Minutes 07-20-70MIi~dTES OF REGULAR CI%~f COUNCIL MEETING i~LD AT CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA~ MONDAY~ JULY 20~ 1970~ AT 7:30'P. M. PRE~NT: ~omas A. Sua%mer, Mayor Forrest Wallace, Vice Mayor Mrs. Emily Jackson, Councilwoman Michael V. Michael, Councilman ABSENT: Leonard Nylund, Councilman Clarence Q. Jones, City Manager Gene Moore, City Attorney Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayor Summers called the meeting To order at 7:30 P. M. Harold Hopkins gave the Invocation and Flag Salute was led by Leroy Hart is · SPECIAL G~ESTS Thomas Canavan and Robert Beyrer, Senior Citizens Sterling Village R. B. Vastine and Norman Alexander, Leisureville Mr. Outstine, President Hampshire Gardens ANNOUNCEMENT - MEETING RE 1-95 City Manager Jones announced t_he meeting with Mr. Ramos of the State Dept. of Transportation at High Point would be held Friday, July 24th, at 10:30 A. M. It has been requested by High Point Homeowners Assn. that attendance be limited to delegation they selected. MIh~dTES Mr. Michael moved that minutes of the regular meeting o~ July 6, 1970 be accepted as submitted, seconded by Mrs~ Jackson and motion carried 5-0. Mr. Wallace abstained because he was absent at this meeting. Mrs. Jackson moved that minutes of special meetinq held July 16, 1970 be approved~ seconded by Mr. Michael and motion carried 3-O. Wallace abstained. P~BLIC AUDZENCE Mr. Wallace moved that the request of Mr. Walter Lacey be placed on the Agenda under ~Other~ and taken up later in the evening. Motion seconded by Mr. Michael and motion carried 4-0. Thomas Canavan made inquiry regarding beach, Boynton Road, Seacrest Blvd.~ and announced meeting of Concerned Citizens at City Hall on Thursday, July 23rd: at 7:30 P. M. -1- MINUTES REGULAR CITY CG~NCIL MEETING J~LY 20, 1970 PUBLIC AUDIENCE, cont'd Eddie Mitchell - 529 NE 12th Ave. - discussed sports events at wilson Cente~ &nd the need for transportation facilities to transport chil- dren from Boynton to various towns. He further discussed the rest room facilities, and noticed the City bad gone out for bids for restrooms. He then requested a concession sta~d, anno~ncer*s booth and public address system. Mayor Summers replied that the City had paid for ma- terial for concession stand that the Legion built, and tbmt he per- sonally had given them a P. A. system. Mr. Robert Beyrer - stated that his resignation as representative Of Senior Citizens of Sterling Village had been declined by the Executive C0uneil, therefore he wo~ld continue. He asked the City to practice economy so people in Sterling Village would not be hurt, then u~ged the City Council to p~rchase more public beach. Harry Miller, President, Boynton Beach Taxi Service - stated that he had his Manager communicate with Mayor Summers with regard to complaints and thought it had been handled verbally. He said he came down himself to let Council know he wanted to do the right thing about the franchise. He has now submitted a ETitten statement which was read. .BIDS Restroom facilities.