Minutes 03-10-69MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~V~EW. TING HELD AT CITY HALL BOYNTON BEACH,FLORIDA ON MONDAY, ~2~CH 10, 1969 @ 7:30 PM PRESENT: Vincent J. Gallo, Mayor Thomas A. S~nmers, Vice 1VL~yor CH/bert PI. Col/ins, Comncilman lviichael V. Michael, Councilman Leonard E. Nylund, Councilman Gene Moore, City Attorney Grady W. Courtney, City Man~ger 1Virs. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayor Gallo called the mee/ing to order at 7:$0 P .M The Invocation was given by Rev. Nelson P.Moyer, First Met&odist Church and the Flag Salmte was led by Vice Mayor Thomas A. Sm~wners. Proclarnation: Mayor Gallo read the Proclamation which desiEnated March 1Z-IS, 1969 As Festival '69 Days £6r the Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce. MINUTES: Re~ulaF MeetinR - February 17~ 1969: Mr. Nylund made the motion that Minutes of the ReEmlar Meeting of February 17, 1969 be approved as presented, Iris. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Special Meeting - ~b~rUar¥ 24, 1969: Mr. t~ictmel m~de the motion that Minutes of the Special Meeting of Februax7 24, 1969 be approved as presented, Mr. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Special Meet~g - February 28, 1969: 1W~. Michael made the motion that Minu~es of the Special Meeting of Februa~/ 28, 1969 be approved as presented. Mr. S~ers seconded; Mr. Nyl~d abstai~ng due to absence. Moron carried 4-0. Microphone Systerm Mr. Michael questioned the sta/~s of the new microphone system which was to be installed in the Council Chambers and was advised by lVLr. Summers this would be done as soon as he had'the time. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: Pa~e No.1 MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARCH ~0, 1969 AWAE.DING OF BIDS: One (]) Fork Lift Diesel Tractor: City Ivlanager read a letter received from ~he purchasing agent in which he stated k%e origir~I recommendation was awarded to DeMarco Tractor Co. ~ho could not deliver and i~ was now ~e recommen~tion of the ~bula~ing C~¢ee ~t ~e Ci~ ~rc~se ~o Fo~d Zractors from Trail Ford i~sm~ch as ~e original bid s~d "Bid one or Mr. Mi ~hael ~¢%de the motion that ~he recommendation of the Tabulating Committee be accel~ed to reject all bids opened February 17th and pur- chase t~vo tractors from Ford Trail. A~r o Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carried. BID OPENING - 7:45 P.M.: Mr · Michael made the motion the receiving of the bids be closed and all bids ~urned over to the City Clerk to be opened. Mr. N¥1und seconded and mo~ion una~nously carried o One (I) Drive Chain: City Clerk stated ~hat one sealed bid had been received and pointed out to ~he Council that another had been received but inasmuch as tllis had not been marked "sealed bid" as instructed, questioned whether or nog this could be included, and was assured by the City Attorney that this bid could be read. City Clerk then read bids received from the following: Morton Chain Company, Ft. Lauderdate Walker Process Equip. Co., Aurora, Illinois Mr. Nylund made the mot/on the bids received be turned over to the Tabulating CoralT~/ttee for their recommendation. 1VLr. Sv~rnmers seconded and mot/on unanimously carried. PUBLIC HEAR/NO: None LEGAL: Ordinance 69-6 (Znd Reading) Amending Sec. 26-10 of the Code Re: Firemen's Pension Fund: l~age No.2 MINUTES P~EGULAR COUNCIL MEETING lVIARCH 10, 1969 City Attorney read subject Ordinance by caption only. 1st Reading: February 17, 1969. Mr, Nylund moved that Ordinance 59-6 be pas~ed ~ second read~. Mr. Supers seconded ~d m ~on ~usly carried. Ordinance 69-7 (2nd Reading) Amending Sec. 26-1 of the Code Re: Police Pension Fund City Attorney read subject Ordinance by caption only, ~s~ lteading: February 17, 1969. Mr. Michael moved Ord/nance 69-7 be passed on second reading. Mr. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Ordinance 69-8 (lst Re, ding) Annex/rig Worrell Parcel - Acreage Sec, City Attorney read subject Ordinance in its entirety. Mr. Iq ylund moved Ordinance 69-8 be passed to second reading. Mr, Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Resolution 69-H Designating Ocean Avenue as the Preferred S~te of New Bridge , ., Mr. Moore read subject Resolution in its entirety. Mr. Nylund moved Resolution 69-H be passed. Mr. Mictmel seconded and motion m~ani- mously carried. Resolution 69-1 - Designatin~ Bank Signatuxes: City Attorney read subject Resolution in its entirety. Mr. Summers moved Resointion 69-I be passed. Mr. Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carried. OTHER: Vernon Combs ' S~it Against the CitT: City At~0rney requested permission from Council to proceed w/th subject Suit in the Circuit Courts inasmch as he understands this has been filed against the City. Mr. Mich.%el moved that the City A~torney be instructed to proceed with the defense of this case. Mr o Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carxied. High Point Development: City Attorney advised that the developers o£ High Point has deeded to the City the Right o£ ~fay extension for S. W. 3rd St, between So W, 15th and 23rd Avenues. Mr. Smers ~de the motion ~t ~e Ci~ accept the ~ight of Way as o//ered to ~e Ci~ by ~ ~gh Point Develo~rs ~ ~e ~ders~d~ ~t the City ~H ~ no way be ~der obli¢ati~ to Page No. 3 MINUTES REGULA~ COUNCIL tVLEETLNG ..MARCH 10, 1969: develop this street, tvir. tVlichael seconded and motion unanimously carried Indemnity A~reement: City Attorney explained that inasmuch as the City is ins/:~ll/ng signaliza- tion at $R80~ and Congress Avenue, the County has reqtlested that an Indemnity Agreement be executed by the City, so that th~ ContoUr can be absolved of all responsibility. IVLr. Sun~ers made the motion that the Inden~nity Agreement be executed as requested, so ~t ~e Co~ is absolved of ~ d~ges reg~ding ~ sig~Hza~ at SR804 and Oongress Ave. ~. ~ic~el second~ ~d motion ~mnimously carded. OLD BUSINESS: Reconsider the ltequest of Briny Breezes ,Inc .Re:Sewerage Problem ./,On th.e Table): Remain on the table. Southern Bell Franchise (On the Table): Remain on the table. Consider the Availability of Water & Sewer for Trailer Park Development West of Con§ress {On the Table): Remain on the t able. Discuss Installation o£ Water Line - S. E. 15th Avenue Crossinl to Ocean Ridge (On the TableJ.; Remain on the table. Consider the Selection of Fiscal Agent (On the Table): 1VL~yor Gallo /ntroduced Thomas Alcock, of Massachusetts represen/ing the firm bearing his name and Allan Sheppard o£ the William 1%. Hough Co., both of whom submitted proposals to the City and gave presenta- t/ohs on the a/ms and purposes of their proposals to the City Council. A/uch discussion ensued. At the conclusion of which, it was determined that a decision on the Fiscal Agent should be deferred until such time as the City 1V/anager reported to the Council as to what route he feels the water and sewer system will take, and what the approximate costs for this e~nsion program would amoun~ to. At which time, the City Council would then'be able to determine just how much money would be Page No ~4 MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ./V~Ai{CH 10, _1.969. needed for this project. Mr. Michael made the motion that this item be tabled until the next Council Meeting so that the City Manager can prepare his report and present it to the City Council and in the meantime, a meeting should be called within ~he week, sc all the fac~s can be presented to the Council and these matters can be discussed thoroughly before a decision is made as to how the City ehould proceed in order to obtain the necessary financ- ing for tl.ls project. M.r. Collins seconded and motion mmnimously carried. ~.eport on S~ud¥ of Sanitation Depar~ne~t (On the Table}: City Manager requested this item remain on the ~hle. Fire Hydrant Charge Controversy (On the Tabln) City Attorney requested ~is item remain on the table. _~Deli~ u~t Sew=r Accounts: Mr. Michael stated that certain residents are still refusing to pay their delinquent sewer and garbage charges and feels that the City Manager and City AttOrney ehould find a more forcehxl method to collect these delinquent accOuntS. City Attorney stated tlmt a lien could be imposed or sue in Small Claims Court which would revolve litlgatxons. Mayor stated that the City Council should be presented with a list of the delinquent accOunts which Would indicate the amount of money involved, at which time a decision cOUld be made. _Discuss Central File Syster~; City Manager stated that with the completion of the upstairs area, the Bu/ld/ng Department will then be moved, and their present area can be designated for the Central File~,He further stated that Mrs .Padgett has prepared a 1/st of ihe necessary items to activate this department. Mrs. Padgett then presented the City Council with her recomraendations which were st~rnated at $3 ~ 228.00 e Mr. Michael made the motion that the City 1Vlanager allocate this amount of money and have it transferred to the City Clerk,s Budget so that she can proceed, t~r. