Minutes 03-18-68MINUTES OF REGUI~AR CITY COUNCIL M-EETI~G HELD AT CITY HALL, BO.Y!-ITON BEACtl, FLORIDA ON MONDAY~ M~LRCH .18, 1968 AT 7:~0 P.M. PPiS .ENT: Michael V. Michael, Vincent J. Gallo, Vice Mayor Gilbert HoCollins, Councilman Leonard E. Nylund~Councilman Thomas A. Sun~ers,Councilman Gene Moore, City Attorney Grady W~Courtney, City Mgr. Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk Mayor Michael called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. The Invocation was given by Rev. Douglas Smith, and the Flag Salute was ledby George Jo~nson, Recreation Director. Recognition of Civic Organizatipns: M~yor Michael introduced Mrs. ~arry Martin, President of · the Boynton Beach Junior Woman's Club and ~rs. Harry Vaughn, of the Boynton Beach Sorosis. Presentation of Participants. in. "Youth in Government": Mayor Michael introduced the 58 participating students from Boynton Beach Jr. High School and "Mayor" Ernie Gilm~r came fo~ard and thanked the City Officials for their interest and cooperation in making this night possible. "M~yor" Ernie Gilmer introduced ~.~. Renice Lansing, Principal of Boynton Beach Jr. High School who commented about the extreme interest the students have in City Government, and the pleasure they derive from being able to "take over" the positions of the City employees for this evening as well as on Tuesday, March 19th, between the hours of I0 A.M. and noon. At this point, Mrs. Padgett, City Clerk, administered the Oath of Office to the 56 participating students. MINUTES: ~egular Meeting - March 4, 1968 irt. ~ytund moved that the Minutes of ~.rch 4, 1968 Meeting be a~cepted as presented. ~. Gallo seconded. Unanimously carried. OLD BUS!L~ESS: Approval Requested to Have ~gineering Reoort Prepared, (On the Table): F~. Summers moved that this item be removed from the teble for discussion. Mr.Gallo seconded. Unanimously carried. Page No. 1 ~-T/qU TES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 18~ 1968 City Manager stated that this was a report requested by City Council several wee~ks ago and he had attempted to ~cquire proposals from several engineering firm~ but had been inform.- ed that according to ethical standards, we are only able to approach one engineering f.iz~ at a time and inasmuch as the City is still ~ing business wi~h Russell and Axon Consult- ing Engineers/~e o~her firms would not submit a proposal until we either accept or reject Russell &Axon's proposal. Mr. Nylund quest~O~ whether or not we have to hire a con- sulting engineer at this time. City Attorney stated that Russell and Axon were available for consulting services but would have to be employed for special pro3ects. Mr. Courtney stated that two functions are involved here: 1. To make periodical surveys and a report to the bond holders for their information and 2. The requirements of the Bond Resolution whereby we have to employ a consulting firm to advise the City on general operations. Much discussion followed. Mr. Summers moved we authorize the City Manager and City Attorney to prepare a contract for the services as outlined by Russell &Axon in their proposal dated ~rch 18, 1968. ~4r. Gallo seconded. Mayor k4ichael pointed out that the City Council has been able to decrease the original proposal submitted by Russell and Axon by at least half the original costs after their meeting with Mr. George Pzdsseli of March 18, 1968. The motion passed 4-1 I,~o ~ylund dissenting. AWARDING OF BIDS~ Kiddy Park Equ. i~Dment: Mr. Courtney explained that the Tabulating Committee con- sisting