Minutes 12-18-67MINUTES OF PJ~GULAR CITY CUdNCIL MEETING HELD AT CITY H~LL, BOYNTON~ BEACH, FLORIDA ON MONDAY, DECE~ER 18~ 1967 AT 7:$0 P.M. PRESENT: ~Li~hael V. Michael, Mayor Thomas A. Summers'~ Vice Gilbert H. Cotlins~ Councilman Leonard E. Nytund, Councilman A. Clyde Worrell, Jr., Councilman Joseph Humphrey, $itM Attorney G~ady W. Courtney~ City .Manager M~s. Tereesa Padqett, City Clerk Mayor Michael opened the meeting. The invocation was qiven by Council- man Clyde Worrelt and the Flag Salute was led by Councilman Nylund. MINUTES Re~qular ~ieeting - Dec.ember 4,, 1967 Mr. Nylund moved that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 4~ 1967 be accepted as p~esented. Seconded by M~. Worrell. ~nanimously carried. Special P~eeting - December 6, 1967 Mr, Nytund moved that the Minutes of the Special Meeting of December 6, 1967 be approved as presented. Seconded by Mr. Coltihs. ~nanimously carried. OLD B~SINESS Request for Beverage License - Kenneth Lyman (.~n the table) Discussion held by Council and it was decided this matter be left on the table until further information is received. Apppint Charter Study qommittee (On the M~. Nylund advised tb~t they have decided to leave this appointment of charter study committee on the table until the 1st meeting in January. Report from Florida Turn. pike ~uthorit7 ~e Boynton Interehanqe~ by Ci~., AttorneF· Ma~or Michael advised that at the Workshop Meeting they went over this and the Road Committee of the Turnpike Authori~ advised ~ ,.~,~ ~ the City $5~800.00 for the ~reI~mina~y su~uey.a~.__ this~wou%~"~.~~~.~ ~__ clud?d, in the biddingand C~ty would receive it ba~ka~tem it went out for bids. The City would have to pay it befo=e the Turnpike Authority would make the survey. Mm. Summers .advised that his understending is that un~il this prelimin- ary survey is made that they will not do anything unti~ then. - M~. Courtney advised that we have this amount in the budget-- for this -1- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~EETING DECEMBER 18, 1967 purpose. Mr. Summers moved that we release this $3,800.00 for the State Turn- pike Authority to make the prel/minary survey on the Interchange. Sec- onded by Mr. Worretl, Unan/mously carried. BID~ 7:45 P.M. OPENING ~. Nylund moved that the receiving of the bids be closed and the bids which we had received be opened. Seconded by Mr. Summers. Unanimously cm. rried. ONE MOTORCYCLE The City Clerk advised that Bids had been received from the follow/rig: Harley Davidson, Miami Harley Davidson, Palm Beach Mr. Worrell moved that the bids be accepted and turned over to the Tabulation Committtee. Seconded by M~. Nylund. Unanimously carried. MOBILE POLICE RADIOS AND ONE BASE STATION The City Clerk advised that bids had been received from the following: Motorola, Ft. Lauderdale on two mobile radios Motorola, Ft. Lauderdale on Base Station ~,~. Nylund moved that these bids be turned over to the Tabulation Committee for ~ '~ ~ t~l_ recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unani- mously carried. One ~actor with Backhoe ,and Loader