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Page No. 5 MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 10, 1969 Consider Judge Ad Litem: Iviayor Gallo stated that he had learned today that Ernest Simon an A~rney from Delray Beach would be available ~o accel~ the position of Judge Ad Litem. l~r. Summers made the motion that F. I~ydon Curry be appointed Judge Ad Litem. Mr. Collins seconded.Motion failedJ-Z, A~yor Gallo and Councilmen Michael and Nylund dissenting, Mr. Hyland made the motion that Ernest Simon be appointed Judge Ad Litem. Mr o Collins seconded and mo~ien carried un~mously. Ab~ement of Nuisance. - Keller Proper~y: City Attorney stated that all the requirements have been fulfilled b~t it would be hie recommendation to take legal action through the Circuit Court. l~r. Summers m~de the motion that the City Attorney proceed w~ the abatement of the nuisance of the Keller Propert7 th~ou§h the Circuit Court. ~fr. ~ichael seconded and motion unanimously carried. Clarifica~{on Requested ~n O~dinance 68-19 & 68-24 .Amending Ordinance 62-9~ N~r. lVlichael explained that he had requested this item inasmuch as he considered subject Ordinances to be ambiguous in the fact that there are no guidelines under this I00 acres special exception Ordinance, thereby subjecting the City to many variances regarding lot size, building design, parking requLrements, etc. City Attorney stated these Ordinances ga~e Council authority to grant special exception for only the comprehensive planned units but this in no way would effect zoning changes. Special exception is granted o~¥ after presented to the Council and each item is specifically enumerated but any further developer would have to comply with the requirements of R-IAA zoning. Request to Destroy Recgrds After City Manager explained that the Building Deps~rtment is now in th~ process of rnicro-filmLng old records and would like permission to destroy the original records after they have been processed in this manner. Page No.6 MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARCH i0, 1969 M_r. Michael made the motion that this request be gra~ted. 1Vir o Sunxmers seconded and motion ,,~nimously carried. Awardin~ One (1) Drive Chaim City Manager requested this bid be awarded this evening i~=srnuch as Public Works Department had an emergency break-down and are in urgent need of this equipment, He further s~ated that the iow bid was iviorton Chain Company,Ft. Lauderdale, who submitted a bid for $608 IvLr .Michael made the motion that the bid received from .Morton Chain Company, Ft. L~uderdale, fox $608.80 be~cce~ed.i~Ir. Summers arr~ed · seconded and ~/on ~a~ously c ' NEW BUSINESS: Discuss Possible Amendments to Zoning Code: Expansion of Existing Trailer Parks: Mayor Gallo explained that at this t/me there is no Ordinance on the books at all to permit ~he expansion of exist/rig trailer parks, and this curtails the trailer park owners in expanding their business. Mr .Summers made the mot ion that the City Attorney be instructed to prel~re an Ordinance for the expansion of existing trailer parks subject to minimum requirements being set forth. Motion died for lack of a second. Lot Width l{equirements in Platted Sub=divisions: t~-ayor Gallo explained that there are many platted lots in the City where zoning has been cba~ged to such an extent that the lots cannot be ut/lized by the owners. City Attorney stated that jurisdiction on these lots are vested by the Board of Adjustment and possibly, the appeal shou/d be made to the City Council inasmuch as when a request is refused by the Board, the owner's only other recourse is to then go to the Circuit Court which could be quite cos~ly. City A/anager advised that he v~uld look into the matter. Page No. 7 MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL 1VLEETING Iv'~RCH I0, 1969 3 o Require Petitioners for Change in Zoning to Submit Area Development Layout: Adayor Gallo stated he had discussed this with Art Smith, Assoc/ate of Gerald Dake, the City's NIaster P~anner, and he reconozn~nded that a site plan be submitted along with the developers' ir~entions to the Planning and Zoning Board. The tVIayor £urther stated th. at a definite appointment be made with the Ci~F Planners to look/nto the mat~er inasmuch as he had indicated months back that he was going to submit an Ordinance ~hat would incorporato such a change. kit o Michael made the motion that Air, Dake be invited to the next lar Council Meeting and submit a progress report to the City as to whether or not he has accomplished the various promises 'made in his contract. Ivir ,iq ylund seconded and motion unanimously carried. Discuss Necessi~7 of Traf//c Control at Intersection o£ State Road, 804~and Leisu~ev/lle Blvdo; , Mr .Michael suggested that the Sub-division Ordinance be amended to include that all major access roads in new developments be .required to install signalization where necessary at ~he developee's expense, so that all future mistakes, such as the one now facing Sterling ¥illage, can be avoided in the future. Mr. Michael then made the motion chat the City Attorney be instructed to amend the Sub-division Ordinance requiring the developer to absorb the cost of signalization installations within the development. Mr. Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carried. .C..onsider Replate of Village Royale Plat - O'Brien & Suiter: City Clerk read the letter in which subject Organization stated there been some changes made on the replatting of V' ~xll~ge Royale, and requested Council's permission to make these changes. Mr o 1Vlichael made the motion that the City Clerk should execute the approval as requested on the re-platting of th/s development. A4r. N¥1und seconded and motion unanimously carried. ,AD~ TRA TIVE_~ App!ica~/on for Permit to Solicit - P.B. Go. Chapter of Leukern/~.: City Clerk advised that everything was in order regarding subject application. A4r. Aiichael made the motion the permit be granted. Air. Nylund second and motion unanimously carried. Page No.8 MINUT~ REGULAR COUNCIL AEEETING ,MAI~_ CH 10, 1969 Consider..Application for Special Club License - Cavalier's Club: Ci~r Clerk stated ~h~t subject application meets all the requirements. Air. Nylund made the motion that th/s application be granted. Mr. Surnr~rs s~conded and motion un~n/mously carried. Consider Recommendation of Recreation Department Ke: Summer program City ~//anager reported that five seminarians from St. Vizw~ent de Paul's Seminary wuuld like to participate in ~he Citw's Surnrner Program in ~he Wilson Area, one of whom they would like to be paid by the City for a period of 10 weeks. He further s~ated that they have requested the City to pay for the gas and insurance £or the bus which they would provide. Much discussion ensued Mr. Nyhnd made the motion that this item be tabled until nex~ Meeting so that the Ci%7 Council obta~ additional ~orrn~on, Mr Michael seconded and rno~/on ~l~an/mously carried o PUBLIC AUDIENCE: Charles J. Purcell, 417 No l~r. 8th Court came forward and objected to t/se numerical order of the house numbers on his block. ,Discuss Street pav/n~ Prograrg~_: City Manager requested this be tabled until next week. Mr. 1Vlichael made the motion that this item be tabled. Mr. Nylund seconded and motion unanimonsly carried. Discuss Resident .Engineerin~ tnpsection - Force t~i~ No. 8: /v/r. 2vHchael made the motion that this item be tabled. Mr. Nyhnd seconded and motion unanimously carried. A:~o~loiB~s: City Clerk presehted the following bill: St. Regis Paper Co. For: lZ ,000 disposal bags $1,165.16 Mr. Summers moved this bill be paid. Mr. Michael seconded and motion unanimous ly carried. Page No. 9 lVIINUTES REGULA!~ COUNCIL lVL~ETING ~MAltCH 10, 1969 City Clerk presented the following hills: Clmn~ber of Commerce For: February $ 880.57 Benz Chevrolet For: 3 ]Police Cars $6,588032 Hays-l~.obinson Construction Co.. For: Fire Station Contract $5,940.08 N o Y. A~etic Supply Co.Iric. $ 505.70 Mr. Michael moved these bills be paid. Mr .Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Appoin_~..xxent of_Alternate on Ci.vil Service Board: Mr, IVLichael made the motion that this item be tabled so the City Cotmcil can consider some recommendations. Mr. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Representation at First Annual Conference for tviunicipal pension Fund Administrators: imf. Courtne¥ recommended that Mrs ,l°adgett attend this Conference inasmuch as she is Secretary of the Employees' Pension Fund and she will be in the area attending another Conference. Mr .Michael made the motion that Mrs. Padgett attend this Conference if it pertains to general pension funds for municipalities. Mr o Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Consider Adopting Ordinance Re: Filing of Expenses .a.nd Contributions by Council Candidates: ~. Michael made the motion that the City Attorney draw up an Ordinance asking that candidates for the City Council file an affadavit itemizing expenses and contributions, one week prior to and one week after the Genera3 Election. tvLr. Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carried. ?resentation of Water & Sewer l~lm~ of Section IH - l,~ei.s .ureviLle: City Manager recommended this item be tabled Mr. Michael ~de the motion that this item be tabled, Mr .Nylund seconded and motion unanimously carried, l~age No.10 MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL 1V~EETING /viA~CH I0, 1969 Consider Additional '~ ~ · ' __ _ ~:mployee for ~ualdmg Deparimeri: Mr. Courtney asked the Council for authority to h/re an additional inspector in the Building Department due to the tremendous work load. Iv/r, Summers made the motion that City Manager be authorized So advertise for an additional Deputy Building Inspector. ~ o Michael seconded and mo,/on unan/n%ously carried. ~Nationa~l Lea_g~e o£ Cities - V~ashin_gton., D, C,: Mayor Gallo announced subject Conference would be held iVlarch 30- April 1, 1969 and he/eels our City should be repze sented, IvLr. Nylund made the motion that iViayor Gello and Gene Moore, City Attorney shou/d attend subject Conference, 1V~r. Michael seconded and motion unanimously ca~ried. .Disposal of B.urned Out Police Ca~: City Manager advised that South Speed Shop was the high bidder on the burned out Pol/ce car subraitting a price o£ $150.00 for the ~emains. lVLr. A/ichael moved that the price of $150.00 be accepted fromSo~,h Speed Shop. ~ ,Summers seconded and motion unanimot~sly carried. There being..no further business, Mir. Michael moved the meetin§ be adjourned. Mr. Nylund seconded and meeting was ajourned at 11:15 P.M. Vincent ~ilber t I9 Collins, Councilman' Page No. 11 ~vIINUTES REGULAt{ COUNCIL Iv/EETI!NG IviAK CH 10--1969 *Ivticnael ¥. Michael, Councilman " -- Leonard ~-. l~lrlund, Co~rm~ -- (Mrs.) Tereesa Pad~, City Clerk Page No. IZ FEBRUARY 3, FEBRUARY 4, FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 6, FEBRUARY 7, FEBRUARY 10, FEBRUARY 1~, FEBRUARY 12, FEBRUARY 13, FEBRUARY 14, FEBRUARY 17, FEBRUARY 18~ FEBRUARY 1% FEBRUARY 20, FEBRUARY 21, FEBRUARY 24,. FEBRUARY 25, FEBRUARY 26, FEBRUARY 27, FEBRUARY 28~ PAYMENTS MADE tN FEBRUARY BY BATE 1969 ........................................ 2,961.45 1969 ...................................... 2,877.24 1969 ...................................... 404.66 1969 ...................................... 2,446.45 1969 ...................................... 8,753.75 1969 ...................................... 218.48 1969 ...................................... 9,647.50 1969 ...................................... 89.79 1969 ...................................... 64.59 1969 ...................................... 42,564.32 1969 ...................................... 9,709.52 1969 ...................................... 4,440.45 1969 ...................................... 2,808.05 1969 ...................................... 831.74 1969 ..................................... 10,596.65 1969 ...................................... 87,146.98 1969 ...................................... t06.85 1969 ...................................... 254.94 1969 ...................................... 2,141.69 1969 ...................................... 23,232.88 211,297.98 PAYMENTS MADE BY FUNDS GENERAL FUND .......................................... 110,186.64 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND ............................. 44,398.57 WATER DEB~SITORS FUND ................................. 260.00 SEWER REVENUE FUNO .................................... 34,928.11 SEWER & WATER DEPOSST FUND ............................ 350.60 F~REMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND ....................... 84.10 RETIREMENT TRUST FUNB ................................. 56.51 PUBLICITY FUND ......................................... 150.00 BOYNTON BEACH MEMORIAL PARK ........................... 30.00 POLIBE RETIREMENT FUNB ................................ 103.~5 SWIMMING POOL BONB S~NKING FUNB ....................... 750.00 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNB ............................... 20~000.00 211,297.9~ Feb° 3, 1969 Feb. 4, 1969 PAYmEnTS MADE IN FE~L~RY 1969 GENERAL FUND 20222 City of Boynton Beach - Petty Cash 20223 City of Boynton Beach - Petty Cash 20224 South Speed Shop 20225 Gene Moore 20226 Whirr MacDowell 18.65 48.5O !00.00 125.00 !~2~00 424.15 WATEH SYSTEM REVE~U~ FUND $1~£City of Beynton Beach - Petty Cash 11377 City of Boynton Beach - Petty Cash 11378 Whitt Mac Dowell 11379 City-of B.B. - Water Dept. 1.50 26.96 24.00 25A~.7~ 2396.21 S~R RE~NUE FL~ 2487 City of B.B, - Petty Cash P~TLR~hF~ TRNST FU~D 05Al Rena B. Carrier 50.58 50.58 FLRE~N~S RELIE~ & PENSION F~ 222 John M. Tuite 223 Harold P. Herring 59°83 24~27 84.10 GENERAL FUND 20227 Service Equipment Company, Inc. 20228 National Institute of Mun. Law Officers 20229 Nowlin & Adams 20231 Terminal Transport Co., Inc. 20232 Blue-Cross Blue Shield of Fla., Inc. 2738.OO 67.5O 9.68 8.06 54.00 2877.24 2961.45 2877.24 !