Minutes 03-16-70MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA~ MONDAY~ P~RCH 16, 1970 AT 7:50 P.M. PRESENT: Thomas A. Summers, ~yor Forrest L, Wallace, Vice Mayor Mrs. Emily M. Jackson, Councilwoman Michael V. Michael, Councilman Leonard E. Nylund, Councilman Gene Moore, City Attorney Harold Hopkins, Acting City Mgr. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Invocation was given by Harold Hopkins, Acting City Manager; Flag Salute was led by Boy Scout IToop 562. S_pecia .1 Guests Robert 8eyrer, Sterling Village Ward Stum. gis, Ki%~anis Club Mayor Summers Lnt~-oduced the participants in '~Youth In Government~ day. Acceptance speech was given by Youth In Government Mayor Mark Savage. M~II~ITES - Re.~ lar _~eetlnq - March 2~ 1970 Mr. Wallace moved that Minutes of Regular meeting of March 2~ 1970 be accepted as written, seconded by Mr. Nylund and motion carried 4-0. (Mayor SUmmers was absent from the March 2, 1970 meeting.) ~BBLIC AODIENCE Ezell Hester, 1106 NW 1st Street ~ Stated t/~t previously he had commended Council for getting.paving started throughout the town rather than in the NW area. He discussed the Chief of Police resignation and felt if it was a personnel problem it should have been tUmned over to Personnel. He felt the City must stop thinking small. He felt the Police Dept. /s al- ways going to be /n troubles he read from Civil Service rules and stated he felt it is a matter of determining what is right rather than who is right. He criticized the police that got up and walked out when the Chief p~esented his Side of the stOry. He asked whF they had not been directed to the Civil Service rules. He felt the police a~e using Co~ncil for political expediency~ He felt ex-Chief Blount ~anted to make a first-rate Police Dept. and he felt the Council does no~ want a good department. He felt ex Chief Blount was fired ~ithout ca,se and yet he was the man who was selected to fill the position. Mr. Ezell felt the Council should set the policy and let the Chief administer the policy. Eddie Mitchell, 329 NE 12th Avenue - He Came to talk abom~ the fine job the Council has done to repave the streets. He felt they needed repairing very badly. He wondered why Railroad Avenue ~s only paved on one side, and also why nothing had been done to 13th Avenue. He said he felt the Cc~noit ~s playJAag w£~h taxpayers' money. He asked why the City Council -t- MII~dTES REGULAR CITY CfYdNCIL ~iEETING MiARC~! 16, 1970 does not get a new city manager. As to Police Chief's resignation he said a few days later ~4rs. Jackson said the morale of the Department has /reproved. He said if people can do as they want to do morale does improve. He referred to incidents which he felt had taken much too long because if you can't get a policeman when you need him t~hen you don't need him at all. He felt if the Civil Service rules are going to be thrown aside and rules violated that ~ better go back to old western style of having everyone wearing a gun. ~-'L~. Thomas Russell, Better Business Bureau of Palm Beach County read the attached cOmments. Mrs. Rita Zant - appeared in reference ~o the City donating funds for the teen center. She said Delray would pu~ up the same amount as Boyn- ton Beach. The Mayor said that he had referred this to the Recmeation Department and she said Recreation had referred it back to Council be- cause she had been ~esponsible for putting notes in the boxes. No one seemed to have seen the memo so Mayor Summers requested Mr. Hopkins to cheok into this and see what Rec~e~tion Department recommended and to return back to Council with report. Col. Albert Wehrell, Boynton Isles - In defense of Council majority he felt the Leisureville situation surely needed to be brought to light and so did th~ oIice situat' n ' on ' · ~ p ~ · zo wzth Blount. He felt that dzrty marks people s homes ms the work of cOwards. He felt the Grand Jury surely proved the Co~cit to be right and he felt a good Chief needs to be a good administrator as well as a good policeman. He felt every effort is being made to cause controversy and that it had been done here. He said the citizens elected Mrs. JaCkson and Mr. Wallaco realizing they needed a change, and he felt they should continue to bring to light the things that need to bS aired. Mr. Robert Beyrer - He stated he represented himself at this time. He made reference to a newspaper clipping about Mrs. Jackson's 1/fo being threatened ' ~ - · ~. , and he said he aoml~ed raw ceura e in an ' ' ' fei ,. ~ . ..~ . g Individual but he ~ ir ncr lille nad been ~hreatened she was foolhardy by being so brave~ because she might cause [~r. i~oore or someone else~s life to be placed in jeopardy. He requested Mrs. Jackson resign as a member of Council. !~a. yor Summers~, with the assistance of Student Mayor Savage. ores~n~M ~'l.lSS .iv~.ary ](a ~ttwinkte, M/ss Boynton Beach of 1970~ with a~ ~ ~o~ or plnE car~atione. She thanked the City and pr~mised to do all ~- could to deserve the honor bestowed on her. -2- ~INUTES REGULAR CITY COUd~CIL MARCH 16: 1970 A m DZN OF ZDS One (t) Diagnostic ~,~hine ~'~r. Michael moved that the recommendation of the tabulating committee be accepted and award bid o~ diagnostic machine in amount of $1,994.95 to Boynton Auto Supply. Motion seconded by Mr, Nylund and motion carried 5-0. Sanitary Sewers, G~lfview Harbenv Mr. Hopkins advised that no action was .FdBLICHEAR~G 8:00 P. M. Re Paving Portion of N. E. 7th Ave. requested on this at this time. Reference to Res, 70-D - Mr. Moore advised that City re-advertise for public hearing inasmuch as the original cost was to be around $7,500 and it had jumped up to $12,500, ~]r. Michael moved that the City accept l~r. Moore's recommendation and ~dopt Res. 70-G amending Res. 70-D, and re-advertise for public hearing at April 6th meeting, i~otion seconded by ~s. Jackson and motion carried 5-0. LEGAL 1.O. RDI~NCES - 2nd read,nc The City Attorne¥ read O~dinance 70-7 annexing the Belray Land parcel. Mr. Nylund moved that Ordinance 70-7 be passed on second reading, sec- onded by Mr. Wallace and motion carried 5-0. The City Attorney read Ordinance 70-9 granting conditional request of Sun Oil and Shell Oil stations. Mr. Nylund moved that Ordinance 70-9 be passed on second reading. Seconded byMr. Wallace and motion car- ried 5-0. Floyd Worthen of Sun Oil Co., Port Everglades, Ft. Lauderda~e~ - stated his company ~uld not close on their