O77-05ORDINANCE NO. 77-5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH; FLORIDA A MENDING THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OF THE COD.IFIED ORDINANCES OF TI=YE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: SEC. 2-31 AND SEC, 2-33, PERTAINING TO L~RgRX BOARD: SEC. 2~41, PERTgIN~G TO PLANNING ~ND ZON~G BOARD: SEC. 2~51, P~Tg~NiNG TO RECREATION ~ND P~RKS BOARD sUB. AEC. 1i1. t ~ND i11.2 OF SEC. 5-2~ PERTAINING TO B~ILD.ING BO2RD aF.~DJUSTMENTS A:ND aPPE~ LS; SEC. 6[~:17, P~ F~F~NG~,T~'MU~2L cE~TERY B0~BD, AND S~C. ~'~g~ ~)3PPE~D}~- g~ ZONING E~UL3.TIONS PERTg INING m, °vmO Y PROViD~ I~oR SA:VINOS C~USE; REFuElLING PROVISION, AN EFFECTS: E ~TE 2ND'~ES~,~ PURPOSES. WI-IEREAS, the City Councii of the Ct,fy of Boynton Beach, Florida, deems'.it:proper for the efficient operation and ~dministration of the municipal government that vario,,,ds of me appointed citizen advisory boards consist of members, the terms of which shall be ~aniform, and that necessary amendmen to existing ordinances be enacted to carry said purpose and intent into effect; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That Section 2-31 of the codified ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, pertaining to the Municipal Library Board, be and the same is hereby amended to read: "Section 2-31. Creation; Members; Terms. There is hereby established a Library Board, hereinafter referred to as "Board". The Board shall consist of seven (7) members who shall be appointed by the City Council to serve for terms ~f one (1) year from date of appointment. In the case of vacancy by ~esignalion, removal or otherwzse, the City Council shall fill such vacancy by appointment." The first sentence of Section 2-33 of the codified~,ordinances of the Cit,TM of Boynton Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby amended to read: 'Four (4) members of the Board shall constii,-,~lie a quorum." Section 2: The first four (4} sentences- of Sect[on 2-41 of the codified ordinances of the C [fy of Boynton Beach, Florida, pertaining to the Municipal i Planning and Zoning Board, be and the same are hereby amended to read: -Pursuant to the provisions of Section 23 of the Charter of the City ~of Boynton Beach, Florida, there' is hereby created a Mumcipal Planning and Zoning 'Board, which shall consist of seven (71 members to be appointed by the City Council, to serve for terms of one (1) yearfrom date of appointment. If a vacancy shall occur on said Board, same shah be gilled by appointment by the City Council. Members of the Board may be removed by a majority vote o~ the total members of the City Councii. ~' Section 3: Section 2-5t of the codified ordinances o£ the City of Boynto Beach, Florida, pertaining to Recreation and Parks Board, be and the same is hereby amended ~o read: "Section 2-51. Creation; Members; Qualifications. There is hereby established a Recreation and Parks Board, hereinafter referred to as "Board!', which Board shall consist of seven (7) members. Th~ City Council shall appoint the members of said Board, which shall serve for terms of one (1) year from date of appointment. Members of the Board shall be residents of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida." Section 4: Subsection 111. 1 of Section 5-2 of the codified ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Ftorida, pertaining to the Building Board of justments and Appeals, be and the same is hereby amended to read: "There is hereby created and established a Board designated as the Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals, which shall consist of five (5) members, who shall be appointed by the City Council to serve for terms of one (1) year from date of appointment. Said Board shall be comprised of citizens with sufficient know. ledge and previous experience in the various trades connected with the buildin industry to be able to serve competently and efficiently. If a' vacancy shall occur on the Board, same shall be fi[led by appointment by the City Council. Members of the Board may be removed by a majority vote of the total member of the City Council. In addition to the reghlar Board members, there may be appointed two (2) additional members to be designated as alternate members to serve at meetings of the Board in the absence of regular Board members." -2- Subsection 111.2 of Section 5-2 of the codified ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, be and the samfe is hereby repealed in its entirely. Section 5: The first paragraph of Section 6-1~ of The codified ordin of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, pertaining to the 1Viunlcipal Cemetery Board, be and the same is hereby amended to read: "There is heneby created and established a Board of Governors of the Municipal Cemetery Fund, which shall consist of the City Clerk and five (5) other persons, who shall be appointed by the City Cotmcil to serve for Terms ~ one (1) year from date of appointment. Four (4] members of ~he Board shall constitute a quorum. The Board shall have the right ~o establish rules and regulations for the management and control of any cemetery owned and operate by the City, and for the conduct of the Board's business, not inconsistent, aowever, with the provisions of this article, and in addition thereto, shall comply with, abide by and enforce the provisions and conditions of this article, Provided, however, that the Board shall have no right, power or authority to contract for expenditures, or to expend any money except insofar as permisszc to do so shall have been granted by Motion or Resolution of the City Council." Section 6: Subsection A(1) of Section 10 Appendix A to the Zoning Regulations of the codified ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida pertaining to the ]~/Iunicipal Board of Adjustments, be and the same is hereby amended to read: "Section 10. Board of ~djustments. A. Composition and Procedure. 1. The Board of Adjustments shall cons[st of seven (7) regular mem- bers and not more than two (2) alternate members, who shall be appointed by the City Council, all of whom shall serve for terms of one (1) year from date of appointment. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by appointment by the City Council. Members of the Board may be removed by a majority of the iota members of the Ciiy Council." Sect[on 7: The terms of all present members of the above Advisory -3- Boards shall terminate on the effective date of this ordinance. The members of said Boards shall thereupon be appointed by the City Council in accordance wilh the provisions of this ordinance. The- terms of Board members appointe~ in 1977 shall expire on January 2, 1978. Section 8: Separability: Each of the provisions of this ordinance is separable, inclading word, clause, phrase or sentence, and if any portion Liereof shall be declared invalid, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain ,i~ full force and effect. Section 9: Repealing Provision: All ordinances of parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section t0: An Effective Date: This ordinance shall become effective in the manner and at the time provided by law. Section 11: This ordinance is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Section 23 of the Codified Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. First reading this 18thday of January, A.D., 1977. - Second, final reading and passage, ~his ~ day of A.D., 1977. CITY OFBOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ Vice~V~yor ~ ~ Counci'lmember C ouncilmember ATTEST: City C[er~ ~ (Corp. Seal) -4-