Minutes 01-20-69PRESENT: Vincent J. Gallo, Sr. ~ tV~yor ThOmas A. Stuam~rs, Vice iv~ayor Gilbert PI. Cotifns, CounciLu~a Leonard E. Nv!%lnd, Counci)/r~n i%4iclmel V. ~c~el, Comcilmmn Grady W. Cot~r~ney, Cit~ IVta~ager B/frs ,Tereesa ~dge~4Cily Oterk ABSENT Gene' Moore, City Attorney 1%/ayor Gallo called the moetLng to order at 7:30 P.M. The Invocation was given by Rev. Nelson P. Moyer, Pastor of the First }~!etl~odist Church o£ Boynton Beach, aa~d the ~lag Salx~te was led by Vice Mayor Thomas A. Sun~.mers. .AEINUTES - Regular Meeting January 6, 1969: Mr. Nylund m~oved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Jam~ary 6, 1969 be accepted as presented, lvir o Afiiclmel seconded and motion %%~s mi- - nuously carried. OLD BUSEqESS: Mr. Michael questioned the progress being made on a new speaker system £or the Council Ct~mbers and wonde~ ed z: ~t ~s necessary to go out £or bid. Mr. Summers volunteered to check inlo several possibilikies and promised to have the irdormatlon ready for th~ next Workshop Session. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: of Ethics. Emily Jackson, 728 N. E. 9th Avenue wondered if the Council would be considering the abolishing of ~he t~vo term limit for Council~nen as set forth by Sta~e Legislr~ture. Col. Albert Wehrell, 938 Isles P~oad, stated he was opposed to the extension of the two term lin/it for Oity Officials. Harry Lefort, 725 Ocean Inlet Drive, stated the Council should adopt a Code NEW BUSIiNESS: age No. 1 MINUTES REGULAt~ CITY COUNCIL iVLE~:TING JANUA-KY Z0, !969 I,W. GAL: Ordinance 69-1 (Znd t~ez~liugk Am, ending Air Condikioning Code: City IVLanager read subject Ordinance by caption only. Ist Reading: January 6, 1969. Mr. N¥1und moved ~t Ordinance 69-1 be accepted on second reading, rno~[on seconded by A/ir. S~nmers and unanimously carried. Ordinance 69-2 (2nd l!.~ding) Declaring L-~eng ~o A~ex - Wormel Parcel: City Ms~uager ~ead subject Ordinance by cap~on on/y. First readiug: January 6, 1969 · IVi. r 0 Summers moved that Ordinance 69-2 be accepted on second reading, motion secgnded by A~-r. Collins. Mr. iVLichael asked th~ City Manager if ~his Ordnance would provide indus- trial zoning ~d ~uld e~ch ~it be approved ~divid~ly. Mr. Co~ey replied that this was a dec~ration of ~ent. Motion unanimously carried. .O,~diua:nce 69-3 (t st -~eading) Ils: Insura~uce Premiums: City Manager read subjec~ Ordinance L~ its entirety. Mr. Mich~-~el moved th.a~ Ordmance 69-3 be passed to second reading, lvLr. Ny!una seconded. A~o~ion n,~nousty carried. Ordinance 69-4 (i st t!eading) Amending Sub-di;~ision Ordin~uce I%~ Maintenance of lakes, canals,etc .o' Ci~/Manager read subject Ordinance in its entirety. Mr. Sumzners moved that Ordinance 69-4 be passed to second reading, t~Ir. Collins seconded and motion unanimously carried. ,~,9~s~der Keq?.les~ for l:~igl"~.-Of-v,,a¥ Deed . S .W. Z3rd Ave. in Ac .S9c.32i I~ayor Gallo explained fl~at the County made this request, who ~fl! in t%~_~n deed it to ~e s~te; fl~s being a req~r~ment ff we want to be absolved of any maLute~nce problem on S. ~. Z~ Avenue when ~le grade separation is ins~lled by the Federal Bu~ea~ of ~oads. Ivlr. Michael made the motion that we grant the Kight-of-Way Deed to the County. Mr. Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Re sol~qn, 69-0: City Mm~aager then read smbjeCt !~esol~z~io~ pertaining to the above right-of- l{~sozu~on 69-C be accepted, Mr. Sun~.aers seconded ~nd motion unanimously arrzed. Page No o Z ~LINU TES KEGULAK CITY COUNCIL IVLEETING JANUARY Z0, 1969 Discuss Legislative Program:. Re serve .a_nnexation: ~ve Cli~c. ~on seconded by ~r. Nyl~nd and ~o~sly carried. Fis,cs1 Year Cha.n~ ~r .~ic~el ~de ~e mo%ion ~at ~e Gi~y A~orney be instructed ~ ~nge ~e ~scal year for ~e City of Boyn~n Beach fr~ovember Imf to October I s~, to present it to ~e Legislative C!~ic. ~. Suers seconded moron uzlmousty carried. ~ves~ng of ~ension P~n F~ds: ~r. ~c~el ~de the motion ~t ~e Gi~ A~rney ~end the r~es of ~e Emp~yeea' P~sion Pension P~n so ~s to enable ~e Board of T~stees Change in Bid LiaiSons: ~r ~ Sub, ers ~d~ ~e mo~ ~k ~s City A~orney be ~s~r~ked to draw ~p ~e necessary ~pers ~o ~c~se the Oi~y's bid li~on fro~ $500 to $1,000.00 bu~ ~la~ ~e Purchas~g A~ent h~ve on file at ~ ~s a record of ~ree (3) prices so ~ ~ey c~ be retried by ~e Ci~zens of Bo~n Beach ~ necessary. ~r. Oo~s seconded and moron ~mously carried Consider Qualifications of a Candidate for Ci~ ~r · Gallo s~ted that due ~ ~r~er req~ emits, rotary disabled co~d not r~ for C~ty Co,oil. Discussion ~as held but no. ac~on Po~.Ce mhd ~e~al~to~ Poxvers at the City's ~!r ~!yl~d ~de ~e mo~ion t~t we ~str~ct ~lr. ~oore to d~z~ up ~he sary ~pers to ob~ control of ~e City's Beach and present it to ~9 Legis- lative Clinic. Mr. ~o~s seconded and moron ~rried 4-1, Mr absta~g. Page No. 3 I~{INUTES ~EGULAll :CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 20,1969: ltepealing of Two (Z) Successive Terms in_O£/ice: Ivir. Sumn~ers made the motion that we abolish that portion of the Charter limiting the Ci~! Council to two terms in office, lv~r. Collins seconded. ~Lr o Michael s/~ted ~b~ he would vigorously oppose ~y such c~nge much as ~e Oi~ of Bo~ B~ach were asked ~ vo~e on ~s ~s ~ne~ do~. He f-~her m~ed ~a~ he ~ould ~erefore ~bide by Mr. Sum_~_ ers requested permission that his me,ion be ~i~d~drawn. The Chair ruled ~hat since the motion had already been seco~tded and debated, it would hav~ to be voted on. Thereupon I~r .Sum~ners reques~d ~e Council to vote the me,ion dov~n. Motion failed by a vote of 3-2, The Messrs. Suncaners, tV~/chael and Nylund young "no"; Mayor Gallo and Councilman Collins voting 'dyes". Changing Local Council Elections: Emily Jackson agaL~l subrai~ed her suggestion to change the da~ of G~y Council election. Mr · IVLichael s~ated he thought the suggestion deserved considera~on as it d~d have merit, since it co-incided v;ith ~Iation~l elections. ~d he ~m~t ~re would be a ~t~er ~rn o~t of ~e voters, ~ it w~e held at a ~ter ~. A discussion ensued. M_r. Michael made the motion that the City At~orne!r prepare the necessary papers to present to the Le~is!ative Clinic to chan¢e the City's Primary Election to the first Tuesday in February and the City's General Election to be held on the third Tuesday in February. Mr.N¥1und seconded and motion unanimously carried. AD~LINIS Ti~_ TIVE: Consider FOP_& Request to S~onsor Carnival: Mr. lVlichaelmadethemotionthatthe consent given at last Monday Nig~'s re-a~xrmed. Mr. Summers seconded and motionu-~nlrnously ~orkshop be ~' carried. Pa~e No. 4 1VLINU TES i{EGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JJ~qUAKY 20,1969: Consider Ocean I~idge Request for Radio Service: Mr. Michael made ~%e motion that a charge of $1,000~00 be made to the Town of Ocean Ridge for Police Radio Dispatching, subject to an annual negotiation for re-ad3us~ment ~f so warranted. ~ ........ seconded and motion unani~-~ously carried. Southern. Be_~l Franchise: Mr. Michael moved that this item be tabled vrith apologies to Mr. Hansen, representative of Sol%them Bell, until ~le next l~e~tllar Council Meeting. Mr .Summers seconded and motion unanimously carried. Discuss Street PavinE Program: City Manager respec~xllly asked Council. to increase ~2~e funds for subject - project to $90,000, explaining that $40,000.00 had been budgeted for this year, and an additional $50,000.00 is estimated to be needed. Mr. Michael m~de the motion that we ~ansfer $50,000.00 from unappropri- ated surplus into the street program ~ith ~he possib~ ~5~ so~e of these f~ds co~d be applied ~ conj~c~on wi~h the drawee problem. ~', - K__eview Con~act with Delray Dunes: City ivia~ager stated that ~, IVioore advised him tha~ the Contract wi~h Delray Dunes remains as originally suhmit~ed. Mr o Michael made the motion that we continue with subject contract as originally dravrn up. Mr. Summers seconded, motion carried 4~1, Mr. Collins abstaining due to a conflict of interest. Consider PalrnBeach Co. Kequest lte: Cemetery. Requirements: Mayor Gallo read the correspondence meceived from the Office of the County Engineer, in which they requested a waiver of the requirements of co~crete liners for re-interring bodies in the Sara Sims Cemetery. Mayor Gallo then read the recommendation from the Cemetery Board in which they state that cernen~ liners should be required and no ~-~iver be granted · Page 1~o.5 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY Z0, 1969 NLr .Summers made the motion that the recommendation of the ~emetery Boa~d be accepted on this matter, htr ,Michael seconded and motion unanimously carried. Consider Permit to Solicit - Palm Beach Co. American Cancer Society: Mr. Summers made the mo~ion that permission be denied to subject appli- ca, Mr. Collins seconded. A4r. k4ichae! ~ecoznmended ~h~t one month should be designated in which charx~able.organ~zatxons may solicit in ~Itis specified period. C. Joe Cook, Chairman of the Boynton Beach Cancer Drive came forward and explained the aims and purposes of lhe aerican Cancer Society. A discussion ensued 0 Motion failed 4-1, Mr. Su-mmners abstaining. IvLr. Michael made the motion th=t permit to solicit by the American Cancer Society be approved, Mr, Nylund seconded, mo~ion unanimously carried. Mr, iViichael nmade the motion that the City ~%ttorney be ins~ucted to amend the O~dinance regarding solicitations se that one month out of the year co~o/d be desigr~ted for o%~tside solicitations for the Ci~- of Bo)~ton. Lio~ion died for lack of a second, l~r. Michael then rescinded his .motion and asked that this item be placed at the next Workshop Session in order to resolve this problem. t{equest of John Williams Re: Condemned Parcel: Mayor Gallo read the correspondence received from subject individual, in which he requested an abatement of Cit~/ taxes on property located at Ir6 $. iV. 10Lb Avenue. William ~]l~n, Tax Assessor came forward and explained that this house had been condemned by the City some months back, but as of January of this year, the house was still standing and the City's tax bills vTere sent out on October S1 st. A discussion ensued. Mr .Michael made the motion that the request for a refund on the ~axes for this proper~y be denied, inasmuch as this could start a precedent in the City. Mr. Summers seconded and mo%ien unanimously carried. Page No, 6 MINUTES i~EGULA!~ CITY COUNCIL I~EETING JANUARY Z0,1969 Discuss Existing Building on Lots 13-16 Incl. ..Less E. 250 ft. Ac.Sec. 20/29: M~r .Summers made the motion that this item be tabled until the Cit3r Attorney is present inasmuch as he h_=_d requested ~his item be ptaced on the Agenda. IVLr .Michael seconded and motion unanimously c~rried. ,~,ppoint Judge Ad Litem: ~yor Gallo read a letter rece/ved from Judge Tomberg in which he requested a Judge Ad :Litem be appo/nted as soon as possib~ ~e ~ the ~ct several cases are co~g up ~ ~e near ~re ~vol~ng ~ents of ~s, ~ere- fore, he would ne~ be able ~o preside. Niayor Gallo r~en read a resume received from one S. D. Meyers. Mr. Collins made the motion that Frank. Weathers be appointed as Judge Ad L4tem. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Summers nmde the motion that So D. Meyers be appointed Judge Ad L/tern. ~otion died for lack of a second. Mr oiViichael made the motion that Judge Martin P~. Durkin be appointed Judge zld Litem, pending his acceptance. Mr. Nylund seconded. /v/otion failed 3-2, 1Viayor Gallo and Councilmen Surrnl~ers and Collins dissenting. Mr. Summers moved this item be tabled to the next Workshop. tVir. Coil/ns seconded and motion unanimously carried o APPROVAL OF BILLS: City Clerk presented the following bill stating it was approved by the City Manager and the Public Works Director. Permsalt Chemical Coo $4,345.00 Mr.Surnmersmovedthis biil be paid. Mr.~ichael seconded and motion unanimously carried. City Clerk presented the following bill statlng ~was checked byFinance and approved by theCityManager. Modern 1tooling and Air Conditioning Inc · $1,453.30 Mr. Surnmers movedthis biH be paid. Mr. Michael seconded and ~otion unanimousl~carried. Page No. 7 MINUTES P~EGULAK CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY Z0, 1969 List of Payments for Decen~ber: Nit o Michael made the moron tl~t this list oe accepted as presented. ~r. Nyl~d seconded and ~on ~.