-. Wilson Recreation Area One bid was received from Hays Robinson for the res. t-2oom facilities at Wilson Center, in the amount of $3,624.86. Mr, Wallace moved to accept the bid~ and motion was seconded by M~. Michael, and motion carried 4-0. Open Recreation B~ildin~ - SW 15th Avenue Bids of $4~221 by Hays Robinson and $3,925 by Ward Constz~ction ware received. Mrs. Jackson moved that the bids be rejected, and asked the City Manager to look into having City crew ~uild this facility. Motion seconded by Mr. Wallace~ and motion carried 4-0. PUBLIC HEARING Consider Request of Layton E:_ Timm,. Jrt. - Timm Signs for exception...to hg_i~ht limit of a sign Layton Timm requested an exception for putting up a sign for Standard Oil Co. at 2403 S. Federat Hway, 35' instead of 30~ as permitted by Code. No one appeared objectin~ to the request. Mr. Wallace moved the variance be granted. Motion seconded by }k~s. Jackson andmotion carried 5-1. Mr. Michael voted :~no~. -2- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING J~LY 20~ 1970 LEGAL Ordinances - 2nd Reading O?dinance No. 70-12 - Sign ordinance left on table. .Ordinance No. 70-18 - Granting request for conditional use (Lassiter parcel) Th, e City Attorney recommended that O~dinance 70-18 be tabled until Right of Way question is resolved. Mr, Michael moved to table second reading. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. Ordinances - 1st Reading Ordinance No. 70-20 - Declaration of Intent to Annex Congress Ave. R/W The City Attorney read O~dinance 70-20 on first reading. M~s. Jackson moved that Ordinance 70-20 declaration to annex Congress Ave. be passed on first reading. Motion seconded by Mr. Wallace and motion carried 4-0. .Ordinance ~o. 70-21 - Cancelling Bus Franchise The City Attorney read CTdinance 70-21 on first reading. Mr. Michael moved that Ordinance 70-21 be passed on first reading, seconded by Mr. Wallace and motion carried 4-0. RESOLUTIONS No. 70-T - Establishing Policy re Extension of Sewer and Water Lines The City Attorney read Res. 70-T establishing policy re extension of sewer and water lines, li~. Michael moved that Res. 70-T be passed. Seconded by Mr. Wallace and motion carried 4-0. No. 70-U - Accepting Federal Grant The City Attorney read Res. 70-U re accepting Federal grant for ex- pansion of sewer facilities. Mr. Michael moved that 70-U be passed on fimst reading. Seconded by ~i~s. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. ~. 70-V - Amending Civil Service Rules and Regulations The City Attorney read Res. 70-V amending Civil Service Rules $ Regula- tions. Mrs. Jackson moved to adopt Res. 70-V~ seconded by Mr. Wallace and motion carried 4-0. No. 70-W - Requesting sidewalks along Seacrest Blvd. The City Attorney read Res. 70-W requesting Palm Beach County to con- st~uct sidewalks along Seacrest Blvd. M~. Michael moved to pass --3-- MINTdTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING J~LY 