property at corner of State Road 804 and Congress without first having a b~ilding permit, They had a closing date of April 1st. Mr. Wallace moved that waiver be granted. Motion seconded by Mr. Nylund and motion carried ~-2, ~. Michael and Mrs. Jackson voted ~no". John Adams - stated he was seeking a waiver too, since City had had the request for 10 months. He %~s referred to later place on agenda. MIb~dTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~%RCH 16~ 1970 .ORDINANCES , 1st ~ead/~l~ O~diuance 70-10 - estab!ish/ng distances 1000 ft. between filling stations- Fro. Moore read O~d. 70-10. Mr. Michael moved that O~d/nance 70-10 be passed on first reading. Mot/on seconded by }~s. Jackson and motion car- ried 5-2. ~'~r. Summers and t~r. Nylund voted ~no~. Ordinance 70- Sign ordinance left on table. .RESOLUTION ~r, MOore presented Res. 70-F 9~ich awarded purchase of the Water & Sewer Revenue Bonds to Will/am R. Hough & Co. and named Atlantic National Bank as Paying Agent. Mr. Nylund moved to pass 70-P, seconded by Mr. Wallace and motion carried 5-0. ~OLD BUSINESS County Control left on table. Receipt of Plat SA, Leisureville - The City Attorney stated that subject plat met the requirements of the Ordinances and Mr. Hopkins stated that aL1 requirements had been met. Mm. Nylund moved that Plat 5-A at Leisureville be accepted. Motion seconded by Mr. Wallace. Mr. Michael referred to the recent ruling handed down by the Grand Jury and stated that he felt no further action should be taken toward the extension of Le~surevi!le until such time as the Council sits down and goes Over the problems and recommendations made by the Grand Jury. After lengthy dis- cussion the motion carried 3-2. Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Michael voted Report on Building - vicinity of ~ 1st Ave. and Intereoastal Waterway - Mr. MOore advised that the Health Dept. had ordered the occupants to cease and desist the sale of seafood. He stated FIND had not given per- mission but they have not denied the use of the land either~ which can be construed as backdoor approval. They do not have occupational license from the City. Mr. Kenneth Lyman, 216 SE 3rd Street - stated he felt the property should be returned as it was when he had given it to the city. He felt Council should do something. ~. Wallace recommended obtainin~ a survey on the property. Mr. Lyman stated the Culvers are on what h/s fathe~ donated to the city plus the city property~ and that he furnishes the rest rooms fob the whole area. He stated they still were selling fish before the meeting this date. ~I~. Wallace moved that if the Culvers are in violation of the City Code, let us instruct City Manager to padlock the place, and furtheT amended motion to appoint a surveyor to survey subject area and the City be guided accordingly. Motion seconded by M~s. Jackson. Motion carried 5-0. MIArdTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL [~ETING MARCH 16, 1970 .Recess .A. D~INISTRATIVE Referendum Items - Mr. Wallace reviewed items to be considered on refer- endum - things the public should be thinking aDout now. 1. Acquiring beach property 2. Elect Civil Service Board by voters 3. In view of projected 9~owth in the City of 2,000 - 3,000 people per year thought should be given to acquiring golf course. 4. Professional city planner 5. City Manager on contractual basis 6. Possibility of changing form of government .Sunshine Law -M~s. Jackson discussed the Sunshine Law and asked what other members thought about requesting legislature to exempt (1) person- nel, (2) salaries, (3) litigation and (4) purchasing of property. She then moved that this ~e in the form of motion. ~ayor Summers handed gavel to Mr. Wallace and seconded the motion which was carried 4-1. Mr. Nylund voted ~:. City Clerk to send letter to Palm Beach Delega- tion and Munioipal League. Boca Raton Code of ~thmcs - M~s. Jackson requested that the Boca Raton ~ode oC Ethics item be stricken C~om agenda. She said she had talked with Sen. Thomas .... ~and: he is _qoin~ ........... to Pre file code of m~n~m~ h~t1~_ in the Senate and it will be filed in the House of Representatives. Robert Beyrer - suggested there are more ways of approaching the conflict of interest - he suggested recall of councilman procedure be ohanged. Mrs. Jackson moved that this item be stricken from agenda, seconded by ~.~r. Wallace and motion carried 5-0. Policy me opening of bids - ~. Moore discussed policy for opening of bids which would not consume so much of Council,s time and the time of those that come for bid opening~ be it public or those bidding. He recommended returning bids to City Manager and Purchasing Agent and that the tabulated bids come to Council for formal consideration. Mr. Wallace moved that Mr. }~oore~s recommendation of receiving and tabu- fating bids be made a part of administrative policy. Motion seconded by M~. Nylund and m~tion carried 5-0. C°ntractual A19~eement re T~affic Signal at ~. S. ~1 and NE 2nd ~vem,=9 Mr. Hopkins stated there is a paragraph in the contract pertaining to traffic signal at ~.S. ~I and NE 2nd Ave. that Mr. Moore is not satis- fied with. He felt that if they appoint a person to resolve disputes and that person~s decision is final the City could be abdicating its rights. -5- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~fEETING MARCH 16~ 1970 M~. Michael moved that the City Attorney be instructed to proceed with the agreement and conta ct Tallahassee and negotiate with attorneys of the State Road Department. Motion secOnded by ~. Wallace and motion carried 5-0. Waiver of rental fee at Civic Center - Request of Bill Edell, Ocean Ridge ~h~. Wallace moved that Council waive fee for the Sing-Along Program at Civic Center provided it has been cleared through Recreation Dept. Motion seconded by Mr. Michael and motion carried 5-0. ~on~ider cz~ating Purchasing - Personnel Dept. and allocating funds for pay grade 29. The department will nee. d one director, secretary and pur- chasing clerk. This will require addmtional $1,090 from Unappropriated Surplus. 