The City Clerk advised that bids had been received from the following: De Marco Truck g Implement Co., Boynton BeactJ Trail Ford Tractor Co., Lake Worth Richardson Tractor, Ft. Lauderdale Engineering Machine Co., Delray Beach P~. Summers moved that we accept the bids and =urn them over to ~he Tabulating Committee for their recommendation. Seconded by Mr. 9~rell Unanimously carried. -2- MIk~TES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~'~ETING DECEMBER 18~ 1967 9ne, Qrawier Tractor The City Clerk advised that the following bids had been received: Souare Deal Machines, Miami Kelley %k, aetor, Miami Richardson Tractor, Ft. Lauderdale Fla-Ga. Tractor COmpany, North Miami Mr. Worrell moved that we receive the bids and turn ~hem over to the Tabulating Committee. Seconded by FAr. Su3mners. Unanimously carried. Two Kerb_age Packers - (a) Cab ~ (b) Body Bids were received from the following companies: Jerry Earl Pontiac, Delray Beach Miami Truck g Motor Co., Miami, Fla. Benz Chevrolet, Lake Worth General C~{C Truck Sales g Service, West Palm Beach, Fla. H. P. Mason Equipment Corp., Hialeah~ Fla. Tom Wood Equipment Co., Miami Adams Chevrolet, Delray Hunt %'muck Sales ~ Service, Miami Turner Truck Equipment, Miami Mr. Summers moved that the bids be received and turned over to the Tabulating Coma~ittee for their recommendation. Seconded by FAT.Collins. Unanimously carried. A~uatic W~_~Contro~ ~,irs. Padgett, City Clerk, read the one and only bid received: Peu=nsalt Chemical Company, Montgomery, Alabama Mission Hill Section only - $570.00 - work completed within ~0 days. Mr. Worrell moved that this bid be received and turned over to the Tabulating Committee for recommendation. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Unanimously carried. PUBLIC HEA.P~I. NG Request for change in zoning from R-1 to R-2, Lots Central Park Annex. Owner: Lucinda Mackinlay d~ A oress: 1314 S. Seaerest Blvd. Mrs. Mack/nlay came forward and advised per, it to conduct her wig business in one ~oom of her home. 12 & 13~ Blk 7, the council that shewanted a She said -3- MI~dTES REGULAR CI?Y COUNCIL ~.~ETING DECEMBER 18~ 1967 if the Council rezones the property that is fine with hem, but if she could get a permit they would not have to change the zoning. Discussion held. Summers moved that this change in zoning be denied on the recommenda tion of the P!annin9 and Zoning Board. City Attorney advised that the City could not give permits in R-1 resi- dential areas to conduct a business in a home. Mrs. Arthur Quiekel, 128 S.E. 12th Avenue came forward objecting to the change iD. zoning mentioned above. Mrs. ~nn Romer, 117 S.E. 12th Avenue came forward to also object to the rezoning of this property. ~. Scott~ 125 S.E. 12th Avenue came £orward against the change in zonings. He wants the area left residential - the way it has been. ~_~. Summers moved we take the recommendation of Board and deny this request ~or zoning change. ~nanimously carried. Request denied. the ~lanning & Zoning Seconded by Mr. Worrell, Discussion held on conditional license to operate