R01-217RESOLUTION NO. R01-217 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF FIRE RESCUE SERVICES, FACILITIES AND PROGRAMS IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA; DESCRIBING THE METHOD OF ASSESSING FIRE RESCUE ASSESSED COSTS AGAINST ASSESSED PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH; DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF AN ASSESSMENT ROLL; AUTHORIZING A PUBLIC HEARING AND DIRECTING THE PROVISION OF NOTICE THEREOF; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CONEVIISSION 9F THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. AUTHORITY. This resolution is adopted pursnant to the )rovisions of Ordinance No. 01-34, sections 166.021 and 166.041, Florida Statutes, and )ther applicable provisions of law. SECTION 2. PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS. This resolution constitutes the Initial Assessment Resolution as defined in the Ordinance. All capitalized words and terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Ordinance. Unless the context indicates other;vise, words imparting the singular number, incinde the >lural number, and vice versa. As used in this resolution, the following terms shall have he following meanings, unless the context hereof otherwise requires: "Building Area" means the adjusted area of a Building expressed in square feet and reflected on the Tax Roll or, ~n the evant such information is not reflected or :tetermined not to be accurately reflected on the Tax Roll, that area determined by the City. "Code Descriptions" mean the descriptions [isted in the Fixed Property Use Codes and the Improvement Codes. "Commercial Property" means those Tax Parcels with a Code Description :lesignated as "Commercial" in the Improvement Codes specified in Appendix B "Cost Apportionment" means the apportionment of the Fire Rescue Assessed Cost among all Property Use Categories according m the Demand Percentages ~stablished pursuant ro the apportionment methodology described in Section 6 of this nitial Assessment Resolution. "Demand Percentage" means the percentage of demand for fire rescue services. Facilities, or programs attributable to each Property Use Category determined by malyzing the historical demand for fire rescue serwces as reflected in the Fire Rescue Incident Reports in the State Database under the methodology described in Section 6 of this l_rfitial Assessmem Resolution. "DOR Code" means a property use code established in Rule 12D-8.008, Florida Administrative Code, assigned by the Property Appraiser to Tax Parcels within the City, attached hereto as Appendix C. "Dwelling Unit" means (1) a Building, or a portion thereof, available to be used for residential purposes, consisting of one or more rooms arranged, designed, used, or intended to be used as hying quarters for one family only, or (2) the use of land in which lots or spaces are offered for rem or lease for the placement of mobile homes, travel ~railers, or the like for residential purposes. "Emergency Medical Services" means those services recorded in Incident [eports that assign a "type of situation found code" of 30, 31, 32, 34, or 37. The "type of ~ituation found codes" are attached hereto as Appendix A. "Emergency Medical Services Cost" means the mount, other than first :esponse medical rescue services, determined by the City Commission to be associated ~ith Emergency Medical Services. "Estimated Fire Rescue Assessment Rate Schedule" means that rate schedule ~ttached hereto as Appendix C and hereby incorporated herein by reference, specifying he Fire Rescue Assessed Costs determined in Section 8 of this Initial Assessment ~esolution and the esthnated Fire Rescue Assessments established in Section 8 of this Initial Assessment Resolution. "Fire Rescue Assessed Cost" means (1) the amount determined by the City Commission to be assessed in any Fiscal Year to fund all or any portion of the cost of the prowsion of fire rescue services, facilities, or programs which provide a special benefit to Assessed Property, and shall include, bul not be limited to, the following components: (A) the cost of physical :onstruction, reconstruction or completion of any required facility or improvement; (B) Ihe costs incurred in any required acquisition or purchase; (C) the cost of all labor, materials, machinery, and equipment; (D) the cost of fuel, parts, supplies, maintenance, :epmrs, and utilities; (E) the cost of computer services, data processing, and :ommunications; (F) the cost of all lands and interest therein, leases, property rights, ~asemenrs, and franchises of any nature whatsoever; (G) the cost of any indemnity or urety bonds and premiums for insurance; (H) the cost of salaries, volunteer pay, workers' :ompensation insurance, or other employment benefits; (I) the cost of ~niforms, training, travel, and per diem; (J) the cost of construction plans and specifications, surveys and ~sfimates of costs; (1<2) the cost of engineering, financial, legal, and other professional ~ervtces; (L) the costs of compliance with any contracts or agreements entered into by the ~ity m provide fire rescue services; (M) all costs associated with the s~ructure, mplementafion, collection, and enforcement of the Fire Rescue Assessments, including my service charges of the Tax Collector, or Property Appraiser and amounts necessary to >fl-set discounts recetved for early payment of Fire Rescue Assessments pursuant to the 21niform Assessment Collection Act or for early payment of Fire Rescue Assessments :ollected pursuam to Section 3.02 of the Ordinance; (N) all other costs and expenses ecessary or incidental to the acquisition, prowsion, or construction of fire rescue ~ervices, facilities, or programs, and such other expenses as may be necessary or incidental to any related financing authorized by the City Commission by subsequent resolution; (O) a reasonable amount for contingency and anticipated delinquencies and uncollectible Fire Rescue Assessments; and (P) reimbursement to the City or any other Person for any moneys advanced for any costs incurred by the City or such Person in :ormection with any of the foregoing components of Fire Rescue Assessed Cost. (2) In the event the City also imposes an impact fee upon new growth or ~evelopment for fire rescue related capital improvements, the Fire Rescue Assessed Cost ~hall not include costs attributable to capital improvements necessitated by new growth or tevelopment that will be paid by such impact fees. (3) In no event shall the F/re Rescue Assessed Cost include any amount the Emergency Medical Services Cost. "Fire Rescue Incident Reports" means those Incident Reports that do not record ~ Medical Services, "Fixed Property Use Codes" mean the property use codes used by FFIRS as [ttached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. "FFIRS" means the Florida Fire Incident Reporting System maintained by the "Improvement Codes" mean the building use codes assigned by the Property to Tax Parcels within the City as specified in Appendix B attached hereto and by reference. "Incident Report" means an individual report filed with the Florida State Fire under FFIRS. "Industrial/Warehouse Property" means those Tax Parcels with a Code as "Industrial/Warehouse" in the Improvement Codes specified in "Institutional Property" means those Tax Parcels with a Code Description designated as "Institutional" in the Improvement Codes specified in Appendix B. "Mixed Use Property" means a Tax Parcel that contains Buildings whose use descriptions are capable of assignmem under a Code Description in the Improvement Codes in more than one Property Use Category. "Multi-Family Property" means those tax Parcels with a Code Description "Multi-Family" in the Improvement Codes specified in Appendix B. "Non-Residential Property" means, collectively, Commercial Property, [ndushfal/W~rehouse Property, Institutional Property, and Nursing Home Property. "Nursing tIome Property" means those Tax Parcels