further width or construction or both as will be adequate for the purpose. Additional right of way may be required where necessary for maintenance, safety and convenience. SECTION III: DESIGN Where canals, water courses, lakes, streams, drainage ways or channels are adjacent to or exist upon the property to be subdivided, they shall retain natural characteristics or be so designed and protected that they do not present a hazard to 104 - ARTICLE XIV: DREDGE, FILL AND EXCAVATION (Continusd) life and safety. Access waterways proposed an conjunction with the subdivision shal~ have a minimum water depth of six (6) feet for a continuous bottom width of twenty (20) feet. Where seawatts, bulkheads or retainage walls are not requi~ed, the design shall incorporate aminimumof a 4.1 slope from existing ground to a depth of six (6) feet. SECTION IV,: PERMITS A. When a developer designs a subdivision with waterfront property adjacent to existing or proposed canals, water courses, lakes, streams, drainage ways or channels, before any work may be done to modify existing lands, or to develop, alter or change such water co~e~ con- struction plans shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. The construction plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer for the issuance of a dredge, fill or excavation permit. PriOr to the issuance of such a permit, the plans shall be approved bythe City Engineerand Building Department. B. No person, firm, corporation, or any other association shall alter, reroute, deepen, widen or change in any way, any existing ditch, canal, drain, or drainage system without first obtaining a written permit from the City Engineer, Construction plans for such work shall be submitted to the,,City Engineer-for the issuance-of a - 105 ARTICLE XIV: DREDGE~ FILL AND EXCAVATION .(Continued) dredge, fill or excavation permit. Prior to the issuance of such a permit, the plans shall be approved by the City Engineer and BuildingDepartment C. Where the--dredge or-fi-lt or~an-'excavation permit affects public property or sovereign land, the construction plans required by.paragraphs A and B of this section shall, prior.to issuance of permit, be ~pproved by the governing'~gencies havingcontrol over public property or sovereign lands. This requirement shall i~clude South Florida Water Management District, Board of Trustees of Internal Revenue Fund, Corps 'of Engineers, Department ofNatural R~sources, Lake Worth Drainage District, or' any other public agency haying jurisdiction in such~atters. D. Prior to the construction or alteration of water courses as prescribed in paragraphs A and B of this section, right of way required for such work must be appropriately dedicated. Where such construction or alteration affects a governmental water control district, or easement shall be to such agency. SEC~ON V: SEAWALLS, BULKHEADS, DOCKS AND PIERS Prior to the construction of any seawall, pier-a construction permit the dedication, deed bulkhead, dock or shall be obtained from the City of Boynton-Beach Building Department. - 106 ARTICLE XIV: DREDGE, FILL AND EXCAVATION SECTION VI: DEDICATION AND MAINTENANCE Where canals, water courses, lakes,_ streams, or channels subdivided, they shall be identified, dedicated, tenance obligations defined on the plat. A. (Continued} drainage ways are proposed or exist upon the property to"be and main- DEDICATION, s--Where public rights for drainage pur- poses are proposed within a waterway, the easement shall be dedicated to the public, and the remainder of the waterway shall be dedicated ~o a property owners' association or reserved for the use of the residents of a subdivision when the subdivision is developed as a condominium or cooperative development ~-~c defined by Florida Law, or in lieu of the foregoing, the.waterway in its entirety may be dedicated to a legally constituted drainage district. MAINTENANCE -- Rights of way or easements for canals, water courses, lakes, streams, channels, or other water management areas shall~be.dedicated to the City, a drainage control district, or property owners' asso- ciation for the maintenance and operation of said enumerated water management areas. Ma'intenance of above described rights of way or easements dedicated to the City shall be limited to providing minimum requirements for drainage as. determinedby the City Engineer. --'I07 -- ARTICLE XIV: DREDGE, FILL AND EXCAVATION (Continued) SECTION VTI: EXCEPTIONS This article shall not apply to drainage