business in her home where~ the City Attorney advised there is no such thing in a residenti& area. P~BLIC f{r. N. Braytey~ 2815 S.W, 9th Street came forward to advise the Council that he gave the City Clerk a letter to read at this meeting. Council had been given copies of same. City Clerk read the letter which re- quested that the salaries of -the Police Department and other City em- ployees be raised to mee~ the cost of living, k~rs, Jean Cottrili: 612 N.E. 7th Avenue came forward with information regarding Women's Self Defense Course she had taken and requested the City Council to please consider giving such a course ~o be paid for by anyone interested in taking the course, when the Pistol Range is set up Mr. Bill Edetl came forward and stated the Council should give a vote of thanks to Byron Leggett and the Sun Sentinel for The tremendous job they did in helping a family that lost their home and belongings by fire Decently. ~nanks to the newspaper~ the family is all settled again in a home and have been given articles of clothing, etc. in their time of need. Mr. William Blac~k of St. Joseph s Episcopal Chumch came forward re- questing /n~ormation abouta letter he had sent to the Cit~ regarding three lig'hts from S. Seacrest up to the Church. The Church will be gl~ -4- MIN~dTES RESUL~R CITY COU~CIL ~ETIifG DECE~,~ER 18 ~ 1~S7 to pay the electrical bill on the costs ~ e'~c. It was decided by the Council to con'~ct the Florida Powem g Light and make a~mangements to have this work done at the expense of the church. The City ~uld only make the amrangements. ~EW B~SI~,~SS Theme was no new business: 0mdinance ~7-23. (O~.. the table) - Amend~qq ~a~er ~dinance. M~. Cour~ey advised that the Ci~ had as!~d the 3oa~d of Realtors to la~ ~nem .~now what would be considemed det~en~l t~ the p~operty and as yet the City has no~ ~eceived any in,oration. It ~s age, ced by the Counc~ to leave this ~d~an~ on the ~b!e until such t~ne as this info~mation is received. Qrdinance 67-?5 (,~d Readincf) uu~ldmn~f Code. City Attorney read the head~g o~ Ord~an~ 67-25. ~{r. Nylu~d moved that Ordinance 67-25 be ~ssed on Second Reading. Seconded by Mr. Coll~s. U~n~]ousty ~rried. Ordinance 67-26 (2nd Readinq) - Air Condition~q Cod~. City Attorney read the heading of ~dinance 67-26. Mr. Worrell moved that ~dinan~ 67-26 be passed on Second Reading. Seconded by Mr. Supers. ~an~nousty ~rmied. ADMINIS~TI~ ~- te man~3e D~cuss pmoposed Mayom Michael ~ea~ the lette~ ~om ~he Fmatem~l ~de~ of Police Association, Discussion held. I~m. Su~mems moved that uhe C~o7 B~o~ney De ~s~uctgd to draw up the necessamy papers fo~ the R~le Range. Seconded my MD. Wo~ll. mous ly ~Pmied. Conside~ Pe~uest of ~valSem~s Club The Cavalier's Club have ~equested the use of Wilson Recmeation a~ea for a camnival for a few days. M~TES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL~.