~eb. 5, 1969 GE~AL FUND 20230 The l*~nufacturers Life Insurance Co. 20233 The Travelers Insurance Co. WATER SYSTEM R~JENUE FUND 11380 The Manufacturers L~fe Y~usurance Co. SE~E~ R~ENUE FUND 2488 The M~nufacturer Life I~surance Co. 211.87 179,02 390.89 5,67 5.67 4O4.66 Feb. 6. 1969 GE~AL FUND 20234 20235 20236 20237 20238 20239 2O24O 20241 City of B.B. n ~Petty Cash Delray Pence & Awning Co. Boynton Beach Fire Department City of B.B. - Petty Cash City of B.B. - Petty Cash John L. Archie Pi~mbing, Inc. Robert D. Wise Concrete &Masonry City of B.B. - Water Department WATER SYBTEM REVENIE FUND 11381 City of B.B. - ~ater Department Feb. 7, 1969 GENERA L FUND 20242 20243 20244 20245 20246 20247 20248 20249 2025O City of B.B. - Payroll Fund City of B.B. - Police Retirement Fund B.B. Retirement Trust Fund Boynton City Federal Credit Union E~rly Supply Co. Wi!m~ Melear Sammie Lee Peterson C.J. Ousley Ellis McAroy 11382 11383 1138~ 11385 11386 11387 113~ 11389 1139O 1139~ 11392 11393 S~BT~ REWEN~E FU~O City of B.B. - Payroll Fund M~s. Margaret Blankenhorn Arthur 1 'Hu!lier Joel Newman Constr. Co. R.H. Brinker J.M. Poorbaugh Grace H. Mrs. Robert J. Jones Wm. D. Comer Albert J. Era!ovic E.W. M~Daniet Vernon Thompson Jr. SEWER 2489 ~4~ City of B.B. - Payroll Fund Arthur ! 'Hullier WATEE 8120 8121 8122 8123 8125 8126 8127 8128 8129 DEP0~ ~TORS FUND B.F~ Newman Acct. of Margaret K. Blankenhorn .Mrs. Jean Heppenstall Acct. of Mianda S. Poorbaugh Acct. of Grace H. Miller Acct. of J.D. Foody Acct. of ~s. Robert Jones Acct. of Wm. D. Comer Acct. of Albert J. F~lovic Acct. of E.W. McDaniels 31.37 100.00 450.33 90.96 38.47 37.00 1378.80 245.72 2372.65 73.80 73.80 5678.50 103.23 171.68 532.00 106.08 10.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 6636.49 !086.02 5.20 .04 4.14 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 2.20 5.20 1132.84 8,00 808.92 15.00 7.50 15.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7°50 7.50 7.50 7.50 90.00 2446.45 Feb. 7, 1969 SEWER & WA'i?~t DEPOSIT FUND 0643 M~llard McGee 0644 Arthur l'Hullier - Acct. of 0645 Acct. of Joel Newman Oonst. Co. 0646 Acct. o£ R.H. Brinker 0647 Mrs. Jean HeppenstalI 0648 Acct. of Vernon Thompson Feb. lO, 1969 G~AL FU~D 20251 Thurow Electronics 20252 City of B.B. - Petty Cash Feb. 11, 1969 2O253 2O254 20255 20256 2O257 2G258 20259 20260 Bobby Lee Graham Jack St. John Robert S. Eelly Southern Bell T~ephone & Tel. Co. So~thern Boll Telephone & Tel. Co. Florida Power & Light Co. Florida Power & Light Co. City o£ B,B. - Water Department WA 11394 11395 S~TEM P~V'E~ FU~D Southern Bell Telephone & Tel. Cc. Florida Power ~ Light Co. SEWER 2491 2492 REVEN~E FLU~ Florida Power & Light Co. City of BoB. --Water Department Feb. 12, 1969 11396 11397 11398 SYSTEM-REv~NL~ FUND Wm. E. M~rmaduke Douglas DeGroat Julian Vrooman WATER 8130 8131 8132 8133 8134 8135 DEPOS ITOBS Mrs. Norman B. Curtice }~rs. C.H. Foy Richard D. Robbins Acct. of P~arold Haffner Acct. of Julian Vroormn Catherine Quill SEW~ 0649 0650 & WAT~2~ DEPOSIT FUk~ Acct. of ~. E. ~rmaduke Acct. of Douglas DeGroat SEWER REVENI~m FDZD 2493 Rouglas DeGroat 7.50 15.50 15.00 7.50 25.00 1 ~,00 85.50 105.84 112,64 218.48 25.00 ~5.00 15.00 603~55 32.35 4206.61 608.10 9~4.A0 6480.0t 9.95 21BA.85 2144.~O 691.49 ~31.20 1022.69 1.65 4,4o 10.29 15.00 7°50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7,50 52.50 7.50 15.50 23.00 4,00 4.00 875~ 75 9647.50 89.79 FeB. 13, 1969 Feb. 14., 1969 GEEEHAL FUND 20261 City of B.B. - Petty Cash SE~R REVE~hU~ 2494 Ee~neth R. Moreley S~P, & WAT~ DEPOSIT FUND 0651 Acct. of ,Kenneth R. Moretey 42.35 17,60 17.60 GEI~ERA L FUND 20262 2o263 20264 20265 20266 20267 20268 20269 20270 20271 20272 2O273 20274 20275 2O276 2O277 City of B.B. - Petty Cash 57.86 City cf B.B. - Petty Cash 6.50 City of B.B. - Petty Cash 20,44 Arthur S. Fleming 30.00 C.J. Ous!ey i0.00 Ellis McAroy 10.00 City of B.B. - Payroll Fund 13693.19 City cf B.B. - Police Retirement Fund City of B.B. -Firemen's Relief & Pension 178.10 B.B. Retirement Trust ~ 346.26 Boyatoo_~_City Federal Credit Union 881.00 First Bank of B.B. 3581.21 R°berta~Tomberg 5.14 Capital Leasing Corp. 336.02 Gerald L. Hawkins 490.00 Heiene F. Curth 2,91 ' i9751.9 WATER 11~99 ll400 STSTEM REVEPHE FUk~ City of B.B. - Petty Cash City of B.B. - Petty Cash City of B.B. - Payroll F~d SE~,~R REVE~JE FUI~D 2495 City of BoB. - Petty C~sh 2496 City of B.B. - Payroll Fund 2497 John Bo Dunkle 2498 Albion Olsen ~,JA~ DEPOSITC~S FLOC 8136 Acct. of J.E. Yelvington SPECIAL ASSESSmenT FUND 224 BoB. First National Bank 29.42 2.28 1798.68 1~30.38 3.