~sly carried. There being no fur~er ~s~ess, Mr. ~ffi~ael ~de ~e moron the be adjourned. ~r. Nyl~d se~nded ~d mo~ ~a~ously carried ~ee~nS adjoined a~ 9:50 P.~. Vincent Gilbert H ~ Cotl~'~ Michael V. Michael, Counc/ln~an (Mrs.)Tereesa PaW, City Clerk Page No. 8 PAYMENTS MADE IN DEOEMBKR BY DATE Dmcm~Bma 2, i 968 ...... DECEICBEa $, 1968 ........ D~¢E~BE~ 4, 1~ ........ Dm=m~sm~ ~, 1~68 ........ Dmemmsm~ G, l$G~ .......... Dm~m~sm~ 9, 1968 ...... Dx~msm~lO, 1968 ....... Dmemmsm~li, 1968 ........ Dmem~m~l~, 1968 ........ Dmemx~m~l$, 1968 ....... DECE~BEaI~' 1968 DECZ~Ea!7~ 1~ ........ DE~Em~Ealg~ 1968 ...... DmcEms~a20, 1568 ..... DmeEmSE~ 2~ 1~8 ..... D~¢~m~m~Z6, I~8 ........ Dmcm~x~27 1:968 .... Bmamxsm~ t968 ...... Dx~mms~ 1968 ...... ..... 7, 785.05 ..... 24, 555.72 ...... 661.92 .... 151,040.56 ..... 21.. 452, 74 - - - 1,286. 80 ...... 1,860, 39 ...... 794.49 ...... 194. 74 ..... 27 - - - ...... 4-5, 50 ..... 1, 65 ...... 5, 269.14 ...... 20,884. 75 425. 4 ..... 5, ........ 1,870,65 .......... 1, 3~l, 0202ZI PAYMENT MADE BY FUNDS GENERAL FUND ...... WATER REVENUE FUND- - - WATER ,DEPOSITORS FUND- - - SEWER REVENUE FUND .... SEWER DE?OSIT FUND ..... SEIZER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND- - FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND- RETIREMENT TRUST FUND- - GI,YIC CENTER BOND SIN_~ING FUND- PAYROLL FUND ....... PUBLICITY FUND ....... ...... 25!, 500. 02 - -- 27, 714.50 - - 345. O0 - - -24,654. $? - -- 19. O0 - -- 12, 328,,90 - 84.10 273.27 - i 5,500, O0 - -15.87 - 595.. 1 ? 51i, 020.11 PAYMENTS MADE IN DEGEMBER 1968 2, 1968 /GmNEa~L FUNO 19920 19921 BOZN~ON Bm~c~ Frae Dmp~. 11.00 19922 BoYN~oN G~ ~ Coz~ ~$op 3~,00 1992~ Oz~Y o~ BoYg~om Bmaem 2~.G2 19927 0o~ R~co~s, I~c. 55.00 19928D~a~Y Bm~c~ gmws-Jo~a~ 3~? 19929 Dm~x 19930 Dz~aco ravenna & I~. Go. 1t.98 19931 Do~'s F~a~s~o~m D~ STO~m 400~0~ 19932 Do~'s FZ~mSeo~m D~. S~o~m 3.?0~88 19~33 ?~x H. & W.B. D~mW.Oo. 194~27 0~ ao~m~Y 16~ 6~ 19~$~ 1991 i9~ 199~ 19~ 19~ 19~44 199~6 J~cK's INC. I~¢. CO o CLEaXS 199~ W~Ii~* M~¢Dowm~ i99~1M~ Hm~ P~s. Go. 19~ ~O~E~N Boo~N~ ~ iz~ CoN~. INc. 199~6 P~N 19967Bmeam~ro~ ~U~¢ES Co. Me, xas, INc. SNoW Aui~o REP~ z~ Su~P~o~mc~z~m E~rm. Go. N~TION~,~ £r~m P~ormccroN Asso. Zm~ox ~u¢~m ~ W~T OF P.E. DEC · 2, 1968 (eONT 'ZL)'/WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUNL' 112~0 ~.r~ G~o~r~ ~ G~. 2~9.60 11231 Bo~o~ Wm~ ~ Sp~r~m~m~ 22.9~ t1232 Bo~oN B~z~mas S~mp~Y 76. 80 11254 G~s 11255 G~Y or Bo~o~ Brzc~ 1.50 112~6 W.H. Ger~ ~ Go. 92~65 11237 Dz~s 11238 DEHisce Tszc~o~ & t~p. ao. 24,00 11239 ELgcrso-R~sT P~o°Fi~Go~P. 11240 E~rm~m~ Sm~cm 112~2 Hzm~som Gosp. 5~66 112~2 Mo~m~ FL~smE~s I~c. 1i.00 112~5 MOFFATT BEt~m~S GO 19~ 25 14~ O0 120~ 60 1968 SEWER REVENUE FUND 2598 Az~I~m GsLoaxNm ~ G~Em. Psom. 389.40 2399 GITrms Sm~rcm OIL Go. 16.02 2400 CozS~z~ MzcsI~m, I~a. 9~00 2401W.H. G~ST~N & Go. 47~36 2402 FITZ~E~L~ EN~Z~e Go. 400~00 240~ No,co Gsm~IczLs, INc. 281.25 2405 P~czsm G~r~¢zL Go. $1.50 2406 T~z~z~'$ "Srw~s G~zNt~ S~s~' 30.00 2407 Sm~s, Romracm ~r Go. 24.08 j 1231.13 FIBF~AN'S RELIEF ~ PENSION FUND 431Jo~ M. TasTE 59.83 ~32 HZaOLD P. HEaa~N~ 2~.27 ~4.10 JGENERAL FUND 19969 CITY oF BOYNTON Bm~c~ 6750.00 19970 Hm~a~ L. Km~ 5. O0 19971 TURPEN'S ~93. O0 19972 WrLLrz~ H~LIN 200. O0 19973 FLoa~Dz PowEa ~ Lrssr 5464,23 12912.23 ~WATEB SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11248 POSTMASTma 144.00 11249 FLoarDA Powma ~ LIszT 3705.61 $849.61 77~3.03 Dmc. $, 1968 ~/ (coNT'm3 SEWER REYENUE FUND CIYIO CENTER BOND SINKING FUND 455 1043.88 1043.88 6750. O0 6750. O0 1968 5, 1968 J GENERAL FUND 19976Ro~maT~ 19977 Jomm ~. W~mma, D.D.S. 199~8 Jo~ ~. W~mma, D.D.S. 19979 R~ssm~ O. 19980 Ro~' E. ~ 19981T~e~zs J. ~ Hzsro~ F. J~s~rm 19982 Rosma~ L. 19984 Ro~z~ P. 19985 EmWz~J. & Ozasrm H. Bmcm 19986 A~z~zmc From. Szv. 19988 19990 S.~. Oos~Y ~ATER SYSTEM REYENUEFUND 1~2~0 WXrT~ M~¢Dowm~ / '~RETIREHENT TRUST FUND 0753 Cza~ W. 1.05 6.76 164.27 9.47 2.97 3. O6 7. 59 I0. O0 2.81 51.76 1. O0 1~ 59 9.15 125. O0 132. O0 6~ 40 _30.29 56~.'15 24-. O0 5.85 29, 85 GENERAL FUND 19926 OrTrms SEaFrCE OIL GO. 237.95 19991 BOYNTON BE~cI~ Frae Bmm~. 380.84 19992 Tao~zs INc. OF FLOarsz 63.82 19993 G~NE MOOSE 35.00 19994 Gr~r o~ BoY~To~ BE~c~ 280.98 19995 GEsz~ Dzm~ AssocraTmS 500.00 19996 BoY~rO~ Bm~c~ Fmss~ ~z?. Bz~m 25000.00 19997 Bo~om Bm~cs F~s~ N~. Bz~m 25000.00 19998 BoYm~o~ Bmac~ F~ss~~ Nz~. Bz~m 25000,00 19999 Fzss~ Bz~m or BoY,wrom Bxzcm 25000.00 20000 F~s~ Bax~ oe BoY, roy Bmac~ 25000. O0 1 Err~sm Hoer 25.00 2 ~rsm~ Hz~z~s 25.00 $ Lrzm~Tz Tma~msm~ 20.00 2~, 555.72 661.92 DEc. 5, 1968 (CON~'D) /GENERAL FUND ~ JaN~¢m Wma~z 5 l~z~Dam~ LOFt. mY 6 Jzz~ P~p~s 8 K~Ym FLOO~ /WATER SYSTE~ RETENUE FUND 11255 fao~s Imc. oF F~oarn~ ~EWER REVENUE FUND 2~0~~ F~oazm~ E~s~ Go~s~ R~wy. Go. WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 80~60ITY OF BOYNTON BEacH FOR aCCT. O~ RaY~ONn Hac~rN~zY 80~7 CITY OF BOYNTON BE~CH FOa ~CCT. Of W~. ~rXAER I SEWER ~WATER DEPOSIT FUND 0511 Es~Tm OF ED1FA ROBrmSON 1968 ]GENERAL FUND 21 LEaoY Bo~E $00ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20. O0 20, O0 20. O0 20. O0 oo oo oo 20~.00 126, 908, 59 1028.72 106~.¥? 21.00 $000.00 3021.00 7.50 7. 50 7.60 22.56 20.00 20. O0 60.00 5.00 10.00 I49~69 13,373.57 101.13 131,0~0.56 DEC. 6, 1968 jWATER SYSTEM ~EYENUE FUND 11254 Osc~ Pm~'m~SON 5.20 11255 Y~r~ O. K~ma $.44 112~6 HZRFEY OYEa J~. ~.90 11257 W.H. GErSER 5. 20 11258 g~R~ D~ORN~OS 2.20 11259 BO~Lm M. Mo~ 1.65 11260 Tmom~s B. Sco~ 2.20 11261 C. W, HowmL~ 9.29 11263 O~r ~F BoY~o~ P~o~ F~ND 1~ 776.~ 1,808. ~EWER ~WATEN DEPOSIT FUND 0512 G~Y o~ BoY~om BEACH FOR iCCT. Om Hz~zY OYE~ Ja. 17,60 0~i$ CTTY OF BOYN~ON ~EACH FO~ ACCT. OF HO~ES ~Y LEON 0~1~ OITY OF ~OYNTON ~E~CH FOa ~CCT. of W.H. Gmr~ma 15.60 0~1~ O~FY OF ~O~NTON ~E~CS FOa ~CCT. 0~1~ CITY OF ~OYN~ON ~E~CH FOR ACCT. o~ Ros$~ Mo~ 15.50 0517 C~TY OF BOYNTON BEACN ~OR ~CCT. OF TSOS. R. Sco~z 15.50 0518 CrTY OF BOYNTON ~EtCH FOR ~CCT. OF O.W. HowE~ 25.10 1!2.20 SEWER REVENUE FU_~D 2~12 W.H. GEr¢Ea 8. O0 2~13 C~aL DOO~NBOS 8.00 2~1~ ~ON~LD M. HOWRY ~.00 2~15 rmos R. S¢o~ 8.00 2~16 C.W. HOWEL~ 5. 