~ET/N~ DECEMBER 18 ~ 19G7 Discussion held. Mr. Wormell moved that we inform the Cavalier's Club ?s to our basic standards establis~ed at the last meeting. Seconded Dy Mr. Summers. Hnaninous ly carried. Establish date fOr first meetincf in Januarv~ 1988. Discussion held. 6ir. Su~ners moved ti%at we have our recjular meeting on Tuesday ~ January 2 196o°. Seconded by ~4P. Collins. Unan~nously caP, led. ~eceiDt of list of paFsents made in Noyember~ 1967. Nylund moved that the list of payments be approved. Collins. Unanimously camried. Seconded by ~pproval of Dills Florida East Coast - prorated share ~4~000.00 as per a~'reement~ Account 1820-498. Summers moved '~' - t_,,~_s bill be paid. Seconded by ~,~r. Nytund. ~rmni- mously ca~ried. Russell g Axon - $622.05 ~or Est~aa~ce '" ¢~2 and E:,gineer in~- ~ -ecs. hr. Worrell moved that this bill be paid. Seconded b~ Hr. Nylund. ~nan~nous !y carried. Consider Christmas Ad ,in local papers Dis cussion held. Mr. Su~mmers moved that the Cra% do no'c pu~ an ~d in the newspapers. Seconded by ~.k~. Worrell. 4-to-1 vo'ce. [,~. Collins opposed, l~%otion carried. Reques~ approval to advertise for bids for concession at the beach~ Mr. Cour'~ney advised the Council that he had a sug-gested proposal 'to acc=pu ,re!ds on the puol%c peach ,my ~ne City ~umnmsnm',ng -them a place ~o park and t~Sy would give a certain percentage of the profits to -the Cmty. ~he~e might De so,aeone in t~ne area that would be glad to come in and build e ~)ermanent concession stand if they could get a 'ten (10) year lease~, an~ at the end o_~ tile ten (10) years the building would belong to the Discussion held. ~IR~dTES REGULAR CITY COUBCIL ~ETING DECE~,~BER 18 ~ 1967 i~m. Courtney read the bid info~mation. Fumthem discussion held. Mr. Summers moved that we table this until tha next meeting-. Motion died for lack of a second. Mm. Collins moved that we pu'~ this out for bids. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. ~dnanimously carried. OTHER ~nere weme no othe~ items o ADJO~JPd~J~'~ NT ~,i~. Nylund moved that the meeting De adjourned. Seconded by M~. Womrel7 Unan~ously ~p~ied. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.i3. CITY OF DOYNTON BEA~H~ FLORIDA i~icnael V. Michael~ Thoma g Su] ~ ~ 7ice' r:~ ~it~t ~. Coll~ns ~Counc~3~an L~6na~ E. Nylund~ ~unci3~%~n A · Clyde%Wo~e!l ~ J~ · ~ Co~ci]~an Cit? Clerk ~ -7- PAYHENTS HADE I~ NOVEHBE£ BY DATE No~'zms~a $, 1967 NovzMmza 6, 1967 NovEmsEa 7, 1967 N~s~ 8, 1967 ffo~s~ 9, 1967 No~mm~z~ 1~, 1967 ~o~ 1~, 1967 No~ 15, 1967 NO~E~S~a 16, 1967 NoFE~mE~ 17, 1967 NoFE~E~ 20, 1967 ~%~ 21, 1967 No~E~E~ 22, 1967 No~a 2~, 1967 No~B~R 28, 1967 No~S~m~ 29, 1967 7, 455. 79 100. O0 291.24 786. O0 16, 093. 9~ 2, ~91. ~0 121. 2, 118.88 1,615. 77 7, 721.92 $9 7.59 7!.$0 3, 011.22 15, 559.26 1 $, 912.90 11~. 62 2, 350. ~i 74,292.90 MADE BY FUNDS GENERAL FUND - - _ _ WATER_ SYSTE~ REVENUE FUND ......... ------ ---- --- WA TER DEPOSITORS FUND ........................... SEWER REKENUE FUND .................. - - ---- - ___ _ SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND ..................... PUBLIGITY FO~D ................................. I ~ S F~D ..................................... MLU~IGIPAL SWIMffING POOL BOND FUND .............. CIVIG GENTER BOND SINKING FUND ................. 