with a Code Description ~esignated as "Nursing Home" in the Improvement Codes specified in Appendix B. "Parcel Apportionment" means the further apportiomuent of the Fire Rescue 5,ssessed Cost allocated to each Property Use Category by the Cosl Apportionment ~mong the Tax Parcels under the methodology established in Section 7 of this Initial ~ssessment Resolution. "Property Use Ca,tegories" mean, collectively, all categories of Residential )ropeny and all categories of Non-Residential Property. "Residential Property" means, collectively, Multi-Family Property and gingle-Family Property. "Single-Family Property" means those Tax Parcels with a Code Description designated as "Single-Familf' in the Improvement Codes specified in Appendix B. "State Database" means the incident data specific to the City derived from the FFIRS incident Reports maintained by the Florida State Fire Marshal. "Tax Parcel" means a parcel of property located within the City to which the Property Appraiser has assigned a distinct ad valorem property tax identification number. SECTION 3. PROVISION AND FUNDING OF FIRE RESCUE SERVICES. (A) Upon the imposition of a Fire Rescue Assessment for fire rescue services, Facilities, or programs against Assessed Property located within the City, the City shall ~rovide fire rescue services to such Assessed Property. A portion of the cost to provide uch fire rescue services, facihties, or programs shall be funded from proceeds of the Fire Rescue Assessments. The remaining cost required to provide fire rescue services, Facilities, and programs shall be funded by legally available City revenues other than Fire Rescue Assessment proceeds. 03) It is hereby ascertained, determined, and declared that each parcel of ~ssessed Property located within the City will be benefited by the City's provision of fire :escue services, facilities, and programs in an amount not less than the Fire Rescue a~ssessment imposed against such parcel, computed in the manner set forth in this Initial ~ssessmem Resolution. SECTION 4. IMPOSITION AND COMPUTATION OF FIRE RESCUE ~SSESSMENTS. Fire Rescue Assessments shall be imposed against all Tax Parcels ~ithin the Property Use Categories. Fire Rescue Assessments shall be computed in the harmer set forth in this Irfitial Assessment Resolution. SECTION 5. LEGISLATIVE DETERMINATIONS OF SPECIAL BENEFIT AND FAIR APPORTIONMENT. It is hereby ascertained and declared that the Fire Rescue Assessed Costs provide a special benefit to the Assessed Property based upon the £ollowing legislative determinations. general (A) Upon the adoption of this h~ifial Assessment Resolution determining the ?ire Rescue Assessed Costs and identifying the Assessed Property to be included in the ~ssessment Roll the legislative determinations of special benefit ascertained and ~eclared in Section 1.04 of the Ordinance are hereby ratified and confirmed. (B) It is fair and reasonable to use the Improvement Codes and the DOR 2odes for the Cost Apportionment and the Parcel Apportionment because: (1) the Tax ~oll database employing the use of such property use codes is the most comprehensive, ~ccurate, and reliable information readily available to detenuine the property use and 3uilding Area for ~mproved property within the City, and (2) the Tax Roll database Mthin such property use codes is maintained by the Property Appraiser and is thus :onsistent with parcel designations on the Tax Roll which compatibihty permits the tevelopment of an Assessment Roll in con~brmity with the requncements of the Un/form Vlethod of Collection. (C) The data available in the Improvement Codes is more useful and accurate determine Building Area than relying exclusively upon the data maintained in the )OR Code alone because (1) the data maintained in the Improvemem Codes reveals the existence of a Building with a different use than the use described on the DOR Code, and (2) the Improvement Codes represent records maintained by the Property Appraiser with the most information relative to Building Area regardless of property use. cost apportionment (D) It is fair and reasonable and consistent with the decision from the Fourth District Court of Appeal in the case of SMM Properties. Inc. v. City of North Lauderdale, 760 So. 2d 998 (Fla. 4th DCA 2000), rev. granted, Case No. SC00-1555 (Fla~ Sup. Ct.), [o exclude from the Fire Rescue Assessed Cosl amounts determined to constitute the Emergency Medical Services Cost. (E) Apportioning the Fire Rescue Assessed Cost among classifications of maproved property based upon historical demand for fire rescue services, but not Emergency Medical Services, is fair and reasonable and proportional to the special >enefit received. (F) The Fire Rescue Incident Reports are the most rehable data available to teterruine the potential demand for fire rescue services from property use and to ~etermine the benefit to property use resulting from the availability of fire rescue services :o protect and serve Buildings located within Assessed Property and their intended occupants, there exist sufficient Fire Rescue Incident Reports that documenl the historical demand for fire rescue services from Assessed Property within the Property Use Categories. The Demand Percentage that has been determined for each Property Use Category by an examination of such Fire Rescue Incident Reports ~s eonmstent with the experience of the City. Therefore, the use of Demand Percentages that were determined by an examination of Fire Rescue Incident Reports is a fair and reasonable method to apportion the Fire l~escue Assessed Costs among the Property Use Categories. (G) As a result of the urbanized character of the City, the suppression of fire on vacant property primarily benefits the Buildings within the adjacent ~mproved by the containment of the spread of fire rather than the preservation of the property. Therefore. it is fair and reasonable not to apportion any of the Fire Assessed Costs to vacant property and the Fire Rescue Incident Reports historical fire services provided to vacant property were thus omitted from ~ calculation. (H) The level of services required to meet anticipated demand for fire rescue ~ervices and the corresponding annual fire rescue budget required to fund fire rescue provided to non-specific property uses would be required notwithstanding the of any incidents from such non-specific property uses. Therefore, it is fair omit from the Demand Percentage calculation the Fire Rescue Incident documenting fire rescue services provided to non-specific property uses. residential parcel apportionment (I) Neither the size nor the value of Residential Property determ/nes the scope the required fire rescue response. The potential demand for fire rescue sm'vices is by the existence of a Dwelling Unit and the anticipated average occupant (J) Apportioning the Fire Rescue Assessed Cost for fire rescue services to Residantial Property on a per Dwelling Unit basis is required to avoid cost and unnecessary administration and is a fair and reasonable method of Parcel t based upon historical call data. non-residential parcel apportionment (K) The risk of loss and the donand for fire rescue service availability is ~nbstantially the same for Buildings below a certain minimum size. Because the value md anticipated occupancy of non-residential Buildings below a certain minimum size is .ess, it is fair, reasonable and equitable to provide a lesser assessment burdem on reproved property containing such Buildings by the creation of specific Building Area :lassification ranges for such parcels. (L) The separation of improved Non-Residential Property hato Building Area :lassification ranges is fair and reasonable for the purposes of Parcel Apportionment )ecause: (1) the absence ora need for precise square footage data within the ad valorem ,ax records maintained by the Property Appraiser undermines the use of actual Building ~rea with/n each improved parcel as a basis for Parcel