20, 1970 RESOLUTIONS: eont'd Res. 70-W~ seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. Res. 70-X - Sewer C~ossing under FEC R/W The City Attorney read Res. 70-X re sewer crossing under FEC R/W in connection with sewer plant facility. Mr. Michael moved to adopt Res. 70-X, seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. OTHER Report on status of ~ulfst~eam Ma~.ina Mr. MOore, City Attorney: reported that the owner of Gulfstream Marina filed petition and Circuit Court has jurisdiction, and it is believed fiual hearing will be held within the next thirty days. OLD BUSINESS Presentation by Mr. Rigamount~ A~chitect, on proposed Police complex Mr. Rigamount, A~chitect for Police complex, submitted several sites which have been reviewed for building Police complex. 1. North of City Hall 2. East of City Hall 3. Bt. 16 near Civic Center 4. Present Police Station site 5. 20 acre tract owned by City 6. Area near Water Tower Mm, Rigamount estimated that construction cost would possibly run 820 to $25 per square foot. Mr. Michael moved that Council receive the study and go into workshop session. Seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. Report ~y City Manager on proposed acquisition of beach property The City Manager reported on proposed beach sites. There are five sites under consideration. 1. North of Present Beach 2. South of Parcel ~1, and contiguous to ~t 3. South of Parcel #2 lying bet. ~2 and Present Beach All of the above offered at $1500 per foot 4. Parcel north of Busch's - 632~ at $465,000 5. North extension of 15th - 440~ at $440,000 300' 200' ~00' Mr. Warren, County Commission, said it would be Tuesday before he would have an answer about the County participating in purchase of beaah area. -4- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING J~LY 20, 1970 _OLD BUSINESS, coned. M~. Beyrer spoke in favor of north beach area. ~. Michael moved that this be taken up at workshop meeting, seconded by M~s. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. RepOrt by Ha~o!d ~ on sta.~s 0F new ~ystem for ,qarbage..and trash, picku~p Mr. Hopkins reported on status of new system for garbage and trash pickup to the effect that they hoped to start using new equipment within the next week or ten days. He said $ memo would be sent to residents with regard to new system. He suggested that a new ordinance get first reading at the next Council meeting. Mrs. Jackson moved to accept Mr. Hopkins' report, seconded by ~. Wal- lace and motion carried 4-0. ~Report bM City Manager on status of parcels reqqested to be cleared on Resolution 70-P The City Manager reported on status of the two parcels to be cleared on Res. 70-P. M~. Michael moved to accept the report, seconded by Mrs. Jack~on and motion carried 4-0. Mr. Wallace moved to turn the clearing of the Field parcel over to Mr, Moore and to have Circuit Court declare the abatement at expense of ovmer. Motion seconded by ~s. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. ~EW BUSINESS None ~DMINISTRA~VE Consider appointment to Recreation Board Mr. Wallace moved that Samuel Kendrickbe appointed to serve on the Recreation Board, motion secor~ed by ~fr. Michael end motion carried 4-0. ~eport on Palm Beagh County Municipal League Meetin~ Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Jones reported on Palm Beach County Municipal League meeting. It was revealed that 70% of County tax dollars is paid ~yresidents ?f munieipalities~ but it is spent by County for the bene- it o~ the unincorporated areas. ~s. Jackson reported the liaison committee would send questionnaires to all candidates before election, and it was ~urther brought out that County passed ordinance it could ua~der Home Rule buy any sewer plant ~or $1.00, but this was reportedly repealed last Tuesday. ~. Michael recommended the minutes of the Municipal League meetings be made available in order to obviate the need fo~ Mrs. Jackson to -5- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEET//qG J~LY 20, 1970 ADMINISTRATIVE, contd. make these reports. Mrs~ Jackson Stated that subject reports were be- ing made in order for taxpayers to kno%~ where their money is spent. Mr. Wallace moved that Mrs. Jackson's report be accepted~ seconded by Mr. Michael and motion carried 4-0. Consider Requests for Beverage Licgnses 1. Sant~ Ro~pe - 710 N. Federal Highway Mr. Michael moved that the request of Santa Rogge for beverage license be approved subject to Health DePt. approval. Motion seconded by Mms. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. 2. Esau Watson - 110.N. E...~Oth Ave. Mr, Michael moved that request of Esau Watson for beverage license at ~10 NE 10th Ave. be approved, seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion car- ried 4-0. Consider Applications. for Permit to Solicit 1. v...... F. W. Post 4141 .7 Delray Beach Mr. Michael moved that the request of VFW Post 4141 to solicit re schol- arship for Seacrest and Carver be approved. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. 2. Fraternal Order of Police & F. O, P. A. Mr. Michael moved that the request of FOPA be ~ranted, seconded by ~s. Jackson and motion carried 4-0. LIST OF PAYMENTS FOR .J~NE ~. Michael moved that list of payments for June be accepted as sub- mitted. Motion seconded by If~. Wallace and motion carried 4-0. Approva% of Bills }~. Wallace made a motion that payment of Chamber of Commerce bill in the amount of $1,633.00 be denied and that this should be considered in a workshop Session; seconded by P~. Michael. Motion carried 4-0. Mayor Summers requested the City Manager to poll Council and schedule time and date for workshop meeting for several items. It was agreed the Chamber of Cor~erce item will be considered' separately. -6- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ET/~NG J~LY 20~ 1970 C ADMII~ISTRATIVE, cont~. ~i~. Miehael moved that bill of American Cast I~on Pipe Co. be paid in amount of $3,609.21: ~seaonded by Pi~s. Jackson and motion ca,tied 