ofWilliamAltan, Purchasing ~gent, George Johnson, Recreation Director, Mrs. Harry Martin~ President of Jr. Woman's Club and the City Manager reconumend the following: Mexico Forge: Stage Coach $635.00 Animals $270.00 R. E~ Burke Co.: Climber $117.50 ~;~er ry-Go-Round $258.50 _ Page No. 2 MIb~JTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 18, 1968 . Miracle Playground Equip. Co. Turtle (fiberglass) $197.00 Park Benches $204.00 Animal Slide :$313.00 Mayor Michael stated he noticed we did not accept ~he low- est bid. Mr. Courtney explained that many aspects were t~c~n into con- sideration such as the weight, type of equipment, material used, sturdiness of the product and the safety of the chil- dren, therefore, it was the considered opinion of the Tabu- lating Committee that these were the best bids for ~e needs and requirements of the proposed Kiddy Park at the Civic Center. ~,~. Gallo moved we accept the recommendations of the Tabu- lating Committee on this equipment. ~lr. Nylund seconded. Unanimously carried. .PUBLIC AUDIF~CE: Ra~mond E. Martin, 919 S. W. 27th Way came for~ard to express his objections to the proposed Trailer Ordinance. Rev. Douglas Smith, 625 ~illcrest Rd. came forward as a citi- zen and also in the capacity as President of the Ministerial Association to express objections to the extension of the bar hours and suggested a debate be held between members of the Ministerial Association and representatives of the liquor industry to try and resolve this issue. F~s. George Latcham came forward to congratulate the parti- cipating students on their interest in City GoverP~ent and expressed the hope they would atten~ future meetings with their parents. F~s. Emily Jackson voiced her objections to the pmoposed Palm Beach Co. Tax District for the 1-95 Interchange. Rev. R. M. Lee 407 N. ~. 9th Ave voiced his objections to the extension of bar hours. Peter Doelger 129 S. W. 7th Ave. expressed his opinion regard- ing trailers and campers and indicated h~ was in favor of parking this equipment on private property. C. Stanley Weaver 322 S. W. 8th Ave. President of the Volun- teer Firemen's Association announced that $4,000 had been raised by his group and it will be used to purchase a first aid truck, and requested the assistance of the City to secure bids for this equipment. Page No. 3 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 18, 1968 Mr. Wallace 2830 S. W. 9th St. stated he was in favor of the proposed Trailer Ordinance. Ernest G. $imon,Attorney representing High Point Condominiums wondered %~hy Ordinance 68-6 Re: Fire Prevention was being considered this evening. And further stated, that inasmuch as High Point was being turned over to the resident-owners by the developers, would the new corporation be responsible for furnishing the required fire equipment as requested by the City's Fire Department. Mr. Moore stated that if the fire equipment had not been in- stalled at the time the developers turned over the manage- ment of High Point to the apartment owners, that they would have to have this equipment installed. ~owever, the Ordinance being considered tonight had no bearing on this recent re- quest by the City, it was merely to up-date the City's Fire Code. F~-~ BUS~_~ESS: Thank you Letters: City Clerk read a letter received fromM rs. Jean Martin, President of the Jr. Woman's Club. City Clerk read a letter received from Mrs. Helen A. Glass, representative of the parents in the area of N~ E. 1st St. and ~. E. 2nd Ave. LEGAL: Ordinance 68-4 (2nd Reading) Establishing Hours of Sale of Alcoholic