2~17 GrTr OF BO~ON BEgUm Pz YaOLL FUNDS 85~. 95 ~ 7~. O$ ~RETIREMENT TRUST FUND 35 G~rm W~E~ 7~. 51 W2TER DEPOSITORS FUND 8059 GazcE RO~ZE 7. 50 ~060 OrTY OF BOYNTON BE~CH FO~ ~CCT. OF Osc~a 7.50 DEC 6, 1966 / (CONT 'D)/W.4TER DEPOSITORS FUND 8061 H*4~OLD E. GREENWOOD 7.50 ~ OF R.E. TO~rgso~ 7.50 ~0~ O~Y OF ~OYNTON ~E~C~ FOR ~CCT. ~5. O0 DEC 9, / 1968 GENERAL FUND 25 GmoR~m O. D*4Frs 125.00 26 SO~THEH~ BELL TEL. ~ TEL. GO. 794.8~ 27 SO~THE~N BmL~ TEL. ~ TEL. Go. $i.50 28 RosEa~*4 To~sE~ 25.26 3~ BLUE C~ss-BL~E SHrELD OF FL*4. 278.20 1,~ /WA~ER SYSTEH RE?ENUE FUND 11262 SOUTSE~N BELL TEL. ~ TE~. Go. 10, 1966 iGENERA£ FUND 37 F~ED ScoTT 38 MC~rNLEY JOHNSON $9 B~um-Gaoss BLUE-SHIELD OF FL*4. ~0 J*4~ES ~. RHODEN 'EWER REVENUE FUND 2~18 BLuE GRoss BLUE S~ELD OF FL.4. ~ATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 1126~ BLUE OtZOSS BLUE SHrELD 11, 1968 ~ GENERAL FUND OF FL~ o ~2 SOUTHERN BELL TEL. ~ ~ENE ~OORE ~5 ~HE B~KE~ ~ T~YLOR ~7 TSE FLOR~D~ NEWS Co. 48 TmE H.R. HuN~N~ Go. TEL. Co. TEL. Go. )WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 11265 SOUTHERN BELL VEL. 11266 SOUTHERm BELL TEL. ~ TEL. CO S. 0,0 ~. O0 50. O0 25. O0 I6~6. I8 23.12 1 7~. $0 ~8.88 48.88 67.21 145.20 102.26 .~0 I0. O0 ~0. O1 75.67 62.25 $2.22 ~6 7. 99 18.50 8. O0 21,452.74 1,2~6.80 1,860.39 Dec. 11, 1968 Dec. 12, 1968 Dec. 13, 1968 Dec. 16, 1968 Dec. 17, 1968 /S~/ER R~VEN'~ ~ CONT. 2~4~ R~ell & Axon ~00,00 JGENERA L FU~ . 9 City of Boynton Beach SEWER REVENUE FUI~ 2420 Replacement /GENt~kL FUI~ 50 City of Boynton Beaeh-P. C. 46.11 51 City of Boynton Beach-P. C. 91.93 't 52 Cz y of Boynton Beach-P. C. 20.69 't 53 Cz y of Boynton Beach-P. C. 70.58 54 City of Boynton Beach-Payroll 5,721.06 55 City of Boynton Beach-Police Ret. 182.15 56 Boynton City Federal Credit Union 559.00 57 Boyn. Bch. Retirement Tr. Fund 184.28 58 George Von Zumft 50.00 59 JoSeph Pasley 15,00 60 Elana N. Lescard 25,00 6,885.80 ~AT~ REVEN~ FUND 11267 City of Boynton Beach-P. C. 16~30 11268 City of Boyn~on Beach-P. C. 1.1~1.54 2421 City of Boynton Beach-P. C. 3.59 2422 City of Boynton Beach-Payroll 818.68 2423 City of Boynton Beach-General F. I2,.O0 - / 834.27 ~SEWER & WA'rm~ DEPOSIT FU~ ~681 Boynton Beach First National ~PUBLIC ITY FU~D \434 City of Boynton Beach-P. O. ,.~. GENERAL FUND 61 Albert J. Colbert 50.00 62 R.L. G~wmmons Printing 215.35 63 Ben Smith 1.2.5,00 ~/ 390 35 ~CIVIC CENTER BOND SINKING FUND ~435 Boynton Beach ~irst National 6,750,00 64 Wm. Q. Hayes & ~.J. Robinson 9,575.59 65 Southern Bell Tel & Tel 268.00 66 DeMarco Tractor & Imp. Co. 1,732.00 67 Tropical Acres Restaurant 688.50 68 Fla. East Coast Railway Co. 4,000.00 69 Edwin Pelkonen 23.99 ~. ~,Life Insurance COo 220.83 ~/WAT~ REVENUE FUND 11269 D. L. Emerson 5.20 !2,000,00 794.49 194.74 20,868.27 7,140.35 De. 17, 1968 De. 18, 1968 ~ATER P~V~N~ FU~ CONT. 11270 Mrs. John Beardsley 5.20 11271 Edward P. Smith 5.20 11272 Rudolf Stueber 5.20 11273 Rayburn Daughtery 3.04 E. C. C~ske 3.84 Anthony Albert 5~0 Easco Delv. Corp. 7.34 Refunding & Imp. Rev. Bond 1A.168.f79 11274 11275 11276 11277 0602 O6O4 O6O5 O6O6 0607 0608 & WATER DEPOSIT FUND Acct of. Edward P. Smith Acct of E. C. Guske Acer of Anthony Albert Acct of Helen M. Ott Acct of Easco Delvo Corpo Acer. of Richard Turner ~EVENUE FUND 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 339 D. JWATER 8065 8066 8O67 8068 8069 8070 8O72 15.50 17,60 15.50 15.50 15.00 1~O Edward P. Smith 8.~0 E. O. Guske 7.60 Anthony Albert 8.00 Refunding & Improvement Rev. 11,787;88 Flexible Pipe Tool Division 2.808~00 14,61~.~8 DEPOSIT L. Emerson 6, DEP0~IT0~S Acct of Richard McGlinnen 7.50 Acer of D. L. Emerson 7.50 Acct of Eric Skegs~rom 7.50 Acer of Mrs. John ~. Beardsley 7.50 ~s. Joan Gotay Jones 7.50 Acct of Rudolf Stueber 7.50 Acct of Dorothy Tedford 7.50 Acct of Rayb~ Daughtrey 7, ;50 60.00 Q~ City of Boynton Beach-Water 578.28 72 Ed. Clanton Trucking 922.68 WA'£~ P~vENOE FU~) 11278 Postmaster _ _288.00 ~EW~R & WAT~2t BEPO~IT FU~D 6~t Acct of Lowe's Cinema _ 25.00 REVEN~ i 9 $ity of Boynton Beach-Water 295.58 PA~ROL~ 436 City of Boynton Beach-Water Fund 1B.87 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8073 S.M. Ken Williams 7.50 1,552.63 1,552.63 Des. 19, 1968 GENERAL F~0 73 Addressograph Multigraph Corp. 74 Advance Air Conditioning & Heat. 75 Auto~roducts, Inc. 76 Boynton Auto Supply, Inc. 77 Boynton Glass Service, Inc. 78 Boynton Gun & Coin Shop 79 Callaghan & Company 80 Capital Leasing Corp. 81 Chevron Chemical Co. 82 Cities Service Oil Co. 83 Display Arts, Inc. 84 Don's ~irestene Dealer Store 85 Publix Super Market 86 Nathaniel Dame & Co. 87 Doubleday & Company, Inc. 88 The H & W. B. Drew Co. 89 Earley Supply Co. 90 The Florida News Co. 91 Fountain's Department Store 92 R. L, Gm~ns P~J_uting 93 Halsey & Griffith, Inc. 94 Inc. 95 Inc. 96 97 ~ Palm Beach 98 99 100 The Pablishing Co. 101 , Inc. 102 Co. 103" Post Times 104 105 106 107 Inc. 108 Company 109 !tO 1tl 112 Bus. Machines WA~E~ ~ FU~0 11279 Advance Air Cond. & Heat. 11280 Davis Meter & Supply Co 11281 Halsey & Griffith, Inc. 11282 Halsey & Griffith, Inc. 214.50 15.45 172.86 247.44 17.48 15.95 12.50 336.O2 211,50 5.36 197.00 17.66 244.39 92.58 4.93 386~30 12.35 229.9O 77.97 3.63 4.00 12.30 75.00 45.00 22.10 132.4~ 116.46 50.60 33.12 24.00 68.30 33. OO 38~.39 97.50 7.56 15~00 BT~ 8~ 3,87i~20 16.60 82.50 48.95 2.93 11283 So~thern Meter & Supply Co., Inc.402.39 11284 Sout~?h Wipers Inc. 22.00 11293 Ken W~iams 1.72 577,09 ~/SE~ER P~V~U~E_ FUND 2430 Rinker Meterials, Inc. 24.06 2431 Southern Wipers Znc, 11.00 2432 Tisdale ~s 50.00 2433 Trail Lawn M~*er Sales & Ser~iee 138.1,0 223.16 Dec. 19, 1968 Dec. 20, 1968 Dec. 23, 1968 Dec. 26, 1968 / ~TIEE~NT '~T FUND 0536 Joseph E. Neumann ~ 4.88 JPUBLIG ITY FUSD /~37 G~ater Boynton Beach O. of C. . 