Minutes 07-10-67MI/fdTES OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING~ h~LD AT CITY HALL~ BOYNTON BEACH~ PLORIDA~ MONDAY, JULY !0, 1967 AT 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Michael V~ Michael, l~yor Thomas A. SummerS, Vice Mayor Gilbert H ~ Collins, Councilman Leonard E. ~Tylund~ Councilman A. Clyde Wor~e!i~ Jr.~ Councilman Rona!d Fruda, City Attorney Grady W, Courtney~ City Manager Tereesa Padgett, City Clerk The Mayor called the meeting to order, at 7: ~ P.M. The ~nvoeation was gi%en by A. Clyde worre~l, Councilman and the fla~ salute was led by G~ady W. Courtn~y~ City MIN~dTES M~. Ny!und moved that we accept the Minutes of the Regular Mee. ting of June 19, 1967 as Presented. Seconded by Mr. Wor~ell ar~ unanimously carried. Mr. Summers moved that ~.~ accept the Minutes of the Special Meetings of June 26~ 1967 and June 28, 1967 as presented. Seconded by Mr. Collins and unanimously carried. BIDS -OPE. NING 1. Repairs ~o City Hall Building: T~o bids were received ~or this work: (a) Lytton Lanes Corportion - Total bid $15,075.00 Alternate ~!: Alternate ~2: $11~560.00 12,820.00 Job ~o be finished in 45 days, weather permitting. Cashier's Check for 81,425.00 submitted with hid. (h) Ward & Clark - Total bid $17,069.00 Alternate ~1: S15~082.00 Job to he finished in 90 days. Attached Cashier's check ~or $1,706.90 with bid. Mr. NyluD~ moved that these bids be turned over to the tabulating Committee for tabulation at a later date. Seconded hyb~. S,~mmers; unanimously carried. Eradication and/or control of Aquatic Weeds: One bid received for this work: (a) Pennsalt Corporation, Montgomery, Alabama Total Bid $7,450.00 including Treasure Isles -i- MIA~TES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING J~LY 10~ 1987 BIDS - COntim~ued~ Alterna~: $6~351.00 without T~easure Isles Job to be con~teted 30 calendar days from date of Pumchase order. M~. Sunzmers moved that we turn this bid over to the City ~nager to check over with the budget, Seconded by Mr. Nylund. Unanimously ca~ie~. PUBLIC HEARING Rea~uest for change in zoning: Parcel 1: That part of the N. ~21' of Lot 3 of the Sub- division of See. $3~ Township 45S~ Range 43E (measured along the west line thereof) which lies west of the west line of Seacrest Blvd, Palm Beach County records. Request: R-1 to C-1 Location: 2003-2109 S. Seac~estBlvd. Owner: Church of Jesus christ of Latter Day Saints Mayor Michael asked if anyone in audience wishing to speak in favor o~ this request at this- time~ please come forward. Walter Dutch came forward advising he was representing his firm and the Church; advised the intended use of the property when and if rezoned to C-l; multiple apartment dweilinqs. He p~esented to the Council proposed layout for 72 units~ 5 buildings~ 2 stories high~ with shuffleboard~ play area and lots of g~een space~ and 92 parking spaces. P~. Susse×~ Contractor and Develope~ of this project~ came forward; and advised that approximately 25,000 feet would be used under buildings~ etc. Mayor Michael asked if anyone else wished to speak in favor of this request. No one came Mayor Michael asked if anyone in audience wishing to speak against this request at this time~ please come forward. Joseph~Tombe~g~~ Attorney representing Mr. Rose~ the adjoining property owner~ came forward and spoke against the change in zOning. M~. Collins mequested that M~. Olds of the Planning add Zoning Board come forward and advise the Council why they ruled t~e way they did on this ~equest. M~. Olds came forward and advised that thei~ ~easons were spelled out in the minutes of their meeting which each Councilman had ~eeeived. Discussion was held at this time. -2- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COHNCIL P~.ETING J~LY 10, 1967 Mr. Ny!und moved that this request from k-i to C-1 