Minutes 01-15-68MI~dTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL I'~EETI%IG HELD AT CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA, MONDAY, JAN~dARy 15, 1968 AT 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Michael V. Michael, Mayor Vincent J. Gal!o~ St0, Vice Mayor Gilbert H. Collins~ Councilman Leonard E. Nylund~ Councilman Thomas A. Summers~ Councilman Gene Moore~ City Attorney Grady Courtney~ City Manager Mrs. Tereesa Padgett: City Clk. Mayor Michael called the meeting to order. The Invocation was given by Rev. Henry Jarvis, Southside Baptist Church and the flag salute was led by Vice Mayor Gallo. Mr. Cess Farrar of the Chamber of Commerce~ and Mrs. William McKenzie~ Girl Scout Leader were recognized. MINUTES Mr. Nylund advised that the minutes of January 2nd meeting had an error. ~Jim Robinson Construction Co.~ should read ~Hays-Robins~n Construction Company.~ Mr. Nylund moved that the Minutes of January ~nd meeting be approved with the correction on Page 10_~Seconded by Mr. Collins. ~nanimously carried. OLD BUSINESS Appoint Charter Study Committee (on the table). Mr. Nylund moved that we take this from the table. Seconded by Mr. Gallo. Hnanimousty carried. Mr. Nyl~nd made a recommendation that the Mayor~ CounciL, City Attorney, and City Manager, be on the Committee and each Councilman pick one man to be on the Committee with them. This was agreed to by the Council and the selections are as follows: Mr. N¥1und selected Clyde Worrell Mr. Summers ~ Ray Allen Mr. Collins ~ Ford Carter, Jr. Mr. Gallo ~ James Mahoney Mr. Michael ~ Paul Startzman Mr- Nylund moved that we appoint the above named people, the City Council~ the Mayor~ City Attorney and City Manager to the Charter Study Committee. Seconded by Mr. Gallo. Unanimously carried. Consider purchase of leased automobile Mr. Courtney advised that at the Workshop Meeting they preferred not to exercise their option to purchase this car. Mr. Gallo~ moved that we do not purchase the automobile under option. Seconded by Mr. Collins~ Hnanimously carried. -1- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING JANUARY 15, 1968 BIDS ~quatic Weed Control Pennsalt Chemical Corporation - $570.00 - Mission Hill Canals Mr. Courtney recommended acceptance of the bid from Pennsait. Mr. Summers moved that we accept the bid of Pennsalt Chemical Comp. for the bid as specified. Seconded by Mr. Nytund. Unanimously carried. Tractor w~th Backhoe and Loader 5~. Courtney advised that this is the hid we had for further study at Workshop meeting for clarification of specifications. Mr. Nylund moved that we give this bid to DeMarco Tractor Company. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried. Mr. Summers advised that at the time of acceptance of this equipment it be checked to make sure it does meeting specifications. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mr, Charles Boos, 130 E. Ocean Avenue came forward and discussed the Housing Code enforcement situation in the City of Boynton Beach. Emily Jackson, 728 N.E. 9th Avenue, came forward opposing the possi- biiity of getting Urban Renewal for Boynton Beach. ..NEW BHSINESS Mr. Courtney requested permission to qo out for bids on the compact automobile~ limestone and shellroek for our road maintenance. Mm. Summers moved that we per, it the City Manage~ to advertise for bids on the compact automobile~ limestone and shellrock. Seconded by Mr. Gallo. Unanimously carried. LEGAL Consider position of City Prosecutor Discussion held. Mr. Gallo moved that we create the position of City Prosecutor by regu- lar Ordinance. Seconded by Mr,. Nylund. Motion carried B to 2. Mr. Summers and Fmyor Michael opposed. City Attorney read O~dinance 68-2. -2- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~EETING JANUARY 15 ~ 1968 MD. Nylund moved that this Omdinance be passed on first onded by ~ ~ 'Gallo. Motion carried 3 to 2. Mr. Summers MicP~e 1 opposed. Mr. Summers advised he still feels we are going to have attorneys - one for each side - and we don't have the mc budget for one at this time and we should study it for Discussion held. ¥~s. Edith Latcham~ 418 N.W. 7th Street came forward as doing the work in the past. The'City Attorney advised that last year it was done by ney. Further discussion held. Proposed Ordinance 68-1 - re Adopting Sec. 17-42.1 of t~ State misdemeanors. ,. The City Attorney explained this Ordinance in detail. Mr. Gallo moved that Ordinance 68-1 be read as an emerg~ Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously carried. City Attorney read Ordinance 68-1. Mr. Gallo moved that Ordinance 68-1 be passed on first onded by l~. Nytund. Unanimously carried. ADMINISTRATIVE Receipt of Cremation Certificates - Morgan Guaranty Tru Mayor Michael advised these were 1961 Series A, B and C Bonds. Mr. Gallo moved that this notice be accepted from Morga~ Company and placed among the records of the City of Boy~ Seconded by Mr. Summers. UnanimOusly carried. Application ~or permit to sell Gi~l Scout Cookie§ City Clerk advised the Girl Scouts had requested permis~mon cookies~ door-to-door and at the shopping centers from Feb. February 12th. ~ Mr. ~allo moved that the permit for ~irl Scouts be granted. Mr. Summers. Unanimously carried. ~eading. Sec- and Mayor to hire two ney in the ne next budget. ina who has been the City Attor- e Code on ncy ordinance. eading. Sec- r Co. latem and Sewer Guaranty Trust .