Apportionment; (2) the idm/nistrative expense and complexity created by an on-sire inspection to determine the ictual Building Area within each improved parcel assessed is impractical; (3) the demand 5or fire rescue service availability is not precisely determined or measured by the actual Building Area within benefited parcels; and (4) the classification of parcels within ~uilding Area classification ranges is a fair and reasonable method to classify benefited ~arcels and to apportion costs among benefited parcels that create similar demand for the tvailability of fire rescue services. (M) The demand for the availability of fire rescue services diminishes at the outer limit of Building size because a fire occurring in a structure greater than a certain size is not capable of being suppressed under expected conditions and the fire control activities under such circumstances are directed to avoid the spread of the fire event to .djacent Buildings. Therefore, it is fair and reasonable to place a cap on the Building Area classification of benefited parcels within Non-Residential Property. (N) Institutional Property whose use is exempt from ad valorem taxation under Florida law provides facilities and uses to the ownership, occupants, membership as well ~s the public in general that otherwise ruight be required to be provided by the City and mcr uses thereof serve a public purpose and provide a public benefit. Therefore, it is fair md reasonable not to impose Fire Rescue Assessments upon such parcels of Institutional ?roperty whose use is exempt from ad valorem taxation under Florida law. Accordingly, ~o Fire Rescue Assessment shall be imposed upon a parcel of Institutional Property whose use is wholly exempt from ad valorem taxation under Florida law. (O) It is fair and reasonable to impose a Fire Rescue Assessment against qursing Home Property within the Building Area classification established for bastitutiona] Property notwithstanding the Demand Percentage determined for Nursing ?Iome Property. SECTION 6. COST APPORTIONMENT METHODOLOGY. (A) Utilizing data from the Fire Rescue Incident Reports rehted to the type of rails and physical location of ~ach call, the City assigned fire rescue incidents located within the City, to Property Use Categories. (B) Based upon such assignment of Fire Rescue Incident P~eports to Property Use Categories, the number of Fire Rescue Incident Reports filed within a sampling >eriod was determined for each Property Use Category. A Demand Percentage was then letermined for each Property Use Category by calculating the percentage ttmt Fire Rescue Incident Reports allocated to each Property Use Category bear to the total number ~f Fire Rescue Incident Reports documented for all Property Use Categories with/n the sampling period. (C) Appendix B contains a designation of Code Descriptions by Property Use Category with the DOR Codes. Such correlation between Code Descriptions by Property Use Category on the Fire Rescue Incident Reports and the DOR Codes is necessary, to ~llocate the historical demand for fire rescue services as reflected by the Fire Rescue hacident Reports for Tax Parcels on the Tax Roll wittdn the Property Use Categories. (D) The Demand Percentage for each Property Use Category was then applied :o the Fire Rescue Assessed Costs and the resulting product is the cost allocation of that ~ortion of the Fire Rescue Assessed Costs allocated to each individual Property Use 2ategory. SECTION 7. PARCEL APPORTIONMENT METI-IODOI_OGY. (A) The apportionment among Tax Parcels of that portion of the Fire Rescue [ssessed Costs allocated to each Property Use Category under the Cost Apportionment ,hall be consistent with the Parcel Apportionment methodology described and detc~afined in Appendix E, which Parcel Apportionment methodology is hereby approved, adopted, and incorporated into this Initial Assessment Resolution by reference. (B) It is hereby acknowledged that the Parcel Apporfioumem methodology :tescribed and determined in Appendix E is to be applied in the calculation of the :stimated Fire Rescue Assessm~mt rares established in Section 8 of tiffs Initial ~ssessment Resolution. SECTION 8. DETERMINATION OF FIRE RESCUE ASSESSED COSTS; ]STABLISHMENT OF INITIAL FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMENTS. (A) The Fire Rescue Assessed Costs to be assessed and apportioned among 9enefited Parcels pursuant to the Cost Apportionment and the Parcel Apportionment for Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2001, is the amount determinSd in the Estimated ~ire Rescue Assessment Rate Schedule. The approval of the Estimated Fire Rescue ~ssessment Rate SchedUle by the adoption of this Initial Assessment Resolution ietermines the amount of the Fire Rescue Assessed Cost. The remainder of such Fiscal l~ear budget for fire rescue services, facilities, and programs shall be funded from legally vailable City revcmue other than Fire Rescue Assessment proceeds. (B) The estimated Fire Rescue Assessments specified in the Estimated Fire ',escue Assessment Rate Schedule are hereby established to fund ihe specified Fire ~eScUe Assessed Costs determined to be assessed in the Fiscal Wear commencing 3ctober 1, 2001. No portion of such Fire Rescue Assessed Cost is attributable to impact ?ee revenue that funds capital improvements necessitated by new growih or development. ~urther, no portion of sUch Fire Rescue Assessed Costs are attributabl~ to the Emergemcy Medical Services Cost. (C) The estimated Fire Rescue Assessments estabhshed in this Initial Assessment Resolution shall be the estimated assessment rates applied by the City Manager in the preparation of the preliminary Assessment Roll for the Fiscal Year Resohition. SECTION 9. ASSESSMENT ROLL. (A) :ommencing October 1, 2001, as provided in Section 9 of this Initial Assessment The City Manager is hereby directed to prepare, or caus6 to be prepared, a ~reliminary Assessment Roll for the Fiscal Year commencing Octol~ :r 1, 2001, in the manner provided in the Ordinance. The Assessment Roll shall include all Tax Parcels within the Property Use Categories. The City Manager shall apportion the estimated Fire Rescue Assessed Cost to be recovered through Fire Rescue Assessments in the manner let forth in tiffs Initial Assessment Resolution. (B) A copy of this Initial Assessment Resolution, documentation related to the ~stimated amount of the Fire Rescue Assessed Cost to be recovered through the mposition of Fire Rescue Assessments, and the prelkninary Assessment Roll shall be naintained on file in the office of the City Manager and open to public mspecfiun. The ?oregoing shall not be construed to require that the preliminary Assessment Roll be in )rinted form if the amount of the Fire Rescue Assessment for each parcel of property can )e determined by the use of a computer terminal available to the publicl (C) It is hereby ascertained, determined, and declared that the method of tetermining the Fire Rescue Assessments for fire rescue services as set forth in this Initial Assessment Resolution is a fair and reasonable method of apportioning the Fire Rescue Assessed Cost among parcels of Assessed Property located within the City. SECTION 10. METHOD OF COLLECTION. It is hereby declared that ~ursuant to Section 3.01 of the Ordinance that the Fire Rescue Assessments shall be :ollected and enforced pursuant to Section 3.02 of the Ordinance and not the Uniform Assessment Collection Act for Fiscal Year 2001-2002. The City Manager shall mail bills, under Section 3.02(A) of the Ordinance, no later than the close of the first quarter of 2002. SECTION I1. AUTHORIZATION OF PUBLIC HEARING. There is hereby established a public hearing to be held at 6:30 p.m. on September 4, 2001, in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton 3each, Florida, at which time the City Commission will receive and consider any :omments on the Fire Rescue Assessments fi:om the public and affected property owners md consider ~mposing Fire Rescue Assessments. SECTION 12. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION. The City Manager sliall )ublish a notice of the public hearing authorized by Section 11 hereof in the manner and .ime provided in Section 2.04 of the Ordinance. The notice shall be published no later :hah August 14, 2001, in substantially the form attached hereto as Appendix F. SECTION 13. NOTICE BY MAIL. The City Manager shall also provide aofice by first class mail to the Owner of each parcel o£Assessed Property, as required by ',ection 2.05 of the Ordinance, in substantially the form attached hereto as Appendix G. ',rich notices shall be mailed no later than August 14, 2001. SECTION 14. APPLICATION OF ASSESSMENT PROCEEDS. The venue derived from the City s Fire Rescue Assessments will be utilized for the ~rovision of fire rescue services, facilities, and programs, as reflected by the Fire Rescue kssessed Cost. In the event there is any fund balance remaining at the end of the Fiscal Year, such balance shall be carried forward and used only to fund fire rescue sermces, ~'acilifies, and programs. SECTION 15. EFFECTIVE DATE, This Initial Assessment Resolution ~liall take effect immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this tl day of July, 2001. ¢7 Vice Mayor Comrmssioner lSS1 er ~,},). ~ ~ .<~?o~':'.,. o ~ ~PRO~D AS TO FO~ ~ CO~CT~SS: lames A. Cherof City Attorney APPEND~ A FIRE RESCUEINCIDENT REPORT TYPE OF SITUATION FOUND CODES ANDFIXED PROPERTY USECODES FIRE RESCUE INCIDENT REPORT TYPE OF SITUATION FOUND CODES SituationFound Description 3 Unclassified 10 Fire, Explosion; insufficien[ information to further classify 11 Structure Fire 12 Dutside of Structure F re 13 Cehic[e Fire 14 trees, brush; grass fire 15 Refuse fire 16 Explos~0n, no after-fire 17 Dutside sp , eak w th ensuing fire 19 ~re Exp osion not classified above ~-0 ~ 3re,pressure Rupture; insufficient information to further classify -~1 3team rupture -~2 ~,ir, gas rupture ~-3 Rupture ~-9 :)ther Overpressure Rupture ~0 Rescue caII in~uff info ~1 lnh~Pator call ~,2 Em~?gency med ca ca 33 L0c~k:in 34 Search 35 E~tri~afion 37 Water rescue 39 ResCue ca - not classified above 40 I~aza~rdous Condition, standby insufficient information to further classify 41 $~ii[; leak with: no ignition 42 E~plDsive, bomb remova 43 ExCeSsive heat 44 Pow~? line down 45 A~rci'~i~g sltorted e]ectrica equ pment 46 Aircff~ sta nd bY 47 Cb~amica] emergency 49 HaZ~dous Condition Standby; notc]ass 50 Se~,~e Call; insuff cent nformat on to further c assify 51 ~'bbk~out 52 Crater evacuation 53 Smo~e odor removal 54 ~n[~l rescue 55 ~,ss~' po ce 56 J na~'1:ilodzed burning ~,over ,assignment standby at f re stat on, move-up 59 Service Call; not class above A-1 SituationFound 3escription 30 .~ood Intent Call 31 Smoke scare 22 Nrong location 33 i 3ontrolled burning 34 I Vicinity alarm I 35 Steam, other gas mistaken for smoke 39 .~ood Intent Call not classified r0 :alse call; insufficient information to further c ass fy 71 Vialic ous, mischievous fa se ca r2 30mb scare, no bomb ~3 ~ystem malfunction 74 Unintentional 75 False Call 77 False Ca 79 Ealse ca I not classified above 96 Unc]assified 98 ~lnclas~ified 99 U ncla~ssified situation A-2 FIXED PROPERTY USE CODES :ixedPropertyUseCode Description D FIXED PROP USE UNDETERMINED B FIXED PROP USE N/A 9 FIXED PROPERTY USE NOT CLASS. 100 UNKNOWN PUBLIC ASSEMBLY 109 OTHER PUBLIC ASSEMBLY 110 UNKNOWN AMUSEMENT/RECREATION 111 BOWLING ESTABLISHMENT 112 BILLIARD CENTER 113 AMUSEMENT CENTER 1 J4 CE RINK 115 ROLLER RINK 1:16 SWIMMING FACILITY 119 OTHER RECREATION 120 UNKNOWN AMUSEMENT/RECREATION 121 BALLROOM, GYM NAS I U M 122 EXHIBITION HALL 123 ARENAJSTADIUM 124 pLAYGROUND ,t29 OTHER AMUSEMENT/RECREATION 130 UNKNOWN CHURCH/FUNERAL PARLOR 131 CH U RCH/CHAPEL 132 RELIG GUS EDUCUCATION FACILITY ri33 ~'RURCH HALL 134 :U ~ERAL PARLOR/CHAPEL ~139 OTHER' CHURCH/FUNERAL PARLOR ~i40 U'~KNOWN CLUB 141 CtYY CLUB/YMCA :142 COUNTRY CLUB ~43 YACHT cLuB '~:49 OTHER CLUBS ~50 L~[~NQV~N; LIBRARY, MUSEUM, COURT 151 LIBRARY 552 MUSEI~M, ART GALLERY 153 I~;ISTORIC BLDG 154 MEMORIAL STRUCTURE, MONUMENT : 55 G'OuRT ROOM 156 EEG'ISLATI,'~E BALL 159 OTHER LIBRARY, MUSEUM, COURT 160 ~I~BF, I,O'W N EATING/DRINKING :161 REsTAuRANT 162 ~I':.'GRTC EUB 163 TAVERN J 64 L~HR©OM/D RIVE-IN t~9 O~ER ~TiNG/DRINKING 170 IJ ~I~N~V~/i~ TERMINALS ~71 ~1,~ ORT~ERMINAL t72 HEI~IPORT A-3 FixedPropertyUseCode Description 173 BUS TERMINAL 1-/4 STREET LEVEL RAIL TERMINAL 75 UNDERGROUND RAIL TERMINAL 176 ELEVATED RAIL TERMINAL 177 MARINE TERMINAL 179 QTH ER TERMINALS 80 UNKNOWN THEATER, STUDIO 181 THEATER 182 AUDITORIUM, CONCERT HALL 183 ~4OVIE THEATER 184 DRIVE-IN THEATER 185 RADIO, TV STUDIO ,186 MOVIE STUDIO 189 OTHER THEATER, STUDIO 200 UNKNOWN EDUCATIONAL PROPERTY 209 OTHER EDUCATIONAL PROPERTY 210 JNKNOWN SCHOOLS 21 ¢1 ~IORSERY SCHOOL ~_ 12 (IND ERGARTEN .~13 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL .~14 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Z15 -tlGH scHOOL ~-19 ~:3THER SCHOOLS ~-20 JNKNOWN RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL ~1 ' ~ES SCHOOL CLASSROOM BLDG -~29 ~ ::)THER RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS ~30 JNKNOWN TRADE, BUSINESS SCHOOLS ~-3t ~ ¢OCATIONAL, TRADE SCHOOL 3USINESS SCHOOL ~-32 ~_33 SPECIAL'FY SCHOOL ]34 , :~ERABIL1TATiON CENTER Z39 :)THER~TRADE, BUSINESS SCHOOLS i LJNKNO~I~I COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES Z40 ~-41 COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY :~49 ' DTH ER COLLEGES/UNIVERSITI ES 300 LJNKNG~A~,N ,INSTITUTIONAL PROPERTY 309 ! OTHER NSTITUTIONAL PROPERTY 3;10 J N KNO~v~,,B CARE OF THE AGED 311 OARE (~EtTHE AGED/NURSING STAFF 312 C~I~E~OF THE AGED/NO NURSING STAFF 2;~9 GTFIER' ~;AREOF THE AGED $20 UNI~NQ~N 'CARE OF THE YOUNG ~1 DAYCB ~D~CARE CENT R 322 CH,~L, DR~'S DOME ORPHANAGE ~23 FO~E~,ROME- ~')9 OT~ER~ CARE~OF THE YOUNG ~0 IJN~N~O~N,iSAEE:OF THE SICK ~32 ' 3134 CLINIC?iN F]RMARY 'i =ixedPropertyUseCode :)escription ~39 DTHER CARE OF THE SICK ~40 JNKNOWN CARE OF THE PHYSICALLY RESTRAINED 341 =RISON CELL, MENS 342 =RISON CELL,WOMENS 343 IUVENILE DETENTION HOME ~44 ~]EN'S DETENTION CAMP 345 POLICE STATION 346 VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION CENTER ~49 OTHER CARE-OF THE PHYS CALLY RESTRAINED 350 UNKNOWN CARE OF THE PHYSICALLY INCONVENIENCED 351 INSTITUTION DEAF,MUTE,BLIND 352 INSTITUTION FOR PHYSICAL REHAB 359 OTHER CARE OF PHYS CALLY INCONVENIENCED 360 UNKNOWN CARE OF MENTALLY HANDICAPPED 361 MENTAL INSTITUT ON 362 NSTITUTION FOR MENTALLY RETARDED ~69 DTHER CARE OF~ THE MENTALLY HANDICAPPED ~00 JNKNOWN R:Es DENT AL PROPERTY ~09 DTHER 'RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 410 JNKNOVVN ONE-AND TWO-F~ILY DWELLING 411' :)NE~FAMILY DWELLING: YEAR-ROUND 412 )NE~FAMILY DWELLING: SEASONAL 414 TWO;FAMILY DWEEL NG YEAR-ROUND H 5 TWO~FAM Ly DWELL NG SEASONAL 4~19 OTHER ONE-~ AND TWO-FAMIEY DWELLING 420 UNt(NOWN;APARTMENTS, TENEMENTS, FLATS ¢21, 1 OR',2 EIVi:NG LIN ,TS W/BUS[NESS 422 ~!THROUGH 6 UN TS ¢23 7'THEOUG~ 2(~ UN TS ¢24 ~ER 20 U~ITS ~.29. ~TH EB ¢'.PAB~ME~S,TEN EME NTS, FLATS ~,30 U~IKN~N!R;~OMIN]G, BOARDING, LODGING ~3t 3 ~O~ EOOME~RS QR BOARDERS -~2 ~ ~O 15}RQ©MERS'OR BOARDERS ~9 ~THER'ROOMI:NG; BOARD NG, LODGING ~40 NKN~N HOT:ELS~ MOTELS, NNS, LODGES ~-41 ~'T~N;2O 8NJ-CS YEAR-ROUND 4~2 .~ ,SS':~B~N 2~ UNITS SEASONAL 443 -~0T~9~!UN ~S YEAR-ROUND 444 2Q TO 9~i~UNI~S SEASONAL 445 I ' ~ QR ~OF[E UN :TS YEAR-ROUND lq0~(~R~D~ ~Nt~: SEASONAL 449 O~ER;HQ~EE~, ;~TELS, INNS, LODGES 4.60 u ' ~Eff, l~)~.