easements containing subsurface drainage systems ~ ~0es it. 9~ply ~o_the operation of activities of a governmental water contrql district. . - 108- ARTICLE XV: PREVIOUSLY PLATTED SUBDIVISIONS SECTION I: ACTIVE SUBDIVISION DEVELopMENT A plat and/or improvement plans for a subdivision that has been approved under the Subdivision Regulations adopted.bythe City Council on March 25, 1959, and amendments thereto, currently active and under development shall be completed as approved under thoseregulationswith respect to the approved plans and/or plat; however, additions thereto which have not been approved and are not actively under construction shall be subject to the requirements of this ordinance. SECTION II: REVERSION OF SUBDIVIDED LAND TO ACREAGE The official records of Palm Beach County contain plats recorded prior to the adoption of this o~dinance governing subdivision developmentin the City of Boynton Beach. Such plats show areas within the City of Boynton Beach which have been platted as subdivisions, but which have either been partially improved or developed or remain unimproved or undeveloped. These. areas,~ifdevetoped-as~ptatted-or further~developed as platted, would not conform to the current needs of urbanization in the City of Boynton Beach as established herein. A. The Boynton Beach City Council, Florida, shall have the power, on its own motion, to order the vacation and reversion of acreage or all or any part of the incQrporated areas of City of Boynton 109 subdivision within the Beach, including the ARTICLE XV: PREVIOUSLY PLATTED SUBDIVISIONS ~(Continued) Ce vacation of streets or other parcels of land dedicated for public purposes or any of such streets or other parcels. Such order of vacation and reversion of subdivision platsmay only.be made,by the-City Council~unde~ the following conditions: I. A plat of the subdivision was recorded as provided -by law not less than five (5) years before the date of proposed reversion to acreage; and 2. In the subdivision or part thereof proposed to be reverted to acreage, not more than ~h~rtyTf~ve ~35%) Perce~t_of...~the un!_~proved portion 'of the subdivision a~a has been sold as lots with sixty-five (65%) percent left under one ownership. Prior to ordering such a vacation and reversion to acreage the City Council shall hold a public hearing relative to the proposed vacation and reversion to acreage, with prior notice thereof being given by publishing in a newspaper ._0~ local c_irculation the date..of~and the subject matter of the hearing at least once within the two (2) week period preceding the date of such public hearing. At such public hearing, the vacation and reversion to acreage of subdivided land must be shown to conform to the comprg- hensive plan of the area in that the public health, safety, econo.my, comfort, order, and welfare will be promoted thereby. - 110 - ARTICLE XV: . PREVIOUSLYPLATTED SUBDIVISIONS (Continued) No owner of any parcel of land in a subdivision vacated and returned to acreage shall be deprived by the rever- sion to acreage of any part of the subdivision by reason- able access to such parcel nor to reasonable access therefrom to existing facilities ~o which such parcel has theretofore had access. Such access remaining or pro- vided after such vacation and reversion may not neces- sarily be the.same as theretofore existing, but shall be reasonably equivalent thereto. D.] The owner or owners of a subdivision subject to vaca- tion and reversion to acreage by motion of the City Council may at their option vacate or abandon the subdivision or portion thereof, or may improve undevelop~c~ights-of-way or rights-of-way which have been partially improved at their cost and expense, provided such improvements shall comply with the provisions Qf this ordinance and upon completion be acceptable to the City Council for maintenance. SECTION III: I~PROVEMENT OF EXISTING PARTIALLY DEVELOPED SUBDIVISIONS'NOT SUBJECT TO~VACATI~ON_ANDREVERSION TO ACREAGE BY MOTIONOF THE CITY COUNCIL. The improvement of existing partially developed subdivisions not subject to vacation and reversion to acreage by motion of the City Council shall comply with the requirements of this ordinanc~ and the following: 111 ARTICLE XV: PREVIOUSLY PLATTED SUBDIUISI'ONS (Continued) A. ROADS AND STREETS -- The existing right of way for local streets shall be considered sufficient provided it is at least 50 feet wide and the-improvements comply with the 50 foot typical section for road