130, 695.12 19, 638.45 385. O0 23, ~9 7. ?1 62. O0 6.27 ~.70 1.56 1.11 174-, 292. 90 PAYMENTS MADE IN NOVEMBER, 1967 1967 GENERAL FUND 17426 CITY OF B.B.-P.~Y~OLL 174£7 BOYNTON CaESrT UNION WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND 10480 YIO~,mTTm DmGos~o 10481 Or~y OF B.B.-P.~YnOLL SEWER REVENUE FUND 1945 GITY oF B.B.-P.~Yao~,~, 5, 292.95 6s. oo 5, ?55. '95 7.10 202. GO 209. ?0 7, 455. ~9 Nov. 6, 1967 GENERAL FU~[D 17428 C~TZS E. ~ 00. O0 100.00 NOV. 1967 GEffERAL FUND 17429 H~o~m R. Hopmt~s WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND ~0485 ~s. R.H. THompsoN 10486 J.D~ PrTT~N 10487 S~E~ JoNms 10488 JOSEPH WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7514 Aces. o? G,~rm GLm~mmws 7515 AccT. OF Er~mmN A¢~ 7517 Acc~. oe ls~ From. 7518 Aec~. o~ Hns. E.H. 7519 ELrz~m~ A~s~m~ 7520 ACCT. Of J.D. PITTMAN 7521 dcc~. oF S~m~ Jo~ms 7522 d~e~. o~ Josmm~ Emw~ams 200.00 $. 84 1.65 4.24 5.95 5.20 .62 7. 50 7.50 7. 50 7. 50 7.50 7. 50 7.50 7. 50 7.50 !67. 50 291.24 No F. 1967 GENERAL FUND 17430 FLa. Lmae~m o~ M~Nre. ~O0. OQ WATER SYSTEff REVENUE FUND 10489 FL~. LEAaUE OF MUNRO. 10~90 POST~s~a ~00 . O0 ~86. O0 786. O0 PAL~.ENTS MADE IN NO,VEMBER, 1967 1967 FUND t7431 Gza~Lz~ Ho T~o~,so~: 200.00 1 7432 WZL~Z~ H. W~s ~5.~0 17436 ¢Z~Y o~ B.B.-P~YaeLz ~2,~21.79 1 7437 Bo~o~ G~z~ OWzo~ 706, O0 15, 652, 29 WATER SYSTEH REYENUE FUND SEWER REKENUE FUND 1946 G~:' OF B.~.-.'~ao~ ?76.$2 16,093.95 13, 1967 1967 GENERAL FUND WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7523 L. T. Ga~.~z.~ GENERAL FUND 17441 Ea~msz WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7524 E.B. 7526 PE~Za J. 1.69 91.$~ 7. 50 7. 50 7.50 7.50 30. O0 121,32 No~. 15, 1967 GENERAL FUND 17444 Bz, am Gsoss-Bz, am WATER 10492 ~0495 SYSTEM REVENUE FUND WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7528 211.43 1,576..55 218.64 2, 006.60 I so36 i 76.50 25. O0 PAYHENT$ ;IADE IN NOTEMBER, !967 NOV. 1967 SEWER REL~?tUE FUND 1948 N~zi~¢T~a~as LZ~ I~s. 10. 42 .56 2, II 8.88 l~O V~ 16' 1967 OENERAL FUND 17448 WA TER 10494 1O495 10496 ~0497 10498 10499 ~0500 10501 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7529 A¢¢~. OF NIE~$ SO~EN$ON = 7530 ACCT* OF H.E. THOMPSON 7551 ACCT. OF 75~2 ~¢¢~. OF HSS. J.A. Wood 7556 Acc~. o~ M~ar F. 7538 Aec~. OF M~aer~ Lo~z 75~9 AccT. 7540 ACCT. OF J~mrs J. SEWER REVENUE FUND 1949 orzr OF B.B.-PET~r C~s~ 1,425. O0 32.50 2. 46 1, 459.96 15.66 5.20 3. 62 1.05 1.24 2.70 5.20 ?. 50 7.50 7. 50 7.50 7. 50 7. 50 7. 50 7. 50 7. 50 7. 50 7. 50 7~50 90. O0 36.90 I, 615.77 17, 1967 GENERAL FUND ! 7449 $. O. Oozry ENT. 17450 JosE.s 1 7451 Jz~s 1 7452 Nzz~z~vrE~ 27455 Rm~¢¢~ C~zr 17~57 CrTr 17458 Bo~o~ 54.1 ? 12.93 5. O0 ~ OO 5. O0 5.00 7. O0 5, 405. $2 45!. O0 PAYMENTS ~DE IN ffOYEMBER, 1967 (CONT. NSv. 17, 1967 WATER SYSTEN REYENUE FUND 10502 CITY om WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7541 ~CC~. SE~/ER REYENUE FUND 1950 C~TX eX ~EWER ~ WATER Ds.O'SIT FUND 190 G~.~o~ Bosma~s 895. 80 7.50 7.50 15.00 769.70 3!. O0 7, 721.92 C 20, No~. 