~N B~M T;OR ES 4.61 ~HOO[, CQ~E. GE, UN V, DORMITORY 4-62 F ' ' ' ~ '" RAT. B~N ~,,~R'Q~R TY HOUSE ~5 D~I~FENT, ~OI¢~LC, S~ERy, RELIGIOUS A-5 :ixedPropertyUseCode 3escription 466 3UNK HOUSE, WORKER'S BARRACKS ~69 ::)TH ER DORMITORIES 480 JNKNOWN HOME HOTELS 481 .ESS THAN 20 UNITS: YEAR-ROUND 482 LESS THAN 20 UNITS: SEASONAL 483 20 TO 99 UNITS: YEAR-ROUND 484 20 TO 99 UNITS: SEASONAL 485 100 OR MORE UNITS: YEAR-ROUND 486 100 QR MORE UNITS: SEASONAL 489 OTHER HOME HOTELS 490 UNKNOWN RES DENT AL OCCUPANCIES 491 CHILBRENS PLAYHOUSE 492 OUTDOOR SFEEP NG QUARTERS 499 OTHER RESIDENT AL QCCUPANC ES 500 UNKNOWN MEROANTI'LE PROPERTIES 509 OTHER MERCANtiLE PROPERT ES 5~0 UNKNOWN FOOD; BEVERAGE SALES 511 SUPERMARKET ~12 VlARKET, GROCERY STORE ~'13 SPECIALTY FOOD STORE ~14 . -IQUOR, BEVERAGE STORE 515 ~REAMERY, DAIRY STORE ~16 :)ELICATESSEN ~'19 ::)THER FOOD, BEVERAGE SALES ~20 JNKNOWNTEXTILE, WEARING APPAREL SALES 521 ~ · ~LOTHING STORE 522 ~ ' , ~LOTHING AC:CESSORIES, SHOE STORE 523 sFIOE REPA~R~ SHOP 524 TAILOR, DR~SSMAK NG SHOP 525 FUR STORE 526 DRY GOODS STORE 529 OTNER TE)EflEE, WEAR NG APPAREL SALES 5¢0 UI~I~IOWN HOUSEHOLD GODDS, SALES, R~PAIRS 531 FURNITURE STORE 532 APPLIANCE STORE 533 ~RD!WARE STORE 534 MMS O STO, BE 5~5 ~..ALEPAPER,,PA NT STORE 53~ 'U · ' R. G, FLQOR COVER NG STORE 537 ~:'uRN TUP~E REPA R SHOP 538 ~I~LiANCE'~EPA[R SHOP ~9 ~F~E-R HOU[SEHOLD GOODS SALES, REPAIRS ~,0 ~jNI~NOVVN SPr, EC ALTY SHOPS ~41 30~K, STA~ ONERY STORE 542 EWSSTANB, TOBACCO SHOP ~43 ~IREIG STORE ~4~ JE~t/ELRY STORE ~5 ~[FT SHOP 546 _EATHER GOODS SHOP A-6 FixedPropertyUseCode Description 547 FLORIST SHOP, GREENHOUSE 548 OPTICAL GOODS SALES 549 OTHER SPECIALTY SHOPS 550 UNKNOWN RECREATION, HOBBY 551 -lOBBY, TOY SHOP 552 SPORTING GOODS STORE 553 =HOTOGRAPHIC SUIPPLY SALES 554 3ARDEN SUPPLY STORE ~55 ~,ETAIL LUMBER SALES ~56 ~ET STORE, ANIMAL HOSPITAL 5.57 BARBER, BEAUTY SHOP 558 F REWORKS SALES 559 OTHER RECREAT ON, HOBBY, HOME 560 UNKNOWN PROFESSIONAL SUPPLIES 561 PROFESS ONAL SUPPLY SALES 562 TRADE SUPPLY SALES 563 ART SUPPLY SALES 564 SELF-SERV CE LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING 565 LINEN SUPPLY, FICOUSE 566 LAUNDRY, DRy CLEANER PICK-UP SHOP 567 -IOME MA NYENANCE SERVICES 568 ~ESTAURANT SUPPLIES, SERVICES ~69, ~THER PROFESS ONAL SUPPLIES 570 JNKNG~ M~o]'OR VEH CLE,BOAT ~71 ~uBEIc SERV CESTATION 572 ~RIVATE SEI~V CE STAT ON 573 MQTOR VEHICLE REPA R, PA NT SHOP 57Z~ M@~FOR VBI~ ;CLE~ TRA LER SALES 575 MOTOR VEEt CLEACCESSORY SALES i76 BoA~-, PEEAS~JRE CRAFT SALES 577 IV~RINE SERVICE STAT ON 578 CAR V~fAS~[Ih~ FACI,LITY 579 oTFHER~,M(~TQR~EB CLE BOAT SALES 580: UNI~NOWN G'~"N · t . ~ /~ E~RAL I EM STORES 581 DBPARTME ,",N~ S~ORE 582 ~f, VlA~L VA~tE~YSTORE 583 ~RGE~fAR E~ STORE ~84 ~AIL OP~D~R STORE ~B5 ~ALL ~89 :~;¢E~ GENERAL ITEM STORE ~0 JNENOWN:O~ CES ,~,E:N,E~L BUSINESS OFFICE 592 ~ -, ,: E~ V~/F B$~ STORY BANKING FACILITY 593 ~I~,.Di;C~L, RE;SEARCH, SC ENTIFIC OFFICE 594 ENGIN: A~H~TECTURAL, TECHNICAL 595 ~A~EtNG FI~M 596 POST OFFICE 5~ OTHER' ~PF[CES ~6i0 EJNKNOWN BASIC NDUSTRY, UTILITY A-7 FixedPropertyUseCode Description 309 OTHER BASIC INDUSTRY, UTILITY, DEFENSE 310 UNKNOWN NUCLEON CS, ENERGY PROD 31 1 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL WORKING 312 NUCLEAR ORDINANCE PLANT 313 NUCLEAR ENERGY PLANT 314 STEAM, HEAT ENERGY PLANT 315 ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT 316 ,GAS MANUFACTURING PLANT ~19 DTHER NUCLEONICS EVERGY PROD. .~20 JNKNOWN LABORATORIES ~21 3HEMICAL, MEDICAL LABORATORY 622 :~HYSICAL MATERIALS TEST NG LAB 623 =ERSONN EL~PSYCHOLOGICAL LAB 624 ~-.ADIOACTIVE MATER ALS LAB 625 -:LECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC LAB 626 AGRICULTURAL LAB $27 GENERAL, RESEARCH LAB $29 OTHER ~BORATORIES 330 UNKNOWI~ COMMUN, DEFENSE,:DOCUMENT FACILI. 331 NATIONAL DF-~-I:NSE S TE 332 RADIO, RADAR S TE 333 LIRE POLICE, I~DUSTR AL COMM. CNTR 334 TELEPHOi~tE EXCHANGE, CENTRALOFF 355 ~OMPD I~b-P,~ DA'FA PROCESS NG CNTR ~6 DOCUMENT CNTR, RECORD REPOSITORY 339 :~THER C~MMUN, DEFENSE, DOCUMENT FAClLI. 0 ~NKNO;WN 'U~[LI]-~, ENERGY'DISTRIBUTION CNTR 342 3LECTR C TRAN:sM SS ON D STIB. SYSTEM ~4 "~ ' ~AS DIS~ BUT ON SYSTEM, PIPELINE 645 --EAMMABLE~ QU D SYSTEM,'PIPELINE 646 '"~ ~EAM~, H ~ DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 647 NATER SUPPLY SYSTEM 648 sANITARY' SERVICE 649 O~HER U~/L T¥, ENERGY D STRIB. SYSTEM' 650 U ' · NKNO~N AGR ~U LTU RE 651 P OULTRY, EGG PRODUCTION 352 COW, CAT~i~E PR, ODUCT ON 353 PIGGERY, HO~ ]P~DUCTION 354 o~HER E!ME~OCK PRODUCTION 3~5 .oR;cPS, 'OBC~P~DS 356 TOBACCO CL[:R1NG SHED 357 F~UIT ~EGEITAB;L.;E PACKING 359 OTB ER AGR ,~D U~U R E 360 5 NKNO,?4~N FeF~T. HUNTING, FISHING ~B1 ~'O~E;S%~,,~JMBER W/OUT LOGGING ~82 F~)REST~; S~.'"~BER WITH LOGGING ' LI~.~ N:G."FR~P, P~G, GAM E PROPOGATION 664 ~FF~EE 665 :ISH HATCHERY A-8 =ixedPropertyUseCode :)escription 366 /VOOD CHIP PILE 369 :)THER FOREST HUNTING. FISHING 670 JNKNOWN MINING,QUARRYING,MATER 671 .30AL MINE 672 :)RE MINE 673 ORE CONCENTRATION PLANT 674 PETROLEUM, NATURAL GAS WELL, W/RESERV 675 STONE, SLATE, CLAY, GRAVEL, SAND 376 SALT MINE 377 CHEMICAL FERTILIZER, MINERAL MINE 378 NON-METALLIC MINERAL MINE, QUARRY 3'79 OTHER MINING, QUARRYING/NATURAL RAW MATERIALS 380 UNKNOWN NONMETALLIC MINERAL, PRODUCTS 381 STRUCTURAL CLAY MANUFACTURE 382 GLASLS MANUFACTURE, EXCLD CONTAIN 383 GLASS CONTAINER MANUFACTURE 384 POTTERY, cHINA, EARTHENWARE MANU. 385 " , ' ~EMENT MANUFACTURE 386 " ~ :.,ONCRETE BATCH PLANT 387 ABRAS VES MANUFACTURE 388, ',IONMETALLIC MINERAL PRODUCT 389 3THER NONMETALL C M NERAL PRODUCTS TO0 VIANUFACTOR,'NG PROPERS. NSUFF NFO 708 ~': ~ENERAL MAiN~-ENANCE SHOp NOT CLASS 709 ~IANUFAQT~R NG ,PROEERTY NOT CLASS ABOVE ~10 JNKNOWN FOOD NDUSTR ES 711 SLAUGHTER NC, PREPAR PRESERV NG MEAT 712 DA RY-I~RODUCT MANUFACTURE ~3 CANN ~G, PRESERV N~ FRU TS, YEGET. 714 CANNINg, PRES~ERV NG F SH, SEA FOOD 715 MANUFACTUREOF. GPA NM LL 716 BAKER¥~PROD~. T MANuEACTURE 717 SrJGAR. ~EFINING, CONFECTIONERY 718 SNACK ~QODS:I~ANU FACTU RE 7~ 9 OTHE~ FQOD~INB USTRI ES 720 UN KNOW'DElUGES,TOBACCO, OILS 721 DfST[LE!~ R'EE~T.'tF¥ NG; BLEND SP R TS 722 ¢¢INES,;~N ERY ~23 BI~EWERT¢.~ MANUFACTURE OF MALT 24 ~FT D~I~K, CA~BONATED WATER 725 FOBAC~O..~RO~CTS MANUFACTURE z26 ~ET~E;AND. ANIMAL OIL FAT; SOAP ~29 b~fE]B ~E~Es, TOBACCO, ESSENTIAL,OILS ~0 3 I~KN O'~,j~ TEXtilES 731 ~OTTOB ~ I~1 732 ~ I I Q~,~INNI~NG, WEAV NG 733 '.~-©OL'~,~R~TED SP NN NG, WEAVING 73¢ ~ ~ED, ~8i~.~DED, OTHER FI BERS 735 FEXTIUE~Ii~ISHI!NG PLANT A-9 =ixedPropertyUseCode Description F36 <NtTT NG MILLS FOR ALL FIBERS F37 3ORDAGE, ROPE, TVVlNE, NET MANU. ~38 --LOOR COVERING, COATED FABRIC MANU~ ~39 ' . 3THER TEXTILES ~40 INKNOWN FOOTWEAR, APPAREL,LEATH 741 :OOTWEAR MANUFACTURE ~42 NEARING APPAREL EXCLUDING FOOTWEAR 743 MADE-UP TEXTILE GOODS MANU. T44 TANNERIES, LEATHER FINISHING 745 FUR PRODUCTS EXCLD WEAR APPAR. 746 LEATHER PROD.EXCLD FOOTWEAR 7~7 RUBBER, RUBBER PRODUCTS MANU. 749 OTHER FOOTWEAR, WEAR NG APPAREL 750 UNKNOWN VVOOD, FURNITURE, PAPER 751 SAWMILL, PLANING, WOODMIEL 752 WOODEN OR CANE CONTAINERS 753 WOOD CORK PROD (NOTCONTA NERS) 754 FURNITURE, FIXTURE, BEDDING MANU 755 PAPER, PULP PAPERBOARD MANU. ~56 PAPER PULP, PAPERBOARDPROD 757 NE~/VSPAPEROR, MAGAZINE P~tNT. PUBL. 758 ' ~RINT, PURE SHING ALL ED INDUSTRY ~:59 . :~THER~NOOD, PAPER, PRINTING ~60 JNKNOWN CBEf~ CAL, PLASTIC, PETROLEUM FB~ NDU~TRIAL CHEMICAL MANU. F62 -IAZARDous CHEM ~L MANU r63 ~ST[C MANUFACTURE: ~64 ~D~ST C PRODUCT M~;N U 765 ~AINT; YARN ~SHcLACQER, MANUF. ~66 .RUG, COSME~ C, PHARMACEUT CAL MANU. 767 , ETRQLi~(JM J~EF NER¥, NATURAL GAS PLNT 768 A~F~HAET, COAL PRODUCT MANU 769 OTHER CHEM/.6AL, PLASTIC, PETROLEUM 770 UN~/N METAL, METAL PRODUCTS 77l IROn; STEEL MANU ' 772 N;ONF~RRCUS METAL MANU 773 METAL~PR~DUC~ MANU 774 MACHINERY MAN:U FACTURE 7~5 ELECTI~ICAL ~IPMENT MANU. 778 ~ECi'R'~CAL AF~PLIANCE, ELECTRONICS 779 O TFI;E~BE~AE, M~TAL PRODUCTS 78~ ~SEM,~G; INSUFF NFO ' 781 SBt~B~G, REPA~ VESSELS >65 FT 782 ~A-F.SUILD~NG;.