~on Beach. to sell 2nd thru Seconded by -5- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL 5~ETING JAS~JARY 15 ~ 1968 Summers advised that the 8 weeks are up on the traffic light for 10th Avenue. Discussion held. Mayor Michael advised that the globes on some of the lights on the highway are missing and that it is up to the Florida Power g Light Company to keep them replaced. ADJOUP~gMENT Mr. Nylund moved that the meeting 1~ adjourned. Seconded by Mr. Summers. Unanimously carried. Meeting adjoumned at 8:30 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA .=mt H. · Coun LeOnard E. N~lund, Cou~ilman ' Thomas g. Summers, Councilman Tereesa Padget~ity Clerk -5- MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY CORPOBJ~TE TRUST DEPARTMENT 3T36 -G23 -I7/ City of Boy.ton Beach 120 N. E. Second Avenue Boy. ton Beach, Flor. ids Att: -~. J. B. Heuderson~ City ~-%~uager Dear Sirs: We enclose herewith Cremation Certificate(s) single copy, 4 in duplicate, in triplicate, in quadruplicate, covering the destruction of th~ng described securities': ~ESCRIPTION ace value c~uce!led Coupons detached from City of Boynton emch, F~lorida?ater and Sewer Re.hue Bends Issue of 1961 Series ~ d~c ~c~ber 1~ 1961. ~ce v~u~ caucelied Coccus det~hed fr~ Ci~ of Boy. ton ~e~ch~ Florida Wa~r & ~r Revenue B~ds Issue of 1961 ~Eeries B d~ted Dece~er l, l~l. incipal ~ouut c~ncslled CiSy of Bo2~to~ Be~ch~ Floridm ~a~r and Se~r Eevenue Bonds~ Issue oi 1~1, Series A ~Oated December 1, 1961~ due June 1: 1966. ~incip~ ~unt ~ceited :~ " ~: "4 I/4~ Wa~r and .~ar Revenue Bonds, Issue of 1961~ Series B dated December ~, ~ue ~un~ 1~ i~6. $33,637.50 32~400.00 !5~000.00 20~000.00 Copies of Certificate sent to: None ~.' Au&orized S=gnatUre ; MOROAN GUaRANtY MORGAN OUARAN~¥ ~FB. usT COMPANY APPOINTMENT OF CITY OFPICiALS - 1968 NON-CLASSIPIED City Manager City Attorney Municipal Judge Judge ad Litem CLASSIFIED City Clerk & Tax Collector Tax Assessoz.g Purchasing Agent Finance Director & Deputy Treasurer Treasurer - Chief of Police Fire Chief Recreation Director Building Of£icial Librarman Deputy City Clerk & Tax Collector Deputy Tax Assessor - Superintendent of Public Works L Public Utilities - Grady W. Courtney Gene Moore Judge Martin R. Durkin Ronald Ewin? Tereess Padgett William L. Allan *Olive Wallace *Rena Carrier Gerald Thompson C. Eugene Wright 3eorge Johnson Stuart Fuller Florence Sulliva~ 2allie Clanton Ada Shook Harold Hopkins * = Non-Civil Service BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT George Davis J. W. Ridgeway William H. Yates Ray Allen Curtis Weaver Robert C. Brand (Alt.) George Cummins (Alt.) Ezell Hester (Alt.) BOARD OF BARBER EXAMINERS Wally Koch Jerry Cantor Columbus Daniels BUILDING BOARD William Q. Hays Lou Samyn Stuart Fuller Gerald Statey George Monaghan Clarence Clarke Ward Cummings CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1968 CIVIL SERVICE APPEALS BOARD Richard Monahan Clyde Earner CIVIL SERVICE APPEALS BOARD ALTERNATES Eddie L. Mitchell R. J. Mc A£ee BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF ELECTRICIANS Stuart Fullez Tom Bowles Allan Nyquist Ivan Allmond Pete Bokisa INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION John Rogers Leonard E. White Edw. Duffy~ Jr. George Wilde Howard Riley Leon A. Cloutier J. A. Riley Rev. R. M. Lee 4~. V. Bm~a~bach' Bill Beck Chas. Hadley (delete) CEMETERY BOA, RD Edgar Hurford L. Don Combs Jack Maddox Mrs. Bertha Chadwelt Mrs. P. Van Devender Mrs. Tereesa Padgett INTER-RACIAL COMMITTEE Paul Johnson Mrs. Edythe Hood Mrs. Lottie Pierce Thomas Rushing Leroy Harris William Cullen Mrs. Eleanor Herder Rev. Vernon Perkins Willie Bagley Willie Miller Ben Cain Howard J. Foley Tom Nor£us Mrs. Nanie Weaver (added) BOARDS AND COMMITTEES - 1968 Page 2. LIBraRY BOARD Mrs. Nan Gordon M~s. Mildred White mM~s-~. Est~ll~- (delete) Mrs. Nanie Weaver Mrs. Judith Sanders Mrs. Estelle Schaap Mrs. Ruby Mack Mrs. Christine Edward PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD Robert Olds Maynard Wertz Stanley Weaver Col. Albert Wehrell Foy Ward Walter Dutch jim Mc Alpine BOARD OF PLUMBING COMMISSIONERS Stuart Fuller C. A. Ostrom Frank Kirkeby Nolan Williams Mike McLaughlin (Alt.) Willie Sloan (Alt.) RECREATION AND PARKS BOARD Ray gara A. A. Stuart: Jr. Mrs. Helen Kirkeby Rev. Naaman ~mubbs Joseph Hart Mrs. John W. Chandler Mrs. Pat Greenwood ROAD PLANNING COMMITTEE Henry E. Thompson Harvey E. Oyer, Jr. George Wilde Joseph Brull Stanley Weaver John Rogers George Grosch Michael V. Michael