construction as con- tained in the City Standards. If the existing right of way is less than 50. feet wide, additional right of way shall be provided~to make a total of not less than 50 feet. B. Easements for proper drainage shall be provided where necessary at a width adequate to accommodate the drainage facilities. .A minimum of twelve (12) feet shall be provided for underground storm drainage installa- tions and where canals or ditches are~p~ted, the ~ width shall be adequate to accommodate drainage facilities plus twenty (20) feet on one side to permit equipment to enter fox maintenance purposes. C. The preliminiary plat and final plat sections of this ordi- nance are not required where the improvements are contained in existing platted rights of way and no addi- tional right of way dedication needed~ Drainage rights of way and easements where a plat is not required shall be submitted by separate instrument dedicating the easement for such purposes. ARTICLE XV: PREVIOUSLY PLATTED SUBDIVISIONS (Continued SECTION IV: WAIVER In portions of a subdivisio~ which are not under the control or ownership of the developer, the City Engineer may waive the additional right of way requirement set forth in paragraphs 1 through 3 Section II! hereof, when it is shown to be impossible fore-the developer ~to acquire the required mdditional right of way. ARTICLE XVI: VARIANCES AND-EXCEPTIONS SECTION I: ADMINISTRATION OF VARIANCES When because of the size Of the tract to be subdivided, its topography, the condition or nature of adjoining areas or the existence of other unusual physical conditions, literal or strict enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance would cause an unusual, exceptional; unnecessary or result in real, diffi- culties or undue hardshipor injustice, the Council after report by the Technical Review Board may vary or modify the require- ments set forth herein. Such variances shall not be granted if it has the effect of nullifying the intent and purposes of this ordinance. In granting variances, the Council may require such conditions as will secure insofar tives of this ordinance. A. Variances shall not be granted unless a written application for a variance has been submitted to the City Engineer demonstrating: 1. That special conditions and circumstances exist ~. which-are peculiar to the land involved and which' are not applicable to other lands. 2~ That a literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties. 3. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result~from the action of the applicant. 114 ARTICLE XVI: VARIANCES AND EXCEPTIONS (Continued) 4'~ That the granting of the variances requested wii~ not confer, on the ~pplicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands. No pre-existing conditions or neighboring lands which are contrary to this ordinance shallrbe considered grounds for the issuance of a v~riance. B. To consider the recommendations of the Technical Review Board, the Council shall set apublic hearing on the proposed variance. The Council shall make findings: 1. That the requirements of this section have been met. 2. That the reasons set forth in the application justify the granting of the variance and that the variance is the minimum variance thatwould m~ssible the reasonable use of the land. 3. That the granting of the variance would be in har- mony with the general purpose and intent of this ordinance; would not be injurious to the surround- ing territory; would not impair the desirable gen- · eral development of the neighborhood or the ~eommunity, as proposed in the comprehensive plan, or otherwise be deterimental to the public welfare. C. In granting any variance the Council may prescribe and require appropriate conditions and safeguards in con- . .formity with this ordinance. Any variance granted by 115 - ARTICLE XVI: VARIANCES AND EXCEPTIONS (Continued) the Council shall be noted ~n its official minutes along with the reasons which justify the granting thereof and any required conditions and safeguards. Upon the granting of a variance, the conditions and safeguards placed upon the variance by the Council shall be enforced by the.City Enqineer'andshall~be considered as. part of the provisions of this ordianc~. SECTION II: EXCEPTIONS The requirements as outlined in this ordinance may be modi- fied by the Council.in the case of a plan and program for a complete community, ~which in the judgment of the Council provides adequate public space and improvements