~EPAIR VESSELS <65 FT ~IL,~AY E~U-IP,.. ~ANU., REPA R 784 ~OTOR'~EH QL?MANU F85 ,~IC~OEE 'MING, A~EMBLY, REPA R 786 ~;i~T, :.B~T MANU., REPAIR 787 ~N~U, ~i*F -tRANSPORT EQUIP. A-10 FixedPropertyUseCode Description 789 /EHICLE ASSEMBLY, MANU. NOT CLASS ABOVE 790 OTHER MFG, INSUFF INFO AVAIL 791 INSTRUMENT MANU. 792 PHOTOGRAPHIC, OPTICAL GOODS MANU 793 L/VATCH, CLOCK MANUFACTURE F94 JEWELRY MANU. F95 VIUSICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURE ~'96 _AUNBRY, DRY CLEAN NG PLANT ~97 =HOTOGRAPHIC F LM PROCESSING LAB ~98 rOY, SPORTING GOOD MANU. NOT CLASS r99 3THER MANUFACTUR NG NOT CLASS ABOVE ~00 ~TORAGE PROPERTY; INSUFF INFO 808 FOOL SHED 809 ~TORAGE PROPERTY NOT CLASS ABOVE 8~0 ~GR CULTURAL PRODUCTS STORG; NSUFE INFO 811 SEEDS, BEANS NUTS, SILAGE STORAGE 812 BOXED, CRATED, AGR CU. STORAGE 8,13 LOOSE BAGGED AGRIC PRODUCTS 814 LOOSE, BALED TOBACCO STORAGE 8'15 BARNS, STABLES 816 GRAIN ELEVATORS 8:17 LIVESTOCK.STORAGE El8 AGRI!CUL~URAL SUPPLY STORAGE 919 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS STORAGE NOT CLASS 920 TEx~ILE'S,T~RA'GE; NSUFF INFO 921 BALED CO~ON STORAGE ~22 BALED WOOL, WORSTED STORAGE ~23 BAL~B SILK, SYN F BER STORAGE ~24 BAL~ JUST, M X/BLEND FIBER 925 .~Eo~FI YARN STORAGE ~26 ~'(fEAR NGAPF)AREL, GARMENTS, STORAGE ~27 LEA'I-~IER, 'PRODUCT STORAGE ~8 =~R ~K~N, B~ R PRODUCTS STORAGE ~29 FEX~LE ~TO~AGE NOT CLASS ABOVE t@0 ~RO~ESsEDEOQD1TOBACCO; NSUFF NFO ~31 ~ACJ4AG;E D F,OO D:STU FF STORAGE 832 7.ANNED, ,BOTTLED POOD, DRINK STORAGE 833 ~QO~E,:'BAGGEB; PROCESSED FOOD STRG 834 --QOB: LQ~R PLANTS 835 COLD.'STORAGE": i 836 B~EK SUGA~ STORAGE 837 B~EK FEOIg'B;!b-Lq;~ARCH STORAGE 838 p" :~ ~ '~ ' A((~' "~GE[~OBACCO PRODUCT STORAGE 839 PBOGESSED!~:@ODFFOBACCO NOT CLASS 840 PBTRQ:i~O~/ALC BEV; INSUFF NFO 841 FLAMNI~;i~¢MBUST, LIQUID TANK STRG AL QI~/t~:,I'b~¢.~EYOGENIC GAS STORAGE B43 LB~GAS. ~[J~ P~T B44 ~/II~iEE, ~Ei' FUEL STORAGE A-11 FixedPropertyUseCode Description 845 PACKAGE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 846 ~,LCOHOLIC BEVERAGE STORAGE 849 PETRO PROD/ALC BEV NOT CLASS 850 WOOD/PAPER PROD, INSUFF INFO 851 LUMBER YARD, BLDG MATERIALS STRG 852 WOOD PRODUCTS, FURN TURE STRG 853 FIBER PRODUCT STORAGE 854 ROLLED PARER STORAGE 355 PAPER, PAPER PRODUCTS STORAGE 356 TIMBER; PULPWO,OD, LOGS, WOOD FUEL 359 WOOD PAPER PRODUCTS NOT CLASSIFIEB 360 ;HEM]CAL/PLASTIC; NSUFF NFO 361 INDUSTRIALrCHEM CAL STORAGE 362 RAZARDOUS CHEMICAL STORAGE 363 PLASTIC, PLASTIC PRODUCT STORAGE 364 FERTILIZER 'STORAGE 365 PAINT, VARN SHSTORAGE 366 - :)RUG, COSMETIC, PHARMACEUTICAL STRG 367 ~.U BBER'PRODUCTS STORAGE 368 ~HOTOGRAPHIC F EM STORAGE , ..,HEMICAL/PLAS~IC NOT CLASS 37Q ViETALRRODUCTS; NSUFF NFO 371 3ASIC METAL FORM STORAGE 372 ~ VIETAL I~ARTS STORAGE 374 ' V1AOHIN ERY.STORAGE 375 ELEC~FRli~L APPLIANCE, SUPPLY STORAGE 376 - NISHEB METAIL PRODUCTS STORAGE 377 ' ' ~CRAP, JUNKYARDS 879 VlETAL/PJ~ODUC~TS N~T CLASS ABOVE 880 /EHfCLE STORAGE; ~NSUFF NFO 881 RESIE~ENTiAb PARKING STORAGE 882 GENERAE VEHICLE F~ARKJrNG GARAGE 883 BUS~' TREICK; AUtO FLEET S;TO RAGE 884 HE/~v~MACRINE, E~IPMENT STORAGE 885 ~ ' BO~T, SI~;IP ST©RAGE 886 AtC~C~A~ HAI~IGE~ 887 RAfE!A/AY;ST~O RAGE 888 FIRE STAT ONS 889 V~t~EE~S?OR~E NOT CLASS ABOVE 890 GENE~ ITE~! INSUFF INFO 891 G~NE~E, W~BEHOUSE 892 BA~GC¢~ E.D~,M ~,~EEAL PROD STORAGE 893 A%~G~ ~INERAL PRODUCTS STORAGE 894 ERE[~H~ERMINAL S95 C~C~;BB Q/CHARCOAL STORAGE 396 ~'llEf'CAR~, N~TIONAL DEFENSE NOT CLASS 397 ICE)STORAGE 398 ~A.i~ F, PIEI~ ~99 S~I~E~AL ITEM NOT CLASS ABOVE A-12 FixedPropertyUseCode Description 900 SPECIAL PROPERTIES; INSUFF INFO 909 SPECIAL PROPEK~ ~ES NOT CLASS ABOVE 910 CONSTR, UNOCCUPIED PROPERTY; INSUFF INFO 911 BUILDING UNDER CONSTRUCTION 912 BUILDING UNDER DEMOLITION 913 CONSTRUCTION, OTHER THAN BUILDINGS 914 DEMOLITION~ OTHER THAN BUILDINGS ' 915 VACANT PROPERTY 916 ,~ONTRACTOR S SHED ;)17 DLE PROPERTY ;)18 3UILDING UNDER RENQVATION )19 ~,QNSTRUCT ON, UNOCCUPIED PROPERTY )20 , 3PECIAL sTRUCTURES; INSUFF INFO )21 3RIDGE, TRESTLE 922 FUNNEL 924 TOLL STATION 925 SHELTER 926 OUTBUtLD NG, ,EXCLUDING GARAGE 927 OUTDOOR TELEPHONE BOOTH 928 ~EPJAL TRAMWAY 929 SPECIAL STRUCTURES NOT CLASS ABOVE 930 OUTDOOR PROPERTIES; INSUFF INFO 931 QPEN LAND; F ELD 932 DUMP, SAN TARY LANDFILL ;)33 ~UBEIC MAILBOX CEMETARY ~5 2AMPS17FE W TH UTILITIES ]36 ~'ACAt~T LOT 93~ :)UTDO~R:PR©PERT ES NOT CLASS ABOVE 940: WATER~AF~EAS; NSUFF INFO AVAIL 941 IN :OPEN, SEA, T DAL WATERS 942 WITHIN, DESIGNATED PORT/CHANNEL/ANCH 943 ALoNGSID'E QUAY, PIER, PILINGS 944 AT FLAMMABLE EIQ/GAS LOAD/UNLOAD FAC 945 AGROUND 946 [N~ND::WATER AREA 949, ¢i/A'TEFI ARcEA$ NOT CLASS ABOVE 950 F~I~R©ADIPRQP,'ERTY; INSUFF INFO AVAIL ~51 ~AILROAD~;RiGHT OF WAY ;)52 SWITCH YARD, MARSHALLING YARD ;)53 ~IDING ' ;)54 ~Atb'R;(~AD ~StGNAL NG, SWITCH CONTROL 9.59 ~A~E~OAD PROPERTY NOT CLASS ABOVE 960 RO 'AE~¢PARE NG PROPERTY; INSUFF INFO ABOVE 9Ei1 b[M~EBAGOESS, DIVIDED HIGHWAY 962 PA~PUBLIO STREET 966 PAMFaD PR VATE STREET, WAY 964 tJNB)~D S~REET, ROAD, PATH 965 [DN~ERED PARKING AREA A-13 FixedPropertyUseCode Description ~)69 RD/PARKING NOT CLASS ABOVE 370 A~RCRAFT AREAS; INSUFF INFO 371 ~N FLIGHT 372 DN RUNWAY 73 :)N TAXlWAY/UNCOV PARK/MAINT AREA 974 ~,T LOADING RAMP 979 AIRCRAFT AREAS NOT CLASS ABOVE 980 --QUIP OPERATING; INSUFF iNFO 981 ~ONSTRUCTION SITE 982 OIL, GASF]ELD 983 PIPELINE, POWER LINE RIGHT OF WAY 989 EQUIPMENT OPERATING AREAS NOT CLASS ABOVE A-14 APPENDIX B IMPROVEMENT CODES APPENDIX B IMPROVEMENT CODES BLDG CODE DESCRIPTION .~ATEGORY 0100 SFR :~ESIDENTIAL 0101 SFR HMSTD RESIDENTIAL 0200 3FT-MFG RESIDENTIAL [3300 3FR-ZERO,LOT RESIDENTIAL 3400 FVVNHSE-VILLA RESIDENTIAL 3402 3OCKUMIN UM ',lOT USED :)410 FOWNHQUSE RES1DENTIAE :~420 FIMESHARE ' RESIDENTIAL :)430 ZERO LOT LINE RES DENTIAL )440 CONDO MULTI-FAMILY )500 EXC-ZERO LOT RESIDENTIAL )510 CO,OP ,'IULT1-FAMILY )600 RENTAL UNIT RESIDENTIAL )700 EXC T~NHSEN LLA RESIDENTIAL 800 MOBIEE, HOME RESIDENTIAL 0801 MOBILE HOME-HX :~ESIDENTIAL 0900 EXC-RE$ DENT :~ESIDENT AL 0901 EXC~RES HMSTD ~ESIDENT AL 0909 EXC-LU,X. RES :~ESIDENTIAL [000 ~-ONDO ,L~RISE ']ULTI:-,FAM LY 1100 . ,...ONDO H. RISE vlULTI-FAM LY 1700 ~ORMI'FOR¥ MULT ~FAM LY 2200 ~FRLO r'~ RISE MULTILFA~ LY !500 VIFR;RQ'~'V HOUSE MUL:FI~FAM LY 2700 }UP'LEX MULT -FAMILY 2701 :)UPLEX!HMSTD MU[~'FI~FAMILY :~800 FRIPLEX MULTi.FAMILY ~_900 2UAD~LEX I~ULTI-FAMILY 3500 ~I ~ANGER NOT I~ISED APPENDIX C DORCODES APPENDIX C DOR CODES DOR Descr Category 0 ~/ACANT RESIDENTIAL VACANT 1 SINGLE FAMILY IMPROVED RESIDENTIAL 2 VIOBILE HOME RESIDENTIAL 3 V~ULTI FAMILY +10 UNITS VIULT FAM LY ¢ 3ONDOMINIUM ViULTI FAMILY 5 DO-CPS , . VIULTI FAMILY 3 RETIREMENT HOMES/NONEXPT ~URSING HOME T VIISC RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL 9 VIULTI FAMILY 2-9 UNITS VIULTI FAMILY 10 '/ACANT OOMMERC AL /ACANT 11 3TORES 1 STORY ~OMMERCIAL 12 FIXED USE STORE/OFF CE 3OMMER:CIAL 13 3EPARTMENT STORES 3OMMERCIAL 14 SUPERMARKETS COMMERC AL 15 REGIONAL SHOPP NG CTRS COMMERCIAL ]6 COlMMUN TY SHOPP NG CTR COMMERCIAL 17 OFFICE NON-PROF I STORY COMMERCIAL 18 OEF CE NoN-PROF 2~' STORY COMMERCIAL 19 PROPFESIONAL SERV CES COMMERCIAL ~-0 AIR/MARINE/BUS TER~ NALS COMMERCIAL 2;[ RESTAURANTS/CAP b ! ~h~ AS COMMERC AL 22 DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT CQMMERC AL 23 BANK/S & L/MORTGAGE/CRED T COMMERC AL 24 INSURANGECOMPAN~ OFF CE C~)MMERC AL 25 REPA£~RSSVC TVILAUNDR ES ~OMMERCIAL 26 SERVI[GE STATIONS $OMMERC AL 2'7 AUTO'SALES/SERVICE/RENTAL ~-QMMERCIAL 28 'vlOBI~E HOME,PARKS/PK LOTS RESIDENT AL 29 ¢VH,OIJ, ES~E/RRODU~E OUTLETS ~OMMERCtAL 30 :LORIS'P/GREENHOUSE '~ ': ' ,.,OMMERCIAL 3:1 3PEN~ST:A~D UMS '" ' ~OMME'RCIA:L 32 [HE,~ER/Au DITORIUM (ENCL) ~QMMERCIAL 33 '~IGH~ChUB/BAE~/LOUNGE " ~ "' ..... ~©MMEgCIAL 3~ 3OWLIN~/SKA~T NG/POOL HALL ~MMERG;1AL 35 rOE~R~ ATTF~CTION 3OMMER¢!AL ..AMPS 30MMER61AL ~'AC;'E TRACK; RORS 3;7 E/DOG/AUTO -~O~E,~G U RSF-.JD RIVI N G RANGE OO, MMER~AE ~9 , COMMERCIAL HOTElS/MOTELS ¢0 ~'~CANT INDUSTR AL VA(~ANT ¢-~ b;T MF~tSM ~MACH SHOP/PRINT IN:~US~RtAL/VVAREHOUSE $2 H~ 1ND/EQuiP MFG/MACH I,NDuShsRIAL/VVAREHOUSE C-0 )OR Descr Category 53 LUMBER YARD/SAWMILL INDUSTRIALANAREHQUSE 54 PACK PLANT (FRU T/MEAT) INDUSTRIAL/WAREHQUSE 55 CANNERIES/DISTILLERIES INDUSTRIAL/WAREHQUSE 36 FOOD PROCESSING/BAKERIES INDUSTRIALANAREHQUSE 37 CEMENT PLANTS INDUSTRIALNVAREHQUSE ~8 WAREHOUSING INDUSTRIAL/WAREHOUSE 19 OPEN STORAGE INDUSTRIAL/WAREHOUSE 70 IMPROVED AGR CULTURAL RESIDENTIAL 71 VEGETABLE CROPS AGRICULTURAL 52 Bt-ANNUAL RQW, CROPS AGRICULTURAL 53 ROW CROPS AGRICULTURAL 54 TIMBERLAND SITE 90 AGRICULTURAL 55 TIMBERLAND SITE 80~89 AGRICULTURAL 56 TIMBERLAND SITE 7(%79 AGRICULTURAL 57 TIMBERLAND SITE 6(%69 AGRICULTURAL 58 ]~IMBERLAND S TE 5(%59 AGRICULTURAL 59 ~IMBERLAN,D,' NOT CLASSIFIED &GRICUL~FURAL 6g MPROVED PASTURE LAND AGRICULTURAL 61 5'EMNIMPROVED LAND AGRICULTURAL 62 ~IATIVE LAND AGR CULTt~RAL 83 NASTE LAND AGRICEIETURAL ~ltlG LAb~D CLASS V ~GRICULTURAL ~RA~ING LAND CLASS VI AGRICU~LT~U~L 86 ~[~R~ " ~GRICUL~U~L, 87 ~OUL~F~Y/BEES/F SH/RABB T AGRIC~tt;¥~RAL 88 ~A1R¥ ;HOG & CATTLE FEED ' ~' ' .... ~GRIC~LTeRAL 59 :~RN~ENTALS MlSC AG ~GRIOEI'LT~RAL 70 /ACAINT iNSTITUTIONAL CACANT ~URCHES NsTITUTIONAL 72 ~B!VA~E SCHOOLS & COLLEGE ;NST[~UTIONAL 73 ~BB/A~E OWN ED HOSPITALS ~S~I~O~IONAL 74 ~OMES'F(~R ,THE AGED qU, RS~if~I~ HOME 75 ~PN~NAGES NSTIYg¥1ONAL 76 ¢IQ RTUARI;ES/C E METE RI ES JNSTIT ,~1~ QI~IAL 77 6L0~BS LODGES UN ON HALLS ....' , · · INSTITB',~IONAL 78 sAN~7~.~'I:L~,~I~3 CONVALES, REST NSTIT~J~fONAL , ~.LT~U,~G, FACIILITIES ~STITU~[O,,NAL ~0, rCNDEE~NEE) ~OT ~2 ~';FOREST/PARKS/RECREATIONAL ¢I.~T US~B ~3 ,P~BLIC CC(d t{]TY SCHOOLS I~STIT~IONAL 34 6(~LUEGES INSTITU~ ~NAL ~5 BeSP T/~LS iNSTITUtIONAL ~6 ¢OL[NTY iN~3T T~ ~NAL 37 STATE INSTI;TUTIONAL 3~ FEDERAL INSTITUTIONAL C-1 :)OR Descr Category 39 MUNICIPAL NOT PARKS INSTITUTIONAL ]0 LEASEHOLD GOVT OWNED INSTITUTIONAL )1 UTILITIES, GAS/ELEC/TELEP INDUSTRIALNVAREHOUSE )2 MINING, PETROLEUM, GAS INDUSTRIALNVAREHOUSE )3 SUBSUR~FACE RIGHTS NOT USED )4 RIGHT-OF-WAY NOT USED )5 RIVERS & LAKES SUBMERGED NOT USED )6 SEWAGE DISP, BORROW PITS NOT USED )7 OUTDOOR REC OR PARK NOT USED )8 CENTRALLY ASSESSED NOT USED )9 ~,CREAGE NON AGRICULTURAL VACANT C-2 APPENDIX D ESTIMATED FIRE :RESCUE ASSESSMENT RATE SCHEDULE APPENDIX D ESTIMATED FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMENT RATE SCHEDULE SECTION D-I. The estimated Fire DETERMINATION OF FIRE RESCUE ASSESSED COSTS. Rescue Assessed Cost to be assessed for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1,2001, is $4,352,899. SECTION D-2. ESTIMATED FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMEN'I Fire Rescue Assessments to be assessed and apportioned among pursuant to the Cost Apportionment and Parcel Apportionment to gene~ Fire Rescue Assessed Cost for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, S. The estimated enefitted parcels ate the estimated 2001, are hereby established as follows for the purpose of this Initial Assessment Resolution: RESIDENTIAL Rate Per PROPERTY USE Dwelling Unit CATEGORIES Single Family Residential $ 90 Multi-Family Residential $ NON-RESIDENTIAL Building PROPERTY USE Classification (in Industrial/ Nursing CATEGORIES square foot ranges) Commercial Warehouse InstitUtional Homes < 1,999 $ 200 $ 63 $ 324 $ 324 2,000- 3,499 $ 399 $ 127 $ 649 $ 649 3,500 -4,999 $ 699 $ 222 $ 1,135 $ 1,135 5,000 - 9,999 $ 998 $ 317 $ 1,622 $ 1,622 10,000.19,999 $ 1,996 $ 634 $ 3,243 $ 3,243 20,000- 29,999 $ 3,992 $ 1,268 $ 6,486 $ 6,486 30,000- 39,999 $ 5,988 $ 1,902 $ 9,729 $ 9,729 40,000-49,999 $ 7,983 $ 2,536 $ 12,972 $ 12,972 >50,000 $ 9,979 $ 3,171 $ 16,215 $ 16,215 D-1 APPENDIX E PARCEL APPORTIONMENT METHODOLOGY APPENDIX E PARCEL APPORTIONMENT METHODOLOGY The Cost Apportionment to each Property Use Category and to Mixed Use Properzy shall be apportioned among the Tax Parcels within each Property Use Category and to Mixed Use Property Tax Paroels as follows. SECTION E-I. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. The Fire Rescue Assessment for each Tax Parcel of Residential Property shall be computed by multiplying the Demand Percentage attributabl9 to each of the residential Property Use Categ~ories by the Fire Rescue Assessed Costs, dividing such product by the total number of Dwelling Units shown on the Tax Roll within the City for each of the residential Property Use Categories, and then multiplying such quotient oy the number of Dwelling Units located on such Tax Parcel SECTION E-2. NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. The Fire Rescue Assessments for each Building of Non-Residential Property (except Nursing Home Property) shall be computed as follows: (A) Respectively, multiply the Fire Rescue Assessed Cost by the Demand Percentage attributable to each of the non-residential Property Use Categories. The resulting dollar amounts reflect the portions of the City's fire rescue budget to be respectively funded from Fire Rescue Assessment revenue derived from each of the non- residential Property Use Categories. (B) Separate each Building in each of the non-residential Property Use Categories into one of the following square footage categories: (1) Buildings with a Buildin~g Area of less than 1,999 square feet; E-1 (2) Buildings with a Building Area between 2,000 square feet and 3,499 square feet; feet; feet; (3) Buildings with a Building Area between 3,500 square feet and 4,999 square (4) (5) square feet; (6) square feet; (7) square feet; Buildings with a Building Area between 5,000 square feet and 9,999 square Buildings with a Building Area between 10,000 square feet and 19,999 Buildings with a Building Area between 20,000 square feet and 29,999 Buildings with a Building Area between 30,000 square feet and 39,999 (8) Buildings with a Building Area between 40,000 square feet and 49.999 square feet; and (9) Buildings with a Building Area of 50,000 square feet or greater. (C) As to each non-residential Property Use Category (except Nursing Home Property) multiply the number of Buildings categorized in: (1) Subsection (B)(1) of this Section ~)y 1,000 square feet; (2) Subsection (B)(2) of this Section by 2,000 square feet; (3) Subsection (B)(3) of this Section by 3,500 square feet; (4) Subsection (B)(4) of this Section by 5,000 square feet; (5) Subsection (B)(5) of this Section by 10,000 square feet; (6) Subsection (B)(6) of this Section by 20,000 square feet; E-2 (7) Subsection (B)(7) of thiS Section by 30,000 square feet; , (8) SUbsection (B)(8) of this Section by 40,000 square feet; ~nd (9) SubSection (B)(9) of this Section by 50,000 square feet. ' (D) For each non-residential Rroperty Use Category, add the products of subsections (C)(1) through (C)(9) of this Section. The sum of these products reflects an aggregate square footage area for each non-residential Property Use C~tegory to be used by the City in the computation of Fire ResCue Assessments. (E) Divide the product of subsection (A) of this Section relative to each of the non-residential Property Use Categories by the sum of the produc!s for each non- residential Property Use Category described in subsection (D) of this Section. The resulting quotient expresses a dollar amount adjusted or weighted pgr square foot of improved area to be used in computing Fire Rescue Assessments respective non-residential Property Use Categories. (F) For each of the non-residential Property Use Catego~ on each of the ~es, multiply the resulting quotients from subsection (A) of this Section by each of the respect ve products in subsections (C)(1) through (C)(9) of this Section. The resulting produicts for each non- residential Property Use iCategory expresses a series of gross dollar amounts expected to be funded by all Buildings in the respective non-residential Property Uise Categories in each of the square footage categories described in subsection (B) of this Section. ((3) For each of the non-residential Property Use Categories, divide each of the respective products of subsection (F) of this Section by the number of Buildings determined to be in each of the square footage categories identified in ~ubsection (B) of this Section. The result expresses the respective dollar amounts of [he Fire Rescue E-3 Assessments to be imposed upon each Building in each of the non-residential Property Use Categories. SECTION E-3. NURSING HOME PROPERTY. Notwithstanding the procedure in Section E-2 for Non-Residential Property, the Fire Rescue Assessments for each Building of Nursing Home Property shall be computed as follows: (A) For Nursing Home