Beverages. City Attorney read Ordinance 68-4 by caption only. Mr°Collins made a motion that this item be placed on the t~ble for further discussion. Mr. Summers seconded the motion with the stipulation that the debate (previously mentioned by Rev. Douglas Smith) take place. Mr. Collins stated he still feels that an additional fee should be infringed upon those bars who chose to remain open until 5 A.M. Motion carried 3 to 2 with Mayor Michael and Vice M~yor Gallo voting nay. Page No. 4 fL- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH. 18~ 1.968 City Clerk road a letter recoived from the Executive Council of the Sterllng Village Citizens, InC, in which they object- ed to the extension of the bar hours, which Was signed bY 37 residents of that complex. Ordinance 68-5 (2nd Reading) Rezoning Lots 4,5,6~7 & 8, Block 1~. Civic Center and adjoining Darcel in Sec. 22-45S~Range City Attorney read above Ordinance by caption only. Mr. Gallo moved Ordinance 68-5 to change the zoning from R-iA to R-l, be passed on second reading. ~lr. Summers seconded. Unanimously carried. Ordinance 68-6 (Emergency) Amending Section 12-1 of the Code re: Fire Prevention: . City Attorney read the above Ordinance, then stated the reasons for Ordinance 68-6 was to up-date the City's Fire Code inasmuch as this had not been done since 1956. Much discussion followed as to whether or not this must be an emergency Ordinance. It was the feeling of the City Council that inasmuch as this Ordinance had been delayed for so long, there would be no reason why it could not follo%~ the regular channels, as basically they disapproved of emergency Ordinances° Mr.Gallo moved that Ordinance 68-6 be accepted on tst read- ing since obviously it was not going to pass with a 4-1 vote which is necessary for an emergency ordinance. ~4r.$ummers seconded. Unanimously carried. Ordinance 68-7 (Emerqency) Re: Cigarette Tax: City Attorney read Ordinance 68-7 and explained that inaemueh as the Florida Legislature provided for the imposition of an additional cigarette excise tax to be effective April 1st, it was necessary for the City to pass Ordinance 68-7 immedi- ately in order to receive the taxes which will take effect on April 1st, otherwise th~ exci~e taxes will revert to the State of Florida. Mr. Gallo moved Ordinance 68-7 bo passed as an emergency Ordinance. Mr. Collins seconded. Unanimously carried. Page No.5 MINUTES R~GULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~MARCH IB~ 1988 F~yor Michael read a letter received from Mr. Hank Thompson in which he explained the proposed South Palm Beach County Tax District from which monies could be obtained to finance 1-95 Interchange for the City of Boynton Beach, as well as surrounding co~unities. Discussion followed by the City Council, in which they con- cluded that the citizens of Boynton Beach should be advised of this issue and public meetings should be scheduled to which Commissioner'-Warrenand his assistants should be pre- sent, in order to answer questions pertaining to this issue. Mr. Summers moved we permit the Road Planning Committee to proceed with their plans to have a petition signed, but mean%,;hile authorize the City Manager to arrange a Public Hear- ing with the County Commissioners and publicize said meeting so the Citizens of Boynton Beach can participate in this dis- cussion. Mr. Gallo seconded. Unanimousl~ carried. ~oDsider Lease Agreemen~ with, FraternalOrder of Police: Mayor Michael explained that basically this was a Lease Agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police