Minutes 07-08-68~E/NUTES OF REGULkR CITY COUNCIL I'~ETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON ~- BEACH, FLORIDA, ON MONDAY: JULY 8, 1968 at ?:~O P.M. PRESENT: Michael V. Michael: Mayor V/neant J. Gallo, Vice Mayor Leonard E. Nylund~ Councilman Thomas A. Summers, Councilman Gene Moore: City Attorney Grady W. Courtney,. City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk ABSENT: Gilbert H. Collins~ Councilman Mayor Michael opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. and asked the audience to join the Council in the Lord's prayer. The flag salute was led by Councilman Nylund. Recognition ,g~ ~epresentatives of Civic Organizations ~ayor Michael recognized the following distinquished guests in the audience: 1. P~r. Cess Farter ~ Executive Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce 2. Mr. Robert Beyrer, Executive Council Chairman~ Sterl/ng Village 3. M~, Walter Madsen: former Mayor and President of the Walter ~.dsen Senior .Cztmzen Club 4. Mr. C. Joe Cook~ President of the Boynton Beach Jaycees MINUTES My Nylund moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of June 17, 1968, be accepted as presented. Motion seconded by ~ir. Gallo and carried 5-0~ l~. Summers abstained since he did no~ attend subject meeting. ~. Gallo moved to accept the minutes of the special meeting of June 24~ 1968 as presented,.~ Motion seconded by Mr. Nylund and carried 3-0~ Mr. Summers abstained for the reason as stated above. P..~B5tC AUDIE~CE Col. Albert J. Wehrell congratualted ~he Council for bringing to ~ruition a fire station With funds on hand. Mm. Walter ~. Madsen made inquiry regal~dtng the proposed garbage disposal program. Mr-. Dwight Roehm thanked the Council for a very enjdyebte 4th of July program. -i- MINUTES REGULAR C~.~TY C~NCIL ~iEETING JULY 8~ 1968 _AWAgD~_ING OF BIDS. Fire Station The tabulating committee recommended that alternates 1 through 5 be rejected and alternates 4 through 6 be accepted and the bid on the construction of a fire station be awarded to William Q. Hayes and ~'~. J.~/~obinson Construction COmpany at a total cost of $80~035.50. Mr. Summers made a motion that the recommendati~ of the tabular/rig committee be accepted in its entirety. ~{otion seconded by M~. Gallo and carried 4-0. ~LD BUSINESS Receipt of letter from .First Bank of Boynton Bead}', The City l~ianager ~ead letter from the First Bank of Boynton Beach in which Mr. George Wilde, President stated that the committment of $160,000 the city Interes~ that the month of was still available to the City for the work to be done by in conjunction with the improvement of Second Avenue, North. rate at 4.75%. ~. Courtney stated that he had been advised conEract would be let for subject improvement during the July. Mm. Summers moved ro accept the offer of the First Bank of Boynton Beach and to ~equest that the eommittment be left open until the money was needed by the City. ~¢otion seconded by Mr. Gallo and carried 4-0. c ayor M~chael.suggested that members of Council and City Hall employees be included in the t-rial period of the St. Regis garbage disposal pmogmam. ~{r. Faz~ar requested that the directors of the Chamber of Commerce also be included in subject program. Alt members of the Council were in accord with these suggestions as they felt it would give the group a working ~]owledge of the p~oposed program. M~. Gallo made inquiry as to the status of the wee~ and hyacinth eradication in the local canals, M~. Courtney advised that a study was being made to enable the City.~ operate the program instead of br/nging in a eontmactor to do the app!icaticn of chemicals. %ne Mayor gave a brief repor~ on the t~ip to Tallahassee July 2nd at which time he and Mr. Gallo attended a meeting with Governor Kirk~ Representative Robert De¥oung~ Representative Joseph W. Humphrey and other State and County officials to discuss access roads to 1-95. Mayor Michael also announced a meeting scheduled with the State Road Departmen~ in Ft. Lauderdale for ~.~nesday~ July 10 at 9:30 A.M. with a representative Of the Fedemal Bureau of Roads being present to discuss the same subject. -2- C MINUTES REG~IAR CITY CO%LNCIL ~ETING · dLY 8~ 1968 ,,NEW BUS I~SS Mayor Michael and Vice ~ayor Gallo brought to the attention of the Council the deplorable condition of the intersection of Seaerest Boulevard at S.W. tSth Avenue. Mr. Summers made a mo¢ion to draw up a resolution To be forwarded to The County Co~mission to get this situation corrected. Motion seconded by Pit. Gallo and carried 4.-0. Di~. Howard Ri9 ev annealed be~ ........ . . _. = _ =~. . ~u~.u uou/%~ll ano lntl?oduced D~. Home~ ~g~ ~lo~s P~opertles ~ ~o ~ro~sed a d~velO9ment of appmox~teiy quu a~es ~ ~e ?~stemn see~on of the Ci~.~ p~opem z~ing could ~ made available ~o~ single family cqnd~i~ ~e homes of app~oxi- ~ty 800 square f~t ar~a. ~. Gallo mo~d that the P~e~ a~pli- ~tion ~ filed with the P~g and Zon~g B~d foT ~ed~te a~i~n and thei~ ~eco~e~on ~e ~o~de~ to Co~l s so~ . ~ ~ a as possible. Motion seconaed ~ ~,~. Nylund and ~d 4-0. M~yor Michael brought to the attention of all those present that the ~.o?ers of the State ~ould be called u9on to decide the fate of the ~Home Rule~ clause as p~oposed in the revised constitution. He said to him it meant I~et~o...that the municipalities %~outd lose their local form of government to the County. LEGAL ,O~dinance 68-16 (2nd rea~in~) rezonin~ acTea~e parcel - Wolfe request: Mr. Gallo moved that ordinance 68-16 be tabled until such time as a full COuncil is present. Motion seconded by ~. Nytund and carried ~~I; ~. Summers voting No. .O~,dinance 68-17 (ist reading) c~antin7 a non-exclusive license to Teleprompter The City ATtorney r~ad Ordinance 68-1~ in its entirety. ~.~. Gallo moved that Ordinanc= 68-t7be approved and passed to second reading. Motion seconded by kJ_r. S~u~m. ers and carried 3-t. Mayor Michael Opposed because subject fir~ had not filed the proper foPm of oath /n connection t~ith their bid. ~esolution 68-F establishing charge fo~ use of cemetery equipment: M~. ~oore~ City A~torney~ read Resolution 68-F in its entirety. ~. Gallo made a motion to adopt Resolutioh 68-F. }lotion seconded by ~. Summers and carried 4-0. -3- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 8, 1968 .R. esoiu~ion 68-G re chan~e in paV plan for certain employees: The City Attorney read Resolution 68-G. Mr. Gallo moved to adopt Resolution 68-G. Motion seconded by ~r. Nytund and carried 4-0. Mr. Moore brought to the attention of the Council the request by Mr. Joseph Tomber9 to include the name of M~s. Earl (Helen) Wallace on the Taxi franchise granted F.~ Wallace. ME. ~allo moved that the request be granted. Motion seconded by Mr. Summers and carried 4-0. The City Attorney advised Council that Mr.. Humphrey had been success- ful in gettS_ng a charter amendmen~ through ~he legislature to allow interest r~te up to 6~ on future bonded ind~btedaless subjsct tO ~pproval by referendum election in the fall. ADMINISTRATIVE Consider filling Boavd vacancies: Road Plannin~ Board: Mr. SUmm%ers moved that the membership of subject Bard remain the same and they could elect their ov~ chairman. Motion seconded by Mr.. Gallo and carried 4-0. P!anninq ~and Zonin9 Board: M~.Nylund submitted the name of Leon Cloutie~'and the Mayor suggested Bill Yates. M~. Nylund moved that Leon Cloutier be appointed to the Planning and Zonin~ Board to fill the ~uexpired term of Merle Doughty, resigned. Motion seconded by Mr. Gallo and carried 3-1. Inter-R~ cial Committee: The Committee had requested another minister be appointed to fill vacancy created by ~le resignation of Rev. Vernon Perkins. Mr. Gallo suggested that Mr. Courtney contact the Ministerial Association for a suggestion on this appointment. Receipt of Tax Roll for 1968 Mr. William Atlan~ Tax:~ssessor presented the following fi§utes: Assessed Valuation Wido~ & ~y~.~d.~ NOn-Exempt Disability E~e~P%lon $91,978,658 $217,500 $16,834:675 $74,9R6,483 ~. Summers moved that the above figures be accepted subject to the Board of Equalization. Motion seconded by Mr. Gallo and carried 4-0. -4- MIkrdTE8 REGULAR CITY COL~CtL ~ETING JULY 8~ 1968 ..Pmoposa!s ~Or repair of Civic Center Cent~at Air Conditi0ninq The Purchasir~ Agent presented thrace ~.~oposals for the repair of subject air c ,~ditioning unit, After much discussion ~ir. Summers moved to table this item for further study. ~.fotion seconded by [,~ oai_o and carried 4-0. OTHER ~, Gallo made inquiry as ~o the sidewalk improvements. Mr. Cou~tney advised that bids were scheduled to he opened on the consImuction of sidewalks at the July 15th meeting. The constmuction of the snack bar at the beach was discussed and the City ~t~corney was requested to work with the Town o~ Ocean Ridge and endeavor ~o ge~ the pmob!ems ironed out. Being no further bueiness~ P~., Gallo moved that the meeting he adjourned. Motion seconded by Mr. Nylund and ca,tied 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 9: 05P.M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH: ~LORtDA Michae 1,~V. ~±'ereesa Padget~ City Clerk f%. St,u'amers :, -5-