for the t~irculation, recreation, light~ air and service needs of the tract when fully developed and populated, and whidh also pro- vides such covenance or other legal ~provisions as will assure conformity ~o ahd implementation of the plan. In granting such modifications, _the. Council ..shall require~ such ~reasonable conditions and safeguards as will secure substantially the objectives and standards of this ordinance. Before granting such exceptions, the plan and program shall be in the appro- priate zoning district, comply with the Comprehensive Land Use- Plan, have prior 'approval of the Planning and Zoning Board and the Technical Review Board. Upon compliance with the aforegoing, a public hearing shall be held by the Council. _ ARTICLE XVI: VARIANCES AND EXCEPTIONS (Continued) SECTION III: APPEALS Any person, firm or 8orporation claiming to be injured or aggrieved by any final action of the Council may present to the Circuit Court of the County, a petition for a writ of certiorari to review such final action as provided by the Florida appel- lant ,rules. Such petition shall be presented to such court within thirty (30) days after the date of such final action by the Council. ARTICLE XVII: .PENALTIES AND'PROHIBITIONS SALE OR TRANSFER O~ PROPERTY N0~ ~N ~6NFORMANCE WITH THIS ORDINANC~ It shall be unlawful for anyone who zs the owner or agent of the owner ~of any land to transfer, sell, agree to sell, or tiate to sell such !and~by reference,to, exhibition of or o~her use of a plat of a subdivision to such land without having submitteda plan and plat of such subdivision for approval as required by this ordinance and without having recorded the approved subdivision plat as required, if such unlawful use be made of a plat before it is properly approved and recorded, the owner or agent of the owner of such land shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in.Section 775.082 or Section 775.083, Florida Statutes. The City Council may bring injunctive action to enjoin such transfer, sale or agreement. Failure to comply with the provislons of this section shall not impair the title of land so transferred or affective validity of the titl~ conveyed. However, lation of this section shall, purchase to avoid a purchaser of land sold in vio- within one year from the date of thereof, be entitled~tob~in a~ a~ ro ~ ' ' ~ ~- g ~ PP pr~ate action _ such sale or to briRg action against the seller for any damages which he suffers as a result of the lawful act,~.or both. seller's un- ARTICLE XVIII: LEGAL STATUS SECTION I: SEVERABILITY If any section, part of a section, paragraph, sentence, clause~ phrase or word of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holdings of invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance and it shall not be construed to have been the eglslatlve intent to pass this ordinance without such uncon- stitutional, invalid or inoperative part therein, and the re- mainder of this ordinance after the exclusion, of such part or p-arts shall be deemed to be held valid as if such part or parts had not been included therein, or if this ordinance or any of the' provisions thereof shall be held inapplicable to any person, group of persons, property, kind of property, circum- stances or set of circumstances, such holdings shall not affec~ theapplicabilIty' ' ' thereof to any person, property or circumstances. SECTION II: EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions of this ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance with the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida~ - 119 - 'ARTTCLE XVIII: LEGAL STATUS (Contih~d) SECTION III: INCLUSIQN IN CODE I~t is the intent of the Council and is hereby ordained, provisions of this ordinance shall become of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of'the that the and be made a part City of Boynton Beach, Florida; that. the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intentions; and the word "ordinance"may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. SECTION IV: CONFLICTING REGULATIONS REPEAT.W.D Ail ordinances or parts of ordinances in repealed. conflict herewith are hereby First reading, this Second, final reading ~o day of ~ ~, ~9 77 and passage, this ~ ~-- day of ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA , 197~ B~ ATTEST: City Cler~~ (Corp. Seal)- Lmember Stet .: ' $~ 50.00 7 cqpies '' ' .I c nstr. ' oard ' o ' ' -*u ~ ~ I I Fo I I,.I P n z~l I I1 1 -/:~ -~ ~ .~ , ' .