4-0. f~£HER I~L~. Michael moved to grant a variance of 8'9 on the width requimement of a barber shop in accordance with the request of Walte~ Laeey. Motion seconded by Mrs. Jackson and carried 4-0. ~DJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at approximately 10 P. M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Thomas ~. Su~ners, Mayor Forrest L. Wa!taee, Vice Mayor ,~oman City Cte~k ~ ~ Leonard E. Nylund~ Councilman -7- PAYMENTS MADE IN JUA~ BY ~DATE JOh¥E l, i970 JUNE 2, 1970 J~ ~, 1970 JUk~ 4, 1970 JUI~E 5, ~970 JUNE ~; 1970 ~NE ~ 970 JUNE ~0, 1970 JUNE ~, ~970 - - - JUNE ~2, ~970 - - JUNE ~, i970 - - - JUi~E ~ ~970 - - JUNE ~ 1970 - - - ~NE ~, ~970 - - - JUNE 2~, ~970 .... ~UNE 2~, ~97~ - - - UN~~ 26, 19VO .... ~U~E 29, 1970 - - 16, 147. 85 2, 654. 75 71.24 1,430. $2 23, 426.48 ~9, ~ 26.6~ 5, 465. ~9 ~, 772.58 29, 760. ~ 24, 54~. $~. O0 51,297. I8 25~. 23 27, $21.98 2, 483. 83 2, 671,59 8~94~ 56 1 7,I G14. 02 30,.856.23 268.85 29g~057. 70 PAYMENTS MADE BY FUNDS GENERAL FUND * .... WATER SYSTErl REVENUE FUND - SEWER REVENUE FUND - - SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND - ~;ATER DEPOSiTERS FUND - - SEkiGE DEPOSIT FUND ~ - POLICE RETIREME~T FUND - FIRE~EN'S .~ETIRE~ENT FUND RETIREMENT TRUST FUND PUBLICITY FUND .... I ~ S ~U~E9 ...... UTILITY GENER~EL FUND - -- 145,180. 90 66, 980. 62 28, 444.5 7 849.90 21 7. 50 13.50 ~ , 756.85 84. I0 30!. 21 ~, 835.05 97.02 5,0~ 259. O0 299, 05 7. ~'~ .. " P~Y~EU~S ~nE r~r JrrmE 1970 Ju~E 15, 1970 GE)tER2L £U!.ID 3~ 220~ ~0 $~ 220. Od f,,L4TER SYSTEIf RE?EI, IU~ Fruk~-D 12471 ~r~cz~z ~ .90 12472 E~o G E~rorr 2.84 4.70 7. 60 12.30 SEXIER ~, ~O!TE~'~ DEPOSIT FOk¥D !555 Vruczur Gn~s~ 16. $0 1336 £~ro G Ensroz? 17~60 1357 Gr~s Nc Go~rurzs t5o50 50. O0 22.50 tt£LZ~= ~ Y 390 Bor~zzo~ BE2'c_s Jrr~rro~ ~tO~EUS OSt~S 977.00 977.00 UTIZITY ,~z?IERAt, 027 DEn~rco Oo~¥srn Go 20, ~.~o ~,.,,~,o O0 20, ~,~9o Od 23690 23691 5,00 30.00 35°00 J~¥~ 1 7, 19 70 2~692 CITY OF ~ ~ ~?~TE.~-n~..z,.p.. ~ 022,04 23693 Sovrr~zn~, ~,~ I~L ~0 7~ 97 ~s 190. 52 23695 W~E~ srszE~ ~VE~UE~ ~ ~Wm 1,~76.35~ 23698 Nt~ S~.zz_~rus_Pooh Bo~n ~' uz~n !, ~25.82 23699 Boxzr~o~ BE~cz i'~'~onr~L P~ 9, 532.50 23700 z r~E~z's R~SrEF ~ Pzusro~~ ~es~,~n 123. 76 2370~ ~ .... 3702 Po'sLrcr~ ~u,u~ 4, 10o.o9 ~ u~.~ ~ 000. O0 25705 ~'zss~n ~mmonrrzrs Sm~rcm 51.00 Juz~E 1 O, 19 70 SEWER fgATER DEPOSIT FUND 1323 E~E>zz 1324 H~rE~x 132~ L tl, 1970 ~EA_~,ER 12480 U S ?osz O?~zes 1970 £36~7 G~r~ Ho~s 7. 50 7. 50 15.50 7,, 50 7.50 45.50 7.50 34.00 t~sPOJIT~Rb FOJ;~, ~602 Emw~m R Epp ~u~03 RO~E~ HUZcHz:~so~- 9, 868.31 230.09 133.05 252.67 819.50 7~ 778.12 9!. O0 1 ~o O0 7, 000. O0 50. O0 ! O. '?0 10. O0 26', ¥28~ 3~ ¥. 72 4.10 1.7!0.51 ~ O0 1. ~37.~7 1,445~1_7 7.~,0 7.50 16.00 7.50 75. O0 19.50 17. C0 15.50 1 7. ~g 29, 7o O. O_ 1970 i9 70 1970 1970 WA TER D£POSITERS FUND ~_T~JOF LA~SEON 8596 G~n~ !~E~Lr~ 8597 Fn~crs BnEwEn ¢~TER SYSTEf~ REVE1Co%7 FUA~D SE~R RETE~iUE FrJArD 3123 RE-~ ~ Z~p REV BoND SINI~ ~%JNB ~.50 7.50 7. 50 7.50 7. 