1,{r. Wallace moved to accept i,~. Hopkins' recommendation to combine posi- t~ion of purchasing agent and personnel officer and that funds be trans- ferred from Unappropriated Surplus to cover additional expenses. Motion seconded by Mr. Michael and motion carried 5-0. Mr. Hopkins recommended that William H. Sullivan be employed to fill posi- tion as Pu=ohasing Agent and Personnel Officer. X~ir. Nylund moved that Mr. Hopkins' recommendation be approved, seconded by Mr. Michael and motion carried 5-0. Position be created for male custodian of the Library, Public Works, City Hall, Police Station, etc. -Mr. Michael moved that position be created for male custodian of the Library, Public Works, City Hall, Police Station~ etc., and funds from unappropriated surplus in amount of $3~102 be used as needed. Mr. Nylund seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Annual Audit - ~,irs. Jackson said she found discrepancies in the audit report and moved that the item be tabled. Motion seconded by M~. Wallace and motion carried 5-0. Resignation of E. C. Blo~nt - ~,~r. Blount appeared before Council in per- son and requested that his resignation be rescinded, and by cou~lsel, on behalf of Marion Green who had circulated petitions asking for his rein- statement. _Me said shortly after submitting his resignation he asked that it be res einded. M~. Frederick Hollings~rth had been retained by }4~rion Green and ~h~ signers'of the petition ~o speak in be~hat~ of Mr. Blount. He, Peiterated that the issue in ~uestion was to reconsider the C reef. s request and re3ect hms resmgnat~on - or whether Council persists .i? d~spensing with his s. ervices. He felt there is a need to investigate r~e .~epartment. He rev~ewe, d the things the Chief had done while servin~ of~mcialty as Chief of Polmce and left a copy with the Clerk of the City. M~. ~ichael moved that the City Council accept Mr. Ernest Blount's resig- naltion. Motion was seconded by ~,~rs. Jackson. ~. l~ichael stated that -6- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETinG MARCH 16, 1970 if any investigating authority wants to investigate, they will get his full cooperation. M~. Wallace referred to a memo he left with personnel officer~ and told the Mayor he shirked his responsibility in that the last statement he had requested was that Council be polled for a 5 o~elock meeting. He asked if Council was polled. Mayor said he had another letter si~ned by two Couneil members and he showed them to the Chief and he made up his own mind. He said he did not say one word to the Chief to resign or not to resign and he gave me his verbal r~esignation right then. The City Attorney then stated that if it is the majority of Council's de- sire to accept resignation that the formal motion provide that the prior informal resignation be ratified; that Mr. Blountts request that the re- signation be ~escinded be denied; and that if for any reason Mr. Blount's request to rescind resignation iS sustained that his employment as pro- bationary Police Chief be terminated as to the effective date of his resignation. Mr. Michael amended his motion to include City AttOrney's recommendation. Motion as amended was seconded by ~'lps. Jackson and carried 4-1. M~. Sum- mers voted ~no?~ . Motion made by M~. Michael, seconded by M~. Nylund to accept Mr. Hopkins' recommendation to appoint Noah Huddleston Acting Chief of Police. MOtion carried 5-0. ,L,,ist of Payments made in February Mr. Michael moved that February payments be approved as submitted. seconded by Mrs. Jackeon~ and motion carried 5-0. Motion %pproval of Bills Budge Tennis Corp. Russell & Axon E. N. Murray Const. Co. $ 4,400.00 2 ~ 360.00 8~713.57 M~. Nylund moved that bills be app~oved~ seconded by M~. Michael and motion carried 5-0. OTHER Motion by Mr. Wallace~ seconded by M~. Nylund, to hear ~,~. John Adam$t request. Motion carried 5-0. On request 6f Shell Oil Co, that they receive same treatment as the Sun Oil ~Ir. Nylu~d moved to approve the request~ seconded by Mr, Wallace and motion carried ~-2. MrS. Jackson and }i~. Michael voted ~no~, -7- ~INUTE$ REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~.~RCH 16~ 1970 ADJO~RN~MENT Meeting adjourned at 10:20 P. M. Cmty Clerk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH: FLORIDA Thomas A. Summers, Mayo~ y Jae~n~ Councilwoman Michael V. i~ichael~ Councilman Leo~ard E. Nylund; Co%cmlm~n SAJSP Permits 9 February 1970 Dear 1~". & l~s. ~alver: It has been reported t~t you are engaged in const~action activities along the L~tracoastat ~terway ab L~. First Avenue, Casa ~sion ~ Bo~n Bsach~ Section lO of ~e Pgver ~ud Harbor Act ap~oved 3 M~ch 1899 p~hlbits the plac~g of a~ s~ctu~ ~ or ov~ ~ rmvigable waters of United Sta~s~ or excavating ~om or deposi~ng m~te~ there~u, ~nless ~he w~rk ~s been p~perly ~thorized ~ a ~pa~nt of t~ A~y pe~it. if the m~ve-msntioned ~oo~ ~ true~ you are re~ested ~ ceas~ all ~rk at once ~ud to submi~ ~ application for a ~p~nt of oermit to cover the ~ork you b~ve performed ~ ~y ~ntemplated ~mrk. ~o further ~ork ~:voi-~-nE the nm~gable ~ters should be ~ ~utii you have been issued a ~rmit. ~e~ is inclosed a booklet ~th supplemmnt conta~E inst~ctions for p~p~g app!icatio~ for ~p~t~nt of Army p~its. Yo~ application should ~ ~companied by a ~a~_ng pre- ~red in acco~ce ~!~ pages 2 ~nd 3 of the supp!emsnt ~d ~structionm c~utainsd ~ the b~klet. S~p~s of dra,~ ~y ~ fo~d on pages 15 through 19 of the booklet. Yo~ attention is ~vlted to ~c~io~ !II & ~ of the ~pplement ~nce~g special require~nts for ~rk ~ong t~ Intra~as~l Wate~y ~d ~e necessity of S~te &ud loc~ assent. You a~ ~gsd ~ ~ve ~ais '~mtter ~ p~mpt attenti~ as ~ ~k ~t be considered i~e~l ~ t~ abs~ce of a ~p~e~ of ~e Ar~z pe~t. Yo~ application should be ad,eased ~ the ~strict EnE~eer ~ud sub~tted ~ou~h the Resident ~er~ Corps of En~ueers, P. O. ~a~r Bea~, ~_orida 33139. S~oerely y~s, Incl A.L. Mc~:IGHT Booklet w/supplement Chzex, Operations Division furnished: ~. FJ~R.Hill ±2~ N~. 