~ - . . - . ' , ]. , ' ~ ~ .! :':'.. '. : '~ - .." ' '...~. . _ _ _ IPlUS 1%. of Bono an~ SOhO - [. . . . ......... Recording. '::.':':" :... ~<'; '--.:'F-:.' .......... La. Dev. J 21 months leton 6fJ_'lf~l. F~' !_ Ic~w I ' rxnal - J - - J J -.-J ~,J -'. ' J JRes~ :'J ~nce DEDICATION AND RESERVATION (CORPORATE) KNOW ALI, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT (corporate'name) a (sta~.e) corporation, owner-of ~andshown hereon, being Section ,__Township ,'Range Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, .Florida, shown hereon as (subdivision name) , being more particularly described as follows: - OR - (IAIDIUiDUAL) KNOW ALL.MENBYTHE.SE PRESENTS that (name (s)) , Owner[s) of the land hereon, being in Section , Township · Range , Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, shown hereon as (subdivision name) , being more particularly described as follows: (Description) have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as shown hereon and do hereby dedicate as follows: 1. Streets: The streets as shown are hereby dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for perpetual use of the public for proper purposes. - OR - That tracts for private road purposes as shown are hereby dedicated to the (name) (Property Owners') (Homeowners') (Condominiam)(Cooperative) Association and are the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association. 2. Alleys: The alleys as shown are hereby dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida for perpetual use of the public for proper purposes. OR that tracts for private alleys as shown are hereby APPENDIX 2 - ~122 L' DEDICATION AND RESERVATION (Continued) d~dicated to the (name) (Property Owners') (Homeowners') (Condominium) (Cooperative Apartment) Association and are the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association. 3.- Access Waterways: The access waterways as shown are hereby dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the perpetual.use of the public for proper purposes. - OR - The access waterways as shown are hereby dedicated to the (name) (Property ~wners') (Homeowners') (Condominium) ~Cooperative Apartment) Association and are the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association. Easements: .a. Utility and Drainage Easements --.The utility easements and drainage easements as shown are hereby dedicated in perpetuity for the construction and maintenance of utilities and drainage. b. Limited Access Easements -- The limited access easements as shown are dedicated to the City of Boynto~ Beach, Florida, for the purposes of control and jurisdiction over'access rights. 5. Water Man~gementTracts/Drainage Rights of'Way: The watermanagement tracts and/or drainage rights of way as shown are dedicated to the[Qity of Boynton Beach, Florida) ( (name) Drainage District) ( (name) Homeowners' Association) ( (name) Condominium Association) ( (name) Cooperative Apartment Asso~ ciation) for the proper purposes and the perpetual maintenance obligation of said (City of Boynton Beach) (Drainage District) ~(Association). 6. Recreation Areas: The recreation areas as shown are hereby dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the perpetual use of the public for proper purposes. - OR APPENDIX 2 (Continued) _ DEDICATION.AND RESERVATION (Continued) The recreation areas shown are hereby dedicated to (name) (Property Owners') (Homeowners') (Condominium) (Cooperative Apartment) Association and are the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association. (CORPORATE) t~WITNESS W~iEREOF-, the.above-named Corporation has cause~ these presents to be signed by its . .(President Or Vice President) and attested by its (other .corporate officer) and its corporate sea! tobe affixed.hereto~byand..with..the_authorityof its Board of Directors, this day of (Corporation .Name) corporation of the State of (name) a By: (Siqnature of President or V. Pres.) (Type name and title of officer) ATTEST: (Siqnature of other corporate officer) (Type name and title of officer) (INDIVIDUAL) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, '(I) (We), do hereunto set ~(I) (Our) hand(s) of , 19 , and (name ( s ) ) seal (s) this (Impressionable) P ' ORPORA SRAL) day (Witness) (witness) (Typed name ) (name) (Typed name) APPENDIX 2 (Continued). - 124- TITLE CERTIFICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNT~ OF (I) (We),, in the State of Florida) , (a duly'licensed attorney -- (a title insurance company, duly licensed - in the State of Florida) do hereby certify that (Il (We) have examine~d the title to-.the~e~eon%described proper~y; ,that ~I) (We) find the title to the property is vested t~ (Indlvldua!