21, 1967 1967 GENERAL FUND 17365 17367 Emw~m I. D~s~ WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7545 M~s. DonoT~r SEWER REYENUE FUND 1944 Gre~' om B.B.-Pm~Y GEi%~RA L FU~TD 17368 Gr~Y oF B.B.-Pmz~Y G~s~r WATER SYSTEH REY~%¥UE FUffD 10~56 OITY O~ ~.~.-PET~Y WATER DEPOSITORS F~D 75~5 Jom~ O, PUBLICITY FUND I9~ G~ OF B.B.-P~ 26. 60 62.50 300. O0 7. 50 o 99 48.94 !I. 08 7. 50 3. 78 397.59 NOF. 22, 1967 GENERAL FUND 173~'9 E~C 17371 17372 Fa~m,~ ~ H~;~ 17373 R~mo~e J. ~84.95 1.55 50.00 1,491.00 2.38 PAYMENTS MADE IN NOYEMBER, 1967 N6v. 22, 1967 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7544 ACCT. or ReB~. ANmmasoN 7.50 7546 AccT. OF L~aaY Y~o~ 7.~0 7~47 Aee~. o~ W~a Tz~o~ 7.50 7548 Aeee. o~ G~n~ms L~mo 7.50 WATER SYSTEM REVENUE FUND ~0457 J.P. GA~o~ I~e. 954.90 SEWER ~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 195 Acee. or W.E. Ho~smms ~5.~0 FUND · 94 3, 011.~2 NOFo 24, 1967 GENERAL FUND 17374 EsYemm Hood 25.00 1 7375 Mz~m~EB H~LLzma 2~. O0 ~7376 H~a~'~Y B. ST~a~ 20.00 1 7377 IamNm S~maz~ 20. O0 1 7378 N~z~nmD Lo~m~ 20.00 17579 E~z Wm~ma 20.00 i?~80 M~m Dmso 20.00 17581 Kz~mamm Domso~ 20. O0 ~ 7383 L~zm~ fmaemsx~ 20. O0 2738~ Bolero S~m~ze 20.00 1 7385 Hm~m~ B~e~ 20. O0 ! ~386 G~smarNm G~FFNmY 20. O0 1 7387 Doao~mm~ Rmcz 20. O0 t7388 Lz~r M~s~ 20.00 1 7~89 M~ T~=~m~ 20. O0 1 7390 ~xcms V~Dm~m~mm~ 20. O0 1 739t Doao~ S~m~man 20. O0 17~92 M~o~ A scoem 20. O0 17397 ! ?398 BoY~o~ Gamsxv U~o~ 6~0. O0 WATER SYSTEM RETENO~ FUND 10458 Gzer ox B.B.-P~Y~oL~ SEWER REYENUE FU~rD 1951 Gz~'Y OF B.B.-P~YaOL~ ,1~ 661.54 ~71.97 15,539.26 27, 1967 28, 1967 29, !967 PAYMENTS HADE IN NOYENBER, 1967 (GONT. ) GENERAL FUND 17394 Oz~r oF B.B.-GENma~L 1739~ Gz~r e~ B~ B. - Gm~m~ 1 7396 Uz~ o~ BL'B . ~m~ma~ 25, DO0. O0 25, 000. O0 ~5., 000, O0 15, 000~ O0 158,42 ~67, 50 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 10459 Rmmu~m~N~ ~ I~Ipi~eF. .!2~ ?05.78 WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7549 Ae¢~. om M~s. P. 7550 G~,~'oN F, Ro~m~s 1.S. O0 oo 30. O0 SEWER REYENUE FUND 1952 Rmeu~mZNe ~ II~PaOF. 651.20 GENERAL FUND 17401 BLUE G~oss-Bz~m Smzm~m ! 7402 IN~'m~¢smN~e~n Go~m. 17403 P~sLm¢ PmasoN~mz Ass'~. 17404 S.G. Gosl~x ENTmnm~sms 1 7405 Pu~s~m~s~ WmE~x GG. O0 ~ 3.90 jlO, O0 1!9.72 115. O0 912.90 114.62 WATER SYSTEM REYENUE FUND 10460 M~ZN JmNNm 10461 M~s. J. E~Nmms WATER DEPOSITORS FUND 7551 ACCT. OF 7554 ACCT. OF 7555 Ac¢~. o~ 7556 AccT. o~ 7557 AccT. OF 7558 A¢¢~. OF H.4~.~ION KEECt~. JR. M~aFIN JENNE DmM~¢~ ~ So~s Lms?m~ Pm~x J~. SEWER RE' ~ ~ ~ Yf~VUE FUND 1953 ELI~oN Rommmao SEWER d~ WATER DEPOSIT FUND 197 ACCT. OF E~moN RODBEnO , 6. 70 2.64 7. 50 7. 50 7.50 Z5. O0 7. 50 ~5. O0 7.50 7. 50 15.50 10t. 33 $0, !967 P.4YHENTS MADE IN NOYE;IBER, 1967 GENERAL FUND 17406 ls~ From. S~wN~s ~ Lo.~N 72. 75 57407 EDm~s Lz~e~,~ 1. O0 17~08 C~a~ms B. ?~so~ 5.00 17409 lsT FED. SzFImes ~ Lozm 1.55 17410 CrTr OF B.B.-P~aeLL 2,260.23 2, 3&O. 49 PUBLICITY FUND 198 ls~ Fmc. S~v~N~s ~ I,O~N ,2.49 I & $ FUND i~9 ls~ FEm. S~'r~s ~ Loz.z~ 4.76 MO~IGIPAL SWIMMING POOL BOND FUND 200 IsT Fm;3. ~z~ri~us ~ Le.~N 1.56 CIYIG CENTER BO_~ID SINKING(BOND)FUND 201 Isz From. S~'rN~s ~ Loam I.I1 2, $50° 41