2nd Ave° Boynton Beach, Fla. 33435 COMMISSIONERS 2725 Avenue E, FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT Riviera Beach, Florida 33404 COMMISSIONERS STAFF February 11, 1970 Fruda, Collier & Eill Attorneys at Law 125 N. E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Hill: 33435 Reference is made to your letter of January 28, 1970 and my visit to Boynton Beach on February 4, 1970, both with regard to the utilization of land at the end of N. E. 1st. Avenue, within the rig'ht-of-way of the Intracoastal Waterway. The Florida Inland Navigation District, as a matter of policy, does not authorize or permit construction on mts property on which riq~t-of-way easements have been granted to the U. S. Government in connection with the Intracoastal Waterway. No permission, oral or otherwmse, has been given t"o either Mr. Culver or Mr. Hall for the utilizatlon of the F.i.N.D. property lying within the rig-bt-of-way of the Intracoastal Waterway at the foot of N. E. 1st. Avenue in Boynton Beach, Florida. The authorized utilization of this property Ks noted and will be revmewed with the Army District Engineer in Jacksonville to determmne the necessmty for future action° W~P: hmb cc : Mr. Greene Mr. Harrison Very truly yours, Wm~l~m F. Powers General Manager I am Kenneth Lyman. I have lived in Boynton Beach sinde I was five years old, which makes me here for abuut fifty years and during that time, my family, the Lyman's, have owned the property now known as Lyman's Docks and the adjacent property, their home property, where the Boynton Fish Market is now operat- ing. During this time we~have operated what I would say ia a good, clean business. Everything we have ever %uilt has been okayed by the City of Bevnton Beach by a building permit ~'ich we have accquired. We have accquired our plumbing permits, our electrical permits and everything has been in order. During t~is time, many times, we have donated free moral to the City, espec- ially for Peck's Park at South Boynton Beach which was used to the betterment of the City and everywhere possible that we have ~no~m we have t~ied to help and comply with the laws of Boynton Beach. During this time, we have started with a swamp and developed a sports fishing dock We started developing this dock after. Right after our dock was City Commissioners at that time. for which I was mainly responsible. in about 1950 or shortly there- installed, I came to some of the One of them was Mr. Chaldwell who is new deceased and Joe Demarco who is still alive and was a member of the Commission and the City Clerk at the time, t'm quite sure, was Dorothy Williams and I believe the present City Clerk, Tereasa Padggett, also worked in Dorothy Williams was Clerk, and will be facts I state are correct. At this time, t went to the City Hall Commissioners that if it ~as alright with them, the City Hall at the time able to verify that the and told the at my expense, meaning Lyman's Sport Fishing Dock, I wauld improve the property at the end of the street, I believe it is Casa Loma Road, and build a dock at my own expense. I did this hiring a dragline which took dirt out of the canal. The City of Boynton Beach, Henry Lundsford, who was then employed by the City, brought me a piece of six or eight inch iron pipe. I installed this in the ground as a drain for the end of the street. I put in a roc~ rubble wall which held for ma~y years. I put in a wooden piling Page i and a dock made of pretre~ted pine lumber, which would not rot. I did not use any of this land for my own use because my under- standing with the City Officials at that time was that it would be to beautify the area. It would be an advantage to me to have the area looking better. Years ago I heard my father had donated to the City, fif- teen feet of property on the South side of our property which extends about six hundred feet along the inland water way up to the next street west, or to the home property. I did not know this was a fact, because I had never seen it. I hired an engin- meting company from West Palm Beach to survey the property, I believe it was Brock and Brock or Block and Block, one of those. They gave me a survey showing that there was no record in Palm Beach County Court House of this Grant being made to the City so on that information, I built a fence on the South end of what I assumed was my property and it was built with a permit from the City. After it was built, I received a letter from the City Attorney at that time that it was not where it should be because there was a grant to the city from my father. The only record I could see was a notation and I believe my father's signature, on one of thePlats of Boynton Beach, donating it. Mr. Purington was the mayor at the time and I believe he was the one who asked my father to do this. At this time, after building up this prop- erty in front, I leased the front part of the dock, including the ~ff~n feet that I thoFght was legally mine, tm Janet Hall and family who operated the boat, Sea Mist, on the waterfront at my place. Things went along until the Culver family, I quess, put up the money, bought the property, erty, that Purington had develope~. At £~irst, on their own property or the property adjacent Culver Sr., part of the p~op- he kept his boat to or east of the property they owned and not on the property that I had built up ~or beautification or a park for the City of Boynton Beach. But not too long after that , he moved his boat back on the dock that I had built entirely at Lyman's Dock costs and on the property that I had filled up and dredged with the dragtine out of the canal at Page 2 my own cost and put aa office and his boat there. I asked ~im to move them, and we had a disagreement. There on another boat, Janet Hall stood it as much as she could a~d moved it. Another boat, the Hurricane, tried to use the property. He had a sign and an office there and Culver put a sign directly in front of his on Florida In~nd Navigation Dis- t~ict, beite.r known as FIND. I, at various times, complainted to th~ City Commissioners of Boynton and constantly got a run around, never a straiB~ answer from anybody. In recent years, things have become even worse. Not too many years ago they built a fence at the West end of their property to hide some of their boats from the public. After it was built, there was a complaint made. I don't know whether it wis I that made it or Janet Hall, or just who, but after that they went to City Hall and a permit was very nicely issued and it was allowed to stand. Not less than six months ago, they asked for a periit to repair a roof on an exsisting building on the waterfront where they are now encrou§hing on FIND property. This, according to the Plat they gave to the City was incorrectly stated in an incor- rect place and when this was brought te their attention, they went right to the city and were issued a permit at the place ~ere it now is. It was a roofover an entirely different area. My arque- merit or complaint about the problem is that the Culver family is usin~ land built up by the Lyman family for the betterment of the city of Boynton Beach and for the advantage of the citizens of Boynton Beach to their own use. They are operating a ticket office and a fish market here and as far as I know, they are paying no city taxes on this. As far as I know, they have no operating per- mits to operate the business here. They f~r all thei~ customers. They ar~ using city fifteem~feet wide, six hundred feet have no restroom facilities the parking built by the long, which wasdedicated to the city by Walter Lyman, my father, to their own use, and they are doing this evidently with the approval of somebody. I would like to see this detriment to the city removed. As it is now, the Culver's Building blocks the view as ~!