/Corporation);'' that the current taxes have been paid; and [that (I) (We) find that thepropertyis free of encumbrances) or, if applicable (that the property is encumbered by the mortgages sh~n hereon; and that (We) find that all mOrtgages are shown and are true and cbrrect) and/or if applicable (the property is found to contain deed reservations which,are not applicable and do not affect the sub- division of the property). (OR) ~Attorne¥-at-law licensed in Florida) .(Officer of title insurance company licensed in Florida). SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE APPENDIX 3 This is to certi~f that the plat shown hereon is a true and correct representation of a surveymade unde~my responsible direction and bupervision and that said survey is accurate to the best of my know- ledge and belief and that (P-R.M.'s) Permanent Reference Monuments and (P.C.P.'s) Permanent Control Points have been placed as required by law (or, when applicable, that (P.C.P.'s) will be set under the gUarantees posted with for the Required Im- provements) and further that the survey data complies with all the requirements of Chapter 177 Florida Statutes, as amended, and ordi- nances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Registered Surveyor No. State of Florida APPENDIX MORTGAGEE' S CONSENT COUNTY OF ~ :· The undersigned hereby certifies that.it.is the holder of (a) mortgage(s), lien(s), or other encumbrance(s) upon the property described hereon and does hereby join.in and consent to the dedication of vthe-~t~mddescribed..in--said dedication by the owner thereof and agrees that its mortgage(s), lien(s), or other ehcumbrance[s) which (is) (are) recorded-in Official Record Book at pag~(S) of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, shall be sub- ordinated ~o the dedication shown hereon. (CORPORATE) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said corporationhas caused these presents to be signed by its .(President or Vice-President) and attested to by its (other corporateofficer and its corporate seal to be affixed hereon by and with the authority of its Board of Directors this .... ~ ~ay of , 19 ATTEST: (Corporate name) , -corporation of the State of (name) By: (Signature of President or V.Pres.) (Typed name and title of officer) a (Signature of other corporate officer) (Typed name and title of officer) (Impressionable) (CORPORATE SEkL) APPENDIX 5 - 126 ~ MORTGAGEE' S CONSENT (Continued)- .(X~DIVIDUAL) IN 'WITNESS WHEREOF [1)' (We) (name(s)) do hereunto set (my) (Our) hand(s) and seal(s) this day of , 19 WITNESS: ACKNOWT~DGMENT (see Appendix 7) (siqnatlure) (typed name) (signature ] (typed name) APPENDIX 5 (Continued) - 127 ~ APPROVALS CI T~ COUNCIL CIT~ OF BO~NTON BEACH This plat is hereby approved for record this day of , 19 ...... (S~q~ature ~of.~a~or) (Seal) (Typed nameand ~itle) CITY ENGINEER This plat is hereby found to meet all requisite State and City laws and ordinances. (Siq~ature of City Enqineer) (Seal) (Typed name ~3ad title) ATTEST: By: (City CLerk) (seal) APPENDIX 6 - 128 ~- ACKNOWLEDGMENT (CORPORATION) STATE OF COUNTY OF ~BEFORE ME personally appeared and to me well known, and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the fore- going instrument (Vica)~.P~esident and of the · a corporation, and severally acknowledged to and before me that they execute~ ~such.i~str~ment as such officers of'said corporation and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it Was affixed to said '~nstrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that said instrument is the free act and deed ofs 'aid corporatzon. WITNESS n~ hand'and official seal ,19 this day of My commissionexpires: (siqnature) No~PUblic (Impressionable Seal) (INDIVIDUAL) STATE OF COUNTY OF BEFORE ME-personally appeared to me well known and known to me to be the person(s) described in and who executed~the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged before me that (he) (she) (they) executed said instrument for the purposes expressed therein. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of · 19 My commission expires: APPENDIX 7 (sic~nature) Notary Public (Impressionable Seal) CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF REQUIRED IM~PROVEMENTE THIS CONTRACT, day made and entered into this ('Developer) - ,19 , by and between: · a corporation of the State of -OR- - .