Minutes 08-05-68MINUTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL BOt~TON BEACh, ~F~uO.RI, DA ON ~DAY~ AUGUST 5,1968 at 7:30 PRESENT Vincent J, Gallo, Vice M~yor Gilbert H. Collins, Councilman Leonard Eo ~ylund,Councilman Thomas A. Summers, Councilman G~u~e Moore~ City Attorney Grady W. Courtney, City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk ABSENT Michael V. Michael, Mayor Vice Mayor Vincent J. Gallo called 7:30 P.M. the meeting to order at The Invocation was given by Rev. Douglas Smith and the Flag Salute was led by Lt. Robert Collier of the Police Department. Recognition of Representatives of Civic Organizations: Vice Mayor Gallo recognized ~. Cess Farrar, Executive Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce. Regular Meeting,- j~ly 8, 1968: Mr. Nylund moved that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 8, 1968 be accepted as presented. Motion seconded by Mr. Summers, motion carried 4-0. Regular Meeting - July 15, 196~! Mr. S%mm~rs moved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of ~D/ly 15, 1968 be accepted as presented. Motion seconded by Mr. Collins, motion carried 3-0, Councilman Nylund abstaining due to his absence at this meeting. Special Meeting - July 29,, 1968: Mr. Nylund moved the Minutes of t~e Special ~eting of July 29, 1968 be accepted as presented. Mr. Summaers seconded, motion carried 4-0. . .~UBLIC A~DIENCE: Jack Halle came forward to inquire about the ban on fishing at Coquina Cove, and whether or not a decision had been made. Page No. 1 M//tUTES REG~/LAR CITY CO~JNCIL MEETING AuGU~ 5, 1968 ,AWARDING OF BIDS: Air Conditioninq Unit - Police Station: City Manager stated the Tabulating Committee recommended the bid received fromA~vance Air Conditioning, Inc., in the amount of $1,260o00, to be c~mpleted in 20 calendar days, be accepted. Mr. Sub, ers moved we award tt~e Bid to Advance Air Conditioning, and that the City Manager arrange for funds to be transferred tfrom an una.ppropriated source,to the Police Department Account o cover this expenditure. Mr. Nyl~nd seconded, m~tion carried 4-0. ~LD BUSINESS: ~epair of A~r uon~l~loner at Civic Center (On the Table): Mr. Nylund moved that this item be removed from the table. Mr. Summers seconded, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Summers explained that he and Mr. Courtney inspected this piece of equipment and in their opinion the air conditioner is obsolete. However, to replace the air conditioner with a new %uait would cost approximately $4,000.00. Therefore, it was their opinion to replace the water coil for a cost of $1,000o00 and hope it would last for a period of two years, until money could be appropriated to install new and modern equipment at the Civic Center. Mr. Summers further recom- mended that Modern Roofing and Air Conditioning be awarded the bid in the amount of $780°00 and money be transferred to pay for the expenditure. ~. Nylund seconded, motion carried 4-0. .Constr~ction, of Sidewalks= Vice F~yor Gallo inquired about the status of the sidewalk construction inasmuch as the City had not received bids on this item at the time they were requested. Mr. Court_ney explained that he had discussed this with a con- tractor who was to submit a bid, but to date, none had been received° BUSINESS: None Page No. 2 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AU. GUST 15, 1968 Ordinance 68-16 (2nd Reading) - Rezoning Acreage Parcel - W__olfe Request - (On the Table): Vice Mayor Gallo stated that this item would remain on the table until a full Council was present. keading) - Gra~ting a Non-exclusive City Attorney read Ordinance 68-17 by caption only. 1st Rmading: ?_u_ly 8, %968._ .Mr. Nylund m.oved that Ordinan.ce 68-17 be passed on second reaGlng. Fn~. Collins seconded, motion carried 4-0. Ordinance 68-18 (2nd Reading) Appropriating Funds for Fire Station - (~80~ 500.00): City Attorney read Ordinance 68-18 by caption only. 1st Reading: July 15, 1968. Mr. Summers moved that Ordinance 68-18 be passed on second reading, Mr. NylLu~d seConded, motion carried 4-0. Report on Status of Snack Bar at Broach.-_ City Attorney stated he had contacted the Officials of Ocean Ridge, and it Was suggested that a committee be appointed to discuss this matter mqre f~ully as soon as possible, as there has been much misunderst~unding as to the type of operation the City plans to construct at the Beach. _Vice ..Mayor Ga_%.lo appointed Grady W. Cour~ney, City Manag.e~_, ~e ~.ore, cz~y Attorney a~d May.or Michael V. ~Itchael, if he .nas re=urned from his business tr~p in time to make th~s meet- lng with the Ocean Ridge Officials. tf the Mayor is still out of town when the arrangements are made, the Vice ~ayor will attend in his stead. ADMINISTRATIVE: .Discuss F.E.C. Crossing at S. E. 9~ Avenue- Vice Mayor Gallo suggested the City consider a road crossing over the Florida Eas= Coast Railroad at S. E. 2nd Avenue. He further stated that some new factors should now be considered inasmuch as the four-laning of N.E. 2nd