Property, assign the respective dollar amounts of the Fire Rescue Assessments determined in Section E-2 of this Appendix for Institutional Property to the comparable square footage category ranges of Nursing Home Property. Such amount shall be the amount of the Fire Rescue Assessments imposed upon each Building of Nursing Home Property. (B) Multiply the amount directed to be imposed as Fire Rescue Assessments on Nursing Home Property in subsection(A) of this Section by the number of Buildings determined to be in each of the square footage category ranges related To Nursing Home Property in subsection (B)(1) [hrough (B)(9) of Section E-2. The sum of the resulting products represents the aggregate revenue to be derived from Fire Rescue Assessments imposed upon Nursing Home Properly. (C) The remaining portion of the City's fire rescue budget otherwise attributable to Nursing Home Property, and not funded through Fire Rescue Assessments imposed upon Nursing Home Property, shall be funded from legally available City revenue other than Fire Rescue Assessment proceeds. SECTION E-4. MIXED USE PROPERTY. The Fire Rescue Assessments for each Tax Pamel classified in two or more Property Use Categories shall be the sum of the Fire Rescue Assessments computed for each Property Use Category. E-4 APPENDIX F FORM OF NOTICE TO:BE PUBLISHED To Be Published by August 14, 2001 NOTICE OF HEARING TO IMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR COLLECTION OF FIRE RESCUE SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach will conduct a public hearing to consider the imposition of annual fire rescue special assessments for the provision o[ fire rescue services within the municipal boundaries of the City of Boynton Beach. The headng wi] be held at 6:30 p.m. on September 4, 2001, in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed assessments. A] affected property owners have a dght to appear at the hearing and to file written objections with the City Commission within 20 days of this notice. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at the hearing, such person will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be made. In accordance with the Amencans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding shoul~l contact the City Clerk's Office at (561)[insert number], at least two days prior to the date of the hearing. The assessment for each parcel of property will be based upon each parcel's classification and the total num bei- of billing units attributed to that parcel. The following table reflects the proposed fire rescue assessment schedules. F-1 FIRE RESCUE ASSESSMENTS RESIDENTIAL Rate Per PROPERTY USE Dwelling Unit CATEGORIES Single Family Residential$ 9(: Multi-Farri[ly Residential $ 96 NON-RESIDENTIAL Building PROPERTY USE Classification (in Industrial/ Nursing CATEGORIES square foot ranges) Commercial Warehouse Institt~tional Homes < 1,999 $ 200 $ 63 $ 324 $ 324 2,000- 3,499 $ 399 $ 127 $ 649 $ 649 3,500 - 4,999 $ 699 $ 222 $ 1,135 $ 1,135 5',000 - 9,999 $ 998 $ 317 $ 1,622 $ 1,622 0;000 - 19,999 $ 1,996 $ 634 $ 3,243 $ 31243 2d 000 - 29,999 $ 3,992 $ 1,268 $ ~,486 $ 6,486 3d 000 -39 999 $ 5,988 $ 1,902 $ ~),729 $ 9,729 4d 000-49999 $ 7,983 $ 2,536 $ 12 972 $ 12,972 ~50,000 $ 9,979 $ 3,171 $ 16,215 $ 16,215 Copies of the Fire Rescue Assessment Ordinance, the Initial Assessment Resolution and the preliminary Assessment Roll are available for ~nspection at [office designation], City Hall, located at 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach Florida. The fire rescue service non-ad valorem assessment will be collected on a separate bill that will be mailed to you in November. Failure to pay the assessments could result in foreclosure proceedings against your property as well as the initiation of proceedings to compel payment by any means authorized by law, including a process that would cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property which may result in a oss of title. If you have any questions, please contact [insert person/departmept] at (561)[insert number], Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m, Monday/through Friday. [INSERT MAP OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH] CITY COMMISSION CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA F-2 APPENDIX G FORM OF NOTICE TO BE MAILED APPENDIX FORM OF NOTICE TO BE MAILED * * * * * NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER * * * * * City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Owner Name Address City, State Zip CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF HEARING TO IMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR COLLECTION OF FIRE REscUE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS NOTICE DATE: AUGUST 14, 2001 Tax Parcel # Legal Description: As required by Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, and City Ordinance No. 2001~ notice is given by the City of Boynton Beach that an annual assessment for fire rescue services using the tax bill collection method, may be levied on your property for the fiscal year October 1, 2001 - September 30, 2002. The purpose of this assessment is to fund fire rescue services benefitting improved property located within the City of Boynton Beach. The total annual fire rescue assessment revenue to be collected within the City of Boynton Beach is estimata¢ to be $4,352,899. The annual fire rescue assessment is based on the classification of each pa¢ce of property and number of billing units contained therein. The above parcel is classified as The total number of billing units on the above parcel is The type of billing units on the above parcel is The annual fire rescue assessment for the above parcel is $ A public headng will be held at 6:30 p.m. on September 4, 2001, in the City Corqmission Chambers, City Hall, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida for the I~urpose of receiving public comment on the proposed assessments. You and all other affected property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and to file written objections with the City CommiSsion within 20 days of this notice. If you decide to appeal any decision made by the City Commissiori with respect to any matter considered at the headng, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, including the testimony and evidence upon wl~ich the appeal is to be made. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons, needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact [VVHO] at (561) , at least days prior to the date of the headng. Unless proper steps are initiated in a court of competent jurisdiction to secure relief within 20 days from the date of City Commission action at the above hearing (including the method of apportionment, the rate of assessment and the mpos t on of assessments), such action sha be the final adjudication of the issues presented. G-1 Copies of the Fire Rescue Assessment Ordinance, the Initial Assessment Resolution and the preliminary assessment roll are available for inspection at the [City Clerk's] office, ocated at City Hall, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. The fire rescue service non-ad va orem assessment amount shown on this ngtice for the above parcel will be collected on a separate bill that will be mailed to you in Novembert Failure to pay the assessments cou d result in fo~-eclosure proceedings against your property as ~ell as the ir~itiation of proceed r~gs to COmpel payment by any means authorized b'y law, including a process that would cause a tax ~,ertifiCate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of title. If there is a mistake on this notice, it will be corrected. If you have any questions regarding your fire rescue service assessment, please contact [WHO] at (561) , Monday through Fri~lay between a.m. and p.m. If you have a correction, please 1~11 out the enclosed correction request card and return it to the City immediately. THIS IS NOTA BILL G-2