592.81 GENERAL FLE~ 113 Postmaster 30.00 114 Walter Lee Waters 10.00 ll9 First Bank of Boynton Beach 3,219.18 120 Cmt~ of Boynton Beach--Payroll 13,343.66 121 City of Bcynton Beach-Polios Ret. 112.29 122 City of Boynton Beach-Firements Pen. 178.10 123 Boynton Bch. Retirement Tr. Fund 198.58 124 Boynton City Federal CreditnUnion 1,030.1~ 126 Frank Tabano 60.00 WATER REv~NIE FU~D 11285 Terra-a! Transport Co., Inc, 8.06 11286 City of Boy~t~n Beach-Payroll !,69t,27 1,699.33 ~EWER F~WVEN~E FUND 2434 City of Boynton Beach-Payroll 1,003. A5 ~iNERAL FDID 50bie Butler 5.00 116 Ellis McAroy 5.00 117 John Harrington 15.00 118 C.J. Ousley 15.00 125 Tropical Acres ~24,00 364.00 ~ATER R~ENUE FUND 11287 D. C. Thordason 4,24 ~ATELR DEPOSITORS FU~D 8074 Coastal HoldL~ Corp. ~0.00 8075 Acct of D. C. Thordason ~ ~_/7.50 57.50 GENERAL Fb~O 127 Allen G~mica~e Company 128 Argo Instruments Corp. 129 Auto~rcducts, Inc. 130 Bethesda Memorial Hosp. 131 The Blossom Shoppe 132 Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Fla. 133 Boynton Auto Supply, Inc. 134 Boynton Beach Fire Dept. 135 Boynton Well & Spt5 ~1 er Sup. 136 Cities Service Oil Co. 137 Co~mm~rce National Bank 138 Centrol Specialists Co. 139 County Glass Works 140 Court Records, Inc. 141 Delray Bch. Daily News Jo~nal 142 DeMarco Tractor & Imp. Co. 97.50 22o.84 108.76 14.50 35.65 54.00 53.61 36.00 68.53 17.40 34.33 484.92 53.70 55.00 ~9.82 28.16 5,269.14 20, 884.73 425.74 Dec. 26, 1968 Dec. 27, 1968 GENERAL FUND CO~T. 143 Don~s Firestone Dealer Sto~e 388.00 144 Don~s Firestone Dealer Store 15.14 145 East Coast Paper Co. 49.55 146 Gerald B~ke Associates 1,000.00 14~ Florida-Georgia Tractor Co. 211.34 148 Fort La~derdale News 20.52 149 Engel's 98.15 150 R.L. G~mm~ns Printing 151 GUl~ Oil Corporation ~.'~ 152 Garden Store 309.35 153 Halsey & Griffith, Iue. 463.10 154 Hood's Aute Service 44.60 155 Heuse Beautiful 33.75 156 Jack's Camera Center A~A 157 Denald S. LaVigne, Inc. ~ 158 The National Cash Register Co. 136.40 159 National Linen Service 16.92 160 Jack H. Rauls~n, M~D. 5,00 161 The Shopper 3.00 162 Simplex Time Recorder Co. 36.75 163 Southern Paper Co. 32.39 164 8urber's American 5.83 165 Swank ~s Furnit~e 59.95 166 The Tz~v~lers Insurance Co. 199.14 167 ~ '~ ' ' ~or~ 0~eal ~ Pa~t Co. iii.?6 i~ w~ b~emi~al & Paint co. i4.~ i69 xer°x O~ion --~~ ~AT~i~ RmV~ FUND ii288 0smerce Nati~.~i Bank iT.i? ii~89 ~t~r ~leetrie Co.~ Znc. _ . i60,?~ 177.93 2435 Oi~ies Service OLI Co. 16.02 2436 Gulf Oil Oerp. 9.96 2437 Phip~s & B~, ~c. ii.~ ~438 Zep i~nufacturing Co. ~i.60 ~NE~AL 69. 3O EUND 170 David L. Gibson 25.00 17i City of Boynten Beach-P.O. 43.82 172 Florida Revenue Commission 20.85 173 City of Bey~ton Beach-P.C. 18.28 17~ City of Boynten Beach-P.C. 23.05 i75 James & Violet Oooke i.20 176 City of Boynton Beach-Payroll 8,093.3i i77 City of Bsynton BeacH-Police Ret. ~0.40 178 Bey4ton Bch Retirement Trust F. 172.54 i79 Boy, ton City Federal Credit Union 508.00 ~A~z~ P~5~N~ FUND 8,996.45 ii2~o City o~ Bepton Beach-Patron i,oli.?8 ~i30o City of Boynton Beacl~-P. C. , 6,28 i,048.06 80?6 ieet o~ Narls~ ~i~ 7.50 5,226.07 Dec. 27, 2968 Dec. 30, 1968 Dec. 31, 1968 / WATm~ DEPCS~ FLU~) CONT. 8077 Acct of Cavanaugh Cabinets I07E~8 Acct of M~x Tauber ~ REVENUE FU~) 2439 City ef Boynton Beach-Payroll  C ity of Beynton Beach-P.O. RETIREMENT TRIBT FUND 0537 Miles B. Marshall GENI~ L FI]I~ 180 City of Boynton Beach-~ater 18~ Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co. 11291 City of Boynton Beach-Water 11292 Frank T. English t1294 Mrs. Mack Glenn ~_1295 W~tli~m Toth ~SEWER REVE~EE F~ND City eft Boynton Beach-Water Frank T. English Mrs. Mack Glenn 8079 Mrs. Russell Kelly 8080 Acct of Betty Bulger 8081 Acct of Peter Devine 808~ Acct of Mrs. ~. C. Carver 8O8~---Acct of Robert Hen&rix \~EWER & WATER DEPOSIT FU~ 0610 Acct of Easco Delv. Corp. 0611 Acct of Frank T. English 0612 Acct of Mrs. Mack Glenn 0613 Acct of Wm. Toth 182 189 112% 11298 11299 11301 Martha Procter, Clerk Postmaster John Harringten C. J. 0usley Delray Fence & Awning Co. Mary Mackey Harold Berin~ Dr. W. F. Ande Miami Herald Boynton Beach Fire Dept. REVERE FUND ~. A. C. Carver Mrs. Ruth Brock Robert Hendrix ~k~. Helen S. LeBel 7.50 7.50 22.50 754.20 2A.67 778.87 127.96 1,146.62 · 228.15 1,374.77 88.42 2.20 4.50 .A4 95.56 288.82 8.00 4.00 L 8.00 3O8.82 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 15.50 15.5O 15.50 54.00 16.00 100.65 5.00 5.00 745.OO 50.00 40.00 110.00 11.70 4~5.54 1,518.89 5°20 5.20 5.20 5.20 10,973.84 1,870.65 Dec. 31, 1968 WAT~ 11302 11303 11304 11305 113O6 REVENUE FUI~ CONT William H. Woh!leb 3.04 Thcs. W. Mills 2.19 Charles McEwen 3.95 John Gross 2.99 Est. cf Mrs. V. P. Diederick RHVENUE FU~D Chas. ~Ewen 2.50 8O82 SO84 8O86 8O87 8O88 8O89 8O90 8091 8O92 061~ 0615 DEP0~ITC~S FU~ Acct. of Douglas Jones 7.50 Acer of Harry H. Brock 7.50 Acer of Mrs. Helen S. LeBel 7.55 Mrs. H. A~ Hoermaun 7.50 Acct of Thcs. W. Mills 7.50 Acct of C~a~s McEwen 7.50 Acct cf Bernard Krohn 7.50 Acct of Town Tavern 25.00 Acct of John A Gross 7.50 Acct of Mrs. V. P. Diederick 7.50 92.50 & WATER DEPOSIT FU~ Acct of Richard Adams Acct of W~lliam Wohlleb SEWER DEPOSIT FU~ 341 Acct of Chas. W. Ewen 15.50 7.50 23.~0 1,679.80 THE CHASE MANHATTAN .BANK, N.A. [] SCHEDULES NUMBERED. %..,~AME OF ORaL. IGOR; City o~ ~7~ ~e~ ~o~ DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE= ~'~2P ~ ~ =~ ~ ~ [~a~er ~ev~ue ~n~ ~ted ~/1/60 NUMBER DP cou.oNs i~305 BOND NUMBER The ~bo-v-e 29, 1966 t: PRINCIPAL AMOUNT S 26~8~.on PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $ TOTAL 2o.oo 20.75 z2/z/66 :ou~ons were p~id ~u December 29, NUMBER OF BONDS OB COUPbN$ 98q !~ 305 the period of November, TOTAL 6,500.00 ao~335.oo 26,835.00 ED OITHE CHASE MANHATTAN .bANK, N.A. · 'AME Of:OBLIGOR: City of Boynton Beach, Florida ~ DESCRIPTION OW issuz: R~ing ~ Improvement Revenue Bonds COUPONS 1~139 111~408.63 0R COUPONS COUPON VALUE ~2D6 : 6/1/68 t5 5,~.0o 75,000;00 I above bonds ~d coupons we~'e ~id d~ing the peri~ of J~e ~ 1968 ATE[} BgN, DICOU~'ON h~g MB ER~"~.ISTING O THE OHASE MANhaTTAN BANK, N,A. I Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, New York 10015 City of Bo~nton B~ch~ ~-~orid~ ~ Ref~nd~ug and Improvement Revenue Bonds D~t~i 6/1/64 CORPORATE TRUST Op E RATION S~'D1VISIC~I~I CANCELLED SECURITIES DIVISION THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. SCHEDULES NUMBERED, BOND MATURITY NUMBER OF BONDS BOND OR ' CT T AL /-~'OUPON ~)N~ NUMBER OR O~ COUPONS COUPON VALUE ~ 300.