Minutes 08-04-69MIN"dTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MONDBY~ AUGUST 4, 1969 AT 7:30 P.M. PRESENT Vincent J. Gallo, Sr., Mayor Thomas D.. Summers ~ Vice Mayor Gilbert H. Collins~ Councilman Leonard E. Nylund, Councilman Grady W. Cou~tney, City Manager Gene Moore, City AttOrney Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk P BSENT Michael V. Michael, Councilman Mayor Gallo called the meeting to order at 7:50 P.M. INTRODUCT.ION OF SPECI3~L GUESTS g cIVIC GROUP REPRESENTATIVES Robert Beyrer~ representing the Sr. Citizens of Sterling Village. MINUTES Regular Meeting - July. 21, 1969. Mr. Nylund made the motion that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 21, 1969 be accepted as presented. M~. Summers seconded the motion and unanimously carried. PHBLIC AHDIENCE. Har~y LeFort presented the City Managem with a letter in ~hich he enu- merated alieged violations of the Sign Ordinance and asked that said letter be read which was done. Mayor Gallo stated it was now time for Bid Opening and we would return to the Public Budience after the receiving of bids. BIDS 7:45 P.M. - Mr. Nylund made the motion that the receiving of bids be Mr. Collins seconded and motion unanimously carried. .City Owned Tax Sale, ~Certificates City Clerk stated only one bid had been submitted by Joseph Tomberg. Fir. Nyiund made the motion the bids be turned over to the Tabulation Committee fo~ their ~eoommendation. Mr. Summems seconded and motion unanimously carried. PUBLIC AUDIENCE - Continued Charles Mulrean asked Council if they had any additional information from State Road Department on 1-95~ and he was answered in the negative. -t- NI~rdTES REGULAR ~iEETING AUGUST 4: 1969 LEGAL Ordinance No. 69-19 (2nd Reading) Rezoning the Lotto Parcel-John ~dams Request. Cit7 Attoz~ey read subject July 21: 1969. Ordinance by caption only, First reading Mr. Summers made the motion O~dinance No, 69-19 be passed on second reading. ~. Collins seconded. ~otion carried 3-1~ Mr. Nylund dis- senting. O~dinance No. 69-20 (tst Reading) Amending Cmdinance. No. 68-10 re: Pension Plan - Internal Revenue Service Request (On the Table) t~, Summems moved this item be memoved from the table, t~. Nytund sec- onded and motion unanimously cammied. Mr. Moore read subject O~dinance in its entirety. Mr. Nylund moved Ordinance No. 69-20 be passed to second ~eading, Mr. Collins seconded and motion unanimously carried. O,~dinance No. 69-21 (ist Reading) Re: Gasoline Storage Tanks City Attorney read subject Ordinance in its entirety, Mr. Nylund moved Ordinance No. 69-21 be passed to second reading. Mm. Summers seconded and motion unanimously earmied. PUBLIC HE~RING 8:00 P,¢.~. .~969-70 BUDGET City Manage~ presented 1969-70 Budget reading the allotted sums for all Departments; totals for ~,~ich follow: Total General Fund Total Htitity Fund Total 1969-70 Budget 1:617:220. 886:900. ~. Summers made the motion that the 1969-70 Budget be adopted. Mr. Nylund seconded and motion unanimously ear, led. Robert Beyrer asked if copies of the Budget would be available. Grimes Manu£actu~ing Compan~ RD,quest - Lake Eden ~ub-Division. Mayor Gallo read Public Notice regarding subject item. He then asked if -2- MINUTES REGUkAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING AUGUST 4: 1969 there %~ere any questions or objections to said request. No one responded. City b~nager explained that this was considered to be a hardship case inasmuch as they would like to have overhead lines in cemtain areas due to the prohibitive costs involved for underground installation. Mr. Summers made the motion that Grimes 14anufacturing Company be per- mitted to install over-head lines along Lake Drive Extension and SwintonAvenue extension, ~. Nylund seconded and motion unanimously earried. pLD BUSINESS ~onsider requests for c~hange in ,Zoning ~o~nto5 Nurseries, Inc. (On the Table) ~. Nylund made the motion this item be removed £rom the 'table. }~. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Mayor Gallo read the recommendation from the Planning g Zoning Board re subject request, Mr. Nylund made the motion that the request for C-2 zoning be granted subject to the conditions submitted by the Planning & Zoning Board. Mr. Collins seconded and motion unanimously carried. City Attorney read subject Ordinance in its entirety. Mayor Gallo questioned %-~hether the costs for water and sewer voutd be included %~hen the time comes. Joseph Tomberg, representing the o%~ers~ assured the Mayor that these costs would be included in the contract. Mr. Summers moved that Ordinance No. 69-22 be passed to second reading. Mr. Collins seconded and motion unanimously carried. Joel Hoeh (On the t~,ble) Remain on the table. R~port on Study Re Distance be~veen Service Stat%on~ (On the table) l,{r. Summers made the motion this item be removed from the table. Mr. Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carried. Mayor Gallo read the recommendation for distance requirements of service stations submitted by Gerald Dake, City Planner~ ~mom the Planning and -3- MINUTES P~EGULAR CiTY COLR~CIL MEET/J~G AUGUST 4~ i96S Zoning., Boa~.d Minutes of July....9: a part.of, these Minutes. 1969, said recommendation ro become City Attorney suggested that this item be referred back to the Planning and Zoning Board for a properly conducted Public Hearing which must be advertised inasmuch as this would entail an amendment to the Zoning Code, He further stated that no formal action can be taken at this time since it has not been advertised. MT, SummeDs ~nade the motion that this matter be:r~fem~ed'baok to the Planning g Zoning Board for Public Hearing and asked that consideration be given to service bays and pumps being placed in the rear of all stations. Collins seconded and motion unanimously carried. Consider tRe request of John Adams re distance requirements between Service Stations ~On the ~able) Remain on the table. Acquisition of, parcels =d~omn~ng Czty o~,~ed property (On the table) Remain on the table. ~eceipt of Resolution from To~m of ~]analapan I~tayor Gallo read the subject Resolution in which l-[analapan placed itself on record as being strongly opposed to the constr~etion of a bridge over the Intracoastat Water ~;hich would restmictboat passage. Mr. Summers made a motion that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up a Resolution supporting Manalapan~s position. Motion seconded by ~.{r. Collins and cal~ied 4-0. ~esentation of Plat - Le%surevitle Section IV. i~. Courtney stated that all was in order for the acceptance of this plat. i,[r. Summers moved that Section 4~ Leisureville~ be approved. Motion seconded by ~. Collins and carried 4-0. ~% Di~INIS TP~% TIVE Discuss furnish~in~ water to Village of Golf. City l. Ianager explainod that this matter had been handled administ-~ative- ly and no further action was necessary at this time. -4- ~INUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING AUGUS~ 4, 1969 Receipt of ~tter from Euqene W. Potter, Mayor of We~ Palm Beach. Mayor Gallo read subject correspondence in which~yor Potter asP~d for thc City's support in objecting to the additiOnal feelevied against municipalities by the County Tax AssesSor & CollectOr: without negotia- tions. ~. Summers made the motion that we attempt to negotiate with the County on this subject. Mr. Nyiund seconded and motion unanimously carried. Discuss Pub$ic Addres~ System - Council Chambers. Mayor ~allo asked the audience for their opinion re subject item. After discussion it was determined action v~s necessary to correct the system. Mr. Collins microphones unanimously made the motion the city adopt the goose neck type System for the Council Chambers. Mr. Summers seconded and motion carried. ~pproval of Bills City Clerk presented the following bill: National Chapel D~ortuary $!~000.00 Mr. Nylund made the motion this bill be paid. Mr. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Consider request of Boynton Beach Child Care Center~ Inc. to renew lease. l~yor Gallo read letter in ~ich they advised the lease had expired and requested $ longer term lease. Mr. Nylund made the motion that Boynton Beach Child Care Center, Inc. be given a 5-year lease at $1.00 per year, said lease to be dra~ up from this date and to continue for five years hence. ~. Smmmers seconded and motion unanimously carried. ~.et date for first meeting in September. Mr. Summers made the motion that the first Re~ulam Meeting in September 1969 be held on }~bnday evening~ September 8:1969 instead of September ist~ since this date is Labor Ik~y. Mr. Collins Seconded and motion unanimously carried. -5- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~iEETING AUGUST 4~ 1969 OTHER Street Paving Pro.~ram~ City [.lanager stated ~e now have a revised list £or the streets to be resurfaced and asked Council for permission to advertise fom bids. ~i~. Summers made the motion that permission to advertise for bids for the street resurfaeing project be granted. I~. Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carried. A DJOUP~N~NT There being no further business~ ~ir, Summers made the motion the meet- ing be adjourned, ~r. Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carried. Meeting adjoumned at 9:10 P.~, CITY OF BOY~TON BEACH Vincent J. ~o~ 'St., ~',k~6r ' City Clerk Le~oJnam~ E. Nylund~ Coun~an-- -6-