~you come out on the inland waterway,as you look north. And less Page 3 than two months ago, I believe it was a City truck of Boynton, delivered a bu~ch of old asphalt and rock to the Culvers and they dumped it between a dock thatthey had built according to the FIND man who I had talked to and Janet Hall and her lawyer, Mr. Fred Hill, talked to also, that they did all this with no permit from FIND or the US Army CoFFs of Engineers. Thfs rubble that they have dumped between th~ dock that they built and the dock that I had built has now washed into the i~and waterway and is shoaling up the inland waterway which is definitely a hazzard to the boats using my dock which I had built. The Lyman family has had a dock at this location since 1920. have continued to enlarge and improve the whole area and I believe the effort I have put into improving has been quite an~get to the City of Boynton Beach. I undumbtedly am quite a large tax payer. This property built by the Lymans' dock at the end of this road beside my property as I say~ was built entirely at our cost for tke beautification of the city. During this time we have used no land for our own use. This is the way I understood that the City wanted it. Joe Demarco, who was a commissinner at the time, believe will verify this and I am quite sure that Dorothy Williams and Tereasa Padggett will also yetiS- this. There have been many building operations done by the Culvers without permits from the city. A few years ago~ before the 19S7 hurricane, they had buil% an addition to their restruant on the'South side of it along the canal that goes back toward the Sea Mist. This was buily, as far as I understand, without a permit, and without cemplying to the City r~gulations. This building, during the 1957 hurricane, was completely demolished, blowing over on to my property and into my channel where I tie my boats. I had to go to the expense myself of hiring a wrecker and pulling this deb rte ~out of my channel and disposing of it. Also on the FIND property~ they had a large weathervane type fish with a sign "Two Georges'" on it. This blew down and rolled over the street and damaged a fence of mine. I have been harrased by these people. We have had the police or ~city put signs at our enterences "No Parking" right adjacent to Page 4 the ~ntere~ces so tke st'hoots would not be blocked ~nd the cars could get in and out without damage. These signs have disappeared or even with the signs there, I have called the police, care were there, mainly the Culvers. THe Police would come down and say the), coa~d not move them. At one time there was a car parked on th9 West end on this fifteen feet of property the Lyman's did donate to the City. With the Sign "Two Georges'" on the side, this was an old w~eck of a car and the sign was welded on wH~e nobody could take it off, which m~ght have happened. And tkere was a complaint made to the police about it and they said if we hear any more complaints from you down there we will close the park to the whole area. They w~re asked if they were the law and they said they were the law. WHat I am getting at is that in the past, I have done everything in my power to operate by the rules and regulations of the City of Boynton Beach and other people have been getting away without doing it. I would like to see in the future this property restored to it's state where it is a beautiful spot for the city of Boytnon Beach and can be used by the public to fish from if they so desire or to tie their boats to while they go intn the restrnant to eat or to go into town or a~y other place. It would be an advantage to the City of Boynton Beach to have this space, about .55 feet wide, back again as a City Dock which I built it as. In front of the Two George's Restruant, which they were then operating as a sea food restruant, there was a side walk built almost half way acrossed the street and there was a red awning over the top and a post out almost to the middle of the so- called public street, to my knowledge, put in by the Culver's with a sign advertising their restruant. It was a detriment to traffic. More than once, the sign or the post was knocked over where the palvition entrance was, I complgin~ to s~e of the tke~ city commissioners abnut this and they said to forget it. What ~ am getting at is that I Have put my life's work into building this place which I believe is Dity of Boynton Beach. Ail I have received ~ run around from the various commissioners to the advantage of the so far from the City is and I believe that if Page 5 they looked into this matter, they would see that what I am saying is the truth and they could make alot of corrections on this. I have asked for no special favors from the City at any time and I don't want any. In the years past, I have, as I said, helped every way I could in the City. I worked ~ith the Boy Scouts from the time my son Skip was a Cub until he fin~ihed as an E~gle Scout and since then, at various times, I have helped them at what I I would like to help in this upon the request ef various troops, knew best, Seamanship a~d knot work. way in the future. I have also been a member of Kwanis, perfect attendance, for 13 years. I believe I qualify as an honest citizen of Boynton Beach. In my iS years, I believe I sold more tickets and raised more money which is also a fact most of tho rest of they can tell you about. I also furn- ished most ~ 90% ) of the fish and about half of the ticket sales. I stayed with the Kawinis until they changed their meetings from night to noon which I could not make, being a fisherman. I coul~ not leave my busineR~ at noon. I would very much like to see the City have this p~operty which the Culver's are now encroucling upon, operating with no permit. They are operating a fish market as