Minutes 09-27-67MINUTES OF SPECIAL ~ZETING OF CiTY COdiCIL HELD AT CITY HALL~ BOYNTON~ BEACH~ FLORIDA~ WEDi~ZSDAY~ SEPTE_~[BmR 27~ 1967 AT 9 A-M- PRESENT. Michael V. Michael: Mayor Thomas A. ~ummers~ Vice Mayor Leonard E. Nylund~ Councilman A. Clyde Worreli~ Jr.~ Councilman Grady W. Courtr~ey~ City Manager Joseph Humphrey~ City Attorney Tereesa Padget~ City Clerk ABSENT: '~ GmmD~rt H. Collins~ Councilman ~yor Michael called the meeting to order at 9:15 A.M. Mayor Michael advised the Council ~hat the first item on the Agenda is to receive the election returns for the Referendu~ Election on the City Employee's Pension Plan held on September 26~ 1967~ and asked the Election Clerk to submit the results of this election. Edythe Hood, C!erk~ read the following report to the Honorable Mayor and Council: Total number of votes ~ast were 683 of which there were 5 absentee ballots. The results were 556 votes for the Referendum and 116 against, Mr. Summers made a motion to accept the election returns. Mr. Nylund seconded, Unanimously carried. Mr, Summers asked the City Attorney i~ we now had full authority to proceed with the proposed pension plan and he was advised that this could be done, Mr. Courtney pointed our that the City already has a contract with Dr, William M. Howard who had previously submitted a preliminary pro- posal and who has received approximately $500.00 as a retainer fee on thzs contract. He therefore suggested that we contact Dr. Howard to discuss the pension plan further, and receive his recommendations. ~. Summers made a motion that we contact Dr. Howard ~o begin the implementation of the City's Pension Plan. Mm. Nylund seconded. ~nan- imousiy carried. Mrs. Padgett~ City Clerk suggested that we de?ease the remuneration for the Election Board due to ~e light elect%on. Discussion followed. It was then decided since the Cmty had previously pai~ $25.00 for the Clerk and $20.00 for the Inspectdrs that we continue with these amounts. Mr~ Summers made the motion the City pay the Election Clerk $25.00 and Inspectors $20.00. Mr. Nylund seconded. ~nanimously carried. -1- MINUTES CITY COUNCIL t3~ETiNG SEPTEMBER 27~ 1967 Consider ,.P.e u_g~_q~c_.r T%~an~s£er, o,~ Bevera~._~_L_i~.[s_re. Roy Bo~ley~ ada Box~ey s Smo~gasbo. d reques.ed tl,e ~y mssue the ii- cense mn the name o.~ Coach House~ inc. ~ dba Boxley s Smorgasbord. City Attorney questioned i~ the Beverage Department bad any objection to the change of name and was assured they bad not. A morion ~as made by Mm. Summers and Seconded by Mr. Ny!und that we accept tb~ change of name. Unanimously carried. ~Lice~_?_~e issued in the name o-~ the Estate The license for Sislene Dean~ deceased, expires September 29, 1967. A request was made to the City Clerk to issue this l~cense in the name of Sislene Dean in orde~ to expedite the request. The City clerk questioned the validity of such a request. ~ne City Attorney suggested that he get in touch with the Beverage Department to find out i~ this could be done~ and if necessary~ rather than hurt these people in operating their business, a short Special Meeting be called ina ~ewdays at which time he will submit his recommendations on this matter. (At this point in the meeting~ Mr. Clyde Worretl arrived.) Mr, Coumtney suggested the Council approve the license at this time subject to the recommendation o~ theCi~y Attorney. I~ this way: it will enable the business to operate over the week-end without viola- ting the law. ~. Slummers made a motion to renew the license of Sis~ene Dean at this time, subject to the approval of our City Attorney. ~.~. Ny!und sec- onded. Unanimously carried. LEGAL Ordinance 67-!% (2n~,,Readinq) Adopting 1967-68 Budqetl. Mr. Humphrey read Ordinance 67-11 on second reading, i ~. Sumr~rs moved that Ordinance 67-11 be passed on second reading. Seconded by Mr. Nylund. ~nanimously carried. Q,~dinance 67-12 (,~d ,Reading) Setting the 1967 Milla~. Mr. Humphrey read Ordinance 67-12 on second reading Mr. Summers moved that Ordinance 67-12 be passed on Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Unanimously carried. acond reading. C MINUTES CITY COUNCIL I~"~ETING SEPTE[~ER 27~ 1967 O~dinance 67-14 (First Rea~ding) Budgetary T~ansfers. Mr. Summers moved that Ordinance 67-14 be passed on first r~adin~. Seconded by ~ Ny!und. Unanimously ca.tied. NEW BUSI%~SS ~. Summers advised that he received a telephone call fmom Mr. Har~y ScbmaPtmann of the Florida Development Commission in Tallahassee~ who suggested the. City w~ite and ~equest a ~epresentative f~om the Depart- ment of Hous~nq and Urban Development ~et with City Council to make a off.cma! p~esentatmon on a 50/50 gmant fo~ plann~n~ assmstance. M~. Coumtney was asked to submmt such a letter to ~i~. Schmamtmann. ~ Summems moved that we contact M~. Schmamtmann in Tallahassee to attend a meetin~ with City Council on Octobe~ 10, 19~7~ I't~. Nytund seconded, b{otion ca~ried. Theme being no fumthe~ business~ ~. Wo~Pell moved thee meeting be ad- joul~ned. Seconded by M~. Summers. Ilnanimously carried. Meetin~ adjourned at 10:35 A.M. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA ~ichael V.'Michael~ Mayor ' Thomas A. Sun~e~s, Vice Mayo~ y ~ C~ci a5 h. Clyde ~ell~ J~. ~ Counc n '~e~eesa Pad~et~y' Clerk -3- STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ss CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) TO THE HONORABLE M~YOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: We~ the undersigned Clerk~ Deputy and Inspectors of the Special Referendum Election held on the 26th day of September: A.D., 1961, do hereby certify that the following votes were cast on: PROPOSITION TOTAL VOTES CAST ABSENTEE BALLOTS Do you approve or disapprove of Chapter 67-1119~ an act amending the City Charter of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ ChapTer 24598~ Laws of Plorida~ Special Acts of 1947~ as amended by a~ding a new subsection to existing Section 27~ to be known as Subsection 27A thereof~ authorizing and empowering the City Council o~ the City to provide for a pension and retirement system for the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida, providing for its establishments limitations, admin- istrations: investment policies~ insurance~ appropriations~ and levies; providing ~ severability clause; providing ~or a meferendum to ~etermine whether this act shall become effective. of which FOR; Chap ~er 67-1119 Laws of Florida 1967 And we~ such Clerk, our re~urn to you of and do declare the above and foregoing ~o be the / /~ AGAINST: I'~s~_~Chap~er 67-1119 Laws of Florida 1967 Deputy~ and Inspectors~ do make the foregoing as the results Df such Special ~eferendum Election~ result of such Special Referendum Election. '~Ins~ect~ - - Inspe,cror Inspector Deputy Inspector tnspecEor ~ Inspe~6r