~ i~ 6/1/~ 3i5 ,i,0O0 20J5 20~0,00 : .- ~ $~,o~o.oo ' %/70 6/1/68 . i5 i,~,oo ~5,~o.~, [ I ' ~ r the ,riod of J~e ~ ~¢68 ~m ; '1 ' Erie above bo~s and coup~$ were ~id d~g I ~. J-~e 2L 1~8. NEW YOEK, TH ~/ B~ONDI¢OU~[~ON ~[ THE CHASE MANHATTAN SANK, N.A. NU~j~R~S LI~T~IG -- I Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, New York 10015 City of Boynton Be~ch~ Florida k% W~t r Revenue Bonds D~ted 12/1/60 CORPORATE TRUSI OPERATIO~.~S DI.VJSION CANCELLED SECURITIES DIVISION 15~ $1,000.~ 56 70 15 ~ota~ ~ 5 ,:B~,'~,V.T,':",'"Cp~'~'~"~^'r-~~¥ ,r~ ,'--~ OI THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK,' B.A. "' G 0 ! 11 City of Bo3~aton Beach~ Florida 5% ~ater Reven~.e Bonds Dated OF COUPONS 118 CUNT $ 950.00 000.00 ~'~'/ <~UPON' f ~ ' BOND UATORITY ~U~kO~ B,O~DS . B0~D OR" , TOTAL ~ ~: ~ . ~e-:a~ve bon~ aha coupons were mid,~i~ the ~ .riod of J~e 3: 196g ~a ~I '" JATED / / BO~JDICOUE'ON O THE OHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N,A. Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, New York 100].§ CORPORATE TRUST OPERATIONS' DIVISION CANCELLED SECURITIES DIVISION City of Boynton Beach~ Florida 5% Water Revenue Bo~ds D~ted 12/1/50 With no 10 ~ $1,000o~ 111 attached 12C 10 ot~! 10 ~_~THE CHASE MANRATTAN BANK, N.A. G 0441'0 City of Boynton Beach~ ~or~d~. 4~ Refundiug Bonds D~ted lO/~/'~ NUMBER OF COUPONS 114 PR NCZPAL AMOUNT $ 2)~36,.00 ~11,000~001 4~/ / R~ 6 8i 2.00, ~16.~ ............ ~, 106 ~,~ : 2~1~.00 the at~ch~- xO/1/T1 ~ l~O~.O0 ~e ~bo~ bonds ~d coupons ~e~ pal~ d~ng ~e $ .~ ~od of Ap_ m~ ~ 1~8 t~ THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. ! Ghase Manhattan Plaza, New York, New York 10015 City of Boynton Beach~ Florid~ 4% Refunding Bonds Dated 10/1/46 CORPORATE TRUST OpFRATION~ DIVISION CANCELLI:D SECURITII:S DIVISION O THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N:A. City of Boynton Be~¢h, Florid~ 3 3/~% Swim~ug~°oo~ Bond~~ Series E BOND/C~OUP~N THE OHABE~ MANHATTAN BANK. N.A. i Chase Manhatf~n Plaza, New York, Nevi York 10015 City of Boynton Beach~ Florida ~ 2/4% Swimming Pool Bonds Series E o~te~ 9/1/6o CORPORATE TRUST OPERATION~ DNiSI¢~I CANCELLED SECURITIES DIVISION With no cou /1/6s 10 ~ ¢1~000 ,ns attached )0 71 80 10 Total t 0 THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, N.A. 04414 NAME OP'OBhIGOR: City Of Boyn~on ~ZSCNIPTION OF mSUE: ~ Nanic~ip~,'~ Civic Center ~d~g B~nds D~ted PR[NCIPAL~ AMOUNT $ 1,662.50 : : morons P~mC~L: ~6UNT $ TOTAL [ · ; m0ND MATUN[TY ~UM~ O~ ~ONDS BOND ON TOTAL ~ :.. ~e above cou! ~ns were p~id du~ lng tke period ef Yune ll~ 1968 ~ ~ru ~Y~Ly 9~ 196 MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK CORPORATE TRUST DEPARTMENT ~/~/~ December 26, t768 32'36 -G23-SS Mr. J. B. Henderson~ City Manager City of Boy, ton Beach 120 N. ~o Second Ave. Boy, ton Beach, Florida Dear Sirs: We enclose herewith Creation Certificate(s) s%ngle copy, _____~___in duplicate, in triplicate, in ~icate, covering the destruction of the following described securities: ~ESCRIPTION Face v~lne cancelled coupons detached from City of Boynton Beach, Fla. Wa~er ~ S~wer Eev. Bds. Issue of 1961 Ser A dated Dec.t, 1961. Principal amount csncelled City of Boynton Beach, Fla. 4% W%ter ~ Sewer Rev. Bds. Issue of 1961 Ser A dtd. December l, 1961, the June l, 1967. Face vslue cancelled coupons detached from City of Boynton Beach, Fla. Water & Sewer Rev. Bds. Issu~ of 1961 Ser. B dated Dec.1, 1961 Principal amount cancelled City of Boynton Beach, Fl~. Water & Sewer Rev. Bds. Issue of 1961 Set B dated ~ec. l, 1961 due June l, 1967 $33,337.50 $15,oo0.0o $31,775.00 $20,000.00 Copies of Certificate sent to: None thor ized Signature Bo~un~e~:B~ Florid~ ~atem & Sewer Reve~u~Bona~Iss~e O~ ~9~ .C~U~O,~ No~ ~turity Date ii June 1~t967 Il J~ne 1,Z~7 ~ Value 17~_ 20 ~ O~ $29,837.50 .'3~5~0.00 $33,337.~0 The above Coupous weme paid by Morgan GUaranty Trust Company of New York during .the period June 1967/November 1967, inclusive, MOI~GAN GUAB. ,AN ,TY iTB.;UST COMPANY as folloWS:~' - ' Ba~d ~6/~0 Coupons 15 None The abo~w-Bond~ were p~id by M~rgan Guaranty T~ust ComDany"of Na~ York during the periOd June 19~7/NOvember 1967, iuclusive. MOI~GAN GUARANTY T~T COMPANY 1t June 1,1967 !t June 1~1967 140 $2o.oo $a9, Ooo.op "fo.e above Coupons were p~id by Morgan Gu~ran~ Trust COmpmny of New York durzng the ~erzod June 1967/November 1967, znclusz~e. MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY ~e~ ~ 8at~d December I,,196Z ~ne, Ju~ne 6i/80 20 N~ne ~ ' The above Bonds were paid by Iforgan Guaranty Tru~$ C°m~m~y Of. New ~or~k du.~ing the-period June !96~/No-¢embor 1~67~ inclusive. BEC MORGAN GUARANTY T/~.~ COMPANY APPOINTMENT OF CITY OFFICIALS - 1969 WON-CLASSIFIED: Municipal Judge Judge ad Litam City Attorney City Manager Joe Tomberg John Williams Gene Moore Grady W. Courtney CLASSIFIED: City Clerk & Tax Collector Tax Assessor & Purchasing Agent Finance Director & Deputy Treasurer Treasurer Chief of Police Fire Chief Reereation Director Supt. of Public Works & Public Utilities Building Official Librarian Deputy City Clerk & Tax Collector Deputy Tax Assessor Tereesa Padgett william L. Allan *Olive Wallace Betty Law Gerald Thompson C Eugene Wright George Johnson Harold Hopkins Stuart B, Fuller Florence Sullivan Callie Clanton Ada Shook *=Non-Civil Service Temporary appointment BOARDS & CO~iITTEES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: J. W. Ridgeway Curtis Weaver Robert Hueston George Davis William Ho Yates January 6~ 1969 Ezell Hester, Alternate Robemt Olds~ Alternate BOARD OF BARBER EXAMINERS: L. R~ Blacketer Walter Lacey Walter Zarnowski BUILDING BOARD: Ward Cummings Clarence Clark William Q. Hays Lou Samyn Gerald Staley George Monaghan Stuart B~ Fuller CEMETERY BOARD: Edgar Dt Hurford L~ Don Combs Jack Maddox Mrs. Bertha Chadwell Mrs- Frances Van Devender Mrs. Tereesa Padgett