(Developer) an individual~ hereinafter referred to as apOlitical subdivisibn of the State of Florida., hereinafter referred to as "City." WI TNESSETH: WHEREAs, anordinance known as the Subdivision and Platting Regulations ofCit~of Boynton Beach, Florida, establishes pro- cedures and standards for the development and subdivision of re estate~and for~the surveyinc and ~1=~- ~= ..... . ... al ~fanzon or certazn improvements and providin9 penaltie~ f~r violations, amongother things; and, WHEREAS, a final plat of a subdivision within the incorporated area 6f the City of Boynton Beach shall not be recorded until the Developer has guaranteed to the satisfaction of the City such improve- ments will be installed: and, WHEREAS, DEVELOPER is commencing proceedin~-~%~effect a subdivision of land in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; and, WHEREAS, DEVELOPER .requests the recording of a subdivision in the City of Boy. ton Beach, ; and, certain plat of a Florida, to be known as WHEREAS, the Required Improvements of said subdivision are to be installed after recordation of said platunder guarantees posted with the City. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration_of' the intent-and desire of the DEVELOPER' as s'et forth herein, and to gain approval of the City to record said plat, the DEVELOPER and City agree as follows: 1. The DEVELOPER-agrees to, within tWenty-one (21) months from and after the date of recording of said plat, complete the Required APPENDIX 8 CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS (Continued) Improvements for the u division, to be known as according to the construction plans approved by the City Engineer, identified as on file in the Office of the City Engineer. 2. ~e DEVELOPER, zn accordance withthe requirementsestablished by the Subdivision and Platting Regulations of %he City of_Boynton Beac~,__~Florida,. tenders tm the Ci.ty~a ~uarantee~or surety, speci- fically identified as a Performance Bond, dated with as'Principal and as the Surety, in the amount of $ which,amount is not less than the certified estimate submitted by the DEVELOPER's engineer and approved by the City Engineerof the cost of said Required Improvements as sho~n on the said approved construction~plans. 3. The guarantee or surety bond as set forth herein and pre- scribed by the. Subdivision and Platting Regulations of the City of Bolrnton Beach, Florida, is required by this-contract and attached ~reto and by reference made a part hereof. 4. In the event the Developer shall fail orneglect to fulfill ~is obligations under this contract and as req~_ed by the Subdivision and Rlatting Regulations of the City of Boynt~~ Beach, Florida, the ~ Developer, as Principal, and the guarantee or surety shall be jointly ~nd sever$11y liable to pay for the cost of Construction and instal- lation of the Required Iraprovements to the final total cost, includ- ing, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs together with any damaged, either direct or consequential, which and City may sustain as a result of the failure of the Developer to carry out and execute all of the provisions of this contract and the provisions of the Subdivisions and Plattingl.Regulations of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. 5 -The Developer and'the surety further Jointly and severally agree that the City at its option shall have the right to construct and install or, pursuant to public advertisement a~d receipt of bids cause to be c0ns~ructed and~in~tallsd .the-Required~Improvements in case the Developer fail or refuse to do so in accordance with the terms of this contract. The D~veloper and the surety shall be jointly and severally liable hereunder to reimburse the City the total cost thereof. ~ APPENDIX 8 (Continued) - _131 - CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF REQUIRED IF~PRovEMENTS (Continued) 6. The City agrees td record said plat at such time as the plat complies with the provisions set forth bythe Subdivision and Platting Regulations of the City of Boynto~Beach,. Florida· and has been approved in the manner prescribed therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, presents, this 19 the parties hereto have executed these day of (CORPORATE) (Corporation n~m~) , a corporati°n of the State of DEVELOPER ATTEST: By: (Signature of other corporate (Typed name and title) (ISIDIVIDUAL) ' . (Signature of Pres. or V. Pres.) __ (Typed' name and title) (Impressionable) officer) (CORPORATE SEAL) DEVELOPER WI TATESSE S: ATTEST: (Signature) CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH By~ . (Signature of Mayor) By: (City Clerk) APPENDIX 8 (Continued) PERFORM3~CE BOND ENOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, (developer) _ 1 (hereinafter called the "Principal"), and {securit.