for a 30 year period at $1o00 per year, for the purpose of leasing City property for a Rifle Range. Mr. Nylund moved we grant this 30 ~ear lease at $1.00 per year to the Fraternal Order of Police. Mr. Gallo seconded. Unanimously carried. ,Transfer of FUnds: Mr. Courtney explained these transfers were made for the speci- fic reasons as explained on the list submitted. Mr. Gallo moved the List of Transfers be approved and become part of these i~nutes. Mr. Summers seconded. Unanimously carried. Presentation of 19~6-67 Audit ReDort- Mr. Summers moved we accept this report as presented. Mr. Nylund seconded. Unanimously carried. Consider Request of Waiver of Civil Service Rules Re: Detective ~aminatlons:, Mr. Courtney explained that the Police Department had two patrolman who desired to take the detective examination but these applicants do not have the required 12 month tenure. Page Iqo.6 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 18, 1968 Fir. Gallo moved we permit the two patrolman to take the detective examination. ~ir. Summers seconded. Unanimously carried. List of Payments made in F~ruary: Fir. b~ylund moved we accept the List of P~yments be presented. Mr.Gal!o Seconded. Unanimously carried. ADDroval of Bills: City Clerk presented the following bills and advised they had been checked by the Finance Department and approved hy the City ~nager. Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce (February) $1,447.90 Benz Chevrolet Co. Compact Car-Insp. Dept. $1,792.77 De Marco Tractor & Implement Tractor with backhoe and Loader $7,495.00 Gerald L. Hawkins,Auditor General Fund $775.00 Wtr. & Sewer Fund $1,365.00 $2,140.00 ~. Summers moved we approve these bills for payment. Mr. ~ylund seconded. Unanimously carried. Reconsider the Minutes of F_eb_ruary 19~ 1968 Meefing: City Cle~ advised~the following items had been omitted from the Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of February 19~ 1968; and a motion to amend these Minutes would be in order. (A) Page 3 - Bids were opened for Three ~obile Ra~ios and one Base Station. ('The underscored words were omitted.) (B) Pag9 9 - The bill from Jerry Earl Pontiac for 4 Police Cars ~ $2,483.78 each, less trade in or net amount of $8,485.12 was presented for pa~a~ent. Motion made to pay same by Mr. Sun~ers. Seconded by Mr. Nylund and unanimously carried. Page No. 7 MIAVJTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING .MARCH 18, 1968 This entire paragraph (B) needs to be added to the Minutes of February 19, 1968. ~wir. Nylund made the motion to amend the Minutes of the February 19th Me,ting to include Items "A" & "B". I~r. Gallo seconded. Unanimously carried. OTHER: Authorizati__on t9 qo oqt for..Bids on Amblewa9on-Ambulance:. Mr. Summers made a motion to authorize the City Manager to go out for Bids on the FirstAid Rescue Truck for the Volun- teer Fire Department. Mr. Collins seconded. Unanimously carried. Discussion of "Public Audience": Much discussion followed by ~%e City Council as to how the segment: "Public Audience" should be handled. Mr. Summers stated he felt discussion should take place when an issue is presented to Council. Mr. Gallo stated he felt that all public opinions should be heard at the designated time allotted to "Ptf01ic Audience". Mr. Gallo recommended that Mr. Courtney obtain a copy of a speech made by Mayor Sease of Titusville at the Florida League Conference, as he'thought that City had an excellent method of resolving this problem. Mayor Michael stated that this discussion would continue at the next