CIVIL SERVICE APPEALS BOARD: L. D. Craw~ord L. Don Tombs Richard Monahan Clyde Barner Carl Eunice, Alternate Eddie Mitchell, R. J. McAfee~ BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF ELECTRICIANS: Thomas j~ Bowles Ivan Allmond Pete Bokisa Allan Nyquist Stuart B. Fuller INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION: Alex Hogg Gary Brandt Dr. Charles Simon C, Stanley Weaver Howard Riley Ray Piantanida Roy Snider Heinz Niethammer (Same as Chamber of Commerce) John Archie Bob Collier Clyde Wormell George Main John Holloway INTER-RACIAL COMMITTEE: Paul Johnson Leroy Harris Thomas Rushing Mrs. Lottie Pierce William Cullen Howard g. Foley Thomas Nor£us Rev. Nelson Moyer Ed Wallnau Robert Beane Rev. R. M, Lee LIBRARY BOARD: Mrs. Doris Oakes Mrs. Christine Edward Mrs~ Nan Gordon Mrs. Mildred White Mrs Nanie Weaver Mrs Estelle Schaap Mrs. Ruby Mack PLANNING & ZONING BOARD: Maynard Wertz Stanley Weaver James McAlpine Leon Cloutier Clyde Worrell Ray Allen Jay Ssrno BOARD OF PLUMBING COMMISSIONERS: C, A. Ostrom Nolan Williams Frank Kimkeby Willie Sloan Jim Storm Stuart B~ Fuller -2- RECREATION & PARKS BOARD: Ray Jara Ao A. Stuart, Jr~ Mrs. Helen Kirkeby Rev. Naaman Grubbs Buddy Forehand Mrs~ Pat Greenwood Mrs~ Estelle Schaap ROAD PLANNING BOARD: Joe Tomberg Tom Croft Charles Hadley D. H. Grootenboer L. D. Crawford James Shortley Howard Riley A1 Compo Richard Lukas Walter Dutch Michael V. Michael (Same as Chamber of Commerce) Dan O~Brien Bob Murray George Warren Leonard Nylund Jack Oakes Ed Campenter Bill Yates -3- P~'Yi¥ENTS IffADE IN ?{OVEIffBER BY DATE ~968 ................................. 214.37 ~968 ................................. 133.34 ~968 .................................. 1, 748.63 1968 ................................. 2 76.56 ~ 968 ................................. ~9, 479.28 196~ ................................. 26. O0 1968 ................................. 791 . ~ 7 196~ ................................. 11, ~8.49 1968 .................................. ~12.02 1968 ................................. 352.35 I968 ................................. .~ 7, 806.43 i96~ ................................. ~60, 61~. 70 1968 ................................. 32, 077. i2 1968 ................................. ~i 1 · 42 1968 ................................. 3, 01~. 01 1968 ................................. 1 ~ 4, 431.76 1968 ................................ 10, 352_._91: 403, PAYI~Ei{T tYADE BY FUi~DS GENESAL F,[fT~rD ...................................... W~~'.,~'~r~ ,,~ev~'r~z~,._ ~, REYEA~UE_ £U~i-D ......................... '~ ~, W~iTER DEPOSITORS FU:¥D ............................. SEWER RE?E~iUE FUiYD ................................ 24, SEWER & W~,'~ER DEPOSIT FUi~rzO ........................ FIREAfEA{~S RELIEF ~ PE~ISZON FU~ffD ................... RETiRE~[E~,fT TR[fST FU.i~'D ............................. PUBLIOITY FUICD .................................... 343 o 99 ,36rV. 66 249.34 140.65 272.80 343. ~ 7 !77.27 406.30 1968 1968 / G ~ 2~E R.4 L 19725 Nns. A. J. O'Oo~u~on 150.00 19724 WZLL~m J. Gn~wzE~ 20.00 1972~ KE~H 2. LE~E~ 10.00 ldU. UU /SEWER REYENUE FUND ~IREiYEN'S RELZTEF ~ PENSION FUN1) 422 H~nonm P. Hsnnr~vs 10. I0 2~.27 24.27 FIREHEN'$ R~,%I6F ~ PEI~SIO~r FU~¥D 421 Jo~ H. TUrrE 59.83 59.83 ~RETIRENE~T TRUST FU~!D 0534 O~n~rE W~m~s 73.51 75.51 GEiYER2£ FUND 19726 Oo~n~srTE Oom. HE~s Hz~nr~ GENTEROF P~L1~ BE~C~ OOtTNT~ 250.00 19727 NZ.~ BOWEL 150. O0 19728 RE7. Jz~Es F~TscsEn 50. O0 19729 JuLr~s W~nE 230.00 19730 Rrc~nn Pno~osz 25.00 19751 JoH~ B. D~ 200.00 19732 J~z W. TrLL 15. O0 19733 Osn~L~ H. T~ospsom 200.00 19734 WrLLI~ H. W~TZRS 125. O0 19735 Wr~nr~ R. H~MrL~ON 125.00 19736 TERarLL ~/sr~sEx 125.00 19757 J~Es R. Fsx~r 125.00 19738 NAar~ L. HOL~ 1.90 19739 LrLLI~ 2. BErs~n 1.75 197~0 RosEar Nr~o 125.00 214.37 133.3~ ! 7¥8.65 1%~0 7 . 6, 1968 ~9741 ~/oo~o DE~_~rSZ~r Stone W2TER SYSTEN RETENU~ FUND 111.99 Mns. Ers.ms Wrssr~s 11200 9hnnow J. 11201Jogu 11202 L~cms FLE~rus ~3t.25 131.25 FO~ ~NTOx.,IETTE Po ~nEU~rs 5.20 5.20 3. ~¥ 5.20 19.51 6, 1968 rSEWER & W~TER DEPOSIT FU?FD 049~ ,AccT. oF ROBT. & IYA~Y BRADLEY 0942 ACCT. 0~' L~C~S FLE,~Cr~¢g 0493 ACCT. OF JOH~¥ B_~ivrr_~r~ 17.60 15.50 17.60 50.70 ~'SEWER REKENUE FUED 2578 Jos~ 2379 Lvc,~s FLavor,cs · WATER DEPOSITORS FUND ~026 2ce~. O~ M~mm S,~We~cm 8027 Acer. 8028 Acc~. 8029 AccT. 8030 AccT. 8031 AccT. 8032 2car. o~ H~nLow J. OF O~H~$. ~OS~E~ OF J~SEPH ~NDE~$ON OF ~rLLIE OF RET. L. ~. 10.10 4. O0 14.10 7. 50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 968 ',GE~IERAL F~¥D 19742 Bor~¢?o~v BaH. PErrY O_~s~ 98.10 197~4 Em~ Lou P~R~rmso~v ~0.00 197~5 J~ms BEC~S~¢ 25.00 19746 K~ro Wr~r~s 10.00 197~7 Woou~ow E~TSAY 10.00 197~80s~m B~E~ 16.00 197~9 E~s HcA~or !0.00 19750 Bor~ro~,~ Barn. P~r~o~ Fu~¢o 12992.27 19800 Fz~sr g~¢ ~o~o~ Bm~cm 2212.55 19801 Bor~o~ Bc~. Pop,em ReT. F~u¢~ 101. 70 19802 Boom. Bom F~EsmWs Rm~rmF ~ Pm~- s~o~v Fu~m 1 72.23 19803 Borm. Bcs. RE~. T~usr Fu. 375.72 1980~ Bor~¢. O~zY FE~. G~E~rz U~ro~ 839.00 1690t. 57 275.56 WATER SYSTEH REVENUE FUND 11206 Boric. BaH. p.~y~onn F~_wn SEWER REFE,¥UE ;2581 Borz¢. 1968 741.58 741.32 836.37 836.38+ 19479.26 25.00 25.00 25.00 28.00 'Co~T. ) NOV. 1968 19, 196~ GE~/~_k~AL FUND 19506 Go~so'~R REPo~s ~.00 19~07 R. L. G~o~s P~r~ 29. O0 !9~0~ W~ L~so~ ~0. O0 19809 Fn~ B~s~w~n 2.06 19810 G~ B~rsc~z 2.11 19811 Ro~ G. WE~S~ t.0~ 19812 R. L. G~u,~o~s P~rN~I~s 385.00 503.21 WATER SYSTEH RETENUE FUND 1120~ DALE D~EHE~ 1.84 11207 7~C~ F~N000~E 1.84 11208 S. L. HE~¥ ~.24 11209 CLARENCE G~nRE~Z 5.20 11210 N~S. JOSEPH ROH~N 2.20 PUBLICITY FUND 425 BoYNroN BCH, JR. Hr~H SCHOOL 15.32 $50.00 150.00 ~SE~,(~'R & W~_T.~iB DEPOSIT FUND 0494 Accz. o? J.~_~ES 0. H~rzz 17.60 0495 Accz. o~ ~C~.~T J. V~co,~E 17.60 0496 2cc~. o~ C. DO~gLAS E~rz 15.50 50, 70 /WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 8033 2cc~. o~ P~z~ra~ H~zm~v 7.50 ~8~36 Acct. oF S. L. HE~Y 7.50 8037 2cc~. oF ~7. E. Smoo~ 7.~0 8038 Acct. oF Gt~E~;c~ G~T~ 7.50 8039 2car. oF JOSEPH J. Rom~ 7.50 80~0 2cc~. oF 2Ww. ~sso 7.50 6!. 