50 7.50 7.50 7.5 0 60. O0 23, 426. ..37, 069.95 37, 0~9.'95 _.22, 056.69 22, 056o6~ 59, I2. o. ~6.00 10.00 460°00 516o00 !0~ 1970 W2T£R SYSTED RE?E~rUEFU~,! 12477 J P PUBLICITY FUffD GEN£R.4L 25670 £f~nsrc~n~. ~:ELL$ RL EST 23671 LrsEnrr EL~cr~rc Co 23673 A~ F~ Lz~ Ass Go 23674 Bn~E Gnoss-B~vz 23675 BLuz 12468 1247~ 12.4 79 2, 994.90 2, 994.90 7.50 2.50 2. O0 272.09 I, 771.46 298.45 2, 39 7. 60 5.20 181. 70 9.72 196.62~ 5,463~49 3120 L ESTELLE ~DA~S 1.¥2~ 1870 SEWER ~ WA?ER DEPOSIT l$13 J~DY L~cY 13~ NrLES SosEmso~r 1315 S~SE S~a~N~Ea: I316 Jom¢ ~ARNE~T CNE 5, 19 70 i5.50 16.90 15.50 15..50 15.50 15.50 GENERAL FO?/D 23650 L[~ H~Y T~o~wm 37.00 2~651 TH.o~sGotzsoY 80. O0 23652 ~m~ Bm~T 20.00 236~3 Tma~r~mx 6~. O0 23655 G J OUSLEY 5. O0 23656 En~zs McAaoY 5.00 236~7 Gr~Y o~ B B Pz~y OzsH 10~.36 23658 Gr~r o~ ~ B P~TZY O~sm ~I.90 23659 CITY oF d B PETTY CASH 53.27 236~0 GrzY OF B B PETTY G~z 16.63 23661 Cr~Y OF-~ B P~Yao~ ~N~ 16,877.08 23662 PoL rcm RE~Ia~mNT FUND 195. O~ 23663 Fra~E~ 's RE~ rE~ ~ PENszo~ ~ !33. O5 2366~ Rk~r~m~m~T ~h~ST ~s ~8.69 23665 F~Dma~ 6'~s~Zr ~ZO~ t, 068.50 19, 299..53 1,430.32' WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 12463 GsAaLms RosrEa 5.20 12464 RoBErT NZETO ~.20 12465 Josmps Scro~TzNO 12466 Ifps Jom~ ~f~cos~ 1.22 12467 GzrY OF ~ 3 P~zab~L ~N~ 2,~10.23 12473 12~7~ G~oos ~ Goer 120.00 12475 JEESE W ARNEY 300.00 2, 8~. 1~1 SEWER REYENUE FUN~ 3119 OITY oF 3 3 PAYROLL 3122 CzTz om ~ 3 PETTY 1,128.25 8. 09 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND i$19 Gm.~s 1520 Yo~nv¢ 1321 JOSEPH Scro~rr~vo 1322 AUmREY 7.50 7.50 15. O0 .15.50 ~45.50 !970 :r~?m 4, ! 9 70 23640 23641 23642 23643 23644 W2TER SYSTE~Y RE?E~IU-E FUZED 12458 Wa-rzz N~-cDowznL GEneRaL FOTffD 3!1¥ Lzszzn H~_nE~ !312 ~¥E~zlL FU]FD 23647 B~E Olaoss-BL~ ~ZrE~ 236~9 Sa~ Hc~ ~/2TER 12~60 12461 12462 S K?/ER RETEi~? UE 31! 7 Jom~ 311& J~nr~z ~kI2~R DEPOSITE~S F~hYD 1970 /COF ~ T? 10. O0 10o 30 t0.00 2, 3~3. 75 125. O0 132. O0 2, 630. 75 24.00 24.00 55.00 3. 8~ 3.84 ~ OA 15.50 603.~ 104.00 182.84 388.00 1,275.96 2, 20 5.20 .20 l. 68 3.9~ 5.24 ~. O0 7.50 ,-z ~0 ?.,50 7.50 P 65z~. 75 7i. 2~ J~W~ 1 ~ 19 70 PA YL~ICTS ~'~2DE IE JU~VE 1970 OFFICERS ~T~-LETIC SILK SCREENIHG (~0 2nv -~rR Go~,n ~ H~ I~-c Tn~sco I~ Go D~rm WRr~S~ ~ So~ I~rc Enrc F Y~SLOP B~s lf~cs ~Wnox Gon~ DEH~aco n~c~os ~ rs~ Co FL~ PowER ~ Lz~:~r Go GE~¥ER2L FUI~D 25622 Fs~ N~r Fr~ 23624 25625 23626 23627 23628 23629 23630 23631 23633 25634 23635 23636 23637 23658 12~53 12454 12455 12456 12457 12459 SEWER REVE~V$~7 FU2rD 3106 Fs~ PowER ~ LIsn-T Uo 3107 h:~ W iV Grsso~ G~s,~-SEc 387 H~Ro~ p HER~r~ 388 Jo~ N TUITE RTTIREi~EffT TRUST 0640 0642 WOO~ROW 9. O0 153.00 15. O0 15.47 46.20 62. ~5 44.97 61.50 40. O0 13.50 000. O0 91.33 286. 7¥ 759.12 $30~ 26 150. O0 501 ~ 94 43. 60 073.40 035,40= 21 7. 06 096. ~ 967.69 299.22 810.99 210 2~ _ 45._0_20 45.00 24.2 7 59° 83 84. t0 50.5~ 135.!2 7I. O0 J~.~E 29~ 19 70 J~E 30,1970 l ~'L4 TER z~rOSITEP,,~ FSY{D 86! 