Workshop. Evaluating the Various City Bqards and Committees: Mr. Gallo was of the opinion that the City was not using the Boards and Committees to their capabilities and for which . they were intended. He further stated that the use of these Boards and Committees were intended to save the City Council muck time and work. It was Mr. Galto's recommendation that this matter be taken up at the Workshop Session of March 25th. Page No. 8 MISK3TES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING ,MARCH 25,, 1968 __ J There being no further business~ Mr. Summers made a motion the meeting be adjourn. ~. Gallo seconded. Unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. Michael V. Michael, Mayor Gilbert 8. Collins, Councilman L~6nard E. ~yluna, ~'un6ifm"an Thomas A.Summ~s, Councilman (Mrs°) Tereesa Pa~tt; City Clerk Page PAYHENTS ~DE IN FEBRUARY BY DATE FEBRUARY 1, 1968 FEBRUARY 2, 1968 FEBRUARY 5, 1968 FEBRUARY 6, 1968 FEBRUARY 7, 1968 FEBRUARY 8, ~968 FEBRUARY 9, t968 FEBRUARY !2, t968 FEBRUARY 15, 1968 FEBRUARY 1~ 1968 FEBRUARY 15, 1968 FEBRUARY 20, 1968 FEbRUaRY 21, 1968  UARY 2~, 196~ UA~Y 23, FEB~RY 2~, FEB~UA~Y 29, 1968 ............................ 1968 ............................. 1968 ............................ 1968 ............................ 1968 ............................ 5440. 71 22, 507.63 2. 501.96 892.58 316. 55 4, 1944.09 2, 290. 09 216. $6 9, $81.22 52, 2449.98 1, 119.90 1, 56~. 4:1 s, 5?2. o8 PAYHENTS MADE BY FUNDS GENERAL FUND-.-~-===--- ......................... WATER SYSTE~ REYENUE FUND .................... WA~ER DEPOSITORS FUND ....................... SEWER REYENUE FUND ........................... SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSITORS FUh'D ................ SE~CER DEPOSIT FUND ........................... FIREMEN'S RELIEF d~ PENSION FU~D .............. POLICE RETIREMENT FUND ....................... BOYNTON BEACH kIEHORIAL PARK FUND ............. -PUBLICITY FUJ~D ............. CIGARETTE TAX FUND ........................... I ~ $ FUND ................................. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND ..................... CIYIG CENTER BOND SINKING FUND .............. MUNICIPAL S~I~ING POOL BOND SINKING FUND .... 89, 016.11 $7, 295.11 322.50 $0, 6449.68 85.70 6.50 4,0244.27 2, ooo. oo 1,200. O0 1,031.3i 1,000o O0 °79 151.32 1. O0 958.60 67, 700. 79 PAYMENTS MADE IN FEBRUARY, 1968 FEB. 1968 gENERAL FUND 1 ?849 BorNmom Bcz FIam Dmm~. 17855 Czar oF B,B,-Pz~r S,~sm 17854 CZ~x om B,B.-Pm~, Czsm WATER lOGi£ lOGl$ SYSTEM REYENUE FUND SEWER REYENUE FUND 20~4 Cm'.Y oF B.B.-Pm~Y 404.14 44.9? 28. O1 4.50 540. FEB. 19G8 GENERAL FUND I ?855 17856 1 ?857 1 7858 17859 17860 17861 17862 1 ?865 17864 1 7865 17866 17867 1 7868 17871 17872 17875 CzTr OF B.B.-W,~Tma Dmm~. CITY OF FT. IBM CO~O~TZOm N~t~ Imsr. LAw P~zY Bowms I~c. ALLIED C~LOaINE ~ Bor,v~oN Bc~ F~am Oz~ oF WATEB SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 10614 ~4 10615 AL~XEr 106!G CIvr OF B.B.-PaYaoL~ SEWER REYENUE FUND 2025 Yza~m~ & Waz~mz 2026 AL~imm Cz~oaimm 202? CI~r om B.B.-P,~r~oLL 475. OG I. O0 14.50 67. 50 1. O0 83.55 64.50 15.92 160. 50 25.56 46. 70 1G. O0 11.50 87. O0 12, 684. 96 770. O0 4-,6t2.90 19,138.15 262.90 501.60 1, 661.54 2,426.04 26.65 2~I.88 674.91 943.44 22, 507. 63 PAYMENTS MADE IN FEBRUARY, 1968 (GONT. ) FEB. 5, 1968 6, 1968 GENERAL FUND 17869 BsowAam 17870 ~7874 :~ 78 75 1 7876 17877 17879 57880 1 7881 17882 1 7885 1 7884 1 7885 1 7887 17889 17890 1 789~ 111.70 GADZL~AC GLASS 008~. 78.35 CITY OF 8. B.-PmT~Y CASS $0.46 Go~maCE NATZO~AL BZ~K 34. ~ Bm~zneo ?