far as I know with no commercial license from the City of Boynton Beach and as far as I know, it takes a commercial license to buy, sell, and process fish, which they are definetely doing. The day before yesterday, (this would have been Wednesday, Feb. 25, )they bought about 50 pounds of fish from one of the boats at my dock, THE ABBY II,. They have also been buying fish, processing it, a~d selling it in a place that is not approved by the health dept.. They definetly to need a license to sell fish not caught on their own boat the same, to operate in a buisiness like this. Also, to operate a busineRs like this, ye~ have to have a haa~th permit, which I believe they do not have. To get back to my story, I have plans in the future, if possible, to enlarge my dock to about twice the size so that it will be an added advantage to the City of Boynton Beach. As anybody can plainly see, I do my best to keep the area clain and in a presentable condition. I have built a road at my own cost through the property which is now used by the general public as a turn around for Casa Loma Road, I would also like to thank, in tkis little speach, the City of Boynton for the garabage pickup which has been very go'od and to the police department of Boynton who recently have been very good in giving us security around the docks and have been checking into passerby's cars and people parked over night sleeping in their cars. They have done a wonderful job on this. As another interesting item, when the Culver's built this new wall that they ha~e now built~ ~t the Bast end of Cas~ Loma Road, they must have complained to the City that the present drain which I had installed myself, as owner and operator of Lyman's Dock, they called the City of Boytnon. The City of Boynton, at their own expense came down and put in a new, longer pipe to please the Culver's for what they wanted to do. In the past, Inever expected the City to do any%hingfor me. I would like to know how some people can get ~x away with these various things. We asked the City Commissioners to investigate the issuance of permits for the construction by the Culver's on Cit)- and FIND property. And we asked the City Commissioners to investigate the operations of the Culver's Fish Market and ticket office with respect to conformance with City liceRming proceedures. Finally~ we asked the City Commissioners to consider the necessity of returning the public land in this area to the public for it's use. SUITE 201 - PAN AMERICAN BUILDING - WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33401 /March 1'6, 1970 PHONE 832-6418 The Grand Jury, for Palm Beach County, Florida. on March ] 2. ].970, found indications of existing building code violations on me work done ar Leism-cville Adult Communky. This remarkable uno conscientious ~Foup Focom[llond~d those c(x]c violations be correclcd as soon as pos- siblc. To facilitate the Grand Jury's findings and recommendations, and in full awareness of their continuing probe, the Better Business Bureau of Palm Beach County respectfully requests and urges the City Council for tile CiLv of Ik:yntoll Beach. tonight, during the New Business session of this meeting to review and consider the feasibility and [egali~ of the folloxving five suggestions: 1. Immediately secure_ lbo professional services of a qualified an~ h]depcndont~l'esting I,abovato~:y and/et registered Civil I~;ugineers ant'or licensed A.!. A. Arch]teem to inspect, with tile Owner of Rccord's per- mission, all construction in Section 1 and Section 2 of Leisureville Adult Community. 2. Immediately secure, from Caldos Properties, Inc: a Surety Bond of Co, rrective Performance in me amount of $2500.00 for each individual house and i~uilding in Section I and Section 2 of Leisureville Adult Com- FDuniEv. 3. hnn~ediatelv secure, from C~tdos Properties. Inc. a realistic work completion schedule auu appraisal of readily available construction mechanics which would maintain the new construction wo~k schedule, and at ~he same time. the availability of qualified construction mechanics to correct any building code violations existing in Section 1 spa Section 2 of Lc]surer]lie Aduh Comnlunity. 4. Immcdiawiy sOCtlFC, fl'on-] Caldos ])repel'tics, igc, a cui"/-ent and certified Staten',cm o] JPiltancig] Condition. 5. Immediately determine tile legal and moral rcsponsibility of the City of Boynton Beach should or if Caldos Properties, ]nc, voluntarily aba,ndons' or is compelled x) qui~ I.cisureville Adu] Community and the Cit\; of lk)yn[on Beach. illuminating these suggestions we submit: Sl~ggestio~ .. The cmplDyed professional services would insure cons,4'uction conformit,, in every respect to tho [)lalqS and speci.fieations file with the Buildin~ Deparnnent aha current Bu~Iding C~e for /3ovn~on Beach. The inspection and reporting services'should be contrazted on a bid basis fo'r each bu]ldln~ ~nm)ec~ed. Since fndiviuual owners or Caldos Properties. ]nc, were ]ssue(] a Cord- ficate of Occupancy by the l~uildi.ng l)eparlme~h the finnnck~ rcsponMbilhy for the on?loyed sc~J'vJces, i~ al! probabiliw, belongs to lhe City. tt is by [l)ey ~Vt>~itl rebate the (,by for each building inspected which has a build- lng code xdotation. For thc many happy people r[~sfding in l.eisurevii!e and have compleaconfidence in Ca]dos Properties, lac, and are entirely satisfied wirln rlaeir homes, we suggest they be requested ~o sign a Certifies-re of Satisfaction and Release for thc City of Boynron Beach absolving rt:e City of additional legal or moral responsibility, l~en rh5a re]ease is properly signed and returned re mc Building l)epar'tmenr, thc SUl'eLy }~nd would be mm~cdiarelv released [oCaldos Properncs. Inc. Su~g_~}~_?