~ 100,00 974.~ 20000, O0 20000.00 64.59 42564.32 FEB. 17, 1969 ~EB, 18, 1969 GENERAL FUND 20279 GENE MOORS 46.00 20280 BELLEMAN'S ADVERTISING DISPLAYS 21.89 20281 AUSTIN SUPPLY Co~ 13.O0 20282 AMERICAN PLAYGROUND DEVICE Co. 522.90 20283 LIBRARY dOURNAL 12.OO 20284 BENZ CHEVROLET 7050.24 20285 BDYNTON GUN & COIN SHOP 17.50 20286 CHAPP'S LTD. 97.20 20287 COYKENDALL, lNG, 24.70 20288 J.G. DRESSER 1(~0~00 20289 JERRY EARL PONTIAC, INC. 18.17 20290 EAST COAST FIRE EQUIPMENT 257.75 20291 FLAMINGO 0IL Co. 25.68 20292 FLORIC~ ELEC. MOTORS ~ EQUIP. 25.00 20293 FLORIDA-- GEORGIA TRACTOR CO., INC. 213.24 20294 FLA. ASSN. OF GOV~T PURCS. OFFICERS 5.00 20295 GAYLORD BRO$.~ INC. 118.OO WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11402 ADDRESSOSRAPS MULTIGRAPH CORP. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8137 ACCT. OF CLOYD PASKINS SEWER 0652 0653 & WATER DEPOSIT FUND ACCT. o? ~ED DETAR ACCT. OF JIMMYIS BUTTERMILK CHICKEN BOYNTON BEACH MEMORIAl_ PARK 226 DONALD L. REEVES PUBLICITY FUND 225 Miss FLORID$ PAGEANT 9468.27 13.25 13.25 ?.50 7.50 15.50 25.OO .,3o.oo 30.00 150.00 150.00 GENERAL FUND 20296 ENGEL'S 628.10 20297 R.L. GRUMMONS PRINT NG 20~.10 20298 HALSEY & GRIFPIT~ INC. 759.50 20299 RICHOMD F. MEYER 25.00 20300 EARLINE CLAYTON 10.00 20301 CITY OF B.B. - PETTy CASS 45.84 20302 CITY OF B.B. - PETTY CASH 49.96 20303 CITY OF B.B. - PETTY C~ss 28.87 20304 POSTMASTER 450.00 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11403 DAVIS METER & SUPPLY Co. 88.50 11L~34 THE FORD METER BOX CO., INC. 168.50 11~MD5 ADDRES$OCRAPH MULTIGRAPH CORP. 7.00 11~O6 ALLIED CuaO~l~E & CHS~. P~O0. l~C. 519.20 11~7 CITY O~ B.~. * ~s~ CAS~ 11.59 9709.52 FES. ~8, 1969 (OONTD) FEs. 19, 1969 20, 1969 21, 1969 GENERAL FUND (ADDITION) 20305 CITY OF B.B. -P~LICE DEPT. SEWER REVENUE FUND 2499 FITZGERALD ENGINEERING CO. 2500 ALLIED CHLORINE ~ CHEMICAL PROD. 2501 CONSOLIDATED CHEMICAL CORP. 2502 CITY OP B.B. - PETTY C~SH RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 0542 DOUGLAS JONES GENERAL FUN3 20306 BLUE CROSS-BLUE SHIELD 20307 BLUE CROSS--BLUE SHIELD 20308 NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE Co. 20310 CITY OF B.B. - WATER DEPT. 20311 SOUTHERN ~ELL TELEPHONE 20312 SHAWVS RESTAURANT 20313 GENE MOORE WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11~)8 BLUE CROSS - BLUE SHILED 11409 CITY OF B.B. - WATER DEPT. 11410 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE SEWER REVENUE FUND 2503 3LUE CROSS - BLUE SHIELD GENERAL FUND 20315 P. B. Co. CITY MANAGERS ASSOC. 20316 STANLEY PORTER 20317 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACH, CORP. 20318 STUART FULLER WATER 11411 11412 11413 SYSTEH REVENUE FUND THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK JOHN B. DUNKLE~ CLERK RUSSELL ~ AXON~ CONSULT. GENERAL FUND 20319 20320 20321 20322 20323 20324 20325 GERALD CUMPRECHT GULF 0IL CORP. CITY OF B.B. I PAYROLL FUND CITY OF B,B. - POLICE RETIREMENT FUND B.B, RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 100.00 262.75 817.75 237.00 23.86 5.93 5.93 1442.40 251.55 225.t6 277.1~ 253.30 12.39 1.95 32.02 8.00 230.05 114.11 5.00 300. O0 137.34 75 · O0 517.3~-- 10.00 4.40 3oo. O0 42.35 12ol .16 6127.11 97.90 185.65 527.00 4440.45 28o8.o5 831.74 FEB.: 2I, 1969 FEB. 24, 1969 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11414 GULF OIL CORP. 11415 CITY oF B.B. - PAYROLL SEWER 2504 2505 REVENUE FUND GULF OIL CORP. CITY OF B.B. - PAYROLL FUNO WATER 8138 8139 814o DEPOSITORS FUND JOE KR~TZWOLU MRS. CNA$. H. CHRISTHAN WM. HOOKER RETIREMENT FUND (POLICE) 227 HARRY D. BORCH GENERAL FUND 2O326 20327 20328 20329 20330 20331 20332 20333 2O334 20335 20336 20337 20338 20339 20340 2034~ 20342 2O343 20344 20345 20346 20347 20348 2O349 20350 20352 203~3 2o354 20355 20356 20357 20358 20359 2O36O 2036~ 20362 20363 55.37 1240.19 63.67 845.30 7.50 7.50 7.50 22.50 103.45 BOYNTON BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 152.03 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOC. 26.00 THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER Co. 253.00 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP. 643.50 LIBRARY JOURNAL 12.00 MUNRA¥'S ATHLETIC EmU~P. CORR. 23.29 ERIC F. YALLOP BUSINESS MACHINES 397.50 SUNSENTINEL 6.50 FLORIDA AMATEUR SOFTS~LL ASSOC. 5.00 0USLEY Soo Co. t27.50 THE NATIONAL CASR REGISTER CO. 70.