Avenue would make the road unusable for the better part of a year. City Attorney stated that we may have an ~mergency situation beCause of the four-laning now being started. He further suggested a meeting between Officials of the City end to ascertain the costs involved, and to find out if they would work with the City to alleviate this condition. Page No. 3 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 15~ 1968 Mr. Summers stated the costs of signalization was about $25,000. and When this matter was previously discussed with F.E.C.,they felt the City would pay the entire cost. Mt. Summers made a motion that Mr. Courtney ~ontact Mr. Thornton at F.E.C. and find out if t/~ey will sit in a meeting to discuss this cross/rig. Mr. Ny!und seconded. Mr.Collins stated stated did that he was the only member of the Council issue was : approached by the City~ and he the 3~st time. ge further was ready for it at this time. Motion carried 3-1, Mr. C~llins dissenting. Discuss Water Main Crossing, Intra-Coastal at S. Eo iSth Ave. The City Manager advised the Council that. a $~orkshop Meeting lnce thls !~em is to be top priority on the lis~, he would suggest the item be tabled, until after the meeting with Russell and Axon, Inc. Consider Proposal of Beane Exterminators ~e: A~uatic Weed Control: City ~4anager stated that Beane Exterminating Co. would chemi- cally treat t_he aquatic weeds at an hourly rate of $50.00 per hour. He further stated he would like to give this a "trial run" as the company is experience and he thought it would be of benefit to the City. Much discussion followed. Mr. S%%mmers moved we accept Beane Exterminating Co.'s proposal of $50.00 per hour for clearing theCity canals of aquatic weeds. ~4ro Collins seconded, motion carried 4-0. Consider Request for Tent Revival Meeting - ~eDtember I, 1968 thru October 12, 1968: City Clerk read the letter received from O. H. Paul, Pastor of the Daughter of Zion Seventh Day Adventist Church, in which the request was made and assured the City they would adhere to the City's requirements. City Attorney suggested the request be granted with the stipu- lation that it be on a day to day basis, so if the City encoun- tered any unforeseen problems, the Revival Meeting could be cancelled. Page No. 4 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEET/I~G ,.,AUGUST 15, 1968 Mr. Nylund moved this request be granted, subject to the approval of the Fire Dep~rtment. Mr. Collins seconded~ motion carried 4-0° ADPoint a Member to Inter-Racial Committee (On t~he Table}: Vice M~yor Gallo stated that he had been advised before the meet- ing .that the City would defintely have a recommendation by next meeting, and therefore~ suggested this item remain on the table, Appoint Additional Judge Ad Litem to ~{~niciDal Court: City Attorney advised that he had approached John Williams con- cerning this matter and he ~s Judge, Ad Litem. The work schedule could be ~a' S?mmers.questioned the legality of this action, and stated t he believed the City Officials could be called before the Grand Jury for appointing an extra judge. City Attorney said he believed the action is legal end antici- pates no repercussions. Mr. ~yl~und made the motion that John C. Williams be appointed as additional Judge Ad Litem, Mr. Collins seconded, motion carried 3-1, Mr. SLumners dissenting. Date of 1st Meeting in September: Mr. S~m~mers made the motion that the 1st Regular Meet~-ng in Septen~er 1968 be held September 9th instead of September 2nd, since this date is Labor D~y. Mr. ~ylund seconded, motion carried 4-0. Appoint Board of Trustees, Employees' Pension Plan in Accordance with Resolution 68-I: City Manager stated that the Employee Election was held to appoint one member to the Board of Trustees,and asked the City Clerk for the results of this election. Cit~ Clerk stated that John Johnston, Supervisor of Water Distribution, had been elected. Vice /~ayor Gallo explained that the Board of Trustees consisted of the Mayor for his term of office; the City ~ager for an indefinite term; one member of the Board shall be from a finan- cial institution to be appointed by the City Council and Mr. Alex Hogg of the 1st Bank of Boynton Beach has consented to serve in this capacity; and 1 layman appointed by the City Council and Mr. Robert Effron, a local accountant, has agreed to serve in this capacity, and one ~ity employee, the aforementioned John Johnston. Page No. 5 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~EETING AUGUST 15. 1968 The City Attorney stated that these members constitute the Board of T~ustees for the City's Pension Plan until their first organizational meeting to be held in January 1969. Mr. Nylund made the motion that Mr. Alex Hogg and Mr. Robert There being no further business, Mr. ~tund made the motio~ tl~t the meeting be adjourned, Mr.~ ~Summers seconded, motion carried 4-0. ~ Meeting adjourned at 8:30 LeSna'rd El ~ylund, 'C~ilma~TM Thomas A. ~{hmmers, Councilman (~irs,) Tereesa ~ge%t, C'ity Clerk Page No. 6