~n 2. My. t'e[ix Granaclos. PrcMdcnt of(~lldoa Pr{~x:rries. corporanon, iht. Sm'cry Bond ~s simply good business and insurance on Mr. (l'an~l~os collll]Iondab]c statamcn[. After each house ~s inspected and all building code violations and defects are corrected,' a proper Certificate of Occupancy issued, and a Certificate of Release or Satisfaction signed by the Owner of Record, die S~rery Bolad woulo be immediately released to Caldos Properties. inc. Sugg.. esdon 3. t'o insure 0,dequat'o atKt qualified coiqsl:rucHon personnel re complete the posMblc corccctive work Jn lite least possible time. this schedule should be complete and accurat.e, ]f qualified personnel are not available, all new cousrruction must be halted until all corrective work is zompletod. Suggestion 4. At various ~' ~ · . cnne~.. Ca]dos Properties.. mc, have verbally feared their vast financial resources aBd col'porare stabi]hv. Mr. Courrnev. the fei-liter (}it'x Manager, stated ho lho.l~hk Cn]do~ PFO~ allowed to bcgha l.eisuvevi[lc. I lowovc, r, I-CCC1][ CVCIMS and certain [ll]COl)- i~tC[]i~CncC, make il impcralive Caldos [~ropcrtics provide a con- allld Ctlr~i'Cll[ (,CI l fled Sla tement of b'ina n(:i~ll Condi ion re the Chy. Suggestion 5. This ~s an extremely unlikely even[, lno~ever, if this 'ely remote possibility shoed occur, the Citk must be nropcrly and ]eaallv 3repared ~o hn~plemenr a plan which will pro{ecr the interests of tho City lild all irs citizens. VOLI for tile opj)ovit/n[ly of ]IJ'CSCI1LJllg tllose SLI~OSLiOllS_ Thc {citer s DLIFCMIII el: l~;~h~ Ik'nch COil]lit siL/lld~ I'CLKit. lO Itc ,)f ;lily [}ssisIaI~CC nad service I{¢ the Cibr of 13oynton beat[ , all its fine ch [zetas. and to Caldos Inc. ~ADE I)/ FEBRUARY BY DATE 1970- '- ................... - - - -- - - -- - --- - 3,016.38 1970 ...................................... 9, 986, 1970 ...................................... 2~i07.39 1970 ...................................... 26, 469.60 1970 ...................................... 87. 765.33 1970 ...................................... 490.13 1970 ...................................... 1,241.24 1970 ...................................... 3, 055.81 1970 ...................................... 1,286.93 1970 ...................................... 28, 870.47 1970 ...................................... 594. Ol i970 ...................................... 36, 659.49 1970 ...................................... 1,340.35 1970 ...................................... ~,973.7B i970 ...................................... 27,254.27 1970 ...................................... 52, 583.1 1970 ...................................... 3, 528. 79 1970 ...................................... 13, 673.55 1970 ...................................... 10.00 1970 ...................................... 62. 867.28 P2_YlfENTS 2tAD~. i~Y FUhu~ GENERg_L FUND ~ .......... z ....................... 192, 077. 66 .~ ~ ....FU~$D ............................. 32, 254.7! ~._ o~ITER~ F~7~9 ............................... 113. O0 SEWER & WATER DEiPO6tT ~ F&WD ~- .... ~ ..................... RE~ ~,.'J~ £~WD ~ .................................. RETIREN~¥T TRUST FU~VD ................................ ~ - ' PE2~GION FIRENE}~S R~ZiEF & ...................... ~,=~ra~ S~xIi~¥I)IG POOL BOi~D FUND .................... 9, PUBLIGJTY FUt~D ...................................... I & S FUh~ .......................................... 25, UTILITY GENERAL FUND ............................... - -- 497. 60 ~36.10 544.47 84.10 562.50 100. O0 000. O0 683.86 753.99 1970 GENER2L FUffD 22822 O~SLEY So~ Wo 795. O0 22825 THE T~AV~LE~S I~$ Co 253.70 W2T~ SYSTE~ RETE~{UE FUX9 12192 ~F~ LrFE I~S GO ~.i0 29G~ ~ 29~5 )IXS Lrz~ Igs Go 6, 1970 W2TER SYSTEH REKENU£ FU)ID 11.89 6.48 18.37 25~000.00 26.000.00 GE~¥ERAL FUI~rD 228J3 POLrc~ t~ETr~E~E~ F~N~ 156.74 22834 FZaE~EN'S RELrEm ~ PENSXO~ Fu~ 131.05 ~ ~ 23. O0 228~0 G J O~SLEY 228~1 E~L~S $C~aOY 10~ O0 10. O0 E~/~R RE?E~{UE UTiLiTY GE~IERAL FO?iD 014 Russell & Axom Go~su~ gus 015 RvsszL~ __I. 68 7. 04 1___~61. 76 261.76 24,929.34 30, 945 61 7.18 7,280.17 10,911.75 74, 2,107.39 26, 469.60 8 7, 7o5.53 P~IYHENTS HADE IN FEBRUARY 1970 F~Bn~y 2, !970 GENER/~L FUi~D ~28!~ O~zr or~ B B PmrzY O,~s~ 22828 G~ Hoo~E 12~.00 22829 CzrY o~ B B W~rEa DE~r~EZ~ 2~343,75 22830 W~r~ H~cDowE~L 132.00 2, 64~. 08 SEWER ~ WATER DiE:~&IT 1202 ,4cc' o~ G,~bos Gon~ W2TER SYSTEH R~TE~VUE FUND 12196 ~/m~'r H,~cDowms~. RETIREk~ENT TRUST FUND 0612 Rm~-~ 061~ 0~ R 061¥ FP~_~ ~VIRENE~t'S RELIEF ~ PF;,~¥SION FU~D 7, 50 7.50 24. O0 2¥. O0 50.58 135.12 71, O0 256.70 59.83 2~. 27 3, O16.38 GENER2£ FUND 2281~ Nn N~z~r_~s !09. O0 2281 7 So~r~En~ BE~ TE~ Go 636~ 78 22819 F~ POWEn ~ ~mr Go 5~400,~ 6, 92t. 4~ W&TER SYSTEN RE?E~¥UE FUN~O 12187 W~zzn mEp~n~E~r? 57.88 12188 go~rsrE~ BE~ TE~ Go 9.95 12189 Tno~rs~s i~c oF Fs~ 27~60 12!DO F~ PowEn & Lrss~ Go 2~002. 77 2, 098.20 SEWER & W2TER DEPOSIT 1203 Acc'? oF G~mes SEWER RE?E?/UE FUND 2963 F~,.~ Pow~ ~ n rsr~r Co 7.50 7.50 615.34 9~ 9 86~..02 10~ 1970 319.95 W2TER SYSTEN REirE2rUE FO'i~ 12196 GEOP~C~E ~O~L~'ENT~.~L 2.20 ~219 G~ W Oo~n~ 2.20 12199 O F i~.~s ~.20 12200 Nns N~g~E~ ~r~E~ 10.54 12198 H D ALLEN 1.2~ 21 o 3~ 5~WER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1204 ~iDzn~ L-4NE 15.50 1205 OEO~gE BEVENTH~L 16.20 1206 O~~ ~r GO~rNE~ t 7.60 1207 Eu~z~ D~ow~rs~r i~. ~0 1208 Rm= W~ 7,50 1209 G F FE~s 17.60 1210 N~r !tEzmvE~ !~.00 I 0~. 90 SE['?ER RET~2%~UE FUi{D 2969 O F FE~S ~* 70 !0. i0 I0.10 28,90 22850 22851 22852 2nnnEssog~ N~srr 22853 R~sr~ Go~s~ Go 116.46 !0. O0 30. O0 20° O0 i 4~o 08 679.82 004.36 ~220i 12205 12212 SYSTEJ~ REK,~VUE F[UiD J N Howzss Ex~c:ron 2DDnESSO~PH ~LTr OO~P ~.20 3o 04 193.4~ ' 20io68 SE~<ER & W2TER D.sZPO$TT 17.60 17.60 ~90.!3 1970 FEsnu~nY ~0, 1970 WATER DEPO~Ii,~?~s FUND 7.50 SEWER REEENUE FUN~ ~0 C.~I~L F OI~T~LLI' .,,10,10 10.10 1,2~!. 2¥ 1970 GEi¥h~9,~IL FU~ID 22854 /irL~S ~ & Sorn 52.00 22855 Jo~u L 2~cHrz Ima t8.00 ~$2~57 E~n ~ ~ro~r NrcHo~s 18.57 22858 ~SS~N I~S ~S~UCr 195. O0 22859 Go~¢~s E~r GonP 1.11 22860 TsE BLosso~ S~o~E 22.65 22861 Bo-D~s~ P~¢ Go 65.00 22862 Bor~o~ Auto S~Pp~Y I~c t08.55 22863 Bo~vzo~ Gu~v ~ Ooru SHo~ 17.50 22865 Krnro~ Ssc SEnzrcz 77.50 751.83 ~/2TER S~STEH RE?ENr~ F,'b~¥D 12213 2~B Pr~E ~ SUar~LY Go 12214 2~ Gm. on ~ G~E~ Pno~ucrs Iuc 1221-6 BIF Iun iuc 1'22,18 Gomm~cr~n R~coniv I~vc 12219 Jo~u B DU~Z,E 12221 B~ow~n P~m~ & $VPPLY O0 621.93 55 7.60 1~-. 95 28.86 70. O0 41.1¥ 49.23 1,~67.89 SEWER & W2TER DEPOSIT FUND 1212 O,~L~os DE~' Oonp 7.50 1215 O~nos DE~ UonP 7.50 2977 2~ Gr~onr~¥~ & Os~rc~ Pno~ 15. O0 I~c 772.04 29, 05 801 ~ 09 3, 0o~. 81 1970 GE~VEPatL FUiYD 22866 ~21~pEt~ ~ Row 3.07 22867 DousnEm~x & Go t~c 10.17 2286~ ' B~,:Po~'x c~ Dm~z 16. O0 22869 Grz~ o~ B B PEZZ~ O~ss 34.94 22870 Lr~n~ Es~ r~ 22. O0 22872 ~r~r~ Lm~g~ o~ O~rzms ~0.00 22875 !~s Lrumm Sm~TrCE 32.26 22874 F~ A~ SoFTsA~ 2SSOC 5.00 22875 ~ ~7~TE~ Wo~s 2ssoc 1~.00 12, 1970 ~u~Rr ~3, 1970 GENER2L FUiCD 22876 Ft~ R~c 2ssoc 22877 Bormro~e P~p & W~ 22879 UO~.~CE 22880 DE~Y GO~C~ETE Pao~ Co 40. O0 1~3,16 15.00 68. G7 ~9. O0 52.94 59.90 30.60 697. 71 WATER 12202 12222 12223 1222~ 12225 SYSTEH RE?