(30 BROWARD PUMP & SUPPLY Co. 253.60 GREATER B.B. CNAMGE~ OP COMMERCE 708.01 JOH~ L. ARCHIE PLUMG~NG INC. 75.00 BENZ CREVGOLET 124.16 BUR~OJ~NS CORP. 305.00 CHAPP'G LTO. INC. 21.60 CONTROL SPECIALISTS CO. 47.00 INTERNATIONAL C~TV M~RS. ASSOC. 9.00 IDEAL OlCTURES 24.t0 KELLY TRACTOR CO. ~.00 GULF 0IL CORPORATION 1075.80 LAFAYETTE RADIO ELECTRONICS 12.15 THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. 118.36 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOS. 4.24 PALM BSAeN 0~F,CE SUPPLY CO. 566.79 RECREATION SUPPLIES CO. 86.00 RICH MOTORS, SNC. 90.36 UNITED PLASTICS CORp. 9-99 U.S. FOUNOR¥ & MPS. CORP. 384.00 WORTM CHEMICAL & PAINT CO. 95-50 XEROX CORRORAT~ON 175.00 RUSIN CONSTRUCTION CO. 210.00 C~TY OP B.B. - PETTY CASR 40.05 CITY OF B.B. - PETTY CASH 94.19 SOUTRZRN PAPER CO. 19.21 RINKER MATERIALS CO~P. 48.26 10596.65 FEB. 24, 1969 CONTD FEB. 25, 1969 GENERAL FUND 20364 2O365 20366 2O367 20368 20369 20370 20371 2O372 20373 20374 20375 2O376 (CONTD.) HALSEY ~ GRIFFITH 61.84 P.B. TANK & CULVERT Co., INC. 3399.90 WM. Q. HAYS & M. d. ROBINSC~ CONSTo 14669.21 GENERAL GMC TRUCK SALES & SERVICE 213.33 GULF STREAM LUMBER CO. 67.74 FLORID~ RECREATION ASSOCIATION 27.OO P.T. GARRETT 120.OO DEMARCO TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT Coo 239.46 EARL WALLACE FORD, INC. 58.66 SMITTYIS SERVICE SHOP 70. t6 STEVENSON SEED STORE 61.OO INSPECTION & CORRECTION STATION ~ I 25.25 ~ARLEY SUPPLY CO. ,49.49 25379.73 WATER 11416 11425 11426 11427 11428 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND REFUNDING & IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONO 31816.18 BURROUGHS CORP, 273.00 GULF 0IL CORP. 60.82 HALSEy & GRIPFITH INC. 1.45 SEWER 25O6 25O7 2508 2509 2510 2511 REVENUE FUND REFUNDING ~ IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BOND 28179.35 GULF 0IL CORP. 69.49 UNITED STATES CONCRETE PIPS Co. 458.18 BERT LOWE SUPPLY CO. 29.40 GONO~S CORPORATION 11.43 HACN CHEMICAL CO., INC. 10.54 SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 0654 ACCOUNT OF SUNLAND BLORS. S~IVHING POOL BOND SINKING FUND 228 TNB CHASE MANHATTAN BANK GENERAL FUND 20377 HADLEYIS REFRIGERATION 20378 CITY OF B.B. - PETTY CASH 20379 cITY OF B.B. - PETTY CASH WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11417 CITY OF B.B. - PETTY CASH SENE~ EEEENUE FUND 2512 CiTY oF B.B. - PETTY CASH 100.00 100.00 75o.oo 17.50 46.31 ~2.29 22.29 10.75 '~'0.75 87146.98 lO6.85 FEB. 26, 1969 FEB. 27, 1969 GENERAL FUND 20380 GEORGE W. MATNEWS 2.00 2.00 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11418 ESTATE OF MRS. MARY McKEE 5.20 11419 W~. BROUILETTE 4,50 11420 THELMA j. DICKER 8.74 11421 ULAS DOVER JR. 4.50 SEWER REVENUE FUND 2513 WM, BROUILETTE 25t4 ULAS DOVER JR. 2515 GEORGE W. MATNEWS 8.00 8.OD 100.00 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8141 ACCT. OF MRS. MARY McKEE 7.50 8142 ACCT. OF GERALD THOMPSON 7.50 8143 ACCT. OF EOT FURRER 7.50 8144 ACCT. OF M. BRENNER .. 7.50 30.00 SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 0655 ACCT. OF WM. BROUILLETTE 15.50 0656 AccT. OF THZLMA d. DUCKER 15.00 0657 ACCT. OF CRAS. ROSIER 7.50 0658 WM. WE,NSTOCZ 7.50 0659 AOCT. OF GEO. BUMM,NGS 7.50 0660 AOCT. OF JOHN MULET 15.50 0661 ACCT. OF ULAS DOVER JR. 15.50 254.94 GENER4_ FUND 20381 FLORIDA LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES 50.00 20382 GERALD DAZE ASSOCIATES 550.00 20383 SRAWNEE A~RL~NES 97.20 20384 THOMAS A. SUMMERS 102.70 20385 GRADY W. CODRTNEy 102.90 20386 MICHAEL V. MICHAEL 112.70 20387 V~NCENT J. GALLO 55.00 20388 GENE MOORE 55.00 20389 GILSERT H. COLLINS 35.00 20390 GEORSE JOHNSON 220.00 20391 JACK OAZES 200.00 20392 STUART B. FULLER 72.90 20393 S.C. BOSSY 13.08 20394 R0SZRTA TOMSERG 58.09 20395 RUNIC,PAL FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOC. 20.00 20396 CAPITAL LEASING CORP. 336.02 20397 COMMISSIONER OF MOTOR VERICLES 3.50 SEWER REVENUE FUND 2516 JORN B. DUNKLE, CLERK WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8145 JORN TOPPINS 7.80 50.00 50.00 2141,69 FEB. 28, 1969 GENERAL FUND 20398 20399 20400 20401 20402 20403 20404 20405 20406 STANLEY ED STUMPF CITY OF B.Bo - PAYROLL FUND CITY OF B.B. - POLICE RETIREMENT FUND BOYNTON CITY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION B.C. RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 40.00 15145.5~ 97.90 954.00 356.12 CiTY OF B.C. * FIREMENIS RELIEF & PENSION 178.10 FIRST BANK OF BOYNTON BEACH 3657.30 C.J. OUSLEY 5.00 ELLIS McARoY 5.00 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11423 CITY OF B.C. - ~YROLL 950. Ol 950.01 SEWER REVENUE FUND 2517 CITY OF B.C. - PAYROLL FUND 843.94 23232.88