~e~os ~ I~p~. 66.37 Wmz ~v N~ eDowm~ 1 ~2. O0 ~mxma~ Taac~ P~n~s 37. $5 f~IL BARN 150. O0 IEaOX Coa~. 1~. 4~ WATER 1061 ? 10618 10619 10620 10621 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND B~ ~o~ F. Po~p Bran A~ WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7639 EmiA R. HATSAWA~.' 7640 7641 Acc~. 7642 A¢c~. 7643 Acc~. 7644 Acc~. OF RAYMOND POPp oF B. C. REYNOLm$ OF WIA~IA~ POOLmY SEWER REVENUE FUND 2028 ?mc~NIc INSTS~mmNTS FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND 239 HAaOLS P. HmSRIN~ GENERAL FUND 17892 JomN Mu-~msy 1 7895 Rreszar Nm~'zm 1 7894 WI~,izm A~LAm 17.16 24. O0 80.98 6.84 7. 50 7.50 7.50 7. 50 7.50 . ,Z. 5o 45. O0 ,,.4.9. ss 24.27 24. O0 24. O0 2. 051~ 96 PAYMENTS ~ADE IN FEBRUARY, 19G8 (CON?.) 6, 1968 1968 WATER SYSTEM RETENUE FUND 10622 DzawzN Lowm 10623 Nas. 10G25 Bm~m K~rwm~ 5. £0 5.20 6. 96 ., . 80 18.1G WATER DEPOSITORS FUND ?G45 Mas. Nz~mtN K. H~NT ?.50 7646 ACCT. or INxz S~Nms 7.$0 7G47 AccT. OF 7648 Acc~. OF M~S. Ela~m~ S~z~T ~50 ?650 Acc~. or Nmoae~ T. Loa~ 7.50 7651 ~ccT. om W.£. Boao=em EsT. .,, 7.60 60.00 SEWER REYENUE FUND 2033 Gmoaem f. Lo~m SEWAGE DEPOSIT FUND 336 Acc~. OF Gmoaem T. Loa~ SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 241 AccT. OF JOHN FtULKmER 242 JomN Ft~mmma 243 Acc~. or JOE Lo.rs Goat PUBLICITY FUND 240 BorN~o= Bmt¢m NENERAL FUND 17896 G~T¥ OF B.B.-PxTTy CAss ~ UB PUBLICITY FUND · 33 6. gO 1~. 50 13. 20 ,1.,,s. o 44.20 696.09 46. 77 120. O0 316.55 1968 (OONT.) NEFERA£ FU;[D 17897 Hz~aY LUNSFOR~ 17898 R~ D. 17899 Jo~N W. JohNstoN 7.76 17900 No~ HUD~LmS~OH 3.67 17901 So. BmL~ Tm~. & ?m~. 80.10 1790£ OrTZ OF B.B.-W~?xu DEmZ. £78.18 17~03 J. B=SsXLL FolLow MD 7.00 1790~ t~I~rox INTEaN~T'L gOaP. 11.29 17905 F.W. EINI¢~E 1 7907 PamN~Iom-H~LL INc. 1G. 96 1 ?908 C~Nm Moo~m 1~. O0 17~0~ BL~m Caoss-B~m SmmELm 1,818.01 17910 MZN~FtCTURERS ~IFE INS. 1~.00 17~11 SO. BELL Tmn. ~ TmL. BO. ?0 3,035.57 FATED SYSTEH REYENUE FUND 10626 $o. BmLL TEL. & Tm~,. .95 10627 SO. Mm~-,xa S~pm~x INc. 350. O0 10628 B~m Caoss-B~m Smrm~ 83.$6 10629 g~zcm 10~S0 faom~s 22.96 10631 H~NgF~e~aEaS ' '7~. SEWER REYENUE FUND 2029 2030 BL¢m ¢aOSS-BLVE 2031 MZNUF~dCT~;REI~B LrFm INs. 377. 82 26. 05 404.43 4, 194.03 FEB. 5 1968 GENERAL. FUND 17912 FL~. STz~m gNz~'masz~r 17913 Oz~y ox B.B.-P.~raoLL 17914 BoYNvoN ~I~EDIT UNION WAFER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 10632 ff~y OF B.B.-PzYaOL.5 SEWER REYENUE FUND 2034 20. O0 186.25 469. O0 933.24 ,681.54t 290. 03 PAYMENTS MADE IN FERRUARY, 1966 (OONT.) FEB. 12, 1968 GENERAL FUND 17915 Oca~ms E. W~z~m~ 17916 ~¥ OF B.B.-Pm~Ty Czsm 17917 C~r OF B.B.-Pm~r O~sm SEWER & WATER DEPOSIT FUND 246 Ac¢~. OF S~r¢o-I~,~maNzT'~,. 45.00 4~ 87 97.49 190.56 216.56 FEB. 15, 1968 GENERAL FUND 1 7918 M¢~. Fr~. OFF. ASS 1 7920 B~¢~zmm 17921 ~m~m NOOSE 17922 Jm~ E~A Pom~ra¢ I~¢. 1792~ C~vr OF B.B.-PE~r !792~ C~r OF B.B.-PmvTr 17925 Cz~Y ~F B.B.-W~m~ Dmm~. WATER SYSTEM REKENUE FUND 20654 Cri, r o~ B.B.-Pmv~rr Czszt 10655 Oryx OF B.B.-Pm~Tr O~s~ SEWER REYENUE FUND 2055 fixer OF B.B.-Pm~'r 20. O0 17. 42 50.00 8, 485. ~2 G?. 23 41.10 6 71,. 96 9, 552. es 16. 88 19. G$ 6.86 581.52 14, 1968 ~ENERAL FUND 17926 Cm~s~ms WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 10656 RmF~mmrm~ & Imm~oF. lOGS? A~F~mm Dm~r~ 7652 ?655 7655 7656 7657 Acc~. SEWER REYENUE FUND 2056 REFUlgBr~ d: Im~,~Or'. 15.25 26, 560.15 26, 584.85 7. 50 7. 50 7.50 7. 50 7.50 15. O0 52. 50 25~ 79 7. 58 52,249.98 15, 1968 GENEP~L FUND 17927 AB~E¢Z IsBcs~arms Irc. 17928 ABF~Ncz Ara CoNDr~roN. 17929 ALLE~ 17950 JO~N 1 7951 1 7932 1 7953 1 7954 17955 1 7956 17957 1 7958 10639 10640 10641 10642 106~3 106~4 SEWER REYENUE FUND 2037 BorN~oN ArrTo Sr;~LY 2058 DoN's FZaES~ON~ 144.50 15. 