~;UE FUN~ ~LFRED EDWARDS ELEC CoRP ~ECHNIC INSTRUMENTS ~NC 3.20 69.89 3~.33 85.7~ 62.00 2~5. I2 SEWER ~ 1214 W_~ W2TER DEPOSIT FUND 7.50 7.50 7. 50 7.50 W2TE~ DEPOSITERS FUND SEWER REVENUE FU~rD 2979 O0~ST~L ff-4CHr~VE iNC 122.00 2980 GOUSOL RESE~nC~ Oonp 6~.9~ 2981 Emw-~R~s Er, zc GoRp 132.15 319/10 GE~VERAL FO?ID 22884 BZ~UE EXTER GO Irs 26. O0 22885 E~sz Gooser Frnm E~o-r~ t02. O0 22886 E~s~ Oo~s~ P~PER Co 59.98 22887 Dziff~nco TReason ~ i~ Go 96.81 22888 DE~a~Y BE~C~ t~ws Jo~a~L 89.52 22889 GEOnSE ~ FOX, SEn Go I,~c !7.50 22890 GEg En~C Go 54~. O0 22891 ~'E G~ss N~ 90.90 22892 Josz~ L 2nCHrE PLU~B Iuc 99.15 22893 O~E~ GI~_G ~'Rucr S-~ES ~ L'E~ZrCE IUC 222.99 2289'~ R L GR~,~Z~O~S P~rs 28.90 22895 O J OustEr 20. O0 22896 ELsrs Nc~no~ 20.00 22897 G~n~u~Y Bs~ Pnr~zEns 3.56 22898 H~s~x ~ Gnr~FZZ~ Iuc ~10.85 22900 JozzEs ~'gvrp Go ~9.50 22901 libel FrnE Pnoz 2ssoc 29.50 ~903 TsE P~ Bzgam POs~ TrmEs 47.10 i, 286.93 1970 GEA%r~L FUND 2290¥ 22905 22906 22907 22908 22909 22910 229i 2 22915 PORTER PALYT 00 96. 75 D W S~zrs ~ ~ssoc I~c 39 50 So~Ts Loma-~ FLoazs~ 25 O0 TR~rL Fo~ TR~C~Oa Go 99. 07 Twr~ GrrY W~srm 1~ Go I~c 916~ 6~ U~rrmD PL~s~rcs Go~p 23 98 E~L [~LL~am 2'oa~ I~c 165, 67 CI~r OF ~ B P~Y.~OLL ~O'~D i~,351.6~ POL rcE RETISE~ENT ~=U~m I61.90 FI~EmEN'S R_LrEE ~ PENSIOW ~U~U 161.05 RETT~EHENT ~';R~ST ~UND ~3. Zl F~mR~ O~m~rr U~¢ro~ t, 04i.~0 F~sr Bz~ ~ Ta~sr 5,073~60 229I~ 22915 22916 22917 12204 1220~ 12207 12226 12227 12228 12229 $. EO .24 $.20 ~. O0 214.79 7.25 2, 639. 2, 880.03 SEWER& W2TER DEPOSIT FU/~ 1216 G~uos !216 ~o~ 121 7 J~zs 1221 OORP 7.50 7.50 15.$0 27.00 7.50 7.50 o_o 112.50 ~t4TER DEPO~ITE~S FUND 8511 OEo~ G 'i~ILm$ 7.50 7.$0 15.00 SEWER RE?E2ZUE FUZ{D 2982 F~zRcsz~m PRo Oo:~p 2983 Rzzcrza H~rz~r~L GoP~p 55.00 15.15 1,2~2.07 1970 1970 GENERAL FUND 22911 FLA LE,~rE o~ Ho-~rC~P-~n~ES 10.00 229i~ Sz~-rE T~E,~S~E~ 308.0,,0. 318. O0 RETIRE2~E2{T TRUST FU2,~D 0615 B::j-RozzE~ 2 76. oL 27 . 01 59 . 01 ~ERUARY ~7,, 1970 ~Y 1~, 1970 FESRU,~nY 19, 1970 22919 F~ 22920 L~c~E 22921 ~-oF 22922 H~s A~LE~ POWE~L 22923 So~r~ SPEE~ S~op W2TER SYSTLZH REVEUE FU~¥D 12250 REm & [~pRE7 BON~ SINK SEgLgR & ~&TER DEPOSIT 1222 As~E~o ' s I~c SEWER REVE1/U~ FUND PUBLICITY FU,¥D 354 Bor~o~ B~,~c~ EL~ ~CSOOL GE2,~R~L FUND 2292~ HIc~EL B A~s 22925 EXECUTONE oP GEN SEWER & W2TER DEPOSIT FUND 1223 G~oos £E~ Go~ G~ER2L FUiVD 22926 22927 2292~ ~/E~SO~ KETCH W2TER 12208 12209 12231 12252 SYSTEH RE?EI~O~ FUND ~NIE ~rBLETT DWELLY-~IL~ SOUTHERN i~ETE~ ~ S~P CO INC 25. O0 45. O0 30. ~5 2, O0 1 71 .~5 1 ~ 920, 9~ 14, 920~ 92 50.00 50.00 21,~17.12 2I~&t7.12 100,00 100,00 36,659,~9 335.00 997.~5 332.85 7.50 7.50 1,340,35 26.90 1¥9.99 ~0.00 226.89 ~. 20 ~ 90 926. O0 Fmsn~rl 9, 19 70 FEBRUARY 29, 1970 ~iY~IENTS i%~DE IN FEBI~U~t%Y 1970 CON~T SEWER 1224 P~vL 129.5 E~rIE 122~ DWELLY- ~LB~' 16.60 !5.50 7. 50 38.50 SEWER REKENUE FUND 297! E~u~e 2986 D~Oon B987 W~L~CE ~ T~E~ 4. O0 2! 1.99 33.20 309. O0 82. 50 640.69 1, 9 73.78 GENERAL 'FUNg..~ ~ ' .- ......... o 22929 N~- Swrrr Pool Bom~ Fui~n 9,320. 22930 ~m~o~Y REYnolds 10. 22932 Po~cE RErX~Z~E.¥~ Ta~s~ Fuu~ 16~ 22933 22934 22935 ~IREHE~$ ~ELIEF ~ PENSION 131. 239. 747. 200. 23, 607. 86 O0 45 65 05 50 O0 39 ~I.4TER SYSTEH RETEUE FUND 12210 Lo~ $imr_u 12211N~s ~ E N~vE 12233 12234 SAm W G~m~ 12235 W~ E 12236 Orro Hocm 2.90 4.72 1, 716.39 2.45 1.04 5~ 20 2.24 1,734.94 SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 1227 Oc~r Nmws I~¢c 1228 Lou 1229 W~ E 1230 7.50 15.50 17.6~ 15.50 56. t0 W2TER DEPOSITERS FUND 8512 Hns A E t~VE 8513 Dmo Dossow 8514 S~oc~o~ W~rsEz 8515 S~ W G~r~ 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 37.50 S_EWER RE?E#UE FU2rD 2972 W,~_ Lz~mn 2974- Sz~mzmr K~xson 2990 GrTr OF B B P.~YnOSL 5.05 5.30 1~247.¥9 t,255.84 FEs~WnY 20, 1970 ~S~IN~IN:POOL BO~%~ SIf~KI~VG 365 GH~SE I~H~Z~ B~ ~/ 2 562..50 562.50 2 7, 254.27 GENER.~L FUND 2293~ CxrY o? ~ B I & S £U~D 25,240.89 22938 B B ~E~ORI~L P~R~ 3,667.50 22939 S~w~a R~v~-s~ FUND 1,000.00 22940 P~s~rcr~Y F~D 17, 7~5.22 229~1 Sov~.~ B~L TE~ Go 184.50 229~2 W~n D~pr 460.82 229~3 B B P~r~x G~s~ 18~89 22944 S~cr~ Ass~ss~s~ ~ 575.64 22945 T.~ T~n~ns I~s Go 235.99 22946 VoY~s~n Lr~ I~s Oo 190.5~ 22~7 B~ Gnoss-Bs~ Sgr~z~ i0~.00 22948 BoY,vTo~ 2ufo Sv~P~ ~c 580.19 22951 BLUE C~oss-BLO'E °~rELD 97~. 09 22952 SO~Z~E~ BELL T~L UO 409~!9 sn ~r~.n x .24, 1970 WAEER SYSTEH RE~'ENUE FUI{D 12258 Tnoprs~s I~c om ~ 57.00 12239 G~x o~ B B W~rE~ DEmT 67.26 i22~0 ~O~THE,~ BELL ~L Go 8.00 122~2 BoYhoOd- A~zo S~ppLY 42.53 12243 BLuE Onoss-Bso-~ Ss'tEsta 163.06 12244 Sour~En~v BELL T~ Go 4.55 325.40 ~r,~n ~ ~V~TTT~ 2975 Bor~zo~; ~i~rro Ss, op~x 28.74 2976 BL~'~ C~OSS-N~E ,EHrE~n 1!8.81 i47.55 ~ENERAL FOWD 22953 FL~ PowE~ ~ L~sr Go 1,275.05 22954 gU~E~ L~smn 45.26 22955 2LLE~ GZZE~rC~L Go 86.25 22956 Do~'s £r~ES~O~E 132.74 22957 CrrrEs SE:a~rc~ OrL Go 84.15 22958 Tnoprc~L ~o~ Imc 16.00 22959 S~L~mTOnE J R~7OLO 77.00 22960 SUPE~ Z D~SS 20.00 22962 GEnE G~EEm 10.00 22963 ~hnsEr & G~IFFIrH 499.50 22964 SO~T~£Enm P~REn GO 97.59 22965 FonEsr L~rE ~r~nES, r 7.00 2,590.54 52,58~.17 24~ 19 70 W~-TER SYSTEi¥ REV£1¥'U£ FUiID 12245 Fn~ 12246 ~o~E~ F~s~m~s I~c 122~7 12248 Do~'s SE~/ER ~ W2TER DEPOSIT FO'N1) 1231 J G T~'~oa WATER DEPOSITERS FU~$D 8517 F E 8519 JoH~ SE~rc~ SE~R RETEI~UE FU~ID 2982 Fs~ POWEn ~ LrsHr ~o 2993 Oi~'IES ~EaTr~m Or~ Go 299~ G~NE~S g~ SE~rCE 2995 J G T~YLO~ 22970 frn~o~ SEca SEa~rcE 2297~ 22976 ~Ln~ZZ IZZS~n~VC~ 22977 BE~z G~E~no~r 22982 ~m~ms OHET~OLET Co W,4 TER SYSTElff REYE2rUE FOTCD 12250 Jos-~z B 12252 ~ E~sr Go, st 12253 2nr~a~m SEWER RE?_EI~UE FUi%~D 2996 Nas Rz~a~ Bao~,~,~ 87.00 245.96 ~.00 569.40 15.50 7. 50 7.50 I5.50 5o ¢68.50 40,15 10.00 4.20 522.85 3,528.79 78.~4 20.49 96.86 20.29 92.50 400o00 15.00 15.90 288.00 !1,559.00 40.00 216.40 30.00 18.40 !6.96 18.58 86.50 64-0. O0 5. O0 8,73 7o8,. 81 10.00 t---TOCOV 13, 673. 1970 ~CON ~ T.) 10. O0 I0. O0 !0. O0 ~Y 27, 1970 GENERAL FUND 2298~ WrLsrA~ RHo~nEs 22985 Jr~rm DA7rs 22986 f~o~s 22988 j~Es 22989 E~r~Er~ FoszE~ 31 ~00 5I. O0 70. O0 !~$. 30 10. O0 i0. O0 22990 22991 22992 22993 2299~ 22995 22996 22997 O J O¢sr, Er 20.00 EL r~ i S l~Ic.~o Y 20. O0 CrT? OF B B P~Y~OLL FOUND 17,~08.61 FE~E~ C~zr U~ro~ 1,086.60 2~ 866.09 W2TER SYSTEi¥' REYENUE ?UXD 1225~ Grzr OF B B P~rnosL Eu~n 2,?¥7.95 122~5 How~nn Gonwrm 2.20 SEWER RETE}/UE FUtCD 2997 Gr?Y o? B B P~tYF~OLL FtIND 1.~ 181. ~8 t, 181.7,~ II, 76 I ~ S oo 25,000.00 %UYZCZPAL SWI~tr_TNG POOL 30YD FUND 9~ 000. O0 9,000.00 62,887.28