be granted but that it be restricted for use of 72 residential apartment units only, See- onded by ~ Collins. Discussion ~s held. Gene %~ight, Fire Chief, came forward and requested that all plans for multiple dwellings and apartments be brought to him before they are approved so that they will be in accordance with the fire regulations of the City. A vote was taken at this time on the above motion. Mr. Nylund Mr. Collins voted in favor of the change in zoning. Mayor ~, Summers and Mr o Worretl voted against the change. Motion to grant the request for change in zoning failed to pass by ~-~ vote. Parcel 2: That part of the South 198.23 ft. of the North 660 ~t. lying between the west boundary of ~,S. Migh~ay No, 1 and the East boundary of the FEC Railway R/W. being !o~ated in~ Lot Section 22, T 45S.~ R 43E~ Palm Beach County records Request: C-1 to C-2 Location: 1319 N. Federal Highway Owner: Lake Worth Oil Company, Inc. Mayor Michael asked if there was aDyone in the audience in favor of this zoning change. No one came forward. Ymyor Michael asked if there was anyone against this zoning change. No one came ~orward. Mr. Summers moved that this change in zoning from C-1 to C-2 be denied in accordance with the Planning and Zoning Board's decision. Sec- onded by Mr. Wo~retl and unanimously carried. Parcel 3: Lots 156 ~o 160, inclusive: Arden Park~ as recorded in Plat Book 2~ Page 96, PaLm Beach County records. Request: R-1 to R-2~ Location: Cot, N.E, 3rd St. $ 9th Ave. Owner: Thomas H~ Dean Mayor Michael asked if anyone in favor of this chan9e would please come forward. No one came forward. Mayor Michael asked if anyone opposed to this change to please come forward. No one came forward. Discussion followed. Mr. Summers moved that this zoning change be granted for all lots except Lot 156 in accordance with the Planning S ZoniRq Board's MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL M~ETLNG JULY 10, 1967 recommendation. Seconded by Mm. Worrell. Unanimously carried. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Mr. Cess Farrar, Secretary of Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce came forward to read a letter received from Jonni Frisbee, Miss Boynton Beach of 1967, vacationing in Stillwater, Oklahoma. OLD BUS INqESS_ Consider req~ues~ of Library Board F~yor Michael read letter from County Commissioners pertaining to the County setting up central buying system for all participating libraries and also paying the City 15% of budgeted amount for Ci~-y Library. Considerable discussion was held at this time. Mrs. Eckler, Chairman of the Cx~mmittee on this Library mat~er, came forwar~ to give the Counoil a report on subject matter. Mr. Summm~rs moved that we table this .Library request to the next regular meeting and at that time we will make a decision. Seconded by M~. Worrell. Up~nimously carried. Sewer Bids Bid Opening for Sewer (~D~ea 15) bids has been advertised for July 31. Discussion followed. Mr. Summers moved that we reconsider the original motion for opening of the bids on July 17th. Seconded by Mr. Nytund. Unanimously carried. ~. ~Py]3and .moved that .a Special '~ieetin~ be held on July 3ist at 7:'30 ~o open ~he Sewer bid. NEW BUSINESS ~onsider request., for Street Light - N.W. 7th Bt. & 8t~. Ave. Mr. Summers moved that we have the City Mar~ger look a~ this location and if he determines it needs a light then he w~]] arrange for one to be put up. Seconded by Mr. Collins. ~nanimously carried. Consider application for permit to remove M~s~ Padgett~ City Clerk~ read application. Mr. Summers moved that this be tabled until next meeting. Seconded by Mr. Worrell. Unanimously carried. LEGAL Ordinance 67-7 (2nd Reading) Rezoning Benson parcel from R-3 to lf~. Fruda~ City Attorney~ read Ordinance 67-7 on second ~eading. MINUTES .REGULAR CITY COUNCIL 5~ETING JULY i0, 1967 Walter Dutch came ~orward at this time regarding this ~rdinance favor- ing Benson property not being consistent with the way the Council voted tonight on the C-I request by his office. M~. Worrell moved that this Ordinance 67-7 be approved on second and final reading changing zoning from R-3 to C-1. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Discussion held. Mr. Sun%mers read letter from Mr. Lazarus S. Heyman, 8 West Street, Danbury~ Connecticut~ the new purchaser of this properS. ~yor Michael advised he was against the passage of this Ordinance. A vote was taken at this time on the above motion; ~our voted in favor of passing the Ordinance and P~yor Michael voted agar%st the Ordinance. Ordinance passed ona 4 to 1 vote. (Mr. Summers advised that he is going on record to vot~ "no" on any further zoning changes in this City. Advised we should have a Maste~ Planner in to check this property.) ADMINISTRATIVE Receipt of 1967 Tax Roll Assessed Widow's & Homestead ~aluation. Disability Exemption Npn-Exempt Real Property $83~368,103 $!99,500 $t6~530~505 $66~638,098 Personal Property 4~863,120 500 -0- $88~231,223 $200~000 $16~530~505 4,862~620 $71~500~718 Mr. Nylund moved to accept the 1967 Tax Roll as presented by William Allan, Tax Assessor, at this time. Seconded by P~. Summers. Unani- mously carried, Consider requests for aDpointments 1. Beautification Committee Mr. Summers moved that ~rs. James McAlpine, representative of the Junior Woman's Club be appo~ted to this committee. S~conded by Mr. Wor~ell. ~nanimously carried. 2. Inter.-Ra cial Committee Mr. Summers moved that we appoint Walter White, a Junior College -5- MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETLNG JULY 10~ 1967 s~adent to the Inter-Racial Committee. Seconded by Mm. Collins. Unanimously carried. Reconsideration of Water Contract with .Briny BreeDes Mayor Miehaet read letter from Attorneys Carey g Carey of Stuart, Florida ~ regarding Briny Breezes water eon~ract. Mr. Sunroofs moved that we authomize the City Attorney to accept this proposal (p~esent C1uy pate plus 10%) until new contmact is drawn up. Seconded by Mr. Worrell. Hnanimo~sly carried. ~pproval of Bills 1. Chamber of Commerce bill fop $785.3~ Mr. Nylund moved that this bill be paid. Seconded by Mr. Collins. Unanimously salaried. 2. National Cash Register Company bill for $1,743.00. First t/3 under contmact - budgeted amount Account 1500-510. Mr. Worre!l moved that this bill be paid. Seconded by Mr. Summers. Hnanimous ty carried. 3. Big Chief, Inc. - $1~127.00 Account 5800-498. Mr. Summers moved that this bill be paid to Big Chief, Inc. Secor~ed by Mro Nytundo ~nanimously capried. OTHER Mr. Fruda~ City Attorney, advised the status of the two court suits; Annexation suit and Ocean Ridge suit. He advised that on the Annexa- tion suit a motion to dismiss on technical grounds had been filed. On the Ocean Ridge suit~ he advised that he has an appointment with Fred Hollingsworth~ attorney for Ocean Ridge~ for a possible sertiement on Wednesday~ July llth. Mayor Michael advised the ~esults of his and Mr. Courtney~s trip to Tallahassee to meet with Joseph H~mphrey~ pepPesen~ative of Palm Beach County and Louis Capner~ Legal advisor for the representatives of Pa~n Beach County~ and stated that the bill at the ppesent t~me was in the Senate having passed the House. It is questionalbe on the passage of the Bill at this time. ADJOURNmeNT Mr. Summers moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Mm. -6- MINU~S REGULAR CITY COUNCIL ~ETING JULY 10: 1967 Collins. Unanimously ca~ied. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M. Attest: - ee a Padgett~ ~ Clerk ~ichael V. 'Michael, Mayor ~~Thom Gilbert H. Collins, Councilman Le6r~rd E. Nylund~ tou~an A. Clyde%Wormell: Cou~a~ -7-