84" SEWER _~KVENUE 2384 Krmc~m~ J. 10.10 !d. !0 791.1 ? GEO/ERAL FUAiD 19813 ~4~¥NET~E TINKER 7.50 19414 O¢~Trs E. W~r¢~ 45.00 1941~ Osrz B~E~ 15.00 19~16 ELLrS HCA~OY 15.00 19817 ~{OODaOW E~zs~Y ~. O0 1.9~18 K~zo WrL~I~YS 5. O0 _~ O F . 16. 18, 19, ? GEAL~RAL FUND (GOArT. 19821 N~nstrEnrTE J. WEss~E~ 2. 19822 N~'~ lff~r~ 2.90 19823 BoY~. Bc~. P~rro~ F~z~ ~339.22 1982~ BoY~. 19825 19826 BoYN. Bcm. FEm. G_~m~r Umro~ 506.00 19827 FrRsr B~m~ oE Bormro~ BE~CH 9t~.49 19828 Wr~ O~nns 2. 79 19829 Dh. Knns L. ~EE~ 3.26 19830 JE~v~E~ 19831 B~z G~oss-B~E S~E~m 1~9.66 esso. WATER SYST.KAI ~ETENrJE FUND 11211 Posrm~srEn ~50,00 11212 BLUE G~Oss-Bsr~E SzrrELn 200.54 11213 Bo~'~. Bcs. P~YnOLS Fu~rm 1035.62 1683.96 ~SEWER REVENUE FUND 2382 BsvE Onoss-Btum SHrE~n 88.50 2683 BoY~. Bc~. P.~nOLL Fu~ $36,00 924.50 11458.49 1968 Gsi{ERAL FU),fD 19832 BLUE Gnos$-BLum bHr_Ln 278.20 19833 ~L~rOm-~L Lrem Ims. Go. 233.82 512.02 512.02 1968 G~t. ERAL F<~gID 19834 P~uL jomz¢som 125.00 125.00 WATER S'YSTW~r RETENUE FUAID 11214 R.~ R,~,rn~.s 3.20 11216 NO~E SE~TICE ~ RE~r~ ,~.ZO 112!7 R~LPH W. OooN ~.20 11218 B ~ B h~onnrNs Go. 1.20 11219 Ho~Es Bx LEo~ 5.20 ~1220 Ho~Es BY Lzo~ 5.20 ~1.'90 SEW£R ~ W2TER DEPOSIT FU~%rD 0497 Acc~. o? H-OmE JEn7ICE ~EP~rn 25.00 0498 2CC~. O~ ~..E. TVCEEn 16.90 ~'~499 2CC~. O~ R~L~E ~. OO0~ 25.50 ~500 2CCZ. O~ B ~ B HoLnrms 15.00 0501Accz. oF Ifns. Jos~s O~srro 15.50 0502 ACCT. OF NrCHOLOS ROSS 7.50 0503 ~cc~. OF HO~ES BY L~o~ 7.50 0504 ~ccT. oF NO~ES BY LEO~ 7.50 0505 ACCT. o~ HO~ES BY LEo~ 7,50 0506 Acct. o? Ho~Es BY Lmo~ 7.50 0507 Holms Bz LEOm 7.50 132.90 i9, 20. 21. 1968 Sr~w~R REFE,¥UE FUND 2385 LEsmr~ S.4u~znEns 2386 R,~nps W, Ooo~ J WATER )EPOSITORS FUND OE~rER~£ 19707 19708 19709 19710 19711 19712 19713 22.05 8,00 30 .05 7.50 7.50 7.50 22.50 Sr~pso~ 45.63 Lo~n~rmE G~n~En 13.~6 Lon~z~ ~¥onnm~ 39.70 E~ CL~ro~ 172.20 R. R. BowmEn Oo~P~r 16.50 F~; LE~E OF ~NrCr~LrrIES ~00.00 7~i.~9 f~fATER SYSTEN REFEIiUE FUtFD 11193 FL.~. LE.AGGE OF N~r~-rcrp,~nrzrEs 200.00 1!t9~ RmF~r~rz~r~¥¢ d~ I~¢RnOr~E. REtr. Bo~¥n 36875.59 i968 ~r~EMEN~S RELIEF ~ PENSrON FUND ~28 G~E Dow Ross 37075.59 259.~7 259.~7 JSEME~ RE~TENUE FUN9 2389 REFUN~rNg & I~PROVE. RE~. BOND 19728.88 t 9 728.88 GE~IERAL FUND 19679 Frnsz B,~¢~r OF Bor~ro;~ BE,~cH 25000.00 19722 Bor~'. Bcz. PE~Y O~s~ 45.72 19836 BoY~. BCH. Pz~r O~s~ 93.31 19837 Frnsz B~z~ OF BOYNTON BELCH 25000.00 19838 FInS~ B~rK 0,~ BOYZ~TOZ~ BEgan- 25000.00 19839 B Or~'roz~ Bcs. Frnsr }t~z. BA~K 25000.00 19840 Box~vro~r Bc~. Frnsr t~hzro~L B~25000.00 198~1 Bor~o~ Bcs Frns~ 9hr. B~i~ 2fiO00. O0 198~2 Boxm. Bc~. W~r~ D~. ~36.60 1505 75.65 W2TER SYSTEI¥ REV£?iUE FU~¥D 11195 BoYN. BcH. PErrY OmS~ 21.60 21.60 352.35 57805.¥3 SEWER REFE~IUE FO~¥D 2390 Bor~r. Bc~. PE~rZ G.~sr~ 11.1 7 11.17 No~. 21, 1968 NoT. 22, 1988 PUBLIGITY FOT~]D ~29 BorN. ~ - 6.30 /GE~IER2£ 1984,~ D~E FOSTER I 75. O0 1984~ THERESA 2NDE-~SON !0. O0 1~8~5 SYLVI~ REED 10.00 1.98~6 BOr~ 9CH. P~YROLL F~NO 13088.61 198~7 BOYN BCH Po~rcz RET. FUN~ 198~8 Bor~ BcD FI~E~EN'S BELIEF PEN F~. 178.10 19852 W~. ~. H~rs RoBr~so~ Co~s~. 11630.89 198~3 F~ LEsseE o~ HUN;CrP~rES 35.00 19854 BO~N~O~ Bc~. ~iEWS-JouRN~L ~.00 19857 EDYTmE HOOD 25. O0 I~858 HILDRED ~LL IE~ 2~. O0 198~9 .L~zzzzT~ TERSESE~ 20. O0 19860 J~cz WE~rz 20. O0 19861 H~m~z~ LoF~r 20.~ 19862 J~v Pzp~s 20.00 !986~ I~E~E S.~rm~m 20.00 1986~ K~TH~YN FLOOK kO. O0 19865 DoroTHY S~EP~D 20. O0 198~7 F~NCES ~ rNKHErE~ 20. O0 19868 fJ~zz~ J. 7TRUE 2~.00 19869 L~oxn Boszwrc~ 20.00 ~9870 ~W~ Hzss 20.00 ~987i Lr~nx ~OSE~ 2~. O0 29872 HELEN BRULL 2~.00 19873 FRancEs 7~~uEn ~nE~ 2~.00 1987~ Donoz~z~ Rrcs 2~00 19876 C~zmEarmE ~AFFNEY 2~ O0 19877 J~A~IE OLdS 2~. O0 2929i~ 9~ WATER SYSTEN RE?Ek~UE FUND 11196 GARX PEACH ..59 11197 HrsmPOrNz Bs~Rs, inc. 5.20 112.21 Bor,%~ BcH. ?AYROLL rrrmm 1776.~4 S~R REVENU~E FUffD 239~ B. 8. PAYROLL FrrND 1 782.23 816.19 ~16. t9 150614.70 22, 1968 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 0508 Acer. oF T. L. WH~z~.~Y 0509 Acct. OF Hrgspor~¥~, .B],DRs, /RETIREHENT TRUST FrJ~AO 0751 ROmEnT FELZZ 0752 NrcHnEn KEE?E ~2TER DEPOSITORS FUND ~0~ Hss. F~z~ ~o~ 80~7 H~s. ~m DEH~Zo 80~0 ACCT. OF i'~S. JOSEPH 25, 1968 19879 19880 19886 PHYLL IS PiCKE~INS BILL HUNTE~ BILL H~JNTE~ ~EENLE~F 26, G~WER2£ FU2{D 19889 H.~u. L~?E I~.~s. 0o. 19890 G_~p~r~ LE/~srms CORR. ~9891 TR.~7z'~z~s I~rs. GomP.~:vz 19892 Do~JSLZD.~Y ~ Goz~p.~rr, I~-c. 19~93 J,~zs 2rKE~vs JR. %72TER S~STEH REVENUE FUND 11222 !~zumz iffzrER GO~P~Y S~W~ ~'v~2;u~ FUND 2392 R~SSELL & Axo~¥ 15.50 7.50 23. O0 101.~7 2.29 103.76 7.50 7.50 ~ 50 7.50 15.00 7.50 7.50 60.00 121.87 99.12 54. ~0 112.09 97. 77 15. O0 3.29 2.43 3.76 1.69 51!.~2 ~66.10 165.~9 336.02 199.14 20.90 10.00 897.65 959.72 .52 962.24 900.00 1.12 32077.12 511.,~2 07. 26, 27, 29, PUBLIGITY FUND 430 250.00 260.00 3011. O1 1968 ~E~%z~:~_s Ft&~,rD 1989~ Gm~m NOOSE 29. O0 19895 Lo~nmr~ Nonn~ 1.58 19896 Fnonr~ ~Imws Oo~x 83.i6 19897 E.R. 19898 B. B. ~r~r O~s~ ~.52 19899 Frnsr B~r o~ B. B. Gm~r~n~n F~o25000. O0 19900 Fr~sz B~z~m oF B.B. Gm~ Fs~z~m 25000.00 19901 B.B. Fr~s~ ~. B~ Gmr~. F~n 25000,00 19902 B.B. Frnsr N~.~. B~m~ GE~-. Fu~s 25000.00 29903 B.B. Frns~ Nz~. Bzz~m I&S F~n 12000.00 19904 Bor~ro~ B~c~ J~rc~s 500.00 19905 A~c~ 2rn Oo~mrrro~r~ 456.~5 19906 _inc~sm Es~crno~rc 265.00 19907 A~ns Enscr~ra~s ~v~msrms, i~c. !5.92 19908 ~o:~nos~c~s, I~c. 238.09 19909 B~ Exrzn~r~rr~s Go. I~xc. t~. O0 19910 Bor~ro~v _~ro SspP~x, In'c. i05.9t 19911 Bor~ro~ 2~ro S~z~, I~c. 125.34 ! 15927. ~5 ~= 72. 06 'SEWER REVKgiUE FUN~ 2394 2UTOPnO~VCTS, I~c. 1.72 2395 BoY~ro~ 2~ro S~PPnY, Imc. 23.03 2~. 75 v'iFA T ER 8051 DEPOS!Z'ORS FUi~ID 7.50 7.50 11¥¥$1.76 1968~ GE2~gRAL FUND 19912 Dmsnrcm Non~' W~rso~r 19913 UrLsr~ S. S~rT~ 199t~ If~nrom J~srrcE 19915 flrc_~mS Koalas 19916 B.B. 19917 B.B. PosrcE 19918 BoY~ro~e Orzr FEn. OnE~r~ 19919 B.B. UNTON 10. O0 40. ~0 5. O0 50. O0 7~56. ~6 102.15 5 79. O0 .1-~9~ 05 8421.66 NO 7. J 29, 1968 W2TER 11227 11228 11229 8052 8055 805¥ 8055 f J SEWER 2396 2397 0510 SYSTEN RE?E~TU£ FUND B.B. P~Y~OL~ F~ Tsos. F. LOUISE T~BO~s WATER D~OSIT FUND Acer. OF LOUZSE T-~.~o~s 10~1. 2. t 0~¥. 78 20 95 93 7.50 15. O0 7.50 7.50 37.50 02.9. ~. O0 833.32 15.50 15.50 I0,35~.91