70 i$. 80 8. O0 48. $9 129o 02 5. O0 115. B5 50. O0 ~9.50 26. 50 153.15 75 . 178.76 9.35 ?0.52 40. 98 ~5.52 , 553.87 1.13 5.89 1,119.90 FEB. 1968 GENERAL FUND 17959 Oz~r OF B.B.-Pzrao~L 179~0 BorNzo~ CaEor~ UmroN WiTEB SYSTEN REFENUE FU~ 106~5 ~ITY OF B.B.-P~YaO&L SEWER REYENUE FUND 2039 Crwr OF B.B.-P~Yaora, 12, 204. ?~ 680. O0 12, 884. 74 1. GG1.54 668.28 15, 214.56 PAYMENTS MADE IN FEBRUARY, 1968 (GONT.) GENERAL 1794.2 1 7944 1 7946 I ~ 795~ 1 ?955 1 7956 ~ 7958 ~ 7959 17960 lse B~r OF ~z~r oF B.B.-P~y Jo~ Jo~ s 4.00.90 68. 32 10. O0 199. $0 $4..24. $OG. 4.9 t O~ O0 10. O0 15.00 lO. oo 5~ O0 55. 8£ £4.90 45. ~0 Gg. G8 $1fi~.O0 200;72fi 21 8~ 50 FEB. 20, 1968 1064.6 106~7 1064.9 SYSTEM REYENUE FUND CrTr om B.B.-WAem~ DmmT. GE~ L. H~wmzss So. ~XT~ S~mm~ Co. SEWER REYENUE FUND 2040 CITY OF B.B.-PE~'ey CAss PUBLICITt~ FUND 24.7 Borz¢~o~ T~ArmL 248 Dzcmr~rso~ Amrma~zsz~c~ GEiVEBAL FUND ~7965 1 7966 Seza Pamss 17967 S~ Sm~TZ~m~ 17968 Earn 1 ?969 ~. W. W~so~ ~. 12.59 1 75. O0 58. 35 25. G$ 12.69 68. 4.5 31.02 15.50 4.4..61 20.00 750. O? PAYMENTS MADE IN FEBRUARY, 1968 (CONT.) FEB. 20, 1968 GENERAL FUND 17970 So. REAL TEL. · TEL. 522.92 17971 F.E. M~S~E~D 90.51 17972 CZTZmS gmat'ZeE Co. 1,085.60 17975 ~.~. B~ 119. 70 I797~ S~mcr~ Assess. FCN~ 678.~9 17975 I ~ S F~N~ (C~r o~ DB) ~,667.77 1 7976 N~m, 1 79 77 B.B. Nrmosza~ Pz~r 1,865. O0 17978 PO~CE 17979 F~mrY'z R&P 17980 Pa~¢r~r F~ 12,~70,81 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 10650 W,~Tma & SmWma DEP. F¢ND 15.20 10651 T.T. W~LSm 2.04 10652 DmMza¢O ~ SONS ~. ~8 10655 C~r OF B.B.-¢mN'~ F¢=r G?O.O~ 1065~ Czar or B.B.-Smwma FaNta 10656 2o. Bx~ TEL. ~ TEL. i10,25 10657 Cx~zms SEa~Cm Or~ CO. ~06.87 808. $ 7 SEWER REYENUE FUND 2042 ?rsr,~Lm's 204..~ ZEp ~ANCFA¢TUi~ZY~. ~0. 20~5 Jz~rs ~. Bz~a 20~ OzTY OF B.B.-~m~'~ F~y~ $7.50 142.56 23.25 2.99 8.40 2~.70 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7658 ACCT. OF C,~SL~Om Wzrm~m ?.50 7659 CLaim gmrSTma 7.50 7661 ~cc~. o~ ?.T. ~ZLS~ 15.00 7662 Acc~. OF MTLLtRD MCGEE 7.50 ~5. ~ SEWER & WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 249 ACCT. oF J.~mms A. Bzz~ 15. 50 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND 250 CITY OF B.B.-~ENEaaA BOYNTON BEAGH MEMORIAL FUND 251 CrTY OF B.B.-~mNE~L FaNm 1~200.00 14~885o 70 PAYHENTS M~DE IN FEBRUTRY, 1968 FEB. FEB. FEB, 21, 22, 1968 1968 968 GENERAL FUND 1 7981 G~zDY Go=~zNmr 1 7982 AmNm~TE P. TrNmE~ 1 7983 JE~ E~ Pom~r~¢, INC. NUNICIPAI, SWINMING POOL BOND FUND 252 GE~ERAL FUND 92.50 17.25 492.16 25. O0 62~. 91 957. 50 17985 ~rvr oF B.B.-PE~r Czss 17.92 17986 gr~r oF B.B.-PE~r 0~sm 42.17 17988 Yr~cm~ J. ~o 80.00 17989 E~w~ D~Fr ~, I50. O0 17990 S~¢~ B. F¢z~ 70.00 17991 ~ 17992 17993 BL¢m Caoss~B~¢E Ssm~n 66~ 00 2, 991.28 W~4TER SYSTEI¥I REYENUE FUND t 0655 D.R. Wmss G. 70 ~0658 HomEs mr LEOm 2.90 10659 Rre~ BE~S~Er~ 2. 59 10660 ~a KILLY 4.72 10661 Earc F. Yl~Lo~ 18~.~ WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7665 Join E~,~,ma 7. 50 766~ ~cc~. OF TZOXZS SCOTT 7.50 7665 Ae~. Om D.R. WE~m 15.00 7GGG Ace~. oF Homms ~r Lmom ?. 50 7GG? Aec~. o~ Rrcm~m Bm~xs~mrm 7.50 7668 ~ee~. or A~s~s Kr~r 7.50 NENEBAL FU&~ 1799~ BormTom ?t~z~,m~ .4~mmer 111.00 17995 A~m~ Ommmze~ Co. 18.10 17996 Borg,om Bmze~ S~za 5~. 77 17997 Do~'s Fr~xs~o~m ~5.58 17998 Eaz~ Oo~s~ P~mm~ Go. 26.28 18000 F~z. Rmesm~o~ Ass ~m. 2~. O0 18001 F~. L~mam~Lm Nmws 7.48 18002 L~rm~ OOMP~Ny 52.50 1800~ Or~r oF B.B.