7 W~- Y~E J P~ rE 7.50 7.50 SEWER ~ }Z4TER DEPOSIT £Ut~D O'0 60. ,n 72, 50 ~TT~'TmV 730.19 730,19 UTILITY GEI~,R.4£ FU~{D 30~000.00 30,000.00 $0, 835.23 GES~E_k'2L 25799 Czr~ o? ~ 3 PEZ~Y O~ sH 19. O0 36. 02 ~o. 02 W2TE,~ ~YST~I RE?E~F]E 12511WESrSO? I~c 12512 JoH~ 1~5!3 12521 OzrY o~ 3 9.92 4.24 5.20 2.~ 4.24 50.73 77, 06 3142 D~Trn Goonr~s 3143 PEzzn E Honrrz 3146 OrYx oF B B PErrY 4:.19 3.89 2.70 10.58 W2TER DEPOSITERS FO~VD 8620 Joa~ 7.50 7. 50 7,50 22~50 SEWER ~ W_STER DEPOSIT FU}iD 1354 RosE. nY 1356 D~vrs i357 Ho~s 3~ L~o~ !358 P~-r~LrP 1359 PErE.~ E ~'onrrz 15. O0 15.50 7.50 17.80 7.50 15.60 17.60 7.50 03.70 25'8.85 WATEk DE20SIT~RS FU~-D 8613 Jo~'z¢ J , , 7~ 50 7..50 ~:.W2~E DEPOSIT FU~TD 350 Jo~.~' J 6,.50 6,50 ..T~E 26, 19 70 GEt:ERAL F~k~iD 23 782 23 783 23 784 23 785 25 786 23787 23 78.9 k~789 6. O0 ~ O0 987. 6! 203.78 I14o 65 260.94 818.50 I0. O0 34~ 57 W.4. TER 12~07 .- ~O~ELL 08o. 64 3.72 090. 38 SE~;ER RE?EArU£ FU~iD 925.91 930.91 W2TER DEPOSiTERS FU~¢D $812 Jos Woomcoc.~ J~ 7.50 7.50 7.50 7. 50 7. 50 37.50 S£WER & W;(TER DEPOSIT !343 Lr~.~ D~Bo~ JI~w~ 29, 19 70 W_~TER SYSTE!f RETE2rUE FSEntD 12508 W~.:[zzz P~zz 50. O0 !7. 80 7.50 17,60 15. ~0 108.20 '~ O0 7.00 t7,614.02 22. O0 22. O0 3.04 ................................. 3.04 J~E ~ ~.~ ~ ,~T T 22, Z970 oU,~T T ~ITY 392 B B 0003 W~,Lr~ D~zs ~ ~ S F~m 23, 1970 25773 G~LF Oz~ 23774 £z~o~z ~E~m~ 25776 ~¥.~ IEM~ 23770 Prc,~m GHE~ Go 23777 Z~p 23778 Co~cOH~ P~Ess ~-~= .... RE?E~fUE FU-~¥D SErVeR RET£~Q~E £OWD 314.0 ~ ~;~? OIL ~'o~P 2¥~ 1970 GE5 ER ~- L FU~fD 25779 THE ~,~KE_a & .TaYLOH GO 23780 BZCH~'S ffOrO~, I~C ~?2TER 12505 12500 JOHN J U~SSiDY SE~!ER R£'?EiVUE FU?fD SEfYER ~ ~/~_TER DP:POSiT F[hYD t347 Jo~ 1348 PEr~.~ 03. O0 03~ O0 97. 02 97.02 2,433.93 5. O0 60. O0 1~,591.67 21. O0 805.86 56.50 t0!. 50 $0.10 53 7o 03 t05.51 25 20= P~ 67~_~ 39 0,~ 6~o. ~5 ~8.56 809.12 4.2~ 5,20 =9.44 8. O0 ~o O0 7.50 15,50 !5.50 lo.50 54.00 19, 1970 W2TER DEPOSITERS FUffD 8809 ROBERT 8610 ZL~vrn S POLiOE R~_IREZ~]T FU2~TD 0682 GL YnE G-~ ~ r~z 1970 r~ J~vE !970 7. 50 7, 50 1,693. ~3 1,693° B3 27, 521 . 98 GE2IER_~iL 23742 ~'rrY oF ~ B P~rr O~sH 62.23 2374~ T.~o~s ~ S~mEns 15.00 23746 G~srn~ Tn~E~ 2sE~vcr 36. O0 23747 ~ N~N~c Fzm OFE 2ssoc 3~ O0 237~8 H KE~avm~H A~mmnso~ 7.50 23750 Borz~zo~ 2~o Ss~ !~'c 127. 57 23751 E~s N~csz~E ~o ~gc 30.91 23752 FL~ - G~ Tn~cor~ Go It~c 25.59 23754 THE F~onzm~ B~.~ 1.00 23755 R L Gn~rz~o_~s Pnrz~zr~ 72.4~ 23756 R L gn~r~o~'s P~r~-rr~v~ 26.50 25757 G~n~ztrr B~E P~z~rrEns 10.00 23758 Imn Tns-cK 2'~urp Go ~30.12 23759 23760 N~rcr~ Wb~s Lr~rs 7.00 23761 ~L~ FrnE ~:-~or 2ssoc 5~68 237~2 ~n N~c~os~s S P~r~s !0. O0 23763 Pzc~nn GsE~ Uo 6,40 23764 POnZER 23765 2376~ S~onrs H~TE~ 3~. 23767 Tn~r~ ~onn Tn~e~ I~vc 29.~0J 2377~ ~zzx oF ~ B PEr~Y O~s~ 15.78 WATER SYSTEif R~'r/E.,'VU£ FU2!D 12500 Gzr? o~ B B PEz~Y O~sH 16.02 12501 Bor~roiv ~ro I~c 87.22 12502 B ~ H S~s~s Iz~c 387~ 60 12505 T.~o~PsoN ~%~Yw~n~ G'~E~ ~o 280.00 770.8~ t 06. O~ !9, 1970 GE~lrER2 r~ 2.37!? 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