~ company) a suretycompany ~ ~ authorized to do business in the State of Florida, (hereinafter in the futl and just sum of Dollars ($ ) lawful money of the United States of America, to be paid to the'~city of-Bolrnton-~e~ch, towhich payment~welt, and truly to,be made we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, admini- strators~ successors and assigns, jointlyand severally, firmly by these presents: W~REAS, the above bounded Principal, as a condition precedent to the approval by the City of BoYnton Beachof a plat of a certain subdivisiOn.known aS .(name of subdivision) has entered into a written contract with the City of Boynton Beach bearing date the day of ,19 , ~to construct Req~iredImprovements prescribed by the contract and the Subdivision and Platting Regulations of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, pertaining to said subdivision. A copy of said co~tract is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof; and .... WHEREAS, it-was one of the conditions of said contract that this bond be executed: NOW, THEREFORE, the conditions of this obligation are such that if the above bot%nden Principal shall in all respects complywith the terms and conditions of said contract, within the time therein ~pecified, and shall in every respect fulfill (its) (his) (their) obligations thereunder and under the plans therein referred to and made a part thereof, and shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Baynton B~ach~against. orfrom.~allclaims, costs,~expenses, damages, injury or loss, including engineering, legal and contingent costs which the City of Boynton Beach may sustain on account of the'failure of the Principal to carry out and execute all ~the provisions of said agreement, within the time therein specified, then ..this obligation to be void; otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. THE.sURETY UNCONDITIONALLY COVENANTS AND AGREES THAT if the Principal fails to perform all or any part of the construction work required by_said ¢ontract,~ithin, the time specified, the Surety, APPENDIX 9 ~ -' PERFORMANCE BOND (Continued) upon thirty days written notice from the City of Boynton Beach, or its authorized agent or~0fficer, of the default, will forth- with perform and complete the' aforesaid const~action work and pay the cost thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs. Should the Su~etyfail or refuse to perform and complete the said improvements, the City of Boynton said plat, shall have the right to resort to any and all legal remedies against the Principal and the Surety, or either, both at law and inequity,~includingspeclifically, specif,ic performance, to whichthe ~rincipal and Surety unconditionally agree. THE PRINCIPAL AND THE SURETY FURTfIER JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY~AGREE THAT THE City, at its option, shall have the right to construct or, pursuant to t~blic advertisement and receipt of bids, cause to be constructed the aforesaid improvements in-case the Principal should fail or refuse to do so in accordance with the terms of said contract and in the event the City should exercise and give effect to such right, the Principal and the Surety shall be jointly and severally liable hereunder to reimburse the City the total.cost thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs, together with any damages, either direct or consequential,~ which may-be sustained on account of the failure of the Principal to car~y out and execute all<~- provisions of said contract. IN WITNESS W~EREOF, the Principal and the Surety have executed these presents this day of 19 (CORPORATE) ATTEST: By: .... (Corporation name) , a corporation of the State of , PRINCIPAL. (Signature of Pres. or V. Pres.) (Typed name and title) Byf ' (Signature of other corporate-officer) (Typed name and title) Address: (Impressionable) (CORPORATE SEAL) APPENDIX 9 (Continued} - i3 '- PERFORMANCE'BOND (Continued) (INDIVIDUAL) Address: (Typed name) PRt NC I PA L Witnesses: (SURE~) Address: (Name of surety) SURE TY (Its attorney-in-fact~ Power of Attorney to be attached) ATTEST: APPENDIX 9 (Continued)