-P~Y~o~L 5,02~.19 1800~ Bormzor O~mor~ U~ro= 6~8.00 1,564-. ~1 245.09 PAYMENTS MADE IN FEBRUARY, 1968 FE~. FEB. 25, 26, 1968 1968 GENERAL FUND 18005 H~smx ~ G~Ze~ZTm 18006 N.Y. A~mLm~re S~mmL~ 18007 0~.~ $~o~ S~o~, WATER ~OGG2 10665 1066~ SYSTEM REYENUE W.H. O~a~s ~ Go. GrTY oF B.B.-PaYBOLA SEWER REYENUE FUND 20~ 7 B & H 2048 G~Y oF B.B.-P~YaOLn 781.68 90.9~ 10.95 6,771o~7 $1.97 5.88 971~.09 22.00 80?.52 GENERAL FUND 18008 L~w~ M~. ~ Sma~. Ass'x. 5.00 1800.9 P.~z,~ Bm.~cm L~m~ S~cs 20.89 18010 ?ao~r~s I~c. 121.06 18011 ~om~ G~s~ Rm~rs~m~ 285.51 18012 Pze~an G~m~c~ Co. 1 ?. 50 18013 Bmmmx Coa~. 23.90 18014 B~mmN GoNs~R~c~moN Go. 78.50 18015 So. B~e Go~m GO~ESS 9.75 18016 PIERCE TI~E 00. 17.81 1801 7 ~ DEs Imm~s~zms 129.50 180!8 F~. Powm~ ~ L~ Go. 18019 Om~x oF B.B.-W~E~ Dmm~. I51~ 18020 lUTOPROn~CTS INC. 2~.21 18021 Bo~m~o~ W~-P~mm 294.$3 18022 Baew~m P~m ~ SUPPLY 81.67 1802~ B=~o~ms Go~m. 21. ~ 1802~ Cr~ms Sm~rem 0~ 50.22 18025 Dom's F~msTomE 34.08 2, t99~ $6 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND IOGG5 G~se M~rs~r B~m- 65. 76 10666 Cg~sz N~z~m B~.vm 5.90 10667 Gm, sm H~m~z~x B~m 15.55 IOGG8 F~oa~m~ Powma ~ Lz~m~ Co. 2,189.~2 10669 A~om~om~c~s Im~. 1.~ SEWER REVENUE FUND 2050 Gmasm H~mmazv~x B~rm 12.$9 144.88 762.59 919.66 8, 5 72.08 FEB. 26, 1968 PAYMENTS MADE IN FEBRUARY, 1968 (CON?. SWIMNING POOL BOND SINKING FUND 253 O~sm CIVIC CENTER BOND SINKING FUND I ~ S FUND FIR.EMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION FUND 256 ls~ Fmmm~zA S~v~mes ~ Lean POLICE RETIREMENT FUND 257 Is~ FEmm~L Sz~rmes 1.t0 1.00 4,000,00 2.000.00 11~400.22 FEB. 27, 1968 GENERAL FUND 18026 E~a~mY $~mm~x Go. 180~7 18028 18029 18030 18051 18032 18036 18054 18055 18056 18057 18058 18059 180~0 18041 180~2 GEnERaL ~RUOK P~I~TS Pa~ Bm~om pos~ PoaTEa XEROX HIOHS~IT~ 00. INc. WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND lOG?2 Omar om B.B.-Px~r O~sm SEWER REYE~YUE FUND 2052 O~'r 2053 Borm~oN 2055 Nmmms 2056 Brm~EW~Y PL~NmINe CIGARETTE TAX FUND 258 O~r OF B.B.-Gm~r~z~ 31.75 60.50 221. O0 2t. 75 51.96 53.10 140.96 13.05 $5.47 94.35 32.6~ 19.68 413.29 161.62 16.60 61. O1 45. O0 32.15 3.77 35.45 19.26 11.42 73.94 1~000.00 2, 549. 79 PAY;!ENT$ I~ADE IN FEBRUARY, 1968 FEB. 28, 1968 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND ?GG9 AccT. OF RALmm W. Bo~ma ?G?O AL~,m~r N. PowmL~ EST~Tm 7671 ACCT. ?G?2 Has. 7G75 ACCT. ?G74 ACCT. 76 75 Acer. 7G76 ACCT. OF F. Go GEe. WmLLS OF RA~ G~TERRA OF B~y ~sma OF COL. PO~NDEX~E~ OF HENRY o 95 5.20 12.22 21.41 7. 50 7. 50 ?. 50 7. 50 ?.50 7.50 15.00 88.91 FEB. 29, 1968 GENERAL FUk-D 18045 ST~m~n OI~ Co. 18044 GErm MOORE 1~045 GI~r oF B.B.-P~Y~OLL 90.51 7~. O0 4 76.60 639.11 2,639.11 MOB. GAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY City of Bo~mton Beach !20 ~, Eo Second Avenue Boymton [Beach~ Florida City i%~nager Dear Sirs: We enclose herewith Cremation Certificate(s) single copy, 2 in duplicate, in triplicate, in quadruplicate, covering the destruction of the following described securities: DESCRIPTION Fy. ce value :anceiied~,~.3~.~c",~,~-~ detached from City of ~rmaa Water amd Se~-~ez Re,z~_u~ Bonds &~o:.~ Serles i ~ ~ ~ Dec. 1~ ~oXa $B3~637.50 F,~ce value cancei!ea Cpns. detached from C-~3 Boyntou Beach~ F[uor~aa %,~ater & Sex,~r Revenue Bonds 7_ssue of 196! Series aatec, ~c. ~,~ 19o'- ertificate sent to: l~oue Authorized SignatUre MORGAN GUARANTY: T~P, cUST COMPANY . cancelleo 8 December 1,1965 $20100 ?ne abe,v.e ~oupo~S ~e~e~trs~e ~oy ~forgan~ ~a~a,u~~ ~us% ~e~any of during the ve~iod '~ecembe~ 1965/~Y !966:in~%usive MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY